Wisconsin Death Records
Wisconsin Newspapers, Full Search (1833-1992), 150 titles
Wisconsin Obituary Search - (1989-current)
Wisconsin Funeral Notices
Marcellon Cemetery
Pardeeville, Columbia County, Wisconsin
GPS: 43.563868, -89.265518
State Highway 44
Pardeeville, WI 53954
Published: September 30, 2016
Total records: 1,846
Surnames A-G
1974 copy by Monna Aldrich. Tombstone update 2006 by Barb Ferguson & Anna Mae Axness. Typed by Anna Mae Axness. Some Veteran info from Betty Cook's files.
Achterberg, Fred, b. 1878, d. 1949, Section 7
Akey, Eugene F. (Mary B.), b. 11-03-1924, Section 3, --(m)11-13-1943
Akey, Mary B. (Eugene F.), b. 03-10-1924, d. 11-10-2007, Section 3, --(m)11-13-1943, d/o Herbert & Zona Spiegler Barden, see obit
Akey, Viola Lovell (Eugene C.), b. 02-02-1877, d. 05-18-1903, Section 6
Albee, Dana F. (Olive Ann Smith), b. 1912, d. 11-26-1995, Section 7, --Cambria Fire Department, see obit
Albee, Duane Juan (Frances), b. 10-14-1850, d. 08-22-1891, Section 6, --(m)11-30-1871, s/o Hiram Albee & Mary Jane Barrett, see stone
Albee, Ella J. (Fayette), b. 02-08-1857, d. 10-03-1907, Section 4
Albee, Ella Jane Davis (Hiram), b. 1868, d. 09-19-1956, Section 7, --see obit
Albee, Fayette (Ella J.), b. 08-18-1855, d. 05-29-1929, Section 4
Albee, Frances (Duane J.), b. 05-16-1852, d. 09-24-1898, Section 6
Albee, Hiram (Ella Jane Davis), b. 1867, d. 03-00-1953, Section 7, -- see obit
Albee, Hiram (Mary Ross), b. 02-15-1812, d. 05-08-1878, Section 6, --b. VT.
Albee, Mary Ross (Hiram), b. 04-30-1817, d. 09-07-1901, Section 6, --b. N.Y.
Albee, Olive Anna Smith (Dana F.), b. 1913, d. 02-18-1957, Section 7, --see obit
Aldrich, Blair (Mary"Tina"Larsen), b. 1911, d. 03-04-1978, Section 1, --Son, see obit
Aldrich, Byron, b. 1906, d. 1907, Section 1, --s/o Myron & Maude Aldrich
Aldrich, Mary"Tina" Larsen (Blair), b. 1915, d. 1987, Section 1
Aldrich, Maude (Myron), b. 1873, d. 1931, Section 1, --Mother
Aldrich, Myron (Maude), b. 1869, d. 1939, Section 1, --Father
Alexander, Lucy Deaner, b. 1864, d. 1954, Section 1, --Mother
Alford, Nelson (Sarah Wardner), b. 05-31-1833, d. 05-21-1905, Section 1, --Father
Alford, Sarah Wardner (Nelson), b. 09-03-1839, d. 10-24-1889, Section 1, --WRC, Mother
Alfredson, Ruth Mary (Ernest-divorced), b. 09-25-1933, d. 11-15-2015, d/o Harold & Lillian Warnke Eggleston), see obit
Allen, Alice B. (W. E.), b. 1890, d. 1922, Section 2, --In Simmonson lot
Allen, Glea, b. 1923, d. 1993, Section 6, --grandtr/Ray & Clara Graham
Allen, Jane (G. W.), d. 12-23-1855, Section 4, --33yr old
Allen, Mary R. (Warren E.), b. 07-13-1896, d. 12-12-1974, Section 1
Allen, Merwin L. (Velda Fisher), b. 02-16-1914, d. 03-01-2015, (m)June 1956, s/o Warren & Mary Roberts Allen, Is he buried here? His parents are here, see obit
Allen, Roger Warren, b. 10-24-1919, d. 08-26-1978, Section 2, --WW II, 1st LT US Army, s/o Warren, see obit
Allen, Warren E. (#1Alice, #2Mary R.), b. 11-06-1891, d. 06-09-1983, Section 1, --see obit
Amera, Sharon E., b. 1945, d. 1945, Section 4
Arnold, Emily Etta Van Dusen (Frederick D.), b. 1856, d. 07-08-1944, Section 4, --see obit
Ashley, Dorothy M. Stebbins (Harland J.), b. 1915, d. 01-20-2000, Section 4
Ashley, Edna D. (Jeddie D.), b. 1888, d. 07-19-1975, Section 1, --see obit
Ashley, Harland J. (Dorothy M. Stebbins), b. 06-29-1910, d. 10-31-2005, Section 4, --s/o Jeddiah & Edna Nehring Ashley
Ashley, Janice Edna, d. 09-30-1947, Section 4, --d/o H.& D. Ashley, Our Baby
Ashley, Jeddie D. (Edna D.), b. 1882, d. 09-00-1959, Section 1, --see obit
Atkins, Betsey, b. 11-03-1798, d. 03-13-1883, Section 5, --85yr old
Atkins, Ira, d. 10-03-1867, Section 5, --71yr 6mo 21da old
Atkinson, Almeda L. (Charles A.), b. 1871, d. 06-00-1954, Section 6, --see obit
Atkinson, Baby, d. 1920, Section 7, --c/o William J. & Edna J. Atkinson
Atkinson, Carl Robert (Melva V. Wille), b. 10-29-1929, d. 10-26-2012, Korea, US Army, (m)06-07-1958, s/o Gay & Ella Raddatz Atkinson, see obit
Atkinson, Charles A. (Almeda L.), b. 1868, d. 10-00-1944, Section 6, --see obit
Atkinson, Charles William, b. 1920, d. 02-08-1924, Section 7, --s/o Martha & Walter Atkinson, see obit
Atkinson, Conelee"Connie" (John H.), b. 06-13-1933, d. 01-01-2010, (m)05-19-1973, d/o Owen S.& Edna L.Martin Williams, see obit
Atkinson, Edna J. Hill (William J.), b. 1891, d. 04-27-1966, Section 7, --see obit
Atkinson, Elizabeth, b. 1917, d. 1918, Section 4
Atkinson, Harland L., b. 1894, d. 02-14-1976, Section 7, --s/o Minnie & Harry Atkinson, see obit
Atkinson, Harold C., b. 1899, d. 10-11-1972, Section 6, --see obit
Atkinson, Harry Smith (Minnie M. Scott), b. 1870, d. 02-20-1952, Section 7, --see obit
Atkinson, Infant sons of M/Mrs. C. A., d. 1910, Section 6
Atkinson, Larry Raymond, b. 01-26-1943, d. 12-24-1943, Section 6, --s/o Raymond & Lillian Atkinson, see obit
Atkinson, Lillian L. Nehls (Raymond W.), b. 1911, d. 04-30-1973, Section 6, --see obit
Atkinson, Mabel G., b. 06-17-1883, d. 11-07-1903, Section 4
Atkinson, Martha A. Buenger (Walter R.), b. 1885, d. 11-14-1981, Section 7, --Mother, see obit
Atkinson, Melva V. (Carl R.), b. 03-06-1930, Section 8, --Nee Wille
Atkinson, Minnie M. (Harry S.), b. 1871, d. 02-00-1959, Section 7, --see obit
Atkinson, Raymond W. (#1Lillian L. Nehls, #2Clara Jerred), b. 1911, d. 06-03-1986, Section 6, --see obit
Atkinson, Robert (Sarah H.), b. 01-02-1848, d. 12-12-1916, Section 7, --GAR, Father
Atkinson, Sarah H. (Robert), b. 1849, d. 08-21-1943, Section 7, --Mother, see obit
Atkinson, Wallace Carol, b. 12-26-1921, d. 06-06-1994, Section 7, --WW II, SK2 US Navy
Atkinson, Walter R. (Martha), b. 1879, d. 07-25-1969, Section 7, --Father, see obit
Atkinson, Wanda Louise, b. 04-06-1936, Section 6, --one date, b.or d.?
