Wisconsin Death Records
Wisconsin Newspapers, Full Search (1833-1992), 150 titles
Wisconsin Obituary Search - (1989-current)
Wisconsin Funeral Notices
Otsego Cemetery
Otsego, Columbia County, Wisconsin
GPS: 43.399017, -89.164665
Otsego Rd
Otsego, WI 53960
Published: October 1, 2016
Total records: 559
Otsego Cemetery is located in Otsego Township, Columbia County, Wisconsin--Section 23, Hwy 16 to Otsego Rd, south on Otsego Rd., Cemetery on East side of road.
Cemetery Records
2006 transcripton by Marlene Drake. Typed by Anna Mae Axness. Some info from Betty cook's files. Note: The 1800 dates are very difficult to read on these old stones so there could be errors.
Ackerman, Joseph, d. 05-21-1862, Plot 1-2-?, ---s/o N.& E.Ackerman, 4yr 19da, Hard to read
Bahr, Alma B. (Fred H.), b. 1893, d. 04-14-1974, Plot 3-8-6, ---see obit
Bahr, Carl J. (Maude E.), b. 1892, d. 1966
Bahr, Fred H. (Alma B. Sowards), b. 1890, d. 07-20-1967, Plot 3-8-5, ---see obit
Bahr, Maude E. Zink (Carl J.), b. 1898, d. 10-08-1965, Plot 3-8-3, ---see obit
Barron, Charles L., b. 07-05-1864, d. 08-11-1866, Plot 2-8-9, ---s/o A.A.& E.S. Barron, 2yr 1mo 6da old
Barron, Walter D., b. 04-05-1861, d. 04-15-1862, Plot 2-8-8, ---s/o A.A.& E.S.Barron, 1yr 10da old
Becraft, Clarence W. (Dorothy W.), b. 12-17-1914, d. 12-23-2000, Plot 3-1-?, ---see obit
Becraft, Dorothy W. (Clarance W.), b. 1920, ---Nee Huebner
Beers, Mary M. (C. H. or G. H.), b. 05-02-1835, d. 01-29-1888, Plot 1-2-4, ---buried with stones
Benzine, Alice M. (#1Wilbur L. Benzine, #2Vern Dahnert), b. 06-13-1924, d. 04-12-2007, Plot 3-1-15/16, ---(m1)12-23-1944, (m2)03-19-1985, d/o Frank & Emma Purskey Stilson, see Alice M.Dahnert, see obit
Benzine, Alvin E. (Dorothy E.), b. 09-05-1915, ---(m)05-04-1943, Sgt.
Benzine, Dorothy E. (Alvin E.), b. 05-01-1920, d. 06-03-2010, ---(m)05-04-1943, see obit, d/o Alfred & Verna V.Jacobson Wuethrich, nee Ritter on stone
Benzine, Wilbur L. (1st h/o Alice M. Stilson), b. 1922, d. 05-04-1981, Plot 3-1-15/16, ---(m)12-23-1944, see obit
Biddle, Charles A. (Nicole Rae), b. 10-25-1942, ---(m)02-01-1964
Biddle, Laverne Patrick, b. 02-15-1965, d. 09-04-2005, ---CPL US Marine Corps, s/o Charles Jr.& Nicole Grunke Biddle, see obit
Biddle, Nicole Rae (Charles A.), b. 10-25-1942, d. 05-12-1993, ---(m)02-01-1964, nee Grunke
Boak, Aline K., b. 1933, d. 04-07-1993, Plot 3-2-?, ---d.1991 on stone, 1993 on records & ssdi
Boak, Henry, b. 1965, d. 04-22-1997, Plot 3-2-?
Boutwell, Juliette Dunning (#1Dennison Dunning, #2John Boutwell), b. 12-25-1819, d. 01-03-1895, ---info from Char Sauer
Bowdin, Harriet J. (Jake W.), b. 1892, d. 1955, Plot 3-3-2, ---Mother
Bowdin, Harvey James (Olive L. Griffin), b. 1912, d. 11-01-1979, Plot 3-3-3/4, ---(m)11-19-1935, see obit
Bowdin, Jake W. (Harriet J. Quinn), b. 1883, d. 11-18-1968, Plot 3-3-1, ---Father, see obit
Bowdin, Martha R. (Thomas S.), b. 1844, d. 1929, Plot 1-11-4, ---Mother
Bowdin, Olive L. Griffin (Harvey James), b. 02-26-1917, d. 04-03-2012, (m)11-19-1935, d/o John & Annie Chapman Griffin, see obit
Bowdin, Thomas S. (Martha R.), b. 1829, d. 1897, Plot 1-11-5/6, ---Father
Bowdin, Willis, d. 03-03-1861, Plot 1-11-9, ---Infant s/o Thomas S.& Martha R.Bowdin, 5wk
Bridges, J. F. Sr. (Margaret S.), b. 02-28-1816, d. 11-17-1900, Plot 1-12-13, ---obit index shows d.02-17-1900
Bridges, Margaret S. (J. F. Sr.), b. 1828, d. 03-15-1892, Plot 1-12-15, ---Inscription
Brisky, Albert J. (Kathleen Pribbenow), b. 1904, d. 1996, Plot 2-10-?
Brisky, Kathleen Pribbenow (Albert J.), b. 1910, d. 10-26-1998, Plot 2-10-?, ---funeral dat, see obit
Brossard, Arthur H., b. 10-27-1912, d. 09-23-1921, Plot 2-6-10, ---s/o A.H.& D.O. Brossard, broken stone
Burk, Adie, d. 08-27-1856, Plot 2-12-10, ---d/o J.& M.Burk, 4mo old
Burk, Frances, d. 05-23-1850, Plot 2-12-9, ---d.1859? d/o Moses & Laura Burk, 12yr 9mo
Burk, Laura, d. 10-02-1850, d/o Moses & Laura Burk, 23yr 8mo 15da old
Burk, Laura (Moses), d. 09-13-1868, Plot 2-12-4/5, ---or in section 2--12--8? 70yr old
Burk, Moses (Laura), d. 03-08-1867, Plot 2-12-5/6, ---Age 80yr old
Busse, Allen N. (Bernice A. Young), b. 1902, d. 01-05-1978, Plot 1-9-29, ---see obit
Busse, Bernice A. (Allen N.), b. 1906, d. 1994, Plot 1-9-28, ---Nee Young
Butler, Howard E. (Margaret J.), b. 12-05-1918, d. 02-01-2000, Plot 3-12-1/2, ---WWII, Pfc US Army PH, (m)11-22-1939
Butler, Howard E. Jr. "Barney" (Donna), b. 1946, d. 07-23-1972, Plot 3-12-?, ---Husband and Father, see obit
Butler, Margaret J. (Howard E.), b. 08-16-1923, d. 06-02-2000, Plot 3-12-1/2, ---Nee Haefner, (m)11-22-1939
Carpenter, Anna (Donald G.), b. 01-19-1915, d. 06-24-2007, ---d/o Charles & Mary B. Rogalsky Skylondz, (m)04-10-1940
Carpenter, Donald G. (Anna), b. 03-22-1917, d. 03-06-2000, ---(m)04-10-1940
Cohoon, Charity (S.), d. 01-10-1855, Plot 1-8-6, ---See Henton, 87yr old
Cohoon, Mary J. (J.), b. 03-03-1816, d. 02-06-1904, Plot 2-14-16, ---nee Willson? On Wm. Willson stone
Cole, Hannah (James), b. 1913, d. 1889, Plot 2-2-26/27
Cole, James (Hannah), b. 1911, d. 1884, Plot 2-2-27/28, ---Veteran
Coney, Marie
Cox, James P. (Nona D.), b. 1929, d. 11-03-1995, see obit
Cox, Nona D. (James P.), b. 1933
Crossman, James W. (Rosa L.), b. 1862, d. 1942, Plot 2-1-?
Crossman, Rosa L. (James W.), b. 1863, d. 1944, Plot 2-1-?
Crossman, William, b. 1882, d. 1928
Curtis, Austin F. (Polly), d. 05-11-1878, Plot 1-7-?, ---Age 86yr 2mo 22da old
Curtis, Cora A., d. 05-01-1861, Plot 1-1-17, ---d/o John F.& Helen R. Curtis, 2mo 17da old
Curtis, Gardner A., b. 11-19-1843, d. 03-09-1867, Plot 1-7-21, ---GAR, 23yr 4mo 20da old, s/o Austin & Polly Curtis
Curtis, Helen R. (John F.), d. 05-31-1894, Plot 1-1-16, ---Age 53yr 11mo 26da old
Curtis, Ida L., d. 09-29-1881, Plot 1-1-19, ---d/o John F. & Helen R.Curtis, 4yr 5m 29d old
Curtis, Jay A., d. 02-03-1877, Plot 1-1-18, ---Infant s/o John F.& Helen R.Curtis, 1y10m25d
Curtis, John, d. 10-04-1859, Plot 1-1-17, ---s/o John F.& Helen R. Curtis, 10da old
Curtis, John F. (Helen R.), b. 01-31-1835, d. 01-28-1920, Plot 1-1-15
Curtis, Marian, d. 12-03-1863, ---infant d/o John F. & Helen R.Curtis, 1yr4mo19da old
Curtis, Marie M., d. 10-04-1864, ---d/o F.F.& L.A. Curtis, very hard to read
Curtis, Martha, Plot 2-6-18
Curtis, Polly (Austin F.), d. 06-02-1880, Plot 1-7-20, ---Age 86yr old, maybe d.01-02-1890?
