Wisconsin Death Records
Wisconsin Newspapers, Full Search (1833-1992), 150 titles
Wisconsin Obituary Search - (1989-current)
Wisconsin Funeral Notices
Randolph Cemetery
Randolph, Columbia County, Wisconsin
GPS: 43.545813, -89.016922
W. Cambria St.
Randolph, WI 53956
Published: October 3, 2016
Total records: 2,937
Surnames E-J
Copied from the cemetery records, 2005. Some birth dates are from the Social Security Death Index. Thanks to Jay Williams & Ass't village clerk, Sharon. Records kept by Randolph Village Clerk. Typed by Anna Mae Axness. Some Veteran info from Betty Cook's files. Stone pictures by Char Sauer and Joan Loomis in 2011. Files updated from these pictures.
Eager, Carl (Mabel), b. 02-27-1871, d. 08-04-1955, Plot L5E--R12.5, # 1
Eager, Mabel (Carl), b. 02-04-1871, d. 11-28-1949, Plot L5E--R12.5, # 2
Eckstein, Arthur (Eunice), pictures
Eckstein, Eunice (Arthur), pictures
Edwards, Jane (Owen), b. 1809, d. 1889, Plot L13E--R2, # 3, ---Mother
Edwards, John, b. 1844, d. 1917, Plot L13E--R2, # 4, ---Son of Owen & Jane Edwards
Edwards, Owen (Jane), b. 1806, d. 1891, Plot L13E--R2, # 2, ---Father
Eisma, Henry (Jessie), b. 1894, d. 05-27-1972, Plot L17W--R18, # 1, ---Father
Eisma, Jessie (Henry), b. 07-19-1894, d. 02-09-1985, Plot L17W--R18, # 3, --- Mother
Eisma, John Henry, b. 12-29-1917, d. 05-30-2008, Plot L17W--R18, # 2, ---age 90 yr.
Elgersma, Ella Bandsma (Mel G.), b. 1885, d. 10-20-1969, Plot L3E--R12, # 4, ---Wife
Elgersma, Gerben K., b. 1842, d. 1931, Plot L4E--R13, # 3, ---Father
Elgersma, Gerben M. (wife), b. 09-28-1920, d. 09-15-2011, Plot L3E--R12, #6, --s/o Mel & Ella Bandsma Elgersma, see obit
Elgersma, Mel G. (Ella Bandsma), b. 1882, d. 04-21-1969, Plot L3E--R12, # 5, ---Husband
Ellis, Catherine, b. 1830, d. 1914, Plot L1W--R10, # 4
Ellis, Hugh (Mary), b. 1818, d. 11-06-1899, Plot L1W--R6, # 3, ---81yr, old hard to read stone
Ellis, Mary (H. C.), b. 1819, d. 03-07-1882, Plot L1W--R6, # 2
Epley, Elizabeth (Morgan H.), b. 1822, d. 1901, Plot L1W--R9, # 2, ---Mother
Epley, Morgan H. (Elizabeth), b. 1823, d. 1908, Plot L1W--R9, # 1, ----Father
Erdman, Eric W. (Vera E. Nelson), b. 1911, d. 1984, Plot L1W--R1, # 2, ---cremation
Erdman, Unknown, Plot L1E--R15, # 1
Erdman, Unknown, Plot L1E--R15, # 2
Erdman, Vera E. Nelson (Eric W.), b. 1918, Plot L1W--R1, # , ---maybe buried somewhere else
Evans, Anna Margaret, b. 1906, d. 1919, Plot L1E--R3, # 3, ---on Rowland Evans stone
Evans, Annie E. (Rowland), b. 1840, d. 1902, Plot L1E--R3, # 2
Evans, E. Spencer (Mary Ellen), b. 01-23-1904, d. 07-27-1986, Plot L16W--R15, # 4
Evans, Flora Rust, b. 01-05-1873, d. 04-30-1895, Plot L5E--R5, # 1
Evans, Harry Trimble, d. 07-20-1913, Plot L5E--R5, # 2
Evans, Leatrice Mary Fromholz (Robert Spencer), b. 09-17-1929, d. 12-09-2006, pictures, (m)09-16-1950
Evans, Linda Lea, pictures, on stone with Robert S.&Leatrice M.Evans
Evans, Margaret Golden, d. 02-28-1892, Plot L5E--R5, # 3
Evans, Mary Ellen (E. Spencer), b. 12-02-1900, d. 06-12-1987, Plot L16W--R15, # 5, --- Nee Williams
Evans, Mary L. (W. E.), b. 1883, d. 1907, Plot L1E--R3, # 4, ---on Rowland Evans stone
Evans, R. P., d. 05-00-1919, Plot L5E--R5, # 4
Evans, Robert Spencer (Leatrice Mary Fromholz), b. 12-22-1929, pictures, (m)09-16-1950
Evans, Rowland (Annie E.), b. 1830, d. 1907, Plot L1E--R3, # 1
Evans, W. E. (Mary L.), b. 1850, d. 1924, Plot L1E--R3, # 5, ---on Rowland Evans stone
Evers, John Sr. (Minnie Buwalda), b. 1899, d. 01-04-1977, Plot L6W--R11, # 1, ---Father, see obit
Evers, Minnie Buwalda (John Sr.), b. 1902, d. 07-00-1944, Plot L6W--R11, # 2, ---Mother, see obit
Fandrey, Edward William (Iva Lou), b. 02-26-1905, d. 12-31-1983, Plot L17W--R8, # 4, ---WW II flag holder, US Army
Fandrey, Iva Lou (Edward William), b. 04-06-1912, d. 01-02-1988, Plot L17W--R8, # 5
Farr, Dexter (Eliza), b. 1824, d. 1903, Plot L9E--R6, # 2
Farr, Eliza (Dexter), b. 1826, d. 1902, Plot L9E--R6, # 1
Fehl, Herbert E. (Margaret J.), b. 12-09-1919, d. 07-23-1996, Plot L12W--R10, # 4, ---WW II
Fehl, Margaret J. (Herbert E.), b. 06-04-1917, d. 12-07-1995, Plot L12W--R10, # 5
Feil, Harriet L. (Herbert E.), b. 02-06-1940, d. 09-12-2009, Plot L15W--R19, #5, (m)07-02-1960, d/o Harry & Lillian Lee Jackson, see obit
Feil, Helen Schnur (Karl), b. 1907, d. 06-16-1969, Plot L15W--R19, # 2
Feil, Herbert E. (Harriet L.), b. 05-10-1938, Plot L15W--R19, # , (m)07-02-1960, s/o Karl & Helen Schnur Feil
Feil, Karl (Helen Schnur), b. 02-20-1900, d. 06-13-1964, Plot L15W--R19, # 1, ---
Feil, Lori Anne, b. 07-03-1961, d. 08-23-2003, Plot L16W--R23, # 2, --d/o Lee J.& Nancy Kurkowski Wanie
Feil, Terry Allan, b. 12-10-1960, Plot L16W--R23, # , ---
Ferge, Donna L. Spielvogel (Frank), b. 03-12-1901, d. 11-07-1992, Plot L16W--R7, # 1, ---
Ferge, Frank (Donna L. Spielvogel), b. 11-07-1895, d. 07-04-1979, Plot L16W--R7, # 2, ---WW I, US Army
Ferge, Harvey Richard (Nellie), b. 05-21-1923, d. 12-19-2007, Plot L16W-R27, # 4, --WW II, Sgt USArmy, (m)07-05-1946
Ferge, Nellie (Harvey Richard), b. 12-28-1923, d. 12-28-1998, Plot L16W--R27, # 3, ---(m)07-05-1946
Fields, Laura Louise (LeRoy A.), b. 09-22-1914, d. 08-06-2004, Plot L7E--R21, # 3, ---Nee Moritz
Fields, LeRoy A. (Laura Louise), b. 08-29-1926, Plot L7E--R21, # , ---
Fietz, Arlene Alice (August Russel "Bud"), b. 05-19-1933, d. 11-04-2010, Plot L13W--R27, #2, --(m)07-07-1951, d/o John H.& Thelma Whitrock Tiffany, see obit
Fietz, Audrey Lucille (John F.), b. 09-24-1933, d. 06-27-2009, Plot L13W--R27, #3, --(m)05-14-1955, d/o Jacob & Agnes Mossel Alderden, VFW Auxiliary
Fietz, August Russell "Bud" (Arlene A. Tiffany), b. 08-04-1927, d. 02-19-2011, Plot L13W--R27, #1, --US Marine Corps, (m)07-07-1951, s/o August H.& Anna Beckman Fietz, see obit
Fietz, Douglas John (Mary Louise Korth), b. 04-15-1955, d. 12-26-2004, Plot L13W--R27, between #1, --ashes, (m)02-16-1974, s/o August R.& Arlene A.Fietz, small stone with poem & no name, see obit
Fietz, John F. (Audrey L.), b. 11-01-1931, d. 02-13-2005, Plot L13W--R27, # 4, ---Korea, SGT US Marine Corps, (m)05-14-1955
Fischer, Kenneth, d. 11-11-1940, Plot L2E--R15, #3, --from Pictures, s/o Arthur & Inez Fischer, 2da old, next to wife of M.C.Alderden
Fischer, Trena Mae Alsum, b. 06-04-1938, d. 10-11-2004, Plot L8W--R23, # 1, -- CH: Curtis, Randall
Fisher, Anna Stuit (#1Bet Bylstra, #2George Fisher), b. 10-01-1903, d. 11-17-1989, Plot L17W--R20, # 2, ---see obit
