Wisconsin Death Records
Wisconsin Newspapers, Full Search (1833-1992), 150 titles
Wisconsin Obituary Search - (1989-current)
Wisconsin Funeral Notices
Friesland Cemetery
Friesland, Columbia County, Wisconsin
GPS: 43.587176, -89.066751
County Rd EF & Central St
Friesland, WI 53935
Published: October 3, 2016
Total records: 1,635
Surnames E-K
Thank you to Marcia Dykstra for allowing access to records she made. Typed by Anna Mae Axness, 2006. Some Veteran info from Betty Cook's list. This list has been updated in 2010 from pictures taken by Char Sauer. An "X" in the Lot means there is a burial.
Eisenga, Clarence (Dorothy Rena Voortman), b. 1921, d. 03-00-1999, Lot 41S--10x, ---(m)12-20-1941
Eisenga, Cora Mae (Newton R.), b. 1926, d. 10-17-1992, Lot 17S--06x, ---(m)09-010-1944, Nee Voortman, see obit
Eisenga, Dorothy Rena (Clarence), b. 07-30-1917, d. 03-12-2008, Lot 41S--11x, ---(m)12-20-1941, d/o John & Carrie Heynen Voortman, see obit
Eisenga, George Norman, d. 1951, Lot 73S--01x, ---3da old, s/o Clarence & Dorothy Eisenga
Eisenga, George (Winnie Alsum), b. 1891, d. 12-23-1972, Lot 40S--11x, ---see obit
Eisenga, Infant Son, d. 1951, Lot 41S--10x, ---s/o Clarence & Dorothy Eisenga
Eisenga, Justin Wayne, b. 01-23-1982, d. 02-11-1982, Lot 72N--12x, ---infant s/o Jerry & Karen Eisenga
Eisenga, Newton R. (Cora Mae Voortman), b. 08-05-1922, d. 05-29-2003, Lot 17S--05x, ---(m)09-01-1944,
Eisenga, Richard E. & Raymond L., d. 1930, Lot 73S--05x, ---Twins
Eisenga, Winnie Alsum (George), b. 1897, d. 05-24-1972, Lot 40S--12x, ---see obit
Elgersma, Anna Tamminga (Louis), b. 1906, d. 01-29-1991, Lot 9S---03 x, ---see obit
Elgersma, Anna (Nick), b. 1874, d. 1943, Lot 27N--04x
Elgersma, Arvin Larry "Archie", b. 1943, d. 05-28-1988, Lot 31N--09x, ---Peace Time, US Air Force, see obit
Elgersma, Clara Dykstra (John), b. 04-11-1906, d. 10-19-2001, Lot 14S--08x, ---
Elgersma, Infant Son, d. 1935, Lot 27N--01x, ---s/o Milton & Tena Elgersma
Elgersma, John (Clara Dykstra), b. 1906, d. 07-22-1970, Lot 14S--07x, ---see obit
Elgersma, Louis "Louie" (Anna), b. 1905, d. 01-10-1978, Lot 9S---02 x, ---see obit
Elgersma, Milton (Tena), b. 1911, d. 07-29-1963, Lot 27N--01x, ---see obit
Elgersma, Myron, Lot 29N--05
Elgersma, Nick (Anna), b. 1873, d. 06-27-1966, Lot 27N--03x, ---see obit
Elgersma, Tena (Milton), b. 1914, d. 2003, Lot 27N--02x, ---from pictures, Nee Smits, see Tena Smits Elgersma Streekstra
Erdman, Caroline (Julius), b. 1857, d. 07-15-1935, Lot 80S--04x, ---Mother, see obit
Erdman, Julius (Caroline), b. 1851, d. 08-00-1933, Lot 80S--05x, ---Father, see obit
Erdman, Kenneth E., b. 08-25-1961, d. 08-09-1980, Lot 4S---07x, ---s/o Herman & Shirley Smits Erdman
Erdman, Lynn M., b. 03-10-1967, d. 08-09-1980, Lot 4S---08x, ---d/o Herman & Shirley Smits Erdman
Evans, Alice M. Wiersma (Henry J.), b. 05-24-1924, d. 04-11-2010, Lot 68N--04x, ---(m)04-10-1943, d/o William & Jennie Wynsma Wiersma, see obit
Evans, Henry J. (Alice M. Wiersma), b. 03-29-1922, d. 01-09-2013, Lot 68N--03x, ---WW II, US Coast Guard, (m)04-10-1943, s/o Edward & Margaret Roberts Evans, see obit
Evans, Mary Ann, b. 1793, d. 06-01-1863, Lot 24N--10x, ---something of Francis, hard to read
Evans, Steven Charles, b. 08-28-1948, d. 02-08-2011, Lot 68N--05x, ---Vietnam, US Army Band, s/o Henry & Alice Evans, back of Henry/Alice stone, see obit
Evans, William, d. 12-23-1893, Lot 24N--04x, ---64yr old
Farrington, Hannah (Harvey P.), b. 1824, d. 04-20-1846, Lot 28N--10x, ---21yr 6mo old
Fenske, Minnie F., b. 01-05-1858, d. 01-05-1935, Lot 19S--08x
Fenske, William J., b. 07-25-1848, d. 08-23-1928, Lot 19S--07x
Fisher, Barbara, Lot 54N--02
Fisher, Frank J. (Grace A.), b. 1919, d. 1970, Lot 33N--11x