Dahlen, Harley "Sleepy", b. 01-19-1932, d. 05-25-2013, Korea, 1st Marine Div., s/o Obert & Elizabeth Dahlen, not sure if he is here, his parents are buried here, see obit
Dahlen, Louise Elizabeth (Obert P.), b. 1900, d. 07-28-1984, Plot 3-7-10, ---see obit, nee Windorf
Dahlen, Obert P. (Louise Elizabeth), b. 1900, d. 11-10-1961, Plot 3-7-9, ---see obit
Dahnert, Alice M. (#1Wilbur L. Benzine, #2Vern Dahnert), b. 06-13-1924, d. 04-12-2007, Plot 3-1-15/16, ---(m1)12-23-1944, (m2)03-19-1985, d/o Frank & Emma Purskey Stilson, see Alice M.Benzine, see obit
Davidson Monument, Plot 1-4-19/21, ---Sarah Wright, Jennie Goodman, Annie Trapp
Davidson, James (Sarah A.), b. 01-01-1835, d. 07-27-1902, Plot 1-4-19
Davidson, Sarah A. (James), b. 06-25-1840, d. 03-31-1921, Plot 1-4-21
Dobis, Ada S. (Louis), b. 04-14-1896, d. 02-28-1919, Plot 2-6-7, ---Age 22yr 10m 14d old
Dobis, Albert, ---no burial
Dodge, Daughter, d. 02-15-1856, Plot 1-6-?, ---Infant d/o Horace & Eliza Dodge, 6 wks
Dodge, Eliza (Horace), d. 11-14-1866, Plot 1-6-4, ---Age 44yr 6mo 11da old
Dodge, Horace (Eliza & Lydia L.), b. 11-01-1818, d. 10-08-1893, Plot 1-6-5, ---
Dodge, Lydia L. (Horace), d. 12-03-1883, Plot 1-6-3, ---Age 62yr 9mo 10da old
Dodge, Sarah Louise Dunning Pulver, b. 08-11-1845, d. 08-14-1935, Plot 2-10-5, ---Nee Dunning, two marriages
Douglass, Martin, d. 06-10-1845, Plot 1-10-19, ---Age 36yr 5mo 10da old, on Mead stone
Dunning, Denison T. (Juliette Boutwell), b. 1818, d. 04-02-1857, ---Mason, 39y1m6d old, see Juliette Boutwell
Dunning, Frankie D., d. 06-04-1881, Plot 2-10-1, ---Age 11mo old, two stones
Dunning, Lloyd Wayne, d. 01-30-1908, ---s/o Charles Ormal & Sarah Ann loomis Dunning
Dunning, Mother, b. 08-11-1845, d. 08-14-1935, Plot 2-10-5, ---See Sarah Dodge, Nee Dunning, no last name on stone
Dunning, Nathanial G., b. 1849, d. 1925, Plot 2-10-4
Dunning, Reuben L., d. 10-31-1864, Plot 2-10-3, ---s/o D.T.& J.Dunning, 21yr 1mo 8da old,
Durwood, David, Plot 1-9-?, ---on Busse Plot
Durwood, Sarah, Plot 1-9-?, ---on Busse Plot
Edwards, Myrtle M. (William W.), b. 1879, d. 07-23-1969, Plot 3-2-1, ---nee Nashold, see obit
Edwards, William W. (Myrtle M. Nashold), b. 1879, d. 06-19-1973, Plot 3-2-2, ---see obit
Emery, Charles W., d. 1856, Plot 2-3-, ?---Large bush around stone
Frary, Grange S., b. 03-31-1832, d. 06-23-1881, Plot 1-13-10
Frost, Ralph L. (Ruby E. Dayton), b. 10-06-1918, d. 09-16-1985, Plot 3-1-19, ---WW II, US Navy, s/o Raleigh & Margaret Hinshaw Frost, (m)04-18-1964
Frost, Ruby E. Dayton (#1Raymond Siekert, #2Ralph L. Frost), b. 1928, d. 05-20-1998, Plot 3-1-18, ---(m2)04-18-1964, see obit
Gardehl, Carole J. (Donald), b. 08-08-1937, (m)01-05-1974
Gardehl, Donald (Carole J.), b. 05-24-1932, (m)01-05-1974
Gehrke, Dorothy M. (Kenneth H.), b. 10-07-1934, d. 11-18-2004, Plot 3-3-, ?---(m)10-01-1955, d/o Fred & Helen Wodill Hurckman, see obit
Gehrke, Jeremy J., b. 03-01-1978, d. 08-02-2008, from obit, s/o Steve & Susie Deane Gehrke
Gehrke, Kenneth H. (Dorothy M.), b. 03-16-1929, d. 07-22-1998, Plot 3-3-, ?---Korea, A1C US Air Force, (m)10-01-1955
Gernetzky, Christian F. (Emilie A.), b. 1872, d. 1941, Plot 2-8-20, ---Father
Gernetzky, Emilie A. (Christian F.), b. 1879, d. 1938, Plot 2-8-21, ---Mother
Gernetzky, Grandfather, Plot 2-8-28
Gernetzky, Grandmother, Plot 2-8-26/27
Gernetzky, Meta-Miss, b. 01-12-1914, d. 10-31-1995, ---d/o Christian & Emilie Gernetzky, see obit
Gernetzky, Wilhelmine (William), b. 04-25-1847, d. 11-21-1927
Gernetzky, William (Wilhelmine), b. 11-24-1838, d. 10-11-1906
Goodman, Anice (James P.), b. 1859, d. 1895, Plot 2-2-13
Goodman, James P. (Anice), b. 1851, d. 06-04-1917, Plot 2-2-12, ---see obit
Goodman, Jennie D., b. 1865, d. 1956, Plot 1-4-?, ---See Davidson
Goodman, Leila J. (Lloyd L.), b. 1884, d. 02-06-1961, Plot 2-2-17, ---Mother, see obit
Goodman, Lloyd L. (Leila J.), b. 1885, d. 09-00-1946, Plot 2-2-16, ---see obit
Gouchnor, Myrtle Pease, b. 1874, d. 1958, Plot 1-3-14/15, ---See Pease
Green, Eliza A., b. 1859, d. 03-29-1864, Plot 2-12-19, ---Age 1yr 9mo old, belongs to J.W. Green
Griffin, Annie Charlotta Chapman (#1John H. Griffin, #2Fred J. Shepperd), b. 06-26-1888, d. 07-26-1989, Plot 1-13-17, ---see obit for Annie Shepperd
Griffin, Horace F. (Mary J. Trofler), b. 1876, d. 07-08-1937, Plot 1-10-15, ---Father, s/o William Griffin, see obit
Griffin, Infant, d. 1932, Plot 1-10-13, ---no last name on stone
Griffin, John H. (1st h/o Annie Charlotta Chapman), b. 1882, d. 1940, Plot 1-13-18, ---see wife's obit
Griffin, LaVerne H. (2nd h/o Marie Cozette Peterson Christianson), b. 1928
Griffin, Lois Jean-d/ Wilmer Griffin, b. 1930, d. 05-07-1931, Plot 1-10-14, ---no last name on stone, see obit
Griffin, Marie Cozette Peterson (#1Adrian L. Christianson Jr, #2Laverne H. Griffin), b. 1927, d. 07-21-2004, Plot 1-?-?, ---see obit
Griffin, Marion Buzzell (Wilmer L.), b. 1909, d. 10-25-1984, Plot 1-10-11, ---see obit
Griffin, Mary J. (Horace F.), b. 1869, d. 1944, Plot 1-10-16, ---Mother
Griffin, Wilmer LaVern (Marion Buzzell), b. 1902, d. 01-11-1972, Plot 1-10-12, --- see obit
Grundy, Laura R., b. 1881, d. 1947, Plot 1-14-13, ---buried in the Randles lot
Haddow, Alex (Helen J. & Isabella), b. 01-28-1822, d. 09-04-1891, Plot 1-15-15, ---father
Haddow, Helen J. (1st w/o Alex), b. 1824, d. 05-01-1869, Plot 1-15-12, ---Age 45yr 3mo 14d old, mother
Haddow, Hugh, b. 1833, d. 08-10-1868, Plot 1-15-11, ---Age 35yr old, inscription
Haddow, Isabella (2nd w/o Alex), b. 1816, d. 10-08-1883, Plot 1-15-14, ---Age 67yr 5mo 21da old, inscription
Haight, Orson F. (Cloie L.), b. 08-17-1861, d. 07-12-1884, Plot 1-5-12/13, ---see obit index, stone hard to read
Halverson, Rena--Miss, d. 11-18-1929, 78yr old, obit & death certificate says she is buried in the town of Otsego Cem
Harrington, G. S., ---GAR, Co K, 32nd WI Inf
Harris, Elizabeth (Harrisson), d. 04-17-1865, Plot 2-4-1, ---old hard to read stone, 30yr 8mo 18da old
Hawxhurst, Penelope (Stephen), b. 1811, d. 1890, Plot 2-7-2
Hawxhurst, Sarah A., b. 1841, d. 1868, Plot 2-7-3, ---d/o Stephen & Penelope Hawxhurst
Hawxhurst, Stephen (Penelope), b. 1806, d. 1863/1868, Plot 2-7-1, ---GAR, maybe misplaced flag holder?
