Wisconsin Death Records
Wisconsin Newspapers, Full Search (1833-1992), 150 titles
Wisconsin Obituary Search - (1989-current)
Wisconsin Funeral Notices
Dekorra Cemetery
Dekorra, Columbia County, Wisconsin
GPS: 43.456860, -89.459828
Hemlock St.
WI 53955
Published: September 14, 2016
Total records: 470
Dekorra Cemetery is located in Columbia County Wisconsin, Dekorra Township, West of intersection of County Roads V & B, turn left on Hemlock St, cemetery on east side. Established 1843, organized Dec. 16, 1875.
Cemetery Records
Barb Ferguson updated list 2005 from cemetery records, typed by Anna Mae Axness. Some Veteran info from Betty Cook's files.
Adams, Chester, b. 1911, Plot 4, 23
Adams, Ruth R., b. 1912, d. 11-19-1993, Plot 4, 23, -- Nee Scott, 80 yr old
Aege, John M. (or Ege?), d. 10-11-1850, Plot 3, 13, --s/o M.M. & Louisa Aege, 19y 2m 1d
Allan, Allen C. (Blanche M. ), b. 1880, d. 07-02-1961, Plot 5, 5, --see obit
Allan, Archibald, b. 1832, d. 1910, Plot 2, 37
Allan, Blanche M. (Allen C. ), b. 1883, d. 1973, Plot 5, 5
Allen, Alexander (Elizabeth), b. 1855, d. 1918, Plot 1, 18
Allen, Alice, b. 1857, d. 08-21-1943, Plot 5, 15, --see obit
Allen, Alice J., b. 1870, d. 1910, Plot 2, 36
Allen, Anna (John M. ), b. 1885, d. 1980, Plot 5, 4
Allen, Elizabeth (Alexander), b. 1856, d. 02-20-1941, Plot 1, 18, --see obit
Allen, Infant daughter of R. & L., d. 1912, Plot 1, 38, --d/o Robert & Laura Allen
Allen, Isabella (Thomas), b. 03-26-1798, d. 09-17-1871, Plot 5, 15, --b.Dumbrieshire Scotland, 73 yrs old
Allen, James Jr., b. 1860, d. 1862, Plot 2, 36
Allen, James (Janet), b. 1823, d. 1894, Plot 2, 36
Allen, Janet (James), b. 1832, d. 07-27-1920, Plot 2, 36, -d/o Thomas Robertson, see obit
Allen, John M. (Anna), b. 1884, d. 06-28-1962, Plot 5, 4, --see obit
Allen, Laura Porter (Robert M. ), b. 1890, d. 05-31-1985, Plot 1, 38, --see obit
Allen, Lillian W., b. 1858, d. 1862, Plot 2, 36
Allen, Lillian-Miss, b. 1865, d. 10-10-1916, Plot 2, 36, --d/o James Allen, see obit
Allen, Margaret, b. 1854, d. 1862, Plot 2, 36
Allen, Norman L. Sr. (Percy K. ), b. 1899, d. 07-29-1962, Plot 5, 11, body moved to Appleton, see obit
Allen, Robert M. (Laura Porter), b. 1888, d. 01-00-1953, Plot 1, 38, --see obit
Allen, Son and Daughter of Allen, Plot 5, 15, --Infants
Allen, Walter, d. 02-16-1942, funeral date, s/o Alice Allan, see obit
Arnott, Elizabeth (Thomas), b. 01-04-1839, d. 08-27-1908, Plot 2, 2
Arnott, Thomas (Elizabeth), b. 09-17-1832, d. 03-05-1893, Plot 2, 2
Bare, Perry J., d. 02-01-1870, Plot 2, 5, --in Laughlin Lot, 43 yrs old
Beaumont, Alan M., d. 07-19-2001, Plot 5, 14, --cremains, age 82yr old
Beaumont, Jean, d. 1999, Plot 5, 14, --cremains
Beaumont, William Collins, d. 1943, Plot 1, 29, --Infant, in Burton lot
Bender, William C. "Bill" (Beverly Brauer), b. 01-23-1929, d. 08-12-2013, Korea, US Army, (m)09-24-1949, s/o Edgar & Jennie Scharf Bender, see obit
Bennett, Ruth Stewart, b. 1893, d. 1926, Plot 3, 29
Benson, Wandell, d. 11-25-1872, Plot 2, 14, --age 76 yrs old
Blackmore, Hazard, d. 05-27-1879, Plot 2, 11, --age 81 yrs old
Blood, Lucinda A., d. 04-19-1880, Plot 3, 17, --age 93yr 2mo 6da old
Blood, Nathaniel, d. 09-07-1848, Plot 3, 17, --age 60y 10m 16d old
Blumenthal, Anna (Harry R. ), b. 1905, d. 1998, Plot 4, 15
Blumenthal, Harry R. (Anna), b. 1905, d. 1983, Plot 4, 15
Boone, Catharine (Thomas), d. 11-11-1889, Plot 3, 4, --age 80yr 2 da old
Boone, Thomas (Catharine), d. 11-??-1858, Plot 3, 4, --age 43 yrs old
Brauer, Beatrice L. (George A. ), b. 12-04-1909, d. 04-24-2004, Plot 4, 17, --Nee Hall
Brauer, George A. (Beatrice L. ), b. 1905, d. 09-18-1976, Plot 4, 17, --see obit
Briede, Arthur William (Joan Schutz), b. 07-11-1928, d. 03-28-2010, Korea US Army, WI ANG, (m)06-06-1953, s/o Julius Karl & Marie Anna Grunau Briede, see obit
Briede, Joan Schutz (Arthur William), b. 05-18-1932, d. 12-13-2014, (m)06-06-1953, d/o Frank & Mary Schutz, see obit
Briede, Julius Karl (Marie Anna), b. 1896, d. 11-01-1957, Plot 5, 20, German Army Veteran, see obit
Briede, Marie Anna (Julius Karl), b. 1891, d. 07-21-1983, Plot 5, 20, --see obit
Brown, David (Isabella), d. 06-12-1894, Plot 3, 21, --age 77yrs 1 mo old
Brown, Isabella (David), d. 02-14-1857, Plot 3, 21, --age 35yrs 4 mo 11 da old
Brown, Janet Geddes, b. 1854, d. 1904, Plot 5, 13
Brown, John (Margaret Geddes), b. 1808, d. 1897, Plot 5, 13
Brown, Margaret Geddes (John), b. 1810, d. 1871, Plot 5, 13
Brown, Rev. Hugh, d. 05-15-1876, Plot 5, 13, --Age 70 yrs.
Buckley, William B., d. 11-26-1888, Plot 2, 22, --age 33y 6m 26d old
Buckley, William B., d. 04-16-1888, Plot 2, 40, --age 63y 3m 19d old
Burns, Mary, d. 10-30-1862, Plot 3, 26, --Age 70 yrs.
