Search Wyoming Death Records
Wyoming Newspapers, Full Search (1867-1945), 47 titles
Wyoming Obituary Search - (1997-current)
Wyoming Birth Records Database, (1867-1945)
Rock Springs Municpal Cemetery
Rock Springs, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
GPS: 41.575726, -109.212512
800 Thompson St
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Date published: June 13, 2017
Total records: 14,545
Surnames I-L
Records published here were acquired from the City of Rock Springs on June 12, 2017. These records were last updated by the City on May 22, 2017. Dates of burial range from 1900 to 2017.
ICE, Alvin Gayle, Buried: 06-11-2009, Age: 65, Section: OBLOCK_8_657_1, Plot Owner: ICE, BETHIKEUCHI, Yenosuke, Buried: 11-05-1951, Age: 72, Section: LUDVIGS_278_6_3, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEILICH, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 6, Section: NELSON_30_5_4, Plot Owner: ILICH, ANTONILICH, Kata, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 45, Section: NELSON_99_4_4, Plot Owner: ILICH, KATAILICH, Kosta, Buried: 09-10-1960, Age: 77, Section: NELSON_99_4_3, Plot Owner: ILICH, KOSTAILICH, Matilda, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 37, Section: NELSON_30_5_3, Plot Owner: ILICH, MATILDAILICH, Mirko, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 23, Section: WATAHA_8_1_1, Plot Owner: BYRNE, SHALIA RAEILLES, Menyhert, Buried: 01-01-1909, Age: 31, Section: ODONNE_221_1_4, Plot Owner: ILLES, ANDREWINAMA, Antonio, Age: 51, Section: BUNNING_206_8_4, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNINC, K., Buried: 01-01-1930, Section: OSSELTO_351_4_4, Plot Owner: DANIELS, SHERMANINDORF, Lillian Doan, Buried: 07-05-1997, Age: 78, Section: JAMES_326_3_2, Plot Owner: DOAN, GEORGEINFANT, Baby, Buried: 03/16/1978, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_27_2, Plot Owner: STARKAY, ROYINFANT, Unknown, Buried: 07/29/1979, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_285_8_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDINGLE, Charles J., Buried: 05/23/1966, Age: 72, Section: JAMES_320_7_2, Plot Owner: INGLE, CHARLES J.INGLE, Isabell, Buried: 05-12-1941, Age: 47, Section: JAMES_320_7_1, Plot Owner: INGLE, CHARLES J.INGLE, Madge C., Buried: 10/16/1965, Age: 68, Section: OSSELTO_311_2_1, Plot Owner: CHALMERS, CHRIS V.INGMAN, John G., Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 79, Section: BUNNING_175_6_2, Plot Owner: FORSYTHE, ROBERTINUFUCER, Catherine, Buried: 01/13/1927, Age: 10, Section: PARKER_287_5_1, Plot Owner: BRATIS, STEVEIRA, Mary A., Buried: 06/16/1998, Age: 89, Section: WATAHA_6_86_1, Plot Owner: CUKALE III, JOHN A.IRA, Virgil A., Buried: 08/18/1973, Age: 70, Section: WATAHA_6_85_1, Plot Owner: IRA, MARY A.IREDALE, Cliff, Buried: 02/27/1907, Age: 24, Section: BUNNING_104_6_4, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEIREDALE, Garfield, Buried: 11/29/1935, Age: 55, Section: EDGAR_67_18_3, Plot Owner: IREDALE, MRS JOEUELIREDALE, George, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 17, Section: BUNNING_106_3_2, Plot Owner: RIDDLE, ELLEN NIREDALE, Jack, Buried: 02/13/1905, Age: 2, Section: BUNNING_106_3_1, Plot Owner: RIDDLE, ELLEN NIREDALE, John, Buried: 12-06-1906, Age: 32, Section: BUNNING_89_4_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFIREDALE, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 81, Section: BUNNING_89_5_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFIREDALE, Matilda, Buried: 01-01-1917, Age: 77, Section: BUNNING_89_4_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFIREDALE, William, Buried: 07/17/1950, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_106_3_3, Plot Owner: RIDDLE, ELLEN NIRONS, George A., Buried: 12-04-1997, Age: 89, Section: OBLOCK_8_315_1, Plot Owner: IRONS, HELENIRONS, Helen, Buried: 03-06-2006, Age: 91, Section: OBLOCK_8_315_1, Plot Owner: IRONS, HELENIRVIN, Aaron R.C., Buried: 07/30/2014, Age: 80, Section: YOUNG_400_29_4, Plot Owner: WATSON, OLER LEEIRWIN, William F., Buried: 05/13/1972, Age: 51, Section: MUIR_422_30_2, Plot Owner: IRWIN, WILLIAM F.ISAACSON, John, Buried: 07/23/1940, Age: 72, Section: PARKER_235_6_4, Plot Owner: ISAACSON, JOHNISKRA, Tony, Buried: 11/20/1958, Age: 66, Section: KENDALL_A_8_1, Plot Owner: ISKRA, TONYISTVAN, Docs, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 28, Section: ODONNE_213_2_1, Plot Owner: SAMUELS, SAMUELIVAKICH, Marko, Buried: 06/29/1962, Age: 74, Section: LUDVIGS_256_6_2, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFIVAN, Peter Mrs., Buried: 02-11-1990, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_200_2_2, Plot Owner: IVER, PETERIVANKOVICH, Barbara, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 47, Section: PARK_15_6_1, Plot Owner: IVANKOVICH, BARBARAIVANKOVICH, Matt, Buried: 08/25/1956, Age: 82, Section: PARK_15_6_2, Plot Owner: IVANKOVICH, MATTIVEZIC, Dane, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 0, Section: PARK_81_8_4, Plot Owner: IVEZIC, DANEIVEZIC, Marko, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 25, Section: NELSON_44_7_2, Plot Owner: IVEZIC, MARKOIWAMOTO, Yosaku, Buried: 01/23/1944, Age: 56, Section: LUDVIGS_278_5_2, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEJACK, Anna F., Buried: 09/25/1978, Age: 60, Section: WATAHA_11_7_4, Plot Owner: BERTA, VICTORJACK, Anna Quealy, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 50, Section: WATAHA_11_7_2, Plot Owner: BERTA, CORA M.JACK, Beatrice F, Buried: 08/21/1996, Age: 91, Section: WATAHA_11_7_1, Plot Owner: BERTA, GEORGE T.JACK, Robert Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 53, Section: WATAHA_11_7_2, Plot Owner: BERTA, CORA M.JACK, Robert M., Buried: 05/14/1960, Age: 44, Section: WATAHA_11_7_3, Plot Owner: BERTA, MRS. JOEJACKOVICH, Joseph, Buried: 12/21/1942, Age: 67, Section: KENDALL_43_4_1, Plot Owner: JACKOVICH, JOSEPHJACKOVICH, Margaret, Buried: 03/23/1968, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_43_4_2, Plot Owner: JACKOVICH, MARGARETJACKOVICH, Steve J., Buried: 04/22/1977, Age: 67, Section: KENDALL_43_4_3, Plot Owner: JACKOVICH, STEVE J.JACKSON, Alford, Buried: 06/20/1939, Age: 76, Section: LUDVIGS_251_8_2, Plot Owner: JACKSON, ALFORDJACKSON, Alfred Sr., , Buried: 08-10-1959, Age: 75, Section: YOUNG_400_4_2, Plot Owner: JACKSON, MRS ARTHURJACKSON, Amos Jr., , Buried: 10/29/1949, Age: 0, Section: ROE_73_8_4, Plot Owner: JACKSON, AMOSJACKSON, Andrew, Buried: 10/19/1945, Age: 61, Section: OSSELTO_H_4_3, Plot Owner: JACKSON, MRS ANDREWJACKSON, Baby, Buried: 01/15/1948, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_N_6_1, Plot Owner: JACKSON, MRJACKSON, Barbara, Buried: 08-08-2013, Age: 85, Section: COLUMB_NORTH_1_6, Plot Owner: TELLEFSON, OSCARJACKSON, David, Buried: 07/14/1967, Age: 0, Section: LAUZER_421_7_4, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERJACKSON, Dell, Buried: 12/23/1938, Age: 42, Section: PARKER_291_1_1, Plot Owner: HUMPHREYS, SEWELLJACKSON, Elizabeth, Buried: 06-09-1948, Age: 62, Section: LUDVIGS_251_1_2, Plot Owner: JACKSON, ELIZABETHJACKSON, Emma, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_250_8_1, Plot Owner: MCALLISTER, WILLIAMJACKSON, Gary E., Buried: 06-04-1981, Age: 27, Section: ROE_73_8_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERJACKSON, Hannah, Buried: 05/15/1920, Age: 63, Section: PARKER_237_1_4, Plot Owner: JACKSON, HANNAHJACKSON, Helen Tarris, Buried: 05-04-1992, Age: 83, Section: PARK_39_7_1, Plot Owner: JACKSON, HELEN TARRISJACKSON, James Russell, Buried: 03-05-2005, Age: 71, Section: CROATIA_9_7_1, Plot Owner: JACKSON, JAMES RUSSELLJACKSON, Jay D., Buried: 05/17/1990, Age: 66, Section: ROE_68_9X_2, Plot Owner: JACKSON, GLADYSJACKSON, Jimmy, Buried: 01-01-1962, Age: 31, Section: CROATIA_9_7_2, Plot Owner: JACKSON, JIMMYJACKSON, Joseph, Buried: 12/17/1931, Age: 69, Section: PARKER_245_4_3, Plot Owner: JACKSON, JOSEPHJACKSON, Lillian, Buried: 08-10-1910, Age: 1, Section: PARKER_245_4_4, Plot Owner: WILLSON, EDWARD W.JACKSON, Mark, Buried: 01-01-1962, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_9_7_3, Plot Owner: JACKSON, MARKJACKSON, Martin Child Of, Buried: 12/26/1996, Age: 3, Section: BUNNING_209_7_2, Plot Owner: JACKSON, MARTINJACKSON, Mary Jane, Buried: 10/22/1927, Age: 68, Section: JAMES_348_7_4, Plot Owner: JACKSON, MRS MARY JANEJACKSON, Matthew, Buried: 01-01-1969, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_9_7_4, Plot Owner: JACKSON, MATTHEWJACKSON, Pamela, Buried: 10/19/2012, Age: 63, Section: OSSELTO_336_1X_4, Plot Owner: JACKSON, JERRYJACKSON, Timothy, Buried: 09-04-1980, Age: 0, Section: WEST_7_85_1, Plot Owner: JACKSON, WILSK OR JOSEYJACKSON, William, Buried: 09-01-1934, Age: 49, Section: LUDVIGS_251_8_3, Plot Owner: JACKSON, WILLIAMJACKSON, William, Buried: 08-08-2013, Age: 81, Section: COLUMB_NORTH_1_6, Plot Owner: TELLEFSON, OSCARJACKSON, Wilsk A. Jr., , Buried: 06/28/1995, Age: 42, Section: OBLOCK_8_203_1, Plot Owner: JACKSON, JOSIEJACOBS, Christy Harper, Buried: 10-05-2006, Age: 43, Section: EDGAR_81_9X_2, Plot Owner: HARPER FAMILY, OM & JUDYJACOBSON, Arthur John, Buried: 01-01-1975, Age: 74, Section: ODONNE_174_6_4, Plot Owner: KOBI, JOHNJACOBSON, Hulda Elizabeth, Buried: 08/20/1945, Age: 50, Section: ODONNE_174_6_1, Plot Owner: BURGESS, HLJACOBSON, Lempi Faye, Buried: 01-01-1974, Age: 75, Section: ODONNE_174_6_3, Plot Owner: KOBI, JOHNJACOBSON, Matti, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 35, Section: ODONNE_174_5_1, Plot Owner: JACOBSON, MATTJACOBSON, Sanna, Buried: 02/21/1949, Age: 86, Section: ODONNE_174_5_2, Plot Owner: JACOBSON, MATTJACOBSON, Wayne Matt, Buried: 01-01-1955, Age: 59, Section: ODONNE_174_6_2, Plot Owner: BURGESS, HLJACSON, David W, Buried: 07/14/1967, Age: 0, Section: LAUZER_421_7_4, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERJAKICH, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1964, Age: 53, Section: CROATIA_5_1_3, Plot Owner: JAKICH, ANNAJAKICH, Leno M., Buried: 01-01-1957, Age: 51, Section: CROATIA_5_1_2, Plot Owner: JAKICH, ANNAJALOUCHAN, Louis F., Buried: 10-02-1964, Age: 54, Section: NELSON_118_5_4, Plot Owner: JALOUCHAN, LOUIS F.JAMES, Annie W., Buried: 08-03-1993, Age: 92, Section: ODONNE_218_2_1, Plot Owner: JAMES, HARRYJAMES, Catherine Cedia, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 19, Section: PARK_59_5_3, Plot Owner: JAMES, CATHERINE CEDIAJAMES, Edmund, Age: 70, Section: BUNNING_186_7_4, Plot Owner: JAMES, JESSEJAMES, Edward, Buried: 07-10-1957, Age: 61, Section: OSSELTO_308_4_2, Plot Owner: GRAS, AUGUSTJAMES, Edward H., Buried: 04/28/2009, Age: 86, Section: ODONNE_218_2_4, Plot Owner: JAMES, HARRYJAMES, Edwin Ernest, Buried: 02/22/1989, Age: 83, Section: JAMES_302_8_3, Plot Owner: JAMES, THOMASJAMES, Edwin Howard, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_302_7_1, Plot Owner: REECE, JOHN T.JAMES, Ethel, Buried: 09-04-1973, Age: 79, Section: OSSELTO_308_5_1, Plot Owner: JAMES, MRS THOMASJAMES, Ethel Lou Green, Buried: 11-03-1972, Age: 48, Section: MUIR_402_39_3, Plot Owner: GREEN, MRS. ANTHONYJAMES, Felix G., Buried: 02-08-1995, Age: 86, Section: NELSON_29_4X_1, Plot Owner: JAMES, F. G.JAMES, Geraldine M., Buried: 01-03-2011, Age: 79, Section: OBLOCK_8_602_1, Plot Owner: JAMES, JACK FAMILYJAMES, Gladys, Buried: 12/22/1972, Age: 17, Section: ODONNE_218_2_3, Plot Owner: JAMES, HARRYJAMES, Harry J., Buried: 02/18/1953, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_218_2_2, Plot Owner: JAMES, HARRYJAMES, Jack, Buried: 06/29/2011, Age: 87, Section: MUIR_403_44_5, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFJAMES, Jack, Buried: 11-06-2006, Age: 82, Section: OBLOCK_8_601_1, Plot Owner: JAMES, JACK FAMILYJAMES, Jennie F., Buried: 10/26/1946, Age: 63, Section: PARK_59_5_2, Plot Owner: JAMES, JENNIE F.JAMES, Jesse, Buried: 09-07-1959, Age: 82, Section: PARK_59_6_2, Plot Owner: JAMES, JESSEJAMES, Jessie, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 72, Section: BUNNING_186_7_2, Plot Owner: JAMES, JESSEJAMES, John "Jack", Buried: 12/26/1972, Age: 78, Section: ODONNE_218_1_4, Plot Owner: JAMES, HARRYJAMES, John William, Buried: 06-12-1990, Age: 42, Section: NELSON_29_8X_4, Plot Owner: JAMES JR., WILLIAM F.JAMES, Katherine, Buried: 05-04-2005, Age: 77, Section: NELSON_29_8X_3, Plot Owner: JAMES JR., WILLIAM F.JAMES, Loretta, Buried: 12-11-1938, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_355_2_1, Plot Owner: JAMES, IVANJAMES, Mabel, Buried: 02/19/1987, Age: 82, Section: WATAHA_6_72_1, Plot Owner: DEMAS, NICKJAMES, Margaret, Buried: 06/25/1904, Age: 96, Section: BUNNING_186_7_3, Plot Owner: JAMES, JESSEJAMES, Margaret, Buried: 03-02-2002, Age: 96, Section: JAMES_302_8_2, Plot Owner: JAMES, THOMASJAMES, Margaret Syme, Buried: 01-01-1949, Age: 78, Section: JAMES_302_7_3, Plot Owner: JAMES, THOMASJAMES, Margo, Buried: 01-01-1949, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_29_4X_2, Plot Owner: JAMES, F. G.JAMES, Marjorie Mae, Buried: 04/29/1996, Age: 84, Section: NELSON_29_4X_2, Plot Owner: JAMES, F. G.JAMES, Martha J., Buried: 02/18/1900, Age: 46, Section: ODONNE_187_2_1, Plot Owner: JAMES, THIRASJAMES, Mary Ethel, Buried: 12/25/1928, Age: 36, Section: JAMES_349_4_1, Plot Owner: ROGAN, FRANK PJAMES, Mary M., Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 2, Section: PARK_59_6_3, Plot Owner: JAMES, MARY M.JAMES, Mary Margaret, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 2, Section: PARK_59_5_4, Plot Owner: JAMES, MARY MARGARETJAMES, Maude, Buried: 10/28/1960, Age: 67, Section: ODONNE_218_1_3, Plot Owner: JAMES, HARRYJAMES, Thomas, Buried: 02/23/1936, Age: 16, Section: OSSELTO_308_5_3, Plot Owner: JAMES, MRS THOMASJAMES, Thomas Alma, Buried: 07/31/1952, Age: 86, Section: JAMES_302_7_4, Plot Owner: JAMES, THOMASJAMES, Thomas Irvin, Buried: 02-11-1950, Age: 58, Section: JAMES_302_8_4, Plot Owner: JAMES, THOMASJAMES, Tiras Sr., , Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 59, Section: ODONNE_187_2_2, Plot Owner: JAMES, THIRASJAMES, Tom, Buried: 06-04-1948, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_187_2_4, Plot Owner: JAMES, THIRASJAMES, Tom, Buried: 10/15/1932, Age: 40, Section: OSSELTO_308_5_2, Plot Owner: JAMES, TOMJAMES, Tye Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 25, Section: ODONNE_187_2_3, Plot Owner: JAMES, THIRASJAMES, William, Buried: 10-01-2013, Age: 92, Section: NELSON_29_1X_1, Plot Owner: JAMES JR., WILLIAM F.JAMES, William, Buried: 11-05-1959, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_187_1_4, Plot Owner: JAMES, THIRASJAMES, William, Buried: 06-04-1948, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_187_2_2, Plot Owner: JAMES, THIRASJAMES, William M., Buried: 03/15/1973, Age: 71, Section: WATAHA_6_71_1, Plot Owner: JAMES, MABEL MRS.JAMESON, John A, Buried: 04-12-1975, Age: 70, Section: MUIR_403_5_1, Plot Owner: WATERS, CARMEN M.JAMIESON, Baby Of John, Buried: 03/23/1912, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_173_5_3, Plot Owner: KINTNER, ALMONJAMIESON, David, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_220_3_2, Plot Owner: JAMIESON, JOHN A.JAMIESON, Elsie A., Buried: 01/27/1991, Age: 85, Section: MUIR_402_4_2, Plot Owner: JAMEISON, MRS JOHNJAMIESON, Fredda, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 20, Section: ODONNE_173_5_4, Plot Owner: KINTNER, ALMONJAMIESON, Grace, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 76, Section: ODONNE_173_5_1, Plot Owner: KINTNER, ALMO LJAMIESON, Isabella, Buried: 04/15/1977, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_220_3_4, Plot Owner: JAMIESON, JOHN A.JAMIESON, James, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 67, Section: ODONNE_173_5_2, Plot Owner: KINTNER, ALMO LJAMIESON, Jesse, Age: 87, Section: UNKNOWN_1_1_1, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNJAMIESON, John A., Buried: 04/15/1975, Age: 70, Section: MUIR_402_4_1, Plot Owner: JAMEISON, MRS JOHNJAMIESON, John M., Buried: 11/27/1946, Age: 78, Section: ODONNE_220_3_3, Plot Owner: JAMIESON, JOHN A.JAMISON, Louis P., Buried: 12/19/1944, Age: 53, Section: PARK_36_1_2, Plot Owner: JAMISON, LOUIS P.JANCOLA, Albert, Buried: 11/30/1944, Age: 100, Section: OSSELTO_D_3_4, Plot Owner: JANCOLA, ALBERTJANOS, Szemany, Buried: 01/16/1902, Age: 27, Section: PARK_107_8_2, Plot Owner: JANOS, SZEMANYJARVI, Auti, Buried: 05-09-1920, Age: 42, Section: LUDVIGS_281_1_4, Plot Owner: JARVI, AUTIJARVIE, Alonzo, Buried: 01/20/2017, Age: 85, Section: PARKER_261_8X_3, Plot Owner: JARVIE, A.JARVIE, Archie, Buried: 08-03-1924, Age: 33, Section: PARKER_293_7_3, Plot Owner: JARVIE, ARCHIEJARVIE, Archie Finch, Buried: 01-05-1959, Age: 38, Section: PARKER_293_7_4, Plot Owner: JARVIA, ARCHIEJARVIE, Betty L., Buried: 05/16/1998, Age: 67, Section: PARKER_261_8X_4, Plot Owner: JARVIE, A.JARVIE, Raymond Craig, Buried: 04-10-1990, Age: 29, Section: PARKER_293_7_1, Plot Owner: JARVIE, RAYMOND CRAIGJARVIS, Teken, Buried: 03-01-1905, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_207_4_3, Plot Owner: RILEY, JOHNJELACA, Ann, Buried: 11-08-1994, Age: 76, Section: KENDALL_21_8X_4, Plot Owner: JELACA, JOHNJELACA, Antone, Buried: 09/28/1948, Age: 60, Section: KENDALL_22_7_1, Plot Owner: JELACA, ANTONEJELACA, John, Buried: 06/25/2001, Age: 85, Section: KENDALL_21_8X_3, Plot Owner: JELACA, JOHNJELACA, Joseph "Joey" R., Buried: 12-10-2003, Age: 55, Section: KENDALL_129_29_3, Plot Owner: JELACA, FAMILY OF BAKERJELACA, Joseph Baker, Buried: 09/27/1997, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_129_12_1, Plot Owner: JELACA, FAMILY OF BAKERJELACA, Joseph Baker, Buried: 09/27/1997, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_129_12_1, Plot Owner: JELACA, FAMILY OF BAKERJELACA, Joseph Sr., , Buried: 02/23/1980, Age: 89, Section: KENDALL_22_7_3, Plot Owner: JELACA SR., JOSEPHJELACA, Mary, Buried: 06-11-1944, Age: 51, Section: KENDALL_22_7_4, Plot Owner: JELACA, MARYJELACA, Olga, Buried: 04/18/2017, Age: 98, Section: KENDALL_129_12_2, Plot Owner: JELACA, FAMILY OF BAKERJELACO, Elizabeth, Buried: 05/18/2005, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_15_1_2, Plot Owner: JELACO, JOHN SR.JELACO, George P., Buried: 01-01-2000, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_15_1_1, Plot Owner: JELACO, MIKE M.JELACO, John Jr., Buried: 04-10-1942, Age: 31, Section: KENDALL_46_1_4, Plot Owner: JELACO, JOHN SR.JELACO, John Sr., Buried: 06/13/1960, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_15_1_2, Plot Owner: JELACO, JOHN SR.JELACO, Mike M., Buried: 06-08-2002, Age: 85, Section: KENDALL_15_1_1, Plot Owner: JELACO, MIKE M.JELACO, Nick L., Buried: 09/18/2007, Age: 94, Section: KENDALL_15_1_4, Plot Owner: JELACO, NICK L.JELACO, Paul, Buried: 10-05-2012, Age: 57, Section: NELSON_118_6_4, Plot Owner: ALLEN, ALBINAJELACO, Tony, Buried: 05/17/2002, Age: 77, Section: KENDALL_15_1_3, Plot Owner: JELACO, TONYJELECO, Joyce, Buried: 08-06-2010, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_B_6_1, Plot Owner: MAKI, ENORJELLQUIST, August K., Buried: 05/22/1931, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_4X_5, Plot Owner: JELLQUIST, AUGUST K.JELOSEK, Cecelia, Buried: 03-08-1969, Age: 46, Section: WATAHA_3B_3_3, Plot Owner: JELOSEK, CECELIAJELOSEK, Cristina Shiflar, Buried: 08-05-1989, Age: 75, Section: WEST_7_526_1, Plot Owner: JELOSEK, RUDOLPH & CHRISJELOSEK, Ernest, Buried: 06/28/2003, Age: 97, Section: WATAHA_3B_3_2, Plot Owner: JELOSEK, ERNIEJELOSEK, Helen, Buried: 12/27/1978, Age: 46, Section: WATAHA_3B_3_4, Plot Owner: JELOSEK, HELENJELOSEK, Rudolph, Buried: 02/27/1989, Age: 76, Section: WEST_7_527_1, Plot Owner: JELOSEK, RUDOLPH & CHRISJELOUCHAN, Alex, Buried: 01-01-1951, Age: 58, Section: NELSON_118_5_1, Plot Owner: JELOUCHAN, ALEXJELOUCHAN, Elizabeth, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 55, Section: NELSON_118_5_2, Plot Owner: JELOUCHAN, ELIZABETHJELOUCHAN, Frank J., Buried: 08-04-2000, Age: 80, Section: EDGAR_63_1X_2, Plot Owner: JELOUCHAN, FRANKJELOUCHAN, Joseph, Buried: 05/21/1983, Age: 68, Section: NELSON_118_5_3, Plot Owner: JELOUCHAN, JOSEPHJELOUCHAN, Philip, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 1, Section: NELSON_78_4_1, Plot Owner: JELOUCHAN, PHILIPJELOVCAN, Tomaz, Buried: 08-07-1952, Age: 80, Section: KENDALL_19_6_1, Plot Owner: LODGE NO.18 A.F.O., ST.ALOYSINSJELOVCEN, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1900, Age: 25, Section: PARK_106_2_4, Plot Owner: JELOVCEN, ANTONJELOVCHAN, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 48, Section: PARK_55_6_1, Plot Owner: JELOVCHAN, ANTONJELOVCHAN, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 34, Section: PARK_55_6_2, Plot Owner: JELOVCHAN, MARYJELOVSEK, Frances, Buried: 09/27/1928, Age: 0, Section: PARK_31_10_2, Plot Owner: JELOVSEK, FRANCESJELOVSEK, Urban, Buried: 01/30/1953, Age: 72, Section: NELSON_19_3_3, Plot Owner: JELOVSEK, URBANJELOVSEK, Ursula, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 41, Section: NELSON_19_3_2, Plot Owner: JELOVSEK, URSULAJENKINS, Alice, Buried: 12/13/1950, Age: 85, Section: OSSELTO_313_8_2, Plot Owner: BOLIN, MARIEJENKINS, Carol Ann, Buried: 11-05-2004, Age: 61, Section: OBLOCK_8_558_1, Plot Owner: JENKINS, CAROL ANNJENKINS, Caroline P., Age: 95, Section: PARKER_239_2_1, Plot Owner: POWELL, ALICJENKINS, Daniel M., Buried: 01-10-1941, Age: 59, Section: OSSELTO_362_6_2, Plot Owner: DRYSON, EDJENKINS, David, Buried: 10-10-1926, Age: 54, Section: JAMES_345_6_3, Plot Owner: KRISCHBAUM, MRS MJENKINS, Don J., Buried: 05-02-1962, Age: 65, Section: OSSELTO_313_8_1, Plot Owner: BOLIN, MARIEJENKINS, Edgar E., Buried: 04/23/1952, Age: 86, Section: OSSELTO_313_8_3, Plot Owner: BURKHART, ELMERJENKINS, Frank E., Buried: 01/19/1947, Age: 44, Section: OSSELTO_312_8_4, Plot Owner: JENKINS, FRANK E.JENKINS, John Roberts, Buried: 12/20/1989, Age: 0, Section: WEST_7_575_1, Plot Owner: JENKINS, PAT & ROBINJENKINS, Lloyd F., Buried: 10/13/1977, Age: 45, Section: OSSELTO_312_8_1, Plot Owner: JENKINS, FRANK E.JENKINS, Margaret, Buried: 04/16/1947, Age: 66, Section: JAMES_345_6_2, Plot Owner: KRISCHBAUM, MRS MJENKINS, Mary L., Buried: 11/14/1943, Age: 33, Section: OSSELTO_312_8_3, Plot Owner: JENKINS, FRANK E.JENKINS, Mildred, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 25, Section: JAMES_345_6_4, Plot Owner: KRISCHBAUM, MRS MJENKINS, William, Buried: 06/26/1963, Age: 60, Section: JAMES_345_6_1, Plot Owner: KRISCHBAUM, MRS MJENNINGS, Floyd A. Sr., , Buried: 05-07-1986, Age: 47, Section: ODONNE_215_7_1, Plot Owner: GUNYAN, BENJENSEN, Alice, Buried: 01-01-1904, Age: 23, Section: BUNNING_90_4_2, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHJENSEN, Emil C., Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 45, Section: ODONNE_172_4_2, Plot Owner: BPOE #624, ELKSJENSEN, Fred A., Buried: 05/19/1946, Age: 48, Section: ODONNE_217_6_3, Plot Owner: JENSEN, FRED A.JENSEN, Hannah, Buried: 10-05-1954, Age: 78, Section: ODONNE_217_6_1, Plot Owner: JENSEN, HANNAHJENSEN, Jimmy, Buried: 08/28/1930, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_B_7_4, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, BURIALJENSEN, Martha G., Buried: 08-11-1980, Age: 0, Section: WEST_7_41_1, Plot Owner: HAMMOND, RUTHEDAJENSEN, Martin, Buried: 11-07-1947, Age: 72, Section: ODONNE_217_6_2, Plot Owner: JENSEN, MARTINJEPPEN, Alexander Mark, Buried: 01/22/1930, Age: 52, Section: OSSELTO_361_7_1, Plot Owner: JEPPEN, RUBENJERASHA, John, Buried: 03/27/1953, Age: 59, Section: NELSON_69_2_2, Plot Owner: JERASHA, JOHNJERASHA, Louis, Buried: 03/23/1965, Age: 69, Section: NELSON_69_2_3, Plot Owner: JERASHA, LOUISJEREB, Albun F., Buried: 01/21/1987, Age: 47, Section: WEST_7_465_1, Plot Owner: JEREB, KENNETHJEREB, Anna, Buried: 10-04-1967, Age: 74, Section: PARK_126_16_4, Plot Owner: JEREB, ANNAJEREB, Anten, Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 3, Section: PARK_106_5_4, Plot Owner: JEREB, ANTENJEREB, Baby, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_4A_4_1, Plot Owner: JEREB, JOSEPHJEREB, Bartholomew, Buried: 09/27/1948, Age: 57, Section: WATAHA_4A_4_4, Plot Owner: JEREB, BARTHOLOMEWJEREB, Dorothy, Buried: 10-03-2008, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_5_63_1, Plot Owner: GERRARD, M/M JAMES V.JEREB, Frances, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 45, Section: WATAHA_4A_4_3, Plot Owner: JEREB, FRANCESJEREB, John, Buried: 07/26/1950, Age: 83, Section: NELSON_67_5_1, Plot Owner: JEREB, JOHNJEREB, John Sr., Buried: 