Heath, Carrie (Denver C.), d. 04-20-1947, ---see obit
Heath, Infant Son, b. 09-13-1903, d. 09-21-1903, Plot 2-8-15, ---s/o D.C. & C.E. Heath
Hendrickson, Ann E. (Peter G.), d. 05-02-1916, Plot 2-7-21, ---Age 77yr 10mo 13da old
Hendrickson, Peter G. (Ann E.), d. 10-31-1902, Plot 2-7-19/20, ---Age 77yr 8mo 20da old
Henton, Catherine, d. 07-17-1951
Henton, Clarence, b. 1861, d. 1863, Plot 1-1-12, ---no last name on stone
Henton, Cora L. (Jay T.), b. 1862, d. 1949, Plot 2-9-12/13
Henton, Dorothy K. (Wallace), b. 1921, d. 09-27-2008, d/o Paul & Anna Hernkind Schultz, funeral home marker, see obit
Henton, Earl (Frenda A. Miller), b. 1891, d. 01-14-1987, Plot 3-9-9, ---Schriner, see obit
Henton, Emily, b. 08-00-1846, d. 02-00-1910, Plot 1-8-2, ---Inscription, d/o Thomas, mother
Henton, Eva P. (George L.), b. 1887, d. 03-00-1957, Plot 3-9-2/3, ---Mother, see obit
Henton, Frenda A. Miller (Earl), b. 1896, d. 01-19-1977, Plot 3-9-8, ---Eastern Star, see obit
Henton, George L. (Eva P. Moore), b. 1889, d. 04-11-1982, Plot 3-9-1/2, ---Father, see obit
Henton, Henry N., d. 12-28-1871, Plot 1-8-9, ---GAR, 22yr old, inscription
Henton, Irvin, b. 1864, d. 1865, Plot 1-1-13, ---no last name on stone
Henton, Jay Thomas (Cora L. Mathews), b. 1867, d. 05-00-1933, Plot 2-9-11/12, ---see obit
Henton, Jennie McKay (2nd w/o Theodore), b. 1849, d. 1875, Plot 1-1-10, ---(m)05-10-1866
Henton, Lucinda, d. 06-01-1858, Plot 1-8-8, ---d/o Thos.& Maria, two stones with slightly different dates, 24yr 9mo 2da old
Henton, Maria (Thomas S.), d. 10-04-1898, Plot 1-8-3, ---Age 88yr old
Henton, Marion May, d. 05-04-1940, 9yr d/o Harry, see obit & death certificate
Henton, Mary King (1st w/o Theodore), b. 1842, d. 1864, Plot 1-1-11, ---(m)09-03-1859
Henton, Perry, d. 03-08-1967
Henton, Sadie M., b. 1889, d. 01-00-1957, Plot 2-5-28, ---Mother, see obit
Henton, Theodore (#1Mary King, #2Jennie McKay, #3Mrs. Henry Henton), b. 04-21-1836, d. 04-08-1917, Plot 1-1-14, ---(m1)09-03-1859, (m2)05-10-1866, (m3)06-26-1877, s/oThomas Henton, see obit
Henton, Thomas, d. 01-05-1860, Plot 2-14-20, ---b.Pembrokeshire Wales, 80yr old
Henton, Thomas S. (Marie), d. 01-26-1883, Plot 1-8-5, ---age 78yr 1mo 3da
Henton, Wallace E. (Dorothy K.), b. 09-20-1922, d. 10-26-2006, s/o George & Eva Moore Henton, Funeral home marker, see obit
Hinshaw, Clifford S., b. 07-04-1907, d. 08-15-1970, Plot 2-3-1, ---WW II, ILL TEC 5 Co B 1279 Engr BN
Hopkins, R., d. 05-00-1868, Plot 1-3-19, ---w/o ?, date ?, hard to read, Betty Cook's file says George, s/o M.& M. Hopkins, 1yr 7mo 16da old, and d.03-03-1866
Hoton, Harriet S. (J.), d. 02-01-1861, Plot 1-7-11, ---Age 28yr 9mo 25da
Hummel, Esther H. -Miss, b. 09-27-1907, d. 05-31-1972, Plot 3-5-1, ---see obit
Hunting, Caroline (Jabez Jr.), Plot 1-10-3
Hunting, Frank M., b. 07-12-1863, d. 10-01-1864, Plot 1-7-05, ---s/o J. & L.R. Hunting, in Stevens lot
Hunting, Jabez Jr. (Caroline), b. 03-04-1834, d. 10-30-1865, Plot 1-7-?, ---GAR, Co K 32 Reg WI Vol, buried at Atlanta GA, on Stevens stone
Hunting, Nathan W., b. 1825, d. 11-20-1864, Plot 1-10-5
Hunting, Sarah Jane, b. 21yr 1mo, d. 09-17-18??, Plot 1-10-4, ---d/o Jabez & Caroline Hunting, broken stone
Hurelle, Eliza Stanton (Joseph), b. 1845, d. 02-29-1920, Plot 2-3-27, ---Mother stone, see obit
Hurelle, Joseph (Eliza Stanton), b. 06-28-1835, d. 01-17-1917, Plot 2-3-28
Jacobson, Albert H. (Nellie E.), b. 1873, d. 06-00-1956, Plot 3-6-2, ---see obit
Jacobson, Elsie T. Gernetzky (Louis L.), b. 1915, d. 01-04-1998, Plot 3-8-?
Jacobson, Louis L. (Elsie T. Gernetzky), b. 01-21-1909, d. 08-08-1989, Plot 3-8-11, ---see obit
Jacobson, Nellie E. McQueen (Albert H.), b. 1887, d. 03-21-1984, Plot 3-6-1, ---see obit
James, Allen Haines, b. 07-06-1876, d. 03-24-1903, ---Interred at Rosedale Los Angeles CA.
James, Ann (Dan), b. 12-15-1825, d. 10-02-1904, Plot 2-1-2
James, Benjamin W. 2nd, b. 1875, d. 1958, Plot 2-14-28, ---Interred Forest Home CA
James, Benjamin W. Sr., b. 1908, d. 1941, Plot 2-14-?, ---Interred Forest Home CA
James, Benjamin W. (May), d. 02-08-1885, ---s/o Stephen, 37yr 10mo 6da old, see obit index, on stone with another Benjamin James
James, Clara W. Elwood (Francis), b. 08-09-1920, d. 08-08-2015, 94yr, see obit
James, Dan (Ann), d. 12-17-1879, Plot 2-1-1, ---GAR, 64yr 4mo 8da old
James, David Daniel (Sarah E. Nicholson), b. 03-04-1849, d. 04-12-1928, Plot 1-1-5, ---see obit
James, Etta H. (Stephen E. Jr.), d. 11-12-1934, Plot 2-14-27, ---Age 72yr 4mo 1da
James, Francis (Clara W. Elwood), b. 1910, d. 01-06-2000, ---see obit
James, Grant, b. 09-24-1890, d. 05-26-1911, Plot 1-1-7, ---s/o David D.& Sarah E. James
James, Hannah, d. 03-05-1863, Plot 2-14-22, ---d/o Stephen & Rachel James, 10yr old, on stone with Mary James
James, Jennie-Miss, b. 08-11-1846, d. 05-14-1891, Plot 1-1-3, ---see obit
James, Mary, d. 04-24-1869, Plot 2-14-23, ---d/o Stephen & Rachel James, 19y1m11d old, on stone with Hannah James
James, Mathilda M. (William D.), b. 1887, d. 03-30-1951, Plot 1-1-8, ---see obit
James, May (Benjamin W.), d. 04-26-1882, Plot 2-14-29, ---Nee Haines, 33yr 1mo 12d old
James, Rachel H. (Stephen), b. 1826, d. 12-08-1885, Plot 2-14-24, ---Age 59yr 7mo 22da old
James, Sarah E. (David D.), b. 04-27-1851, d. 03-01-1909, Plot 1-1-6
James, Stephen E. Jr (Etta), b. 1844, d. 03-12-1909, Plot 2-14-26, ---age 54y 3m 5d old, Maybe GAR flag holder belongs here
James, Stephen (Rachel H.), b. 1813, d. 12-29-1889, Plot 2-14-25, ---Age 76y 4m 17d old, GAR?
James, Unknown son, d. 1879, s/o B.W.& M.H.James, 1yr 3da old, old broken stone
James, William D. (Mathilda M. Gerwing), b. 1882, d. 12-09-1960, Plot 1-1-9, ---WW I, see obit
Jamison, Hugh, d. 08-10-1858, ---Age 35yr old
Jenks, John P. (Laura), d. 03-25-1860, Plot 1-4-10, ---hard to read stone, maybe d.1865?, 65yr old?
