Search Wyoming Death Records
Wyoming Newspapers, Full Search (1867-1945), 47 titles
Wyoming Obituary Search - (1997-current)
Wyoming Birth Records Database, (1867-1945)
Rock Springs Municpal Cemetery
Rock Springs, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
GPS: 41.575726, -109.212512
800 Thompson St
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Date published: June 13, 2017
Total records: 14,545
Surnames M-O
Records published here were acquired from the City of Rock Springs on June 12, 2017. These records were last updated by the City on May 22, 2017. Dates of burial range from 1900 to 2017.
MAATTA, Adolph, Buried: 10-08-1944, Age: 72, Section: PARKER_240_8_3, Plot Owner: ASIALA TRUSTEES, SW & PAAVOLAMAATTA, Charles, Buried: 09/22/1909, Age: 26, Section: PARKER_236_6_4, Plot Owner: NOBLE, MURRAY C.MACDONALD, Alexander, Buried: 03/19/1945, Age: 50, Section: ROE_69_18_3, Plot Owner: MACDONALD, MRS ALEXMACDONALD, Donald, Buried: 02-08-2013, Age: 86, Section: ROE_69_17_2, Plot Owner: MACDONALD, MRS ALEXMACDONALD, Justin Kuhlemann, Buried: 06-10-1996, Age: 15, Section: OBLOCK_8_280_1, Plot Owner: MACDONALD, JOHNMACDONALD, Margaret, Buried: 10-01-1982, Age: 88, Section: ROE_69_18_2, Plot Owner: MACDONALD, MRS ALEXMACGREGOR, James, Buried: 04-05-1953, Age: 64, Section: JAMES_302_1_3, Plot Owner: MACGREGOR, JAMESMACGREGOR, Jean, Buried: 10/30/1950, Age: 59, Section: JAMES_302_1_2, Plot Owner: MACGREGOR, JAMESMACGREGOR, Margaret G., Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 12, Section: JAMES_302_1_1, Plot Owner: MACGREGOR, JAMESMACGREGOR, Walla, Buried: 09/21/1963, Age: 55, Section: MUIR_422_31_3, Plot Owner: MACGREGOR, WALLA EMACHINO, Maria, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_230_4_2, Plot Owner: MACHINO, MARIAMACK, Fredrika, Buried: 01-01-1904, Age: 42, Section: BUNNING_133_8_3, Plot Owner: MACK, JABOCMACKEY, Edward, Buried: 12/27/1942, Age: 56, Section: PARKER_240_4_1, Plot Owner: MACKEY, ANNMACKEY, Hilda, Buried: 11/21/1945, Age: 52, Section: PARKER_240_4_2, Plot Owner: MACKEY, ANNMACKEY, Viola Pastor, Buried: 12-12-1939, Age: 23, Section: PARKER_240_4_3, Plot Owner: MACKEY, ANNMACY, James A., Buried: 09-08-1983, Age: 67, Section: YOUNG_400_46_5, Plot Owner: MACY, JIMMACY, Jean I., Buried: 09/23/1981, Age: 58, Section: WEST_7_207_1, Plot Owner: MACY, JAMES A.MACY, Sally G., Buried: 09/17/1997, Age: 63, Section: YOUNG_400_46_4, Plot Owner: MACY, JIMMADISON, Johnnie L., Buried: 12-07-2016, Age: 75, Section: ANDERSO_9_L_43, Plot Owner: MADISON, JOHNNIE L.MADRIZAL, Carmilo, Buried: 04/19/1919, Age: 40, Section: PARKER_283_3_2, Plot Owner: MADRIZAL, CARMILOMADSEN, Elmer N., Buried: 06/28/1946, Age: 37, Section: OSSELTO_K_6_4, Plot Owner: MADSEN, MRS ELMERMAERADEAR, Mike, Buried: 01/27/1922, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_295_3_1, Plot Owner: MAERADEAR, MIKEMAES, Camilo, Buried: 03/30/1956, Age: 61, Section: ODONNE_142_3_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMAES, Concha, Buried: 04-11-2005, Age: 78, Section: EDGAR_64_18_1, Plot Owner: MCGOVERN, WILLIAMMAES, Jose De Jesus, Buried: 05/24/2007, Age: 86, Section: EDGAR_64_18_1, Plot Owner: MCGOVERN, WILLIAMMAES, Paulita, Buried: 05/20/1931, Age: 11, Section: PARK_86_6_4, Plot Owner: MAES, PAULITAMAES, Richard, Buried: 03/21/1968, Age: 64, Section: KENDALL_24_5_2, Plot Owner: MAES, RICHARDMAESTAS, Anton, Buried: 11/26/1946, Age: 100, Section: OSSELTO_L_3_1, Plot Owner: HAY JR, JOHNMAESTAS, Daniel Michael, Buried: 12/27/1978, Age: 29, Section: EDGAR_64_4_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMAESTAS, David Gene, Buried: 05-07-2011, Age: 49, Section: KENDALL_17_8_1, Plot Owner: MAESTAS, TOMAS JR.MAESTAS, James, Buried: 12/18/1965, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_169_7_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMAESTAS, Jan, Buried: 07-03-2013, Age: 48, Section: OBLOCK_8_261_1, Plot Owner: MAESTAS, JANMAESTAS, Josh Townsend, Buried: 06/22/2001, Age: 16, Section: OBLOCK_8_386_1, Plot Owner: MAESTAS, JOSH TOWNSENDMAESTAS, Laura M., Buried: 07/18/1981, Age: 54, Section: NELSON_120_5_4, Plot Owner: MAESTAS, LAURA M.MAESTAS, Lugarda, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_77_4_4, Plot Owner: MAESTAS, LUGARDAMAESTAS, Mary, Buried: 10-05-1961, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_B_12_3, Plot Owner: MAESTAS, RAYNALDOMAESTAS, Mary Ann, Buried: 06-07-1965, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_17_8_2, Plot Owner: MAESTAS, MARY ANNMAESTAS, Patrick, Buried: 03/31/1952, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_17_8_3, Plot Owner: MAESTAS, TOMAS T.MAESTAS, Raynaldo "Ray" A., Buried: 03/13/2017, Age: 87, Section: EDGAR_63_16X_5, Plot Owner: MAESTAS, ROSE CMAESTAS, Rose C, Buried: 03-11-2016, Age: 87, Section: EDGAR_63_16X_4, Plot Owner: MAESTAS, ROSE CMAESTAS, Tomas Jr., Buried: 01-01-1961, Age: 11, Section: KENDALL_17_8_1, Plot Owner: MAESTAS, TOMAS JR.MAESTAS, Tomas T., Buried: 01/28/1978, Age: 56, Section: EDGAR_82_1_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMAGAA, Stanley William, Buried: 01-06-1955, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_317_2_2, Plot Owner: SANDERS, UNKNOWNMAGABETH, Ellen, Buried: 12-07-1991, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_127_4_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, NMAGAGNA, Adolfa, Buried: 12/26/1951, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_44_5_3, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, ADOLFAMAGAGNA, Adolph, Buried: 08/26/1981, Age: 79, Section: WATAHA_5_24_1, Plot Owner: MIVSHEK, WILLIAMMAGAGNA, Adolph A., Buried: 01-01-1964, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_I_2_3, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, ADOLPH A.MAGAGNA, Albina Z., Buried: 10/20/2009, Age: 93, Section: PARK_31_7_3, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, ALBINA Z.MAGAGNA, Alex, Section: NELSON_52_8_2, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, ALEXMAGAGNA, Anna, Buried: 06-07-1961, Age: 82, Section: PARK_31_8_4, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, ANNAMAGAGNA, Arthur, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 6, Section: WATAHA_F_5_1, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, ARTHURMAGAGNA, Batista, Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 22, Section: ODONNE_197_4_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANMAGAGNA, Clementia, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 64, Section: NELSON_43_1_1, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, CLEMENTIAMAGAGNA, Edwin V., Buried: 09/24/1984, Age: 76, Section: PARK_31_7_2, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, EDWIN V.MAGAGNA, Emma, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 17, Section: NELSON_43_2_1, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, EMMAMAGAGNA, Esther, Buried: 09/13/1986, Age: 74, Section: WATAHA_5_25_1, Plot Owner: MIVSHEK, WILLIAMMAGAGNA, Fred, Buried: 12/16/1970, Age: 68, Section: NELSON_43_2_3, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, FREDMAGAGNA, Henery, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 17, Section: PARK_31_8_1, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, HENERYMAGAGNA, John Edwin, Buried: 01-01-1943, Age: 1, Section: PARK_31_7_4, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, JOHN EDWINMAGAGNA, Jolene M., Buried: 06/30/1971, Age: 16, Section: PARK_31_8_3, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, JOLENE M.MAGAGNA, Joseph, Buried: 12-12-1900, Age: 17, Section: BUNNING_203_5_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY OF RS, AUSTRIANMAGAGNA, Joseph A., Buried: 03/30/1944, Age: 39, Section: NELSON_43_2_2, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, JOSEPH A.MAGAGNA, Katherine, Buried: 07/22/1998, Age: 92, Section: KENDALL_I_2_4, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, KATHERINEMAGAGNA, Lorrayna A., Buried: 09/29/1974, Age: 69, Section: PARK_126_22_3, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, LORRAYNA A.MAGAGNA, Louis, Buried: 01-01-1917, Age: 41, Section: PARK_31_8_1, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, HENERYMAGAGNA, Maria, Section: NELSON_52_8_1, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, MARIAMAGAGNA, Mary, Buried: 01-03-1976, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_43_2_4, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, MARYMAGAGNA, Max, Buried: 05/16/1928, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_70_8_1, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, MAXMAGAGNA, Max, Buried: 08/22/1938, Age: 37, Section: NELSON_70_8_2, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, MAXMAGAGNA, Olga, Buried: 05/21/2002, Age: 68, Section: OBLOCK_8_514_1, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, CHICK & OLGAMAGAGNA, Steve, Buried: 09/22/1954, Age: 84, Section: NELSON_43_1_4, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, STEVEMAGAGNA, Valentine, Buried: 01-01-1948, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_44_5_2, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, VALENTINEMAGANA, Joseph, Buried: 04/28/1977, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_1_85_1, Plot Owner: MAGAGNA, JOSEPHMAGNABOSCO, Louisa, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 32, Section: LUDVIGS_248_6_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONMAGNETTI, Frank, Buried: 08/28/1926, Age: 72, Section: NELSON_20_4_1, Plot Owner: MAGNETTI, FRANKMAGNETTI, Hugo, Buried: 07/18/1984, Age: 68, Section: WEST_7_361_1, Plot Owner: MAGNETTI, EDITHMAGNETTI, John, Buried: 01/16/2002, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_20_4_4, Plot Owner: MAGNETTI, JOHNMAGNETTI, Mary, Buried: 10-08-1984, Age: 86, Section: NELSON_20_4_3, Plot Owner: MAGNETTI, MARYMAGNETTI, Mike, Buried: 05/14/1980, Age: 86, Section: NELSON_20_4_2, Plot Owner: MAGNETTI, MIKEMAGNITTIS, Mary, Buried: 05-10-1909, Age: 18, Section: ODONNE_221_1_2, Plot Owner: MAGNITTIS, ANDREWMAHANH, Nco, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 24, Section: ROE_71_18_4, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, MMAHONEY, Patrick, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 78, Section: NELSON_27_7_4, Plot Owner: MAHONEY, PATRICKMAINPOA, Gus, Buried: 02/20/1905, Age: 35, Section: ODONNE_115_8_4, Plot Owner: MAERPOA, NELSMAIVILLE, Fedoro, Buried: 02-03-1910, Age: 27, Section: LUDVIGS_247_4_4, Plot Owner: MCNULTY, JOHNMAJHANOVICH, Albert, Buried: 10/24/1995, Age: 60, Section: CROATIA_3_6_4, Plot Owner: MAJHANOVICH, ALBERTMAJHANOVICH, Angela, Buried: 02-02-2017, Age: 93, Section: CROATIA_4_1X_2, Plot Owner: MAJHANOVICH FAMILY, DALEMAJHANOVICH, Bob Blaze, Buried: 01-08-1970, Age: 86, Section: CROATIA_3_6_4, Plot Owner: MAJHANOVICH, ALBERTMAJHANOVICH, Mary, Buried: 04-01-1990, Age: 90, Section: CROATIA_3_6_4, Plot Owner: MAJHANOVICH, ALBERTMAJNERIC, Filip, Buried: 06-07-1952, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_93_2_1, Plot Owner: MAJNERIC, FILIPMAKI, Anita, Buried: 11/21/1987, Age: 74, Section: KENDALL_B_6_3, Plot Owner: MAKI, ANITAMAKI, Darmo Karl, Buried: 07-07-1971, Age: 58, Section: ODONNE_194_7_1, Plot Owner: MAKI, MR (ERIK RINK)MAKI, Dennis Michael, Buried: 01-06-1967, Age: 1, Section: LAUZER_421_33_1, Plot Owner: MAKI, GEORGE RMAKI, Eli, Buried: 01/15/1937, Age: 63, Section: ODONNE_118_7_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMAKI, Eli Baby Of, Buried: 09/29/1900, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_183_6_3, Plot Owner: JONES, ANNMAKI, Elias E., Buried: 01-01-1987, Age: 96, Section: OSSELTO_M_4_3, Plot Owner: MAKI, ELIASMAKI, Elias Ensio, Buried: 11-08-1984, Age: 93, Section: OSSELTO_M_4_4, Plot Owner: MAKI, ELIASMAKI, Elsie I., Buried: 12/30/1991, Age: 79, Section: LAUZER_421_33_2, Plot Owner: MAKI, GEORGE RMAKI, Enor, Buried: 03/20/1995, Age: 91, Section: KENDALL_B_6_4, Plot Owner: MAKI, ENORMAKI, Enor M. Jr., Buried: 06-10-1960, Age: 21, Section: KENDALL_B_6_2, Plot Owner: MAKI, ENOR M. JR.MAKI, George John, Buried: 08-06-1980, Age: 77, Section: LAUZER_421_33_3, Plot Owner: MAKI, GEORGE JOHNMAKI, James "Jiggs", Buried: 04/15/1966, Age: 55, Section: OSSELTO_I_4_2, Plot Owner: RODDA, IRVINMAKI, John, Buried: 05/31/1936, Age: 64, Section: OSSELTO_353_1_4, Plot Owner: MAKI, JOHNMAKI, Lauri, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 39, Section: LUDVIGS_258_3_4, Plot Owner: MAKI, LAURIMAKI, Leonard John, Buried: 08/14/1982, Age: 76, Section: ODONNE_194_7_2, Plot Owner: MAKI, MR (ERIK RINK)MAKI, Liisa L., Buried: 06-08-1947, Age: 58, Section: OSSELTO_M_4_2, Plot Owner: MAKI, LIISA L.MAKI, Lydia E., Buried: 02/25/1945, Age: 67, Section: OSSELTO_F_4_2, Plot Owner: MAKI, ESTATEMAKI, Lyyli Maria, Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_224_6_4, Plot Owner: URETTO, JOHNMAKI, M. V. Baby Of, Buried: 09-09-1903, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_174_3_3, Plot Owner: MAKI, MATTIMAKI, M. W. Child Of, Buried: 07-09-1903, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_225_7_1, Plot Owner: MAKI, M VMAKI, Margaret E., Buried: 07/19/1947, Age: 40, Section: PARKER_240_6_2, Plot Owner: DAVIDSON, MRS CLARENCEMAKI, Maria, Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 60, Section: ODONNE_222_1_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALAMAKI, Mary, Buried: 11-10-1961, Age: 71, Section: MUIR_422_13_1, Plot Owner: MAKI, RUDOLPHMAKI, Matti, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 66, Section: ODONNE_222_1_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALAMAKI, Minnie, Buried: 05/31/1936, Age: 64, Section: OSSELTO_353_1_3, Plot Owner: MAKI, MINNIEMAKI, Rudolph, Buried: 05-06-1971, Age: 88, Section: MUIR_422_13_2, Plot Owner: MAKI, RUDOLPHMAKI, Samuel, Buried: 06/16/1934, Age: 41, Section: LUDVIGS_256_8_2, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFMAKI, Waino W., Buried: 10/18/1945, Age: 34, Section: ODONNE_194_7_3, Plot Owner: MAKI, MR (ERIK RINK)MAKKONEN, John A., Buried: 07/25/1914, Age: 25, Section: PARKER_270_4_3, Plot Owner: MAKKONEN, JOHN A.MALAKIS, Eraklec, Buried: 05/31/1931, Age: 42, Section: PARKER_287_3_2, Plot Owner: POMMAKIS, JOHNMALDONADO, Carol, Buried: 08-09-1991, Age: 53, Section: ROE_78_4_3, Plot Owner: HAMBLIN, WILLIAM CLARDMALIKAS, Steve, Buried: 03/29/1928, Age: 41, Section: PARKER_287_3_4, Plot Owner: MALAKIS, STEVEMALIKAS, Steve, Buried: 03/29/1928, Age: 41, Section: PARKER_287_6_1, Plot Owner: NICOLOUDES, E KMALINE, Rudolph, Buried: 01-02-1960, Age: 67, Section: OSSELTO_C_5_4, Plot Owner: CHANCE, PAULMALINE, Rudolph, Buried: 01-02-1960, Age: 67, Section: OSSELTO_C_5_2, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENMALO, Christina, Buried: 04/17/1972, Age: 84, Section: PARKER_290_2_2, Plot Owner: MALO, PAULMALO, Eugene, Buried: 06-08-1996, Age: 82, Section: PARKER_290_3_1, Plot Owner: CALDWELL, R WMALO, George J., Buried: 02-06-1984, Age: 73, Section: ROE_77_8_4, Plot Owner: KALIO, UNKNOWNMALO, Karl, Buried: 05-07-1946, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_K_3_2, Plot Owner: MALO, OSMOMALO, Kenneth, Buried: 10/15/2012, Age: 69, Section: PARKER_290_2_4, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNMALO, Kim, Buried: 11/17/2015, Age: 57, Section: PARKER_290_2_3, Plot Owner: MALO, PAULMALO, Mary E., Buried: 02/20/2006, Age: 95, Section: WATAHA_2_37_1, Plot Owner: MALO, MARY E.MALO, Osmo, Buried: 11/22/1954, Age: 45, Section: OSSELTO_K_3_3, Plot Owner: ORUM, RANDOLPHMALO, Paul, Buried: 08-11-1947, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_K_3_1, Plot Owner: MALO, KARLMALO, Paul, Buried: 04/13/1925, Age: 43, Section: PARKER_290_2_1, Plot Owner: MALO, PAULMALO, William E., Buried: 11-10-1975, Age: 64, Section: WATAHA_2_36_1, Plot Owner: MALO, WILLIAM E.MALONEY, Leona, Buried: 10-07-1935, Age: 32, Section: LUDVIGS_255_2_4, Plot Owner: SELLERS, JOEMALONIS, Charley Kypriakos, Buried: 09/20/1940, Age: 65, Section: OSSELTO_311_3_4, Plot Owner: TSIATSAS, GEORGIA MILONASMAMAHON, James, Buried: 04/20/1934, Age: 58, Section: LUDVIGS_256_8_3, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFMAMALIS, Eleni P., Buried: 06-01-1973, Age: 66, Section: OSSELTO_335_4_1, Plot Owner: HURST, HARVEYMAMALIS, George Peter, Buried: 01-01-1959, Age: 30, Section: OSSELTO_312_4_4, Plot Owner: MANATOS, NICKMAMALIS, Katherine, Buried: 09/18/1984, Age: 55, Section: OSSELTO_312_4_3, Plot Owner: MANATOS, NICKMAMALIS, Mary Peter, Buried: 09-08-1964, Age: 21, Section: OSSELTO_312_4_1, Plot Owner: MANATOS, NICKMAMALIS, Petros, Buried: 05/29/1987, Age: 94, Section: OSSELTO_335_4_2, Plot Owner: HURST, HARVEYMAMICH, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_323_6_1, Plot Owner: MOVICH, DORISMAMMONE, Guiseppe, Buried: 04/27/1963, Age: 79, Section: ODONNE_191_6_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMANAROLLA, John, Buried: 01/25/1954, Age: 77, Section: LUDVIGS_282_8_2, Plot Owner: COPPIS, ANTONEMANAROLLA, Maria, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 41, Section: LUDVIGS_282_8_1, Plot Owner: MANAROLLA, MARIAMANATOS, Andrew N., Buried: 01/26/1941, Age: 25, Section: OSSELTO_311_1_1, Plot Owner: MANATOS, NICKMANATOS, Anna N., Buried: 12-04-1962, Age: 72, Section: OSSELTO_311_1_2, Plot Owner: MANATOS, NICKMANATOS, Elsie, Buried: 04/15/1979, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_2_69_1, Plot Owner: MANATOS, ELSIEMANATOS, Gust, Buried: 12-12-1972, Age: 87, Section: OSSELTO_316_1_1, Plot Owner: GORDON, EVERETT EMANATOS, Nick, Buried: 03/19/1971, Age: 83, Section: OSSELTO_311_1_3, Plot Owner: MANATOS, NICKMANATOS, Thomas N., Buried: 06-09-2004, Age: 84, Section: OSSELTO_311_1_4, Plot Owner: MANATOS, NICKMANATOS, William T., Age: 68, Section: EDGAR_82_6_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMANCHEGO, Jessus, Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 39, Section: BUNNING_138_7_2, Plot Owner: STRALEY, HARRYMANCHEGO, W. J., Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_138_7_3, Plot Owner: MARCHEGO, JESSEMANDICH, Eli, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 24, Section: LUDVIGS_252_6_2, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, M.MANDIS, Argins, Buried: 11/19/1969, Age: 89, Section: ODONNE_167_6_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMANDRICH, Louis, Buried: 01-01-1960, Age: 56, Section: KENDALL_23_7_4, Plot Owner: MANDRICH, LOUISMANIEZ, Athos Tommy Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1971, Age: 70, Section: LUDVIGS_249_7_1, Plot Owner: #151 FOE, EAGLESMANLEY, Charles R., Buried: 02/16/1948, Age: 52, Section: ROE_77_17_4, Plot Owner: MANLEY, MRS NETTIEMANLEY, Nettie H., Buried: 10-03-1967, Age: 71, Section: ROE_77_17_3, Plot Owner: MANLEY, MRS NETTIEMANLEY, Robert H, Buried: 06-11-1902, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_87_8_1, Plot Owner: LUMAN, KENNETH JAMESMANN, John R., Buried: 02-08-1961, Age: 68, Section: OSSELTO_334_8_4, Plot Owner: MANN, JOHN R.MANN, Martha H., Buried: 04/21/1949, Age: 57, Section: OSSELTO_334_8_3, Plot Owner: MANN, JOHN R.MANN, Ruby Quinn, Buried: 03-01-2005, Age: 89, Section: WEST_7_394_1, Plot Owner: MANN, RUBYMANN, Walter H., Buried: 06-07-1985, Age: 76, Section: WEST_7_395_1, Plot Owner: MANN, RUBYMANNING, Baby, Buried: 02/25/1948, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_63_16_1, Plot Owner: MANNING, RAYMONDMANNING, Marjorie, Buried: 06/18/1986, Age: 51, Section: WEST_7_441_1, Plot Owner: MANNING, WM. B.MANNING, William B., Buried: 11/15/1995, Age: 62, Section: WEST_7_442_1, Plot Owner: MANNING, WM. B.MANOA, Autco, Buried: 03-05-1907, Age: 37, Section: ODONNE_221_7_1, Plot Owner: RANTA, ANTONMANTELLO, Neceade, Buried: 06-12-1914, Age: 45, Section: LUDVIGS_271_4_1, Plot Owner: LOUIS, BERRETTMANTEUFEL, Alma H., Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 16, Section: ODONNE_221_3_3, Plot Owner: BOWERS, MARKMANTEUFEL, David, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 30, Section: ODONNE_221_4_2, Plot Owner: MAUTENFEL, ECMANTEUFEL, Ernest, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_221_4_3, Plot Owner: MAUTENFEL, ECMANTEUFEL, Ernest C., Buried: 07/13/1930, Age: 42, Section: ODONNE_221_3_4, Plot Owner: BOWERS, MARKMANTHOS, John A., Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 37, Section: PARK_37_4_1, Plot Owner: MANTHOS, JOHN A.MANTIS, Argiris, Buried: 11/19/1969, Age: 89, Section: WATAHA_6_107_1, Plot Owner: MANTIS, ARGIRISMANTYLA, Hugo Baby, Buried: 08/26/1925, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_291_8_1, Plot Owner: MANTYLA, FREDMANUEL, Louis, Buried: 03-08-1983, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_257_4_3, Plot Owner: MAUREL, LOUISMANUKAS, Katherine, Buried: 09-01-1990, Age: 73, Section: PARK_121_29_4, Plot Owner: MANUKAS, KATHERINEMANUKAS, Nick, Buried: 01/20/1972, Age: 87, Section: PARK_121_29_3, Plot Owner: MANUKAS, NICKMANZELKA, Maria, Buried: 03/20/1906, Age: 0, Section: PARK_87_2_4, Plot Owner: MANZELKA, MARIAMARANCICH, Sam, Buried: 03/23/1963, Age: 70, Section: OSSELTO_314_8_4, Plot Owner: DANIELS, MRS WILLIAMMARANIS, Nick, Buried: 05/31/1931, Age: 15, Section: PARKER_265_5_2, Plot Owner: HOIST, CHASMARCHETTI, Angela, Buried: 04-07-1936, Age: 69, Section: NELSON_117_5_3, Plot Owner: MARCHETTI, ANGELAMARCHETTI, Elena, Buried: 03/17/1982, Age: 83, Section: NELSON_117_5_1, Plot Owner: MARCHETTI, ELENAMARCHETTI, Frances, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 43, Section: LUDVIGS_230_4_1, Plot Owner: MARCHETTI, FRANCESMARCHETTI, Marie Elena, Buried: 04/22/1956, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_117_6_2, Plot Owner: MARCHETTI, MARIE ELENAMARCHETTI, Rudolph, Buried: 07/13/1963, Age: 66, Section: NELSON_117_5_2, Plot Owner: MARCHETTI, RUDOLPHMARCHETTI, Rudolph Andrew, Buried: 04/15/1970, Age: 46, Section: NELSON_117_6_1, Plot Owner: MARCHETTI, RUDOLPH ANDREWMARCHETTI, Silvio, Buried: 07/25/1969, Age: 66, Section: NELSON_127_5_3, Plot Owner: MARCHETTI, SILVIOMARCHETTI, Stella, Buried: 01/30/2002, Age: 92, Section: NELSON_127_5_4, Plot Owner: MARCHETTI, STELLAMARCINA, Alice M., Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 3, Section: NELSON_45_3_4, Plot Owner: MARCINA, ALICE M.MARCINA, Angela F., Buried: 03/15/1993, Age: 80, Section: PARK_125_6X_2, Plot Owner: LUCK, FRANCESMARCINA, Anna Helen, Buried: 02/18/1967, Age: 53, Section: PARK_126_2_4, Plot Owner: MARCINA, JOSEPHMARCINA, Apolonia A., Buried: 08/25/1955, Age: 59, Section: NELSON_45_3_3, Plot Owner: MARCINA, APOLONIA A.MARCINA, Joseph, Buried: 10-07-1967, Age: 81, Section: PARK_126_2_2, Plot Owner: MARCINA, JOSEPHMARCINA, Joseph F., Buried: 06/13/1992, Age: 72, Section: PARK_126_2_1, Plot Owner: MARCINA, JOSEPHMARCINA, Mary, Buried: 10/19/1965, Age: 79, Section: PARK_126_2_3, Plot Owner: MARCINA, JOSEPHMARCINA, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 0, Section: PARK_79_1_4, Plot Owner: MARCINA, MARYMARCINA, Minka, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 1, Section: PARK_79_1_3, Plot Owner: MARCINA, MINKAMARCINA, Valentine, Buried: 01/28/1969, Age: 78, Section: NELSON_45_3_1, Plot Owner: MARCINA, VALENTINEMARCOS, Joe, Buried: 03/30/1988, Age: 59, Section: WEST_7_505_1, Plot Owner: MARCOS, JOEMARCOS, Joe, Buried: 09/13/1996, Age: 59, Section: WEST_7_505_1, Plot Owner: MARCOS, JOEMARCY, Augustine, Buried: 06/16/1958, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_26_8_2, Plot Owner: MARCY, AUGUSTINEMARCY, Augustine "Augie", Buried: 09-08-2003, Age: 91, Section: KENDALL_26_7_4, Plot Owner: MARCY, AUGUSTINE "AUGIE"MARCY, Fernand, Buried: 06/28/1971, Age: 61, Section: WATAHA_2_75_1, Plot Owner: MARCY, FERNANDMARCY, Joseph "Joe", Buried: 07-08-2000, Age: 48, Section: KENDALL_26_7_1, Plot Owner: MARCY, JOSEPH "JOE"MARCY, Joseph C., Buried: 03-02-1953, Age: 75, Section: KENDALL_26_8_1, Plot Owner: MARCY, JOSEPH C.MARCY, Mary T., Buried: 08-01-1992, Age: 73, Section: WATAHA_2_76_1, Plot Owner: MARCY, FERNANDMARCY, Regina, Buried: 02/27/1993, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_26_7_2, Plot Owner: MARCY, REGINAMARGANDO, Joseph Fred, Buried: 02-08-1980, Age: 66, Section: WATAHA_5_B_1, Plot Owner: BOGATAJ, MARYMARGE, William, Buried: 11/14/1926, Age: 6, Section: JAMES_364_5_1, Plot Owner: MARGE, WILLIAMMARGON, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 46, Section: WATAHA_D_2_2, Plot Owner: MARGON, FRANKMARGON, Frank, Buried: 12-06-2002, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_D_2_3, Plot Owner: MARGON, FRANKMARGON, Rose, Buried: 04-12-1974, Age: 84, Section: WATAHA_D_2_3, Plot Owner: MARGON, FRANKMARIETTA, Ann M., Buried: 03-11-1989, Age: 90, Section: WEST_7_67_1, Plot Owner: MARIETTA, ANN M.MARIETTA, Barney, Buried: 09-07-1968, Age: 67, Section: ODONNE_194_3_2, Plot Owner: MARIETTA, BARNEYMARIETTA, Dominick, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 44, Section: ODONNE_194_4_3, Plot Owner: MARIETTA, BARNEYMARIETTA, Ida M., Buried: 04/17/1996, Age: 69, Section: OBLOCK_8_268_1, Plot Owner: MARIETTA, MELVINMARIETTA, Jack, Buried: 12/29/2010, Age: 88, Section: OBLOCK_8_672_1, Plot Owner: MARIETTA, JACK & JUNEMARIETTA, John B., Buried: 10/16/1979, Age: 83, Section: WEST_7_68_1, Plot Owner: MARIETTA, ANN M.MARIETTA, June, Buried: 04/25/2011, Age: 85, Section: OBLOCK_8_673_1, Plot Owner: MARIETTA, JACK & JUNEMARIETTA, Madelina, Buried: 05/19/1945, Age: 77, Section: ODONNE_194_4_2, Plot Owner: MARIETTA, BARNEYMARIETTA, Mary, Buried: 01/17/1974, Age: 60, Section: ODONNE_194_3_1, Plot Owner: MARIETTA, BARNEYMARIETTI, Albert, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 46, Section: WATAHA_I_7_2, Plot Owner: MARIETTI, ALBERTMARIETTI, Ann E., Buried: 05/17/2011, Age: 89, Section: WEST_7_397_1, Plot Owner: MARIETTI, ANN E.MARIETTI, Edward P., Buried: 07-02-1996, Age: 87, Section: WATAHA_I_7_1, Plot Owner: MARIETTI, EDWARD P.MARIETTI, Leno J., Buried: 08-02-1985, Age: 65, Section: WEST_7_397_1, Plot Owner: MARIETTI, ANN E.MARIETTI, Ramona, Buried: 10-12-1970, Age: 87, Section: WATAHA_I_7_3, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIAMARINELLE, Isidore, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 57, Section: BUNNING_202_3_2, Plot Owner: MARINELLE, ISIDOREMARINELLE, Theresa, Age: 45, Section: BUNNING_202_3_1, Plot Owner: MARINELLE, THERESAMARINOFF, Tacho, Section: PARK_36_4_3, Plot Owner: MARINOFF, TACHOMARINOS, Danny, Buried: 06-09-1989, Age: 63, Section: PARKER_261_1X_1, Plot Owner: MARINOS, DANNYMARITANO, Delcisia, Buried: 07/23/1964, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_A_13_2, Plot Owner: MARITANO, DELCISIAMARITANO, John Battista, Buried: 06-06-1959, Age: 76, Section: KENDALL_A_13_1, Plot Owner: MARITANO, DELCISIAMARK, Anton (Family), , Section: NELSON_44_4_4, Plot Owner: MARK FAMILY, ANTONMARKISICH, Agnes, Buried: 11-03-1986, Age: 71, Section: WEST_7_459_1, Plot Owner: MARKISICH SR., PETEMARKISICH, Ann, Buried: 06-01-1978, Age: 62, Section: JAMES_323_6_3, Plot Owner: MOVICH, DORISMARKISICH, Florence Mary Gunyan, Buried: 05/14/1999, Age: 85, Section: LAUZER_421_46_4, Plot Owner: MARKISICH, M/M GEORGEMARKISICH, George, Buried: 01-07-1999, Age: 87, Section: LAUZER_421_46_5, Plot Owner: MARKISICH, GEORGEMARKISICH, Mary, Buried: 01/28/1940, Age: 48, Section: JAMES_323_6_2, Plot Owner: MOVICH, DORISMARKISICH, Pete, Buried: 09/13/2002, Age: 80, Section: WEST_7_460_1, Plot Owner: MARKISICH SR., PETEMARKOVICH, Stevo Steve, Buried: 10-12-1970, Age: 78, Section: WATAHA_5_101_1, Plot Owner: MARKOVICH, STEVO STEVEMARKS, Frank, Buried: 01/29/1922, Age: 58, Section: LUDVIGS_295_3_4, Plot Owner: MOANADEAN, MIKEMARNPAA, Arvin Child, Buried: 09/28/1904, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_207_2_2, Plot Owner: PANDEN, ROBERTMARNPAA, Child Of Victor, Buried: 12/21/1903, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_207_2_4, Plot Owner: MARNPAA, VICTORMAROCCHI, Angela, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 63, Section: NELSON_51_4_1, Plot Owner: MAROCCHI, ANGELAMAROCCHI, Marco, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 49, Section: NELSON_51_4_3, Plot Owner: MAROCCHI, MARCOMAROCKI, Baby Girl, Buried: 10/13/1950, Age: 0, Section: ROE_75_19_4, Plot Owner: MAROCKI, MRS DORETLAMAROCKI, Frank, Buried: 07/15/1953, Age: 48, Section: MUIR_402_47_3, Plot Owner: MAROCKI, KATHERINE & UNKNOWNMAROCKI, Katherine, Buried: 09-07-2013, Age: 84, Section: MUIR_402_47_1, Plot Owner: MAROCKI, KATHERINEMAROCKI, Merwin Frank, Buried: 05/31/2013, Age: 87, Section: MUIR_402_47_1, Plot Owner: MAROCKI, KATHERINEMARRIOTT, Edith, Buried: 01-07-1961, Age: 65, Section: ROE_70_3_1, Plot Owner: CAMPBELL, MRS PATRICKMARRIOTT, Harry, Buried: 09/25/1953, Age: 3, Section: ROE_70_4_1, Plot Owner: CAMPBELL, MRS PATRICKMARSH, Franklin A., Buried: 02/19/1949, Age: 51, Section: OSSELTO_311_5_4, Plot Owner: MARSH, FRANKLIN A.MARSHALL, Agnes S., Buried: 12/28/1941, Age: 58, Section: EDGAR_66_16_4, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, CHESTER M.MARSHALL, Matthew A., Buried: 04/21/1955, Age: 71, Section: EDGAR_66_16_5, Plot Owner: MARSHALL, MATTHEW A.MARSHALL, Milton W., Buried: 10-09-2010, Age: 81, Section: OBLOCK_8_667_1, Plot Owner: MARSHALL, JULIAMARSHALL, Nelda, Buried: 10/15/2004, Age: 69, Section: WEST_7_631_1, Plot Owner: TAYLOR, MARSHAMARSURA, Louie, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 31, Section: LUDVIGS_282_6_2, Plot Owner: MARSURA, LOUIEMARTELLI, Marguerite L., Buried: 09-10-1952, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_2_4, Plot Owner: MARTELLI, JESS FMARTELLO, August, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 51, Section: WATAHA_7_3_3, Plot Owner: MARTELLO, AUGUSTMARTELLO, Kate, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 51, Section: WATAHA_7_3_4, Plot Owner: MARTELLO, KATEMARTILLO, Fredda Child, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_128_7_4, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFMARTIN, Anna W., Buried: 11/30/1968, Age: 85, Section: ODONNE_149_1_2, Plot Owner: MARTIN, ANNA W.MARTIN, Aune, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 4, Section: ODONNE_211_7_2, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALUMARTIN, Cleve, Buried: 07/23/2015, Age: 75, Section: OSSELTO_318_4_3, Plot Owner: WEBB, G CMARTIN, David M., Buried: 09-04-1952, Age: 54, Section: EDGAR_66_18_1, Plot Owner: KRUSE, MRS EARNESTMARTIN, Dorothy, Buried: 08-09-1991, Age: 90, Section: BUNNING_159_6_1, Plot Owner: RICHARDS, JOHNMARTIN, Ed, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_177_8_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERMARTIN, Esther Ida, Buried: 03/31/1938, Age: 60, Section: OSSELTO_310_7_4, Plot Owner: MARTIN, JOHNMARTIN, Fairyl Webb, Buried: 04-12-1983, Age: 70, Section: OSSELTO_318_3_3, Plot Owner: WEBB, G CMARTIN, George W., Buried: 11-02-1911, Age: 16, Section: ODONNE_149_1_1, Plot Owner: MARTIN, GEORGE W.MARTIN, Grover E., Buried: 07-02-1949, Age: 59, Section: BUNNING_159_6_2, Plot Owner: MARTIN, DOROTHYMARTIN, Grovernor M., Buried: 02-02-2011, Age: 70, Section: OBLOCK_8_74_1, Plot Owner: MARTIN LIVING TRUST, ELVAMARTIN, Infant, Buried: 08-05-1943, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_318_3_4, Plot Owner: WEBB, G CMARTIN, Jack, Buried: 12-07-1945, Age: 40, Section: ODONNE_146_5_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMARTIN, John, Buried: 08-01-1989, Age: 60, Section: ODONNE_117_1_1, Plot Owner: MATHEWS, RICHARDMARTIN, John M., Buried: 05/25/1955, Age: 73, Section: ODONNE_149_1_3, Plot Owner: MARTIN, ANNA W.MARTIN, Lafayette, Buried: 05/31/1990, Age: 82, Section: OSSELTO_310_7_3, Plot Owner: MARTIN, LAFAYETTEMARTIN, Lily, Buried: 02/26/1980, Age: 72, Section: ODONNE_217_1_2, Plot Owner: HIIBACKA, MRS IVERMARTIN, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1917, Age: 35, Section: ODONNE_211_7_1, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALUMARTIN, Mary, Buried: 04/17/1996, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_225_1_1, Plot Owner: MARTIN, GEORGEMARTIN, Mildred M., Buried: 09/22/1973, Age: 74, Section: EDGAR_66_18_2, Plot Owner: KRUSE, MRS EARNESTMARTIN, Pearl Mcclure, Buried: 04/28/1921, Age: 44, Section: PARKER_261_8_1, Plot Owner: MARTIN, CLMARTIN, Richard J., Buried: 10/20/1987, Age: 20, Section: EDGAR_81_8X_1, Plot Owner: MARTIN, JOSEPH EDWINMARTIN, Sam, Buried: 02-02-1965, Age: 81, Section: ODONNE_211_3_2, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALUMARTIN, Samuel Ben, Buried: 11-12-1953, Age: 48, Section: PARKER_290_1_3, Plot Owner: MARTIN, VICTORIAMARTIN, Samuel J., Buried: 04/16/1993, Age: 61, Section: OBLOCK_8_71_1, Plot Owner: MARTIN LIVING TRUST, ELVAMARTIN, Samuel M., Buried: 07-01-1925, Age: 53, Section: PARKER_290_1_1, Plot Owner: MARTIN, VICTORIAMARTIN, Stillman Leslie, Buried: 10-01-1906, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_212_2_1, Plot Owner: MARTINS, WSMARTIN, Thelma, Buried: 05-01-1995, Age: 71, Section: MUIR_402_17_5, Plot Owner: SIMS, ENOCHMARTIN, Victor James, Buried: 11/15/1972, Age: 64, Section: PARKER_290_1_4, Plot Owner: MARTIN, VICTORIAMARTIN, W. L. Child Of, Buried: 09/23/1907, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_212_2_2, Plot Owner: MARTINS, WSMARTIN, William E., Buried: 04/25/1951, Age: 47, Section: PARKER_290_1_2, Plot Owner: MARTIN, VICTORIAMARTINEK, Paul, Buried: 03/27/1954, Age: 65, Section: LUDVIGS_256_3_1, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFMARTINEZ, Alex, Buried: 03/18/1950, Age: 19, Section: KENDALL_33_2_3, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, ALEXMARTINEZ, Anthony R., Buried: 08/22/1996, Age: 36, Section: NELSON_127_16_2, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, ANTHONY R.MARTINEZ, Beatrice, Buried: 09/22/1989, Age: 93, Section: KENDALL_D_2_4, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, BEATRICEMARTINEZ, Ben, Buried: 08/20/1982, Age: 64, Section: WATAHA_1_F_1, Plot Owner: ATWOOD, PATMARTINEZ, Ben Junior, Buried: 12-04-2009, Age: 55, Section: KENDALL_D_6_4, Plot Owner: MOTT, STEPHEN & BENITAMARTINEZ, Cristobal, Buried: 09-05-1953, Age: 42, Section: ODONNE_147_8_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMARTINEZ, Delia C., Buried: 06-02-1977, Age: 51, Section: WATAHA_1_71_1, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, BENMARTINEZ, Ezeavis, Buried: 02/24/1957, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_142_2_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMARTINEZ, Ezequias A., Buried: 01/24/1957, Age: 68, Section: ODONNE_147_2_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMARTINEZ, Frank, Buried: 03-01-1966, Age: 64, Section: PARK_125_17_1, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, FRANKMARTINEZ, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1964, Age: 76, Section: KENDALL_D_2_3, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, FRANKMARTINEZ, George A., Buried: 05/31/1985, Age: 21, Section: WEST_7_391_1, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, JOHN & RITAMARTINEZ, Joe I., Buried: 10/29/2011, Age: 78, Section: OBLOCK_8_176_1, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, JOE I.MARTINEZ, John M., Buried: 04-04-1996, Age: 85, Section: WEST_7_392_1, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, JOHN & RITAMARTINEZ, Jose, Buried: 07-11-1985, Age: 80, Section: PARK_126_15_2, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, JOSEMARTINEZ, Juan, Buried: 06/20/2011, Age: 93, Section: NELSON_29_3X_2, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, MARGARETMARTINEZ, Leroy, Buried: 06-08-2013, Age: 53, Section: COLUMB_EAST_1_7, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, TOMMYMARTINEZ, Lorenzo, Buried: 01-01-1941, Age: 85, Section: ODONNE_142_2_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMARTINEZ, Mary D., Buried: 12-12-1994, Age: 61, Section: OBLOCK_8_177_1, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, JOEMARTINEZ, Max A., Buried: 11/14/1947, Age: 63, Section: KENDALL_33_5_2, Plot Owner: LOPEZ, MAX L.MARTINEZ, Ramon, Buried: 04-02-1974, Age: 87, Section: PARKER_285_6_4, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDMARTINEZ, Rita A., Buried: 07-06-1989, Age: 55, Section: WEST_7_390_1, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, JOHN & RITAMARTINEZ, Robert, Buried: 10/22/1943, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_46_8_4, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, ISIASMARTINEZ, Vincent, Buried: 05/18/2009, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_D_2_3, Plot Owner: MARTINEZ, FRANKMARTLEBA, Urjo P., Buried: 06/13/1910, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_174_3_2, Plot Owner: MAKI, MATTIMARTYN, Agnes, Buried: 05/31/1947, Age: 64, Section: EDGAR_63_8_1, Plot Owner: COWLING, MRS LEROYMARUSCAK, Anna, Buried: 10/30/1901, Age: 21, Section: PARK_106_1_4, Plot Owner: MARUSCAK, ANNAMARUSHACK, Andrew, Buried: 07/25/2014, Age: 79, Section: NELSON_127_7_1, Plot Owner: MARUSHACK, ANDREWMARUSHACK, Anna, Buried: 01/30/1998, Age: 85, Section: WATAHA_5_91_1, Plot Owner: MARUSHACK, M/M JOHNMARUSHACK, Frank, Buried: 02/26/1996, Age: 73, Section: KENDALL_C_3_2, Plot Owner: MARUSHACK, FRANKMARUSHACK, George, Buried: 02-11-1989, Age: 80, Section: WATAHA_6_11_1, Plot Owner: MARUSHACK, GEORGEMARUSHACK, John C., Buried: 03-08-1989, Age: 85, Section: WATAHA_5_90_1, Plot Owner: MARUSHACK, M/M JOHNMARUSHACK, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 11, Section: PARK_82_1_2, Plot Owner: MARUSHACK, JOSEPHMARUSHACK, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 64, Section: PARK_82_1_3, Plot Owner: MARUSHACK, JOSEPHMARUSHACK, Joseph Jr., Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 19, Section: PARK_82_1_4, Plot Owner: MARUSHACK, JOSEPH JR.MARUSHACK, Mary, Buried: 04-01-1963, Age: 80, Section: KENDALL_C_3_4, Plot Owner: MARUSHACK, MARYMARUSHACK, Matilda, Buried: 09/24/2004, Age: 91, Section: WATAHA_6_12_1, Plot Owner: MARUSHACK, GEORGEMARUSHACK, Mike, Buried: 02/21/1987, Age: 70, Section: KENDALL_C_3_3, Plot Owner: MARUSHACK, MIKEMARUSHACK, Paul, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 2, Section: PARK_82_1_1, Plot Owner: MARUSHACK, PAULMARUSHINSKI, Mary, Buried: 08-11-1940, Age: 45, Section: KENDALL_45_1_2, Plot Owner: MARUSHINSKI, MARYMARVIN, Annie, Buried: 02/26/1936, Age: 99, Section: JAMES_305_5_1, Plot Owner: JONES, JOHN E MRSMARVIN, Annie, Buried: 02-10-1920, Age: 27, Section: ODONNE_117_3_2, Plot Owner: MARVIN, ANNIEMASEL, Janez, Buried: 01-01-1910, Section: PARK_84_3_4, Plot Owner: MASEL, JANEZMASER, Alex, Buried: 12/21/2011, Age: 82, Section: PARK_126_20_3, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, BURIALMASER, Kayleen Teresa, Buried: 04-11-1966, Age: 0, Section: PARK_126_20_4, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, BURIALMASOGLD, John, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_177_4_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERMASON, Dave, Buried: 02-12-1963, Age: 79, Section: PARKER_270_7_4, Plot Owner: MASON, DAVIDMASON, David Mrs., Buried: 01/28/1956, Age: 56, Section: PARKER_270_7_3, Plot Owner: MASON, DAVIDMASON, James Emmett, Buried: 04/28/1982, Age: 19, Section: NELSON_118_1_1, Plot Owner: MASON, JAMES EMMETTMASON, Leona, Buried: 10-07-1935, Age: 26, Section: PARKER_235_2_3, Plot Owner: BERTO, DOMINICMASON, Leroy D., Buried: 06/18/1949, Age: 24, Section: PARKER_270_7_2, Plot Owner: MASON, DAVIDMASON, Leslie George, Buried: 05-07-1962, Age: 30, Section: EDGAR_82_6_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMASON, Mabel Bernice, Buried: 04-02-1934, Age: 10, Section: PARKER_270_7_1, Plot Owner: MASON, DAVIDMASON, Paul Frances, Buried: 08/14/1963, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_118_2_4, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, MARGARET ANNMASSA, Tommy, Buried: 01-11-1912, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_260_5_4, Plot Owner: MASSA, TOMMYMASSERA, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 29, Section: LUDVIGS_255_4_2, Plot Owner: MASSERA, ANTONMASSERA, L., Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 31, Section: LUDVIGS_255_4_1, Plot Owner: MASSERA, L.MASSON, Infant, Buried: 09/26/1978, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_1_B_1, Plot Owner: MASSON, GENEVAMASTERS, Flossie V., Buried: 08/16/1990, Age: 78, Section: MUIR_402_23_4, Plot Owner: MASTERS, FLOSSIE V.MASTERS, Harry M., Buried: 03-06-1953, Age: 47, Section: MUIR_402_23_5, Plot Owner: MASTERS, HARRY M.MAT, Ethel, Buried: 09/13/1993, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_107_5_4, Plot Owner: JONES, W JMATAS, Sally, Buried: 01/25/1944, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_C_5_1, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENMATHEO, Fredrick "Fred", Buried: 12/31/2008, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_29_4_1, Plot Owner: ZANCANELLA, SILVIO J.MATHILL, Ella Mae, Buried: 04-05-2003, Age: 74, Section: LUDVIGS_279_6_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, WILLIAM E.MATHILL, Marvin E., Buried: 08/27/1981, Age: 39, Section: LUDVIGS_279_6_4, Plot Owner: MATHILL, MARVIN E.MATIJEVICH, Antonia, Buried: 06-06-1941, Age: 23, Section: NELSON_54_6_4, Plot Owner: MATIJEVICH, ANTONIAMATILAINEN, Ethel, Buried: 12/26/1959, Age: 61, Section: OSSELTO_336_7_1, Plot Owner: MATILAINEN, MRS GUSTMATILAINEN, Gust, Buried: 05/29/1946, Age: 69, Section: OSSELTO_336_7_3, Plot Owner: MATILAINEN, MRS GUSTMATILAINEN, Kreeta, Buried: 03/17/1956, Age: 74, Section: OSSELTO_336_7_4, Plot Owner: MATILAINEN, MRS GUSTMATILAINEN, Lauri E., Buried: 05-12-1953, Age: 50, Section: OSSELTO_336_7_2, Plot Owner: MATILAINEN, MRS GUSTMATKOVICH, Annie, Buried: 12/15/1997, Age: 93, Section: NELSON_119_6_4, Plot Owner: MATKOVICH, ANNIEMATKOVICH, John, Buried: 09/20/1954, Age: 59, Section: NELSON_119_6_3, Plot Owner: MATKOVICH, JOHNMATKOVICH, Rudolph, Buried: 03/27/1974, Age: 91, Section: CROATIA_3_3_4, Plot Owner: MATKOVICH, RUDOLFMATOSEVIC, Ante, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 33, Section: PARK_80_2_1, Plot Owner: MATOSEVIC, ANTEMATOZEVICH, Jennie, Buried: 02-07-1970, Age: 80, Section: CROATIA_3_2_4, Plot Owner: MATOZEVICH, JennieMATSON, Andrew, Buried: 03-05-1954, Age: 84, Section: ROE_75_6_2, Plot Owner: MATSON, ANDREWMATSON, Anna, Buried: 06/30/1959, Age: 88, Section: YOUNG_400_27_4, Plot Owner: MATSON, JMATSON, Baby, Buried: 01-01-1921, Section: ODONNE_139_2_3, Plot Owner: MATSON, BABYMATSON, Beverly Jane, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_281_5_3, Plot Owner: STARK, SIDNEYMATSON, Elsie, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 7, Section: ODONNE_222_7_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALAMATSON, Ernest, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 3, Section: ODONNE_222_2_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALAMATSON, Etla Marie, Buried: 08-09-1936, Age: 64, Section: OSSELTO_340_7_2, Plot Owner: LARSON, LILLIEMATSON, Hilma S., Buried: 03-08-1950, Age: 72, Section: ROE_75_6_1, Plot Owner: MATSON, ANDREWMATSON, Jack, Buried: 08/28/1909, Age: 43, Section: ODONNE_139_2_4, Plot Owner: MATSON, SAMMATSON, Jacob Baby Of, Buried: 09/16/1905, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_207_3_3, Plot Owner: MATSON, JACOBMATSON, Jacob Child Of, Buried: 12-07-1903, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_207_3_4, Plot Owner: MATSON, JACOBMATSON, John, Buried: 11/23/1988, Age: 80, Section: ROE_75_6_1, Plot Owner: MATSON, ANDREWMATSON, John, Buried: 04-12-1937, Age: 80, Section: PARKER_285_1_3, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDMATSON, John, Buried: 06/26/1956, Age: 85, Section: YOUNG_400_27_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERMATSON, Raymond W., Buried: 07-07-1961, Age: 50, Section: ROE_75_6_4, Plot Owner: MATSON, ANDREWMATSON, Rudolph A., Buried: 01-01-1926, Section: ODONNE_211_4_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALUMATSON, Samuel, Buried: 02/15/1960, Age: 80, Section: OSSELTO_340_7_3, Plot Owner: LARSON, LILLIEMATSON, Tyyne, Buried: 01-01-1901, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_139_2_2, Plot Owner: GIBSON, GEORGEMATSON, Vestor, Buried: 01/29/1933, Age: 34, Section: OSSELTO_340_5_1, Plot Owner: BENNETT, W FMATTENI, Matt, Buried: 02/22/1932, Age: 48, Section: JAMES_344_7_3, Plot Owner: NOUSIGIVEN, HISKIMATTHEW, William Sr., , Buried: 12/26/1967, Age: 88, Section: YOUNG_401_16_4, Plot Owner: MATTHEWS, WILLIAM H. "BILL"MATTHEWS, Baby, Buried: 11-12-1932, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_341_2_1, Plot Owner: MATTHEWS, WMMATTHEWS, Cora Mctee, Buried: 12/27/1951, Age: 71, Section: ODONNE_117_2_2, Plot Owner: MATHEWS, RICHARDMATTHEWS, Ethel, Buried: 01-03-1901, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_134_8_2, Plot Owner: MATHEWS, JOHNMATTHEWS, Hannah, Buried: 01/20/1940, Age: 80, Section: BUNNING_89_7_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFMATTHEWS, Hannah May, Buried: 07-08-1990, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_134_8_4, Plot Owner: MATHEWS, JOHNMATTHEWS, John, Buried: 08-12-1995, Age: 93, Section: WEST_7_227_1, Plot Owner: MATTHEWS, JOHN L & MARYMATTHEWS, Joseph H., Buried: 12-10-1949, Age: 40, Section: ROE_77_1_4, Plot Owner: MATTHEWS, MRS JOSEPHMATTHEWS, Kenneth R., Buried: 10-12-1964, Age: 65, Section: MUIR_422_35_4, Plot Owner: MATTHEWS, MRS KENNETHMATTHEWS, Lola G. Veach, Buried: 12/29/2005, Age: 90, Section: OSSELTO_311_2_2, Plot Owner: CHALMERS, CHRIS V.MATTHEWS, Malcolm, Buried: 02-02-1927, Age: 48, Section: ODONNE_189_8_4, Plot Owner: MATTHEWS, MALCOLMMATTHEWS, Margaret G., Buried: 08-06-1955, Age: 72, Section: YOUNG_401_16_2, Plot Owner: MATTHEWS, WILLIAM H. "BILL"MATTHEWS, Marjorie, Buried: 04-02-1917, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_117_2_4, Plot Owner: MATTHEWS, RICHARD T.MATTHEWS, Mary, Buried: 03-10-1992, Age: 78, Section: WEST_7_226_1, Plot Owner: MATTHEWS, JOHN L. & MARYMATTHEWS, Richard, Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 80, Section: EDGAR_67_18_4, Plot Owner: IREDALE, JOEMATTHEWS, Richard T., Buried: 05-08-1928, Age: 51, Section: ODONNE_117_2_3, Plot Owner: MATHEWS, RICHARDMATTHEWS, Tina C., Buried: 03/21/1986, Age: 80, Section: MUIR_422_35_3, Plot Owner: MATTHEWS, MRS KENNETHMATTHEWS, William H. "Bill", Buried: 09/15/1986, Age: 75, Section: OSSELTO_311_2_3, Plot Owner: CHALMERS, CHRIS V.MATTHEWS, Wm., Buried: 01-01-1900, Age: 44, Section: BUNNING_89_7_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFMATTILA, Annie Laurie, Buried: 09/19/2003, Age: 85, Section: YOUNG_400_24X_4, Plot Owner: MATTILA, ARNE & ANNIEMATTILA, Arne Albert, Buried: 04-04-1998, Age: 85, Section: YOUNG_400_24X_5, Plot Owner: MATTILA, ARNE & ANNIEMATTILA, Waino J., Buried: 12/16/1974, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_2_60_1, Plot Owner: MATTILA, WAINO J.MATTIODA, Pete M., Buried: 08/30/1972, Age: 53, Section: WATAHA_6_84_1, Plot Owner: ANTONIO, LOUIAMATTISON, Delma Lavern, Buried: 09-05-1950, Age: 26, Section: OSSELTO_314_7_1, Plot Owner: SANDSTROM, MRS WMMATTIVI, Matt, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 48, Section: LUDVIGS_249_1_3, Plot Owner: AERIE #151, FOEMATTLAIN, Gust Child Of, Buried: 02-12-1910, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_247_2_4, Plot Owner: MATTLAIN, CHILD OF GUSTMATTONEN, Margaret, Buried: 06/15/1947, Age: 60, Section: OSSELTO_341_7_2, Plot Owner: MATTONEN, WILLIAMMATTONEN, Matt, Buried: 01/29/1933, Age: 53, Section: OSSELTO_341_7_3, Plot Owner: MATTONEN, WILLIAMMATTONEN, Vector Child Of, Buried: 08/31/1904, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_210_7_3, Plot Owner: MUTTONEN, VICTORMAUGHAN, Patrick, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 53, Section: BUNNING_186_5_4, Plot Owner: MCBRIDE, JOHNMAUREL, Louis, Buried: 08/21/1945, Age: 77, Section: LUDVIGS_257_4_3, Plot Owner: MAUREL, LOUISMAUREL, Louise A., Buried: 12-05-1998, Age: 98, Section: LUDVIGS_257_4_4, Plot Owner: MAUREL, LOUISE A.MAURELL, Angelina, Buried: 12/19/1956, Age: 79, Section: LUDVIGS_257_4_2, Plot Owner: MAURELL, ANGELINAMAUTENFEL, Almer, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 16, Section: ODONNE_221_4_1, Plot Owner: MAUTENFEL, ECMAVRAS, Sam, Buried: 09/19/1962, Age: 70, Section: MUIR_422_17_3, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERMAWLSON, Ann, Age: 48, Section: BUNNING_152_5_4, Plot Owner: MORELSON, JMAXWELL, Child, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_106_6_2, Plot Owner: MAXWELL, CHILDMAXWELL, Jennie, Buried: 02-02-1946, Age: 80, Section: BUNNING_106_6_2, Plot Owner: MAXWELL, CHILDMAXWELL, John, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 63, Section: BUNNING_106_6_1, Plot Owner: MAXWELL, JOHNMAXWELL, John, Buried: 07/23/1947, Age: 17, Section: ROE_77_18_3, Plot Owner: MAXWELL, ROBERT R.MAXWELL, Robert R., Buried: 01/18/1973, Age: 73, Section: ROE_77_18_4, Plot Owner: MAXWELL, ROBERT R.MAXWELL, Waverly, Buried: 08/16/1990, Age: 85, Section: ROE_77_18_2, Plot Owner: MAXWELL, ROBERT R.MAY, Elizabeth, Buried: 01-11-2013, Age: 80, Section: KENDALL_29_6_2, Plot Owner: BERNARD, MARY ROSEMAY, Florence Marie, Buried: 12/19/1978, Age: 73, Section: LAUZER_421_21_1, Plot Owner: MAY, MRS ROBERTMAY, Frank, Buried: 12/27/1929, Age: 36, Section: OSSELTO_362_8_1, Plot Owner: MAY, FRANKMAY, Joseph, Buried: 03/19/1946, Age: 62, Section: EDGAR_63_12_3, Plot Owner: MAY, MRS JOEMAY, Lucy, Section: PARKER_291_1_3, Plot Owner: NEFF, LOUISMAY, Robert Lee, Buried: 07/19/1968, Age: 68, Section: LAUZER_421_21_2, Plot Owner: MAY, MRS ROBERTMAY, Samuel E, Buried: 10/31/1985, Age: 62, Section: LAUZER_421_21_5, Plot Owner: MAY, MRS ROBERTMAYEDA, T., Buried: 01-01-1905, Section: LUDVIGS_276_1_2, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEMAYEK, Joseph Patrick, Buried: 04/28/2003, Age: 20, Section: YOUNG_401_17X_5, Plot Owner: MCFADDEN, DAVID & MARGARETMAYES, B., Buried: 01-01-1958, Age: 86, Section: BUNNING_89_3_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFMAYES, Elizabeth, Buried: 01-01-1909, Age: 