Wisconsin Death Records
Wisconsin Newspapers, Full Search (1833-1992), 150 titles
Wisconsin Obituary Search - (1989-current)
Wisconsin Funeral Notices
Spring Grove Cemetery
Wisconsin Dells, Columbia County, Wisconsin
GPS: 43.626375, -89.752592
Broadway and Weber Ave
Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965
Published: September 30, 2016
Total records: 3,823
Surnames A-C
These records were copied from the Cemetery record books kept at City Hall and a card file kept by Ray Seger and Bud Gussel. A special Thank You to Dick Schauf, Anna Mae Axness, Barb Ferguson, Paddi Millard, and Nancy Wehlage for their help in copying the records. Special thank you to Sexton Bob Hall who knows everything about this cemetery. Organized by Anna Mae Axness, 2007. Some Veteran information from Betty Cook's Veteran's file.
Abell, Asa (Jennette), b. 05-07-1824, d. 12-28-1887, Plot 25--18
Abell, Jennette (Asa), b. 05-07-1824, d. 12-28-1887, Plot 25--18, --see obit index
Acker, Fredrick K., b. 1864, d. 07-10-1916, Plot 17--07
Acker, Harrison, b. 1833, d. 1903, Plot 17--07
Acker, Henrietta, b. 1839, d. 06-10-1910, Plot 17--07
Ackerman, Lula, b. 01-26-1909, d. 03-27-1989, Plot 58--12, --mother, sister
Acree, Bruce (Marie), b. 1894, d. 12-27-1968, Plot 80--14, --see obit
Acree, Marie (Bruce), b. 1893, d. 05-18-1985, Plot 80--14, --age 91yrs
Adams, Charles B., b. 1864, d. 1891, Plot 40--04
Adams, Samuel J., b. 1818, d. 03-24-1895, Plot 40--04
Ahlorn, Catherine, b. 186?, d. 1949, Plot 42--07
Ahlorn, George, b. 1881, d. 1951, Plot 59--05
Ahlorn, Henry, b. 1852, d. 02-13-1919, Plot 42--07, --see obit
Ahlorn, Luella, b. 1882, d. 1948, Plot 59--05
Ahrens, Christiana, b. 01-18-1838, d. 02-21-1912, Plot 40--04
Ahrens, Henry, b. 07-04-1822, d. 09-10-1893, Plot 40--04
Albrecht, Gladys, b. 11-05-1901, d. 10-27-1989, Plot 64--02, --ashes
Albright, Jason, d. 01-12-1976, Plot 08--15
Alex, Mary S.--Mrs., b. 09-07-1864, d. 05-25-1942, Plot 41--09
Allen, R.V., d. no dates, Plot 03--01, --in the Bayerlein lot
Allen, Thomas, b. 1834, d. 01-01-1874, Plot 22--07, --GAR, "In Memory Of", errected by the survivors of CO E 12 Regt Wis Vol Inf
Almen, John D., b. 1906, d. no dates, Plot 43--10
Almen, Lula R., b. 1876, d. 1962, Plot 43--10
Almen, Nels, b. 1864, d. 1940, Plot 43--10
Alvin, James Albert, b. 08-15-1932, d. 11-03-1989, Plot 10--09, --Korea, CPL US Army
Alvin, Jean Ann, b. 04-24-1954, d. 04-25-1954, Plot 75--03, --d/o J.& A.Alvin, see stone
Anacker, Agnes E.Schmidt (Alvin Royal), b. 04-26-1915, d. 08-03-1977, Plot 67--09, --WW II, TEC 4 US Army, see obit
Anacker, Alvin Royal (Agnes E.Schmidt), b. 05-31-1909, d. 08-04-2001, Plot 67--09, --WW II, PFC US Army, see obit
Andersen, Martha C., b. 1901, d. no dates, Plot 08--05, --ashes
Andersen, Walter M., b. 01-25-1894, d. 05-03-1964, Plot 08--05, --WW I, Iowa PFC CO C 38 inf 3 div.
Anderson, Alfred G. (Mattie B.), b. 1892, d. 07-21-1973, Plot 66--05, --age 80yrs
Anderson, Alfred O. (Edith), d. 10-10-1976, Plot 08--17, --age 83yrs, "T-Bone", see obit
Anderson, Alvin O., b. 11-23-1905, d. 11-02-1975, Plot 80--25, --see ssdi
Anderson, Arthur Bertell, d. 07-26-1874, Plot 04--10, --s/o B.G.& F.G.Anderson, 7mo 25da old, on stone with Berkt G. Anderson
Anderson, Baby, d. no dates, Plot 66--05, --no name, assume last name Anderson
Anderson, Berkt G., d. 06-22-1875, Plot 04--10, --33yr 11mo 10da old, on stone with Arthur Bertell Anderson
Anderson, Clarence Elmer (Shirley Wrezenski), b. 12-27-1919, d. 10-21-2004, Plot 79--02, --(m)1945, s/o Ben & Emma Mielke Anderson, see obit
Anderson, Edith (Alfred O.), d. 03-23-1973, Plot 08--17, --age 69yrs, see obit
Anderson, Emily, b. 05-07-1846, Plot 03--17
Anderson, Harriet, d. no dates, Plot 19--09, --on Melvin & Janice Kohler lot
Anderson, Harriet Schroeder (Theodore), d. 09-22-1971, Plot 16--09, --age 78yrs, see obit
Anderson, Ida Alvin Nickel (Lester M.), d. 02-14-1998, Plot 84--22, --age 84yrs
Anderson, Isabella, b. 02-07-1841, d. 07-03-1845, Plot 03--17, --d/o John & Jannett Anderson, see stone
Anderson, Janette (John), b. 07-28-1811, d. 06-14-1865, Plot 03--17, --b.Toronto Canada, see stone
Anderson, Jessie, b. 05-13-1897, d. 03-12-1990, Plot 80--25, --age 92yrs, see ssdi
Anderson, John (Janette), b. 07-08-1799, d. 02-16-1883, Plot 03--17, --GAR, dates on stone hard to read, see obit index, b.Scotland
Anderson, LeRoy Edwin, b. 11-22-1936, d. 06-09-2000, Plot 14--14
Anderson, Lester M. (Ida Alvin Nickel), d. 11-09-1977, Plot 84--22, --age 67yrs
Anderson, Lloyd, b. 06-20-1926, d. 11-03-1996, Plot 84--22, --WW II
Anderson, Martha (Ole), b. 11-02-1863, d. 11-02-1935, Plot 66--05, --Nee Gilbertson, b.Norway
Anderson, Mattie B. (Alfred G.), b. 03-29-1891, d. 01-10-1953, Plot 66--05, --do August & Minnie Gleason, b.Necedah WI
Anderson, Ole (Martha), b. 01-18-1862, d. 06-22-1942, Plot 66--05, --b.Newport WI
Anderson, Orrin Knute (Patricia Morton), b. 11-03-1929, d. 11-01-2002, Plot 92--25/26/27, --Korea, US Army, (m)June 1952, s/o Olga & Kenneth Anderson, see obit
Andrews, Ellen (Peter), b. 12-04-1851, d. 06-26-1916, Plot 70--21, --(m)1873, nee Evenson, b.Norway, see obit
Andrews, Mip, Plot 03--09
Andrews, Peter C. (Ellen Evenson), b. 03-29-1841, d. 11-19-1922, Plot 70--21, --Mason, Eastern Star, see obit
Angell, Fanny (William F.), Plot 25--02
Angell, Jeff, Plot 24--02
Angell, William F. (Fanny), d. 10-23-1883, Plot 25--02, --old stone hard to read, date from card file
Antusis, Veronica Ann, b. 04-23-1942, d. 06-20-2004, Plot 91--96, --see obit
Apple, Jean, d. 12-30-1981, Plot 09--21
Apple, Lowell, d. 01-01-1982, Plot 09--21
Apple, Shawn, d. 01-02-1982, Plot 09--21
Armson, Betty J., b. 1923, Plot 82--22
Armson, Elmer J. (Evelyn V.), b. 1890, d. 03-16-1981, Plot 82--22, --age 90yrs, see obit
Armson, Evelyn V. (Elmer J.), b. 1901, d. 09-06-1964, Plot 82--22, --see obit
Armstrong, Ella (Milton Myron), b. 10-17-1859, d. 01-17-1949, Plot 42--21, --d/o George & Sarah Huggins, b.Sauk Cty
Armstrong, May (Myron), d. 04-08-1914, on stone with Myron
Armstrong, Milton Myron (Ella), b. 05-09-1866, d. 11-11-1938, Plot 42--21, --on stone with May Armstrong--more than one wife? s/o Milton & Sarah Armstrong
Armstrong, Milton (Sarah Ann Snoad), b. 08-19-1833, d. 03-01-1917, Plot 42--14, --GAR, CO K 25 Regt Wis Inf, b.Kilbourn City WI, (m)11-12-1856, s/o Daniel & Laura Weeks Armstrong, see obit
Armstrong, Sarah Ann (Milton), b. 06-16-1837, d. 04-11-1902, Plot 42--14, --d/o William & Frances Melissa Smith Snoad
Arndt, Florence Irene Evans (#1Orval Walker, #2Phillip Arndt), b. 08-26-1911, d. 04-01-1995, Plot 81--16, --(m)06-25-1929, Orval Walker lot,
Arntz, Doris E. (#1Boyce R.Draper, #2Louis N.Arntz), b. 1898, d. 10-00-1978, Plot 60--14, --on Draper lot, on stone with Boyce Draper
Atcherson, Alice (Henry), b. 03-27-1867, d. 02-26-1950, Plot 06--18, --d/o Henry & Julia Gerth, on Gerth lot
Atchley, Irene Kay (Billy Joe), d. 11-03-1969, Plot 80--30, --age 17yrs on Livius Rosu lot, see obit
Attleson, Ione Goman, d. 06-09-1994, Plot 24--06, --age 86yrs
Atwood, B.F., d. 09-27-1874, Plot 19--11
Auerbach, Albert H. (Martgaret O'Dell), d. 08-02-1974, Plot 83--05, --78yr, see obit & death certificate
Auerbach, Albert (1st h/o Cora Cone), b. 06-29-1861, d. 01-04-1897, Plot 61--04, --see obit
Auerbach, Fred H. (Nettee A.), b. 03-14-1893, d. 10-10-1971, Plot 72--02, --WW I, age 78yrs, obit says wife's name is Olga
Auerbach, Margaret O'Dell (Albert H.), d. 07-10-1989, Plot 83--05, --age 87yrs
Auerbach, Nettee A. (Fred H.), b. 1887, d. 07-00-1951, Plot 72--02, --see obit
Auerbach, Olga I., d. 04-17-1996, Plot 11--05
Auerbach, Romona Mae, b. 11-20-1923, d. 11-04-1925, Plot 60--04
Auerbach, Willard, Plot 83--14
Avery, Edward Vernon (Sadie A.), b. 06-26-1890, d. 07-31-1967, Plot 70--12, --WW I, Wis CPL CO D 3 Inf, see obit
Avery, Sadie A. (Edward Vernon), b. 1897, d. 03-01-1988, Plot 70--12, --age 90yrs
Axtell, Nancy, d. 11-01-1875, Plot 03--01, --in the Shipway lot
Axtell, Nancy (Samuel), d. 12-01-1875, Plot 20--13, --Hambleton lot, 22yr 7mo old
Axtell, Samuel, Plot 03--01, --in the Shipway lot
Bagley, Arthur L., b. 1884, d. 03-12-1969, Plot 24--12, --see obit for d.date
Bagley, Asa H. (Rosa M.Foat), b. 1888, d. 04-22-1965, Plot 75--02, --(m)07-17-1912, see obit
Bagley, Beulah, b. 1922, d. 04-07-1992, Plot 11--16, --b.date from ssdi
Bagley, Blanche I.Hoskins (Milton), b. 1907, d. 05-20-1977, Plot 80--02, --see obit
Bagley, Clara, d. 04-27-1978, Plot 07--11, --age 61yrs
Bagley, Edward P., b. 1886, d. 10-00-1955, Plot 87--09, --or block 87 lot 20? See obit
Bagley, Edward Spencer (Jennie M.), b. 05-27-1858, d. 12-30-1930, Plot 24--05
Bagley, Emeline, b. 1902, d. 1915, Plot 60--03, --card file date d.02-26-1914, stone d.1915
Bagley, Estella A.or L., b. 05-14-1889, d. 06-20-1914, Plot 24--13, --or d.1934?