Atkinson, William J. (Edna J.), b. 1883, d. 02-11-1967, Section 7, --see obit
Austin, Emerilla M., d. 12-30-1862, Section 3, --d/o H. E.& M.S. Austin, 3yr 2mo 3da old
Austin, Martha L., d. 02-03-1864, Section 3, --d/o H.E. & M.S. Austin
Austin, W. H., Section 6, --Gar, Co C 23 Wis Inf
Baarda, James J. "Jim", b. 07-23-1944, d. 06-29-2008, Vietnam, US Army, s/o Joel & Bernadene Sutfin Baarda, see obit
Babcock, Aaron Wesley, b. 06-28-1988, d. 08-26-2004, Section 8, --s/o Wesley & Sue Wychgram Babcock, obit
Babcock, Alma Leone (Gordon Edward), b. 10-26-1910, d. 10-27-2004, Section 1, --(m)11-22-1930, d/o William & Bertha Berkholz Krueger, see obit
Babcock, Esther B. Rundle (Lester L.), b. 1923, d. 11-03-1972, Section 6, --see obit
Babcock, Gordon Edward (Alma Leone Krueger), b. 1907, d. 12-22-1995, Section 1, --(m)11-22-1930, see obit
Babcock, Grace E. or K. (#1Edwin C. Rundle, #2Richard Babcock), b. 1896, d. 10-02-1985, Section 6, --see obit for Grace Babcock
Babcock, Lester L. (Esther B.), b. 1904, d. 1972, Section 6
Baber, Nina M., b. 1909, d. 1982, Section 7
Bade, Mary Lou (George), b. 08-22-1927, d. 02-20-2014, Section 8, --d/o Alex & Lydia Parmaley Finkenstein, obit says she will be buried in Oak Grove Cemetery
Baek, Brittany Marie, b. 06-21-1992, d. 09-18-1993, Section 4
Bagguley, James, d. 06-20-1870, Section 2, --44yr old
Bailey, Vernon Clark, b. 02-15-1959, d. 10-18-2006, --s/o Ralph & Ruthele Bailey, see obit
Baillies, Martha (Scott S.), b. 1875, d. 1919, Section 6
Baillies, Scott S. (Martha), b. 1880, d. 01-23-1973, Section 6, --obit says wife's name is Olive Reynolds
Baker, Catherine Emelia (August), d. 10-27-1918, Section 65yr, nee Goheen, see obit & death certificate
Ballweg, Andrew Jeffrey, d. 10-08-1990, Section 4
Ballweg, Philip A. (#1Rita Haas, #2Dorothy Gray), b. 09-01-1918, d. 01-02-2014, US Army, (m1) 26yr, (m2)40yr, s/o Joseph & Helen Breunig Ballweg, see obit
Bandsma, John B. (Ruth E.), b. 1899, d. 1983, Section 6
Bandsma, Ruth E. (John B.), b. 1900, d. 1950, Section 6
Barden, Alma M. Fuller (Clarence S.), b. 11-01-1872, d. 10-15-1954, Section 6, --see obit
Barden, Archie, b. 09-12-1899, d. 01-13-1914, Section 1
Barden, Bert, b. 01-17-1889, d. 04-13-1890, Section 1
Barden, Charlotte E. (Donald K.), b. 02-27-1914, d. 04-22-1993, Section 6, --Nee Parish, see obit
Barden, Clarence S. (Alma M. Fuller), b. 11-18-1868, d. 06-02-1963, Section 6, --see obit
Barden, D. Ruth Spiegler (Roger William), b. 1904, d. 05-23-1987, Section 6, --see obit
Barden, David Wayne (Grace A. Mueller), b. 04-04-1937, d. 03-18-2004, Section 8, --PFC US Army, (m)10-24-1959, s/o Orlin & Grace Jerred Barden, see obit
Barden, Donald K. (Charlotte E. Parish), b. 09-29-1915, d. 05-26-2001, Section 6, --see obit
Barden, Eliza (Virgil), b. 04-08-1855, d. 03-08-1917, Section 1, --Mother
Barden, Elsie C. (Reginald C.), b. 1892, d. 01-06-1985, Section 7, --Nee Albee, see obit
Barden, Emmagene, b. 03-31-1858, d. 12-11-1922, Section 2, --WRC, Mother
Barden, Ethel M. Fuller (Harvey Sr.), b. 1892, d. 11-09-1981, Section 2, --see obit
Barden, Eva Olive-Miss, b. 02-12-1883, d. 04-02-1955, Section 2, --see obit
Barden, Fern Emma (Orris V.), b. 06-28-1924, d. 04-01-2011, Section 6, --(m)07-23-1949, d/o Howard & Emma Fredrick Haynes, see obit
Barden, Frank L. (Nettie E.), b. 04-01-1863, d. 02-07-1903, Section 6, --Father
Barden, Grace A. Mueller (David Wayne), b. 1936, Section 8, --(m)10-24-1959
Barden, Harvey M. Jr. (Lois M. Zuhlke), b. 09-27-1932, d. 10-09-1977, Section 1, --Korea, A1C US Air Force, see obit
Barden, Harvey (Ethel M. Fuller), b. 1890, d. 11-02-1984, Section 2, --see obit
Barden, Herbert R. (Zona E. Spiegler), b. 1890, d. 12-29-1976, Section 4, --see obit
Barden, Jacob, d. 01-16-1892, Section 6, --34yr 4mo old, s/o M.& E. Barden
Barden, Leslie (Phoebe), b. 1886, d. 04-19-1968, Section 6, --obit says wife's name is Bertha Radant
Barden, Lois M. (Harvey M.), b. 1935, Section 1
Barden, Marcus "Mark", b. 03-19-1860, d. 03-21-1933, Section 2, --Father, see obit
Barden, Marcus (Olive), b. 08-12-1822, d. 06-12-1912, Section 6
Barden, Maurice R. (Pearl J. Kiefer), b. 09-07-1916, d. 03-07-2009, Section 6, --(m)1941, s/o Reginald & Elsie Barden, see obit
Barden, Nellie V. (Robert H.), b. 1898, d. 03-28-1989, Section 6, --see obit
Barden, Nettie E. (Frank L.), b. 1866, d. 01-21-1961, Section 6, --Mother, see obit
Barden, Olive (Marcus), b. 02-12-1832, d. 08-12-1915, Section 6
Barden, Orris V. (Fern Emma Haynes), b. 03-17-1923, d. 08-05-2008, Section 6, --(m)07-23-1949, s/o Robert & Nellie Cuff Barden, see obit
Barden, Pearl J. (Maurice R.), b. 1921, Section 6, --Nee Kiefer, (m)1941
Barden, Phoebe M. -Miss, b. 1928, d. 11-12-2001, Section 6, --see obit
Barden, Phoebe May McElroy (Leslie), b. 1889, d. 04-21-1933, Section 6, --see obit
Barden, Raymond, b. 11-23-1886, d. 12-27-1886, Section 2
Barden, Reginald C. "Rex" (Elsie C.), b. 1894, d. 03-17-1993, Section 7, --see obit
Barden, Robert H. (Nellie V. Cuff), b. 1879, d. 09-14-1954, Section 6, --see obit
Barden, Roger William (D. Ruth Spiegler), b. 1897, d. 09-05-1971, Section 6, --see obit
Barden, Ronald O. (#1Wanda McElroy, #2Crystal Petersen), b. 06-27-1922, d. 10-27-2003, Section 7, --WW II, PFC US Army, (m)04-26-1979, so Reginald C. & Elsie Albee Barden, see obit
Barden, Virgil (Eliza), b. 10-21-1854, d. 12-27-1905, Section 1, --Father
Barden, Wanda Elaine (1st w/o Ronald Barden), b. 10-24-1925, d. 10-04-2014, d/o Ralph & Georgetta Kiefer McElroy, is she buried here? Her parents & ex husband are here, see obit
Barden, Zona E. (Herbert R.), b. 1901, d. 04-05-1983, Section 4, --see obit
Barden, Zona Elaine, b. 3da old, d. 07-10-1934, Section 6, --on stone with R.William & D.Ruth Barden, d/o William Barden, see obit
Barker Family stone, Section 6, --Elmon, George B., Irena
Barker, Ella---old hard to read stone, d. 08-16-1860, Section 3, --6mo 4da old, d/o J. & Franselia Barker
Barker, Elmon, b. 03-30-1822, d. 05-02-1901, Section 6
Barker, Franselia (J.)-hard to read stone, d. 01-21-1860, Section 3, --25yr old, stone buried in 2006
Barker, George B., b. 02-11-1855, d. 08-31-1856, Section 6
Barker, Hugh (Mary), d. 12-18-1860, Section 5, --66yr 1mo 24da old
Barker, Irena, b. 06-13-1836, d. 04-03-1856, Section 6
Barker, Mary (Hugh), d. 10-17-1854, Section 5, --62yr 2mo 21da old
Barrett, Beatrice L. Kuhn (Leonard D.), b. 1904, d. 10-06-1983, Section 6, --see obit
Barrett, Earl V., b. 04-07-1929, d. 01-14-1979, Section 6
Barrett, Leonard D. (Beatrice), b. 1904, d. 09-15-1994, Section 6, --see obit
Bartz, Emm Louisa, b. 09-05-1870, d. 05-25-1959, Section 4
Barz, August F. W. (Bertha A. M.), b. 1840, d. 1875, Section 4
Barz, Bertha A. M. (August F. W.), b. 1842, d. 1875, Section 4
Barz, Ida O., b. 1874, d. 1874, Section 4, --d/o August & Bertha Barz
Barz, Julius E., b. 1872, d. 1873, Section 4, --s/o August & Bertha Barz
Batesell, Christopher-on stone with George, d. 09-12-1854, Section 4, --4yr 1mo 12da old, s/o J.& M.A. Batesell
Batesell, George-on stone with Chirstopher, d. 09-11-1854, Section 4, --5yr 10mo old, s/o J.& M.A. Batesell
Beach, Clarissa M. (Isaac), b. 02-22-1835, d. 07-03-1880, Section 5
Beach, Ellen, d. 03-15-1863, Section 5, --10yr 11mo 18da old, d/o?