Burton, Catherine Elaine, b. 05-25-1920, d. 06-12-1924, Plot 1, 30, --d/o John W. & Hazel I. Burton
Burton, George P. (Theresa), b. 06-29-1899, d. 08-25-1970, Plot 1, 29, s/o James C. & Jean Burton, see obit
Burton, Hazel I. (John W. ), b. 1898, d. 11-00-1959, Plot 1, 30, --see obit
Burton, James C. (Jean Church), b. 1865, d. 03-00-1945, Plot 1, 29, --see obit
Burton, Jean Church (James C. ), b. 1867, d. 12-22-1938, Plot 1, 29, see obit
Burton, John W. (Hazel I. ), b. 1893, d. 02-12-1975, Plot 1, 30, --obit says wife's name is Agnes
Buzzell, Earl, b. 1895, d. 1913, Plot 2, 3, --s/o F.D. & Elizabeth Buzzell
Buzzell, Elizabeth Taylor (Francis D. ), b. 1859, d. 07-27-1925, Plot 2, 3, Mother, see obit
Buzzell, Francis D. (Elizabeth Taylor), b. 1852, d. 03-00-1922, Plot 2, 3, --Father, see obit
Buzzell, James R. (Phoebe), b. 1828, d. 1864, Plot 3, 19
Buzzell, Phoebe (James R. ), b. 1831, d. 1964, Plot 3, 19
Campbell, Anna-Mrs., d. 01-14-1935, 85yr old, see obit
Campbell, Roy, b. 1882, d. 1950, Plot 2, 21
Campbell, Seth G., b. 01-31-1886, d. 01-29-1963, Plot 2, 21, --WWI, Pvt Co D 302 Eng. US Army
Campbell, Vance, d. 01-29-1893, Plot 2, 21, --age 8yr 5mo 2da old
Carmichael, Belle, d. 06-11-1882, Plot 3, 26, --age 17y 1m 14d, d/o A.& M. Carmichael
Carmichael, James, d. 10-16-1862, Plot 3, 26, --age 4y 4m 15d, s/o A. & M. Carmichael
Carmichael, Janet, d. 10-12-1862, Plot 3, 26, --age 6y 6m, d/o A. & M. Carmichael
Carmichael, Mary, d. 12-17-1886, Plot 3, 26, --age 33 yrs, d/o A. & M. Carmichael
Carmichael, Mary Burns (Archibald), d. 03-02-1884, Plot 3, 26, --age 52y 9m 2d old
Carr, Agnes M., d. 10-24-1870, Plot 3, 47, --age 6yr 2mo 6d, d/o C. & M. Carr
Carr, Amos M., d. 10-24-1870, Plot 3, 47, --age 3yr, Infant
Carr, Calvin Castle (Martha Boatman), b. 10-11-1828, d. 01-08-1883, Plot 3, 47--GAR, PVT, Co E, 50 Wis Inf. Army, 54y 2m 27da old, see death certificate
Carr, Orvin, d. 04-15-1860, Plot 3, 47, --age 11 mo 15d, s/o Calvin C. Carr
Chadwick, Linda M. (Lloyd LeRoy), b. 10-09-1951, d. 02-18-2015, (m)09-24-1993, d/o Edward & Vera Lochner Hollfelder, see obit
Chadwick, Lloyd LeRoy (Linda Hollfelder), b. 02-26-1949, d. 10-17-2013, Wis. Air Nat'l Guard, (m)09-24-1993, s/o Roy & Phyllis Stebins Chadwick, see obit
Chadwick, Lowell E. (Ruth Hutchinson), b. 12-30-1945, d. 03-17-2014, Gulf War, Operation Enduring Freedom, WI Air Nat'l Guard, (m)03-22-1969, s/o Roy & Phyllis Stebbins Chadwick, see obit
Church, Alice, d. 11-14-1847, Plot 3, 19, --age 17y 9m, d/o J. & A. Church
Church, Allen (Catherine E. ), b. 01-30-1830, d. 09-21-1872, Plot 3, 25, --Civil War, Co I Wis 18 Inf, US Army
Church, Catherine, d. 06-08-1864, --age 10mo 20da, d/o C. & A. Church
Church, Catherine E. (Allen), b. 01-13-1832, d. 04-06-1913, Plot 3, 25
Church, George W., d. 04-29-1862, --age 10mo 22da, s/o C. & A. Church
Church, W. Sherman, d. 03-30-1893, Plot 3, 15, --age 28y 9m 2d old
Crapp, James K., b. 1904, d. 05-30-1984, Plot 4, 12, --see obit
Cross, Robert Merlin (Bernice McQueen), d. 11-28-1918, Plot 26yr, see obit & death certificate
Crye, Leonard C. (Ruth H. Scheel), b. 1902, d. 10-00-1963, Plot 5, 3, --see obit
Crye, Ruth H. Scheel (Leonard C. ), b. 1905, d. 11-27-1989, Plot 5, 3, --see obit
Dary, Bonnie, Plot 4, 33
Dary, Rodney, Plot 4, 33
Dax, Garry Steven, d. 02-02-1993, Plot 4, 10
Delfosse, Joseph Edward (Nancy Knuteson), b. 12-28-1940, d. 01-28-2014, (m)1960, s/o Edward & Ada Lischeske Deltosse, see obit
Dorshorst, Alois H. (El Marie K. ), b. 03-23-1923, d. 01-07-2004, Plot 4, 32, WW II, US Army
Dorshorst, EL Marie K. (Alois H. ), b. 03-24-1926, Plot 4, 32, --Nee Weisman
Dorshorst, Peggy, Plot 4, 28
Dorshorst, Terry, Plot 4, 28
Douglas, Jean S. (Kenneth E. ), b. 1918, d. 10-10-1996, Nee Gage, (m)06-07-1941, see obit
Douglas, Kenneth E. (Jean S. ), b. 12-05-1918, d. 09-26-2005, -- WW II, Capt US Army
Drotning, Ida Allan (Adolph E., b. 1872, d. 08-02-1915, Plot 2, 36, In the Allen Plot, see obit
Early, Jane (Michael), d. 09-22-1866, Plot 1, 1, --age 65y 6m old
Edwards, Elspeth (Samuel T. ), b. 12-26-1801, d. 05-18-1878, Plot 2, 8, --Nee MacKenzie
Edwards, Samuel T. (Elspeth), b. 02-12-1815, d. 12-06-1872, Plot 2, 8, --b.N. Wales
Ege, John M. ---or Aege?, d. 10-11-1850, Plot 3, 13, --age 19y 2m 1d, s/o M.M.& Louisa Ege
Ewing, Angeline E., b. 03-07-1856, d. 05-05-1891, Plot 1, 7, --In the Wilson lot
Fisk, Angeline M. Neumaier (Elmer), b. 07-04-1920, d. 06-11-2013, (m)06-26-1948, d/o Frank & Mathilda Greiber Neumaier, see obit
Fisk, Timothy A., b. 05-10-1959, d. 04-27-1993, Plot 3, 44, --s/o Elmer & Angeline M.Fisk
Flitter, Louis, b. 1913, d. 02-15-1995, Plot 4, 8
Freeland, Alexander, Plot 1, 8, --age 11mo s/o Alexander & Margaret
Freeland, Alexander, b. 05-24-1866, d. 02-06-1934, Plot 1, 8, --Dad (name maybe John?)