Jenks, Laura (John P.), b. 1803, d. 07-16-1859, Plot 1-4-11, ---Age 56yr old
Jenks, Sarah E., b. 1842, d. 11-06-1861, Plot 1-4-13, ---d/o John P. & Laura Jenks
Kaul, Alice, b. 1907, d. 1981, Plot 2-2-3, ---Nee Pease, buried next to Pease
Keeler, A. Nettie, d. 05-12-1859, Plot 1-7-3, ---d/o Marshal D.& E. Keeler, 3y 1m 25d old
Keeler, E. (Marshal D.), Plot 1-7-2
Keeler, Marshal D. (E.), d. 02-01-1857, Plot 1-7-1, ---Age 31yr 11mo 13da old, Inscription
Keip, Ernest F., b. 1916, d. 08-07-1996, ---see obit
Keip, Frank (Lillie), b. 1888, d. 1938, Plot 2-3-16
Keip, Lillie (Frank), b. 1888, d. 04-00-1933, Plot 2-3-17, ---see obit
Kelly, M. R., d. 02-05-1873, Plot 2-10-11/12, ---d.1878?, 56yr old
King, Adelia A. (Johnson J.), b. 02-27-1819, d. 03-20-1890, Plot 1-3-2, ---Nee Brayton
King, Alice M. (J. Fred), b. 04-23-1861, d. 11-19-1895, Plot 2-4-12, --- on stone with Lizzie King
King, Allen F. (Elsie M.), b. 1885, d. 09-00-1957, Plot 3-4-4, --- see obit
King, Arnold F., b. 02-01-1912, d. 07-21-1978, Plot 3-4-5
King, Edward F., b. 12-01-1892, d. 10-11-1905, Plot 2-4-10, ---s/o J.Fred & Alice M.King
King, Elsie M. McQueen (Allen F.), b. 1886, d. 03-31-1977, Plot 3-4-3, ---see obit
King, J. Fred (Alice M.), b. 04-02-1854, d. 12-09-1920, Plot 2-4-11/14, ---
King, Johnson J. (Adelia A.), b. 01-01-1815, d. 11-25-1894, Plot 1-3-1, ---Age 79yr 10mo 24da old, Inscription
King, Lizzie M., b. 10-25-1880, d. 12-14-1887, Plot 2-4-13, ---d/o J.Fred & Alice M.King, on stone with Alice
Knapp, Henry S., b. 1855, d. 03-11-1856, ---s/o S.L.& L. Knapp, maybe s/o S.L.& E.L.Knapp?
Knapp, Mary E., d. 03-20-1856, Plot 1-14-1, ---d/o C.S. & E.M. Knapp, 1yr 10mo old
Kuck, Randolph Arthur Hall (Muriel Agnes Novenski), b. 1909, d. 10-26-1942, Plot 2-1-27, ---s/o Henry Kuck, see obit
Lamke, Fred, b. 09-12-1864, d. 08-28-1906, ---no last name on stone
Lamke, Fredreka (William), b. 07-13-1833, d. 10-11-1908, ---no last name on stone
Lamke, Theodore, b. 02-25-1861, d. 02-10-1906, ---no last name on stone
Lamke, William (Fredreka), b. 11-12-1830, d. 12-05-1904, ---obituary index has d.12-05-1903, no last name on stone
Leininger, Josephine Griffin, b. 1879, d. 05-00-1957, Plot 1-13-15, ---See Griffin, see Leininger obit
Lincoln, Rebecca (William H.), b. 05-14-1838, d. 05-09-1917, Plot 1-13-5, ---Mother, Nee Bridges, b.N.Y.
Lincoln, Theadotia V., b. 12-18-1861, d. 08-30-1863, Plot 1-13-1, ---b.& d. in Bristol WI
Lincoln, William F., b. 07-07-1868, d. 09-09-1877, Plot 1-13-4
Lincoln, William H. (Rebecca), b. 04-08-1839, d. 07-12-1905, Plot 1-13-2, ---father, b.OH, d.Lodi
Loven, Andrew H. (M. Della), b. 1862, d. 05-00-1937, Plot 1-5-18, ---see obit
Loven, Dora (G. H.), b. 01-08-1870, d. 04-22-1903, Plot 1-8-13, ---
Loven, Esther (Leo C.), b. no dates, Plot 1--8--21
Loven, Leo C. (Esther), b. no dates, Plot 1-8-20, ---Inscription
Loven, M. Della (Andrew H.), b. 1868, d. 1950, Plot 1--5--17
Loven, Ruby Clare, b. 02-04-1896, d. 05-31-1896, Plot 1-5-12, ---d/o G.H.& Dora Loven, inscription, date on stone looks like 1891, see obit index
MacRae, Jessie (George R.), b. 03-16-1866, d. 12-03-1903, Plot 1-4--8, ---on stone with Helen Sickels
Markin, Cleo S. (Winifred J.), b. 1891, d. 06-16-1968, Plot 3-7-12/13, ---(m)05-20-1914, see obit
Markin, Winifred J. (Cleo S.), b. 1892, d. 19--, ---(m)05-20-1914, SSDI shows d.1981
Marsden, Byrde E., b. 1875, d. 1961, Plot 2-2-?
Marvin, Florence L., d. 10-04-1861, Plot 2-11-8, ---Infant, 11mo 4da old, d/o M.& M. Marvin, maybe d/ J.C.& M.Marvin?
Mathews, Addie Mae (J. Adelbert), b. 1869, d. 1935, Plot 1-7-14, ---Mother
Mathews, Albert C. "Pete" (Julia), b. 02-14-1914, d. 05-11-1992, Plot 3-5-15, ---WW II, US Army Air Corps
Mathews, Harold A. (Lelila A.), b. 1895, d. 19--, Plot 1--7-17, ---maybe b.08-20-1895 & d.08-1974--ssdi
Mathews, J. Adelbert (Addie Mae), b. 1867, d. 1952, Plot 1-7-13, ---Father
Mathews, Joseph W. (Josephine), b. 03-17-1833, d. 05-10-1906, Plot 2-9-?, ---GAR
Mathews, Josephine (Joseph W.), b. 07-10-1836, d. 01-08-1918, Plot 2-9-14, ---
Mathews, Julia A. Stadheim (Albert C. "Pete"), b. 1902, d. 01-11-1997, ---see obit
Mathews, Lelila A. (Harold A.), b. 1892, d. 19--, Plot 1-7-16
Mathews, William A., b. 1923, d. 1940, Plot 1-7-15
Mattie, Hazel P., b. 03-23-1934, d. 04-26-1997, Plot 1-?-?, ---Mother, See Scott
Maxfield, Edmund (Salome L.), b. 06-06-1848, d. 04-05-1910, Plot 1-3-6, ---Civil War, Pvt Co M, 1 Regt WI, HV Arty
Maxfield, Joseph (Phebe), d. 01-21-1886, Plot 2-9-14, ---Veteran, 82y 3m 12d old
Maxfield, Mary Jane, d. 12-10-1854, Plot 1-3-10, ---d/o Jos.& Phoebe, 3y 2m 15d old
Maxfield, Phebe (Joseph), d. 01-04-1852, Plot 1-3-8, ---Age 43y 10m 3d old
Maxfield, Salome L. (Edmund), b. 03-24-1844, d. 06-05-1925, Plot 1-3-6/7, ---Died in CA, Nee King
Maxfield, Unknown Female (2nd w/o Joseph?), d. 03-31-1883, broken stone, 64yr old
Maxfield, William F., d. 05-22-1847, Plot 1-3-9, ---s/o Jos.& Phoebe, 12y 10m 2d old
Maxon, Johnnie L., b. 09-00-1857, d. 01-22-1879, Plot 1-2-6, ---s/o A.& M. Maxon, 21y 5mo old, on stone with Sophia Stone
McDougal, Mary Gilbertson, b. 1835, d. 1864, Plot 2-5-?
McKay, Archibald, b. 09-16-1816, d. 06-03-1899, Plot 1-8-22, ---b. Scotland, Father
McKay, Margaret, b. 1822, d. 1902, Plot 2-2-18, ---on the Goodman stone
McMahon, Mary Anne (#1Ernest Matthews, #2Raymond McMahon), b. 1893, d. 12-22-1983, Plot 3-4-11, ---see obit
McMahon, Raymond C. (2nd h/o Mary Ann Lee), b. 1907, d. 12-27-1983, Plot 3-4-10, ---see obit
Mead, Catharine (George D.), b. 01-23-1820, d. 03-09-1893, Plot 1-10-18, ---hard to read dates on stone
Mead, George D. (Catharine), b. 1821, d. 09-26-1889, Plot 1-10-17
Mead, Martin, d. 06-10-1845, Plot 1-10-19, ---Age 36yr 5mo 10da old, see Martin Douglass
Mead, Sarah, d. 12-02-1856, Age 74yr old
Mead, Unknown, d. 12-05-1866, not sure of last name, 24y11m5d old, top of stone gone
Meredith, Even-Rev. "Bob" (Jeannette Bradley), b. 05-20-1815, d. 08-14-1886, Plot 2-11-1, ---GAR, obit index Rev. Even Merdith
Meredith, Gerald M., d. 10-20-1942, Plot 2-11-?, ---one date
Meredith, Joyce M. (Kenneth W.), b. 1944, ---(m)10-23-1968, Nee Becker
Meredith, Kenneth W. (Joyce M.), b. 1944, ---(m)10-23-1968
Meredith, Lillian A. "Lilly", b. 11-26-1921, d. 08-14-2002, Plot 2-11-?, ---Nee Kent
Mickelson, Ruby M. (Warren R.), b. 1926, Plot 3-3-?