Beach, Henry, d. 10-12-1866, Section 4, --33yr old
Beach, Isaac (Clarissa M.), b. 04-09-1835, d. 11-17-1904, Section 5
Beach, Maria M., d. 01-29-1868, Section 5, --8yr 9mo old, d/o Issac & Clarissa Beach
Beach, Nellie B., b. 11-04-1851, d. 08-19-1910, Section 4, --d/o N.& Sarah Beach
Beach, Roland R., d. 01-26-1872, Section 5, --5yr 2mo 26da old, s/o Isaac & Clarissa
Beach, Sarah M. (N.), d. 10-21-1881, Section 4, --68yr 11mo 21da old
Beahm, Christian (Harriet N. Aldrich), b. 09-10-1846, d. 01-26-1920, Section 7, --GAR, Father, s/o John & Barbara Beahm
Beahm, Clayton, b. 06-27-1921, d. 02-13-2000, Section 7, --s/o George Walter & Edith Mae Cook Beahm
Beahm, Dorothy Leora, b. 10-22-1919, d. 03-08-1920, Section 7, --d/o Herbert Lorenzo & Susie Fuller Beahm
Beahm, Edith May Cook (George W.), b. 1884, d. 10-11-1931, Section 7, --see obit
Beahm, Elizabeth Gertrude (John Henry), b. 1874, d. 12-12-1942, Section 7, --Nee Kamrath, see obit
Beahm, Floyd David, b. 02-09-1917, d. 03-25-1996, Section 1, --WW II, PFC US Army, s/o George Walter & Edith Mae Cook Beahm
Beahm, George Walter (Edith M. Cook), b. 1883, d. 02-24-1958, Section 7, --s/o Christian & Harriet N.Aldrich Beahm, see obit
Beahm, Harriet Nancy (Christian), b. 11-28-1853, d. 05-26-1915, Section 7, --Mother, d/o Lorenzo M. & Nancy Miami Spees Aldrich, see obit
Beahm, Harry Wayne, b. 07-19-1912, d. 12-17-1986, Section 1, --WW II, Sgt US Army, s/o George Walter & Edith Mae Cook Beahm, see obit
Beahm, Henry Christian (Bernice), b. 04-15-1916, d. 12-05-1949, Section 1, --WW II, Wis Pvt 134 Medical Regt, s/o Herbert Lorenzo & Susie Fuller Beahm, see obit
Beahm, Herbert Lorenzo (Susie E. Fuller), b. 06-23-1894, d. 09-19-1983, Section 1, --(m)02-18-1914, s/o Louis & Ida Lockwood Wood, raised by Chris Beahm family, see obit
Beahm, John Henry (Elizabeth Gertrude), b. 11-02-1872, d. 1940, Section 7, --s/o Christian & Harriet N.Aldrich Beahm
Beahm, Lawrence"Bill"William (Mary Kindred), b. 04-05-1933, d. 08-20-2008, (m)09-28-1957, s/o Herbert & Susie Fuller Beahm, see obit
Beahm, Merlin Ralph, b. 12-19-1921, d. 02-08-1944, Section 1, --WW II, Wis PFC CAC, KIA, s/o Herbert Lorenzo & Susie Fuller Beahm, see obit
Beahm, Norbert Earl, b. 07-04-1917, d. 07-05-1917, Section 7, --s/o Herbert Lorenzo & Susie Fuller Beahm
Beahm, Ruth Eileen, b. 09-04-1909, d. 06-01-1994, Section 7, --Mother, d/o George Walter & Edith Mae Cook Beahm
Beahm, Susie E. Fuller (Herbert Lorenzo), b. 1895, d. 05-24-1978, Section 1, --(m)02-18-1914, Gold Star Mother, see obit
Beahm, Vern LaRoy, b. 03-04-1911, d. 11-26-1990, Section 7, --s/o George Walter & Edith Mae Cook Beahm
Beahm, Winston George (Helen A. Collins), b. 11-07-1914, d. 04-02-1991, Section 1, --(m)11-09-1947, s/o George Walter & Edith Mae Cook Beahm, see obit
Beatty, Alla Krueger, b. 1902, d. 1954, Section 7
Becker, Albert Carl (Anna Wilson), b. 1894, d. 10-05-1943, Section 7, --father, s/o Ludwig Becker, see obit
Becker, Albertina Augusta Louise Buenger (Ludwig), b. 08-01-1859, d. 01-12-1938, Section 7, --Mother, see obit
Becker, Anna Mae E. Bortz (Clayton W.), b. 1916, d. 12-06-1991, Section 1, --VFW Auxiliary, see obit
Becker, Anna Marie, b. 1874, d. 1931, Section 7, --Next to Frank Becker
Becker, Carl Elroy (Ruth L. Gray), b. 03-31-1920, d. 09-11-2012, Section 1, --(m)11-27-1948, s/o Charles & Nellie Fuller Becker, see obit
Becker, Caroline (Wilhelm), b. 08-25-1844, d. 07-24-1910, Section 7, --Mother
Becker, Charles Jr., d. 12-11-1985, Section 1
Becker, Charles R. (Melinda A.), b. 1959, Section 1, --(m)08-13-1983
Becker, Charles (Nellie), b. 1879, d. 03-00-1953, Section 1, --see obit
Becker, Clayton W. (Anna Mae E. Bortz), b. 03-19-1912, d. 01-20-1998, Section 1, --see obit & sddi
Becker, Frank J., b. 1886, d. 01-00-1956, Section 7, --Next to Anna Marie Becker, see obit
Becker, Frederick, b. 08-18-1820, d. 05-10-1898, Section 4, --77yr old
Becker, Jean (Royce), b. 1920, d. 07-29-1993, Section 1, --H.Jean Becker, see obit
Becker, Louis M. (Mary M.), b. 1877, d. 02-11-1963, Section 6, --see obit
Becker, Ludwig (Albertina Buenger), b. 11-30-1854, d. 08-29-1917, Section 7, --Father
Becker, Margaret E. (Roger K.), b. 1929, Section 1
Becker, Martin, b. 1882, d. 1882, Section 6
Becker, Mary, b. 1884, d. 1884, Section 6
Becker, Mary M. (Louis M.), b. 1883, d. 1957, Section 6, --is this Mamie who died Dec. 1957 or Jan 1958?
Becker, Melinda A. Wixom (Charles R.), b. 1959, d. 12-17-1985, Section 1, --(m)08-13-1983, see obit
Becker, Minnie L. WIng (William), b. 1891, d. 12-23-1949, Section 7, --see obit
Becker, Nellie (Charles), b. 1892, d. 04-16-1980, Section 1, --Mother, see obit
Becker, Nina M. (Ralph W.), b. 1909, d. 1982, Section 7, --Nee Baber
Becker, Ralph W. Jr., d. 10-13-1930, Section 6
Becker, Ralph W. (Nina M.), b. 1910, d. 04-26-1966, Section 7, --see obit
Becker, Roger K. (Margaret E.), b. 1926, d. 06-19-1994, Section 1, --see obit
Becker, Royce (Jean), b. 1915, d. 11-10-1990, Section 1, --see obit
Becker, Ruth L. (Carl E.), b. 1928, Section 1, --Nee Gray
Becker, Wilhelm (Caroline), b. 09-14-1847, d. 01-08-1933, Section 7, --father
Becker, William (Minnie Wing), b. 1881, d. 11-14-1972, Section 7, --see obit
Behm, Elsie, b. 09-13-1891, d. 12-08-1992, Section 4
Beich, Louis (Ruth Anna), b. 05-05-1919, d. 08-16-1993, Section 6, --WW I, SSgt US Army, PH, (m)01-11-1944
Beich, Ruth Anna (Louis), b. 02-05-1924, d. 01-04-2013, Section 6, --(m)01-11-1944, d/o Edwin L.& Ella Bhend Griepentrog, see obit
Best, Mae/May Gladys, b. 12-01-1923, d. 09-07-2010, Section 6, --d/o Otto & Helena Moll Kuhn
Betts, Floyd French (Margy Agnes Potter, b. 1901, d. 04-15-1972, Section 5, --see obit
Betts, Margy Agnes Potter (Floyd French), b. 1906, d. 01-30-1984, Section 5, --see obit
Bliss, Cora S., d. 12-24-1862, Section 4, --10mo old, d/o Luman A. & Grace Bliss
Bliss, Grace B., d. 07-02-1908, Section 4, --78yr 5mo old
Bliss, Lenora Adelia, b. 09-27-1864, d. 08-18-1931, Section 4, --maybe b. 1884?
Bliss, Luman A. (Grace B.), b. 01-25-1826, d. 07-22-1891, Section 4, --GAR, Chaplain 51 Regt NY Inf, 65y 5mo old
Bliss, Merle W., d. 1877, Section 4, --s/o Luman & Grace Bliss, date hard to read
Blodgett, Mary F. (J. C.), d. 06-18-1856, Section 4, --19yr old
Boardman, Homer, b. 03-15-1814, d. 09-05-1877, Section 3, --My brother, in McEwen lot, see McEwen
Bock, August F. (Maria Ottilie), b. 11-27-1841, d. 05-10-1915, Section 1, --Father
Bock, Maria Ottilie (August F.), b. 04-27-1855, d. 05-06-1917, Section 1, --Mother
Bock, Mary E., b. 06-14-1891, d. 09-14-1893, Section 1
Bortz, Annie M. (Herman W.), b. 1875, d. 1959, Section 6
Bortz, Arnold H., b. 08-21-1932, d. 06-21-1946, Section 5
Bortz, Charles K., b. 05-05-1924, d. 06-16-1971, Section 6, --WW II, Wis Pfc 51 Port Surgical Hosp.
