Wisconsin Death Records
Wisconsin Newspapers, Full Search (1833-1992), 150 titles
Wisconsin Obituary Search - (1989-current)
Wisconsin Funeral Notices
Welsh Prairie Cemetery
Cambria, Columbia County, Wisconsin
Cambria, WI 53923
Published: October 4, 2016
Total records: 4
Welsh Prairie Cemetery dates back to 1857. It is located in the SE, NW, SW, NE of section 12 of Columbia County in the Springvale Township, along Jones Rd. off County Road B, behind barn in woods, very overgrown. Some burials. See plat map for names. It is on the Hendrickson farm 2005.
Cemetery Records
Names below are from Mona Aldrich's research of 1984.
Rowlands, Thomas; d.04-15-1850, 66yr old
Rowlands, Mary; d.02-12-1851
Lloyd, Mary A.(Robert J.); d.04-11-1858, 27?yr old
Owens, Jones William; d.12-21-1861?, 72yr old