Search Wyoming Death Records
Wyoming Newspapers, Full Search (1867-1945), 47 titles
Wyoming Obituary Search - (1997-current)
Wyoming Birth Records Database, (1867-1945)
Rock Springs Municpal Cemetery
Rock Springs, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
GPS: 41.575726, -109.212512
800 Thompson St
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Date published: June 13, 2017
Total records: 14,545
Surnames C-E
Records published here were acquired from the City of Rock Springs on June 12, 2017. These records were last updated by the City on May 22, 2017. Dates of burial range from 1900 to 2017.
CACCIA, Armina, Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 52, Section: WATAHA_I_2_1, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIACACIC, Rosie, Buried: 06-03-1972, Age: 64, Section: PARK_126_18_4, Plot Owner: CACIC, ROSIECACIC, Sam, Buried: 11-04-1966, Age: 80, Section: PARK_126_18_3, Plot Owner: CACIC, SAMCADDELL, Willie Lou, Buried: 03/29/1975, Age: 74, Section: LAUZER_421_7_1, Plot Owner: CADDELL, MRS WILLIECADDELL, Willie R., Buried: 05-04-1967, Age: 65, Section: LAUZER_421_7_2, Plot Owner: CADDELL, MRS WILLIECAIN, Baby, Buried: 01-09-1939, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_355_2_2, Plot Owner: JAMES, IVANCAIN, F. Child, Buried: 11/25/1900, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_157_1_3, Plot Owner: GILCHRIST, ALEXANDERCAINE, Benjamin, Buried: 06-05-1956, Age: 80, Section: MUIR_403_8_5, Plot Owner: CAINE, BENJAMINCAINE, Henry S., Buried: 07-07-1951, Age: 2, Section: MUIR_403_8_3, Plot Owner: CAINE, BENJAMINCAINE, Henry S., Buried: 02/25/1971, Age: 2, Section: MUIR_403_8_5, Plot Owner: CAINE, BENJAMINCAINE, Lucy Mable, Buried: 06-05-1956, Age: 65, Section: MUIR_403_8_4, Plot Owner: CAINE, BENJAMINCALAVAGE, Martin, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 55, Section: PARK_15_5_2, Plot Owner: CALAVAGE, MARTINCALBARG, Cary, Age: 35, Section: PARKER_237_5_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, VICTORCALDERWOOD, Anne, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_88_5_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFCALDERWOOD, Edward, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 65, Section: BUNNING_88_7_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFCALDERWOOD, Ellen, Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 33, Section: BUNNING_88_7_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFCALDERWOOD, Robert & Janet, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_88_5_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFCALDO, Modesto, Buried: 12/26/1907, Age: 16, Section: LUDVIGS_247_8_1, Plot Owner: DANIERI, ERNESTCALDWELL, Baby, Buried: 02/24/1925, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_290_3_1, Plot Owner: CALDWELL, R WCALL, Linda, Buried: 01/29/2010, Age: 59, Section: KAUMO_10_50_1, Plot Owner: CALL, HOWARDCALLAS, George, Buried: 12/21/1961, Age: 67, Section: ODONNE_191_5_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFCALLAS, James, Buried: 11/26/2011, Age: 77, Section: NELSON_29_4_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, FRANZ JOSEPHCALLAS, John, Buried: 05/17/2008, Age: 77, Section: NELSON_92_1X_1, Plot Owner: CALLAS, JOHN W. & VICKIECALLAS, Sally L, Buried: 03/25/2017, Age: 84, Section: LAUZER_421_24_2, Plot Owner: GIOVANINI, FREDCALLAS, William, Buried: 08-07-1967, Age: 75, Section: EDGAR_82_18_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCALLAS, William, Buried: 08-10-1967, Age: 75, Section: EDGAR_82_18_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCALLER, Joseph, Buried: 01/14/2015, Age: 92, Section: OBLOCK_8_724_1, Plot Owner: CALLER, JOE & ANNECALLER, Marillia, Buried: 08/14/1984, Age: 93, Section: PARK_62_4_2, Plot Owner: CALLER, MARILLIACALLER, Segundo, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 48, Section: PARK_62_4_1, Plot Owner: CALLER, SEGUNDOCALLIGARO, Alice, Buried: 12-03-2015, Age: 94, Section: KENDALL_36_8X_2, Plot Owner: CALLIGARO, LARRYCALLIGARO, Joe, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 41, Section: NELSON_29_1_2, Plot Owner: CALLIGARO, JOECALLIGARO, Larry, Buried: 10-03-2003, Age: 86, Section: KENDALL_36_8X_1, Plot Owner: CALLIGARO, LARRYCALLIGARO, Mary S., Buried: 08-04-1948, Age: 60, Section: NELSON_29_1_2, Plot Owner: CALLIGARO, JOECALPAPASTG, F., Buried: 05/24/1947, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_349_6_3, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, ALFREDCALZA, Dominick, Buried: 11/21/1963, Age: 77, Section: MUIR_403_33_4, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFCALZACORTA, Cecnia L., Buried: 01-01-1956, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_34_5_1, Plot Owner: CALZACORTA, CECNIA L.CALZACORTA, Joe, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_34_5_4, Plot Owner: CALZACORTA, JOECALZACORTA, John T., Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_34_5_3, Plot Owner: CALZACORTA, JOHN T.CALZACORTA, Sebastinn T., Buried: 07/22/1944, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_34_5_2, Plot Owner: CALZACORTA, SEBASTINN T.CAMERON, Alice C., Buried: 05-03-1974, Age: 74, Section: EDGAR_65_4_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCAMERON, Catherine, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 42, Section: LUDVIGS_252_5_1, Plot Owner: CAMERON, JOHNCAMERON, Donald, Buried: 11-03-1900, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_115_1_4, Plot Owner: CAMERON, JOHNCAMERON, Donald T., Buried: 07-06-1938, Age: 17, Section: EDGAR_65_4_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCAMERON, Ernest W., Buried: 11/20/1965, Age: 67, Section: EDGAR_65_4_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCAMERON, John, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 33, Section: LUDVIGS_252_5_3, Plot Owner: CAMERON, JOHNCAMERON, John, Age: 42, Section: ODONNE_115_1_3, Plot Owner: CAMERON, JOHNCAMERON, Mary, Buried: 03/30/1920, Age: 12, Section: LUDVIGS_252_5_2, Plot Owner: CAMERON, MARYCAMPBELL, Agnes P., Buried: 04-05-1975, Age: 77, Section: ROE_70_4_4, Plot Owner: MCKENZIE, MARY K.CAMPBELL, James Lewis, Buried: 04-06-1983, Age: 63, Section: WEST_7_308_1, Plot Owner: CAMPBELL, BILLCAMPBELL, K.P., Buried: 01-08-2013, Age: 73, Section: KENDALL_129_4_3, Plot Owner: CAMPBELL, K.P.CAMPBELL, Mary, Buried: 06/25/2011, Age: 80, Section: YOUNG_401_33X_3, Plot Owner: CAMPBELL, WAYNE & MARYCAMPBELL, Patrick M., Buried: 04/15/1945, Age: 56, Section: ROE_70_4_5, Plot Owner: MCKENZIE, EARL W.CAMPBELL, Thomas E., Buried: 08/24/1984, Age: 76, Section: EDGAR_64_6_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCAMPBELL, Wayne, Buried: 06/25/2011, Age: 76, Section: YOUNG_401_33X_3, Plot Owner: CAMPBELL, WAYNE & MARYCAMPBELL, Wayne & Mary, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_400_24X_3, Plot Owner: CAMPBELL, WAYNE & MARYCAMPESTRINI, Pete, Buried: 11/14/1943, Age: 61, Section: BUNNING_227_6_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSCAMPO, Bernardo, Buried: 06-08-1985, Age: 43, Section: WEST_7_393_1, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, JIMCAMPOS, Jose A, Buried: 10/20/1982, Age: 74, Section: WATAHA_2_89_1, Plot Owner: CAMPOS, JOSE ACAMPOS, M. Ninfa, Buried: 05/19/1975, Age: 60, Section: WATAHA_2_90_1, Plot Owner: CAMPOS, M. NINFACANDELARIA, Carmela, Buried: 03/30/1979, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_3_M_1, Plot Owner: CANDALERIA, FERNANDOCANDELLERO, Vicent, Buried: 03-03-1962, Age: 69, Section: LUDVIGS_232_3_3, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESCANDIDO, Giusepee, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 31, Section: PARK_55_1_4, Plot Owner: CANDIDO, GIUSEPEECANDOTTI, Maria, Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_247_5_4, Plot Owner: MARTELLO, AUGCANESTRINI, Alice Marie, Buried: 10/13/1998, Age: 94, Section: WATAHA_2_78_1, Plot Owner: CANESTRINI, ALICE MARIECANESTRINI, Anna, Buried: 10/18/2005, Age: 98, Section: PARK_125_10_2, Plot Owner: CANESTRINI, ANNACANESTRINI, Attilio Otto, Buried: 04/13/1985, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_2_77_1, Plot Owner: CANESTRINI, ATTILIO OTTOCANESTRINI, Catherine, Buried: 07/16/2010, Age: 79, Section: OBLOCK_8_339_1, Plot Owner: CANESTRINI SR., RICHARDCANESTRINI, Erminia, Buried: 07/19/1996, Age: 96, Section: OBLOCK_8_60_1, Plot Owner: CANESTRINI, ROBERT & ERMICANESTRINI, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_H_3_4, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIACANESTRINI, Richard J., Buried: 02/16/1999, Age: 69, Section: OBLOCK_8_338_1, Plot Owner: CANESTRINI SR., RICHARDCANESTRINI, Robert, Buried: 10-07-1992, Age: 95, Section: OBLOCK_8_59_1, Plot Owner: CANESTRINI, ROBERT & ERMICANESTRINI, Sam, Buried: 02-03-1965, Age: 61, Section: PARK_125_10_1, Plot Owner: CANESTRINI, SAMCANNING, Betsy Ann, Buried: 09-09-1938, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_285_4_2, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDCANTLIN, Anna G., Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 11, Section: JAMES_323_2_2, Plot Owner: CAUTLIN, RAY ACANTON, Jessie, Buried: 02/28/1969, Age: 98, Section: ODONNE_191_8_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFCAPEN, Charles, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 5, Section: PARK_32_5_1, Plot Owner: CAPEN, CHARLESCAPEN, Edward, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 0, Section: PARK_32_5_2, Plot Owner: CAPEN, EDWARDCAPEN, James Sr., Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 47, Section: PARK_32_5_4, Plot Owner: CAPEN, JAMES SR.CAPEN, Marie, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 1, Section: PARK_32_5_3, Plot Owner: CAPEN, MARIECAPORALETTI, Pietro, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 9, Section: LUDVIGS_230_3_2, Plot Owner: PIGLIA, PIETROCAPOZZA, Angela, Buried: 06/17/1961, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_B_2_2, Plot Owner: CAPOZZA, SABINOCAPOZZA, Sabino, Buried: 11-03-1966, Age: 71, Section: KENDALL_B_2_1, Plot Owner: CAPOZZA, SABINOCAPOZZA, Sergio "George", Buried: 11-07-1992, Age: 54, Section: KENDALL_B_2_3, Plot Owner: CAPOZZA, SERGIO "GEORGE"CAPPASSO, Cassue, Buried: 11/19/1927, Age: 35, Section: JAMES_327_6_4, Plot Owner: CAPPOZZO, JOHNCAPPES, Victor, Buried: 11/24/1987, Age: 79, Section: BUNNING_208_4_1, Plot Owner: CAPPES, VICTORCAPPOSSO, Giovanna, Buried: 05-04-1926, Age: 21, Section: BUNNING_227_5_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSCAPPOZZO, John, Buried: 11-12-1927, Age: 35, Section: JAMES_327_6_4, Plot Owner: CAPPOZZO, JOHNCAPRA, Alexander, Buried: 10/14/1978, Age: 77, Section: EDGAR_64_4_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCAPUT, Angelina, Buried: 04/28/1966, Age: 59, Section: PARK_126_19_4, Plot Owner: CAPUT, ANGELINACAPUT, Tony, Buried: 11/14/1980, Age: 84, Section: PARK_126_19_3, Plot Owner: CAPUT, ANGELINACARD, George W., Section: JAMES_323_4_1, Plot Owner: CARD, WMCARD, Margaret, Buried: 08-06-1928, Age: 11, Section: JAMES_303_5_3, Plot Owner: CARD, B LCARD, Mrs. William, Buried: 01/26/1941, Age: 68, Section: JAMES_323_4_2, Plot Owner: CARD, WMCARD, William, Buried: 05/29/1949, Age: 79, Section: JAMES_323_4_3, Plot Owner: CARD, WMCARDER, Patrick, Buried: 11/14/2001, Age: 30, Section: OBLOCK_8_453_1, Plot Owner: CARDER, PATRICKCARDOVA, Hipolito, Buried: 02/24/1945, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_F_4_4, Plot Owner: CARDOVA, UNKNOWNCAREY, Fred Allen, Buried: 01-01-1949, Age: 64, Section: OSSELTO_355_7_4, Plot Owner: CAREY, FRED ALLENCAREY, Ina Pearl, Buried: 07/27/1941, Age: 52, Section: OSSELTO_355_7_3, Plot Owner: CAREY, INA PEARLCARLSON, Anna Fredrika, Buried: 02/13/1900, Age: 35, Section: BUNNING_160_3_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERCARLSON, Anna M., Buried: 04-09-1910, Age: 60, Section: ODONNE_196_6_4, Plot Owner: CARLSON, ANNA M.CARLSON, Baby, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_151_4_1, Plot Owner: CARLSON, NELSCARLSON, Bernard, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_346_2_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, AXELCARLSON, Betty, Buried: 08/21/1930, Age: 53, Section: OSSELTO_351_2_1, Plot Owner: TROJAN, JOHN "JEWELER"CARLSON, Costante C., Buried: 01-01-1958, Age: 59, Section: JAMES_306_8_3, Plot Owner: CARLSON, COSTANTE C.CARLSON, Elizabeth, Buried: 07/15/1900, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_160_3_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERCARLSON, Guss, Buried: 06/22/1903, Age: 40, Section: ODONNE_198_2_4, Plot Owner: STAFOON, OSCARCARLSON, Hjalmar, Buried: 01/15/1968, Age: 73, Section: JAMES_346_2_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, AXELCARLSON, Hulda, Buried: 02-08-1942, Age: 69, Section: BUNNING_151_4_2, Plot Owner: CARLSON, NELSCARLSON, Kate, Buried: 10/30/1974, Age: 77, Section: OSSELTO_340_6_1, Plot Owner: BENNETT, W FCARLSON, Linnea, Buried: 01/23/1990, Age: 90, Section: JAMES_346_2_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, AXELCARLSON, Louise B., Buried: 01-03-1983, Age: 79, Section: EDGAR_66_8_1, Plot Owner: SCHULTZ, MRS F JCARLSON, Nellie, Buried: 07/15/1934, Age: 39, Section: JAMES_350_6_2, Plot Owner: CARLSON, CARLCARLSON, Nels P., Buried: 02-11-1946, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_151_4_3, Plot Owner: CARLSON, NELSCARLSON, Oscar, Buried: 11/28/1959, Age: 55, Section: MUIR_422_15_3, Plot Owner: CARLSON, MRS OSCARCARLSON, Rosa, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_160_3_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERCARLSON, Rudolph N., Buried: 03/20/1990, Age: 89, Section: OSSELTO_340_6_2, Plot Owner: BENNETT, W FCARLSON, Victoria E., Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 26, Section: JAMES_306_8_4, Plot Owner: CARLSON, COSTANTE C.CARLTON, Robert F., Buried: 04-12-1917, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_260_3_3, Plot Owner: COLLINS, SARAH E.CARMICHAEL, Jessie M., Buried: 05-11-1954, Age: 56, Section: ODONNE_100_1_4, Plot Owner: CARMICHAEL, JESSIE M.CARMINE, Mary, Buried: 08-04-2016, Age: 80, Section: COLUMB_SOUTH_1_15, Plot Owner: PETERSON, CYNTHIA L.CARMINE, Randall, Buried: 08-04-2016, Age: 41, Section: COLUMB_SOUTH_1_16, Plot Owner: PETERSON, CYNTHIA L.CARMINE, Robert, Buried: 08-04-2016, Age: 84, Section: COLUMB_SOUTH_1_15, Plot Owner: PETERSON, CYNTHIA L.CARNAHAN, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1979, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_204_7_2, Plot Owner: KAPPES, CHOLASCARNER, Craig Alex, Buried: 10/30/1985, Age: 30, Section: OSSELTO_334_3_1, Plot Owner: CARNER, CRAIG ALEXCARNLEY, James O., Buried: 04/30/1994, Age: 69, Section: KENDALL_D_1_4, Plot Owner: CARNLEY, JAMES O.CARNLEY, Mary Krza, Buried: 08-05-2000, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_D_1_3, Plot Owner: CARNLEY, MARY KRZACARNLY, Thomas, Buried: 02/18/1932, Age: 82, Section: JAMES_347_4_2, Plot Owner: BALM, MRS. LEWISCARO, Louis, Age: 40, Section: BUNNING_105_4_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFCAROZZI, Rosi, Buried: 05/26/1921, Age: 7, Section: ODONNE_190_4_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, ANDREAS HOFERCARPENTER, Arthur W., Buried: 01/27/1937, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_339_4_4, Plot Owner: CARPENTER, GRANTCARPENTER, Charles J., Age: 45, Section: BUNNING_107_1_2, Plot Owner: CARPENTER, F GCARPENTER, Dean, Buried: 09-11-1937, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_339_4_4, Plot Owner: CARPENTER, GRANTCARPENTER, Louis G., Buried: 06-11-1996, Age: 34, Section: BUNNING_225_2_3, Plot Owner: CARPENTER, L GCARPENTER, William F., Buried: 04-12-2001, Age: 65, Section: OBLOCK_8_441_1, Plot Owner: CARPENTER, WILLIAM S.CARR, Dena G., Buried: 03-10-2006, Age: 54, Section: WATAHA_2_H_1, Plot Owner: CARR, DENA G.CARR, George, Buried: 07-11-1941, Age: 82, Section: OSSELTO_353_3_4, Plot Owner: CARR, GEORGECARR, Henry, Buried: 07/15/1954, Age: 68, Section: LUDVIGS_275_7_4, Plot Owner: CARR, HENRYCARR, Issabelle, Buried: 08/30/1934, Age: 75, Section: OSSELTO_353_3_3, Plot Owner: CARR, GEORGECARR, John T. Sr., , Buried: 01/19/1918, Age: 54, Section: ODONNE_164_1_1, Plot Owner: CARR SR., JOHN T.CARR, John T. Sr., , Buried: 02/19/1973, Age: 54, Section: EDGAR_82_2_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCARR, Norman C., Buried: 03/15/1952, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_25_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERCARR, Robert, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_160_4_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERCARR, Spriegel, Buried: 04/25/1924, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_275_7_3, Plot Owner: CARR, SPRIEGELCARRERA, Jose, Buried: 03/25/1969, Age: 73, Section: PARKER_259_8_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDCARRESEA, Avereruo, Buried: 08/24/1923, Age: 38, Section: LUDVIGS_297_8_1, Plot Owner: REDCLIFF, JACKCARRICABURU, Gaston, Buried: 12-11-1991, Age: 87, Section: CROATIA_12_3_3, Plot Owner: CARRICABURU, GASTONCARRICABURU, Martin, Buried: 05/19/1947, Age: 37, Section: CROATIA_12_3_2, Plot Owner: CARRICABURU, MARTINCARRICABURU, Mary Larre, Buried: 01-08-2001, Age: 90, Section: CROATIA_12_3_4, Plot Owner: CARRICABURU, MARY LARRECARRILLO, Albert E., Buried: 11/25/1989, Age: 36, Section: NELSON_120_5_2, Plot Owner: CARRILLO, JAMES C.CARRILLO, James C., Buried: 12/15/1998, Age: 44, Section: NELSON_120_5_3, Plot Owner: CARRILLO, JAMES C.CARRILLO, Louise, Buried: 01-07-2016, Age: 84, Section: EDGAR_65_14_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCARRILLO, Peggy, Buried: 06/16/2010, Age: 77, Section: NELSON_120_5_2, Plot Owner: CARRILLO, JAMES C.CARRILLO, Steven Ray, Buried: 02/27/1956, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_120_9_1, Plot Owner: CARRILLO, STEVEN RAYCARRILLO, Teresina H., Buried: 08/16/1995, Age: 94, Section: NELSON_120_9_4, Plot Owner: CARRILLO, TERESINA H.CARRILLO, Thomas A., Buried: 07-10-2009, Age: 79, Section: NELSON_120_5_1, Plot Owner: CARRILLO, THOMAS A.CARRILLO, Thomas Allen, Buried: 08-01-1973, Age: 23, Section: NELSON_120_9_2, Plot Owner: CARRILLO, THOMAS ALLENCARSON, Huby A., Buried: 06-03-1945, Age: 30, Section: OSSELTO_F_3_2, Plot Owner: CARSON, HCARSON, John A., Buried: 07/15/1964, Age: 64, Section: JAMES_327_5_2, Plot Owner: BRODIE, STEVECARSON, John H., Buried: 01-04-1985, Age: 28, Section: WEST_7_382_1, Plot Owner: CARSON, BETTYCARSON, Lawrence R., Buried: 03-12-1955, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_42_3_4, Plot Owner: CARSON, LAWRENCE R.CARSON, Luella M. Ward, Buried: 02-01-1978, Age: 49, Section: WATAHA_1_60_1, Plot Owner: CARSON, LUELLA M. WARDCARTER, A. V., Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 64, Section: ODONNE_148_6_2, Plot Owner: CARTER, MRS A WCARTER, Albert Carlton, Buried: 11/13/1948, Age: 63, Section: ODONNE_148_6_3, Plot Owner: CARTER, A W & MRS A WCARTER, Baby, Buried: 09/26/1953, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_402_26_1, Plot Owner: CARTER, CLARENCECARTER, Clarence, Buried: 01/14/1972, Age: 60, Section: MUIR_402_26_5, Plot Owner: CARTER, CLARENCECARTER, Delphia Sheton, Buried: 11/23/1983, Age: 89, Section: WEST_7_25_1, Plot Owner: FORSHAW, FLORACARTER, Dennis & Donald, Buried: 07/16/1969, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_259_1_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDCARTER, Flossie Mae, Buried: 01-03-1992, Age: 81, Section: MUIR_402_26_4, Plot Owner: CARTER, CLARENCECARTER, Jessica Ann, Buried: 11-06-1975, Age: 1, Section: PARKER_285_4_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDCARTER, Kenneth H., Buried: 12/27/1938, Age: 40, Section: ODONNE_148_6_2, Plot Owner: CARTER, MRS A WCARTER, Lois Marie, Buried: 07/30/1921, Age: 2, Section: ODONNE_148_6_1, Plot Owner: CARTER, A W & MRS A WCARTER, Margo, Buried: 01/31/2005, Age: 67, Section: PARKER_259_1_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDCARTER, Ruth, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 16, Section: ODONNE_148_6_4, Plot Owner: CARTER, MRS A WCARTER, Samuel, Buried: 10-04-1930, Age: 62, Section: OSSELTO_351_6_3, Plot Owner: CARTER, SAMUELCARTER, Sheila J., Buried: 09/26/2009, Age: 45, Section: MUIR_403_9_5, Plot Owner: PAGE, GEORGECARTER, William, Buried: 08/14/1971, Age: 36, Section: MUIR_402_26_2, Plot Owner: CARTER, CLARENCECASAGRANDA, Emilio, Buried: 05/27/1968, Age: 69, Section: NELSON_29_1X2_3, Plot Owner: CASAGRANDA, EMILIOCASAGRANDE, Clement, Buried: 07-09-1959, Age: 66, Section: EDGAR_84_7_3, Plot Owner: CASAGRANDE, CLEMENTCASAGRANDE, Jean, Buried: 10/20/1950, Age: 48, Section: EDGAR_84_8_3, Plot Owner: CASAGRANDE, JEANCASE, Dennis, Buried: 11/21/2015, Age: 66, Section: KAUMO_10_110_1, Plot Owner: CASE, DENNISCASE, John Angelo, Buried: 11-08-2013, Age: 85, Section: PARK_34_3X_1, Plot Owner: CASE, JOHN & JOSEPHINECASE, John J., Buried: 11-03-1952, Age: 56, Section: LUDVIGS_256_5_3, Plot Owner: CASE, JOHN J.CASE, Josephine Ann Levar, Buried: 02-06-2015, Age: 83, Section: PARK_34_3X_2, Plot Owner: CASE, JOHN & JOSEPHINECASE, Marie M., Buried: 01-10-1987, Age: 82, Section: LUDVIGS_256_5_2, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFCASERIO, James J., Buried: 01-08-1976, Age: 54, Section: NELSON_46_4_1, Plot Owner: CASERIO, JAMES J.CASEROTTO, Catherine, Buried: 02/27/1976, Age: 87, Section: CROATIA_9_4_2, Plot Owner: CASEROTTO, JOSEPHCASEROTTO, Gino, Buried: 03/30/1999, Age: 50, Section: CROATIA_9_4_1, Plot Owner: CASEROTTO, JOSEPHCASEROTTO, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1962, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_9_4_3, Plot Owner: CASEROTTO, JOSEPHCASNER, Norman, Buried: 06-04-1909, Age: 3, Section: LUDVIGS_229_1_4, Plot Owner: CASNER, NORMANCASS, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 0, Section: PARK_105_5_2, Plot Owner: CASS, FRANKCASSARI, Ida, Buried: 01-09-2012, Age: 107, Section: NELSON_76_7_2, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, BURIALCASSAS, Flora B., Buried: 05-01-1990, Age: 90, Section: OSSELTO_315_6_1, Plot Owner: CASSAS, WILMA RAECASSAS, Ray R., Buried: 01-01-1957, Age: 73, Section: OSSELTO_315_6_3, Plot Owner: CASSAS, RAY R.CASSAS, Wilma Rae, Buried: 06/27/1939, Age: 10, Section: OSSELTO_315_6_4, Plot Owner: CASSAS, FAMILYCASSIDY, Baby, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_104_6_1, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGECASSIDY, Kevin, Buried: 10/13/1995, Age: 34, Section: OBLOCK_8_218_1, Plot Owner: CASSIDY, PATCASSIDY, Pat, Buried: 07-06-2006, Age: 82, Section: OBLOCK_8_218_1, Plot Owner: CASSIDY, PATCASTELLANO, Joseph, Buried: 06-11-1952, Age: 47, Section: KENDALL_36_2_3, Plot Owner: CASTELLANO, JOSEPHCASTFONDO, Pietro, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 59, Section: LUDVIGS_248_8_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONCASTILIANO, Ann "Annie" Margaret, Buried: 11-09-2009, Age: 89, Section: KENDALL_B1_3_4, Plot Owner: CASTILIANO, ANN "ANNIE" MARGARETCASTILIANO, Joseph V., Buried: 12/28/1962, Age: 45, Section: KENDALL_B1_3_1, Plot Owner: CASTILIANO, JOSEPH V.CASTILIANO, Martha Ann, Buried: 06/21/2003, Age: 60, Section: KENDALL_B1_3_3, Plot Owner: CASTILIANO, MARTHA ANNCASTILIANO, Mary Kay, Buried: 06/21/2003, Age: 57, Section: KENDALL_B1_3_2, Plot Owner: CASTILIANO, MARY KAYCASTILIANO, Unknown, Section: NELSON_28_1_4, Plot Owner: CASTILIANO, UNKNOWNCASTILLO, Fred, Buried: 05-07-1958, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_142_2_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFCASTILLO, Jesus, Buried: 10/24/1946, Age: 61, Section: PARK_13_6_2, Plot Owner: CASTILLO, JESUSCASTILLO, Laura, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 29, Section: PARK_13_6_1, Plot Owner: CASTILLO, LAURACASTO, Clarice L., Buried: 07-12-1973, Age: 