Freeland, Alexander (Margaret), d. 03-10-1889, Plot 1, 8, --age 65y 3m 4d old
Freeland, John, Plot 1, 8, --age 15mo s/o Alexander & Margaret
Freeland, Margaret (Alexander), d. 07-24-1901, Plot 1, 8, --age 66y 2m 3d old
Freeland, Robert, d. 11-13-1919, Plot 1, 8, --age 45y 7m 13d old
Fuller, Blanche (Jay David), b. 1919, d. 09-06-1977, Plot 2, 41, --see obit
Fuller, David-Rev., b. 04-28-1934, d. 03-11-2003, Plot 2, 41, --lot owned by Frank Hall
Fuller, Jay David (Blanche), b. 1905, d. 06-16-1951, Plot 2, 41, --see obit
Fulton, John (Catharine), b. 10-27-1820, d. 06-03-1903, Plot 3, 20, --b.Scotland
Gray, Annie E. (John G. or C. ), b. 1897, d. 10-17-1975, Plot 2, 25, --see obit
Gray, Brenda M., b. 12-11-1964, d. 10-01-2011, d/o LaVern & Sheila Crapp Gray, see obit
Gray, George E., d. 04-21-1878, Plot 2, 25, --Infant s/o E. & S. Gray, 2y 3d old
Gray, Jeanette, b. 1927, d. 1928, Plot 2, 25, d/o J. & A. Gray
Gray, John C. (Annie), b. 1892, d. 12-27-1964, Plot 2, 25, --see obit
Gray, Lavern LeRoy (Sheila M. Crapp), b. 09-18-1935, d. 01-22-1999, Plot 4, 13, Korea, Pfc US Army, (m)04-07-1962, Stub
Greer, John (Susannah)---Grier?, Plot 5, 10, --Stone partly missing
Greer, Susannah (John)---Grier?, d. 02-11-1863, Plot 5, 10, --age 84 yrs old
Guturminson, Infant, Plot 4, 11, --Marker destroyed
Guturminson, Lars, d. 08-07-1856, Plot 4, 11
Hall, Arthur M. (Joanna Meilke), b. 1883, d. 01-00-1954, Plot 3, 23, --see obit
Hall, Charles "Charley" (Martha), b. 1882, d. 05-27-1967, Plot 2, 38, --see obit
Hall, Chester A., b. 1879, d. 06-01-1966, Plot 5, 19, --see obit
Hall, Christina, b. 1884, d. 1954, Plot 5, 19
Hall, Earl, b. 1913, d. 1918, Plot 2, 38
Hall, Frank (Mary M. ), b. 1887, d. 01-11-1968, Plot 2, 41, see obit
Hall, Ira (Jennie Briffit), b. 05-29-1862, d. 08-13-1924, Plot 2, 42, --suicide, see obit
Hall, Jennie Briffit (Ira), b. 11-07-1859, d. 12-19-1923, Plot 2, 42
Hall, Joanne (Arthur M. ), b. 1886, d. 10-05-1982, Plot 3, 23, --see obit
Hall, Martha (Charles), b. 1889, d. 01-27-1977, Plot 2, 38, --see obit
Hall, Mary M. (Fuller), b. 1889, d. 1976, Plot 2, 41
Hartman, Abi-- (Abrams), d. 09-11-1860, Plot 5, 10, --age 25 yrs old, hard to read stone
Hastie, Archibald (Elizabeth J. ), b. 10-13-1817, d. 01-02-1893, Plot 2, 20, --b.Carnworth Scotland
Hastie, Archie (Mary A. ), b. 1869, d. 1958, Plot 1, 23
Hastie, Elizabeth J. (Archibald), b. 07-19-1819, d. 10-05-1903, Plot 2, 20
Hastie, Eugene (Laura), d. 01-20-1919, Plot 2, 19, --age 62yr 12da old
Hastie, Gabriella R., b. 1882, d. 1885, Plot 3, 32, --d/o J. & S. Hastie, d.Typhoid
Hastie, Grace R., b. 1875, d. 02-08-1959, Plot 3, 32, d/o J. & S. Hastie, see obit
Hastie, James R. (Sarah Reedal), b. 1843, d. 04-19-1929, Plot 3, 32, Father, see obit
Hastie, Laura A. (Eugene), d. 01-30-1898, Plot 2, 19, --age 38yr 4mo 3da old
Hastie, Mary A. (Archie), b. 1871, d. 1948, Plot 1, 23
Hastie, Sarah R. (James R. ), b. 1839, d. 1909, Plot 3, 32, --Mother
Haupt, Emma Fredericka Giese (Charles), d. 05-26-1934, see obit & death certificate
Havlovic, Cyril, b. 02-08-1926, d. 09-27-2007, --from obit, WW II, s/o Frank & Carolina Hajek Havlovic
Holden, Alvah, b. 1812, d. 1895, Plot 1, 12
Holden, Caroline E., b. 1826, d. 1905, Plot 1, 12
Holden, Samuel E., b. 1866, d. 07-04-1885, Plot 1, 12, --age 19yr 1mo 10da old
Holden, William, b. 1863, d. 11-20-1941, Plot 1, 12, see obit
Holstein, Ben W., b. 1906, d. 1963, Plot 5, 7
Holstein, Helen E., b. 1912, d. 1985, Plot 5, 7
Howard, Cornelius, d. 12-11-1863, Plot 3, 34, --age 5yr 2mo old
Irons, Albina J., b. 1872, d. 1951, Plot 2, 9
Irons, Edna G. Reedal (William P. ), b. 1867, d. 10-00-1949, Plot 3, 36, --see obit
Irons, Eva M. Bennett (Harold), b. 1900, d. 02-00-1947, Plot 1, 32, --flag holder of some sort, see obit
Irons, Frank C. (Violet), b. 1860, d. 1932, Plot 3, 1
Irons, Frank W. (1st h/o Fanny), b. 1832, d. 1863, Plot 3, 1, --Fanny's 2nd husband is E.W.Kelley
Irons, George A. (Lucenia C. Bloomer), b. 1895, d. 08-18-1979, Plot 3, 37, --see obit
Irons, Harold R. "Babe", b. 09-30-1898, d. 06-07-1967, Plot 3, 36, WW I, Wisc. S2 USNR
Irons, Lucenia C. Bloomer (George A. "Tot"), b. 1898, d. 07-03-1988, Plot 3, 37, --see obit
Irons, Naomi (Noah P. ), d. 03-15-1889, Plot 2, 9, --age 46yr 5mo 25da old
Irons, Noah P. (Naomi), b. 1839, d. 1915, Plot 2, 9
Irons, Violet Voorhees (Frank C. ), b. 1854, d. 1952
Irons, William, d. 12-07-1915, d.MN, 75yr old, see obit
Irons, William P. (Edna G. Reedal), b. 1866/1868, d. 11-18-1938, Plot 3, 36, --see obit
Johnson, V. James, b. 1929, d. 1982, Plot 4, 20