Fisher, Frank S. (Jeanette Westra), b. 05-19-1915, d. 08-09-1979, Lot 06S---10x, ---WW II, Sgt US Army, see obit
Fisher, Grace Huizenga (Frank I.), b. 1917, d. 1996, Lot 33N--12x
Fisher, Infant Son, Lot 84S--04x, ---s/o George & Anna Fisher
Fisher, Jacob (Jessie), b. 03-12-1893, d. 02-06-1960, Lot 33N--09x
Fisher, James F., b. 10-01-1948, d. 11-08-2002, Lot 23N--02x, ---Vietnam, Pfc US Army
Fisher, Jeanette A. (John J.), b. 05-24-1929, d. 01-08-2002, Lot 65N--08x, ---(m)03-10-1950, d/o Eli & Jennie DeVries Winkel, see obit
Fisher, Jeanette Westra Fisher DeBoer (#1Frank S. Fisher, #2Gerrit DeBoer)--see obit, b. 04-16-1924, d. 12-17-2012, Lot 6S---11x, ---(m1)04-16-1943, (m2)06-12-1992, 2nd w/o Gerrit DeBoer, d/o Peter & Etje Streekstra Westra
Fisher, Jessie (Jacob), b. 09-14-1893, d. 05-02-1942, Lot 33N--10x
Fisher, John J. (Jeanette A.), b. 02-22-1927, d. 10-04-2004, Lot 65N--07x, ---WW II flag holder, (m)03-10-1950
Fisher, Krista Lee, b. 04-25-1953, d. 08-15-1960, Lot 6S---09x, ---Beloved d/o Frank S. & Jeanette Fisher
Fisher, Peter (Winifred "Winnie"), b. 11-29-1922, d. 02-10-2003, Lot 54N--04x, ---(m)10-07-1945
Fisher, Winifred "Winnie" Charlotte (Peter), b. 10-07-1921, d. 05-05-2011, Lot 54N--03x, ---(m)10-07-1945, d/o Walter & Jennie Van Kluenen Tobak, see obit
Fleck, Gerrit Johannes, b. 07-03-1987, d. 03-25-1991, Lot 20S--06x, ---s/o Stephen & Kristine Fleck
Fleck, Kristine (Stephen), Lot 20S--04
Frederick, Carl (#1Augusta Fritz, #2Ella Jopson), b. 1860, d. 02-00-1935, Lot 65S--08x, ---Father, see obit
Frederick, Unknown, Lot 65S--07x, ---Can't read stone
Froehlich, Bertha E. Kowald (Jess W.), b. 08-26-1909, d. 01-17-2002, Lot 26S--04x, ---(m)03-20-1929, d/o William & Ida Yonkee Kowald, see obit
Froehlich, Darvin H. (Leona I. Berndt), b. 12-23-1898, d. 08-16-1986, Lot 51S--11x, ---70yr member of the Friesland Band, see obit
Froehlich, Delmer F. O., b. 05-21-1939, d. 07-10-1939, Lot 50S--12x, ---a twin s/o Fred & Mildred Frodhlich
Froehlich, Donald R. (Lois M.), b. 1935, Lot 26S--03, ---(m)05-29-1955
Froehlich, Emily S. (Norman J.), b. 1936, Lot 26S--07, ---(m)06-03-1955, nee Jansma
Froehlich, Erma H. Nerlich Schumann (#1Mr. Schumann, #2Fred C. Froehlich), b. 07-24-1911, d. 05-13-2005, Lot 50S--09x, ---(m2)05-07-1957, d/o Robert & Albatina Schultz Nerlich, see ssdi & obit
Froehlich, Ernst, b. 1834, d. 1906, Lot 21N--01x, ---Father
Froehlich, Fred C. Jr. (#1Mildred L. Steffen, #2Erma H. Nehrick Schamann), b. 1910, d. 06-20-1995, Lot 50S--10x, ---see obit
Froehlich, Fred W. Sr. (Margaret W.), b. 1881, d. 03-10-1964, Lot 50S--07x, ---Father, see obit
Froehlich, Jess W. (Bertha E. Kowald), b. 1907, d. 02-18-1991, Lot 26S--05x, ---(m)03-20-1929, Friesland VFD
Froehlich, Leona I. Berndt (Darvin H.), b. 1901, d. 02-07-1987, Lot 51S--12x, ---see obit
Froehlich, Lois M. (Donald R.), b. 1937, Lot 26S--02, ---(m)05-29-1955
Froehlich, Margaret W. (Fred W. Sr.), b. 1886, d. 09-20-1981, Lot 50S--08x, ---Mother, nee Schuchardt, see obit
Froehlich, Mildred L. (1st w/o Fred C. Jr.), b. 1909, d. 1955, Lot 50S--11x
Froehlich, Minnie F., b. 1885, d. 1919, Lot 21N--03x, ---Daughter
Froehlich, Minnie W., b. 1850, d. 1925, Lot 36N--12x, ---Mother
Froehlich, Nicholas, b. 1875, d. 1948, Lot 21N--04x, ---Son
Froehlich, Norman J. (Emily S.), b. 1930, Lot 26S--06, ---(m)06-03-1955
Gaastra, Bernice M. (William), b. 01-01-1913, d. 12-23-1988, Lot 18S--11x, ---Nee Heinz
Gaastra, Charlotte Ude (Peter L.), b. 1930, Lot 44N--02
Gaastra, Jessie Bosma (Louis), b. 1886, d. 03-09-1964, Lot 73N--08x, ---see obit
Gaastra, Louis (Jessie Bosma), b. 1878, d. 09-11-1965, Lot 73N--07x, ---see obit
Gaastra, Peter L. (Charlotte Ude), b. 1921, d. 04-16-1999, Lot 44N--01x, ---see obit