Mickelson, Warren R. (Ruby M.)*, b. 08-25-1923, d. 01-13-1980, Plot 3-3-13, ---WW II, Sgt US Army
Minick, Bonnie Jean, b. 06-21-1952, d. 10-01-1995, Plot 3-4-?, ---d/o Frederick C.& Phyllis J. Minick
Minick, Estella "Stella" King (Fred), b. 1889, d. 06-28-1984, Plot 2-4-15, ---see obit
Minick, Fred (Estella "Stella" King), b. 1883, d. 07-29-1960, Plot 2-4-16, ---see obit
Minick, Frederick C. (Phyllis J. Sekel), b. 01-04-1929, d. 10-07-2010, Plot 3-4-15, ---U.S.Marine Corps, (m)09-01-1951, s/o Fred & Stella King Minick, see obit
Minick, Phyllis J. Sekel (Frederick C.), b. 06-08-1929, d. 05-02-1989, Plot 3-4-15, ---(m)09-01-1951, see obit
Moore, Ada, Plot 2-13-9, ---d/o W.& C.A.Moore, 9wks 3da old
Moore, Alice Maud, Plot 2-13-7, ---d/o W.& C.A. Moore, 14yr 6mo old
Moore, Aurora E. (William E.), b. 1860, d. 1942, Plot 1-2-15
Moore, Caroline (Welcome), b. 1848, d. 10-16-1892, Plot 2-13-6, ---mother, 44yr 2mo 10da old
Moore, Cora Bell, Plot 2-13-4, ---d/o W.& C.A.Moore, 1yr 11mo old
Moore, Corintha (W. W.), b. 09-17-1860, d. 11-30-1915, Plot 1-6-15, ---sister of Richard Tillotson
Moore, Deloss, Plot 2-13-3, ---d/o W. & C.A.Moore, 14days old
Moore, Josephine Hancock (Russell), b. 1894, d. 05-30-1971, Plot 1-2-18, ---see obit
Moore, Louis Adell, Plot 2-13-5, ---d/o W.& C.A.Moore, 9mo 20da old
Moore, Russell Earl (Josephine Hancock), b. 1893, d. 08-02-1952, Plot 1-2-17, --- see obit
Moore, Welcome (Caroline), b. 05-25-1848, d. 11-07-1925, Plot 2-13-8, ---father
Moore, William E. (Aurora E.), b. 1860, d. 1930, Plot 1-2-16
Nashold, Demos Newton (Sarah S.), b. 02-22-1844, d. 04-13-1916, Plot 1-4-15, ---see obit
Nashold, Jesse J., b. 1882, d. 12-24-1945, Plot 1-4-16, ---see obit
Nashold, Orin W., b. 1891, d. 09-23-1895, Plot 1-1-15, ---Infant s/o G.W.& M. Nashhold, 3y10mo.
Nashold, Sarah S. (Demos Newton), b. 1850, d. 1927, Plot 1-4-14, ---nee Waterworth
Nead, Sarah C., Plot 1-5-9, ---See Soward 1--5--, see Sarah Mead
Nelson, George R., d. 06-11-1862, ---s/o Levi & Hannah M. Nelson
Nelson, Hannah M. (Levi), b. 03-04-1834, d. 02-22-1909, ---Age 75r 11mo 16da old
Nelson, Levi (Hannah M.), b. 1824, d. 05-30-1888, ---Age 64y 6m 21d old
Novenskie, Mabel M. (Vernon F.), b. 1910, d. 05-22-1987, Plot 3-7-1, ---see obit
Novenskie, Marlene M. (Roger V.), b. 03-23-1933, d. 12-24-2011, ---(m)11-30-1957, d/o William & Minnie Johnson Harry, see obit
Novenskie, Roger V. (Marlene M. Harry), b. 09-12-1933, d. 10-25-2000, Plot 3-7-?, ---(m)11-30-1957
Novenskie, Vernon F. (Mabel M.), b. 1903, d. 09-04-1956, Plot 3-7-2, ---Veteran, see obit
Oakley, I. B. (Lucy M.), b. 02-28-1816, d. 11-17-1900, Plot 1-12-5, ---obit index has d. 11-08-1900
Oakley, Lucy M. (I. B.), b. 07-28-1817, d. 03-24-1885, Plot 1-12-6
Olmstead, Helen, b. 09-10-1794, d. 06-06-1866, Plot 2-5-?, ---Buried next to Tompkins, 2---5-, same entry as Meleson Olmstead
Olmstead, Meleson, b. 09-10-1794, d. 06-06-1866, ---same entry as Helen Olmstead
Patchin, Olive (#1George H. Taylor, #2John Patchin), d. 02-16-1972, ---Age 95yr old, see obit
Pease, Alice A. Haight (Dr. William A.), b. 1849, d. 08-16-1927, Plot 1-8-11, ---see obit
Pease, Alice L. Stone (John Brazilla), b. 1851, d. 1911, Plot 2-2-3, ---(m)06-25-1874
Pease, Angeline (William C.), b. 1810, d. 02-09-1896, Plot 1-8-16, ---obit index & stone:Angeline R. Pease, 85y3m 28d
Pease, Florence R. Reirson (Jotham John), b. 1884, d. 11-21-1979, Plot 2-2-8, ---see obit
Pease, John Brazilla (Alice L. Stone), b. 12-20-1853, d. 02-01-1900, Plot 2-2-2, --- (m)06-25-1874, Mason, see obit
Pease, Jotham John (Florence R. Reirson), b. 1882, d. 11-04-1942, Plot 2-7-7, ---s/o John B.Pease, see obit
Pease, Mary, Plot 1-3-?, ---child next to Mayme M. & Dr. H.A.
Pease, Mayme M. (Dr. Willard A.), b. 1874, d. 09-00-1950, Plot 1-3-13, ---see obit
Pease, Willard A. -Dr. (Mayme/Mary Elizabeth May), b. 1876, d. 01-00-1959, Plot 1-3-13, ---see obit
Pease, William A. (Alice Haight), b. 1846, d. 1920, Plot 1-8-10, ---Mason, maybe GAR
Pease, William C. (Alice/Angeline), b. 04-00-1808, d. 08-19-1891, Plot 1-8-18
Peck, Abbie K. (Martin N.), b. 10-11-1829, d. 09-18-1900, Plot 1-10-1, --- Nee Peckor Hunting?
Peck, Charles (Emma), b. 04-29-1856, d. no date, Plot 2-8-4, ---maybe b.1850?
