Wisconsin Death Records
Wisconsin Newspapers, Full Search (1833-1992), 150 titles
Wisconsin Obituary Search - (1989-current)
Wisconsin Funeral Notices
Sparta Child Center Cemetery
Monroe County, Wisconsin
Contributed by Eric Borreson, May 2000 [eborreson@hotmail.com]. Visit the Borreson Genealogy Page. Total records = 305.
For many years, the State of Wisconsin operated a home for children in Sparta, Wisconsin. It was known locally as the Child Center. Many children from throughout Wisconsin lived there because they were removed from their homes or because they were orphans. The Home closed about 30 years ago and all the records were transferred to the State Historical Society in Madison. A local group recently put markers on all the graves of the children who died while living there.
I have recently transcribed the cemetery listings. The listing includes the names of the children buried there and a number. The number is linked to the location of the grave within the cemetery. There are no dates included.Allen, Buster Brown, (217)
Ammerman, Amelia, (259)
Anderson, Virginia, (64)
Aney, Frank, (185)
Anstice, Ellsworth, (238)
Armstrong, Robert, (250)
Austin, Clifford, (79)
Austin, Jennie, (90)
Bates, James, (222)
Bell, George, (24)
Bell, Robert, (226)
Benson, Ellis, (126)
Bergeman, Howard, (143)
Bird, Michelle M., (300)
Bishop, Christina, (206)
Bliven, George, (256)
Blood, Beatrice, (29)
Boe, Robert, (186)
Bohn, John, (184)
Braatz, Marie, (87)
Braatz, Mildred, (107)
Breitkreitz, Henry, (278)
Brown, Emma, (199)
Brown, Roger Allen, (294)
Brown, Matilda, (208)
Brown, Alice, (215)
Bunn, Edward, (246)
Bunn, James H., (225)
Burgeson, Strum, (135)
Burgett, Norman, (263)
Burrows, Frank, (175)
Byron, LaVene, (258)
Campbell, William, (14)
Campbell, Belle, (187)
Campbell, LeRoy, (221)
Cardvill, William, (19)
Claflin, Roy, (132)
Clapps, Lillian, (140)
Clark, John, (106)
Clark, Stewart, (111)
Clute, Frederick, (136)
Colyer, Jon R., (45)
Cormican, Dolly, (51)
Cozart, LeRoy Frank, (261)
Craig, Emery, (128)
Dambrosky, Albert A., (12)
Darr, Frances, (123)
Day, James, (240)
DeCramer, Evelyn, (91)
Deichimann, Minnie, (7)
DeWitt, Glenn D., (273)
Dobry, Edward, (9)
Drafahl, Charles, (5)
Draper, Edna, (223)
Drew, Alice, (15)
Duerst, Royal Milton, (262)
Dull, Betty Jean M., (279)
Duncan, Bertha, (80)
Earl, Charles, (1)
Earl, George, (138)
Eighme, Lottie, (86)
Erdman, Helen, (115)
Erickson, Oscar, (180)
Everson, Melvin, (188)
Eyers, Fred, (220)
Farbush, Theo, (57)
Farrel, Edyth, (133)
Ferguson, Donald, (27)
Fincucane, Lizzie, (88)
Finn, James, (72)
Florick, Richard, (257)
Fosdal, Oscar, (92)
Fox, Clarence, (34)
Fuller, George, (47)
Gagen, George, (242)
Geer, Frank, (127)
Gerbard, John, (241)
Getchell, Leila, (53)
Gliggen, John, (16)
Goehde, Marian, (36)
Gordon, Margaret, (46)
Gordon, Grace, C., (272)
Gormley, Bertha, (77)
Gormley, Mary, (76)
Gruhlke, Irvin, (147)
Gauslin, Florence, (213)
Gundry, Fred, (142)
Haertl, Robert E., (274)
Hagen, Eugene, (282)
Haisler, Wilhelmina, (112)
Hall, Eva, (18)
Hanson, George, (101)
Harp, Luella, (49)
Henkel, Mamie, (31)
Herrigan, John, (23)
Hiles, Floyd, (205)
Hills, David, (286)
Hitchens, Martha, (110)
Hoenke, Edna, (204)
Hogue, Joseph, (4)
Hohs, Mildred, (95)
Holcomb, Elmer, (275)
Hollis, Carl, (211)
Hollis, Alma, (203)
Holtz, Catherine, (168)
Howe, Sylvia, (210)
Jacobson, Genevieve, (119)
Jacobson, Mary, (59)
James, William T., (70)
Jester, Ralph, (98)
Johnson, Hans, (230)
Johnson, Joseph, (52)
Johnson, Wesley, (252)
Johnson, Joseph, (105)
Johnson, Michel, (291)
Jones, Nellie, (124)
Jones, John, (129)
Jones, Henry, (41)
Jones, Lyle, (269)
Karten, Arthur, (212)
Kaschebuska, Ruth, (181)
Kedrowski, Eddie, (109)
Kelley, Maude, (38)
Kestner, Cecial, (139)
Killinger, Mary, (239)
Kilmer, Gerald, (214)
Kjanstad, Alma, (121)