Fisher, George (2nd h/o Anna Stuit), b. 06-07-1908, d. 12-11-1993, Plot L17W--R20, # 1
Fisher, Henry S. (1st h/o Jennie Katsma), b. 05-13-1913, d. 03-12-1966, Plot L16W--R19, # 1, --- (m)09-1937
Fisher, Jennie Katsma (#1Henry Fisher, #2Henry Slager, #3Henry Westra), b. 12-13-1916, d. 04-12-2010, Plot L16W--R19, #2, --(m1)09-1937, (m2)12-1968, (m3)06-1995, d/o Samuel & Hattie Westra Katsma, see obit for Jennie Westra
Fisher, Joseph H., b. 09-19-1909, d. 03-14-1996, Plot L19W--R26, # 2, ---
Fisher, Mamie (Samuel Sr.), b. 1887, d. 02-10-1973, Plot L14W--R17, # 4, ---see obit
Fisher, Samual Jr., b. 1918, d. 1956, Plot L14W--R17, # 3, ---s/o Sam Sr.&Mamie Fisher
Fisher, Samual Sr. (Mamie Pashuma), b. 11-02-1884, d. 04-08-1966, Plot L14W--R17, # 5, --- see obit
Flegner, Jean R. (Larry Arthur), b. 05-15-1945, Plot L21W--R20, # , --- Nee Holwerda
Flegner, Larry Arthur (Jean R.), b. 02-27-1945, d. 07-21-2003, Plot L21W--R20, # 2, ---s/o Walter & Viola Flegner
Flegner, Viola Lilly (Walter Clarence), b. 07-06-1917, d. 10-25-2011, Plot L2E--R17, # 5, --(m)09-29-1936, d/o Arthur & Anna Ruenger Boelter
Flegner, Walter Clarence (Viola Lilly), b. 08-09-1911, d. 01-08-1989, Plot L2E--R17, # 4, ---(m)09-29-1936
Flesner, Doris W. (#1Robert Waterworth, #2--2nd w/o Merlin Flesner), b. 02-12-1920, d. 06-19-2003, Plot L13W--R15, # 2, ---, cremation, d.AZ, see obit
Forbes, Megan Ashley Horton (James), b. 04-03-1986, d. 08-27-2013, d/o Reuben & Jane Haima Horton, CH: Elijah Michael, Evan Daniel, Jiana Marie, see obit
Fortuin, Gerben (Tena), b. 1906, d. 05-14-1961, Plot L15W--R10, # 1
Fortuin, Tena (Gerben), b. 1907, d. 03-15-1976, Plot L15W--R10, # 2, ---Nee Vander Meulen
Fortuin, Theo-Beth, b. 02-27-1946, d. 12-21-1970, Plot L15W--R10, # 3, ---
Foss, Dale John (Grace J. Yaroch), b. 05-24-1917, d. 08-19-1993, Plot L16W--R5, # 2, --(m)06-29-1963
Foss, Grace Josephine (Dale John), b. 03-02-1926, d. 05-12-2010, Plot L16W--R5, #1, --(m)06-29-1963, d/o Frederick & Lula Lentz Yaroch, see obit
Foster, Gilman C. (Helen A.), b. 1827, d. 1905, Plot L9E--R6, # 4
Foster, Helen A. (Gilman C.), b. 1836, d. 1909, Plot L9E--R6, # 5
Foster, Nathan H., b. 1783, d. 1879, Plot L9E--R6, # 3
Foulkes, Edith (Rowland), b. 1885, d. 1949, Plot L7W--R17, # 2, ---Mother
Foulkes, Elin (Ellis R.), b. 1837, d. 1914, Plot L4W--R9, # 4, ---Mother
Foulkes, Ellis Alfred (Loretta Dolly Slinger), b. 03-26-1923, d. 12-27-2002, Plot L7W--R17, # 4, ---WW II, SSGT US Army Air Forces, 8th A F 401 Bomb GRP, see obit
Foulkes, Ellis R., b. 1872, d. 1879, Plot L4W--R9, # 3, ---s/o Ellis R.& Elin Foulkes
Foulkes, Ellis R. (Elin), b. 1833, d. 1892, Plot L4W--R9, # 5, ---Father
Foulkes, Emery Rowland, b. 05-05-1915, d. 01-18-1990, Plot L7W--R17, # 5, ---WW II, TEC5 US Army, under General Patton
Foulkes, Loretta "Dolly" (Ellis Alfred), b. 04-27-1926, d. 05-22-2009, Plot L7W--R17, # 5, (m)03-16-1946, d/o John & Loretta Heanski Slinger, Am.Leg.Auxiliary, see obit
Foulkes, Rowland (Edith), b. 1871, d. 1942, Plot L7W--R17, # 1, ---Father
Fralick, Albert (#1Ida Kath, #2Jennie Erdman), b. 1873, d. 08-13-1955, Plot L11W--R19, # 4, ---see obit
Fralick, Jennie (2nd w/o Albert), b. 1883, d. 12-20-1966, Plot L11W--R19, # 5, ---see obit
Frederick, Hattie A. Kietzer (William), b. 11-22-1895, d. 10-30-1994, Plot L13W--R12.5, # 2, ---
Frederick, William (Hattie A. Kietzer), b. 1882, d. 1954, Plot L13W--R12.5, # 1
Freitag, Delores King (Robert D.), b. 1921, pictures, "Dee"
Freitag, Robert D. (Delores King), b. 1920, pictures, "Bob"
Friedrich, Assaph (Bertha Voss), b. 06-07-1913, d. 06-07-1995, pictures
Friedrich, Bertha Voss (Assaph), b. 06-27-1914, d. 07-25-1995, pictures
Friedrich, Michael (Delores Waterworth), b. 08-31-1950, d. 04-22-2014, Veitnam, US Army, (m)05-29-1970, s/o Assaph & Berta Voss Friedrich, b.Germany, see obit
Fritz, Kevin (Cindy Kloostra), b. 03-13-1966, d. 08-22-2006, Plot L18W--R28, # 2, E678, --- US Army, "Uncle", obit
Froehlich, Maysel Amber Rae (Merle A.), b. 07-27-1913, d. 02-19-2008, Plot L10W--R20, # 1, --(m)09-20-1933, d/o Frank E. & Frances L.Mason Stone, see obit
Froehlich, Merle A. (Maysel A. R.), b. 03-22-1908, d. 10-06-1974, Plot L16W-R20, # 2, --(m)09-20-1933
Fromholz, Leonard Edward, d. 06-00-1931, 20yr, s/o John, obit says Randolph Cem.
Fromholz, Wilhelmine A. (#1William Brandenburg, #2 Paul Fromholz), b. 1964, d. 06-05-1932, Plot L3W--R2, # 4, ---see Wilhelmine Brandenburg, Paul is buried in St.Patrick's Cemetery-Doylestown, see obit
Fry, Elizabeth Austin, b. 1903, d. 1936, Plot L9E--R10, # 2, --on Jones stone/Elizabeth Austin Fry
Fuller, Effie Gilmore, b. 1883, d. 1969, Plot L14E--R9, # 4, ---on Abram & Louise Gilmore stone
Fuller, Fayette D. (Norma A. Turben), b. 1905, d. 11-23-1974, Plot L17W--R9, # 4
Fuller, Gordon D. (Nellie Halbersma), b. 12-19-1942, pictures
Fuller, Nellie Halbersma (Gordon D.), b. 01-26-1942, pictures
Fuller, Norma Adelia (Fayette D.), b. 08-17-1912, d. 05-29-1985, Plot L17W--R9, # 5, --- Nee Turben
Fuller, Roger K., b. 11-02-1940, pictures
Garnes, Frank J., b. 07-06-1910, d. 11-15-1982, Plot L16W--R12, # 1
Gassen Barbara Jean Luck (Gregory Gale), b. 09-12-1960, (m)09-05-1992
Gassen, Gregory Gale (Barbara Jean Luck), b. 11-02-1951, (m)09-05-1992
Gassen, Jacob Alexander, b. 11-19-1989, d. 11-29-2010, Plot L12E--R20, #4, --Afganistan, US Army, s/o Gregory Gale & Barbara Jean, see obit
Gassen, Thomas Gale, b. 1997, d. 07-03-1997, Plot L12E--R20, head of # 3, ---infant, newborn, s/o Gregory Gale & Barbara Jean Gassen
Gay, Eleanor M., b. 06-04-1925, d. 01-30-1992, Plot L19W--R22, # 1, ---on stone with James C.Stabelfeldt
Geertsema, Alice Rietsema (1st w/o Jacob), b. 02-24-1928, d. 08-30-1994, Plot L13W--R24, # 3, ---(m)03-29-1950
Geertsema, Jacob (#1Alice Rietsema, #2Sadie DeVries), b. 06-08-1923, d. 12-11-2011, Plot L13W--R24, #4, --(m1)03-29-1950, (m2)1995, s/o Pieter & Jantine Buist Geertsema, see obit
Geertsma, Jeremy Dean, b. 09-20-1977, d. 12-27-2013, s/o Robert & Kathleen Schneiter Geertsma, snowmobile accident, see obit
Gehrung, Carl, b. 1864, d. 10-03-1897, Plot L6W--R2, # 3, ---age 33yr 6mo
Gehrung, Father (Mother), b. 1861, d. 1897, Plot L6W--R2, # 5
Gehrung, Karl H. (Meta A.), b. 12-18-1896, d. 07-13-1963, Plot L14W--R18, # 1, ---
Gehrung, Meta A. (Karl H.), b. 05-11-1908, d. 10-09-1982, Plot L14W--R18, # 2, ---
Gehrung, Mother (Father), b. 1861, d. 12-30-1931, Plot L6W--R2, # 4, ---this is Pauline Gehrung, see obit