Peck, Edward Joseph, b. 06-14-1900, d. 08-21-1970, Plot 2-8-5, ---WW II, WI Pvt Co C 134 Medical BN
Peck, Emma (Charles), b. 05-07-1870, d. 02-25-1925, Plot 2-8-3
Peeper, Amelia/Emilie C. (Waldemar R.), b. 1896, d. 01-08-1974, ---nee Hummel, see obit
Peeper, Earl Robert, b. 02-12-1936, d. 09-24-1954, ---s/o Waldemar & Amelia Hummel Peeper
Peeper, George W. (Georgine E. Appert), b. 12-19-1923, d. 02-09-2011, (m)1948, s/o Waldemar & Amelia/Emilie Hummel Peeper, see obit
Peeper, Georgine E. Appert (George W.), b. 1922, d. 01-16-1997, Plot 3-8-?, ---(m)1948, funeral home marker, see obit
Peeper, Jeffrey Thomas, b. 05-04-1956, d. 12-27-2004, Plot 3-8-?, ---s/o George W.& Georgine W.Peeper, Knights of Columbus, see obit
Peeper, Waldemar R. (Amelia C.), b. 1892, d. 1967
Peeper, William H., b. 12-07-1929, d. 03-04-2009, s/o Waldemer & Amelia Hummel Peeper, see obit
Pettis, Dwight A., b. 1859, d. 09-02-1862, Plot 2-6-3, ---s/o A.M.& S.A. Pettis, 2yr 10mo 23da old
Pettis, Elvira, b. 1848, d. 03-12-1863, Plot 2-6-8, ---d/o George & Betsey Pettis
Pettis, Freddie E., d. 09-05-1862, Plot 2-6-4, ---s/o A.M.& S.A.Pettis, 6mo 20d old
Pettis, Levi B., d. 09-11-1855, Plot 2-6-3, ---s/o A.M.& S.A.Pettis, 11mo 7da old
Pick, James Norbert (Marleen Ann Stilson), b. 08-07-1933, d. 01-18-2014, US Air Force, (m)10-22-1956, s/o Warner & Esther Dorn Pick, see obit
Pick, Marleen Ann (James Norbert), b. 10-26-1935, d. 03-20-2011, (m)10-22-1956, d/o Roy & Slema Staveness Stilson, see obit
Pribbenow, Alfred R. (Dora Grove), b. 1881, d. 08-07-1963, Plot 3-10-1, ---see obit
Pribbenow, Avis A. (Darwin A.), b. 1926, Plot 3-10-?, ---(m)04-07-1945, Nee Selk
Pribbenow, Bernard G. (June Karow), b. 09-24-1915, d. 02-14-2003, Plot 3-10-?, ---(m)08-22-1944, "Bernie", see obit
Pribbenow, Darwin A. (Avis A.), b. 1925, d. 03-01-1986, Plot 3-10-11, ---(m)04-07-1945
Pribbenow, Dora Grove (Alfred R.), b. 1887, d. 04-00-1960, Plot 3-10-2, ---see obit
Pribbenow, June (Bernard), b. 06-18-1926, d. 11-26-2005, --- (m)08-22-1944, d/o Oscar & Alice Nickerson Karow, see obit
Pulver, Alma A. (Richard J.), b. 10-25-1903, d. 11-07-1989, Plot 1-10-25
Pulver, Annie (Seward Franklin), b. 1854, d. 02-27-1930, Plot 1-8-24, ---Mother, aka Mary Annie, d/o Archibald McKay, see obit index
Pulver, Claude W., b. 09-21-1873, d. 03-05-1893, Plot 1-5-14
Pulver, Cora M. in Dunning lot, d. 03-03-1875, Plot 2-10-1, ---d/o O.B.& S.L.Pulver, 13yr 11mo 3da old
Pulver, Eddie W., b. 02-01-1865, d. 01-08-1881, ---see obit index, old stone
Pulver, Emily S. (W. A.), b. 05-26-1859, d. 06-15-1895, Plot 1-5-16, ---mother, 56yr 4mo 20da old
Pulver, Estella, d. 01-16-1875, Plot 1-5-11, --d/o W.A.& Emily S.Pulver, 2yr 10mo old
Pulver, Frankey, d. 03-15-1857, Plot 1-9-?, ---s/o J.C.& Sarah A.Pulver, 4mo 13da old
Pulver, Helen E. (W. A.), b. 01-09-1827, d. 07-03-1861, Plot 1-6-11, ---On Tillotson stone, mother
Pulver, J. C. (Sarah A.), b. 07-18-1830, d. 09-07-1899, Plot 1-9-12, ---obit Index shows Jonas C. Pulver, father
Pulver, Jonas W. --on stone with Sophronia Pulver, b. 10-09-1806, d. 03-08-1884, Plot 1-9-18, ---Father, is this John W. b.10-09-1806 & d.01-12-1865 and a Veteran? See obit index for John W.
Pulver, Richard J. (Alma A.), b. 03-13-1900, d. 01-25-1970, Plot 1-10-24
Pulver, Sally (J. W.), d. 01-08-1863, age 70yr 1mo 21da old
Pulver, Sarah A. (J. C.), b. 06-25-1839, d. 08-04-1893, Plot 1-9-13, ---mother, maybe d.1893?
Pulver, Seward Franklin (Mary Annie McKay), b. 1848, d. 12-13-1930, Plot 1-9-25, ---Father, s/o Wendall Pulver, see obit index
Pulver, Sophronia, b. 04-01-1842, d. 05-13-1894, Plot 1-9-17, ---Mother
Pulver, Unknown, d. 11-10-1861, Plot 1-?, -?, ---Stone broken in half, Inscription
Pulver, Unknown two, Plot 1-10-23, ---two small markers
Pulver, W. A. (Emily S. & Helen E.), b. 02-03-1827, d. 01-24-1899, Plot 1-2-15
Putnam, Ida, b. 04-17-1830, d. 01-14-1911, Plot 1-9-20, ---in Slatter lot
Randles, Celia S. (Donald), b. 1855, d. 1925, Plot 1-14-10, ---Della?
Randles, Donald (Celia S.), b. 1854, d. 1918, Plot 1-14-11
Randles, Emily (James S.), d. 07-06-1889, Plot 1-14-12, ---age 63yr 5mo
Randles, James S. (Emily), d. 01-25-1909, Plot 1-14-14, ---father, 82yr 9mo old
Rasmussen, Brandon Jeffrey, b. 05-04-1990, d. 11-30-2005, ---s/o Bernie & Deb Rasmussen, from obit
Rasmussen, Debra Lynn, b. 10-28-1959, mother of Brandon Jeffrey Rasmussen
Raymond, Reuben (Sarah), d. 07-13-1864
Raymond, Sarah (Reuben), b. 1795, d. 06-04-1868, ---73yr old
Reals, Alice (Russell P.), b. 1892, d. 01-00-1941, Plot 1-11-22, ---see obit
Reals, Lucelia (William), b. 1852, d. 1933, Plot 1-11-20
Reals, Russell P. (Alice), b. 1898, d. 01-07-1975, Plot 1-11-23, ---see obit
Reals, William (Lucelia), b. 1851, d. 1935, Plot 1-11-21
Reiners, Fred W. Sr., b. 03-09-1914, d. 03-24-1990, Plot 3-2-18, ---WW II, TEC 5 US Army
Reiners, Mrs., Plot 3-2-19
Richardson, Clifford, d. 11-28-1876, Plot 2-14-7, ---s/o Henry & Electa A.Richardson, 15yr18d old
Richardson, Electa A. (Henry), b. 04-27-1817, d. 10-01-1896, Plot 2-14-9
Richardson, Henry (Electa A.), b. 04-08-1814, d. 03-20-1880, Plot 2-14-10, ---GAR
Richardson, Ralph C., b. 11-09-1861, d. 11-28-1876, Plot 2-14-8
Ritter, Clara Adeline Thomas (Frank L.), b. 1866, d. 01-00-1956, Plot 1-1-6, ---see obit
Ritter, Frank L. (Clara A.), b. 1859, d. 11-00-1948, Plot 1-1-7, ---see obit
Ritter, Infant of Frank & Clara's, d. 1904, Plot 1-1-?, ---obit index has s/o Frank & Clara Ritter
Ritter, Lydia (?), ---Age 62yr 2mo 10da old, hard to read
Ritter, Nathan (Ruby), d. 01-01-1862, ---Age 70yr 7mo 10da old, maybe d. 01-18-1862? Last name hard to read on stone
Ritter, Ruby (Nathan), d. 03-01-1879, ---Age 88yr 8mo 22da old
Ritter, Unknown
Robinson, Adie/Hadie L., d. 05-02-1875, Plot 1-7-23, ---maybe w/o John B, 20yr 6mo old
Robinson, Hattie May, b. 02-10-1874, d. 06-16-1882, Plot 1-7-22, ---d/o J.H.& H. Robinson
Robinson, James H., b. 06-17-1840, d. 05-21-1884, Plot 1-7-22, ---maybe GAR
Robinson, Lynds B., b. 12-21-1867, d. 04-01-1885, Plot 1-7-24, ---s/o J.H.& H. Robinson
Root, Abby, d. 01-17-1852, d/o Cyrus & Hannah Root, 1yr 10da old
Root, Charles, d. 04-09-1855, s/o Cyrus & Hannah Root, 1yr 1mo 7da old
Root, Cyrus (Ester & Hannah), d. 01-19-1893, Plot 2-13-24, ---Covered by a Lilac bush, see obit index, 61y4mo old
Root, Delilah P. Fay (Philemon. F.), b. 02-09-1816, d. 01-25-1888, Plot 1-7-7, ---Age 71yr 11mo 16da old, see obit
Root, Emery, d. 04-29-1848, s/o Cyrus & Hannah Root, 1yr 5mo 16da old
Root, Ester (Cyrus), b. 1798, d. 10-28-1861, Plot 2-13-25, ---Covered by a Lilac bush, maybe d.1864?