Kacizak, Sebastian J. (Sophia Jastzemski), b. 1904, d. 05-27-1988, Plot 3, 46, see obit
Kacizak, Sophia J. (Sebastian "Hooker"), b. 1905, d. 11-20-1983, Plot 3, 46, --see obit
Kampen, Gertrude E. (Henry W. ), b. 1874, d. 1963, Plot 5, 6
Kampen, Henry W. (Gertrude E. ), b. 1871, d. 1953, Plot 5, 6
Karel, Edward (Jane Scott), d. 03-19-1959, Plot 5, 18, --see obit
Karel, Jane S. (Edward), d. 10-09-1983, Plot 5, 18, --see obit
Kelley, Fanny (#1F. W. Irons, #2E. W. Kelley), b. 1837, d. 12-03-1925, 88yr old, see obit for Fanny Kelley, spelled Kelley and Kelly
Kelly, Fanny Irons (#1Frank W. Irons, #2E. W. Kelley), b. 1837, d. 12-03-1925, Plot 3, 1, --spelled Kelly & Kelley
Kelly, Maud, d. 09-06-1874, Plot 3, 1, --age 3yr old dtr of JW & Fanny Kelly
Kendall, Anna Bell McNicol (Wayne B. ), b. 1889, d. 01-08-1941, Plot 3, 39, see obit
Kendall, Ferne B. Sloggy (Lewis L. Sr. ), b. 07-06-1921, d. 07-06-1986, Plot 3, 41, --see obit
Kendall, Fredrick C. (Geraldine W. Crye), b. 05-03-1923, d. 11-09-1974, Plot 5, 3, --see obit
Kendall, Geraldine W. Ccye (Fredrick C. ), b. 08-18-1929, Plot 5, 3
Kendall, Lewis W., b. 03-10-1912, d. 03-31-1991, Plot 3, 41, --WW II, Pfc US Army
Kendall, Margaret, b. 1920, d. 1940, Plot 3, 39, --d/o Wayne & Anna Kendall
Kendall, Margaret Ann, b. 1942, d. 02-22-1943, Plot 3, 41, --date from obituary
Kendall, Wayne B. (Anna Bell McNicol), b. 1889, d. 01-10-1964, Plot 3, 39, --see obit
Kilmer, Donald, b. 09-13-1924, d. 10-04-2004, Plot 3, 45
Kilmer, Jay D. (Meredith M. Clausius), b. 09-13-1924, d. 10-04-2004, WW II, (m)03-27-1947, see obit
Kilmer, Meredith M. Clausius (Jay D. ), b. 03-20-1930, --(m)03-27-1947
Kilmer, Vaughn J., b. 03-01-1949, d. 03-12-1991, Plot 3, 45
King, Peter, b. 1827, d. 1911, Plot 1, 11
Krueger, Anna A. -Miss, b. 11-03-1895, d. 04-16-1967, Plot 2, 34, --In Shiefeibein lot, see obit
Kutz, Anna M., b. 1890, d. 1953, Plot 2, 30
Kutz, Daniel, d. 12-31-1895, Plot 2, 30, --age 5 yr old, s/o A. & E. Kutz
Kutz, Emma (Herman), b. 1880, d. 1953, Plot 2, 30
Kutz, Herman (Emma), b. 1863, d. 1905, Plot 2, 30
Lasse, Hazel G. Allen (Wilbert "Bill"), b. 07-25-1918, d. 06-17-1989, Plot 1, 41, --see obit, spelling also in ssdi
Lasse, Renee Laurette, d. 04-06-1996, Plot 1, 41
Lasse, Wilbert (Hazel G. Allen), b. 1917, d. 02-12-1993, Plot 1, 41, --WW II, US Army, spelling from ssdi, obit
Laughlin, Amos (Catharine), d. 02-17-1856, Plot 2, 5, --age 68yr 5mo 19d old
Laughlin, Catharine (Amos), d. 01-04-1880, Plot 2, 5, --age 88yr 7mo 27da old
Laun, Clarence A. (Sophie T. ), b. 1907, d. 04-05-1967, Plot 5, 16, --see obit
Lawton, Thomas, d. 04-21-1861, Plot 3, 18, --age 57yr 3mo 6da old
Lord, Samuel R., d. 12-18-1866, Plot 1, 5, --age 53yr 11mo 2da old
Loveland, Charlie--infant, b. 10-17-1882, d. 06-05-1884, Plot 3, 2, --s/o Lucy W. & Ural Loveland
Lum, Elner, b. 04-17-1828, d. 05-28-1907, Plot 2, 35, --age 79yr 1mo 11da old
MacKenzie, Elspeth--see Edwards, b. 12-26-1801, d. 05-18-1878, Plot 2, 8, --wife of Samuel T. Edwards
MacKenzie, John B., b. 1868, d. 04-11-1953, Plot 2, 6, --see obit
Maher, Ann Louise Mackenzie, b. 11-12-1921, d. 08-05-1993, Plot 2, 7, --Cremated, in MacKenzie lot
Maher, Chancey C, Jr. (Ann Louise), b. 07-23-1922, Plot 2, 7, --In MacKenzie lot
Marshall, Anna M. (James B. ), d. 10-07-1891, Plot 3, 27, --age 32yr 5mo 4da old
Marshall, James B. (Anna M. ), b. 1846, d. 1917, Plot 3, 27
Marshall, John W., d. 07-09-1885, Plot 3, 27, --age 7mo 20da old, s/o J.B. Marshall
Marshall, Thomas R., Plot 3, 27, --Marker only
McAllister, Agnes (Andrew), d. 12-14-1882, Plot 3, 42, --age 73 yrs old
McAllister, Andrew (Agnes), d. 02-18-1894, Plot 3, 42, --age 87 yrs old
McCulloch, David (Eliza) (Jane), d. 01-27-1895, Plot 5, 14, --age 71 yrs old
McCulloch, Eliza (David), b. 1837, d. 1915, Plot 5, 14
McCulloch, George E., b. 1874, d. 07-00-1950, Plot 5, 6, --see obit
McCulloch, Jane (David), d. 12-26-1868, Plot 5, 14, --age 60 yrs old
McCulloch, John E., b. 12-03-1878, d. 02-18-1880, Plot 5, 14, --s/o D. & E. McCulloch
McFail, Elsie E. Irons, b. 1862, d. 1896, Plot 2, 9
McGregor, James B., b. 07-04-1799, d. 03-10-1878, Plot 3, 6, --b.Scotland
McHenry, Eva I. (Herbert W. ), b. 1905, d. 11-05-1988, Plot 1, 32, --should read Edna I.Bennett McHenry, see husband's obit, her obit, and ssdi
McHenry, Herbert W. "Mac" (Eva I. ), b. 1908, d. 08-08-1983, Plot 1, 32, --obit says wife's name is Edna Bennett
McKenzie, Christina (Peter), b. 12-30-1802, d. 04-21-1885, Plot 2, 7, --b.Inverness Scotland
McKenzie, James Clark, b. 1864, d. 11-19-1930, Plot 2, 6, In the McKenzie lot, s/o John, see ob.Ind.