72, Section: BUNNING_201_3_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINCASTO, Lois Yvonne, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_256_1_2, Plot Owner: CASTO, LOIS YVONNECATES, Baby, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 10, Section: BUNNING_183_4_3, Plot Owner: GATES, SAMCATES, Unknown Pergil, Buried: 01-01-1901, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_183_4_4, Plot Owner: GATES, SAMCAUDELL, Alan, Buried: 12/30/1993, Age: 47, Section: OBLOCK_8_130_1, Plot Owner: CAUDELL, SUECAUDELL, Sue, Buried: 06-06-2016, Age: 69, Section: OBLOCK_8_131_1, Plot Owner: CAUDELL, SUECAUDLE, Joel Paul, Buried: 08/29/2008, Age: 23, Section: MUIR_422_1_1, Plot Owner: VASE, PETECAULTON, Sam, Age: 50, Section: BUNNING_107_4_4, Plot Owner: PFEIFFER, GRANTCAUSER, Andrew, Buried: 01/13/1948, Age: 48, Section: OSSELTO_N_6_3, Plot Owner: CAUSER, JOHNCEDERBURG, Jerry E., Buried: 05-06-1987, Age: 42, Section: WEST_7_471_1, Plot Owner: CEDERBURG, JOANCEDERBURG, Sadie B., Buried: 10-02-1979, Age: 65, Section: PARKER_242_8_3, Plot Owner: BARWICK, JOHNCEDERBURG, William, Buried: 08/19/2013, Age: 79, Section: COLUMB_NORTH_1_7, Plot Owner: CEDERBURG, JOAN AND WILLIAMCEDERDAHL, Flora W., Buried: 01-10-1966, Age: 54, Section: YOUNG_401_19_2, Plot Owner: CEDERDAHL, MRS VICTORCEDERDAHL, Victor E., Buried: 03-01-1957, Age: 52, Section: YOUNG_401_19_3, Plot Owner: CEDERDAHL, MRS VICTORCENCICH, Hilda, Buried: 08-04-1962, Age: 69, Section: YOUNG_400_23_1, Plot Owner: LARNEN, WALTER I.CENCICH, Matt, Buried: 09-04-1970, Age: 75, Section: YOUNG_400_23_2, Plot Owner: LARNEN, WALTER I.CENCICH, Walter I., Buried: 10/15/1977, Age: 29, Section: WATAHA_1_44_1, Plot Owner: CENCICH, WALTER I.CERAR, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 54, Section: NELSON_69_8_1, Plot Owner: CERAR, ANTONCERELTS, F. John, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_206_4_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSCERETTO, Alvin, Buried: 10/15/1997, Age: 79, Section: OBLOCK_8_310_1, Plot Owner: CERETTO, BOBBIECERETTO, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 46, Section: BUNNING_227_1_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSCERETTO, Bobbie, Buried: 06/21/2012, Age: 90, Section: OBLOCK_8_311_1, Plot Owner: CERETTO, BOBBIECERETTO, Jolanda, Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_227_4_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSCERETTO, Leno R., Buried: 02/27/1979, Age: 73, Section: WEST_7_53_1, Plot Owner: CERETTO, NINA MCERETTO, Nina M., Buried: 06/23/1981, Age: 70, Section: WEST_7_52_1, Plot Owner: CERETTO, NINA MCERETTO, Robert, Buried: 07/18/1955, Age: 81, Section: BUNNING_227_1_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSCERETTO, William J., Buried: 08/16/2014, Age: 59, Section: OBLOCK_8_310_1, Plot Owner: CERETTO, BOBBIECERVANTES, Delores, Buried: 11-01-2012, Age: 72, Section: WATAHA_2_91_1, Plot Owner: KIRKWOOD, MARY JEANCERVANTES, John, Buried: 11-01-2012, Age: 85, Section: WATAHA_2_91_1, Plot Owner: KIRKWOOD, MARY JEANCETIN, Ivan, Buried: 02/25/1914, Age: 35, Section: PARK_80_1_1, Plot Owner: CETIN, IVANCHABRE, Felix J. Sr., , Buried: 06/22/1983, Age: 71, Section: WEST_7_319_1, Plot Owner: CHABRE, VERONICA R.CHABRE, Kathryn J., Buried: 11/24/2004, Age: 57, Section: OBLOCK_8_560_1, Plot Owner: CHABRE, BEN & KATHYCHABRE, Mary, Buried: 03-08-1980, Age: 29, Section: LUDVIGS_298_8_1, Plot Owner: BELL, CARL SCHABRE, Veronica R., Buried: 05-09-1990, Age: 74, Section: WEST_7_318_1, Plot Owner: CHABRE, VERONCIACHACON, Jasmin, Buried: 12/23/2009, Age: 1, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_21, Plot Owner: CHACON, FAMILY OF JASMINCHACON, Telesfore, Buried: 12-01-1944, Age: 2 DAYS, Section: KENDALL_35_1_4, Plot Owner: CHACON, CLAUDIOCHADEY, Frank M. Jr., , Buried: 11-02-1922, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_296_2_4, Plot Owner: CHADEY JR., FRANK M.CHADEY, Henry F., Buried: 06/15/2005, Age: 81, Section: OBLOCK_8_627_1, Plot Owner: CHADEY FAMILY, HENRYCHADEY, Michael, Buried: 10-03-2015, Age: 57, Section: KAUMO_10_108_1, Plot Owner: CHADEY, MICHAELCHADEZ, Jerry, Buried: 08/23/1952, Age: 64, Section: NELSON_69_2_1, Plot Owner: CHADEZ, JERRYCHADEZ, Thomas, Buried: 06/27/1946, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_19_11_4, Plot Owner: STARMAN, PETERCHALICE, Charlotte, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_87_7_1, Plot Owner: CHALICE, A TCHALMERS, Chris V., Buried: 01/24/1941, Age: 58, Section: OSSELTO_311_2_4, Plot Owner: CHALMERS, CHRIS V.CHAMBERLAIN, Denise A., Buried: 10/29/1997, Age: 18, Section: PARK_33_3X_1, Plot Owner: BUCKNELL, JAMES & SHERRYCHAMBERS, Charles P., Buried: 12-01-1990, Age: 64, Section: EDGAR_82_16X_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCHAMBERS, Helen G., Buried: 09/30/1994, Age: 78, Section: ROE_69_14_2, Plot Owner: CHAMBERS, MRS. OLIVERCHAMBERS, James, Buried: 03-06-2012, Age: 38, Section: OBLOCK_8_96_1, Plot Owner: ELLIOTT, DORACHAMBERS, Jeremy, Buried: 05/14/2012, Age: 15, Section: OBLOCK_8_96_1, Plot Owner: ELLIOTT, DORACHAMBERS, Marian May, Buried: 10/13/1973, Age: 60, Section: ROE_69_13_1, Plot Owner: CHAMBERS, MRS. OLIVERCHAMBERS, May Bosworth, Buried: 04/28/1965, Age: 84, Section: ROE_69_13_2, Plot Owner: CHAMBERS, MRS. OLIVERCHAMBERS, Oliver M.D., , Buried: 08-11-1941, Age: 66, Section: ROE_69_13_3, Plot Owner: CHAMBERS, MRS. OLIVERCHAMBLISS, Autumn Marie, Buried: 11/21/2001, Age: 18, Section: NELSON_128_15_1, Plot Owner: CHAMBLISS, AUTUMN MARIECHAN, Bob, Buried: 12-06-2003, Age: 84, Section: ROE_72_11_3, Plot Owner: CHAN, BOBCHAN, Jimmy, Buried: 12/15/1940, Age: 0, Section: ROE_72_9_3, Plot Owner: CHAN, JIMMYCHAN, Mary, Buried: 05/19/1989, Age: 69, Section: ROE_72_11_2, Plot Owner: CHAN, MARYCHANCE, Clifford Joe, Buried: 01-01-1944, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_C_5_3, Plot Owner: CHANCE, PAULCHANDLER, Ray, Buried: 03-07-1937, Age: 33, Section: OSSELTO_357_7_4, Plot Owner: UNION #3830, LOCALCHANOVICH, Kristo, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_283_3_3, Plot Owner: CHANOVICH, KRISTOCHAPMAN, Baby, Buried: 09/21/1951, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_146_4_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFCHAPMAN, Cecilia Hansen, Buried: 03-07-1997, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_A_23_4, Plot Owner: HANSEN, PETER H.CHAPMAN, David, Buried: 08-09-1951, Age: 92, Section: BUNNING_162_5_4, Plot Owner: CHAPMAN, DAVIDCHAPMAN, Hugh, Buried: 12/22/1973, Age: 72, Section: PARKER_285_6_2, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDCHAPMAN, Isabelle S., Buried: 06/14/1935, Age: 70, Section: BUNNING_162_5_3, Plot Owner: CHAPMAN, DAVIDCHAPMAN, Jamima, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_162_5_2, Plot Owner: CHAPMAN, DAVIDCHARLES, Iestyn M., Buried: 08/19/1963, Age: 64, Section: YOUNG_425_11_2, Plot Owner: CHARLES, MRS I MCHARLES, Marian Lamme, Buried: 01-01-1984, Age: 80, Section: YOUNG_425_11_1, Plot Owner: CHARLES, MRS I MCHARU, Ralph, Buried: 08/31/1960, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_D_2_1, Plot Owner: MARGON, FRANKCHASE, Thomas, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_209_8_4, Plot Owner: CHASE, THOMASCHAUSARRT, Pete, Buried: 06/15/1959, Age: 78, Section: OSSELTO_316_5_2, Plot Owner: GIFFO, CHARLESCHAUSSART, Arthur, Buried: 01-01-1953, Age: 48, Section: CROATIA_2_3_2, Plot Owner: CHAUSSART, ArthurCHAUSSART, Catherine, Buried: 01-01-1966, Age: 57, Section: CROATIA_2_3_3, Plot Owner: CHAUSSART, CATHERINECHAUSSART, Edith, Buried: 04-12-1962, Age: 74, Section: OSSELTO_316_5_1, Plot Owner: GIFFO, CHARLESCHEADLE, Christina, Buried: 07/21/1993, Age: 21, Section: WEST_7_551_1, Plot Owner: GRANT, PHYLLISCHEADLE, Gordon L., Buried: 08/30/1989, Age: 54, Section: WEST_7_552_1, Plot Owner: CHEADLE, GORDON & PEGGYCHEESE, Lorraine, Buried: 10/20/2015, Age: 80, Section: OBLOCK_8_473_1, Plot Owner: CHEESE, RON & LORRAINECHEESE, Ronald I., Buried: 05/22/2003, Age: 68, Section: OBLOCK_8_472_1, Plot Owner: CHEESE, RON & LORRAINECHEI, Tom, Buried: 02/15/1944, Age: 91, Section: ODONNE_146_4_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFCHEIVIK, Josephine, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_208_8_1, Plot Owner: CHEIVIK, JOSEPHINECHELINI, Giulia Caccia, Buried: 01-01-1959, Age: 54, Section: MUIR_422_35_5, Plot Owner: MATTHEWS, MRS KENNETHCHELSEA, Sarah-Jane J.M., Buried: 01-01-1988, Age: 54, Section: JAMES_305_2_1, Plot Owner: BATTLES, DONALDCHENCHAR, George, Buried: 11/15/1955, Age: 54, Section: PARK_121_5_1, Plot Owner: CHENCHAR, PAULCHENCHAR, John Michael DDS, , Buried: 07-06-1996, Age: 69, Section: PARK_121_5_4, Plot Owner: CHENCHAR, JOHN & MARYCHENCHAR, Mary, Buried: 01-04-1978, Age: 80, Section: PARK_121_5_3, Plot Owner: CHENCHAR, MARYCHENCHAR, Paul Robert, Buried: 11/18/1963, Age: 19, Section: PARK_121_5_1, Plot Owner: CHENCHAR, PAULCHENCHAR, Paul Sr., Buried: 07-11-1983, Age: 89, Section: PARK_121_5_2, Plot Owner: CHENCHAR, PAULCHENG, Lai Wan Liu, Buried: 07/28/2011, Age: 73, Section: ROE_72_14_2, Plot Owner: TO, WING KEUNGCHESNEY, Dorothy, Buried: 01-01-1983, Age: 66, Section: OSSELTO_308_3_3, Plot Owner: BIDER, JOECHESNEY, Keith, Buried: 01-01-1996, Age: 72, Section: OSSELTO_308_3_3, Plot Owner: BIDER, JOECHESNEY, Michael James, Buried: 01-01-1989, Age: 27, Section: OSSELTO_308_3_3, Plot Owner: BIDER, JOECHESSLER, Mary Lou, Buried: 11-04-1944, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_D_5_4, Plot Owner: CHESSLER, JOHNCHESSNER, Mary Lou, Buried: 11-04-1944, Age: 1, Section: OSSELTO_E_4_4, Plot Owner: LAMPUS, RAYMONDCHESTER, Elbert A., Buried: 03/29/1956, Age: 73, Section: ROE_68_5_3, Plot Owner: ARMSTRONG, THOMAS L.CHESTER, Grace L., Buried: 08/21/1973, Age: 87, Section: ROE_68_5_2, Plot Owner: ARMSTRONG, THOMAS L.CHESTER, Wesley A., Buried: 09/20/1936, Age: 28, Section: ROE_68_5_1, Plot Owner: ARMSTRONG, THOMAS L.CHESTINE, Edith Mae, Buried: 09/26/2012, Age: 90, Section: ROE_77_4_2, Plot Owner: CHESTINE, MRS MARTINCHESTINE, Martin, Buried: 04/21/2017, Age: 98, Section: ROE_77_4_1, Plot Owner: CHESTINE, MRS MARTINCHETTERBOCK, Margaret C., Buried: 11/17/1973, Age: 69, Section: PARK_126_26_3, Plot Owner: CHETTERBOCK, MARGARET C.CHETTERBOCK, Michael L. (Mike), Buried: 11-07-1987, Age: 49, Section: PARK_126_26_4, Plot Owner: CHETTERBOCK, MICHAEL L. (MIKE)CHETTERBOCK, Paul, Buried: 08/17/2005, Age: 70, Section: OBLOCK_8_312_1, Plot Owner: CHETTERBOCK, PAULCHETTERBOCK, William D., Buried: 10/31/1967, Age: 34, Section: PARK_126_25_1, Plot Owner: CHETTERBOCK, WILLIAM D.CHETTERBOCK, William D., Buried: 04-07-1973, Age: 80, Section: PARK_126_26_2, Plot Owner: CHETTERBOCK, WILLIAM D.CHEVALIER, Celina, Buried: 11/17/1984, Age: 76, Section: KENDALL_35_4_2, Plot Owner: CHEVALIER, CELINACHEVALIER, Charles, Buried: 09/22/1944, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_336_3_4, Plot Owner: CHEVALIER, UNKNOWNCHEVALIER, Francis A., Buried: 07/29/2013, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_3_97_1, Plot Owner: CHEVALIER, FRANK & MONACHEVALIER, Frank, Buried: 12/19/1982, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_3_97_1, Plot Owner: CHEVALIER, FRANK & MONACHEVALIER, Henery, Buried: 07-01-1988, Age: 91, Section: KENDALL_35_4_1, Plot Owner: CHEVALIER, HeneryCHEVALIER, Henry, Buried: 05-04-1945, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_336_3_3, Plot Owner: CHEVALIER, UNKNOWNCHEVALIER, Mona, Buried: 11/30/1995, Age: 88, Section: WATAHA_3_98_1, Plot Owner: CHEVALIER, FRANK & MONACHEVELIER, Norene, Buried: 12/15/1946, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_5_70_1, Plot Owner: VAVOLD, VIOLETCHIARO, G., Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 66, Section: LUDVIGS_231_1_1, Plot Owner: CHIARO, G.CHIIPP, Bobby, Buried: 01-01-1978, Age: 30, Section: CROATIA_10_6_4, Plot Owner: CHIPP, DON JR.CHIKADO, Joe, Buried: 12/18/1956, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_119_7_3, Plot Owner: CHIKADO, JOECHILD, Unknown, Buried: 06-07-1912, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_149_7_3, Plot Owner: HARRIS, JOHNCHILDERS, Jess, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 0, Section: ROE_79_17_1, Plot Owner: BEVERLY, JTCHILONOR, John H., Buried: 09-08-1909, Age: 27, Section: LUDVIGS_251_7_4, Plot Owner: CHILONOR, JOHNCHILTON, Alice, Buried: 12/30/1933, Age: 49, Section: BUNNING_162_2_3, Plot Owner: CHILTON, GEORGE A.CHILTON, Calvin, Buried: 02/15/2016, Age: 90, Section: WEST_7_225_1, Plot Owner: CHILTON, CALVINCHILTON, Clara L., Buried: 10-07-1974, Age: 79, Section: YOUNG_401_21_2, Plot Owner: CHILTON, WILLIAMCHILTON, Daughter, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_401_21_4, Plot Owner: CHILTON, WILLIAMCHILTON, Elisa, Buried: 12/19/1943, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_162_2_2, Plot Owner: CHILTON, GEORGE A.CHILTON, Eliza, Buried: 12/19/1973, Age: 72, Section: BUNNING_162_1_3, Plot Owner: CHILTON, GEORGE A.CHILTON, George A., Buried: 03-12-1966, Age: 61, Section: OSSELTO_334_1_1, Plot Owner: CHILTON, EDNACHILTON, George A., Age: 61, Section: BUNNING_162_2_1, Plot Owner: CHILTON, GEORGE A.CHILTON, Shirley A., Buried: 01/26/1982, Age: 47, Section: WEST_7_224_1, Plot Owner: CHILTON, CALVINCHILTON, Son, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_401_21_4, Plot Owner: CHILTON, WILLIAMCHILTON, William, Buried: 04/28/1969, Age: 79, Section: YOUNG_401_21_3, Plot Owner: CHILTON, WILLIAMCHING, Fok Ngan "Dolly", Buried: 06-02-2006, Age: 87, Section: ROE_72_17_3, Plot Owner: CHING, FOK NGAN "DOLLY"CHIPP, Don Jr., Buried: 01-01-1970, Age: 85, Section: CROATIA_10_6_3, Plot Owner: CHIPP, DON JR.CHIPP, Donald, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_10_6_1, Plot Owner: CHIPP, DON JR.CHIPP, Harry Raymond, Buried: 04/16/2016, Age: 96, Section: YOUNG_401_32_5, Plot Owner: CHIPP, MRS LENACHIPP, Henry, Buried: 03/29/1956, Age: 79, Section: ODONNE_117_3_4, Plot Owner: MOLLER, CHRISCHIPP, Jean, Buried: 04/25/1970, Age: 83, Section: ODONNE_117_3_3, Plot Owner: MOLLER, CHRISCHIPP, Jimmie, Buried: 08-08-1915, Age: 2, Section: ODONNE_117_3_1, Plot Owner: CHIPP, JIMMIECHIPP, Lena M, Buried: 05/13/2008, Age: 86, Section: YOUNG_401_32_5, Plot Owner: CHIPP, MRS LENACHIPP, Zora, Buried: 01-01-2008, Age: 85, Section: CROATIA_10_6_2, Plot Owner: CHIPP, DON JR.CHITAKOF, Nikola, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 0, Section: PARK_36_4_4, Plot Owner: CHITAKOF, NIKOLACHOKIE, Caroline, Buried: 02/16/1957, Age: 72, Section: NELSON_22_4_3, Plot Owner: CHOKIE, CAROLINECHOKIE, John, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 63, Section: NELSON_22_4_4, Plot Owner: CHOKIE, JOHNCHOKIE, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 25, Section: NELSON_22_4_2, Plot Owner: CHOKIE, JOSEPHCHOKIE, Mike, Buried: 02-02-1919, Age: 0, Section: PARK_88_1_4, Plot Owner: CHOKIE, JOHNCHOLLAK, Helen Mary, Buried: 11-07-1967, Age: 64, Section: PARK_126_6_4, Plot Owner: CHOLLAK, HELEN MARYCHOLLAK, Joseph Sr., Buried: 03/22/1972, Age: 69, Section: PARK_126_6_3, Plot Owner: CHOLLAK, JOSEPH SR.CHOLLAK, Matthew A, Buried: 08/29/2015, Age: 45, Section: COLUMB_SOUTH_1_8, Plot Owner: CHOLLAK, MARK A.CHOLLAK, Matthew E., Buried: 08/29/2015, Age: 79, Section: COLUMB_SOUTH_1_8, Plot Owner: CHOLLAK, MARK A.CHOPO, John, Buried: 06/27/1947, Age: 71, Section: OSSELTO_M_5_1, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENCHRISTENSEN, Baby, Buried: 02/16/1929, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_265_4_2, Plot Owner: CHRISTENSEN, E LCHRISTENSEN, J.B., Buried: 11-01-1934, Age: 57, Section: ODONNE_189_3_2, Plot Owner: BPOE, ELKSCHRISTENSEN, Jul., Age: 34, Section: BUNNING_103_1_1, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHCHRISTENSON, Julian Child, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_160_2_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERCHRISTIAN, Alvin Eugune, Buried: 03-06-1976, Age: 65, Section: WATAHA_3_A_1, Plot Owner: CHRISTIAN, ALVIN EUGUNECHRISTIAN, Josephine "Chris", Buried: 02/18/1981, Age: 73, Section: WATAHA_3_B_1, Plot Owner: CHRISTIAN, JOSEPHINE "CHRIS"CHRISTIANSEN, Dale L. "Red", Buried: 06-11-1991, Age: 64, Section: WEST_7_256_1, Plot Owner: CHRISTIANSEN, M/M D.L.CHRISTIANSEN, Irving R., Buried: 08-01-1968, Age: 49, Section: EDGAR_82_15_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCHRISTIE, Alex (Twins), Buried: 05/29/1920, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_177_1_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERCHRISTIE, Alex R., Buried: 05/13/1964, Age: 75, Section: YOUNG_400_38_2, Plot Owner: CHRISTIE, MRS ALEXCHRISTIE, Anna Dykes, Buried: 07/30/1970, Age: 75, Section: YOUNG_400_38_1, Plot Owner: CHRISTIE, MRS ALEXCHRISTIE, John D., Buried: 01/26/1944, Age: 70, Section: BUNNING_86_1_2, Plot Owner: CHRISTIE, JOHN D.CHRISTIE, Mary Pryde, Buried: 03-01-1965, Age: 89, Section: BUNNING_86_1_1, Plot Owner: CHRISTIE, JOHN D.CHRISTIE, Thomas, Buried: 09/23/1934, Age: 58, Section: BUNNING_86_1_3, Plot Owner: CHRISTIE, JOHN D.CHUNG, Pung, Buried: 01-06-1922, Age: 72, Section: LUDVIGS_295_7_1, Plot Owner: CHUNG, PUNGCHURCH, Ace, Buried: 02/14/1948, Age: 75, Section: ODONNE_167_5_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFCHURCHILL, J.N., Age: 54, Section: BUNNING_136_7_4, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFCIELUSZAK, John, Buried: 09/30/1944, Age: 58, Section: KENDALL_35_8_1, Plot Owner: CIELUSZAK, JOHNCIELUSZAK, John Stanley, Buried: 05-02-2007, Age: 89, Section: LUDVIGS_255_1X_4, Plot Owner: CIELUSZAK, JOHN & MARGARETCIELUSZAK, Margaret Ann, Buried: 03/20/2010, Age: 91, Section: LUDVIGS_255_1X_3, Plot Owner: CIELUSZAK, JOHN & MARGARETCIELUSZAK, Regina, Buried: 08/25/1964, Age: 73, Section: KENDALL_35_8_2, Plot Owner: CIELUSZAK, REGINACILENSEK, Carl, Buried: 04/20/2001, Age: 70, Section: NELSON_44_8X_3, Plot Owner: CILENSEK, CARL & SHIRLEYCILENSEK, Frances, Buried: 02/27/1970, Age: 76, Section: NELSON_44_1_2, Plot Owner: CILENSEK, FRANCESCILENSEK, Frank Sr., , Buried: 06/28/1953, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_44_1_1, Plot Owner: CILENSEK SR., FRANKCILENSEK, Gary Paul, Buried: 09-04-1996, Age: 28, Section: NELSON_44_1X_1, Plot Owner: CILENSEK, CARL & SHIRLEYCILENSEK, Rick, Buried: 08-02-2010, Section: NELSON_44_1X_2, Plot Owner: CILENSEK, CARL & SHIRLEYCILENSEK, Shirley M., Buried: 12/29/2014, Age: 78, Section: NELSON_44_8X_4, Plot Owner: CILENSEK, CARL & SHIRLEYCISNEROS, Edward Jr., Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 5, Section: NELSON_91_2_4, Plot Owner: CISNEROS, EDWARD JR.CISNEROS, Lucas R., Buried: 01-03-1965, Age: 76, Section: EDGAR_82_14_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCLARK, Albert T., Buried: 10/29/1981, Age: 78, Section: WATAHA_6_61_1, Plot Owner: CLARK, ALBERT T.CLARK, Arlene, Buried: 01-01-2002, Age: 78, Section: ROE_78_14_2, Plot Owner: CORHN, MRS RANDOLPHCLARK, Arthur, Buried: 12/16/1969, Age: 68, Section: LAUZER_421_5_2, Plot Owner: CLARK, ARTHURCLARK, Arthur Baby Of, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_100_5_2, Plot Owner: CLARK, MRS WILLIAMCLARK, Arthur Jr, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 0, Section: LAUZER_421_5_1, Plot Owner: CLARK, CLARA M.CLARK, Ashley Marie, Buried: 09-01-2012, Age: 25, Section: COLUMB_NORTH_1_1, Plot Owner: FITZLOFF, MARIECLARK, Baby, Buried: 04-04-1946, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_J_5_4, Plot Owner: CLARK, UNKNOWNCLARK, Baby, Buried: 12-03-1934, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_86_7_4, Plot Owner: PRYDE, WMCLARK, Bruce L., Buried: 01-01-2003, Age: 49, Section: ROE_78_14_1, Plot Owner: CORHN, MRS RANDOLPHCLARK, Carrie, Buried: 12-10-1977, Age: 73, Section: WATAHA_6_62_1, Plot Owner: CLARK, ALBERT T.CLARK, Clara M., Buried: 03-09-1967, Age: 64, Section: LAUZER_421_5_1, Plot Owner: CLARK, CLARA M.CLARK, Clifford Sr., , Buried: 12/29/1983, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_100_6_2, Plot Owner: CLARK, MRS WILLIAMCLARK, Edward Baby, Buried: 09/16/1942, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_239_4_4, Plot Owner: DUNCAN, WALTERCLARK, Ella, Buried: 07-09-2002, Age: 96, Section: ODONNE_100_6_1, Plot Owner: CLARK, MRS WILLIAMCLARK, Etta, Buried: 05/17/2000, Age: 85, Section: PARK_122_4_2, Plot Owner: CLARK, ETTACLARK, Fred, Buried: 06-09-1966, Age: 76, Section: ODONNE_165_7_3, Plot Owner: CLARK, MARY ANNCLARK, Gene, Buried: 01-01-2006, Age: 78, Section: ROE_78_14_2, Plot Owner: CORHN, MRS RANDOLPHCLARK, Gerald Steven (Herbie), Buried: 04/22/1954, Age: 2, Section: PARK_122_4_3, Plot Owner: CLARK, GERALD STEVEN (HERBIE)CLARK, Hannah Isabella, Age: 21, Section: BUNNING_89_4_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFCLARK, Harold, Buried: 12/30/1993, Age: 78, Section: YOUNG_400_3_5, Plot Owner: CLARK, HAROLDCLARK, Harry D., Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 24, Section: JAMES_324_5_3, Plot Owner: CLARK, HARRYCLARK, Hubert G., Buried: 07/23/1915, Age: 18, Section: BUNNING_89_3_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFCLARK, Joseph Sr., , Buried: 01/17/1927, Age: 52, Section: BUNNING_89_3_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFCLARK, Kate Dorrence, Buried: 11/14/1963, Age: 64, Section: PARK_122_4_4, Plot Owner: CLARK, KATE DORRENCECLARK, Margaret M., Buried: 07/30/1964, Age: 46, Section: YOUNG_400_3_4, Plot Owner: CLARK, HAROLDCLARK, Mark Patrick, Buried: 09/15/1955, Age: 0, Section: PARK_122_4_3, Plot Owner: CLARK, GERALD STEVEN (HERBIE)CLARK, Mary, Buried: 11/17/1904, Age: 67, Section: BUNNING_89_4_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFCLARK, Mary, Buried: 12/29/1948, Age: 67, Section: BUNNING_106_8_1, Plot Owner: MUSGROVE, MRS KATECLARK, Mary A., Buried: 03/18/1938, Age: 88, Section: JAMES_324_6_3, Plot Owner: CLARK, HARRYCLARK, Mary Ann, Buried: 02/16/1945, Age: 79, Section: ODONNE_100_5_3, Plot Owner: CLARK, MRS WILLIAMCLARK, Nettie, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_165_8_2, Plot Owner: CLARK, MARY ANNCLARK, Nettie, Buried: 11-12-1966, Age: 74, Section: ODONNE_165_7_2, Plot Owner: CLARK, MARY ANNCLARK, Orlo, Buried: 03-07-2001, Age: 88, Section: PARK_122_4_1, Plot Owner: CLARK, ORLOCLARK, Ruth, Buried: 07/14/1961, Age: 49, Section: ODONNE_165_8_1, Plot Owner: CLARK, MARY ANNCLARK, Veral, Buried: 02/20/1920, Age: 2, Section: ODONNE_165_8_3, Plot Owner: CLARK, MARY ANNCLARK, William, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 66, Section: ODONNE_100_5_2, Plot Owner: CLARK, MRS WILLIAMCLARK, William Edward, Buried: 07-09-1926, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_100_6_4, Plot Owner: CLARK, MRS WILLIAMCLARK, William M., Buried: 02/20/1956, Age: 62, Section: YOUNG_401_28_4, Plot Owner: DEMICH, ELMERCLARKE, Amanda J., Buried: 08/24/1939, Age: 77, Section: EDGAR_67_7_5, Plot Owner: CLARKE, AMANDA J.CLARKE, Durence F., Buried: 04/30/1999, Age: 87, Section: YOUNG_400_25X_3, Plot Owner: CLARK, DURENCE & IRENECLARKE, Irene, Buried: 04-06-1994, Age: 75, Section: YOUNG_400_25X_2, Plot Owner: CLARKE, DURANCE & IRENECLARKE, John E., Buried: 09/28/1964, Age: 82, Section: EDGAR_67_7_4, Plot Owner: CLARK, JECLARKE, Loyal E., Buried: 07-06-1988, Age: 48, Section: YOUNG_400_25X_1, Plot Owner: CLARK, DURENCE & IRENECLARKSON, J. F., Buried: 01-01-1909, Age: 26, Section: LUDVIGS_231_8_4, Plot Owner: CLARKSON, EDCLEARLY, Joseph D., Buried: 06-09-1956, Age: 47, Section: YOUNG_400_37_4, Plot Owner: CLEARY, MRS JOSEPHCLEGG, Arther, Buried: 08/30/1949, Age: 72, Section: BUNNING_159_3_2, Plot Owner: CLEGG, EDWARDCLEGG, Charles Edward, Buried: 02-11-1990, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_159_4_1, Plot Owner: CLEGG, EDWARDCLEGG, Edward, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_159_3_4, Plot Owner: CLEGG, EDWARDCLEGG, Jonathan, Buried: 