Gaastra, William (Bernice M.), b. 09-18-1913, d. 04-11-1998, Lot 18S--12x
Gale, Isaac (Mary Ann), b. 1811, d. 04-27-1870, Lot 61N--10x, ---59yr 16da old
Gale, Marian, b. 1867, d. 1867, Lot 23S--04x, ---d/o ?, 2 da old, can't read stone
Gale, Mary Ann (Isaac), b. 1815, d. 01-13-1868, Lot 61N--11x, ---52yr 7mo old
Gale, Unknown, Lot 61N--07x, ---Stone in ground
Gale, Unknown, Lot 61N--08x, ---Stone in ground
Gale, Unknown, Lot 61N--09x, ---no stone, from records, from record
Gale, Unknown, Lot 61N--12x, ---no stone, from records, from record
Geertsma, Sadie Heeringa DeVries, b. 1918, Lot 66N--06, ---see Sadie Heeringa DeVries
Gerrard, Steve Edward, b. 10-11-1950, d. 08-27-2000, Lot 61N--06x, ---s/o Stanley & Bertha Chapman Gerrard, Father, see obit
Gorsuch, Marilyn (Dennis), b. 04-09-1953, d. 04-10-2014, (m)10-21-1972, d/o John & Alma Minnema Koopmans. Is she buried here? Her parents are here
Gossink, Henriette S. W. (Henry), b. 01-26-1836, d. 10-14-1903, Lot 69N--05x
Gossink, Henry (Henriette S. W.), b. 09-16-1836, d. 10-14-1904, Lot 69N--04x
Grandy, David, b. 1795, d. 1863, Lot 66N--11x, ---old hard to read stone
Grandy, Unknown, Lot 66N--12x, ---no stone, from records
graves 1-12 sites between 30 & 31, Space, ---these are crossed out on map
graves 1-12 sites between 82 & 83, Space, ---these are crossed out on map
Graves, Mary E. Larabee (Royal T.), b. 03-23-1826, d. 04-05-1889, Lot 18N--09x
Graves, R. T. --owner, Lot 18N--07x, ---no stone, from records
Graves, R. T. --owner, Lot 18N--08x, ---no stone, from records
Graves, R. T. --owner, Lot 18N--11x, ---no stone, from records
Graves, Royal T. (Mary E. Larabee), b. 07-27-1821, d. 11-17-1899, Lot 18N--10x
Greenfield, Samuel, b. 1852, d. 05-06-1953, Lot 49N--01x, ---18mo old
Griffieon, Clara Kuik DeVries, b. 1907, d. 08-31-1991, Lot 42N--08x, ---could not find her with this last name on the ssdi. Nee Kuik, see Clara DeVries, see obit
Grover, Arthur, d. 10-29-1884, Lot 34S--04x, ---19yr 9mo 8da old
Grover, Chauncy H. (Electa), d. 12-17-1897, Lot 34S--02x, ---77yr 5mo 17da old
Grover, Electa (Chauncy H.), d. 18??, Lot 34S--03x, ---see obit index--d.08-01-1877
Grover, George, b. 1857, d. 06-18-1859, Lot 34S--10x, ---s/o C.& E.Grover
Hacht, Eleanor L. (Elmer Herman), b. 1934, Lot 66N--10, ---Nee Bobholz, b.1934 on stone
Hacht, Elmer Herman (Eleanor L.), b. 04-22-1915, d. 07-23-2000, Lot 66N--09x, ---WW II
Hagarty, Paul Dominick, d. 03-03-1987, Lot 46S--07x, ---s/o Gary & Pamela Hagarty, infant?
Haima, Carl G. (Mayme L.), b. 1877, d. 11-00-1960, Lot 61S--11x, ---see obit
Haima, Ettje (Gerlof J.), b. 12-13-1835, d. 01-31-1917, Lot 61S--10x
Haima, Gerlof J. (Ettje), b. 04-24-1837, d. 11-11-1915, Lot 61S--09x
Haima, Kate Tillema (Watse J.), b. 09-27-1862, d. 05-25-1917, Lot 76S--08x
Haima, Mamie, b. 1895, d. 06-19-1897, Lot 76S--06x, ---1yr7m17d old, d/o W.J.& K.Haima
Haima, Mayme L. (Carl G.), b. 1883, d. 1956, Lot 61S--12x, ---Nee Fenske
Haima, Unknown, Lot 61S--07x, ---rub
Haima, Unknown, d. 1892, Lot 61S--08x, ---rub, 24yr 6da, c/o G.& E. Haima
Haima, Unknown, Lot 76S--09x, ---no stone, from records
Haima, Watse J. (Kate Tillema), b. 09-10-1857, d. 03-24-1936, Lot 76S--07x
Halbersma, Edna Cupery (Nicholas), b. 1915, d. 07-02-1976, Lot 71S--02x, ---see obit
Halbersma, Nicholas (Edna Cupery), b. 1914, d. 04-01-1990, Lot 71S--01x, ---see obit
Haldemann, Dennis L. (Shirley Johnston), b. 03-23-1949, d. 05-12-2011, Lot 80S--01x, --Vietnam, (m)04-26-1969, s/o Edward & Evelyn Hein Haldemann, see obit
Haldemann, Edward P. (Evelyn E.), b. 1926, Lot 33S--11
Haldemann, Evelyn E. Hein (Edward P.), b. 1928, d. 08-25-1976, Lot 33S--12x, ---see obit
Hamilton, Unknown, Lot 56N--12x