McKenzie, John B., b. 1868, d. 1953, Plot 2, 6
McKenzie, John (Mary), b. 10-19-1832, d. 05-06-1891, Plot 2, 6
McKenzie, Mary (John), b. 10-20-1837, d. 11-05-1912, Plot 2, 6
McKenzie, Peter (Christina), b. 01-02-1804, d. 10-22-1883, Plot 2, 7, --b.Inverness Scotland
McKenzie, William K., b. 1866, d. 1941, Plot 2, 6
McMillan, Christina B. (James R. ), b. 10-26-1815, d. 09-01-1870, Plot 3, 24, --b.Dumfolies Shire Scotland
McMillan, Elizabeth Mary-b. London, b. 04-29-1843, d. 07-21-1861, Plot 3, 24, --d/o James & Christina McMillan
McMillan, Elizabeth (Robert Menzies), d. 1878, Plot 3, 24, --age 63y old, b.Scotland
McMillan, Esther (James R. ), d. 04-24-1897, Plot 3, 24, --age 64y 8m 13d old
McMillan, Florence N., d. 07-28-1898, Plot 3, 24, --d/o Jas& C. McMillan, 41y 5m4d old
McMillan, George, b. 07-16-1849, d. 10-05-1859, Plot 3, 24
McMillan, George (Jane), d. 07-03-1877, Plot 2, 24, --age 68 yrs old
McMillan, Infant, Plot 2, 24, --s/o J.& G. McMillan
McMillan, Isabella (Henry Neill), d. 05-23-1888, Plot 3, 24, --age 30yr 1mo 19da old
McMillan, James R. (Christina B. ), b. 03-10-1816, d. 03-30-1880, Plot 3, 24
McMillan, James T., d. 01-14-1877, Plot 3, 24, --age 4yr old s/o J.R. & Elizabeth
McMillan, Jane (George), d. 01-19-1899, Plot 2, 24, --age 88yr 2mo 18da old
McMillan, Janet McGregor (Robert), b. 10-01-1832, d. 08-28-1921, Plot 2, 23, --see obit
McMillan, Jennie B., d. 10-18-1871, Plot 3, 24, --age 29y 11m 16d, d/o Jas & Christina B.
McMillan, Jesse B., Plot 3, 24
McMillan, John B. E., d. 06-19-1884, Plot 3, 24, --age 30yr old s/o J.R. & C. McMillan
McMillan, Robert (Janet McGregor), b. 04-10-1833, d. 09-11-1903, Plot 2, 23
McMillan, Thomas M., d. 11-21-1865, Plot 3, 24, --age 46 yr old, b. Sanguham Scotland
McNichol, Elizabeth Morrison (James), b. 1857, d. 1929, Plot 3, 42
McNichol, James (Elizabeth Morrison), b. 1856, d. 02-27-1928, Plot 3, 42, --see obit
McNichol, Lewis N., b. 09-22-1887, d. 05-05-1953, Plot 3, 38
McNichol, Martha, b. 1885, d. 05-05-1891, Plot 3, 42, --age 10 yrs old, d/o J. & E. McNichol
McNichol, William, b. 07-28-1893, d. 06-18-1969, Plot 3, 38, --WW I, WI Wagr 121 Field Art, Army
McNulty, Jane, d. 03-29-1852, Plot 3, 11, --d/o John & Esther McNulty
McNulty, Rev. John, d. 05-17-1861, Plot 3, 11, --age 31yr 11mo old
McNulty, William F., d. 01-22-1860, Plot 3, 11, --s/o John & Esther McNulty, 2yr 1mo
Mead, Janice Margaret Fitzpatrick (Joseph Orville), b. 07-23-1921, d. 07-27-1998, Plot 4, 5, --see obit
Mead, Joseph Orville (Janice M. ), b. 12-26-1921, d. 02-10-2008, WW II, Leut.US Army Air Force, (m)09-23-1941), s/o Joseph J.& Mary Margaret Fisher Mead, see obit
Meikle, Belle Lindsay (James), b. 1857, d. 03-06-1951, Plot 3, 23, Mother, in Art & J. Hall lot, see obit
Menzies, Robert, d. 03-11-1864, Plot 3, 20, --age 10yr, s/o John & Elizabeth Fulton
Mills, E. Irene (Ernest Delos), d. 11-27-1979, 74yr old, see obit, stone?
Mills, Ernest Delos (E. Irene), b. 04-14-1909, d. 04-16-1979, Plot 5, 22, WW II, TEC4 US Army, see obit
Mitchell, Blaine M. (Arlene M. Williams Brown), d. 02-27-1997, WW II, Korea, 68yr old, from obituary, not on original list
Morrison, Roy Earl (Marion D. ), b. 09-25-1923, d. 09-09-1985, WW II, Army, buried in Hillside Poynette, on stone with Margaret Steinle, obit says Hillside Poynette
Moungey, Alta Marian Bean (LaVerne), d. 09-29-1923, Plot 29yr, obit says she is buried here
Moungey, Angeline R. (John T. ), b. 1872, d. 1958, Plot 3, 3, --Mother
Moungey, Elrene Purdy, b. 1906, d. 05-24-1980, Plot 3, 3, --see Erlene Purdy, see obit for Purdy
Moungey, Isabell J., b. 02-06-1831, d. 07-09-1915, Plot 2, 27
Moungey, James N. "Poley" (Ellen Jane Stanton), b. 1867, d. 10-00-1943, Plot 2, 27, s/o Thomas & Isabel J.Moungey, see obit
Moungey, John T. Sr. (Angeline Roseanna Gray), b. 1865, d. 03-31-1938, Plot 3, 3, Father, see obit
Moungey, Keith L., b. 05-20-1918, d. 03-19-1982, Plot 3, 3, --WW II, US Army
Moungey, Lyle S., b. 05-30-1913, d. 01-07-1916, Plot 2, 27, --In Randall lot
Moungey, Viva Sarah-Miss, b. 1896, d. 09-09-1983, Plot 3, 3, --see obit
Nehls, Beth, d. 12-00-1957, Plot 1, 36, --age 10mos old, d/o Robert W.Nehls, see obit
Neill, John (Margaret Moreland), d. 06-23-1880, Plot 1, 19, --age 76 yrs old, b.Stirlingshire Scotland
Neill, Margaret Moreland (John), d. 10-17-1900, Plot 1, 19, --age 86 yrs old, b.Stirlingshire Scotland
No last name, Catherine, d. 06-08-1864, Plot 3, 25, --age 10mo 25da old, in Fulton lot
No last name, George W., d. 04-29-1862, Plot 3, 25, --age 10mo 27da old, in Fulton lot
Packard, Donald V. (Linda I. Feldhusen), b. 1919, d. 04-24-1972, Plot 3, 12, --(m)06-28-1940, see obit
Packard, Maxine I. (Levi R. ), b. 1925, d. 07-00-1951, Plot 1, 37, Lot owned by Levi Packard, see obit
Paton, Ruth Hastie (#1William Rufal-d. 1892, #2James Paton-d. 1917), b. 1845, d. 01-07-1921, see obit & death certicate