Bagley, Evlyn, b. 1907, d. 09-24-1975, Plot 07--11, --age 68yrs
Bagley, Gary Stuart (Mildred Attleson), b. 1935, d. 09-30-1965, Plot 80--02, --(m)08-15-1959, see obit
Bagley, Ione B., Plot 80--02
Bagley, Jackson, b. 05-28-1829, d. 07-26-1911, Plot 61--03, --b.Brookfield VT.
Bagley, Jennie M. (Edward S.), b. 05-18-1864, d. 02-10-1940, ??--??, --stone dates 1864-1939
Bagley, Leo M., b. 1912, d. 1945, Plot 87--19, --see ssdi
Bagley, Loren Henry, b. 04-27-1917, d. 02-28-2003, Plot 11--04, --dates from stone
Bagley, Margaret A.Vroman (Edward), d. 09-07-1986, Plot 87--20, --age 91yrs, see obit
Bagley, Mildred Ione (Gary Stuart), b. 08-13-1931, d. 08-15-2015, (m)08-15-1959, d/o George & Ione Goman Attleson, see obit
Bagley, Milton G., b. 1900, d. 07-01-1964, Plot 80--02
Bagley, Rosa M.Foat (Asa), b. 1894, d. 11-19-1982, Plot 75--02, --(m)07-17-1912, see obit
Bagley, Ruth, b. 05-13-1918, d. 06-18-1938, ??--??
Bagley, Sharon, b. 1942, d. 1943, Plot 87--19, --age 13mo
Bailey, Elizabeth (John), b. 12-17-1924, d. 04-01-2003, (m)1945, d/o LaVerne & Margaret Kreisch Butler, is she buried here, her husband is here, ashes, see obit
Bailey, John (Elizabeth Butler), b. 06-30-1923, d. 06-24-2008, Plot 50--25, --WW II, US Army, (m)1945. s/o John & Mary Maess Bailey, see obit
Bailey, Judith Ann, d. 10-10-1997, Plot 09--23, --age 73yrs
Bailey, Laina Rose, b. 12-18-1979, d. 08-18-2005, Plot 50--25, --d/o Michael & Enith Degler Bailey, see obit
Bailey, Marion Junior, b. 08-23-1923, d. 09-18-1996, Plot 09--23, --WW II, Korea, Vietnam, TSGT US Air Force
Bailly, George W., b. 1778, d. 05-18-1866, Plot 27--03, --Veteran from Veteran's list
Bailly, Hellen, d. 09-24-1861, Plot 27--03
Baken, Eugene Andrew (Helen M.Kolberg), b. 12-11-1929, d. 06-11-2003, Plot 91--99/100, --Korea, PFC US Army, (m)Oct. 1953, s/o Andrew & Blanch Ackerman Baken, see obit
Baken, Helen Mae (Eugene Andrew), b. 05-18-1935, d. 11-12-2015, (m)Oct. 1953, d/o Henry & Alma Eick Kolberg, see obit
Baker, Eunice Frances--Mrs., b. 05-09-1843, d. 06-06-1929, Plot 43--11, --b.Mass.
Baker, John Walter, b. 07-07-1856, d. 04-06-1922, Plot 43--11, --b.Mass.
Ballweg, Carl, Plot 69--15, --on Mrs. H.N.Peterson lot
Balsmeider, Charles Jacob (Ruth Ariose), b. 1906, d. 05-25-1992, Plot 73--11
Balsmeider, Charles T. (Theresa B.), b. 1882, d. 1949, Plot 73--11
Balsmeider, Ruth Ariosa (Charles Jacob), b. 09-08-1904, d. 10-08-2000, Plot 73--11
Balsmeider, Theresa B. (Charles T.), b. 12-08-1887, d. 01-06-1986, Plot 73--11
Barker, Zelia, d. 06-13-1864, Plot 18--03
Barlow, W.F., ??--??
Barnett, Beatrice R., d. 04-06-1986, Plot 14--08, --age 67yrs
Barney, Robert D. (Anna Longhorn), b. 06-02-1874, d. 03-16-1921, Plot 61--01, --see obit
Barrett, Josiah James, b. 07-28-1890, d. 07-18-1939, Plot 69--01, --WW I, stone says b.1891, in Blatchley-Barrett lot
Barrett, Theodosia Hayden (Josiah), b. 1891, d. 08-30-1977, Plot 69--01, --Elks, in Blatchley-Barrett lot, see obit
Barrier, Allen John (Avis M.Anderson), d. 08-08-1991, Plot 68--08, --see obit
Barrier, Avis M.Anderson (Allen John), b. 07-04-1916, d. 05-15-2009, Plot 68--08, --d/o Fredrick & Mayme Nelson Anderson
Barrier, Ethel, b. 1891, d. 1936, Plot 68--08, --maybe b.1895, d.1935
Barrier, Frank W. (Frances M.Anderson), d. 11-02-1980, Plot 68--08, --age 65yrs, see obit
Barrier, John Allen, d. 08-08-1941, Plot 68--08
Bartell, W., Plot 66--01
Bartness, Dorothy, d. 11-26-1984, Plot 49--04, --age 75yrs
Bartness, Todd, d. 01-15-1993, Plot 79--04
Barton, Arthur Howard, b. 08-28-1920, d. 01-10-1921, Plot 05--06, --see block 47 lot 03
Barton, Josephine C. (W.N.), d. 08-28-1878, Plot 05--06, --33yr old
Barton, Newell M.--stone is hard to read, b. on stone? 03-10-1878, d. 02-28-1938, Plot 05--05, --Brother, stone date? File card says 1873-1933, cemetery record says b.03-10-1873 & d.02-28-1938, see obit for Noel Barton
Barton, W.N. (Josephine), Plot 05-06
Bass, Arthur B., b. 09-29-1890, d. 08-29-1956, Plot 58--06
Bass, Elizabeth Catharine, from Find A Grave
Bass, Grace M.Evans (William), b. 1886, d. 05-20-1967, Plot 08--08, --see obit
Bass, Henrietta--Mrs., b. 10-23-1876, d. 06-11-1945, Plot 68--23, --b.Dell Prairie WI, 1st husband Loren Eastling, Nee Bagley, see Henrietta Eastling, buried on Eastling lot
Bass, June, b. 06-01-1919, d. 02-24-2004, Plot 08--08, --age 84yrs, see obit
Bass, Vernon W., from Find A Grave
Bass, William (Grace M.Evans), b. 1880, d. 1962, Plot 08--08
Batty, Arthur B., b. 08-29-1890, d. 08-28-1956, Plot 58--06, --b.Lodi WI
Batty, Foster J., b. 03-12-1871, d. 12-24-1964, Plot 64--13, --Sp.Am.War, Wis PVt CO D 2 Regt Wis Inf
Batty, Fred Luther, b. 1874, d. 1899, Plot 62--16
Batty, Joseph, b. 1836, d. 05-18-1910, Plot 62--16
Batty, Katherine E., d. 03-17-1957, Plot 58--06
Batty, Orra A., b. 1877, d. 1947, Plot 64--13, --on Phillips lot
Batty, Persis, d. 05-18-1975, Plot 64--13, --age 71yrs
Batty, Unknown, b. 1834/1936?, d. 1905, Plot 62--16
Bauer, Andrew, b. 02-20-1862, d. 01-08-1896, Plot 63--12
Bauer, Cornelia, b. 1866, d. 1935, Plot 70--07, --Mother
Bauer, Edward G., b. 07-10-1874, d. 12-14-1944, Plot 63--12, --b.Kilbourn city WI
Bauer, Ella, d. 04-08-1978, Plot 70--09
Bauer, Frederich (Helen), b. 02-26-1836, d. 04-07-1905, Plot 63--12, --Veteran from Veteran's list, father
Bauer, Helen (Frederich), b. 11-20-1838, d. 12-19-1915, Plot 63--12, --b.Germany, Nee Hoffman
Bauer, Herbert A. (Sylvia Legler), b. 03-16-1877, d. 04-24-1939, Plot 25--21, --b.Kilbourn
Bauer, John C., b. 02-23-1892, d. 02-11-1932, Plot 70--07, --WW I, Son, stone dates 1893-1932
Bauer, John O., b. 1867, d. 11-00-1927, Plot 70--07, --Father, see obit
Bauer, Margaret--Mrs., b. 08-20-1856, d. 03-10-1938, Plot 70--03, --b.Newton Falls Ohio
Bauer, Mary--Mrs., b. 06-23-1870, d. 02-21-1928, Plot 70--09, --Nee Ressler, b.Lyndon Station WI
Bauer, Mildred, d. 04-07-1993, Plot 47--01, --age 96yrs, on Heberlein lot
Bauer, Peter, b. 1859, d. 1932, Plot 70--03
Bauer, Sylvia Legler (Herbert A.), b. 1880, d. 07-15-1980, Plot 25--21, --age 100yrs, ashes, see obit
Bauer, Walter, d. 10-31-1966, Plot 70--09, --see obit for date, 69yr old
Bauer, William F., b. 1871, d. 1956, Plot 70--09
Baxter, Horace, d. 10-17-1860, ??--??