08/18/1969, Age: 79, Section: PARK_126_16_3, Plot Owner: JEREB, JOHN SR.JEREB, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_4A_4_1, Plot Owner: JEREB, JOSEPHJEREB, Joseph A., Buried: 04-04-1978, Age: 63, Section: WATAHA_5_62_1, Plot Owner: GERRARD, M/M JAMES V.JEREB, Joseph F., Buried: 11/14/2006, Age: 78, Section: YOUNG_424_21_4, Plot Owner: JEREB, JOSEPH F.JEREB, Joseph Sr., , Buried: 12-09-1967, Age: 78, Section: WATAHA_4_100_1, Plot Owner: KAMENSKI, ELSIE R.JEREB, Lawrence I., Buried: 12-06-1955, Age: 30, Section: YOUNG_401_36_4, Plot Owner: JEREB, MRS LAWRENCE LJEREB, Lorena I., Buried: 02/25/1991, Age: 60, Section: YOUNG_401_36_3, Plot Owner: JEREB, MRS LAWRENCE LJEREB, Madelyn, Buried: 12/16/1993, Age: 52, Section: WEST_7_465_1, Plot Owner: JEREB, KENNETHJEREB, Mark T., Buried: 07/18/1961, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_424_21_2, Plot Owner: JEREB, JOSEPH F.JEREB, Mary, Buried: 04/18/1938, Age: 81, Section: NELSON_67_5_2, Plot Owner: JEREB, MARYJEREB, Russell L., Buried: 04/22/1967, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_306_2_3, Plot Owner: GILBERT, HUGH ROSS "BUD"JEREB, Shirley M., Buried: 10-04-2004, Age: 73, Section: YOUNG_424_21_3, Plot Owner: JEREB, JOSEPH F.JEREB, Stefan, Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 3, Section: PARK_106_5_3, Plot Owner: JEREB, STEFANJEREB, Steven Anthony, Buried: 08/15/1986, Age: 31, Section: YOUNG_424_21_5, Plot Owner: JEREB, JOSEPH F.JEREB, Theresa, Buried: 11/18/1969, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_4_101_1, Plot Owner: KAMENSKI, STANLEY S.JEREB, Venceslaav, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 45, Section: WATAHA_4A_4_2, Plot Owner: JEREB, VENCESLAAVJERISM, Alice, Buried: 07-11-1904, Age: 23, Section: ODONNE_91_4_2, Plot Owner: REDRIDERS, LODGE #5IOJERKOVICH, Ivka, Buried: 01-12-1931, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_78_8_3, Plot Owner: JERKOVICH, IVKAJERSM, Saul, Buried: 07-05-1904, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_91_4_1, Plot Owner: REDRIDERS, LODGE #5IOJESENKO, Hazel, Buried: 01/26/1930, Age: 16, Section: NELSON_100_7_1, Plot Owner: JESENKO, HAZELJETT, June, Buried: 07/24/1998, Age: 52, Section: NELSON_128_5_2, Plot Owner: JETT, JUNEJIMINEZ, Gerardo, Buried: 06/17/2016, Age: 55, Section: COLUMB_WEST_1_11, Plot Owner: JIMENEZ, NORMAJISAACSON, Ida K., Buried: 11/26/1907, Age: 45, Section: PARKER_235_6_3, Plot Owner: ISAACSON, JOHNJOCHA, Steve Jr., , Buried: 04-01-1972, Age: 58, Section: EDGAR_82_2_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANJOHANNA, Laimi, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 2, Section: ODONNE_211_7_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALUJOHNSON, A. Mrs., Buried: 11/15/1900, Age: 23, Section: BUNNING_127_7_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, OSCARJOHNSON, Agnes E., Buried: 03/16/1903, Age: 2, Section: ODONNE_150_6_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, PETERJOHNSON, Alvida, Buried: 05-04-1954, Age: 84, Section: ODONNE_100_8_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, C. D.JOHNSON, Andrew, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_176_8_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, MASONICJOHNSON, Annie, Buried: 08/15/1992, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_151_5_4, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, CHRISJOHNSON, Annie E., Buried: 04-04-1972, Age: 92, Section: PARKER_293_8_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, CARLJOHNSON, Aron, Buried: 08/13/1902, Age: 26, Section: ODONNE_150_6_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, PETERJOHNSON, Axel, Buried: 01/30/1951, Age: 81, Section: JAMES_346_1_4, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, AXELJOHNSON, Axel Herbert, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 16, Section: JAMES_346_1_3, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, AXELJOHNSON, Brenda, Buried: 06/13/2015, Age: 63, Section: YOUNG_425_25X_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, WILLIAM & BRENDAJOHNSON, Carl E., Buried: 12-07-1923, Age: 48, Section: PARKER_293_8_3, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, CARLJOHNSON, Carl H., Buried: 01-12-1976, Age: 76, Section: ROE_68_19_4, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, CARL H.JOHNSON, Carl Thomas, Buried: 04-02-1962, Age: 63, Section: EDGAR_82_6_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANJOHNSON, Caroline, Buried: 05/18/1934, Age: 3, Section: ROE_79_3_3, Plot Owner: FLETCHER, ROBERT S.JOHNSON, Caroline, Buried: 04-11-1952, Age: 92, Section: BUNNING_151_5_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, CHRISJOHNSON, Charles D., Buried: 12-01-1939, Age: 73, Section: ODONNE_100_8_4, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, C DJOHNSON, Chris, Buried: 12/22/1952, Age: 87, Section: BUNNING_151_5_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, CHRISJOHNSON, Christine, Age: 16, Section: BUNNING_151_5_3, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, CHRISJOHNSON, David August, Buried: 01-08-1986, Age: 66, Section: WEST_7_424_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, DAVIDJOHNSON, Dessie B. Gray, Buried: 01/30/1979, Age: 55, Section: WEST_7_48_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON JR, HAROLD E.JOHNSON, E.E., Buried: 01/22/1947, Age: 80, Section: BUNNING_201_6_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINJOHNSON, Edward Child Of, Buried: 01/17/1991, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_179_8_4, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, EDWARDJOHNSON, Edward E., Buried: 01/22/1947, Age: 80, Section: BUNNING_201_4_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINJOHNSON, Eino Emil, Buried: 02-02-1939, Age: 38, Section: OSSELTO_355_1_4, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, MARYJOHNSON, Ella, Buried: 12/27/1938, Age: 44, Section: ROE_78_11_4, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, AUSTINJOHNSON, Ellen Louise, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_104_2_1, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEJOHNSON, Ellen Louise, Buried: 06/29/1917, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_189_4_4, Plot Owner: BPOE, ELKSJOHNSON, Ellen Louise, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_103_4_1, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHJOHNSON, Ellen Louise, Buried: 06/29/1922, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_295_6_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, ELLEN LOUISEJOHNSON, Ellen Louise, Buried: 02/16/1948, Age: 1, Section: OSSELTO_N_5_1, Plot Owner: RANDLESSI, UNKNOWNJOHNSON, Ellen Louise, Buried: 05/22/1945, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_142_6_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFJOHNSON, Ellen Louise, Buried: 01/30/1944, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_147_7_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFJOHNSON, Ellen M., Buried: 02/19/1931, Age: 68, Section: ROE_79_11_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, PETERJOHNSON, Emil, Buried: 04/13/1911, Age: 40, Section: ODONNE_150_6_3, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, PETERJOHNSON, Emma, Buried: 06/14/1957, Age: 83, Section: BUNNING_201_6_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINJOHNSON, Ernest, Buried: 03-04-1977, Age: 69, Section: ROE_71_17_4, Plot Owner: WALTERS, MRS ESTHERJOHNSON, F J, Buried: 11/29/1979, Age: 83, Section: OSSELTO_340_8_3, Plot Owner: LARSON, LILLIEJOHNSON, Frances, Buried: 07/18/1972, Age: 63, Section: WATAHA_4_91_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, MARVINJOHNSON, Fred, Buried: 12-10-1926, Age: 67, Section: PARKER_289_2_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, FREDJOHNSON, G, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_105_2_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFJOHNSON, George, Buried: 01-01-1989, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_157_8_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, GEORGEJOHNSON, Glen Roy B., Buried: 04/29/1938, Age: 65, Section: JAMES_329_3_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSTON, MRS JOHNJOHNSON, Gus, Buried: 03-05-1927, Age: 68, Section: BUNNING_113_2_2, Plot Owner: EXCELSIOR LODGE #9, IOOFJOHNSON, Gus, Buried: 03-11-1934, Age: 68, Section: LUDVIGS_271_8_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, GUSJOHNSON, Gusto, Buried: 04/24/1953, Age: 67, Section: ODONNE_167_2_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFJOHNSON, Hanna, Buried: 02-07-1926, Age: 54, Section: JAMES_346_1_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, AXELJOHNSON, Harold E. Jr., , Buried: 12/28/1995, Age: 67, Section: WEST_7_472_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, EVELYNJOHNSON, Hazel Baby, Buried: 08/25/1922, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_296_5_4, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, HAZELJOHNSON, Helen Marie Hamm, Buried: 05/16/2005, Age: 76, Section: BUNNING_130_2_3, Plot Owner: YOUNG, GEORGE LJOHNSON, Henry, Age: 32, Section: BUNNING_105_2_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFJOHNSON, Henry Elmer, Buried: 02/20/1956, Age: 62, Section: ROE_71_17_2, Plot Owner: WALTERS, MRS ESTHERJOHNSON, Herman Kinnunen, Buried: 11-11-1934, Age: 72, Section: ODONNE_187_6_1, Plot Owner: KOSKI, JOHNJOHNSON, Hulda Elizabeth Jacboson, Buried: 08/20/1945, Age: 50, Section: OSSELTO_G_5_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, NESTORJOHNSON, Ida Bulkinen, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 37, Section: ODONNE_187_6_2, Plot Owner: KOSKI, JOHNJOHNSON, Jack, Buried: 04-11-1953, Age: 64, Section: ODONNE_167_2_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFJOHNSON, James Willard, Buried: 06-04-2013, Age: 87, Section: OBLOCK_8_108_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, MARY JOJOHNSON, Jeanne, Buried: 11/23/2016, Age: 82, Section: COLUMB_SOUTH_1_19, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, WILLIAMJOHNSON, Jennie, Age: 2, Section: PARK_40_5_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, JENNIEJOHNSON, Jennie Sampi, Buried: 12-10-1949, Age: 57, Section: OSSELTO_362_7_3, Plot Owner: LUCAS, L. R.JOHNSON, Jerlyn Stevens, Buried: 05-11-1992, Age: 57, Section: WEST_7_504_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, WESLEY M.JOHNSON, John R., Buried: 05/27/1980, Age: 24, Section: KENDALL_39_2_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, JOHN R.JOHNSON, John S. Child Of, Buried: 09-03-1903, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_225_7_3, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, JOHN SJOHNSON, Karletta Mae, Buried: 02/13/1988, Age: 0, Section: WEST_7_503_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, WESLEY M.JOHNSON, Karletta Mae, Buried: 02/13/1988, Age: 0, Section: WEST_7_503_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, WESLEY M.JOHNSON, Lauri Allen (Larry), Buried: 09/19/1975, Age: 42, Section: OSSELTO_G_5_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, NESTORJOHNSON, Leonard H., Buried: 07/18/1959, Age: 54, Section: ROE_71_17_3, Plot Owner: WALTERS, MRS ESTHERJOHNSON, Lillian, Buried: 02/29/1956, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_401_29_2, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, ROBERTJOHNSON, Lillie E., Buried: 01/27/1975, Age: 78, Section: OSSELTO_340_8_2, Plot Owner: LARSON, LILLIEJOHNSON, Lucy Hay, Buried: 07/13/1984, Age: 86, Section: ROE_68_19_3, Plot Owner: GATTSCHA, MRS WMJOHNSON, Lydia, Buried: 01-01-1995, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_209_3_1, Plot Owner: HORPAKKA, ERIKJOHNSON, Margaret Stavran, Buried: 04/23/1949, Age: 45, Section: JAMES_325_8_2, Plot Owner: STAVRAN, AVRILJOHNSON, Martin, Buried: 12/19/1923, Age: 57, Section: PARKER_293_4_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, MARTINJOHNSON, Marvin, Buried: 01/15/1974, Age: 63, Section: WATAHA_4_90_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, MARVINJOHNSON, Mary Jo, Buried: 07/30/1999, Age: 69, Section: OBLOCK_8_109_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, MARY JOJOHNSON, Millard M., Buried: 08-09-1951, Age: 42, Section: OSSELTO_352_5_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, MRS WMJOHNSON, Mont, Buried: 12-08-1932, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_4X_6, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, MONTJOHNSON, Nestor, Age: 79, Section: OSSELTO_G_5_3, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, NESTORJOHNSON, Nick, Buried: 08-06-1934, Age: 39, Section: OSSELTO_331_4_1, Plot Owner: FOREIGN WARS, VETERANS OFJOHNSON, Paul James, Buried: 07-07-1993, Age: 37, Section: OBLOCK_8_105_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, MARY JOJOHNSON, Peter, Buried: 06-07-1983, Age: 89, Section: ROE_79_11_3, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, PETERJOHNSON, Peter Mrs., Buried: 04/23/1949, Age: 45, Section: JAMES_324_8_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, PETERJOHNSON, Ressie, Buried: 01-03-1961, Age: 59, Section: YOUNG_424_23_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, MARY E.JOHNSON, Richard, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 49, Section: PARK_40_5_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, RICHARDJOHNSON, Stella, Buried: 04-02-1941, Age: 49, Section: JAMES_306_3_1, Plot Owner: MOELLER, RUDY C.JOHNSON, Susan Marie, Buried: 06/29/2000, Age: 49, Section: BUNNING_130_2_3, Plot Owner: YOUNG, GEORGE LJOHNSON, Velma Irene, Buried: 05/26/1950, Age: 39, Section: ROE_71_17_1, Plot Owner: WALTERS, MRS ESTHERJOHNSON, Victor, Buried: 03/22/1901, Age: 30, Section: ODONNE_187_8_4, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, ALFREDJOHNSON, William, Buried: 11/23/2016, Age: 63, Section: COLUMB_SOUTH_1_19, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, WILLIAMJOHNSON, William H., Buried: 04/21/1921, Age: 27, Section: LUDVIGS_280_2_4, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, WILLIAM H.JOHNSON, William Marion, Buried: 08/23/1931, Age: 52, Section: OSSELTO_352_5_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, MRS WMJOHNSTON, Herbert Taylor, Buried: 01-01-1990, Age: 56, Section: ROE_69_2_5, Plot Owner: JOHNSTON, HERBERT TAYLORJOHNSTON, Hugh, Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 70, Section: PARK_40_5_3, Plot Owner: JOHNSTON, HUGHJOHNSTON, J0Hn, Buried: 06-09-1934, Age: 73, Section: JAMES_329_3_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSTON, MRS JOHNJOHNSTON, Malcolm L., Buried: 07/18/1970, Age: 37, Section: ROE_69_2_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSTON, MILDRED T.JOHNSTON, Malcolm T., Buried: 06/28/1951, Age: 47, Section: ROE_69_2_4, Plot Owner: JOHNSTON, MILDRED T.JOHNSTON, Marie Dewester, Buried: 01-03-2001, Age: 84, Section: OBLOCK_8_428_1, Plot Owner: JOHNSTON, MARIE DEWESTERJOHNSTON, Mildred T., Buried: 02-07-1957, Age: 44, Section: ROE_69_2_3, Plot Owner: JOHNSTON, MILDRED T.JOKAWICK, Altti, Buried: 01-01-1901, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_210_6_1, Plot Owner: KAUGAS, ROBERTJOLLY, Betty Jane, Buried: 01/31/1924, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_281_4_4, Plot Owner: JOLLY, ROBERTJOLLY, Charles, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_281_4_4, Plot Owner: JOLLY, ROBERTJOLLY, Charles Baby, Buried: 04-06-1929, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_281_4_3, Plot Owner: JOLLY, ROBERTJOLLY, Ellen (Scott), Buried: 11-02-1968, Age: 45, Section: LUDVIGS_281_4_1, Plot Owner: JOLLY, ROBERT & MARY PEARLJOLLY, Eva, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_281_4_4, Plot Owner: JOLLY, ROBERTJOLLY, Mary Pearl, Buried: 08/13/1947, Age: 53, Section: LUDVIGS_281_4_1, Plot Owner: JOLLY, ROBERT & MARY PEARLJOLLY, Robert, Buried: 02/17/1969, Age: 75, Section: LUDVIGS_281_4_3, Plot Owner: JOLLY, ROBERTJOLLY, Robert A & B, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_281_4_3, Plot Owner: JOLLY, ROBERTJOLLY, Robert Baby, Buried: 09-09-1926, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_281_4_2, Plot Owner: JOLLY, ROBERT & BABY ROBERTJOLLY, Violet R., Buried: 05/18/1930, Age: 3, Section: LUDVIGS_281_4_4, Plot Owner: JOLLY, ROBERTJONES, Abraham, Age: 55, Section: BUNNING_201_2_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINJONES, Anna, Buried: 06-11-1911, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_183_6_4, Plot Owner: JONES, ANNJONES, Anna Rose, Buried: 10-01-1949, Age: 59, Section: ROE_76_16_4, Plot Owner: ROSE, FRANKJONES, Baby of Marion & L., Buried: 10/13/1905, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_140_4_3, Plot Owner: JONES, MARIONJONES, Bella M., Buried: 12-10-1960, Age: 82, Section: ODONNE_140_2_2, Plot Owner: JONES, MRS JAMESJONES, Cecelia W., Buried: 12-05-1934, Age: 58, Section: JAMES_346_7_2, Plot Owner: JONES, DGJONES, Charles L., Buried: 10/25/1934, Age: 41, Section: LUDVIGS_249_1_4, Plot Owner: AERIE #151, FOEJONES, Dan, Buried: 01-01-1900, Age: 53, Section: ODONNE_117_5_2, Plot Owner: BARRETTS, GWENDOLINEJONES, Dan M., Buried: 02/21/1900, Age: 57, Section: ODONNE_139_1_1, Plot Owner: JONES, DANAJJONES, David G., Buried: 02/24/1950, Age: 91, Section: JAMES_346_7_3, Plot Owner: JONES, DGJONES, David H., Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 4, Section: JAMES_346_8_4, Plot Owner: JONES, W FJONES, Dorotha L., Buried: 02-02-1976, Age: 63, Section: WATAHA_3_100_1, Plot Owner: JONES, DOROTHA L.JONES, Dwight J., Buried: 12/19/1981, Age: 78, Section: WATAHA_3_99_1, Plot Owner: JONES, DWIGHT J.JONES, Edward, Buried: 06/30/1926, Age: 73, Section: JAMES_365_8_1, Plot Owner: JONES, EDJONES, Edward E., Buried: 11/30/1964, Age: 86, Section: YOUNG_401_24_2, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS, MRS EDWARDJONES, Enid, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 10, Section: LUDVIGS_280_1_3, Plot Owner: JONES, ENIDJONES, Eva, Buried: 01-01-1900, Age: 1, Section: JAMES_346_7_4, Plot Owner: JONES, DGJONES, Fay, Buried: 11/18/1965, Age: 7, Section: YOUNG_400_1_5, Plot Owner: JONES, JAMES RJONES, Frank, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_146_5_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFJONES, George, Buried: 03-09-1954, Age: 77, Section: MUIR_403_33_1, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFJONES, Harold B., Buried: 01-01-1973, Age: 55, Section: LUDVIGS_279_2_2, Plot Owner: JONES, ROYJONES, Harriette M., Buried: 08/26/1970, Age: 73, Section: LUDVIGS_249_6_2, Plot Owner: #151 FOE, EAGLESJONES, Herbert M., Buried: 08/29/1969, Age: 65, Section: LUDVIGS_249_6_3, Plot Owner: #151 FOE, EAGLESJONES, Hugh, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_107_5_4, Plot Owner: JONES, W JJONES, J. D., Buried: 02/14/1915, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_250_7_4, Plot Owner: JONES, JOEJONES, James H., Buried: 03-09-1937, Age: 67, Section: OSSELTO_339_6_1, Plot Owner: JONES, JCJONES, James H., Buried: 12/16/1908, Age: 32, Section: ODONNE_140_2_1, Plot Owner: JONES, MRS JAMESJONES, Jane Sarah, Buried: 04/16/1935, Age: 82, Section: JAMES_365_8_1, Plot Owner: JONES, EDJONES, Jessie, Buried: 12-11-1935, Age: 55, Section: JAMES_305_5_2, Plot Owner: JONES, JOHN E MRSJONES, Jessie Mrs., Buried: 12-11-1935, Age: 56, Section: JAMES_305_5_4, Plot Owner: JONES, JOHN E MRSJONES, John, Section: BUNNING_183_3_4, Plot Owner: JONES, JOHN O.JONES, John E., Buried: 11/30/1931, Age: 55, Section: JAMES_305_5_2, Plot Owner: JONES, JOHN E MRSJONES, John O., Buried: 02-12-1911, Age: 62, Section: LUDVIGS_258_7_4, Plot Owner: JONES, JOHN O.JONES, John O., Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 62, Section: BUNNING_88_8_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFJONES, John O., Buried: 10-02-1950, Age: 62, Section: PARKER_285_1_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDJONES, L.W. "Jack", Buried: 03/23/1985, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_4_16_1, Plot Owner: JONES, L.W. (JACK) AND LOUISEJONES, Lillie, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 33, Section: LUDVIGS_279_2_4, Plot Owner: JONES, ROYJONES, Louise, Buried: 08/22/1991, Age: 89, Section: WATAHA_4_17_1, Plot Owner: BROWNE, JERRY R.JONES, Margaret, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 64, Section: BUNNING_201_2_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINJONES, Mary Jane, Buried: 08/16/1955, Age: 82, Section: YOUNG_401_24_1, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS, MRS EDWARDJONES, Nina, Buried: 09/30/1912, Age: 57, Section: ODONNE_117_5_1, Plot Owner: BARRETTS, GWENDOLINEJONES, Pamela, Buried: 07-03-2014, Age: 66, Section: ODONNE_140_2_3, Plot Owner: JONES, MRS JAMESJONES, Paul, Buried: 10/22/2011, Age: 86, Section: OSSELTO_339_5_2, Plot Owner: JONES, MRS WMJONES, Pearl K., Buried: 11/21/1969, Age: 86, Section: LAUZER_421_26_1, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERJONES, Rachel A., Buried: 06/29/1906, Age: 76, Section: ODONNE_221_5_3, Plot Owner: JONES, ZEPHJONES, Richard, Buried: 11/15/1916, Age: 41, Section: LUDVIGS_250_6_1, Plot Owner: SCHOFIELD, THOMAS EDWARDJONES, Richard B., Buried: 02-09-1971, Age: 39, Section: OSSELTO_339_5_4, Plot Owner: JONES, MRS WMJONES, Robert E., Buried: 03/25/1963, Age: 42, Section: OSSELTO_339_6_3, Plot Owner: JONES, JCJONES, Robert H., Age: 53, Section: BUNNING_186_1_4, Plot Owner: MORRISON, FRANKJONES, Rose M., Buried: 12/18/1922, Age: 42, Section: LUDVIGS_297_4_1, Plot Owner: JONES, THOMASJONES, Roy, Buried: 02-03-1935, Age: 49, Section: LUDVIGS_279_2_3, Plot Owner: JONES, ROYJONES, Ruth, Buried: 12/29/1993, Age: 63, Section: OSSELTO_339_5_1, Plot Owner: JONES, MRS WMJONES, Ruth Esther Phillips, Buried: 12-08-2001, Age: 83, Section: YOUNG_401_24_3, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS, MRS EDWARDJONES, Sarah, Buried: 04/13/1935, Age: 82, Section: JAMES_365_8_2, Plot Owner: JONES, EDJONES, Sarah A., Age: 52, Section: BUNNING_88_8_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFJONES, Thelma, Buried: 04-03-1917, Age: 2, Section: ODONNE_213_7_3, Plot Owner: JONES, THELMAJONES, Thomas, Buried: 05/26/1973, Age: 79, Section: LAUZER_421_26_2, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERJONES, Trinity Trinette Marie, Buried: 01/27/2009, Age: 26, Section: MUIR_423_2_3, Plot Owner: LORENZ, RUBENJONES, W. R., Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_180_2_4, Plot Owner: JONES, WILLIAM R.JONES, William, Buried: 08-10-1911, Age: 73, Section: BUNNING_155_3_4, Plot Owner: BREST, A.JONES, William, Buried: 08-12-1911, Age: 73, Section: LUDVIGS_258_4_2, Plot Owner: JONES, WILLIAMJONES, William Baby Of, Buried: 10/19/1918, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_213_7_4, Plot Owner: JONES, WILLIAMJONES, William D., Buried: 03-08-1936, Age: 36, Section: OSSELTO_339_5_3, Plot Owner: JONES, MRS WMJONES, William D., Buried: 09-08-1958, Age: 46, Section: MUIR_402_24_4, Plot Owner: TODD, JOHN R. "BOB"JONES, William David, Buried: 01-01-1958, Age: 46, Section: YOUNG_401_24_5, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS, MRS EDWARDJONES, William R., Buried: 02-12-1970, Age: 75, Section: YOUNG_401_15_1, Plot Owner: AINSCOUGH, HORACE MJONES, Wm. John, Buried: 07-04-1933, Age: 70, Section: BUNNING_107_5_3, Plot Owner: JONES, W JJONES, Zeth Child Of, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_160_1_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERJORDAN, George, Buried: 07/13/1973, Age: 60, Section: WATAHA_6_Q_1, Plot Owner: JORDAN, LOUISEJORDAN, Ivery Robert, Buried: 09-04-1979, Age: 73, Section: EDGAR_64_3_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANJORDAN, Lucille M., Buried: 01/14/2003, Age: 66, Section: EDGAR_63_1X_3, Plot Owner: JORDAN, LUCILLE M.JORDEN, Ruby L., Buried: 05/28/1974, Age: 47, Section: WATAHA_6_80_1, Plot Owner: JORDEN, RUBY L.JORGENSEN, Walter C., Buried: 12/28/1974, Age: 80, Section: WATAHA_6_B_1, Plot Owner: JORGENSON, WALTER C.JORGENSON, Audrey M., Buried: 08/17/1971, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_6_C_1, Plot Owner: JORGENSON, WALTER C.JORGENSON, Thomas Mrs, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_105_6_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFJOVICH, John, Buried: 11-08-1924, Age: 38, Section: PARK_80_7_4, Plot Owner: JOVICH, JOHNJOYNSON, Baby Son, Buried: 