Hansen, Bessie E., b. 05-08-1907, d. 10-07-1978, Lot 40S--02x, ---Nee Allen
Harris, Alice (William), b. 03-15-1815, d. 01-07-1901, Lot 67S--02x
Harris, W. --owner, Lot 46S--11x, ---rub
Harris, W. T., b. 04-17-1852, d. 02-15-1887, Lot 46S--12x, ---see Obit Index
Harris, William (Alice), b. 02-13-1820, d. 01-26-1898, Lot 67S--01x
Hartson, Artemisia (A. A.), d. 1867, Lot 23S--03x, ---broken stone half gone
Hartson, Mary J., d. 11-29-1869, Lot 23S--05x, ---maybe d/o A.A.& A.Hartson, hard to read
Hartson, Unknown, d. 1869, Lot 23S--06x, ---Can't read stone, "Our Babe"
Havinga, John, b. 1853, d. 1925, Lot 77N--01x
Havinga, Lema (Tetje P. Boersma), b. 05-15-1856, d. 08-12-1949, Lot 79S--08x
Havinga, Tetje P. Boersma (Lema), b. 09-22-1859, d. 06-11-1902, Lot 79S--07x, ---wife
Havinga, Unknown, Lot 79S--11x, ---no stone, from records
Hawes, Cassim--c/o A. H. & E. Hawes, d. 1865, Lot 13S--09x, ---in grave with Sumner Hawes
Hawes, Sumner--c/o A. H. & E. Hawes, d. 1864, Lot 13S--09x, ---in grave with Cassim Hawes
Hawes, Unknown, Lot 13S--03x, ---no stone, from records
Hawes, Unknown, Lot 13S--04x, ---no stone, from records
Heeringa, Caroline (Norman), b. 1932, Lot 24S--12, ---Nee Hoffman
Heeringa, Hattie (#1Martin), b. 07-13-1889, d. 02-00-1987, Lot 36N--06x, --Nee Acronius, 2nd husband is Vanderzon
Heeringa, Infant of Leonard, d. 1949, Lot 37N--07x
Heeringa, Irene L. (Louis M.), b. 1920, Lot 41S--09, ---Nee Redeker
Heeringa, Jennie Posthuma (Sam), b. 1889, d. 07-08-1978, Lot 37N--05x, ---see obit
Heeringa, Louis M. (Irene L. Redeker), b. 1915, d. 07-28-1975, Lot 41S--08x, ---see obit
Heeringa, Martin (Hattie), b. 1890, d. 1921, Lot 36N--05x
Heeringa, Nellie DeJager, b. 1926, d. 1955, Lot 38N--07x, ---spelled Herringa on stone, Mother
Heeringa, Norman (Caroline), b. 1925, d. 1970, Lot 24S--11x
Heeringa, Sam (Jennie Posthuma), b. 1889, d. 07-13-1974, Lot 37N--06x, ---see obit
Hein Family Stone, Lot 79S--, Alwina, Ferdinand, Frank, Henriete, Ida, Wm.
Hein, Alwina, b. 1876, d. 1935, Lot 79S--04x
Hein, Ferdinand, b. 1834, d. 1896, Lot 79S--01x
Hein, Frank, b. 1870, d. 1949, Lot 79S--06x
Hein, Henriete, b. 1841, d. 1905, Lot 79S--05x
Hein, Ida, b. 1889, d. 1947, Lot 79S--02x
Hein, William, b. 1874, d. 1952, Lot 79S--03x
Heinz, Adeline F. Crown (#1William C. Heinz, #2Ralph V. Kieffer, b. 1914, d. 05-02-1998, Lot 18S--10x, ---see obit for Adeline F.Kieffer
Heinz, Christian August (Ella Mae Fenske), b. 1885, d. 04-01-1953, Lot 18S--07x, ---Father, see obit
Heinz, Ella M. (Christian A.), b. 1885, d. 08-10-1974, Lot 18S--08x, ---Mother, see obit
Heinz, William C. (Adeline F. Kiefer), b. 1911, d. 11-04-1984, Lot 18S--09x, ---obit says wife is Adeline Crown, see obit
Henry, Unknown, b. 1894, d. 1896, Lot 80S--06x, ---first or last name?
Hermann, Albert G. (Clara M. Fenske), b. 1877, d. 09-00-1943, Lot 19S--09x, ---Father, see obit
Hermann, Albert William, b. 1925, d. 05-02-1988, Lot 18S--05x, ---brother to Ruth Minnie Hermann, s/o Clara Fenske & Albert G.Hermann, see obit
Hermann, Anita, b. 1917, d. 09-00-1950, Lot 19S--11x, ---d/o Clara Fenske & Albert G.Hermann, see obit
Hermann, Clara M. Fenske (Albert G.), b. 1888, d. 01-18-1968, Lot 19S--10x, ---Mother, see obit
Hermann, Ruth Minnie, b. 04-04-1922, d. 03-31-2007, Lot 18S--06x, ---d/o Clara Fenske & Albert G. Hermann, sister to Albert W. Hermann, 84yr 11mo 27da old, obit
Hewit, Unknown, Lot 2S---02 x
Hewit, Unknown, Lot 2S---03 x
Hewit, Unknown, Lot 2S---11 x
Higgins, Catherine (S. H.), b. 1810, d. 1862, Lot 22S--03x, ---old hard to read stone
Higgins, George H., d. 08-28-1861, Lot 22S--04x, ---22yr 6mo old
Higgins, Laura (S. H.), d. 12-10-1875, Lot 22S--05x
Higgins, Unknown, Lot 22S--06x, ---no stone, from records
