Search Wyoming Death Records
Wyoming Newspapers, Full Search (1867-1945), 47 titles
Wyoming Obituary Search - (1997-current)
Wyoming Birth Records Database, (1867-1945)
Rock Springs Municpal Cemetery
Rock Springs, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
GPS: 41.575726, -109.212512
800 Thompson St
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Date published: June 13, 2017
Total records: 14,545
Surnames P-R
Records published here were acquired from the City of Rock Springs on June 12, 2017. These records were last updated by the City on May 22, 2017. Dates of burial range from 1900 to 2017.
PAAVOLA, Hilda M., Buried: 05/21/1939, Age: 55, Section: PARKER_239_3_3, Plot Owner: PAAVOLA, MRS LOUISPAAVOLA, Toivo W., Buried: 04/20/1973, Age: 85, Section: PARKER_239_3_2, Plot Owner: PAAVOLA, MRS LOUISPACHECO, Jose N, Buried: 10/31/1978, Age: 74, Section: ODONNE_94_4_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFPACHECO, Jose N., Buried: 10/31/1978, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_94_2_3, Plot Owner: PACHECO, JOSE N.PACHECO, Joseph, Buried: 08-08-1975, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_94_2_1, Plot Owner: PACHECO, JOSEPHPACHECO, Louis, Buried: 03-08-2004, Age: 83, Section: NELSON_127_12_1, Plot Owner: PACHECO, LOUIS E.PACHECO, Margaret, Buried: 10-11-2002, Age: 83, Section: NELSON_127_12_2, Plot Owner: PACHECO, LOUIS E.PACHECO, Maria Thomasita, Buried: 03/14/1997, Age: 82, Section: NELSON_94_2_2, Plot Owner: PACHECO, MARIA THOMASITAPACHECO, Terry Lee, Buried: 09/18/1968, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_127_12_4, Plot Owner: PACHECO JR., LOUIS E.PACHEO, Teodoro, Buried: 02/14/1975, Age: 71, Section: PARKER_285_5_4, Plot Owner: PACHEO, TEODOROPADILLA, Delio, Buried: 11/29/1978, Age: 49, Section: MUIR_403_36_4, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFPAGE, Bobby Ray, Buried: 09-04-1954, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_11_4, Plot Owner: ROBINSON, MILFORDPAGE, Bruce Wayne, Buried: 06/13/1990, Age: 32, Section: YOUNG_425_48_5, Plot Owner: PAGE, BRUCE WAYNEPAGE, Evelyn, Buried: 09/13/2008, Age: 84, Section: MUIR_403_9_4, Plot Owner: PAGE, GEORGEPAGE, George Leonard, Buried: 08-03-1951, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_9_4, Plot Owner: PAGE, GEORGEPAGE, Leonard G., Buried: 07/19/1986, Age: 69, Section: MUIR_403_9_2, Plot Owner: PAGE, GEORGEPAGE, Leroy, Buried: 04-12-1930, Age: 58, Section: JAMES_349_4_4, Plot Owner: ROGAN, FRANK PPAGE, Samuel Charles, Buried: 03-12-1948, Age: 74, Section: EDGAR_83_5_2, Plot Owner: CAROLLO, J APAGE, Stephen, Buried: 12-03-1998, Age: 39, Section: MUIR_403_9_3, Plot Owner: PAGE, GEORGEPAGE, Stevanna, Buried: 07/29/2014, Age: 28, Section: EDGAR_63_1X_5, Plot Owner: PAGE, STEVANNAPAINOVICH, Frances, Buried: 03-01-1956, Age: 79, Section: JAMES_365_8_4, Plot Owner: PAINOVICH, JOHNPAINOVICH, Frieda, Buried: 09/29/2011, Age: 90, Section: OBLOCK_8_305_1, Plot Owner: PAINOVICH, R.& MRS.NICKPAINOVICH, John, Buried: 07-12-1926, Age: 53, Section: JAMES_365_8_3, Plot Owner: PAINOVICH, JOHNPAINOVICH, Nick, Buried: 09-10-1998, Age: 83, Section: OBLOCK_8_304_1, Plot Owner: PAINOVICH, MR.