01-01-1951, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_113_8_3, Plot Owner: EXCELSIOR LODGE #9, IOOFJOYNSON, Edwin, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_104_1_2, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEJOYNSON, Fannie, Buried: 01-06-1905, Age: 29, Section: BUNNING_113_8_4, Plot Owner: EXCELSIOR LODGE #9, IOOFJOYNSON, Fanny, Buried: 01-01-1904, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_104_1_4, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEJOYNSON, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_104_1_3, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEJOYNSON, Joseph, Buried: 01/22/1933, Age: 64, Section: BUNNING_113_8_3, Plot Owner: EXCELSIOR LODGE #9, IOOFJOYNSON, Samuel, Buried: 07-02-1905, Age: 78, Section: PARKER_235_5_4, Plot Owner: JOYNSON, SAMUELJOYNSON, W. E., Buried: 12/20/1920, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_102_3_1, Plot Owner: #5 REDMAN, WASHAKI TRIBEJUEL, Alice J., Buried: 08-10-1987, Age: 90, Section: ROE_69_19_1, Plot Owner: JUEL JR., PAUL CHRISTOPHERJUEL, Christopher, Buried: 05/21/1932, Age: 67, Section: ROE_69_20_4, Plot Owner: JUEL JR., PAUL CHRISTOPHERJUEL, Doris, Buried: 01-01-1993, Age: 88, Section: ROE_69_19_3, Plot Owner: JUEL JR., PAUL CHRISTOPHERJUEL, Einar, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 0, Section: ROE_69_19_2, Plot Owner: JUEL JR., PAUL CHRISTOPHERJUEL, Eric, Buried: 12/30/2006, Age: 79, Section: OBLOCK_8_612_1, Plot Owner: JUEL FAMILY, ERICJUEL, Helen E., Buried: 04/17/1976, Age: 75, Section: ROE_69_20_1, Plot Owner: JUEL JR., PAUL CHRISTOPHERJUEL, Helen Marie, Buried: 01-12-1974, Age: 77, Section: ROE_69_19_4, Plot Owner: JUEL JR., PAUL CHRISTOPHERJUEL, Kurt, Buried: 02-05-2015, Age: 61, Section: OBLOCK_8_614_1, Plot Owner: JUEL FAMILY, ERICJUEL, Paul C., Buried: 08-02-1971, Age: 70, Section: ROE_69_20_2, Plot Owner: JUEL JR., PAUL CHRISTOPHERJUEL, Paul Christopher Jr., , Buried: 11-01-1990, Age: 66, Section: WEST_7_603_1, Plot Owner: JUEL, MARYJUEL, Rosanna Margaret, Buried: 03-02-1959, Age: 85, Section: ROE_69_20_3, Plot Owner: JUEL JR., PAUL CHRISTOPHERJUGOVIC, Anton, Buried: 02/19/1949, Age: 80, Section: PARK_55_2_4, Plot Owner: JUGOVIC, ANTONJUGOVIC, Joe, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 27, Section: PARK_55_2_1, Plot Owner: JUGOVIC, JOEJUJNOVIC, Ivan, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 31, Section: PARK_55_4_3, Plot Owner: JUJNOVIC, IVANJUL, Chris, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_151_4_1, Plot Owner: CARLSON, NELSJULIAN, Oscar Child Of, Buried: 09/16/1990, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_157_4_3, Plot Owner: JULIAN, CHILD OF OSCARJULIUS, August, Buried: 08/20/1987, Age: 67, Section: NELSON_45_6_1, Plot Owner: JULIUS, AUGUSTJULIUS, Benjamin, Buried: 11-06-1976, Age: 70, Section: NELSON_45_8_4, Plot Owner: JULIUS, BENJAMINJULIUS, Dan M., Buried: 02-11-1991, Age: 47, Section: WEST_7_610_1, Plot Owner: JULIUS, DAN M.JULIUS, Edward J., Buried: 10/21/1948, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_45_5_1, Plot Owner: JULIUS, EDWARD J.JULIUS, Edward John, Buried: 03/27/2007, Age: 65, Section: OBLOCK_8_324_1, Plot Owner: JULIUS, ED & PATJULIUS, Louis, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 49, Section: NELSON_45_5_3, Plot Owner: JULIUS, LOUISJULIUS, Louis M., Buried: 08/30/1984, Age: 67, Section: PARK_38_3_2, Plot Owner: GULAS, LADJULIUS, Mary, Buried: 01/26/1952, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_45_6_2, Plot Owner: JULIUS, MARYJULIUS, Robert, Buried: 05-12-1976, Age: 68, Section: NELSON_45_8_1, Plot Owner: JULIUS, ROBERTJULIUS, Rudolph, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 19, Section: NELSON_45_5_4, Plot Owner: JULIUS, RUDOLPHJULY, John, Buried: 04/27/1914, Age: 12, Section: BUNNING_156_4_1, Plot Owner: JULY, JOHNJURICH, Andrew, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_84_20_5, Plot Owner: JURICH, ANDREWJURICH, George, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 2, Section: EDGAR_84_20_4, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENJURICH, Joseph M., Buried: 01-01-1969, Age: 84, Section: EDGAR_84_20_1, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENJURICH, Kristina, Buried: 03-11-1974, Age: 83, Section: EDGAR_84_20_2, Plot Owner: JURICH, KRISTINAJURICH, Lavina, Buried: 01/14/1981, Age: 65, Section: EDGAR_84_13_2, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENJURICH, Mary Loustaurt, Buried: 02/16/1971, Age: 41, Section: EDGAR_84_13_1, Plot Owner: JURICH, MARY LOUSTAURTJURICH, Unknown, Section: EDGAR_84_13_5, Plot Owner: JURICH, UNKNOWNJUSTIN, Anten, Buried: 09-01-1906, Age: 0, Section: PARK_105_7_3, Plot Owner: JUSTIN, ANTENJUSTIN, Dorothy, Buried: 02/25/1908, Age: 1, Section: PARK_105_7_2, Plot Owner: JUSTIN, DOROTHYJUSTIN, Mary, Buried: 10/15/1904, Age: 0, Section: PARK_105_7_4, Plot Owner: JUSTIN, MARYKAANTA, John, Buried: 01-01-1953, Age: 74, Section: KENDALL_17_5_3, Plot Owner: KATANA, JOHN AKAEDING, Gloria Ann, Buried: 07/31/2015, Age: 59, Section: KAUMO_10_99_1, Plot Owner: KAEDING FAMILY, GLORIAKAHUS, Matt, Buried: 06/17/1958, Age: 70, Section: YOUNG_401_20_2, Plot Owner: KAHUS, MATTKAHUS, Sophie, Buried: 09/18/1956, Age: 71, Section: YOUNG_401_20_1, Plot Owner: KAHUS, MATTKAHUS, William T, Buried: 12/13/1979, Age: 59, Section: YOUNG_401_20_1, Plot Owner: KAHUS, MATTKAKATIS, John, Buried: 04-09-1960, Age: 80, Section: MUIR_402_28_3, Plot Owner: VASE, PETEKALAGAIN, Vahan, Buried: 11/30/1954, Age: 73, Section: YOUNG_400_40_1, Plot Owner: KALAGAIN, VAHANKALAN, Frances, Buried: 11/17/2004, Age: 93, Section: WATAHA_6_E_1, Plot Owner: KALAN, VALKALAN, Gregor, Buried: 03-07-1945, Age: 69, Section: NELSON_102_8_2, Plot Owner: KALAN, GREGORKALAN, Louis, Buried: 09-04-1981, Age: 69, Section: NELSON_102_8_4, Plot Owner: KALAN, LOUISKALAN, Lucija, Buried: 01-01-1935, Age: 53, Section: NELSON_102_8_1, Plot Owner: KALAN, LUCIJAKALAN, Lucille, Buried: 11/23/1936, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_101_5_4, Plot Owner: ENSLEY, WAYNE & SHARONKALAN, Valentine, Buried: 05/22/2000, Age: 93, Section: WATAHA_6_D_1, Plot Owner: KALAN, VALKALASSINSKY, Charles E., Buried: 01/28/1985, Age: 80, Section: PARK_125_4_3, Plot Owner: KALASSINSKY, CHARLES E.KALASSINSKY, Irene, Buried: 08/23/1965, Age: 49, Section: PARK_125_4_4, Plot Owner: KALASSINSKY, CHARLES E.KALDIANOS, Robert L., Buried: 11-09-2005, Age: 74, Section: EDGAR_64_18_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANKALINOWSKI, Gertrude E., Buried: 06/18/1977, Age: 63, Section: WATAHA_4_63_1, Plot Owner: ENDRIZZI, JOHN B.KALINOWSKI, Gertrude Patricia, Buried: 08/24/1932, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_279_3_3, Plot Owner: BIRD, GEORGE WKALINOWSKI, Victor, Buried: 07-11-1973, Age: 66, Section: WATAHA_4_63_1, Plot Owner: ENDRIZZI, JOHN B.KALINOWSKI, Victor Jr., , Buried: 05-04-1933, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_279_3_2, Plot Owner: BIRD, GEORGE WKALISTER, John, Buried: 05-07-1947, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_19_11_3, Plot Owner: STARMAN, FRANCESKALLAN, A. G., Buried: 01-07-1918, Age: 47, Section: LUDVIGS_252_1_3, Plot Owner: KALLAN, A. G.KALLAS, Mike, Buried: 04-01-1947, Age: 54, Section: OSSELTO_336_1_3, Plot Owner: KALLAS, MRS MIKEKALLIE, John, Buried: 09/21/1949, Age: 65, Section: ROE_76_8_3, Plot Owner: KALLIE, PAULINEKALLINGREN, John, Buried: 08/22/1942, Age: 86, Section: BUNNING_185_6_2, Plot Owner: NELSON, SWANKALLIO, John, Buried: 09/21/1949, Age: 65, Section: ROE_77_8_3, Plot Owner: KALIE, UNKNOWNKALLIO, Joseph, Buried: 01/25/1942, Age: 69, Section: ODONNE_222_3_1, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALAKALLIO, Paulina, Buried: 03-07-1964, Age: 79, Section: ROE_77_8_2, Plot Owner: KALIO, UNKNOWNKALRUASKI, Gertrude, Buried: 08/23/1932, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_266_3_2, Plot Owner: KALRUASKI, GERTRUDEKAMENSKI, Anna S., Buried: 06/14/1980, Age: 91, Section: WATAHA_3A_1_1, Plot Owner: KAMENSKI, MIKE & HELENKAMENSKI, Elsie R., Buried: 03-06-2008, Age: 87, Section: WATAHA_4_103_1, Plot Owner: KAMENSKI, JOHN J.KAMENSKI, Helen L., Buried: 07-06-2001, Age: 85, Section: KENDALL_D_4_3, Plot Owner: KAMENSKI, HELEN L.KAMENSKI, Jennie, Buried: 07/13/2007, Age: 88, Section: WATAHA_4_105_1, Plot Owner: MCTEE, M/M WILLIAMKAMENSKI, John J., Buried: 08/24/2006, Age: 92, Section: WATAHA_4_104_1, Plot Owner: KAMENSKI, JOHN J.KAMENSKI, John M., Buried: 10-11-1965, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_3A_2_1, Plot Owner: KAMENSKI, MIKE & HELENKAMENSKI, Joseph J., Buried: 07-07-1982, Age: 74, Section: WATAHA_3A_13_1, Plot Owner: FUNERAL HOME, VASEKAMENSKI, Josephine H., Buried: 06/29/1987, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_3A_12_1, Plot Owner: FUNERAL HOME, VASEKAMENSKI, Michael B., Buried: 09/24/1990, Age: 79, Section: KENDALL_D_4_2, Plot Owner: KAMENSKI, MICHAEL B.KAMENSKI, Stanley S., Buried: 10/30/1986, Age: 64, Section: WATAHA_4_102_1, Plot Owner: KAMENSKI, STANLEY S.KAMIGAKI, May, Section: LUDVIGS_299_5_4, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEKANE, Mary Catheran, Buried: 06/29/1951, Age: 0, Section: ROE_76_2_1, Plot Owner: KANE, PATRICKKANGAS, Albertina, Buried: 05/26/1964, Age: 80, Section: OSSELTO_339_1_1, Plot Owner: KANGAS, GARY JOHNKANGAS, Gary John, Buried: 11-03-1937, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_339_1_4, Plot Owner: KANGAS, GARY JOHNKANGAS, John, Buried: 11/22/1975, Age: 89, Section: OSSELTO_339_1_2, Plot Owner: KANGAS, GARY JOHNKANGAS, Karen Marie, Buried: 05-10-1941, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_339_1_4, Plot Owner: KANGAS, GARY JOHNKANGAS, Melba, Buried: 09/20/1958, Age: 42, Section: OSSELTO_339_1_3, Plot Owner: KANGAS, GARY JOHNKANSKI, Maria, Buried: 12/19/1918, Age: 35, Section: PARK_88_1_2, Plot Owner: KANSKI, MARIAKAPPAS, Harry W., Buried: 04/18/1917, Age: 7, Section: LUDVIGS_282_8_4, Plot Owner: KAPPAS, HARRY W.KAPPES, Anna Mae, Buried: 01/21/1972, Age: 27, Section: LAUZER_421_17_2, Plot Owner: KAPPES, MRS HENRYKAPPES, Anna Mae, Buried: 01/21/1972, Age: 27, Section: LAUZER_421_17_2, Plot Owner: KAPPES, MRS HENRYKAPPES, Anna Marie, Buried: 01/21/1972, Age: 6, Section: LAUZER_421_17_1, Plot Owner: KAPPES, MRS HENRYKAPPES, Autumn Child, Buried: 03-02-1911, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_204_8_3, Plot Owner: KAPPES, CHOLASKAPPES, Charles, Buried: 12/20/1971, Age: 79, Section: BUNNING_204_7_1, Plot Owner: KAPPES, CHOLASKAPPES, Cholas, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 73, Section: BUNNING_204_8_1, Plot Owner: KAPPES, CHOLASKAPPES, Elizabeth, Buried: 01-01-1922, Section: BUNNING_204_8_2, Plot Owner: KAPPES, CHOLASKAPPES, Fred, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_204_8_3, Plot Owner: KAPPES, CHOLASKAPPES, Henry, Buried: 10-03-1966, Age: 71, Section: LAUZER_421_18_4, Plot Owner: KAPPES, MRS HENRYKAPPES, Henry, Buried: 10-03-1966, Age: 71, Section: LAUZER_421_18_4, Plot Owner: KAPPES, MRS HENRYKAPPES, Henry Charles, Buried: 07/30/1974, Age: 35, Section: LAUZER_421_18_5, Plot Owner: KAPPES, MRS HENRYKAPPES, Ida M., Buried: 08-05-1991, Age: 89, Section: LAUZER_421_18_3, Plot Owner: KAPPES, MRS HENRYKAPPES, Janet Louise, Buried: 01/21/1972, Age: 3, Section: LAUZER_421_17_1, Plot Owner: KAPPES, MRS HENRYKAPPES, John, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_204_8_4, Plot Owner: KAPPES, CHOLASKARAKAS, Steve, Buried: 09/18/1920, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_54_1_2, Plot Owner: KARAKAS, STEVEKARAMONAS, Mike, Buried: 12/20/1942, Age: 52, Section: OSSELTO_335_1_3, Plot Owner: SEMOS, MRS MIKEKARG, Maude L., Buried: 01-01-1961, Age: 70, Section: BUNNING_179_3_3, Plot Owner: CROFTS, THOMASKARG, Perry W., Buried: 09-03-1933, Age: 52, Section: BUNNING_179_3_4, Plot Owner: CROFTS, THOMASKARGALARISO, Helui Marie, Buried: 12/19/1904, Age: 2, Section: BUNNING_223_1_2, Plot Owner: KARGALANIN, WMKARI, Matti N., Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 32, Section: ODONNE_211_5_1, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALUKARKAINE, Paul, Buried: 05-11-1921, Age: 34, Section: PARKER_294_8_1, Plot Owner: KARKAINE, PAULKARLIK, Joseph, Buried: 06-08-1942, Age: 73, Section: BUNNING_112_2_1, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEKARLIN, Janez, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 20, Section: PARK_63_3_2, Plot Owner: KARLIN, JANEZKARLOGAN, Basco, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_19_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANKARNAFEL, Karol, Buried: 09-10-1920, Age: 41, Section: PARK_82_2_4, Plot Owner: KARNAFEL, KAROLKARNES, Charles W., Buried: 08-09-1948, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_145_2_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFKARPAN, Mary, Buried: 12-11-2006, Age: 93, Section: PARK_121_2_4, Plot Owner: KARPAN, PAULKARPAN, Pauline A., Buried: 12-04-1954, Age: 37, Section: PARK_121_2_3, Plot Owner: KARPAN, PAULKARPAN, Thomas, Buried: 03/30/1976, Age: 63, Section: PARK_121_2_1, Plot Owner: KARPAN, MARY KAYKARPAN, Thomas M., Buried: 09-06-1969, Age: 53, Section: PARK_121_2_2, Plot Owner: KARPAN, PAULKARPPI, Liisa, Buried: 12-10-1953, Age: 86, Section: PARKER_263_4_2, Plot Owner: KARPPI, WILHO O.KARPPI, Margaret, Buried: 05/22/1999, Age: 85, Section: PARKER_263_4_1, Plot Owner: KARPPI, WILHO O.KARPPI, Peter, Buried: 07/26/1952, Age: 78, Section: PARKER_263_4_3, Plot Owner: KARPPI, WILHO O.KARPPI, Peter Jr., , Buried: 01/14/1983, Age: 82, Section: PARKER_263_4_2, Plot Owner: KARPPI, WILHO O.KARPPI, Wilho O., Buried: 10/31/1929, Age: 22, Section: PARKER_263_4_4, Plot Owner: KARPPI, WILHO O.KART, John, Buried: 09-06-1958, Age: 73, Section: LUDVIGS_256_3_4, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFKARVONEN, Alma, Buried: 07-11-1956, Age: 85, Section: ROE_71_3_5, Plot Owner: LAURUNEN, MRS LYDIAKARVONEN, August, Buried: 08/19/1922, Age: 47, Section: LUDVIGS_297_5_3, Plot Owner: KARVONEN, AUGUSTKARVONEN, Lillie, Buried: 04-05-1950, Age: 44, Section: ROE_71_4_1, Plot Owner: LAURUNEN, MRS LYDIAKASTNER, John, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 53, Section: ODONNE_140_3_3, Plot Owner: KASTNER ESTATE, JOHNKATANA, Angela G., Buried: 02/20/1993, Age: 93, Section: WATAHA_4_49_1, Plot Owner: KATANA, ANGELINAKATANA, Anthony, Buried: 06/13/2013, Age: 91, Section: OBLOCK_8_654_1, Plot Owner: KATANA, TONY & RUTHKATANA, John A, Age: 66, Section: WATAHA_4_48_1, Plot Owner: KATANA, ANGELINAKATANA, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1953, Age: 69, Section: KENDALL_17_5_4, Plot Owner: KATANA, MARYKATANA, Ruth, Buried: 03/27/2009, Age: 85, Section: OBLOCK_8_654_1, Plot Owner: KATANA, TONY & RUTHKATICH, Geo, Buried: 02/22/1921, Age: 34, Section: PARK_80_8_1, Plot Owner: KATICH, GEOKATICH, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 67, Section: NELSON_30_4_1, Plot Owner: KATICH, JOSEPHKATICH, Katherine, Buried: 07/27/1968, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_30_4_2, Plot Owner: KATICH, KATHERINEKATO, C., Section: LUDVIGS_278_4_4, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEKATOLA, Fabain, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 35, Section: PARKER_283_5_3, Plot Owner: KATOLA, FABAINKATONA, Alex, Buried: 11/30/1948, Age: 65, Section: KENDALL_41_3_1, Plot Owner: KATONA, ALEXKATOVICH, Joseph, Buried: 07/26/1935, Age: 40, Section: PARK_80_4_4, Plot Owner: KATOVICH, JOSEPHKATRINA, Agnus, Buried: 11/27/1921, Age: 30, Section: PARKER_294_6_1, Plot Owner: KATRINA, AGNUSKATSEFAKEN, Tony, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 35, Section: PARKER_287_4_1, Plot Owner: KATSEFAKEN, TONYKATSIS, Mike, Buried: 02-05-1962, Age: 72, Section: MUIR_422_36_1, Plot Owner: KATSIS, MIKEKAUCHICH, Pauline M., Buried: 01-10-1997, Age: 93, Section: KENDALL_32_4_4, Plot Owner: KAUCHICH, PAULINE M.KAUCHICH, Steve, Buried: 03-04-1965, Age: 71, Section: KENDALL_32_4_3, Plot Owner: KAUCHICH, STEVEKAUCHICH, Unknown, Section: KENDALL_32_2_3, Plot Owner: CORDOVA, MRS BENITAKAUGOS, Jacob Child Of, Buried: 08/24/1901, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_208_6_1, Plot Owner: KAUGAS, JACOBKAUGOSS, Isaac, Buried: 06-09-1919, Age: 38, Section: LUDVIGS_282_7_4, Plot Owner: KAUGOSS, ISAACKAUL, Eva, Buried: 09/13/1996, Age: 76, Section: JAMES_344_5_1, Plot Owner: KAUL, F AKAUL, Floyd A., Buried: 05-06-1966, Age: 79, Section: JAMES_344_5_4, Plot Owner: KAUL, F AKAUL, Floyd Jr., , Buried: 05/27/2005, Age: 85, Section: JAMES_344_5_2, Plot Owner: KAUL, F AKAUL, Mary Ila, Buried: 03-02-1927, Age: 34, Section: JAMES_344_5_3, Plot Owner: KAUL, EVA & F AKAUMO, Agnes, Buried: 07/27/2010, Age: 91, Section: NELSON_127_17_1, Plot Owner: KAUMO, JOE & AGNESKAUMO, Angelo, Buried: 04/30/1996, Age: 76, Section: NELSON_20_6_1, Plot Owner: KAUMO, ANGELOKAUMO, August, Buried: 07/21/2003, Age: 92, Section: CROATIA_5_8X_3, Plot Owner: KAUMO, AUGUSTKAUMO, Dorothy, Buried: 06-08-2004, Age: 87, Section: CROATIA_5_8X_4, Plot Owner: KAUMO, AUGUSTKAUMO, Eva, Buried: 01/22/1970, Age: 58, Section: NELSON_127_2_2, Plot Owner: KAUMO, FRANK ALFREDKAUMO, Frank, Buried: 09/25/1971, Age: 62, Section: NELSON_127_2_2, Plot Owner: KAUMO, FRANK ALFREDKAUMO, Frank Alfred, Buried: 10/29/1991, Age: 55, Section: NELSON_127_2_4, Plot Owner: KAUMO, FRANK ALFREDKAUMO, Joan Frances, Buried: 04-08-1960, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_6_7_3, Plot Owner: KAUMO, JOAN FRANCESKAUMO, Joe, Buried: 09/18/1997, Age: 82, Section: NELSON_127_17_2, Plot Owner: KAUMO, JOE & AGNESKAUMO, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1949, Age: 69, Section: CROATIA_6_7_1, Plot Owner: KAUMO, JOHN F.KAUMO, Mary Joe, Buried: 01-11-2017, Age: 70, Section: KENDALL_27_7_1, Plot Owner: KAUMO, MICHELE A.KAUMO, Mary O., Buried: 01-01-1966, Age: 82, Section: CROATIA_6_7_2, Plot Owner: KAUMO, MARY O.KAUMO, Michele A., Buried: 08-03-1968, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_27_7_1, Plot Owner: KAUMO, MICHELE A.KAUMO, Pierina, Buried: 06-02-2007, Age: 85, Section: NELSON_20_6_2, Plot Owner: KAUMO, PIERINAKAUMO, Robert John, Buried: 04/21/1979, Age: 32, Section: NELSON_127_2_1, Plot Owner: KAUMO, FRANK ALFREDKAUMO, Ronnie J., Buried: 11/27/1968, Age: 18, Section: NELSON_127_2_3, Plot Owner: KAUMO, FRANK ALFREDKAUMO, William J., Buried: 02/21/1934, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_251_8_4, Plot Owner: JACKSON, EMMAKAUZLARICH, Charles Jaems, Buried: 11-02-1932, Age: 4, Section: JAMES_305_3_1, Plot Owner: KARZLARICH, STEVEKAVAS, George, Buried: 04/20/1959, Age: 73, Section: MUIR_402_29_3, Plot Owner: VASE, PETEKAWAGUCHI, Raeji, Buried: 11/18/1945, Age: 67, Section: LUDVIGS_278_5_4, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEKAY, James, Age: 0, Section: ROE_79_4_1, Plot Owner: KAY, JAMESKEAR, Ed, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_112_6_2, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEKEARN, Baby, Buried: 03/28/1998, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_154_5_3, Plot Owner: KEVAN, J HKEELER, Charlotte F., Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 73, Section: ODONNE_189_2_1, Plot Owner: BPOE, ELKSKEEN, Virginia S., Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_228_1_1, Plot Owner: SKEEN, E SKEENEY, Allen, Buried: 02/19/1994, Age: 60, Section: OBLOCK_8_101_1, Plot Owner: KEENEY, JEAN D.KEENEY, Dennis, Buried: 07/18/2012, Age: 60, Section: LUDVIGS_298_2_1, Plot Owner: KEENEY, DENNISKEENEY, Susan, Buried: 03/29/2012, Age: 69, Section: LUDVIGS_298_2_1, Plot Owner: KEENEY, DENNISKEEPS, George, Buried: 08/19/1948, Age: 41, Section: ROE_73_5_4, Plot Owner: KEEPS, MRS GEORGEKEERNER, Baby, Buried: 09/21/1946, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_K_5_4, Plot Owner: KEENER, MR WILLIEKEFFER, Cynthia, Buried: 02-03-1950, Age: 0, Section: ROE_75_16_4, Plot Owner: KEFFER, ALLENKEFFER, Frank E., Buried: 03/20/1950, Age: 0, Section: ROE_75_16_4, Plot Owner: KEFFER, ALLENKEIFLE, Alice, Buried: 02/18/1950, Age: 91, Section: BUNNING_107_7_3, Plot Owner: KIERLE, ALBERT MRSKEIRLE, Albert, Buried: 02-01-1905, Age: 54, Section: BUNNING_107_7_4, Plot Owner: KIERLE, ALBERT MRSKEITH, Anna Alexis, Buried: 06/17/2002, Age: 100, Section: NELSON_128_17_4, Plot Owner: KEITH, ANNA ALEXISKEITH, Jimmy, Buried: 10/27/1994, Age: 33, Section: OBLOCK_8_104_1, Plot Owner: KEITH, MRS. GERTRUDEKELDSEN, Margaret Kay Motto, Buried: 08/13/2009, Age: 51, Section: OSSELTO_309_7_3, Plot Owner: EDD, CARL O.KELLER, Barbara, Buried: 11-04-1959, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_422_6_5, Plot Owner: KELLER, CHARLES E.KELLER, Betsy I., Buried: 03/27/1997, Age: 78, Section: MUIR_422_6_3, Plot Owner: KELLER, CHARLES E.KELLER, Charles E., Buried: 11-10-2006, Age: 90, Section: MUIR_422_6_4, Plot Owner: KELLER, CHARLES E.KELLER, Earl R., Buried: 05/15/1976, Age: 56, Section: MUIR_422_6_2, Plot Owner: KELLER, CHARLES E.KELLER, Hanna, Buried: 03/29/1971, Age: 88, Section: MUIR_422_6_1, Plot Owner: KELLER, CHARLES E.KELLER, Jayden, Buried: 01-03-2013, Age: 11, Section: OBLOCK_8_721_1, Plot Owner: KELLER, JAYDENKELLER, Michael, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_347_3_4, Plot Owner: LIMGO, VASLEKELLEY, Agnes A., Buried: 11-08-1990, Age: 71, Section: BUNNING_86_2_4, Plot Owner: KELLEY, HUGH M.KELLEY, Betty Lou, Buried: 09/14/2012, Age: 83, Section: MUIR_423_30_3, Plot Owner: KELLY, CHARLESKELLEY, Charles, Buried: 09/14/2012, Age: 86, Section: MUIR_423_30_3, Plot Owner: KELLY, CHARLESKELLEY, Hugh F., Buried: 06-07-2002, Age: 70, Section: OBLOCK_8_167_1, Plot Owner: KELLEY, HUGH & DORAKELLEY, Hugh M., Buried: 06/27/1929, Age: 54, Section: BUNNING_86_2_2, Plot Owner: KELLEY, HUGH M.KELLEY, James M., Buried: 07/28/1969, Age: 33, Section: KENDALL_I_3_2, Plot Owner: KELLEY, JAMES M.KELLEY, Jane M., Buried: 06-07-2001, Age: 81, Section: ODONNE_219_8_2, Plot Owner: WALKER, JANEKELLEY, John C., Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_86_2_1, Plot Owner: KELLEY, HUGH M.KELLEY, Margaret R., Buried: 02/21/1941, Age: 68, Section: BUNNING_86_2_3, Plot Owner: KELLEY, HUGH M.KELLEY, Michael P., Buried: 11-01-1954, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_I_3_4, Plot Owner: KELLY, MICHAEL P.KELLEY, Patricia A., Buried: 09/27/1951, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_I_3_3, Plot Owner: KELLEY, PATRICIA A.KELLOGG, Armand, Buried: 09-07-2002, Age: 87, Section: NELSON_115_6_4, Plot Owner: KELLOGG, ARMAND & MABELKELLOGG, George Arthur, Buried: 06-09-1951, Age: 69, Section: BUNNING_85_3_3, Plot Owner: WEBSTER, MRS M LKELLOGG, Hattie Maud, Buried: 09-10-1964, Age: 81, Section: NELSON_115_6_2, Plot Owner: KELLOGG, HATTIE MAUDKELLOGG, Helen, Buried: 03/19/1983, Age: 95, Section: BUNNING_137_2_1, Plot Owner: REESE, MARTINKELLOGG, Howard L., Buried: 11-08-1969, Age: 81, Section: ROE_69_5_2, Plot Owner: TALIAFERRO, MRS T SKELLOGG, Marbel, Buried: 09-07-2002, Age: 86, Section: NELSON_115_6_4, Plot Owner: KELLOGG, ARMAND & MABELKELLOGG, Margaret Ellen, Buried: 12/23/1925, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_85_3_4, Plot Owner: WEBSTER, MRS M LKELLOGG, Margaret Webster, Buried: 12-01-1984, Age: 91, Section: BUNNING_85_3_2, Plot Owner: WEBSTER, MRS M LKELLOGG, Nelle H., Buried: 07/26/1972, Age: 83, Section: ROE_69_5_1, Plot Owner: TALIAFERRO, MRS T SKELLOGG, Nelson O., Buried: 05/22/1910, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_196_6_1, Plot Owner: KELLOGG, NELSON O.KELLOGG, Samual Darwin, Buried: 01-01-1935, Age: 22, Section: NELSON_115_6_3, Plot Owner: KELLOGG, SAMUAL DARWINKELLOGG, Samuel Edward, Buried: 08-04-1975, Age: 91, Section: NELSON_115_6_1, Plot Owner: KELLOGG, SAMUEL EDWARDKELLOGG, William, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 40, Section: ODONNE_124_7_4, Plot Owner: KELLOGG, WILLIAMKELLY, Benjamin, Buried: 06/23/1939, Age: 68, Section: OSSELTO_356_2_1, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDEMKELLY, Carl Lee, Buried: 08-09-1951, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_7_4, Plot Owner: KELLY, THEODOREKELLY, Charles, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_134_8_3, Plot Owner: MATHEWS, JOHNKELLY, Dora, Buried: 09/26/2014, Age: 74, Section: OBLOCK_8_168_1, Plot Owner: KELLEY, HUGH & DORAKELLY, Dorothy, Buried: 01-05-1960, Age: 9, Section: MUIR_423_30_3, Plot Owner: KELLY, CHARLESKELLY, Gertrude, Age: 77, Section: MUIR_403_3_2, Plot Owner: KELLY, GERTRUDEKELLY, Joe, Buried: 01-12-1976, Age: 58, Section: MUIR_403_3_5, Plot Owner: KELLY, GERTRUDEKELLY, Joseph, Buried: 12-02-1915, Age: 77, Section: BUNNING_86_2_3, Plot Owner: KELLEY, HUGH M.KELLY, Joseph B., Buried: 05-08-1953, Age: 77, Section: MUIR_403_3_3, Plot Owner: KELLY, GERTRUDEKELLY, Julia, Buried: 03/31/2000, Age: 79, Section: MUIR_403_7_2, Plot Owner: KELLY, THEODORE & JULIAKELLY, Lauren Kay, Buried: 01-01-2006, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_129_17_3, Plot Owner: KELLY, LIVING TRUST OF HOWARDKELLY, Pat Baby, Buried: 10-11-1925, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_366_5_4, Plot Owner: BEKAKIN, PETEKELLY, Robert Dale, Buried: 01/21/2014, Age: 64, Section: EDGAR_65_6_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANKELLY, Theodore, Buried: 01-10-1981, Age: 65, Section: MUIR_403_7_3, Plot Owner: KELLY, THEODOREKEMP, Howard S., Buried: 09/27/1900, Age: 19, Section: ODONNE_124_5_4, Plot Owner: KEMP, HOWARD S.KENALSKI, Andrew, Buried: 06-05-1934, Age: 35, Section: LUDVIGS_271_4_4, Plot Owner: BENNETT, LOUISKENDALL, Alma V., Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_178_7_1, Plot Owner: LARSON, AKENDALL, Charles G., Buried: 01-09-1946, Age: 69, Section: ODONNE_189_8_3, Plot Owner: KENDALL, CHARLES G.KENDALL, Larue C., Buried: 02/22/2008, Age: 82, Section: OBLOCK_8_645_1, Plot Owner: KENDALL, LOYAL & LARUEKENDALL, Spencer D., Buried: 01/30/1976, Age: 0, Section: PARK_126_20_1, Plot Owner: KENDALL, SPENCER D.KENNEDY, Alicia Ann, Buried: 12-02-1964, Age: 0, Section: PARK_125_2_1, Plot Owner: KENNEDY, ALICIA ANNKENNEDY, Alphonsine, Buried: 10/15/1946, Age: 38, Section: KENDALL_26_8_3, Plot Owner: KENNEDY, ALPHONSINEKENNEDY, Louis J., Buried: 10/21/1949, Age: 46, Section: KENDALL_26_8_4, Plot Owner: KENNEDY, LOUIS J.KENNEDY, Rev. Michael A., Buried: 04/25/1911, Age: 66, Section: PARK_39_1_4, Plot Owner: KENNEDY, REV. MICHAEL A.KENNEY, Charles Fred, Buried: 06-09-1995, Age: 91, Section: OBLOCK_8_197_1, Plot Owner: KENNEY, CHARLES FREDKENNEY, Helen Alice, Buried: 05/17/2001, Age: 94, Section: OBLOCK_8_198_1, Plot Owner: KENNEY, CHARLES FREDKENT, Elizabeth B., Buried: 03/14/1957, Age: 78, Section: YOUNG_401_31_3, Plot Owner: KENT, HARRYKENT, Henry, Buried: 09-10-1974, Age: 93, Section: YOUNG_401_31_4, Plot Owner: KENT, HARRYKENT, John, Buried: 07/13/1945, Age: 66, Section: ROE_79_15_2, Plot Owner: KENT, HARRYKENT, Margaret Ann, Buried: 02-03-1960, Age: 83, Section: ROE_79_16_5, Plot Owner: KENT, MARGARET ANNKENT, Mary, Buried: 02-06-1932, Age: 74, Section: ROE_79_15_4, Plot Owner: KENT, HARRYKENT, William, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 54, Section: ROE_79_15_5, Plot Owner: KENT, WILLIAMKENTON, William, Buried: 10/27/1913, Age: 27, Section: LUDVIGS_271_6_4, Plot Owner: KENTON, WILLIAMKERANEN, Edward Joseph, Buried: 12-04-1953, Age: 58, Section: EDGAR_82_5_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANKERANEN, Kenneth, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_211_5_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALUKERANEN, Samuel H., Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_107_6_4, Plot Owner: JACKSON, AKERANEN, Signe, Buried: 05-08-1969, Age: 65, Section: MUIR_403_13_5, Plot Owner: MORRISON, MRS CHARLESKERANEN, Signe M., Buried: 05-06-1969, Age: 65, Section: MUIR_403_20_1, Plot Owner: CHILTON, WILLIAMKERBACK, Hans Carl, Buried: 10/19/1962, Age: 71, Section: MUIR_422_38_2, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERKERBACK, Mae Gardner, Buried: 11/23/1982, Age: 83, Section: MUIR_422_38_1, Plot Owner: VASE, PETEKERRENS, Thomas L., Buried: 08/20/1953, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_402_32_4, Plot Owner: SIMS, ROGER OR PAULAKERSHISNIK, Amelia, Buried: 11-02-1907, Age: 0, Section: PARK_113_8_3, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, AMELIAKERSHISNIK, Angela, Buried: 01-01-1977, Age: 80, Section: KENDALL_21_4_3, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, ANGELAKERSHISNIK, Edna, Buried: 01-01-1990, Age: 88, Section: KENDALL_19_1_2, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, EDNAKERSHISNIK, Eileen, Buried: 02-02-2012, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_20_9X_2, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, JOHN & EILEENKERSHISNIK, Frances Perko, Buried: 04/14/1948, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_18_8_3, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, FRANCES PERKOKERSHISNIK, Frank, Buried: 09/14/1912, Age: 0, Section: PARK_113_8_4, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, FRANKKERSHISNIK, Frank, Buried: 02/16/1953, Age: 50, Section: KENDALL_19_1_1, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, JOSEPHKERSHISNIK, Frank J., Buried: 08-09-2000, Age: 74, Section: KENDALL_19_1_3, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, FRANK J.KERSHISNIK, Frank Sr., , Buried: 01-01-1957, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_18_8_2, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, FRANK SR.KERSHISNIK, Gerald, Buried: 08-07-2015, Age: 68, Section: KAUMO_10_103_1, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, GERALDKERSHISNIK, John, Buried: 01-01-1941, Age: 50, Section: KENDALL_21_4_4, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, JOHNKERSHISNIK, John, Buried: 05-12-1993, Age: 64, Section: KENDALL_20_9X_1, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, JOHN & EILEENKERSHISNIK, Joseph, Buried: 02/25/1910, Age: 0, Section: PARK_113_8_4, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, FRANKKERSHISNIK, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-2001, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_19_1_1, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, JOSEPHKERSHISNIK, Kathleen G., Buried: 10/21/2003, Age: 83, Section: NELSON_127_6_4, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, KATHLEEN G.KERSHISNIK, Mary, Buried: 10-07-1969, Age: 82, Section: PARK_113_8_1, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, MARYKERSHISNIK, Max, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 37, Section: PARK_113_8_2, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, MAXKERSHISNIK, Max, Buried: 01-01-1989, Age: 94, Section: KENDALL_20_1X_3, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, MAXKERSHISNIK, Max F., Buried: 01-01-1964, Age: 59, Section: KENDALL_18_8_4, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, MAX F.KERSHISNIK, Max Jr., Buried: 12/29/1955, Age: 50, Section: PARK_121_17_2, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, MAX JR.KERSHISNIK, Thomas J., Buried: 10/19/2015, Age: 85, Section: KENDALL_21_4_2, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, JOHN J.KERSHISNIK, Victor W., Buried: 06/20/1997, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_127_6_3, Plot Owner: KERSHISNIK, KATHLEEN G.KERURUETER, Leonard, Buried: 11/16/1990, Age: 70, Section: BUNNING_135_8_2, Plot Owner: KERURUETER, LEONARDKESHELL, Elizabeth, Buried: 08/31/1920, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_282_5_1, Plot Owner: KESHELL, ELIZABETHKESSNER, G.E. "Ed", Buried: 03-01-1991, Age: 90, Section: EDGAR_65_3_2, Plot Owner: KESSNER, GEORGE EDWARDKESSNER, H. Richard "Dickie", Buried: 08-03-1939, Age: 12, Section: EDGAR_65_3_5, Plot Owner: KESSNER, H. RICHARD "DICKIE"KESSNER, Ida M., Buried: 09/28/1996, Age: 91, Section: EDGAR_65_3_3, Plot Owner: KESSNER, GEORGE EDWARDKESSNER, Norma M., Buried: 03-12-1999, Age: 51, Section: OBLOCK_8_352_1, Plot Owner: KESSNER, BOB & NORMAKESSNER, Robert D., Buried: 11-06-2008, Age: 62, Section: OBLOCK_8_351_1, Plot Owner: KESSNER, BOB & NORMAKESTNER, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 51, Section: PARK_18_4_3, Plot Owner: KESTNER, JOSEPHKESTNER, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 22, Section: PARK_18_4_2, Plot Owner: KESTNER, MARYKESTNER, Mary, Buried: 12/24/1946, Age: 54, Section: PARK_18_4_4, Plot Owner: KESTNER, MARYKETTERING, George Ira Sr., , Buried: 06-12-1980, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_193_6_4, Plot Owner: GUNYAN, MRS BENKETTERING, Lila E., Buried: 09/13/2001, Age: 79, Section: ODONNE_193_6_3, Plot Owner: GUNYAN, MRS BENKETTLE, Baby, Buried: 09-11-1949, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_63_17_1, Plot Owner: KETTLE, JOHN E.KETTLE, Esther, Buried: 04-10-1949, Age: 53, Section: EDGAR_63_17_2, Plot Owner: KETTLE, ESTHERKETTLE, Harry, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_337_7_3, Plot Owner: HARTLE, MRS CLARKKETTLE, John E., Buried: 10/15/1965, Age: 80, Section: EDGAR_63_17_3, Plot Owner: KETTLE, JOHN E.KETTLE, Luella Jean, Buried: 09/29/1953, Age: 49, Section: EDGAR_63_17_4, Plot Owner: KETTLE, JOHN E.KETTLE, Luella Jean, Buried: 12/22/1982, Age: 49, Section: EDGAR_63_17_4, Plot Owner: KETTLE, JOHN E.KEZELE, George Thomas, Buried: 01/19/1996, Age: 80, Section: OBLOCK_8_245_1, Plot Owner: KEZELE, BARBARAKEZELE, Julia, Buried: 01/29/1973, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_37_8_4, Plot Owner: KEZELE, JULIAKEZELE, Mary Magdalene, Buried: 01-12-1998, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_37_8_2, Plot Owner: KEZELE, MARY MAGDALENEKIDMAN, Margaret M., Buried: 10/24/1994, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_3_41_1, Plot Owner: KIDMAN, M/M ORSONKIDMAN, Orson G., Buried: 01-07-1991, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_3_40_1, Plot Owner: KIDMAN, M/M ORSONKIEFER, Verna, Buried: 12-11-1935, Age: 28, Section: EDGAR_67_18_1, Plot Owner: KIEFER, WMKIEHM, Helen C., Buried: 12/20/1989, Age: 68, Section: WEST_7_570_1, Plot Owner: KIEHM, LOUIS & HELENKIEHM, Louis L., Buried: 09-11-1904, Age: 84, Section: WEST_7_571_1, Plot Owner: KIEHM, LOUIS & HELENKIELTY, Wm. T., Buried: 04-07-1955, Age: 54, Section: MUIR_403_33_2, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFKIERNAN, Vance Patrick, Buried: 08-03-2009, Age: 38, Section: KENDALL_129_20X_4, Plot Owner: KIERNAN, VANCE PATRICKKILLIAN, Annie, Buried: 11/19/1974, Age: 83, Section: PARKER_239_7_1, Plot Owner: KILLIAN, DANKILLIAN, Daniel, Buried: 07-01-1957, Age: 78, Section: PARKER_239_7_2, Plot Owner: KILLIAN, DANKILLIAN, Daniel W., Buried: 06-01-1971, Age: 52, Section: WATAHA_6_H_1, Plot Owner: KILLIAN, MARYKILLIAN, Don Baby Of, Buried: 05/24/1931, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_237_7_4, Plot Owner: HIGHLY, JOHN HKILLIAN, Jack A., Buried: 04-07-1938, Age: 23, Section: PARKER_239_7_4, Plot Owner: KILLIAN, DANKILLIAN, Pvt. Vernon H., Buried: 03/13/1942, Age: 25, Section: PARKER_239_7_3, Plot Owner: KILLIAN, DANKILLIAN, William, Buried: 11-09-1918, Age: 68, Section: BUNNING_87_2_4, Plot Owner: BUNTIN, DAVIDKIM, Donald, Buried: 09-02-1930, Age: 1, Section: PARKER_291_2_4, Plot Owner: VALF, LOUISKIME, Donald E., Buried: 04/25/1966, Age: 44, Section: EDGAR_82_19_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANKIMSEY, Delbert H., Buried: 04-02-2013, Age: 73, Section: COLUMB_EAST_1_5, Plot Owner: KIMSEY, JEANETTEKINCAID, George Eugine, Buried: 05/19/1994, Age: 80, Section: OBLOCK_8_150_1, Plot Owner: KINCAID, MARYKINCAID, Mary, Buried: 05-10-1999, Age: 83, Section: OBLOCK_8_151_1, Plot Owner: KINCAID, MARYKINCAID, Rebecca, Buried: 04/16/1973, Section: PARKER_285_2_3, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDKING, Arthur M., Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 57, Section: BUNNING_179_7_4, Plot Owner: KING, MRS A MKING, Baby, Buried: 06/21/1930, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_351_3_3, Plot Owner: KING, WILLIAMKING, Cecil, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 9, Section: BUNNING_179_7_1, Plot Owner: KING, MRS A MKING, Cora, Buried: 03/31/1943, Age: 44, Section: JAMES_344_4_2, Plot Owner: KING, WILFORDKING, Dorothy, Buried: 05/27/1921, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_281_2_1, Plot Owner: KING, R PKING, Edward C., Buried: 05-12-1982, Age: 82, Section: WEST_7_254_1, Plot Owner: GRADERT, LEONARD & KATHYKING, Edward Cecil, Buried: 05-04-1999, Age: 81, Section: JAMES_344_4_1, Plot Owner: KING, WILFORDKING, Elinor Marie Smith, Buried: 03/24/2006, Age: 82, Section: JAMES_344_4_1X, Plot Owner: KING, EDWARD C & ELINORKING, Esmee Scott, Buried: 02/21/1986, Age: 39, Section: YOUNG_401_34_1, Plot Owner: SCOTT, RAYKING, George, Buried: 05/29/1934, Age: 45, Section: OSSELTO_352_8_4, Plot Owner: WILDERMUTH, LEOKING, Joe, Buried: 09/29/1911, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_228_3_2, Plot Owner: LEE, THOMASKING, Katherine, Buried: 03/18/2002, Age: 63, Section: YOUNG_400_40X_1, Plot Owner: KING, KATHERINEKING, Marie A., Buried: 08/19/1948, Age: 69, Section: BUNNING_179_7_3, Plot Owner: KING, MRS A MKING, Nina M., Buried: 12/27/1990, Age: 91, Section: WEST_7_253_1, Plot Owner: GRADERT, LEONARD & KATHYKING, Norris, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 16, Section: BUNNING_179_7_2, Plot Owner: KING, MRS A MKING, Robert Ray, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_344_4_4, Plot Owner: KING, WILFORDKING, Wilford, Buried: 11/24/1935, Age: 41, Section: JAMES_344_4_3, Plot Owner: KING, WILFORDKING, Wilford Jr., , Buried: 05-12-2007, Age: 71, Section: YOUNG_400_40X_2, Plot Owner: KING, KATHERINEKINNEY, Alexander, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 41, Section: JAMES_321_5_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #54, GOLDEN LINKSKINTZLEY, Bertha Carr, Buried: 06/21/1973, Age: 79, Section: MUIR_402_9_1, Plot Owner: SOULSBY, JOSEPHINEKINYON, Julia E., Buried: 07/25/1940, Age: 64, Section: JAMES_343_3_1, Plot Owner: DELGADO, THOMASKINYON, William J., Buried: 04-12-1947, Age: 77, Section: JAMES_343_3_2, Plot Owner: DELGADO, THOMASKIRAKOS, Jennie, Buried: 12-03-1999, Age: 91, Section: WEST_7_590_1, Plot Owner: KIRAKOS, JENNIEKIRIAKOS, Jim, Buried: 06/26/1990, Age: 93, Section: WEST_7_591_1, Plot Owner: KIRIAKOS, JENNIEKIRKWOOD, Arthur Lynn, Buried: 01-01-1993, Age: 43, Section: WATAHA_2_G_1, Plot Owner: KIRKWOOD, ARTHUR LYNNKIRKWOOD, John Joshua, Buried: 09/29/1978, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_2_85_1, Plot Owner: KIRKWOOD, JOHN JOSHUAKIRKWOOD, Mary Jean, Buried: 04/28/1975, Age: 45, Section: WATAHA_2_86_1, Plot Owner: KIRKWOOD, MARY JEANKIRNUNEN, A. Child Of, Buried: 03/31/1901, Age: 2, Section: ODONNE_187_8_1, Plot Owner: KIRNUNEN, AWKEASKIRNUNEN, A. Child Of, Buried: 03/31/1901, Age: 2, Section: ODONNE_187_8_2, Plot Owner: KIRNUNEN, AWKEASKIRTS, Charles, Buried: 12/15/2008, Age: 54, Section: ANDERSO_9_L_12, Plot Owner: KIRTS, LIBBYKIRTS, Isabelle, Buried: 06-01-2016, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_L_12, Plot Owner: KIRTS, LIBBYKISH, John, Buried: 03-07-1937, Age: 46, Section: ROE_78_6_1, Plot Owner: STERLING, JAMESKIVIAHO, Eins E., Buried: 06/30/1942, Age: 37, Section: ODONNE_196_3_2, Plot Owner: KIVIAHO, JOHNKIVIAHO, Jennie Marie, Buried: 05/21/1911, Age: 17, Section: ODONNE_196_3_1, Plot Owner: KIVIAHO, JOHNKIVIAHO, John, Buried: 06/24/1959, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_196_3_4, Plot Owner: KIVIAHO, JOHNKIVIAHO, John F., Buried: 11/15/1966, Age: 65, Section: EDGAR_82_19_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANKIVIAHO, John Mrs., Buried: 11-05-1944, Age: 74, Section: ODONNE_196_3_3, Plot Owner: KIVIAHO, JOHNKIVIAHO, Matt, Buried: 07/25/1944, Age: 52, Section: OSSELTO_313_7_4, Plot Owner: AHO, ZANCANELLAKIZZIRE, Charles R., Buried: 04-09-1956, Age: 60, Section: YOUNG_401_35_4, Plot Owner: KIZZIRE, MRS CHARLESKIZZIRE, Hilda G., Buried: 06-12-1987, Age: 87, Section: YOUNG_401_35_3, Plot Owner: KIZZIRE, MRS CHARLESKIZZIRE, Rose Urrutia, Buried: 05/16/1989, Age: 69, Section: LAUZER_421_25_5, Plot Owner: KIZZIRE, ROSE URRUTIAKLADIANOS, Dennis, Buried: 12-10-1918, Age: 27, Section: PARK_36_6_2, Plot Owner: KLADIANOS, DENNISKLADIANOS, Joan, Buried: 10/20/2011, Age: 80, Section: YOUNG_425_24X_1, Plot Owner: KLADIANOS, JOANKLADIANOS, Margaret, Buried: 05/16/1984, Age: 79, Section: WATAHA_6_19_1, Plot Owner: KLADIANOS, LOUISKLADIONAS, Louise, Buried: 06/21/1978, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_6_18_1, Plot Owner: KLADIANOS, LOUISEKLASNA, Steve, Buried: 11/24/1971, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_5_87_1, Plot Owner: KLASNA, STEVEKLEINHANS, Angela, Buried: 05-02-1981, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_C_2_2, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNKLEMENC, Frank H., Buried: 09-02-1947, Age: 42, Section: OSSELTO_333_1_2, Plot Owner: FOREIGN WARS, VETERANS OFKLEMENC, Henry, Buried: 09/30/1986, Age: 83, Section: WEST_7_456_1, Plot Owner: KLEMENC, HENRYKLEMENC, Marie, Buried: 01/23/1947, Age: 70, Section: PARK_79_5_4, Plot Owner: PUTZ, JOHNKLEMENC, Matt, Buried: 05/23/1960, Age: 89, Section: PARK_79_5_3, Plot Owner: PUTZ, JOHNKLEMENC, Nellie, Buried: 03/24/2006, Age: 93, Section: WEST_7_456_1, Plot Owner: KLEMENC, HENRYKLINE, Henry Baby Of, Buried: 06-05-1921, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_294_5_1, Plot Owner: BRIDGER, MAUDE MILLERKLINE, Justin D., Buried: 03-05-1997, Age: 17, Section: OBLOCK_8_293_1, Plot Owner: SCHWEITZER, LOISKLINGMAN, Aure D., Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 37, Section: JAMES_348_5_2, Plot Owner: SANDBERG, ALKLINGMAN, Emma, Buried: 01/16/1959, Age: 78, Section: JAMES_348_5_1, Plot Owner: SANDBERG, ALKLOPCIC, Josephine, Buried: 04/25/1930, Age: 16, Section: NELSON_77_3_4, Plot Owner: KLOPCIC, JOSEPHINEKLUM, Susan M., Buried: 02-08-2002, Age: 39, Section: OBLOCK_8_460_1, Plot Owner: KLUM, SUSAN M.KMETICH, Frances, Buried: 09/15/1966, Age: 88, Section: NELSON_69_4_4, Plot Owner: KMETICH, FRANCESKMETICH, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 52, Section: NELSON_69_4_3, Plot Owner: KMETICH, FRANKKMETICH, Wilfred G., Buried: 01-10-1937, Age: 18, Section: NELSON_69_4_2, Plot Owner: KMETICH, WILFRED G.KNAPP, Katherine, Buried: 08-10-1978, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_1_C_1, Plot Owner: KNAPP, KATHERINEKNEBEL, Joseph J., Buried: 06-11-1983, Age: 77, Section: NELSON_119_14_4, Plot Owner: KNEBEL, JOSEPH J.KNETICH, John, Buried: 08/17/1964, Age: 86, Section: LUDVIGS_273_8_1, Plot Owner: BARBARE, SOCIETYKNEZEVIC, Paul, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 1, Section: PARK_42_6_4, Plot Owner: KNEZEVIC, PAULKNEZEVICH, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 48, Section: NELSON_53_4_2, Plot Owner: KNEZEVICH, ANNAKNEZEVICH, Avto, Buried: 09/22/1940, Age: 82, Section: PARKER_265_8_3, Plot Owner: NICKOLICH, JOHNKNEZEVICH, Dane, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 30, Section: PARK_85_2_3, Plot Owner: KNEZEVICH, DANEKNEZEVICH, John, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_53_4_1, Plot Owner: KNEZEVICH, JOHNKNEZEVICH, Marko, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 61, Section: NELSON_44_7_1, Plot Owner: KNEZEVICH, MARKOKNEZEVICH, Robert "Bozo", Buried: 07/23/1960, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_53_4_3, Plot Owner: KNEZEVICH, ROBERT "BOZO"KNEZOVICH, Anthony D, Buried: 08/18/2008, Age: 54, Section: PARK_121_19_4, Plot Owner: KNEZOVICH, ANTHONY DKNEZOVICH, Frances, Buried: 05/23/1961, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_101_3_3, Plot Owner: KNEZOVICH, FRANCESKNEZOVICH, Joyce Elaine, Buried: 05-11-1957, Age: 17, Section: PARK_121_25_3, Plot Owner: KNEZOVICH, JOYCE ELAINEKNEZOVICH, Lola, Buried: 11/30/2011, Age: 93, Section: PARK_121_25_2, Plot Owner: KNEZOVICH, PETEKNEZOVICH, Louis, Buried: 01-01-1954, Age: 61, Section: WATAHA_4_59_1, Plot Owner: KNEZOVICH, ROSEKNEZOVICH, M.R., Buried: 08-02-1955, Age: 18, Section: PARK_121_20_3, Plot Owner: KNEZOVICH, M.R.KNEZOVICH, Marion, Buried: 05-02-1921, Age: 18, Section: PARK_121_20_4, Plot Owner: KNEZOVICH, MARIONKNEZOVICH, Marko, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 55, Section: NELSON_101_3_4, Plot Owner: KNEZOVICH, MARKOKNEZOVICH, Mary N., Buried: 12-11-1996, Age: 85, Section: PARK_121_20_1, Plot Owner: KNEZOVICH, MARY N.KNEZOVICH, Peter Joseph, Buried: 11-10-1982, Age: 71, Section: PARK_121_25_1, Plot Owner: KNEZOVICH, PETER JOSEPHKNEZOVICH, Rose, Buried: 08-12-1992, Age: 97, Section: WATAHA_4_60_1, Plot Owner: KNEZOVICH, ROSEKNIGHT, Sam'l, Age: 24, Section: BUNNING_159_5_4, Plot Owner: RICHARDS, JOHNKNODALONES, Gus, Buried: 04-09-1945, Age: 44, Section: LUDVIGS_232_8_3, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESKNOTT, Jeffery, Buried: 03/29/2016, Age: 54, Section: ANDERSO_9_L_23, Plot Owner: KNOTT, JEFFERYKNOX, Arlene "Mortie", Buried: 09/13/1984, Age: 56, Section: ODONNE_219_7_2, Plot Owner: KNOX, JAMESKNOX, Betty Ruth, Buried: 10/26/1995, Age: 76, Section: EDGAR_81_3_2, Plot Owner: #9, IOOFKNOX, Betty Ruth, Buried: 10/23/1995, Age: 81, Section: EDGAR_82_1X_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANKNOX, Caroline S., Buried: 09/16/1974, Age: 77, Section: ODONNE_219_7_1, Plot Owner: KNOX, JAMESKNOX, Cornell, Buried: 09-01-1984, Age: 51, Section: YOUNG_400_29_2, Plot Owner: KNOX, CORNELLKNOX, Glen A., Buried: 12/26/1943, Age: 62, Section: JAMES_329_3_4, Plot Owner: JOHNSTON, JOHN MRSKNOX, Grace J., Buried: 10/31/1980, Age: 82, Section: JAMES_329_3_3, Plot Owner: JOHNSTON, JOHN MRSKNOX, James A., Buried: 04/18/1974, Age: 81, Section: ODONNE_219_7_1, Plot Owner: KNOX, JAMESKNOX, James S., Buried: 11-09-1975, Age: 59, Section: ODONNE_219_7_2, Plot Owner: KNOX, JAMESKNOX, John, Buried: 04/30/1918, Age: 28, Section: LUDVIGS_252_5_4, Plot Owner: KNOX, JOHNKNOX, Robert, Buried: 04/28/1940, Age: 51, Section: ODONNE_219_7_3, Plot Owner: KNOX, JAMESKNOX, William, Buried: 01-03-1946, Age: 44, Section: OSSELTO_I_3_4, Plot Owner: KNOY, JAMESKNUDSEN, Anna O., Buried: 07-01-1932, Age: 53, Section: JAMES_305_4_3, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, PAUL ROBERTKNUDSEN, Annabell B., Buried: 11-10-1988, Age: 71, Section: JAMES_348_1_3, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, RASMUS ROBERTKNUDSEN, C. Alfred, Buried: 12-04-1958, Age: 50, Section: JAMES_305_4_2, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, PAUL ROBERTKNUDSEN, Chris, Buried: 01/24/1941, Age: 58, Section: OSSELTO_311_2_4, Plot Owner: CHALMERS, CHRIS V.KNUDSEN, Christen A., Buried: 09-05-1940, Age: 81, Section: ROE_68_8_3, Plot Owner: HAY, FLORENCE M.KNUDSEN, Elizabeth E., Buried: 04/21/1944, Age: 79, Section: PARKER_292_5_2, Plot Owner: ORESTER SR., STEVEN E.KNUDSEN, Emil, Buried: 06-04-1940, Age: 28, Section: JAMES_305_4_1, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, PAUL ROBERTKNUDSEN, G. Helen, Buried: 07-03-1995, Age: 85, Section: PARKER_290_8_2, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, G. HELENKNUDSEN, Infant, Buried: 12-04-1942, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_290_8_1, Plot Owner: COUGLETON, CHARLESKNUDSEN, Karen C., Buried: 07-07-1977, Age: 78, Section: OSSELTO_313_1_2, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, MARTINKNUDSEN, Martin, Buried: 06-08-1948, Age: 65, Section: OSSELTO_313_1_3, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, MARTINKNUDSEN, Olaf R., Buried: 06-03-1992, Age: 82, Section: JAMES_348_1_3, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, RASMUS ROBERTKNUDSEN, Oline, Buried: 01/22/1941, Age: 72, Section: JAMES_348_1_1, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, OLINEKNUDSEN, Ragna O., Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 5, Section: BUNNING_210_2_4, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, RASMUS ROBERTKNUDSEN, Rasmus Robert, Buried: 04/24/1928, Age: 74, Section: JAMES_348_1_2, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, RASMUS ROBERTKNUDSEN, Robert D., Buried: 09/22/1981, Age: 43, Section: JAMES_348_1_4, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, RASMUS ROBERTKNUDSEN, Tom R., Buried: 09/29/1946, Age: 69, Section: JAMES_305_4_4, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, PAUL ROBERTKNUTSEN, Four Baby Of, Buried: 02-06-1911, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_213_4_1, Plot Owner: KNUTSEN, BABY OF FOURKNUTSON, Katheryne N., Buried: 06-01-1971, Age: 60, Section: LUDVIGS_280_7_4, Plot Owner: KNUTSON, KATHERYNE N.KOBAYASHI, George Y., Buried: 01-01-1921, Section: LUDVIGS_300_1_3, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNKOBER, Eddie, Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 34, Section: LUDVIGS_229_5_4, Plot Owner: ENGLES, JOHNKOBLER, Frances, Buried: 02/28/1959, Age: 69, Section: WATAHA_E_3_3, Plot