Bortz, Dennis Lee, b. 1954, d. 07-05-1966, Section 5, --s/o Howard H.& Paulene Drake Bortz, see obit
Bortz, Emma T. (Henry F.), b. 1901, d. 02-22-1985, Section 5, --see obit
Bortz, Eva E. Smith (Frank F.), b. 1895, d. 03-22-1973, Section 6, --see obit
Bortz, Frank F., b. 12-10-1919, d. 12-19-1963, Section 6, --WW II, Ind EM3, USNR, s/o Eva Bortz, see obit
Bortz, Frank F. (Eva E.), b. 1883, d. 05-00-1957, Section 6, --see obit
Bortz, Frederick C. (Helen R. Dolgner), b. 1924, d. 11-09-1996, Section 1, --see obit
Bortz, Gordon H. (#1June Epstein, #2Margaret Polhill Regez), b. 07-06-1918, d. 03-16-1990, Section 6, --WW II, Sgt US Army, see obit
Bortz, Helen R. Dolgner (Frederick C.), b. 1927, d. 08-11-1985, Section 1, --VFW Auxiliary, see obit
Bortz, Henry F. (Emma T. Graack), b. 06-11-1896, d. 12-08-1972, Section 5, --WW I, Wis Pvt US Army, see obit
Bortz, Herman W. (Annie M.), b. 1880, d. 1943, Section 6
Bortz, Howard H. (Paulene Drake), b. 03-05-1928, d. 12-06-2009, Korea, (m)11-16-1952, s/o Henry & Emma Graack Bortz, see obit
Bortz, June Epstein (1st w/o Gordon H.), b. 1919, d. 12-01-1965, Section 6, --see obit
Bortz, Mary E. Parish (Russell Dean Sr.), b. 04-25-1937, Section 8, --Parrish/Tolley
Bortz, Robert H., b. 01-29-1929, d. 12-01-1990, Section 8, --Korea, AD3 US Navy
Bortz, Russell Dean Sr. (Mary E. Parish), b. 06-16-1934, d. 12-10-2003, Section 8, --Korea, FT3 US Navy, see obit
Braden, Datus E., d. 07-27-1878, Section 5, --17yr 7mo 23da old
Braden, James, d. 07-23-1852, Section 5, --58yr 8mo 10da old
Bradley, Evelyn Doris (Everett West), b. 04-23-1910, d. 05-30-2010, Section 1, --(m)06-29-1957, d/o Rudolph & Amanda Manthey Pfuehler, see obit
Bradley, Everett West (Evelyn D. Pfuehler), b. 1912, d. 02-23-1999, Section 1, --(m)06-29-1957, s/o John H.& Susie E.West Bradley, see obit
Bradley, Gertrude Dykstra (Lester M.), b. 1909, d. 06-18-1955, Section 2, --see obit
Bradley, John H. (Susie E. West), b. 04-14-1882, d. 07-27-1953, Section 2, --(m)04-03-1907, s/o Margaret Steiner Bradley
Bradley, Joseph A. (Laura C. Hermann), b. 10-30-1903, d. 01-09-1986, Section 1, --s/o William & Hannah Larson Bradley
Bradley, Laura C. Hermann (Joseph A.), b. 1906, d. 01-11-2002, Section 1, --see obit
Bradley, LaVerne Froehlich (Raymond O.), b. 1927, Section 2, --(m)02-22-1946
Bradley, Lester M. (Gertrude), b. 1908, d. 10-00-1960, Section 2, --obit says wife's name is Lucille Millis
Bradley, Raymond O. (LaVerne Froehlich), b. 02-23-1919, d. 12-14-2003, Section 2, --(m)02-22-1946, s/o John H.& Susie E.West Bradley, see obit
Bradley, Ronald Joseph (Rita)-see obit, b. 08-18-1935, d. 05-31-2012, US Army, s/o Joseph & Laura Hermann Bradley
Bradley, Susie E. (John H.), b. 1876, d. 07-00-1959, Section 2, --see obit
Brandsma, Virginia (Ed), b. 07-00-1934, d. 10-23-2009, (m)10-24-1953, d/o Harry & Hazel Bradley Breneman, see obit
Breed, A. R., d. 05-19-1885, Section 1, --85yr 1mo 4da old, can't read in 2006
Bregi, Angie (#1Arnold Bregi, #2Louis Erdman)), b. 06-17-1918, d. 07-16-2011, Section 7, --d/o Henry & Annice Dolgner, d.CO, ashes, not sure where she will be buried
Bregi, Arnold F. (1st h/o Angie Dolgner), b. 1905, d. 12-29-1975, Section 7, --see obit
Breneman, Ann Adell (Jesse W.), b. 04-09-1875, d. 03-02-1955, Section 7, --(m)04-29-1893, d/o William & Lois Wilson, Mother, see obit
Breneman, Edwin L. (Helen L.), b. 1900, d. 10-07-1996, Section 7, --see obit
Breneman, Gladys M. (Royce J.), b. 1896, d. 10-06-1992, Section 7, --nee Loveland, see obit
Breneman, Harry W. (Hazel Bradley), b. 1907, d. 02-11-1982, Section 2, --see obit
Breneman, Hazel Bradley (Harry W.), b. 1910, d. 05-19-1982, Section 2, --see obit
Breneman, Helen Lockwood (Edwin L.), b. 1906, d. 03-10-1996, Section 7, --see obit
Breneman, Infant daughter, d. 1917, Section 7, --d/o Jessie W. & Ann Adell Breneman
Breneman, Jacob M. (Mary M.), b. 1843, d. 1919, Section 6, --GAR, Father
Breneman, Jesse W. (Ann Adell Wilson), b. 1873, d. 1944, Section 7, --Father, (m)04-29-1893
Breneman, Kathryn Frances (Wayne A.), b. 07-31-1938, d. 03-15-2014, (m)09-15-1955, d/o Almon "Bud" Sr. & Eleanore M. Manson Porter, see obit
Breneman, Mary M. (Jacob M.), b. 1852, Section 6, --Mother
Breneman, Maurice Wilson, b. 08-24-1896, d. 10-04-1918, Section 7, --WW I, Wis Pvt Stu Army TNG Corps, s/o Jessie W. & Ann Adell Breneman
Breneman, Royce James (Gladys M. Loveland), b. 11-27-1894, d. 03-27-1972, Section 7, --WW I, Wis Pvt Co L 129 Inf, see obit
Breneman, Wayne A. (Kathryn Frances Porter), b. 01-20-1936, d. 03-29-1979, Section 1, --Veteran, Sgt US Army, (m)09-15-1955
Breneman, Wesley, b. 1877, d. 1945, Section 2
Brewer Family stone, Section 6, --Clarence, Hamilton, Laura
Brewer, Clarence, b. 1867, d. 1892, Section 6
Brewer, Clarence E. (Irene Forbush), b. 09-11-1891, d. 01-21-1963, Section 6, --WW I, Wis Cpl US Army, see obit
Brewer, Deanna Lynn, d. 09-14-1948, Section 6
Brewer, Hamilton, b. 1859, d. 1930, Section 6
Brewer, Irene Cora (Clarence E.), b. 1898, d. 11-28-1978, Section 6, --see obit
Brewer, Laura A. Payne (Clarence), b. 1873, d. 07-27-1960, Section 6, --see obit
Brewer, Robert O., b. 1926, d. 12-00-1957, Section 6, --s/o Clarence E. & Irene C. Brewer, see obit
Bristol, Pearl May-Miss, b. 01-09-1895, d. 12-05-1982, Section 2, --In Hill lot, see obit
Bronson, Myrtle Belle, d. 10-27-1867, Section 6, --d/o G.M.& Margaret Bronson, 31y3m old
Brose, Hila L. Mullencup (William E.), b. 1905, d. 04-27-1988, Section 7, --see obit
Brose, William E. (Hila L.), b. 1902, d. 04-24-1994, Section 7, --see obit
Brown, Ann (Wm.), b. 1811, d. 1880, Section 5
Brown, Bernice L. (Wendell D.), b. 1897, d. 12-21-1995, Section 1, --nee Herreman, see obit
Brown, Infant, d. 1850, Section 5, --d/o Wm. & Ann Brown
Brown, Lois Lila, b. 04-05-1930, d. 04-15-1940, Section 1, --d/o Wendell Brown, see obit
Brown, Mary, b. 02-20-1820, d. 11-12-1893, Section 6, --Aunt Mary
Brown, Peter, b. 1769, d. 04-23-1854, Section 6, --War of 1812
Brown, Wendell D. (Bernice L.), b. 1894, d. 07-01-1978, Section 1, --see obit
Brown, Wm. (Ann), b. 1811, d. 1880, Section 5
Bruemmer, Harold William, b. 1910, d. 02-10-1919, see obit & death certificate
Bruemmer, Luella Maud (#1Frank Baker, #2B. E. Bruemmer), b. 1877, d. 09-00-1922, see obit
Bryce, Cassie A., d. 08-29-1861, Section 4, --4mo 22da old, d/o C.E. & H.L. Bryce
Bryce, Chancy E. --35yr 10mo 20da old, b. 09-06-1829, d. 07-26-1865, Section 4, --GAR, Pvt Co F, 194 Regt Ohio Inf, died in hospital at Harpers Ferry VA,
Bryce, Daniel F., d. 09-01-1859, Section 4, --19yr 8mo 25da old
Bryer, John (Mary), d. 10-24-1860, Section 3, --72yr old
Bryer, Mary (John), d. 11-19-1860, Section 3, --72 yr old
Bubolz, Karen, d. 07-08-2008, Section 64yr old, see obit
Bulgrin, Gladys N. Kiefer (Herbert E.), b. 1915, d. 12-29-1986, Section 6, --see obit
Bulgrin, Herbert E. (Gladys N. Kiefer), b. 1914, d. 01-07-1987, Section 6, --see obit
Bulgrin, Patsy Lee, d. 08-21-1949, Section 6
Burgess, Seth, b. 1845, d. 1928, Section 7, --GAR, Pvt Co B 9 Regt VT Inf