Pearsall, Elva J., d. 04-14-1877, Plot 3, 5, --age 1yr 2da old, d/o J. & L. Pearsall
Peterson, Evaline J., d. 07-17-1865, Plot 1, 4, --age 7yrs old, d/o A.& J. Peterson
Peterson, Francis E., d. 12-29-1865, Plot 1, 4, --age 3das old, child of A.&J. Peterson
Pfutzenreuter, John Henry (Nettie Allen), b. 1888, d. 10-00-1951, Plot 1, 35, --see obit
Pfutzenreuter, Nettie Allen (John Henry), b. 1892, d. 07-30-1960, Plot 1, 35, --see obit
Pike, Mary McCulloch-Mrs., b. 1858, d. 02-00-1922, Plot 5, 9, daughter, see obit
Pike, Myra Montieth-Miss, b. 1887, d. 07-23-1960, Plot 5, 9, daughter, see obit
Pratt, Jacob (Juliann), b. 1833, d. 04-14-1875, Plot 2, 18, --Civil War, Co I, 18 WI Army Inf, 42yr
Pratt, Juliann (Jacob), d. 07-05-1870, Plot 2, 18, --age 35 yrs old
Pratt, Wallace, d. 05-31-1871, Plot 2, 18, --age 7yrs old, s/o Jacob & Juliann Pratt
Purdy, Elrene Moungey, b. 1906, d. 05-24-1980, Plot 3, 3, --see Erlene Moungey, see obit for Purdy
Randall, Aza May, b. 07-02-1893, d. 09-11-????, Plot 2, 27, --d/o O.R. Randall, in Moungey lot
Rathbun, Lula E. (Walter Collins), b. 1896, d. 1974, Plot 4, 14
Rathbun, Walter Collins (Lula E. ), b. 08-01-1897, d. 05-12-1972, Plot 4, 14, --WW I, US Army
Reedal, Elizabeth (James W. ), d. 06-05-1890, Plot 3, 33, --age 33yr 5mo 20da old
Reedal, Ellen Marsh (Gabriel), b. 1849, d. 02-06-1923, Plot 3, 30, --see obit
Reedal, G., b. 1833, d. 1916, Plot 3, 30
Reedal, George Banks, b. 1874, d. 1937, Plot 1, 14
Reedal, Henry (Sarah), b. 05-21-1788, d. 09-22-1863, Plot 3, 31, --b.England
Reedal, Horace W., b. 10-11-1872, d. 04-19-1906, Plot 2, 13, --s/o Wm. & R.B. Reedal
Reedal, James Walter (Elizabeth Buckley), b. 1849, d. 03-12-1928, Plot 3, 33, --see obit
Reedal, Jeannette Scott, b. 1884, d. 1971, Plot 1, 14
Reedal, John R., d. 08-14-1996, Plot 4, 26
Reedal, John (Mary MacKenzie), b. 1830, d. 1905, Plot 1, 13
Reedal, Mary MacKenzie (John), b. 1838, d. 12-19-1921, Plot 1, 13, --see obit
Reedal, Mary (Gabriel), d. 06-07-1871, Plot 3, 30, --age 24yr 8mo 4da old
Reedal, Raymond T., b. 1888, d. 1917, Plot 3, 33
Reedal, Robert G., b. 02-10-1881, d. 03-31-1909, Plot 3, 33, --s/o John & Elizabeth, d. Butte MT.
Reedal, Ruth B. (William), b. 04-03-1845, d. 01-07-1921, Plot 2, 13
Reedal, Sadie, d. 08-02-1868, Plot 3, 30, --age 8 mos old d/o G. & M. Reedal
Reedal, Sarah, b. 09-10-1874, d. 08-04-1900, Plot 1, 13, --d/o John & Mary Reedal
Reedal, Sarah (Henry), b. 11-23-1807, d. 09-12-1897, Plot 3, 31, -- b.Yorkshire
Reedal, William (Rugh B. ), d. 06-12-1892, Plot 2, 13, --age 55yr 4mo 22da old
Rhoades, Charles Wesley (Sarah Emily Bates), d. 05-05-1936, Plot 3, 43, age 87yr, see obit
Rhoades, Emily, d. no dates, Plot 3, 43
Rhoades, Grandfather, d. no dates, Plot 3, 43
Rhoades, Grandmother, d. no dates, Plot 3, 43
Rhoades, Joshua (Lucinda), d. 12-12-1878, Plot 3, 43, --age 66 yrs old
Rhoades, Lucinda (Joshua), d. 01-04-1881, Plot 3, 43, --age 58 yrs old
Rhoades, Sarah Emily (Charles Wesley), b. 09-29-1851, d. 08-09-1910, Plot 3, 43
Rhoades, Uncle, d. no dates, Plot 3, 43
Robertson, Annie Neill (James), b. 1844, d. 09-18-1922, Plot 1, 24, --see obit
Robertson, Isabella (William), d. 02-06-1883, Plot 3, 16, --age 75 yrs old
Robertson, James (Annie Neill), d. 05-02-1912, Plot 1, 24, --age 79 yrs old
Robertson, Janet, d. 12-17-1862, Plot 3, 16, --age 17 yr old d/o Wm. & I. Robertson
Robertson, John N., b. 05-08-1881, d. 06-18-1899, Plot 3, 16, --s/o James & A. Robertson
Robertson, William (Isabella), d. 03-10-1880, Plot 3, 16, --age 72 yrs old, b. Ayrshire Scotland
Schiefelbein, Augusta Amelia (E. Ferd. ), d. 01-10-1941, Plot 2, 33, --age 79yr 4mo 13da old
Schiefelbein, E. Ferdinand (Augusta A. ), d. 01-19-1899, Plot 2, 33, --age 67yr 26da old
Schiefelbein, Henry A. --US Army, b. 01-20-1895, d. 06-13-1965, Plot 2, 34, --WW I, Pfc WI Postal Exp. Service
Schiefelbein, Infant son, d. 12-18-1893, Plot 2, 33, --s/o E. F. & A. Scheifelbein
Schiefelbein, Lenoria T. (Willie), b. 09-02-1890, d. 11-21-1974, Plot 2, 34, Eastern Star, see obit
Schiefelbein, Therese (Ferdinand), d. 08-27-1888, Plot 2, 33, --age 36 yrs old
Schiefelbein, Willie (Lenoria T. ), b. 1890, d. 04-00-1954, Plot 2, 34, Mason, see obit
Schofield, Della (William), b. 1865, d. 10-00-1941, Plot 5, 23, Mother, see obit
Schofield, Florence L. -Miss, b. 1903, d. 03-12-1974, Plot 5, 23, d/o William & Della Schofield, see obit
Schofield, Leonard W. (Ada M. ), b. 1908, d. 01-18-1966, Plot 5, 23, s/o William & Della Schofield, see obit
Schofield, William (Della), b. 1866, d. 1950, Plot 5, 23, --Father
Schultz, Arthur R. (Nettie), b. 1889, d. 10-10-1973, Plot 2, 19, --see obit
Schultz, Nettie (Arthur R. ), b. 1895, d. 06-18-1976, Plot 2, 19, --see obit
Schutz, Frank (Mary), b. 05-18-1898, d. 01-31-1960, Plot 5, 17, Veteran, Pfc