& MRS.NICKPAKA, Oba, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 32, Section: PARK_65_1_1, Plot Owner: PAKA, OBAPALANCK, Edward, Buried: 01-01-1971, Age: 66, Section: KENDALL_13_2_3, Plot Owner: PALANCK, EDWARDPALANCK, Lena M., Buried: 12/28/1996, Age: 87, Section: NELSON_119_13_4, Plot Owner: DELLAPICOLA, MARY DELLAPALANCK, Louis, Buried: 01-01-1949, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_13_2_1, Plot Owner: PALANCK, LOUISPALANCK, Meri, Buried: 01-01-1968, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_13_2_2, Plot Owner: PALANCK, MERIPALCHER, Anton, Buried: 01/26/1973, Age: 82, Section: CROATIA_8_3_3, Plot Owner: PALCHER, ANTONPALCHER, Ladene, Buried: 01-01-1961, Age: 57, Section: CROATIA_8_3_4, Plot Owner: PALCHER, LADENEPALCHER, William Robert, Buried: 06-02-1999, Age: 63, Section: CROATIA_8_3_2, Plot Owner: PALCHER, WILLIAM ROBERTPALKO, Adam, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_D_7_4, Plot Owner: PALKO, MIKE S.PALKO, Carolyn, Buried: 05-03-2002, Age: 85, Section: KENDALL_37_3_3, Plot Owner: PALKO, CAROLYNPALKO, George Jr., Buried: 12/13/1940, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_37_3_1, Plot Owner: PALKO, GEORGE JR.PALKO, George P., Buried: 05-09-2001, Age: 88, Section: KENDALL_37_3_4, Plot Owner: PALKO, GEORGE P.PALKO, Helen M., Buried: 09-01-1959, Age: 26, Section: WATAHA_D_7_3, Plot Owner: PALKO, MIKE S.PALKO, Joey, Buried: 09/20/1949, Age: 6, Section: KENDALL_37_3_2, Plot Owner: PALKO, JOEYPALKO, Mary A., Buried: 07/28/1967, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_D_7_2, Plot Owner: PALKO, MIKE S.PALKO, Mike S., Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 27, Section: WATAHA_D_7_4, Plot Owner: PALKO, MIKE S.PALKO, Mike S., Buried: 04-10-1969, Age: 85, Section: WATAHA_D_7_1, Plot Owner: PALKO, MIKE S.PALL, Stefan, Buried: 02-06-1909, Age: 28, Section: PARK_64_5_4, Plot Owner: PALL, STEFANPALLAORO, Giacomo, Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 39, Section: WATAHA_H_6_2, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIAPALLARI, Alfred, Buried: 07-12-1979, Age: 95, Section: PARKER_264_8_1, Plot Owner: PALLARI, ALFREDPALLIE, Dan, Buried: 08/25/1951, Age: 63, Section: PARKER_268_7_3, Plot Owner: LOCAL UNION #2, 3831, 2309, 908 & 2282PALMER, Evodie, Buried: 04-07-1994, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_5_96_1, Plot Owner: RODZINAK, HELENPALMER, Hazel, Buried: 08/13/1983, Age: 76, Section: EDGAR_67_5_2, Plot Owner: BLACK, MRS HAROLDPALMER, Ida Belle, Buried: 08/30/1974, Age: 83, Section: BUNNING_89_6_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFPALMER, Kenneth, Buried: 12/15/2000, Age: 78, Section: EDGAR_64_2_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANPALMER, Sherman H., Buried: 04/29/1968, Age: 65, Section: EDGAR_67_5_1, Plot Owner: BLACK, MRS HAROLDPALMER, Terrell L., Buried: 05/16/1940, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_354_7_1, Plot Owner: RUSSELL, MRS THOMASPALMER, Walter Hays, Buried: 05/23/1962, Age: 81, Section: BUNNING_89_6_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFPALOVICH, Anton, Buried: 02/19/1957, Age: 62, Section: NELSON_119_18_1, Plot Owner: PALOVICH, ANTONPANALSEK, Marie C., Buried: 01-04-1983, Age: 74, Section: WEST_7_298_1, Plot