Burns, Floyd Arthur"Shorty" (Velma Laverne), b. 10-11-1913, d. 04-01-1997, Section 8, --WW II, Cpl US Army Air Corps, (m)10-23-1945
Burns, Mildred E. Ann Atkinson (Raymond), b. 12-08-1908, d. 01-08-2003, Section 7, --d/o Walter R.& Martha Becker Atkinson, see obit
Burns, Velma Laverne (Floyd Arthur), b. 06-21-1922, d. 03-25-2015, Section 8, --(m)10-23-1945, d/o Clifford & Jessie Sommers Barden, see obit
Bursack, E. Jean (Maurice E.), b. 1929, d. 11-19-1977, Section 1, --see obit
Bursack, Maurice E. (E. Jean), b. 1923, d. 08-04-1993, Section 1, --see obit
Bush, Helen Jane (Stanley Warren), b. 03-07-1928, d. 05-18-1991, Section 8, --Nee Horton, (m)02-24-1950, see obit
Bush, Stanley Warren (Helen J. Horton), b. 04-19-1925, d. 08-26-2007, Section 8, --(m)02-24-1950, s/o Arthur & Violet Kidney Bush, see obit
Butler, Betsey (Edwin), d. 01-18-1856, Section 5, --48yr old
Butler, Edwin (Betsey), d. 08-22-1850, Section 5, --45yr old
Buzzell, Donald George (Inez M. Maginnis), b. 11-11-1913, d. 06-23-1988, Section 6, --see obit
Buzzell, Inez M. Maginnis (Donald George), b. 02-14-1916, d. 10-10-2001, Section 6, --d/o Loren George & Esther J.Babcock Maginnis, see obit
Cady, Gene Ann--see Gene Cady Hill, b. 02-08-1934, d. 02-13-1934, Section 1, --I wonder if this is d/o K.George & Mildred Hill Cady in Hill lot
Cady, Kenneth George (Mildred Hill), b. 01-15-1903, d. 09-04-1981, Section 2
Cady, Mildred Irene Hill (Kenneth George), b. 06-06-1906, d. 10-16-1995, Section 2, --see obit
Cain, Jennie, b. 1854, d. 1881, Section 2
Cain, John (L. V. D.), b. 05-04-1859, d. 01-07-1905, Section 6, --Father
Cain, L. V. D. (John), b. 03-12-1865, d. 08-21-1959, Section 6, --Mother, nee Mullencup? See obit
Cain, Mary, b. 1861, d. 1881, Section 2
Cain, Simon, b. 1856, d. 1880, Section 2
Cairns, Chauncey S., b. 1880, d. 04-29-1951, Section 1, --s/o John Cairns, see obit
Cairns, Clara Bell Wing (William P.), b. 1895, d. 10-27-1931, Section 1, --funeral date, see obit
Cairns, Emaline A. Barron (George W.), b. 1933, d. 08-10-2001, Section 1, --see obit
Cairns, George W. (Emaline A. Barron), b. 1917, d. 06-02-1984, Section 1, --see obit
Cairns, William Popham (Claraabell Wing), b. 1887, d. 03-28-1932, Section 1, --see obit
Campbell, Hester, b. 06-10-1799, d. 02-21-1889, Section 4, --on McDowell stone
Campbell, John William (Philura), b. 09-13-1826, d. 02-19-1924, Section 4, --on McDowell stone, see obit
Campbell, Mary J. -Miss, b. 01-02-1859, d. 02-23-1924, Section 4, --on McDowell stone, d/o John Campbell, see obit
Campbell, Philura (J. W.), b. 04-24-1822, d. 07-06-1889, Section 4, --on McDowell stone
Campbell/Dowell stone, Section 4
Cannon, Amos A. (Martha), b. 1846, d. 1920, Section 2
Cannon, Martha (Amos A.), b. 1849, d. 1918, Section 2
Cannon, Mary E. -hard to read in 2006, d. 07-13-1878, Section 2, --d/o A.A. & M.E. Cannon
Cannon, Mary (Stoddard), d. 11-15-1892, Section 2, --69 yr. 11mo 7da old
Cannon, Semantha (Samuel), d. 08-01-1864, Section 5, --55yr old
Cannon, Stoddard (Mary), b. 1822, d. 03-15-1865, Section 2, -- GAR, Pvt Co F 32 Reg Wis Vol Inf, 43y 5m 17d old
Cavanaugh, Edward (#1Martha F. Dolgner, #2Margaret Beck)), b. 1887, d. 04-05-1963, Section 7, --see obit
Cavanaugh, Martha F. (1st w/o Edward), b. 1887, d. 02-00-1946, Section 7, --Nee Dolgner, see obit
Cavigan, Edwin M., d. no dates, Section 1, --On stone with Rose Rambow Cavigan
Cavigan, Rose Rambow, d. no dates, Section 1, --On stone with Edwin M. Cavigan
Cease, Minnie, b. 03-03-1878, d. 11-23-1918, Section 6, --Next to Henry Kiefer
Chandler, Susanna (G. G.), b. 12-23-1834, d. 01-14-1914, Section 4
Clapp, Hiram, d. 09-01-1857, Section 3, --61yr 5mo old
Clark, Augusta (Freeman), b. 12-24-1829, d. 05-22-1913, Section 1
Clark, Caroline (King), d. 12-15-1892, Section 3, --55yr 6mo 13da old
Clark, Charles A. (Mary E.), b. 08-01-1827, d. 01-14-1868, Section 3, --GAR, Father
Clark, David S. (Maryett & Roxy A.), b. 12-29-1819, d. 09-13-1896, Section 2, --76yr 8mo old
Clark, Earl H. (Mae L.), b. 1884, d. 1954, Section 6
Clark, Edith L. (Harry L.), b. 1879, d. 11-04-1932, Section 3, --see obit
Clark, Ellis G., d. 03-18-1872, Section 3, --s/o K.C. Clark, 14yr 6mo 28da old
Clark, Freeman Sr., d. 06-18-1883, Section 2, --89yr 4mo 13 da old
Clark, Freeman (Augusta), b. 06-26-1825, d. 03-16-1895, Section 1
Clark, Harry L. (Edith L. Gibbs), b. 1876, d. 02-03-1934, Section 3, --see obit
Clark, Isabelle Gibbs, b. 1856, d. 1932, Section 3, --on stone with Harry & Edith Clark, maybe Nee Clark?
Clark, James K. (Mary F.), b. 1848, d. 1939, Section 6, --Father
Clark, Mae L. (Earl H.), b. 1879, d. 10-14-1963, Section 6, --see obit
Clark, Mary E. (Charles A.), b. 12-01-1835, d. 06-29-1897, Section 3, --Mother
Clark, Mary E. (W. K.), d. 01-08-1898, Section 2, --45yr 2mo 16da old, on Griffin stone
Clark, Mary F. (James K.), b. 1850, d. 1927, Section 6, --Mother
Clark, Maryett (David S.), b. 08-14-1825, d. 06-20-1874, Section 2, --48y 10m old, hard to read dates in 2006
Clark, Roxy A. (David S.), d. 06-21-1893, Section 2, --63yr 5mo 17da old
Clark, Wm. King (Caroline), b. 10-21-1835, d. 09-27-1905, Section 3
Cobb, Leonard B., b. 01-22-1822, d. 08-13-1863, Section 4, --GAR, Wis Cpl Co C 23 Regt Wis Inf, s/o Leonard H.& E. Cobb, 21y8m21d old
Cobb, Leonard H., d. 02-18-1875, Section 4, --68yr 9mo 4da old
Cobb, Mother, b. 10-04-1817, d. 02-12-1888, Section 4, --70yr 4mo 8da old
Cobb, Rollen W. (Mary), d. 01-07-1902, Section 4, --s/o Leonard & E. Cobb, 46y10m14da old
Colburn, Alice C., d. 07-13-1872, Section 5, --20yr 5mo 1da old, d/o G.L. Colburn
Colburn, Betsey (Ab--a) hard to read, d. 12-03-1860, Section 5, --91yr 7mo old
Colburn, Curtis C. (Laura), b. 05-22-1827, d. 02-26-1912, Section 5, --GAR, Co C, 13 VT Inf, s/o G.L. Colburn
Colburn, Green, d. 12-28-1871, Section 5, --74yr 11mo 9da old
Colburn, Laura (Curtis C.), d. 06-14-1894, Section 5, --65yr 4mo 12da old
Colburn, Zerah G., d. 11-01-1893, Section 5, --32yr 11mo 21da old, c/o G.L. Colburn
Colman, Catherine S. (Orin D.), b. 10-03-1831, d. 11-22-1905, Section 6
Colman, Charles Darwin (Eva), b. 07-25-1856, d. 05-07-1881, Section 6
Colman, Eva (Charles Darwin), b. 10-01-1854, d. 01-01-1899, Section 6
Colman, Florence, b. 07-15-1854, d. 10-08-1856, Section 6, --d/o Orin & Catherine Colman
Colman, Orin D. (Catherine S.), b. 08-01-1821, d. 09-18-1892, Section 6
Combs, Leah L. Meyers (Roger D.), b. 1932, Section 1
Combs, Roger D. (Leah L. Meyers), b. 06-22-1932, d. 01-10-1981, Section 1, --Korea, US Navy, see obit
Cook, Adelbert E. --7yr 3mo 20da old, d. 08-25-1859, Section 4, --s/o Martin A. & Emeline C.Cook,
Cook, Bertran W. (Mary Jane), b. 09-10-1863, d. 04-29-1946, Section 1
Cook, Carroll C. (#1Elizabeth J. Brandsma, #2Betty Smith), b. 09-04-1925, d. 03-28-2008, Section 6, --(m2)05-07-1988, s/o Elmer & Lucille Atkinson Cook, see obit
Cook, Elizabeth A. (William), b. 1848, d. 1930, Section 6
Cook, Elizabeth J. "Betty" (1st w/o Carroll C.), b. 1931, d. 11-22-1970, Section 6, --Nee Brandsma, see obit
Cook, Elmer J. (Lucille M. Atkinson), b. 1902, d. 09-03-1983, Section 6, --see obit