Hill, Sylvender, Lot 65N--10x, ---Stone in ground
Hinton, Frankie, b. 1850, d. 1852, Lot 20N--01x, ---"Our Little Frankie", s/o J.W.& Helen
Hinton, Helen Matilda, b. 01-31-1856, d. 1863, Lot 20N--02x, ---d/o J.W.& Helen, hard to read stone
Hoffman, Akke (Jacob), b. 1858, d. 1943, Lot 30N--02x, ---Mother
Hoffman, Alice (Melvin), b. 07-02-1933, Lot 29N--04, ---(m)10-19-1951, Nee Douma
Hoffman, Antje, b. 1852, d. 1934, Lot 28N--03x, ---spelled Hofman, Mother
Hoffman, Carl (Muriel Gertrude "Myrt" Westra), b. 08-25-1928, d. 05-25-2014, Lot 25S--11x, --- (m)07-31-1952, s/o Samuel & Elsie Alsum Hoffman, see obit
Hoffman, Cathleen Ann, b. 12-08-1954, d. 05-23-1966, Lot 25S--12x, ---d/o Carl & Muriel Hoffman
Hoffman, Cora Jansma (#1John R. Wiersma, #2Gerrit DeBoer, #3Jake Hoffman Sr.), b. 12-04-1922, d. 03-07-2015, Lot 52N--08x, --(m1)04-03-1941, (m2)divorced, (m3)05-23-1993, d/o Joe & Nellie Kloostra Jansma, see obit for Cora Hoffman, see obit
Hoffman, Elaine Grace, b. 06-09-1953, d. 05-12-1956, Lot 66S--09x, ---d/o Carl & Muriel Hoffman
Hoffman, Elanor, b. 01-08-1939, d. 09-06-1940, Lot 30N--03x, ---d/o Sam & Elsie Hoffman
Hoffman, Elsie (Sam), b. 1897, d. 1958, Lot 9N---04x, ---Nee Alsum, Mother
Hoffman, Evelyn Syens (John), b. 09-28-1928, Lot 10N--05, ---(m)10-30-1947
Hoffman, Infant Son, d. 06-03-1948, ---from online pictures, s/o John & Evelyn Hoffman
Hoffman, Jacob (Akke), b. 1852, d. 1916, Lot 30N--01x, ---Father
Hoffman, Jake Sr. (#1Margaret, #2Cora Jansma Wiersma), b. 1921, d. 1994, Lot 71N--11x, ---(m2)05-23-1993
Hoffman, James P., b. 1954, d. 1972, Lot 10N--03x, ---s/o John & Evelyn Hoffman
Hoffman, John (Evelyn), b. 08-18-1925, Lot 10N--04, ---(m)10-30-1947
Hoffman, Margaret (1st w/o Jake Sr.), b. 1927, d. 1992, Lot 71N--12x, ---Nee DeVries
Hoffman, Martha/Maria (Jacob), b. 1796, d. 05-12-1854, Lot 8N---02x, ---58yr old
Hoffman, Melvin (Alice), b. 01-18-1930, Lot 29N--03, ---(m)10-19-1951
Hoffman, Murial Gertrude "Myrt" (Carl), b. 04-12-1930, d. 10-25-2013, Lot 25S--11x, ---(m)07-31-1952, d/o John & Grace Homan Westra, see obit
Hoffman, Sam (Elsie), b. 1890, d. 1981, Lot 9N---03x, ---Father
Holcomb, Benjamin, Lot 1S---12 x, ---can't read dates
Holcomb, Dennis F., b. 1820, d. 05-15-1856, Lot 1S---05 x, ---36yr old
Holcomb, Hannah (Isaac), b. 1784, d. 06-23-1873, Lot 1S---11 x, ---6ryr old, hard to read, dates from Tracy D.Holcomb researcher
Holcomb, Isaac (Hannah), b. 1783, d. 07-08-1876, Lot 1S---10 x, ---dates from Tracy D.Holcomb researcher
Holcomb, James, b. 1828, Lot 1S---08 x, ---twin to Susan Jane Holcomb Wilkins, infor from Tracy D.Holcomb researcher
Holcomb, Unknown, Lot 55S--01x, ---no stone, from records
Holdinga, Samuel, d. 09-12-1888, Lot 45S--01x, ---72yr 5mo 22da old
Holdinga, Unknown, Lot 45S--02x, ---Can't read stone
Holdinga, Unknown, Lot 45S--03x, ---no stone, from records
Holdinga, Unknown, Lot 45S--04x, ---no stone, from records
Holdinga, Unknown, Lot 45S--05x, ---In Dutch
Holdinga, Unknown, Lot 45S--06x, ---In Dutch
Hollander, Anna Marie DeYoung, b. 04-26-1938, d. 06-20-2014, Lot 73N--01x, ---d/o Charles & Katie Westra DeYoung, see obit
Hollinshead, Mary Sophia--wife, d. 06-15-????, Lot 34N--12x, ---21yr 11mo 18da old, old hard to read
Hollinshead, Sophia, d. 1859, Lot 34N--11x, ---Infantd/o Mary Sophia & husband
Holmes, E. N., Lot 68N--08x, ---Stone in ground
Holmes, Emily, b. 1821, d. 12-14-1885, Lot 11N--06x, ---64yr 9mo old
Holmes, Gertie, b. 1869, d. 1874, Lot 68N--10x
Holmes, Gertie, b. 1869, d. 1874, Lot 68N--11x, ---Stone for Gertie is on this grave #
Holmes, Harriet, d. 05-24-1862, Lot 11N--01x, ---see obit index, 52yr 5mo 24da old
Holt, Julius A., d. 1853, Lot 9N---01x, ---s/o M.& M. Holt, 8mo 7d old, or 8yr?