Owner: PANALSEK, ANTONPANALSEK, Tony A., Buried: 08/30/1985, Age: 87, Section: WEST_7_299_1, Plot Owner: PANALSEK, ANTONPANCHER, Grover, Buried: 06/24/1922, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_296_8_1, Plot Owner: PANCHER, GROVERPANDALAKIS, Andrew, Buried: 06/16/1965, Age: 74, Section: MUIR_422_8_4, Plot Owner: VASE, PETEPANDALAKIS, Elizabeth, Buried: 10/26/1990, Age: 74, Section: MUIR_422_8_2, Plot Owner: VASE, PETEPANDALAKIS, Maria, Buried: 05/16/1962, Age: 72, Section: MUIR_422_8_3, Plot Owner: VASE, PETEPANDALIS, Elsie, Buried: 03/15/2002, Age: 89, Section: OSSELTO_353_8_2, Plot Owner: PANDALIS, ELSIEPANDNERI, Maria, Buried: 01/19/1989, Age: 93, Section: PARK_122_13X_4, Plot Owner: RUTT, LORRAINEPANION, Agnes, Buried: 01-01-1943, Age: 71, Section: KENDALL_35_2_2, Plot Owner: PANION, AGNESPANION, Frank, Buried: 10/13/1949, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_35_2_1, Plot Owner: PANION, FRANKPANKEY, Harriett E., Buried: 04/25/2008, Age: 72, Section: MUIR_423_9X_2, Plot Owner: PANKEY, EORGE & HARRIETPANTELOGLOW, Gloria M., Buried: 11-09-1985, Age: 55, Section: WEST_7_411_1, Plot Owner: RAYMOND, ADELAPANZER, Bailey Nikol, Buried: 04-08-2011, Age: 6 MOS, Section: ANDERSO_9_B_46, Plot Owner: PANZER, JASON & KIMPANZER, David, Buried: 06/14/2013, Age: 31, Section: ANDERSO_9_B_52, Plot Owner: PANZER, DAVIDPAOLI, Baby Eugene, Buried: 04-12-1950, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_2_2_1, Plot Owner: PAOLI, Baby EugenePAOLI, Emma J., Buried: 10-03-1986, Age: 85, Section: LUDVIGS_232_6_1, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESPAOLI, Eugene, Buried: 05-01-1970, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_2_1_2, Plot Owner: PAOLI, PAULINEPAOLI, Eugene Jr., Buried: 06/23/2003, Age: 75, Section: CROATIA_2_2_2, Plot Owner: PAOLI, EUGENE JR.PAOLI, Louis, Buried: 11/27/1929, Age: 45, Section: WATAHA_H_5_2, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIAPAOLI, Pauline, Buried: 11-06-1984, Age: 78, Section: CROATIA_2_1_3, Plot Owner: PAOLI, PAULINE & EUGENEPAOLI, Serafino A., Buried: 07-11-1970, Age: 84, Section: LUDVIGS_232_6_2, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESPAOLOCOSITUSO, Quirurosa, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 32, Section: PARKER_283_5_1, Plot Owner: PAOLOCOSITUSO, QUIRUROSAPAPAGELOPULOS, Demetrios E., Buried: 05/27/1955, Age: 63, Section: MUIR_402_29_1, Plot Owner: VASE, PETEPAPERELS, John, Buried: 11-07-1953, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_206_6_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSPAPICH, Mary, Buried: 02/26/1973, Age: 75, Section: CROATIA_10_2_3, Plot Owner: PAPICH, MIKEPAPICH, Mike, Buried: 01-01-1950, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_10_2_2, Plot Owner: PAPICH, MIKEPAPPADAKIS, James, Buried: 06/23/1958, Age: 79, Section: YOUNG_401_12_2, Plot Owner: XERAKIS, MRS SAMPAPPAS, Martin, Buried: 03-05-1945, Age: 51, Section: PARKER_289_4_2, Plot Owner: POUPAKIS, THEROSPARANA, Lisa Ann, Buried: 12/14/2005, Age: 46, Section: NELSON_120_12_3, Plot Owner: PARANA, LISA ANNPARAVICINI, Ernest, Buried: 12/14/1923, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_227_5_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSPARAVICINI, Jewell