Cook, Emeline C. (Martin A.), d. 02-26-1881, Section 4, --52yr old, can't read stone in 2006
Cook, Esther C. (Jay B.), b. 1895, d. 03-00-1979, Section 6, --Nee Owen, see obit
Cook, George W. (Martha J.), b. 02-21-1835, d. 12-11-1901, Section 1, --GAR, Co F 1st Regt Wis Heavy Art, 66yr
Cook, Gifford (Hazel J. Horton), b. 09-17-1923, d. 01-28-2004, Section 6, --(m)11-06-1948, s/o Gifford & Mariam Schult Cook, see obit
Cook, Gifford (Mariam), b. 1895, d. 04-04-1979, Section 6, --see obit
Cook, Hazel J. (Gifford), b. 1928, d. 03-17-1996, Section 6, --(m)11-06-1948, Nee Horton
Cook, Jane (John), d. 05-18-1859, Section 5, --43yr old
Cook, Jay B. (Esther C. Owen), b. 1891, d. 05-13-1976, Section 6, --see obit
Cook, John Harvey (Martha J. Busse), b. 1867, d. 09-17-1929, Section 6, --see obit
Cook, John (Jane & Mathilda), d. 11-07-1891, Section 5, --78yr 8mo 5da old
Cook, Joseph--20yr old, b. 1844, d. 07-21-1864, Section 5, --GAR, Co E 2 Wis Cav, died at Vicksburg
Cook, Lillie Lee, b. 1893, d. 1910, Section 6, --See Lilly Lee
Cook, Lucille M. Atkinson (Elmer J.), b. 1898, d. 02-07-1984, Section 6, --see obit
Cook, Mariam/Marian Schult (Gifford), b. 1900, d. 11-10-1942, Section 6, --see obit
Cook, Martha J. Busse (John Harvey), b. 1870, d. 07-00-1948, Section 6, --see obit
Cook, Martha Jane Sweetman (George W.), b. 1838, d. 11-08-1922, Section 1, --WRC, 84yr 2mo 5da old, see obit
Cook, Martin A. (Emeline C.), b. 07-14-1822, d. 02-11-1898, Section 4, --GAR, downed stone in 2006, can't read
Cook, Mary A., b. 06-21-1835, d. 06-07-1918, Section 1, --Mother
Cook, Mary Jane (Bertran W.), b. 03-08-1864, d. 07-04-1900, Section 1
Cook, Matilda (John), d. 08-19-1892, Section 5, --78yr old
Cook, Minnie L., b. 1864, d. 1944, Section 5
Cook, Phineus W., b. 03-22-1824, d. 12-22-1872, Section 4
Cook, Rhoda (A.), d. 03-18-1855, Section 4, --55yr old
Cook, Sarah J., d. 09-18-1859, Section 5, --1yr 2mo old, d/o John & Jane Cook
Cook, Trudy, d. 03-05-1955, Section 6, --d/o Carroll C.& Elizabeth Brandsma Cook, 7mo 10da old, "our Baby"
Cook, William B., b. 1874, d. 1951, Section 6
Cook, William (Elizabeth A.), b. 1841, d. 1919, Section 6
Cornford, Blanche Maginnis-Mrs., b. 1911, d. 12-26-1971, Section 6, --see obit
Craine, Elizabeth H., d. 05-23-1884, Section 4, --87yr old
Craine, Ellie?---illegible in 2006, Section 4, --Same type of stone as Elizabeth H.Craine
Crippen, Abram L. (Maria), b. 03-06-1806, d. 11-03-1877, Section 5, --stone buried in 2006, can't read
Crippen, Anjaline (Ezra T.), d. 11-25-1854, Section 5, --24yr 7mo old
Crippen, Carolin, b. 1837, d. 1889, Section 5, --on stone with Ezra T.& Anjaline Crippen
Crippen, Ezra T. (Anjaline), b. 1811, d. 1897, Section 5
Crippen, Maria (Abram L.), b. 05-25-1805, d. 09-09-1881, Section 5, --cracked stone, can't read in 2006
Crooker, George A. (Harriet J.), b. 01-03-1827, d. 05-15-1905, Section 3, --GAR, Sgt in Civil War
Crooker, Harriet J. (George A.), b. 1830, d. 1868, Section 3
Cruckson, Charles, b. 1861, d. 1936, Section 3, --last name assumed, not on stone
Cruckson, Jane (Richard), d. 04-12-1894, Section 3, --78yr 2mo old
Cruckson, Jane, Richard, & John, Section 3, --all on same stone
Cruckson, John, d. 04-05-1894, Section 3, --46yr old, s/o Richard & Jane Cruckson
Cruckson, Richard (Jane), d. 04-06-1894, Section 3, --81yr 10mo 12da old
Cuff, Allen D., b. 01-17-1900, d. 02-12-1927, Section 7
Cuff, Chester C. (Lorraine A.), b. 12-17-1904, d. 08-27-1978, Section 1, --WW II, MM1 US Navy
Cuff, Christene K. Schult (Melvin F.), b. 1890, d. 07-15-1972, Section 5, --see obit
Cuff, Hazel A. (Ralph E.), b. 1893, d. 1976, Section 5
Cuff, Lorena Albee-Mrs., b. 01-25-1879, d. 12-24-1928, Section 4, --see obit
Cuff, Lorraine A. (Chester C.), b. 1914, Section 1
Cuff, Melvin F. (Christene K.), b. 1888, d. 02-04-1960, Section 5, --see obit
Cuff, Ralph E. (Hazel A. Lucas), b. 1893, d. 09-03-1971, Section 5, --see obit
Cullerton, Thomas Edward (Virginia L.), b. 07-09-1919, d. 03-17-2008, Section 1, --b.Chicago ILL., s/o James & Myrtle Cullerton
Cullerton, Virginia Lorraine (Thomas E.), b. 12-17-1920, d. 10-22-1981, Section 1, --b.Chicago ILL., Nee Kellinger, (m)10-1947
Curtis, Benjamin W., b. 09-09-1813, d. 09-09-1850, Section 5, --Veteran, 37yr old
Damp, Dudley, b. 1880, d. 01-00-1950, Section 1, --see obit
Damp, James, b. 11-20-1846, d. 10-29-1928, Section 1, --Mason
Damp, Mary D., b. 08-23-1849, d. 10-01-1906, Section 1
Damp, Raymond S., b. 04-14-1884, d. 05-30-1900, Section 1
Dates, Audrey Louise (Paul J.), b. 1916, d. 11-21-1979, Section 4, --see obit
Dates, Charles, b. 1938, d. 05-28-1954, Section 4, --s/o Paul Dates, see obit
Dates, Elizabeth"Betty", b. 11-02-1937, d. 04-19-2015, d/o Paul Sr. & Audrey Dates, is she buried here, her parents are here, see obit
Dates, Paul J. Sr. (Audrey L. Gates), b. 1915, d. 04-08-1996, Section 4, --see obit
Davis, Arthur V. (Mazie M.), b. 1876, d. 1947, Section 7
Davis, Marion, d. 1915, Section 7, --d/o Arthur & Mazie Davis
Davis, Mazie M. (Arthur V.), b. 1878, d. 1949, Section 7
Davison, Dale I. (Yvonne B. Hill), b. 08-27-1925, d. 11-24-2008, Section 8, --(m)08-31-1947, s/o Frank & Nellie Roberts Davison, see obit
Davison, Yvonne B. (Dale I.), b. 12-18-1926, d. 06-01-2013, Section 8, --(m)08-31-1947, d/o Arthur & Bertie Hotchkiss Hill, see obit
Day, Charlie W., b. 1873, d. 06-00-1956, Section 6, --see obit
Day, Cora E. -Miss, b. 1880, d. 10-11-1964, Section 6, --see obit
Day, Sarah M. (William P.), b. 1851, d. 1914, Section 6
Day, William P. (Sarah M.), b. 1846, d. 02-16-1932, Section 6, --GAR, Co C 7 ILL Cav
Dean, Frances M. (Martin H.), b. 1863, d. 1943, Section 2, --Nee Mackin
Dean, Martin H. (Frances Mackin), b. 1863, d. 03-04-1945, Section 2, --see obit
Deaner, Bernice R., b. 1895, d. 1896, Section 1
Deaner, Katherine J. (W. Raymond), b. 1889, d. 11-23-1967, Section 1, --see obit
Deaner, Levi, b. 10-02-1831, d. 07-30-1864, Section 4
Deaner, Theodore W., b. 1858, d. 1928, Section 1, --Father
Deaner, W. Raymond (Katherine J.), b. 1888, d. 01-17-1967, Section 1, -- see obit
DeMunck, Dennis John (Maryette M.), b. 1893, d. 1975, Section 5, --WW I, Cpt US Army, "Doc"
DeMunck, Maryette M. (Dennis John), b. 1901, d. 1989, Section 5, --Nee Heath, DAR
Denison, Julia A., d. 06-24-1848, Section 3, --Old buried stone can't read in 2006
Denison, Mary D. F., d. 09-26-1883, Section 3, --79yr old
Denison, Noyes S., d. 07-29-1852, Section 3, --62yr old, stone hard to read in 2006
Dietel, Lillian Cook, b. 1907, d. 1971, Section 6
Dodge, J. Ray (Marion/Mary A. Steiner), b. 1886, d. 12-04-1962, Section 6, --see obit
Dodge, Martha J., b. 11-10-1845, d. 02-20-1903, Section 6
Dodge, Mary A. (J. Ray), b. 1888, d. 01-12-1973, Section 6, --see obit for Marion Dodge
Dolgner, Annice Pearl Heath (Henry W.), b. 1892, d. 1928, Section 6, --Mother
Dolgner, Arlene M. (Robert E.), b. 1923, Section 5, --(m)09-05-1942
Dolgner, Clarence W. (Verla E.), b. 1911, d. 02-20-1989, Section 5, --see obit
Dolgner, Emelie (Frederick W.), b. 08-26-1866, d. 04-28-1941, Section 7, --Mother, 2nd husband Laatsch?