Koch, Raymond, (143)
Koenig, Katherine M., (150)
Kosmalski, Stanilaus, (11)
Krueger, Paul, (21)
Kuehl, Howard, (130)
Kuether, Edward, (162)
LaBonnty, Vera, (228)
Larkin, Martha, (6)
Lehrmann, Leonard, (227)
Letterman, Dorothy, (100)
Lewis, Richard, (236)
Lisa, Baby Girl, (297)
Loeffler, Hattie, (69)
Loucks, Edith, (276)
Lund, Oscar, (55)
Lyman, Arthur, (268)
Lyonnis, Mary V., (253)
Marsh, Daniel, (251)
Martin, Leslie, (114)
Mathews, Vincent, (171)
Mattie, Baby M., (287)
McHenry, Charles, (62)
McKay, William, (197)
McKnight, Roy, (83)
McLees, Junior, (254)
McWilkey, Beatrice, (84)
Meria, Dolly, (28)
Metzinger, Robert, (137)
Michelson, Herbert, (243)
Miller, Grace, (141)
Milligan, William, (42)
Miretti, Victor, (172)
Montgomery, Russell, (85)
Moody, Mary, (103)
Moore, Florence, (73)
Moran, Ernest, (158)
Morschhauser, Anna, (116)
Murphy, John, (247)
Murphy, Owen, (40)
Naze, Robert James, (288)
Neimast, Isora, (75)
Nelson, Florence, (67)
Nichols, Donald, (68)
Nygard, Baby Helen, (295)
O'Brien, Howard, (20)
Olechowski, Henry, (134)
Olson, Frank, (37)
Ondell, John, (93)
Partis, Cynthia, (208)
Pavolich, LeRoy, (283)
Pawling, Margueritte, (182)
Perry, Lester, (74)
Peters, Earl, (181)
Peterson, Victor R., (32)
Peterson, L., (200)
Petterson, Roger, (292)
Phillips, Benjamin, (13)
Phillips, Grace, (3)
Pierce, Harry, (145)
Pilgrim, Wallace, (281)
Porter, Gretchen, (151)
Prust, August, (218)
Radke, Bernard, (196)
Ranger, Raymond, (244)
Rasty, Tom, (172)
Raymond, Robert, (176)
Reedich, Baby, (144)
Riemer, Emma Betty, (264)
Rittenhouse, Ronald, (195)
Roberts, Agnes, (66)
Robinson, Isabel, (155)
Roe, Richard, (198)
Rogers, Warren, (234)
Rogol, Michael, (131)
Rollins, Edmond, (146)
Rose, Harold, (60)
Rosio, Emil, (54)
Rosman, Forrest, (191)
Ross, Janette, (144)
Ross, Harold, (293)
Rossing, Tom, (108)
Rottman, Raymond, (35)
Russell, Golden, (65)
Ryan, Baby, (179)
Sanborn, Clyde, (22)
Sanborn, Blanch, (10)
Sanders, George, (235)
Sanders, Wayne Allen, (289)
Sawley, Benjamin, (25)
Schemerhorn, Delbert, (290)
Schirmer, Philip, (63)
Schmenke, Edna, (156)
Schneider, Otto, (97)
Schultz, David, (160)
Schwertel, Henry, (260)
Scott, Harriet, (285)
Seeley, Robert, (39)
Seigle, Francis, (2)
Shaw, Linda Sue, (299)
Shedore, John, (173)
Shoemaker, John, (71)
Sickles, Earl, (8)
Slater, Catherine, (271)
Slatter, Lillian, (117)
Smack, Emma, (249)
Smith, William, (43)
Smith, Edward, (102)
Smith, Audrey, (61)
Smith, Frank, (163)
Smith, Ethel, (157)
Snyder, Alger, (154)
Sonnenberg, William, (118)
Sony, Jessie, (151)
Sorrenson, Raymond, (48)
Spiecher, Blanche, (266)
Stai, Catherine, (33)
Stanhope, Charlotte, (270)
Stanton, Nellie, (58)
Steffen, William, (170)
Stoffel, Elizabeth, (82)
Stofflet, Donna M., (296)
Striech, Vernon, (248)
Taubert, Riley, (284)
Templin, Irene, (104)
Thomas, Mary, (237)
Thompson, James, (125)
Thompson, Mildred, (56)
Thum, Helen, (229)
Thurner, Irene, (245)
Trumble, William, (99)
Vankeuren, John, (190)
Vining, Alfred, (96)
Violet, Harold, (44)
Walmer, Floyd P., (26)
Walworth, Ruth, (50)
Ward, Arthur J., (182)
Washa, Fred, (81)
Weinger, Ernest, (30)
Weis, Joseph, (70)
Wesolowski, Henry, (233)
Whaley, Howard, (280)
Wick, Eli, (267)
Willie, Frances, (120)
Willwoock, Carl, (113)
Wilson, Dolly, (169)
Wittfieldt, Edith, (94)
Wonger, Lercy, (17)
Yakley, Mabel, (192)
Yeazel, Emil, (142)
Youngblood, Ralph, (122)
Zeck, Marie, (89)
Zimmerherckel, Anna, (209)
Zimmerman, Harriet, (255)
Ziolkowski, Louis R., (265)
Zweck, Randall, (298)Unknown, (202)
Unknown, (219)
Unknown, (224)
Unknown, (231)
Unknown, (232)
Unknown, (148)
Unknown, (149)
Unknown, (207)
Unknown, (216)
Unknown, (193)
Unknown, (178)
Unknown, (167)
Unknown, (277)
Unknown, (201)
Unknown, (189)
Unknown, (183)
Unknown, (174)
Unknown, (166)
Unknown, (165)
Unknown, (177)
Unknown, (164)
Unknown, (159)
Unknown, (194)