Bayerlein, Carl L, b. 11-16-1877, d. 07-12-1917, Plot 03--03, --b.Kilbourn WI
Bayerlein, Christina, b. 09-07-1851, d. 12-31-1924, Plot 03--03, --Nee Soeldner, b.Germany
Bayerlein, Henry J., b. 1883, d. 1901, Plot 03--01
Bayerlein, John C. (Katherine), b. 04-25-1822, d. 06-19-1892, Plot 03--02
Bayerlein, Katherine (John C.), b. 04-19-1823, d. 06-29-1902, Plot 03--02
Bayerlein, Unknown--maybe John L., b. 1850, d. 1902, Plot 03--03, --see obit index
Beach, Isabella (Matthew), d. 1984, Plot 15--14, --ashes
Beach, Matthew (Isabella), d. 01-30-1972, Plot 15--14, --on Frank Wrzesinski lot, 70yr old, see obit
Beahm, Margaret L. (Ralph H.), b. 03-18-1913, d. 06-19-2007, Plot 58--0?, --(m)1938, d/o Joseph & Ida Cocking Sharatt, Eastern Star, see obit
Beahm, Ralph H. (Margaret L.), d. 09-20-1984, Plot 58--08, --age 75yrs, (m)1938
Beard, Date (Isabelle "Belle" Gorman), b. 1880, d. 11-00-1952, Plot 24--04, --see obit
Beard, Dennis Robert-s/o Louis, b. 08-12-1953, d. 07-05-1973, Plot 82--11, --Vietnam, ARCOM Wis SP4 US Army, KIA
Beard, Isabelle "Belle" Gorman (Date), b. 1880, d. 03-00-1952, Plot 24--04, --see obit
Bearskin, John, b. 1880, d. 06-16-1955, Plot 44--24
Bearskin, Nancy, Plot 45--12, --buried in Alley between lots, see ssdi for dates?
Bearskin, Peter J., b. 01-19-1962, d. 01-22-1962, Plot 44--23
Beaver, Ronald, d. 08-24-1989, Plot 79--36, --age 17yrs
Becker, Carl F. (Nellie M.), b. 1880, d. 1945, Plot 72--11
Becker, Nellie M. (Carl F.), b. 09-13-1885, d. 01-05-1945, Plot 72--11, --Nee Nemitz, b.Ripon WI
Beghin, Agnes, d. 09-00-1990, Plot 09--14
Beghin, Ester, d. 03-29-1999, Plot 14--09, --age 86yr, Nee Rohrbeck
Beghin, Jacob, d. 05-26-1982, Plot 09--14, --age 77yrs
Behlinger, W.H., Plot 80--17
Beilfuss, Charles E., d. 05-16-1994, Plot 02--15, --ashes
Belang, Mary, b. 11-26-1857, d. 04-29-1925, Plot 42--05
Bell, Ernest D., b. 1872, d. 1920, Plot 61--14
Bell, Ester Hovey, Plot 61--14, --ashes
Bell, John H., d. 04-02-1996, Plot 61--14, --ashes, 87yrs old
Bell, Jonathan, b. 1836, d. 04-09-1907, Plot 61--14
Bell, Mary Christee, b. 1844, d. 1917, Plot 61--14
Belter, August Frederich, b. 04-26-1866, d. 06-27-1944, Plot 22--12, --b.Germany
Belter, August Sr., Plot 64--15
Belter, Augusta, b. 1846, d. 1935, Plot 22--19
Belter, B., b. 1869, d. 1910, Plot 22--12
Belter, Bertha, b. 1878, d. 1892, Plot 22--19
Belter, Ervine F., b. 1905, d. 01-09-1960, Plot 22--17, --see obit
Belter, Fred, b. 1849, d. 06-15-1909, Plot 22--19
Belter, Fred Edward, b. 03-08-1876, d. 04-25-1954, Plot 22--17, --b.Germany
Belter, Frederich, b. 1889, d. 1891, Plot 22--12
Belter, Henrietta, b. 05-13-1835, d. 02-25-1921, Plot 64--15, --Nee Tabolt, 1st husband Fredrick Bremer, b.Germany
Belter, Henry, b. 1903, d. 1904, Plot 22--12
Belter, Infant, d. 1910, Plot 22--12
Belter, Richard J.A., b. 05-25-1915, d. 09-12-1937, Plot 22--17, --b.WI Dells WI
Belter, Sarah, b. 1877, d. 09-00-1959, Plot 22--17, --see obit
Belter, Unknown, Plot 22--17
Bement, Benjamin S., b. 08-08-1839, d. 12-16-1919, Plot 04--06, --Veteran from Veteran's list
Bement, Eliza H., d. 02-17-1962, 93yr old, obit says d.Wisconsin Dells
Bement, Eliza J., b. 1842, d. 1921, Plot 04--06, --see Eliza Kellogg
Bement, Eva D.-Miss, b. 1889, d. 05-01-1969, Plot 69--08, --see obit
Bement, Harley, b. 10-06-1867, d. 12-14-1923, Plot 69--17
Bement, Ida May (H.R.), d. no dates, Plot 04--06, --age 20yr6mo 14da, stone hard to read, maybe 1869-1889
Bement, Margaret G., b. 1863, d. 1932, Plot 69--08
Bement, Sidney K., b. 06-27-1865, d. 03-03-1930, Plot 69--08, --b.Michigan
Bemsham, M.P., Plot ??--12
Bennecke, Margaret, d. 06-01-2002, Plot 91--19
Bennecke, R.J., d. 01-09-1999, Plot 91--19, --baby, ashes, 8 day old
Bennecke, Richard John, b. 10-16-1918, d. 01-09-1999, Plot 91--19, --WW II, PFC US Army
Bennett family stone, Plot 65--11, --Herbert, Lillie, Clarence, Richard, Anita Patton
Bennett, Albert I., b. 08-08-1850, d. 01-03-1912, Plot 42--04, --b.Vermont
Bennett, Alma Ellen, b. 10-06-1856, d. 03-28-1910, Plot 42--04, --Nee Litchfield, b.Easton WI.
Bennett, Ashley C., b. 08-15-1869, d. 04-27-1943, Plot 01--06, --d/o Henry H. & Francis Douty Bennett, b.Kilbourn City WI
Bennett, Bell H., b. 1863, d. 1945, Plot 21--03
Bennett, Birda S. (George R.), b. 1889, d. 01-29-1962, Plot 74--20, --see obit
Bennett, Brian G. (Cindy Weber), b. 01-25-1967, d. 12-04-2014, (m)2003, s/o Bernard & Barbara Cary Bennett, is he buried here? See obi
Bennett, Bruce B., d. 09-04-1979, Plot 09--16, --age 16yrs, s/o Bernard Bennett, see obit
Bennett, Clara M. (Rev. M.), d. 06-24-1870, Plot 21--09, --date hard to read on stone
Bennett, Clarence Carpenter (Lillie F.), b. 07-26-1856, d. 10-11-1935, Plot 65--11, --s/o George H. & Harriet H.Bennett, b.Vermont
Bennett, Clarow, d. 06-24-1873, Plot 21--09
Bennett, Don A.E., b. 1863, d. 1928, Plot 21--03
Bennett, Evaline Marshall (2nd w/o Henry Hamilton), b. 1863, d. 03-25-1949, Plot 25--11, --see obit
Bennett, Francis Irene Douty (1st w/o Henry Hamilton), b. 1848, d. 08-28-1884, Plot 25--11, --(m)01-22-1866
Bennett, Gatus M., b. 08-24-1853, d. 12-30-1930, ??--??, --b.PA,
Bennett, George B., b. 1889, d. 1956, Plot 74--20
Bennett, George Hamilton (Harriet H.), b. 1810, d. 07-25-1894, Plot 21--03, --(m)03-20-1842
Bennett, Harriet Houghton (George H.), b. 1819, d. 04-10-1896, Plot 21--03, --(m)03-20-1842
Bennett, Henry Hamilton (#1Francis Irene Douty, #2Evaline Marshall), b. 01-15-1843, d. 01-01-1908, Plot 25--11, --GAR, Co E 12th Reg Wis Vol Inf, (m)01-22-1866, b, Canada s/o George H.& Harriet A.Bennett, see obit
Bennett, Herbert, b. 1895, d. 1895, Plot 65--11
Bennett, Jabez H., Plot 21--09
Bennett, Jay/Jabaz B., b. 10-25-1846, d. 1865/1866, Plot 21--09, --GAR, CO E 32 Reg Wis Inf, d.1865 on stone
Bennett, Lillie Fox (Clarence C.), b. 1863, d. 1935, Plot 65--11
Bennett, Mathew, Plot 21--09, --see obit index dates d.03-09-1900 maybe? Rev. Matthew Bennett?
Bennett, Miriam E.-Miss, b. 1891, d. 06-03-1971, Plot 25--11, --d/o Henry H. & Evaline Bennett, dates from ssdi, see obit
Bennett, Richard, b. 12-25-1903, d. 1930, Plot 65--11, --b.Kilbourn City WI
Bennett, Unknown, Plot 21--09
Benson, Anna K.-Mrs., b. 03-24-1887, d. 12-31-1974, Plot 75--08, --see obit
Benson, Bernard C. (Anna), b. 06-18-1880, d. 04-03-1966, Plot 75--08, --see obit
Benson, Clara Ann, d. 03-03-1999, Plot 91--20/21, --age 66yrs
Benz, Emma (William), b. 1879, d. 02-14-1967, Plot 68--19, --see obit
Benz, Harold Henry, d. 07-20-1971, Plot 58--05, --age 64yrs
Benz, Harvey, b. 1905, d. 1957, Plot 58--05
Benz, William (Emma), b. 1871, d. 1942, Plot 68--19
Bergstresser, Andrew S. (Helen M.), d. 08-21-1901, Plot 26--08, --age 72yr.
Bergstresser, Catherine, d. 08-22-1887, Plot 26--08, --Nee Bergstresser, see Catherine Streeter, on stone with Andrew & Helen Bergstresser
Bergstresser, Helen M. (Andrew S.), d. 05-28-1896, Plot 26--08, --b.Ohio, 60yr old
Berndt, Anna Tiedtke (Fred), b. 1887, d. 09-25-1972, Plot 16--11, --buried on Tangney's lot, see obit
Berry, Alma M. (Stuart Allen), b. 02-22-1878, d. 11-27-1950, Plot 83--10, --Nee Crothers, b.Dell Prairie WI
Berry, Anne E. (Irwin S.), b. 12-24-1848, d. 04-05-1922, Plot 71--22, --Nee Johnson
Berry, Carol-Miss, b. 1903, d. 02-16-1961, Plot 83--10, --see obit
Berry, Clinton DeWitt, b. 08-16-1884, d. 05-08-1945, Plot 83--09, --b. Adams county WI
Berry, Irwin S. (Anne E.), b. 10-08-1846, d. 09-01-1919, Plot 71--22, --b.N.Y.