10/28/1980, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_159_4_2, Plot Owner: CLEGG, EDWARDCLEGG, Sarah, Buried: 01-01-1909, Age: 79, Section: BUNNING_159_3_3, Plot Owner: CLEGG, EDWARDCLEGG, Sarah, Buried: 11/14/1984, Age: 79, Section: BUNNING_159_4_3, Plot Owner: CLEGG, EDWARDCLELAND, Beatrice B., Buried: 09-05-1959, Age: 85, Section: MUIR_422_4_2, Plot Owner: WANNER M.D., JAY G.CLEVELAND, Frank H., Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 33, Section: BUNNING_177_2_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERCLICK, Rev. Trent E., Buried: 06/15/1998, Age: 73, Section: YOUNG_400_25X_5, Plot Owner: CLICK, REV. TRENT E.CLICK, Trent E., Buried: 02-08-2002, Age: 48, Section: EDGAR_64_7_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCLINTON, Helene J, Buried: 03/14/2017, Age: 91, Section: EDGAR_84_13_3, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENCLOUSE, Anna Delores, Buried: 02/26/2016, Age: 85, Section: OBLOCK_8_379_1, Plot Owner: CLOUSE, NORMAN & DOLORESCLOUSE, Norman, Buried: 08/30/2014, Age: 82, Section: OBLOCK_8_378_1, Plot Owner: CLOUSE, NORMAN & DOLORESCOCHRAN, Harry C., Buried: 10-02-1962, Age: 49, Section: YOUNG_401_48_4, Plot Owner: SANTO, FREDCOCHRAN, John P., Buried: 09-03-2008, Age: 88, Section: YOUNG_401_48_3, Plot Owner: SANTO, FREDCOCKERHAM, Julia, Buried: 03/20/2009, Age: 84, Section: OBLOCK_8_435_1, Plot Owner: WRIGHT FAMILY, C. C.CODY, Beulah B., Buried: 01-11-1985, Age: 67, Section: NELSON_22_2_1, Plot Owner: CODY, BEULAH B.CODY, Billy, Buried: 08-08-1934, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_22_2_3, Plot Owner: CODY, BILLYCODY, F.P., Buried: 10-07-1998, Age: 73, Section: EDGAR_64_2_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCODY, Ida Mae, Buried: 11/24/1982, Age: 73, Section: NELSON_22_2_2, Plot Owner: CODY, IDA MAECODY, Nora Murphy, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 25, Section: PARK_33_6_4, Plot Owner: CODY, NORA MURPHYCOET, Anna, Buried: 09/19/1980, Age: 75, Section: WEST_7_137_1, Plot Owner: COET, THEOPHILE & ANNACOET, Theodore T., Buried: 09/14/1999, Age: 95, Section: WEST_7_138_1, Plot Owner: COET, THEOPHILE & ANNACOFFEY, Catherine, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 68, Section: PARK_16_4_2, Plot Owner: COFFEY SR., WILLIAMCOFFEY, Christopher, Buried: 07/19/1954, Age: 64, Section: MUIR_403_14_4, Plot Owner: GAVIOTIS, EMMANUELCOFFEY, Clara, Buried: 12-01-1976, Age: 84, Section: MUIR_403_14_3, Plot Owner: COFFEY, CLARACOFFEY, Gordon Wilson, Buried: 12-05-1988, Age: 70, Section: MUIR_403_14_2, Plot Owner: COFFEY, CLARACOFFEY, John, Buried: 01/30/1956, Age: 61, Section: PARK_16_4_3, Plot Owner: COFFEY, JOHNCOFFEY, Katie, Age: 0, Section: PARK_16_3_1, Plot Owner: COFFEY, KATIECOFFEY, Mary, Age: 0, Section: PARK_16_3_2, Plot Owner: COFFEY, MARYCOFFEY, W., Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 8, Section: PARK_16_4_1, Plot Owner: COFFEY, W.COFFEY, William J., Buried: 10/20/1994, Age: 78, Section: MUIR_403_14_1, Plot Owner: COFFEY, CLARACOFFEY, William Sr., , Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 74, Section: PARK_16_4_2, Plot Owner: COFFEY SR., WILLIAMCOFFMAN, Cheryl Ann, Buried: 04-02-1968, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_302_8_1, Plot Owner: JAMES, THOMASCOFFMAN, Kevin, Buried: 09/14/1996, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_302_7_2, Plot Owner: COFFMAN, KEVINCOHRN, Miriam, Buried: 01/14/2017, Age: 54, Section: KAUMO_10_137_1, Plot Owner: CORHN, MIRIAMCOKE, David P., Buried: 01/26/1941, Age: 56, Section: PARKER_264_4_3, Plot Owner: COKE, MRS DAVIDCOKE, Erma, Buried: 06/13/2013, Section: PARKER_264_3_4, Plot Owner: COKE, MRS DAVIDCOKE, Ernest, Buried: 06-12-1941, Age: 12, Section: PARKER_264_4_4, Plot Owner: COKE, MRS DAVIDCOKE, Kenneth, Buried: 06/13/2013, Section: PARKER_264_3_4, Plot Owner: COKE, MRS DAVIDCOLE, Virginia M., Buried: 03/19/1988, Age: 52, Section: WEST_7_507_1, Plot Owner: COLE, VIRGINIA M.COLEMAN, Bernice, Buried: 06-07-2000, Age: 79, Section: OBLOCK_8_407_1, Plot Owner: COLEMAN, BRYAN & BERNICECOLEMAN, Betty Jean, Buried: 02-10-1966, Age: 27, Section: YOUNG_400_16_3, Plot Owner: GUTIERREZ, AVELINO T.COLEMAN, Bryan, Buried: 05/23/2008, Age: 80, Section: OBLOCK_8_406_1, Plot Owner: COLEMAN, BRYAN & BERNICECOLEMAN, Gussie, Buried: 06/26/1972, Age: 59, Section: WATAHA_5_X_1, Plot Owner: COLEMAN, GENECOLEMAN, Kenneth, Buried: 08/29/2000, Age: 31, Section: OBLOCK_8_412_1, Plot Owner: COLEMAN, KENNETHCOLEMAN, Maldi, Buried: 06/13/2012, Age: 80, Section: PARK_39_7_3, Plot Owner: TARRIS, ANNACOLEMAN, Richard L., Buried: 02-10-1966, Age: 31, Section: YOUNG_400_16_4, Plot Owner: GUTIERREZ, AVELINO T.COLEMAN, Samuel, Buried: 10-04-1941, Age: 49, Section: EDGAR_67_19_3, Plot Owner: COLEMAN, MRS SAMUELCOLEMAN, Susan, Buried: 03-08-2011, Age: 55, Section: OBLOCK_8_413_1, Plot Owner: COLEMAN, KENNETHCOLETTE, Govausin, Buried: 02-12-1905, Age: 22, Section: BUNNING_206_2_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSCOLETTI, Ben, Buried: 02/23/1979, Age: 90, Section: WEST_7_51_1, Plot Owner: COLETTI, ESTATE OF BENCOLETTI, Domenic, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 4, Section: NELSON_20_1_3, Plot Owner: COLETTI, DOMENICCOLETTI, Domenic, Age: 37, Section: NELSON_20_1_3, Plot Owner: COLETTI, DOMENICCOLETTI, Dominc, Buried: 08/29/1926, Age: 4, Section: ODONNE_116_6_2, Plot Owner: BLAIR, JOHNCOLETTI, Dominick, Buried: 10/23/2006, Age: 95, Section: WATAHA_1_47_1, Plot Owner: COLETTI, DOMINICKCOLETTI, Dominick, Buried: 06/20/1905, Age: 95, Section: BUNNING_206_3_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSCOLETTI, Joseph P., Buried: 03-06-1956, Age: 68, Section: LUDVIGS_256_4_3, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFCOLETTI, Lucy, Buried: 10-10-1929, Age: 40, Section: LUDVIGS_256_4_2, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFCOLETTI, Mary, Buried: 11/23/1982, Age: 95, Section: NELSON_20_1_2, Plot Owner: COLETTI, MARYCOLETTI, Tillie, Buried: 12-01-1995, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_1_48_1, Plot Owner: COLETTI, DOMINICK & TILIECOLETTI, Tom, Buried: 08/16/1968, Age: 85, Section: NELSON_20_1_1, Plot Owner: COLETTI, TOMCOLLEONI, Richard L., Buried: 05/20/1965, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_H_4_1, Plot Owner: COLLEONI, ROSA B.COLLEONI, Rosa B., Buried: 12-02-1934, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_H_3_1, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIACOLLEONI, Rosa B., Buried: 08/26/1994, Age: 96, Section: WATAHA_H_4_2, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIACOLLETT, Burt, Buried: 08/31/1967, Age: 87, Section: ROE_69_4_4, Plot Owner: COLLETT, GLADYSCOLLETT, Elizabeth, Section: ROE_69_4_5, Plot Owner: COLLETT, BURTCOLLETT, Gladys, Buried: 05/28/1955, Age: 60, Section: ROE_69_4_3, Plot Owner: COLLETT, GLADYSCOLLETT, Urwin, Section: ROE_69_4_5, Plot Owner: COLLETT, BURTCOLLETTI, D., Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_208_8_3, Plot Owner: CLOSE, WILLIAMCOLLETTI, D., Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_208_8_2, Plot Owner: COLLETTI, D.COLLEY, Nicole Ann, Buried: 09-03-2005, Age: 15, Section: OBLOCK_8_208_1, Plot Owner: COLLEY, NICOLE ANNCOLLINS, Ada, Buried: 02/18/1950, Age: 85, Section: ODONNE_98_7_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFCOLLINS, Agnes, Buried: 12/20/1975, Age: 80, Section: WATAHA_2_24_1, Plot Owner: COLLINS, MARGECOLLINS, Anastasia, Buried: 02/20/1998, Age: 84, Section: OSSELTO_334_4_3, Plot Owner: HENETZ, VERACOLLINS, C. Mrs., Buried: 11/20/1918, Age: 40, Section: ODONNE_148_7_2, Plot Owner: QUINN, JOHNCOLLINS, Charles, Buried: 12/31/1918, Age: 42, Section: ODONNE_148_7_1, Plot Owner: QUINN, JOHNCOLLINS, Dan Harvey, Buried: 10/25/1995, Age: 86, Section: MUIR_403_46X_2, Plot Owner: COLLINS, RUTH S.COLLINS, Darwin, Buried: 04/22/2013, Age: 85, Section: JAMES_330_4_2, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, GAETCHERCOLLINS, David Lee, Buried: 08/25/1992, Age: 25, Section: JAMES_330_4_3, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, GAETCHERCOLLINS, Dennis James, Buried: 04-06-1977, Age: 5, Section: JAMES_363_5_2, Plot Owner: COLLINS, JOHNCOLLINS, Donna, Buried: 02/27/2007, Age: 83, Section: CROATIA_12_4_2, Plot Owner: SANDERS, MARIANNECOLLINS, Edgar, Buried: 07-02-2009, Section: MUIR_403_46X_2, Plot Owner: COLLINS, RUTH S.COLLINS, Edgar S., Buried: 07-03-1971, Age: 59, Section: OSSELTO_334_4_4, Plot Owner: HENETZ, VERACOLLINS, Elizabeth, Age: 1, Section: WATAHA_1_37_1, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNCOLLINS, Genevieve, Buried: 01/22/1928, Age: 57, Section: JAMES_363_5_1, Plot Owner: COLLINS, JOHNCOLLINS, George, Buried: 03/15/1917, Age: 58, Section: PARKER_259_4_3, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDCOLLINS, George H., Buried: 01/30/1937, Age: 41, Section: OSSELTO_331_5_4, Plot Owner: FOREIGN WARS, VETERANS OFCOLLINS, Henry D., Buried: 08/16/1948, Age: 26, Section: PARKER_260_3_4, Plot Owner: COLLINS, HENRY D.COLLINS, Jack, Buried: 03/18/2008, Age: 84, Section: CROATIA_12_4_1, Plot Owner: SANDERS, MARIANNECOLLINS, Jeannette Y., Buried: 07/24/1940, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_266_8_1, Plot Owner: COLLINS, TOMCOLLINS, John, Buried: 06/20/1981, Age: 88, Section: WATAHA_2_23_1, Plot Owner: COLLINS, MARGECOLLINS, Louis, Buried: 04/25/1945, Age: 44, Section: OSSELTO_E_6_4, Plot Owner: KELSO, IRENECOLLINS, Marge, Buried: 11/21/1996, Age: 64, Section: WATAHA_2_25_1, Plot Owner: COLLINS, MARGECOLLINS, Pamela, Buried: 05/31/2016, Age: 73, Section: JAMES_330_4_1, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, GAETCHERCOLLINS, Ruth S., Buried: 05/17/2003, Age: 90, Section: MUIR_403_46X_1, Plot Owner: COLLINS, RUTH S.COLLINS, Sarah E., Buried: 02-01-1949, Age: 58, Section: PARKER_260_3_3, Plot Owner: COLLINS, SARAH E.COLLINS, Simon, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 61, Section: BUNNING_199_1_1, Plot Owner: FREEMAN, JOHNCOLLINS, Virginia, Buried: 03-02-1944, Age: 44, Section: OSSELTO_C_6_3, Plot Owner: WILDERMUTH, LEOCOLLINS, Willie Leonard "Hambone" Jr., , Buried: 02-05-2011, Age: 87, Section: MUIR_403_48X2_5, Plot Owner: COLLINS JR., WILLIE LEONARD "HAMBONE"COLOMBO, Cesare, Buried: 01-01-1943, Age: 59, Section: KENDALL_22_4_1, Plot Owner: COLOMBO, CESARECOLOMBO, Helen, Buried: 01/26/1990, Age: 75, Section: KENDALL_22_4_4, Plot Owner: COLOMBO, HELENCOLOMBO, Mary, Buried: 10/23/1947, Age: 58, Section: KENDALL_22_4_2, Plot Owner: COLOMBO, MARYCOLOMBO, Paul, Buried: 03-04-1994, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_22_4_1, Plot Owner: COLOMBO, CESARECOLOMBO, Robert D., Buried: 01-01-1971, Age: 55, Section: KENDALL_22_4_3, Plot Owner: COLOMBO, ROBERT D.COLPITTIS, Leonard E., Buried: 07-12-2004, Age: 74, Section: EDGAR_64_15_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCOLTON, Margaret, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 90, Section: BUNNING_112_5_2, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGECOLUMBO, Nick, Buried: 01-08-1931, Age: 45, Section: PARKER_265_5_3, Plot Owner: PETROPOULAS, THOMASCOLVIN, Evonne, Buried: 09/15/2009, Age: 41, Section: OBLOCK_8_516_1, Plot Owner: MILLER, MARILYN ALICECOMBS, Jas., Buried: 01/23/1916, Age: 25, Section: LUDVIGS_271_7_1, Plot Owner: HOMOLD, HCOMIN, Alice Morrow, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 33, Section: JAMES_327_3_1, Plot Owner: MORROW, WM & CRUISE CLARKCOMPAS, Guadalupe, Buried: 07/23/1942, Age: 57, Section: ODONNE_142_4_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFCOMPOS, Baby Boy, Buried: 10-01-2003, Age: 0, Section: OBLOCK_8_384_1, Plot Owner: SALAZAR, LEOPOLDOCOMPTON, Clarence L., Buried: 12/19/1940, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_241_3_4, Plot Owner: COMPTON, VILASCOMPTON, Earl, Buried: 11/14/1949, Age: 58, Section: ROE_73_7_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, ROSIECOMPTON, Ronald G., Buried: 12-12-1941, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_241_3_3, Plot Owner: COMPTON, VILASCOMPTON, Stephen Richard, Buried: 03-07-1995, Age: 26, Section: OBLOCK_8_185_1, Plot Owner: COMPTON, STEVE & KELLYCOMSTOCK, Bertha D., Buried: 11/18/1963, Age: 53, Section: YOUNG_425_12_2, Plot Owner: COMSTOCK, RALPH W.COMSTOCK, Clara, Buried: 02/21/2008, Age: 93, Section: YOUNG_425_12_4, Plot Owner: COMSTOCK, RALPH W.COMSTOCK, Delbert, Buried: 10/22/2016, Age: 68, Section: NELSON_119_15_4, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, BURIALCOMSTOCK, Erline, Buried: 04-11-1938, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_319_2_4, Plot Owner: COX, PAUL BCOMSTOCK, Ralph W., Buried: 01-08-1999, Age: 88, Section: YOUNG_425_12_3, Plot Owner: COMSTOCK, RALPH W.COMSTOCK, Rita, Buried: 10/25/2012, Age: 75, Section: MUIR_422_35_1, Plot Owner: MATTHEWS, MRS KENNETHCOMSTOCK, Ronald, Buried: 12-12-2011, Age: 77, Section: MUIR_422_35_2, Plot Owner: MATTHEWS, MRS KENNETHCONAWAY, Capt. A.B., Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_136_1_1, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFCONDERAKIS, George, Buried: 07/21/1935, Age: 48, Section: PARKER_265_1_2, Plot Owner: HOIST, CHARLESCONDIE, Isabella, Buried: 01/25/1964, Age: 78, Section: MUIR_403_48_2, Plot Owner: CONDIE, SAMUELCONDIE, Malcolm, Buried: 08-02-1966, Age: 57, Section: MUIR_403_48_1, Plot Owner: CONDIE, SAMUELCONDIE, Margaret, Buried: 02/14/1979, Age: 60, Section: MUIR_403_48_4, Plot Owner: CONDIE, SAMUELCONDIE, Samuel, Buried: 03/22/1969, Age: 85, Section: MUIR_403_48_3, Plot Owner: CONDIE, SAMUELCONDRON, Harry Price, Buried: 12/28/1945, Age: 75, Section: OSSELTO_I_5_1, Plot Owner: RICHMOND, A MCONGLETON, Charles, Buried: 02/14/1937, Age: 54, Section: PARKER_290_8_4, Plot Owner: CONGLETON, CHARLESCONGLETON, Helen, Buried: 04/16/1926, Age: 47, Section: PARKER_290_8_3, Plot Owner: CONGLETON, CHARLESCONKLIN, Frank, Buried: 06/26/1937, Age: 26, Section: EDGAR_83_2_2, Plot Owner: CONKLIN, FRANKCONKLIN, Nellie, Buried: 07-10-1948, Age: 78, Section: EDGAR_83_2_5, Plot Owner: CONKLIN, NELLIECONKLIN, Robert, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 64, Section: EDGAR_83_2_3, Plot Owner: CONKLIN, FRANKCONKLIN, Ruth M., Buried: 04-03-2010, Age: 77, Section: PARKER_263_8_1, Plot Owner: BURRELL, CURTISCONLEY, Dale Lee, Buried: 11/23/1932, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_352_1_1, Plot Owner: CONLEY, GERALD LEROYCONLEY, Edna A., Buried: 12-09-1993, Age: 85, Section: YOUNG_400_22_5, Plot Owner: CONLEY, EDNA A.CONLEY, Eugene A., Buried: 08/26/1957, Age: 48, Section: YOUNG_400_22_4, Plot Owner: CONLEY, MRS EUGENECONLEY, Gerald L., Buried: 08/15/1975, Age: 71, Section: OSSELTO_352_1_1, Plot Owner: CONLEY, GERALD LEROYCONNER, Shirley, Buried: 12-05-2015, Age: 87, Section: WEST_7_211_1, Plot Owner: CONNOR, MRS JACKCONNERS, Carol Anne, Buried: 07-09-2005, Age: 69, Section: WEST_7_467_1, Plot Owner: CONNERS, JOE & MRS. JOECONNERS, Joseph P., Buried: 02-07-1987, Age: 56, Section: WEST_7_467_1, Plot Owner: CONNERS, JOE & MRS. JOECONNOR, Emily, Buried: 09/19/1960, Age: 91, Section: ODONNE_141_5_4, Plot Owner: CONNOR, EMILYCONNOR, Ethel, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_141_5_1, Plot Owner: CONNOR, ETHELCONNOR, Ethel, Buried: 09-09-1994, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_141_4_1, Plot Owner: RIFE, EDCONNOR, Francis P., Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 58, Section: PARK_14_4_3, Plot Owner: CONNOR, FRANCIS P.CONNOR, John R. "Jack", Buried: 10/17/1981, Age: 60, Section: WEST_7_212_1, Plot Owner: CONNOR, MRS JACKCONNOR, M, Buried: 11-04-1941, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_67_16_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, ROBERTCONNOR, Margaret, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 26, Section: ODONNE_141_5_2, Plot Owner: CONNOR, MARGARETCONNOR, Mary T., Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 64, Section: PARK_14_4_1, Plot Owner: CONNOR, MARY T.CONNOR, Roy F., Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 42, Section: PARK_14_4_2, Plot Owner: CONNOR, ROY F.CONNOR, William R., Buried: 05-02-1950, Age: 21, Section: PARK_14_4_4, Plot Owner: TVARDOSKI, THOMASCONNOR, Willis B., Buried: 09-10-1911, Age: 47, Section: ODONNE_141_5_3, Plot Owner: CONNOR, WILLIS B.CONNORS, T. W. Baby Of, Buried: 09/14/1905, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_183_6_2, Plot Owner: CONNOR, THCONPARIN, Olj, Buried: 01-01-1917, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_230_7_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, ALPHONSO LAWARMONACONTRATTO, Andrew, Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_233_5_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONCONTRATTO, John, Buried: 01/16/1910, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_233_6_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONCONTRATTO, Mary, Buried: 06-12-1906, Age: 49, Section: LUDVIGS_233_6_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONCONZATTI, Catherine, Buried: 07-01-1945, Age: 84, Section: LUDVIGS_254_4_4, Plot Owner: COUZATTE, FELIXCONZATTI, J. Felix, Buried: 10/25/1980, Age: 87, Section: PARK_40_3_1, Plot Owner: CONZATTI, J. FELIXCONZATTI, John, Buried: 06-10-1906, Age: 54, Section: LUDVIGS_254_4_3, Plot Owner: COUZATTE, FELIXCONZATTI, Lysle Edmund, Buried: 02-06-1939, Age: 2, Section: NELSON_22_1_2, Plot Owner: CONZATTI, LYSLE EDMUNDCONZATTI, Mary V., Buried: 11/28/1970, Age: 68, Section: PARK_40_3_2, Plot Owner: CONZATTI, MARY V.COOK, Albert, Buried: 07/16/1912, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_149_6_3, Plot Owner: COOK, EDWARDCOOK, Edward, Buried: 11/26/1928, Age: 53, Section: JAMES_344_3_4, Plot Owner: COOK, EDWARDCOOK, Ellen, Buried: 05/18/1953, Age: 77, Section: JAMES_344_3_3, Plot Owner: COOK, EDWARDCOOK, Harold H., Buried: 03/13/1935, Age: 47, Section: OSSELTO_310_5_4, Plot Owner: COOK, MRS HAROLDCOOK, Jean, Buried: 12/27/1927, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_274_3_3, Plot Owner: HOWARD, L. B.COOK, June C., Buried: 09-11-1939, Age: 10, Section: OSSELTO_310_6_4, Plot Owner: COOK, MRS HAROLDCOOK, Kenneth H., Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 2, Section: JAMES_344_3_1, Plot Owner: COOK, EDWARDCOOK, Louis Baby, Buried: 09-02-1909, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_140_6_4, Plot Owner: KIAVAHO, JOHNCOOK, Madalia, Buried: 01/28/1907, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_140_3_2, Plot Owner: COOK, MADALIACOOK, Mary T., Buried: 06/22/2001, Age: 74, Section: OBLOCK_8_446_1, Plot Owner: COOK, MARY T.COOK, Myron D., Buried: 03/25/2004, Age: 83, Section: OBLOCK_8_447_1, Plot Owner: COOK, MARY T.COOK, Paul, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_149_6_4, Plot Owner: COOK, EDWARDCOOK, Paul Child Of, Buried: 01/14/1907, Age: 5, Section: ODONNE_140_3_1, Plot Owner: COOK, CHILD OF PAULCOOK, Wm. Richard, Buried: 07/22/1937, Age: 19, Section: OSSELTO_310_5_3, Plot Owner: COOK, MRS HAROLDCOOMES, Jess C., Buried: 08/30/1939, Age: 57, Section: BUNNING_225_1_4, Plot Owner: GRASS, MRCOON, Joan Marie, Buried: 01/14/1967, Age: 0, Section: LAUZER_421_3_4, Plot Owner: COON, JOHN DCOOPER, Adam, Buried: 04/26/1963, Age: 75, Section: BUNNING_183_7_1, Plot Owner: COOPER, ADAMCOOPER, Adam, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 65, Section: BUNNING_183_8_1, Plot Owner: SHERIDAN, AJCOOPER, Christina, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 77, Section: BUNNING_183_8_3, Plot Owner: COOPER, ADAMCOOPER, Donald D, Buried: 10/29/1939, Age: 84, Section: JAMES_327_8_1, Plot Owner: TRAHER, FREDCOOPER, Francis Harold, Buried: 07/26/1904, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_175_7_3, Plot Owner: COOPER, F.G.COOPER, Hazel Vye, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 39, Section: BUNNING_183_8_2, Plot Owner: SHERIDAN, AJCOOPER, Margaret B., Buried: 10/19/1961, Age: 85, Section: BUNNING_183_7_2, Plot Owner: COOPER, ADAMCOOPER, Shaun, Buried: 09-07-1972, Section: PARKER_285_2_3, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDCOOPER, Steve, Buried: 09-07-1972, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_268_3_3, Plot Owner: LOCAL UNION #2, 3831, 2309, 908 & 2282COPE, Benjamin, Buried: 01/16/1963, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_423_39_1, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERCOPELAND, Murphy J Willrd, Buried: 04/20/1978, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_1_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCOPPES, Antone, Buried: 12-01-1953, Age: 76, Section: LUDVIGS_281_1_3, Plot Owner: COPPES, ANTONECOPPES, Esther A., Buried: 05/20/1974, Age: 67, Section: MUIR_402_36_1, Plot Owner: EVERSOLE, IRACOPPES, John A., Buried: 03/25/1974, Age: 70, Section: MUIR_402_36_2, Plot Owner: EVERSOLE, IRACOPPES, Victor A., Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_208_3_3, Plot Owner: STURHOLM, GUSTCOPPIS, Antone, Buried: 12-01-1952, Age: 76, Section: LUDVIGS_282_8_2, Plot Owner: COPPIS, ANTONECOPPOSCO, Selvco, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_227_5_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSCOPYAK, Edna F., Buried: 11-04-2006, Age: 88, Section: WATAHA_2_30_1, Plot Owner: COPYAK, GEORGECOPYAK, George, Buried: 01-09-2013, Age: 93, Section: WATAHA_2_29_1, Plot Owner: COPYAK, GEORGECOPYAK, Jody L., Buried: 02-07-1976, Age: 24, Section: WATAHA_2_31_1, Plot Owner: COPYAK, JODY L.COPYAK, John, Buried: 12-02-1989, Age: 79, Section: NELSON_99_3_2, Plot Owner: COPYAK, JOHNCOPYAK, John, Buried: 05/26/1968, Age: 82, Section: CROATIA_9_5_2, Plot Owner: COPYAK, SUSANACOPYAK, Kenneth E., Buried: 12/31/1936, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_99_3_4, Plot Owner: COPYAK, KENNETH E.COPYAK, Mildred P., Buried: 06-01-1982, Age: 68, Section: NELSON_99_3_3, Plot Owner: COPYAK, MILDRED P.COPYAK, Susana, Buried: 12-06-1963, Age: 72, Section: CROATIA_9_5_3, Plot Owner: COPYAK, JOHNCORAZZA, Arthur, Buried: 03/24/1929, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_B1_7_2, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, ARTHURCORAZZA, Basilio, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 46, Section: BUNNING_128_1_4, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFCORAZZA, Betty J., Buried: 01/25/1994, Age: 68, Section: ODONNE_91_1_2, Plot Owner: REDRIDERS, LODGE #5IOCORAZZA, Constantina, Buried: 04-12-1941, Age: 43, Section: KENDALL_B1_7_1, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, CONSTANTINACORAZZA, Dolores, Buried: 07-09-1959, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_27_8_3, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, DOLORESCORAZZA, Emil, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 52, Section: NELSON_51_7_4, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, EMILCORAZZA, Floelle R., Buried: 10-06-2005, Age: 50, Section: MUIR_402_41X_3, Plot Owner: FLEMING, HENRY & DORISCORAZZA, Frank, Buried: 12/18/1944, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_27_8_2, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, FRANKCORAZZA, Herman, Buried: 05/13/2005, Age: 81, Section: NELSON_51_7_2, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, HERMANCORAZZA, James D., Buried: 04/13/1994, Age: 64, Section: ODONNE_91_1_1, Plot Owner: REDRIDERS, LODGE #5IOCORAZZA, Joe V., Buried: 04/15/1950, Age: 66, Section: NELSON_51_8_1, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, JOE V.CORAZZA, John, Buried: 06-05-1961, Age: 47, Section: ODONNE_91_1_1, Plot Owner: REDRIDERS, LODGE #5IOCORAZZA, John, Buried: 07/27/1935, Age: 47, Section: ODONNE_91_1_3, Plot Owner: REDRIDERS, LODGE #5IOCORAZZA, Joseph E., Buried: 10/16/1945, Age: 59, Section: KENDALL_34_7_3, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, JOSEPH E.CORAZZA, Josephine, Buried: 