44, Section: BUNNING_89_3_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFMAYFIELD, , Buried: 10-11-1950, Age: 0, Section: ROE_75_13_3, Plot Owner: MAYFIELD, JOSEPHMAYNARD, Agnes, Buried: 11/22/1926, Age: 38, Section: BUNNING_113_7_2, Plot Owner: EXCELSIOR LODGE #9, IOOFMAYNARD, John, Buried: 04/22/1945, Age: 66, Section: ODONNE_143_4_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMAZANAKIS, Katherine, Buried: 11-07-1987, Age: 69, Section: WATAHA_2_101_1, Plot Owner: MAZANAKIS, KATHERINEMAZANAKIS, Spiro, Buried: 11/25/1974, Age: 87, Section: WATAHA_2_100_1, Plot Owner: MAZANAKIS, KATHERINEMAZAR, Mike, Buried: 08-01-1939, Age: 54, Section: ODONNE_118_6_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMAZAR, Tony, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 33, Section: KENDALL_23_8_1, Plot Owner: MAZAR, TONYMAZOLINI, Caprian, Buried: 02-08-1919, Age: 51, Section: BUNNING_128_1_2, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFMAZZOLINI, Anna, Buried: 11/22/1958, Age: 46, Section: KENDALL_A_11_2, Plot Owner: MAZZOLINI, ERNESTINEMAZZOLINI, Ernest, Buried: 12-12-1961, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_A_11_1, Plot Owner: MAZZOLINI, ERNESTINEMAZZOLINI, Ernestine, Buried: 09/19/1932, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_352_7_3, Plot Owner: MAZZOLINI, ERNESTINEMCALLISTER, Daniel And Ann, Section: PARK_104_1_4, Plot Owner: MCALLISTER, DANIEL AND ANNMCALLISTER, Jeannette, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 60, Section: LUDVIGS_250_8_1, Plot Owner: MCALLISTER, WILLIAMMCAUTTAY, Bob, Buried: 06/20/1944, Age: 75, Section: ROE_78_1_1, Plot Owner: MCAUTTAY, BOBMCBRIDE, Alexander, Age: 15, Section: BUNNING_186_5_2, Plot Owner: MCBRIDE, JOHNMCBRIDE, Ann, Age: 36, Section: BUNNING_186_5_2, Plot Owner: MCBRIDE, JOHNMCBRIDE, Janet, Buried: 10/15/1907, Age: 25, Section: ODONNE_125_5_3, Plot Owner: MCBRIDE JR, JOHNMCBRIDE, John, Buried: 11/26/1924, Age: 45, Section: ODONNE_125_5_2, Plot Owner: MCBRIDE JR, JOHNMCCABE, Barney, Buried: 04-07-1904, Age: 73, Section: PARK_87_5_1, Plot Owner: MCCABE, BARNEYMCCANLESS, Joanne Markel, Buried: 02/21/2008, Age: 80, Section: MUIR_402_29_5, Plot Owner: VASE, PETEMCCARTNEY, Alex, Buried: 02-10-1925, Age: 23, Section: PARKER_290_4_3, Plot Owner: MCCARTNEY, ALEXMCCARTNEY, Cory Wayne, Buried: 03/26/1996, Age: 16, Section: OBLOCK_8_260_1, Plot Owner: MCCARTNEY, GENEMCCARTY, William, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 10, Section: PARKER_283_6_1, Plot Owner: MCCARTY, WILLIAMMCCLELLAN, William K, Buried: 01-05-1968, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_18_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMCCLOUD, Bonnie Jean, Buried: 10/15/1937, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_349_8_2, Plot Owner: HAWKS, A CMCCLURE, Edward, Buried: 11-12-2002, Age: 0, Section: PARK_35_3X_2, Plot Owner: MCCLURE, EDWARD & ALICEMCCLURIE, James, Buried: 09-12-1911, Age: 47, Section: ODONNE_115_1_2, Plot Owner: CAMERON, JOHNMCCOMAS, Hannah J., Buried: 12-03-1933, Age: 44, Section: LUDVIGS_250_6_2, Plot Owner: SCHOFIELD, THOMAS EDWARDMCCONNELL, Margaret E., Buried: 07/30/1963, Age: 57, Section: MUIR_402_22_3, Plot Owner: MCCONNELL, MRS PAULMCCONNELL, Norma M., Buried: 01-01-2003, Age: 76, Section: MUIR_402_22_5, Plot Owner: MCCONNELL, NORMA M.MCCONNELL, Paul C., Buried: 01-01-2000, Age: 73, Section: MUIR_402_22_5, Plot Owner: MCCONNELL, NORMA M.MCCONNELL, Paul C., Buried: 06/15/1953, Age: 48, Section: MUIR_402_22_4, Plot Owner: MCCONNELL, PAUL & MRS PAULMCCORMICK, Clara Louise, Buried: 05-01-1940, Age: 79, Section: LUDVIGS_231_4_3, Plot Owner: MCCORMICK, JAMESMCCORMICK, John C., Buried: 03-05-1966, Age: 77, Section: LUDVIGS_231_3_4, Plot Owner: MCCORMICK, JAMESMCCORMICK, Rebecca D., Buried: 11-04-1983, Age: 0, Section: WEST_7_331_1, Plot Owner: MCCORMICK, KENNETHMCCORMICK, Samuel G., Buried: 08-05-1991, Age: 22, Section: BUNNING_129_8_4, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFMCCORMICK, Samuel G., Buried: 03/28/1908, Age: 22, Section: LUDVIGS_231_4_4, Plot Owner: MCCORMICK, JAMESMCCORMICK, Samuel G., Age: 35, Section: LUDVIGS_231_4_1, Plot Owner: MCCORMICK, JAMESMCCORMICK, Sarah E., Buried: 10-05-1979, Age: 82, Section: LUDVIGS_231_3_3, Plot Owner: MCCORMICK, JAMESMCCORMICK, William, Buried: 09-09-1944, Age: 90, Section: OSSELTO_313_7_2, Plot Owner: LAND, BLAIRMCCOURT, Alfred, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 42, Section: ODONNE_125_3_3, Plot Owner: RIFE, ORENMCCOURT, E.J. Son Of, Buried: 03-10-1996, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_129_5_4, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFMCCOURT, Edward O., Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 78, Section: ODONNE_125_3_1, Plot Owner: RIFE, ORENMCCOURT, Jane, Buried: 05-04-1943, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_125_3_2, Plot Owner: RIFE, ORENMCCOURT, Thomas, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_129_5_4, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFMCCRANN, Bessie Hunter, Buried: 12/23/1942, Age: 42, Section: OSSELTO_338_6_1, Plot Owner: MCCRANN, DR. PATRICK M.MCCRANN, Dr. Patrick M., Buried: 02-09-1957, Age: 62, Section: PARK_122_17_2, Plot Owner: MCCRANN, DR. PATRICK M.MCCRANN, Elizabeth, Buried: 07/20/2006, Age: 92, Section: PARK_122_17_3, Plot Owner: MCCRANN, ELIZABETHMCCRANN, Jean, Buried: 10/13/2001, Age: 66, Section: KENDALL_19_1_5, Plot Owner: MCCRANN, JEANMCCRANN, John C., Buried: 01-01-2000, Age: 64, Section: PARK_122_17_1, Plot Owner: MCCRANN, JOHN C.MCCULLAR, John Jr, Buried: 05/24/1949, Age: 0, Section: ROE_73_4_4, Plot Owner: MCCULLAR SR, JOHN DMCCURATIN, Alpha Leon, Buried: 01/29/1964, Age: 82, Section: ROE_68_7_4, Plot Owner: MCCURTAIN, ALFREDMCCURATIN, Mame, Buried: 01-01-2010, Age: 85, Section: ROE_68_1X_3, Plot Owner: MCCURTAIN, WILLIAMMCCURTAIN, Alfred, Buried: 08/23/1938, Age: 21, Section: ROE_68_7_1, Plot Owner: MCCURTAIN, ALFREDMCCURTAIN, E. Maxine, Buried: 08-12-1941, Age: 30, Section: ROE_68_7_2, Plot Owner: MCCURTAIN, ALFREDMCCURTAIN, Fred A., Buried: 09/20/1962, Age: 56, Section: MUIR_423_31_5, Plot Owner: MCCURTAIN, MRS FREDMCCURTAIN, Mabel Huston, Buried: 04/18/1978, Age: 96, Section: ROE_68_7_3, Plot Owner: MCCURTAIN, ALFREDMCCURTAIN, Max H., Buried: 02/20/1968, Age: 52, Section: ROE_68_7_5, Plot Owner: MCCURTAIN, MAX H.MCCURTAIN, Zachary James, Buried: 11-10-1990, Age: 2, Section: ROE_68_1X_1, Plot Owner: MCCURTAIN, WILLIAMMCDERMICK, Alexander, Buried: 04/24/1954, Age: 39, Section: PARKER_268_2_4, Plot Owner: LOCAL UNION #2, 3831, 2309, 908 & 2282MCDERMOTT, James P., Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 62, Section: PARK_14_3_4, Plot Owner: MCDERMOTT, JAMES P.MCDILL, Billie, Buried: 01/16/1925, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_291_4_1, Plot Owner: MCDILL, F WMCDILL, Elena, Buried: 01/31/1935, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_291_4_4, Plot Owner: MCDILL, F WMCDILL, Nettie Francis, Buried: 01/15/1925, Age: 41, Section: PARKER_291_4_2, Plot Owner: MCDILL, F WMCDONALD, Elizabeth B., Buried: 11/20/1967, Age: 80, Section: WATAHA_C_6_3, Plot Owner: EBELING, LOUISEMCDONALD, Jake, Buried: 10/17/1937, Age: 64, Section: BUNNING_155_4_3, Plot Owner: MCDONALD, WMMCDONALD, James V., Buried: 04/29/1938, Age: 57, Section: ODONNE_93_5_3, Plot Owner: GRIFFITHS, WMMCDONALD, Joan E., Buried: 11/16/1996, Age: 55, Section: OBLOCK_8_287_1, Plot Owner: REINHART, JESSIEMCDONALD, Lee, Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 2, Section: ODONNE_198_8_4, Plot Owner: MCDONALD, JAKEMCDONALD, Martha A., Buried: 02/20/1967, Age: 86, Section: ODONNE_93_5_4, Plot Owner: GRIFFITHS, WMMCDONALD, Mary Overy, Buried: 07/22/1960, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_155_4_2, Plot Owner: MCDONALD, WMMCDONALD, Myrtle, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 33, Section: ODONNE_198_8_3, Plot Owner: MCDONALD, JAKEMCDONALD, Roy T., Buried: 08-04-1969, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_C_6_4, Plot Owner: EBELING, MARIEMCDONALD, Sydney, Buried: 02/19/1999, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_155_4_4, Plot Owner: MCDONALD, WMMCDONALD, Tom, Buried: 07-10-1945, Age: 66, Section: OSSELTO_351_1_4, Plot Owner: TROUR, JACK CMCDOUGAL, Charles W., Buried: 04/15/1995, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_178_1_1, Plot Owner: MCDOUGAL, ANGUSMCDOWELL, Charles, Buried: 03-01-1946, Age: 59, Section: LUDVIGS_251_3_4, Plot Owner: MCDOWELL, CHARLESMCDOWELL, Nellie, Buried: 06-02-1956, Age: 59, Section: LUDVIGS_251_3_3, Plot Owner: MCDOWELL, NELLIEMCDOWELL, Sharon, Buried: 08-01-2014, Age: 57, Section: COLUMB_EAST_1_3, Plot Owner: MCDOWELL, GENE & SHARONMCDUFFIE, Charles Lee, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 34, Section: BUNNING_176_2_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, MASONICMCEDWARDS, Angus, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_184_4_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #12, MASONICMCELDERRY, Kathleen Lois, Buried: 11-12-1982, Age: 34, Section: EDGAR_63_4_1, Plot Owner: TREMELLING, THOMAS HMCELFISH, Baby, Buried: 08-01-1951, Age: 0, Section: ROE_77_11_3, Plot Owner: POZUN, VINCENTMCELFISH, Chariottie, Buried: 10-06-1983, Age: 69, Section: ROE_77_11_1, Plot Owner: MCELFISH, GEORGE WMCELFISH, Upton, Buried: 12-01-1948, Age: 78, Section: ROE_77_11_2, Plot Owner: MCELFISH, GEORGE WMCELHANEY, Pasty Lee, Buried: 12/28/1949, Age: 0, Section: ROE_74_6_1, Plot Owner: SOLTIS, MRS CHARLESMCFADDEN, Elbert, Buried: 08/13/2013, Age: 87, Section: OBLOCK_8_227_1, Plot Owner: MCFADDEN, LBERT & LUCILLEMCFADDEN, Fieldon B., Buried: 02/13/1953, Age: 59, Section: MUIR_402_16_4, Plot Owner: MCFADDEN, MRS F BMCFADDEN, John, Buried: 12-02-2009, Age: 86, Section: MUIR_402_16_2, Plot Owner: MCFADDEN, MRS F BMCFADDEN, Lucille S. "Dolly", Buried: 04/26/2000, Age: 74, Section: OBLOCK_8_226_1, Plot Owner: MCFADDEN, LBERT & LUCILLEMCFADDEN, Michael, Buried: 05/19/2006, Age: 66, Section: YOUNG_401_32X_2, Plot Owner: MCFADDEN, MIKE & MARLENEMCFADDEN, Reka, Buried: 10/24/2012, Age: 87, Section: OBLOCK_8_524_1, Plot Owner: MCFADDEN, PATMCFADDEN, Wilmont C., Buried: 04-12-2002, Age: 81, Section: MUIR_402_16_1, Plot Owner: MCFADDEN, MRS F BMCGARVEY, Bernard J., Buried: 02-05-1970, Age: 34, Section: WATAHA_6_6_1, Plot Owner: MCGARVEY, JACK P. "JACKIE"MCGARVEY, Jack P. "Jackie", Buried: 01/21/1993, Age: 36, Section: WEST_7_167_1, Plot Owner: MCGARVEY, JACK P. "JACKIE"MCGARVEY, James P., Buried: 02/25/1970, Age: 37, Section: WATAHA_6_7_1, Plot Owner: MCGARVEY, JAMESMCGARVEY, Jerry, Buried: 11-02-1979, Age: 39, Section: KENDALL_45_3_4, Plot Owner: MCGARVEY, JERRYMCGARVEY, Joseph, Buried: 04/24/1940, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_45_3_3, Plot Owner: MCGARVEY, JOSEPHMCGARVEY, Josephine, Buried: 06/18/1980, Age: 73, Section: KENDALL_45_3_2, Plot Owner: MCGARVEY, JOSEPHINEMCGARVEY, Patrick, Buried: 03-01-1944, Age: 48, Section: KENDALL_45_3_1, Plot Owner: MCGARVEY, PATRICK J.MCGARVEY, Patrick J., Buried: 01-04-1974, Age: 44, Section: WATAHA_5_G_1, Plot Owner: MCGARVEY, VIRGINIAMCGEE, Hugh J., Buried: 05/20/1965, Age: 83, Section: JAMES_302_2_4, Plot Owner: MCGEE, H JMCGEE, Mary Lou, Buried: 01-05-1930, Age: 46, Section: JAMES_302_2_3, Plot Owner: MCGEE, H JMCGILL, Joan T., Buried: 06/25/2014, Age: 66, Section: COLUMB_NORTH_1_11, Plot Owner: MCGIL, ELIANEMCGOVERN, William James, Buried: 11-04-2004, Age: 75, Section: EDGAR_64_15_5, Plot Owner: MILLER, EARL A.MCGRAW, Edward, Buried: 05-08-1969, Age: 79, Section: PARKER_259_2_2, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDMCGRAW, James, Buried: 02/20/1947, Age: 72, Section: OSSELTO_356_4_2, Plot Owner: MUNN, A JMCGRAW, James E., Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 3, Section: OSSELTO_356_4_1, Plot Owner: MUNN, A JMCGREGOR, Eileen "Carole", Buried: 09/21/1963, Age: 46, Section: MUIR_422_36_5, Plot Owner: MATTHEWS, MRS KENNETHMCGREGOR, Evan, Buried: 05-10-1959, Age: 78, Section: ROE_76_20_2, Plot Owner: MCGREGOR, EVANMCGREGOR, Jessie, Buried: 09/18/1948, Age: 74, Section: ROE_76_20_1, Plot Owner: MCGREGOR, EVANMCGREGORY, O'dell, Buried: 04/14/1951, Age: 33, Section: ROE_71_18_1, Plot Owner: ROY, ELMAINEMCGREGROY, David, Buried: 02-12-1972, Age: 78, Section: ROE_71_18_2, Plot Owner: ROY, ELMAINEMCGUIRE, Ryan N., Buried: 06/14/1980, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_B_15_4, Plot Owner: MCGUIRE, RYAN N.MCINNIS, Michael, Buried: 02-07-2013, Age: 62, Section: OBLOCK_8_196_1, Plot Owner: RATTI, GARY & BRENDAMCINTOSH, Alex, Buried: 01-04-1918, Age: 2, Section: ODONNE_196_8_1, Plot Owner: MCINTOSH, ALEXMCINTOSH, Ben, Buried: 10-11-1920, Age: 27, Section: LUDVIGS_272_5_3, Plot Owner: MCINTOSH, BENMCINTOSH, Charles, Buried: 01/22/1946, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_I_6_1, Plot Owner: MCINTOSH, CHARLESMCINTOSH, Dan, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_255_3_4, Plot Owner: MULLEN, ESTHER T.MCINTOSH, David, Buried: 05/17/1947, Age: 64, Section: ODONNE_196_8_4, Plot Owner: MCINTOSH, DAVIDMCINTOSH, David John, Buried: 05/28/1951, Age: 12, Section: OSSELTO_O_3_4, Plot Owner: MCINTOSH, WILLIAMMCINTOSH, Donald, Buried: 12/18/1987, Age: 67, Section: BUNNING_89_5_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFMCINTOSH, Donald M., Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 39, Section: LUDVIGS_250_3_3, Plot Owner: MCINTOSH, DONALD M.MCINTOSH, Eleanor, Buried: 02/18/1933, Age: 80, Section: LUDVIGS_250_3_4, Plot Owner: MCINTOSH, DONALD M.MCINTOSH, Elizabeth, Buried: 08/14/1958, Age: 78, Section: ODONNE_196_8_3, Plot Owner: MCINTOSH, ELIZABETHMCINTOSH, Gloria Evelyn, Buried: 11-05-2004, Age: 79, Section: BUNNING_89_5_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFMCINTOSH, Janet, Buried: 01-01-1909, Age: 63, Section: BUNNING_153_1_3, Plot Owner: STODDARD, ROBERTMCINTOSH, John, Buried: 01-01-1960, Age: 67, Section: ODONNE_188_6_4, Plot Owner: MCANTOSH, WMMCINTOSH, John, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 67, Section: BUNNING_153_1_4, Plot Owner: STODDARD, ROBERTMCINTOSH, Larry Duane, Buried: 12/28/1983, Age: 36, Section: OSSELTO_331_6_2, Plot Owner: FOREIGN WARS, VETERANS OFMCINTOSH, Mabel, Buried: 06-03-2002, Age: 83, Section: OSSELTO_O_3_3, Plot Owner: MCINTOSH, WMMCINTOSH, Margaret, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 52, Section: LUDVIGS_272_5_4, Plot Owner: MCINTOSH, MARGARETMCINTOSH, Morgan Charles, Buried: 07/19/2002, Age: 80, Section: OBLOCK_8_463_1, Plot Owner: MCINTOSH, MORGAN CHARLESMCINTOSH, Morgan D., Buried: 04/26/1993, Age: 47, Section: EDGAR_82_8X_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMCINTOSH, Nellie, Buried: 02/27/1970, Age: 56, Section: ODONNE_196_8_2, Plot Owner: MCINTOSH, MARGARETMCINTOSH, Rachel, Buried: 11/29/1946, Age: 60, Section: ODONNE_188_6_1, Plot Owner: MCANTOSH, WMMCINTOSH, William, Buried: 02/19/1983, Age: 67, Section: OSSELTO_O_3_2, Plot Owner: MCINTOSH, WILLIAMMCINTOSH, Wm., Buried: 02-12-1936, Age: 55, Section: ODONNE_188_5_1, Plot Owner: POWELL, WILLIAMMCIRVIN, Judith, Age: 67, Section: ANDERSO_9_L_27, Plot Owner: WOLFE, RUTHANNMCKAIN, Courtney, Buried: 12-06-1911, Age: 21, Section: LUDVIGS_257_2_2, Plot Owner: MCKAIN, COURTNEYMCKEE, John J., Buried: 01/19/1945, Age: 87, Section: BUNNING_184_7_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #12, MASONICMCKEE, Mrs., Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_177_3_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERMCKENNA, Ambrose, Buried: 06-03-1961, Age: 61, Section: PARK_122_6_1, Plot Owner: MCKENNA, EDNAMCKENNA, C.F, Buried: 01-01-1905, Section: ODONNE_212_6_2, Plot Owner: RAILROAD CO, PACIFICMCKENNA, Edna, Buried: 08-01-1994, Age: 91, Section: PARK_122_6_2, Plot Owner: MCKENNA, EDNAMCKENZIE, Dale, Buried: 02/14/1936, Age: 54, Section: OSSELTO_359_6_1, Plot Owner: MCKENZIE, DALEMCKENZIE, Earl W., Buried: 04/24/2003, Age: 84, Section: ROE_70_4_1, Plot Owner: CAMPBELL, MRS PATRICKMCKENZIE, Mary K., Buried: 01-02-2003, Age: 81, Section: ROE_70_4_2, Plot Owner: CAMPBELL, MRS PATRICKMCKINLEY, Gilbert, Buried: 03/22/1941, Age: 74, Section: ODONNE_142_3_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMCLEAN, Ernest, Buried: 04/15/1952, Age: 42, Section: BUNNING_228_5_3, Plot Owner: MCLEAN, UNKNOWNMCLEAN, Gary L., Buried: 04/25/1992, Age: 49, Section: PARK_123_3_1, Plot Owner: SPENCE, UNKNOWNMCLEAN, Hugh C., Buried: 03/24/1965, Age: 77, Section: BUNNING_228_5_1, Plot Owner: MCLEAN, UNKNOWNMCLEAN, James, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_228_5_4, Plot Owner: MCLEAN, UNKNOWNMCLEAN, Karen S., Buried: 12/13/2016, Age: 73, Section: PARK_123_3X_2, Plot Owner: MCLEAN, KARENMCLEAN, Marian, Buried: 04/24/1947, Age: 56, Section: BUNNING_228_5_2, Plot Owner: MCLEAN, UNKNOWNMCLEAN, Ruth W., Buried: 04/21/1982, Age: 84, Section: BUNNING_85_2_2, Plot Owner: WEBSTER, MRS M LMCLENAN, J.M., Buried: 03/26/1970, Age: 82, Section: JAMES_301_3_4, Plot Owner: MCLENAN, J MMCLENNAN, Ethel A., Buried: 11/16/1985, Age: 91, Section: JAMES_301_3_3, Plot Owner: MCLENAN, JMMCLENNON, John, Age: 33, Section: PARK_59_3_4, Plot Owner: MCLENNON, JOHNMCLEOD, Angela, Buried: 01-03-1996, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_A_9_4, Plot Owner: DRAZOVICH, STEVEMCLEOD, Anna, Buried: 01-03-1967, Age: 86, Section: MUIR_402_6_3, Plot Owner: MCLEOD, HUGH MRSMCLEOD, Ellen M., Buried: 07/25/1978, Age: 83, Section: YOUNG_425_23_1, Plot Owner: MCLEOD, MRS JAMESMCLEOD, Hugh, Buried: 11/23/1951, Age: 68, Section: MUIR_402_6_4, Plot Owner: MCLEOD, HUGH MRSMCLEOD, James T Sr., , Buried: 05/14/1964, Age: 75, Section: YOUNG_425_23_2, Plot Owner: MCLEOD, MRS JAMESMCLEOD, Malcolm M., Buried: 08-05-1989, Age: 68, Section: WEST_7_533_1, Plot Owner: MCLEOD, MALCOLM & JULIANNMCMAHAN, George W., Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 74, Section: PARKER_242_4_3, Plot Owner: MCMAHON, MARGARIEMCMAHAN, Margaret, Buried: 11/20/1946, Age: 87, Section: PARKER_242_4_2, Plot Owner: MCMAHON, MARGARIEMCMAHON, Bill, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 71, Section: OSSELTO_358_5_1, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WMCMAHON, George W., Buried: 03/14/1925, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_224_4_2, Plot Owner: SAAVA, CMCMAHON, Keith, Buried: 09-05-1980, Age: 63, Section: JAMES_344_2_1, Plot Owner: MCMAHON, MRS PJMMCMAHON, Peter James, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 74, Section: JAMES_344_2_3, Plot Owner: MCMAHON, MRS PJMMCMAHON, Sophie Lindsey, Buried: 06-02-1943, Age: 68, Section: JAMES_344_2_2, Plot Owner: MCMAHON, MRS PJMMCMAHON, Stanley, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 23, Section: JAMES_344_1_4, Plot Owner: MCMAHON, MRS PJMMcMILLAN, Betty Cleary, Buried: 10/17/1991, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_B_3_3, Plot Owner: McMILLAN, BETTY CLEARYMCMILLAN, Donald J, Buried: 12/29/2016, Age: 75, Section: KAUMO_10_62_1, Plot Owner: MCMILLAN, DONALDMCMILLAN, Dorothy E., Buried: 01/19/1983, Age: 68, Section: WEST_7_209_1, Plot Owner: MCMILLIAN, MRS THOMAS J.MCMILLAN, Frank A. Bert, Buried: 07/14/1973, Age: 79, Section: BUNNING_128_4_3, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFMCMILLAN, Infant Daughter, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_129_6_2, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFMCMILLAN, Infant Son, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_129_6_2, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFMCMILLAN, Jane, Buried: 09/27/1938, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_128_4_1, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFMCMILLAN, Jane, Buried: 09/24/1938, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_228_3_1, Plot Owner: LEE, THOMASMCMILLAN, Janet, Buried: 12/29/2016, Age: 64, Section: KAUMO_10_62_1, Plot Owner: MCMILLAN, DONALDMCMILLAN, M. Afton, Buried: 04/30/2005, Age: 81, Section: ODONNE_214_8_2, Plot Owner: MCMILLAN, MRS WMMCMILLAN, Robert B., Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 76, Section: BUNNING_128_4_2, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFMCMILLAN, Ronald, Buried: 10-09-2010, Age: 86, Section: ODONNE_214_8_3, Plot Owner: MCMILLAN, MRS WMMCMILLAN, Ronald J., Buried: 11/28/1978, Age: 41, Section: EDGAR_83_9_2, Plot Owner: OVERY, JOSEPHMCMILLAN, Thomas J., Buried: 10-07-1981, Age: 67, Section: WEST_7_210_1, Plot Owner: MCMILLAN, MRS THOMAS J.MCMILLAN, William E., Buried: 01-01-2007, Age: 73, Section: YOUNG_400_37_3, Plot Owner: CLEARY, MRS JOSEPHMCMILLIAN, Charles M., Buried: 08/21/1959, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_400_37_2, Plot Owner: HUNTLEY, FREEMAN L.MCMILLIAN, Jean, Buried: 08/23/1944, Age: 49, Section: ODONNE_214_1_2, Plot Owner: MCMURTRIE, THOMASMCMILLIAN, Wm. R., Buried: 09/15/1960, Age: 74, Section: ODONNE_214_1_1, Plot Owner: MCMURTRIE, THOMASMCMULLEN, John Richard, Buried: 05-01-1996, Age: 70, Section: EDGAR_65_5_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMCMURTRIE, Albert John, Buried: 08-11-1967, Age: 60, Section: ODONNE_218_1_2, Plot Owner: JAMES, HARRYMCMURTRIE, Baby, Buried: 07-01-1953, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_402_40_4, Plot Owner: MCMURTRIE, NORMANMCMURTRIE, Cecelia, Buried: 08-08-1938, Age: 63, Section: ODONNE_214_1_4, Plot Owner: MCMURTRIE, CECELIAMCMURTRIE, Clara W., Buried: 05/29/1980, Age: 70, Section: ODONNE_218_1_1, Plot Owner: JAMES, HARRYMCMURTRIE, Dorothy, Buried: 02/15/1920, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_220_6_4, Plot Owner: MCMURTRIE, THORIANMCMURTRIE, Elizabeth, Buried: 06/17/1911, Age: 2, Section: ODONNE_220_6_3, Plot Owner: MCMURTRIE, THORIANMCMURTRIE, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_220_6_2, Plot Owner: MCMURTRIE, JOSEPHMCMURTRIE, Mildred, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_220_6_2, Plot Owner: MCMURTRIE, JOSEPHMCMURTRIE, Thomas, Buried: 08/29/1939, Age: 67, Section: ODONNE_214_1_3, Plot Owner: MCMURTRIE, THOMASMCNAMARA, James, Buried: 02/22/1974, Age: 82, Section: WATAHA_D_1_1, Plot Owner: HALSEY, MRS. EDWARDMCNAMARA, Mary Hasley, Buried: 10/26/2001, Age: 99, Section: WATAHA_D_1_2, Plot Owner: HALSEY, MRS. EDWARDMCNAMRA, Danial F., Buried: 01-10-1902, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_184_2_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #12, MASONICMCPHETERS, Margaret, Buried: 03/28/1936, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_47_7_1, Plot Owner: MCPHETERS, UNKNOWNMCPHIE, Althera, Buried: 11/21/1960, Age: 62, Section: PARKER_269_8_1, Plot Owner: UNION 8078, LOCALMCPHIE, Dora M., Buried: 11-10-1929, Age: 41, Section: ODONNE_164_3_2, Plot Owner: MCPHEE, MRS MARTINMCPHIE, James A., Buried: 01-01-1958, Age: 74, Section: ROE_69_3_3, Plot Owner: MCTEE, JAMESMCPHIE, Lillian Ashes, Buried: 05/20/1983, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_402_44_4, Plot Owner: DANIELS, E DMCPHIE, Martin, Buried: 01/23/1907, Age: 47, Section: ODONNE_164_3_3, Plot Owner: WOODSON, C JMCPHIE, Rebecca, Buried: 08/21/1985, Age: 95, Section: ROE_69_3_2, Plot Owner: MCTEE, JAMESMCPHIE, Susan A., Buried: 09-12-1926, Age: 39, Section: ODONNE_164_3_1, Plot Owner: MCPHEE, MRS MARTINMCPHIE, Veda N., Buried: 10-06-1934, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_269_8_3, Plot Owner: UNION 8078, LOCALMCPHIE, William Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 10, Section: PARKER_269_8_4, Plot Owner: UNION 8078, LOCALMCPHIE, William M., Buried: 08/26/1945, Age: 48, Section: PARKER_269_8_2, Plot Owner: UNION 8078, LOCALMCQUARRIE, Jesse, Buried: 09/16/1992, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_89_8_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFMCQUEEN, Grace, Buried: 07/20/1970, Age: 50, Section: WATAHA_6_10_1, Plot Owner: MCQUEEN, JOHNMCQUEEN, John, Buried: 04/19/1975, Age: 61, Section: WATAHA_6_9_1, Plot Owner: MCQUEEN, JOHNMCQUEEN, Robert J., Buried: 01/16/1971, Age: 22, Section: WATAHA_6_23_1, Plot Owner: MCQUEEN, CATHRYNMCQUILLAN, Bay Michael, Buried: 01-01-1998, Age: 29, Section: OSSELTO_315_5_1, Plot Owner: CASSAS, FAMILYMCQUILLAN, George H., Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 35, Section: BUNNING_225_8_1, Plot Owner: HENDRICKS, JOHNMCQUILLAN, Jack, Buried: 04-07-1989, Age: 72, Section: MUIR_422_5_2, Plot Owner: MCQUILLAN, JACKMCQUILLAN, Jennie S., Buried: 08-08-1996, Age: 71, Section: MUIR_422_5_1, Plot Owner: MCQUILLAN, JACKMCQUILLAN, June, Buried: 08-03-2012, Age: 86, Section: OSSELTO_315_5_4, Plot Owner: CASSAS, FAMILYMCQUILLAN, Lola, Buried: 12-01-1958, Age: 39, Section: MUIR_422_5_3, Plot Owner: MCQUILLAN, JACKMCQUILLAN, Rose Ann, Buried: 04-09-1948, Age: 57, Section: PARK_16_4_4, Plot Owner: HICKS, DORIS MCQUILLANMCQUILLAN, Thomas, Buried: 11/27/1954, Age: 74, Section: YOUNG_400_41_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERMCQUILLAN, William George, Buried: 08/21/2009, Age: 88, Section: OSSELTO_315_5_3, Plot Owner: CASSAS, FAMILYMCQUILLAN, William T., Buried: 