Gensch, Beulah M. WIlde (Henry B.), b. 1893, d. 04-08-1955, Plot L11W--R19, # 2, ---
Gensch, Henry B. (Beulah M. Wilde), b. 1893, d. 06-26-1969, Plot L11W--R19, # 1, ---see obit
George, Evelyn R. Nettum (Robert K.), b. 03-22-1919, d. 03-30-2015, Plot L13W--R26, # , --- (m)04-26-1941, d/o Melvin & Ella Lokken Nettum, see obit
George, Herman E. (Loretta B. Selsor), b. 1909, d. 01-01-1960, Plot L13W--R10, # 4, ---(m)08-01-1931
George, Loretta B. (Herman E.), b. 05-17-1909, d. 06-13-2001, Plot L13W--R10, # 3, ---(m)08-01-1931, d/o Herman E.& Grace Robinson Selsor, see obit
George, Robert K. (Evelyn R. Nettum), b. 10-28-1917, d. 10-16-1991, Plot L13W--R26, # 2, --- (m)04-26-1941
Gilgenbach, Cindy Ruth, b. 07-08-1959, d. 07-17-1959, Plot L4W--R19, # 3, ---next to Shirley Rausch Gilgenbach
Gilgenbach, Del Raymond, b. 06-08-1960, d. 06-09-1960, Plot L4W--R19, # 4, ---next to Shirley Rausch Gilgenbach
Gilgenbach, Shirley Rausch, b. 04-22-1925, d. 05-01-1993, Plot L4W--R19, # 5, ---
Gilmore, Abram L., b. 1842, d. 1912, Plot L14E--R9, # 1
Gilmore, Charles L. II (Justine R.), b. 05-06-1912, d. 08-10-1997, Plot L9W--R13, # 3
Gilmore, Effie, b. 1883, d. 1969, Plot L14E--R9, # 4
Gilmore, Ethel Jolliffe (Leslie C.), b. 1883, d. 10-00-1955, Plot L6W--R15, # 2, ---see obit
Gilmore, Everett H. (Kathryn A. Roberts), b. 01-03-1888, d. 09-05-1942, Plot L7W--R15, # 1
Gilmore, Justin Patience, b. 01-03-1940, d. 06-08-1945, Plot L9W--R13, # 1
Gilmore, Justine R. (Charles L. II), b. 03-06-1914, d. 09-09-1991, Plot L9W--R13, # 2, ---Nee Blochwitz
Gilmore, Kathryn A. Roberts (Everett H.), b. 07-24-1887, d. 05-31-1950, Plot L7W--R15, # 2
Gilmore, Leslie C. (Ethel), b. 1885, d. 10-16-1957, Plot L6W--R15, # 1
Gilmore, Louise, d. 1935, Plot L14E--R9, # 2
Glass, David (Harriet), b. 1822, d. 1889, Plot L14E--R4, # 3, ---GAR, father
Glass, Harriet (David), b. 1825, d. 1909, Plot L14E--R4, # 2
Glass, Jennie S. -Miss, b. 1861, d. 02-00-1951, Plot L14E--R4, # 4, ---d/o David Glass, see obit
Glass, Jessie E., b. 1868, d. 1963, Plot L14E--R4, # 5
Glass, Mary B. -Miss, b. 1871, d. 12-03-1935, Plot L14E--R4, # 1, ---see obit
Glenzke, Esther M. Young (Will J.), b. 1886, d. 01-02-1956, Plot L6E--R12, # 4
Glenzke, Will J. (Esther M. Young), b. 1875, d. 03-06-1955, Plot L6E--R12, # 3, ---79yr old
Gollop, Anna Punger, b. 07-30-1900, d. 11-04-1988, Plot L20W--R19, # 5, ---
Gorr, Joyce C. Navis (Richard Lloyd), b. 1937, Plot L8W--R21, # , --(m)09-29-1956
Gorr, Richard Lloyd (Joyce C. Navis), b. 06-19-1935, d. 12-05-2010, Plot L8W--R21, #4, --(m)09-29-1956, s/o Alvin & Lillian Swartzkopt Gorr, see obit
Gossink, Albert J. (Rosa), b. 12-20-1859, d. 07-15-1926, Plot L6E--R8, # 5, ---Father
Gossink, Alice (William), b. 1873, d. 1962, Plot L6E--R12.5, # 2, ---Mother
Gossink, Charlotte M., b. 04-10-1898, d. 06-16-1898, Plot L6E--R8, # 1
Gossink, Edith M. (Warren J.), b. 1921, Plot L1E--R1, # , --- Nee Zimmerman
Gossink, Emma, b. 03-29-1862, d. 04-29-1936, Plot L10E--R1, # 3
Gossink, Henery J., b. 03-14-1858, d. 04-03-1932, Plot L10E--R1, # 4
Gossink, James A. (T. Ruth Olrick), b. 09-24-1891, d. 12-08-1963, Plot L10W--R15, # 5, ---
Gossink, Rosa (Albert J.), b. 12-23-1861, d. 03-22-1950, Plot L6E--R8, # 4, ---Mother
Gossink, Thelma Ruth Olrick (James A.), b. 1895, d. 12-30-1967, Plot L10W--R15, # 4, ---see obit
Gossink, Warren J. (Edith M.), b. 01-03-1922, d. 03-29-1991, Plot L1E--R1, # 1, ---WW II, US Navy
Gossink, William (Alice), b. 1871, d. 02-00-1939, Plot L6E--R12.5, # 1, ---Father
Gove, a family stone, Plot L17W--R15.5, Jeanette R, George R.Sr, William E
Gove, Allan Carroll, b. 11-06-1956, d. 12-17-1956, Plot L11W--R16, head of # 1, & # 2, ---s/o Clayton & Aleda
Gove, Carroll Lansing (1st h/o Madeline M. Neuman), b. 03-05-1924, d. 07-30-1945, from pics, WW II, S2 US Navy, "In Memory of"
Gove, Clayton R. "Pete", b. 06-22-1927, Pictures
Gove, George R. (Jeanette R. White), b. 10-20-1897, d. 11-30-1974, Plot L17W--R15.5, # 2, ---WW I, PFC US Army, (m)11-08-1922
Gove, George R. Jr. "Emil" (Joanne), b. 04-08-1944, pictures, (m)10-03-1964
Gove, Janice Kay, b. 07-14-1954, d. 02-16-2012, Plot L15W--R14, #3, -- d/o Aleda Gove, see obit
Gove, Jeanette Ruth "Nettie" White (George R.), b. 12-28-1901, d. 07-25-2004, Plot L17W--R15.5, # 1, ---(m)11-08-1922, d/o John & Carrie Klas White, see obit
Gove, Joanne (George R. Jr. "Emil"), b. 12-06-1944, pictures, (m)10-03-1964
Gove, William E., b. 1901, d. 04-16-1967, Plot L17W--R15.5, # 3, --
Graafsma, Albert, b. 11-04-1921, d. 01-14-2001, Plot L12W--R5, # 3, ---WW II, PFC US Army
Graafsma, Frank, b. 09-16-1923, d. 11-23-1988, Plot L12W--R5, # 1, ---WW II, CPL US Army
Graf, Dorothy Blanche Lloyd, b. 11-28-1915, d. 10-19-1999, Plot L6E--R15, --d/o Lewis & Blanche "Sadie" Lloyd. Stone
Graham, Arthur, b. 1887, d. 1913, Plot L11E--R5, # 5
Graham, Etta, b. 1872, d. 05-28-1893, Plot L11E--R5, # 1
Graham, Father--see William, Father stone next to Samuel Graham, GAR holder
Graham, Rose Flinn (William R.), b. 04-06-1836, d. 04-15-1911, Plot L11E--R5, # 3
Graham, Samuel, b. 1798, d. 05-02-1875, Plot L11E--R5, # 4
Graham, William R., b. 1839, d. 1930, pictures, small stone
Graham, William R. (Rose), b. 03-06-1835, d. 12-28-1911, Plot L11E--R5, # 2, ---GAR
Grams, Bertha A. (Herman J.), b. 1878, d. 1959, Plot L3W--R16, # 5, ---Mother
Grams, Herman J. (Bertha A.), b. 1870, d. 1965, Plot L3W--R16, # 4, ---Father
Grebe, Sophia (Ferdinand), b. 1877, d. 1901, Plot L4W--R6, # 6, ---see Sophia McMorran
Griffing, Edwin B., b. 1819, d. 1893, Plot L4E--R6, # 5
Griffing, Maria L., b. 1822, d. 1896, Plot L4E--R6, # 4
Griffith, A. Gwendolyn (Hugh O.), b. 1920, Plot L10E--R18, # 5, ---Nee Roberts
Griffith, Clara M. (Owen J.), b. 1893, d. 1961, Plot L1E--R18, # 4
Griffith, Cynthia K. (Robert E.), b. 1952, Plot L2W--R19, # , --- Nee Roberts
Griffith, Gregory Hugh, b. 06-01-1971, d. 04-18-1981, Plot L2W--R19, # 2, ---s/o Robert E.& Cynthia K.Griffith
Griffith, Griffith Lloyd (Katie Owen), b. 07-20-1917, d. 05-18-2001, Plot L13W--R21, # 3, ---WW II, US Army, (m)11-21-1940, s/o Robert & Hannah Mary Owen Griffith, see obit
Griffith, Hugh O. (A. Gwendolyn), b. 03-06-1919, d. 10-01-1995, Plot L10E--R18, # 5, ---WW II, TEC3 US Army, Mason
Griffith, J. W., b. 1844, d. 1901, Plot L9E--R3, # 1, ---Veteran, no stone
Griffith, Katie Owen (Griffith Lloyd), b. 02-21-1917, d. 05-08-2004, Plot L13W--R21, # 4, ---