Holt, Unknown, Lot 9N---02x, ---no stone, from records
Homan, Edward (Trintje), b. 1882, d. 1964, Lot 72N--04x
Homan, Harry, b. 09-14-1918, d. 03-16-1972, Lot 72N--01x, ---WW II, Wisc. TEC 5 AT CO 127 Infantry
Homan, Trintje Toringa (Edward), b. 1881, d. 1921, Lot 72N--05x
Horton, Kathleen Joyce, d. 08-13-1974, Lot 39N--03x
Howse, Coomes (D. Adama), b. 1800, d. 05-28-1874, Lot 8S---06 x, ---74yr old
Howse, D. Adama (Coomes), b. 1811, d. 10-26-1865, Lot 8S---07 x, ---54yr old
Hughes Family Stone-Thomas Hughes family, also seven small stones that are unreadable, Lot 45N--??, ---Thomas Hughes, Margaret Hughes, Ann Thornhill, Wm.Sharp, Margaret Sharp, Wm.Hughes, Eleanor Johnson
Hughes, Ann (John), d. 02-16-1870, Lot 15S--03x, ---28yr 10mo 16da old
Hughes, Margaret (Thomas), b. 1814, d. 1895, Lot 45N--07x, ---Nee Jones
Hughes, Thomas (Margaret), b. 1815, d. 1879, Lot 45N--06x
Hughes, Unknown, Lot 45N--01x, ---see Hughes Family Stone
Hughes, Unknown, Lot 45N--02x, ---see Hughes Family Stone
Hughes, Unknown, Lot 45N--03x, ---see Hughes Family Stone
Hughes, Unknown, Lot 45N--04x, ---see Hughes Family Stone
Hughes, Unknown, Lot 45N--05x, ---see Hughes Family Stone
Hughes, Unknown, Lot 45N--08x, ---see Hughes Family Stone
Hughes, Unknown, Lot 45N--09x, ---see Hughes Family Stone
Hughes, Unknown, Lot 45N--10x, ---see Hughes Family Stone
Hughes, Unknown, Lot 45N--11x, ---see Hughes Family Stone
Hughes, William, b. 1857, d. 1874, Lot 45N--??x, ---on Thomas Hughes family stone
Huizenga, Martha (Theodore "Ted"), b. 1916, d. 2002, Lot 20N--04x, ---Nee Alsum
Huizenga, T. J. DeJong, b. 12-16-1861, d. 11-22-1936, Lot 26N--08x, ---on stone with N. DeJong
Huizenga, Theodore "Ted" (Martha), b. 1909, d. 01-27-1981, Lot 20N--03x, ---see obit
Hunt, Unknown of J. & S., ---from pictures, old broken stone can't read
Jansma, Angeline Winnifred "Angie" (Herman), b. 06-24-1937, d. 01-10-2015, Lot 34S--12x, ---(m)08-15-1956, d/o George & Fannie Visser Posthuma, see obit
Jansma, Cornelius (Tena), b. 1863, d. 1948, Lot 32S--07x
Jansma, David "Skinny" Herman, b. 10-11-1958, d. 05-02-2015, s/o Herman & Angeline Postuma Jansma, is he buried here? His parents are here, obit
Jansma, George (Gertie), b. 1889, d. 12-24-1962, Lot 33S--07x, ---see obit
Jansma, Gertie (George), b. 1896, d. 11-09-1979, Lot 33S--08, --from online pictures, see obit
Jansma, Herman (Angeline W. Posthuma), b. 05-01-1924, d. 01-26-2002, Lot 34S--11x, ---(m)08-15-1956, s/o Joe & Nellie Kloostra Jansma, see obit
Jansma, Joe (Nellie Kloostra), b. 1888, d. 1955, Lot 32S--09x
Jansma, Nellie Kloostra (Joe), b. 1893, d. 10-31-1991, Lot 32S--10x, ---see obit
Jansma, Tena (Cornelius), b. 1866, d. 1935, Lot 32S--08x
Johnsgard, Linda Diane (Jim), b. 05-03-1949, d. 09-01-2014, Lot 15S--09x, ---d/o Rudy & Edna Posthuma Cupery, d.OR, ashes on her father Rudy Cupery's lot, see obit
Johnson, Eleanor (P.), b. 1835, d. 1862, Lot 45N--??x, ---see Thomas Hughes family stone
Kampstra, Garrit, b. 1907, d. 1916, Lot 59S--04x
Kampstra, Rense, b. 12-15-1859, d. 1935, Lot 59S--05x
Kampstra, Samuel, b. 1898, d. 02-11-1966, Lot 59S--03x, ---see obit
Kampstra, Tryntje, b. 1904, d. 1911, Lot 59S--06x
Katsma, Arlene M. (Dennis H.), b. 07-24-1944, Lot 75N--10, ---(m)06-28-1963, Nee Hoffman
Katsma, Clarence (Gertie), b. 1930, Lot 9S---05, ---(m)12-28-1951
Katsma, Dennis H. (Arlene M.), b. 08-23-1943, Lot 75N--09, ---(m)06-28-1963
Katsma, Dewey K. (Jennie), b. 1896, d. 1965, Lot 77S--07x
Katsma, Dewey S. (Vernette Dykstra), b. 05-02-1934, Lot 63S--10, ---(m)11-09-1956
Katsma, Donald Clarence (Vickie J. Pluim), b. 10-31-1964, d. 07-28-2000, Lot 61S--04x, ---(m)04-23-1988, s/o Dewey & Vernette Dykstra Katsma, cycle accident, see obit
Katsma, Edna Dykstra Vredeveld, b. 1901, d. 1982, Lot 16N--05x
Katsma, Gertie (Clarence), b. 1931, Lot 9S---04 , ---(m)12-28-1951
Katsma, Grietje (Klass), b. 1866, d. 1954, Lot 83N--06x
Katsma, Hans (Stella Marie Stuit), b. 05-15-1920, d. 01-09-2015, Lot 78S--10x, ---(m)12-10-1941, s/o Dewey & Jennie Smedemao-Kok Katsma, see obit
Katsma, Hattie Westra (Sam K.), b. 1894, d. 1928, Lot 83N--02x
Katsma, Jennie (Dewey K.), b. 1899, d. 1980, Lot 77S--08x
Katsma, John, b. 1923, d. 1931, Lot 78S--05x, ---s/o Dewey & Jennie Katsma
Katsma, Klass (Grietje), b. 1863, d. 1942, Lot 83N--05x
Katsma, Mary Kuik (Sam), b. 1900, d. 1950, Lot 83N--03x
Katsma, Sam K. (Hattie), b. 1893, d. 1957, Lot 83N--01x
Katsma, Samuel D., b. 08-19-1927, d. 02-10-1981, Lot 78S--06x, ---Korea, CPL US Army, brother
Katsma, Stella Marie (Hans), b. 09-28-1919, d. 05-08-2009, Lot 78S--11x, ---(m)12-10-1941, d/o Ben & Agnes Stuit, see obit
Katsma, Vernette Dykstra (Dewey S.), b. 09-29-1932, d. 06-25-2005, Lot 63S--09x, ---(m)11-09-1956, d/o William & Tena Hoffman Dykstra, see obit
Katsma, Vicki J. (Donald Clarence), b. 08-04-1965, Lot 61S--05, ---(m)04-23-1988, Nee Pluim
Keegstra, Effie Posthuma (Gerrit), b. 11-21-1908, d. 11-29-1978, Lot 84N--06x
Keegstra, Gerrit (Effie Posthuma), b. 10-25-1906, d. 02-25-1982, Lot 84N--05x
Kellogg, Anna, d. 190?, Lot 8N---09x, ---Obituary Index d. 1901
Kellogg, Elizabeth, d. 1918, Lot 8N---08x, ---
Kellogg, Father, Lot 8N---12x
Kellogg, Mother, Lot 8N---11x
Kellogg, Robert E., d. 1863, Lot 8N---10x
Kellogg, Sylvester, d. 10-27-1853, Lot 8N---07x, ---s/o Robert E.& Elizabeth, age on stone
Kempenaar, Darvin Gale, b. 09-05-1946, d. 05-13-2002, Lot 26S--10x, ---Son, Brother, Uncle
Kempenaar, Dewey (Ruth), b. 12-02-1917, d. 01-10-2000, Lot 26S--08x
Kempenaar, Rudolph, b. 1873, d. 06-22-1956, Lot 31N--07x, ---Father, see obit
Kempenaar, Ruth (Dewey), b. 1916, d. 03-26-1997, Lot 26S--09x, ---Nee Williams, see obit
Keobke, Julia (George A., b. 08-19-1883, d. 10-30-1919, ---from online pictures
Kerr Family Stone, Lot 12N--, Joseph, Laura, Lydia H.