Berry, Irwin/Erwin, b. 1914, d. 04-00-1959, Plot 83--10, --see obit
Berry, Marilyn V., b. 1930, d. 12-05-1980, Plot 83--10
Berry, Roland S., b. 1901, d. 1958, Plot 83--10
Berry, Stuart Allen (Alma M.), b. 09-11-1873, d. 01-17-1953, Plot 83--10, --b. Quincy WI
Berry, Violet, d. 06-27-1977, Plot 83--10, --age 77 yrs
Berry, Winifred/Winefred, b. 1878, d. 10-00-1938, Plot 71--22, --see obit
Betley, Ardith Jefferson (John Steven), b. 03-22-1916, d. 03-09-1995, Plot 56--16, --age 78yrs
Betley, Curtis J., b. 11-19-1941, d. 08-14-2010, from obit, s/o John & Ardith Jefferson Betley
Betley, John Steven (Ardith Jefferson), b. 06-15-1912, d. 03-21-2003, Plot 56--16, --(m)1940, s/o Antone & Mary Borowy Betley, see obit
Bick, Allan J.Jr., b. 02-23-1931, d. 10-17-1988, Plot 79--36, --Korea, US Army
Bidwell, Loren, d. 03-03-1895, Plot 25--20, --GAR, MUS'N 16 Wis Inf
Bilby, Hattie M. (J.M.), d. 11-22-1872, Plot 41--03, --on the Linnell lot, 28yr old
Billing, San, Plot 47--04
Billing, Winnie--Miss, b. 08-09-1894, d. 12-11-1921, Plot 47--04, --b.Orfordville WI
Bilotta, Elizabeth, d. 02-12-1987, Plot 57--10, --age 86yrs
Bilotta, Frank James, b. 01-09-1924, d. 12-08-1999, Plot 57--10, --age 75yrs
Bilotta, Joseph, d. 09-00-1990, Plot 57--10
Birkholz, Carl Rueben, b. 10-10-1929, d. 04-29-1996, Plot 09--15, --Korea, AM3 US Navy, ashes
Birkholz, Donald R. (Rosemary Kramer), b. 04-12-1931, d. 07-14-1971, Plot 81--18, --Korea, Wis AN US Navy, see obit
Birkholz, Edward C. (Leola Martha), b. 01-27-1921, d. 09-25-1984, Plot 09--10, --WW II, US Army, (m)11-24-1945
Birkholz, Leola Martha (Edward C.), b. 12-18-1921, d. 05-07-2011, Plot 09--10, --(m)11-24-1945, d/o Henry & Anna Raese Hamburg, see obit
Bishop, Mary A., b. 1839, d. 1918, Plot 02--06
Bishop, Myron, b. 1858, d. 02-23-1935, Plot 02--06, --b.Plainville WI
Bishop, William, b. 1833, d. 04-04-1911, Plot 02--06, --GAR, Veteran from Veteran's list, b.Connecticut, maybe d.06-30-1910/stone date & obit
Bixby, Baby, Plot 21--06, --at head of Lillian Bixby, last name assumed
Bixby, Burnell, b. 07-04-1926, d. 07-07-2001, Plot 10--05, --WW II
Bixby, Daniel Orlo, b. 11-02-1921, d. 04-15-1994, Plot 10--05, --WW II, CPL US Army
Bixby, Doris I., b. 12-30-1921, d. 07-19-1987, Plot 10--05, --WW II, US Marine Corps
Bixby, Fern H. (Fred L.), b. 1903, d. 12-03-1992, Plot 81--15, --age 89yrs, Mom
Bixby, Fred L. (Fren H.), b. 1898, d. 04-04-1884, Plot 81--15, --age 86yrs, Dad
Bixby, George D., b. 06-19-1920, d. 09-05-1986, Plot 10--05, --WW II, US Army
Bixby, Helen, b. 1869, d. 1965, Plot 81--15, --maybe Karine Helen Tofson Bixby, Helen Bixby on stone, Mother
Bixby, Lillian, d. 12-20-1980, Plot 21--06, --age 81yrs, on George F.Miller Sr. lot, Nee Miller
Bixby, Verla B., b. 12-26-1926, d. 11-11-1992, Plot 10--05, --DAR, wife & mother
Blackcoon, Lucille Joyce, d. 12-04-1889, Plot 44--02, --age 59yrs
Blackcoon, Ronald--baby, d. 10-18-1958, Plot 44--02
Blackcoon, Sanford, d. 05-30-1971, Plot 46--06, --age 5mo
Blackdeer, Dalton Kyle, b. 01-01-1995, d. 12-02-2011, obit, s/o Bruce Blackdeer & Rosalie Decorah, see obit
Blatchley, Eloise Rublee (William S.), b. 01-12-1874, d. 11-27-1941, Plot 69--01, --b.Kilbourn City WI, Nee Rublee
Blatchley, Jesse W. (Maria), b. 1880, d. 1939, Plot 73--07, --Mason
Blatchley, Maria (Jesse W.), b. 1880, d. 08-31-1968, Plot 73--07, --see obit, 88yr old
Blatchley, William S. (Eloise Rublee), b. 1872, d. 1931, Plot 69--01
Blood, Dally "Emereth"?, b. 1855, d. 1947, Plot 25--14
Blood, Emmerette M. (Hiram), b. 1855, d. 1947, Plot 25--14, --from Find A Grave
Blood, Eugene (#1Jean Cahoon, #2Ethelyn Morse), b. 01-12-1922, d. 09-28-2009, WW II, U.S.Air Force(m1)Oct. 1943, (m2)Dec. 2004, s/o Willard & Jeanette Clark Blood, see obit
Blood, Hiram (Emmerette M.), b. 1850, d. 1916, Plot 25--14
Blood, Necia Jean, d. 12-23-1993, Plot 14--02, --age 71yrs
Blood, Sally Ann (Steward), b. 1811, d. 1861, Plot 17--10
Blood, Steward (Sally Ann), b. 1808, d. 1869, Plot 17--10, --GAR
Bloomer, Carl R., b. 04-01-1928, d. 08-00-1944, Plot 86--23.--s/o Isaac Bloomer, see obit
Bloomer, Charles, b. 1900, d. 1956, Plot 84--24
Bloomer, Debra Lynn-Miss, b. 04-22-1959, d. 01-25-1975, d/o Douglas Bloomer, see obit & death certificate
Bloomer, Douglas, Plot 80--05
Bloomer, Emma Elsie Kent (Isaac Sr.), d. 02-12-1969, Plot 73yr, see obit & death certificate
Bloomer, Isaac Sr., b. 1884, d. 10-24-1961, Plot 86--23, --see obit
Bloomer, James M., b. 01-24-1916, d. 11-01-1945, Plot 86--23
Bloomer, Joyce, Plot 86--22
Bloomer, Lloyd, Plot 86--23
Bohinger, Louise Marian, b. 1923, d. 1968, Plot 80--17
Bonfoey, Elizabeth, b. 01-28-1828, d. 02-24-1897, Plot 27--08, --Nee Gustine, b.New Hampshire, maybe b.1825?
Bonfoey, Horace, d. 03-12-1909, Plot 27--08
Bonfoey, Prudence, b. 04-05-1822, d. 02-26-1864, Plot 27--08
Bonfoey, Williard, Plot 27--08, --4 days old
Bonnell, Catherine D., b. 12-05-1818, d. 06-10-1911, Plot 42--24
Bonnell, S.S., b. 02-05-1813, d. ??-09-1889, Plot 42--24
Booth, Eleanor M. (1st w/o Ray L.), b. 02-23-1910, d. 09-15-1951, Plot 59--06
Booth, Raymond Levi, d. 08-23-1973, Plot 60--11, --age 63yrs
Booth, Raymond Levi (#1Eleanor M, #2A.Alberta), b. 01-31-1910, d. 08-23-1973, Plot 59--06, --on stone with Eleanor M.Booth but not buried here. On another stone with 2nd wife A Alberta. Alberta not buried here.
Boothe, Sarah--Mrs., b. 11-25-1845, d. 04-28-1940, Plot 73--18
Borcher, Arnold B. (Catherine A.Foster), b. 1922, (m)Dec.1948
Borcher, Blanche P., b. 1887, d. 1969, stone pic
Borcher, Catherine Alice (Arnold B.), b. 08-25-1925, d. 10-05-2010, (m)Dec.1948, d/o Kenneth & Blanche Skirven Foster, see obit
Borcher, Charles, b. 06-13-1839, d. 12-30-1914, Plot 01--01
Borcher, Charles A., b. 08-10-1881, d. 01-11-1945, Plot 64--17, --father, stone dates 1882-1945
Borcher, Clara, b. 12-21-1888, d. 06-03-1913, Plot 01--01, --d/o C. & M.Borcher
Borcher, Welhelmina, b. 01-30-1846, d. 01-09-1921, Plot 01--01
Bork, David A., d. 03-29-1979, Plot 08--20, --age 23yrs
Bork, Nona, d. 01-02-1999, Plot 08--20, --age 72yrs
Borst, Clarence E., b. 07-04-1871, d. 08-08-1892, Plot 60--06
Borst, Helen, b. 10-08-1831, d. 10-21-1921, Plot 60--06, --Nee McInvoy, b.N.Y.
Borst, Rhode--Miss, b. 02-20-1859, d. 07-09-1921, Plot 60--06, --b.N.Y.
Borst, Theron, b. 07-30-1825, d. 02-27-1914, Plot 60--06
Borud, Anna M., b. 1891, d. 1939, Plot 68--05
Borud, John, b. 1878, d. 11-20-1960, Plot 68--05, --see obit
Botsford, Ann Marian, b. 04-10-1901, d. 07-11-2000, Plot 83--01, --age 99yrs, see ssdi
Botsford, Hazel, b. 1891, d. 1976, Plot 69--07
Botsford, William, b. 1881, d. 1948, Plot 69--07, --on Mrs. A. Kettleson lot
Bowden, Bernard (Marcella M.), d. 08-22-1986, Plot 60--12, --age 95yrs
Bowden, Eleanor, d. 04-10-1991, Plot 60--12
Bowden, Marcella M. (Bernard), b. 1894, d. 08-00-1958, Plot 60--12, --see obit
Bowman, Abram Davis, b. 01-27-1861, d. 12-11-1907, Plot 03--18, --b.Sauk County WI, the stone dates are in Roman Numerals, s/o Jonathan & Hannah David Bowman
Bowman, Asa, b. 1863, d. 1895, Plot 62--09, --s/o Jonathan & Hannah Davis Bowman
Bowman, Emma--Miss, b. 09-25-1867, d. 03-04-1921, Plot 62--09, --b. Kilbourn City Wi, d/o Johathan & Hannah Davis Bowman
Bowman, Hannah J. (Hon.Johathan), b. 1836, d. 06-11-1916, Plot 62--09, --nee Davis
Bowman, Jennie/Jean--Miss, b. 1865, d. 02-12-1934, Plot 62--09, --d/o Jonathan & Hannah Bowman, see obit
Bowman, Jonathan (Hannah J.Davis), b. 05-16-1828, d. 07-16-1895, Plot 62--09, --(m)09-09-1856, b.N.Y, s/o Asa & Ruth Rider Bowman, see obit/article
Bowman, Ruby, d. 10-01-1996, Plot 46--05, --age 78yrs
Bowser, David (Lillian Gress), b. 08-18-1866, d. 10-07-1950, Plot 47--10, --b.Iowa, see obit
Bowser, Lillian Gress (David), b. 1871, d. 1937, Plot 47--10, --see husband's obit
Bowser, Mary L., b. 1871, d. 1937, Plot 47--10
Bowser, Russell R., b. 08-01-1906, d. 03-07-1954, Plot 47--10, --WW II, Wis PVT, Quartermaster Corps, b.Oklahoma
Boyd, Belle--Confederate Spy, b. 05-09-1844, d. 06-11-1900, Plot 21--20, --Veteran's list, b.Martinsburg VA, Killbourn Landmark Plaque, See Marie Isabelle High
Boyd, Chester, Plot 17--05
Boyd, George, b. 06-10-1863, d. 03-31-1909, Plot 17--05
Boyd, John O., d. 02-25-1860, Plot 17--05, --26yr. Old
Boyd, Laura, Plot 17--05
Boyd, Louis C., b. 06-17-1911, Plot 17--05
Boyd, Unknown, Plot 17--05
Boyd, Unknown, Plot 17--05
Boyd, Unknown, d. no dates, Plot 17--12
Boyd, Zalla--Mrs., d. 07-25-1908, Plot 17--05, --Nee Geirmain, b.N.Y.