Dolgner, Frank W. (1st h/o Frieda Baartz), b. 1886, d. 10-19-1940, Section 7, --see obit
Dolgner, Frederick W. (Emelie), b. 04-17-1860, d. 05-28-1914, Section 7, --Father, maybe
Dolgner, Frieda Baartz (#1Frank W. Dolgner, #2William Zeismer), b. 1898, d. 05-16-1997, Section 7, -- see obit for Frieda Zeismer
Dolgner, H. August (Juliane C.), b. 1857, d. 1909, Section 7, --Father
Dolgner, Helmuth F. (1st h/o Violet L. Kath), b. 1918, d. 01-23-1972, Section 1, --see obit
Dolgner, Henry W. (#1Annice Pearl Heath, #2Mary Rohde), b. 1893, d. 05-23-1967, Section 6, --Father, see obit
Dolgner, John L. (Shirley Ann Kershaw), b. 10-02-1920, d. 03-16-2005, Section 1, --(m)11-04-1943, s/o Frank & Frieda Baartz Dolgner, see obit
Dolgner, Juliane C. (H. August), b. 1857, d. 1933, Section 7, --Mother
Dolgner, Lillian (William A.), b. 1874, d. 1955, Section 5, --Nee Winnie
Dolgner, Mary R. (Henry W.), b. 1893, d. 11-17-1980, Section 6, --see obit
Dolgner, Robert E. (Arlene Cahoon), b. 08-07-1923, d. 11-16-2015, Section 5, --WW II, US Navy, (m)09-05-1942, s/o Henry W. && Annice Heath Dolgner & step mother Mary Dolgner, see obit
Dolgner, Shirley Ann Kershaw (John L.), b. 05-13-1924, d. 12-13-2014, Section 1, --(m)11-04-1943, d/o Herbert Ain & Sara Murray Kershaw, see obit
Dolgner, Verla Ethel (Clarence), b. 03-30-1913, d. 03-02-2005, Section 5, --(m)10-05-1935, d/o George & Capitola Sherman Kiefer, see obit
Dolgner, Violet Lorraine (#1Helmuth Dolgner, #2W. Gerald McElroy), b. 10-19-1929, d. 06-10-2014, (m1)07-09-1949, (m2)05-25-1985, d/o Emiel & Marie Ullrich Kath, see obit for Violet McElroy
Dolgner, William A. (Lillian), b. 1879, d. 11-00-1954, Section 5, --see obit
Drinkwine, Lora, d. 03-20-1885, Section 2, --7mo old, d/o C.P.& A. Drinkwine
Duchow, Alma Evelyn Hein (#1Edwin Kuphal, #2Leonard Duchow), b. 10-09-1911, d. 06-22-2004, Section 1, --(m1)08-24-1929, (m2)11-15-1930, d/o Adolph & Annie Boushon Hein, see obit
Duchow, Leonard C. (2nd h/o Alma Evelyn Hein Kuphal), b. 04-11-1895, d. 08-09-1982, Section 1, --(m)11-15-1930, s/o Edward & Anna Voight Duchow, see obit
Dumke, Ervin E. (Esther E.), b. 1900, d. 09-21-1978, Section 1, --see obit
Dumke, Esther E. (Ervin E.), b. 1909, d. 04-07-1975, Section 1, --see obit
Dungan, Laura Bernice (Rev. Wayne), b. 07-03-1928, d. 06-27-2012, (m)02-14-1946, d/o Russell & Margaret Tobias, see obit
Dykman, Juanita (Woodrow H.), b. 05-29-1918, Section 6
Dykman, Woodrow H. (Juanita), b. 01-05-1918, d. 09-12-1991, Section 6, --WW II, US Army
Eagan, Doris Manthey (Francis A.), b. 07-09-1917, d. 05-29-2014, (m)08-09-1941, d/o Albert & Wilamina "Minnie" Manthey, see obit
Eagan, Francis A. (Doris Manthey), b. 09-21-1920, d. 06-11-2014, (m)08-09-1941, s/o Michael & Elizabeth "Lizzie" Eagan, see obit
Eagan, June A. (LeRoy J.), b. 1931, Section 1
Eagan, LeRoy J. (June A. Helmer) (m)06-30-1951, b. 02-10-1928, d. 01-12-2006, Section 1, --WW II, Pfc US Army in Japan, Am.Leg, VFW, s/o Mike & Elizabeth Dahl Eagan, see obit
Edwards, Laura (Walter), b. 1864, d. 1920, Section 6
Edwards, Lillian P., b. 1902, d. 1992, Section 6
Edwards, Walter (Laura), b. 1860, d. 1948, Section 6
Eggleston, B. F., b. 06-04-1869, d. 07-27-1905, Section 6, --36yr 1mo 23da old
Eggleston, Daniel, b. 01-13-1966, d. 01-14-2000, Section 4, --s/o Donna Mae Eggleston
Eggleston, Donna Mae, b. 11-27-1938, d. 01-21-2011, d/o Roy & Doris Maginnis Gibbs, see obit
Eggleston, E. A. (J. S.), b. 1873, d. 11-00-1944, Section 1, --WRC, see obit
Eggleston, J. S. (E. A.), b. 1870, d. 1931, Section 1, --Odd Fellow, Father
Eggleston, Leon A., d. 03-23-1901, Section 1, --1yr 11mo 19da old, s/o J.& E. Eggleston
Eggleston, Leona G., d. 01-04-1906, Section 1, --d/o J.S..& E.S. Eggleston, 3mo 24da old
Eggleston, Martha J. (Stephen R.), b. 1845, d. 1906, Section 2, --WRC
Eggleston, Minerva A., b. 1864, d. 1881, Section 2, --d/o Stephen R. & Minerva A. Eggleston
Eggleston, Stephen R. (Martha J.), b. 1831, d. 06-30-1916, Section 2, --GAR, Co G 2 Wis Inf, see obit
Ells, Feris L., d. 12-05-1854, Section 6, --7mo 16da old, s/o A.C.& R. Ells
Ensign, Clara B. Merrill (Cornelius S.), b. 09-04-1841, d. 04-27-1920, Section 4, --d/o Zadoc & Lydia Clark Merrill, see obit
Ensign, Cornelius S. (Clara B.), b. 05-19-1835, d. 08-27-1865, Section 4, --GAR, Co I, 49 Wis Vol
Ensign, Harriet B., d. 02-19-1847, Section 4, --d/o W.J.& L.S. Ensign, 16yr 11mo old
Falconer, Elizabeth, b. 1856, d. 1936, Section 6
Falconer, John W., d. 06-12-1868, Section 6, --45yr old
Falconer, Rose G. (Frank), d. 02-21-1892, Section 6, --31yr 9mo 18da old
Farrell, Ida L., b. 1872, d. 1955, Section 1
Farrell, M., b. 1861, d. 1930, Section 1
Farrington, Dixie Ann (Joseph M.), b. 1955, d. 08-08-2003, Section 8, --(m)06-15-1974, d/o Wilbert & Mary Evelyn Hughes Stollfus, see obit
Farrington, Harry H. (Lavina L.), b. 1845, d. 1923, Section 5
Farrington, Joseph M. (Dixie A. Stollfus), b. 1952, Section 8
Farrington, Lavina L. (Harry H.), b. 1857, d. 1936, Section 5
Farwell, Mary J., d. 02-15-1889, Section 2, --66yr 7mo 6da old
Fenske, Edward R. (Elsie M.), b. 1899, d. 03-00-1956, Section 5, --see obit
Fenske, Elsie M. Manthey (Edward R.), b. 1897, d. 11-23-1967, Section 5, --see obit
Fischer, Alvin C. Jr. (Lorraine A.), b. 08-29-1927, Section 8
Fischer, Lorraine A. (Alvin C. Jr.), b. 04-29-1934, d. 07-17-2001, Section 8, --d/o Alfred Carl & Malinda Zastrow Griepentrog, see obit
Fish, Andrew J. (2nd h/o Otillie Hoeft), b. 1869, d. 02-00-1948, Section 6, --see obit
Fish, George Andrew, b. 1901, d. 1903, Section 6
Flagler, Viola R., b. 1902, d. 06-09-1998, Section 2, --Nee Stelter, see obit
Forbush, Roy C., b. 1887, d. 04-04-1971, Section 6, --see obit
Force, Alvira (Robert), d. 02-16-1893, Section 2, --61yr 11mo 16da old
Force, Orlo, d. 09-01-1860, Section 2, --1y 6m 10d old, s/o Robert & Alvira Force
Force, Robert (Alvira), d. 10-25-1876, Section 2, --59yr 11mo 27da old
Frazier, Charles, d. 01-21-1897, Section 1, --s/o W. & S. Frazier, 1yr 8mo old
Frazier, William E. (Sarah), b. 01-10-1872, d. 08-28-1902, O.C.A. #022, --s/o David & Eliza Colburn Frazier, death certificate says buried in Marcellon Cemetery, no stone in Pardeeville Cemetery
French, Carrie (Roy J.), b. 09-26-1882, d. 10-02-1913, Section 4, --Nee Roberts
Fuller, Amos (Sarah), b. 1870, d. 1940, Section 2, --Father
Fuller, Art, b. 06-27-1880, d. 02-18-1901, Section 2
Fuller, Bernice Barden (Melvin), b. 06-13-1895, d. 04-12-1977, Section 1, --(m)10-25-1916, see obit
Fuller, Bernice M. Krueger (Elmer C.), b. 1906, d. 04-27-2000, Section 1, --see obit
Fuller, Charles C., b. 01-20-1840, d. 08-08-1864, Section 3, --GAR, Co E 2 Wis Cav
Fuller, Elmer C. (Bernice M. Krueger), b. 04-04-1910, d. 01-05-1985, Section 1, --Veteran, Pfc US Army, see obit
Fuller, Frank, b. 10-25-1878, d. 10-13-1900, Section 2
Fuller, George, b. 01-26-1876, d. 10-10-1898, Section 2
Fuller, Henry (Mary), b. 1865, d. 1950, Section 1, --Father
Fuller, Mary (Henry), b. 1869, d. 1945, Section 1, --Mother
Fuller, Mary (Melvin L.), b. 12-09-1848, d. 01-22-1884, Section 2
Fuller, Melvin L. (Mary), b. 07-22-1840, d. 08-01-1911, Section 2, --GAR, Co A 1st Minn Vol Inf
Fuller, Melvin (Bernice), b. 1894, d. 05-16-1979, Section 1, --see obit
Fuller, Norman L., d. 06-24-1894, Section 3
Fuller, Rosetta Hoyt (#1John S. Neef, #2Melvin Fuller), b. 1840, d. 03-15-1935, Section 3, --WRC, Mother, funeral date, see Rosetta Neef, see obit
Fuller, Ruth, b. 01-03-1867, d. 02-22-1872, Section 4, --d/o Melvin & Mary Fuller
Fuller, Ruthie, b. 11-07-1891, d. 12-17-1891, Section 1
Fuller, Sarah (Amos), b. 1874, d. 1937, Section 2, --Mother
Gage, Mary E. (Wheeler W.), b. 05-23-1838, d. 02-02-1929, Section 7, --Mother
Gage, Wheeler W. (Mary E.), b. 08-05-1831, d. 01-21-1905, Section 7, --Father
Gallagher, Sarah Meacher (Erinus), b. 1857, d. 01-00-1929, see obit
Garner, Jeanette (William A.), b. 05-31-1846, d. 11-08-1900, Section 6, --Mother
Garner, William A. (Jeanette), b. 01-05-1844, d. 10-19-1923, Section 6, --GAR, Father
Gavigan, Edwin M. (Rose Rambow), b. 09-02-1887, d. 08-10-1976, d.Milwaukee, see obit for burial in Marcellon Cem.