Griffith, Nellie, b. 1852, d. 1915, Plot L9E--R3, # 2
Griffith, Owen J. (Clara M.), b. 1891, d. 1964, Plot L1E--R18, # 3
Griffith, Robert E. (Cynthia K.), b. 1950, Plot L2W--R19, # , ---
Griffiths, Ann, b. 1821, d. 1886, Plot L13E--R2, # 1
Griffiths, Caroline Siegmann (William), b. 02-08-1886, d. 01-25-1979, Plot L4E--R2, # 3, ---Daughter, see obit
Griffiths, Eunice, b. 1898, d. 1955, Plot L2E--R1, # 1, ---Daughter
Griffiths, John E. (Maggie Emma), b. 12-28-1869, d. 06-29-1918, Plot L2E--R1, # 4
Griffiths, Katherine Daniel (Owen), b. 08-25-1896, d. 10-13-1991, Plot L8W--R16, # 1, ---Eastern Star
Griffiths, Maggie Emma (John E.), b. 02-05-1819, d. 02-02-1946, Plot L2E--R1, # 3
Griffiths, Margaret (William D.), b. 1886, d. 1942, Plot L8E--R15.5, # 2, ---Nee Williams
Griffiths, Owen (Katherine Daniel), b. 06-04-1891, d. 10-16-1970, Plot L8W--R16, # 2, --- Mason
Griffiths, William D. (Margaret), b. 1887, d. 06-12-1967, Plot L8E--R15.5, # 1, ---obit says wife's name is Caroline
Grulke, Ella H. Hemling (Frank F.), b. 11-28-1894, d. 09-04-1986, Plot L16W--R12, # 5
Grulke, Frank F. (Ella H. Hemling), b. 1891, d. 1971, Plot L16W--R12, # 4
Gruss, Patricia Fandrey, b. 05-14-1952, d. 02-27-2002, Plot L17W--R8, # 3, ---CH: Scott, Jeff
Gutzman, Bertha E. William A.), b. 1864, d. 07-02-1939, Plot L1W--R15.5, # 2, ---Mother, see obit
Gutzman, William A. (Bertha E.), b. 1854, d. 02-16-1940, Plot L1W--R15.5, # 1, ---Father, see obit
Haakma, Gertrude Dykstra (Mike U.), b. 1890, d. 09-01-1970, Plot L1E--R14, # 2, ---Wife, see obit
Haakma, Hilda, b. 1912, Plot L1E--R14, # 1, ---d/o Mike & Gertrude Haakma
Haakma, Mike U. (Gertrude Dykstra), b. 1888, d. 1956, Plot L1E--R14, # 1, ---Husband
Haas, Ardis E. Rambow (Kenneth L.), b. 12-07-1918, d. 08-31-1989, Plot L17W--R4, # 4
Haas, Kenneth L. (Ardis E. Rambow), b. 1921, d. 1982, Plot L17W--R4, # 5
Haemling, Emma Tesch (Gottfried), b. 07-06-1869, d. 03-17-1961, Plot L4W--R12.5, # 2, ---b.Germany, (m)1888, Mother, see obit
Haemling, Gottfried (Emma Tesch), b. 08-15-1855, d. 02-24-1934, Plot L4W--R12.5, # 1, ---(m)1888, Father, see obit
Hafenbreadl, John G., b. 06-16-1914, d. 09-06-1985, Plot L11W--R20, # 3, ---
Hafenstein, Anna A. (John E.), b. 1878, d. 1953, Plot L14E--R15, # 2
Hafenstein, John E. (Anna A.), b. 1878, d. 1959, Plot L14E--R15, # 3
Haima, Erwin W. (Jennie Smedema), b. 01-30-1906, d. 06-02-1999, Plot L10W--R22, # 1, ---(m)09-04-1930
Haima, Jennie Smedema (Erwin W.), b. 06-28-1908, d. 11-24-1994, Plot L10W--R22, # 2, ---(m)09-04-1930
Haley, Robert L., b. 01-05-1954, d. 05-12-1992, Plot L13E--R20, head of # 5, ---
Hall, Dorothy M., b. 1943, Plot L17W--R2, # , --- d/o George Jr.& Lena M.Hall
Hall, George Jr. (Lena Martha), b. 05-25-1914, d. 03-26-1994, Plot L17W--R2, # 5, --- Father
Hall, Lena Martha (George Jr.), b. 08-07-1916, d. 11-24-1988, Plot L17W--R2, # 4, ---Mother
Hammond, Benjamin (Wrexaville O.), b. 1824, d. 01-18-1894, Plot L4W--R4, # 4
Hammond, Wrexaville O. (Benjamin), b. 1822, d. 10-23-1899, Plot L4W--R4, # 5
Hansen, Christina, b. 1844, d. 07-13-1885, Plot L2W--R7, # 4, ---age 41yr
Hansen, Olivia, b. 1877, d. 1900, Plot L2W--R7, # 3
Harmer, Caroline M. (Henry), b. 1838, d. 1918, Plot L14E--R6, # 2
Harmer, Henry (Caroline M.), b. 1839, d. 1906, Plot L14E--R6, # 1, ---Veteran
Hartman, Cecelia D. (#1Vern F. Hartman, #2Bernard Carlin), b. 02-05-1907, d. 01-28-1988, Plot L5E--R01, # 2, ---"Grandma", next to Vern F. Hartman, see Cecelia Delia Carlin
Hartman, Elmer H. (Viola A.), b. 1911, d. 1979, Plot L11W--R3, # 3, ---WW II, CPL US Army
Hartman, Vern F., b. 08-17-1888, d. 11-06-1951, Plot L5E--R01, # 1, ---WW I, PVT 32 inf Mich NG, American Legion, next to Cecelia D.Hartman
Hartman, Viola A. (Elmer H.), b. 04-03-1917, d. 01-17-2002, Plot L11W--R3, # 4, ---d/o Ludwig F. & Martha A.Tessmann Krueger, see obit
Hearld, Willabell F., b. 09-22-1923, d. 03-13-1998, Plot L11W--R23, # 4, ---cremation
Heeringa, Andrew (2nd h/o Gertrude Minnema Sterk), b. 1929, d. 1984, Plot L12W--R12, # 4
Heft, Arden W. (Vera Jess), b. 02-29-1904, d. 03-03-1993, Plot L6W--R14, # 5
Heft, Vera Jess (Arden W.), b. 11-18-1901, d. 01-20-1991, Plot L6W--R14, # 4, ---see obit
Heinz, Edwin (Mary E. Woodruf), b. 1863, d. 1951, Plot L10W--R4, # 1
Heinz, Ellen (H. Jacob), b. 1842, d. 1916, Plot L10E--R16, # 2, ---Mother
Heinz, H. Jacob (Ellen), b. 1830, d. 1911, Plot L10E--R16, # 1, ---Father
Heinz, Linna, b. 1860, d. 1929, Plot L10E--R16, # 3, ---d/o H.Jacob & Ellen Heinz
Heinz, Mary, b. 1870, d. 1928, Plot L10E--R16, # 4
Heinz, Mary E. Woodruf (Edwin), b. 1874, d. 1971, Plot L10W--R4, # 2
Heinz, Pauline (William), b. 1882, d. 1969, Plot L10W--R4, # 5
Heinz, Vivian A., b. 04-06-1897, d. 07-16-1962, Plot L6E--R12, # 1, ---WW I, S.Dak, PFC Co C 26 inf
Heinz, William (Pauline), b. 08-15-1873, d. 12-29-1963, Plot L10W--R4, # 4, ---
Henke, Elaine Jean (Hilbert O.), b. 07-16-1926, d. 01-08-2010, Plot L18W--R15, #5, (m)05-15-1948, d/o Gust & Adeline Roeder Anton, see obit
Henke, Hilbert Otto (Elaine Jean Anton), b. 01-17-1922, d. 05-16-2008, Plot L18W--R15, #4, ---WW II, US Army, VFW, (m)05-15-1948, s/o Otto & Dora Buchholz Henke, see obit
Henke, Infant twin Daughters, d. 04-02-1960, Plot L18W--R15, # , ---dtrs of Hilbert & Elaine Henke
Henkel, Reginald L., b. 1913, d. 1987, Plot L14W--R6, head of # 1, ---cremated
Herringa, Andrew, b. 1929, d. 1984, Plot L12W--R12, # 4
Heyer, Alvina M. (Elmer R.), b. 09-16-1906, d. 09-04-1997, Plot L10W--R1, # 1
Heyer, Elizabeth (William), b. 05-03-1872, d. 02-18-1937, Plot L1W--R1, # 4
Heyer, Elmer R. (Alvina M.), b. 03-14-1905, d. 01-07-1983, Plot L10W--R1, # 2, ---
Heyer, William (Elizabeth), b. 09-20-1858, d. 03-25-1912, Plot L1W--R1, # 5
Hill, Russell R. -Mrs., b. 05-12-1868, d. 11-26-1892, Plot L12E--R7, # 5, ---on stone with Annie Lewis
Hintz, Clara L. Rehfeld, b. 02-10-1892, d. 08-07-1989, Plot L7W--R13, # 5, ---Daughter
Hoekstra, Theresa (William), b. 09-13-1905, d. 02-24-1993, Plot L20W--R10, # 5, ---Nee Vander Meulen
Hoekstra, William (Theresa), b. 02-03-1904, d. 01-25-1998, Plot L20W--R10, # 4
Hoerner, Marie R. Williams, b. 1916, d. 2006, Plot L15W--R14, # , ---d/o Louis & Beatrice Williams
Hollander, Alfred Henry (Corrine E. Richter), b. 01-04-1913, d. 04-25-2006, Plot L14W--R22, # 3, --- (m)10-19-1940
Hollander, Arthur C., b. 11-30-1896, d. 01-15-1979, Plot L17W--R14, # 4, ---WW I, PFC US Army, R.Fire Dept.