Owner: KOBLER, FRANCESKOBLER, Frank, Buried: 09-12-1967, Age: 90, Section: KENDALL_36_3_1, Plot Owner: KOBLER, FRANKKOBLER, Grace, Buried: 05/28/2004, Age: 90, Section: LUDVIGS_274_4_3, Plot Owner: KOBLER, GRACEKOBLER, John T., Buried: 09-09-1955, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_119_9_1, Plot Owner: TRUJILLO, FRANK & ADELLAKOBLER, Martin, Buried: 10-07-1965, Age: 73, Section: WATAHA_E_3_2, Plot Owner: KOBLER, MARTINKOBLER, Mary A., Buried: 08-06-1977, Age: 94, Section: NELSON_119_9_2, Plot Owner: KOBLER, MARY A.KOBLER, Rudolph, Buried: 01/14/1956, Age: 47, Section: LUDVIGS_274_4_4, Plot Owner: KOBLER, RUDOLPHKOCHIS, John, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 78, Section: NELSON_67_3_3, Plot Owner: KOCHIS, JOHNKOCHIS, John M., Buried: 07/14/1935, Age: 42, Section: PARK_40_7_4, Plot Owner: KOCHIS, JOHN M.KOCHLER, Mary Lousin, Buried: 07-10-1996, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_224_3_2, Plot Owner: KOCHLER, EDWARDKOCIMULA, Mike, Buried: 06/24/1937, Age: 64, Section: ODONNE_143_1_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFKOCTNHKA, Ohnbajy, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 38, Section: PARK_65_7_2, Plot Owner: KOCTNHKA, OHNBAJYKOECH, Frank, Buried: 12/31/1960, Age: 66, Section: WATAHA_5A_1_3, Plot Owner: KOECH, FRANKKOECH, Karl Paul, Buried: 11/29/1969, Age: 50, Section: EDGAR_82_7_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANKOECH, Margaret Marie, Buried: 10/14/2006, Age: 83, Section: EDGAR_82_7_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANKOECH, Rose, Buried: 02/22/1969, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_5A_1_4, Plot Owner: KOECH, ROSEKOGUT, Steven, Buried: 05-09-1973, Age: 64, Section: PARKER_285_3_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDKOHL, John E., Buried: 05/28/1993, Age: 63, Section: OBLOCK_8_84_1, Plot Owner: KOHL, JOHN & CECELIA A.KOLAK, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 41, Section: NELSON_67_3_2, Plot Owner: KOLAK, ANTONKOLER, Frances Angelina, Buried: 05/27/2011, Age: 91, Section: NELSON_116_1X_3, Plot Owner: KOLER, STEVE F & FRANCESKOLER, Steve, Buried: 01/17/1995, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_116_1X_2, Plot Owner: KOLER, STEVE F & FRANCESKOLER, Steve "Sonny", Buried: 01-05-1991, Age: 48, Section: NELSON_116_1X_4, Plot Owner: KOLER, STEVE F & FRANCESKOLESAR, John, Buried: 07/28/1969, Age: 79, Section: KENDALL_B_4_3, Plot Owner: KOLESAR, JOHNKOLESAR, Katherine, Buried: 02-04-1961, Age: 76, Section: KENDALL_B_4_4, Plot Owner: KOLESAR, KATHERINEKOLMAN, Joseph, Buried: 01/27/1968, Age: 93, Section: NELSON_116_7_2, Plot Owner: KOLMAN, RUDOLPH VALENTINOKOLMAN, Mary, Buried: 10/19/1967, Age: 92, Section: NELSON_116_7_3, Plot Owner: KOLMAN, RUDOLPH VALENTINOKOLMAN, Rudolph Valentino, Buried: 10-09-1936, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_116_7_1, Plot Owner: KOLMAN, RUDOLPH VALENTINOKOLOFF, Eli, Buried: 01/27/1971, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_6_27_1, Plot Owner: KOLOFF, ELIKOLOFF, Henrietta, Buried: 06/22/1994, Age: 82, Section: WATAHA_6_28_1, Plot Owner: KOLOFF, HENRIETTAKOMOTO, Gunichi, Buried: 04/20/1970, Age: 80, Section: LUDVIGS_299_6_4, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEKOMOTO, Ito, Buried: 04/18/1984, Age: 89, Section: LUDVIGS_299_6_3, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEKONTRELOS, Gust G., Buried: 05/24/1963, Age: 75, Section: MUIR_422_27_5, Plot Owner: KONTRELOS, GUST JKOPNLLA, Paae, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 42, Section: PARK_65_7_3, Plot Owner: KOPNLLA, PAAEKORFANTA, Agnes, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 47, Section: PARK_40_2_2, Plot Owner: KORFANTA, AGNESKORFANTA, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1952, Age: 64, Section: NELSON_92_2_2, Plot Owner: KORFANTA, ANNAKORFANTA, George, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 54, Section: NELSON_92_2_4, Plot Owner: KORFANTA, GEORGEKORFANTA, Helen, Buried: 12/26/1946, Age: 40, Section: BUNNING_86_1_1, Plot Owner: CHRISTIE, JOHN D.KORFANTA, John, Buried: 01-01-1901, Age: 3, Section: PARK_40_2_1, Plot Owner: KORFANTA, JOHNKORFANTA, John, Buried: 06/18/1940, Age: 66, Section: PARK_40_2_4, Plot Owner: KORFANTA, JOHNKORFANTA, John "Yonk", Buried: 04/24/1992, Age: 81, Section: NELSON_92_3_4, Plot Owner: KORFANTA, JOHN "YONK"KORFANTA, John Krow, Buried: 11/19/1995, Age: 91, Section: PARK_40_2_3, Plot Owner: KORFANTA, JOHN KROWKORFANTA, Michael P., Buried: 05-12-1984, Age: 72, Section: NELSON_92_3_2, Plot Owner: KORFANTA, MICHAEL P.KORHONEN, Aaro Peter, Buried: 08/23/1940, Age: 56, Section: JAMES_319_5_3, Plot Owner: KORHONEN, MRS A PKORHONEN, Mary, Buried: 03/23/1968, Age: 84, Section: JAMES_319_5_2, Plot Owner: KORHONEN, MRS A PKORHONEN, Seth, Buried: 10-06-1964, Age: 81, Section: LUDVIGS_256_6_3, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFKORHONEN, Waino A., Buried: 05/18/1965, Age: 56, Section: JAMES_319_5_1, Plot Owner: KORHONEN, MRS A PKORICA, Anglina, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 37, Section: PARK_65_7_1, Plot Owner: KORICA, ANGLINAKORICH, Ely, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 47, Section: NELSON_69_8_3, Plot Owner: KORICH, ELYKORITNIK, Anton, Buried: 12-12-1951, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_4A_7_1, Plot Owner: KORITNIK, ANTONKORITNIK, Danny, Buried: 08/26/1965, Age: 16, Section: NELSON_99_5_3, Plot Owner: KORITNIK, DANNYKORITNIK, Isador, Buried: 04-09-1976, Age: 66, Section: NELSON_99_5_1, Plot Owner: KORITNIK, ISADORKORITNIK, Louis J., Buried: 06/23/1948, Age: 40, Section: KENDALL_25_6_2, Plot Owner: KORITNIK, LOUIS J.KORITNIK, Martin, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 1, Section: WATAHA_4A_7_3, Plot Owner: KORITNIK, MARTINKORITNIK, Mary, Buried: 06/21/2013, Age: 90, Section: KENDALL_45_8X_4, Plot Owner: KORITNIK, PETE & MARYKORITNIK, Peter Paul, Buried: 08-01-2009, Age: 90, Section: KENDALL_45_8X_3, Plot Owner: KORITNIK, PETE & MARYKORITNIK, Robert, Buried: 05-11-2012, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_99_5_2, Plot Owner: KORITNIK, ISADOREKORITNIK, Theresa, Buried: 03/17/1964, Age: 80, Section: WATAHA_4A_7_2, Plot Owner: KORITNIK, THERESAKORITNIK, Verlee Mae, Buried: 07/15/1939, Age: 1, Section: NELSON_99_5_4, Plot Owner: KORITNIK, VERLEE MAEKORITNIK, Yuste, Buried: 05/25/2007, Age: 92, Section: NELSON_99_5_1, Plot Owner: KORITNIK, ISADORKORMAS, Anna, Buried: 03/13/1952, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_4A_2_4, Plot Owner: KORMAS, ANNAKORMAS, Joe Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 5, Section: WATAHA_4A_2_2, Plot Owner: KORMAS JR, JOEKORMAS, Joseph, Buried: 08/25/1949, Age: 67, Section: WATAHA_4A_2_3, Plot Owner: KORMAS, JOSEPHKORMAS, Margaret, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_4A_2_1, Plot Owner: KORMAS, MARGARETKOROGI, Bruce Wyane, Buried: 04-02-2007, Age: 59, Section: EDGAR_64_8_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANKOROGI, Elizabeth S., Buried: 09/23/1967, Age: 77, Section: LUDVIGS_280_3_3, Plot Owner: ZELENKA, JAMES P.KOROGI, Jack S., Buried: 01/13/1988, Age: 76, Section: LUDVIGS_280_3_2, Plot Owner: ZELENKA, JAMES PKOROGI, Janet, Buried: 04/25/2003, Age: 79, Section: MUIR_403_48_5, Plot Owner: CONDIE, SAMUELKOROGI, Kenneth K., Buried: 12/22/2005, Age: 82, Section: LUDVIGS_280_3_3, Plot Owner: ZELENKA, JAMES P.KOROGI, Lester "Les", Buried: 09/18/1996, Age: 76, Section: MUIR_403_48_5, Plot Owner: CONDIE, SAMUELKOROGI, Michael J., Buried: 11/13/1968, Age: 84, Section: LUDVIGS_280_3_4, Plot Owner: ZELENKA, JAMES PKOROGI, Tillie D., Buried: 06-11-2003, Age: 91, Section: LUDVIGS_280_3_1, Plot Owner: ZELENKA, JAMES PKORPELA, Fanny, Buried: 01-09-1959, Age: 70, Section: MUIR_422_12_1, Plot Owner: KORPELA, JOHNKORPELA, John, Section: MUIR_422_12_2, Plot Owner: KORPELA, JOHNKOS, Bertha (Potchnik), Buried: 08-05-2004, Age: 81, Section: NELSON_119_2_3, Plot Owner: KOS, BERTHA (POTCHNIK)KOS, Dr. Paul Aloysius, Buried: 08-05-2004, Age: 93, Section: NELSON_119_2_2, Plot Owner: KOS, DR. PAUL ALOYSIUSKOS, Edna, Buried: 07/15/1980, Age: 30, Section: WEST_7_105_1, Plot Owner: KOS, FRANKKOS, Frank "Buda", Buried: 06/29/2001, Age: 72, Section: WEST_7_104_1, Plot Owner: KOS, FRANKKOS, Frank "Buda", Buried: 06/29/2001, Age: 72, Section: WEST_7_104_1, Plot Owner: KOS, FRANKKOS, Paul, Buried: 04/23/1956, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_119_2_4, Plot Owner: KOS, PAULKOS, Thomas, Buried: 07/15/1980, Age: 78, Section: WEST_7_106_1, Plot Owner: KOS, FRANKKOS, Thomas J., Buried: 02/16/1980, Age: 53, Section: WEST_7_103_1, Plot Owner: KOS, MARGOKOSAK, Frank, Buried: 12/25/1918, Age: 28, Section: PARK_90_4_4, Plot Owner: KOSAK, FRANKKOSAK, Frank, Buried: 03/20/1956, Age: 69, Section: NELSON_69_3_4, Plot Owner: KOSAK, FRANKKOSHIR, John, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 54, Section: WATAHA_10_8_2, Plot Owner: KOSHIR, JOHNKOSHIR, Mj, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 41, Section: WATAHA_10_8_3, Plot Owner: KOSHIR, JOHNKOSIC, Frank, Buried: 06/23/1928, Age: 76, Section: PARK_90_6_2, Plot Owner: KOSIC, FRANKKOSKI, Child Of John, Buried: 07/26/1901, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_187_6_1, Plot Owner: KOSKI, JOHNKOSKI, Helen, Buried: 09/28/1905, Age: 20, Section: BUNNING_182_5_4, Plot Owner: ERICKSON, MATTKOSKI, John Child Of, Buried: 03-10-1901, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_187_6_4, Plot Owner: KOSKI, JOHNKOSTAKIS, Marie, Buried: 02/24/1960, Age: 60, Section: MUIR_423_24_4, Plot Owner: KOSTAKIS, MIKEKOSTAKIS, Mike, Buried: 01-06-1987, Age: 90, Section: MUIR_423_24_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERKOSTI, Isaac Child Of, Buried: 10/24/1993, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_186_8_4, Plot Owner: KOSKI, ISAACKOTAR, Josephine M., Buried: 10/16/1941, Age: 16, Section: OSSELTO_334_7_3, Plot Owner: KOTAR, MIKEKOTAR, Mike, Buried: 02-10-1959, Age: 70, Section: OSSELTO_334_7_2, Plot Owner: KOTAR, MIKEKOTEIAKHE, Konetantinoe E., Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 23, Section: PARK_84_1_4, Plot Owner: KOTEIAKHE, KONETANTINOE E.KOTZAKIS, Leonidas Lukas, Buried: 10-09-2007, Age: 74, Section: OSSELTO_316_1_4, Plot Owner: KOTZAKIS, REV LUKASKOURIS, Bonnie, Buried: 01-09-2014, Age: 86, Section: YOUNG_425_10_3, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERKOURIS, Koula, Buried: 12-04-1976, Age: 89, Section: YOUNG_425_10_1, Plot Owner: KOURIS, MRS MARINOSKOURIS, Koula, Buried: 12-04-1976, Age: 89, Section: YOUNG_425_10_1, Plot Owner: KOURIS, MRS MARINOSKOURIS, Marinos, Buried: 03-02-1963, Age: 76, Section: YOUNG_425_10_2, Plot Owner: KOURIS, MRS MARINOSKOURIS, Vasiliso Bill, Buried: 09/22/1997, Age: 71, Section: YOUNG_425_10_4, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERKOURNEN, Charles, Buried: 10/25/1907, Age: 48, Section: PARKER_235_7_3, Plot Owner: JACOBSON, SUSIEKOVACEVICH, Anton, Buried: 02/26/1936, Age: 51, Section: PARK_114_8_4, Plot Owner: KOVACEVICH, ANTONKOVACH, Adolfnia, Section: PARK_14_1_4, Plot Owner: KOVACH, ADOLFNIAKOVACH, Ellen S., Buried: 06/22/1949, Age: 32, Section: LUDVIGS_280_8_1, Plot Owner: KOVACH, ELLEN S.KOVACH, Frances B., Buried: 12-07-1970, Age: 90, Section: PARK_66_8_3, Plot Owner: KOVACH, FRANCES B.KOVACH, Frank, Buried: 05/13/1998, Age: 81, Section: WEST_7_426_1, Plot Owner: KOVACH, FRANK & MARTHAKOVACH, Frank, Buried: 09/29/1958, Age: 81, Section: ODONNE_142_2_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFKOVACH, John "Ginger", Buried: 07/21/1982, Age: 78, Section: WEST_7_263_1, Plot Owner: KOVACH, ANNKOVACH, Joseph, Buried: 02/23/1950, Age: 74, Section: PARK_66_8_2, Plot Owner: KOVACH, JOSEPHKOVACH, Kathleen Kay, Buried: 04-02-1998, Age: 47, Section: OBLOCK_8_318_1, Plot Owner: WONNACOTT, SALLYKOVACH, Martha Jean, Buried: 01/25/1986, Age: 67, Section: WEST_7_425_1, Plot Owner: KOVACH, FRANK & MARTHAKOVACH, Mary, Buried: 03/23/1916, Age: 6, Section: PARK_66_8_1, Plot Owner: KOVACH, MARYKOVACIC, Peter, Buried: 12/16/1927, Age: 45, Section: LUDVIGS_275_2_4, Plot Owner: KOVACIC, PETEKOVACICH, Eli, Buried: 11/18/1962, Age: 72, Section: NELSON_69_5_1, Plot Owner: KOVACICH, ELIKOVACICH, F.T., Buried: 03-08-1999, Age: 79, Section: PARK_126_29_2, Plot Owner: KOVACICH, F.T.KOVACICH, John S., Buried: 09-02-1978, Age: 60, Section: WEST_7_31_1, Plot Owner: KOVACICH, MRS. JOHN SKOVACICH, Karl M, Buried: 06/13/1978, Age: 54, Section: WATAHA_1_29_1, Plot Owner: KOVACICH, KARL MKOVACICH, Mary, Buried: 06-10-1989, Age: 86, Section: NELSON_69_5_2, Plot Owner: KOVACICH, MARYKOVACICH, Mary L. "Merch", Buried: 04-02-1984, Age: 64, Section: WEST_7_30_1, Plot Owner: KOVACICH, MRS. JOHN S.KOVACICH, Pauline J., Buried: 10/18/2010, Age: 87, Section: OBLOCK_8_669_1, Plot Owner: KOVACICH, PAULINE J.KOVACICH, Stephan T., Buried: 07/24/1968, Age: 19, Section: PARK_126_29_3, Plot Owner: KOVACICH, STEPHAN T.KOVALA, Henry, Buried: 11/16/1907, Age: 26, Section: ODONNE_222_1_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALAKOVAT, Kenneth, Buried: 08/13/1973, Age: 37, Section: YOUNG_424_15_4, Plot Owner: KOVAT, KENNETHKOZOLA, Anton Jr., Buried: 05-04-1986, Age: 74, Section: KENDALL_B_11_1, Plot Owner: KOZOLA, ANTON SR.KOZOLA, Anton Sr., Buried: 11/23/1960, Age: 75, Section: KENDALL_B_11_1, Plot Owner: KOZOLA, ANTON SR.KOZOLA, Antone Iii, Buried: 05/28/2011, Age: 77, Section: KENDALL_B_11_1, Plot Owner: KOZOLA, ANTON SR.KOZOLA, Betty Lou, Buried: 10/29/2000, Age: 67, Section: KENDALL_B_11_2, Plot Owner: KOZOLA, MARTHAKOZOLA, Kathryn, Buried: 01/20/2014, Age: 100, Section: KENDALL_28_8X_2, Plot Owner: THOMAS, PATRICIAKOZOLA, Leo, Buried: 11-09-1994, Age: 80, Section: KENDALL_28_8X_1, Plot Owner: THOMAS, PATRICIAKOZOLA, Martha, Buried: 07-10-1973, Age: 84, Section: KENDALL_B_11_2, Plot Owner: KOZOLA, MARTHAKOZOLA, Martha Pastor, Buried: 04/15/1985, Age: 69, Section: KENDALL_B_11_1, Plot Owner: KOZOLA, ANTON SR.KOZOLA, Mary, Buried: 07/15/1917, Age: 0, Section: PARK_66_7_3, Plot Owner: KOZOLA, MARYKOZOLA-BOOTH, Christina, Buried: 04/27/2010, Age: 95, Section: WATAHA_5_V_1, Plot Owner: ANGELOVICH, ANGELOKRAFCHECK, Donald, Buried: 10/26/1993, Age: 51, Section: PARK_36_1X_2, Plot Owner: KRAFCHECK, DONALDKRAFT, Herman A., Buried: 09-04-1904, Age: 0, Section: PARK_109_3_4, Plot Owner: KRAFT, HERMAN A.KRAFT, Herman A., Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 75, Section: PARK_109_3_2, Plot Owner: KRAFT, HERMAN A.KRAGOVICH, Annie Tardoni, Buried: 04/23/1991, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_3_45_1, Plot Owner: KRAGOVICH, ANNIE TARDONIKRAGOVICH, Donald L., Buried: 02/25/1998, Age: 65, Section: WATAHA_3_46_1, Plot Owner: KRAGOVICH, DONALD L.KRAGOVICH, Joe Gledich, Buried: 09-03-1983, Age: 71, Section: WATAHA_3_44_1, Plot Owner: KRAGOVICH, JOE GLEDICHKRAGOVICH, Nicholas Sr., , Buried: 10-04-1960, Age: 73, Section: ODONNE_193_7_3, Plot Owner: KRAGOVICH SR., NICHOLASKRAGOVICH, Nick Jr., , Buried: 04-11-1970, Age: 56, Section: ODONNE_193_7_1, Plot Owner: KRAGOVICH SR., NICHOLASKRAGOVICH, Paul, Buried: 01-01-1996, Age: 79, Section: ODONNE_193_8_3, Plot Owner: KRAGOVICH, PAULKRAGOVICH, Steven, Buried: 07/21/1971, Age: 79, Section: ODONNE_193_7_2, Plot Owner: KRAGOVICH SR., NICHOLASKRAGOVICH, Thomas, Buried: 01-01-1944, Age: 23, Section: ODONNE_193_7_4, Plot Owner: KRAGOVICH SR., NICHOLASKRAGOVICH, Velma A., Buried: 01/25/1964, Age: 44, Section: ODONNE_193_8_2, Plot Owner: KRAGOVICH, VELMA A.KRAKE, Jennie, Buried: 03-03-1980, Age: 72, Section: WATAHA_5_50_1, Plot Owner: KRAKE, MRS. MARTINKRAKE, John, Buried: 02/20/1970, Age: 61, Section: WATAHA_5_49_1, Plot Owner: KRAKE, MARTIN & MRS. MARTINKRAKE, Martin W., Buried: 02/20/1970, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_5_49_1, Plot Owner: KRAKE, MARTIN & MRS. MARTINKRAKE, Martin W., Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_5_49_1, Plot Owner: KRAKE, MARTIN & MRS. MARTINKRAMER, Jason L., Buried: 11/29/1976, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_2_8_1, Plot Owner: KRAMER, JASON L.KRAMER, Lawrence "Larry", Buried: 02/25/2008, Age: 53, Section: WATAHA_2_7_1, Plot Owner: KRAMER, LAWRENCE "LARRY"KRASOVEC, Anton M., Buried: 11/26/1966, Age: 65, Section: EDGAR_66_4_5, Plot Owner: EDDINGS, MRS FRANKKRASOVEC, David L., Buried: 08/13/2009, Age: 65, Section: EDGAR_66_1_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANKRASOVEC, Jack L., Buried: 07/22/1989, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_45_2_2, Plot Owner: KRASOVEC, JACK L.KRASOVEC, John, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_45_2_2, Plot Owner: KRASOVEC, JACK L.KRASOVEC, Mary S., Buried: 05-08-1969, Age: 63, Section: KENDALL_45_2_3, Plot Owner: KRASOVEC, MARY S.KRASOVEC, Rudolph F., Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 14, Section: KENDALL_45_2_4, Plot Owner: KRASOVEC, RUDOLPH F.KRASOVEC, Rudolph M., Buried: 02/21/1943, Age: 34, Section: ODONNE_215_3_1, Plot Owner: HESKETH, MRS ALBERTKRASTRUAR, Alivia, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_210_5_1, Plot Owner: BERTI, JACOBKRAUSE, Edward J., Buried: 01/28/2005, Age: 49, Section: CROATIA_L_1X_3, Plot Owner: ERICKSON, VIRGINIAKRAUSS, Lawrence G., Buried: 06/26/1941, Age: 34, Section: EDGAR_67_14_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANKREK, Anna, Buried: 12/24/1956, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_119_18_4, Plot Owner: KREK, ANNAKREK, Gasper, Buried: 09/22/1960, Age: 79, Section: NELSON_119_18_3, Plot Owner: KREK, GASPERKREK, Gasper P., Buried: 11/18/1968, Age: 54, Section: KENDALL_A_10_3, Plot Owner: STEWART, MRS. CATHERINEKREK, John G., Buried: 05/29/1958, Age: 37, Section: KENDALL_A_10_2, Plot Owner: KREK, MRS. FRANCESKRIARAKIS, John T., Buried: 08-01-1958, Age: 80, Section: MUIR_402_29_2, Plot Owner: VASE, PETEKRICHBAUM, George, Buried: 02/25/1940, Age: 79, Section: PARKER_242_2_1, Plot Owner: KRICHBAUM, MRS GEORGEKRICHBAUM, George, Buried: 03/13/1968, Age: 60, Section: EDGAR_82_15_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANKRICHBAUM, Henry, Buried: 10-02-1944, Age: 50, Section: ODONNE_194_5_3, Plot Owner: KRICHBAUM, MRS NELLIEKRICHBAUM, Mark, Buried: 10-06-1982, Age: 82, Section: JAMES_306_6_4, Plot Owner: SWANSTROM, HARRY WKRICHBAUM, Mary, Buried: 09/20/1960, Age: 89, Section: PARKER_242_2_3, Plot Owner: KRICHBAUM, MRS GEORGEKRICHBAUM, Nellie, Buried: 09-01-1984, Age: 82, Section: ODONNE_194_5_4, Plot Owner: KRICHBAUM, MRS NELLIEKRICHBAUM, Vera, Buried: 08/21/1974, Age: 74, Section: JAMES_306_6_3, Plot Owner: SANDSTRUM, HARRY W.KRICHBAUM, William, Buried: 08/21/1974, Age: 74, Section: OSSELTO_308_7_2, Plot Owner: KRICHBAUM, MARKKRISCHBAUM, Francine, Buried: 01/13/1930, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_361_5_4, Plot Owner: KRISCHBAUM, WILLIAMKRISCHBAUM, Francine, Buried: 11/23/1933, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_361_5_4, Plot Owner: KRISCHBAUM, WILLIAMKRISTBAUM, Philip, Buried: 09-10-1990, Age: 10, Section: BUNNING_157_6_1, Plot Owner: KRISTBAUM, PHILIPKRIZNAR, Peter, Buried: 06-11-1910, Age: 21, Section: PARK_114_5_3, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWNKRMPOTICH, Helen, Buried: 08/19/2002, Age: 96, Section: NELSON_120_3_4, Plot Owner: KRMPOTICH, HELENKRMPOTICH, Matt, Section: NELSON_120_3_2, Plot Owner: KRMPOTICH, MATTKROUPA, Erling, Buried: 09-10-2013, Age: 81, Section: WEST_7_540_1, Plot Owner: KROUPA, ERLING & MARIANKROUPA, Marian, Buried: 06-02-1989, Age: 49, Section: WEST_7_539_1, Plot Owner: KROUPA, MARIANKRPAN, Katherine Zupan, Buried: 04/15/1977, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_24_7_3, Plot Owner: KRPAN, KATHERINE ZUPANKRPAN, Steve, Buried: 01-01-1951, Age: 59, Section: KENDALL_24_7_2, Plot Owner: KRPAN, STEVEKRPRNOTECH, Jack Baby, Buried: 06-06-1924, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_292_6_1, Plot Owner: ORESTER SR., STEVEN E.KRUEGER, K. E., Buried: 03/27/1963, Age: 73, Section: KENDALL_C_2_2, Plot Owner: KRUEGER, K. E.KRUEGER, Louise J., Buried: 08/16/1993, Age: 93, Section: KENDALL_C_2_3, Plot Owner: KLEINHANS, ANGELAKRUGER, Jennie, Buried: 06-11-2004, Age: 93, Section: NELSON_21_1_4, Plot Owner: KRUGER, JENNIEKRUGER, William H., Buried: 01/25/1971, Age: 70, Section: WATAHA_6_25_1, Plot Owner: KRUGER, JENNIEKRULJAC, Anna, Buried: 08/20/1994, Age: 94, Section: CROATIA_7_6_3, Plot Owner: KRULJAC, JOSEPH F.KRULJAC, David, Buried: 07/29/2015, Age: 42, Section: CROATIA_7_6_4, Plot Owner: KRULJAC, JOSEPH F.KRULJAC, Edward, Buried: 07/29/2015, Age: 87, Section: CROATIA_7_6_4, Plot Owner: KRULJAC, JOSEPH F.KRULJAC, Joseph F., Buried: 01-12-1965, Age: 71, Section: CROATIA_7_6_2, Plot Owner: KRULJAC, JOSEPH F.KRULJAC, Margaret, Buried: 11-11-1967, Age: 74, Section: PARK_126_19_2, Plot Owner: KRULJAC, MATTKRULJAC, Matt, Buried: 06/18/1966, Age: 81, Section: PARK_126_19_1, Plot Owner: KRULJAC, MATTKRUMPOTICH, Jack, Buried: 03/21/1974, Age: 82, Section: NELSON_120_3_3, Plot Owner: KRUMPOTICH, JACKKRUSE, Emma H., Buried: 07/17/1978, Age: 93, Section: EDGAR_66_18_4, Plot Owner: KRUSE, MRS EARNESTKRUSE, Ernest H., Buried: 12-02-1942, Age: 74, Section: EDGAR_66_18_3, Plot Owner: KRUSE, MRS EARNESTKRUSE, Georgia L., Buried: 08-12-2009, Age: 88, Section: EDGAR_82_8_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANKRUSE, John, Buried: 06-08-1977, Age: 58, Section: EDGAR_82_8_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANKRUZICH, Karen Ann, Buried: 12-03-1950, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_313_1_1, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, MARTINKRUZICH, William A. "Willy", Buried: 03/20/1993, Age: 66, Section: KENDALL_G_4_1, Plot Owner: KRUZICH, WILLIAM A. "WILLY"KRZA, Albert J., Buried: 03-05-1964, Age: 49, Section: KENDALL_D_1_1, Plot Owner: SARTORIS, EDITHKRZA, Frances, Buried: 11/18/1961, Age: 64, Section: KENDALL_40_3_4, Plot Owner: KRZA, FRANCESKRZA, John, Buried: 03-09-1948, Age: 59, Section: KENDALL_40_3_3, Plot Owner: KRZA, JOHNKUCHELI, Matt, Buried: 01-01-1941, Age: 31, Section: WATAHA_6A_3_1, Plot Owner: KUCHELI, MATTKUDAR, Alfred J., Buried: 01/28/1997, Age: 84, Section: NELSON_53_8X_1, Plot Owner: KUDAR, ALFRED & MARGIEKUDAR, Ann L., Buried: 11/21/2003, Age: 98, Section: NELSON_67_2_3, Plot Owner: KUDAR, ANN L.KUDAR, Anna, Buried: 08-03-1984, Age: 76, Section: NELSON_45_1_2, Plot Owner: KUDAR, ANNAKUDAR, Becky D., Buried: 06-06-1992, Age: 42, Section: WATAHA_2_52_1, Plot Owner: KUDAR, JOSEPH & BECKYKUDAR, Elizabeth, Section: NELSON_45_1_3, Plot Owner: KUDAR, MARIEKUDAR, Ferdniand, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 2, Section: PARK_105_5_3, Plot Owner: KUDAR, FERDNIANDKUDAR, Frances, Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 66, Section: NELSON_67_2_2, Plot Owner: KUDAR, FRANCESKUDAR, Frank J., Buried: 08/22/1983, Age: 75, Section: YOUNG_424_2_3, Plot Owner: KUDAR, M/M FRANKKUDAR, Ignatz, Buried: 08/24/1963, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_C_4_1, Plot Owner: KUDAR, IGNATZKUDAR, John, Buried: 12/14/1956, Age: 79, Section: NELSON_67_2_1, Plot Owner: KUDAR, JOHNKUDAR, John, Section: NELSON_45_1_4, Plot Owner: KUDAR, MARYKUDAR, John F. Jr, Buried: 11/23/1996, Age: 86, Section: NELSON_67_2_4, Plot Owner: KUDAR, JOHN F. JRKUDAR, John Herman, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 6, Section: PARK_105_5_4, Plot Owner: HERMAN, JOHNKUDAR, Joseph H., Buried: 07-02-1975, Age: 72, Section: WATAHA_2_67_1, Plot Owner: KUDAR, JOSEPH H.KUDAR, Kenneth Jay, Buried: 06-11-1960, Age: 20, Section: YOUNG_424_2_1, Plot Owner: KUDER, M/M FRANKKUDAR, Leopold F., Buried: 04-01-1967, Age: 61, Section: NELSON_45_1_1, Plot Owner: KUDAR, LEOPOLD F.KUDAR, Margie M, Buried: 11-02-2016, Age: 95, Section: NELSON_53_8X_2, Plot Owner: KUDAR, ALFRED & MARGIEKUDAR, Maria Sno, Buried: 11/27/1972, Age: 89, Section: KENDALL_C_4_2, Plot Owner: KUDAR, MARIA SNOKUDAR, Marie, Section: NELSON_45_1_3, Plot Owner: KUDAR, MARIEKUDAR, Mary, Buried: 11/27/1972, Age: 98, Section: KENDALL_D_3_3, Plot Owner: KAMENSKI, MR. AND MRS. JOHNKUDAR, Mary, Section: NELSON_45_1_4, Plot Owner: KUDAR, MARYKUDAR, Mary G., Buried: 12/15/2007, Age: 98, Section: WATAHA_2_68_1, Plot Owner: KUDAR, JOSEPHKUDAR, Mildred Frances, Buried: 03/17/1947, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_67_1_3, Plot Owner: KUDAR, MILDRED FRANCESKUDAR, Rudolph, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 6, Section: NELSON_67_1_1, Plot