Bracken, Donna Kae (Paul-d.1964), b. 02-17-1943, d. 08-13-2006, Plot 16--16, --d/o Harold & Joyce Weaver Feight, see obit
Bradburn, Noone S.-Mrs., b. 04-03-1868, d. 03-15-1916, Plot 40--13, --maybe Namoa S., see obit
Brandon, Harold Miles, b. 10-07-1924, d. 05-06-2005, Plot 45--04, --WW II, US Army
Brandon, Rosanna, b. 01-04-1926, d. 03-31-2003, Plot 45--04
Bredesen, Giselle W.Woelfel (Harold Gene), b. 01-09-1931, d. 07-17-2004, Plot 10--12, --(m)1954, d/o Ernst & Else Uhl Wolfel, b.Czechoslovakia, see obit
Bredesen, Harold Gene (Giselle W.Woelfel), b. 07-19-1929, d. 02-18-1992, Plot 10--12, --Korea, Vietnam, SSG US Army
Bremer, Dorothy Anna Schroeder (1st w/o Helmuth Gustav), b. 07-19-1918, d. 02-06-1988, Plot 79--05, --age 69yrs
Bremer, Helmuth Gustav (#1Dorothy Anna Schroeder, #2Ruby Ruth Yoss), b. 04-29-1913, d. 10-06-2001, Plot 79--05, --(m1)1938, (m2)05-17-1989, ashes
Bremer, Jack Helmuth, b. 04-30-1947, d. 11-12-1973, Plot 79--05, --Vietnam, Wis Sp4 US Army, s/o Helmuth & Dorothy Bremer, see obit
Bressler, Clayton, d. 09-03-1983, Plot 48--02, --on Sonnechsen lot, 59yrs old
Bressler, Jean I. (Melford L.), b. 1930, d. 10-06-1985, Plot 79--32, --age 55yrs
Bressler, Melford LeRoy "Bud" (Jean I.), b. 01-18-1925, d. 01-12-2001, Plot 79--32, --WW II
Bressler, Sandra M., b. 09-29-1962, d. 08-10-1980, Plot 79--32, --d/o Melford L.& Jean Bressler, see ssdi
Brew, Ann Cormode, b. 02-01-1833, d. 03-25-1907, Plot 03--12, --Mother, stone dates hard to read, see obit index
Brew, Daniel E.Jr., b. 01-29-1867, d. 11-25-1884, Plot 03--12, --see obit index
Brew, Daniel Sr., b. 03-15-1827, d. 02-23-1896, Plot 03--12, --Father
Brew, Ella Ann-Miss, b. 09-01-1884, d. 03-14-1946, Plot 03--12, --d/o Daniel & Ann Brew, see obit
Brew, Enna D.or Emma? (William), b. 03-23-1863, d. 07-27-1920, Plot 69--16, --see obit
Brew, John J., b. 08-15-1860, d. 09-22-1886, Plot 03--12
Brew, Martha M.Byam (Daniel C.), d. 02-08-1996, Plot 87yr, see obit, not in rec.bk or stone
Brew, William Arthur, b. 09-13-1857, d. 10-00-1931, Plot 69--16, --b. Sauk County WI, see obit
Briggs, Albert, b. 1861, d. 09-23-1901, Plot 65--14
Briggs, Earl, b. 02-22-1902, d. 12-10-1988, Plot 09--08, --ashes
Briggs, Henrietta, d. 05-05-1979, Plot 09--08
Briggs, William S., Plot 65--14
Broker, Rudolph H., b. 09-04-1910, d. 06-07-1957, Plot 75--11
Bromberger, Blanch, b. 1868, d. 06-01-1920, Plot 65--17
Bromberger, Cathrine, b. 04-04-1816, d. 09-06-1896, Plot 22--20
Bromberger, Joseph, d. 04-23-1907, Plot 22--20
Bromberger, Joseph H., b. 10-11-1859, d. 06-01-1938, Plot 65--17
Brown, Alvin, b. 09-13-1865, d. 09-13-1933, Plot 21--18, --Spanish American War, CO L 3 ILL Inf
Brown, August (Mary), b. 1831, d. 1895, Plot 02--05, --stone hard to read
Brown, Belle M. (Salmon), b. 01-19-1837, d. 01-19-1907, Plot 65--20, --b. North Alba N.Y, mother of Jennie B.Brown & Mrs Lydia H.Crothers, see obit index for Mrs. Salmon Brown
Brown, Caroline M., b. 05-17-1823, d. 03-09-1896, Plot 20--16
Brown, Clarence Townsend, b. 01-01-1858, d. 09-01-1925, Plot 20--12, --ashes, on stone with Frank R.Brown
Brown, Edward "Digger" (Irene Ryczek), b. 09-23-1919, d. 03-03-2011, (m)Jan 1944, s/o William & Mathilda Heiman Brown, see obit
Brown, Effie Jane, b. 07-08-1861, d. 11-18-1957, Plot 21--18, --ashes
Brown, Eliza J., Plot 20--16
Brown, Frank R., b. 1860, d. 02-26-1925, Plot 20--12, --on stone with Clarence T.Brown
Brown, Frederick, b. 02-13-1807, d. 07-15-1877, Plot 65--12, --b.Hudson, Ohio, his body was moved here from Reedsburg, brother of John Brown of Harpers Ferry Ohio who started the Civil War
Brown, Hester Elizabeth (JohnJ.), b. 06-13-1820, d. 02-26-1891, Plot 20--12, --Nee Townsend
Brown, Irene Victoria, b. 11-04-1923, d. 12-14-2001, Plot 76--15
Brown, Jacqueline L., d. 01-04-1976, Plot 43--18, --age 55yrs
Brown, James, b. 1898, d. 07-08-1929, Plot 43--07, --WW I, Wis PVT 128 Inf 32 Div
Brown, John, Plot 21--10
Brown, John J. (Hester E.Townsend), b. 07-03-1815, d. 03-10-1891, Plot 20--12
Brown, Lida J. (Robert L.C.), d. 07-04-1921, Plot 20--16
Brown, Mae H., Plot 43--07
Brown, Martha E., b. 09--02-1852, d. 02-25-1871, Plot 20--12, --d/o John J. & Hester E.Brown
Brown, Mary (August), b. 1844, d. 1906, Plot 02--05, --stone hard to read
Brown, Moeh, Plot 43--07
Brown, Robert L.C. (Lida J.), b. 09-27-1855, d. 02-17-1943, Plot 20--16
Brown, Salmon P. (#1Mrs.Belle M.Brown, #2Martha Curtis), b. 1848, d. 05-00-1921, Plot 65--20, --Odd Fellow, stone hard to read, see obit
Browning, Francis, d. 02-02-1985, Plot 08--19, --age 74yrs
Browning, Wallace M., b. 11-30-1905, d. 07-31-1979, Plot 08--19, --WW II, US Navy
Bubelis, Gediminas J. "Jed", b. 06-24-1929, d. 05-12-1985, Plot 15--15, --Korea, Vietnam, SMSGT US Air Force
Buckanaga, Eugene Dale, b. 11-15-1941, d. 04-15-2005, Plot 24--13, --Vietnam, A1C US Air Force
Buckholz, A.M., Plot 12--13
Buckholz, August Ferdinand, b. 06-30-1820, d. 02-16-1906, Plot 19--14, --stone hard to read, see obit index
Buckholz, Cutten W., b. 06-19-1831, Plot 19--14
Buckholz, Ferdinand, Plot 19--14, --this is probably Fred Buckholz
Buckholz, Frank, b. 01-23-1860, d. 06-23-1870, Plot 19--14
Buckholz, Fred, b. 03-12-1856, d. 06-23-1870, Plot 19--14, --s/o August Buckholz
Buckholz, R., Plot 22--13
Buckley, Barney (Mariette Stowell), b. 1854, d. 09-19-1924, Plot 69--12, --maybe d.09-17-1924, see obit
Buckley, Ceylon B. (Ella B.), b. 1888, d. 03-13-1960, Plot 82--15, --see obit
Buckley, Ella Belle (Ceylon), d. 05-20-1973, Plot 82--15, --age 83yrs, see Clendaniel, see obit
Buckley, Marietta, b. 1859, d. 1927, Plot 69--12
Buckminster, Augustog, b. 1882, d. 1896, Plot 06--13/14
Buckminster, Charles C., b. 01-17-1836, d. 07-01-1900, Plot 06--13/14, --Veteran from Veteran's list
Buckminster, Ethel (Herbert)-see obit, b. 11-22-1906, d. 03-29-2005, Plot 68--09, --d/o Joseph & Blanche Clark Rice, (m)03-1934
Buckminster, Gertrude (Herbert Elbert), b. 09-26-1871, d. 11-20-1953, Plot 68--09, --Nee Jones, b.Adams County WI
Buckminster, Herbert Elbert (Gertrude), b. 02-24-1858, d. 02-18-1935, Plot 68--09
Buckminster, Herbert (Ethel), b. 08-13-1893, d. 09-00-1953, Plot 68--09, --(m)03-1934
Buckminster, Nell, b. 1855, d. 1931, Plot 06--13/14
Buesing, Anna E. (August C.), b. 08-23-1909, d. 12-11-2002, Plot 80--31, --(m)05-31-1947, d/o Wilhelm & Anna Niemeyer Hinz, see obit
Buesing, August C. (Anna E.Hinz), b. 1904, d. 01-21-1986, Plot 80--31, --WW II, (m)05-31-1947
Bull, Harold E. (Marie M.), b. 1902, d. 05-00-1956, Plot 63--15, --see obit
Bull, Marie M. (#1Charles F.Martins, #2Harold E.Bull), b. 1894, d. 12-15-1961, Plot 04--03, --age 67yrs, on Martins lot, see obit
Bullis, Abagail A. (Edgar S.), b. 04-06-1857, d. 04-15-1911, Plot 65--18, --Mother
Bullis, Charlotte A.Waterman (Emmett L.), b. 1854, d. 10-07-1952, Plot 24--09, --see obit
Bullis, Edgar S. (Abagail A.), b. 12-22-1846, d. 07-24-1921, Plot 65--18, --Veteran from Veteran's list, Father
Bullis, Emmett L. (Charlotte A.Waterman), b. 10-14-1848, d. 1919, Plot 24--09, --GAR
Bullis, Helen--Mrs., b. 1915, d. 11-07-1960, Plot 71--18, --see obit for Mrs. Helen Bullis Ryan
Bullis, Ira L., b. 11-23-1874, d. 01-13-1926, Plot 65--18
Bullis, Mildred (Richard A.), b. 11-07-1890, d. 01-21-1989, Plot 71--18, --ashes
Bullis, Richard A. (Mildred), b. 1890, d. 12-00-1958, Plot 65--18, --d.CA, see obit
Burke, Mabel C.VanSlyke, Plot 48--18, --on VanSlyke lot
Burligh, Louise, b. 02-15-1888, d. 04-08-1958, Plot 74--12
Burnham, Eleanor M. (Fred A.), b. 1873, d. 1940, Plot 84--20, --hard to read stone dates
Burnham, Fred A. (Eleanor M.), b. 1871, d. 1943, Plot 84--20, --hard to read stone dates
Burning, Harry, d. 04-14-1910, Plot 18--14, --on William Ramsey Lot
Burning, Lawrence H., d. 03-16-1919, Plot 18--14, --on William Ramsey Lot
Burning, Leslie, d. 08-18-1915, Plot 18--14, --on William Ramsey Lot
Burning, Unknown, d. no dates, Plot 18--14
Burns, Baby boy, d. 07-18-1868, Plot 09--10, --on Birkholz lot
Burns, Fred, d. 12-12-1977, Plot 68--06
Burns, Grace, b. 1897, d. 1939, Plot 68--06
Bush, John, Plot 27--01
Busse, Anton F. (Mary A.), b. 1865, d. 1948, Plot 68--20
Busse, Mary A. (Anton F.), b. 10-23-1873, d. 04-19-1944, Plot 68--20, --Nee Readmyer, b.Kilbourn City WI
Button, Alva, b. 1800, d. 1888, Plot 19--16
Button, Annett E., b. 08-11-1848, d. 07-22-1872, Plot 19--16, --nee Button, see Annett E.McClatchie
Buzzie, Otis, b. 1818, d. 11-15-1890, Plot 04--08, --on Frank C.Straw lot, see Buzzie Otis
Cady, Charles A., b. 09-07-1829, d. 09-28-1912, Plot 62--12
Cady, Elizabeth F., b. 1859, d. 1937, Plot 48--06
Cady, Frank A., b. 1858, d. 1904, Plot 62--12
Cady, Hannah Warner, b. 01-16-1835, d. 07-24-1909, Plot 48--06, --b.N.Y, or d. 04-24-1909?