01/13/1953, Age: 79, Section: PARKER_286_8_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, KPMCRAE, E. A., Buried: 05-04-1927, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_289_7_4, Plot Owner: MCRAE, E RMCTEE, Arthur, Buried: 07-05-1963, Age: 78, Section: JAMES_343_6_2, Plot Owner: MCTEE, AMCTEE, Clarence Alex, Buried: 01-10-1936, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_294_2_4, Plot Owner: MCTEE, CLARENCE ALEXMCTEE, Hannah, Buried: 05-08-1959, Age: 82, Section: WATAHA_3A_5_1, Plot Owner: MCTEE, WILLIAMMCTEE, Hilda, Buried: 07-11-1990, Age: 88, Section: WATAHA_4_107_1, Plot Owner: MCTEE, SHORE & JOSEPHINEMCTEE, Hilda H., Buried: 04-10-1995, Age: 88, Section: JAMES_330_7_2, Plot Owner: MCTEE, HILDA H.MCTEE, Howard, Buried: 10/30/1982, Age: 71, Section: JAMES_343_6_4, Plot Owner: MCTEE, AMCTEE, James, Buried: 03/23/1941, Age: 50, Section: EDGAR_82_20X_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMCTEE, James, Age: 55, Section: EDGAR_83_20_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, CANADIANMCTEE, James, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 55, Section: BUNNING_152_4_4, Plot Owner: MCTEE, JOHNMCTEE, James, Buried: 08/21/1979, Age: 55, Section: ODONNE_101_5_4, Plot Owner: MCTEE, JOHNMCTEE, John, Buried: 01-03-1951, Age: 68, Section: ODONNE_101_5_3, Plot Owner: MCTEE, JOHNMCTEE, John, Buried: 05/16/1930, Age: 78, Section: BUNNING_152_3_1, Plot Owner: MCTEE, JOHNMCTEE, John, Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 78, Section: BUNNING_152_3_4, Plot Owner: MCTEE, JOHNMCTEE, Joseph, Buried: 12/14/1934, Age: 59, Section: WATAHA_3A_7_1, Plot Owner: MCTEE, WILLIAMMCTEE, Joseph M., Buried: 12-09-1999, Age: 92, Section: JAMES_330_7_3, Plot Owner: MCTEE, HANNAH WMMCTEE, Josephine, Buried: 01-04-1991, Age: 90, Section: WATAHA_4_109_1, Plot Owner: RAUZI, HERMANMCTEE, Leroy Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 0, Section: ROE_79_3_5, Plot Owner: MCTEE JR., LEROYMCTEE, Lou Jean Draney, Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 14, Section: WATAHA_3A_6_1, Plot Owner: MCTEE, WILLIAMMCTEE, Margaret, Buried: 01-01-1998, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_152_4_3, Plot Owner: MCTEE, JOHNMCTEE, Margaret Lucy, Buried: 01/31/1930, Age: 42, Section: JAMES_343_6_3, Plot Owner: MCTEE, AMCTEE, Martha Tuhkanen, Buried: 04/17/1989, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_3_14_1, Plot Owner: MURDO, WM.MCTEE, Mary, Buried: 10-03-1973, Age: 81, Section: ODONNE_187_4_1, Plot Owner: ROSWALD, ANDREWMCTEE, Michael G., Buried: 11-01-1995, Age: 25, Section: PARKER_261_8X_1, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, SUE (M. MCTEE)MCTEE, Nellie Ross, Buried: 02-06-1912, Age: 23, Section: ODONNE_101_5_2, Plot Owner: MCTEE, JOHNMCTEE, Sarah, Buried: 10/30/1935, Age: 81, Section: BUNNING_152_3_2, Plot Owner: MCTEE, JOHNMCTEE, Shore, Buried: 03/15/1971, Age: 72, Section: WATAHA_4_108_1, Plot Owner: MCTEE, SHORE & JOSEPHINEMCTEE, William, Buried: 08/18/1990, Age: 91, Section: WATAHA_4_106_1, Plot Owner: MCTEE, M/M WILLIAMMCWILLIAMS, Annie, Buried: 10-09-1958, Age: 86, Section: BUNNING_85_5_3, Plot Owner: MCWILLIAMS, WILLIAMMCWILLIAMS, Cecilia, Buried: 10/26/1910, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_220_5_4, Plot Owner: MCMILLIAN, WMMCWILLIAMS, Donald, Buried: 12/30/1919, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_220_5_3, Plot Owner: MCMILLIAN, WMMCWILLIAMS, Dougald, Buried: 02/15/1925, Age: 61, Section: BUNNING_85_5_1, Plot Owner: MCWILLIAM, WILLIAMMCWILLIAMS, Harold C., Buried: 03/31/1943, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_337_8_3, Plot Owner: MCWILLIAMS, EDWARDMCWILLIAMS, James Sr., , Buried: 04/14/1936, Age: 83, Section: BUNNING_85_5_4, Plot Owner: MCWILLIAM, WILLIAMMCWILLIAMS, William, Buried: 12/28/1952, Age: 0, Section: ROE_76_13_4, Plot Owner: TITMUS, NELLIEMEACHAM, Letitia, Buried: 05-10-1999, Age: 93, Section: OBLOCK_8_375_1, Plot Owner: MEACHAM, LETITIAMEACHAM, Reuben, Buried: 02-12-2002, Age: 94, Section: OBLOCK_8_374_1, Plot Owner: MEACHAM, LETITIAMEADOW, Mother, Buried: 02-03-1953, Age: 66, Section: MUIR_403_22_3, Plot Owner: MEADOWS, CHIQUITAMEADOWS, Natlee, Buried: 10/22/1993, Age: 89, Section: MUIR_403_22_4, Plot Owner: MEADOWS, CHIQUITAMEADOWS, Thomas C., Buried: 05/15/1968, Age: 60, Section: MUIR_403_22_5, Plot Owner: MEADOWS, CHIQUITAMEALS, W. L. Baby, Buried: 01/16/1920, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_281_8_4, Plot Owner: MEALS, BABY W. L.MEASURES, Hannah L., Buried: 09/25/1910, Age: 59, Section: BUNNING_138_8_2, Plot Owner: MEASURES, JMECCA, Pasco, Buried: 01-07-2009, Age: 89, Section: KENDALL_D_5_2, Plot Owner: KRUEGER, LOUISE J.MECCA, Sharon Sue, Buried: 09-05-1963, Age: 11, Section: KENDALL_D_5_1, Plot Owner: MECCA, SHARON SUEMEDILL, Adam, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 23, Section: ODONNE_117_8_2, Plot Owner: MEDILL, MATTMEDILL, Berquist Adam, Buried: 08-03-2013, Age: 97, Section: MUIR_423_15_3, Plot Owner: MEDILL, ADAMMEDILL, Bill Cody, Buried: 08-05-1969, Age: 62, Section: PARKER_241_1_2, Plot Owner: HANSEN, GEORGEMEDILL, Lavanetta, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 52, Section: ODONNE_117_8_4, Plot Owner: MEDILL, MATTMEDILL, Marjorie, Buried: 11-06-1999, Age: 90, Section: PARKER_241_1_1, Plot Owner: HANSEN, GEORGEMEDILL, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 11, Section: ODONNE_117_8_1, Plot Owner: MEDILL, MATTMEDILL, Matthew, Buried: 01/13/1950, Age: 75, Section: ODONNE_117_8_3, Plot Owner: MEDILL, MATTMEDILL, Sheron, Buried: 04/15/2012, Age: 69, Section: MUIR_423_15_4, Plot Owner: MEDILL, ADAMMEDILL, Wanda Mae, Buried: 08-06-1960, Age: 38, Section: MUIR_423_15_2, Plot Owner: MEDILL, ADAMMEDINA, Carol, Buried: 12/20/1951, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_L_3_4, Plot Owner: MEDINA, DONALDMEDINA, Donald, Buried: 01-01-2002, Age: 52, Section: CROATIA_L_3_3, Plot Owner: MEDINA, DONALDMEDINA, Louisa, Buried: 03-10-1945, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_E_3_4, Plot Owner: MEDINA, PARFINOMEDINA, Maria J., Buried: 11-10-1962, Age: 36, Section: CROATIA_L_3_4, Plot Owner: MEDINA, DONALDMEDINA, Rudolfo E., Buried: 06-01-1986, Age: 62, Section: CROATIA_L_3_3, Plot Owner: MEDINA, DONALDMEDINO, John J, Buried: 04/16/1962, Age: 79, Section: ODONNE_191_5_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMEDONICH, Marko, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 45, Section: WATAHA_5A_8_4, Plot Owner: MEDONICH, MARKOMEDOWELL, Charles, Buried: 03-01-1946, Age: 59, Section: PARKER_262_3_4, Plot Owner: RAMSAY, TONYMEDUNA, Patricia C., Buried: 01/22/2004, Age: 68, Section: OBLOCK_8_506_1, Plot Owner: MEDUNA, HENRY & PATRICIAMEDVESK, Tony, Buried: 01-01-1958, Age: 80, Section: OSSELTO_A_5_4, Plot Owner: BUSH, SMEDVIK, Anton, Buried: 11-08-1958, Age: 80, Section: WATAHA_A_4_2, Plot Owner: MEDVIK, ANTONMEGEATH, Alfred R., Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_202_1_2, Plot Owner: RAMSAY, ROBERTMEGEATH, Alma, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 40, Section: BUNNING_202_1_4, Plot Owner: RAMSAY, ROBERTMEGEATH, Isabella Thompson, Buried: 10-03-2002, Age: 87, Section: JAMES_301_1_2, Plot Owner: THOMPSON JR, JOSEPHMEGEATH, James D., Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_202_1_2, Plot Owner: RAMSAY, ROBERTMEGEATH, Samuel Anthony Sr., , Buried: 03-06-1982, Age: 76, Section: JAMES_301_1_3, Plot Owner: THOMPSON JR, JOSEPHMEGEATH, William C., Buried: 11/25/1949, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_202_1_3, Plot Owner: RAMSAY, ROBERTMEHLE, Christina, Buried: 03/27/1999, Age: 95, Section: WATAHA_4_68_1, Plot Owner: MEHLE, FAMILYMEHLE, Edwin C., Buried: 04/30/2001, Age: 74, Section: WATAHA_4_54_1, Plot Owner: MEHLE, FAMILYMEHLE, Frank M., Buried: 05-01-1973, Age: 48, Section: WATAHA_4_69_1, Plot Owner: MEHLE, FAMILYMEHLE, James Martin, Buried: 02/27/2002, Age: 70, Section: KENDALL_25_3_3, Plot Owner: MEHLE, JAMES MARTINMEHLE, Joyce Lucas, Buried: 07-08-2004, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_25_3_4, Plot Owner: MEHLE, JOYCE LUCASMEHLE, Martin, Buried: 09/22/1947, Age: 58, Section: WATAHA_4_67_1, Plot Owner: MEHLE, FAMILYMEHLE, Mary Ann, Buried: 07/16/1980, Age: 56, Section: WATAHA_4_53_1, Plot Owner: MEHLE, FAMILYMEHLE, Tammy, Buried: 05/16/1980, Age: 16, Section: WATAHA_4_55_1, Plot Owner: MEHLE, FAMILYMEHLE, Treasa Ann "Tammy", Buried: 10-08-2002, Age: 16, Section: KENDALL_25_3_2, Plot Owner: MEHLE, TREASA ANN "TAMMY"MEHLE, William M., Buried: 06/17/1996, Age: 72, Section: WATAHA_4_52_1, Plot Owner: MEHLE, FAMILYMELCHAR, Bert L., Buried: 10-03-1957, Age: 53, Section: MUIR_423_1_4, Plot Owner: MELCHAR, MRS BERTMELCHAR, Ruth Irene, Buried: 12/30/1983, Age: 83, Section: MUIR_423_1_2, Plot Owner: MELCHAR, MRS BERTMELDRIN, William, Buried: 09-10-1925, Age: 52, Section: JAMES_366_6_1, Plot Owner: MELDRIN, MRS W HMELEFSKI, Ronisle, Section: PARK_35_5_4, Plot Owner: MELEFSKI, RONISLEMELENDREZ, June Carter, Buried: 09-05-1968, Age: 45, Section: LAUZER_421_10_3, Plot Owner: MELENDREZ, RMELI, Dominick, Buried: 02-07-1970, Age: 52, Section: LUDVIGS_248_1_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONMELINAR, Mable, Buried: 09/25/1946, Age: 7, Section: ODONNE_215_6_4, Plot Owner: GARDNER, DANIELMELINKOVICH, Emma, Buried: 12/16/2013, Age: 92, Section: NELSON_29_2X_3, Plot Owner: MELINKOVICH, JOSEPH M.MELINKOVICH, Joe, Buried: 08/22/1992, Age: 31, Section: NELSON_29_2X_1, Plot Owner: MELINKOVICH, JOEMELINKOVICH, Joseph M., Buried: 05/31/2008, Age: 92, Section: NELSON_29_2X_2, Plot Owner: MELINKOVICH, JOSEPH M.MELINKOVICH, Michael, Buried: 05/30/2009, Age: 57, Section: NELSON_29_3X_1, Plot Owner: MELINKOVICH, JOSEPH M.MELLEN, Mae, Buried: 09/20/1938, Age: 45, Section: ODONNE_123_3_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMELLOR, Charles, Buried: 01/14/1930, Age: 63, Section: OSSELTO_361_6_4, Plot Owner: MELLOR, CHARLIEMELTON, Guy, Buried: 09/14/1949, Age: 39, Section: ROE_76_17_3, Plot Owner: MELTON, MRS EDMUNDMELTON, Lillie, Buried: 11-04-1949, Age: 44, Section: ROE_76_17_2, Plot Owner: MELTON, MRS EDMUNDMEMOVICH, Anna, Buried: 03/16/1961, Age: 63, Section: EDGAR_83_11_2, Plot Owner: MEMOVICH, MRS PAULMEMOVICH, Paul W., Buried: 10/27/1948, Age: 53, Section: EDGAR_83_11_3, Plot Owner: MEMOVICH, MRS PAULMEMOVICH, Robert Paul, Buried: 03-03-1989, Age: 60, Section: EDGAR_83_11_5, Plot Owner: MEMOVICH, ROBERT PAULMENAPACE, Carla, Buried: 09/26/2009, Age: 92, Section: KENDALL_44_8_4, Plot Owner: MENAPACE, CARLAMENAPACE, Charles, Buried: 08/13/1962, Age: 77, Section: EDGAR_63_5_2, Plot Owner: MENAPACE, CHARLESMENAPACE, Charles L., Buried: 01/21/1991, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_44_8_3, Plot Owner: MENAPACE, CHARLES L.MENAPACE, Kate, Buried: 06-06-1943, Age: 51, Section: EDGAR_63_5_1, Plot Owner: MENAPACE, KATEMENAPACE, Leo, Buried: 07-08-1940, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_44_8_3, Plot Owner: MENAPACE, CHARLES L.MENGHINI, Adolph "Dutch", Buried: 05/28/2008, Age: 84, Section: WATAHA_2_18_1, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, FRANCES FANNIMENGHINI, Andrew, Buried: 06/18/1952, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_33_3_2, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, ANDREWMENGHINI, Angela, Buried: 04/13/1944, Age: 74, Section: KENDALL_45_8_2, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, ANGELAMENGHINI, Angelo J., Buried: 01/31/1976, Age: 90, Section: WATAHA_2_16_1, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, ANGELO J.MENGHINI, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 0, Section: PARK_126_1_4, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, ANNAMENGHINI, Anna, Buried: 01-11-1997, Age: 89, Section: KENDALL_27_5_1, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, FELIXMENGHINI, August, Buried: 05-04-1964, Age: 58, Section: LUDVIGS_249_3_4, Plot Owner: AERIE #151, FOEMENGHINI, August, Buried: 09/30/2003, Age: 81, Section: PARK_124_6_3, Plot Owner: PENTILA, ARTHUR A.MENGHINI, Celeste, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 45, Section: ODONNE_190_5_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, ANDREAS HOFERMENGHINI, Clara, Buried: 05/26/2005, Age: 94, Section: OBLOCK_8_399_1, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, VICTORMENGHINI, Costantina, Buried: 07-11-1964, Age: 68, Section: PARK_124_6_2, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, COSTANTINAMENGHINI, David, Buried: 10/23/1928, Age: 52, Section: BUNNING_112_1_2, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEMENGHINI, Egidio, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 36, Section: PARK_124_6_1, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, EGIDIOMENGHINI, Emmett E., Buried: 02-08-1962, Age: 62, Section: NELSON_118_1_2, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, EMMETT E.MENGHINI, Ester, Buried: 04/15/1916, Age: 2, Section: KENDALL_27_5_4, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, FELIXMENGHINI, Fausto, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 34, Section: WATAHA_5A_6_4, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, FAUSTOMENGHINI, Felix, Buried: 06-06-1944, Age: 64, Section: KENDALL_27_5_3, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, FELIXMENGHINI, Frances Fanni, Buried: 10/30/1991, Age: 98, Section: WATAHA_2_17_1, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, FRANCES FANNIMENGHINI, Fred, Buried: 07/16/1970, Age: 49, Section: WATAHA_5_47_1, Plot Owner: GEORGIS, VIRGINIAMENGHINI, Fred, Buried: 10/20/1969, Age: 61, Section: PARK_121_26_1, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, FREDMENGHINI, Freddie, Buried: 07-08-1957, Age: 19, Section: PARK_121_26_2, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, FREDMENGHINI, Hazel M, Buried: 07-10-2003, Age: 94, Section: NELSON_118_1_3, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, HAZEL MMENGHINI, Henry, Buried: 12-12-2003, Age: 93, Section: NELSON_46_1_4, Plot Owner: CASERIO, JAMES J.MENGHINI, Herman, Buried: 02/13/1974, Age: 83, Section: PARK_126_1_2, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, HERMANMENGHINI, John, Buried: 10/30/1967, Age: 84, Section: WATAHA_5_46_1, Plot Owner: GEORGIS, VIRGINIAMENGHINI, John B., Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 61, Section: NELSON_46_1_1, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, JOHN B.MENGHINI, Josephine, Buried: 01-01-1943, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_27_5_2, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, FELIXMENGHINI, Leno, Buried: 08/29/1983, Age: 77, Section: KENDALL_45_8_4, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, LENOMENGHINI, Lina, Buried: 04-10-1963, Age: 84, Section: NELSON_46_1_2, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, LINAMENGHINI, Madeline, Buried: 10/18/1979, Age: 67, Section: PARK_121_26_3, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, FREDMENGHINI, Margaret Ann, Buried: 06-01-1938, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_118_2_4, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, MARGARET ANNMENGHINI, Maria, Buried: 09/20/1910, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_91_3_1, Plot Owner: REDRIDERS, LODGE #5IOMENGHINI, Marilyn Mae, Buried: 05-01-1950, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_118_2_3, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, MARILYN MAEMENGHINI, Mary, Buried: 04/13/1948, Age: 66, Section: KENDALL_33_3_3, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, MARYMENGHINI, Mary, Buried: 04/22/1966, Age: 66, Section: PARK_126_1_3, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, MARYMENGHINI, Peter, Buried: 09-04-1943, Age: 77, Section: KENDALL_45_8_3, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, PETERMENGHINI, Renaldo Raffaele Dr., Buried: 12/27/1996, Age: 88, Section: KENDALL_45_7_3, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, RENALDO RAFFAELE DR.MENGHINI, Rose, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 49, Section: WATAHA_5_48_1, Plot Owner: GEORGIS, VIRGINIAMENGHINI, Sandra Sue, Buried: 06-02-1950, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_45_7_1, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, SANDRA SUEMENGHINI, Victor, Age: 101, Section: KENDALL_47_7_4, Plot Owner: MAESTAS, ALFONSOMENGHINI, Victor, Buried: 10/21/1999, Age: 101, Section: OBLOCK_8_398_1, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, VICTORMENGHINI, Victor, Buried: 09-08-1959, Age: 101, Section: UNKNOWN_1_1_1, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNMENGHINI, William A., Buried: 06/26/1993, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_46_1_3, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, WILLIAM A.MENGONI, Ann, Buried: 10-02-1970, Age: 71, Section: CROATIA_11_2_2, Plot Owner: SCHLACTER, OLGAMENGONI, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 57, Section: CROATIA_11_2_1, Plot Owner: MOSS, ELIZABETH H.MENGONI, Henry, Buried: 01-01-1909, Age: 12, Section: CROATIA_11_2_4, Plot Owner: HAFNER, CARLMENGONI, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1970, Age: 71, Section: CROATIA_11_2_3, Plot Owner: HAFNER, CARLMENGONI, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1957, Age: 62, Section: CROATIA_11_2_2, Plot Owner: SCHLACTER, OLGAMENGONI, Virginia, Buried: 01-01-1949, Age: 79, Section: CROATIA_11_2_3, Plot Owner: HAFNER, CARLMENKINEY, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 6, Section: PARK_42_1_2, Plot Owner: MENKINEY, FRANKMENKINEY, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 49, Section: PARK_42_1_3, Plot Owner: MENKINEY, FRANKMENKINEY, Herman, Buried: 10/15/1977, Age: 72, Section: PARK_42_2_3, Plot Owner: MENKINEY, HERMANMENKINEY, Josephine, Buried: 10/15/1966, Age: 83, Section: PARK_42_1_4, Plot Owner: MENKINEY, FRANKMENKINEY, Madeline, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 16, Section: PARK_42_2_4, Plot Owner: MENKINEY, HERMANMENKINEY, William, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 29, Section: PARK_42_1_1, Plot Owner: MENKINEY, FRANKMERCER, Henry, Buried: 11/25/1993, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_161_3_1, Plot Owner: MERCER, HENRYMEREDITH, Zora, Buried: 09/21/1993, Age: 60, Section: BUNNING_104_1_4, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEMERLONE, Catherine, Buried: 05/15/2002, Age: 96, Section: WEST_7_295_1, Plot Owner: MERLONE, KATIEMERLONE, Charles, Buried: 05-07-1973, Age: 19, Section: MUIR_423_6_3, Plot Owner: MERLONE, CHARLESMERLONE, Dovie Elaine, Buried: 05/24/1958, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_423_6_4, Plot Owner: MERLONE, CHARLESMERLONE, Frank, Buried: 12/29/1982, Age: 93, Section: WEST_7_296_1, Plot Owner: MERLONE, FRANKMERLONE, Thora Jean, Buried: 10/15/2016, Age: 86, Section: MUIR_423_6_2, Plot Owner: MERLONE, CHARLESMERRATT, Harry, Buried: 08-03-1960, Age: 81, Section: ODONNE_191_4_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMERRELL, Kenneth L., Buried: 10/18/1995, Age: 47, Section: OBLOCK_8_220_1, Plot Owner: MERRELL, LOWELLMERRELL, Roger, Age: 60, Section: OBLOCK_8_221_1, Plot Owner: MERRELL, LOWELLMERRIL, Rodger Wm, Buried: 02-03-1969, Age: 2, Section: PARKER_259_1_4, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDMERRILL, Dorothy May, Buried: 02/15/1926, Age: 3, Section: JAMES_346_3_1, Plot Owner: MERRILL, JWMERRILL, James Ealy Jr., , Buried: 04/26/1989, Age: 17, Section: WEST_7_413_1, Plot Owner: RAYMOND, ADELAMERRILL, Linda Kathleen, Buried: 01/15/1949, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_38_5_4, Plot Owner: MERRILL, LINDA KATHLEENMERRILL, Robert K., Buried: 01-03-1979, Age: 0, Section: PARK_111_6_1, Plot Owner: MERRILL, BABY ROBERT K.MERRITT, Chance, Buried: 04/25/2005, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_14, Plot Owner: MERRITT, CHANCEMERRITT, Patiance, Buried: 10/17/2006, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_14, Plot Owner: MERRITT, CHANCEMERRYMAN, Herbert E., Buried: 12-10-1974, Age: 72, Section: WATAHA_2_102_1, Plot Owner: MERRYMAN, MARY A.MERRYMAN, Mary A., Buried: 01/20/1998, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_2_103_1, Plot Owner: MERRYMAN, MARY A.MESSICK, Chance, Buried: 08/19/2005, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_25, Plot Owner: MESSICK, CHANCEMESTAS, Fidel J., Buried: 04/16/1973, Age: 94, Section: WATAHA_5_97_1, Plot Owner: BEVERIDGE, KENNETHMESTAS, Louis, Buried: 06-09-1978, Age: 60, Section: NELSON_120_17_4, Plot Owner: MESTAS, LOUISMESTAS, Manuelita, Buried: 08/29/1957, Age: 72, Section: NELSON_120_17_3, Plot Owner: MESTAS, MANUELITAMESTAS, Robert Floyd, Buried: 01-11-1942, Age: 1, Section: OSSELTO_356_7_4, Plot Owner: MESTAS, LEOMETELKO, Dora L., Buried: 05/30/2008, Age: 92, Section: KENDALL_22_3_4, Plot Owner: METELKO, JOHN & DORAMETELKO, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 20, Section: PARK_15_2_4, Plot Owner: METELKO, FRANKMETELKO, John L., Buried: 05/30/2008, Age: 77, Section: KENDALL_22_3_4, Plot Owner: METELKO, JOHN & DORAMETELKO, Louis, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 55, Section: PARK_15_2_3, Plot Owner: METELKO, LOUISMETELKO, Louis J., Buried: 01/22/1972, Age: 68, Section: PARK_15_1_1, Plot Owner: METELKO, LOUIS J.METELKO, Margaret, Buried: 06/24/1992, Age: 84, Section: PARK_15_1_2, Plot Owner: METELKO, MARGARETMETELKO, Wilhelmina, Buried: 05-05-1960, Age: 81, Section: PARK_15_2_2, Plot Owner: METELKO, WILHELMINAMETRO, Jack Brute, Buried: 08/14/1969, Age: 81, Section: LUDVIGS_249_2_3, Plot Owner: AERIE #151, FOEMEYER, Catherine M., Buried: 11-08-2002, Age: 46, Section: OBLOCK_8_387_1, Plot Owner: MEYER, CATHERINE M.MEYER, Douglas E., Buried: 02-04-1948, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_63_16_3, Plot Owner: MANNING, RAYMONDMEYERS, Fred F, Buried: 07/31/1967, Age: 65, Section: YOUNG_425_5_4, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENMEZEK, Alyce, Buried: 08-06-1957, Age: 61, Section: NELSON_119_16_2, Plot Owner: MEZEK, ANTONMEZEK, Anton, Buried: 12-10-1965, Age: 76, Section: NELSON_119_16_1, Plot Owner: MEZEK, ANTONMICHELLI, Giovanni, Buried: 02/24/1932, Age: 50, Section: ODONNE_190_6_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, ANDREAS HOFERMICHELLI, Serafina, Buried: 12/30/1965, Age: 85, Section: ODONNE_190_6_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, ANDREAS HOFERMICKLESEN, Hans, Buried: 09/16/1952, Age: 67, Section: OSSELTO_L_6_1, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENMICKLICH, Evelyn, Buried: 03/29/2000, Age: 61, Section: CROATIA_L_6X_2, Plot Owner: MICKLICH, TOM & EVELYNMIDDLETON, George H., Buried: 08/30/1963, Age: 52, Section: MUIR_423_38_2, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERMIERA, Jose A., Buried: 08/26/1926, Age: 24, Section: PARK_34_1_2, Plot Owner: MIERA, JOSE A.MIHANOVICH, Ljubica, Buried: 10-06-1997, Age: 91, Section: CROATIA_3_8_3, Plot Owner: MIHANOVICH, LJUBICAMIHANOVICH, Philip, Buried: 04-08-1986, Age: 65, Section: CROATIA_3_8_2, Plot Owner: MIHANOVICH, PHILIPMIHANOVICH, Virginia, Buried: 06/28/2013, Age: 81, Section: CROATIA_3_8_2, Plot Owner: MIHANOVICH, PHILIPMIJOCOVICH, John, Buried: 11-10-1965, Age: 77, Section: PARKER_285_7_2, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDMIKI, Gust, Buried: 12/28/1942, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_337_7_1, Plot Owner: MAKI, ELIASMIKKELSON, Herman, Buried: 12-08-1940, Age: 51, Section: ODONNE_142_3_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMIKKI, U., Buried: 03/24/1912, Age: 26, Section: LUDVIGS_271_6_2, Plot Owner: MIKKI, U.MIKLANCIC, Albina A., Buried: 10/23/1973, Age: 70, Section: WATAHA_5_41_1, Plot Owner: MIKLANCIC, LUCASMIKLANCIC, Lucas, Buried: 12/19/1975, Age: 84, Section: WATAHA_5_40_1, Plot Owner: MIKLANCIC, LUCASMIKLAUCIC, Josef, Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 74, Section: KENDALL_46_1_1, Plot Owner: MIKLAUCIC, JOSEFMILBURN, James, Buried: 05/13/1960, Age: 42, Section: BUNNING_111_6_1, Plot Owner: MILBURN, MRS JAMESMILBURN, Pvt. Joseph W., Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 26, Section: BUNNING_111_6_2, Plot Owner: MILBURN, MRS JAMESMILES, Inez, Buried: 06-10-1958, Age: 83, Section: LUDVIGS_256_5_1, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFMILES, Jesse D., Buried: 02/22/1952, Age: 80, Section: LUDVIGS_256_5_1, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFMILES, Sally, Buried: 04/14/1913, Age: 19, Section: ODONNE_139_1_2, Plot Owner: SHERIDAN, AJMILESOVICH, Sam, Buried: 12/13/1962, Age: 76, Section: PARKER_246_4_2, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDMILETICH, Dujo, Buried: 06-01-1955, Age: 72, Section: NELSON_27_1_2, Plot Owner: MILETICH, DUJOMILETICH, Mile, Buried: 12/21/1963, Age: 84, Section: NELSON_93_3_3, Plot Owner: MILETICH, MILEMILINIX, Elvira R., Buried: 06-08-2004, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_129_7_4, Plot Owner: MULINIX, JOHNMILLER, Amelia, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 63, Section: BUNNING_133_6_3, Plot Owner: MILLER, MRS CLARAMILLER, Anna B., Buried: 05/28/2004, Age: 80, Section: KENDALL_23_1_4, Plot Owner: MILLER, ANNIEMILLER, Annie, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 36, Section: ODONNE_148_7_4, Plot Owner: QUINN, JOHNMILLER, Buela, Buried: 04/26/1932, Age: 33, Section: JAMES_350_3_2, Plot Owner: HOWELLS, MRS JOHN BMILLER, Catherine E., Buried: 09/16/1995, Age: 87, Section: JAMES_349_2_2, Plot Owner: MILLER SR, JOEMILLER, Clara, Buried: 12-03-1976, Age: 89, Section: BUNNING_134_2_4, Plot Owner: BEVERAGE, ALEXANDERMILLER, David, Buried: 01-03-1906, Age: 50, Section: BUNNING_85_8_3, Plot Owner: MILLER, DMILLER, Delores, Buried: 07-03-2006, Age: 71, Section: EDGAR_64_15_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMILLER, Earl A., Buried: 10/19/2004, Age: 70, Section: EDGAR_64_15_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMILLER, Eliza, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 70, Section: LUDVIGS_254_2_3, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, MARY L.MILLER, Elizabeth B., Buried: 01/27/1951, Age: 85, Section: OSSELTO_360_8_2, Plot Owner: PASTOR, STEVEMILLER, Fidlia, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 38, Section: PARK_109_5_4, Plot Owner: MILLER, FIDLIAMILLER, Frank, Buried: 08-04-1924, Age: 32, Section: LUDVIGS_275_2_1, Plot Owner: MILLER, FRANKMILLER, Fred E., Buried: 01/27/1937, Age: 42, Section: OSSELTO_358_8_4, Plot Owner: MILLER, MRS FREDMILLER, George B., Buried: 05/17/1934, Age: 70, Section: OSSELTO_360_8_3, Plot Owner: MILLER, GEORGEMILLER, Henretta, Buried: 10/27/1908, Age: 37, Section: ODONNE_140_4_2, Plot Owner: WILLIAMS, WM RMILLER, Henry B., Buried: 03/26/1948, Age: 54, Section: ODONNE_167_5_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMILLER, Jack, Buried: 05/25/1938, Age: 64, Section: LUDVIGS_253_2_4, Plot Owner: DARLING, BABY OF OSCARMILLER, Jack E, Buried: 09/30/1981, Age: 39, Section: JAMES_349_1_2, Plot Owner: MILLER JR, JOEMILLER, Jackie, Buried: 03-10-1951, Age: 38, Section: ROE_70_17_3, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENMILLER, James, Buried: 11-07-1951, Age: 68, Section: BUNNING_133_6_2, Plot Owner: MILLER, MRS CLARAMILLER, Joe, Buried: 11/25/1920, Age: 27, Section: PARKER_294_6_3, Plot Owner: MILLER, JOEMILLER, Joeie, Buried: 03/30/1929, Age: 3, Section: JAMES_349_1_1, Plot Owner: MILLER JR, JOEMILLER, John C., Buried: 10/27/1973, Age: 74, Section: EDGAR_82_17_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMILLER, John C., Age: 74, Section: EDGAR_82_17_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMILLER, John Jr., Buried: 06-10-1938, Age: 27, Section: LUDVIGS_254_7_3, Plot Owner: YUTHAS, ANNAMILLER, Joseph F., Buried: 06/24/1987, Age: 81, Section: JAMES_349_2_3, Plot Owner: MILLER SR, JOEMILLER, Joseph H., Buried: 12-04-1967, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_160_2_4, Plot Owner: MILLER, JOSEPH H.MILLER, Joseph Sr., , Buried: 08-01-1943, Age: 73, Section: JAMES_349_2_4, Plot Owner: MILLER SR, JOEMILLER, Lucila, Buried: 09/23/1939, Age: 52, Section: LUDVIGS_253_5_3, Plot Owner: MILLER, LUCILAMILLER, Marilyn Alice, Buried: 10/29/2004, Age: 78, Section: OBLOCK_8_516_1, Plot Owner: MILLER, MARILYN ALICEMILLER, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 40, Section: WATAHA_I_1_2, Plot Owner: MILLER, JOHN T.MILLER, Matthew, Buried: 08/29/1949, Age: 52, Section: EDGAR_82_5_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMILLER, Maxine, Buried: 06/13/1920, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_133_6_4, Plot Owner: MILLER, MRS CLARAMILLER, Mike, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 32, Section: LUDVIGS_275_2_1, Plot Owner: MILLER, FRANKMILLER, Paul, Buried: 07/22/1955, Age: 52, Section: ODONNE_142_4_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMILLER, Pete, Buried: 11/25/1945, Age: 67, Section: ODONNE_117_3_3, Plot Owner: MOLLER, CHRISMILLER, W. R. Child Of, Buried: 06-01-1908, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_181_1_3, Plot Owner: LEASON, MARKMILLER, William H, Buried: 09-04-1969, Age: 39, Section: JAMES_349_1_4, Plot Owner: MILLER JR, JOEMILLER, William Robert, Buried: 06/22/1925, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_274_8_1, Plot Owner: AULD, ARCHIEMILLER, Wilson, Buried: 07/31/1940, Age: 70, Section: ODONNE_142_6_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMILLIKEN, Nancy, Buried: 04-07-2004, Age: 71, Section: CROATIA_5_3_1, Plot Owner: MILLIKEN, NANCYMILLS, Baby, Buried: 01-01-1954, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_402_27_4, Plot Owner: MILLS JR, DONALDMILLS, Ernest Lee, Buried: 08-09-1996, Age: 42, Section: MUIR_402_27_2, Plot Owner: MILLS JR, DONALDMILLS, Gladys R., Buried: 10/29/1971, Age: 80, Section: BUNNING_130_3_2, Plot Owner: WARBURTON, UNKNOWNMILLS, Jessie Leona, Buried: 03/23/1998, Age: 84, Section: MUIR_402_27_3, Plot Owner: MILLS JR, DONALDMILLS, Mary F., Buried: 03/18/1986, Age: 58, Section: WEST_7_435_1, Plot Owner: MILLS, SAMUELMILLS, Patrick Donald, Buried: 09/26/1953, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_402_27_5, Plot Owner: MILLS JR, DONALDMILLS, Robert Donald, Buried: 02/23/1993, Age: 80, Section: BUNNING_130_3_4, Plot Owner: WARBURTON, UNKNOWNMILLS, Robert Donald Jr., , Buried: 06-05-1994, Age: 58, Section: MUIR_402_27_4, Plot Owner: MILLS JR, DONALDMILLS, Stephanie, Buried: 09/21/1950, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_324_8_3, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, PETERMILLS, Thomas E., Age: 17, Section: BUNNING_130_3_1, Plot Owner: WARBURTON, UNKNOWNMILLS, Walter, Buried: 06/28/1971, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_130_3_3, Plot Owner: WARBURTON, UNKNOWNMILOFF, Elsie, Buried: 08-10-1987, Age: 88, Section: WEST_7_495_1, Plot Owner: MILOFF, LEOMILOFF, Leo, Buried: 12/15/2012, Age: 81, Section: COLUMB_NORTH_1_4, Plot Owner: RAMIREZ, JOHNNYMILOJEVICH, Florence, Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 22, Section: PARK_65_3_4, Plot Owner: MILOJEVICH, FLORENCEMILOMAS, John Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_315_7_1, Plot Owner: MILOMAS JR., JOHNMILOMAS, John T., Buried: 06/13/1940, Age: 45, Section: OSSELTO_315_7_3, Plot Owner: MILOMAS, JOHN T.MILOMAS, Stanley, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_315_7_4, Plot Owner: MILOMAS, STANLEYMILONAS, Gus S., Buried: 09/29/1940, Age: 46, Section: OSSELTO_314_5_3, Plot Owner: STOKICH, PETERMILONAS, Lucy C., Buried: 08-11-1969, Age: 77, Section: OSSELTO_314_5_1, Plot Owner: STOKICH, PETERMILONAS, Paul G., Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 1, Section: OSSELTO_314_5_4, Plot Owner: STOKICH, PETERMILONAS, Paula Ann, Buried: 10/18/1952, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_314_6_4, Plot Owner: MILONAS, MRS GUSMILOS, Chas, Buried: 03/20/1929, Age: 42, Section: PARK_114_7_4, Plot Owner: MILOS, CHASMILOSEVICH, Sam Spase, Buried: 06/20/1964, Age: 78, Section: MUIR_403_28_4, Plot Owner: ZAKOVICH, MIKEMILTNOVICH, Ella, Buried: 01/17/2002, Age: 99, Section: JAMES_347_2_2, Plot Owner: MILTNOVICH, EMILMILTNOVICH, Emil, Buried: 05/30/1942, Age: 49, Section: JAMES_347_2_3, Plot Owner: MILTNOVICH, EMILMILTNOVICH, Emil, Buried: 06/13/2006, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_9_3_1, Plot Owner: MILTNOVICH, EMIL MAXMILTNOVICH, Emil Max, Buried: 09/25/1971, Age: 18, Section: CROATIA_9_3_1, Plot Owner: MILTNOVICH, EMIL MAXMILTNOVICH, Mary, Buried: 12/15/1925, Age: 1, Section: JAMES_347_2_1, Plot Owner: MILTNOVICH, MARYMINGE, Richard E., Buried: 10/28/1949, Age: 43, Section: EDGAR_82_15_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMINHONDO, Jeanne Larre, Buried: 10-09-1990, Age: 35, Section: NELSON_29_8X_2, Plot Owner: MINHONDO, PIERREMINHONDO, Mary, Buried: 12/21/2013, Age: 77, Section: KENDALL_130_17_4, Plot Owner: MINHONDO, MARY JEANNEMINHONDO, Pierre, Buried: 03/28/1988, Age: 92, Section: NELSON_29_8X_1, Plot Owner: MINHONDO, PIERREMINKA, Vincent, Buried: 06-11-1943, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_30_5_1, Plot Owner: MINKA, VICTORMIRES, Infant Son Of Wo Ans Sw, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_164_4_3, Plot Owner: MILES, W OMIRICH, Andje Raicevich, Buried: 04/16/1991, Age: 90, Section: MUIR_403_41_4, Plot Owner: MIRICH, MRS SAMMIRICH, Dan G., Buried: 10/18/1954, Age: 59, Section: MUIR_402_10_2, Plot Owner: BLUNK, ANNMIRICH, Sam, Buried: 08-02-1952, Age: 66, Section: MUIR_403_41_5, Plot Owner: MIRICH, MRS SAMMIRKOVICH, Dan, Buried: 06-01-1949, Age: 56, Section: ROE_73_6_1, Plot Owner: SEIVERT, TOMMIRRANEN, Abe, Buried: 03/16/1955, Age: 76, Section: ODONNE_147_4_1, Plot Owner: DAVIS, ELIZABETHMISKULIN, Abbey Leigh, Buried: 04-01-1993, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_304_8_4, Plot Owner: HARRIS, G CMISKULIN, Catherine, Buried: 05-09-1947, Age: 57, Section: WATAHA_5A_7_2, Plot Owner: MISKULIN, CATHERINEMISKULIN, Joseph J., Buried: 12-07-1983, Age: 66, Section: WEST_7_337_1, Plot Owner: MISKULIN, LILIANMISKULIN, Lillian R., Buried: 04/19/1991, Age: 74, Section: WEST_7_336_1, Plot Owner: MISKULIN, LILIANMISKULIN, Louis, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 53, Section: WATAHA_5A_8_2, Plot Owner: MISKULIN, LOUISMISKULIN, Mary Ann, Buried: 09/25/1958, Age: 38, Section: WATAHA_5A_7_3, Plot Owner: MISKULIN, MARY ANNMISKULIN, Mary M., Buried: 12-04-1980, Age: 85, Section: WEST_7_133_1, Plot Owner: MISKULIN, MARYMISKULIN, Matt, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 11, Section: WATAHA_5A_8_1, Plot Owner: MISKULIN, MATTMITCHELL, Emma, Buried: 11-04-1998, Age: 92, Section: YOUNG_400_45_3, Plot Owner: MITCHELL, FINIS & MARY J.MITCHELL, Finis Noel, Buried: 11/16/1995, Age: 93, Section: YOUNG_400_45_4, Plot Owner: MITCHELL, FINIS & MARY J.MITCHELL, George I., Buried: 04/27/1984, Age: 89, Section: EDGAR_83_14_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, CANADIANMITCHELL, Henry Reece, Buried: 06/15/1963, Age: 85, Section: YOUNG_400_45_2, Plot Owner: MITCHELL, FINIS & MARY J.MITCHELL, Janet, Buried: 11/26/1991, Age: 94, Section: EDGAR_83_14_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, CANADIANMITCHELL, Mary Josephine, Buried: 03/27/1958, Age: 70, Section: YOUNG_400_45_1, Plot Owner: MITCHELL, FINIS & MARY J.MITCHELL, Steve, Buried: 12-04-1935, Age: 45, Section: PARKER_287_5_3, Plot Owner: WILDERMUTH, LEOMITCHELSON, Alice Jean, Buried: 06/30/1951, Age: 0, Section: ROE_71_8_4, Plot Owner: MITCHELSON, LEOPOLDMITCHELSON, Antonia, Buried: 09-03-2009, Age: 85, Section: KENDALL_25_7_2, Plot Owner: MITCHELSON, ANTONIAMITCHELSON, Barbara, Buried: 06-04-2008, Age: 75, Section: WEST_7_161_1, Plot Owner: MITCHELSON, WILLIAM G.MITCHELSON, Bill "Mitch", Buried: 02-11-1991, Age: 59, Section: WEST_7_163_1, Plot Owner: MITCHELSON, WILLIAM G.MITCHELSON, Bill "Mitch", Buried: 02-11-1991, Age: 59, Section: WEST_7_163_1, Plot Owner: MITCHELSON, WILLIAM G.MITCHELSON, Jack J., Buried: 09-01-2006, Age: 84, Section: KENDALL_25_7_1, Plot Owner: MITCHELSON, JACK J.MITCHELSON, James T., Buried: 05/31/1973, Age: 45, Section: YOUNG_401_39_4, Plot Owner: MITCHELSON, JAMES T.MITCHELSON, Jeanine, Buried: 06-09-1981, Age: 20, Section: WEST_7_162_1, Plot Owner: MITCHELSON, WILLIAM GMITCHELSON, Leopold, Buried: 02-07-1973, Age: 46, Section: ROE_71_8_3, Plot Owner: MITCHELSON, LEOPOLDMITCHELSON, Patsy J., Buried: 08/13/2003, Age: 80, Section: ROE_71_8_2, Plot Owner: MITCHELSON, PATSY J.MITCHELSON, Randi B., Buried: 01/17/1955, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_401_39_4, Plot Owner: MITCHELSON, JAMES T.MITCHELSON, Thomas, Buried: 04-07-2017, Age: 64, Section: ROE_71_8_1, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNMIVSEK, Jack, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 72, Section: PARK_79_7_1, Plot Owner: MIVSEK, JACKMIVSEK, Martin, Buried: 01/19/1978, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_3_22_1, Plot Owner: MIVSEK, MARTINMIVSHEK, Anna, Buried: 10-01-1993, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_A_26_4, Plot Owner: MIVSHEK, ANNAMIVSHEK, Jennie M., Buried: 08-02-1972, Age: 31, Section: WATAHA_5_11_1, Plot Owner: MIVSHEK, WILLIAMMIVSHEK, Jerry, Buried: 06/30/1959, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_A_26_3, Plot Owner: MIVSHEK, JERRYMIVSHEK, Michael, Buried: 12/19/1964, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_400_46_1, Plot Owner: MACY, JIMMIVSHEK, Michael J., Buried: 09/23/1981, Age: 0, Section: WEST_7_207_1, Plot Owner: MACY, JAMES A.MLINAR, Charles, Buried: 04/17/1999, Age: 84, Section: NELSON_127_13_3, Plot Owner: MLINAR, MARYMLINAR, Iggy, Buried: 11/23/1992, Age: 75, Section: OSSELTO_O_5_3, Plot Owner: MLINAR, IGGYMLINAR, Iggy, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_127_13_1, Plot Owner: MLINAR, MARYMLINAR, Joe J., Buried: 11/20/1986, Age: 69, Section: YOUNG_424_33X_2, Plot Owner: MLINAR, VIOLAMLINAR, Joe J., Buried: 11/20/1986, Age: 69, Section: YOUNG_424_33X_2, Plot Owner: MLINAR, VIOLAMLINAR, Mabel M., Buried: 09/25/1946, Age: 7, Section: OSSELTO_O_5_4, Plot Owner: MLINAR, IGGYMLINAR, Mary, Buried: 04/26/1971, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_127_13_2, Plot Owner: MLINAR, MARYMLINAR, Viola, Buried: 09/25/1995, Age: 78, Section: YOUNG_424_33X_1, Plot Owner: MLINAR, VIOLAMLINAR, Viola, Buried: 09/25/1995, Age: 78, Section: YOUNG_424_33X_1, Plot Owner: MLINAR, VIOLAMLINAR, Zella, Buried: 12-10-2004, Age: 84, Section: OSSELTO_O_5_2, Plot Owner: MLINAR, IGGYMOANADEAN, Mike, Buried: 01/27/1922, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_295_3_4, Plot Owner: MOANADEAN, MIKEMOBELY, A. A., Buried: 08/15/1931, Age: 42, Section: OSSELTO_361_8_3, Plot Owner: MOBELY, A AMOCELLIN, Frank A., Buried: 04-05-1969, Age: 74, Section: PARK_125_15_1, Plot Owner: MOCELLIN, FRANK A.MOCELLIN, Mary L., Buried: 03/22/1965, Age: 65, Section: PARK_125_15_2, Plot Owner: MOCELLIN, MARY L.MODARELLI, Linda R., Buried: 06/30/2001, Age: 96, Section: KENDALL_30_1_3, Plot Owner: MODARELLI, LINDA R.MODESTO, Mike, Buried: 01-01-1965, Age: 84, Section: KENDALL_20_11_3, Plot Owner: ZANONI, CASEROMOEDL, Karl, Buried: 06/13/2006, Age: 87, Section: BUNNING_161_7_3, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, JMMOEDL, Mildred V., Buried: 06/13/2006, Age: 99, Section: BUNNING_161_7_3, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, JMMOELLER, Rebecca, Buried: 11-12-2009, Age: 47, Section: KAUMO_10_42_1, Plot Owner: MOELLER, MIKEMOELLER, Rudy C., Buried: 04-02-1975, Age: 64, Section: JAMES_306_3_2, Plot Owner: MOELLER, RUDY C.MOFFITT, Baby, Buried: 01/17/1911, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_186_4_1, Plot Owner: HARRISON, JOHNMOFFITT, Elmer, Buried: 06/16/1941, Age: 79, Section: BUNNING_186_3_1, Plot Owner: HARRISON, JOHNMOFFITT, Horace O., Buried: 07/29/1934, Age: 27, Section: BUNNING_186_3_2, Plot Owner: HARRISON, JOHNMOFFITT, Irene, Buried: 03/28/1960, Age: 63, Section: BUNNING_186_4_2, Plot Owner: HARRISON, JOHNMOLLER, Rudy Carl, Buried: 07-11-2009, Age: 71, Section: YOUNG_425_48_2, Plot Owner: MOELLER, RUDY C.MONDRAGON, Edwardo J., Buried: 05/24/1968, Age: 64, Section: PARK_126_9_1, Plot Owner: MONDRAGON, EDWARDO J.MONDRAGON, Mary, Buried: 07-03-1992, Age: 68, Section: OBLOCK_8_42_1, Plot Owner: MONDRAGON, JOE F.MONDRAGON, Vincent J., Buried: 04/28/2004, Age: 55, Section: OBLOCK_8_509_1, Plot Owner: MONDRAGON, INCENT & EDITHMONDRAGON, Virginia S., Buried: 08/13/1971, Age: 20, Section: WATAHA_4_99_1, Plot Owner: KAMENSKI, ELSIE R.MONGONI, Bert, Buried: 02/17/1950, Age: 71, Section: OSSELTO_356_3_4, Plot Owner: GONZALES, FREDMONOS, Gus, Buried: 05-10-1936, Age: 45, Section: PARKER_292_6_3, Plot Owner: SEMOS, MIKEMONROE, James, Buried: 06/15/2012, Age: 50, Section: KAUMO_10_53_1, Plot Owner: MONROE, HAROLD R.MONROE, Wanda A, Buried: 08-12-2015, Age: 83, Section: KAUMO_10_52_1, Plot Owner: MONROE, HAROLD R.MONROE-TIPP, Diana C., Buried: 09-09-1999, Age: 39, Section: OBLOCK_8_396_1, Plot Owner: TIPP, GEORGE & CLARAMONSON, Peter, Buried: 12/23/1943, Age: 64, Section: OSSELTO_338_2_4, Plot Owner: LARSEN, GUSTMONTANO, Gloria, Buried: 10/16/1947, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_47_2_1, Plot Owner: MONTANO, GLORIAMONTEITH, James E., Buried: 04/24/1932, Age: 43, Section: PARKER_269_4_4, Plot Owner: UNION 8078, LOCALMONTGOMERY, Baby, Buried: 06-08-1954, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_264_1_1, Plot Owner: FRENCH, MRS CHARLESMONTOYA, Adeline, Buried: 06/23/2015, Age: 85, Section: KENDALL_B_13_2, Plot Owner: MONTOYA, LUCIANOMONTOYA, Baby, Buried: 09/17/1951, Age: 0, Section: ROE_73_9_4, Plot Owner: MONTOYA, ALBINOMONTOYA, Floyd, Buried: 07-12-1962, Age: 11, Section: KENDALL_B_13_3, Plot Owner: MONTOYA, FLOYDMONTOYA, Joseph, Buried: 10/23/1968, Age: 18, Section: KENDALL_B_13_4, Plot Owner: MONTOYA, JOSEPHMONTOYA, Luciano, Buried: 04-09-1981, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_B_13_1, Plot Owner: MONTOYA, LUCIANOMONTOYA, Priscella L., Buried: 07/27/1968, Age: 26, Section: PARK_126_10_2, Plot Owner: MONTOYA, PRISCELLA L.MOON, Charles Gumby, Buried: 04/26/2003, Age: 40, Section: KENDALL_129_27_1, Plot Owner: MOON, CHARLES GUMBYMOON, Clara M., Buried: 05/14/1955, Age: 70, Section: ODONNE_217_3_2, Plot Owner: MOON SR, MRS WILLIAMMOON, Linda C., Buried: 08-02-1995, Age: 85, Section: PARKER_264_4_1, Plot Owner: COKE, MRS DAVIDMOON, William, Buried: 11-02-1984, Age: 74, Section: PARKER_264_4_2, Plot Owner: COKE, MRS DAVIDMOON, William, Buried: 10/23/1944, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_217_3_3, Plot Owner: MOON SR, MRS WILLIAMMOON, Zelpha, Buried: 11-05-1960, Age: 53, Section: ODONNE_217_3_1, Plot Owner: MOON SR, MRS WILLIAMMOORE, Bertha E., Buried: 01/16/1969, Age: 85, Section: OSSELTO_307_5_2, Plot Owner: MOORE, GEORGEMOORE, C. F., Buried: 01/31/1923, Age: 72, Section: LUDVIGS_297_8_4, Plot Owner: MOORE, C. F.MOORE, Charles B., Buried: 08-08-1927, Age: 55, Section: PARKER_288_2_1, Plot Owner: MOORE, CHAS BMOORE, George E., Buried: 02-09-1955, Age: 75, Section: OSSELTO_307_5_4, Plot Owner: MOORE, GEORGEMOORE, John M., Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_184_1_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #12, MASONICMOORE, Lizzie R., Buried: 09/15/1952, Age: 78, Section: JAMES_319_8_1, Plot Owner: RAMSAY, DILLWYNMOORE, Marilou Weimer, Buried: 07/23/1986, Age: 49, Section: WEST_7_450_1, Plot Owner: WEIMER, FRANCESMOORE, Raymond E., Buried: 05-10-1932, Age: 25, Section: OSSELTO_307_5_3, Plot Owner: MOORE, GEORGEMORA, Mario, Buried: 08-02-2008, Age: 41, Section: WATAHA_5_68_1, Plot Owner: MORA SR., TOMMY MAXMORA, Sonny, Buried: 07-12-2002, Age: 45, Section: WATAHA_5_66_1, Plot Owner: MORA SR., TOMMY MAXMORA, Tommy M. Jr., , Buried: 10/24/1974, Age: 19, Section: WATAHA_5_67_1, Plot Owner: MORA SR., TOMMY MAXMORA, Vicki Lynn, Buried: 07/13/2001, Age: 57, Section: YOUNG_400_41X1_2, Plot Owner: MORA, VICKI LYNNMORAD, Donald R., Buried: 09/26/1991, Age: 36, Section: ROE_70_14_2, Plot Owner: FERRERO, JAMES VMORAD, Donna Foote, Buried: 05/17/2011, Age: 90, Section: ROE_70_14_3, Plot Owner: FERRERO, JAMES VMORALES, Micheal Joe, Buried: 11/25/1959, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_A_19_1, Plot Owner: MORALES, ARTUROMORAN, James, Buried: 04-04-1952, Age: 59, Section: MUIR_403_6_4, Plot Owner: KOPASEK, FRANKMORELSON, Johanath, Buried: 07-08-1992, Age: 58, Section: BUNNING_152_5_4, Plot Owner: MORELSON, JMORELSON, John, Buried: 05-07-1930, Age: 66, Section: BUNNING_152_6_4, Plot Owner: MORELSON, JMORENO, Manuel, Buried: 06-06-2014, Age: 70, Section: WEST_7_598_1, Plot Owner: VASE, VASE FUNERAL HOMEMORENO, Pete, Buried: 03/17/1933, Age: 57, Section: OSSELTO_360_5_3, Plot Owner: PALVWIRO, JOEMORGAN, Ben, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 43, Section: EDGAR_80_3_2, Plot Owner: #9, IOOFMORGAN, Eunice, Buried: 01/13/1959, Age: 78, Section: PARKER_263_1_2, Plot Owner: PARFITT, GEORGEMORGAN, Fanny, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 79, Section: EDGAR_80_3_1, Plot Owner: #9, IOOFMORGAN, Harold L., Buried: 08-11-1940, Age: 28, Section: NELSON_69_5_4, Plot Owner: MORGAN, HAROLD L.MORGAN, Hugh G., Buried: 09-03-1940, Age: 47, Section: PARKER_263_1_4, Plot Owner: PARFITT, GEORGEMORGAN, John, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 39, Section: PARK_14_1_1, Plot Owner: MORGAN, JOHNMORGAN, John, Buried: 02/21/1916, Age: 59, Section: ODONNE_100_4_1, Plot Owner: MORGAN, JOHNMORGAN, John, Buried: 10/21/1945, Age: 71, Section: ODONNE_195_2_3, Plot Owner: MORGON, JOHNMORGAN, Sarah, Buried: 01-09-1921, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_100_4_2, Plot Owner: MORGAN, SARAHMORGAN, Sarah Mrs., Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_195_8_2, Plot Owner: SORENSEN, S JMORGAN, Sarah S., Buried: 06-06-1901, Age: 3, Section: BUNNING_152_4_2, Plot Owner: MCTEE, JOHNMORGAN, Verle C., Buried: 01-01-1900, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_104_2_3, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEMORGAN, Wm. F., Age: 40, Section: BUNNING_104_1_1, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEMORGANDO, Edith, Buried: 11/24/1973, Age: 80, Section: KENDALL_B_5_3, Plot Owner: MORGANDO, EDITHMORGANDO, Edward J., Buried: 12/18/1986, Age: 67, Section: KENDALL_B_5_1, Plot Owner: MORGANDO SR., FRED J.MORGANDO, Frank, Buried: 12/24/1960, Age: 72, Section: KENDALL_B_5_2, Plot Owner: MORGANDO, FRANKMORGANDO, Fred J. Sr., Buried: 02-08-1980, Age: 66, Section: KENDALL_B_5_4, Plot Owner: MORGANDO, FRED J. SR.MORGANDO, Fred T., Buried: 05-01-1991, Age: 47, Section: PARK_124_3_1, Plot Owner: MORGANDO, FRED T.MORGON, Harry, Buried: 11/15/1944, Age: 57, Section: EDGAR_80_3_3, Plot Owner: #9, IOOFMORGON, Sarah S., Buried: 07/13/1941, Age: 64, Section: ODONNE_195_2_2, Plot Owner: MORGON, JOHNMORIARTY, Mark E., Buried: 01-09-1982, Age: 43, Section: EDGAR_64_3_5, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNMORINAGA, Jisaburo, Buried: 01-01-1909, Section: LUDVIGS_276_7_2, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEMOROSS, Martha, Buried: 05/24/1955, Age: 38, Section: ODONNE_142_4_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMOROSS, W., Buried: 05/24/1955, Age: 65, Section: ODONNE_142_4_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMORPHY, Sandra Sue, Buried: 06/29/1938, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_358_6_4, Plot Owner: WITCHELL, R RMORRIS, Amiel, Buried: 08-07-1945, Age: 86, Section: OSSELTO_351_1_2, Plot Owner: CARLSON, BETTYMORRIS, Christina, Buried: 11/26/1982, Age: 87, Section: BUNNING_159_1_3, Plot Owner: THAYER, DWIGHT MMORRIS, Donald D., Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_159_2_1, Plot Owner: THAYER, DWIGHT MMORRIS, Dwight F., Buried: 08-06-1919, Age: 53, Section: BUNNING_159_2_2, Plot Owner: THAYER, DWIGHT MMORRIS, Earl, Buried: 12/21/1973, Age: 55, Section: EDGAR_82_2_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMORRIS, Elmer Anthony, Buried: 06-02-2006, Age: 62, Section: EDGAR_64_1_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMORRIS, Elmer J., Buried: 12/27/2007, Age: 85, Section: WATAHA_3_16_1, Plot Owner: MORRIS, ELMER J.MORRIS, Eugene O., Buried: 10/22/1969, Age: 75, Section: BUNNING_159_1_4, Plot Owner: THAYER, DWIGHT MMORRIS, Flossie, Buried: 05-11-1924, Age: 43, Section: LUDVIGS_297_3_1, Plot Owner: MORRIS, FLOSSIEMORRIS, H.B., Buried: 03/31/1949, Age: 72, Section: LUDVIGS_297_3_2, Plot Owner: MORRIS, FLOSSIEMORRIS, Josephine R., Buried: 06/24/1975, Age: 56, Section: WATAHA_3_17_1, Plot Owner: MORRIS, JOSEPHINE R.MORRIS, Mary E., Buried: 06/16/1952, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_159_2_3, Plot Owner: THAYER, DWIGHT MMORRIS, Mary Ellen, Buried: 01/13/2015, Age: 88, Section: WEST_7_147_1, Plot Owner: MORRIS, MARY ELLENMORRIS, Phoebe, Buried: 12/22/1940, Age: 81, Section: PARKER_241_4_2, Plot Owner: CHADWICK, MRS BERTMORRIS, Richard R., Buried: 07-05-1984, Age: 55, Section: WEST_7_148_1, Plot Owner: MORRIS, RICHARD & MARYMORRIS, Robert W., Buried: 02/22/1982, Age: 49, Section: EDGAR_63_6_3, Plot Owner: LEWIS, MRS WILLIAMMORRIS, Thomas J., Buried: 11-08-1989, Age: 66, Section: EDGAR_63_6_5, Plot Owner: MORRIS, THOMAS J.MORRIS, Thomas W., Buried: 06-03-1933, Age: 74, Section: ODONNE_219_2_3, Plot Owner: WILDE, DAVID G.MORRIS, William E, Buried: 04-07-2016, Age: 90, Section: COLUMB_WEST_1_5, Plot Owner: MORRIS, WILLIAM E.MORRISON, Annie W., Age: 23, Section: BUNNING_186_1_2, Plot Owner: MORRISON, FRANKMORRISON, Charles W., Buried: 10-04-1954, Age: 42, Section: MUIR_403_13_4, Plot Owner: MORRISON, MRS CHARLESMORRISON, Dundas, Buried: 11-01-1939, Age: 52, Section: LUDVIGS_256_1_1, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFMORRISON, Margaret, Buried: 01-08-1921, Age: 47, Section: PARKER_261_5_4, Plot Owner: MORRISON, MARGARETMORRISON, Matt, Buried: 07/18/1957, Age: 84, Section: PARKER_246_7_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDMORRISON, Maude