Hollander, Augusta (William), b. 1871, d. 09-17-1956, Plot L9W--R17, # 2, --- Mother
Hollander, Charles F. (Ida E. Miller), b. 1869, d. 1955, Plot L7E--R17, # 1, ---Father
Hollander, Corrine E. (Alfred Henry), b. 07-10-1921, d. 07-24-2013, Plot L14W--R22, # 3, --- (m)10-19-1940, d/o Emil & Olga Madaus Richter, see obit
Hollander, Eric W., b. 1911, d. 1984, Plot L9W--R17, # 4, ---Son of Charles & Ida Hollander
Hollander, Ida E. Miller (Charles F.), b. 1876, d. 1963, Plot L7E--R17, # 2, ---Mother
Hollander, John Frederick, b. 05-06-1907, d. 10-12-1988, Plot L9W--R17, # 3, ---s/o William & Augusta Hollander
Hollander, Verona, b. 1907, d. 1992, Plot L7E--R17, # 3, ---Daughter of Charles & Ida Hollander, see Verona King, on Parents stone
Hollander, William (Augusta), b. 1872, d. 10-11-1954, Plot L9W--R17, # 1, ---Father
Hollnagel, Albert R. (#1Alvina Wilhelmina Bishop, #2Mary Schepp Beyl), b. 03-27-1872, d. 06-30-1963, Plot L7W--R18, # 5, ---Father, see obit
Hollnagel, Alvina Wilhelmina Bishop (1st w/o Albert R.), b. 1876, d. 03-00-1938, Plot L7W--R18, # 6, ---Mother, see obit
Holwerda, Jennie D. Dekema (Sam), b. 11-07-1920, d. 04-28-2013, Plot L20W--R20, # , ---(m)05-12-1941, d/o Jenne & Jantje Meinsma Dekema, see obit
Holwerda, Sam (Jennie D. Dekema), b. 07-10-1916, d. 08-06-1988, Plot L20W--R20, # 1, ---(m)05-12-1941
Homan, Albert M. (Gertrude), b. 1876, d. 1917, Plot L3E--R15, # 1, ---Father
Homan, Andrew (Minnie Westra), b. 09-19-1903, d. 03-11-1985, Plot L18W--R8, # 4, ---
Homan, Anna (1st w/o John M.), b. 1906, d. 1940, Plot L5E--R15, # 1, ---Wife, Nee Westra
Homan, Annice Cynthia (Henry), b. 12-16-1912, d. 01-07-1995, Plot L3E--R15, # 4, ---(m)10-05-1932, Nee Vande Zande
Homan, Arlen D., b. 1958, d. 02-18-1960, Plot L12W--R15, # 4, ---s/o Arnold J.& Grace Homan
Homan, Arnold James (Grace Katsma), b. 04-27-1935, d. 08-14-2005, Plot L12W--R15, # 2, ---(m)03-16-1956, s/o Andrew & Minnie Westra Homan
Homan, Gertrude (Albert M.), b. 05-03-1881, d. 06-13-1964, Plot L3E--R15, # 2, ---Mother
Homan, Grace (Arnold J.), b. 07-05-1936, Plot L12W--R15, # 2, ---(m)03-16-1956, Nee Katsma
Homan, Henry (Annice C.), b. 07-08-1912, d. 10-27-1994, Plot L3E--R15, # 5, ---(m)10-05-1932
Homan, John M. (#1Anna Westra, #2Nellie DeYoung), b. 12-23-1906, d. 04-28-1992, Plot L5E--R15, # 2, ---Husband
Homan, Minnie Westra (Andrew), b. 09-13-1906, d. 12-30-1988, Plot L18W--R8, # 5
Homan, Nellie (2nd w/o John M.), b. 09-20-1911, d. 02-19-2004, Plot L5E--R15, # 4, ---Wife, Nee DeYoung
Hopkins, Ann, d. 09-30-1937, Plot L3W--R12, # 4, ---Infant
Hopkins, Bessie A. (Gardner L.), b. 03-07-1885, d. 07-22-1969, Plot L10W--R17, # 5, ---
Hopkins, Elisabeth J. McMorris (Elwyn)-obit, b. 09-30-1917, d. 10-09-1995, Plot L19W--R23, # 1, ---CH: Phyllis, Guy, Carry, Mark
Hopkins, Evelyn L. (H. Raymond), b. 1886, d. 12-03-1964, Plot L5W--R12, # 2, ---Eastern Star
Hopkins, Gardner L. (Bessie A.), b. 1882, d. 1945, Plot L10W--R17, # 4
Hopkins, Guy E. (Yvonne M. Werner), b. 04-24-1951, d. 10-30-2013, (m)07-18-1992, s/o Elwyn L.& Elisabeth J.McMorris Hopkins, see obit
Hopkins, H. Raymond (Evelyn L.), b. 1886, d. 1945, Plot L5W--R12, # 1, ---Mason
Hopkins, James D. (Mary B.), b. 11-04-1903, d. 09-15-1965, Plot L3W--R12, # 1, ---
Hopkins, Mary B. (James D.), b. 04-04-1907, d. 05-07-1993, Plot L3W--R12, # 2, ---
Hopkins, Mary P. (William W.), b. 1843, d. 1914, Plot L11E--R9, # 2
Hopkins, Minnie W. (Nelson), b. 1874, d. 1943, Plot L10W--R12.5, # 2, ---
Hopkins, Nelson (Minnie W.), b. 1874, d. 1952, Plot L10W--R12.5, # 1
Hopkins, William W. (Mary P.), b. 1833, d. 1903, Plot L11E--R9, # 1
Howell, Anna (Griffith), b. 1870, d. 1944, Plot L12E--R16, # 4
Howell, Edith, b. 1890, d. 12-27-1890, Plot L11E--R16, # 2, ---d/o William H.& Gwen Howell
Howell, Griffith (Anna), b. 1859, d. 09-00-1930, Plot L12E--R16, # 5, ---see obit
Howell, Gwen G. (William H.), b. 1854, d. 05-17-1910, Plot L11E--R16, # 1, ---see obit index
Howell, William H. (Gwen G.), b. 1847, d. 1924, Plot L11E--R16, # 4
Howitt, Charles H. (Mary Grebe), b. 1881, d. 04-24-1972, Plot L8W--R18, # 1, ---see obit
Howitt, Fred W., b. 1875, d. 1910, Plot L13E--R8, # 5, ---s/o William & Josephine Howitt
Howitt, Josephine Kaiser (William), b. 1846, d. 1922, Plot L13E--R8, # 2
Howitt, Mary Grebe (Charles H.), b. 1882, d. 1958, Plot L8W--R18, # 2
Howitt, Sarah Emma, b. 06-23-1878, d. 08-30-1962, Plot L13E--R8, # 3, ---d/o William & Josephine Howitt
Howitt, Walter, b. 1885, d. 1921, Plot L13E--R8, # 4, ---s/o William & Josephine Howett
Howitt, William James, b. 04-23-1920, d. 05-30-2012, Plot L8W--R18, #3, -- US Army Militery Police, s/o Charles & Mary Grebe Howitt, see obit
Howitt, William (Josephine Kaiser), b. 1832, d. 1893, Plot L13E--R8, # 1
Hoyt, Marjorie L. Anton, b. 1931, d. 1982, Plot L20W--R18, # 3
Huebner, Clareen Ann (George Jr.), b. 04-13-1931, d. 05-25-2009, Plot L18W--R20, #5, --(m)09-05-1959, d/o Tom & Tena DeYoung Tamminga, see obit
Huebner, Ervin Earl, b. 12-11-1924, d. 02-21-2002, Plot L14W--R15.5, # 1, ---WW II, TEC4 US Army, s/o George & Susie Pfieffer Huebner, ashes, see obit
Huebner, Geroge Jr. (Clareen Ann), b. 06-24-1930, d. 09-15-1982, Plot L18W--R20, # 4, ---Korea, Vietnam, MSG US Army
Huebner, Janice E. --19mo old infant, b. 1953, d. 07-12-1955, Plot L14W--R15.5, # 2, ---d/o Ervin Huebner, see obit
Huebner, Merlin F., b. 11-17-1926, d. 09-28-1981, Plot L13W--R20, # 3, ---WW II, TSGT US Army
Huebner, Sandra Jean--infant, b. 05-01-1961, d. 05-08-1963, Plot L14W--R15.5, # 2
Huebner, Susie Pfeifer-Mrs., b. 08-05-1906, d. 06-05-1977, Plot L14W--R15.5, # 3, ---see obit
Huetter, Duane Frederick (Mary L.), b. 03-03-1942, Plot L15W--R7, # , ---
Huetter, Frederick William, Plot L15W--R7, # , ---s/o Duane F.& Mary Louise Huetter
Huetter, Mary Louise (Duane F.), b. 10-21-1943, Plot L15W--R7, # , ---Nee Kienow
Hughes, Ann W. (Oswald R.), b. 1860, d. 09-00-1941, Plot L6W--R5, # 2
Hughes, Anna A. (Edward W.), b. 1889, d. 1949, Plot L4W--R2, # 4, ---Mother
Hughes, Annie (David J.), b. 1865, d. 1929, Plot L1W--R15, # 2
Hughes, David E. (Susanna Jones), b. 1909/1910, d. 02-13-1987, Plot L18W--R9, # 3
Hughes, David J. (Annie), b. 1859, d. 1931/1934, Plot L1W--R15, # 1
Hughes, Della, b. 1891, d. 03-23-1976, Plot L8E--R18, # 3, ---Daughter of Richard & Rose Hughes
Hughes, Edward W. (Anna A.), b. 1891, d. 12-21-1959, Plot L4W--R2, # 3, ---Father
Hughes, Elizabeth, d. 03-12-1958, Plot L7E--R14, # 5, ---88yr old
Hughes, Elizabeth (William), b. 1830, d. 11-06-1892, Plot L1W--R8, # 1
Hughes, Ellen (Henry J.), b. 1869, d. 1942, Plot L8W--R7, # 3, ---Mother
Hughes, Ezra J., d. 10-08-1943, Plot L7E--R14, # 4
Hughes, Henry J. (Ellen), b. 1866, d. 1942, Plot L8W--R7, # 2, ---Father
Hughes, Hugh G., b. 1857, d. 1947, Plot L11E--15.5, # 1
Hughes, Hugh J. Jennie), b. 1850, d. 1920, Plot L12E--R1, # 3
Hughes, Infant, b. 1915, d. 1916, Plot L4W--R2, # 5
Hughes, Isaac (Sarah), b. 1854, d. 1868, Plot L7E--R9, # 5
Hughes, Jack Edward, b. 01-25-1921, d. 03-15-1987, Plot L4W--R2, head of # 3 & # 4, ---WW II, US Navy
Hughes, Jane, b. 1916, d. 09-23-2009, Plot L6W--R18, # 3
Hughes, Jane (John), b. 1806, d. 03-21-1892, Plot L1W--R2, # 4, ---Our Mother
Hughes, Jane (John), b. 1806, d. 03-21-1892, Plot L1W--R2, # 4, ---Our Mother
Hughes, Jennie E., b. 08-03-1881, d. 03-27-1906, Plot L1W--R2, # 2, ---d/o John J. & M.Hughes
Hughes, Jennie (Hugh J.), b. 1854, d. 1888, Plot L12E--R1, # 4
Hughes, John J., b. 08-14-1839, d. 09-08-1927, Plot L1W--R2, # 1
Hughes, John (Jane), b. 1812, d. 08-31-1890, Plot L1W--R2, # 3, ---Our Father
Hughes, John (Mary), b. 1812, d. 1888, Plot L7E--R9, # 1
Hughes, Margaret, b. 1936, Plot L18W--R9, # , ---on David & Susanna Hughes stone
Hughes, Margaret, b. 04-06-1879, d. 02-27-1962, Plot L6W--R18, # 2, ---
Hughes, Mary (John W.), b. 1820, d. 1905, Plot L7E--R9, # 2
Hughes, Mildred, b. 1901, d. 1981, Plot L7E--R14, # 3
Hughes, Oswald R. (Ann W.), b. 1860, d. 1931, Plot L6W--R5, # 1
Hughes, Richard (Rose), b. 1865, d. 1947, Plot L8E--R18, # 1, ---Father
Hughes, Robert J., d. 07-22-1934, Plot L7E--R14, # 1, ---next to Winnie Hughes Jones
Hughes, Rose (Richard), b. 1862, d. 1946, Plot L8E--R18, # 2, ---Mother
Hughes, Rowland E., b. 1872, d. 1936, Plot L6W--R18, # 1
Hughes, Sarah (Isaac), b. 1846, d. 1888, Plot L7E--R9, # 4