Cady, Hellen, d. 01-23-1912, Plot 62--12, --Nee Blood, b.N.Y.
Cady, Jean Hayes, b. 1867, d. 1948, Plot 46--03, --or lot 06?
Caflisch, Byran T. (Lois I.), b. 1907, d. 06-16-1979, Plot 08--11, --WW II, ashes, see obit
Caflisch, Lois I. (Bryan T.), d. 12-17-1978, Plot 08--11, --age 69yrs, ashes
Camp, Julia Brown (Andrew), b. 03-10-1835, d. 12-15-1903, Plot 65--13, --d/o Fredrick Brown
Campbell, Florence, d. 03-06-1989, Plot 68--22, --age 89yrs, on Leonard M.Foster lot
Campbell, Frances S., d. 03-02-1998, Plot 62--03, --age 84yrs
Campbell, George, b. 05-02-1822, d. 12-17-1910, Plot 04--09, --GAR, Capt CO C 43rd Wis Vol Inf
Campbell, George Herbert (Georgia Port), b. 12-16-1863, d. 03-17-1909, Plot 62--03, --, see wife's obit
Campbell, Georgia Anna Port (George H.), b. 07-29-1882, d. 03-23-1942, Plot 62--03, --b.Marcellon WI, see obit
Campbell, Herb, b. 11-10-1909, d. 06-11-1983, Plot 62--03, --WW II, age 74yrs, Herbert A. Campbell
Campbell, Rubie/Rubee (G.H.), b. 01-04-1863, d. 07-15-1901, Plot 62--03, --38yr old, see obit index for Mrs. G.H.Campbell
Campbell, Susan R.--Mrs., b. 07-10-1834, d. 10-27-1913, Plot 04--09, --b.Indiana
Campbell, Unknown, Plot 04--09
Carey, Ida Ethel (Robert L.Sr.), b. 07-20-1925, d. 06-07-2003, Plot 57--11, --d/o Fred & Rena Newport Potter, see obit
Carey, Robert L.Sr. (Ida E.Potter), b. 09-02-1923, d. 05-06-1986, Plot 57--11, --WW II, PFC US Army
Carley, Sam Blowanski, d. 12-11-1961, Plot 44--12, --age 93yrs
Carlson, Catherine, d. 01-15-1983, Plot 09--18, --age 72yrs
Carlson, Freida, d. 05-26-1986, Plot 09--09, --age 73yrs
Carlson, Ivan, d. 09-03-1981, Plot 09--18, --age 75yrs
Carlson, James A., b. 01-29-1926, d. 10-30-1988, Plot 09--09, --Korea, SGT US Army
Carney, Robert, b. 07-14-1942, d. 01-07-2009, Plot 16--09, --U.S.Navy, s/o Robert Sr.& Janice Mell Koehler Carney, see obit
Carpenter, Ichabod W., b. 1840, d. 07-05-1888, Plot 25--20, --Heavy Artillary, Co.H 16th NY Heavy Artillery--hard to read dates, see obit index, 48yrs old
Carriman, Mary, b. stillborn, d. 11-29-1952, Plot 43--14, --d/o Allen S.& Mildred Bearskin Cariman
Carter, Clarice "Sis" Eleanor (Eugene Allen), b. 07-01-1913, d. 08-12-2007, Plot 58--16, --(m)03-13-1942, d/o Jacob & Nora Peterson Drollinger, d.Florida, see obit
Carter, Elizabeth A. (Lyman S.), d. 05-03-1885, Plot 03--08, --63yr 6mo 17da old
Carter, Eugene Allen (Clarice "Sis" Eleanor Drollinger), b. 12-25-1918, d. 06-21-2005, Plot 58--16, --Korea, Col USAF, (m)03-13-1942, d.Florida, see obit
Carter, Harvey L., d. 07-00-1866, Plot 03--08, --GAR? Drowned
Carter, Louise-Mrs., b. 10-13-1907, d. 01-27-1971, widow, see obit & death certificate
Carter, Lyman S. (Elizabeth A.), b. 10-20-1816, d. 08-05-1890, Plot 03--08, --Veteran from Veteran's list, 74yr 3mo 15da old
Carter, Silas F., b. 07-19-1859, d. 03-15-1873, Plot 03--08
Carter, William J., b. 01-18-1884, d. 01-06-1944, Plot 82--07, --b.Rochland WI
Carviou, Albert, b. 1871, d. 19--, Plot 25--13, --maybe Spanish American War, wrong flag holder
Carviou, Eureka, b. 1857, d. 1940, Plot 25--13, --on stone with Albert Carviou
Cary, Anna I.Winnes (P.A.), b. 02-00-1907, d. 08-29-1960, Plot 75--24, --see obit
Cary, P.A., b. 10-07-1907, d. 01-02-1999, Plot 75--24, --ashes on top of Anna
Caswell, Unknown, Plot 05--17, --maybe William C.Caswell?
Cauley, Ester, d. 12-17-1993, Plot 81--14, --age 86yrs, ashes
Cauley, Leroy J., b. 09-10-1902, d. 12-20-1965, Plot 81--14
Cavanaugh, Kristine M., b. 04-17-1986, d. 05-23-2010, d/o Michael R.Cavanaugh & Lorie J.Card Coon, see obit
Cavanaugh, Michael R., b. 12-21-1957, d. 03-08-2015, s/o Robert & Wilma Cavanaugh, see obit
Chamberlin, Amplias, b. 1870, d. 1902, Plot 18--10
Chamberlin, Cynthia Bolton, b. 1826, d. 05-04-1911, Plot 18--10, --b.Vermont
Chamberlin, Helin G., b. 1849, d. 1870, Plot 18--10/11
Charles, Robert A., b. 08-18-1891, d. 06-28-1922, Plot 66--07
Charlesworth, Ethel B. (George T.), b. 04-08-1907, d. 05-00-1988, Plot 80--10, --ashes, dates from ssdi, Eastern Star
Charlesworth, George T. (Ethel B.), b. 1904, d. 1990, Plot 80--10, --ashes, Mason
Charnley, Alta, d. no dates, Plot 66--07
Charnley, Charles Robert A., b. 09-18-1891, d. 06-28-1922, Plot 66--07, --Mason
Chickering, Daniel W., b. 02-28-1836, d. 03-19-1903, Plot 16--09, --dates from death certificate
Chickering, Daughter, Plot 17--09, --d/o D.W.& M.J. Chickering
Chickering, Emogene E., d. 01-03-1862, Plot 17--09, --age 24yrs
Chivall, Henry S., b. 02-12-1900, d. 04-23-1971, Plot 08--12, --WW II, ILL Pvt 78 STA Hosp, on Arnold Lytle lot
Chowaniec, Barbara, Plot 91--98, --ashes
Chrisien, Charles E., b. 03-27-1850, d. 09-28-1907, Plot 21--20
Christensen, Carl R. "Todd", b. 01-04-1903, d. 05-04-1979, Plot 83--08, --WW II
Christensen, Glen H. (Julie K.), b. 1935, d. 1981, Plot 59--12, --(m)09-16-1931, misplaced Vet flag holder?
Christensen, Goldwin "Goldie" (Rae Jane Waterman), d. 11-20-1977, Plot 15--09, --age 46yrs, see obit
Christensen, Hans A. (Inez E.), b. 1910, d. 1964, Plot 59--12, -- WW II
Christensen, Harvey "Pete" (Rosanne Gussel), b. 01-30-1931, d. 01-12-2015, Plot 09--12, --(m)09-1953, s/o Walter & Margaret O'Connell Christensen, see obit
Christensen, Julie K. (Glen H.), b. 1940, Plot 59--12, --(m)09-16-1931
Christensen, Rae J., d. 02-24-1994, Plot 15--09, --age 60yrs
Christiansen, Inez E. (Hans A.), b. 1912, d. 1999, Plot 59--12
Christiansen, Rosanne Gussel (Harvey), d. 05-15-1991, Plot 09--12, --(m(09-1953, on Mrs. Julie Gussel lot
Christinsen, Andrew (Dusine), b. 03-05-1870, d. 06-03-1950, Plot 49--04
Christinsen, Baby, d. 1945, Plot 83--08, --maybe Terry?