Kerr, Joseph, b. 1804, d. 1855, Lot 12N--11x
Kerr, Laura, b. 1842, d. 1855, Lot 12N--10x
Kerr, Lydia H., b. 1812, d. 1884, Lot 12N--09x
Kerr, Unknown, Lot 12N--07x, ---no stone, from records
Kerr, Unknown, Lot 12N--08x, ---no stone, from records
Ketchum, James, b. 1783, d. 12-28-1854, Lot 14N--12x, ---71yr old
Ketchum, Mary, b. 1792, d. 09-15-1865, Lot 14N--11x
Kieffer, Adeline F. Crown (#1William C. Heinz, #2Ralph V. Kieffer, b. 1914, d. 05-02-1998, Lot 18S--10x, ---see obit for Adeline F.Kieffer
Kilian, Arlene D. (Conrad M.), b. 1918, d. 09-15-1994, Lot 53N--02x, ---Nee klemp, see obit
Kilian, Conrad M. (Arlene D. Hamshire), b. 1909, d. 01-25-1988, Lot 53N--01x, ---see obit
Kilian, Donald A. (Helene F. Hensler), b. 04-30-1931, d. 06-29-2005, Lot 53N--03x, ---Korea, Sgt US Army
Kilian, Helene F. (Donald A.), b. 10-22-1939, Lot 53N--04, ---Nee Hensler
Klingbyll, Elsie B. (Helmuth E.), b. 1907, d. 1997, Lot 52S--01x
Klingbyll, Helmuth E. (Elsie B.), b. 1907, d. 1955, Lot 5S---12 x
Kloostra Family Stone, Lot 77N--, Jennie Havinga Kloostra, Joseph H, Rena Smits
Kloostra, Clara (Herman), b. 06-17-1915, d. 10-02-2012, Lot 44N--06x, ---(m)11-21-1935, d/o Louis & Jessie Bosma Gaastra, see obit
Kloostra, Herman (Clara Gaastra), b. 1913, d. 09-30-1988, Lot 44N--05x, ---(m)11-21-1935, see obit
Kloostra, Herman (Jennie), b. 1858, d. 1942, Lot 77N--05x
Kloostra, Infant-c/o Herman & Clara on death certificate, b. 02-15-1943, d. 02-15-1943, Lot 77N--03x, ---Should this be 44N--03x? Back of Herman & Clara Kloostra stone
Kloostra, Jennie Havinga, b. 1891, d. 1932, Lot 77N--02x
Kloostra, Jennie (Herman), b. 1852, d. 1939, Lot 77N--06x
Kloostra, Jessie, b. 1919, d. 1920, Lot 79S--10x
Kloostra, Joseph H. (Rena smits), b. 1888, d. 08-03-1960, Lot 77N--03x, ---see obit
Kloostra, Mayme Smits (Peter), b. 07-02-1921, d. 04-28-2013, Lot 13S--11x, ---(m)01-07-1944, d/o Owen & Susie Wiersma Smits, see obit
Kloostra, Peter (Mayme Smits), b. 08-08-1922, d. 11-28-2009, Lot 13S--10x, ---WW II, US Army, (m)01-07-1944, s/o Joseph & Jennie Kloostra
Kloostra, Rena Smits (Joseph H.), b. 1890, d. 03-08-1980, Lot 77N--04x, ---see obit
Knowles, Francis, b. 1800, d. 1857, Lot 22N--01x, ---stone laying down in ground
Knowles, Lucy--1mo 16da old, b. 1858, d. 03-16-1858, Lot 22Na-02x, ---between Lot 22 & 23
Knowles, Lucy--6mo 25da old, b. 1849, d. 1850, Lot 22Na-01x, ---between Lot 22 & 23
Knowles, Sophia, d. 05-06-1863, Lot 22N--02x
Knowles, William--1mo 7da old, b. 1861, d. 1861, Lot 22Na-03x, ---between Lot 22 & 23
Koebke, Julie, b. 1883, d. 1919, Lot 21N--02x
Kok, Andrew S., b. 1913, d. 1917, Lot 33N--03x, ---hard to read old stone
Kok, Anna, b. 04-13-1911, d. 01-04-1912, Lot 33N--04x, ---hard to read
Kok, Anna (William S.), b. 1907, d. 1988, Lot 22N--08x, ---Mother
Kok, Bessie (Henry S.), b. 10-08-1910, d. 11-06-2006, Lot 23N--10x, ---08-27-1930, d/o Ray & Jennie Alsum, see obit
Kok, Bote G. (Martha), b. 1869, d. 1945, Lot 80N--07x, ---Father
Kok, Byron W. (#1Patricia J. Cupery, #2Doris Ebert Zweig), b. 08-05-1935, d. 03-24-2007, Lot 5S--05x, ---(m1)06-14-1956, (m2)06-30-1984, s/o William & Martha Kok, Friesland VFD
Kok, Gerrit B., b. 07-03-1893, d. 11-30-1970, Lot 80N--09x, ---see obit
Kok, Glenda Joyce, b. 12-23-1949, d. 04-26-2012, Lot 22N--04, ---d/o Joe & Grace Kok, see obit