Hughes, Susan/Susanna M. (David), b. 04-11-1909, d. 03-12-2002, Plot L18W--R9, # 4
Hughes, William, b. 1822, d. 1916, Plot L8E--R18, # 5
Hughes, William C., b. 02-17-1919, d. 12-08-1992, Plot L6W--R18, # 4, ---WW II, TEC4 US Army
Hughes, William W., b. 1829, d. 08-02-1912, Plot L1W--R8, # 3
Hughes, Winnie, b. 1875, d. 1972, Plot L7E--R14, # 2
Huizenga, Adolph (Ella Kempenaar), b. 1901, d. 08-23-1974, Plot L19W--R13, # 4, ---(m)06-24-1924
Huizenga, Annie (Benjamin), b. 10-21-1873, d. 11-24-1933, Plot L1E--R10, # 2
Huizenga, Anthony J. Sr. (Patricia A. Gove), b. 02-04-1935, d. 10-26-2015, US Army, (m)06-14-1958, s/o John & Elsie Douma Huizenga, see obit
Huizenga, Benjamin (Annie), b. 04-17-1868, d. 06-04-1923, Plot L1E--R10, # 1
Huizenga, Dean L. (Elaine M.), b. 12-27-1938, pictures; Veteran US Army, (m)12-27-1962
Huizenga, Elaine M. (Dean L.), b. 01-17-1942, pictures; ( m)12-27-1962, Nee Loomans
Huizenga, Ella Kempenaar (Adolph), b. 06-04-1902, d. 12-15-2001, Plot L19W--R13, # 5, ---(m)06-24-1924, d/o Rudolph & Anna Kooistra Kempenaar, see obit
Huizenga, Elsa Douma (John), b. 09-08-1907, d. 06-08-1983, Plot L13W--R13, # 2, ---
Huizenga, Eric Sam (Lois Marie Umbreit), b. 03-20-1930, d. 05-07-2013, (m)03-03-1951, s/o Neal & Jennie Vander Galien Huizenga, see obit & pictures
Huizenga, John (Elsa Douma), b. 1905, d. 12-08-1978, Plot L13W--R13, # 1, ---
Huizenga, Lois Marie Umbreit (Eric Sam), b. 05-23-1930, d. 09-30-2013, (m)03-03-1951, d/o Arvin & Blanche Walker Umbreit, see obit
Huizenga, Lucas, b. 08-07-1903, d. 11-13-1918, Plot L1E--R10, # 3, ---s/o Benjamin & Annie Huizenga
Huizenga, Lynn Arvin, b. 02-16-1962, d. 12-28-1997, Plot L9W--R23, # 1, ---s/o Eric S.& Lois M.Huizenga
Humphrey, Jane Howell (Richard), b. 1862, d. 1928, Plot L8E--R19, # 2
Humphrey, Richard (Jane Howell), b. 1861, d. 12-18-1938, Plot L8E--R19, # 1, ---see obit
Humphreys, Griffith R. (Jennie Clerk), b. 1875, d. 10-11-1962, Plot L8E--R8, # 4, ---see obit
Humphreys, Jennie Williams (Griffith R.), b. 1878, d. 07-00-1959, Plot L8E--R8, # 5, ---see obit
Humphreys, Mary, b. 01-01-1845, d. 05-11-1916, Plot L8E--R8, # 2
Humphreys, Richard, b. 06-02-1831, d. 05-30-1895, Plot L8E--R8, # 1
Hunt, Alva W. (Margaret M. Burbach), b. 1863, d. 1948, Plot L12E--R12.5, # 1
Hunt, Frank J., b. 05-02-1869, d. 01-22-1917, Plot L7W--R9, # 4
Hunt, Joseph (Susan), b. 11-14-1827, d. 03-11-1908, Plot L7W--R9, # 1
Hunt, Margaret M. Burbach (Alva W.), b. 1869, d. 1951, Plot L12E--R12.5, # 2
Hunt, Susan (Joseph), b. 06-14-1844, d. 02-28-1926, Plot L7W--R9, # 3
Hutchinson, Carl E., b. 1861, d. 1923, Plot L8E--R4, # 1
Hutchinson, Frederick, b. 10-08-1894, d. 10-11-1894, Plot L3E--R6, # 1, ---s/o James W.& Hattie L.Hutchinson
Hutchinson, Hattie L. (James W.), b. 1869, d. 1951, Plot L3E--R6, # 5
Hutchinson, Henry (Laura M.), b. 1827, d. 1911, Plot L8E--R4, # 6, ---Father
Hutchinson, James W. (Hattie L. Warner), b. 1866, d. 06-00-1933, Plot L3E--R6, # 4, ---see obit
Hutchinson, Laura M. (Henry), b. 1833, d. 1913, Plot L8E--R4, # 5, ---Mother
Hydanus, Gertrude (William), b. 10-08-1859, d. 09-21-1940, pictures, Nee Jongbloed, marker place by family in June 1993
Hydanus, Micheal L., b. 1886, d. 1930, Plot L11E--R19, # 4, ---Father
Hydanus, Ward Duane (Elizabeth), b. 04-05-1922, d. 07-29-2001, Plot L11E--R19, # 5, ---WW II, US Coast Guard, (m)08-10-1946, s/o Michael & Evelyn Bobholz Hydanus, CH: Judy, Julie, Michael, see obit
Hydanus, William (Gertrude), b. 11-08-1856, d. 10-17-1931, pictures, marker place by family in June 1993
Ilsley, Edna L. (Dwight), b. 1853, d. 06-26-1888, Plot L2W--R4, # 4
Ilsley, Sadie--baby 5yr old, d. 01-03-1887, Plot L2W--R4, # 3, ---d/o Dwight & Edna L.Ilsley, see obit
Jamieson, Earl P., b. 10-17-1901, d. 03-23-1995, Plot L15W--R16, # 3, ---WW II flag holder, maybe s/o Hugh W. Nettie M.Jamieson--on their stone
Jamieson, Eldon H. (Genevieve M.), b. 1904, d. 11-19-1975, Plot L15W--R16, # 4, ---"Red"
Jamieson, Genevieve M. (Eldon H.), b. 01-04-1908, d. 11-23-1994, Plot L15W--R16, # 5, ---Nee Schwartz
Jamieson, Hugh W. (Nettie M. Price), b. 09-12-1873, d. 05-27-1964, Plot L15W--R16, # 1, ---
Jamieson, Nettie M. Price (Hugh W.), b. 08-31-1878, d. 03-10-1972, Plot L15W--R16, # 2, ---
Jansma, Anna (Louie), b. 1904, d. 03-12-1999, Plot L15W--R12.5, #2, ---see Anna Tissing, ssdi is Jansma
Jansma, LeRoy Walter "Lee" (Nancy J. Balk), b. 08-18-1934, d. 12-16-2006, US Army, (m)01-01-1957, s/o Louie & Anna Tamminga Jansma, see obit & pictures
Jansma, Louie (Anna), b. 1901, d. 1956, Plot L15W--R12.5, # 1
Jansma, Nancy J. Balk (LeRoy W.), b. 11-04-1938, (m)01-01-1957, from pics,
Jauregui, Mary L. (Roger P.), b. 1936, pictures
Jauregui, Roger P. (Mary L.), b. 1937, pictures
Jaycox, Mary Eleanore (Russell J.), b. 11-29-1912, d. 06-14-2008, Plot L12W--R7, # 6, --- (m)06-04-1938, d/o Edwin & Mae Jung Madigan, see obit
Jaycox, Russell J. (Mary Eleanore Madigan), b. 07-17-1910, d. 07-02-1988, Plot L12W--R7, # 5, ---WW II, CPL US Army, (m)06-04-1938
Jeche, Dawn M., b. 02-01-1961, d. 07-08-1978, Plot L12W--R3, # 3, ---d/o Carol
Jeche, Dennis A. (Doris A. Offerman), b. 01-25-1940, d. 07-04-1996, Plot L17W--R21, # 1
Jeche, Doris A. Offerman (Dennis A.), b. 06-21-1936, Plot L17W--R21, #
Jencks, J., b. 1808, d. 1879, Plot L11E--R3, # 3, ---no stone
Jencks, Margret, b. 1814, d. 1879, Plot L11E--R3, # 1, ---no stone
Jenkins, Anna L. (John A.), b. 01-21-1889, d. 04-28-1983, Plot L9W--R19, # 2, ---
Jenkins, Ardis J. King (Sherwood D.), b. 03-14-1923, d. 11-14-1998, Plot L20W--R26, # 4
Jenkins, Bertha M. (Richard P.), b. 06-28-1891, d. 04-24-1975, Plot L4E--R19, # 3, ---Nee Yahnke
Jenkins, Bruce Leon (Viola Bradley), b. 03-29-1918, d. 04-26-1995, Plot L18W--R17, # 4, ---WW II, TEC5 US Army
Jenkins, Cleveland J. (Hulda I.), b. 05-11-1884, d. 01-04-1981, Plot L9W--R1, # 5, ---
Jenkins, Dwain Richard (Geraldine M. Lange), b. 11-05-1918, d. 01-04-2013, Plot L5E--R21, # , ---WW II, US Army, (m)07-15-1942, s/o Richard & Bertha Yahnke Jenkins, see obit
Jenkins, Geraldine A., b. 1923, d. 2012, Plot L9W--R1, #3, ---on stone with Cleveland & Hulda
Jenkins, Geraldine M. (Dwain R.), b. 02-20-1918, d. 04-07-2004, Plot L5E--R21, # 4, ---(m)07-15-1942, Nee Lange
Jenkins, Gordon J., b. 1922, d. 1979, Plot L9W--R19, # 3, ---Son
Jenkins, Hulda I. (Cleveland J.), b. 1886, d. 01-30-1978, Plot L9W--R1, # 4, ---
Jenkins, John A. (Anna L.), b. 09-20-1889, d. 05-16-1965, Plot L9W--R19, # 1, ---
Jenkins, Justin John, b. 11-12-1976, d. 12-02-1976, Plot L9W--R19, # 5, ---s/o Jeffrey & Karla Jenkins
Jenkins, Lloyd C. (Rosine Powell), b. 06-03-1918, d. 04-13-1961, Plot L9W--R1, # 2, ---WW II, Wis CPL 345 Base Unit AAF
Jenkins, Richard P. (Bertha M.), b. 11-19-1893, d. 02-08-1977, Plot L4E--R19, # 4, ---
Jenkins, Rosine Powell (Lloyd C.), b. 1915, Plot L9W--R1, # 2, ---
Jenkins, Sherwood D. (Ardis J. King), b. 11-05-1921, d. 12-14-2015, Plot L20W--R26, # , ---WW II, US Army
Jenkins, Viola Bradley (Bruce Leon), b. 1924, Plot L18W--R17, # , ---
Jess, Alice (George), b. 1874, d. 1939, Plot L7E--R12.5, # 2
Jess, Birtye, b. 1876, d. 03-25-1887, Plot L13E--R6, # 1, ---s/o J.& E.Jess
Jess, Emma (John), b. 01-2?1848, d. 05-22-1917, Plot L4W--R3, # 3
Jess, Estella Super (J. Arch), b. 09-11-1880, d. 12-26-1951, Plot L6W--R14, # 2, ---Mother
Jess, George (Alice), b. 1873, d. 1950, Plot L7E--R12.5, # 1
Jess, Irvin, b. 03-25-1877, d. 01-07-1955, Plot L4W--R3, # 1, ---77yr old
Jess, J. Arch (Estella Super), b. 05-12-1875, d. 08-29-1940, Plot L6W--R14, # 1, ---Father
Jess, Job A., b. 1817, d. 01-07-1878, Plot L13E--R6, # 2
Jess, John (Emma), b. 1821, d. 10-20-1894, Plot L4W--R3, # 4
Johns, Mary A. (J. R.), b. 10-01-1868, d. 05-12-1918, Plot L13E--R15, # 4, ---see obit
Johnson, Agnes H., b. 1875, d. 1947, Plot L14E--R2, # 1, ---dates from stone
Johnson, Anna C., b. 1847, d. 1934, Plot L14E--R2, # 2
Johnson, Frances Mary, b. 07-16-1910, d. 07-28-2007, Plot L7W--R14, # 3, d/o William J.& Catherine Williams
Johnson, Hans, b. 1842, d. 1887, Plot L14E--R2, # 4, ---ashes
Johnson, Lawrence, b. 1895, d. 1896, Plot L14E--R2, # 3
Johnson, Mildred, b. 1919, d. 1982, Plot L12W--R7, # 1, ---Daughter
Johnson, Vera A. "Bily", b. 05-04-1912, d. 12-13-1980, Plot L14E--R15, # 1, ---d/o Anna A.&John E.Hafenstein
Jonas, Erhardt E. (Norma L.), b. 08-28-1909, d. 01-19-1985, Plot L4W--R20, # 4, --- Randolph Fire Dept.