Christinsen, Dusine (Andrew), b. 1875, d. 03-08-1936, Plot 49--04, --Nee Hansen
Christinsen, Jen R., b. 1903, d. 1967, Plot 83--08
Christinsen, Nels, b. 1912, d. 05-27-1950, Plot 49--04
Christopher, Christ, b. 1874, d. 02-13-1919, Plot 70--17
Clapper, Hattie (Henry), d. 03-07-1886, Plot 02--04, --26yr old
Clapper, Jacob (Mary Ann), b. 05-16-1812, d. 04-29-1890, Plot 02--04
Clapper, Mary Ann (Jacob), b. 05-24-1820, d. 08-29-1885, Plot 02--04
Clark, Frances S., b. 1839, d. 02-06-1919, Plot 26--02
Clark, Gerald "Jerry" (Mildred), b. 1925, d. 08-08-1985, Plot 76--12, --WW II
Clark, Mildred (Gerald W.), b. 1927, Plot 76--12
Clark, Otis S.-Capt., b. 03-14-1835, d. 04-25-1864, Plot 19--04, --Civil War, Co H 5th Reg. Minn Vol, s/o L.& T.P. Clark, stone hard to read, 29yr 1mo 11da old
Clark, Rosetta A., b. 02-22-1880, d. 11-12-1928, Plot 26--02
Clark, Sarah H., b. 1836, d. 01-09-1917, Plot 26--02
Clausen, Harry (Marguerite), d. 07-14-1990, Plot 08--04, --ashes
Clausen, Marguerite (Harry), d. 01-21-1993, Plot 08--04, --ashes
Clausius, Elmer A., b. 01-04-1897, d. 04-06-1962, Plot 75--07, --WW I, Wis F3 USNRF
Clausius, Wilhelmina "Minnie", d. 09-30-1990, Plot 75--07
Clendaniel, Alfred, d. 01-17-1903, Plot 63--08, --16yr 6mo 24da old
Clendaniel, Arlene R.Ott (Howard C.), b. 07-05-1929, d. 12-01-1990, Plot 76--17
Clendaniel, Edith May (Joseph E.), b. 11-22-1866, d. 10-12-1941, Plot 63--08, --Nee Stowell
Clendaniel, Harry J. (Mae Abby Clough), b. 11-22-1883, d. 01-07-1941, Plot 63--08, --WW I, Wisc PVT 310 Sup TN 85 Div
Clendaniel, Howard C. (Arlene R.Ott), b. 05-25-1928, d. 10-21-1982, Plot 76--17, --age 54yrs
Clendaniel, James Howard "Clem", b. 07-29-1957, d. 01-01-2007, Plot 76--17, --s/o Howard C.& Arlene R.Ott Clendaniel
Clendaniel, John M., b. 11-27-1856, d. 04-23-1906, Plot 63--09
Clendaniel, Joseph A. Sr., b. 10-05-1836, d. 04-03-1924, Plot 63--09, --b.Delaware
Clendaniel, Joseph E. (Edith M.), b. 1858, d. 1927, Plot 63--08
Clendaniel, Mae Abby Clough (Harry J.), b. 03-20-1896, d. 08-09-1965, Plot 63--08, --mother of Howard C. Clendaniel
Clendaniel, Mary Elizabeth--Miss, b. 07-29-1865, d. 05-23-1944, Plot 63--08, --b.Michigan
Clendaniel, Rachel C.--Mrs., b. 09-13-1838, d. 11-23-1919, Plot 63--09
Cleveland, Adlai, b. 06-03-1956, d. 06-03-2002, Plot 45--27
Cleveland, Cheryl Celeste, d. 11-08-1994, Plot 45--27
Cleveland, Gary Gene, d. 07-31-1999, Plot 45--27, --age 45yrs
Cleveland, Gerald Lee III, b. 10-29-1992, d. 11-10-1992, Plot 45--27, --age 12days, "Holy Bear"
Cleveland, Ricardo, b. 02-13-1958, d. 02-12-2007, Plot 46--26
Cleveland, Sylas Jr., b. 06-04-1967, d. 07-24-1967, Plot 43--18
Cleveland, Sylas Sr., b. 1907, d. 1966, Plot 43--18
Cline, Thomas, d. 09-04-1963, Plot 45--16
Cloud, Carson Michael, d. 05-20-1979, Plot 44--13, --age 16yrs
Cloud, Dennis, b. 07-06-1953, d. 01-24-1954, Plot 44--13/24, --buried between 13 & 24
Cloud, Dillard, d. 10-18-1985, Plot 44--14, --s/o Edward & Ruth Greengrass Cloud
Cloud, Gerald, b. 11-28-1928, d. 10-07-1999, Plot 46--15
Cloud, Helen Littlesoldier (Jacob), d. no dates, Plot 46--15
Cloud, Jacob (Hellen Littlesoldier), b. 01-21-1927, d. 04-07-1999, Plot 46--15, --WW II, US Army, s/o George & Alice Cloud, see obit
Cloud, John Sherman (Monica), b. 05-09-1951, d. 03-16-2012, s/o Edward & Ruth Greengrass Cloud, see obit
Clough, Arthur, b. 1869, d. 1899, Plot 62--04, --see obit index
Clough, Benjamin (Elizabeth), b. 04-18-1840, d. 03-15-1923, Plot 62--04, --b.Maine
Clough, Elizabeth (Benjamin), b. 1838, d. 04-03-1917, Plot 62--04, --can't read dates on stone, dates from Reg.Deed
Clough, Ernest, b. 05-30-1873, d. 12-20-1897, Plot 62--04, --can't read dates on stone
Clough, Grace, b. 1863, d. 1948, Plot 62--04
Coapman, Catherine, b. 1907, d. 06-07-1977, Plot 20--21
Coapman, Emily Robey Miller (Lynn Norman), b. 1860, d. 07-00-1930, Plot 20--21, --b. West Point Township WI, see obit
Coapman, Lynn Norman (Emily Miller), b. 09-12-1860, d. 03-05-1943, Plot 20--21, --b.Wyocena WI, see obit index
Coapman, Norman, b. 1902, d. 08-30-1975, Plot 20--21
Cobb, Thelma, d. 01-00-1978, Plot 21--15, --age 64yrs
Coe, James L., d. 07-21-1861, Plot 20--20, --owner of lot but maybe not buried here?
Cohen, Alta C., b. 1890, d. 08-05-1971, Plot 66--07, --age 80yrs, Eastern Star
Cohen, Edward, d. 01-24-1933, Plot 66--07, --one date, on stone with Norman & Alta Cohen
Cohen, Norman, b. 1898, d. 1967, Plot 66--07, --Mason
Colburn, Carrie H.-Mrs., b. 1884, d. 08-00-1958, Plot 88--24, --see obit for dates
Colburn, Dudly H., b. 1872, d. 1944, Plot 88--24
Colburn, Norman C.Jr., b. 03-24-1926, d. 09-04-1956, Plot 88--23, --WW II, Wisc.TEC 5 Field Artillery
Colburn, Norman Sr., d. no dates, Plot 88--23
Colburn, Roland "Bud", b. 05-23-1903, d. 01-30-1975, Plot 88--24, --WW II, Sgt Army Air Forces, age 71yrs
Colburn, Sarah (Norman), b. 1901, d. 11-00-1958, Plot 88--23, --see obit
Colburn, Videlia, b. 12-05-1869, d. 09-15-1870, Plot 22--02
Cole, Carmen Manville, b. 10-18-1923, d. 02-16-1945, Plot 73--13, --WW II, Wis S1C USNR, KIA, see obit
Cole, Daniel R., b. 06-04-1958, d. 09-09-1987, Plot 73--13
Cole, Emery C., b. 04-11-1896, d. 07-09-1974, Plot 73--13, --WW I, PVT US Army, age 78yrs
Cole, Lena B. (Leon A.), b. 1888, d. 1947, Plot 73--22, --Mother
Cole, Leon A. (Lena B.), b. 1887, d. 1961, Plot 73--22, --Father
Cole, Lillian O.E.Schroeder, b. 11-27-1902, d. 01-23-1960, Plot 73--13, --stone picture
Cole, Robert Raymond, b. 03-18-1926, d. 03-03-1991, Plot 11--06, --WW II, Korea PFC US Army
Collins, Rosemary, b. 09-14-1993, d. 09-14-1993, Plot 79--30
Cone, Alva, b. 08-06-1846, d. 06-10-1923, Plot 07--06, --b.N.Y.
Cone, Clifford C. (Norma Foster), b. 09-29-1916, d. 07-09-2007, Plot 58--10, --s/o Fred & Frances Etzler Cone, (m)1940, obit
Cone, David J., d. 08-05-1877, Plot 03--10
Cone, David (Mary West), b. 03-17-1850, d. 01-24-1925, Plot 61--09, --b.New Berlin WI
Cone, Delbert Ray (Sharon), b. 11-10-1941, d. 01-05-2004, Plot 58--10, --Vietnam, AB US Air Force, s/o Clifford & Norma Foster Cone, see obit
Cone, Edna (Walter F.), b. 02-10-1905, d. 09-26-2006, Plot 70--04, --(m)Oct. 1936, d/o Albert & Ernestena Barfnecht Nemitz, see obit
Cone, Emma M.-Mrs., b. 09-16-1878, d. 05-10-1973, Plot 70--04, --age 94yrs, see obit
Cone, Ervin H. (Lila E.), b. 1901, d. 12-21-1965, Plot 03--10, --see obit
Cone, Frances (Fred L.), d. 10-05-1975, Plot 67--11, --87yrs
Cone, Fred L. (Frances), b. 1881, d. 09-27-1964, Plot 67--11, --see obit
Cone, Harry A., b. 1903, d. 11-12-1982, Plot 60--10, --stone picture
Cone, Harvey, b. 1871, d. 08-15-1947, Plot 07--06
Cone, Jane, d. 05-04-1854, Plot 03--10, --d/o ? & J Cone, hard to read stone
Cone, Lila E. (Ervin H.), b. 1901, d. 07-29-1967, Plot 03--10, --see obit
Cone, Mary E.--Miss, b. 02-18-1881, d. 11-24-1902, Plot 61--09, --see obit index
Cone, Mary West (David), b. 07-08-1850, d. 10-24-1942, Plot 61--09, --b.Racine Wi
Cone, Norma P.Foster (Clifford C.), b. 01-31-1912, d. 02-01-1983, Plot 58--10, --d/o Ray William & Pearl B.Cummings Foster
Cone, Paul Edwin (Carolyn), b. 1943, d. 11-03-1968, Plot 58--10, --see obit
Cone, Raymond, Bradley, b. 11-15-1914, d. 10-16-1938, Plot 67--11, --b.N.D., s/o Fred Cone, see obit
Cone, Unknown, Plot 67--11
Cone, Unknown, Plot 67--11
Cone, Walter F. (Edna Nemitz), b. 11-15-1906, d. 12-28-1984, Plot 70--04, --WW II, US Army, (m)Oct. 1936
Connor, Henry, d. no dates, Plot 70--17
Connor, Phyllis Crandall (Ralph)-see obit, b. 11-19-1894, d. 12-14-1954, Plot 71--11, --husband is buried in Calvary Cemetery
Connor, Victoria Dixon, b. 01-10-1841, d. 02-08-1918, Plot 25--09, --on Dixon lot
Conrad, Addie A. (Henry A.), b. 06-13-1857, d. 11-05-1939, Plot 62--01
Conrad, Crisien, b. 01-19-1882, d. 01-04-1930, Plot 43--08, --or should this be Conrad Crisien?