Kok, Grace, Lot 22N--03
Kok, Grace (Joe S.), b. 1911, d. 1987, Lot 22N--05x, ---ssdi b.1910, Nee Schregardus
Kok, Gratbluats Van Gerrit Bote S., b. 04-20-1842, d. 11-14-1908, ---from online pictures, hard to read name
Kok, Hantje G. (Tryntje S.), b. 06-25-1865, d. 04-24-1943, Lot 78S--03x
Kok, Henry S. (Bessie), b. 1909, d. 07-00-1986, Lot 23N--09x, ---(m)08-27-1930
Kok, Joe S. (Grace), b. 1907, d. 1954, Lot 22N--06x
Kok, Junice H. (Seymour W.), b. 05-25-1929, d. 01-27-2014, Lot 22N--10x, ---(m)08-17-1949, d/o Otto & Janet Redeker Loomans, see obit
Kok, Martha (Bote G.), b. 1873, d. 1936, Lot 80N--08x, ---Mother
Kok, Martha (William B.), b. 11-27-1913, d. 03-12-2012, Lot 65N--02x, ---(m)06-14-1934, d/o Garret & Bertha Huizenga Stiemsma, see obit
Kok, Mina Byland-Mrs., b. 12-15-1882, d. 03-02-1964, see obit and death certificate
Kok, Patricia J. Cupery (1st w/o Byron W.), b. 1938, d. 02-18-1981, Lot 5S--04x, ---(m)06-14-1956, from pictures, see obit
Kok, Sam G. (Johanna H.), b. 1876, d. 1939, Lot 33N--01x, ---see Johanna H.Kok Viser
Kok, Seymour W. (Junice H. Loomans), b. 02-14-1929, d. 05-25-2001, Lot 22N--09x, ---(m)08-17-1949, s/o William & Anna Elgersma Kok, see obit
Kok, Tjitske Westerhoek (G. Kok), b. 03-28-1844, d. 1936, Lot 78S--09x
Kok, Tryntje S. (Hantje G.), b. 10-11-1869, d. 01-06-1945, Lot 78S--04x
Kok, Unknown, Lot 78S--07x, ---rub
Kok, Unknown, Lot 78S--08x, ---rub
Kok, William B. (Martha Stiemsma), b. 1907, d. 06-08-1982, Lot 65N--01x, ---(m)06-14-1934, see obit
Kok, William S. (Anna), b. 1904, d. 1946, Lot 22N--07x, ---Father
Kok, Wyatt Allen, d. 02-16-2006, Lot 68N--06x, ---s/o Scott & Tanya Kok, 23wk old, see obit & pictures
Koopmans, Alma (John J.), b. 03-16-1923, d. 11-07-2008, Lot 53N--07, ---(m)12-13-1941, d/o Joe & Jessie Dykstra Minnema
Koopmans, Dorothy M. (Theodore), b. 1926, d. 2000, Lot 63N--08x, ---(m)09-16-1949
Koopmans, Elizabeth (Richard), b. 03-13-1918, d. 01-27-2005, Lot 13N--11x, ---Nee Boersma
Koopmans, Jennie Levey (Joe D.), b. 1894, d. 03-25-1979, Lot 42N--06x, ---see obit
Koopmans, Joe D. (Jennie), b. 1890, d. 10-03-1973, Lot 42N--05x, ---see obit
Koopmans, John J. (Alma Minnema), b. 03-12-1919, d. 04-28-1998, Lot 53N--06x
Koopmans, Richard (Elizabeth), b. 05-09-1915, d. 05-03-2007, Lot 13N--10, ---s/o Joe & Jennie Levey Koopmans, (m)10-13-1939
Koopmans, Steven Scott, b. 07-10-1961, d. 10-10-1987, Lot 13N--09x, ---s/o Richard & Elizabeth, picture on stone
Koopmans, Theodore (Dorothy M.), b. 1926, d. 09-01-2004, Lot 63N--07x, ---(m)09-16-1949, see obit
Koorndyk, Johanna Smedema, Lot 27N--06, ---"Babe"
Koorndyk, Ken, Lot 27N--05
Kramer, Flora, b. 03-26-1898, d. 08-22-1991, Lot 20N--11x
Kramer, Jantje Zylstra (Sjoerd), b. 06-08-1867, d. 01-22-1960, Lot 24N--06x
Kramer, Sjoerd (Jantje Zylstra), b. 05-02-1870, d. 12-11-1935, Lot 24N--05x
Krinke, Lillian Bertha Louisa Bobholz (William), b. 11-091910, d. 05-02-2008, Lot 47N--06, ---(m)11-22-1945, d/o Albert F. & Bertha Ullrich Bobholz, see obit
Krinke, William F. (Lillian Bobholz), b. 1900, d. 02-03-1975, Lot 47N--05x, ---(m)11-22-1945, see obit
Kuik, Dora (Gerben), b. 1879, d. 02-19-1958, Lot 42N--02x, ---Mother, see obit
Kuik, Gerben (Dora), b. 1875, d. 1948, Lot 42N--01x, ---Father