Jonas, Melba E. (Walter R.), b. 1922, Plot L7W--R3, # , --- Nee Marquart
Jonas, Norma L. (Erhardt E.), b. 1909, d. 1984, Plot L4W--R20, # , ---Nee Wichmann
Jonas, Walter R. (Melba E.), b. 01-04-1916, d. 12-18-1998, Plot L7W--R3, # 5, ---WW II, TEC4, US Army, 79th SIG Corp
Jones, Alice K. Vater, b. 06-29-1903, d. 05-04-1992, Plot L12E--R19, # 5, ---Easter Star
Jones, Ann D. (Hugh W.), b. 1846, d. 1919, Plot L13E--R19, # 2, ---Mother
Jones, Ann (John H.), b. 1852, d. 04-23-1928, Plot L2W--R17, # 2, ---Wife, see obit
Jones, Annie Roberts (2nd w/o William H. Jones), b. 03-28-1890, d. 05-09-1914, Plot L9E--R10, # 3
Jones, Arthur W. --Dr., b. 08-14-1876, d. 12-11-1953, Plot L3W--R11, # 5, ---twin of John O.Jones? Same stone
Jones, Benjamin, b. 1874, d. 1874, Plot L14E--R17, # 4
Jones, Benjamin P. (Jennie S.), b. 1860, d. 1919, Plot L10E--R14, # 1, --- Mason
Jones, Blodwyn E. -Miss, b. 1889, d. 01-08-1966, Plot L11E--R20, # 3, ---see obit
Jones, Catharine (John P.), b. 02-05-1850, d. 09-14-1909, Plot L7W--R7, # 2
Jones, Catherine M. (Evan E.), b. 1833, d. 1911, Plot L5E--R7, # 5
Jones, Cecilia A., b. 1861, d. 03-01-1891, Plot L6E--R3, # 6, ---d/o Jane A.Jones
Jones, Daniel D. (two wives), b. 1862, d. 02-00-1932, Plot L13E--R17, # 1, ---see obit
Jones, David E. (Kate M.), b. 1837, d. 1914, Plot L4E--R8, # 3, ---Father
Jones, David G., b. 1843, d. 1924, Plot L10E--R11, # 2, ---Mason
Jones, Dewey, b. 09-09-1898, d. 04-06-1921, Plot L1W--R19, # 5
Jones, E. Edwin-Rev. (#1Jennie Davies, #2Laura R. Richards), b. 1877, d. 08-28-1956, Plot L12E--R15.5, # 1, ---see obit
Jones, E. P. (Mary E.), b. 1848, d. 1928, Plot L4E--R14, # 5, ---Mason
Jones, Edna Klatt (Morgan E.), b. 10-28-1871, d. 05-11-1962, Plot L6E--R16, # 3
Jones, Edna M., b. 1879, d. 1904, Plot L4E--R14, # 1, ---d/o E.P.& Mary E.Jones
Jones, Edward (Margaret A.), b. 1840, d. 1913, Plot L2E--R7, # 1
Jones, Elenor (John), b. 05-01-1821, d. 05-17-1901, Plot L3E--R8, # 1
Jones, Elizabeth, b. 1916, d. 1979, Plot L2E--R20, # 4
Jones, Elizabeth Austin Fry, b. 1903, d. 1936, Plot L9E--R10, # 2, --on Jones stone/Elizabeth Austin Fry
Jones, Elizabeth Williams (W. A.), b. 1879, d. 1938, Plot L13E--R16, # 4, ---see stone
Jones, Elizabeth (W. W.), b. 1810, d. 04-20-1870, Plot L12E--R6, # 1, ---age 60yr 4mo
Jones, Ellen (John R.), b. 05-20-1858, d. 06-28-1920, Plot L12E--R19, # 1
Jones, Evan, b. 1848, d. 1927, Plot L13E--R13, # 4
Jones, Evan E. (Catherine M.), b. 1831, d. 1874, Plot L5E--R7, ---buried at Pome N.Y.
Jones, Evan H., b. 1863, d. 1910, Plot L1W--R10, # 2
Jones, Evangeline B., b. 08-19-1907, d. 04-09-1996, Plot L6E--R17, # , ---on stone with Haydn & Richard Jones
Jones, Gertrude (Timothy), b. 1876, d. 1963, Plot L14E--R15.5, # , ---
Jones, Griff, b. 03-17-1869, d. 04-26-1937, Plot L14E--R19, # 2
Jones, Griffith R, b. 1844, d. 02-18-1879, Plot L9E--R1, # 2, ---
Jones, Gwyneth, d. 1922, Plot L2E--R20, # 3, ---d/o Hugh J.& Kate Jones
Jones, Hannah T., b. 1870, d. 1950, Plot L4E--R1, # 3, ---Mother
Jones, Hayden R., b. 11-21-1909, d. 08-14-1991, Plot L6E--R17, # 4, ---dates from stone
Jones, Hugh J. (Kate), b. 1879, d. 1945, Plot L2E--R20, # 1, ---Father
Jones, Hugh W., b. 1843, d. 1917, Plot L13E--R19, # 1, ---Father
Jones, Humprey R., b. 1882, d. 08-22-1956, Plot L10W--R16, # 1
Jones, J. E. -Rev. (Margaret), b. 1851, d. 1935, Plot L8E--R15, # 5
Jones, James O. --see obit, b. 1903, d. 12-27-1972, Plot L9W--R6, # 4, ---s/o Joshua R. & Margaret Jones
Jones, Jane, b. 1887, d. 1910, Plot L1W--R10, # 1, ---d/o Evan H.Jones
Jones, Jane, b. 07-01-1852, d. 09-20-1900, Plot L3E--R8, # 2, ---d/o J.& E.Jones
Jones, Jane A. (Rev. T. R.), b. 1824, d. 03-02-1892, Plot L6E--R3, # 5, ---mother of Cecilia A.Jones
Jones, Jane (William L.), b. 1870, d. 1945, Plot L2W--R14, # 1, ---Mother
Jones, Jay I. (Laura M. Klatt), b. 04-18-1887, d. 03-11-1967, Plot L4W--R12, # 1, ---Veteran, American Legion, obit
Jones, Jennie A. (E. Edwin), b. 1882, d. 06-20-1905, Plot L4E--R8, # 1
Jones, Jennie E. Roberts (John R.), b. 1886, d. 02-14-1965, Plot L6E--R17, # 2, ---see obit
Jones, Jennie Esther, b. 1905, d. 1918, Plot L4E--R8, # 2, ---next to Jennie A.Jones
Jones, Jennie S. (Benjamin P.), b. 1860, d. 1924, Plot L10E--R14, # 2
Jones, John C., b. 09-15-1868, d. 10-24-1931, Plot L7W--R7, # 5, ---on stone with Laura Jones
Jones, John D. (Rachel E.), b. 1856, d. 1932, Plot L9E--R20, # 1
Jones, John F., b. 1867, d. 1929, Plot L4E--R1, # 4, ---Father
Jones, John H. (Ann), b. 1849, d. 04-21-1928, Plot L2W--R17, # 1, ---Husband, see obit
Jones, John M. (Margaret E.), b. 07-24-1870, d. 03-17-1953, Plot L1W--R19, # 1
Jones, John O., b. 08-14-1876, d. 08-05-1951, Plot L3W--R11, # 4, ---twin of Dr.A.W.Jones, same stone
Jones, John P. (Catharine), b. 05-01-1842, d. 03-18-1921, Plot L7W--R7, # 1
Jones, John R. (Ellen), b. 02-01-1858, d. 01-16-1917, Plot L12E--R19, # 2
Jones, John R. (Jennie E. Roberts), b. 1882, d. 05-00-1959, Plot L6E--R17, # 1, ---see obit
Jones, John R. --Dr., b. 1851, d. 1928, Plot L3W--R11, # 1
Jones, John (Elenor), b. 01-09-1818, d. 06-18-1909, Plot L3E--R8, # 4
Jones, Joshua R. (Margaret), b. 1872, d. 11-00-1956, Plot L9W--R6, # 2, ---Father, see obit
Jones, Joshua R. Jr. -see obit, b. 1904, d. 10-30-1976, Plot L9W--R6, # 5, ---s/o Joshua R.& Margaret Jones
Jones, Kate M. (David E.), b. 1838, d. 05-14-1931, Plot L4E--R8, # 4, ---Mother, see obit
Jones, Kate (Hugh J.), b. 1881, d. 01-00-1958, Plot L2E--R20, # 2, ---Mother, see obit
Jones, Kathryn R., d. 1942, Plot L6E--R17, # 3, ---infant d/o Haydn R.Jones
Jones, Laura M. Klatt (Jay I.), b. 1893, d. 02-01-1969, Plot L4W--R12, # 2, ---see obit
Jones, Laura R. (Rev. E Edwin), b. 1879, d. 1954, Plot L12E--R15.5, # 2