03/16/1913, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_30_8_4, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, JOSEPHINECORAZZA, Maria, Buried: 07/31/1945, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_30_8_3, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, MARIACORAZZA, Mario J., Buried: 01/26/1955, Age: 23, Section: KENDALL_B1_7_3, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, MARIO J.CORAZZA, Mary, Buried: 10/19/1950, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_51_7_3, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, MARYCORAZZA, Mary, Buried: 10/26/1983, Age: 87, Section: ODONNE_91_1_3, Plot Owner: REDRIDERS, LODGE #5IOCORAZZA, Pete, Buried: 02/19/1949, Age: 72, Section: KENDALL_30_8_2, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, PETECORAZZA, Rose, Buried: 03/26/1921, Age: 6, Section: KENDALL_27_8_4, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, ROSECORAZZA, Silvio, Buried: 12/17/1962, Age: 65, Section: KENDALL_34_7_1, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, SILVIOCORAZZA, Vigilio, Buried: 01-10-1955, Age: 57, Section: KENDALL_B1_7_4, Plot Owner: CORAZZA, VIGILIOCORBY, Ed, Buried: 03/13/1914, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_272_8_1, Plot Owner: CORBY, EDCORBY, Stanley, Buried: 03/18/1914, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_272_8_2, Plot Owner: CORBY, STANLEYCORDER, Byron, Buried: 05/28/1948, Age: 27, Section: EDGAR_63_10_5, Plot Owner: CARDER, MRS BYRONCORDER, Don F., Buried: 09/24/1973, Age: 73, Section: EDGAR_63_10_4, Plot Owner: CARDER, MRS BYRONCORDER, Dorothy Clara, Buried: 06/19/1998, Age: 79, Section: EDGAR_63_10_3, Plot Owner: CARDER, MRS BYRONCORDERO, Angelo, Buried: 03/14/1969, Age: 70, Section: NELSON_20_8_1, Plot Owner: CORDERO, ANGELOCORDERO, Lucy, Buried: 06/20/1968, Age: 66, Section: NELSON_20_8_2, Plot Owner: CORDERO, LUCYCORDOVA, Alex .T.C., Buried: 12-02-2010, Age: 62, Section: YOUNG_425_6_3, Plot Owner: DANIEL SR., JAMES A.CORDOVA, Dorothy, Buried: 09-04-2012, Age: 90, Section: EDGAR_64_12_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCORDOVA, Elmer, Buried: 12-06-2013, Age: 77, Section: KAUMO_10_29_1, Plot Owner: CORDOVA, ELMERCORDOVA, Ernest, Buried: 01/27/1965, Age: 51, Section: PARK_124_5_3, Plot Owner: CORDOVA, ERNESTCORDOVA, Jeney D., Buried: 01/25/1949, Age: 41, Section: KENDALL_48_3_1, Plot Owner: CORDOVA, JENEY D.CORDOVA, Manuel, Buried: 11/13/1950, Age: 40, Section: KENDALL_32_1_3, Plot Owner: CORDOVA, MANUELCORDOVA, Mary, Buried: 12/31/1950, Age: 3, Section: OSSELTO_F_4_3, Plot Owner: CORDOVA, UNKNOWNCORDOVA, Mary Elizabeth, Buried: 09/21/1951, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_I_3_1, Plot Owner: CORDOVA, MARYCORDOVA, Max, Buried: 03-08-2001, Age: 88, Section: EDGAR_64_2_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCORDOVA, Rebecca Ann, Buried: 11-08-1950, Age: 9, Section: PARK_33_3_3, Plot Owner: CORDOVA, REBECCA ANNCORDOVA, Sally, Buried: 05/19/1998, Age: 76, Section: PARK_124_5_4, Plot Owner: CORDOVA, SALLYCORDOVA, Theodora A. "Teddy", Buried: 12/30/1993, Age: 26, Section: PARK_126_10_2, Plot Owner: MONTOYA, PRISCELLA L.CORHN, Bernice, Buried: 05/22/1980, Age: 49, Section: CROATIA_2_6_4, Plot Owner: CORHN, BERNICECORHN, Randolph, Buried: 08-10-1973, Age: 49, Section: ROE_78_14_3, Plot Owner: CORHN, MRS RANDOLPHCORI, Emmuel, Buried: 12-12-1900, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_178_8_4, Plot Owner: ANGELI, STEVECORI, Jack, Buried: 01/28/1977, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_1_86_1, Plot Owner: CORI, JACKCORN, Ralph, Buried: 12/13/1979, Age: 0, Section: ROE_74_9_4, Plot Owner: CORN, RALPHCORNFORD, Alice Elaine, Buried: 03-06-1924, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_275_1_1, Plot Owner: CORUFORD, WILLIAM RALPHCORNFORD, Alice Rae, Buried: 09/20/1934, Age: 3, Section: LUDVIGS_275_1_2, Plot Owner: CORNFORD, WILLIAM RALPHCORNWALLS, Joe, Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 56, Section: BUNNING_226_5_4, Plot Owner: CORNWALLS, JOECORONA, Colomba, Buried: 03/13/2002, Age: 94, Section: WATAHA_5_31_1, Plot Owner: CORONA, COLOMBACORONA, John, Buried: 01/26/1974, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_5_30_1, Plot Owner: CORONA, COLUMBIACORONADO, Pedro, Buried: 06/27/1971, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_246_2_2, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDCORRAL, Danny, Buried: 04/19/1982, Age: 29, Section: WEST_7_237_1, Plot Owner: CORRAL, BALBINA MRS.CORRAZZA, Guseppina, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_234_5_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANCORRIE, John, Buried: 01-07-1931, Age: 45, Section: EDGAR_83_1_3, Plot Owner: CORRIE, MRS JOHNCORSON, Eva I., Buried: 07/17/2001, Age: 97, Section: JAMES_327_5_1, Plot Owner: BRODIE, STEVECOSTA, Christ, Buried: 01/28/1903, Age: 43, Section: BUNNING_226_2_4, Plot Owner: COSTA, AUGOLIUSCOSTANTINO, Aldina, Buried: 04-12-2017, Age: 96, Section: WATAHA_E_5_4, Plot Owner: CONSTANTINO, MRS. ROCCOCOSTANTINO, Aldo, Buried: 10-02-1982, Age: 67, Section: WEST_7_274_1, Plot Owner: COSTANTINO, ANGIECOSTANTINO, Angie, Buried: 10/31/2014, Age: 95, Section: WEST_7_273_1, Plot Owner: COSTANTINO, ANGIECOSTANTINO, Apollonia, Buried: 11/21/1969, Age: 82, Section: WATAHA_E_6_3, Plot Owner: CONSTANTINO, MRS. ROCCOCOSTANTINO, Catherine, Buried: 01-01-1998, Age: 73, Section: CROATIA_11_3_3, Plot Owner: COSTANTINO, CATHERINECOSTANTINO, Clementina, Buried: 04-06-2005, Age: 82, Section: WATAHA_E_5_2, Plot Owner: CONSTANTINO, MRS. ROCCOCOSTANTINO, Dennis (Den) P., Buried: 10-06-2004, Age: 56, Section: WATAHA_E_6_1, Plot Owner: CONSTANTINO, MRS. ROCCOCOSTANTINO, Emilio R., Buried: 12/27/2007, Age: 88, Section: WATAHA_E_5_1, Plot Owner: CONSTANTINO, MRS. ROCCOCOSTANTINO, Lawrence, Buried: 01-01-1984, Age: 61, Section: CROATIA_11_3_2, Plot Owner: COSTANTINO, LAWRENCECOSTANTINO, Pete, Buried: 01/26/1972, Age: 62, Section: WATAHA_E_6_4, Plot Owner: CONSTANTINO, MRS. ROCCOCOSTANTINO, Quinto, Buried: 06/22/1987, Age: 70, Section: WATAHA_E_5_3, Plot Owner: CONSTANTINO, MRS. ROCCOCOSTANTINO, Rocco, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 42, Section: WATAHA_E_6_2, Plot Owner: CONSTANTINO, MRS. ROCCOCOSTESSO, Paula, Buried: 03/19/1919, Age: 3, Section: PARKER_283_5_2, Plot Owner: COSTESSO, PAULACOTTERELL, Celia Mctee, Buried: 01/27/1972, Age: 74, Section: WATAHA_6_A_1, Plot Owner: COTTRELL, CECELIA MCTEECOTTRELL, Clinton Dean, Buried: 07/15/1977, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_1_45_1, Plot Owner: COTTRELL, CLINTON DEANCOTTRELL, Elsie B., Buried: 06-02-2006, Age: 84, Section: BUNNING_204_2_4, Plot Owner: COTTRELL, HARRY F.COTTRELL, George, Buried: 09-09-1968, Age: 77, Section: YOUNG_424_22_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERCOTTRELL, Harry F., Buried: 08/24/2001, Age: 79, Section: BUNNING_204_2_3, Plot Owner: COTTRELL, HARRY F.COTTRELL, Lula, Buried: 03/19/1962, Age: 72, Section: YOUNG_424_22_4, Plot Owner: LETTIG, HELENCOUDOTTI, Marie, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 10, Section: LUDVIGS_234_4_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANCOULSTON, Billie Mae, Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 14, Section: OSSELTO_339_4_3, Plot Owner: CARPENTER, GRANTCOURIOR, Ethel, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_160_1_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERCOURPARIER, Olga, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_230_8_1, Plot Owner: COURPARIER, OLGACOURTESSY, Obert E., Buried: 06/24/1938, Age: 76, Section: ODONNE_123_4_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFCOURTIER, Alice, Buried: 07/25/1955, Age: 73, Section: EDGAR_66_3_5, Plot Owner: COURTIER, ALICECOURTURIER, Dennis, Buried: 12/21/1944, Age: 51, Section: EDGAR_66_3_4, Plot Owner: COURTIER, MRS MILDREDCOUSINS, Verda Sorana, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_232_1_1, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESCOVERT, Alma Jack, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 50, Section: JAMES_305_6_3, Plot Owner: COVERS, ALVIN JCOVERT, Delbert J., Buried: 11-05-2004, Age: 83, Section: JAMES_305_6_1, Plot Owner: COVERS, ALVIN JCOVERT, Levar W., Buried: 08/23/1968, Age: 50, Section: JAMES_305_7_2, Plot Owner: COVERT, ALVIN JCOVERT, Lydia Olive, Buried: 01/25/1980, Age: 86, Section: JAMES_305_6_2, Plot Owner: COVERT, ALVIN JCOVERT, Lyle, Buried: 07-03-1959, Age: 46, Section: JAMES_305_7_1, Plot Owner: COVERT, ALVIN JCOVERT, Sylvia, Buried: 02/19/1994, Age: 69, Section: JAMES_305_7_3, Plot Owner: COVERT, ALVIN JCOVEY, Karen Ring, Buried: 01/21/1993, Age: 38, Section: WEST_7_355_1, Plot Owner: COVEY, RONALD & KARENCOWAN, Isabella H., Buried: 03-07-1945, Age: 80, Section: JAMES_323_1_4, Plot Owner: STENHOUSE, MRS. ANDREWCOWAN, Martha Mae Lake, Buried: 03/25/1975, Age: 75, Section: ROE_71_15_1, Plot Owner: LAKE JR., GEORGE D.COWFIGLEACCO, John, Buried: 03/21/1915, Age: 34, Section: LUDVIGS_272_7_1, Plot Owner: COWFIGLEACCO, JOHNCOX, Betty Rose, Buried: 06-06-1968, Age: 38, Section: PARK_126_11_4, Plot Owner: COX, FREDCOX, Donald, Buried: 08/23/2016, Age: 76, Section: EDGAR_65_19_2, Plot Owner: YOUNG, LILLIAN MASONCOX, Donna Marie, Buried: 01-01-1968, Age: 0, Section: PARK_126_11_4, Plot Owner: COX, FREDCOX, Earl, Buried: 12-10-1943, Age: 38, Section: OSSELTO_361_6_3, Plot Owner: MELLOR, CHARLIECOX, Kenneth Wayne, Buried: 05/21/1938, Age: 2, Section: JAMES_319_2_2, Plot Owner: COX, PAUL BCOX, Minnie L., Buried: 01/16/1930, Age: 55, Section: OSSELTO_351_4_1, Plot Owner: COX, A LCOX, William Alva, Buried: 10-09-1943, Age: 76, Section: OSSELTO_351_4_2, Plot Owner: COX, A LCRAFT, Ralph Larsen, Buried: 01-01-1944, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_185_3_3, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, N PCRAIG, Charley, Buried: 05/26/1944, Age: 50, Section: EDGAR_82_20X_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCRAIG, Robert Earl, Buried: 10-08-2009, Age: 61, Section: EDGAR_64_16_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANCRANEY, Julia, Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 67, Section: KENDALL_36_1_4, Plot Owner: CRANEY, JULIACRANEY, Susan, Buried: 01/19/1981, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_36_1_1, Plot Owner: CRANEY, SUSANCRANEY, Thomas, Buried: 05-02-1951, Age: 75, Section: KENDALL_36_1_3, Plot Owner: CRANEY, THOMASCRANOR, Anna Mctee, Buried: 06/21/1923, Age: 24, Section: BUNNING_152_3_3, Plot Owner: MCTEE, JOHNCRAPO, Alice Myrtle Bridges, Buried: 10-02-1929, Age: 39, Section: ODONNE_220_5_2, Plot Owner: BRIDGER, JCCRAPO, Earl L., Buried: 04-05-1971, Age: 48, Section: MUIR_423_29_5, Plot Owner: CRAPO, EARL L.CRAPO, Lorenzo S., Buried: 08-04-1962, Age: 82, Section: MUIR_423_28_5, Plot Owner: ROMERO, ADONISCRAWFORD, Bevie, Buried: 01/26/1956, Age: 57, Section: EDGAR_67_7_3, Plot Owner: CLARK, JECRAWFORD, Billie, Buried: 03/13/2009, Age: 76, Section: YOUNG_424_3X_4, Plot Owner: CRAWFORD, KAYCRAWFORD, James E., Buried: 10-04-1949, Age: 47, Section: ROE_76_10_4, Plot Owner: CRAWFORD, MRS JAMESCRAWFORD, Jean Park, Buried: 02/20/1925, Age: 69, Section: JAMES_325_4_1, Plot Owner: BUSTON, RICHARDCRAWFORD, John R., Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 33, Section: JAMES_302_1_4, Plot Owner: MACGREGOR, JAMESCRAWFORD, Kay William, Buried: 12/31/2004, Age: 65, Section: YOUNG_424_3X_5, Plot Owner: CRAWFORD, KAYCRAWFORD, Lora, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_67_7_2, Plot Owner: CLARK, JECRAWFORD, Phyllis, Buried: 11-03-2012, Age: 82, Section: PARK_122_10_1, Plot Owner: BOKSICH, JOSEPHCREGGOR, Claire, Buried: 11/28/1934, Age: 1, Section: OSSELTO_353_1_1, Plot Owner: CREGGOR, CLARENCECREIGHTON, Edith J., Buried: 08-05-1942, Age: 47, Section: EDGAR_80_5_4, Plot Owner: #9, IOOFCREIGHTON, John M., Buried: 10/27/1939, Age: 50, Section: EDGAR_80_5_5, Plot Owner: CREIGHTON, JOHN M.CREPO, Matt, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 43, Section: PARK_55_4_2, Plot Owner: CREPO, MATTCREVON, Vladmir, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 3, Section: PARK_105_3_1, Plot Owner: CREVON, VLADMIRCREWS, Helen, Buried: 05/25/1944, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_D_3_1, Plot Owner: NIELSON, ELMER OCRIDER, Paul M. Jr., , Buried: 02/22/1971, Age: 48, Section: WATAHA_4_80_1, Plot Owner: CRIDER, LORAINE M.CRIPPA, Albert F., Buried: 09-09-1989, Age: 79, Section: WATAHA_10_4_4, Plot Owner: CRIPPA, CARLOTTECRIPPA, August, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 61, Section: WATAHA_10_3_3, Plot Owner: WONNACOTT, PAUL S.CRIPPA, Carlotte, Buried: 12-12-1950, Age: 74, Section: WATAHA_10_3_2, Plot Owner: CRIPPA, CARLOTTECRIPPA, Edward D., Buried: 10/24/1960, Age: 61, Section: WATAHA_10_4_3, Plot Owner: CRIPPA, CARLOTTECRIPPA, Margherita, Buried: 09-05-1975, Age: 76, Section: MUIR_403_2_2, Plot Owner: CRIPPA, MRS PAULCRIPPA, Paul, Buried: 08-12-1952, Age: 59, Section: MUIR_403_2_1, Plot Owner: CRIPPA, MRS PAULCRIST, Sater, Buried: 08-07-1957, Age: 59, Section: ODONNE_142_1_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFCRISTANELLI, Candida B., Buried: 03/18/1978, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_1_25_1, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNCRISTANELLI, Joe Anthony, Buried: 11/18/1975, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_1_26_1, Plot Owner: HOLZKNECHT, FRANKCRISTANELLI, Lynn Melissa, Buried: 03-09-1979, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_3_72_1, Plot Owner: CRISTANELLI, LYNN MELISSACRISTANELLI, Rudolph, Buried: 12-03-1976, Age: 46, Section: WATAHA_3_87_1, Plot Owner: CRISTANELLI, RUDOLPHCRISTELLI, Dominich "Nonno", Buried: 09/20/1965, Age: 76, Section: NELSON_27_5_2, Plot Owner: CRISTELLI, DOMINICH "NONNO"CRISTELLI, Jiuditta, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 46, Section: NELSON_27_5_3, Plot Owner: CRISTELLI, JIUDITTACRISTELLI, Sylvester, Buried: 12/19/1952, Age: 45, Section: MUIR_403_33_1, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFCRISTOFOLINI, Orsete, Buried: 11/19/1953, Age: 31, Section: NELSON_51_2_1, Plot Owner: CRISTOFOLINI, ORSETECRITINA, Julia, Buried: 06/14/1962, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_422_36_4, Plot Owner: MCGREGOR, EILEEN "CAROLE"CRNICH, Anthony, Buried: 06/30/1900, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_H_1_3, Plot Owner: CRNICH, ANTONYA & ANTHONYCRNICH, Antonia, Buried: 07-09-1973, Age: 79, Section: KENDALL_H_1_3, Plot Owner: CRNICH, ANTONYA & ANTHONYCRNICH, David Alan, Buried: 09/29/2000, Age: 45, Section: KENDALL_H_1_2, Plot Owner: CRNICH, DAVID ALANCRNICH, Fred, Buried: 06-03-2004, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_3_61_1, Plot Owner: CRNICH, FREDCRNICH, William, Buried: 11/25/1964, Age: 76, Section: KENDALL_H_1_2, Plot Owner: CRNICH, DAVID ALANCROCKER, Anna Elizabeth, Buried: 08/29/1959, Age: 80, Section: ROE_69_15_3, Plot Owner: CROCKER, ANNA ELIZABETHCROCKER, Frank Richard, Buried: 10-06-1941, Age: 65, Section: ROE_69_15_2, Plot Owner: CROCKER, MRS FRANCISCROCKER, Frank Richard Jr., , Buried: 08-04-1953, Age: 37, Section: ROE_69_15_1, Plot Owner: CROCKER, MRS FRANCISCROF, Thomas Stephen, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_102_5_3, Plot Owner: #5 REDMAN, WASHAKI TRIBECROFTS, Amelia A., Buried: 10/13/1950, Age: 79, Section: ODONNE_214_7_4, Plot Owner: CROFTS, CHARLES W.CROFTS, Charles W., Buried: 08/16/1944, Age: 70, Section: ODONNE_214_7_3, Plot Owner: CROFTS, CHARLES W.CROFTS, Charline, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_214_7_4, Plot Owner: CROFTS, CHARLES W.CROFTS, Clyde, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_179_4_1, Plot Owner: CROFTS, THOMASCROFTS, Clyde W., Buried: 08-03-1960, Age: 63, Section: LUDVIGS_251_3_1, Plot Owner: CROFTS, CLYDECROFTS, Elizabeth, Buried: 01/27/1960, Age: 55, Section: LUDVIGS_251_3_2, Plot Owner: CROFT, UNKNOWNCROFTS, Florence, Buried: 01-09-2009, Age: 93, Section: ODONNE_214_7_1, Plot Owner: CROFTS, CHARLES W.CROFTS, Hannah, Buried: 11-03-1934, Age: 81, Section: BUNNING_179_3_1, Plot Owner: CROFTS, THOMASCROFTS, Harry F., Buried: 04-11-1968, Age: 57, Section: ODONNE_214_7_2, Plot Owner: CROFTS, CHARLES W.CROFTS, Henry A., Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 31, Section: ODONNE_189_5_4, Plot Owner: BPOE, ELKSCROFTS, Herbert W., Buried: 07/29/1931, Age: 79, Section: EDGAR_80_1_1, Plot Owner: #9, IOOFCROFTS, Mary Ann, Buried: 04/28/1942, Age: 90, Section: EDGAR_80_1_2, Plot Owner: #9, IOOFCROFTS, Thomas, Buried: 02-06-1934, Age: 83, Section: BUNNING_179_3_2, Plot Owner: CROFTS, THOMASCROFTS, Thomas, Buried: 09/30/1988, Age: 83, Section: BUNNING_179_4_3, Plot Owner: CROFTS, THOMASCROFTS, William, Buried: 03/23/1944, Age: 74, Section: ODONNE_102_5_3, Plot Owner: #5 REDMAN, WASHAKI TRIBECROFTS, Willie, Age: 6, Section: BUNNING_179_4_2, Plot Owner: CROFTS, THOMASCROMPTON, Jason W, Buried: 08/27/2016, Age: 40, Section: ANDERSO_9_B_58, Plot Owner: CROMPTON, JASONCRONEY, Jenette Dierden, Buried: 08/28/1958, Age: 65, Section: OSSELTO_318_2_3, Plot Owner: DIERDON, MRS LOUCRONEY, John, Buried: 09/15/1970, Age: 72, Section: OSSELTO_318_2_4, Plot Owner: DIERDON, MRS LOUCROOKSTON, Jack, Buried: 01-01-1989, Age: 66, Section: ODONNE_195_1_2, Plot Owner: MORGON, JOHNCROOKSTON, James S., Buried: 05/20/1935, Age: 80, Section: BUNNING_134_7_1, Plot Owner: MATHEWS, JOHNCROOKSTON, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 49, Section: ODONNE_117_1_2, Plot Owner: MATHEWS, RICHARDCROOKSTON, Laura, Buried: 11/27/1964, Age: 88, Section: ODONNE_117_1_4, Plot Owner: MATHEWS, RICHARDCROOKSTON, Leroy, Buried: 10/28/1970, Age: 73, Section: ODONNE_195_1_3, Plot Owner: MORGON, JOHNCROOKSTON, Lillian, Buried: 08/14/1992, Age: 93, Section: ODONNE_195_1_2, Plot Owner: MORGON, JOHNCROOKSTON, Margaret T., Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 59, Section: BUNNING_134_7_2, Plot Owner: MATHEWS, JOHNCROOKSTON, William A., Buried: 06-04-1946, Age: 83, Section: ODONNE_117_1_3, Plot Owner: MATHEWS, RICHARDCROSS, Dorothy, Buried: 08-04-2010, Age: 88, Section: WEST_7_468_1, Plot Owner: CROSS, MR. & MRS. FRANKLINCROSS, Frank B., Buried: 07-09-1944, Age: 57, Section: PARKER_240_1_3, Plot Owner: CROSS, MRS FRANKCROSS, James W., Buried: 07/18/1960, Age: 34, Section: PARKER_240_1_4, Plot Owner: CROSS, MRS FRANKCROSS, Lila, Buried: 01/00/1900, Age: 70, Section: KAUMO_10_35_1, Plot Owner: CROSS, VAUGHNCROSS, William M., Buried: 11/24/1958, Age: 76, Section: MUIR_423_24_1, Plot Owner: CROSS, WILLIAM MCROSS-KALISTA, Peyton, Buried: 03-07-2013, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_26, Plot Owner: CROSS-KALISTA, PEYTONCROSSMAN, Otto, Buried: 03/25/1967, Age: 78, Section: PARKER_259_2_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDCROUCH, Hannal M, Buried: 07-10-1974, Age: 89, Section: PARK_122_12_3, Plot Owner: CROUCH, HANNAL MCROUCH, Marshall C., Buried: 02/17/1956, Age: 74, Section: PARK_122_12_2, Plot Owner: CROUCH, MARSHALL C.CROUSE, Charles, Buried: 12/22/1908, Age: 57, Section: ODONNE_188_4_2, Plot Owner: CROUSE SR, STANLEYCROUSE, Edna May, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_188_4_3, Plot Owner: CROUSE SR, STANLEYCROUSE, Gwenne D., Buried: 03-02-1973, Age: 59, Section: WATAHA_5_T_1, Plot Owner: SIMONCINI, ALBINOCROUSE, Mary, Buried: 01/31/1904, Age: 43, Section: ODONNE_188_4_4, Plot Owner: CROUSE SR, STANLEYCROUSE, Stanley Sr., Buried: 01/16/1960, Age: 73, Section: ODONNE_188_4_1, Plot Owner: CROUSE SR, STANLEYCROWELL, George L., Buried: 06/30/1948, Age: 4, Section: ROE_70_8_3, Plot Owner: CROWELL, GEORGECROWELL, William M., Buried: 07-06-1948, Age: 5, Section: ROE_70_8_4, Plot Owner: CROWELL, GEORGECROWLEY, Emmett J., Buried: 12-05-1947, Age: 42, Section: LUDVIGS_275_4_4, Plot Owner: CROWLEY, MRS EMMETT JCROWLEY, Hazel L., Buried: 06/15/1977, Age: 83, Section: LUDVIGS_275_4_3, Plot Owner: CROWLEY, MRS EMMETT JCROY, Dave H., Buried: 03/21/1944, Age: 52, Section: OSSELTO_B_3_3, Plot Owner: OTTER, SELACROY, Justus L., Buried: 12/20/1940, Age: 61, Section: OSSELTO_356_7_1, Plot Owner: CROY, MARY E.CROY, Louise, Buried: 10/31/1943, Age: 32, Section: OSSELTO_B_3_2, Plot Owner: CROY, LOUISECROY, Mary E., Buried: 08-08-1965, Age: 82, Section: OSSELTO_356_7_2, Plot Owner: CROY, MARY E.CRUICKSHANK, George, Buried: 10-09-1959, Age: 66, Section: JAMES_347_5_3, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, MRS CHARLESCRUICKSHANK, Margaret, Buried: 12/16/1950, Age: 50, Section: KENDALL_36_5_2, Plot Owner: BERZAGA, PIERINACRUICKSHANK, Margaret A., Age: 58, Section: JAMES_347_5_2, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, MRS CHARLESCRUICKSHANK, Melville, Buried: 08-07-1990, Age: 74, Section: JAMES_347_5_1, Plot Owner: CRUICKSHANK, MARGARETCRUMLEY, Frank B., Buried: 12-10-1939, Age: 68, Section: ROE_68_14_5, Plot Owner: CRUMLEY, FRANK B.CRUMLEY, Gertrude C., Buried: 08-06-1958, Age: 86, Section: ROE_68_14_4, Plot Owner: CRUMLEY, FRANK B.CRUSE, Harry, Buried: 02/24/1910, Age: 21, Section: BUNNING_207_1_1, Plot Owner: CRUSE, HARRYCRUSE, Herbert, Buried: 12/21/1900, Age: 18, Section: BUNNING_207_1_2, Plot Owner: CRUSE, HERBERTCSOMBOCK, Stephen, Buried: 01/25/1938, Section: BUNNING_180_3_3, Plot Owner: HARRIS, WGCUCO, James, Buried: 01/19/1941, Age: 41, Section: OSSELTO_356_8_1, Plot Owner: FERRERO, MORRISCUHN, Colt, Buried: 04-06-2004, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_12, Plot Owner: KUHN, KOLTCUKALE, Alice Ann, Buried: 12/31/1971, Age: 11, Section: NELSON_94_7_1, Plot Owner: CUKALE, ALICE ANNCUKALE, Alice M., Buried: 05/14/2003, Age: 77, Section: NELSON_94_8_4, Plot Owner: CUKALE, ALICE M.CUKALE, Alojz, Buried: 11-03-1916, Age: 6, Section: PARK_66_5_4, Plot Owner: CUKALE, ALOJZCUKALE, Fanciska, Buried: 11-12-1916, Age: 4, Section: PARK_66_5_3, Plot Owner: CUKALE, FANCISKACUKALE, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_94_7_4, Plot Owner: CUKALE, FRANKCUKALE, Frank, Buried: 01/17/1938, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_94_7_4, Plot Owner: CUKALE, FRANKCUKALE, John A, Buried: 10/22/1999, Age: 90, Section: WATAHA_6_87_1, Plot Owner: CUKALE III, JOHN A.CUKALE, John A Jr., , Buried: 03-09-1971, Age: 20, Section: WATAHA_6_89_1, Plot Owner: LUKIC, MARKOCUKALE, John A. III, , Buried: 05-04-1973, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_94_8_3, Plot Owner: CUKALE III, JOHN A.CUKALE, Josef, Buried: 04-04-1923, Age: 10, Section: PARK_66_5_2, Plot Owner: CUKALE, JOSEFCUKALE, Margaret E., Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 29, Section: NELSON_94_8_1, Plot Owner: CUKALE, MARGARET E.CUKALE, Mary, Buried: 03-09-1945, Age: 64, Section: NELSON_94_7_3, Plot Owner: CUKALE, MARYCUKALE, Pearl G., Buried: 07/20/1972, Age: 87, Section: WATAHA_6_88_1, Plot Owner: CUKALE III, JOHN A.CUKALE, Starla, Buried: 08-12-1970, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_94_8_2, Plot Owner: CUKALE, STARLACUKALE, Valintine, Buried: 11/30/1970, Age: 44, Section: NELSON_94_7_2, Plot Owner: CUKALE, VALINTINECULLEN, Bernard, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 0, Section: PARK_38_1_3, Plot Owner: CULLEN, BERNICECULLEN, Bernice, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 0, Section: PARK_38_1_3, Plot Owner: CULLEN, BERNICECULLEN, Henorah A., Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 3, Section: PARK_38_1_1, Plot Owner: CULLEN, HENORAH A.CULLEN, Margaret, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 16, Section: PARK_38_1_4, Plot Owner: CULLEN, MARGARETCULLEN, Mary S., Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 10, Section: PARK_38_1_2, Plot Owner: CULLEN, MARY S.CULLEN, Thomas P., Buried: 02/27/2009, Age: 93, Section: PARK_38_2_3, Plot Owner: CULLEN, THOMAS P.CULVER, Denis E., Buried: 09/21/1995, Age: 58, Section: OBLOCK_8_216_1, Plot Owner: CULVER, EVELYNCULVER, William, Buried: 11-07-1972, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_5_13_1, Plot Owner: CULVER, GERALD W.CUMMINGS, Ann, Buried: 06-06-1991, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_1_84_1, Plot Owner: CUMMINGS, ANNCUMMINGS, Bill, Buried: 01/30/2015, Age: 79, Section: PARKER_264_3_2, Plot Owner: COKE, MRS DAVIDCUMMINGS, James V., Buried: 08-05-1976, Age: 62, Section: WATAHA_1_83_1, Plot Owner: CUMMINGS, ANNCUNDY, Ceclia M., Buried: 11/23/1966, Age: 83, Section: ROE_79_8_4, Plot Owner: SPROWELL, J FCUNDY, Felix G., Buried: 12/30/1966, Age: 82, Section: ROE_79_8_5, Plot Owner: SPROWELL, HELEN M.CUNNINGHAM, Anges, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 81, Section: JAMES_366_8_3, Plot Owner: KEDRUAN, R WCUNNINGHAM, J., Buried: 10-07-1901, Age: 36, Section: ODONNE_187_7_1, Plot Owner: TRANSFERRED, STOCKHOLM LSCUNNINGHAM, Thomas, Age: 55, Section: JAMES_366_8_4, Plot Owner: KEDRUAN, R WCUNNINGHAM, Thomas J., Buried: 09/28/1933, Age: 40, Section: EDGAR_82_4X_7, Plot Owner: CUNNINGHAM, THOMAS J.CUNNINGHAM, Violet, Buried: 05/29/1918, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_108_1_1, Plot Owner: CUNNINGHAM, JOHNCUNNINGHAM, William, Buried: 08/20/1996, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_109_8_2, Plot Owner: WILLIAMS, CHARLESCUNNINGHAM, William Glen, Buried: 12/13/1942, Age: 10, Section: OSSELTO_337_2_3, Plot Owner: CUNNINGHAM, ANDREWCUNNINGHAM, William Glen, Age: 10, Section: BUNNING_227_2_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSCURLE, Albert Sydney Sr., , Buried: 07/15/1960, Age: 60, Section: YOUNG_424_24_3, Plot Owner: CURLE, ALBERTCURLE, Hazel Ballard, Buried: 04-12-1995, Age: 89, Section: YOUNG_424_24_2, Plot Owner: CURLE, ALBERTCURRAN, Francis Mcphie, Buried: 05/15/1933, Age: 38, Section: ODONNE_93_7_4, Plot Owner: FOSTER, THOMASCURRAN, George F., Buried: 12/14/1935, Age: 17, Section: ODONNE_93_8_4, Plot Owner: CURRAN, MRS FRANCESCURRAN, Keith Patrick, Buried: 03/27/1980, Age: 64, Section: MUIR_402_2_1, Plot Owner: MONUMENT CO, ROCK SPRINGSCURRAN, Mildred B.U., Buried: 08/17/1984, Age: 80, Section: MUIR_422_30_4, Plot Owner: IRWIN, WILLIAM F.CURRAN, S/Sgt Thomas J., Buried: 01-01-1945, Age: 21, Section: ODONNE_93_8_3, Plot Owner: CURRAN, MRS FRANCESCURRAN, Thelma K., Buried: 09-10-1953, Age: 37, Section: MUIR_402_43_1, Plot Owner: CURRAN, KEITH PATRICKCURRAN, Thomas J., Buried: 06/25/1921, Age: 33, Section: ODONNE_93_7_3, Plot Owner: FOSTER, THOMASCURTAIN, Larry, Buried: 09/27/1931, Age: 76, Section: PARKER_262_7_2, Plot Owner: CURTAIN, LARRYCURTIS, Eileen V., Buried: 10/18/2006, Age: 84, Section: OBLOCK_8_317_1, Plot Owner: CURTIS, EILEEN V.CURTIS, Kathleen Carrie, Buried: 03/30/2005, Age: 46, Section: OBLOCK_8_567_1, Plot Owner: CURTIS, FAY & KATHLEENCURTIS, Larry, Buried: 09/27/1931, Age: 76, Section: PARKER_262_7_2, Plot Owner: CURTAIN, LARRYCURTIS, Lester, Buried: 12/17/2016, Age: 63, Section: KAUMO_10_133_1, Plot Owner: CURTIS, LESTERCURTIS, Lester J. "Curley", Buried: 04/14/1998, Age: 75, Section: OBLOCK_8_316_1, Plot Owner: CURTIS, EILEEN V.CURTIS, Margarett E., Buried: 09-03-1930, Age: 0, Section: PARK_14_2_4, Plot Owner: CURTIS, MARGARETT E.CUSTEELE, Blanche, Buried: 04/14/1995, Age: 20, Section: BUNNING_208_5_2, Plot Owner: HANSON, MCUTHBERTSON, Andrew, Buried: 03/17/1935, Age: 19, Section: EDGAR_83_4_2, Plot Owner: CUTHBERTSON, JAMESCUTHBERTSON, Cecil, Buried: 10/21/1944, Age: 35, Section: ODONNE_215_2_3, Plot Owner: CUTHBERTSON, CECILCUTHBERTSON, Harold, Buried: 01/23/1984, Age: 62, Section: EDGAR_83_4_3, Plot Owner: CUTHBERTSON, JAMESCUTHBERTSON, Isabell, Buried: 10-07-1920, Age: 62, Section: BUNNING_128_7_3, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFCUTHBERTSON, Isabella, Buried: 10-07-1920, Age: 62, Section: BUNNING_129_7_3, Plot Owner: CUTHBERTSON, ISABELLACUTHBERTSON, James, Buried: 01/28/1945, Age: 52, Section: EDGAR_83_4_5, Plot Owner: CUTHBERTSON, JAMESCUTHBERTSON, James Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 6, Section: EDGAR_83_4_1, Plot Owner: CUTHBERTSON, JAMESCUTHBERTSON, John, Buried: 08/26/1935, Age: 54, Section: PARKER_267_8_3, Plot Owner: CUTHBERTSON, JOHNCUTHBERTSON, Marion, Buried: 07-11-1972, Age: 85, Section: PARKER_267_8_4, Plot Owner: CUTHBERTSON, MARIONCUTHBERTSON, Ogda, Buried: 12/30/1991, Age: 93, Section: EDGAR_83_4_4, Plot Owner: CUTHBERTSON, JAMESCUTHBERTSON, Raymond, Buried: 02/14/1998, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_216_7_2, Plot Owner: HERD SR, GEORGE PCUTHBERTSON, Robert, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 70, Section: BUNNING_128_7_2, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFCUTHBERTSON, Violet May, Buried: 10-04-1996, Age: 71, Section: ODONNE_216_7_1, Plot Owner: HERD SR, GEORGE PCUTHBERTSON, William, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_109_1_2, Plot Owner: CUTHBERTSON, RCUTLER, James, Buried: 12/23/1943, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_338_2_3, Plot Owner: LARSEN, GUSTCUTRAS, Harry, Buried: 11/27/1964, Age: 72, Section: OSSELTO_312_5_1, Plot Owner: ZAGARIS, MRS MIKECYAPE, Nba, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 27, Section: PARK_65_6_3, Plot Owner: CYAPE, NBACZSBY, Claude, Buried: 07-12-1973, Age: 72, Section: BUNNING_200_3_2, Plot Owner: ETZE, WILHELMDACCAMINADA, Giorgio, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 58, Section: PARK_79_7_4, Plot Owner: DACCAMINADA, GIORGIODADICH, Chris, Buried: 12/31/1952, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_19_8_2, Plot Owner: DADICH, CHRISDADICH, Helen, Buried: 04-04-1973, Age: 84, Section: KENDALL_19_8_3, Plot Owner: DADICH, HELENDAGRES, Felicina, Buried: 10/16/1970, Age: 84, Section: PARK_122_3_4, Plot Owner: DAGRES, FELICINADAGRES, Gust, Buried: 05-01-1954, Age: 64, Section: PARK_122_3_3, Plot Owner: DAGRES, PHYLLIS MRS.DAHL, Anne, Buried: 03/13/2003, Age: 46, Section: OBLOCK_8_483_1, Plot Owner: DAHL, ROBERT & ANNETTEDAHL, Bob, Buried: 02/16/2005, Age: 56, Section: OBLOCK_8_484_1, Plot Owner: DAHL, ROBERT & ANNETTEDAHL, Chris, Buried: 09/27/1934, Age: 75, Section: PARKER_268_1_1, Plot Owner: LOCAL UNION #2, 3831, 2309, 908 & 2282DAINS, Margaret E., Buried: 05/20/1928, Age: 11, Section: JAMES_323_3_1, Plot Owner: DAINS, M EDALAPICOLA, Cattarina, Buried: 12-07-1902, Age: 26, Section: ODONNE_197_5_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANDALE, Hannah, Age: 60, Section: BUNNING_106_8_2, Plot Owner: MUSGROVE, EDWARD & MRS KATEDALEY, J. R., Age: 0, Section: PARKER_269_2_2, Plot Owner: UNION 8078, LOCALDALEY, John P, Buried: 02/13/1954, Age: 75, Section: EDGAR_66_4_4, Plot Owner: EDDINGS, MRS FRANKDALGAS, Arthur, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_90_5_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHDALGAS, Ernest, Buried: 12/18/1932, Age: 40, Section: BUNNING_90_5_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHDALGAS, Henry, Buried: 03/17/1939, Age: 75, Section: BUNNING_90_5_1, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHDALGAS, Urania, Buried: 07-09-1934, Age: 69, Section: BUNNING_90_5_2, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHDALLABETTA, Batista, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 32, Section: ODONNE_197_7_4, Plot Owner: DALLABETTA, BATISTADALNODAR, Americo B., Buried: 07/14/1940, Age: 25, Section: KENDALL_46_6_4, Plot Owner: DALNODAR, AMERICO B.DALNODAR, Bert M., Buried: 09/15/1943, Age: 53, Section: KENDALL_46_6_2, Plot Owner: DALNODAR, BERT M.DALNODAR, Erminia A., Buried: 03/26/1983, Age: 97, Section: KENDALL_46_6_3, Plot Owner: DALNODAR, ERMINIA A.DALNODAR, Olga, Buried: 03/15/2011, Age: 91, Section: KENDALL_46_6_1, Plot Owner: DALNODAR, BERT M.DALPIAZ, Eligio, Buried: 04-01-1968, Age: 60, Section: PARK_126_9_3, Plot Owner: DALPIAZ, RENADALPIAZ, Rena, Buried: 04-03-2004, Age: 89, Section: PARK_126_9_4, Plot Owner: DALPIAZ, RENADALPRA, John, Buried: 01-01-1953, Age: 88, Section: KENDALL_17_4_4, Plot Owner: Del Pra, JohnDALSASSO, Arcangelo, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 50, Section: WATAHA_H_7_1, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIADALSOGLIO, Ermete, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 50, Section: BUNNING_205_1_4, Plot Owner: HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIV MASON OFDALTON, Jeanette, Buried: 07/18/1978, Age: 63, Section: ODONNE_118_6_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFDALTON, Kathy Lee, Buried: 04/29/1982, Age: 20, Section: OSSELTO_310_2_1, Plot Owner: DALTON, KATHY LEEDALY, Franklyn, Buried: 01/17/1964, Age: 25, Section: YOUNG_424_26_2, Plot Owner: DALY, JOHNDALY, John William, Buried: 09-11-1969, Age: 67, Section: YOUNG_424_26_1, Plot Owner: DALY, JOHNDALY, Virginia (Hodge), Buried: 03/29/2000, Age: 85, Section: YOUNG_424_27_1, Plot Owner: DALY, VIRGINIA (HODGE)DANIEL, James A. Sr., , Buried: 01/26/2008, Age: 75, Section: WEST_7_110_1, Plot Owner: DANIEL, JAMES & BETTYDANIELS, Clarence, Buried: 01-01-1990, Age: 86, Section: CROATIA_11_1_3, Plot Owner: DANIELS, CLARENCEDANIELS, Clarence, Buried: 05/23/1990, Age: 85, Section: CROATIA_10_3_2, Plot Owner: DANIELS, PERKDANIELS, Daniel H., Buried: 11/19/1943, Age: 62, Section: OSSELTO_312_2_1, Plot Owner: DANIELS, MRS DANDANIELS, Daniel H. Jr., , Buried: 12/30/1943, Age: 36, Section: OSSELTO_312_2_2, Plot Owner: DANIELS, MRS DANDANIELS, David, Buried: 04-04-1947, Age: 76, Section: ODONNE_116_1_2, Plot Owner: DANIELS, DAVIDDANIELS, Edgar Baby, Buried: 11/22/1919, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_260_7_3, Plot Owner: DANIELS, BABY EDGARDANIELS, Eliza J. "Dolly", Buried: 01/24/1991, Age: 74, Section: MUIR_402_44_3, Plot Owner: DANIELS, E DDANIELS, Emma Lee, Buried: 02/16/1954, Age: 3, Section: MUIR_402_44_4, Plot Owner: DANIELS, E DDANIELS, Everet D. "Laddie", Buried: 02/15/1980, Age: 56, Section: MUIR_402_44_5, Plot Owner: DANIELS, E DDANIELS, Jane, Buried: 11/27/1964, Age: 90, Section: ODONNE_116_1_1, Plot Owner: DANIELS, DAVIDDANIELS, Lawrence David, Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 13, Section: ODONNE_116_1_4, Plot Owner: DANIELS, DAVIDDANIELS, Mary Rae, Buried: 01-01-1969, Age: 81, Section: CROATIA_10_3_3, Plot Owner: DANIELS, MARY RAEDANIELS, Perk, Buried: 01-01-1949, Age: 67, Section: CROATIA_10_3_2, Plot Owner: DANIELS, PERKDANIELS, Sherman H., Buried: 03-03-1930, Age: 62, Section: OSSELTO_351_4_3, Plot Owner: DANIELS, SHERMANDANIELS, William, Buried: 05/17/1942, Age: 67, Section: OSSELTO_314_8_3, Plot Owner: DANIELS, MRS WILLIAMDANKOWSKI, Clara Dot, Buried: 01/14/1963, Age: 85, Section: ODONNE_172_7_3, Plot Owner: BPOE #624, ELKSDANKOWSKI, Michael J., Buried: 07/24/1954, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_172_7_4, Plot Owner: BPOE #624, ELKSDANSART, Louis R., Buried: 05/27/2005, Age: 92, Section: WATAHA_1_57_1, Plot Owner: CARSON, DALLAS EDANSART, Martha, Buried: 03-12-2012, Age: 95, Section: WATAHA_1_E_1, Plot Owner: FUNERAL HOME, VASEDANSART, Thomas Louis, Buried: 01-06-1936, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_1_57_1, Plot Owner: CARSON, DALLAS EDARBYSHIRE, Nellie, Buried: 04/25/1912, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_250_5_2, Plot Owner: DARBYSHIRE, NELLIEDARLING, George Newman, Buried: 10/15/1953, Age: 92, Section: ROE_68_13_4, Plot Owner: DARLING, GEORGE NEWMANDARLING, Johnny, Buried: 06-12-1938, Age: 27, Section: LUDVIGS_253_2_3, Plot Owner: DARLING, JOHNNYDARLING, Katherine Toler, Buried: 09/13/1941, Age: 77, Section: ROE_68_13_5, Plot Owner: DARLING, KATHERINE TOLERDARLING, Oscar, Buried: 03-01-1940, Age: 70, Section: LUDVIGS_253_2_2, Plot Owner: STAGGES, HAZELDARLING, Oscar Baby Of, Buried: 12-02-1922, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_253_2_4, Plot Owner: DARLING, BABY OF OSCARDARLINGS, Our Three, Section: PARK_105_8_1, Plot Owner: DARLINGS, OUR THREEDASICH, John, Buried: 07-02-1949, Age: 65, Section: KENDALL_41_1_1, Plot Owner: DASICH, JOHNDASOVICH, Anna, Buried: 11/16/1959, Age: 74, Section: PARK_57_1_2, Plot Owner: DASOVICH, ANNADASOVICH, John, Buried: 08-07-1953, Age: 30, Section: KENDALL_15_3_1, Plot Owner: DASOVICH, JOHNDASOVICH, John, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 56, Section: PARK_57_1_3, Plot Owner: DASOVICH, JOHNDASOVICH, Mima, Buried: 02-11-1935, Age: 30, Section: KENDALL_15_3_4, Plot Owner: DASOVICH, MIMADASOVICH, Pete, Buried: 03/21/1973, Age: 75, Section: KENDALL_15_3_3, Plot Owner: DASOVICH, PETEDAUGHERTY, Albert S., Buried: 01/26/1904, Age: 50, Section: BUNNING_179_5_1, Plot Owner: COAL CO, UNION PACIFICDAVEN, Thomas Joseph, Buried: 06/30/2003, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_27_2_4, Plot Owner: DAVEN, THOMAS JOSEPHDAVENPORT, Geraldine, Buried: 07/21/1972, Age: 40, Section: LAUZER_421_7_3, Plot Owner: DAVENPORT, GERALDINEDAVENPORT, Joseph, Buried: 11-10-1939, Age: 69, Section: ROE_68_11_3, Plot Owner: BRANCH, ALFRED PDAVENPORT, Robert, Buried: 12/21/1957, Age: 92, Section: ODONNE_142_8_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFDAVENPORT, Thomas, Buried: 05-12-1904, Age: 30, Section: BUNNING_137_6_3, Plot Owner: DAVENPORT, THOMASDAVENPORT, Thomas, Buried: 03-05-1902, Age: 55, Section: BUNNING_137_6_2, Plot Owner: DAVENPORT, THOMASDAVICH, Betty June, Buried: 10-08-1963, Age: 53, Section: WATAHA_6_67_1, Plot Owner: DAVICH, MIKEDAVICH, Dorothy, Buried: 01-01-1954, Age: 33, Section: KENDALL_19_7_4, Plot Owner: DAVICH, DOROTHYDAVICH, Mike, Buried: 08-10-1983, Age: 92, Section: WATAHA_6_66_1, Plot Owner: DAVICH, MIKEDAVIDSON, Clarence, Buried: 05/23/1944, Age: 40, Section: PARKER_240_6_1, Plot Owner: DAVIDSON, MRS CLARENCEDAVIDSON, Hilda M., Buried: 01-05-1961, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_196_1_1, Plot Owner: DAVIDSON, HILDA M.DAVIDSON, Lewis Arthur, Buried: 09-09-1991, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_132_8_3, Plot Owner: DAVIDSON, EDDAVIDSON, Peter N., Buried: 04/21/1934, Age: 63, Section: ODONNE_196_1_3, Plot Owner: DAVIDSON, PETER N.DAVIES, Edward, Buried: 05-01-1958, Age: 76, Section: YOUNG_424_9_4, Plot Owner: DAVIS, MRS TEDDAVIES, Katherine, Buried: 05-10-1963, Age: 78, Section: YOUNG_424_9_3, Plot Owner: DAVIS, MRS TEDDAVIES, Margaret Ann, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 35, Section: BUNNING_131_5_3, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, CHRISDAVIES, Mary Jane Warthington, Age: 44, Section: BUNNING_131_5_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, CHRISDAVIS, Alberta, Buried: 04-05-2014, Age: 90, Section: EDGAR_64_16_5, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNDAVIS, Augustus, Buried: 04/21/1940, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_12X_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANDAVIS, Baby, Buried: 07/22/1950, Age: 0, Section: ROE_74_4_1, Plot Owner: DAVIS, ROYDAVIS, Baby Of E. L., Buried: 11-04-1912, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_224_1_2, Plot Owner: E. L. DAVIS, BABY OFDAVIS, Ben Mrs. Child Of, Buried: 02-09-1910, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_236_6_1, Plot Owner: DAVIS, CHILD OF MRS. BENDAVIS, Berdie, Buried: 07-01-1910, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_224_1_1, Plot Owner: DAVIS, BERDIEDAVIS, Bill, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 32, Section: PARK_109_1_3, Plot Owner: DAVIS, BILLDAVIS, Christina, Buried: 03-09-1953, Age: 67, Section: MUIR_402_13_2, Plot Owner: YARDIS, RUDYDAVIS, Dan H., Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 51, Section: BUNNING_105_5_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFDAVIS, David John, Age: 49, Section: BUNNING_183_4_2, Plot Owner: JAMES, DAVID JDAVIS, Delilah "Dee", Buried: 01/25/2010, Age: 89, Section: EDGAR_63_1X_4, Plot Owner: DAVIS, DELILAH "DEE"DAVIS, Donald F., Buried: 03-10-2012, Age: 91, Section: EDGAR_64_16_5, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNDAVIS, Doren, Buried: 12-12-1926, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_289_3_3, Plot Owner: DAVIS, RAYMONDDAVIS, Edna Ruth, Buried: 01-07-1985, Age: 58, Section: PARKER_239_6_1, Plot Owner: FLEMING SR, HENRYDAVIS, Elizabeth, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 86, Section: ODONNE_147_4_1, Plot Owner: DAVIS, ELIZABETHDAVIS, Elizabeth, Buried: 04-02-1985, Age: 86, Section: BUNNING_133_3_2, Plot Owner: DAVIS, MRS WILLIAMDAVIS, Elizabeth, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 78, Section: ODONNE_221_4_4, Plot Owner: MAUTENFEL, ECDAVIS, Evelyn Eva, Buried: 09-07-1963, Age: 58, Section: OSSELTO_342_5_1, Plot Owner: DAVIS, JOHNDAVIS, Father, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 63, Section: BUNNING_133_3_4, Plot Owner: GOSS, JOHNDAVIS, Frances E. Von Hieber, Buried: 11/29/1945, Age: 40, Section: OSSELTO_H_5_4, Plot Owner: DAVIS, CHARLESDAVIS, George, Age: 17, Section: BUNNING_155_1_3, Plot Owner: DAVIS, WILLIAM JOHNDAVIS, George L., Buried: 08-05-1948, Age: 66, Section: OSSELTO_352_1_2, Plot Owner: CONLEY, JERULN LEROYDAVIS, Grace B., Buried: 06-07-1972, Age: 76, Section: JAMES_325_3_1, Plot Owner: PARK, JOHNDAVIS, Grif Baby Of, Buried: 06/26/1990, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_156_5_4, Plot Owner: DAVIS, GRIFDAVIS, Hannah, Age: 47, Section: BUNNING_155_2_2, Plot Owner: DAVIS, WILLIAM JOHNDAVIS, Hazel, Buried: 01-01-1921, Section: BUNNING_133_2_4, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, LEONARDDAVIS, Henry W., Buried: 02/24/1935, Age: 44, Section: PARKER_239_5_4, Plot Owner: DAVIS, JAMES L.DAVIS, Isabelle W. Wilson, Buried: 01/14/1971, Age: 73, Section: OSSELTO_309_5_2, Plot Owner: WILSON, MRS R SDAVIS, J. L., Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 67, Section: PARKER_239_5_4, Plot Owner: DAVIS, JAMES L.DAVIS, James Francis, Buried: 12-07-1961, Age: 69, Section: JAMES_325_3_2, Plot Owner: PARK, JOHNDAVIS, Jane N., Buried: 05-02-1946, Age: 60, Section: BUNNING_113_4_3, Plot Owner: EXCELSIOR LODGE #9, IOOFDAVIS, Jane N., Buried: 05-02-1946, Age: 60, Section: BUNNING_113_4_4, Plot Owner: EXCELSIOR LODGE #9, IOOFDAVIS, Jeanette, Buried: 11-12-1983, Age: 87, Section: PARKER_239_5_3, Plot Owner: DAVIS, JAMES L.DAVIS, John (Jack), Buried: 12/19/1960, Age: 85, Section: OSSELTO_342_5_3, Plot Owner: DAVIS, JOHNDAVIS, John F., Buried: 12-08-1989, Age: 31, Section: BUNNING_156_2_3, Plot Owner: JONES, ARTHURDAVIS, Joseph, Buried: 07/26/1938, Age: 63, Section: ODONNE_147_3_1, Plot Owner: DAVIS, UNKNOWNDAVIS, Justin Tyler "Jay", Buried: 05-10-1993, Age: 10, Section: OBLOCK_8_83_1, Plot Owner: DAVIS, KATHYDAVIS, L. L. Mrs., Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_239_5_3, Plot Owner: DAVIS, JAMES L.DAVIS, Margaret, Buried: 11/30/1953, Age: 90, Section: BUNNING_133_4_1, Plot Owner: GOSS, JOHNDAVIS, Margaret, Age: 01/01/1894, Section: BUNNING_177_5_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERDAVIS, Martha, Buried: 03/26/1932, Age: 77, Section: PARKER_238_5_3, Plot Owner: DAVIS, MARTHADAVIS, Mary, Buried: 03/31/1931, Age: 58, Section: OSSELTO_342_5_4, Plot Owner: DAVIS, JOHNDAVIS, Mary Helen, Section: PARK_86_2_3, Plot Owner: DAVIS, MARY HELENDAVIS, Mary W., Buried: 01-07-1920, Age: 79, Section: BUNNING_201_8_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINDAVIS, Morgan L, Buried: 03-07-1962, Age: 77, Section: YOUNG_424_9_1, Plot Owner: DAVIS, MRS TEDDAVIS, Mother, Buried: 01-01-1953, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_133_3_1, Plot Owner: DAVIS, MRS WILLIAMDAVIS, Nathan, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 28, Section: BUNNING_155_2_3, Plot Owner: DAVIS, WILLIAM JOHNDAVIS, Priscilla, Buried: 11/16/1949, Age: 33, Section: ROE_73_7_4, Plot Owner: COMPTON, MRS EARLDAVIS, Richard, Age: 25, Section: BUNNING_177_5_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERDAVIS, Robt. Wm., Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 3, Section: BUNNING_153_2_2, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, R JDAVIS, Sarah, Age: 36, Section: BUNNING_104_5_4, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEDAVIS, Sidney Hamiton, Buried: 04-06-1979, Age: 62, Section: EDGAR_64_3_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANDAVIS, Thomas, Buried: 06-09-1931, Age: 58, Section: ODONNE_147_4_3, Plot Owner: DAVIS, VIOLETDAVIS, Thomas, Buried: 02/22/1911, Age: 34, Section: PARKER_246_8_3, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDDAVIS, Thomas M, Buried: 10/26/1961, Age: 58, Section: ODONNE_147_3_4, Plot Owner: DAVIS, THOMAS MDAVIS, Thomas W., Buried: 04/20/1920, Age: 48, Section: BUNNING_201_7_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINDAVIS, Violet, Buried: 05/13/1942, Age: 51, Section: ODONNE_147_4_2, Plot Owner: DAVIS, VIOLETDAVIS, W. F., Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 66, Section: BUNNING_184_8_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #12, MASONICDAVIS, Wm., Age: 43, Section: BUNNING_155_1_2, Plot Owner: DAVIS, WILLIAM JOHNDAVIS, Wm. R., Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 75, Section: BUNNING_104_5_3, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEDAVIS, Wm. W., Age: 51, Section: BUNNING_201_8_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINDAVISON, David Wayne, Buried: 09/26/1998, Age: 37, Section: OBLOCK_8_333_1, Plot Owner: DAVISON, DAVID WAYNEDAVISON, John L., Buried: 06-03-1967, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_425_17_4, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERDAVISON, Okal L. Kiernan, Buried: 02-09-2002, Age: 77, Section: YOUNG_425_7X_4, Plot Owner: DAVISON, OKALDAWSON, Dennis, Buried: 01-01-1959, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_21_6_4, Plot Owner: DAWSON, DENNISDE GUIO, Elinor, Buried: 01-10-2004, Age: 77, Section: CROATIA_L_1X_1, Plot Owner: DE GUIO, ELINORDE TOFOL, Giovanna Martello, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 28, Section: PARK_58_7_3, Plot Owner: DE TOFOL, GIOVANNA MARTELLODEAN, Alfred, Buried: 05-07-1915, Age: 2, Section: ODONNE_213_1_1, Plot Owner: DEAN, ALFREDDEAN, Laura Jane, Buried: 08/15/1918, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_154_4_3, Plot Owner: WALTERS, RICHARDDEAN, Martin, Buried: 10/29/1952, Age: 75, Section: ODONNE_167_6_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFDEAN, Ruth Waters, Buried: 07-06-1965, Age: 80, Section: BUNNING_154_4_4, Plot Owner: WALTERS, RICHARDDEARDOFF, Blanche E., Buried: 11/17/1972, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_6_73_1, Plot Owner: DEARDOFF, LARRY O.DEBBLE, Louis, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_160_4_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERDEBERNARDI, Alfred "Debo", Buried: 06/19/2006, Age: 82, Section: OBLOCK_8_592_1, Plot Owner: DEBERNARDI FAMILY, ALFREDDEBERNARDI, Attillio, Buried: 04-01-1976, Age: 57, Section: KENDALL_A_29_4, Plot Owner: DEBERNARDI, GEORGE E.DEBERNARDI, Dorothy "Tiki", Buried: 04/17/2009, Age: 82, Section: OBLOCK_8_593_1, Plot Owner: DEBERNARDI FAMILY, ALFREDDEBERNARDI, George E., Buried: 04/30/1961, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_29_8_1, Plot Owner: DEBERNARDI, GEORGE E.DEBERNARDI, George Jr., Buried: 05/25/1982, Age: 69, Section: KENDALL_A_29_1, Plot Owner: DEBERNARDI, GEORGE E.DEBERNARDI, George Sr., Buried: 12/31/1964, Age: 79, Section: KENDALL_A_29_2, Plot Owner: DEBERNARDI, GEORGE E.DEBERNARDI, Helen F., Buried: 12/16/2000, Age: 79, Section: KENDALL_A_30_4, Plot Owner: DEBERNARDI, GEORGE SR.DEBERNARDI, Ina, Buried: 03-05-1997, Age: 92, Section: KENDALL_A_30_1, Plot Owner: DEBERNARDI, GEORGE SR.DEBERNARDI, Lebro, Buried: 04-02-1985, Age: 69, Section: KENDALL_A_30_2, Plot Owner: DEBERNARDI, GEORGE SR.DEBERNARDI, Lily M., Buried: 03-11-1996, Age: 81, Section: KENDALL_A_30_3, Plot Owner: DEBERNARDI, GEORGE SR.DEBERNARDI, Mary, Buried: 11-03-1958, Age: 71, Section: KENDALL_A_29_3, Plot Owner: DEBERNARDI, GEORGE E.DEBERNARDI, Mary, Buried: 09/24/1996, Age: 88, Section: NELSON_29_8_3, Plot Owner: DEBERNARDI, MARYDEBEVEC, Frank, Buried: 08-08-1905, Age: 26, Section: PARK_111_3_4, Plot Owner: DEBEVEC, FRANKDEBORTALI, Ettore, Buried: 10/27/1983, Age: 87, Section: NELSON_127_16_4, Plot Owner: DEBORTALI, ETTOREDEBORTOLI, Anton, Buried: 12/15/1951, Age: 63, Section: KENDALL_37_1_2, Plot Owner: DEBORTOLI, ANTONDEBORTOLI, Jimmy, Buried: 06/17/1942, Age: 9, Section: KENDALL_37_1_1, Plot Owner: DEBORTOLI, JIMMYDEBORTOLI, Robert, Buried: 04/13/2007, Age: 85, Section: WEST_7_627_1, Plot Owner: DEBORTOLI, ROBERT & MARIADEBORTOLI, Victoria, Buried: 07/23/1975, Age: 72, Section: KENDALL_37_1_3, Plot Owner: DEBORTOLI, VICTORIADEBORTOLO, Francesca, Buried: 05/19/1969, Age: 91, Section: WATAHA_4A_8_4, Plot Owner: DEBORTOLO, FRANCESCADEBORTOLO, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 44, Section: WATAHA_4A_8_3, Plot Owner: DEBORTOLO, FRANKDEBORTOLO, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_234_3_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANDECHEFF, Steve, Buried: 06/17/1948, Age: 65, Section: OSSELTO_F_3_2, Plot Owner: CARSON, HDECKER, Nettie, Buried: 07/17/1964, Age: 70, Section: LUDVIGS_255_7_3, Plot Owner: DECKER, NETTIE ADECORA, Andrew, Buried: 04/21/1964, Age: 64, Section: KENDALL_A_17_2, Plot Owner: DECORA, ANDREWDECORA, Antone, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 72, Section: NELSON_28_1_2, Plot Owner: DECORA, ANTONEDECORA, Barney, Buried: 01-11-1932, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_306_5_2, Plot Owner: DECORA, BARNEYDECORA, Barney, Buried: 06-11-1983, Age: 75, Section: JAMES_306_5_4, Plot Owner: DECORA, BARREYDECORA, Catherine, Buried: 06-11-1945, Age: 79, Section: NELSON_28_1_1, Plot Owner: DECORA, CATHERINEDECORA, Catherine M., Buried: 07/28/1959, Age: 55, Section: KENDALL_A_17_3, Plot Owner: DECORA, ANDREWDECORA, Doris, Buried: 06-06-1998, Age: 65, Section: KENDALL_17_6_4, Plot Owner: DECORA, DORISDECORA, Dorothy, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_306_5_1, Plot Owner: DECORA, BARREYDECORA, Edwin, Buried: 02/14/2005, Age: 73, Section: KENDALL_17_6_3, Plot Owner: DECORA, EDWINDECORA, Geraldine, Buried: 09/27/1934, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_306_5_1, Plot Owner: DECORA, BARREYDECORA, Hannah, Buried: 11/25/1996, Age: 88, Section: JAMES_306_5_3, Plot Owner: DECORA, BARREYDECORA, Joseph, Buried: 04/29/1952, Age: 61, Section: WATAHA_4_43_1, Plot Owner: DECORA, KATIEDECORA, Katie, Buried: 02/19/1979, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_4_44_1, Plot Owner: DECORA, KATIEDECORA, Lawrence, Buried: 01-05-1972, Age: 54, Section: WATAHA_4_45_1, Plot Owner: SAMUELS, CLARENCE & MARYDECORA, Louis, Buried: 12-08-1981, Age: 83, Section: MUIR_403_35_1, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFDECROA, Carl Ray, Buried: 08-12-1955, Age: 1, Section: NELSON_120_8_1, Plot Owner: DECROA, CARL RAYDEEMAS, George, Buried: 04-03-1938, Age: 4, Section: PARKER_266_1_2, Plot Owner: DEEMAS, GEORGEDEGIORGIO, Dionigio, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 31, Section: WATAHA_8_8_3, Plot Owner: DEGIORGIO, DIONIGIODEGIORGIO, Frances Tominc, Buried: 12/29/1970, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_6_5_1, Plot Owner: DEGIORGIO, ROBERTDEGIORGIO, Robert, Buried: 01/31/1972, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_6_4_1, Plot Owner: DEGIORGIO, ROBERTDEGUIO, Erna Ruth, Buried: 01-01-1962, Age: 65, Section: CROATIA_9_3_3, Plot Owner: DEGUIO, ERNA RUTHDEGUIO, Rudolph, Buried: 05/29/1971, Age: 73, Section: CROATIA_9_3_2, Plot Owner: DEGUIO, RUDOLPHDEHERRERA, Frances A., Buried: 08-05-2003, Age: 83, Section: ODONNE_147_2_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFDELANEY, Alma E., Buried: 06/22/1998, Age: 93, Section: WEST_7_125_1, Plot Owner: NEWTON, DARRYL WDELANEY, Baby, Buried: 11-05-1927, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_30_8_3, Plot Owner: DELANEY, BABYDELANEY, Edward, Buried: 06-06-1960, Age: 74, Section: KENDALL_B_8_1, Plot Owner: DELANEY, EDWARDDELANEY, Margaret F., Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 2, Section: PARK_81_4_2, Plot Owner: DELANEY, MARGARET F.DELANEY, Mary, Buried: 12-12-1960, Age: 66, Section: KENDALL_B_8_2, Plot Owner: DELANEY, MARYDELANEY, William J., Buried: 01-01-1943, Age: 71, Section: KENDALL_43_7_3, Plot Owner: DELANEY, WILLIAM J.DELANEY, William M., Buried: 10/22/1980, Age: 78, Section: WEST_7_124_1, Plot Owner: DELANEY, ALMADELAURANTE, Alex, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 5, Section: NELSON_115_8_3, Plot Owner: DELAURANTE, ALEXDELAURANTE, Alex, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 6, Section: LUDVIGS_257_5_4, Plot Owner: DELAURANTE, ALEXDELAURANTE, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 73, Section: NELSON_115_7_4, Plot Owner: DELAURANTE, FRANKDELAURANTE, Genevieve, Buried: 05/22/2003, Age: 82, Section: NELSON_116_8X_2, Plot Owner: DELAURANTE, GENEVIEVEDELAURANTE, Johnnie, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 3, Section: LUDVIGS_233_5_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONDELAURANTE, Lisa Jean, Buried: 04/26/2008, Age: 42, Section: WATAHA_3_30_1, Plot Owner: ZAMPEDRI, BERTHA VIOLADELAURANTE, Lucille, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 1, Section: NELSON_115_8_2, Plot Owner: DELAURANTE, LUCILLEDELAURANTE, Lucy, Buried: 08/27/1980, Age: 77, Section: NELSON_115_8_1, Plot Owner: DELAURANTE, LUCYDELAURANTE, Lucy, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_233_5_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONDELAURANTE, Marion, Buried: 01-01-1935, Age: 58, Section: NELSON_115_8_4, Plot Owner: DELAURANTE, MARIONDELAURANTE, Pete, Buried: 04/18/1990, Age: 73, Section: NELSON_116_8X_1, Plot Owner: DELAURANTE, GENEVIEVEDELAURANTTE, Stephan, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_233_4_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONDELAURENTE, Domenica, Buried: 04/16/1932, Age: 53, Section: LUDVIGS_232_8_4, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESDELAURENTE, Faustino, Buried: 05/28/1948, Age: 77, Section: LUDVIGS_232_8_4, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESDELAURENTE, Stefano, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_248_5_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONDELAURENTI, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 35, Section: LUDVIGS_248_8_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONDELBRIDGE, Evelyn R., Buried: 03/29/2005, Age: 90, Section: WEST_7_187_1, Plot Owner: DELBRIDGE, LEO & EVELYNDELBRIDGE, H. Leo, Buried: 04/24/1997, Age: 86, Section: WEST_7_188_1, Plot Owner: DELBRIDGE, LEO & EVELYNDELGADO, Albert "Bum", Buried: 05/16/1940, Age: 1, Section: OSSELTO_360_5_4, Plot Owner: PALVWIRO, JOEDELGADO, Chris, Buried: 11-01-1988, Age: 83, Section: WEST_7_517_1, Plot Owner: DELGADO, CHRISDELGADO, Lecio Casiano, Age: 0, Section: PARK_83_3_3, Plot Owner: DELGADO, LECIO CASIANODELGADO, Nadine, Buried: 03-07-1930, Age: 1, Section: JAMES_343_3_3, Plot Owner: DELGADO, THOMASDELGADO, Thelma, Buried: 01-07-2000, Age: 93, Section: WEST_7_516_1, Plot Owner: DELGADO, THELMADELLACORT, Iva, Buried: 09/22/1997, Age: 86, Section: LAUZER_421_26_3, Plot Owner: DELLACORT, MRS MIKEDELLACOURT, Martin, Buried: 10-01-1960, Age: 57, Section: OSSELTO_337_2_4, Plot Owner: CUNNINGHAM, ANDREWDELLACOURT, Mike, Buried: 09-09-1969, Age: 64, Section: LAUZER_421_26_4, Plot Owner: DELLACORT, MRS MIKEDELLAI, Attilio, Buried: 02/26/1955, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_119_5_3, Plot Owner: DELLAI, ATTILIODELLAI, Elsa F., Buried: 09/18/2006, Age: 84, Section: OBLOCK_8_94_1, Plot Owner: DELLAI, RENO P.DELLAI, Gezella, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_197_2_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANDELLAI, Mary, Buried: 07-11-1963, Age: 70, Section: NELSON_119_5_4, Plot Owner: DELLAI, MARYDELLAI, Reno P., Buried: 09-09-1993, Age: 77, Section: OBLOCK_8_93_1, Plot Owner: DELLAI, RENO P.DELLAPICOLA, George Della, Buried: 12/20/1975, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_119_13_3, Plot Owner: DELLAPICOLA, MARY DELLADELLAPICOLA, Mary Della, Buried: 10-06-1969, Age: 84, Section: NELSON_119_13_2, Plot Owner: DELLAPICOLA, MARY DELLADELNERO, Annie, Buried: 07/14/1952, Age: 81, Section: NELSON_51_3_1, Plot Owner: DELNERO, ANNIEDELNERO, John, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_51_3_2, Plot Owner: BASOVICH, PETEDELPERO, Damiano, Buried: 01-03-1956, Age: 77, Section: NELSON_119_16_3, Plot Owner: DELPERO, DAMIANODELPERO, Eufransnia, Buried: 01-11-1968, Age: 88, Section: NELSON_119_16_4, Plot Owner: DELPERO, EUFRANSNIADELSO, Fred, Buried: 03-07-1950, Age: 59, Section: PARKER_285_1_4, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDDEMARIA, Mary, Buried: 02-02-1918, Age: 26, Section: PARKER_270_2_1, Plot Owner: DEMARIA, MARYDEMAS, James "J.D.", Buried: 06/13/2006, Age: 66, Section: YOUNG_401_28_2, Plot Owner: DEMICH, ELMERDEMAS, James G., Buried: 07/22/1964, Age: 70, Section: YOUNG_401_28_1, Plot Owner: DEMICH, ELMERDEMAS, Nick, Buried: 01-01-1961, Section: WATAHA_8_7_2, Plot Owner: DEMICH, NICK D.DEMELLION, Mary Mrs., Buried: 11-03-1956, Age: 70, Section: ROE_77_5_3, Plot Owner: DEMELLION, MRS. MARYDEMICH, Mary F, Buried: 01-09-1988, Age: 82, Section: WATAHA_8_7_3, Plot Owner: DEMICH, MARY FDEMORAST, George, Buried: 04/30/1905, Age: 50, Section: BUNNING_107_1_2, Plot Owner: CARPENTER, F GDEMOTAKIS, Steve, Buried: 10-07-1968, Age: 74, Section: LAUZER_421_23_5, Plot Owner: DEMOTAKIS, STEVEDEMSHAR, Antonia, Buried: 09/24/1974, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_78_2_2, Plot Owner: DEMSHAR, ANTONIADEMSHAR, Carl Sr., Buried: 02-08-2007, Age: 88, Section: KENDALL_13_1X_3, Plot Owner: DEMSHAR, CARL & LYNNEDEMSHAR, Franciska, Buried: 09-09-1909, Age: 3, Section: PARK_89_5_2, Plot Owner: DEMSHAR, FRANCISKADEMSHAR, Frank, Buried: 01/31/1911, Age: 29, Section: PARK_114_5_2, Plot Owner: DEMSHAR, FRANKDEMSHAR, Jack, Buried: 07/22/1959, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_A_4_4, Plot Owner: HRIBAR, PAULDEMSHAR, John, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 1, Section: PARK_89_5_4, Plot Owner: DEMSHAR, JOHNDEMSHAR, John Sr., Buried: 11/16/1955, Age: 72, Section: PARK_103_6_3, Plot Owner: DEMSHAR, JOHN SR.DEMSHAR, Joseph, Buried: 02/26/1909, Age: 1, Section: PARK_89_5_3, Plot Owner: DEMSHAR, JOSEPHDEMSHAR, Josephine, Buried: 10-06-2005, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_13_1X_3, Plot Owner: DEMSHAR, CARL & LYNNEDEMSHAR, Marija, Buried: 11/20/1918, Age: 25, Section: PARK_103_6_2, Plot Owner: DEMSHAR, MARIJADEMSHAR, Marlene, Buried: 01/15/2016, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_45_1X_2, Plot Owner: DEMSHAR, TONYDEMSHAR, Paul, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_78_2_4, Plot Owner: DEMSHAR, PAULDEMSHAR, Paul, Buried: 06-06-1939, Age: 48, Section: NELSON_78_2_1, Plot Owner: DEMSHAR, PAULDEMSHAR, Tony, Buried: 02-03-2007, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_45_1X_1, Plot Owner: DEMSHAR, TONYDEMULLIER, Anton, Buried: 08/14/1953, Age: 66, Section: ROE_76_5_2, Plot Owner: DUNCAN, CECILDEMULLIER, Isabelle, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 57, Section: BUNNING_111_6_3, Plot Owner: MILBURN, MRS JAMESDEMULLIER, Mary, Buried: 11-03-1956, Age: 70, Section: ROE_76_5_3, Plot Owner: DUNCAN, CECILDENELEY, Aaron, Buried: 08/22/1961, Age: 75, Section: ODONNE_92_4_2, Plot Owner: OSB, LODGE 1DENELEY, Arron W., Buried: 02/24/1989, Age: 78, Section: YOUNG_401_9_5, Plot Owner: DENELEY SR, AARON WDENELEY, Arron W. Jr., , Buried: 03/17/1955, Age: 14, Section: YOUNG_401_9_4, Plot Owner: DENELEY SR, AARON WDENELEY, John J., Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 13, Section: BUNNING_160_5_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERDENELEY, Lydia, Buried: 01/30/1969, Age: 87, Section: ODONNE_92_4_1, Plot Owner: OSB, LODGE 1DENISE, Rush L., Buried: 04-12-1941, Age: 56, Section: PARKER_264_6_3, Plot Owner: MAXFIELD, MRS LDENNISON, E. M., Buried: 07/14/1948, Age: 80, Section: JAMES_330_4_4, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, GAETCHERDENOFF, Steve, Buried: 11/21/1963, Age: 66, Section: YOUNG_425_13_4, Plot Owner: DENOFF, STEVEDENSON, Harold L., Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 28, Section: WATAHA_G_5_1, Plot Owner: DENSON, HAROLD L.DENZELAR, Baby, Buried: 08-05-1949, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_143_1_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFD'ERAMO, Antonio, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 51, Section: PARK_32_3_4, Plot Owner: D'ERAMO, MARYD'ERAMO, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 57, Section: PARK_32_3_4, Plot Owner: D'ERAMO, MARYDERBOVEN, John, Buried: 04-09-1951, Age: 0, Section: ROE_71_20_3, Plot Owner: DERBOVEN, ERNESTDERMEN, Richard B., Buried: 03/26/1922, Age: 46, Section: LUDVIGS_295_4_2, Plot Owner: HALL, ARTHURDERNOVICH, Baby Girl, Buried: 12/25/1970, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_170_2_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFDERU, Evelyn, Buried: 04-03-1997, Age: 66, Section: NELSON_70_5_3, Plot Owner: DERU, EVELYNDERU, John, Buried: 05/19/2009, Age: 81, Section: NELSON_70_5_4, Plot Owner: DERU, JOHNDERU, Joseph T., Buried: 05/23/1952, Age: 64, Section: NELSON_70_6_1, Plot Owner: DERU, JOSEPH T.DERU, Josepine, Buried: 10/24/1946, Age: 59, Section: NELSON_70_6_4, Plot Owner: PUCHOWSKI, TOMDERU, Lucie, Buried: 12/28/2012, Age: 69, Section: OBLOCK_8_716_1, Plot Owner: DERU, LUCIEDERU, Margaret, Buried: 12/23/1934, Age: 78, Section: NELSON_70_5_1, Plot Owner: DERU, MARGARETDESMOND, June Marie, Buried: 01/24/1921, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_245_7_4, Plot Owner: PARR, RICHARDDEUEL, A G, Buried: 11/15/1949, Age: 79, Section: EDGAR_66_5_3, Plot Owner: DEUEL, DR A GDEUEL, Harriet W., Buried: 12/24/1945, Age: 40, Section: EDGAR_66_5_2, Plot Owner: DEUEL, DR A GDEUTSCH, Chirst F., Buried: 02/28/1953, Age: 63, Section: MUIR_402_23_2, Plot Owner: DEUTSCH, MRS CHIRST FDEVENPORT, Alice, Age: 55, Section: BUNNING_137_6_1, Plot Owner: DAVENPORT, THOMASDEVLIN, Felix J., Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 81, Section: PARK_13_2_4, Plot Owner: DEVLIN, FELIX J.DEVLIN, Mary A., Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 86, Section: PARK_13_2_3, Plot Owner: DEVLIN, MARY A.DEWAS, Etta, Buried: 02/28/1932, Age: 43, Section: PARKER_287_1_3, Plot Owner: DEWAS, JAMESDEWESTER, George, Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_135_1_3, Plot Owner: JOHNSTON, W JDEWESTER, Hazel, Buried: 04-04-1914, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_135_1_4, Plot Owner: JOHNSTON, W JDEWESTER, Irene M, Buried: 02-06-1987, Age: 75, Section: JAMES_304_1_3, Plot Owner: DEWESTER, JOHN LDEWESTER, John L., Buried: 08/24/1956, Age: 27, Section: JAMES_304_2_3, Plot Owner: DEWESTER, JOHN LDEWESTER, John L., Buried: 06-02-1935, Age: 67, Section: JAMES_304_1_1, Plot Owner: DEWESTER, JOHN LDEWESTER, Joseph J., Buried: 01/26/1979, Age: 64, Section: JAMES_324_7_1, Plot Owner: BAXTER, WILLIAM S.DEWESTER, Lucille M., Buried: 09/25/1987, Age: 70, Section: JAMES_324_7_2, Plot Owner: BAXTER, WILLIAM S.DEWESTER, Lydia, Buried: 07/26/1903, Age: 33, Section: BUNNING_135_1_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSTON, W JDEWESTER, Mary I., Buried: 07-08-1965, Age: 77, Section: JAMES_304_1_2, Plot Owner: DEWESTER, JOHN LDEWESTER, Opal, Buried: 07/22/1931, Age: 23, Section: JAMES_304_2_2, Plot Owner: DEWESTER, JOHN LDEWESTER, Willie, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_135_1_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSTON, W JDEWHERST, Ann, Buried: 01-01-1901, Age: 65, Section: PARK_38_6_2, Plot Owner: DEWHERST, ANNDEWITT, Robert, Buried: 01/16/1945, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_A_5_3, Plot Owner: BUSH, SDEWITT, Thomas, Buried: 05-11-1957, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_400_28_1, Plot Owner: DEWITT, WILLIAM LDEWULF, Helen Brown, Buried: 02/23/1991, Age: 96, Section: KENDALL_A_12_2, Plot Owner: DEWULF, HELEN BROWNDEWULF, Joseph Lewis, Buried: 04/15/1959, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_A_12_1, Plot Owner: DEWULF, HELEN BROWNDEXTER, Mary Kay, Buried: 05-08-1997, Age: 46, Section: PARK_121_2_1, Plot Owner: KARPAN, MARY KAYDI AIMONETTI, Antonio, Buried: 10-06-1908, Age: 26, Section: BUNNING_227_8_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSDIAL, Elsie O., Buried: 06/29/1961, Age: 51, Section: LUDVIGS_298_4_4, Plot Owner: HARRIS, JAMES X.DIAMANTIS, George, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 40, Section: PARK_35_4_2, Plot Owner: DIAMANTIS, GEORGEDIAZ, Felipe S., Buried: 01-01-1941, Age: 19, Section: KENDALL_33_5_1, Plot Owner: DIAZ, FELIPE S.DICKSON, Dorothy Marie, Buried: 10-01-1917, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_195_6_1, Plot Owner: DICKSON, JOHN BERNARDDICKSON, George, Buried: 06/26/1946, Age: 75, Section: ODONNE_216_5_3, Plot Owner: FLETCHER, MRS.DICKSON, Jeanette B., Buried: 05-02-1932, Age: 78, Section: ODONNE_124_6_3, Plot Owner: DICKSON, JARRETTDICKSON, John Bernard, Buried: 04-04-1983, Age: 89, Section: ODONNE_195_6_4, Plot Owner: DICKSON, JOHN BERNARDDICKSON, Joseph Henry B., Buried: 05/20/1945, Age: 26, Section: ODONNE_195_6_2, Plot Owner: DICKSON, JOHN BERNARDDICKSON, Mary Pearson, Buried: 08-03-1989, Age: 94, Section: ODONNE_195_6_3, Plot Owner: DICKSON, JOHN BERNARDDICKSON, William B., Buried: 04/14/1944, Age: 68, Section: ODONNE_124_6_4, Plot Owner: DICKSON, JARRETTDICKSON, William R., Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 60, Section: ODONNE_124_6_2, Plot Owner: DICKSON, JARRETTDIEHL, Gary R., Buried: 01-01-2005, Age: 67, Section: MUIR_423_41X_3, Plot Owner: CORHN, DEWEY & SUSANDIERDON, Lou, Buried: 04-10-1942, Age: 63, Section: OSSELTO_318_2_2, Plot Owner: DIERDON, MRS LOUDILLON, Trevin Matthew, Buried: 05/27/2009, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_19, Plot Owner: DILLON, TRENTDIMADRANDO, John Baitela, Buried: 04/26/1931, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_190_5_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, ANDREAS HOFERDIMAS, Theodor, Buried: 02/20/1951, Age: 91, Section: ROE_70_19_3, Plot Owner: TESLICH, DANDIMENNA, Donato, Buried: 04-01-1943, Age: 49, Section: BUNNING_112_2_2, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEDIMICH, Elmer, Buried: 06/18/1906, Age: 66, Section: YOUNG_401_28_2, Plot Owner: DEMICH, ELMERDIMICK, Elmer W., Buried: 11-12-1977, Age: 62, Section: WATAHA_1_73_1, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, BENDIMICK, Genevieve E., Buried: 02/15/2001, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_1_74_1, Plot Owner: SANCHEZ, FRED L. "FRITZ"DIMICK, Zane, Buried: 08/26/2003, Age: 40, Section: WATAHA_1_74_1, Plot Owner: SANCHEZ, FRED L. "FRITZ"DIMINFORD, Jimmy, Buried: 10/14/1937, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_310_3_2, Plot Owner: FORD, ORVILLEDINGELDEIN, Michele Lee, Buried: 10/29/1944, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_D_5_1, Plot Owner: DINGELDEIN, MRS ROBERTDINSMORE, John, Buried: 03/15/1999, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_126_4_4, Plot Owner: DUNSMORE, JOHNDITTON, James "Jimmy" Bryan, Buried: 01/24/2003, Age: 32, Section: ODONNE_218_6_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, MRS BUEHLDITTON, Jeannette, Buried: 07/18/1978, Age: 63, Section: ODONNE_218_6_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, MRS BUEHLDITTON, Rosemarie, Buried: 10-11-2008, Age: 57, Section: ODONNE_218_6_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, MRS BUEHLDITULLIO, Dino "Dan", Buried: 10-08-1981, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_3_7_1, Plot Owner: DITULLIO, DINO "DAN"DITULLIO, Louise, Buried: 04/23/1996, Age: 88, Section: WATAHA_3_8_1, Plot Owner: DITULLIO, LOUISEDIVICH, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 32, Section: PARK_80_3_2, Plot Owner: DIVICH, JOSEPHDIXON, Alexander "Sandy", Buried: 07/21/1987, Age: 61, Section: ROE_68_17X_2, Plot Owner: HARRIS, SHIRLEYDIXON, Anthony B., Buried: 10/29/1955, Age: 66, Section: MUIR_403_24_3, Plot Owner: DIXON, ROBERT PERSHINGDIXON, Anthony Best II, , Buried: 12-07-1951, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_24_5, Plot Owner: DIXON, ROBERT PERSHINGDIXON, Janet S., Buried: 05/20/1958, Age: 66, Section: MUIR_403_24_2, Plot Owner: DIXON, ROBERT PERSHINGDIXON, Robert Pershing, Buried: 09/20/1984, Age: 66, Section: MUIR_403_24_1, Plot Owner: DIXON, ROBERT PERSHINGDJURICH, Jovan A., Buried: 01/28/1945, Age: 59, Section: OSSELTO_313_2_2, Plot Owner: JURICH, MRS JOHNDOAK, David George, Buried: 01/27/1986, Age: 38, Section: WEST_7_431_1, Plot Owner: DOAK, GEORGE & KATHERINEDOAK, Dennis W, Buried: 01/15/2016, Age: 76, Section: NELSON_101_5_1, Plot Owner: DOAK, DENNISDOAK, Elizabeth Hamilton, Buried: 03/16/1930, Age: 63, Section: EDGAR_84_9_4, Plot Owner: DOAK, ELIZABETH HAMILTONDOAK, George Harris, Buried: 01/13/2006, Age: 82, Section: WEST_7_432_1, Plot Owner: DOAK, GEORGE & KATHERINEDOAK, Gertrude Ann, Buried: 12-03-1999, Age: 86, Section: PARK_126_30_4, Plot Owner: DOAK, GERTRUDE ANNDOAK, Hugh, Buried: 01-06-1907, Age: 8, Section: BUNNING_137_7_3, Plot Owner: DOAK, JOHN RICHARDDOAK, Jack David, Buried: 07-12-1986, Age: 70, Section: KENDALL_44_2_2, Plot Owner: DOAK, JACK DAVIDDOAK, James, Age: 5, Section: BUNNING_137_7_4, Plot Owner: DOAK, JOHN RICHARDDOAK, James Harry, Buried: 07-01-1980, Age: 76, Section: CROATIA_9_8_1, Plot Owner: DOAK, JAMES H.DOAK, James Lester "Jimmy", Buried: 01-01-1962, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_9_8_2, Plot Owner: DOAK, JAMES LESTER "JIMMY"DOAK, Jessey, Buried: 08-03-1903, Age: 10, Section: BUNNING_137_7_3, Plot Owner: DOAK, JOHN RICHARDDOAK, John David, Buried: 02-02-1942, Age: 65, Section: OSSELTO_337_4_2, Plot Owner: DOAK, MRS MAEDOAK, John Richard, Buried: 01-03-1990, Age: 55, Section: WEST_7_577_1, Plot Owner: DOAK, JOHN (JACK)DOAK, John Sr., , Buried: 12/27/1945, Age: 84, Section: EDGAR_84_9_5, Plot Owner: DOAK SR., JOHNDOAK, Kathyrn Marie, Buried: 11/23/2009, Age: 87, Section: WEST_7_430_1, Plot Owner: DOAK, GEORGE & KATHERINEDOAK, Lester George, Buried: 02/20/1969, Age: 59, Section: PARK_126_30_3, Plot Owner: DOAK, GERTRUDE ANNDOAK, Lester James, Buried: 05-05-1993, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_20_8X_3, Plot Owner: DOAK, LESTER JAMESDOAK, Mae Harris, Buried: 09/16/1966, Age: 80, Section: OSSELTO_337_4_1, Plot Owner: DOAK, MRS MAEDOAK, Mark Joseph, Buried: 02-05-2003, Age: 38, Section: NELSON_128_18_1, Plot Owner: DOAK, MARK JOSEPHDOAK, Mary Ellen, Age: 3, Section: BUNNING_137_7_2, Plot Owner: LEEVIO, ARTHURDOAK, Patrick Ronald, Buried: 03/28/2008, Age: 69, Section: OBLOCK_8_599_1, Plot Owner: DOAK, PAT & BARBARADOAK, Rose Katherine, Buried: 05-04-2001, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_44_2_3, Plot Owner: DOAK, ROSE KATHERINEDOAK, Rose M., Buried: 01/16/2009, Age: 97, Section: CROATIA_9_8_2, Plot Owner: DOAK, JAMES LESTER "JIMMY"DOAN, Azzie, Buried: 07-05-1958, Age: 81, Section: JAMES_326_3_2, Plot Owner: DOAN, GEORGEDOAN, Baby, Buried: 08/24/1940, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_257_5_1, Plot Owner: AUSELEUA, MRS HENRYDOAN, Callie A., Buried: 06/19/1978, Age: 72, Section: WEST_7_1_1, Plot Owner: DOAN, LEONDOAN, Deab, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 19, Section: LUDVIGS_257_5_1, Plot Owner: AUSELEUA, MRS HENRYDOAN, Ellias, Buried: 06-06-1979, Age: 84, Section: JAMES_326_3_4, Plot Owner: DOAN, GEORGEDOAN, George, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 