Schutz, Mary (Frank), b. 1895, d. 04-12-1969, Plot 5, 17, --see obit
Scott, John, b. 05-03-1811, d. 09-13-1889, Plot 5, 18, --b.Dumfrieshire Scotland
Sederberg, Vina (Fabian), b. 1879, d. 1951, Plot 2, 21, --In John Campbell lot
Sharp, James T., b. 09-15-1876, d. 05-16-1877, Plot 2, 10, --s/o J.C. Sharp
Shaw, Anna Belle Marion, b. 1858, d. 1866, Plot 2, 29
Shaw, Christina G. (Peter), b. 1827, d. 12-16-1915, Plot 2, 29, Mother
Shaw, Dora Rena (Allie), b. 1885, d. 09-05-1977, Plot 1, 42, age 92yrs old, wife, see obit
Shaw, Elizabeth Allen (Robert W. ), b. 1856, d. 03-11-1934, Plot 1, 25, see obit
Shaw, Harry A. (Nona Freeland), b. 1885, d. 10-00-1955, Plot 1, 42, --see obit
Shaw, James K., b. 09-01-1862, d. 10-16-1927, Plot 2, 29
Shaw, John A., b. 1869, d. 1945, Plot 1, 23
Shaw, Mary, b. 1864, d. 1865, Plot 2, 29
Shaw, Nona Freeland (Harry), b. 1904, d. 04-12-1980, Plot 1, 42, see obit
Shaw, Peter "Allie" (Rena), b. 1880, d. 09-00-1959, Plot 1, 42, --see obit
Shaw, Peter (Christina G. ), b. 1826, d. 1900, Plot 2, 29, --Father
Shaw, Robert, b. 1890, d. 09-18-1983, Plot 1, 42, --see obit
Shaw, Robert W. (Elizabeth W. Allen), b. 1856, d. 12-30-1926, Plot 1, 25, --see obit
Shortley, Ann (Robert), d. 05-17-1865, Plot 1, 1, --age 40+ yrs old
Sines Family Information, Red Information is from Carol Barton, not in cemetery records
Sines, Arthur, d. 09-18-1881, --age 9 mo old, s/o J. & E. Sines
Sines, Austin Delbert (Elsie M. Teeter), b. 1875, d. 02-23-1958, Plot 5, 21, --see obit
Sines, Babe---in Mary & James lot, d. 07-18-1895, Plot 2, 26, --age 21da, c/o Mary & James Sines
Sines, Elizabeth, d. 05-06-1897, Plot 2, 16, --age 47y 3m 9d old, d/o John Sines
Sines, Elsie May (Austin Delbert), b. 1883, d. 03-19-1969, Plot 5, 21, Nee Teeter, see obit
Sines, Emily Jane "Emma" (John), b. 1851, d. 1918, Plot 2, 31, --Mother, Next to John Sines
Sines, Emily White (William J. ), b. 02-18-1842, d. 06-17-1923, Plot 2, 28
Sines, Hazel-d/o Mary & James, d. 03-06-1898, Plot 2, 26, --age 1y 6mo old, in Mary & James lot
Sines, Jane (John) (see obit index), d. 04-16-1867, Plot 2, 16, --Stone is unreadable, 49 yr. old
Sines, John (Emily Jane), b. 05-23-1838, d. 11-24-1920, Plot 2, 31, --Civil War Vet, next to Mary Sines
Sines, John (Rhoda B. ), b. 05-15-1814, d. 02-18-1881, Plot 2, 16, --age 66y 9m 3d old, US Army Vet
Sines, Mary (James not John), d. 05-07-1900, Plot 2, 26, --this should be James Sylvester Sines married to Mary Domstrich, 25 yrs old
Sines, Rhoda B. (John), d. 11-15-1879, Plot 2, 16, --age 73yr 26da old
Sines, William J. (Emily White), b. 09-25-1844, d. 02-10-1900, Plot 2, 28, Civil War, Co I, 49 WI Inf Army, 55yr
Singleton, Fred (Mary), b. 1882, d. 1961, Plot 1, 20
Singleton, Mary (Fred), b. 1872, d. 04-06-1945, Plot 1, 20, --see obit
Smith, Hiren Mae (James A. ), b. 1898, d. 06-23-1985, Plot 5, 16, --see obit
Smith, James A. (Hiren M. ), b. 10-05-1899, d. 04-28-1972, Plot 5, 16, --WW I, US Army
Smith, Rodney C., b. 03-17-1966, d. 04-29-2007, s/o CharlesChuck Smith & Renee Lasse Smith, see obit of Janesville/Portage
Smolen, Joesph J., b. 11-01-1909, d. 02-11-1979, Plot 4, 7, --WW II, TEC 4 US Army
Springer, Elias, d. 10-07-1846, Plot 3, --age 1y 3m 20d, s/o J. & M.A. Springer
Springer, John, d. 12-12-1877, Plot 3, --age 60 yr. 11 mo old
Springer, Nathan W. -s/o J. & M. A., b. 1842, d. 04-25-1863, Plot 3, --Civil War, Army, d. aboard the battleship Nebraska, 21yr 4mo 13da old
Springer, Rebecca, d. 09-15-1852, Plot 3, -- age 4mo 18da, d/o J.& M.A. Springer
Springer, Thurza or Thubza, d. 05-06-1826, Plot 3, ---age 22y 3m, child of J. & M.A. Springer
Steinle, Margaret, b. 1932, Korea, Army, burried in Forrest Hills Madison WI, on stone with Roy Earl Morrison
Stevenson, James, b. 1807, d. 1856, Plot 3, 22
Stevenson, James, Jr., b. 1845, d. 1860, Plot 3, 22, --s/o James Stevenson
Stewart, Edgar J. (Sarah Elizabeth), b. 1864, d. 1941, Plot 3, 29, --found 09-12-1941, see obit
Stewart, Gordon H. (Myrtle Bennett), b. 1896, d. 09-08-1981, Plot 5, 2, --see obit
Stewart, Lydia H. (Robert E. ), b. 1913, d. 1981, Plot 5, 2, --Nee Pankow
Stewart, Myrtle Bennett (Gordon H. ), b. 1897, d. 04-23-1984, Plot 5, 2, --see obit
Stewart, Robert E. (Lydia H. Pankow), b. 1900, d. 06-19-1970, Plot 5, 2, --see obit
Stewart, Sarah Elizabeth (Edgar J. ), b. 1867, d. 1913, Plot 3, 29
Stone, Raymond Benjamin (Marcella "Marce" Gilbert), b. 11-25-1917, d. 01-13-2013, WW II, 14th Air Force Pilot, PH, (m)10-30-1943, s/o Benjamin & Martha Stone, see obit
Taylor, Robert, b. 1829, d. 1864, Plot 2, 3, --In Buzzell lot
Teeter, Charles P. (Margaret J. ), b. 1870, d. 07-00-1950, Plot 1, 31, --see obit
Teeter, Margaret Jane (Charles P. ), b. 1870, d. 12-29-1933, Plot 1, 31, Nee Sines, see obit
Thomas, George H. ---24y 6m old, d. 11-07-1865, Plot 3, 8, --Civil War, Co B 22 WI Inf Army