Jones, Laura-Miss, b. 1871, d. 10-00-1934, Plot L7W--R7, # 4, ---on stone with John C.Jones, obit
Jones, Lee W., b. 12-07-1903, d. 09-13-1984, Plot L2W--R14, # 3, ---Son, "Happy"
Jones, Letitia J. -Miss, b. 1890, d. 04-26-1981, Plot L11E--R20, # 2, ---see obit
Jones, Mabel, b. 1887, d. 1918, Plot L13E--R17, # 4
Jones, Maggie, b. 1866, d. 1900, Plot L13E--R17, # 2
Jones, Margaret A. Thomas (Edward), b. 1844, d. 02-23-1933, Plot L2E--R7, # 2, ---see obit
Jones, Margaret Davis (1st w/o William H. Jones), b. 08-28-1874, d. 11-08-1908, Plot L9E--R10, # 1
Jones, Margaret Ellen (John Morgan), b. 06-28-1873, d. 09-16-1966, Plot L1W--R19, # 2, --- see obit
Jones, Margaret H. (Owen H.), b. 1836, d. 06-30-1923, Plot L9E--R18, # 2
Jones, Margaret J. (Evan), b. 1867, d. 1920, Plot L13E--R13, # 5
Jones, Margaret S. (Owen J.), b. 1869, d. 1948, Plot L8W--R6, # 4
Jones, Margaret Williams (Joshua R.), b. 1881, d. 01-09-1942, Plot L9W--R6, # 1, ---Mother, see obit
Jones, Margaret (Rev. J. E.), b. 1852, d. 1921, Plot L8E--R15, # 4
Jones, Margaret (Thomas F.), b. 04-04-1837, d. 12-07-1914, Plot L5E--R7, # 2, ---hard to read dates
Jones, Mary A., b. 1851, d. 1932, Plot L3W--R11, # 2
Jones, Mary Ann Davies (Thomas R.), b. 10-26-1861, d. 02-08-1949, Plot L3W--R9, # 3, ---see obit
Jones, Mary E. (E. P.), b. 1850, d. 1922, Plot L4E--R14, # 4, ---Easter Star
Jones, Mary E. ---Baby, d. 02-02-1906, Plot L4E--R1, # 2, ---Daughter
Jones, Mary Roberts (Owen C.), b. 1874, d. 12-00-1959, Plot L1W--R15, # 5, ---Wife, see obit
Jones, Mary T., b. 1839, d. 1880, Plot L14E--R17, # 2
Jones, Mary (Morgan), b. 02-13-1841, d. 08-25-1916, Plot L14E--R19, # 5
Jones, Matilda, b. 04-23-1845, d. 05-30-1924, Plot L7E--R15, # 3
Jones, Morgan E. (Edna Klatt), b. 1872, d. 1949, Plot L6E--R16, # 4
Jones, Morgan (Mary), b. 03-15-1833, d. 01-01-1922, Plot L14E--R19, # 4
Jones, Orpa Mae Glenzke, b. 1924, d. 01-12-2009, Plot L6E--R12, # 4
Jones, Owen C. (Mary/Mayme Roberts), b. 1876, d. 02-08-1940, Plot L1W--R15, # 4, ---Husband, see obit
Jones, Owen H. (Margaret H.), b. 1837, d. 11-09-1914, Plot L9E--R18, # 1
Jones, Owen J. (Margaret S.), b. 1872, d. 1950, Plot L8W--R6, # 2
Jones, Rachel E. (John D.), b. 1861, d. 1950, Plot L9E--R20, # 2
Jones, Raymond, b. 11-25-1906, d. 08-22-1970, Plot L1W--R19, # 4, ---Wisc PFC Co E 128 Infantry
Jones, Raymond W. (Alice Vater), b. 05-06-1897, d. 02-19-1963, Plot L12E--R19, # 4, ---WW I, Wis CFR 1 Cl Co DISCH DET, see obit
Jones, Richard B., b. 03-19-1937, d. 11-17-1990, Plot L6E--R17, # 4, ---cremated 11-20-1990, buried in Grave #4 with Hayden R. Jones
Jones, Sadie, b. 1877, d. 1916, Plot L13E--R17, # 5
Jones, Sara Breese, b. 09-16-1889, d. 02-12-1958, Plot L14W--R14, # 3, --- Mother, Eastern Star
Jones, T. R. --Rev. (Jane A.), b. 1819, d. 1901, Plot L6E--R3, # 1, ---no dates on stone
Jones, Thomas F. (Margaret), d. 04-07-1885, Plot L5E--R7, # 1, ---age 58yr 4mo
Jones, Thomas M., b. 10-12-1860, d. 03-22-1914, Plot L14E--R19, # 1
Jones, Thomas R., b. 08-01-1853, d. 11-28-1901, Plot L3W--R9, # 1
Jones, Thomas T., b. 1833, d. 1913, Plot L14E--R17, # 1, ---Father
Jones, Timothy (Gertrude), b. 1875, d. 1939, Plot L14E--R15.5, # 1, ---
Jones, William, b. 1877, d. 1883, Plot L14E--R17, # 5
Jones, William H. (#1Margaret Davis, #2Annie Roberts), b. 03-12-1877, d. 04-27-1961, Plot L9E--R10, # 4
Jones, William L. (Jane), b. 1868, d. 1928, Plot L2W--R14, # 2, ---Father
Jones, Winnie Hughes (#1Robert J. Hughes, #2Rev. Edwin J. Jones), b. 05-06-1875, d. 01-23-1972, Plot L7E--R14, # 2, ---in Hughes plot, see obit
Jones, Winnie J., b. 1848, d. 1928, Plot L10E--R11, # 1
Jovle, Julian J. "Hector" (#1Norma M. Wade, #2Muriel Roberts), b. 02-23-1928, d. 06-29-2010, Plot L19W--R19, #3, --(m1)10-26-1946, (m2)04-04-1981, s/o Ferdinand & Anna Puncer Jovle, ashes, Fire Department, see obit
Jovle, Muriel L. (2nd w/o Julian J.), b. 07-18-1939, pictures, one date, (m)04-04-1981
Jovle, Norma A. (1st w/o Julian J. "Hector"), b. 05-21-1928, d. 09-23-1979, Plot L19W--R19, # 5, ---(m)10-26-1946, Nee Wade
Jovle, Richard W. "Rick", d. 12-13-2015, 59yr, old, d.MN, is he buried here, his parents are here
Jung, Audrey Carol (Howard A.), b. 12-22-1924, d. 11-24-2009, Plot L13W--R9, # 4, --(m)09-16-1944, d/o Leon & Frieda Schultz Jenkins, see obit
Jung, Beulah L. (Louis C.), b. 07-18-1897, d. 01-18-1964, Plot L13W--R9, # 1, --- Nee Czamanske
Jung, Caroline--infant, d. 1918, Plot L10W--R8, # 3
Jung, Cora, b. 10-05-1893, d. 04-20-1918, Plot L7E--R18, # 3, ---dates on stone
Jung, Elfrieda E. (Herman E.), b. 1899, d. 07-30-1997, Plot L16W--R15, # 2
Jung, Elizabeth (George), b. 1853, d. 1934, Plot L7E--R18, # 1
Jung, George (Elizabeth), b. 1850, d. 1928, Plot L7E--R18, # 2
Jung, Henry M. (Wilhelmina Koelle), b. 1881, d. 12-27-1970, Plot L9W--R15, # 1, ---see obit
Jung, Herman E. (Elfrieda E. Diefenbach), b. 10-29-1899, d. 12-25-1963, Plot L16W--R15, # 1, ---American Legion, see obit
Jung, Howard A. (Audrey Carol Jenkins), b. 07-03-1923, d. 03-21-1989, Plot L13W--R9, # 3, ---(m)09-16-1944, see obit
Jung, Jane Phillips (Wilfred Jacob), b. 10-17-1920, pictures, back of Jung stone
Jung, John William (#1Wihelmina, #2Norma), b. 05-13-1887, d. 03-11-1988, Plot L10W--R8, # 1, ---see obit
Jung, Louis C. (Beulah L.), b. 11-20-1888, d. 08-11-1990, Plot L13W--R9, # 2, ---
Jung, Norma M. MacDonald (John William), b. 12-23-1904, d. 03-05-1998, Plot L10W--R8, # 4, ---
Jung, Wilfred Jacob (Jane Phillips), b. 05-01-1922, d. 06-15-1991, pictures, back of Jung stone
Jung, Wilhelmina (John William), b. 1890, d. 04-00-1951, Plot L10W--R8, # 2, ---see obit
Jung, Willhelmina "Minnie" (Henry M.), b. 1878, d. 09-30-1963, Plot L9W--R15, # 2, ---see obit