B., Buried: 07/31/1941, Age: 62, Section: PARKER_261_5_3, Plot Owner: MORRISON, MAUDE B.MORRISSEY, Robert E., Buried: 01/23/1995, Section: KENDALL_129_29_2, Plot Owner: JELACA, FAMILY OF BAKERMORRISSEY, Shirley A, Buried: 03/27/1997, Age: 66, Section: KENDALL_129_29_1, Plot Owner: JELACA, FAMILY OF BAKERMORRON, Henry, Buried: 12/23/1907, Age: 42, Section: LUDVIGS_247_8_4, Plot Owner: EMERY, E LMORROW, Ernest, Buried: 08-01-1977, Age: 69, Section: ROE_71_11_1, Plot Owner: DAVIES, MRS TEDMORROW, Mary, Buried: 10/31/1950, Age: 75, Section: ROE_71_11_2, Plot Owner: DAVIES, MRS TEDMORROW, Mary, Buried: 04-04-1929, Age: 54, Section: JAMES_327_2_2, Plot Owner: MORROW, WM & CRUISE CLARKMORROW, Mathew, Buried: 04-06-1957, Age: 84, Section: ROE_71_11_3, Plot Owner: DAVIES, MRS TEDMORROW, Matthew, Section: MUIR_402_30_2, Plot Owner: MORROW JR, MATTHEWMORROW, William Jr., , Buried: 12/18/1929, Age: 33, Section: JAMES_327_1_1, Plot Owner: MORROW, WM & CRUISE CLARKMORROW, William Sr., , Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 69, Section: JAMES_327_2_1, Plot Owner: MORROW, WM & CRUISE CLARKMORROW, William Sr., Buried: 01/21/1928, Age: 69, Section: JAMES_324_2_3, Plot Owner: ANGELI, RUDOLPHMORTENSEN, Zeth, Buried: 05-10-2016, Age: 23, Section: KAUMO_10_114_1, Plot Owner: MORTENSEN, ZETHMORTON, Alfred G, Buried: 04-04-1938, Age: 72, Section: JAMES_301_6_4, Plot Owner: MORTON, ALFRED GMORTON, Elizabeth, Buried: 05-04-1968, Age: 84, Section: ROE_79_9_1, Plot Owner: MORTON, ELIZABETHMORTON, Gilbert, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 48, Section: ROE_79_9_2, Plot Owner: MORTON, ELIZABETHMORTON, Katherine L., Buried: 02-07-1958, Age: 36, Section: YOUNG_400_12_4, Plot Owner: MORTON, KATHERINE L.MOSER, Albert, Buried: 09/22/1917, Age: 15, Section: ODONNE_213_8_3, Plot Owner: MOSER, KARLMOSER, Benjimin A., Buried: 12-10-1918, Age: 28, Section: LUDVIGS_254_4_2, Plot Owner: COUZATTE, FELIXMOSER, Catherine J., Buried: 09-05-1991, Age: 84, Section: PARKER_239_1_3, Plot Owner: POWELL, ALICMOSER, D., Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 35, Section: LUDVIGS_234_7_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANMOSER, Elizabeth Helen "Liz", Buried: 01-07-2010, Age: 86, Section: KENDALL_B_17_2, Plot Owner: MOSER, GENE & ELIZABETHMOSER, Emilio, Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 54, Section: NELSON_44_1_3, Plot Owner: MOSER, EMILIOMOSER, Gene, Buried: 03/15/2017, Age: 91, Section: KENDALL_B_17_2, Plot Owner: MOSER, GENE & ELIZABETHMOSER, James, Buried: 10/31/1974, Age: 73, Section: PARKER_287_4_2, Plot Owner: MOSER, JAMESMOSER, Magdalena, Buried: 07-08-1910, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_254_3_4, Plot Owner: COUZATTE, FELIXMOSER, Marie, Buried: 04/26/1976, Age: 84, Section: NELSON_119_11_2, Plot Owner: MOSER, MARIEMOSER, Narciso, Buried: 12/23/1957, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_119_11_1, Plot Owner: MOSER, NARCISOMOSER, Nicholas A., Buried: 03/24/1961, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_B_17_1, Plot Owner: MOSER, GENE & ELIZABETHMOSES, Candido P., Buried: 07-09-1969, Age: 74, Section: KENDALL_C_6_3, Plot Owner: MOSES, CANDIDO P.MOSES, Daniel G., Buried: 03-01-1991, Age: 33, Section: WEST_7_612_1, Plot Owner: MOSES, DANMOSES, Michael David, Buried: 02-09-2007, Age: 22, Section: KENDALL_129_21_3, Plot Owner: MOSES FAMILY, MICHAELMOSES, Pio P., Buried: 05/15/1963, Age: 81, Section: KENDALL_C_6_1, Plot Owner: MOSES, PIO P.MOSES, Robert Bryce, Buried: 04-12-2016, Age: 17, Section: WEST_7_615_1, Plot Owner: MOSES, DANMOSES, Robert Glen, Buried: 12/22/2008, Age: 78, Section: WEST_7_613_1, Plot Owner: MOSES, DANMOSES, Robert P., Buried: 05-04-1929, Age: 35, Section: EDGAR_82_4X_1, Plot Owner: MOSES, ROBERT P.MOSGROVE, Jerry Lee, Buried: 06/22/1949, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_342_4_2, Plot Owner: MOSGROVE, MARVINMOSS, Elizabeth H., Buried: 02/18/1986, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_11_2_4, Plot Owner: HAFNER SR., CARLMOSS, Hyrum W., Buried: 09-09-1934, Age: 65, Section: JAMES_306_1_4, Plot Owner: MOSS, HYRUM W.MOSS, John, Buried: 01-01-1951, Age: 21, Section: NELSON_70_4_2, Plot Owner: MOSS, JOHNMOSS, Josephine, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 8, Section: LUDVIGS_250_8_4, Plot Owner: MOSS, JOSEPHINEMOSS, Lawrence H., Buried: 06-09-1986, Age: 84, Section: WATAHA_11_2_3, Plot Owner: HAFNER SR., CARLMOSS, Lena J., Buried: 10-04-1938, Age: 58, Section: JAMES_306_1_3, Plot Owner: MOSS, HYRUM W.MOSS, Martin E, Buried: 06/16/1977, Age: 55, Section: NELSON_70_4_3, Plot Owner: MOSS, VIRGINIA J.MOSS, Robert Lee, Buried: 08/15/1926, Age: 56, Section: JAMES_303_2_4, Plot Owner: MOSS, R LMOSS, Virginia J., Buried: 08/18/2008, Age: 86, Section: NELSON_70_4_3, Plot Owner: MOSS, VIRGINIA J.MOTES, John A., Buried: 02/18/1954, Age: 36, Section: MUIR_403_29_4, Plot Owner: MOTES, MRS JOHN AMOTICHKA, Andrew G., Buried: 01/16/1987, Age: 77, Section: NELSON_99_1_1, Plot Owner: MOTICHKA, ANDREW G.MOTICHKA, Edna, Buried: 06-10-2014, Age: 96, Section: NELSON_99_1_2, Plot Owner: MOTICHKA, SUSANNAMOTICHKA, Elizabeth J., Buried: 04-01-1987, Age: 81, Section: NELSON_99_2_2, Plot Owner: MOTICHKA, ELIZABETH J.MOTICHKA, George Stephen, Buried: 01/24/1998, Age: 92, Section: OBLOCK_8_49_1, Plot Owner: MOTICHKA, GEORGE & MARYMOTICHKA, John J, Buried: 05-05-1995, Age: 88, Section: NELSON_99_1_3, Plot Owner: MOTICHKA, JOHN JMOTICHKA, Mary Rose, Buried: 04/28/2005, Age: 91, Section: OBLOCK_8_50_1, Plot Owner: MOTICHKA, GEORGE & MARYMOTICHKA, Michael, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_99_2_3, Plot Owner: MOTICHKA, MICHAELMOTICHKA, Michael J., Buried: 02-09-1976, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_99_2_1, Plot Owner: MOTICHKA, MICHAEL J.MOTICHKA, Susanna, Buried: 06/29/1953, Age: 72, Section: NELSON_99_2_4, Plot Owner: MOTICHKA, SUSANNAMOTTO, Anna M., Buried: 07/14/1941, Age: 36, Section: KENDALL_36_6_4, Plot Owner: MOTTO, ANNA M.MOTTO, Bertha, Buried: 05/18/1989, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_3B_6_3, Plot Owner: MOTTO, BERTHAMOTTO, John G., Buried: 11/15/1957, Age: 51, Section: WATAHA_3B_6_2, Plot Owner: MOTTO, JOHN G.MOTTO, John Patrick, Buried: 07/24/1953, Age: 24, Section: KENDALL_36_6_3, Plot Owner: MOTTO, JOHN PATRICKMOTTO, Joseph James, Buried: 11-11-1981, Age: 71, Section: WEST_7_22_1, Plot Owner: WILSON, JULIAMOTTO, Lila Mary, Buried: 02-10-1999, Age: 85, Section: WEST_7_21_1, Plot Owner: WILSON, JULIAMOTTO, Mike, Buried: 01-08-1966, Age: 50, Section: YOUNG_400_17_5, Plot Owner: MOTTO, MIKEMOTTO, Trudie, Buried: 02-05-2002, Age: 87, Section: YOUNG_400_17_4, Plot Owner: MOTTO, MRS MICHAELMOTTONEN, Betty, Buried: 06/27/1987, Age: 0, Section: WEST_7_83_1, Plot Owner: MOTTONEN, BETTY & ROBERTMOTTONEN, Robert W., Buried: 09/13/1980, Age: 56, Section: WEST_7_84_1, Plot Owner: MOTTONEN, BETTYMOULDERY, Stanley G., Buried: 02/24/1925, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_293_3_3, Plot Owner: MOULDERY, STANLEY G.MOULDEY, Stanley G., Buried: 02-10-1924, Age: 21, Section: PARKER_292_4_1, Plot Owner: STROCK, MR. & MRS.MOWERS, Jolley Mae, Buried: 04/16/1981, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_284_1_2, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDMOYNIER, Joseph, Buried: 09/18/1959, Age: 74, Section: KENDALL_A_18_1, Plot Owner: SPICER, ERNESTMRAK, Albena F., Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 31, Section: NELSON_102_6_3, Plot Owner: MRAK, ALBENA F.MRAK, Anton Child Of, Buried: 07/30/1907, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_235_8_1, Plot Owner: MRAK, ANTONMRAK, Apolonia, Buried: 03/24/1928, Age: 95, Section: WATAHA_10_1_4, Plot Owner: MRAK SR., JOHNMRAK, Clifford, Buried: 09/15/1941, Age: 38, Section: OSSELTO_316_7_3, Plot Owner: GREEK, MRS WILLIAMMRAK, Franciska, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 54, Section: WATAHA_10_2_2, Plot Owner: MRAK SR., JOHNMRAK, Jakob, Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 93, Section: WATAHA_10_1_3, Plot Owner: MRAK SR., JOHNMRAK, Joe, Buried: 07/26/1947, Age: 69, Section: LUDVIGS_273_3_2, Plot Owner: BARBARE, SOCIETYMRAK, John, Buried: 12-03-1957, Age: 100, Section: WATAHA_10_2_3, Plot Owner: MRAK SR., JOHNMRAK, John Sr., Buried: 08-11-1937, Age: 33, Section: NELSON_116_3_3, Plot Owner: MRAK, JOHN SR.MRAK, Louis P., Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 17, Section: WATAHA_10_1_1, Plot Owner: MRAK SR., JOHNMRAK, Marion Frances, Buried: 01-01-1935, Age: 2, Section: NELSON_102_6_4, Plot Owner: MRAK, MARION FRANCESMRAK, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 78, Section: WATAHA_10_1_2, Plot Owner: MRAK SR., JOHNMRAK, Mary, Buried: 01-05-1977, Age: 73, Section: WATAHA_7_2_3, Plot Owner: MRAK, MARYMRAK, Mary G., Buried: 02/21/1957, Age: 49, Section: NELSON_116_3_2, Plot Owner: MRAK, MARY G.MRAK, Urban, Buried: 03/23/1983, Age: 87, Section: WATAHA_7_2_4, Plot Owner: MRAK, URBANMRAK, Urban Jr., , Buried: 08-11-1949, Age: 19, Section: WATAHA_7_2_2, Plot Owner: MRAK, URBANMRVICH, John, Buried: 12/26/1916, Age: 26, Section: PARK_103_2_3, Plot Owner: MRVICH, JOHNMUDD, Bulah B. Nebeker, Buried: 12/19/2008, Age: 82, Section: ROE_79_9X_4, Plot Owner: MUDD FAMILY, DWAYNE E.MUDD, Harry T., Buried: 06/27/1928, Age: 46, Section: PARKER_244_4_1, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, PHRONIEMUDD, Jonathan Benjamin, Buried: 08/31/2004, Age: 43, Section: ROE_79_9X_1, Plot Owner: MUDD, DWAYNE E.MUDD, Robert R. Jr., , Buried: 02/20/1932, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_244_3_1, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, PHRONIEMUDRACK, Michael, Age: 27, Section: PARK_88_6_4, Plot Owner: MUDRACK, MICHAELMUFFATT, George Lester, Buried: 07/13/1989, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_154_8_2, Plot Owner: MUFFETT, JAMES HMUHR, Ann A., Buried: 03-01-1931, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_351_8_3, Plot Owner: MUHR, FRANKMUIR, Allen, Buried: 01/30/1903, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_138_2_1, Plot Owner: NOBLE, JOHNMUIR, Catherine M., Buried: 11-11-1953, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_16_2_2, Plot Owner: MUIR, CATHERINE M.MUIR, Christina, Buried: 05/14/1933, Age: 75, Section: BUNNING_182_4_2, Plot Owner: BURNS, RALPHMUIR, Christina, Buried: 05/23/1909, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_116_4_1, Plot Owner: MUIR, G MMUIR, Daniel D., Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 42, Section: ODONNE_116_4_4, Plot Owner: MUIR, W AMUIR, David, Buried: 04/22/1951, Age: 87, Section: ODONNE_173_1_2, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, MATTHEWMUIR, David M., Buried: 10/30/1916, Age: 73, Section: ODONNE_116_4_2, Plot Owner: MUIR, G MMUIR, David S., Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 63, Section: BUNNING_199_1_3, Plot Owner: FREEMAN, JOHNMUIR, Effie C., Age: 17, Section: BUNNING_182_3_1, Plot Owner: MUIR, MATHEWMUIR, Isaac B., Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 19, Section: BUNNING_182_3_2, Plot Owner: MUIR, MATHEWMUIR, John, Buried: 01-06-1946, Age: 60, Section: BUNNING_182_4_3, Plot Owner: BURNS, RALPHMUIR, Louis, Buried: 06/21/2004, Age: 85, Section: KENDALL_129_1X_1, Plot Owner: MUIR, LOUIS & ISABELLMUIR, Matt, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 68, Section: BUNNING_182_4_1, Plot Owner: BURNS, RALPHMUIR, Matt, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 30, Section: BUNNING_182_3_3, Plot Owner: MUIR, MATHEWMUIR, William E., Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 29, Section: BUNNING_138_2_2, Plot Owner: NOBLE, JOHNMUIR, William J., Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 19, Section: BUNNING_199_1_4, Plot Owner: FREEMAN, JOHNMULINIX, John Wayne, Buried: 06/23/1999, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_129_7_3, Plot Owner: MULINIX, JOHNMULLEN, Ellen, Buried: 02/14/1999, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_178_2_1, Plot Owner: MULLEN, JOHNMULLEN, Esther T., Buried: 12-09-1918, Age: 49, Section: LUDVIGS_255_3_1, Plot Owner: MULLEN, ESTHER T.MULLEN, Helen N., Buried: 07-12-1984, Age: 83, Section: OSSELTO_307_2_3, Plot Owner: BATTLES, DONMULLEN, James T., Buried: 10/16/1935, Age: 41, Section: OSSELTO_307_2_4, Plot Owner: BATTLES, DONMULLEN, James Taylor, Buried: 08-09-1977, Age: 50, Section: OSSELTO_307_2_2, Plot Owner: BATTLES, DONMULLEN, Jennie, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 16, Section: LUDVIGS_255_3_4, Plot Owner: MULLEN, ESTHER T.MULLEN, John, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 52, Section: LUDVIGS_255_3_3, Plot Owner: MULLEN, ESTHER T.MULLEN, Sarah, Buried: 07/21/1918, Age: 12, Section: BUNNING_226_3_4, Plot Owner: ZUECK, GBMULLEN, Thomas, Buried: 10-07-1954, Age: 63, Section: MUIR_403_19_5, Plot Owner: NOBLE, GEORGEMULLEN, William T., Buried: 07/20/1935, Age: 53, Section: LUDVIGS_255_3_2, Plot Owner: MULLEN, ESTHER T.MULLENS, Jack, Buried: 04/14/1977, Age: 53, Section: WATAHA_1_75_1, Plot Owner: MULLENS, SYLVIAMULLENS, James, Buried: 08/20/1941, Age: 60, Section: PARKER_287_5_4, Plot Owner: WILDERMUTH, LEOMULLENS, Sylvia, Buried: 03/14/2016, Age: 93, Section: WATAHA_1_76_1, Plot Owner: MULLENS, SYLVIAMULSO, Elizabeth, Buried: 05/24/1955, Age: 75, Section: YOUNG_400_43_1, Plot Owner: HANSEN, MRS FERN CMULZIE, Baby B., Buried: 10/16/1934, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_326_2_4, Plot Owner: HOFF, SAM VMUNAIZ, Christopher, Buried: 10-02-1966, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_191_8_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFMUNARI, Antonio L., Buried: 08/28/1968, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_5_80_1, Plot Owner: MUNARI, MARYMUNARI, Celestina, Buried: 01-01-1950, Age: 50, Section: WATAHA_5_81_1, Plot Owner: MUNARI, MARYMUNIZ, Alfonso, Buried: 06/14/1971, Age: 49, Section: KENDALL_A_6_4, Plot Owner: MUNIZ, ALFONSOMUNIZ, Jose Ruben, Buried: 01-04-1999, Age: 74, Section: KENDALL_129_16_1, Plot Owner: MUNIZ, JOSEMUNIZ, Joseph, Buried: 10/15/1960, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_402_28_4, Plot Owner: VASE, PETEMUNIZ, Maria Q., Buried: 09-09-1958, Age: 67, Section: KENDALL_A_6_3, Plot Owner: MUNIZ, ALFONSOMUNIZ, Wilbur, Buried: 06-09-1948, Age: 0, Section: PARK_41_8_1, Plot Owner: MUNIZ, WILBURMUNIZ, William, Buried: 06-12-1948, Age: 0, Section: PARK_41_8_2, Plot Owner: MUNIZ, WILLIAMMUNN, Ewing, Buried: 04-10-1939, Age: 67, Section: OSSELTO_356_4_1, Plot Owner: MUNN, A JMUNN, Meridith Joy, Buried: 05-03-1941, Age: 0, Section: ROE_79_3_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, JAMESMUNN, Robert L, Buried: 02/13/1940, Age: 74, Section: EDGAR_67_15_3, Plot Owner: MUNN, ROBERTMUNOZ, Jose Santos, Buried: 10/31/1973, Age: 74, Section: PARKER_285_3_4, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDMUNROE, Claario, Buried: 01/30/1927, Age: 40, Section: PARKER_289_1_4, Plot Owner: MUNROE, CMUNSON, Peter, Buried: 09/28/1941, Age: 64, Section: OSSELTO_338_2_4, Plot Owner: LARSEN, GUSTMURAT, Ankna Lokmer, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 46, Section: NELSON_101_1_1, Plot Owner: MURAT, ANKNA LOKMERMURDO, William Douglas, Buried: 04-03-2001, Age: 52, Section: WATAHA_3_13_1, Plot Owner: MURDO, WILLIAM DOUGLASMURGELLO, Giovanni, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_233_6_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONMURINKO, Beulah F., Buried: 11-09-1955, Age: 47, Section: YOUNG_401_38_2, Plot Owner: MURINKO, MIKEMURINKO, Michael, Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_100_2_3, Plot Owner: MURINKO, MICHAELMURINKO, Michael, Buried: 02-08-1960, Age: 57, Section: YOUNG_401_38_3, Plot Owner: MURINKO, MIKEMURKLE, Ruth, Buried: 03/25/2003, Age: 89, Section: WEST_7_327_1, Plot Owner: HAMILTON, FLORENCE W.MURMI, Victor, Buried: 05/14/1958, Age: 62, Section: LUDVIGS_256_6_2, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFMURPHIS, Mary A. Draycott, Buried: 08-04-1965, Age: 77, Section: EDGAR_63_18_1, Plot Owner: DRAYCOTT, JAMESMURPHIS, Sam, Buried: 07/29/1955, Age: 66, Section: EDGAR_63_19_1, Plot Owner: MURPHIS, SAMMURPHY, Charles E., Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_125_6_2, Plot Owner: STENSWICH, THOMASMURPHY, Charles W, Buried: 06/20/1970, Age: 61, Section: PARKER_259_7_3, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDMURPHY, David, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 36, Section: LUDVIGS_296_1_3, Plot Owner: MURPHY, DAVIDMURPHY, Denis, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 82, Section: PARK_33_6_2, Plot Owner: MURPHY, DENISMURPHY, Dennis Lee, Buried: 01-01-1949, Age: 0, Section: PARK_40_7_3, Plot Owner: MURPHY, MICHAEL EUGENEMURPHY, Donald Keith, Buried: 03/17/2014, Age: 68, Section: KAUMO_10_83_1, Plot Owner: MURPHY, DONMURPHY, Ed, Buried: 06/24/1908, Age: 26, Section: BUNNING_161_3_4, Plot Owner: MURPHY, EDMURPHY, Elizabeth, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 68, Section: ODONNE_125_6_4, Plot Owner: MURPHY, JERRYMURPHY, Elizabeth H., Buried: 02-02-1958, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_120_1_3, Plot Owner: MURPHY, ROBERT D.MURPHY, Gladys M., Buried: 12/28/1974, Age: 84, Section: WATAHA_C_1_3, Plot Owner: MURPHY, JOHN S.MURPHY, J. Gordon, Buried: 05/30/2001, Age: 85, Section: NELSON_120_1_1, Plot Owner: MURPHY, ROBERT D.MURPHY, Jerry E., Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 74, Section: ODONNE_125_6_3, Plot Owner: MURPHY, JERRYMURPHY, Jessie Guernsey, Buried: 02-12-1973, Age: 84, Section: WATAHA_6_98_1, Plot Owner: REED, PEARL M.MURPHY, John (Spud), Buried: 01/19/1970, Age: 89, Section: KENDALL_C_1_2, Plot Owner: MOSES, CANDIDO P.MURPHY, John S., Buried: 01/19/1970, Age: 89, Section: WATAHA_C_1_4, Plot Owner: MURPHY, JOHN S.MURPHY, Katie, Age: 0, Section: PARK_33_5_2, Plot Owner: MURPHY, KATIEMURPHY, Kenneth, Buried: 08/21/2013, Age: 71, Section: WEST_7_453_1, Plot Owner: MURPHY, KENNETHMURPHY, Mary, Buried: 01-12-1938, Age: 81, Section: PARK_33_6_1, Plot Owner: MURPHY, MARYMURPHY, Michael Eugene, Buried: 01-01-1949, Age: 0, Section: PARK_40_7_3, Plot Owner: MURPHY, MICHAEL EUGENEMURPHY, Robert, Buried: 01-01-1949, Age: 0, Section: PARK_40_7_3, Plot Owner: MURPHY, MICHAEL EUGENEMURPHY, Robert D., Buried: 02/21/1968, Age: 82, Section: NELSON_120_1_2, Plot Owner: MURPHY, ROBERT D.MURPHY, Robert D. Jr., Buried: 07-05-1971, Age: 47, Section: NELSON_120_1_4, Plot Owner: MURPHY, ROBERT D.MURPHY, Sandra Sue, Buried: 06/28/1938, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_354_1_2, Plot Owner: MURPHY, U JMURPHY, Shawn W., Buried: 07/29/1986, Age: 13, Section: WEST_7_451_1, Plot Owner: MURPHY, KENNETHMURPHY, Timmie, Age: 0, Section: PARK_33_5_4, Plot Owner: MURPHY, TIMMIEMURPHY, Unknown, Age: 0, Section: PARK_33_5_1, Plot Owner: MURPHY, UNKNOWNMURPHY, Walter, Age: 8, Section: PARK_33_5_3, Plot Owner: MURPHY, WALTERMURRAY, Anna, Buried: 11-07-1918, Age: 37, Section: PARKER_245_2_3, Plot Owner: MURRAY, ANNAMURRAY, David, Buried: 11-05-1918, Age: 2, Section: PARKER_245_2_4, Plot Owner: MURRAY, DAVIDMURRAY, Thomas Howard, Buried: 06/21/1917, Age: 0, Section: PARK_106_4_2, Plot Owner: MURRAY, THOMAS HOWARDMURRAY, William, Buried: 04-07-1904, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_184_1_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #12, MASONICMURTO, Charles August, Buried: 01-02-1998, Age: 83, Section: EDGAR_65_5_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMURTO, Guset, Buried: 02/28/1946, Age: 62, Section: OSSELTO_353_6_2, Plot Owner: MURTO, GUSETMURTO, Julia, Buried: 04/25/1951, Age: 66, Section: OSSELTO_353_6_1, Plot Owner: MURTO, JULIAMURTO, Lillian, Buried: 10-10-1936, Age: 23, Section: OSSELTO_353_6_3, Plot Owner: MURTO, GUSETMURTO, William, Buried: 01/16/1975, Age: 63, Section: OSSELTO_353_6_4, Plot Owner: MURTO, WILLIAMMUSGROVE, Catherine, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 45, Section: BUNNING_106_8_3, Plot Owner: MUSGROVE, HANNA & MRS KATEMUSGROVE, Edward, Buried: 09/19/1903, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_106_8_1, Plot Owner: MUSGROVE, MRS KATEMUSGROVE, Haven, Buried: 12/22/1950, Age: 46, Section: ROE_71_7_3, Plot Owner: MUSGROVE, MRS HAVENMUSGROVE, Haven Jr., , Buried: 03-09-1963, Age: 35, Section: ROE_71_7_2, Plot Owner: MUSGROVE, MRS HAVENMUSGROVE, Helen, Buried: 10/21/1930, Age: 4, Section: OSSELTO_342_4_1, Plot Owner: MUSGROVE, MARVINMUSGROVE, John C., Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 36, Section: BUNNING_106_7_3, Plot Owner: MUSGROVE, JOHN C.MUSGROVE, Lorene, Buried: 03-03-1961, Age: 81, Section: BUNNING_106_7_4, Plot Owner: MUSGROVE, MRS KATEMUSGROVE, Wm., Age: 43, Section: BUNNING_106_8_4, Plot Owner: MUSGROVE, MRS KATEMUSICH, Bradley P., Buried: 07/27/2013, Age: 25, Section: COLUMB_NORTH_1_5, Plot Owner: MUSICH, PETER AND PATRICIAMUSICH, Catherine, Buried: 03/15/2013, Age: 95, Section: EDGAR_65_13_3, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNMUSICH, Louis, Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 16, Section: NELSON_117_4_4, Plot Owner: MUSICH, LOUISMUSICH, Mary, Buried: 09-05-1964, Age: 82, Section: NELSON_117_4_3, Plot Owner: MUSICH, MARYMUSICH, Peter, Buried: 12/14/1948, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_117_4_2, Plot Owner: MUSICH, PETERMUSICH, Peter Joseph, Buried: 08-12-1980, Age: 64, Section: NELSON_117_4_1, Plot Owner: MUSICH, PETER JOSEPHMUYSKENS, Sarah L., Buried: 05/14/1956, Age: 24, Section: YOUNG_401_30_2, Plot Owner: MUYSKENS, SARAH L.MYERS, Douglas, Buried: 02-06-1924, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_292_8_4, Plot Owner: MYERS, FRANKMYERS, Elwell P., Buried: 12-05-1960, Age: 72, Section: YOUNG_424_16_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERMYERS, Felix, Buried: 06/20/1939, Age: 61, Section: PARKER_292_8_1, Plot Owner: MYERS, FRANKMYERS, Frank, Buried: 08/29/1956, Age: 81, Section: LUDVIGS_295_8_2, Plot Owner: MYERS, FRANKMYERS, Frank, Buried: 08/29/1956, Age: 81, Section: ODONNE_195_8_3, Plot Owner: SORENSEN, S JMYERS, Grace Anne, Buried: 05-02-1958, Age: 31, Section: NELSON_120_13_3, Plot Owner: MYERS, ROBERTMYERS, John Russel, Buried: 11-04-1999, Age: 88, Section: YOUNG_425_21_2, Plot Owner: MYERS, JOHNMYERS, Kenneth A., Buried: 01/27/1996, Age: 19, Section: EDGAR_82_1X_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANMYERS, Leah N, Buried: 10-01-1964, Age: 83, Section: PARKER_292_8_2, Plot Owner: MYERS, FRANKMYERS, Margaret, Buried: 07/27/1964, Age: 39, Section: YOUNG_425_21_1, Plot Owner: MYERS, JOHNMYERS, Pauline S., Buried: 09/23/1958, Age: 51, Section: MUIR_423_5_2, Plot Owner: MYERS, SOLOMONMYERS, Solomon, Buried: 11/24/1999, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_423_5_2, Plot Owner: MYERS, SOLOMONMYERS, Solomon K., Buried: 10/19/2009, Age: 43, Section: MUIR_423_5_4, Plot Owner: MYERS, SOLOMONMYERS, Stephen Roscoe, Buried: 07-09-1974, Age: 23, Section: YOUNG_425_21_3, Plot Owner: MYERS, STEPHEN ROSCOEMYERS, Stillborn, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_292_8_4, Plot Owner: MYERS, FRANKMYERS, Tim, Buried: 12-01-1978, Age: 21, Section: YOUNG_425_21_2, Plot Owner: MYERS, JOHNMYERS, Vivian, Buried: 10/28/1971, Age: 74, Section: YOUNG_424_16_4, Plot Owner: MYERS, MRS ROBERTMYERS, Walter, Buried: 10-07-1968, Age: 60, Section: YOUNG_425_5_3, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENMYOVICH, John, Buried: 11-10-1965, Age: 77, Section: PARKER_286_7_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, KPMYSKA, Alexander, Buried: 12-10-1975, Age: 59, Section: KENDALL_48_4_3, Plot Owner: MYSKA, ALEXANDERMYSKA, Andrew, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_30_3_2, Plot Owner: MYSKA, ANDREWMYSKA, Donnilea M., Buried: 12-09-2005, Age: 85, Section: WEST_7_549_1, Plot Owner: MYSKA, JOHN P.MYSKA, John, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 63, Section: NELSON_30_3_3, Plot Owner: MYSKA, JOHNMYSKA, John P., Buried: 07/18/1989, Age: 75, Section: WEST_7_550_1, Plot Owner: MYSKA, JOHN P.MYSKA, Joseph, Buried: 09/17/1948, Age: 74, Section: KENDALL_48_4_2, Plot Owner: MYSKA, JOSEPHMYSKA, Katie, Buried: 02-10-1921, Age: 13, Section: NELSON_30_3_1, Plot Owner: MYSKA, KATIEMYSKA, Louise, Buried: 01-05-1981, Age: 60, Section: WEST_7_117_1, Plot Owner: MYSKA, M/M STANLEYMYSKA, Margaret, Buried: 02/17/1956, Age: 42, Section: EDGAR_66_20_1, Plot Owner: BOHN, UNKNOWNMYSKA, Mary, Buried: 08-01-1934, Age: 57, Section: NELSON_30_3_4, Plot Owner: MYSKA, MARYMYSKA, Stanley, Buried: 07/20/1990, Age: 72, Section: WEST_7_118_1, Plot Owner: MYSKA, M/M STANLEYMYSKA, Steve, Buried: 03/19/1979, Age: 69, Section: WEST_7_56_1, Plot Owner: MYSKA, MARGIENAGLICH, Frances, Buried: 03/30/1974, Age: 89, Section: NELSON_69_6_4, Plot Owner: NAGLICH, FRANCESNAGLICH, Frank M., Buried: 09-03-1958, Age: 73, Section: NELSON_69_6_3, Plot Owner: NAGLICH, FRANK M.NAGLIER, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 56, Section: OSSELTO_B_4_1, Plot Owner: OMAHONEY, FRANKNALIVKA, Anna J., Buried: 01-01-1974, Age: 69, Section: WATAHA_4_15_1, Plot Owner: JONES, L.W (JACK) AND LOUISENALIVKA, Henry G., Buried: 08/30/1977, Age: 82, Section: WATAHA_4_F_1, Plot Owner: NALIVKA, HENRY G.NASH, Alex S., Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 25, Section: ODONNE_211_8_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALUNASKI, Matti, Buried: 01-12-1922, Age: 65, Section: LUDVIGS_295_2_4, Plot Owner: MASKI, MATTNASTER, Lina, Buried: 08/23/1910, Age: 47, Section: PARKER_245_6_2, Plot Owner: GUNZI, JOHNNATION, Arthur R. Sr., Buried: 02/19/2001, Age: 79, Section: PARK_125_7X_3, Plot Owner: NATION SR., ARTHUR R.NATION, Artie R. Jr., Buried: 01-01-1990, Age: 46, Section: PARK_125_7X_3, Plot Owner: NATION SR., ARTHUR R.NATION, Sophie M., Buried: 06/19/2009, Age: 82, Section: PARK_125_7X_4, Plot Owner: NATION SR., ARTHUR R.NAVARRO, Joe, Buried: 06-02-1993, Age: 92, Section: KENDALL_29_8X_1, Plot Owner: NAVVARO, JOENAVARRO, Josephine, Buried: 01-05-2000, Age: 91, Section: KENDALL_29_8X_2, Plot Owner: NAVARRO, JOENEAL, Eugene Carlyn, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 1, Section: NELSON_54_1_4, Plot Owner: NEAL, EUGENE CARLYNNEAL, Mildred L., Buried: 03/28/1944, Age: 46, Section: KENDALL_35_1_2, Plot Owner: NEAL, MILDRED L.NEELEY, Miranda, Buried: 07/25/1907, Age: 25, Section: PARKER_235_8_3, Plot Owner: NEELEY, PAYTONNEFF, Louis, Buried: 01/25/1925, Age: 39, Section: PARKER_291_1_3, Plot Owner: NEFF, LOUISNEIBERT, Alice M., Buried: 09-04-1999, Age: 61, Section: BUNNING_208_2_3, Plot Owner: NORPAKKA, MARYNEIDERER, Arlo I., Buried: 08/27/1984, Age: 63, Section: WEST_7_368_1, Plot Owner: NEIDERER, GRACENEIDERER, Grace, Buried: 05/24/2008, Age: 87, Section: WEST_7_367_1, Plot Owner: NEIDERER, GRACENEIL, Harold Maxwell, Buried: 01-10-1989, Age: 68, Section: WEST_7_523_1, Plot Owner: NEIL, MARYNEIL, Marian, Buried: 08-06-2004, Age: 83, Section: WEST_7_522_1, Plot Owner: NEIL, MARYNEILL, Kevin L., Buried: 05/24/1977, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_28_8_1, Plot Owner: VISINTAINER, DONNA R.NEKIC, Simun, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 38, Section: PARK_80_3_4, Plot Owner: NEKIC, SIMUNNEKICH, Manda, Buried: 11/15/1939, Age: 14, Section: PARK_62_8_3, Plot Owner: NEKICH, MANDANELSON, A. W., Buried: 03/27/1931, Age: 31, Section: ODONNE_163_2_2, Plot Owner: RANTIO, MATTNELSON, Albert Edward, Buried: 06/29/1977, Age: 74, Section: WATAHA_4_12_1, Plot Owner: NELSON, DOROTHEANELSON, Ashlee Hope, Buried: 05/18/1992, Age: 1, Section: OBLOCK_8_367_1, Plot Owner: ALLEN, GARY & JOANNELSON, Charles, Buried: 12-08-1912, Age: 66, Section: PARKER_260_4_2, Plot Owner: NELSON, CHARLESNELSON, Child, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_163_2_4, Plot Owner: RANTIO, MATTNELSON, Christina, Buried: 01/19/1994, Age: 39, Section: BUNNING_183_5_2, Plot Owner: NELSON, JOHNNELSON, Edith Viola, Buried: 11/15/2008, Age: 93, Section: WATAHA_4_75_1, Plot Owner: NELSON, EDITH VIOLANELSON, Elizabeth, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 48, Section: LUDVIGS_251_4_1, Plot Owner: NELSON, ELIZABETHNELSON, Guy B., Buried: 10/25/1974, Age: 80, Section: WATAHA_4_I_1, Plot Owner: NELSON, VERDIE B.NELSON, Hans Peter, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 32, Section: BUNNING_103_1_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHNELSON, Herman, Buried: 09/25/1950, Age: 86, Section: LUDVIGS_251_4_2, Plot Owner: NELSON, HERMANNELSON, Hulda Christina, Age: 4, Section: BUNNING_185_5_2, Plot Owner: NELSON, SWANNELSON, Lena, Buried: 05-01-2009, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_129_6_4, Plot Owner: NELSON, JOHN & LENANELSON, Margaret Christina, Buried: 01-12-1904, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_150_5_1, Plot Owner: NELSON, HPNELSON, Martini, Buried: 07/18/1994, Age: 17, Section: BUNNING_183_5_3, Plot Owner: NELSON, JOHNNELSON, Minnie I., Buried: 05/29/1966, Age: 83, Section: PARK_126_22_4, Plot Owner: NELSON, MINNIE I.NELSON, Nivia, Buried: 12-06-1993, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_183_5_4, Plot Owner: NELSON, JOHNNELSON, Olef, Buried: 09/13/1923, Age: 53, Section: PARKER_293_5_4, Plot Owner: BUSTIN, UNKNOWNNELSON, Pete Child Of, Buried: 08/17/1907, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_150_5_2, Plot Owner: NELSON, HPWNELSON, Raymond, Buried: 01/15/1988, Age: 39, Section: WATAHA_4_74_1, Plot Owner: NELSON, EDITH VIOLANELSON, Robert, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 44, Section: PARKER_246_5_2, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDNELSON, Saima, Buried: 09-07-1942, Age: 74, Section: ODONNE_163_2_3, Plot Owner: RANTIO, MATTNELSON, Swan, Age: 39, Section: BUNNING_185_5_3, Plot Owner: NELSON, SWANNELSON, Verdie B., Buried: 09-01-1976, Age: 60, Section: WATAHA_4_29_1, Plot Owner: EVANOFF, GEORGENELSON, W. F. Child Of, Buried: 07-02-1904, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_181_1_4, Plot Owner: LEASON, MARKNELSON, William E., Buried: 11-09-1960, Age: 51, Section: LUDVIGS_251_4_3, Plot Owner: STANDLEY, MARY J.NERDEN, Barbara, Buried: 08/24/2010, Age: 74, Section: OBLOCK_8_141_1, Plot Owner: NERDEN, JAMES A.NERDEN, James A., Buried: 02/22/1994, Age: 58, Section: OBLOCK_8_140_1, Plot Owner: NERDEN, JAMES A.NERHEIM, Ane Lassina, Buried: 07/17/1932, Age: 52, Section: OSSELTO_309_6_1, Plot Owner: VICARS JR., JAMESNESBIT, Alexander W., Buried: 06/21/1958, Age: 64, Section: PARKER_264_7_3, Plot Owner: NESBIT, ALEXNESBIT, Andrew W., Buried: 05/17/1969, Age: 77, Section: PARKER_264_7_1, Plot Owner: NESBIT, ALEXNESBIT, James Lynn, Buried: 01-01-1992, Age: 49, Section: ROE_69_1_2, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENNESBIT, John G., Buried: 11/15/1955, Age: 43, Section: ROE_69_1_5, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENNESBIT, Margaret, Buried: 09/29/2007, Age: 92, Section: ROE_69_1_4, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENNESBIT, Sandy, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_264_7_3, Plot Owner: NESBIT, ALEXNESBITT, William K., Buried: 01/16/1946, Age: 52, Section: EDGAR_82_20_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANNETHERTON, Roberta, Buried: 03-03-1998, Age: 57, Section: KENDALL_30_4_4, Plot Owner: BERTAGNOLLI, RICHARDNETTIK, Garry, Buried: 01/18/2012, Age: 66, Section: OBLOCK_8_518_1, Plot Owner: NETTIK, GLORIA ANN "EYES"NETTIK, Gloria Ann "Eyes", Buried: 12/17/2004, Age: 54, Section: OBLOCK_8_517_1, Plot Owner: NETTIK, GLORIA ANN "EYES"NEVICK, George W., Buried: 02/22/1919, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_255_5_4, Plot Owner: NEVICK, GEORGE W.NEVIN, Christopher, Buried: 04-11-1904, Age: 51, Section: BUNNING_131_8_3, Plot Owner: SPICER, S FNEVIN, Henry H., Buried: 07/24/1963, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_131_8_1, Plot Owner: SPICER, S FNEVIN, John H., Buried: 02-11-1925, Age: 9, Section: PARKER_290_5_4, Plot Owner: NEVIN, JOHN H.NEVIN, Mollie, Buried: 01/25/1913, Age: 66, Section: BUNNING_131_8_2, Plot Owner: SPICER, S FNEWELL, Jennie M., Buried: 10/14/1936, Age: 43, Section: BUNNING_133_2_2, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, LEONARDNEWELL, William H., Buried: 06/17/1932, Age: 50, Section: BUNNING_133_2_1, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, LEONARDNEWSON, J.A., Buried: 01-01-1905, Section: ODONNE_212_6_3, Plot Owner: RAILROAD CO, PACIFICNEWTON, Alan Dale, Buried: 09/27/1980, Age: 26, Section: WEST_7_128_1, Plot Owner: DALE, ALANNEWTON, Billy Carl, Buried: 02/20/2008, Age: 82, Section: WEST_7_126_1, Plot Owner: NEWTON, BILLY & FRANCISNEWTON, Leslie, Buried: 12/29/2006, Age: 55, Section: WATAHA_6_65_1, Plot Owner: EDLUND, JANETNEWTON, Margaret Herd, Buried: 10-11-1960, Age: 41, Section: ODONNE_216_7_4, Plot Owner: HERD SR, GEORGE PNG, Yuk Ling Wong, Buried: 08/22/2003, Age: 76, Section: ROE_72_19_2, Plot Owner: NG, YUK LING WONGNICHOLA, William Child, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_177_4_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERNICHOLS, Daniel W., Buried: 07/31/1992, Age: 36, Section: OBLOCK_8_46_1, Plot Owner: NICHOLS, DANIEL W.NICHOLS, Evelyn Mary, Buried: 03/20/1928, Age: 4, Section: BUNNING_85_7_2, Plot Owner: BECHTOLT, MRS JOHN NNICHOLS, Georgia Ann, Buried: 04/20/1990, Age: 57, Section: WEST_7_581_1, Plot Owner: NICHOLS, WILLIAMNICHOLS, Kevin Levi, Buried: 09-02-1977, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_1_46_1, Plot Owner: ERICKSON, JIMMYNICHOLS, Lester A. (Les), Buried: 08-09-1995, Age: 59, Section: NELSON_53_1X_3, Plot Owner: NICHOLS, LORETTA TARTERNICHOLS, Loretta, Buried: 10-11-1999, Age: 69, Section: NELSON_53_1X_4, Plot Owner: NICHOLS, LORETTANICHOLS, William, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_177_3_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERNICHOLSON, James W., Buried: 01-01-1917, Age: 41, Section: BUNNING_136_7_3, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFNICHOLSON, John P., Age: 0, Section: PARK_34_7_1, Plot Owner: NICHOLSON, JOHN P.NICHOLSON, Karl, Buried: 08/30/1990, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_157_3_4, Plot Owner: BONOMO, CHARLESNICKOLAS, Delores, Buried: 03/27/2002, Age: 70, Section: LAUZER_421_15_4, Plot Owner: NICKOLAS, LOUISNICKOLAS, Diamanta, Buried: 07/31/1984, Age: 86, Section: LAUZER_421_15_3, Plot Owner: NICKOLAS, LOUISNICKOLAS, Harry, Buried: 09/30/2015, Age: 86, Section: LAUZER_421_15_4, Plot Owner: NICKOLAS, LOUISNICKOLAS, Louis, Buried: 08/25/1966, Age: 86, Section: LAUZER_421_15_4, Plot Owner: NICKOLAS, LOUISNICKOLICH, Helen, Buried: 02-06-1940, Age: 59, Section: PARKER_265_8_2, Plot Owner: MURICH, SAMNICKSICH, Hilma Irene, Buried: 04/28/1997, Age: 68, Section: OBLOCK_8_298_1, Plot Owner: NICKSICH, GEORGE D.NICKSICH, Josephine, Buried: 10/16/1990, Age: 89, Section: WEST_7_213_1, Plot Owner: NICKSICH, JOSEPHINENICKSICH, Lois J., Buried: 04/14/1992, Age: 72, Section: MUIR_422_19_2, Plot Owner: NICKSICH, LOIS J.NICKSICH, Nick D., Buried: 10/26/1981, Age: 84, Section: WEST_7_214_1, Plot Owner: NICKSICH, MRS NICKNICKSICH, Paul N., Buried: 02/16/1960, Age: 39, Section: MUIR_422_19_3, Plot Owner: NICKSICH, LOIS J.NICOLAF, George, Buried: 01/19/1954, Age: 65, Section: MUIR_403_28_1, Plot Owner: MOSSOLINI, FRANKNICOLL, A. H., Buried: 08/25/1928, Age: 52, Section: JAMES_303_1_4, Plot Owner: NICOLL, A HNICOLL, Alexander, Buried: 08/25/1928, Age: 55, Section: JAMES_303_1_1, Plot Owner: NICOLL, A HNICOLL, Anna M., Buried: 09/25/1939, Age: 65, Section: JAMES_303_1_3, Plot Owner: NICOLL, A HNICOLOUDES, Elias, Buried: 04/21/1929, Age: 42, Section: PARKER_287_6_2, Plot Owner: NICOLOUDES, E KNIEDERER, Grace L., Buried: 05/24/2008, Age: 87, Section: WEST_7_367_1, Plot Owner: NEIDERER, GRACENIEDERIAUFNER, Alfred E., Buried: 02/17/1972, Age: 53, Section: WATAHA_6_40_1, Plot Owner: NIEDERIAUFNER, SHIRLEYNIEDERIAUFNER, Celeste, Buried: 05/17/1949, Age: 63, Section: KENDALL_41_2_2, Plot Owner: MONTAYO, ANDREWNIEDERIAUFNER, Costantina, Buried: 03-10-1960, Age: 70, Section: KENDALL_41_2_3, Plot Owner: NIEDERIAUFNER, COSTANTINANIELSEN, Carl, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_90_8_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHNIELSEN, Gregers, Buried: 02-02-1909, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_90_8_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHNIELSON, Charley, Buried: 11-08-1944, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_D_3_1, Plot Owner: NIELSON, ELMER ONIEMI, Charles, Buried: 03/30/1971, Age: 82, Section: PARKER_259_7_4, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDNIEMI, Nestor S., Buried: 01/24/1956, Age: 71, Section: YOUNG_401_27_4, Plot Owner: HENSALA, ALLEN ANIETO, Jasmine, Buried: 03/15/2000, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_3, Plot Owner: NIETO, JASMINENIEVIS, Susan, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_297_3_4, Plot Owner: NIEVIS, SUSANNIGGEN, Jerry, Buried: 01/16/1942, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_359_8_2, Plot Owner: DAVIDSON, IRENENIGRA, Ernest Emil, Buried: 08/15/1995, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_3_43_1, Plot Owner: KAMENSKI, ANNA S.NIGRA, Jennie, Buried: 06-05-1985, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_3_L_1, Plot Owner: NIGRA, JENNIENIGRA, John, Buried: 07/24/1985, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_3_K_1, Plot Owner: NIGRA, JOHNNIIRANEN, Elias Edward, Age: 9, Section: ODONNE_126_8_4, Plot Owner: NIIRANEN, ELIASNIKKOLA, Arvid, Buried: 01-01-1904, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_226_7_2, Plot Owner: WANDIT, RNIKKOLA, Eino, Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 6, Section: BUNNING_226_7_3, Plot Owner: NIKKALA, JACOBNIKKOLA, Wilhelm, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_226_7_4, Plot Owner: NIKKALA, JACOBNIKSIC, Juraj, Buried: 01-01-1917, Age: 46, Section: PARK_114_5_4, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNNILMES, Aton, Buried: 10/25/1909, Age: 25, Section: PARKER_236_7_1, Plot Owner: COOPER, CGNIMMER, Roland, Buried: 05/14/2013, Age: 81, Section: EDGAR_65_13_4, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNNIMMO, Elizabeth, Buried: 11/20/1985, Age: 93, Section: PARK_126_23_2, Plot Owner: NIMMO, GEORGENIMMO, George, Buried: 03/30/1967, Age: 79, Section: PARK_126_23_1, Plot Owner: NIMMO, GEORGENIMMO, George M., Buried: 01/30/1989, Age: 63, Section: PARK_125_18X_4, Plot Owner: NIMMO, MARY JANENIMMO, John W."Jack", Buried: 10/23/1995, Age: 65, Section: OBLOCK_8_223_1, Plot Owner: NIMMO, SHIRLEYNIMMO, Mary Jane, Buried: 04-04-1994, Age: 69, Section: PARK_125_18X_4, Plot Owner: NIMMO, MARY JANENISBET, Grace C., Buried: 06-04-1941, Age: 67, Section: PARKER_264_7_4, Plot Owner: NESBIT, ALEXNISHIMURA, Marie A., Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 2, Section: LUDVIGS_275_5_3, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERNISSEADEAR, Mike, Buried: 01/28/1922, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_295_5_4, Plot Owner: SIGEREST, FRANKNIXON, William, Buried: 06/28/1906, Age: 27, Section: BUNNING_131_6_3, Plot Owner: NIXON, WILLIAMNIZ, John, Buried: 10/27/1953, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_402_35_1, Plot Owner: NIX, HOKENOBEL, Murray A., Buried: 08/20/1962, Age: 69, Section: OSSELTO_307_2_1, Plot Owner: BATTLES, DONNOBLE, Alex, Buried: 02-09-1984, Age: 55, Section: WEST_7_344_1, Plot Owner: NOBLE, DOROTHYNOBLE, Alex, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 55, Section: ODONNE_100_3_3, Plot Owner: NOBLE, MRS ALEXNOBLE, Alex D., Buried: 07-01-1999, Age: 56, Section: PARK_121_26_4, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, FREDNOBLE, Alexander A., Buried: 05/29/1962, Age: 63, Section: JAMES_329_1_1, Plot Owner: NOBLE, MURRAY C.NOBLE, Barbara H., Buried: 02-10-1997, Age: 77, Section: OBLOCK_8_82_1, Plot Owner: NOBLE, BARBARA H.NOBLE, Dorothy, Buried: 10/30/1985, Age: 78, Section: WEST_7_343_1, Plot Owner: NOBLE, DOROTHYNOBLE, Ellen, Buried: 10/31/1904, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_138_4_1, Plot Owner: NOBLE, ALEXNOBLE, Frances H., Buried: 01/30/1990, Age: 90, Section: MUIR_403_19_3, Plot Owner: NOBLE, GEORGENOBLE, George A., Buried: 03/18/1955, Age: 59, Section: MUIR_403_19_4, Plot Owner: NOBLE, GEORGENOBLE, Henry P., Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_138_4_3, Plot Owner: NOBLE, ALEXNOBLE, James, Buried: 09/13/1989, Age: 88, Section: WEST_7_554_1, Plot Owner: NOBLE, JAMES & MARYNOBLE, James, Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 66, Section: JAMES_343_5_2, Plot Owner: NOBLE, JOHNNOBLE, James J.H., Buried: 11/16/1963, Age: 93, Section: JAMES_344_8_1, Plot Owner: NOBLE, JAMESNOBLE, Jane, Buried: 07-12-1957, Age: 58, Section: JAMES_344_8_2, Plot Owner: NOBLE, JAMESNOBLE, John, Buried: 04/17/1929, Age: 25, Section: JAMES_343_5_3, Plot Owner: NOBLE, JOHNNOBLE, John H., Buried: 11-05-1934, Age: 72, Section: JAMES_329_1_4, Plot Owner: NOBLE, MURRAY C.NOBLE, John Robin, Buried: 02-03-1948, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_32_3_2, Plot Owner: NOBLE, JOHN ROBINNOBLE, Kathryn Elizabeth, Buried: 05-12-1966, Age: 43, Section: KENDALL_32_3_3, Plot Owner: NOBLE, KATHRYN ELIZABETHNOBLE, Margaret, Buried: 01-01-1904, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_138_6_4, Plot Owner: NOBLE, MARGARETNOBLE, Margaret A., Buried: 02-12-1941, Age: 66, Section: JAMES_329_1_2, Plot Owner: NOBLE, MURRAY C.NOBLE, Margaret W., Buried: 10/19/1927, Age: 55, Section: JAMES_344_8_4, Plot Owner: NOBLE, JAMESNOBLE, Mary, Buried: 11-03-1999, Age: 84, Section: WEST_7_553_1, Plot Owner: NOBLE, JAMES & MARYUNOBLE, Mary E., Buried: 10-07-1963, Age: 83, Section: JAMES_343_5_1, Plot Owner: NOBLE, JOHNNOBLE, Mary E., Buried: 04/26/1953, Age: 77, Section: ODONNE_100_3_2, Plot Owner: NOBLE, MRS ALEXNOBLE, Murray C., Buried: 06/22/1962, Age: 53, Section: ODONNE_100_2_2, Plot Owner: POTTER, THOMASNOBLE, Murry C., Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 53, Section: JAMES_344_8_3, Plot Owner: NOBLE, JAMESNOBLE, Raymond R., Buried: 05-01-1993, Age: 75, Section: OBLOCK_8_81_1, Plot Owner: NOBLE, BARBARA H.NOBLE, Thomas P., Buried: 02-08-1907, Age: 16, Section: BUNNING_138_4_4, Plot Owner: NOBLE, ALEXNOBLE, William, Age: 10, Section: BUNNING_138_6_3, Plot Owner: NOBLE, MARGARETNOBLE, William H., Buried: 01/26/1947, Age: 47, Section: ODONNE_100_3_4, Plot Owner: NOBLE, MRS ALEXNOBLIT, Adeline, Buried: 01-01-1946, Age: 75, Section: ODONNE_148_4_2, Plot Owner: NOBLIT, CLIFFNOBLIT, Samuel S., Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 72, Section: ODONNE_148_4_1, Plot Owner: NOBLIT, CLIFFNOCERINI, Luigi, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 36, Section: PARK_17_7_1, Plot Owner: NOCERINI, LUIGINOKALE, Matt, Buried: 01/24/1922, Age: 65, Section: LUDVIGS_297_2_1, Plot Owner: NOKALE, MATTNOLAN, John D., Buried: 08/13/1956, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_142_5_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFNOLLRI, Marcus, Buried: 11/19/1917, Age: 38, Section: ODONNE_117_3_4, Plot Owner: MOLLER, CHRISNORDSTROM, Carl, Buried: 11-04-2013, Age: 69, Section: CROATIA_7_7_2, Plot Owner: DUZIK, NICKNORDSTROM, Nancy, Buried: 06/28/2016, Age: 68, Section: CROATIA_7_7_3, Plot Owner: DUZIK, NICKNOREN, Severino, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_190_4_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, ANDREAS HOFERNORMAN, Gust, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 66, Section: ODONNE_187_5_2, Plot Owner: NORMAN, GUSTNORMAN, Joseph, Buried: 10-11-1990, Age: 21, Section: BUNNING_157_4_4, Plot Owner: NORMAN, JOSEPHNORMAN, Josephine, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 53, Section: ODONNE_187_5_1, Plot Owner: NORMAN, GUSTNORMINGTON, Delamar, Buried: 05/14/1986, Age: 75, Section: WEST_7_437_1, Plot Owner: NORMINGTON, DELAMARNORMINGTON, Erma T., Buried: 07-10-1995, Age: 85, Section: WEST_7_436_1, Plot Owner: NORMINGTON, DELAMARNORRIS, Ethel E., Buried: 09-03-1911, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_257_1_1, Plot Owner: NORRIS, ETHEL E.NORTH, Irene Irja, Buried: 06-07-2006, Age: 91, Section: WEST_7_63_1, Plot Owner: BRANNAN, VIVIANNORTH, John H., Buried: 11-08-1977, Age: 64, Section: WATAHA_3_77_1, Plot Owner: NORTH, JOHN H.NORTHCUTT, Hubert Erle, Buried: 12-03-2003, Age: 79, Section: OBLOCK_8_502_1, Plot Owner: NORTHCUTT, DORRISNORTON, Ronnie, Buried: 06-03-1936, Age: 0, Section: PARK_31_2_3, Plot Owner: NORTON, RONNIENOSICH, John Leo Sr, Buried: 05/26/1977, Age: 62, Section: WATAHA_3_G_1, Plot Owner: NOSICH, JOHN & MARYNOSICH, Kevin Leon, Buried: 04/28/1982, Age: 19, Section: WEST_7_246_1, Plot Owner: NOSICH, JOHN & JOANNOTAR, Barbra M., Buried: 02/13/1956, Age: 85, Section: NELSON_76_6_4, Plot Owner: NOTAR, BARBRA M.NOTAR, Blaz, Buried: 04/28/1954, Age: 80, Section: PARK_114_1_3, Plot Owner: NOTAR, BLAZNOTAR, Helen, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 39, Section: NELSON_76_5_1, Plot Owner: NOTAR, HELENNOTAR, Jerica, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 59, Section: PARK_114_1_4, Plot Owner: NOTAR, JERICANOTAR, Jerney, Buried: 12/22/1939, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_76_5_2, Plot Owner: NOTAR, JERNEYNOTAR, Jerry Jr., , Buried: 11-07-1962, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_5_1_1, Plot Owner: NOTAR, JERRYNOTAR, Joseph, Buried: 08/29/1931, Age: 34, Section: NELSON_76_5_4, Plot Owner: NOTAR, JOSEPHNOTAR, Kathleen, Buried: 09/23/2011, Age: 96, Section: WATAHA_5_16_1, Plot Owner: NOTAR, MAXNOTAR, Louis A., Buried: 09-08-1944, Age: 38, Section: NELSON_76_5_3, Plot Owner: NOTAR, LOUIS A.NOTAR, Louis T., Buried: 09/20/1931, Age: 27, Section: BUNNING_228_2_2, Plot Owner: NOTAR, LOUIS T.NOTAR, Mary, Buried: 11/16/2001, Age: 106, Section: WATAHA_5_2_1, Plot Owner: NOTAR, JERRYNOTAR, Max F., Buried: 01/20/1996, Age: 84, Section: WATAHA_5_15_1, Plot Owner: NOTAR, MAXNOUSI, Adam J., Buried: 06-03-1960, Age: 68, Section: JAMES_344_7_1, Plot Owner: NOUSIGIVEN, HISKINOUSI, Hiski, Buried: 02/27/1932, Age: 46, Section: JAMES_344_7_2, Plot Owner: NOUSIGIVEN, HISKINOUSI, Ilmi, Buried: 10-06-1927, Age: 31, Section: JAMES_344_7_3, Plot Owner: NOUSIGIVEN, HISKINOUSI, Impi D, Buried: 03/25/1978, Age: 85, Section: JAMES_344_7_4, Plot Owner: NOUSIGIVEN, HISKINOVAK, Anton, Buried: 11-10-1975, Age: 67, Section: WATAHA_5_P_1, Plot Owner: NOVAK, ANTONNOVAK, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1965, Age: 94, Section: KENDALL_17_1_3, Plot Owner: NOVAK, ANTONNOVAK, Anton Sr., , Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 55, Section: EDGAR_84_12_2, Plot Owner: NOVAK SR., ANTONNOVAK, Edward W., Buried: 01-01-1952, Age: 43, Section: KENDALL_17_1_2, Plot Owner: NOVAK, EDWARD W.NOVAK, Frank, Buried: 05/18/1999, Age: 92, Section: CROATIA_L_1_3, Plot Owner: NOVAK, FRANK & MARYNOVAK, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1962, Age: 85, Section: KENDALL_17_1_4, Plot Owner: NOVAK, MARYNOVAK, Mary A, Buried: 04/28/1999, Age: 83, Section: CROATIA_L_1_4, Plot Owner: NOVAK, FRANK & MARYNOVICKI, Henry W., Buried: 03/13/1986, Age: 84, Section: PARK_90_8_3, Plot Owner: NOVICKI, HENRY W.NOVICKI, Mary A., Buried: 05-10-1986, Age: 80, Section: PARK_90_8_4, Plot Owner: NOVICKI, MARY A.NOVOTNY, Anna V., Buried: 10/23/1984, Age: 76, Section: WEST_7_370_1, Plot Owner: NOVOTNY, JOHNNOVOTNY, John, Buried: 01/30/1998, Age: 85, Section: WEST_7_371_1, Plot Owner: NOVOTNY, JOHNNOWAK, Anita A., Buried: 03/13/1971, Age: 22, Section: LAUZER_421_45_1, Plot Owner: TAYLOR, ROBERTNOWAK, Clifford L., Buried: 03/13/1971, Age: 23, Section: LAUZER_421_45_2, Plot Owner: TAYLOR, ROBERTNOWAK, Rose E., Buried: 09/19/1977, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_3_50_1, Plot Owner: NOWAK, ROSE E.NOY, Wong, Buried: 12-11-1973, Age: 63, Section: ROE_72_16_3, Plot Owner: KEFFER, ALLENNURMEL, Sophia, Buried: 06/28/1951, Age: 72, Section: PARKER_291_1_4, Plot Owner: VALF, LOUISNURMELA, Alexander, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 47, Section: PARKER_262_1_1, Plot Owner: NURMELA, ALEXANDERNURMELA, Oscar, Buried: 04/26/1955, Age: 68, Section: PARKER_262_1_2, Plot Owner: NURMELA, ALEXANDERNURMELA, Sophia, Buried: 06/28/1951, Age: 72, Section: PARKER_262_1_1, Plot Owner: NURMELA, ALEXANDERNURMELA, Walter A., Buried: 05/29/1929, Age: 14, Section: PARKER_262_1_4, Plot Owner: NURMELA, ALEXANDERNURMELA, Wesley O., Buried: 01/26/1967, Age: 47, Section: PARKER_262_1_3, Plot Owner: NURMELA, ALEXANDERNURMI, Eileen, Buried: 04/25/1935, Age: 4, Section: LUDVIGS_256_8_1, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFNYGUEST, Charles, Buried: 08/29/1912, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_140_8_1, Plot Owner: WATTS, GENOAKLEY, Eileen Francis, Buried: 07/15/1946, Age: 9, Section: OSSELTO_K_4_1, Plot Owner: OAKLEY, MR JAYOAKLEY, Ruby Clare, Buried: 12/24/1948, Age: 54, Section: OSSELTO_K_4_2, Plot Owner: OAKLEY, MR JAYOAS, Violet E Sather, Buried: 04/28/1969, Age: 71, Section: ODONNE_195_8_4, Plot Owner: SORENSEN, S JOBERG, George F., Age: 7, Section: ODONNE_139_5_1, Plot Owner: OBERG, JOHNOBERG, Johanna J., Age: 42, Section: ODONNE_139_5_3, Plot Owner: OBERG, JOHNOBERG, John, Buried: 07-01-1937, Age: 87, Section: ODONNE_139_5_4, Plot Owner: OBERG, JOHNOBERT, Doris Y., Buried: 06/29/1938, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_20_1_4, Plot Owner: OBERT, DORIS Y.OBERTA, Jim, Buried: 08/23/1931, Age: 44, Section: OSSELTO_352_6_1, Plot Owner: OBERTA, JIMOBLACK, Betty A., Buried: 04-09-1990, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_45_6_3, Plot Owner: OBLACK, BETTY A.O'BLACK, Matthew F., Buried: 03/16/1984, Age: 64, Section: KENDALL_45_6_2, Plot Owner: O'BLACK, MATTHEW F.OBLAK, Anton, Buried: 11-10-1956, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_91_4_3, Plot Owner: OBLAK, ANTONOBLAK, Mary, Section: NELSON_91_4_4, Plot Owner: OBLAK, MARYOBLASNIK, Frank, Buried: 