Root, Hannah (Cyrus), d. 08-15-1889, age 72yrs
Root, Philemon F. (Delilah P. Fay), b. 05-20-1816, d. 11-05-1893, Plot 1-7-8, ---father, see obit
Rosenthal, Jim Larry, b. 09-28-1959, d. 11-02-1959, Plot 1-7-12, ---Infant, See Mathews
Schultz, August F. (Minnie S.), b. 1855, d. 1926, Plot 2-4-23
Schultz, Carl F. (Elsie E.), b. 05-10-1891, d. 12-07-1976, Plot 2-6-21
Schultz, Edwin, b. 08-05-1883, d. 10-12-1883, Plot 2-4-19, ---s/o August & Minnie Schultz
Schultz, Elmer W. Jr. (#1Lila R. Pribbenow, #2Ruth Bigelow), b. 01-14-1925, d. 09-28-1998, ---WW II, US Army Air Forces, 73yr old, see obit
Schultz, Elsie E. (Carl F.), b. 09-07-1895, d. 10-23-1964, Plot 2-6-22
Schultz, Lila R. (Elmer W. Jr.), b. 10-01-1920, d. 09-21-1975, Plot 3-11-14, ---Nee Pribbenow
Schultz, Minnie S. Moll (August F.), b. 1859, d. 04-25-1943, Plot 2-4-21, ---see obit
Schultz, Travis Randall, b. 07-16-1986, d. 07-17-1986, Plot 3-2-13, ---s/o Glenn Schultz
Schultz, Walter Ernest (Norma Novenskie), b. 1902, d. 10-23-1931, Plot 2-4-24, ---see obit
Scott, Della Mae (William A.), b. 04-28-1895, d. 08-04-1983, Plot 2-13-19, ---Nee Peck
Scott, Earl L. (Nina Moreland), b. 09-19-1921, d. 11-11-2004, Plot 1-13-?, ---WW II, TEC 5 US Army, (m)1944, s/o William A. & Della Mae Peck Scott, see obit
Scott, Nina Moreland (Earl L.), b. 1913, d. 11-12-1975, Plot 1-13-19, ---Wife and mother, see obit
Scott, Ralph A., d. 03-15-1915, Plot 2-8-12, ---one date, stone half under ground
Scott, William A. (Della Mae), b. 07-29-1890, d. 04-16-1966, Plot 2-13-18
Shepperd, Annie Charlotta Chapman (#1John H. Griffin, #2Fred Joseph Shepperd), b. 06-26-1888, d. 07-26-1989, Plot 1-13-17, ---see obit for Annie Shepperd, 101yr old
Shepperd, Fredrick Joseph (2nd h/o Annie Charlotta Chappman Griffin), b. 1882, d. 02-03-1950, Plot 1-13-?, ---Spelling on stone, see obit
Sickels, George, b. 1873, d. 10-07-1860, Plot 1-4-4, ---s/o Henry R.& N.Sickles, 17yr old
Sickels, Helen M. (John N.), b. 07-23-1840, d. 03-27-1915, Plot 1-4-7, ---on stone with Jessie MacRae
Sickels, Henry R., b. 1812, d. 10-12-1856, Plot 1-4-3, ---Age 44yr 4mo 17da old
Sickels, Jesse MaCrae (George), b. 07-16-1866, d. 12-03-1903, Plot 1-4-?
Sickels, John N. (Helen M.), b. 1830, d. 11-30-1865, Plot 1-4-6, ---Age 35yr 1mo old
Siekert, Bernice A. Specht (William J.), b. 05-29-1919, d. 07-29-1998, ---(m)09-26-1936
Siekert, William J. (Bernice A. Specht), b. 08-17-1908, d. 04-17-1986, ---(m)09-26-1936, see obit
Slater, Ella (William O.), b. 1857, d. 1944, Plot 1-9-22, ---Mother
Slater, William O. (Ella), b. 04-29-1849, d. 06-22-1939, Plot 1-9-21, ---Spanish American War, Co H, Idaho Inf.
Smith, Ellen/Ellie Stevens (Orson), b. 09-19-1847, d. 03-04-1922, Plot 1-3-25, ---Mother, see obit
Smith, Harley, b. 09-29-1885, d. 08-09-1920, Plot 1-3-24, ---s/o Orson & Ellen Smith
Smith, Nellie M. (Willis H.), b. 1875, d. 03-16-1963, Plot 1-3-22, ---see obit
Smith, Orson H. (Ellen), b. 04-27-1845, d. 10-19-1918, Plot 1-3-27, ---father
Smith, Willis H. (Nellie M.), b. 1874, d. 1934, Plot 1-3-23
Smythe, Joseph C., b. 02-11-1860, d. 04-23-1875, Plot 2-15-13, ---s/o J.G.& A.T. Smythe, 15yr 2mo 12da
Sowards, Marion F., b. 06-20-1847, Plot 1-5-1, ---Mason, Brother to Ransom Sowards
Sowards, Ranson J., b. 05-21-1850, d. 07-25-1913, Plot 1-5-3, ---Mason, Brother to Marion Sowards
Sowards, Sultana, b. 04-22-1854, d. 09-23-1941, Plot 1-5-4
Spieckermann, Dorothea (Johann), b. 01-11-1820, d. 06-16-1903, Plot 2-8-23
Spieckermann, Johann (Dorothea), b. 02-25-1819, d. 10-19-1902, Plot 2-8-22
Staveness, Cecelia M. (Obert J.), b. 01-14-1924, d. 07-16-2006, Plot 3-2-?, ---d/o George & Ida Nelson Jacob, (m)1941, Mom
Staveness, Edna E. (Hans O.), b. 04-17-1918, d. 11-12-2010, Plot 3-13-1, ---d/o Otto & Dora Liebenthal Grueneberg Grueneberg, see obit
Staveness, Hans O. (Edna E. Grueneberg), b. 03-04-1914, d. 03-14-1977, Plot 3-13-1, ---WW II, 1st Sgt US Army, see obit
Staveness, Obert J. (Cecelia M. Jacob), b. 07-22-1921, d. 12-18-1977, Plot 3-2-9, ---(m)1941, Dad, see obit
Stevens, Abijah (Martha), d. 10-25-1888, Plot 1-1-20, ---old stone, father, 83y5mo 13da old
Stevens, Austin E., d. 05-05-1878, Plot 1-1-23, ---s/o Abijah & Martha Stevens, 23y7m26d old, Mason
Stevens, Edward H., b. 07-09-1849, d. 10-04-1917, Plot 1-1-24
Stevens, Henry L. (Libbie R.), b. 07-03-1835, d. 10-25-1896, Plot 1-7-4
Stevens, Libbie Root (#1Jabez Hunting, #2Henry L. Stevens), b. 11-01-1837, d. 03-04-1924, Plot 1-7-?, ---d.CA, see obit
Stevens, Martha/Martina (Abijah), d. 02-08-1878, Plot 1-1-21, ---mother, 67y5m11d old
Stevens, Savilia, d. 03-05-1883, Plot 1-1-22, ---Age 45yr 5mo 6da old
Stilson, Earnest, b. 08-24-1909, d. 01-27-1914, ---s/o Frank & Emma M. Stilson
Stilson, Emma M. (Frank), b. 1891, d. 1954
Stilson, Esther P. (J. R.), b. 04-27-1824, d. 10-13-1878, ---Age 54yr 5mo 16da old
Stilson, Frank (Emma M.), b. 1885, d. 12-00-1958, Plot 1-1-22, ---see obit
Stilson, Jakie A, b. 07-00-1871, d. 08-13-1882, ---s/o J.W.& P.L.Stilson, 11yr 1mo old
Stilson, Roy J. (Selma L.), b. 1911, d. 08-01-1981, ---(m)10-20-1934
Stilson, Selma L. (Roy J.), b. 08-16-1914, d. 10-18-2005, ---(m)10-20-1934, d/o Oluf & Ida Semonson Staveness, see obit
Stilson, William, b. no dates
Stone, Emerson L., b. 09-10-1846, d. 09-04-1864, Plot 2-2-4, ---GAR, Co M 4 Wis Cav, Baton Rouge LA, 17yr 11mo 24da old, Inscription
Stone, Jotham (Martha A.), d. 12-03-1889, Plot 2-2-5, ---age 61y4m18d
Stone, Julius L., d. 11-09-1861, Plot 1-2-9, ---s/o O.W.& L.Stone, 17yr 8mo old
Stone, Lucinda (Orin W.), b. 1819, d. 05-05-1895, Plot 1-2-6
Stone, Martha A. (Jotham), b. 1830, d. 05-16-1900, Plot 2-2-6, ---Age 70yr 7mo 5da old
Stone, Mildred M. (Roy A.), b. 1873, d. 1939, Plot 2-7-23
Stone, Orin W. (Lucinda), b. 1819, d. 03-22-1902, Plot 1-2-7
Stone, Roy A. (Mildred M.), b. 1872, d. 11-00-1956, Plot 2-7-24, ---Mason, see obit
Stone, Sophia (L.), d. 01-05-1881, Plot 1-2-5, ---Age 77yr 10mo, on stone with Johnnie Maxon
Strauch, Laramie L., b. 03-21-1978, d. 12-16-1997, ---Husband & Father
Strauch, Melvin L. Jr. (Gloria Butler), b. 01-15-1942, d. 04-30-1983, ---Husband & Father, see obit
Stroud, Dickeson, b. 1851, d. 05-18-1921, Plot 1-7-27, ---Father
Stroud, Harriett E. Curtis (#1James Robinson, #2Richard Stroud), b. 1849, d. 02-13-1926, see obit & death certificate
Sugden, James A., b. 03-14-1980, d. 09-27-1998, Plot 3-8-18, ---Son
Taylor, Clara M. Henton (Leonard E.), b. 1894, d. 01-19-1969, Plot 2-12-12, ---see obit
Taylor, George H. (Olive E. Purves), b. 1869, d. 04-01-1935, Plot 2-13-16, ---see obit
