Wisconsin Death Records
Wisconsin Newspapers, Full Search (1833-1992), 150 titles
Wisconsin Obituary Search - (1989-current)
Wisconsin Funeral Notices
DuPuy Cemetery
Cambria, Columbia County, Wisconsin
Cambria, WI 53923
Published: October 4, 2016
Total records: 5
DuPuy Cemetery is an otherwise unnamed family cemetery in section 16 of Columbia County, in the Springdale Township. It is located at County Road G and Old County Road B, near Bancroft Corners, in Pine trees. It's on the Jim Bancroft property as of 2005.
Cemetery Records
Names below are from Mona Aldrich's research of 1984.
Gilmore, Elizabeth, d.04-25-1856, d/o G.T.& M. Gilmore, 1yr 5d old
Dupuy, Marcelius S., d.09-26-1848, s/o Wm.& M.A. DuPuy, 11mo old
Dupuy, Ida A., d.02-16-1856, d/o Wm. & M.A. DuPuy, 4mo 9da old
Dupuy, Anna A., d.05-13-1856, d/o Wm.& M.A. DuPuy, 3yr 5da old
DuPuy, Margaret A., d.07-21-1857, wife of William, 31yr 2mo oldThis family died of diphtheria.