68, Section: JAMES_326_3_3, Plot Owner: DOAN, GEORGEDOAN, Jerry George, Buried: 10-07-1994, Age: 48, Section: YOUNG_424_2X_5, Plot Owner: DOAN, JERRY & BETTYDOAN, John, Buried: 07/23/1990, Age: 84, Section: ROE_79_17_5, Plot Owner: BEVERLY, JTDOAN, Lela M., Buried: 02/20/1978, Age: 60, Section: WATAHA_3_O_1, Plot Owner: DOAN, PETEDOAN, Leon, Buried: 10/23/1991, Age: 93, Section: WEST_7_2_1, Plot Owner: DOAN, LEONDOAN, Nema, Buried: 09/27/1996, Age: 79, Section: ROE_79_17_4, Plot Owner: BEVERLY, JTDOAN, Pete S., Buried: 04/15/1997, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_3_N_1, Plot Owner: DOAN, PETEDOCHEFF, Nick, Buried: 09/25/1952, Age: 68, Section: OSSELTO_F_5_2, Plot Owner: TOPALOFF, STEVEDODD, Billy Roy Jr., , Buried: 10/15/1999, Age: 42, Section: EDGAR_65_5_5, Plot Owner: DODD JR., BILLY ROYDODDS, Bill, Buried: 06-12-2001, Age: 77, Section: PARK_126_23_3, Plot Owner: DODDS, RAYMOND A.DODDS, Julia C., Buried: 03/26/1973, Age: 79, Section: PARK_126_23_4, Plot Owner: DODDS, RAYMOND A.DODDS, Mildred V., Buried: 05/16/1945, Age: 25, Section: OSSELTO_340_8_1, Plot Owner: LARSON, LILLIEDODDS, Raymond A., Buried: 12-10-1966, Age: 74, Section: PARK_126_23_3, Plot Owner: DODDS, RAYMOND A.DODIG, John, Buried: 06-07-1952, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_93_2_3, Plot Owner: DODIG, JOHNDOLENC, Agnes, Buried: 07/18/1942, Age: 62, Section: PARK_90_1_4, Plot Owner: DOLENC, JOHNDOLENC, Anna, Buried: 04-11-1918, Age: 6, Section: PARK_90_1_2, Plot Owner: DOLENC, JOHNDOLENC, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 30, Section: WATAHA_F_8_2, Plot Owner: DOLENC, ANTONDOLENC, Anton, Buried: 01/22/1963, Age: 79, Section: JAMES_329_6_3, Plot Owner: DOLENC, ANTONDOLENC, Daniel, Buried: 12/21/2015, Age: 93, Section: OBLOCK_8_571_1, Plot Owner: DOLENC, DANIEL A.DOLENC, Dorthy, Buried: 08-09-1910, Age: 0, Section: PARK_90_1_1, Plot Owner: DOLENC, JOHNDOLENC, Elsie R., Buried: 05-03-2006, Age: 83, Section: OBLOCK_8_133_1, Plot Owner: DOLENC, MAX & ELSIEDOLENC, Frances, Buried: 02/24/1937, Age: 44, Section: JAMES_329_6_2, Plot Owner: DOLENC, UNKNOWNDOLENC, Franciska, Buried: 01-04-1909, Age: 0, Section: PARK_104_3_2, Plot Owner: DOLENC, FRANCISKADOLENC, John, Buried: 03/20/1929, Age: 57, Section: PARK_90_1_3, Plot Owner: DOLENC, JOHNDOLENC, Max J., Buried: 01/18/1994, Age: 75, Section: OBLOCK_8_132_1, Plot Owner: DOLENC, MAX & ELSIEDOLENCE, Albina C., Buried: 02-11-1984, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_100_7_3, Plot Owner: DOLENCE, ALBINA C.DOLENCE, Anna, Buried: 08/17/1989, Age: 91, Section: WATAHA_F_8_3, Plot Owner: DOLENC, ANNADOLENCE, Antonia, Buried: 12/21/1988, Age: 91, Section: WATAHA_1_111_1, Plot Owner: DOLENCE, ANTONIADOLENCE, Frank F., Buried: 02/20/2007, Age: 77, Section: NELSON_100_7_4, Plot Owner: DOLENCE, FRANK F.DOLENCE, Frank Sr, Buried: 04/27/1968, Age: 67, Section: NELSON_100_7_2, Plot Owner: DOLENCE, FRANK SRDOLENCE, Jaakon R., Buried: 10-04-2000, Age: 28, Section: OBLOCK_8_266_1, Plot Owner: DOLENCE, LARRYDOLENCE, John, Buried: 09-03-2016, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_1_109_1, Plot Owner: DOLENCE, JOHN C.DOLENCE, Kathryn Sue, Buried: 04-09-1996, Age: 42, Section: OBLOCK_8_266_1, Plot Owner: DOLENCE, LARRYDOLENCE, Rudolph, Buried: 02/28/1976, Age: 80, Section: WATAHA_1_110_1, Plot Owner: DOLENCE, JOHN C.DOLENCE, Stanley, Buried: 02/22/2011, Age: 85, Section: WATAHA_1_106_1, Plot Owner: DOLENCE, STANLEYDOLGAS, John, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 23, Section: PARK_34_6_1, Plot Owner: DOLGAS, JOHNDOLGAS, Michael, Buried: 09/24/1955, Age: 43, Section: LUDVIGS_280_1_2, Plot Owner: DOLGAS, MICHAELDOLGAS, Mike, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 50, Section: PARK_34_6_3, Plot Owner: DOLGAS, MIKEDOLINAR, Edward, Buried: 06/16/2014, Age: 88, Section: NELSON_20_7_2, Plot Owner: DOLINAR, ED & MINNIEDOLINAR, Edward A., Buried: 11/26/1997, Age: 45, Section: NELSON_20_7_1, Plot Owner: DOLINAR, ED & MINNIEDOLINAR, Frank, Buried: 11-02-1918, Age: 40, Section: PARK_66_2_2, Plot Owner: DOLINAR, FRANKDOLINAR, Frank Martin, Buried: 08/31/1984, Age: 84, Section: WATAHA_5_N_1, Plot Owner: DOLINAR, FRANK MARTINDOLINAR, Frank Paul, Buried: 01/28/2005, Age: 94, Section: KENDALL_129_23_1, Plot Owner: DECORA FAMILY, JOE & JEANDOLINAR, Joe, Buried: 10/23/1917, Age: 1, Section: PARK_66_2_1, Plot Owner: DOLINAR, FRANKDOLINAR, John, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 51, Section: NELSON_117_7_2, Plot Owner: DOLINAR, JOHNDOLINAR, John V., Buried: 07-05-1960, Age: 43, Section: PARK_66_2_3, Plot Owner: DOLINAR, FRANKDOLINAR, Joseph, Buried: 07/20/1960, Age: 69, Section: PARK_121_28_4, Plot Owner: DOLINAR, JOSEPHDOLINAR, Minnie, Buried: 12-07-2015, Age: 85, Section: NELSON_20_7_2, Plot Owner: DOLINAR, ED & MINNIEDOLINAR, Rose Marie, Buried: 02-08-1950, Age: 47, Section: KENDALL_33_7_2, Plot Owner: BRIDA, JOE DRIDRDOLINAR, Tonia, Buried: 05/22/2012, Age: 88, Section: KENDALL_129_23_2, Plot Owner: DECORA FAMILY, JOE & JEANDOLLAR, Kyle, Buried: 11/16/2012, Age: 21, Section: YOUNG_400_41X_3, Plot Owner: DOLLAR, RODNEY & HEATHERDOMIJAN, Antone, Buried: 12/14/1955, Age: 75, Section: PARK_122_10_2, Plot Owner: DOMIJAN, ANTONEDOMINISKI, Esther A., Buried: 01-01-1980, Age: 82, Section: JAMES_322_3_4, Plot Owner: DOMINISKI, J FDOMINISKI, Joseph, Buried: 02-04-1953, Age: 66, Section: JAMES_322_3_3, Plot Owner: DOMINISKI, J FDOMINISKI, Margaret, Buried: 09/29/1930, Age: 42, Section: JAMES_322_3_2, Plot Owner: DOMINISKI, J FDONA, Alphonse B., Buried: 03-01-1985, Age: 79, Section: PARK_126_11_1, Plot Owner: COX, FREDDONA, Anna, Buried: 03-12-1981, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_40_4_3, Plot Owner: DONA, ANNADONA, Arcangela, Buried: 11-04-1948, Age: 63, Section: NELSON_44_6_3, Plot Owner: DONA, ARCANGELADONA, Ben, Buried: 06-05-1944, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_44_5_4, Plot Owner: DONA, BENDONA, Catherine, Buried: 02/24/1948, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_40_4_1, Plot Owner: DONA, CATHERINEDONA, Ellen Irma, Buried: 08/25/1992, Age: 83, Section: NELSON_44_6_4, Plot Owner: DONA, ELLEN IRMADONA, George, Buried: 01-01-1909, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_230_4_3, Plot Owner: DONA, GEORGEDONA, Guido L. Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 10, Section: NELSON_44_5_1, Plot Owner: DONA JR., GUIDO L.DONA, Guy J., Buried: 11-07-1956, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_44_6_2, Plot Owner: DONA, GUY J.DONA, Jeanette L., Buried: 04/13/1983, Age: 74, Section: PARK_126_11_2, Plot Owner: COX, FREDDONA, Josephine, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 32, Section: LUDVIGS_233_6_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONDONA, Rose, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_44_6_1, Plot Owner: DONA, ROSEDONA, Unknown, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 22, Section: ODONNE_197_5_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANDONALDSON, David, Buried: 05/18/1927, Age: 58, Section: PARKER_289_6_4, Plot Owner: DONALDSON, ETTADONALDSON, Thelma P. Kallio, Buried: 07/25/2005, Age: 71, Section: ROE_77_8_1, Plot Owner: KALIO, UNKNOWNDONIERGAS, Emil, Buried: 05/23/1926, Age: 31, Section: JAMES_365_7_1, Plot Owner: DUNA, CHASDONOVAN, George Jr., Buried: 02/19/1910, Age: 38, Section: LUDVIGS_282_2_1, Plot Owner: DONOVAN JR., GEORGEDOOLEY, Henry, Buried: 12/27/1945, Age: 52, Section: EDGAR_83_15_5, Plot Owner: DOOLEY, HENRYDOOLEY, Norma Gay, Buried: 10/29/2016, Age: 87, Section: COLUMB_WEST_1_13, Plot Owner: DOOLEY, NORMADORIGATTI, Albent, Buried: 09-10-1960, Age: 36, Section: PARK_122_2_1, Plot Owner: DORIGATTI, ALBENTDORIGATTI, Armeolio, Buried: 09/30/1954, Age: 54, Section: PARK_122_2_2, Plot Owner: DORIGATTI, ARMEOLIODORIGATTI, Hazel M., Buried: 05-09-2011, Age: 73, Section: KENDALL_30_6_3, Plot Owner: DORIGATTI, JOHN J.DORIGATTI, James, Buried: 05-08-1972, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_B_10_3, Plot Owner: DORIGATTI, JOHNDORIGATTI, John, Buried: 11-05-1964, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_30_6_1, Plot Owner: DORIGATTI, JOHNDORIGATTI, John J., Buried: 05-09-2011, Age: 86, Section: KENDALL_30_6_3, Plot Owner: DORIGATTI, JOHN J.DORIGATTI, Katherine A., Buried: 05/27/1944, Age: 57, Section: KENDALL_30_6_2, Plot Owner: DORIGATTI, KATHERINE A.DORIGATTI, Lina, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 3, Section: LUDVIGS_234_2_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANDORIGATTI, Mary, Buried: 02-05-1980, Age: 80, Section: PARK_122_2_3, Plot Owner: DORIGATTI, MARYDORIGATTI, Virginia C., Buried: 08/25/1964, Age: 84, Section: KENDALL_B_10_4, Plot Owner: DORIGATTI, JOHNDORIK, Albert Menghini, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 7, Section: LUDVIGS_234_4_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANDORNENGRUZ, Joe Baby Of, Buried: 06/24/1923, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_297_2_4, Plot Owner: DORNENGRUZ, BABY OF JOEDORRANCE, Peter F., Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 72, Section: PARK_110_8_1, Plot Owner: DORRANCE, PETER F.DORRANCE, William "Little Bill", Buried: 04/28/1980, Age: 0, Section: WEST_7_153_1, Plot Owner: DORRENCE, WILLIAM & OZELADORRENCE, Daniel, Buried: 10/27/1979, Age: 80, Section: WEST_7_69_1, Plot Owner: DORRANCE, MANUEL ESTATEDORRENCE, Doris C, Buried: 09/23/1993, Age: 85, Section: WATAHA_2_109_1, Plot Owner: DORRENCE, DORIS CDORRENCE, John P., Buried: 03/17/1975, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_2_108_1, Plot Owner: DORRENCE, DORIS CDORRENCE, Katie, Buried: 12/20/1901, Age: 1, Section: PARK_110_8_2, Plot Owner: DORRENCE, KATIEDORRENCE, Ozellla, Buried: 08-05-1998, Age: 83, Section: WEST_7_154_1, Plot Owner: DORRENCE, WILLIAM & OZELADORRENCE, William "Bill", Buried: 12/30/2005, Age: 95, Section: WEST_7_155_1, Plot Owner: DORRENCE, WILLIAM & OZELADORRIS, William A., Buried: 05/20/1943, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_290_5_1, Plot Owner: DORRIS, WILLIAM A.DORS, Steve, Buried: 12/18/1912, Age: 28, Section: ODONNE_213_3_2, Plot Owner: DORS, STEVEDORSEY, A., Buried: 03-06-1913, Age: 52, Section: PARKER_270_4_2, Plot Owner: DORSEY, A.DOSER, Francis H., Buried: 11-07-1997, Age: 94, Section: NELSON_128_8_1, Plot Owner: DOSER, RICHARDDOSER, Janice Marie, Buried: 06-10-2016, Age: 74, Section: KAUMO_10_60_1, Plot Owner: DOSER, LIVING TRUST, ROBERTDOSER, Veronica B., Buried: 12/14/1998, Age: 91, Section: NELSON_128_8_2, Plot Owner: DOSER, RICHARDDOTSEY, Earl, Buried: 04/18/1980, Age: 70, Section: EDGAR_64_4_5, Plot Owner: DOTSEY, EARLDOTY, Billie Joann, Buried: 01/19/1970, Age: 9, Section: EDGAR_66_2_5, Plot Owner: ANDREWS, THOMAS LESTERDOUGHERTY, Everett, Buried: 04/28/1973, Age: 65, Section: PARKER_285_7_3, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDDOUGLAS, Edith Marie, Buried: 12-08-1926, Age: 1, Section: PARKER_289_3_1, Plot Owner: DOUGLAS, EDITH MARIEDOUGLAS, Jack, Buried: 05/25/2001, Age: 77, Section: MUIR_402_47_5, Plot Owner: MAROCKI, KATHERINEDOUGLAS, James A, Buried: 04/30/1946, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_J_6_4, Plot Owner: DOUGLAS, CHARLES JDOUGLAS, Jean M., Buried: 09-04-1998, Age: 72, Section: MUIR_402_47_4, Plot Owner: MAROCKI, KATHERINEDOUGLAS, Joseph "J.C", Buried: 03/31/1994, Age: 66, Section: OBLOCK_8_145_1, Plot Owner: DOUGLAS, JOSEPHINEDOW, Jelina, Buried: 12/19/1920, Age: 50, Section: PARKER_260_3_2, Plot Owner: DOW, JELINADOW, John H., Buried: 11-01-1918, Age: 51, Section: PARKER_260_3_1, Plot Owner: DOW, JOHN H.DOWDY, John Bryes, Buried: 06/29/1978, Age: 72, Section: WATAHA_1_95_1, Plot Owner: DOWDY, JOHNDOWDY, Mabel Larranie, Buried: 08-10-1987, Age: 82, Section: WATAHA_1_96_1, Plot Owner: DOWDY, JOHNDOWDY, Robert, Buried: 08/30/2012, Age: 78, Section: WATAHA_1_96_1, Plot Owner: DOWDY, JOHNDOWETT, John, Buried: 11-07-1921, Age: 35, Section: ODONNE_190_5_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, ANDREAS HOFERDOWNS, Wendell Perry, Buried: 12/23/1981, Age: 82, Section: WEST_7_156_1, Plot Owner: DOWNS, BILLDOZET, Spiro, Buried: 06-01-1948, Age: 78, Section: OSSELTO_310_1_2, Plot Owner: PRYICH, BESSIEDRAGANI, Costantino, Buried: 01-01-1935, Age: 48, Section: WATAHA_3B_7_1, Plot Owner: DRAGANI, COSTANTINODRAKE, Deamor, Buried: 08-03-1943, Age: 69, Section: ODONNE_146_5_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFDRANEY, Carla S., Buried: 06-04-1949, Age: 0, Section: ROE_76_15_4, Plot Owner: DRANEY, DONALD P.DRANEY, Donald P., Buried: 01-08-1973, Age: 58, Section: ROE_76_15_2, Plot Owner: DRANEY, DONALD P.DRANEY, Lou Jean, Buried: 06-05-1942, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_330_7_4, Plot Owner: MCTEE, HANNAH WMDRANEY, Violette, Buried: 08/25/1972, Age: 57, Section: ROE_76_15_3, Plot Owner: DRANEY, DONALD P.DRAYCOTT, Bessie, Buried: 04/29/1992, Age: 81, Section: EDGAR_63_18_3, Plot Owner: DRAYCOTT, JAMESDRAYCOTT, Ernest L., Buried: 07/29/1955, Age: 36, Section: EDGAR_63_19_2, Plot Owner: WARD, ELIZABETH P.DRAYCOTT, James, Buried: 01-09-1987, Age: 78, Section: EDGAR_63_18_4, Plot Owner: DRAYCOTT, JAMESDRAYCOTT, James H., Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 41, Section: EDGAR_63_18_2, Plot Owner: DRAYCOTT, JAMESDRAYCOTT, Kathleen Mary, Buried: 05-12-1949, Age: 2, Section: EDGAR_63_18_3, Plot Owner: DRAYCOTT, JAMESDRAZOVICH, Barbara, Buried: 07-05-1977, Age: 90, Section: WATAHA_3_3_1, Plot Owner: DRAZOVICH, BARBARADRAZOVICH, John, Buried: 12-07-2004, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_3_19_1, Plot Owner: DRAZOVICH, JOHNDRAZOVICH, Mike, Buried: 12/18/1916, Age: 7, Section: WATAHA_3_4_1, Plot Owner: DRAZOVICH, MIKEDRAZOVICH, Mike, Buried: 05/18/1958, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_3_2_1, Plot Owner: DRAZOVICH, MIKEDRAZOVICH, Steve, Buried: 11/16/1965, Age: 52, Section: WATAHA_3_C_1, Plot Owner: DRAZOVICH, STEVEDRAZOVICH, Steven J., Buried: 10-08-1975, Age: 19, Section: WATAHA_3_18_1, Plot Owner: DRAZOVICH, STEVEN J.DREBEN, Derrick Brian, Buried: 06/25/1987, Age: 2, Section: WEST_7_491_1, Plot Owner: DREBEN, BRYANDREBEN, Lester Charles, Buried: 12/21/2006, Age: 47, Section: OBLOCK_8_603_1, Plot Owner: DREBEN, LESTER OR SANDYDREBEN, Margaret Ann "Marge", Buried: 08/28/2012, Age: 74, Section: OBLOCK_8_538_1, Plot Owner: DREBEN, WARREN & MARGEDREBEN, Warren D., Buried: 04-01-2004, Age: 70, Section: OBLOCK_8_537_1, Plot Owner: DREBEN, WARREN & MARGEDRISKELL, Clyde R., Buried: 10/25/1990, Age: 40, Section: WEST_7_601_1, Plot Owner: DRISKELL, DAPHNE E.DRMICH, Bozo, Buried: 11-02-1954, Age: 72, Section: PARK_80_5_4, Plot Owner: DRMICH, BOZODRNAS, David Anthony, Buried: 07/28/1983, Age: 16, Section: WEST_7_323_1, Plot Owner: DRNAS, JOSEPH & RITADRNAS, Dona, Buried: 11/18/1991, Age: 85, Section: CROATIA_9_6_2, Plot Owner: DRNAS, TOM & DONADRNAS, Hannah, Buried: 05-08-1993, Age: 90, Section: PARK_126_15_2, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, JOSEDRNAS, Joseph L., Buried: 09/21/1989, Age: 64, Section: WEST_7_322_1, Plot Owner: DRNAS, JOE & RITADRNAS, Tom, Buried: 03-06-1962, Age: 69, Section: CROATIA_9_6_1, Plot Owner: DRNAS, TOM & DONADRNAS, Tony J., Buried: 11/24/1967, Age: 73, Section: PARK_126_15_1, Plot Owner: DRNAS, TONY J.DRUCE, Lillian, Buried: 10-06-2008, Age: 72, Section: KAUMO_10_22_1, Plot Owner: DRUCE, DARRELLDRUMMOND, Alva A., Buried: 08/16/1953, Age: 48, Section: MUIR_402_42_2, Plot Owner: DRUMMOND, PAULINE L.DRUMMOND, Pauline L., Buried: 12/20/1983, Age: 76, Section: MUIR_402_42_1, Plot Owner: DRUMMOND, PAULINE L.DRUMOND, E., Buried: 04/13/1943, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_357_7_1, Plot Owner: FRESQUS, MOVDRURURROUND, Harry, Buried: 04-11-1933, Age: 61, Section: BUNNING_160_1_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERDRYSDALE, Arnie, Buried: 10/13/1913, Age: 70, Section: ODONNE_198_1_1, Plot Owner: DRYSDALE, ANNA MRSDRYSDALE, John, Buried: 08-05-1936, Age: 86, Section: ODONNE_198_1_1, Plot Owner: DRYSDALE, ANNA MRSDRYSDALE, Susan, Buried: 01-09-1916, Age: 75, Section: ODONNE_198_1_3, Plot Owner: SIBBLA, GUSTDRYSDALE, William, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_198_1_2, Plot Owner: DRYSDALE, ANNA MRSDUBINSKI, Joe, Buried: 05-01-1997, Age: 13, Section: BUNNING_138_5_4, Plot Owner: DUBINSKI, JOHNDUBOIS, Hazel B., Buried: 06/22/1957, Age: 65, Section: YOUNG_400_39_4, Plot Owner: ROBINSON, MRS ARTHURDUBOIS, John H., Buried: 08-09-1955, Age: 70, Section: YOUNG_400_39_3, Plot Owner: ROBINSON, MRS ARTHURDUBOIS, Paul Michael, Buried: 08/20/1973, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_285_3_2, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDDUELL, Baby, Buried: 08-05-1947, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_N_3_4, Plot Owner: DUELL, UNKNOWNDUFOUR, John Lester, Buried: 05-02-2008, Age: 91, Section: WEST_7_519_1, Plot Owner: DUFOUR, JOHN L OR RUTH MDUFOUR, Ruth Marie, Buried: 07/14/1995, Age: 74, Section: WEST_7_518_1, Plot Owner: DUFOUR, JOHN L. OR RUTH MDUGAS, Betty, Buried: 05/30/1995, Age: 79, Section: KENDALL_37_4_2, Plot Owner: DUGAS, BETTYDUGAS, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 8, Section: PARK_34_6_4, Plot Owner: DUGAS, MARYDUGAS, Mary, Buried: 08-11-1932, Age: 50, Section: NELSON_76_1_4, Plot Owner: DUGAS, MARYDUGAS, Paul, Buried: 11-12-1933, Age: 57, Section: NELSON_76_1_1, Plot Owner: DUGAS, PAULDUGAS, Paul Jr, Buried: 10/21/1953, Age: 42, Section: NELSON_76_2_1, Plot Owner: DUGAS, PAUL JRDUGAS, Steve, Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 48, Section: KENDALL_37_4_3, Plot Owner: DUGAS, STEVEDUGAS, Thersea, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 26, Section: NELSON_27_10_3, Plot Owner: DUGAS, THERSEADUGDALE, Joseph, Buried: 06/26/1922, Age: 62, Section: PARKER_262_7_4, Plot Owner: DRYSDALE, UNKNOWNDUNBAR, David H., Buried: 07/22/1986, Age: 47, Section: WEST_7_449_1, Plot Owner: DUNBAR, DAVID HARRYDUNBAR, Henry, Buried: 12-09-1957, Age: 73, Section: ODONNE_142_8_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFDUNCAN, Cecil, Buried: 07-07-1978, Age: 72, Section: WEST_7_15_1, Plot Owner: DUNCAN, MILDRED LDUNCAN, Hazal, Buried: 01/19/1974, Age: 68, Section: ROE_77_5_5, Plot Owner: DUNCAN, HAZALDUNCAN, Helen Martin, Buried: 05-01-1935, Age: 29, Section: ODONNE_211_2_2, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALUDUNCAN, John C., Buried: 06/16/1949, Age: 63, Section: ROE_76_5_4, Plot Owner: DUNCAN, CECILDUNCAN, Mildred L., Buried: 06-06-1984, Age: 72, Section: WEST_7_14_1, Plot Owner: DUNCAN, MILDRED L.DUNCAN, Moroni, Age: 43, Section: BUNNING_153_8_4, Plot Owner: DUNCAN, MRS MDUNCAN, Sadie, Buried: 01-06-1973, Age: 68, Section: PARKER_285_7_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDDUNCAN, Walter, Buried: 10/16/1930, Age: 1, Section: PARKER_239_4_4, Plot Owner: DUNCAN, WALTERDUNN, Amy, Buried: 07-07-1950, Age: 58, Section: BUNNING_228_8_3, Plot Owner: DUNN, MRS. EDWINDUNN, Edwin Jr., , Buried: 12/30/1974, Age: 77, Section: BUNNING_228_8_4, Plot Owner: DUNN JR., EDWINDUNN, Edwin Jr., , Buried: 03/29/1993, Age: 77, Section: OBLOCK_8_65_1, Plot Owner: DUNN, EDYTHEDUNN, Edythe, Buried: 01/23/2008, Age: 89, Section: OBLOCK_8_66_1, Plot Owner: DUNN, EDYTHEDUNN, Kristofer Glen, Buried: 07/18/2002, Age: 18, Section: LAUZER_421_16_3, Plot Owner: VASE, PETEDUNNING, John, Buried: 01/19/1955, Age: 66, Section: YOUNG_400_42_4, Plot Owner: DUNNING, MRS JOHNDUNNING, John Mrs., Buried: 06/19/1956, Age: 48, Section: YOUNG_400_42_3, Plot Owner: DUNNING, MRS JOHNDUNSHE, , Buried: 09/21/1951, Age: 40, Section: ODONNE_167_8_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFDUPAPE, Floyd, Buried: 02/24/1948, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_113_3_3, Plot Owner: EXCELSIOR LODGE #9, IOOFDUPIER, Arthur, Buried: 10/18/1962, Age: 64, Section: MUIR_422_31_5, Plot Owner: VASE, PETEDUPIER, Millie, Buried: 01/18/1965, Age: 66, Section: MUIR_422_31_4, Plot Owner: MACGREGOR, WALLA EDUPONT, Daniel Scott, Buried: 08-04-1934, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_362_6_1, Plot Owner: DRYSON, EDDURAN, Cruz, Buried: 01-08-1930, Age: 28, Section: OSSELTO_362_8_4, Plot Owner: DURAN, CRUZDURAN, Flora M., Buried: 05/19/2006, Age: 85, Section: ODONNE_142_2_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFDURAN, Julia S., Buried: 05-12-1947, Age: 25, Section: KENDALL_48_8_1, Plot Owner: DURAN, JULIA S.DURANT, Daniel John, Buried: 05/25/1950, Age: 0, Section: PARK_13_5_3, Plot Owner: DURANT, DOLORESDURANT, Dolores, Buried: 03/20/1941, Age: 34, Section: PARK_13_5_3, Plot Owner: DURANT, DOLORESDURANT, Virginia J., Section: NELSON_27_11_2, Plot Owner: DURANT, VIRGINIA J.DURHAM, Charles H., Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 63, Section: BUNNING_176_1_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, MASONICDURNAS, Paul, Buried: 08-10-1927, Age: 35, Section: JAMES_364_8_1, Plot Owner: MELZKI, FREDDURNIL, Elizabeth, Buried: 05/13/2013, Age: 92, Section: WEST_7_510_1, Plot Owner: DURNIL, HERSHEL & ELIZABTHDURNIL, Hershel O., Buried: 02/28/2003, Age: 82, Section: WEST_7_511_1, Plot Owner: DURNIL, ERSHEL & ELIZABTHDUSTON, Vera June, Buried: 11/18/1999, Age: 81, Section: ROE_76_11_3, Plot Owner: WEBSTER, RICHARD ASHLOCKDUTCHIK, Mary French, Buried: 05-01-1962, Age: 72, Section: OSSELTO_G_6_3, Plot Owner: DUTCHIK, MRS WILLIAMDUTCHIK, William S., Buried: 10/17/1945, Age: 62, Section: OSSELTO_G_6_4, Plot Owner: DUTCHIK, MRS WILLIAMDUYACOFF, Florian, Buried: 02-09-1989, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_127_11_2, Plot Owner: DUYACOFF, FLORIANDUZIK, Cecelia, Buried: 09/21/1986, Age: 90, Section: CROATIA_7_8_4, Plot Owner: DUZIK, CECELIADUZIK, Edmund, Buried: 06-07-2012, Age: 76, Section: CROATIA_8_7_3, Plot Owner: LINDSEY, ELIZABETHDUZIK, Gary S., Buried: 09-10-1993, Age: 74, Section: CROATIA_7_8_4, Plot Owner: DUZIK, CECELIADUZIK, George, Buried: 04/23/1994, Age: 75, Section: CROATIA_7_8_4, Plot Owner: DUZIK, CECELIADUZIK, John L., Buried: 10/30/1949, Age: 34, Section: CROATIA_7_8_2, Plot Owner: DUZIK, JOHN L.DUZIK, Michael J., Buried: 06-05-1986, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_4_13_1, Plot Owner: DUZIK, MICHAEL M/MDUZIK, Nick, Buried: 02/17/1987, Age: 95, Section: CROATIA_7_8_3, Plot Owner: DUZIK, NICKDUZIK, Paul Andrew, Buried: 06/20/2000, Age: 77, Section: CROATIA_7_8_1, Plot Owner: DUZIK, PAUL ANDREWDUZIK, Stella E., Buried: 04/19/2000, Age: 91, Section: WATAHA_4_14_1, Plot Owner: DUZIK, MICHAEL M/MDWYER, Ron A., Buried: 05/22/1987, Age: 33, Section: WEST_7_487_1, Plot Owner: DWYER, RON A.DYE, Anna T., Buried: 07-09-2002, Age: 93, Section: NELSON_127_3_3, Plot Owner: DYE, ANNA T.DYE, Betina Rita, Buried: 05/16/2008, Age: 57, Section: KENDALL_32_1_2, Plot Owner: DYE, BETINA RITADYE, Frank M., Buried: 08-10-2000, Age: 96, Section: NELSON_127_3_4, Plot Owner: DYE, FRANK M.DYE, Kenneth, Buried: 06/28/2014, Age: 71, Section: COLUMB_WEST_1_2, Plot Owner: DYE, KEN & SHARONDYE, Tannya Reni, Buried: 12-12-2008, Age: 30, Section: KENDALL_32_1_1, Plot Owner: DYE, TANNYA RENIDYETT, Alma K., Buried: 09-08-1975, Age: 58, Section: WATAHA_2_94_1, Plot Owner: DYETT, ALMA K.DYETT, Andrew S., Buried: 08-12-1976, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_2_93_1, Plot Owner: DYETT, ANDREWDYETT, Ann D., Buried: 12/23/1986, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_2_39_1, Plot Owner: DYETT, ANN D.DYETT, Catherine, Buried: 11-05-1947, Age: 76, Section: PARKER_242_6_3, Plot Owner: GUY, ZELUDYETT, John, Buried: 02-03-1939, Age: 69, Section: BUNNING_85_7_3, Plot Owner: BECHTOLT, MRS JOHN NDYETT, Joseph, Buried: 05-07-1941, Age: 82, Section: PARKER_242_6_4, Plot Owner: GUY, ZELUDYETT, Joseph S., Buried: 12/22/1980, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_2_38_1, Plot Owner: DYETT, JOSEPH