03-11-1957, Age: 67, Section: NELSON_69_3_2, Plot Owner: OBLASNIK, FRANKOBLOCK, Anna, Buried: 05-07-1969, Age: 76, Section: NELSON_91_6_2, Plot Owner: OBLOCK, ANNAOBLOCK, Anton, Buried: 01/23/1956, Age: 64, Section: NELSON_91_6_1, Plot Owner: OBLOCK, ANTONOBLOCK, Glaydys, Buried: 03-02-2013, Age: 92, Section: OBLOCK_8_62_1, Plot Owner: OBLOCK, PAUL & GLADYSOBLOCK, J., Section: PARK_104_6_1, Plot Owner: OBLOCK, J.OBLOCK, John, Buried: 08/31/1917, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_91_5_4, Plot Owner: OBLOCK, JOHNOBLOCK, Louis, Buried: 08/23/1914, Age: 18, Section: NELSON_91_5_3, Plot Owner: OBLOCK, LOUISOBLOCK, Paul, Buried: 01/26/1993, Age: 77, Section: OBLOCK_8_61_1, Plot Owner: OBLOCK, PAUL & GLADYSOBLOCK, Tony, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 25, Section: NELSON_91_6_4, Plot Owner: OBLOCK, TONYOCEPEK, William J., Buried: 11/17/2009, Age: 64, Section: BUNNING_112_7_1, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEOCHNER, Ramona, Buried: 04/22/1925, Age: 44, Section: JAMES_301_4_4, Plot Owner: UNION 8078, LOCALOCHS, Anna L., Buried: 12-06-1956, Age: 52, Section: EDGAR_66_8_4, Plot Owner: OCHS, ANNA L.OCHS, John, Buried: 02/20/1979, Age: 76, Section: EDGAR_66_8_5, Plot Owner: SCHULTZ, MRS F JOCKERMAN, Albert Leo, Buried: 05-03-1949, Age: 53, Section: EDGAR_63_20_2, Plot Owner: OCKERMAN, MRS ETHELOCKERMAN, Ethel, Buried: 02/23/1989, Age: 87, Section: EDGAR_63_20_1, Plot Owner: OCKERMAN, MRS ETHELOCKERMAN, Kenneth, Buried: 09/17/2016, Age: 90, Section: EDGAR_63_20_3, Plot Owner: OCKERMAN, MRS ETHELOCKERMAN, Virginia R., Buried: 10/27/2003, Age: 73, Section: EDGAR_63_20_4, Plot Owner: OCKERMAN, MRS ETHELO'CONNELL, Frank "Pat", Buried: 08/30/1961, Age: 72, Section: LUDVIGS_254_3_2, Plot Owner: COUZATTE, FELIXO'CONNELL, Josephine, Buried: 09-02-1953, Age: 61, Section: LUDVIGS_254_3_1, Plot Owner: COUZATTE, FELIXO'CONNOR, Myrtle, Buried: 11-04-1941, Age: 55, Section: EDGAR_67_11_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANOCTATON, Cmpthn, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 2, Section: EDGAR_84_1_2, Plot Owner: OCTATON, CMPTHNO'DEA, James A., Buried: 01/23/1942, Age: 28, Section: OSSELTO_334_2_4, Plot Owner: ODEA, MRS JAMESODEKIRK, Brent L., Buried: 02/20/1953, Age: 3, Section: JAMES_330_2_1, Plot Owner: WALL, FREDODELL, Celia, Buried: 10/24/1980, Age: 91, Section: ROE_79_2_3, Plot Owner: ODELL, MRS JENODELL, George, Buried: 12/13/1948, Age: 45, Section: ROE_74_6_4, Plot Owner: ODELL, MRS GEORGEODELL, Howard, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 5, Section: ROE_79_2_4, Plot Owner: ODELL, MRS JENODELL, John G., Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 44, Section: ROE_79_2_5, Plot Owner: ODELL, JOHN G.O'DONNELL, C.F., Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 56, Section: PARK_112_7_1, Plot Owner: LEGGETT, ESTHER JANEO'DONNELL, Elizabeth, Section: PARK_112_7_4, Plot Owner: O'DONNELL, J.WO'DONNELL, Fredrick P., Buried: 11/20/1964, Age: 50, Section: PARK_125_10_3, Plot Owner: O'DONNELL, FREDRICK P.O'DONNELL, J.W, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 41, Section: PARK_112_7_4, Plot Owner: O'DONNELL, J.WO'DONNELL, Mary Tobin, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 79, Section: PARK_112_8_3, Plot Owner: O'DONNELL, MARY TOBINO'DONNELL, Viola M., Buried: 02/23/1994, Age: 81, Section: PARK_125_10_4, Plot Owner: O'DONNELL, VIOLA M.O'DONNELL, William H., Buried: 10-12-1906, Age: 55, Section: PARK_112_7_3, Plot Owner: O'DONNELL, WILLIAM H.ODORIZZI, Bert, Buried: 04/30/1988, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_23_3_4, Plot Owner: ODORIZZI, BERTODORIZZI, Enrico, Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_23_3_2, Plot Owner: ODORIZZI, ENRICOODORIZZI, Lucia, Buried: 04-12-1947, Age: 65, Section: KENDALL_23_3_3, Plot Owner: ODORIZZI, LUCIAOFARRELL, William K., Buried: 06/13/2014, Section: WEST_7_38_1, Plot Owner: O'FARRELL, WILLIAM KO'FARRELL, Alice K., Buried: 01-01-1974, Age: 74, Section: KENDALL_21_5_1, Plot Owner: O'FARRELL, ALICE K.O'FARRELL, Catherine J., Buried: 11-12-1999, Age: 55, Section: KENDALL_21_6_3, Plot Owner: O'FARRELL, CATHERINE J.O'FARRELL, Delores, Buried: 06-10-2011, Age: 83, Section: WEST_7_37_1, Plot Owner: O'FARRELL, WILLIAM K.O'FARRELL, Marget Jean "Peggy", Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 13, Section: KENDALL_21_5_4, Plot Owner: O'FARRELL, MARGET JEAN "PEGGY"O'FARRELL, Mary M., Buried: 01-01-1943, Age: 43, Section: KENDALL_21_5_3, Plot Owner: O'FARRELL, MARY M.O'FARRELL, Nora, Buried: 11-04-2011, Age: 82, Section: KAUMO_10_31_1, Plot Owner: O'FARRELL, TIM J.O'FARRELL, Ted, Buried: 02/23/2009, Age: 85, Section: KAUMO_10_30_1, Plot Owner: O'FARRELL, TIM J.O'FARRELL, Timothy J., Buried: 01-01-1969, Age: 72, Section: KENDALL_21_5_2, Plot Owner: O'FARRELL, TIMOTHY J.O'FLAHERTY, Hannah C., Buried: 10/25/1997, Age: 82, Section: ROE_78_8_2, Plot Owner: YOUNG, J BO'FLAHERTY, Timothy, Buried: 08-10-2004, Age: 85, Section: ROE_78_8_2, Plot Owner: YOUNG, J BOGDEN, Jennie, Buried: 11-06-1925, Age: 71, Section: JAMES_347_3_1, Plot Owner: OGDEN, GEOOGLE, Jere Clair, Buried: 06/13/1957, Age: 16, Section: PARK_122_18_4, Plot Owner: OGLE, JERE CLAIROGRIN, Margaret, Buried: 05-08-2010, Age: 88, Section: WEST_7_462_1, Plot Owner: OGRIN, MAX L.OGRIN, Max L., Buried: 11/26/1986, Age: 69, Section: WEST_7_463_1, Plot Owner: OGRIN, MAX L.OHLUND, Baby, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_127_5_1, Plot Owner: OHLUND, BABYOIKARI, Anna, Buried: 03/27/1982, Age: 84, Section: MUIR_423_20_4, Plot Owner: OIKARI, MRS GUSTIOIKARI, Gusti, Buried: 02/23/1960, Age: 73, Section: MUIR_423_20_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNEROJA, Able, Buried: 11/21/1927, Age: 51, Section: JAMES_304_4_4, Plot Owner: OJA, ABELOJA, Arne A., Buried: 11/21/1975, Age: 67, Section: PARK_125_13_1, Plot Owner: OJA, ARNE A.OJA, Child Of Able, Buried: 04/28/1906, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_210_3_1, Plot Owner: ABLE, OJA (CHILD OF)OJA, Doras I., Buried: 11-09-2000, Age: 93, Section: PARK_125_13_2, Plot Owner: OJA, ARNEOJA, Eino J., Buried: 10/25/1951, Age: 46, Section: JAMES_330_5_4, Plot Owner: MURRAY, C AOJA, Helen, Buried: 08-05-1926, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_304_4_3, Plot Owner: OJA, ABELOJA, John, Buried: 10/15/1935, Age: 38, Section: OSSELTO_353_8_4, Plot Owner: LAIN, MRS JOSEPHOJA, John, Buried: 06-05-2009, Age: 38, Section: PARK_125_13_3, Plot Owner: OJA, DORAS I.OJA, Mary, Buried: 10/26/1941, Age: 60, Section: JAMES_304_4_1, Plot Owner: OJA, ABELOJA, Patricia, Buried: 12-03-2013, Age: 79, Section: PARK_125_13_4, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, BURIALOJA, Walter, Buried: 07/29/1950, Age: 44, Section: JAMES_303_1_3, Plot Owner: NICOLL, A HOJALA, Audrey Valentine, Buried: 10-06-2000, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_217_7_1, Plot Owner: OJAYA, UNKNOWNOJALA, Charles E., Buried: 01-07-1961, Age: 70, Section: ODONNE_217_7_4, Plot Owner: OJALA, MROJALA, Hilma S., Section: ODONNE_217_7_4, Plot Owner: OJALA, MROJALA, John, Buried: 12/30/1945, Age: 53, Section: ODONNE_217_7_3, Plot Owner: OJALA, MROJALA, Reino Ahti, Buried: 08-07-1982, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_217_7_2, Plot Owner: OJALA, MROJALAVIZ, Joseph, Buried: 04/17/1957, Age: 39, Section: YOUNG_400_28_4, Plot Owner: OJALAVIZ, JOSEPHOJSTERSEK, John, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 49, Section: PARK_63_6_1, Plot Owner: TRDNJAVA, DRUSTOOOJSTERSEK, Sofia, Buried: 06/26/1963, Age: 84, Section: LUDVIGS_273_8_2, Plot Owner: BARBARE, SOCIETYOKANO, Agnes M, Buried: 09/16/2016, Age: 83, Section: LUDVIGS_278_2_1, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEOKANO, George, Buried: 05/22/1998, Age: 78, Section: LUDVIGS_278_8_1, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEOKANO, Jiro, Buried: 09/18/1987, Age: 66, Section: LUDVIGS_278_2_2, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEOKANO, Kakuji, Buried: 02/23/1963, Age: 72, Section: LUDVIGS_278_8_3, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEOKANO, Marion S., Buried: 11/16/2001, Age: 69, Section: LUDVIGS_278_8_4, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEOKANO, Misao, Buried: 01/21/1972, Age: 71, Section: LUDVIGS_278_8_2, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEOKEOHLAND, Infant Son Of, Buried: 10/14/1901, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_127_5_3, Plot Owner: OKEOHLAND, INFANT SON OFOKNJA, Mnpa, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 29, Section: PARK_65_1_2, Plot Owner: OKNJA, MNPAOLAH, Kolman Z., Buried: 01-01-1945, Age: 27, Section: BUNNING_108_1_1, Plot Owner: CUNNINGHAM, JOHNOLAH, Mary Ann, Buried: 12/29/1948, Age: 64, Section: BUNNING_108_1_2, Plot Owner: CUNNINGHAM, JOHNOLAH, William J., Buried: 01-02-1992, Age: 67, Section: YOUNG_424_11_2, Plot Owner: OLAF, M/M WILLIAMOLEFFE, Alice Cecelia, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 27, Section: PARKER_288_5_1, Plot Owner: ROWE, STANLEY EOLEFFE, Emilo, Buried: 09/20/1931, Age: 8, Section: PARKER_288_5_3, Plot Owner: OLEFFE, JOSEPHOLEFFE, Joseph M., Buried: 12-01-1955, Age: 65, Section: EDGAR_82_13_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANOLESON, Dorothy M., Buried: 04-03-1972, Age: 67, Section: PARK_15_2_1, Plot Owner: OLESON, DOROTHY M.OLGUIN, John, Buried: 06-07-1983, Age: 22, Section: WEST_7_315_1, Plot Owner: OLGUIN, MAXOLGUIN, Max, Buried: 02-10-1989, Age: 58, Section: EDGAR_82_16X_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANOLIVA, Lettine, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 27, Section: BUNNING_112_1_1, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEOLIVER, Edward Allis, Buried: 01/29/1926, Age: 70, Section: PARKER_242_5_1, Plot Owner: OLIVER, EDWARDOLIVER, Freda M., Buried: 11/21/1937, Age: 45, Section: EDGAR_83_17_5, Plot Owner: OLIVER, FREDA M.OLIVER, Sarah T., Buried: 07/18/1944, Age: 86, Section: PARKER_242_5_2, Plot Owner: OLIVER, EDWARDOLIVER, Sophie P., Buried: 07/29/1999, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_B_4_2, Plot Owner: OLIVER, SOPHIE P.OLIVER, Stephen, Buried: 01-07-1961, Age: 63, Section: KENDALL_B_4_1, Plot Owner: OLIVER, STEPHENOLIVERO, Baby, Buried: 02-06-1945, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_339_3_2, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, MRS JOHNOLIVERO, Battista, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 38, Section: LUDVIGS_230_6_3, Plot Owner: OLIVERO, BATTISTAOLIVERO, Betty Jo, Buried: 04/16/1939, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_340_3_3, Plot Owner: TABONI, TOMOLIVERO, Infant, Buried: 02/28/1941, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_340_3_3, Plot Owner: TABONI, TOMOLIVERO, Lucille Davis, Buried: 11/20/1934, Age: 17, Section: OSSELTO_340_3_4, Plot Owner: TABONI, TOMOLIVERS, Dona Jean, Buried: 07/16/1934, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_340_3_4, Plot Owner: TABONI, TOMOLSEN, Baby, Buried: 10-10-1909, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_149_5_2, Plot Owner: OLSEN, CHARLESOLSEN, Carl, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 55, Section: ODONNE_149_5_3, Plot Owner: OLSEN, MRS. CARLOLSEN, Carl Mrs., Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_149_5_3, Plot Owner: OLSEN, MRS. CARLOLSEN, Charles, Buried: 07-08-1926, Age: 47, Section: ODONNE_149_5_3, Plot Owner: OLSEN, MRS. CARLOLSEN, Emma, Buried: 06-12-1957, Age: 82, Section: OSSELTO_318_1_2, Plot Owner: OLSEN, JOHN AOLSEN, Helik, Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 50, Section: BUNNING_105_5_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFOLSEN, Ishmael "Ish" J., Buried: 10/17/2005, Age: 91, Section: WEST_7_152_1, Plot Owner: OLSEN, ISHMAEL & MARGARETOLSEN, Mary, Buried: 01/27/1972, Age: 76, Section: PARK_124_1_2, Plot Owner: OLSEN, OSCAROLSEN, Oscar, Buried: 07/16/1973, Age: 82, Section: PARK_124_1_1, Plot Owner: OLSEN, OSCAROLSEN, Swan, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 84, Section: JAMES_326_6_2, Plot Owner: OLSEN, SWANOLSEN, Telka, Buried: 11-08-1937, Age: 64, Section: ODONNE_149_5_4, Plot Owner: OLSEN, CHARLESOLSEN, Wallace J., Buried: 01-01-1955, Age: 43, Section: YOUNG_400_6_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNEROLSEN, Wallace Y., Buried: 06-12-1957, Age: 40, Section: YOUNG_400_6_4, Plot Owner: OLSEN, MRS WALLACE JOLSON, Elmer, Buried: 09-09-1910, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_149_5_1, Plot Owner: OLSEN, CHARLESOLSON, Hilda, Buried: 06-03-1937, Age: 75, Section: JAMES_326_6_4, Plot Owner: OLSEN, SWANOLSON, Irvin Ray, Buried: 08/24/2007, Age: 65, Section: OBLOCK_8_639_1, Plot Owner: OLSON FAMILY, IRVINOLSON, John A., Buried: 05/15/1939, Age: 64, Section: OSSELTO_318_1_1, Plot Owner: OLSEN, JOHN AOLSON, Lucille E., Buried: 07/17/1916, Age: 2, Section: LUDVIGS_249_8_3, Plot Owner: #151 FOE, EAGLESOLSON, Mary, Buried: 01/27/1972, Age: 76, Section: ODONNE_124_8_2, Plot Owner: WALTERS, HENRYOLSON, Minnie, Buried: 01-01-1956, Age: 71, Section: MUIR_402_36_3, Plot Owner: EVERSOLE, IRAOLSON, Paul M., Buried: 12/15/1986, Age: 79, Section: MUIR_402_36_5, Plot Owner: EVERSOLE, IRAOLSON, Peder, Buried: 12-01-1958, Age: 81, Section: MUIR_402_36_4, Plot Owner: EVERSOLE, IRAOLYER, Stanley Raymond, Buried: 05-10-1989, Age: 74, Section: EDGAR_82_16X_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANO'MALLEY, Dr. Harold A, Buried: 07-09-1959, Age: 59, Section: KENDALL_A_25_4, Plot Owner: O'MALLEY, DR. HAROLD AOMAN, Jos, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 22, Section: PARK_111_3_1, Plot Owner: OMAN, JOSOMEJC, Matt, Buried: 06-10-1955, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_119_8_1, Plot Owner: OMEJC, MATTOMEYC, John E., Buried: 01/18/1951, Age: 75, Section: KENDALL_44_2_1, Plot Owner: OMEYC, JOHN E.OMEYC, John Frank, Buried: 05-01-1940, Age: 16, Section: KENDALL_44_2_4, Plot Owner: OMEYC, JOHN FRANKOMNPE, Aye, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 2, Section: PARK_65_1_4, Plot Owner: OMNPE, AYEONEAL, Timmy, Buried: 10/15/1955, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_400_25_4, Plot Owner: DIEHL, MRS AMOSO'NEIL, Baby, Buried: 06/19/1956, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_400_25_5, Plot Owner: DIEHL, MRS AMOSONISTO, Adolfo, Buried: 04/28/1988, Age: 85, Section: WATAHA_6_96_1, Plot Owner: MURPHY, JESSIE GUERNSEYONISTO, Amalia, Buried: 02-07-1972, Age: 65, Section: WATAHA_6_97_1, Plot Owner: TORRES, VIRGINIAONISTO, Americo, Buried: 03/27/1958, Age: 60, Section: NELSON_119_14_1, Plot Owner: ONISTO, AMERICOONLY, Stone, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 62, Section: ROE_72_12_4, Plot Owner: ONLY, STONEONLY, Stone, Age: 62, Section: ROE_72_17_1, Plot Owner: ONLY, STONEONO, George S., Buried: 12-12-1970, Age: 45, Section: LUDVIGS_278_7_1, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEONO, Shogoro, Buried: 01/31/1984, Age: 102, Section: LUDVIGS_278_6_2, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEONO, Tome, Buried: 05-02-1984, Age: 84, Section: LUDVIGS_278_6_2, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEONO, Yayeko, Buried: 08/18/2014, Age: 86, Section: LUDVIGS_278_6_3, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEORD, Annie, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 27, Section: BUNNING_182_1_3, Plot Owner: MORRISON, ARCHYORD, Archie, Buried: 09-03-1974, Age: 76, Section: LAUZER_421_41_4, Plot Owner: ORD, ARCHIEORD, Archie Jr., , Buried: 02/19/1942, Age: 12, Section: ODONNE_212_1_2, Plot Owner: ORD, FRANKORD, Carrie, Buried: 06-08-1955, Age: 78, Section: ODONNE_212_1_1, Plot Owner: ORD, FRANKORD, Frank, Buried: 02/19/1942, Age: 90, Section: ODONNE_212_1_3, Plot Owner: ORD, FRANKORD, John, Buried: 11-12-1906, Age: 82, Section: ODONNE_212_1_4, Plot Owner: ORD, FRANKORD, John M, Buried: 05-09-1970, Age: 73, Section: LAUZER_421_41_5, Plot Owner: ORD, JOHNORESTER, Dean Scott, Buried: 09/20/1983, Age: 19, Section: PARKER_241_5_3, Plot Owner: GILLILAN, SAMUELORESTER, Elenor S., Buried: 07/16/1985, Age: 84, Section: PARKER_241_6_2, Plot Owner: GILLILAN, MRS SAMUELORESTER, James, Buried: 09/16/1976, Age: 90, Section: PARKER_241_5_4, Plot Owner: GILLILAN, SMAUELORESTER, Marie S., Buried: 03/30/1924, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_292_5_1, Plot Owner: ORESTER SR., STEVEN E.ORESTER, Steve Eleanor, Buried: 07/19/1985, Age: 84, Section: PARKER_241_3_2, Plot Owner: COMPTON, VILASORESTER, Steve L., Buried: 12/21/1987, Age: 94, Section: PARKER_241_3_3, Plot Owner: COMPTON, VILASORESTER, Steve L., Buried: 12/21/1987, Age: 94, Section: PARKER_241_6_3, Plot Owner: GILLILAN, MRS SAMUELORESTER, Steven E. Sr., , Buried: 10-05-1973, Age: 47, Section: PARKER_292_6_1, Plot Owner: ORESTER SR., STEVEN E.ORESTER, Wells Elizabeth, Buried: 11/29/1966, Age: 45, Section: PARKER_292_6_2, Plot Owner: NUNN, MRS WELLS ELIZABETHORESTER, William Jerome, Buried: 01/20/2014, Age: 82, Section: PARKER_241_6_4, Plot Owner: GILLILAN, MRS SAMUELORIO, James I., Buried: 10/28/1936, Age: 71, Section: PARKER_268_8_2, Plot Owner: LOCAL UNION #2, 3831, 2309, 908 & 2282ORMAN, John, Buried: 11-07-1920, Age: 56, Section: PARKER_294_8_4, Plot Owner: ORMAN, JOHNORME, Alice, Buried: 02/13/1961, Age: 78, Section: ROE_76_20_4, Plot Owner: ORME, ALICEORME, Beatrice, Buried: 05-05-1967, Age: 64, Section: EDGAR_83_18_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, CANADIANORME, Edgar, Buried: 11/15/1960, Age: 70, Section: EDGAR_83_18_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, CANADIANORME, Edward T., Buried: 05-11-1940, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_207_8_2, Plot Owner: LIPPA, PAULORME, Geoffery, Buried: 12/16/1995, Age: 75, Section: EDGAR_83_18_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, CANADIANORME, Harry, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 23, Section: BUNNING_207_1_2, Plot Owner: CRUSE, HERBERTORME, Harry S., Buried: 01-01-1991, Age: 78, Section: EDGAR_80_2_4, Plot Owner: #9, IOOFORME, Harry S. Jr., , Buried: 06-08-1950, Age: 13, Section: EDGAR_80_2_5, Plot Owner: ORME JR., HARRY S.ORME, Herbert, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 20, Section: BUNNING_207_1_3, Plot Owner: ORME, HERBERTORME, Jedediah, Buried: 08/19/1950, Age: 73, Section: ROE_76_20_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERORME, Mary Jane, Buried: 10/15/1969, Age: 79, Section: EDGAR_83_15_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, CANADIANORME, Mildred G., Buried: 01-01-1995, Age: 86, Section: EDGAR_80_2_3, Plot Owner: #9, IOOFORME, Richard, Buried: 02/19/1971, Age: 83, Section: EDGAR_83_15_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, CANADIANORR, Julia K., Buried: 01-01-1952, Age: 49, Section: NELSON_67_3_1, Plot Owner: ORR, JULIA K.ORRELL, Robin Burce, Buried: 03/24/1990, Age: 28, Section: WEST_7_580_1, Plot Owner: ORRAL, ROBINORRELL, Ryan Blake, Buried: 09/18/1996, Age: 20, Section: WEST_7_580_1, Plot Owner: ORRAL, ROBINORTAR, Helen, Buried: 11/19/1921, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_54_3_4, Plot Owner: ORTAR, HELENORTAR, Sophia, Buried: 08-02-1938, Age: 15, Section: NELSON_54_3_3, Plot Owner: ORTAR, SOPHIAORTEGA, Domonico T., Buried: 08-02-1993, Age: 69, Section: KENDALL_44_8X_3, Plot Owner: ORTEGA, DOMONICO T.ORTEGA, Eloy, Buried: 04-01-1965, Age: 75, Section: KENDALL_39_2_4, Plot Owner: ORTEGA, ELOYOSBORN, Avis J., Buried: 07/13/2016, Age: 81, Section: JAMES_345_3_3, Plot Owner: WILLIAMS, LESTEROSEPEK, Emma, Buried: 05/16/1941, Age: 24, Section: BUNNING_112_7_2, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEOSSELTON, George, Buried: 08/13/1941, Age: 56, Section: OSSELTO_314_4_3, Plot Owner: OSSELTON, MRS GEORGEOSSELTON, George R., Buried: 02/16/2002, Age: 92, Section: EDGAR_80_14_5, Plot Owner: OSSELTON, GEORGE R.OSSELTON, Helen M., Buried: 03/21/2003, Age: 96, Section: EDGAR_80_14_4, Plot Owner: #9, IOOFOSSELTON, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1979, Age: 89, Section: OSSELTO_314_4_2, Plot Owner: OSSELTON, MRS GEORGEOSTROM, Rich, Buried: 07-09-1939, Age: 43, Section: OSSELTO_356_1_1, Plot Owner: OSTROM, GRETAOTA, Kenichi, Buried: 03-11-1978, Age: 75, Section: LUDVIGS_278_3_2, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEOTA, Suyeo, Section: LUDVIGS_278_5_1, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEOTA, Yoshiko, Buried: 06-02-1997, Age: 92, Section: LUDVIGS_278_3_1, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEOUTSEN, Adah May, Buried: 05-03-1973, Age: 85, Section: ODONNE_164_8_2, Plot Owner: FLETCHER, ISAAC SHAWOUTSEN, Bennett, Buried: 02/18/1957, Age: 73, Section: ODONNE_164_8_1, Plot Owner: FLETCHER, ISAAC SHAWOUTSEN, Bess M., Buried: 01/19/1959, Age: 61, Section: MUIR_423_19_4, Plot Owner: VASE, PETEOUTSEN, C.A., Buried: 04/22/1957, Age: 60, Section: EDGAR_82_20_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANOUTSEN, Charles, Buried: 03-01-1939, Age: 68, Section: ROE_68_4_2, Plot Owner: OUTSEN, CHARLESOUTSEN, Esther Marie, Buried: 01/27/1931, Age: 85, Section: ODONNE_164_8_3, Plot Owner: FLETCHER, ISAAC SHAWOUTSEN, Marcus, Buried: 01-01-1917, Age: 77, Section: ODONNE_164_8_4, Plot Owner: FLETCHER, ISAAC SHAWOUTSEN, Marcus D., Buried: 07/22/1991, Age: 12, Section: BUNNING_105_1_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFOUTSEN, Marcus D., Section: ROE_68_4_4, Plot Owner: OUTSEN, CHARLESOUTSEN, Mary Ramsay, Buried: 05/20/1936, Age: 60, Section: ROE_68_4_3, Plot Owner: OUTSEN, CHARLESOVERDORF, Ethel, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 21, Section: ODONNE_101_2_2, Plot Owner: OVERDORF, W AOVERY, Anna T., Buried: 12/20/1921, Age: 40, Section: PARKER_292_1_3, Plot Owner: SCHEISTLER, MRS FELIXOVERY, Bessie Marie, Buried: 12/20/1930, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_148_2_3, Plot Owner: OVERY JR., JAMESOVERY, Charles M., Buried: 12/26/1935, Age: 21, Section: ODONNE_148_2_1, Plot Owner: OVERY JR., JAMESOVERY, David R, Buried: 02-04-1986, Age: 41, Section: JAMES_304_2_4, Plot Owner: DEWESTER, JOHN LOVERY, Edward Sr., , Buried: 03/16/1973, Age: 66, Section: PARKER_292_1_2, Plot Owner: SCHEISTLER, MRS FELIXOVERY, Elizabeth, Buried: 02/24/1946, Age: 92, Section: BUNNING_130_7_3, Plot Owner: WRIGHT, THOMASOVERY, Emma, Age: 11, Section: BUNNING_130_7_4, Plot Owner: WRIGHT, THOMASOVERY, Emma May, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_148_2_4, Plot Owner: OVERY JR., JAMESOVERY, Floyd J., Buried: 01/30/1934, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_148_2_2, Plot Owner: OVERY JR., JAMESOVERY, Frank S. Baby, Buried: 03-05-1920, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_141_1_4, Plot Owner: OVERY SR, FRANKOVERY, Hannah Axelina Johnson, Buried: 04/30/1994, Age: 93, Section: JAMES_347_8X_2, Plot Owner: OVERY, RONALD RAYOVERY, Hannah Powell, Buried: 11-01-1935, Age: 30, Section: OSSELTO_316_6_3, Plot Owner: OVERY, FRANKOVERY, Howard Edward, Buried: 09-12-1983, Age: 56, Section: EDGAR_64_5_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANOVERY, Hyrum Carlos, Buried: 12/29/1913, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_141_2_4, Plot Owner: OVERY SR, FRANKOVERY, Jacob M., Buried: 07-05-1945, Age: 33, Section: ODONNE_148_1_1, Plot Owner: OVERY JR., JAMESOVERY, James, Buried: 02-11-1935, Age: 81, Section: BUNNING_130_7_2, Plot Owner: WRIGHT, THOMASOVERY, James Jr., , Buried: 04/19/1947, Age: 64, Section: ODONNE_148_3_3, Plot Owner: OVERY JR, JAMESOVERY, James Thomas, Buried: 09/15/2006, Age: 40, Section: JAMES_347_8X_1, Plot Owner: OVERY, RONALD RAYOVERY, Joseph, Buried: 09/28/1937, Age: 43, Section: EDGAR_83_9_5, Plot Owner: OVERY, JOSEPH C.OVERY, Joseph C., Buried: 02-06-1997, Age: 81, Section: EDGAR_83_9_1, Plot Owner: OVERY, JOSEPHOVERY, Mary A., Age: 52, Section: BUNNING_130_8_4, Plot Owner: WRIGHT, THOMASOVERY, Melenie A., Buried: 08/23/1971, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_148_1_2, Plot Owner: OVERY JR., JAMESOVERY, Melissa, Buried: 10-05-2007, Age: 26, Section: ANDERSO_9_B_33, Plot Owner: DIMICK, FAMILY OF ELMEROVERY, Richard, Buried: 12-10-2011, Age: 70, Section: JAMES_366_8X_4, Plot Owner: OVERY, RONALD RAYOVERY, Robert C. "Bob", Buried: 11/14/2003, Age: 64, Section: OBLOCK_8_527_1, Plot Owner: OVERY, ROBERT & DOROTHYOVERY, Sarah A., Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 21, Section: BUNNING_130_8_2, Plot Owner: WRIGHT, THOMASOVERY, Sarah I., Buried: 11/13/1982, Age: 91, Section: ODONNE_148_3_4, Plot Owner: OVERY JR, JAMESOVERY, Thomas Donald, Buried: 06-03-2013, Section: JAMES_347_8X_4, Plot Owner: OVERY, RONALD RAYOVERY, Thomas Jr., , Buried: 07/20/1991, Age: 81, Section: JAMES_347_8X_3, Plot Owner: OVERY, RONALD RAYOVERY, Wanda Jean, Buried: 06-03-2013, Section: JAMES_347_8X_4, Plot Owner: OVERY, RONALD RAYOWENS, Georgia, Buried: 09/24/1948, Age: 50, Section: OSSELTO_N_5_1, Plot Owner: RANDLESSI, UNKNOWN
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