Conrad, Henry A. (Addie A.), b. 07-15-1856, d. 07-06-1906, Plot 62--01, --b.ILL.
Coon, Ellen Adell (Thomas Barrett), b. 06-01-1840, d. 07-01-1905, Plot 63--17, --Nee Herren, b.Ohio
Coon, Emily, d. 11-05-1988, Plot 79--12, --age 57yrs
Coon, Fay E. (Veda), b. 1902, d. 08-00-1955, Plot 75--10, --see obit
Coon, Hazel, d. 08-08-1980, Plot 80--23, --age 73yrs
Coon, Howard B., d. 08-24-1990, Plot 80--23
Coon, Thomas Barrett (Ellen Adell), b. 09-05-1840, d. 12-03-1908, Plot 63--17, --GAR, b.New Canaan
Coon, Veda E., b. 1902, d. 10-02-1986, Plot 75--10
Coon, W.O., Plot 65--02
Cooper, Ollie Richard Jr., b. 06-26-1972, d. 05-15-2008, Plot 93--37, --s/o Ollie & Maxine Brown Cooper, 2 children, see obit
Cormode, Daniel (Elizabeth "Eliza"), b. 09-04-1837, d. 01-26-1906, Plot 69--23, --GAR
Cormode, Elizabeth "Eliza" (Daniel), b. 10-19-1845, d. 11-15-1913, Plot 69--23, --Nee Wharry, b.N.Y.
Cormode, George Milton, b. 08-19-1870, d. 12-04-1942, Plot 69--23
Corning, Cecelia B.Straw (Harry D.), b. 09-10-1868, d. 10-06-1942, Plot 62--10, --b.Dell Prairie WI
Corning, Harry Daniel (Cecelia), b. 07-26-1866, d. 09-25-1935, Plot 62--10, --b.Kilbourn WI.
Corning, Herberson, b. 1837, d. 1901, Plot 62--11
Corning, Jane "Jennie" Elize, b. 02-09-1845, d. 06-30-1925, Plot 62--11, --Nee Blood, see obit
Corning, Mary Daniel, b. 1866, d. 1935, Plot 62--10
Corning, Mary Lou (Robert Lee), b. 1934, Plot 10--06, --nee Wrezenski
Corning, R.B., Plot 62--11
Corning, Robert Lee (Mary Lou Wrezenski), b. 1933, d. 10-20-1987, Plot 10--06, --Korea, see obit
Corning, Stuart B., b. 1880, d. 12-10-1900, Plot 62--11
Cornwell, Alice, b. 01-11-1935, d. 01-11-1935, Plot 68--21, --d/o Roy & Alice O.Cornwell,
Cornwell, Alice (Roy), b. 04-15-1907, d. 09-07-2009, Plot 68--21, --d/o Jens & Christina Gertsen Jensen, see obit
Cornwell, Roy (Alice), b. 1906, d. 03-12-1985, Plot 68--21
Corton, Fern K., b. 10-09-1931, d. 02-23-2000, Plot 76--02
Corton, Ralph V., b. 11-22-1924, d. 07-31-1982, Plot 76--02, --WW II, US Army
Cortright, Archie (Mildred), b. 09-03-1888, d. 05-29-1978, Plot 81--21, --WW I
Cortright, Mildred (Archie), b. 1906, d. 04-16-1996, Plot 81--21
Cotter, d. no dates, Plot 60--01,
Counsell, Kenneth Walker, b. 01-05-1901, d. 07-00-1950, Plot 60--16, --b.Neillsville WI, see obit
Counsell, Kim, d. 08-14-1978, Plot 60--16, --age 27yrs
Counsell, Priscilla, d. 11-15-1995, Plot 60--16, --age 93yrs
Counsell, Wanda Lee, d. 11-25-1998, Plot 91--08, --age 73yrs
Coward, M.C., ??--??
Cowley, Eliza J., b. 09-12-1857, d. 07-30-1891, Plot 26--01, --see obit index
Cowley, John Sr. (Mary A.), b. 08-24-1826, d. 12-03-1904, Plot 26--01
Cowley, Mary A. (John Sr.), b. 02-12-1831, d. 05-04-1898, Plot 26--01, --b.Isle of Man
Cowley, Mary Ann, b. 1855, d. 05-28-1867, Plot 26--01, --d/o John Sr.& Mary Cowley, 12yr 6mo old
Coy, Phebe, d. 07-08-1997, Plot 42--18, --age 78yrs, on Baker lot
Cozart, Fern (Lowell), b. 1900, d. 1993, Plot 21--13
Cozart, Lowell (Fern), b. 05-13-1893, d. 06-19-1943, Plot 21--13, --WW I
Crandall, George Humphrey (Nellie Bennett), b. 07-22-1869, d. 03-04-1938, Plot 71--11, --see wife's obit
Crandall, Nellie Bennett (George Humphrey), b. 1871, d. 11-22-1952, Plot 71--11, --d/o Henry H. & Francis Bennett, see obit
Crane, Aloise, d. 06-08-1982, Plot 57--03, --age 78yrs
Crane, Dorothy Marcia, d. 04-26-1985, Plot 57--03, --ashes
Crist, Edna (Thomas Draper Sr.), b. 1903, d. 08-13-1987, Plot 85--22, --ashes
Crist, Nona Landt (Thomas Draper Jr.), b. 04-22-1921, d. 02-06-2014, Plot 85--22, --d/o Newton Allison & Fay Brown Landt, see obit
Crist, Thomas Draper Jr. (Nona Landt), b. 08-25-1920, d. 01-15-2002, Plot 85--22, --WW II, Army Air Corp, ashes
Crist, Thomas Draper Sr. (Edna), b. 1901, d. 05-27-1994, Plot 85--22, --age 92yrs
Cronk, Rensler, d. 04-06-1862, Plot 27--03, --Civil War, 1st Sgt CO I 18 Regt Wis Inf
Cross, Dorothy (Ralph Joseph), b. 08-03-1919, d. 01-07-1968, Plot 68--06, --d/o Fred & Grace Burns-see obit
Cross, Ralph Joseph (Dorothy Burns), b. 05-01-1909, d. 02-13-1993, Plot 68--06, --WW II, Korea, Lt US Navy, ashes
Crothers, Daughter--infant, d. no dates, Plot 65--20
Crothers, Ednah, b. 1881, d. 10-10-1972, Plot 72--18, --is this Mrs.Edra who died 10-10-1972, obit
Crothers, Eva R.Graham (William), b. 1864, d. 07-01-1955, Plot 73--19, --see obit
Crothers, Florence Lydia, b. 02-09-1899, d. 11-06-1899, Plot 65--20, --on stone with Ruth Isabelle Crothers, infant d/o Clifford H.& Lydia H.Crothers
Crothers, Frieda (Rex), b. 1901, d. 06-03-1984, Plot 73--19, --age 82yrs
Crothers, Graham Eva R., b. 1864, d. 1955, Plot 73--19
Crothers, Hattie Bolton (Robert B.), b. 08-01-1856, d. 06-09-1936, Plot 72--18, --b.New Hampshire
Crothers, John Stanley, b. 01-13-1906, d. 12-22-1956, Plot 73--19, --s/o William A.Crothers, see obit
Crothers, Rex (Frieda), b. 1899, d. 03-00-1992, Plot 73--19
Crothers, Robert Briggs (Hattie B.), b. 02-07-1850, d. 12-31-1940, Plot 72--18, --b.Canada
Crothers, Ruth Isabelle, b. 07-27-1897, d. 09-03-1898, Plot 65--20, --on stone with Florence Lydia Crothers, infant d/o Clifford H. & Lydia H.Crothers
Crothers, Sydney Kenneth, b. 08-16-1902, d. 04-14-1904, Plot 73--19
Crothers, William Alfred, b. 09-04-1864, d. 03-28-1941, Plot 73--19, --b.Adams County WI.
Cummings, Clifford Werner, b. 1900, d. 1925, Plot 66--08, --car accident, s/o S.T.Cummings, see obit
Cummings, Elizabeth (Theodore F.), b. 1846, d. 1922, Plot 66--08
Cummings, Ethell L., b. 1880, d. 1962, Plot 87--21
Cummings, Fern-Miss, b. 1889, d. 04-06-1971, Plot 66--15, --see obit
Cummings, Frances C. (Norman C.), b. 03-25-1855, d. 10-20-1930, Plot 66--15, --Nee Fowler, b.Delaware
Cummings, Hattee/Hattie--Mrs., b. 1850, d. 06-20-1910, ??--??, --b.Sauk County WI, see obit index 1908-
Cummings, Josephine "Josie" Margaret (Samuel T.), b. 02-07-1875, d. 01-14-1942, Plot 66--08, --Nee Werner, b.Stevens Point WI
Cummings, Luther R.--Dr., b. 08-22-1876, d. 01-14-1942, Plot 87--21, --b.Adams county WI
Cummings, Norman C. (Frances C.), b. 04-15-1852, d. 09-25-1923, Plot 66--15, --b.Adams County WI
Cummings, Rosetta, b. 1860, d. 1928, Plot 71--09
Cummings, Samuel Thomas (Josephine Weiner or Werner?), b. 09-03-1869, d. 03-26-1953, Plot 66--08, --b.Adams County WI., see obit
Cummings, Sylvester, b. 06-10-1854, d. 03-17-1934, Plot 71--09
Cummings, Theodore R. (Elizabeth), b. 04-11-1849, d. 05-31-1904, Plot 66--08
Cunningham, Haye M., b. 01-24-1899, d. 05-09-1964, Plot 07--07
Cutting, Ann Laura F., b. 04-10-1920, d. 03-22-1984, Plot 58--13
Cutting, Joseph E., b. 10-01-1919, d. 06-17-1968, Plot 58--13, --WW II, ILL CPL 39 Base HQ & AB SQ AAF
Czapla, Joseph John (Laurie), b. 06-19-1949, d. 12-07-2003, Plot 91--06, --s/o John & Helen Sanders Czapla, see obit