Taylor, Infant daughters, d. 1926, Plot 2-13-?, ---next to and d/o Leon G.& Molly A. Taylor
Taylor, Leon G. (Molly A.), b. 1903, d. 06-15-1977, Plot 2-13-15, ---(m)09-23-1926, see obit
Taylor, Leonard E. (Clara M.), b. 1892, d. 1950, Plot 2-12-11
Taylor, Molly A. (Leon G.), b. 09-20-1908, d. 02-25-1994, Plot 2-13-14, ---(m_09-23-1926, d/o Carl & Augusta Zuelsdorf Deering, see obit
Taylor, Olive E. (George H.), b. 1876, d. 1972, Plot 2-13-17
Thornton, Harriet Cowley (Asa), b. 08-14-1825, d. 02-02-1904, (m)1854, Asa died 1870, see obit
Thornton, Unknown, d. 04-00-1871, not sure of last name , 84yr old
Thornton, Unknown female (H.), d. 00-00-1886, not sure of last name , 64yr old
Thurston, Alert W., b. 1867, d. 1924, Plot 2-3-4, ---on stone with Wilson Thurston
Thurston, Eudora G., b. 1851, d. 07-15-1865, Plot 2-3-2, ---d/o Willard & Hester A.Thurston, 14yr old
Thurston, Hester A. (Willard), b. 1831, d. 1906, Plot 2-3-3
Thurston, Sylvester W., d. 08-19-1864, Plot 2-3-5, ---infant s/o Willard & Hester A. Thurston, 1m old
Thurston, Willard (Hester A.), b. 05-18-1826, d. 06-27-1873, Plot 2-3-1, ---Veteran, 47yr old
Thurston, Wilson E., b. 1860, d. 02-12-1873, Plot 2-3-6, ---s/o Willard & Hester A.Thurston, 18yr old, on stone with Alert W.Thurston
Tillotson, Alice M. (Richard N.), b. 05-28-1853, d. 06-17-1947, Plot 1-6-12
Tillotson, Richard N. (Alice M.), b. 03-13-1852, d. 03-06-1926, Plot 1-6-13
Tompkins, C. Franklin (Elizabeth), b. 07-12-1851, d. 01-11-1928, Plot 2-5-14
Tompkins, Charles S. (Susan), b. 10-28-1823, d. 12-07-1907, Plot 2-4-9, ---father
Tompkins, Chauncey (Mary Jane "Jennie" Dunning), b. 02-27-1849, d. 03-21-1937, Plot 2-4-4, --- see obit
Tompkins, Chester R., b. 02-15-1889, d. 12-09-1973, Plot 2-5-17
Tompkins, Dan (Hannah), b. 06-19-1799, d. 08-10-1876, Plot 2-5-5, ---War of 1812
Tompkins, Elizabeth (C. Franklin), b. 09-14-1857, d. 10-05-1928, Plot 2-5-16
Tompkins, Hannah (Dan), b. 04-09-1803, d. 10-05-1885, Plot 2-5-3, ---dates hard to read, on stone with Lucretia
Tompkins, Jennie (Chauncey), b. 05-20-1854, d. 01-27-1929, Plot 2-4-5
Tompkins, Libby Louisa, b. 09-09-1886, d. 06-03-1899, Plot 2-5-12, ---d/o C.F.& M.E. Tompkins
Tompkins, Louie, Plot 2-5-11, ---no information
Tompkins, Lucretia (Samuel), b. 1845, d. 04-22-1939, Plot 2-5-2, ---on stone with Hannah Tompkins, see obit, obit says she is single
Tompkins, Samuel (Lucretia), b. 1847, d. 1927, Plot 2-5-1
Tompkins, Susan Frances, b. 12-05-1896, d. 03-13-1897, Plot 2-5-13, ---d/o C.Franklin & Elizabeth Tompkins
Tompkins, Susan (Charles S.), b. 08-03-1828, d. 07-09-1905, Plot 2-4-6, ---mother
Tompkins, William H., d. 02-17-1864, Plot 2-5-9, ---Inscription, 23y old
Trapp, Annie D., b. 1873, d. 1953, Plot 1-4-24
Trofler, Anthony, b. 12-20-1841, d. 03-30-1920, Plot 2-2-20
Unknown, Plot 2-8-15
Unknown, Plot 1-?-?, ---Broken stone
Unknown, Addie, Plot 1-2-1
Unknown, Infant, Plot 1-6-9
Unknown, Nathan, Plot 1-2-2
Unknown, Reuben G. or C., b. 1924, d. 1925, Plot 2-6-19, ---no last name on stone
Unknown, Ruby, Plot 1-1-3
Unknown, Three, Plot 2--5-?
Unknown, two, Plot 2-?-?
Unknown, two, Plot 2-15-3
Vick, Addie C. Stange (Richard J. Sr.), b. 09-01-1904, d. 12-31-2000, Plot 2-10-?, ---(m)12-16-1925, d/o Herman & Wilamenia Schultz Stange, see obit
Vick, Darlyne (Warren J.), b. 06-04-1947, d. 05-14-2002, Plot 2-10-?, ---Nee Hoeppner
Vick, Donovan R., b. 1946, d. 01-24-2001, Plot 2-10-?, ---see obit
Vick, Richard J. Sr. (Addie C. Strange), b. 10-20-1895, d. 10-17-1972, Plot 2-10-?, ---WWI, WI Sgt Co B, 11 Machine Gun BN, (m)12-16-1925
Vick, Richard L. Jr., b. 08-20-1929, d. 12-13-1995, Plot 2-10-?, ---Veteran
Vick, Warren J. (Darlyne Hoeppner), b. 11-12-1942, d. 02-03-1987, Plot 2-10-?, ---Vietnam, SP5 US Army, see obit
Walsworth, Unknown female (D.), b. 1791, d. 07-26-1863, Plot 2-14-15, ---Age 72yr 1mo 6da old, top of stone gone
Ward, Elnora M., b. 01-13-1874, d. 06-21-1928, Plot 2-9-23
Ward, Frank, b. 1869, d. 04-04-1955, ---86yr old
Ward, Lyman D. (Mary), b. 1828, d. 04-20-1892, Plot 2-9-20, ---64yr old
Ward, Marion T., b. 12-29-1878, d. 01-28-1930, Plot 2-10-25, ---Mother
Ward, Mary (Lyman D.), b. 1841, d. 1920/1926, Plot 2-9-22, ---
Ward, W., d. 01-28-1930, Plot 2-9-?
Ward, William J., b. 12-06-1871, d. 01-24-1938, Plot 2-9-24, ---He was a carpenter
Wells, Beulah M. Slater-Mrs., b. 02-20-1905, d. 05-16-1975, Plot 1-9-24, ---in the Slater lot, see obit
Wells, Viola Mae King, b. 1915, d. 03-06-1945, Plot 3-4-2, ---Mother
Wetmore, David (Fanny E.), b. 05-02-1816, d. 11-17-1893, Plot 1-14-15, ---Father
Wetmore, Fanny E. (David), b. 11-05-1828, d. 01-23-1893, Plot 1-14-26, ---Mother
Wilken, Annie/Anna L. (John J.), b. 12-04-1917, d. 10-05-2005, Plot 3-5-?, ---s/o John & Anja Johnson Peters, (m)02-10-1937
Wilken, John J. (Annie/Anna L.), b. 06-07-1916, d. 11-21-1987, Plot 3-5-9, ---Father
William, Pela (Isaac), d. 01-20-1856, age 61yr
Willson, Abagail (E.), b. 1791, d. 05-19-1863, Plot 2-14-19, ---Age 72yr old
Willson, William A., Plot 2-14-17
Willson, William M., b. 10-17-1824, d. 11-13-1874, Plot 2-14-18, ---Veteran, 50yr 27da old
Woltman, Florence E. (George H.), b. 1909, d. 12-29-1992, Plot 3-1-5, ---see obit
Woltman, George H. (Florence E. Richmond), b. 1905, d. 08-28-1978, Plot 3-1-6, ---see obit
Wright, Sarah Ann (2nd w/o Charles Arthur), b. 1868, d. 1935, Plot 1-4-22, ---In the Davidson lot, Nee Davidson
Wuethrich, Alfred (Verna), b. 1885, d. 1966, Plot 3-6-4, ---Alfred also has a stone in Fountain Prairie Cemetery with Della Ann
Wuethrich, Verna Jacobson (Alfred), b. 1902, d. 12-23-1989, Plot 3-6-5, ---see obit
Young, Dallas S., b. 1909, d. 1944, Plot 1-8-26, ---s/o Louis & Laura Mae Young
Young, George (Sarah A.), b. 1829, d. 1896, Plot 2-2-20, ---Father
Young, Laura Mae (Louis D.), b. 1882, d. 1961, Plot 1-8-27, ---Mother
Young, Louis D. (Laura Mae), b. 1878, d. 1956, Plot 1-8-28, ---Father
Young, Sarah A. (George), b. 1835, d. 1884, Plot 2-2-21, ---Mother
Zink, Frank D. (Hattie J.), b. 1868, d. 04-00-1949, Plot 1-1-13, ---Mason, see obit
Zink, Hattie J. (Frank D.), b. 1870, d. 10-00-1946, Plot 1-1-12, ---see obit
Zink, LeRoy M., d. 1902, Plot 1-1-?, ---s/o Frank & Hattie Zink, 3mo old
Zink, Richard D., b. 1898, d. 1899, Plot 1-1-10, ---s/o Frank & Hattie Zink, 5mo 12da old
Zunker, Albert J. (Erma H. Keip), b. 1907, d. 12-02-2000, Plot 2-3-?, ---(m)12-15-1939, s/o Otto & Lena Holmes Zunker, see obit
Zunker, Erma H. (Albert J.), b. 1917, d. 03-09-2001, Plot 2-3-?, ---(m)12-15-1939, d/o Frank & Lillian Schultz Keip, see obit