Owner: KUDAR, RUDOLPHKUDAR, Ruth A., Buried: 03-11-1993, Age: 75, Section: YOUNG_424_2_2, Plot Owner: KUDER, M/M FRANKKUDAR, Stella M., Buried: 02-03-1997, Age: 75, Section: WEST_7_281_1, Plot Owner: KUDAR, STELLAKUDAR, Stella M., Buried: 02-03-1997, Age: 75, Section: WEST_7_281_1, Plot Owner: KUDAR, STELLAKUDAR, Steve R., Buried: 10/16/1982, Age: 62, Section: WEST_7_282_1, Plot Owner: KUDAR, STELLAKUFAS, Mike, Buried: 08-05-1940, Age: 58, Section: OSSELTO_315_2_4, Plot Owner: KUFAS, MRS MIKEKUFAS, Sophie A., Buried: 08-06-1973, Age: 86, Section: OSSELTO_315_2_3, Plot Owner: KUFAS, MRS MIKEKUHN, Colt, Buried: 04-06-2004, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_12, Plot Owner: KUHN, KOLTKUITANEN, Child Of John, Buried: 09-12-1948, Age: 0, Section: ROE_77_9_3, Plot Owner: KUITUNEN, ERIKKUITUNEN, Mary, Buried: 08-12-1948, Age: 68, Section: ROE_77_9_2, Plot Owner: KUITUNEN, ERIKKUIVAMAKI, Matilda, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 54, Section: ODONNE_222_6_1, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALAKUIVAMAKI, Sigrid Matilda, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 6, Section: ODONNE_222_7_1, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALAKUIVAMAKI, Suoma Maria, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 11, Section: ODONNE_222_3_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALAKUJALA, Matti, Section: BUNNING_225_7_1, Plot Owner: MAKI, M VKULCK, Albert R., Buried: 02-10-1947, Age: 58, Section: ODONNE_146_2_1, Plot Owner: DAVIS, THOMAS EKULICH, John Child Of, Buried: 02-02-1902, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_210_6_4, Plot Owner: KULACH, JWKUMAR, Frank, Buried: 09-01-1911, Age: 11, Section: PARK_114_5_1, Plot Owner: KUMAR, FRANKKUMER, Clark William, Buried: 06-10-1999, Age: 55, Section: OBLOCK_8_380_1, Plot Owner: KUMER, CLARK & ELLENKUMER, William Keith, Buried: 04/25/1966, Age: 0, Section: ROE_78_4_4, Plot Owner: HAMBLIN, WILLIAM CLARDKUMPULA, Elias, Buried: 02-03-1946, Age: 64, Section: OSSELTO_J_4_3, Plot Owner: KUMPULA, MRS ELIKUMPULA, Frances, Buried: 02-12-1986, Age: 62, Section: OSSELTO_J_4_1, Plot Owner: KUMPULA, MRS ELIKUMPULA, Gustie, Buried: 11/24/1973, Age: 61, Section: OSSELTO_J_4_4, Plot Owner: KUMPULA, MRS ELIKUNTZ, Andrew, Buried: 05/17/1995, Age: 66, Section: WEST_7_269_1, Plot Owner: KUNTZ, ANDREW & JOSEPHINEKUNTZ, Bernetta, Buried: 08/31/1982, Age: 17, Section: WEST_7_267_1, Plot Owner: KUNTZ, ANDREW & JOSEPHINEKUNTZ, Dennis, Buried: 03-04-2004, Age: 52, Section: OBLOCK_8_535_1, Plot Owner: KUNTZ, DENNISKURAN, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 3, Section: NELSON_54_2_1, Plot Owner: KURAN, JOSEPHKURE, John Sr., , Buried: 03/20/1972, Age: 87, Section: NELSON_102_3_3, Plot Owner: KURE SR., JOHNKURE, John Willaim Jr., , Buried: 05/13/2006, Age: 84, Section: NELSON_102_3_2, Plot Owner: KURE JR., JOHN WILLAIMKURE, Louise K., Buried: 07/23/2011, Section: NELSON_102_3_2, Plot Owner: KURE JR., JOHN WILLAIMKURE, Marija, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 35, Section: NELSON_102_3_4, Plot Owner: KURE, MARIJAKURIKKA, John, Buried: 01/26/1957, Age: 77, Section: MUIR_403_20_2, Plot Owner: CHILTON, WILLIAMKURTZ, Isabell, Buried: 01-08-1998, Age: 82, Section: LAUZER_421_34_4, Plot Owner: KURTZ, SAMUEL P.KURTZ, Samuel P., Buried: 08/20/1970, Age: 55, Section: LAUZER_421_34_5, Plot Owner: KURTZ, SAMUEL P.KUSECK, Anton, Buried: 01/17/1966, Age: 77, Section: PARK_125_17_3, Plot Owner: KUSECK, FRANCESKUSECK, Frances, Buried: 12/23/1985, Age: 90, Section: PARK_125_17_4, Plot Owner: KUSECK, FRANCESKUSECK, Jenny, Buried: 06-06-2016, Age: 91, Section: OBLOCK_8_430_1, Plot Owner: KUSECK, JOEKUSECK, Joseph, Buried: 01-06-2001, Age: 80, Section: OBLOCK_8_429_1, Plot Owner: KUSECK, JOEKUSYSLEY, Edna, Buried: 12/20/1990, Age: 9, Section: BUNNING_157_4_2, Plot Owner: KUSYSLEY, EDNAKUTCHBAUM, Mary, Buried: 09-06-1911, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_125_1_2, Plot Owner: KUTCHBAUM, GOTTEBKVASNAK, Alex Paul, Buried: 04-11-1966, Age: 55, Section: NELSON_94_5_1, Plot Owner: KVASNAK, ALEX PAULKVASNAK, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 60, Section: NELSON_94_6_2, Plot Owner: KVASNAK, ANNAKVASNAK, Annie, Buried: 11/13/1968, Age: 57, Section: PARK_126_13_4, Plot Owner: KVASNAK, VICTOR M.KVASNAK, Steve, Buried: 07/19/1966, Age: 58, Section: NELSON_94_5_3, Plot Owner: KVASNAK, STEVEKVASNAK, Steve, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 58, Section: NELSON_94_6_3, Plot Owner: KVASNAK, STEVEKVASNAK, Victor M., Buried: 11/30/1994, Age: 88, Section: PARK_126_13_3, Plot Owner: KVASNAK, VICTOR M.KVASNAK-SMITH, Carol Ann, Buried: 02/15/2009, Age: 70, Section: PARK_126_13_2, Plot Owner: KVASNAK, VICTOR M.LA PLAT, Baby Girl, Buried: 03/23/1966, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_146_2_2, Plot Owner: DAVIS, THOMAS ELABAKIS, George, Buried: 07-08-1955, Age: 76, Section: YOUNG_401_12_1, Plot Owner: XERAKIS, MRS SAMLABERNICK, Angela, Buried: 01-01-1952, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_18_6_4, Plot Owner: LABERNICK, ANGELALACEY, Baby, Buried: 03/14/1952, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_25_1, Plot Owner: LACEY, EUGENELACROIX, Catherine M., Buried: 04/20/1977, Age: 96, Section: ROE_71_5_4, Plot Owner: LACROIX, MRS CATHERINELACROIX, Hubert, Buried: 01-12-1950, Age: 22, Section: ROE_71_5_5, Plot Owner: LACROIX, HUBERTLADAMUS, Mary, Section: PARK_58_2_3, Plot Owner: SHICORA, BERGASILADAMUS, Steve, Buried: 01-01-1941, Age: 88, Section: PARK_58_2_2, Plot Owner: SHICORA, BERGASILADAMUS, Zuzana, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 87, Section: PARK_58_1_2, Plot Owner: SHICORA, BERGASILAFAIVRE, John F., Buried: 07/17/1984, Age: 20, Section: WEST_7_359_1, Plot Owner: HUNTLEY, FREEMAN (MRS)LAFERTY, James, Buried: 11-12-1949, Age: 58, Section: ROE_73_9_1, Plot Owner: LAFERTY, MELVINLAFFERTY, Andrew, Buried: 10/24/1955, Age: 64, Section: ROE_74_9_5, Plot Owner: CORN, RALPHLAFFERTY, Baby, Age: 0, Section: ROE_74_9_2, Plot Owner: LAFFERTY, ANDREWLAFFERTY, Ellen, Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 59, Section: PARK_104_1_3, Plot Owner: LAFFERTY, ELLENLAFFERTY, John, Buried: 02-06-1960, Age: 74, Section: PARK_104_1_1, Plot Owner: LAFFERTY, JOHNLAFFERTY, Kenneth, Buried: 09/24/1960, Age: 22, Section: ROE_74_9_4, Plot Owner: CORN, RALPHLAFFERTY, Margaret, Buried: 02/16/1957, Age: 79, Section: PARK_104_1_2, Plot Owner: LAFFERTY, MARGARETLAFFERTY, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 77, Section: PARK_104_2_1, Plot Owner: LAFFERTY, MARYLAFFERTY, Tom, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 78, Section: PARK_104_2_2, Plot Owner: LAFFERTY, TOMLAFONT, Jean, Buried: 12/29/1907, Age: 53, Section: PARK_112_4_3, Plot Owner: LAFONT, JEANLAGO, George, Buried: 01/27/1959, Age: 75, Section: PARKER_268_2_3, Plot Owner: LOCAL UNION #2, 3831, 2309, 908 & 2282LAHAN LAMPI, Alexander, Buried: 05/21/1959, Age: 85, Section: ODONNE_191_3_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFLAHTE, Marvi, Buried: 11/27/1918, Age: 41, Section: PARKER_283_5_4, Plot Owner: LAHTE, MARVILAHTI, Baby, Buried: 12/18/1916, Age: 15, Section: PARKER_270_6_1, Plot Owner: LAHTI, BABYLAHTI, Puna, Buried: 05/20/1936, Age: 59, Section: OSSELTO_353_4_2, Plot Owner: LAHTI, FIERUIALAHTI, Reko, Buried: 06/28/1933, Age: 22, Section: OSSELTO_353_4_1, Plot Owner: LAHTI, FIERUIALAIRAMORE, Mable, Buried: 08-10-2007, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_6_14_1, Plot Owner: SANCHEZ, JOE (MABEL)LAKE, Anna Darling, Buried: 05/16/1949, Age: 74, Section: LUDVIGS_253_2_1, Plot Owner: LAKE, ANNA DARLINGLAKE, Carol Jean, Buried: 01/24/1970, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_63_3_4, Plot Owner: WIDDOP, MRLAKE, Edmund G., Buried: 10/13/1946, Age: 69, Section: LUDVIGS_253_1_1, Plot Owner: PULLEY, EARLLAKE, George D. Jr., , Buried: 12/30/1950, Age: 15, Section: ROE_71_15_3, Plot Owner: LAKE JR., GEORGE D.LAKE, Jack D., Buried: 04-03-1998, Age: 59, Section: ROE_71_16_2, Plot Owner: LAKE JR., GEORGE D.LAKE, James William, Buried: 05/28/1921, Age: 13, Section: ROE_71_9_5, Plot Owner: LAKE, JAMES WILLIAMLAKE, Patsy Ruth, Buried: 12/30/1950, Age: 17, Section: ROE_71_15_4, Plot Owner: LAKE JR., GEORGE D.LAKE, Ryan William, Buried: 04/13/1992, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_5_82_1, Plot Owner: PEARSON JR., WILLIAMLAKKO, Mary, Buried: 02/14/1934, Age: 60, Section: ODONNE_212_4_1, Plot Owner: LOOKA, HENRYLAKTIC, Lucille, Buried: 07/19/1939, Age: 43, Section: NELSON_27_2_2, Plot Owner: LAKTIC, LUCILLELAKTIC, Matt, Buried: 01-12-1937, Age: 49, Section: NELSON_27_2_1, Plot Owner: LAKTIC, MATTLALONDE, Lettie C. Dyles, Buried: 07/21/1990, Age: 92, Section: MUIR_403_40_5, Plot Owner: DYKES, JOHNLAM, Yuk Sang, Buried: 09-03-1983, Age: 61, Section: ROE_72_18_4, Plot Owner: LAM, YUK SANGLAMASTER, Elmond H., Buried: 11/19/1963, Age: 69, Section: YOUNG_400_8_3, Plot Owner: SIMS, MR & MRS CARL WLAMASTER, Margaret, Buried: 11/18/1954, Age: 61, Section: YOUNG_400_8_2, Plot Owner: LAMASTERS, ELMOND HLAMB, Bertie Lee, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 38, Section: JAMES_322_4_1, Plot Owner: LAMB, JOHNLAMB, John, Buried: 01/24/1931, Age: 44, Section: JAMES_322_4_3, Plot Owner: LAMB, JOHNLAMB, Marvin, Buried: 08/28/1945, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_F_5_3, Plot Owner: LAMB, MARVINLAMB, Paul, Buried: 06-02-1939, Age: 30, Section: JAMES_322_4_4, Plot Owner: LAMB, JOHNLAMBERT, Elmer Harry, Buried: 08/25/1951, Age: 85, Section: ROE_74_3_2, Plot Owner: LAMBERT, JOHN & WILLIAMLAMBERT, John Henry, Buried: 06/25/1931, Age: 1, Section: PARKER_245_4_2, Plot Owner: LAMBERT, JOHN HENRYLAMBERT, Toussaint, Buried: 03/14/1909, Age: 35, Section: PARK_82_6_1, Plot Owner: LAMBERT, TOUSSAINTLAMBERT, Toussaint Sr., Buried: 05-10-1928, Section: PARK_82_6_2, Plot Owner: LAMBERT, TOUSSAINT SR.LAMBROS, George, Buried: 08/23/1952, Age: 71, Section: PARKER_268_7_3, Plot Owner: LOCAL UNION #2, 3831, 2309, 908 & 2282LAMMI, Laina E., Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_211_8_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALULAMORI, Alfonso, Buried: 10-11-1972, Age: 65, Section: PARK_126_10_1, Plot Owner: LAMORI, ALFONSOLAMORI, Joseph, Buried: 10/16/2002, Age: 0, Section: PARK_126_10_1, Plot Owner: LAMORI, ALFONSOLAMORIE, Catherine M., Buried: 12/16/2008, Age: 53, Section: OBLOCK_8_651_1, Plot Owner: LAMORIE, GABRIEL & CATHERINELAMORIE, John D., Buried: 01/29/1996, Age: 85, Section: OBLOCK_8_249_1, Plot Owner: LAMORIE, STELLALAMORIE, Stella, Buried: 06-09-2004, Age: 92, Section: OBLOCK_8_250_1, Plot Owner: LAMORIE, STELLALAMP, Matt, Buried: 10/13/1914, Age: 27, Section: PARKER_270_5_1, Plot Owner: LAMP, MATTLAMPI, Andy, Buried: 06-09-1928, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_288_7_1, Plot Owner: LAMPI, ANDYLAMPUS, Raymond, Buried: 01/19/1945, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_E_4_3, Plot Owner: LAMPUS, RAYMONDLAMPUS, Raymond, Buried: 01/19/1945, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_E_4_4, Plot Owner: LAMPUS, RAYMONDLAMUS, Blair B., Buried: 01/13/1926, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_347_7_1, Plot Owner: LAMUS, BLAIR BLANE, Cassie W., Buried: 11/19/1997, Age: 77, Section: JAMES_349_3_2, Plot Owner: LANE, EUGENE & CASSIELANE, Charles, Buried: 02/23/1920, Age: 45, Section: BUNNING_104_7_1, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGELANE, Charles, Buried: 11/30/1959, Age: 45, Section: MUIR_423_13_5, Plot Owner: HOMAN, DEL G.LANE, Charles Baby Of, Buried: 05/23/1902, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_104_2_4, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGELANE, Charles Mrs., Buried: 02/23/1920, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_104_7_1, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGELANE, Eugene T., Buried: 02/18/2006, Age: 85, Section: JAMES_349_3_3, Plot Owner: LANE, EUGENE & CASSIELANE, Frances R., Buried: 09/20/1990, Age: 83, Section: WEST_7_332_1, Plot Owner: LANE, FRANCES R.LANE, John T., Buried: 12/24/1959, Age: 81, Section: MUIR_423_19_2, Plot Owner: REUTER, JULIUSLANE, Margaret Ann, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 51, Section: NELSON_46_7_1, Plot Owner: LANE, MARGARET ANNLANE, Mary J., Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 34, Section: BUNNING_104_2_4, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGELANE, Myrtle, Buried: 02/17/1939, Age: 34, Section: PARKER_263_7_3, Plot Owner: LANE, WMLANE, Orabell, Buried: 04/24/1965, Age: 82, Section: MUIR_423_19_1, Plot Owner: REUTER, JULIUSLANE, T., Buried: 11-10-1983, Age: 76, Section: WEST_7_333_1, Plot Owner: LANE, FRANCISLANGLAN, Charlotte, Buried: 01/19/1945, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_184_7_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #12, MASONICLANZA, Mario, Buried: 02/13/1979, Age: 90, Section: WEST_7_50_1, Plot Owner: DOAN, BROTHERSLAPPAK, Mike, Age: 28, Section: ODONNE_139_7_4, Plot Owner: MATSON, SAMLAREGE, Hazel, Buried: 10-09-1903, Age: 6, Section: BUNNING_201_8_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINLARGAS, Andrew, Buried: 06/17/1963, Age: 89, Section: ODONNE_191_6_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFLARNEN, Ida Ranta, Buried: 11/15/1954, Age: 68, Section: MUIR_403_21_1, Plot Owner: JAASKELA, ONNIELARNEN, Walter I., Buried: 08-01-1962, Age: 56, Section: YOUNG_400_23_4, Plot Owner: LARNEN, WALTER I.LARRABASTER, Aniceta, Buried: 07-02-1951, Age: 73, Section: NELSON_70_3_3, Plot Owner: LARRABASTER, ANICETALARRABASTER, Casimiro, Buried: 03/27/1950, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_70_3_2, Plot Owner: LARRABASTER, CASIMIROLARRABASTER, Cecelia, Buried: 09-11-2010, Age: 95, Section: KENDALL_37_1X_2, Plot Owner: LARRABASTER, CECELIALARRABASTER, Frank L., Buried: 11/30/1967, Age: 51, Section: LAUZER_421_19_3, Plot Owner: LARRABASTER, MRS FRANKLARRABASTER, George L., Buried: 12/13/1966, Age: 60, Section: NELSON_70_3_4, Plot Owner: LARRABASTER, GEORGE L.LARRABASTER, John B., Buried: 05-02-1997, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_37_1X_1, Plot Owner: LARRABASTER, CECELIALARRABASTER, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 21, Section: NELSON_70_4_4, Plot Owner: LARRABASTER, JOSEPHLARRABASTER, Leona, Buried: 05/19/1979, Age: 66, Section: NELSON_70_4_1, Plot Owner: LARRABASTER, LEONALARRABASTER, Neva Beth, Buried: 01-03-1973, Age: 43, Section: LAUZER_421_19_2, Plot Owner: LARRABASTER, MRS FRANKLARRABASTER, Roman, Buried: 10-01-1968, Age: 64, Section: NELSON_70_3_1, Plot Owner: LARRABASTER, ROMANLARRANT, Seonia, Buried: 11/15/1939, Age: 53, Section: UNKNOWN_1_1_1, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNLARSEN, , Buried: 02/21/1945, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_185_3_3, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, N PLARSEN, Ann Marie, Buried: 01-03-1977, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_19_1_2, Plot Owner: LARSEN, ANN MARIELARSEN, Baby Boy, Buried: 12/23/1950, Age: 0, Section: ROE_71_20_1, Plot Owner: LARSEN, DELLASLARSEN, Bernadine J., Buried: 05/29/1941, Age: 64, Section: BUNNING_185_3_2, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, N PLARSEN, Dellas, Buried: 06-09-1995, Age: 79, Section: OBLOCK_8_199_1, Plot Owner: LARSEN, DALLAS & DOROTHYLARSEN, Dorothy, Buried: 09/17/2001, Age: 84, Section: OBLOCK_8_200_1, Plot Owner: LARSEN, DALLAS & DOROTHYLARSEN, Earl, Buried: 06/17/1950, Age: 61, Section: BUNNING_178_7_2, Plot Owner: LARSON, ALARSEN, Frank (Otto), Buried: 04-09-1982, Age: 42, Section: WEST_7_240_1, Plot Owner: PARR, FRANK & ROSEMARYLARSEN, Hans, Buried: 03/30/1953, Age: 45, Section: ODONNE_167_6_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFLARSEN, Harry Henry, Buried: 10/17/1981, Age: 77, Section: NELSON_19_1_1, Plot Owner: LARSEN, HARRY HENRYLARSEN, Jennie B., Buried: 05/27/1941, Age: 63, Section: BUNNING_185_3_2, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, N PLARSEN, Magnus John, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 57, Section: BUNNING_185_3_1, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, N PLARSEN, Mary Ellen, Buried: 01-01-1948, Age: 0, Section: ROE_74_8_3, Plot Owner: LARSEN, ERNESTLARSEN, Otto, Buried: 04-09-1982, Age: 75, Section: WEST_7_240_1, Plot Owner: PARR, FRANK & ROSEMARYLARSEN, Rose, Buried: 07/13/1967, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_228_2_3, Plot Owner: LARSEN, ROSELARSEN, Sarento, Buried: 05-11-1990, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_201_5_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINLARSEN, Sareu, Buried: 11-03-1931, Age: 740, Section: BUNNING_201_6_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINLARSEN, Soren, Buried: 11-03-1931, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_201_5_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINLARSEN, Teresa M. "Terri", Buried: 10-10-2002, Age: 51, Section: OBLOCK_8_471_1, Plot Owner: LARSEN, JOHN & TERRILARSEN, Walter, Buried: 03-12-1958, Age: 63, Section: BUNNING_228_2_4, Plot Owner: LARSEN, WALTERLARSEN, Walter, Buried: 09/16/1963, Age: 63, Section: YOUNG_424_28_2, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERLARSEN, Walter H., Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_228_7_3, Plot Owner: IARAKER, WALTER H.LARSON, Arvid, Buried: 07-01-1908, Age: 30, Section: ODONNE_140_5_3, Plot Owner: LARSON, ALARSON, Elizabeth, Buried: 09-01-1951, Age: 80, Section: BUNNING_178_7_3, Plot Owner: LARSON, ALARSON, Frank E., Buried: 06/16/1981, Age: 42, Section: WEST_7_160_1, Plot Owner: LARSON, FRANK MRS.LARSON, Fred, Buried: 10/13/1979, Age: 86, Section: ROE_75_7_2, Plot Owner: LARSON, FREDLARSON, Gundheld, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 37, Section: BUNNING_201_6_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINLARSON, John Howard, Buried: 09-04-1903, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_185_4_4, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, N PLARSON, Katie M., Buried: 05/18/1949, Age: 85, Section: BUNNING_103_2_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHLARSON, Louis, Buried: 08/30/1934, Age: 44, Section: OSSELTO_340_7_1, Plot Owner: LARSON, LILLIELARSON, Mary, Buried: 06-05-1950, Age: 47, Section: ROE_75_7_1, Plot Owner: LARSON, FREDLARSON, Mary, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_201_5_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINLARSON, Ole, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 55, Section: BUNNING_103_2_2, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHLARSON, Richard T., Buried: 10-09-1986, Age: 65, Section: EDGAR_82_17X_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANLARSON, Shirley B., Buried: 06-07-2004, Age: 82, Section: EDGAR_82_17X_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANLARSON, Sorena, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_201_5_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINLARSON, Toney, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 44, Section: BUNNING_178_7_4, Plot Owner: LARSON, ALASALLE, Kathryn, Buried: 03/26/1960, Age: 58, Section: YOUNG_424_4_1, Plot Owner: LASALLE, LOUISLASALLE, Louis, Buried: 03-06-1963, Age: 71, Section: YOUNG_424_4_2, Plot Owner: LASALLE, LOUISLASATER, George G., Buried: 12-09-1974, Age: 57, Section: EDGAR_82_16_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANLASCOR, Ambrose, Buried: 11/28/1952, Age: 53, Section: MUIR_402_24_2, Plot Owner: LASCOR, MRS AMBROSELASON, Loren, Buried: 01/26/1937, Age: 68, Section: ODONNE_102_1_4, Plot Owner: #5 REDMAN, WASHAKI TRIBELASSILA, Elaine, Buried: 06-05-1956, Age: 74, Section: OSSELTO_355_8_1, Plot Owner: LASSILA, MRS. ISAACLASSILA, Helmi R., Buried: 02-06-1974, Age: 57, Section: MUIR_423_12_3, Plot Owner: LASSILA, WALTERLASSILA, Isaac, Buried: 04-10-1941, Age: 63, Section: OSSELTO_355_8_2, Plot Owner: LASSILA, MRS. ISAACLASSILA, Walter, Buried: 03/22/1961, Age: 46, Section: MUIR_423_12_4, Plot Owner: LASSILA, WALTERLASTRA, Frank, Buried: 04/14/1934, Age: 44, Section: OSSELTO_360_7_1, Plot Owner: SPROWELL, CARLLATINS, Ruth, Buried: 10-03-1943, Age: 23, Section: OSSELTO_C_4_1, Plot Owner: RICHARDS, WALTER ELATTI, Dores, Buried: 11-09-1917, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_234_6_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANLATVALA, Jennie, Section: BUNNING_225_7_4, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, JOHN SLATVALA, John, Section: BUNNING_225_7_3, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, JOHN SLAUBACH, Betty Jean "Bj", Buried: 01/27/1993, Age: 49, Section: KENDALL_27_3_3, Plot Owner: BERGANDI, DONNA P.LAUBAUGH, Vera, Buried: 09/15/1986, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_27_3_2, Plot Owner: LAUBAUGH, VERALAUDER, A S Mrs, Buried: 12-08-1956, Age: 70, Section: EDGAR_63_15_2, Plot Owner: MEYER, ARTHUR ELAUDER, Jacob, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_151_8_4, Plot Owner: LANDER, WILLIAMLAUDER, Orosia, Buried: 01/15/1915, Age: 73, Section: LUDVIGS_231_1_4, Plot Owner: BATES, WMLAUES, Ronald, Buried: 10-05-1929, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_265_6_3, Plot Owner: LAUES, RONALDLAUGHLIN, Otis James, Buried: 05-04-1990, Age: 42, Section: WEST_7_585_1, Plot Owner: LAUGHLIN, TIS J.LAURNEN, Lydia, Buried: 05/16/1991, Age: 87, Section: ROE_71_4_3, Plot Owner: LAURUNEN, MRS LYDIALAURNEN, Taivo, Buried: 08/16/1949, Age: 45, Section: ROE_71_4_4, Plot Owner: LAURUNEN, MRS LYDIALAURSEN, Jorgen P., Buried: 12-03-1944, Age: 60, Section: BUNNING_90_4_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHLAURSEN, Leroy, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 2, Section: BUNNING_90_4_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHLAURUNEN, Alfred, Buried: 07/27/1957, Age: 75, Section: YOUNG_400_23_5, Plot Owner: LARNEN, WALTER I.LAURUNEN, Anna, Buried: 11/24/1961, Age: 77, Section: OSSELTO_O_4_2, Plot Owner: RICHARDS, WALTER ELAURUNEN, Matt T., Buried: 12/29/1999, Age: 95, Section: EDGAR_67_1_3, Plot Owner: LAURUNEN, THERESALAURUNEN, Theresa, Buried: 03-08-2011, Age: 95, Section: EDGAR_67_1_4, Plot Owner: FERRERO, JAMESLAURUNEN, Toivo H., Buried: 10/23/1986, Age: 76, Section: OSSELTO_O_4_1, Plot Owner: LAWRENCE, ANNIELAVAL, Leontine, Buried: 03-03-1913, Age: 5, Section: LUDVIGS_257_4_1, Plot Owner: LAVAL, LEONTINELAVATO, Mary B., Buried: 04-07-1969, Age: 56, Section: PARK_126_16_2, Plot Owner: LAVATO, REYLAVATO, Ray "Leroy", Buried: 09-07-2000, Age: 53, Section: PARK_126_16_1, Plot Owner: LAVATO, REYLAVATO, Rey, Buried: 10-12-1967, Age: 60, Section: PARK_126_16_1, Plot Owner: LAVATO, REYLAVER, Destiny Leone, Buried: 03/21/2002, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_7, Plot Owner: LAVER, DESTINY LEONELAVERY, Caroline Marie, Buried: 12-04-1985, Age: 0, Section: PARK_121_14_1, Plot Owner: LAVERY, DAVID THOMASLAVERY, David Thomas, Buried: 08/24/1956, Age: 1, Section: PARK_121_14_1, Plot Owner: LAVERY, DAVID THOMASLAVERY, Florence M., Buried: 06/20/1966, Age: 60, Section: PARK_126_21_3, Plot Owner: LAVERY, FLORENCE M.LAVERY, Thomas J., Buried: 05/30/1981, Age: 81, Section: PARK_126_21_2, Plot Owner: LAVERY, THOMAS J.LAVON, Kathleen, Buried: 11/18/1947, Age: 0, Section: ROE_70_10_5, Plot Owner: LAVON, KATHLEENLAW, James, Buried: 05/13/1983, Age: 94, Section: OSSELTO_307_7_4, Plot Owner: LAW, RAYLAW, Ray, Buried: 10/22/1933, Age: 4, Section: OSSELTO_307_7_3, Plot Owner: LAW, RAYLAWES, Lavinia, Buried: 08/23/1950, Age: 74, Section: ROE_75_14_4, Plot Owner: LAWES, THOMASLAWES, Thomas, Buried: 09/22/1954, Age: 81, Section: ROE_75_14_5, Plot Owner: LAWES, THOMASLAWLESS, John, Buried: 01-01-1905, Section: ODONNE_212_6_2, Plot Owner: RAILROAD CO, PACIFICLAWLESS, Mary A., Buried: 10/16/1963, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_D_6_3, Plot Owner: MOTT, STEPHEN & BENITALAWRENCE, Harry A., Buried: 05-02-1972, Age: 85, Section: OSSELTO_N_3_2, Plot Owner: BANKS, MRS W ELAWRENCE, Ida, Buried: 08-04-1990, Age: 86, Section: WEST_7_375_1, Plot Owner: LAWRENCE, IDA & M. POTTERLAWRENCE, Isaac, Buried: 11/20/1948, Age: 73, Section: OSSELTO_O_4_3, Plot Owner: LAWRENCE, MRS ANNIELAWS, Edna, Buried: 10-09-1974, Age: 80, Section: OSSELTO_307_7_1, Plot Owner: LAW, RAYLAWS, Ronald, Buried: 10-05-1929, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_265_6_2, Plot Owner: LUISELLEE, E