S.DYKES, Elizabeth, Buried: 04/23/1952, Age: 77, Section: MUIR_403_40_2, Plot Owner: DYKES, JOHNDYKES, James Baby, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_104_8_2, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEDYKES, James W., Buried: 02/23/1983, Age: 72, Section: WEST_7_304_1, Plot Owner: DYKES, MAE EDYKES, John L., Buried: 06/15/1957, Age: 87, Section: MUIR_403_40_1, Plot Owner: DYKES, JOHNDYKES, John R., Buried: 01-01-1973, Age: 54, Section: MUIR_403_40_4, Plot Owner: DYKES, JOHNDYKES, Mae E., Buried: 05-06-2013, Age: 99, Section: WEST_7_303_1, Plot Owner: DYKES, MAE EDYKES, Wilson And James, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_104_8_3, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEEADEN, William, Buried: 04/16/1963, Age: 74, Section: OSSELTO_310_6_3, Plot Owner: COOK, MRS HAROLDEARLY, Bertie H., Buried: 08-02-1990, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_157_8_4, Plot Owner: EARLY, BERTIE H.EARNEST, Agnes T., Buried: 04/16/1936, Age: 50, Section: ODONNE_139_6_4, Plot Owner: OBERG, JOHNEARNEST, James, Section: BUNNING_175_6_1, Plot Owner: FORSYTHE, ROBERTEAST, Kazuyo "Nana", Buried: 11-12-2009, Age: 73, Section: OBLOCK_8_403_1, Plot Owner: EAST, WILLIAM & KAZUYOEAST, William H., Buried: 05/25/2001, Age: 62, Section: OBLOCK_8_402_1, Plot Owner: EAST, WILLIAM & KAZUYOEASTERDAY, Wayne, Buried: 09/13/1932, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_352_7_1, Plot Owner: EASTERDAY, EVERTEASTGATE, Charles G., Buried: 06-09-1920, Age: 63, Section: LUDVIGS_282_4_1, Plot Owner: EASTGATE, CHARLES G.EASTON, Alex C., Buried: 12/28/1943, Age: 64, Section: OSSELTO_312_1_2, Plot Owner: EASTON, ALEX C.EASTON, Catherine, Buried: 07/18/1960, Age: 71, Section: MUIR_422_28_1, Plot Owner: EASTON, CATHERINEEASTON, Gertrude, Buried: 12/27/1958, Age: 76, Section: OSSELTO_312_1_3, Plot Owner: EASTON, MRS ALEXANDEREASTON, John, Buried: 02-11-1960, Age: 74, Section: MUIR_422_28_2, Plot Owner: EASTON, CATHERINEEASTON, Robert, Buried: 04/22/2009, Age: 62, Section: OBLOCK_8_655_1, Plot Owner: EASTON, FAMILY OF ROBERTEAWIN, Daniel, Buried: 01-01-1901, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_177_6_1, Plot Owner: EAWIN, DANIELEBEHART, Verslyrana, Buried: 11/20/1925, Age: 5, Section: LUDVIGS_296_8_4, Plot Owner: EBEHART, VERSLYRANAEBELING, Helen D, Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_C_5_2, Plot Owner: EBELLING, CARLEBELING, Louise, Buried: 10/21/1970, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_C_5_3, Plot Owner: EBELLING, CARLEBELING, Marie, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 32, Section: WATAHA_C_5_4, Plot Owner: EBELLING, CARLEBELING, Rudolph, Buried: 10-07-1950, Age: 82, Section: WATAHA_C_5_1, Plot Owner: EBELLING, CARLEBERHART, John Henry, Buried: 10-10-1926, Age: 47, Section: JAMES_305_8_4, Plot Owner: EBERHART, PHOEBEEBERSOLD, Alleyenne M. Urrutia, Buried: 04/25/2001, Age: 31, Section: OBLOCK_8_411_1, Plot Owner: SUAZO, MAGDELENAEBERT, Billy D., Buried: 07/16/2004, Age: 30, Section: OBLOCK_8_548_1, Plot Owner: EBERT, FAMILY OF WILLIAMECCEL, Chris, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 33, Section: JAMES_365_6_2, Plot Owner: ECCEL, CHRISECCKER, Caroline, Buried: 12/13/1989, Age: 85, Section: KENDALL_D_2_2, Plot Owner: ECCKER, CAROLINEECCKER, Erma, Buried: 03/21/1997, Age: 76, Section: OSSELTO_318_8_1, Plot Owner: PILCH, MARYECCKER, Eugene, Buried: 01/14/1964, Age: 72, Section: KENDALL_D_2_1, Plot Owner: ECCKER, EUGENEECCKER, Primo, Buried: 09-04-1992, Age: 71, Section: OSSELTO_318_8_2, Plot Owner: PILCH, MARYECHEVRRIA, Marcelino Leon, Buried: 05/31/1963, Age: 68, Section: LUDVIGS_256_6_2, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFECHO, Theresa Marie Katich, Buried: 08-10-1996, Age: 79, Section: NELSON_30_4_2, Plot Owner: KATICH, KATHERINEECKEL, Beucarrius, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 26, Section: PARKER_260_7_4, Plot Owner: ECKEL, BEUCARRIUSEDD, Alma, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_137_1_2, Plot Owner: EDD, CHARLESEDD, Alma, Buried: 06-09-1930, Age: 60, Section: BUNNING_137_1_3, Plot Owner: EDD, CHARLESEDD, Carl Jr., , Buried: 08-09-1932, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_309_7_2, Plot Owner: EDD, CARL O.EDD, Carl O., Buried: 04/24/1975, Age: 75, Section: OSSELTO_309_7_4, Plot Owner: EDD, CARL O.EDD, Charles, Buried: 10-08-1933, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_137_1_4, Plot Owner: EDD, CHARLESEDDINGS, Frank, Buried: 02/14/1956, Age: 92, Section: EDGAR_66_4_3, Plot Owner: EDDINGS, MRS FRANKEDDINGS, Ina J., Buried: 02/16/1945, Age: 72, Section: EDGAR_66_4_1, Plot Owner: EDDINGS, MRS FRANKEDDINGS, Robert W., Buried: 01-01-1976, Age: 69, Section: MUIR_422_34_2, Plot Owner: SEALE, MRS WAFEEDEN, Mary Ann, Buried: 08/16/1961, Age: 71, Section: YOUNG_424_18_1, Plot Owner: EDEN, MARY ANNEDLUND, A.M "Swede", Buried: 05/31/1972, Age: 60, Section: WATAHA_6_63_1, Plot Owner: EDLUND, JANETEDLUND, Janet, Buried: 06-05-1978, Age: 61, Section: WATAHA_6_64_1, Plot Owner: EDLUND, JANETEDMAN, Lauretta Decker, Buried: 11/23/1948, Age: 58, Section: ROE_74_7_4, Plot Owner: EDMAN, S. V.EDOM, Anna, Buried: 04-08-1961, Age: 76, Section: JAMES_348_4_2, Plot Owner: EDOM, CARLEDOM, Carl, Buried: 01/28/1927, Age: 46, Section: JAMES_348_4_1, Plot Owner: EDOM, CARLEDWARDS, Ann R., Buried: 07/22/1977, Age: 94, Section: EDGAR_63_1_2, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, ANN R.EDWARDS, Berness W., Buried: 06/16/1946, Age: 27, Section: EDGAR_63_1_5, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, ANN MRS.EDWARDS, David R., Buried: 11/28/1953, Age: 73, Section: EDGAR_63_1_3, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, ANN REDWARDS, Dorothy Tomich, Buried: 01-01-1995, Age: 67, Section: KENDALL_19_10_3, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, DOROTHY TOMICHEDWARDS, Elinor V., Buried: 10/14/1966, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_186_6_2, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, MRS RAEDWARDS, Gary Lyman, Buried: 01-10-2001, Age: 59, Section: ODONNE_92_5_3, Plot Owner: OSB, LODGE 1EDWARDS, Gordon, Buried: 08/22/1992, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_92_6_3, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, GORDONEDWARDS, Hilda Annie, Buried: 11/21/1979, Age: 86, Section: PARKER_237_2_2, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, UNKNOWNEDWARDS, Jack I., Buried: 09/18/1971, Age: 49, Section: WATAHA_6_M_1, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, DOROTHYEDWARDS, John, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 34, Section: ROE_78_7_4, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, UNKNOWNEDWARDS, John A., Buried: 06/29/2001, Age: 81, Section: WEST_7_313_1, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, JOHN & TONIEDWARDS, John S., Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 2, Section: ROE_78_7_3, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, UNKNOWNEDWARDS, Marie L., Buried: 05/31/1999, Age: 85, Section: ODONNE_92_6_2, Plot Owner: OSB, LODGE 1EDWARDS, Martha, Buried: 05/24/1920, Age: 69, Section: PARKER_237_2_4, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, UNKNOWNEDWARDS, Norman Evans, Buried: 05-06-1983, Age: 23, Section: WEST_7_312_1, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, JOHN & TONIEDWARDS, Patti-Jo, Buried: 07/19/1955, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_401_10_4, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, JACK I.EDWARDS, Peter E., Buried: 10/25/1942, Age: 31, Section: ROE_78_7_1, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, UNKNOWNEDWARDS, Roberta., Buried: 12/13/1900, Age: 33, Section: BUNNING_186_6_1, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, MRS RAEDWARDS, Toni, Buried: 06/30/1993, Age: 67, Section: WEST_7_313_1, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, JOHN & TONIEDWARDS, Victoria E., Buried: 11-03-1982, Age: 48, Section: YOUNG_401_10_2, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, JACK I.EDWARDS, Wilbur A., Buried: 05/16/1973, Age: 57, Section: PARKER_237_2_1, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, WILBUR A.EDWARDS, William, Buried: 05/31/1962, Age: 75, Section: PARKER_237_2_3, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, UNKNOWNEHRKE, Emil, Buried: 07/14/1910, Age: 36, Section: LUDVIGS_258_8_1, Plot Owner: WRIGHT, HENRY & SALLYEKBERG, Hilurn, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 26, Section: LUDVIGS_249_8_4, Plot Owner: #151 FOE, EAGLESELDER, Estalene, Buried: 11/14/1944, Age: 62, Section: BUNNING_184_2_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #12, MASONICELDER, Harry, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 51, Section: BUNNING_184_2_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #12, MASONICELDRIAN, Victor, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_283_7_3, Plot Owner: ELDRIAN, VICTORELENES, Manuel, Buried: 10/15/1976, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_8_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANELIAS, Alfred V., Buried: 10/25/1956, Age: 80, Section: BUNNING_110_8_3, Plot Owner: ELIAS, ALFRED V.ELIAS, Bessie, Buried: 09/21/1961, Age: 86, Section: BUNNING_110_8_2, Plot Owner: ELIAS, FREDELIAS, Celeste G., Buried: 02/13/1952, Age: 61, Section: MUIR_403_6_1, Plot Owner: ELIAS, CLAUDE E.ELIAS, Claude E., Buried: 10-09-1961, Age: 72, Section: MUIR_403_6_2, Plot Owner: ELIAS, CLAUDE E.ELIAS, David Mills, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 50, Section: BUNNING_184_5_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #12, MASONICELIAS, Jane M., Buried: 06-10-1964, Age: 68, Section: BUNNING_153_6_3, Plot Owner: ELIAS, JMELIAS, Mary, Buried: 07/17/1928, Age: 22, Section: BUNNING_110_8_1, Plot Owner: ELIAS, FREDELIAS, Minnie, Buried: 03/29/1955, Age: 89, Section: BUNNING_153_6_2, Plot Owner: ELIAS, JMELIASON, Jacob, Buried: 02-02-1940, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_211_1_2, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALUELICH, Vera, Buried: 10/26/1994, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_4_57_1, Plot Owner: DECORA, KATIEELICH, Wm. Kaiser, Buried: 12/17/1986, Age: 67, Section: WATAHA_4_O_1, Plot Owner: DECORA, KATIEELKINS, Markie, Buried: 03/31/2010, Age: 50, Section: WEST_7_502_1, Plot Owner: ROSE JR, ELBERT GELLENGSWIRTH, Ellen L., Buried: 11-12-1948, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_146_6_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFELLIOTT, Alice, Buried: 01-01-1960, Age: 71, Section: KENDALL_18_10_4, Plot Owner: ELLIOTT, MARGARETELLIOTT, Buck, Buried: 10/22/1993, Age: 84, Section: OBLOCK_8_95_1, Plot Owner: ELLIOTT, DORAELLIOTT, Clarence, Buried: 11-04-1989, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_158_5_2, Plot Owner: DAVIS, WILLIAM RELLIOTT, Clarissa Ann, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 54, Section: BUNNING_204_1_3, Plot Owner: BAKER, TOMELLIOTT, Clarissa Ann, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 54, Section: BUNNING_203_1_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY OF RS, AUSTRIANELLIOTT, Joe, Buried: 07/25/1947, Age: 35, Section: KENDALL_18_9_4, Plot Owner: ELLIOTT, MARGARETELLIOTT, John, Buried: 11/14/1913, Age: 41, Section: BUNNING_137_4_1, Plot Owner: LEVROUS, W BELLIOTT, Tom, Buried: 07/25/1947, Age: 37, Section: KENDALL_18_9_3, Plot Owner: ELLIOTT, MARGARETELLIOTT, Tom Sr., , Buried: 01-01-1957, Age: 74, Section: KENDALL_18_10_3, Plot Owner: ELLIOTT, MARGARETELLIS, Baby, Buried: 02/15/1949, Age: 0, Section: ROE_74_5_3, Plot Owner: WILLIS, RILEYELLIS, Charlie, Buried: 02/17/1988, Age: 88, Section: EDGAR_82_16_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANELLIS, Olive A., Buried: 09/24/1964, Age: 70, Section: BUNNING_105_7_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFELLIS, William J., Buried: 08-05-1961, Age: 63, Section: BUNNING_105_7_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFELLORE, Juanale, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_227_4_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSELLWANGER, Francis, Buried: 12-06-1995, Age: 61, Section: WEST_7_579_1, Plot Owner: ELLWANGER, MYRTLEELLWANGER, Myrtle, Buried: 03/22/1990, Age: 69, Section: WEST_7_578_1, Plot Owner: ELLWANGER, MYRTLEELZE, Clyde Charles, Buried: 07/15/1940, Age: 14, Section: BUNNING_204_7_3, Plot Owner: KAPPES, CHOLASELZE, William E. Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 35, Section: BUNNING_204_7_4, Plot Owner: KAPPES, CHOLASEMANH, Etap, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 0, Section: PARK_65_6_1, Plot Owner: EMANH, ETAPEMANUEL, Eliza I., Buried: 09-05-1959, Age: 46, Section: MUIR_423_4_3, Plot Owner: EMANUEL, DOROTHYEMATTE, Giovanni, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 32, Section: ODONNE_190_4_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, ANDREAS HOFEREMERY, Erza L., Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 18, Section: ODONNE_172_8_4, Plot Owner: BPOE #624, ELKSEMKEN, Wendy Lee, Buried: 05/23/2002, Age: 24, Section: EDGAR_81_8X_4, Plot Owner: EMKEN, JENNIEEMLING, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 39, Section: PARK_17_5_2, Plot Owner: EMLING, ANTONENDERUO, Mary, Buried: 04/28/1902, Age: 0, Section: PARK_112_8_1, Plot Owner: ENDERUO, MARYENDRIZZI, John, Buried: 11/14/1956, Age: 78, Section: PARK_123_4_2, Plot Owner: ENDRIZZI, JOHNENDRIZZI, John B., Buried: 03-05-1981, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_4_64_1, Plot Owner: ENDRIZZI, JOHN B.ENDRIZZI, Maria, Buried: 03-10-1961, Age: 82, Section: PARK_123_4_3, Plot Owner: ENDRIZZI, MARIAENDRIZZI, Regina, Buried: 03-11-1980, Age: 78, Section: WATAHA_4_65_1, Plot Owner: TATE, CHARLESENEX, Roger Dee, Buried: 05-02-1940, Age: 4, Section: OSSELTO_317_6_4, Plot Owner: BOSCHETTO, JOHNENGERTON, Al, Buried: 08-08-1910, Age: 28, Section: PARKER_269_5_2, Plot Owner: UNION 8078, LOCALENGLE, Floyd L. "Buddy", Buried: 03-03-1979, Age: 27, Section: WEST_7_55_1, Plot Owner: ENGLE, MR & MRS LESTER FLOYDENGLERT, Edith P., Buried: 07/23/1992, Age: 61, Section: OBLOCK_8_45_1, Plot Owner: ENGLERT, CHARLESENGLERT, Gladys A., Buried: 11/23/1960, Age: 47, Section: KENDALL_B_18_4, Plot Owner: ENGLERT, GLADYS A.ENGLERT, Raymond Henry, Buried: 02/18/1975, Age: 41, Section: KENDALL_B_18_1, Plot Owner: ENGLERT, RAYMOND HENRYENGLERT, William W., Buried: 12/13/1977, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_B_18_3, Plot Owner: ENGLERT, WILLIAM W.ENGSTROM, Ann, Buried: 07/22/1981, Age: 66, Section: WEST_7_116_1, Plot Owner: BIDER, MATTHEWENGSTROM, Lizzie, Buried: 05/16/1911, Age: 18, Section: ODONNE_125_1_1, Plot Owner: KUTCHBAUM, GOTTEBENGSTROM, Thomas R., Buried: 03/13/1996, Age: 50, Section: WEST_7_8_1, Plot Owner: ENGSTROM, CAROLYNENGSTRUM, Carl H., Buried: 07/29/1983, Age: 72, Section: OSSELTO_331_6_3, Plot Owner: FOREIGN WARS, VETERANS OFENO, Zinna Rae, Buried: 04-01-2005, Age: 35, Section: KENDALL_129_13_4, Plot Owner: ROLICH FAMILY, FRANKLINENRICI, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 12, Section: ODONNE_139_1_1, Plot Owner: JONES, DANAJENRICO, Francesco, Buried: 09-04-1915, Age: 38, Section: PARK_56_8_1, Plot Owner: KOVAI, JOEENRICO, Rosa, Buried: 04-07-1952, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_17_7_2, Plot Owner: ENRICO, ROSAENSIGN, Cara Lee, Buried: 05/28/1999, Age: 25, Section: OBLOCK_8_377_1, Plot Owner: ENSIGN, SCOTT & CARAEPPS, Gladys, Buried: 03/18/1932, Age: 41, Section: OSSELTO_351_3_1, Plot Owner: HENDERSON, ASIAEPPS, Gwendoline, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 13, Section: LUDVIGS_257_6_3, Plot Owner: EPPS, GWENDOLINEEPPS, John D. Jr., , Buried: 01-12-1968, Age: 67, Section: OSSELTO_360_6_2, Plot Owner: EPPS JR, JOHNEPPS, John D. Sr., , Buried: 08/31/1933, Age: 71, Section: OSSELTO_360_6_1, Plot Owner: EPPS JR, JOHNEPPS, Juanita C. Roach, Buried: 10/19/1954, Age: 52, Section: MUIR_403_39_1, Plot Owner: GRESHAM, THOMASEPPS, Nanie, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 31, Section: LUDVIGS_257_6_4, Plot Owner: EPPS, GWENDOLINEERBES, Jacob, Buried: 11/23/1934, Age: 63, Section: LUDVIGS_273_5_1, Plot Owner: BARBARE, SOCIETYERICKSON, Anna, Buried: 02/22/1939, Age: 74, Section: JAMES_302_4_2, Plot Owner: ERICKSON, NELS EERICKSON, Bella, Buried: 05/20/1986, Age: 91, Section: JAMES_302_3_1, Plot Owner: ERICKSON, NELS EERICKSON, Bernard N, Buried: 10-03-1967, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_18_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANERICKSON, Carl William, Buried: 04/16/1923, Age: 34, Section: LUDVIGS_298_2_3, Plot Owner: ERICKSON, CARL WERICKSON, Hilda, Buried: 09/14/1945, Age: 60, Section: JAMES_302_4_3, Plot Owner: ERICKSON, NELS EERICKSON, Johana, Buried: 01/22/1952, Age: 75, Section: JAMES_322_4_1, Plot Owner: LAMB, JOHNERICKSON, John, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 50, Section: ODONNE_173_3_3, Plot Owner: ERICKSON, JOHNERICKSON, John N., Buried: 03/24/1900, Age: 3, Section: BUNNING_182_5_1, Plot Owner: ERICKSON, MATTERICKSON, Nels E., Buried: 04/27/1929, Age: 67, Section: JAMES_302_4_1, Plot Owner: ERICKSON, NELS EERICKSON, Nels R., Buried: 10/28/1974, Age: 82, Section: JAMES_302_3_2, Plot Owner: ERICKSON, NELS EERICKSON, Victor, Buried: 08/24/1921, Age: 45, Section: BUNNING_113_3_2, Plot Owner: EXCELSIOR LODGE #9, IOOFERIO, Tom, Buried: 06/15/1941, Age: 56, Section: PARKER_268_8_3, Plot Owner: LOCAL UNION #2, 3831, 2309, 908 & 2282ERNST, Gwendolyn, Buried: 08/13/2016, Age: 76, Section: YOUNG_401_15_2, Plot Owner: AINSCOUGH, HORACE MERRAMOUSPE, Bob, Buried: 01-01-1954, Age: 57, Section: KENDALL_24_6_4, Plot Owner: ERRAMOUSPE, BOBERRAMOUSPE, Gaston, Buried: 01-01-1969, Age: 80, Section: CROATIA_12_1_2, Plot Owner: ERRAMOUSPE, UNKNOWNERRAMOUSPE, Grace, Buried: 01-01-1978, Age: 77, Section: CROATIA_12_1_3, Plot Owner: ERRAMOUSPE, UNKNOWNERRAMOUSPE, John B., Buried: 08-12-2008, Age: 81, Section: CROATIA_12_2_3, Plot Owner: ERRAMOUSPE, GASTONERRAMOUSPE, Joseph, Buried: 02-05-2014, Age: 81, Section: CROATIA_12_1X_3, Plot Owner: ERRAMOUSPE, JOSEPHERRAMOUSPE, Pierre A., Buried: 03/26/1948, Age: 20, Section: CROATIA_12_1_1, Plot Owner: ERRAMOUSPE, UNKNOWNERTLE, Louis (Kaiser), Buried: 02/16/1963, Age: 74, Section: PARKER_246_3_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDERVIN, Bonnie M., Buried: 03-05-1999, Age: 85, Section: WATAHA_6_21_1, Plot Owner: FUNERAL HOME, VASEERVIN, John M., Buried: 03-02-1983, Age: 72, Section: WATAHA_6_20_1, Plot Owner: ERVIN, BONNIEERVING, J. L., Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_160_6_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERERWIN, Baby, Buried: 12/15/1946, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_L_3_1, Plot Owner: HAY JR, JOHNERZEN, Ben, Buried: 09-08-1959, Age: 64, Section: KENDALL_A_2_3, Plot Owner: ERZEN, LOUISEERZEN, Ben T., Buried: 05-10-2009, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_A_2_2, Plot Owner: ERZEN, LOUISEERZEN, Louise, Buried: 10-07-1993, Age: 97, Section: KENDALL_A_2_4, Plot Owner: ERZEN, LOUISEESKRA, John E., Buried: 04/30/1946, Age: 56, Section: KENDALL_39_8_3, Plot Owner: ESKRA, JOHN E.ESPIN, Martin, Buried: 01/24/1941, Age: 54, Section: ODONNE_126_2_2, Plot Owner: SEVERS, HENRYESPINDOLA, Zeon 'Sam', Buried: 10/21/1967, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_18_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANESPINOZA, Leo Leopoldo, Buried: 07/31/1953, Age: 23, Section: KENDALL_43_6_4, Plot Owner: ESPINOZA, LEO LEOPOLDOESQUIBEL, Evangeline, Buried: 10-05-2013, Age: 79, Section: COLUMB_EAST_1_2, Plot Owner: Muniz, JanetESQUIBEL, Fermin R., Buried: 06/23/1938, Age: 54, Section: NELSON_27_7_2, Plot Owner: ESQUIBEL, FERMIN R.ESQUIBEL, Manuel, Buried: 02-09-1935, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_27_7_1, Plot Owner: ESQUIBEL, MANUELESSMAN, Lucy, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 36, Section: LUDVIGS_282_5_3, Plot Owner: SNELL, GEORGEESSMAN, Ralph, Buried: 08-04-1919, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_282_5_2, Plot Owner: ESSMAN, RALPHESTES, Wiley S., Buried: 02/20/2014, Age: 72, Section: ANDERSO_9_L_18, Plot Owner: ESTES, WILEY S.ETCHEVERRY, Adolphe A., Buried: 02/16/1992, Age: 82, Section: OBLOCK_8_6_1, Plot Owner: ETCHEVERRY, ADOLPHE A.ETCHEVERRY, Francis, Buried: 10/13/1998, Age: 83, Section: OBLOCK_8_7_1, Plot Owner: ETCHEVERRY, ADOLPHE A.ETZE, Wilheleu Baby Of, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_200_3_1, Plot Owner: ETZE, WILHELMEUGENIA, Linda Rosa, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_137_1_1, Plot Owner: EDD, CHARLESEUSEK, John, Buried: 11/21/1980, Age: 70, Section: KENDALL_21_7_1, Plot Owner: EUSEK, JOHNEUSEK, John Sr., Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 56, Section: KENDALL_21_8_1, Plot Owner: EUSEK, JOHN SR.EUSEK, Rose, Buried: 03/25/2004, Age: 90, Section: KENDALL_21_7_2, Plot Owner: EUSEK, ROSEEUSEK, Ursula, Buried: 01-01-1974, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_21_8_2, Plot Owner: EUSEK, URSULAEVANOFF, Beverly, Buried: 10-05-2005, Age: 77, Section: PARK_121_23_4, Plot Owner: LENZI, TENAEVANOFF, Beverly "Dodds", Buried: 10-05-2005, Age: 77, Section: PARK_126_23_4, Plot Owner: DODDS, RAYMOND A.EVANOFF, George, Buried: 03/15/1965, Age: 73, Section: WATAHA_4_30_1, Plot Owner: EVANOFF, MARYEVANOFF, Mary, Buried: 06/14/1980, Age: 90, Section: WATAHA_4_31_1, Plot Owner: TONKO, THERESAEVANOVICH, Anne, Buried: 07/26/2000, Age: 89, Section: CROATIA_3_7_2, Plot Owner: EVANOVICH, BARBARAEVANOVICH, Barbara, Buried: 04/27/2010, Age: 72, Section: CROATIA_3_7_3, Plot Owner: EVANOVICH, ANNEEVANOVICH, Marion, Buried: 01-01-1965, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_3_7_1, Plot Owner: EVANOVICH, MARIONEVANS, Anna M., Buried: 08/22/1927, Age: 51, Section: JAMES_326_8_4, Plot Owner: EVANS, MRS OSCAREVANS, Herbert, Buried: 09/14/1978, Age: 49, Section: WEST_7_33_1, Plot Owner: EVANS, MARGARET DEWULFEVANS, Jack, Buried: 05/21/1949, Age: 79, Section: ROE_73_4_2, Plot Owner: 2328, LOCALEVANS, Lillian, Buried: 09/23/2000, Age: 86, Section: MUIR_422_24_3, Plot Owner: EVANS SR., MIKEEVANS, Mark Edwards, Buried: 10-01-1993, Age: 28, Section: OBLOCK_8_111_1, Plot Owner: WALLENDORFF, DODIEEVANS, Mayme, Buried: 07/22/1999, Age: 97, Section: NELSON_127_15_4, Plot Owner: EVANS, WILLIAM H.EVANS, Michael John, Buried: 08/17/1964, Age: 30, Section: MUIR_422_24_4, Plot Owner: EVANS SR., MIKEEVANS, Mike Jr., , Buried: 03-11-1965, Age: 52, Section: MUIR_422_24_3, Plot Owner: EVANS SR., MIKEEVANS, Mike Sr., , Buried: 10/27/1959, Age: 72, Section: MUIR_422_24_5, Plot Owner: EVANS SR., MIKEEVANS, Oscar, Buried: 06-04-1964, Age: 87, Section: JAMES_326_8_3, Plot Owner: EVANS, MRS OSCAREVANS, Richard, Buried: 11/29/1941, Age: 15, Section: OSSELTO_334_6_4, Plot Owner: EVANS, RICHARDEVANS, William H., Buried: 04/16/1969, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_127_15_3, Plot Owner: EVANS, WILLIAM H.EVERS, Edward Carl, Buried: 10-01-1996, Age: 64, Section: OBLOCK_8_284_1, Plot Owner: EVERS, ELEANOREVERSOLE, Emma J., Buried: 02-11-1961, Age: 76, Section: YOUNG_424_12_4, Plot Owner: EVERSOLE, ROYEVERSOLE, Ira C., Buried: 11-04-1963, Age: 70, Section: MUIR_402_45_3, Plot Owner: EVERSOLE, IRAEVERSOLE, Michael Leroy, Buried: 08-10-1960, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_402_45_2, Plot Owner: EVERSOLE, IRAEVERSOLE, Roy, Buried: 05/23/1962, Age: 73, Section: YOUNG_424_12_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNEREVERSOLE, Stella, Buried: 08-01-1954, Age: 63, Section: MUIR_402_45_1, Plot Owner: EVERSOLE, IRAEVICH, John, Buried: 01-05-1962, Age: 76, Section: NELSON_93_3_4, Plot Owner: EVICH, JOHN
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