Thomas, Jacob (Rocksey), d. 04-11-1875, Plot 3, 8, --age 75yr 6mo 2da old
Thomas, Rocksey (Jacob), d. 12-28-1880, Plot 3, 8, --age 76yr 5 mo old
Thomas, William A. (Delores), b. 12-04-1919, d. 08-05-1989, Plot 4, 21, WW II, AAC, see obit
Thompson, E. Irene (Milton A. ), b. 1905, d. 1979, Plot 5, 22, --Nee Sines (now Mills)
Thompson, Evelyn A. (Theodore R. ), b. 09-24-1912, d. 11-23-2004, Plot 1, 32, --nee Bennett, see obit
Thompson, Hartley J. (Nellie J. ), b. 1903, d. 09-28-1989, Plot 3, 35, --see obit
Thompson, Helen---7yr 9mo old, d. 04-11-1865, Plot 3, 7, --d/o Ninnan & Mary Thompson
Thompson, John A. --5yr 1mo old, d. 04-07-1865, Plot 3, 7, --s/o Ninnan & Mary Thompson
Thompson, John Campbell (Rose M. Spiegler), b. 1872, d. 02-04-1939, Plot 3, 35, --see obit
Thompson, Mary (Ninnan), b. 09-22-1818, d. 02-22-1897, Plot 3, 6
Thompson, Milton August (E. Irene Sines), b. 1899, d. 06-00-1950, Plot 5, 22, --see obit
Thompson, Nellie J. (Hartley J. ), b. 09-29-1911, d. 11-15-1999, Plot 3, 35, --Nee Breneman
Thompson, Ninnan (Mary), b. 09-19-1819, d. 03-29-1896, Plot 3, 6
Thompson, Robert Milton (Ruth H. Lanzendorf), b. 1927, d. 06-01-1999, Plot 5, 22, WW II, USCG, see obit
Thompson, Rose/Rosa M. (John C. ), b. 1872, d. 03-18-1967, Plot 3, 35, --nee Spiegler, see obit
Thompson, Theodore R. (Evelyn A. Bennett), b. 1905, d. 08-07-1984, Plot 1, 32, --see obit
Thortnon, Betsey, d. 05-25-1862, age 11yr old, d/o Wm. C. & Julia
Towne, Allen (Jane H. ), b. 05-01-1835, d. 05-25-1898, Plot 2, 12
Towne, Clara C., b. 04-22-1866, d. 09-29-1905, Plot 2, 12, --d/o Allen & Jane H. Towne
Towne, Helen E. "Nellie" -Miss, b. 1877, d. 07-16-1922, Plot 2, 12, d/o Allen & Jane H.Towne, see obit
Towne, Jane H. (Allen), b. 01-10-1835, d. 03-25-1892, Plot 2, 12
Valinske, Donovan O. (Roberta G. ), b. 1930, d. 01-07-1970, Plot 1, 38, In Robert Allen lot, see obit
Valinske, Roberta G. (Donovan O. ), b. 1933, d. 01-07-1970, Plot 1, 38, In Robert Allen lot, see obit
Voss, Eva F. (Walter O. ), b. 11-04-1872, d. 12-31-1940, Plot 1, 26
Voss, Walter O. (Eva F. ), b. 04-19-1881, d. 01-10-1964, Plot 1, 26
Wasco, Anna Kunger (Edward C. ), b. 1907, d. 08-04-1984, Plot 5, 8, --see obit
Wasco, Edward C. (Anna Kunger), b. 1904, d. 05-10-1970, Plot 5, 8, --see obit
Waugh, Norman, Plot 4, 4
Waugh, Pat, Plot 4, 4
Weidephul, Alice D. Flitter (Theodore), b. 1907, d. 02-07-1984, Plot 4, 8, (m)06-29-1929, see obit
Weidephul, Julia A. -Miss, b. 1930, d. 03-17-1990, Plot 4, 8, --see obit
Weidephul, Roseann F. "Rosie", b. 06-21-1937, d. 04-22-2006, Plot 4, 8, d/o Theodore & Alice Flitter Weidephul
Weidephul, Theodore G. (Alice), b. 1901, d. 05-25-1977, Plot 4, 8, (m)06-29-1929, see obit
White, Daniel (Esther St. Clair), d. 06-09-1868, Plot 2, 15, --age 54yr 9mo 17da old
White, Esther St. Clair (Daniel), d. 02-19-1881, Plot 2, 15, --age 63yr 11mo 23da old
White, John T., d. 11-08-1874, Plot 2, 15, --age 23 yrs old, s/o Daniel & Esther
White, Margaret A., d. 04-06-1874, Plot 2, 15, --age 30 yrs old, d/o Daniel & Esther
Williams, Joseph F., d. 12-16-1870, Plot 3, 11, --s/o J. & E. Williams, 3y 2m 3d old
Wilmsen, Elizabeth (Napoleon J. ), b. 1876, d. 1958, Plot 1, 18
Wilmsen, Napoleon J. (Elizabeth), b. 1865, d. 11-00-1950, Plot 1, 18, --see obit
Wilson, Agnes, b. 07-15-1860, d. 08-18-1897, Plot 1, 7, --d/o Robert & Elizabeth Wilson
Wilson, Elizabeth S. (Robert), b. 02-12-1827, d. 09-24-1896, Plot 1, 7
Wilson, James (Mary), b. 10-27-1802, d. 08-26-1878, Plot 1, 2, --b.Scotland
Wilson, John (Mary T. ), b. 05-23-1833, d. 07-29-1908, Plot 2, 4
Wilson, Mary C., d. 12-11-1863, Plot 1, 7, --age 12yrs old, d/o Robert & Margaret?
Wilson, Mary T. (John), b. 01-01-1848, d. 03-22-1931, Plot 2, 4
Wilson, Mary (James), b. 01-02-1802, d. 01-17-1865, Plot 1, 2, --b.Scotland
Wilson, Robert (Elizabeth S. ), b. 01-10-1823, d. 04-08-1922, Plot 1, 7
Wilson, Wm., b. 02-02-1831, d. 06-23-1861
Wood, Garlin R., d. 02-17-1857, Plot 3, 9, --age 29 yrs old
Wood, Jane (John), b. 10-13-1805, d. 08-23-1884, Plot 2, 17, --d/o Wm. & E. Hastie, b.Scotland
Wood, Jane (Joseph), d. 07-28-1878, Plot 5, 12, --age 46 yrs old
Wood, Jeanie H., d. 10-24-1880, Plot 5, 12, --age 21y old d/o Joseph & Jane Wood
Wood, John (Jane), d. 02-24-1871, Plot 2, 17, --age 62 yrs old, b.Scotland
Wood, Joseph (Jane), d. 05-03-1882, Plot 5, 12, --age 52 yrs old, b.Laurkshire Scotland
Wood, William, d. 05-15-1875, Plot 2, 17, --age 41 yrs old
Yocum, Tommy Eugene (Marjorie), b. 10-01-1927, d. 12-29-1982, Plot 4, 9, Korea, US Navy, see obit
York, Clara Liske (Jasper), b. 1896, d. 04-11-1983, Plot 2, 39, --see obit
York, Eldon Jasper, b. 1920, d. 01-24-1922, Plot 2, 39, s/o Jasper & C.York, see obit
York, Jasper (Clara), b. 07-09-1896, d. 07-16-1964, Plot 2, 39, --WW I, Pvt Military Police, US Army