FLAWSON, Elizabeth, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 55, Section: ODONNE_139_3_3, Plot Owner: LAWSON, ROBERTLAWSON, Jennie, Buried: 07-09-1951, Age: 63, Section: ODONNE_219_5_1, Plot Owner: LAWSON, JOHNLAWSON, John, Buried: 02-06-1944, Age: 57, Section: ODONNE_219_5_1, Plot Owner: LAWSON, JOHNLAWSON, Robert, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_139_3_4, Plot Owner: LAWSON, ROBERT & MRS. ROBERTLAWSON, Robert E., Buried: 04/17/1929, Age: 18, Section: ODONNE_219_5_4, Plot Owner: LAWSON, JOHNLAWSON, Robert E., Buried: 04/21/1949, Age: 18, Section: ODONNE_219_1_1, Plot Owner: STAUTON, R OLAWSON, Thora C., Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_213_1_4, Plot Owner: LAWSON, THORA C.LAYAS, Mike Iii, Buried: 11-02-1943, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_303_2_1, Plot Owner: MOSS, R LLEACH, Jim, Buried: 08/15/2014, Age: 67, Section: WEST_7_448_1, Plot Owner: DUNBAR, DAVID HARRYLEACH, Susan Mae, Buried: 08/15/2014, Age: 71, Section: WEST_7_448_1, Plot Owner: DUNBAR, DAVID HARRYLEADBETTER, Benjamin Sr., , Buried: 09/20/1925, Age: 66, Section: BUNNING_179_2_4, Plot Owner: LEADBETTER, BENJAMIN W.LEADBETTER, Benjamin W., Age: 6, Section: BUNNING_179_2_3, Plot Owner: LEADBETTER, BENJAMIN W.LEADBETTER, David, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_179_2_4, Plot Owner: LEADBETTER, BENJAMIN W.LEADBETTER, John Thomas, Buried: 09/24/1917, Age: 33, Section: BUNNING_179_1_4, Plot Owner: LEADBETTER, BENJAMIN W.LEADBETTER, Jos Osborne, Age: 39, Section: BUNNING_179_1_3, Plot Owner: LEADBETTER, BENJAMIN W.LEADBETTER, Mary, Age: 63, Section: BUNNING_179_2_2, Plot Owner: LEADBETTER, BENJAMIN W.LEADBETTER, Sarah, Buried: 12/19/1919, Age: 65, Section: BUNNING_179_1_1, Plot Owner: LEADBETTER, BENJAMIN W.LEADBETTER, Thomas, Age: 77, Section: BUNNING_179_1_2, Plot Owner: LEADBETTER, BENJAMIN W.LEADBETTER, Unice Pearl, Age: 3, Section: BUNNING_179_2_1, Plot Owner: LEADBETTER, BENJAMIN W.LEAK, Earl J., Buried: 11/20/1948, Age: 58, Section: OSSELTO_317_8_2, Plot Owner: MILONAS, MRS JOHNLEAK, Ellen, Buried: 06/23/1936, Age: 41, Section: OSSELTO_317_8_3, Plot Owner: MILONAS, MRS JOHNLEAL, Eva, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 39, Section: PARK_81_4_3, Plot Owner: LEAL, EVALEAL, Joseph Gilbert Jr., , Buried: 04-11-1950, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_33_5_4, Plot Owner: LEAL JR., JOSEPH GILBERTLEBAR, John, Buried: 04-08-1916, Age: 41, Section: PARK_66_1_3, Plot Owner: LEBAR, JOHNLEBAR, Joseph, Buried: 11-03-1921, Age: 9, Section: PARK_66_1_2, Plot Owner: LEBAR, JOSEPHLEBAR, Mary, Buried: 11/14/1957, Age: 78, Section: PARK_66_1_4, Plot Owner: LEBAR, MARYLEBOEUF, Elgin J. "Buff", Buried: 02/13/1997, Age: 46, Section: OBLOCK_8_288_1, Plot Owner: LEBOEUF, LGIN & CHARLOTTELEBRECH, Mike L., Buried: 01-05-1952, Age: 65, Section: EDGAR_84_8_4, Plot Owner: LEBRECH, MIKE L.LEBRUNN, Charles, Buried: 10/29/1925, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_366_7_1, Plot Owner: LEBRUNN, CHARLESLECCE, Donna, Buried: 07/29/2005, Age: 69, Section: PARK_121_22_4, Plot Owner: LECCE, DONNALECCE, Rudy, Buried: 04/19/1984, Age: 50, Section: PARK_121_22_3, Plot Owner: LECCE, RUDYLECHTEUSTEIN, Heruean, Buried: 11-05-1913, Age: 60, Section: LUDVIGS_232_1_4, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESLECKIE, Agnes, Buried: 01/15/1904, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_254_2_2, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, MARY L.LECKIE, Andrew, Age: 24, Section: LUDVIGS_254_2_4, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, MARY L.LECKIE, Jennie, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 34, Section: LUDVIGS_254_2_2, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, MARY L.LECKIE, Margaret Chambers, Buried: 03-10-1986, Age: 76, Section: ROE_69_13_4, Plot Owner: CHAMBERS, MRS. OLIVERLECKIE, Mary Virginia, Buried: 01-01-1987, Age: 87, Section: LUDVIGS_254_1_4, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, MARY L.LECKIE, Sam Jr., Buried: 03/15/1904, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_254_2_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, MARY L.LECKIE, Samuel, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 45, Section: LUDVIGS_254_2_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, MARY L.LECKIE, Samuel, Buried: 12/18/1974, Age: 68, Section: ROE_69_13_5, Plot Owner: TALIAFERRO, ARTHUR LEELEDFORD, Nellie Paavola, Buried: 09/28/1989, Age: 75, Section: PARKER_239_3_1, Plot Owner: PAAVOLA, MRS LOUISLEE, Ann Ramsay, Buried: 05-08-1930, Age: 64, Section: JAMES_303_7_2, Plot Owner: LEE, WILLIAM KLEE, Anna P., Buried: 10/13/1935, Age: 69, Section: OSSELTO_307_6_2, Plot Owner: LEE, ANNA P.LEE, Baby, Buried: 04/21/1956, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_142_3_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFLEE, Carrie Mae, Buried: 07/15/1950, Age: 0, Section: ROE_74_6_3, Plot Owner: ODELL, MRS GEORGELEE, Casey T, Buried: 06/30/2016, Age: 49, Section: WEST_7_622_1, Plot Owner: LEE, JERRY R.LEE, Craig E., Buried: 08-04-1987, Age: 27, Section: YOUNG_400_43X_1, Plot Owner: LEE, JAMES E & SARAH ELEE, David, Buried: 06/24/1959, Age: 70, Section: ROE_75_15_2, Plot Owner: LEE JR., JAMES E.LEE, Dorothy, Buried: 04-11-1949, Age: 0, Section: ROE_72_9_1, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, CHINESELEE, E. H. Norton, Buried: 11-11-1942, Age: 45, Section: JAMES_303_8_1, Plot Owner: LEE, WILLIAMLEE, Edward Sidney, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_303_7_1, Plot Owner: LEE, WILLIAM KLEE, Isaac E., Buried: 11-03-1950, Age: 89, Section: OSSELTO_307_6_3, Plot Owner: LEE, ANNA P.LEE, James E. Jr., , Buried: 01-03-1979, Age: 22, Section: YOUNG_400_33_4, Plot Owner: LEE JR., JAMES E.LEE, Janine L., Buried: 02-12-1993, Age: 33, Section: YOUNG_400_43X_2, Plot Owner: LEE, JAMES E & SARAH ELEE, Jay J., Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 65, Section: ODONNE_212_3_2, Plot Owner: LEE, JJLEE, Jerry R., Buried: 11/30/2005, Age: 85, Section: WEST_7_620_1, Plot Owner: LEE, JERRY R.LEE, John M., Buried: 04/20/1991, Age: 68, Section: WEST_7_621_1, Plot Owner: LEE, JERRY R.LEE, John Madison, Buried: 01-01-1909, Age: 20, Section: JAMES_303_7_4, Plot Owner: LEE, WILLIAM KLEE, Lavall, Buried: 02-03-1977, Age: 26, Section: PARKER_268_4_2, Plot Owner: LOCAL UNION #2, 3831, 2309, 908 & 2282LEE, Mary B, Buried: 05-05-1990, Age: 92, Section: JAMES_303_8_2, Plot Owner: LEE, WILLIAM KLEE, Richard Henry, Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 1, Section: JAMES_303_7_1, Plot Owner: LEE, WILLIAM KLEE, Sandra M., Buried: 12/18/1954, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_400_33_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERLEE, U. K. Mrs., Buried: 10/14/1916, Age: 40, Section: LUDVIGS_250_4_4, Plot Owner: VAN VALKENBURG, GEOLEE, William K, Buried: 03/28/1935, Age: 45, Section: JAMES_303_7_3, Plot Owner: LEE, WILLIAM KLEE, William Ramsay, Buried: 08/25/1935, Age: 44, Section: JAMES_303_8_4, Plot Owner: LEE, WILLIAM KLEEPER, Misty A., Buried: 01-01-1978, Section: PARKER_268_5_4, Plot Owner: LOCAL UNION #2, 3831, 2309, 908 & 2282LEES, Lewis M., Buried: 11-04-1937, Age: 56, Section: ROE_78_10_2, Plot Owner: LEES, LEWIS M.LEESON, Margaret, Buried: 12/28/1908, Age: 52, Section: PARKER_236_4_1, Plot Owner: LARSON, MARKLEESON, Mark, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 57, Section: PARKER_236_4_2, Plot Owner: LEESON, MARKLEGERE, William, Buried: 11/26/1954, Age: 57, Section: EDGAR_83_13_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, CANADIANLEGERSKI, Anna, Buried: 08/26/1944, Age: 54, Section: KENDALL_38_2_4, Plot Owner: LEGERSKI, ANNALEGERSKI, Anthony P., Buried: 03-04-2006, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_38_3_1, Plot Owner: LEGERSKI, ANTHONY P.LEGERSKI, Elizabeth, Buried: 07/27/2011, Age: 79, Section: PARK_126_4_3, Plot Owner: LEGERSKI, JOHNLEGERSKI, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1944, Age: 23, Section: KENDALL_38_2_3, Plot Owner: LEGERSKI, FRANKLEGERSKI, Joe, Buried: 03-08-2003, Age: 69, Section: KENDALL_A_20X_3, Plot Owner: LEGERSKI, JOE & EDITHLEGERSKI, John Sr., , Buried: 12/15/2014, Age: 85, Section: PARK_126_4_2, Plot Owner: LEGERSKI, JOHNLEGERSKI, Julia Josephine, Buried: 05-02-1967, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_38_3_3, Plot Owner: LEGERSKI, MARK JOSEPHLEGERSKI, Julia L., Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 2, Section: KENDALL_38_2_1, Plot Owner: LEGERSKI, JULIA L.LEGERSKI, Lola C., Buried: 02-06-1961, Age: 38, Section: KENDALL_38_3_4, Plot Owner: LEGERSKI, LOLA C.LEGERSKI, Mark Joseph, Buried: 12/18/1975, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_38_3_3, Plot Owner: LEGERSKI, MARK JOSEPHLEGERSKI, Michael, Buried: 01/22/1970, Age: 76, Section: KENDALL_38_2_2, Plot Owner: LEGERSKI, MICHAELLEGERSKI, Mike J., Buried: 06/28/1999, Age: 52, Section: LAUZER_421_24_4, Plot Owner: GIOVANINI, FREDLEGERSKI, Philip, Buried: 03/21/1967, Age: 0, Section: PARK_126_4_4, Plot Owner: LEGERSKI, JOHNLEGERSKI, Rosina, Buried: 05-10-2012, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_38_3_2, Plot Owner: LEGERSKI, ANTHONY P.LEGGETT, Esther Jane, Buried: 08-08-2000, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_112_7_4, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGELEHAYE, Anna, Buried: 03-01-1932, Age: 58, Section: JAMES_350_5_2, Plot Owner: SANGER, HARRYLEHEIKA, Julius, Buried: 04-04-1963, Age: 70, Section: PARKER_259_6_3, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDLEINO, Mary, Buried: 03-10-1921, Age: 31, Section: ODONNE_211_3_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALULEIS, Bert Baby, Buried: 02/19/1920, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_281_8_2, Plot Owner: LEIS, BABY BERTLEMAICH, Peter, Buried: 02-07-1943, Age: 49, Section: NELSON_93_8_2, Plot Owner: LEMAICH, PETERLEMARR, Baby, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_88_5_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFLEMARR, Hannah, Buried: 07/26/1934, Age: 69, Section: BUNNING_88_7_4, Plot Owner: LEMARR, HANNAHLEMARR, James, Buried: 10-10-1957, Age: 74, Section: EDGAR_80_12_4, Plot Owner: #9, IOOFLEMARR, Janet, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_88_4_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFLEMARR, Ronald, Buried: 10/13/1948, Age: 26, Section: EDGAR_80_5_1, Plot Owner: #9, IOOFLEMARR, Ronald T., Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 32, Section: EDGAR_80_12_2, Plot Owner: #9, IOOFLEMARR, Rose, Buried: 09/17/1977, Age: 90, Section: EDGAR_80_12_3, Plot Owner: #9, IOOFLEMARR, Thomas Jr., , Buried: 09/21/1987, Age: 93, Section: BUNNING_88_7_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFLEMARR, Thomas M., Buried: 08/19/1946, Age: 85, Section: BUNNING_88_7_4, Plot Owner: LEMARR, HANNAHLEMICH, George L., Buried: 05-09-1996, Age: 72, Section: PARK_65_4_1, Plot Owner: LEMICH, GEORGE L.LEMICH, Heffan A., Buried: 12/22/1943, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_161_6_1, Plot Owner: LEMICH, HEFFAN A.LEMICH, Helen, Buried: 12/16/1967, Age: 78, Section: PARK_65_5_4, Plot Owner: LEMICH, HELENLEMICH, Louie, Buried: 02-10-1960, Age: 71, Section: PARK_65_5_3, Plot Owner: LEMICH, LOUIELEMICH, Sophie, Buried: 08/15/1995, Age: 73, Section: PARK_65_4_2, Plot Owner: LEMICH, SOPHIELEMINIVECK, Fred Baby Of, Buried: 03-05-1927, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_289_8_1, Plot Owner: TIMMERICK, FREDLEMMON, Wanda Mae, Buried: 08/27/2016, Age: 87, Section: WATAHA_2_82_1, Plot Owner: LEMMON, LYLE & WANDALEMMON, William Lyle, Buried: 03/26/2010, Age: 84, Section: WATAHA_2_82_1, Plot Owner: LEMMON, LYLE & WANDALEMMON, William M., Buried: 09-02-1947, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_339_5_3, Plot Owner: JONES, MRS WMLENARCIC, John, Buried: 02/26/1966, Age: 77, Section: LUDVIGS_232_3_4, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESLENART, Father, Buried: 10/18/1949, Age: 65, Section: CROATIA_7_4_2, Plot Owner: LENART, FATHERLENART, Mother, Buried: 08/26/1956, Age: 71, Section: CROATIA_7_4_3, Plot Owner: LENART, MOTHERLENDICHSM, Ivan, Buried: 04-01-1914, Age: 28, Section: PARK_80_8_4, Plot Owner: LENDICHSM, IVANLENNEN, Edward, Buried: 11-08-1968, Age: 68, Section: ODONNE_192_8_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFLENZI, Albert A., Buried: 04-04-1996, Age: 84, Section: OSSELTO_335_2_2, Plot Owner: LENZI, ALBERT A.LENZI, Carl, Buried: 05/28/1951, Age: 12, Section: KENDALL_25_8_1, Plot Owner: LENZI, SERAFINOLENZI, Charles, Buried: 12/24/1958, Age: 70, Section: PARK_121_3_3, Plot Owner: LENZI, CHARLESLENZI, Ethel W., Buried: 02/28/1983, Age: 71, Section: OSSELTO_335_2_1, Plot Owner: LENZI, ALBERT A.LENZI, Gusto C., Buried: 04/20/2005, Age: 95, Section: PARK_121_3_1, Plot Owner: LENZI, AUGUSTLENZI, Henry L., Buried: 05-08-1956, Age: 48, Section: PARK_121_23_2, Plot Owner: LENZI, TENALENZI, John, Buried: 10/26/1942, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_335_2_3, Plot Owner: LENZI, ALBERT A.LENZI, Lena, Buried: 09/18/1996, Age: 85, Section: PARK_121_3_2, Plot Owner: LENZI, LENALENZI, Serafino, Buried: 02-05-1968, Age: 60, Section: KENDALL_25_8_2, Plot Owner: LENZI, SERAFINOLENZI, Valentina, Buried: 01-06-2012, Age: 98, Section: PARK_121_23_3, Plot Owner: LENZI, TENALENZI, Viola, Buried: 08-10-1954, Age: 78, Section: PARK_121_3_4, Plot Owner: LENZI, VIOLALEO, Aranka, Buried: 05/31/2016, Age: 58, Section: ROE_72_16X_1, Plot Owner: LEO, MARKLEO, Dep, Buried: 12-05-2012, Age: 90, Section: ROE_72_16X_5, Plot Owner: LEO, DEPLEO, Flong Gain Yuen, Age: 0, Section: ROE_72_17_2, Plot Owner: LEO, FLONG GAIN YUENLEO, Foe Ming Chin, Buried: 02/23/2008, Age: 87, Section: ROE_72_10_4, Plot Owner: LEO, FOE MING CHINLEO, Kim Lin, Buried: 04-11-1992, Age: 61, Section: ROE_72_16X_4, Plot Owner: LEO, DEPLEO, Kim Ngor, Buried: 05-10-1993, Age: 86, Section: ROE_72_16_5, Plot Owner: KEFFER, ALLENLEO, King K, Buried: 01/19/1935, Age: 0, Section: ROE_72_20_2, Plot Owner: LEO, KING KLEO, Paul Y., Buried: 11-06-1972, Age: 70, Section: ROE_72_8_5, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, CHINESELEO, Ping Gee, Buried: 01/24/1986, Age: 67, Section: ROE_72_10_5, Plot Owner: LEO, PING GEELEO, Sam, Buried: 09/20/1984, Age: 96, Section: ROE_72_15_3, Plot Owner: LEO, SAMLEODES, Katina, Buried: 07-01-2008, Age: 75, Section: OSSELTO_312_1X_3, Plot Owner: LEODES, KATINALEODES, Pete, Buried: 03/13/1984, Age: 93, Section: EDGAR_64_12_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANLEODES, Pete, Buried: 03/18/2016, Age: 43, Section: OSSELTO_312_1X_4, Plot Owner: LEODES, KATINALEONARDI, Franizo G., Buried: 05/24/1949, Age: 66, Section: WATAHA_C_7_2, Plot Owner: LEONARDI-LORESAM, MRS. MIKELEONARDI, George, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 45, Section: WATAHA_C_8_1, Plot Owner: LEONARDI-LORESAM, MRS. MIKELEONIS, Speros N., Buried: 03-11-1952, Age: 52, Section: MUIR_403_23_2, Plot Owner: LEONIS, ORALEONIS, Spiros N., Buried: 03-11-1952, Age: 52, Section: MUIR_403_23_2, Plot Owner: LEONIS, ORALEOSCO, Anastasia, Buried: 12-05-1962, Age: 61, Section: CROATIA_L_1_2, Plot Owner: LEOSCO, JOHN SR.LEOSCO, Jane Elizabeth, Buried: 09/19/1963, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_84_16_1, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENLEOSCO, John Frank, Buried: 09/13/1986, Age: 61, Section: EDGAR_84_16_3, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENLEOSCO, John Sr., Buried: 07-06-1968, Age: 83, Section: CROATIA_L_1_1, Plot Owner: LEOSCO, JOHN SR.LEOUERICA, Leon B., Buried: 05/19/1942, Age: 49, Section: LUDVIGS_256_2_1, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFLEPENSKE, Mary, Buried: 01-05-1959, Age: 79, Section: PARK_104_8_3, Plot Owner: LEPENSKE, MARYLEPENSKE, Pat A., Buried: 05-06-1960, Age: 77, Section: PARK_104_8_2, Plot Owner: LEPENSKE, PAT A.LEPENSKE, Tommy, Buried: 04-03-1910, Age: 2, Section: PARK_104_3_4, Plot Owner: LEPENSKE, TOMMYLEROGLIO, Luigi, Buried: 04/15/1903, Age: 45, Section: BUNNING_206_2_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSLESCOE, Kareen M., Buried: 04/27/1973, Age: 27, Section: WATAHA_4_M_1, Plot Owner: LESCOE, MICHAEL A.LESCOE, Marcia M., Buried: 08-07-2009, Age: 93, Section: WATAHA_4_R_1, Plot Owner: LESCOE, MARCIA M.LESCOE, Michael, Buried: 07/19/2014, Age: 69, Section: WATAHA_4_N_1, Plot Owner: LESCOE, MICHAEL A.LESCOE, Proctor C., Buried: 08/22/1972, Age: 61, Section: WATAHA_4_Q_1, Plot Owner: LESCOE, MARCIA M.LESKO, Andy P, , , Buried: 10/15/1985, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_5_51_1, Plot Owner: LESKO, ANDY PLESKO, Louise S., Buried: 08-02-2003, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_5_52_1, Plot Owner: LESKO, ANDY PLESKOVEC, Anton, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_102_5_1, Plot Owner: LESKOVEC, ANTONLESKOVEC, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_102_4_1, Plot Owner: LESKOVEC, JOSEPHLESKOVEC, Louise, Buried: 06-11-1997, Age: 94, Section: WATAHA_5_57_1, Plot Owner: LESKOVEC, LOUISELESKOVEC, Louise Elsie, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 1, Section: NELSON_102_4_2, Plot Owner: LESKOVEC, LOUISE ELSIELESKOVEC, Matt, Buried: 03/18/1974, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_5_O_1, Plot Owner: LESKOVEC, LOUISELESLIE, Bertha W., Buried: 12/24/1942, Age: 42, Section: OSSELTO_338_8_1, Plot Owner: LESLIE, ALFRED DLESTER, Lucille, Buried: 08/23/1948, Age: 39, Section: ROE_77_10_3, Plot Owner: LESTER, JAMESLETTIG, Laura Deam, Buried: 09/23/1961, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_424_22_4, Plot Owner: LETTIG, HELENLETURGEY, Katherine Marie, Buried: 02/13/2008, Age: 87, Section: EDGAR_64_8_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANLEVA, Ed, Buried: 03/18/1910, Age: 36, Section: LUDVIGS_247_2_1, Plot Owner: LEVA, EDLEVAR, Nick, Buried: 04/22/1974, Age: 81, Section: PARK_125_14_1, Plot Owner: LEVAR, NICKLEVAR, Yeka, Buried: 05/25/1965, Age: 75, Section: PARK_125_14_2, Plot Owner: LEVAR, NICKLEVESQUE, Alphose, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 20, Section: PARK_32_3_3, Plot Owner: LEVESQUE, ALPHOSELEVESQUE, Caroline, Age: 39, Section: PARK_32_3_1, Plot Owner: LEVESQUE, CAROLINELEVESQUE, Felix, Buried: 01-01-1909, Age: 62, Section: PARK_32_3_2, Plot Owner: LEVESQUE, FELIXLEVESQUE, Helen, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 2, Section: WATAHA_8_4_4, Plot Owner: LEVESQUE, HELENLEVESQUE, Horace, Buried: 01-01-1948, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_8_4_1, Plot Owner: LEVESQUE, HORACELEVESQUE, Louis, Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 2, Section: WATAHA_8_4_3, Plot Owner: LEVESQUE, LOUISLEVESQUE, Margaret, Buried: 12/21/1948, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_8_4_2, Plot Owner: LEVESQUE, MARGARETLEVITT, Jerry D., Buried: 12/29/1970, Age: 19, Section: EDGAR_82_7_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANLEVKULICH, Anna, Buried: 02-05-1963, Age: 66, Section: PARK_122_14_4, Plot Owner: LEVKULICH, ANNALEVKULICH, Mike C., Buried: 11-06-1985, Age: 67, Section: PARK_122_14_3, Plot Owner: LEVKULICH, MIKE C.LEVKULICH, Wasil C., Buried: 02/13/1957, Age: 71, Section: PARK_122_14_2, Plot Owner: LEVKULICH, WASIL C.LEW, Baby, Buried: 11/27/1963, Age: 0, Section: ROE_72_8_1, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, CHINESELEW, Baby, Buried: 04-12-1954, Section: ROE_72_8_3, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, CHINESELEW, Baby, Buried: 11/27/1963, Section: ROE_72_8_2, Plot Owner: PLOT, CHINESELEW, Chou Tai, Buried: 01/26/1985, Age: 73, Section: ROE_72_19_3, Plot Owner: LEW, CHOU TAILEW, Tim, Buried: 07-10-1974, Age: 62, Section: ROE_72_18_3, Plot Owner: PLOT, CHINESELEWIS, Adeal M., Buried: 10-06-1984, Age: 76, Section: MUIR_423_18_4, Plot Owner: LEWIS, EDGAR F.LEWIS, Alice, Buried: 10/26/1954, Age: 74, Section: YOUNG_401_40_5, Plot Owner: GARDNER, JOHNLEWIS, Arvin, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_199_5_2, Plot Owner: LEWIS, JACKSONLEWIS, Ben, Buried: 10-11-1958, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_100_4_4, Plot Owner: LEWIS, BENLEWIS, Betty M., Buried: 11/18/2010, Age: 92, Section: WEST_7_548_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, FAMILYLEWIS, Beulah, Buried: 10/24/1980, Age: 62, Section: WEST_7_121_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, G.RLEWIS, Boyd, Buried: 12-02-2013, Age: 92, Section: WEST_7_545_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, FAMILYLEWIS, Claf, Buried: 04/21/1908, Age: 35, Section: PARKER_246_8_4, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDLEWIS, Edgar F., Buried: 06/29/1966, Age: 65, Section: MUIR_423_18_5, Plot Owner: LEWIS, EDGAR F.LEWIS, Edith, Buried: 01/16/1901, Age: 64, Section: BUNNING_127_3_2, Plot Owner: LEWIS, JOHN CLEWIS, Elizabeth, Buried: 06-11-1910, Age: 72, Section: ODONNE_150_2_4, Plot Owner: HARVEY, M ELEWIS, Elizabeth, Buried: 10-03-1928, Age: 75, Section: JAMES_328_4_2, Plot Owner: LEWIS, RICHARDLEWIS, Elizabeth, Buried: 03/25/1967, Age: 75, Section: PARKER_241_7_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, RICHARDLEWIS, Ellen, Section: BUNNING_127_4_4, Plot Owner: LEWIS, NLEWIS, Evelyn L., Buried: 11-02-1994, Age: 89, Section: WEST_7_547_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, FAMILYLEWIS, Frank B., Buried: 07/16/1935, Age: 41, Section: EDGAR_82_5X_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANLEWIS, G.R. "Bus", Buried: 10/21/2005, Age: 89, Section: WEST_7_122_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, G. R.LEWIS, Gertrude M., Buried: 07-06-1989, Age: 77, Section: WEST_7_546_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, FAMILYLEWIS, Gwenie, Age: 2, Section: BUNNING_132_5_3, Plot Owner: LEWIS, GWENIELEWIS, Helen, Buried: 06-02-1906, Age: 9, Section: BUNNING_154_5_4, Plot Owner: KEVAN, J HLEWIS, Henry, Age: 15, Section: BUNNING_132_5_2, Plot Owner: LEWIS, HENRYLEWIS, Jimming Wayne, Buried: 03-10-1975, Age: 19, Section: OSSELTO_337_4_4, Plot Owner: LEWIS, MRS JOHNLEWIS, John, Age: 59, Section: BUNNING_127_3_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, JOHN CLEWIS, John C., Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 48, Section: BUNNING_138_5_2, Plot Owner: LEWIS, JCLEWIS, John L., Buried: 08-08-1942, Age: 62, Section: OSSELTO_337_4_3, Plot Owner: LEWIS, MRS JOHNLEWIS, John R., Buried: 07-12-1948, Age: 51, Section: JAMES_328_4_4, Plot Owner: LEWIS, RICHARDLEWIS, Joseph A., Buried: 06/16/1935, Age: 44, Section: OSSELTO_341_4_2, Plot Owner: LEWIS, MRS RICHARDLEWIS, Josephine Headd, Buried: 08/28/1985, Age: 98, Section: ROE_77_20_1, Plot Owner: HANSEN, HANSLEWIS, Luther, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_104_3_1, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGELEWIS, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1901, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_138_5_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, JCLEWIS, Mary Donn, Buried: 02/26/2001, Age: 55, Section: OBLOCK_8_440_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, MARY DONNLEWIS, Mary S., Buried: 04/25/1951, Age: 65, Section: ODONNE_100_4_3, Plot Owner: LEWIS, MRS. DONLEWIS, Nick Child Of, Buried: 11/29/1915, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_245_7_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, CHILD OF NICKLEWIS, Olamond, Buried: 02/18/1964, Age: 85, Section: EDGAR_63_6_2, Plot Owner: LEWIS, MRS WILLIAMLEWIS, Rachel, Buried: 08-04-1991, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_132_5_4, Plot Owner: LEWIS, RACHELLEWIS, Raymond B., Buried: 10/29/1916, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_250_2_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, RAYMOND B.LEWIS, Richard, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_113_1_1, Plot Owner: EXCELSIOR LODGE #9, IOOFLEWIS, Richard, Buried: 08-06-1931, Age: 1, Section: OSSELTO_341_4_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, MRS RICHARDLEWIS, Richard, Buried: 01-01-1901, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_160_7_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERLEWIS, Richard, Buried: 05/14/1934, Age: 1, Section: JAMES_327_4_4, Plot Owner: MORROW, WM & CRUISE CLARKLEWIS, Richard James, Buried: 04-07-1967, Age: 72, Section: PARKER_241_7_3, Plot Owner: LEWIS, RICHARDLEWIS, Roy, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_199_5_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, JACKSONLEWIS, Ruth, Buried: 12/14/1901, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_137_7_1, Plot Owner: LEEVIO, ARTHURLEWIS, Thelma Smith, Buried: 11/21/1964, Age: 28, Section: YOUNG_424_10_1, Plot Owner: WILLIAMS, D RLEWIS, William C., Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 54, Section: BUNNING_160_7_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERLEWIS, William H., Buried: 05/16/1957, Age: 91, Section: EDGAR_63_6_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, MRS WILLIAMLEWIS, Willie, Buried: 05-03-1902, Age: 13, Section: ODONNE_150_2_3, Plot Owner: HARVEY, M ELICKE, Lloyd, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 7, Section: ODONNE_124_3_1, Plot Owner: LICKE, LLOYDLIDDELL, Violet Faye, Buried: 09/20/1942, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_338_1_4, Plot Owner: SAVALA, ROBERTLIDDLE, Dale, Buried: 07/16/2007, Age: 49, Section: OBLOCK_8_490_1, Plot Owner: LIDDLE, JOSHUA LEELIDDLE, Joshua Lee, Buried: 07/16/2003, Age: 22, Section: OBLOCK_8_489_1, Plot Owner: LIDDLE, JOSHUA LEELIDDY, John J., Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_43_8_1, Plot Owner: LIDDY, JOHN J.LIGHTENSTEIN, Amelia, Buried: 12/30/1937, Section: LUDVIGS_232_8_2, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESLIGHTENSTEIN, Herman, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 60, Section: LUDVIGS_232_8_2, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESLIGHTNER, Alice, Buried: 11/22/1936, Age: 42, Section: ODONNE_218_4_4, Plot Owner: LIGHTNER, CHARLES C.LIGHTNER, Charles C., Buried: 04/16/1960, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_218_4_3, Plot Owner: LIGHTNER, CHARLES C.LIGHTNER, Clinton, Buried: 10/25/1958, Age: 82, Section: MUIR_423_11_5, Plot Owner: LIGHTNER, GEORGE T.LIGHTNER, Dorothy M., Buried: 05-06-1970, Age: 52, Section: MUIR_423_11_2, Plot Owner: LIGHTNER, GEORGE T.LIGHTNER, Ethel M., Buried: 01/28/1969, Age: 47, Section: BUNNING_108_1_3, Plot Owner: CUNNINGHAM, JOHNLIGHTNER, George T., Buried: 10/28/1999, Age: 81, Section: MUIR_423_11_3, Plot Owner: LIGHTNER, GEORGE T.LIGHTNER, Thomas C., Buried: 05/18/1990, Age: 68, Section: ODONNE_218_3_4, Plot Owner: LIGHTNER, CHARLES C.LIGHTNER, Thomas R., Buried: 07-12-1975, Age: 34, Section: ODONNE_218_4_2, Plot Owner: LIGHTNER, CHARLES C.LIKES, Grover S., Buried: 01/28/1967, Age: 81, Section: ROE_70_12_4, Plot Owner: LIKES, MRS G SLIKES, Melvin F., Buried: 05/25/1945, Age: 25, Section: ROE_70_12_2, Plot Owner: LIKES, MRS G SLIKES, Sylvia B., Buried: 02-04-1972, Age: 83, Section: ROE_70_12_3, Plot Owner: LIKES, MRS G SLIKWARTZ, Bernice Lewis, Buried: 06/13/2001, Age: 77, Section: PARKER_241_8_2, Plot Owner: LIKWARTZ, HENRY JOSEPHLIKWARTZ, Frank M., Buried: 10/13/1989, Age: 82, Section: WEST_7_447_1, Plot Owner: LIKWARTZ, FRANK & JENNIELIKWARTZ, Henry Andrew, Buried: 03-12-2007, Age: 83, Section: PARKER_241_8_3, Plot Owner: LIKWARTZ, HENRY JOSEPHLIKWARTZ, Henry Joseph, Buried: 05-01-1998, Age: 45, Section: PARKER_241_8_4, Plot Owner: LIKWARTZ, HENRY JOSEPHLIKWARTZ, Jennie J., Buried: 07/17/1986, Age: 73, Section: WEST_7_446_1, Plot Owner: LIKWARTZ, FRANK & JENNIELIKWARTZ, Joseph W., Buried: 12/31/1943, Age: 59, Section: KENDALL_30_2_2, Plot Owner: LIKWARTZ, JOSEPH W.LIKWARTZ, Josephine S., Buried: 05/14/1968, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_30_2_3, Plot Owner: LIKWARTZ, JOSEPHINE S.LIKWARTZ, Michael J., Buried: 02-10-1992, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_30_2_4, Plot Owner: LIKWARTZ, MICHAEL J.LIMGO, Vasle, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 51, Section: JAMES_347_3_3, Plot Owner: LIMGO, VASLELINDBERG, Arvid Ja Gustaava III, , Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_222_7_2, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALALINDEN, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 46, Section: ODONNE_188_3_1, Plot Owner: LINDEN, GUSTLINDEN, Arthur H., Buried: 04/26/1960, Age: 59, Section: ODONNE_188_3_2, Plot Owner: LINDEN, GUSTLINDEN, Clarence, Buried: 12/14/1938, Age: 47, Section: ODONNE_188_2_2, Plot Owner: LINDEN, GUSTLINDEN, Guss, Buried: 01/25/1937, Age: 83, Section: ODONNE_188_2_4, Plot Owner: LINDEN, GUSTLINDGREEN, Gus, Buried: 04-01-1940, Age: 69, Section: PARKER_294_6_2, Plot Owner: LINDGREEN, GUSLINDROOS, Billie, Buried: 12-12-1930, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_342_3_2, Plot Owner: LINDROOS, EREKLINDROOS, Donald A., Buried: 09-01-1960, Age: 31, Section: MUIR_423_32_1, Plot Owner: LOVE, MRS.OTIS (MARJORIE)LINDROOS, Edward, Buried: 12/15/1976, Age: 67, Section: ROE_75_8_4, Plot Owner: LINDROOS, OSCAR E.LINDROOS, Elsie, Buried: 06/19/1970, Age: 57, Section: YOUNG_424_25_2, Plot Owner: LINDROOS, ELSIELINDROOS, Eric, Buried: 03/31/1964, Age: 57, Section: YOUNG_424_25_3, Plot Owner: LINDROOS, ERICLINDROOS, Frank O., Buried: 05/13/1966, Age: 61, Section: ROE_75_8_1, Plot Owner: LINDROOS, OSCAR E.LINDROOS, Hilda M., Buried: 06/30/1950, Age: 69, Section: ROE_75_8_2, Plot Owner: LINDROOS, OSCAR E.LINDROOS, Isaac, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 18, Section: ODONNE_222_6_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALALINDROOS, Jessie, Buried: 03/16/1991, Age: 79, Section: ROE_75_8_5, Plot Owner: LINDROOS, OSCAR E.LINDROOS, Oscar E., Buried: 02-07-1953, Age: 75, Section: ROE_75_8_3, Plot Owner: LINDROOS, OSCAR E.LINDROOS, Shirley Jean, Buried: 09-12-1937, Age: 3, Section: OSSELTO_342_3_2, Plot Owner: LINDROOS, EREKLINDSAY, Robert D., Buried: 10-03-1934, Age: 8, Section: JAMES_306_1_1, Plot Owner: LINDSAY, WM TLINDSEY, Eliza Jane, Buried: 06/14/1900, Age: 17, Section: BUNNING_154_2_4, Plot Owner: MCMAHON, PETERLINN, Martin, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 43, Section: BUNNING_176_2_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, MASONICLINSON, Della, Buried: 06/19/2013, Age: 91, Section: WATAHA_6_G_1, Plot Owner: KILLIAN, MARYLINSON, M.G. Pete, Buried: 04-06-2000, Age: 82, Section: WATAHA_6_G_1, Plot Owner: KILLIAN, MARYLION, Anthony, Buried: 10/16/1974, Age: 54, Section: WATAHA_4_81_1, Plot Owner: LION, MIKELIPARI, Michael Shelton, Buried: 01/30/2003, Age: 54, Section: EDGAR_63_8X_2, Plot Owner: LIPARI, MICHAEL SHELTONLIPPA, Jacob, Buried: 08/23/1902, Age: 23, Section: BUNNING_207_8_1, Plot Owner: LIPPA, PAULLISBON, Randolph H., Age: 36, Section: BUNNING_201_1_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINLISKA, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 2, Section: PARK_41_3_4, Plot Owner: LISKA, ANNALISKA, Annie, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 50, Section: PARK_41_4_2, Plot Owner: LISKA, JOHNLISKA, Edward A., Buried: 12/31/1991, Age: 76, Section: KENDALL_20_5_2, Plot Owner: LISKA, EDWARD A.LISKA, Emma, Buried: 02/17/1947, Age: 57, Section: PARK_41_3_1, Plot Owner: LISKA, EMMALISKA, Ervin, Buried: 03-06-1947, Age: 53, Section: PARK_41_4_3, Plot Owner: LISKA, STEVE G.LISKA, Frances A., Buried: 12-02-2003, Age: 88, Section: KENDALL_20_5_3, Plot Owner: LISKA, FRANCES A.LISKA, Franklin, Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_20_5_1, Plot Owner: LISKA, FRANKLINLISKA, George, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 2, Section: PARK_41_3_3, Plot Owner: LISKA, GEORGELISKA, George, Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 52, Section: PARK_41_3_2, Plot Owner: LISKA, GEORGELISKA, John, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 62, Section: PARK_41_4_2, Plot Owner: LISKA, JOHNLISKA, John J., Buried: 01-01-1945, Age: 27, Section: PARK_41_3_1, Plot Owner: LISKA, EMMALISKA, Margaret, Age: 1, Section: PARK_41_4_1, Plot Owner: LISKA, MARGARETLISKA, Steve G., Buried: 05/14/1971, Age: 63, Section: PARK_41_4_3, Plot Owner: LISKA, STEVE G.LISON, Tammy Jeanne, Buried: 04-05-1961, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_B_15_1, Plot Owner: KOZOLA, MARTHALITTLE, John, Buried: 06-06-2014, Age: 77, Section: EDGAR_65_6_5, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNLIU, Eddie J., Buried: 05/14/1983, Age: 15, Section: ROE_72_15_4, Plot Owner: LIU, EDDIE J.LIU, Hop Nei, Buried: 04/19/2008, Age: 92, Section: ROE_72_15_3, Plot Owner: LEO, SAMLIU, Man Fong, Buried: 01-01-1997, Age: 82, Section: ROE_72_15_2, Plot Owner: LIU, MAN FONGLIU, Pearl K To, Buried: 02/16/1985, Age: 48, Section: ROE_72_15_5, Plot Owner: LIU, PEARL K TOLIU, Tak Gin, Buried: 01-01-1984, Age: 96, Section: ROE_72_15_1, Plot Owner: LIU, TAK GINLIVELY, John L., Buried: 01-12-1945, Age: 57, Section: ROE_73_2_1, Plot Owner: LIVELY, MRS JOHNLIVELY, Robert Thomas, Buried: 02/25/1960, Age: 75, Section: MUIR_423_18_2, Plot Owner: LIVELEY, THOMASLIVINGSTON, Eorge Baby Of, Buried: 10/20/1921, Age: 8, Section: LUDVIGS_295_1_3, Plot Owner: LIVINGSTON, H. L.LIVINGSTON, H. C. Baby Of, Buried: 09/20/1921, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_295_1_4, Plot Owner: LIVINGSTON, H. C.LIVOTT, Baby Of George, Buried: 03-02-1997, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_157_6_3, Plot Owner: LIVOTT, GEORGELOBATO, Enemicio, Buried: 12-11-1950, Age: 63, Section: ROE_70_17_1, Plot Owner: LOBATO, UNKNOWNLOCHREN, Sarah E., Buried: 09/15/1916, Age: 48, Section: PARK_89_7_4, Plot Owner: LOCHREN, SARAH E.LOGAN, Alex S. Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 25, Section: ODONNE_221_6_3, Plot Owner: LOGAN, ALEXANDERLOGAN, Alex S. Sr., , Buried: 12/16/1948, Age: 64, Section: ODONNE_221_6_4, Plot Owner: LOGAN, ALEXANDERLOGAN, Baby Dwain, Buried: 07/17/1971, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_261_7_3, Plot Owner: LOGAN, GROVER C.LOGAN, Brian W., Buried: 06/28/2002, Age: 48, Section: OBLOCK_8_33_1, Plot Owner: RILEY, EARL "BEN"LOGAN, Francis, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 3, Section: PARK_113_4_3, Plot Owner: LOGAN, FRANCISLOGAN, George Edward, Buried: 09/19/1964, Age: 55, Section: LUDVIGS_232_3_2, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESLOGAN, Glenn W., Buried: 05/13/1921, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_261_7_4, Plot Owner: LOGAN, GROVER C.LOGAN, Grover C., Buried: 05-10-1961, Age: 42, Section: EDGAR_82_3_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANLOGAN, Harry S., Buried: 05/27/1961, Age: 48, Section: EDGAR_82_3_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANLOGAN, Henry, Buried: 12/29/2007, Age: 74, Section: EDGAR_64_8_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANLOGAN, Isabella Blythe, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 67, Section: BUNNING_201_8_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINLOGAN, James, Buried: 01/31/1927, Age: 26, Section: PARK_32_4_3, Plot Owner: LOGAN, JAMESLOGAN, James Hunter, Age: 48, Section: BUNNING_201_8_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINLOGAN, Joanne Jane, Buried: 03/14/1969, Age: 26, Section: LAUZER_421_25_3, Plot Owner: KIZZIRE, MRS ROSE LOGANLOGAN, John, Buried: 11/13/1956, Age: 84, Section: PARK_32_4_1, Plot Owner: LOGAN, JOHNLOGAN, Lizzie, Buried: 06-08-1924, Age: 51, Section: LUDVIGS_253_5_4, Plot Owner: LOGAN, LIZZIELOGAN, Mary, Buried: 09/25/1917, Age: 44, Section: PARK_32_4_2, Plot Owner: LOGAN, MARYLOGAN, Myrtle M., Buried: 10/25/1906, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_221_6_1, Plot Owner: LOGAN, ALEXANDERLOGAN, W.B., Buried: 03-08-1913, Age: 44, Section: PARK_113_4_4, Plot Owner: LOGAN, W.B.LOGAN, William B. III, , Buried: 07/20/1976, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_261_7_1, Plot Owner: LOGAN, GROVER C.LOGON, Spirit Boy, Buried: 08/30/2007, Age: 0, Section: OBLOCK_8_33_1, Plot Owner: RILEY, EARL "BEN"LOGSDON, Arthur, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 42, Section: LUDVIGS_275_7_2, Plot Owner: LOGSDON, ARTHURLOGSDON, M. Alice, Buried: 04/29/1924, Age: 6, Section: LUDVIGS_275_7_1, Plot Owner: LOGSDON, M. ALICELOHOLA, Mary, Buried: 04/13/1914, Age: 2, Section: LUDVIGS_272_1_1, Plot Owner: LOHOLA, MARYLOISATE, Angelo, Buried: 11-10-1962, Age: 71, Section: CROATIA_L_6_1, Plot Owner: LOISATE, MARYLOISATE, Fred, Buried: 07-01-2004, Age: 58, Section: CROATIA_L_6_3, Plot Owner: LOISATE, MARYLOISATE, Joseph Louis, Buried: 10/19/2011, Age: 84, Section: CROATIA_L_6_4, Plot Owner: LOISATE, MARYLOISATE, Mary, Buried: 09-10-1996, Age: 92, Section: CROATIA_L_6_2, Plot Owner: LOISATE, MARYLOKAS, Paul, Buried: 11/15/1956, Age: 68, Section: NELSON_119_2_1, Plot Owner: LOKAS, PAULLOKMER, John, Buried: 02-06-1932, Age: 46, Section: NELSON_101_1_3, Plot Owner: LOKMER, JOHNLOKMER, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 67, Section: NELSON_101_1_4, Plot Owner: LOKMER, MARYLONG, Andy L., Buried: 01-05-1973, Age: 56, Section: EDGAR_82_2_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANLONG, Richard L., Buried: 12-11-1986, Age: 39, Section: WATAHA_3A_9_1, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNLONG, Ruth, Buried: 11-06-2003, Age: 82, Section: EDGAR_82_2_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANLONGCOR, Jennie, Buried: 09/30/1971, Age: 46, Section: KENDALL_28_8_3, Plot Owner: LONGCOR, JENNIELONGCOR, William, Buried: 04/27/2013, Age: 94, Section: YOUNG_425_41X_3, Plot Owner: LONGCOR, WILLIAM L.LONGLAND, Albert E., Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 75, Section: ODONNE_187_7_3, Plot Owner: CUNNINGHAM, MAGGIELOOKA, Helen, Buried: 04-01-1934, Age: 34, Section: ODONNE_212_4_2, Plot Owner: LOOKA, HENRYLOOKA, Henry Child, Buried: 07/27/1906, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_212_4_2, Plot Owner: LOOKA, HENRYLOPES, Richard, Buried: 12/14/1943, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_C_3_4, Plot Owner: LOPES, MRS RICHARDLOPEZ, Eleanor Irene, Buried: 10-02-1940, Age: 0, Section: PARK_85_6_1, Plot Owner: LOPEZ, ELEANOR IRENELOPEZ, Julian, Buried: 11/19/1975, Age: 73, Section: PARKER_285_5_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDLOPEZ, Manuel, Buried: 06/21/1965, Age: 74, Section: ODONNE_191_3_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFLOPEZ, Max L., Buried: 04-08-1948, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_33_5_2, Plot Owner: LOPEZ, MAX L.LOPEZ, Willie Jr., , Buried: 01-10-1992, Age: 55, Section: OBLOCK_8_4_1, Plot Owner: LOPEZ, ILLIE & HARRIETTLORENZ, Rocky L., Buried: 12-04-1957, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_423_2_5, Plot Owner: LORENZ, RUBENLORENZI, Silvo, Buried: 12-11-1924, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_292_7_4, Plot Owner: LORENZI, SILVOLORINCE, Nicholas M., Buried: 01-01-1953, Age: 37, Section: KENDALL_20_8_4, Plot Owner: LORINCE, NICHOLAS M.LOSLI, Barbara, Buried: 04-05-1993, Age: 66, Section: OBLOCK_8_67_1, Plot Owner: LOSLI, DR. STEVENLOSS, John, Buried: 10/29/1912, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_197_3_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANLOUGAN, Ivar, Buried: 12/21/1970, Age: 80, Section: LUDVIGS_256_5_4, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFLOUIS, Mrs. Irene, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 26, Section: LUDVIGS_295_8_3, Plot Owner: LOUIS, MRS. IRENELOVATO, Angela, Buried: 10-10-1955, Age: 44, Section: NELSON_119_3_4, Plot Owner: LOVATO, ANGELALOVE, Daniel B., Buried: 04/16/1960, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_6_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANLOVE, Hanna, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_88_5_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFLOVE, Janet, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 65, Section: BUNNING_88_6_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFLOVE, John, Buried: 05/24/1922, Age: 63, Section: BUNNING_88_6_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFLOVE, John Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 38, Section: BUNNING_88_6_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFLOVE, Otis C., Buried: 09-06-1996, Age: 72, Section: MUIR_423_32_3, Plot Owner: LOVE, MRS.OTIS (MARJORIE)LOVE, Robert, Buried: 03-09-1945, Age: 52, Section: BUNNING_88_6_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFLOVELACE, Charles P., Buried: 11/16/1951, Age: 85, Section: MUIR_403_1_1, Plot Owner: LOVELACE, WILLIS RLOVSHE, Frances, Buried: 05-07-1944, Age: 55, Section: WATAHA_D_5_2, Plot Owner: REMC, MRS. JOHNLOVSHE, Ignac, Buried: 03-10-1958, Age: 72, Section: WATAHA_D_5_1, Plot Owner: REMC, MRS. JOHNLOWE, Gladys, Buried: 05/25/1991, Age: 90, Section: NELSON_120_6_4, Plot Owner: LOWE, GLADYSLOWE, Willaim, Buried: 03/24/1954, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_120_6_3, Plot Owner: LOWE, WILLAIMLOWSETH, Arne, Buried: 05-11-1961, Age: 67, Section: JAMES_320_5_3, Plot Owner: LOWSETH, ERNEST J.LOWSETH, Ernest J., Buried: 04-06-2004, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_116_4_1, Plot Owner: LOWSETH, ERNEST J.LOWSETH, Francis Marge, Buried: 03-08-2007, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_116_4_2, Plot Owner: LOWSETH, FRANCIS MARGELOWSETH, Mary, Buried: 03/29/1956, Age: 90, Section: JAMES_320_5_2, Plot Owner: LOWSETH, ERNEST J.LOWSETH, Ole, Buried: 09-10-1933, Age: 77, Section: JAMES_320_5_4, Plot Owner: LOWSETH, ERNEST J.LOYA, Aiti Adviliina, Buried: 11/20/1969, Age: 82, Section: PARKER_240_5_3, Plot Owner: LOYA, ANOLOYA, Ann F., Buried: 03/24/1993, Age: 78, Section: WEST_7_141_1, Plot Owner: LOYA, KAINO & ANNLOYA, Arvo, Buried: 03/19/1939, Age: 50, Section: PARKER_240_5_2, Plot Owner: LOYA, ANOLOYA, Isa Ilo Elin, Buried: 10/29/1966, Age: 82, Section: PARKER_240_5_4, Plot Owner: LOYA, ANOLOYA, Kaino O., Buried: 08-11-1994, Age: 79, Section: WEST_7_142_1, Plot Owner: LOYA, KAINO & ANNLOYA, Lila O., Buried: 03/27/1919, Age: 22, Section: PARKER_235_6_2, Plot Owner: ISAACSON, JOHNLUBI, Andrea, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 55, Section: KENDALL_44_6_3, Plot Owner: LUBI, ANDREALUBI, Teresia, Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_44_6_4, Plot Owner: LUBI, TERESIALUBICK, Daniel, Buried: 09-12-2008, Age: 64, Section: EDGAR_64_9_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANLUCAS, Alex, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 35, Section: WATAHA_9_4_4, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS SR, JAMES WILLIAMLUCAS, Anna, Buried: 05-07-1969, Age: 73, Section: KENDALL_A_20_3, Plot Owner: QUINN, MARIA L.LUCAS, Elizabeth, Buried: 07/20/1981, Age: 87, Section: PARK_125_3_4, Plot Owner: LUCAS, RUTHLUCAS, James, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 33, Section: WATAHA_9_3_2, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS SR, JAMES WILLIAMLUCAS, James Glenn, Buried: 04/18/1996, Age: 69, Section: OBLOCK_8_271_1, Plot Owner: LUCAS, JAMES & JERRILUCAS, Jerri Lynne, Buried: 12-03-2007, Age: 55, Section: OBLOCK_8_272_1, Plot Owner: LUCAS, JAMES & JERRILUCAS, John Jr., Buried: 06/28/1989, Age: 76, Section: PARK_125_3_1, Plot Owner: LUCAS, RUTHLUCAS, John Sr., Buried: 04/13/1965, Age: 80, Section: PARK_125_3_3, Plot Owner: LUCAS, RUTHLUCAS, Mike, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_337_5_3, Plot Owner: LUCAS, MRS MERLELUCAS, Ruth, Buried: 12/31/1997, Age: 83, Section: PARK_125_3_2, Plot Owner: LUCAS, RUTHLUCAS, Steve Sr, Buried: 03/19/1962, Age: 95, Section: ROE_70_10_1, Plot Owner: DELPIERRE, LEONLUCAS, Unknown, Section: PARK_58_6_3, Plot Owner: LUCAS, UNKNOWNLUCAS, William, Buried: 12-12-1959, Age: 71, Section: KENDALL_A_20_2, Plot Owner: LUCAS, WILLIAMLUCERO, Adolph, Buried: 01/27/1950, Age: 56, Section: CROATIA_10_5_1, Plot Owner: LUCERO, ADOLPHLUCERO, Carrie, Buried: 06-02-1992, Age: 78, Section: OBLOCK_8_30_1, Plot Owner: LUCERO, TERRILUCERO, Cleotilde, Buried: 04-02-1947, Age: 47, Section: KENDALL_42_1_4, Plot Owner: LUCERO, CLEOTILDELUCERO, Lourdes, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 0, Section: PARK_33_3_2, Plot Owner: LUCERO, LOURDESLUCERO, Matilda G., Buried: 05-01-1984, Age: 85, Section: CROATIA_10_5_2, Plot Owner: LUCERO, MATILDA G.LUCERO, Richard, Buried: 12-04-2002, Age: 82, Section: CROATIA_10_5_3, Plot Owner: LUCERO, RICHARDLUCK, Frances, Buried: 07/13/2007, Age: 58, Section: NELSON_127_18_2, Plot Owner: LUCK, FRANCESLUCK, Joseph B., Buried: 06/21/1997, Age: 81, Section: NELSON_127_18_1, Plot Owner: LUCK, FRANCESLUCKOCK, Bobbie, Buried: 01/30/1928, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_288_4_3, Plot Owner: LUCKOCK, BOBBIELUDVIGSEN, John, Age: 48, Section: BUNNING_175_6_3, Plot Owner: LUDVIGSEN, JOHNLUDVIGSEN, Mary, Buried: 04/27/1926, Age: 78, Section: BUNNING_175_6_4, Plot Owner: LUDVIGSEN, JOHNLUGI, Rece, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 43, Section: LUDVIGS_248_3_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONLUI, Elizabeth T., Buried: 08/23/1989, Age: 43, Section: ROE_72_7_3, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, CHINESELUISELLEE, Ellen, Buried: 06/29/1929, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_265_6_1, Plot Owner: LUISELLEE, E FLUJAN, Aurora, Buried: 03-05-1931, Age: 36, Section: OSSELTO_342_4_3, Plot Owner: LUJAN, ALUJAN, Emerson, Buried: 03-07-1947, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_48_7_1, Plot Owner: LUJAN, EMERSONLUKIC, Marko, Buried: 10-09-1970, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_6_90_1, Plot Owner: BULLIVANT, WALDEGRAVE C.LUKKARINEN, Kristian, Buried: 09/16/1914, Age: 16, Section: PARKER_270_5_3, Plot Owner: ANDREATTA, PAULLUMA, Adencion, Buried: 07-08-1927, Age: 27, Section: PARKER_288_1_1, Plot Owner: LUMA, ASCENSIONLUMAN, Abner, Buried: 06-06-1931, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_87_6_2, Plot Owner: LUMAN, A.LUMAN, Abner Eugene, Buried: 08-12-1936, Age: 49, Section: BUNNING_87_6_4, Plot Owner: LUMAN, A.LUMAN, Edna Garrigues, Buried: 11-03-1972, Age: 77, Section: BUNNING_87_8_2, Plot Owner: LUMAN, KENNETH JLUMAN, Frank Snedden, Age: 10, Section: BUNNING_87_5_3, Plot Owner: LUMAN, A.LUMAN, Jeanette S., Buried: 02-02-1937, Age: 70, Section: BUNNING_87_6_3, Plot Owner: LUMAN, A.LUMAN, Kenneth James, Buried: 08-06-1941, Age: 49, Section: BUNNING_87_8_1, Plot Owner: LUMAN, KENNETH JAMESLUMAN, Kenneth James Jr., , Buried: 02/24/1931, Age: 2, Section: BUNNING_87_8_3, Plot Owner: LUMAN, KENNETH JLUMAN, Rock, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_87_5_2, Plot Owner: LUMAN, A.LUMBARD, Mike, Buried: 04-12-1921, Age: 75, Section: PARKER_261_6_4, Plot Owner: LUMBARD, MIKELUND, Donald E., Buried: 11/18/2005, Age: 77, Section: WEST_7_480_1, Plot Owner: LUND, DON & EMMALUND, Emma, Buried: 05-12-1987, Age: 55, Section: WEST_7_479_1, Plot Owner: LUND, DON & EMMALUND, Lenox, Buried: 01/16/1919, Age: 35, Section: PARKER_283_3_1, Plot Owner: LUND, LENOXLUNDGREN, Hilma G., Buried: 03-02-1911, Age: 24, Section: ODONNE_125_1_4, Plot Owner: LUNDGREN, HILMA G.LUNDIN, John, Buried: 10-08-1935, Age: 62, Section: OSSELTO_308_1_4, Plot Owner: LUNDIN, JOHNLUNDIN, Wayne, Buried: 12/22/1948, Age: 33, Section: OSSELTO_308_1_3, Plot Owner: LUNDIN, JOHNLUNTEY, Carol Spicer, Buried: 01-01-1994, Age: 69, Section: LUDVIGS_253_7_3, Plot Owner: SPICER, ERNESTLUOMA, Ettla, Buried: 07/20/1941, Age: 59, Section: OSSELTO_338_4_1, Plot Owner: LUOMA, HENRYLURCH, N. G. Child Of, Buried: 05/27/1909, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_187_1_1, Plot Owner: JAMES, THIRASLUSHER, Baby, Buried: 09-01-1927, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_296_3_1, Plot Owner: LUSHER, UNKNOWNLUZAN, Katherine, Buried: 07-01-1941, Age: 66, Section: KENDALL_46_7_3, Plot Owner: LUZAN, KATHERINELUZAN, Peter, Buried: 07/17/1956, Age: 79, Section: KENDALL_46_7_4, Plot Owner: LUZAN, PETERLYARTIS, Elizabeth, Buried: 12-11-1995, Age: 89, Section: PARK_122_3_2, Plot Owner: LYARTIS, ELIZABETHLYARTIS, John, Age: 64, Section: PARK_122_3_1, Plot Owner: LYARTIS, PHYLLIS MRS.LYCITT, Mary, Buried: 10/21/1947, Age: 63, Section: ODONNE_193_1_4, Plot Owner: WILDE, MRS MATTLYCITT, Samuel H., Buried: 03/23/1946, Age: 61, Section: ODONNE_189_3_4, Plot Owner: BPOE, ELKSLYNCH, Chas. Baby Of, Buried: 04/28/1930, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_289_3_4, Plot Owner: DAVIS, RAYMONDLYNCH, Stanley, Buried: 09/27/1941, Age: 35, Section: OSSELTO_315_4_4, Plot Owner: SEYMOUR, ARLENELYON, Andrew Sherman, Buried: 07-11-1977, Age: 12, Section: WATAHA_1_53_1, Plot Owner: LYON, MARJORIELYON, Clarence Allen, Buried: 07/20/1977, Age: 14, Section: WATAHA_1_52_1, Plot Owner: LYON, MARJORIE
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