Gee, Ida E. (Joseph H.), b. 1858, d. 1934, Section 7, --Mother
Gee, Joseph H. (Ida E.), b. 1855, d. 1940, Section 7, --Father
Gee, Vivian Dale (Elizabeth Sheeks), b. 1892, d. 03-21-1932, Section 7, --s/o Bradley's, adopted by Gee, see obit
Gibbs, Doris Nettie (Roy Wilson), b. 04-28-1916, d. 08-23-2008, Section 4, --(m)08-28-1936, d/o William Randolph & Janet"Birdie" McReath Maginnis, Eastern Star, obit
Gibbs, Horace, Section 3, --GAR, Co E 2nd Wis Cav, see Obit index
Gibbs, Isabell, b. 1856, d. 1932, Section 3, --WRC, maybe nee Clark? See Clark
Gibbs, Roy Wilson (Doris N. McGinnis), b. 08-08-1908, d. 06-24-1981, Section 4, --(m)08-28-1936, see obit
Gilbert, Erastus (Rebecca), b. 1834, d. 1924, Section 6, --GAR, Mason logo on Gilberts stone
Gilbert, John, b. 1876, Section 6
Gilbert, Rebecca (Erastus), b. 1843, d. 10-26-1931, Section 6, --see obit
Gilbert, Sarah, b. 1882, d. 1924, Section 6
Gilbert, Wesley, b. 1880, d. 03-11-1958, Section 6, --See obit and death certificate
Gilman, Clella Neef (Edgar Allen), b. 1862, d. 04-18-1954, Section 3, --see obit
Gilman, Edgar Allen (Clella Neef), b. 1854, d. 04-30-1938, Section 3, --see obit
Gleiter, George E. (Ramona L. Dolgner), b. 11-25-1936, d. 10-27-1997, Section 8, --(m)09-13-1957/1958?, s/o George J.& Ada Schloesser Gleiter, see obit
Gleiter, Ramona L. (George E.), b. 07-05-1939, Section 8, --(m)09-13-1957, Nee Dolgner
Goodenow, John E., b. 10-20-1960, d. 07-06-2004, Section 8, --s/o Shirley Wheeler Stancer & James John Goodennow
Gooler, Antoine, d. no dates, Veteran, from Betty Cook's Files
Gorsuch, Alvin, b. 1856, d. 1937, Section 3, --on stone with Christina & Hugh Gorsuch
Gorsuch, Christina (Hugh), b. 1814, d. 1871, Section 3, --on stone with Hugh & Alvin Gorsuch
Gorsuch, David, b. 01-02-1846, d. 02-22-1868, Section 3, --GAR, Co E 2 Wis Cav
Gorsuch, George W. (Jennie), b. 10-20-1843, d. 06-20-1891, Section 3, --Civil War, Wis Cpl Co I, 18 Regt Wis Inf Vol, 48yr 9mo old
Gorsuch, Hugh (Christina), b. 1809, d. 1872, Section 3, --on stone with Christina & Alvin Gorsuch
Gorsuch, Jennie (George W.), d. 12-17-1882, Section 3, --38yr 4mo old
Gorsuch, Mary-Mrs., d. 07-28-1888, Section 3, --42yr 6mo old, Am.Leg.Aux.
Gorsuch, Melvin, d. 02-09-1912, Section 3, --40yr 5mo old, s/o George W.& Jennie
Gorsuch, Wellington--1yr 5mo old, d. 04-07-1871, Section 3, --s/o George W.& Jennie Gorsuch
Graham, Clara B. Lovell (Roy T.), b. 1878, d. 06-13-1960, Section 6, --Mother, see obit
Graham, Harry, b. 04-28-1899, d. 09-29-1910, Section 6, --s/o Roy T.& Clara B. Graham
Graham, Roy T. (Clara B.), b. 1877, d. 1951, Section 6, --Father
Graves, A. F., b. 03-22-1832, d. 04-14-1877, Section 2
Graves, Elizabeth M., d. 02-04-1892, Section 2, --67yr 5mo 9da old
Gray, Doris I. (Ralph I.), b. 04-20-1919, Section 1
Gray, Kenneth E., b. 1916, d. 1993, Section 1
Gray, Ralph I. (Doris I. Keith), b. 02-10-1918, d. 12-24-1981, Section 1, --see obit
Griepentrog Family stone, Section 6, --Alfred C, Janet M, Malinda
Griepentrog, Alfred Carl (Melinda Zastrow), b. 1901, d. 10-27-1969, Section 6, --(m)10-20-1928, see obit
Griepentrog, Arnold E. Sr. (Florence E.), b. 12-30-1928, Section 8, --(m)12-25-1952
Griepentrog, Augusta (Dorothy), b. 1878, d. 1905, Section 6
Griepentrog, Doreen R. (Robert A.), b. 09-09-1930, d. 10-09-1995, Section 8, --Nee Scott
Griepentrog, Dorothy (Augusta), d. 1931, Section 6, --d/o Alfred Carl & Malinda Zastrow Griepentrog
Griepentrog, Edwin L. (Ella M. Bhend), b. 1897, d. 08-21-1973, Section 6, --see obit
Griepentrog, Ella Anna Margaret (Edwin L.), b. 1897, d. 01-13-1984, Section 6, --see obit
Griepentrog, Ernest P., b. 1898, d. 05-23-1972, Section 6, --see obit
Griepentrog, Florence E. (Arnold E. Sr.), b. 08-03-1934, Section 8, --(m)12-25-1952
Griepentrog, Janet M., b. 1945, d. 07-18-1964, Section 6, --d/o Alfred Carl & Malinda Zastroe Griepentrog, on stone with parents, see obit
Griepentrog, Jean C. (Vernon A.), b. 03-07-1948, Section 6
Griepentrog, Malinda Zastrow (Alfred Carl), b. 10-24-1909, d. 10-17-2003, Section 6, --(m)10-20-1928, d/o Robert & Lydia Koepsell Zastrow, see obit
Griepentrog, Martin E. (Althea Faye Barrick), b. 12-23-1929, d. 10-25-2010, US Army, (m)06-08-1957, s/o Alfred Carl & Malinda Zastrow Griepentrog, see obit
Griepentrog, Robert A. (Doreen R.), b. 01-30-1938, Section 8, --s/o Alfred Carl & Malinda Zastrow Griepentrog
Griepentrog, Vernon A. (Jean C. Ernst), b. 02-06-1940, d. 12-12-1985, Section 6, --Vietnam, "Oscar", s/o Alfred Carl & Malinda Zastrow Griepentrog, see obit
Griffin, Samuel T., b. 05-16-1835, d. 02-12-1891, Section 2, --GAR, US Navy, 55yr 8mo 27da old
Grover, Abraham Augustus (Juliette), d. 10-08-1899, Section 1, --56yr 1mo 29da old
Grover, Bernice, b. 1897, Section 6
Grover, Charley H. (Martha J.), b. 01-31-1854, d. 12-22-1900, Section 6, --Father
Grover, Cleve, b. 1885, d. 1950, Section 6
Grover, Juliette Gilbert (Abraham A.), d. 05-20-1898, Section 1, --53yr 4mo 7da old
Grover, Martha J. (Charley H.), b. 10-05-1860, d. 06-28-1917, Section 6, --Nee Austin, Mother
Grover, Olive, d. 10-04-1902, Section 1, --8mo 13da old, d/o E.G.& G.A. Grover