Pong, Buried: 01-05-1983, Age: 79, Section: YOUNG_424_5_1, Plot Owner: PARAVICINI, JEWELL PONGPARAVICINI, Mary J., Buried: 07-07-1990, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_2_41_1, Plot Owner: PARAVICINI, MARY J.PARAVICINI, Ulrico, Buried: 09-12-1975, Age: 79, Section: WATAHA_2_40_1, Plot Owner: PARAVICINI, ULRICOPARAVICINI, Victor, Buried: 01-02-1960, Age: 44, Section: YOUNG_424_5_2, Plot Owner: PARAVICINI, JEWELL PONGPAREA, Edward, Buried: 09/21/1917, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_156_7_3, Plot Owner: PAREA, JOHNPAREA, John Baby Of, Buried: 09/13/1989, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_156_7_4, Plot Owner: PAREA, JOHNPAREA, Joseph, Buried: 09/21/1917, Age: 5, Section: BUNNING_156_7_2, Plot Owner: PAREA, JOHNPAREA, Lucie, Buried: 09/21/1917, Age: 12, Section: BUNNING_156_7_1, Plot Owner: PAREA, JOHNPARFITT, George, Buried: 01-06-1966, Age: 90, Section: PARKER_263_2_2, Plot Owner: PARFITT, GEORGEPARFITT, Howard, Buried: 04-09-1938, Age: 37, Section: PARKER_263_2_4, Plot Owner: PARFITT, GEORGEPARFITT, Lillian, Buried: 12/15/1958, Age: 83, Section: PARKER_263_2_3, Plot Owner: PARFITT, GEORGEPARI, Issue Child Of, Buried: 03-03-1900, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_163_3_3, Plot Owner: PARI, ISAACPARIA, Baby Of John, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_156_8_4, Plot Owner: PARIA, JOHNPARIA, John, Buried: 09/21/1917, Age: 73, Section: BUNNING_156_8_1, Plot Owner: PARIA, JOHNPARIA, John, Buried: 11-07-1918, Age: 73, Section: BUNNING_156_8_3, Plot Owner: PARIA, JOHNPARIA, John Mrs., Buried: 05-08-1918, Age: 58, Section: BUNNING_156_8_2, Plot Owner: PARIA, JOHNPARISH, Floyd, Buried: 02/21/1959, Age: 79, Section: MUIR_422_16_2, Plot Owner: PARISH, MRS WILLIAM FPARISH, Sallie, Buried: 01-10-1966, Age: 85, Section: MUIR_422_16_1, Plot Owner: PARISH, MRS WILLIAM FPARK, James S., Buried: 08-10-1916, Age: 14, Section: ODONNE_188_8_3, Plot Owner: PARK, WILLIAMPARK, John, Buried: 03-06-1931, Age: 76, Section: JAMES_325_4_3, Plot Owner: PARK, JOHNPARK, Minnie, Buried: 09/25/1947, Age: 75, Section: JAMES_325_4_4, Plot Owner: PARK, MINNIEPARK, Robert B., Buried: 10/13/1962, Age: 50, Section: ROE_70_13_2, Plot Owner: FOSTER, JEANETTEPARK, Susan, Buried: 07-01-1934, Age: 64, Section: ODONNE_188_8_1, Plot Owner: PARK, SUSANPARK, William, Buried: 11/17/1917, Age: 58, Section: ODONNE_188_8_2, Plot Owner: PARK, SUSANPARKER, Agnes Child Of, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_160_2_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERPARKER, Betty M., Buried: 09/15/2005, Age: 88, Section: PARKER_244_1X_2, Plot Owner: PARKER, HARRY S. & BETTYPARKER, Edward D. Jr., , Buried: 08/28/1942, Age: 5, Section: ODONNE_124_1_3, Plot Owner: WALTERS, HENRYPARKER, Grantley G., Buried: 08-10-1922, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_244_1_4, Plot Owner: PARKER, HARRY G.PARKER, Harry G., Buried: 04-11-1970, Age: 83, Section: PARKER_244_1_3, Plot Owner: PARKER, HARRY G.PARKER, Harry S., Buried: 10/20/1920, Age: 64, Section: PARKER_244_2_4, Plot Owner: PARKER, HARRY G.PARKER, Harry S. II, , Buried: 12-07-1990, Age: 78, Section: PARKER_244_1X_1, Plot Owner: PARKER, HARRY S. & BETTYPARKER, Harry S. III, , Buried: 05/21/1982, Age: 41, Section: PARKER_244_1_1, Plot Owner: PARKER, HARRY G.PARKER, Lucy J., Buried: 01-05-1951, Age: 93, Section: PARKER_244_2_3, Plot Owner: PARKER, HARRY G.PARKER, Marguerite T., Buried: 11-06-1971, Age: 84, Section: PARKER_244_1_2, Plot Owner: PARKER, HARRY G.PARKER, Richard "Dic", Buried: 12/14/2004, Age: 57, Section: PARKER_244_2_1, Plot Owner: PARKER, HARRY G.PARKIN, Alma C., Buried: 05-08-1987, Age: 87, Section: PARK_122_6_4, Plot Owner: PARKIN, ALMA C.PARKIN, Raymond M., Buried: 03/29/1991, Age: 90, Section: PARK_122_6_3, Plot Owner: PARKIN, ALMA C.PARKINSON, Thomas, Buried: 09/24/1921, Age: 52, Section: LUDVIGS_296_8_3, Plot Owner: PARKINSON, THOMASPARKS, Dana Morse, Buried: 07-03-1986, Age: 21, Section: WEST_7_443_1, Plot Owner: PARKS, ORENPARKS, Isabelle L., Buried: 11-12-1933, Age: 34, Section: PARKER_263_5_4, Plot Owner: HAMILTON, MRS. ANDREWPARKS, Jennie B., Buried: 10-04-1961, Age: 84, Section: ROE_78_1_5, Plot Owner: PARKS, JENNIE B.PARKS, Keith Andrew "Sparky", Buried: 05/17/1989, Age: 72, Section: WEST_7_538_1, Plot Owner: PARKS, KEITH ANDREW "SPARKY"PARKS, Mildred, Buried: 01-06-2014, Age: 92, Section: WEST_7_537_1, Plot Owner: PARKS, KEITH & MILDREDPARNUPRECUIN, Muiyan F., Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_309_1_4, Plot Owner: FANOS, GEORGEPAROS, Alzora, Buried: 12/29/2009, Section: MUIR_402_6_1, Plot Owner: PAROS, ALZORAPAROS, George P., Buried: 12/21/1951, Age: 59, Section: MUIR_402_6_2, Plot Owner: PAROS, ALZORAPARR, Alice, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 65, Section: ODONNE_213_7_1, Plot Owner: YATES, WMPARR, Beatrice Rose, Buried: 12/26/1914, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_245_7_3, Plot Owner: PARR, RICHARDPARR, Billie, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_88_8_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFPARR, Eleanor, Buried: 09-12-1949, Age: 49, Section: BUNNING_88_8_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFPARR, Ellen, Buried: 04-04-1937, Age: 68, Section: PARKER_245_3_3, Plot Owner: PARR, GEORGE L.PARR, Frank, Buried: 03/16/1957, Age: 66, Section: BUNNING_88_8_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFPARR, Frank, Buried: 01/24/2013, Age: 81, Section: WEST_7_241_1, Plot Owner: PARR, FRANK & ROSEMARYPARR, Ione R., Buried: 09/22/1982, Age: 73, Section: YOUNG_401_9_3, Plot Owner: DENELEY SR, AARON WPARR, James C., Buried: 04-06-1974, Age: 79, Section: LAUZER_421_44_5, Plot Owner: PARR, JAMES C.PARR, John T., Buried: 06/14/1936, Age: 75, Section: PARKER_245_3_4, Plot Owner: PARR, JOHN T.PARR, Joseph Sheffield, Buried: 12-01-1964, Age: 54, Section: LUDVIGS_232_3_1, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESPARR, Leonard George, Buried: 11/27/1951, Age: 62, Section: PARKER_245_3_1, Plot Owner: PARR, GEORGE LPARR, Mary M., Buried: 12-09-1992, Age: 82, Section: LAUZER_421_44_4, Plot Owner: PARR, MARY M.PARR, Rosemary, Buried: 01/24/2013, Age: 82, Section: WEST_7_241_1, Plot Owner: PARR, FRANK & ROSEMARYPARR, Russell L. Jr., , Buried: 10/20/1997, Age: 29, Section: YOUNG_425_6_1, Plot Owner: DANIEL SR., JAMES A.PARR, Ruth Logan, Buried: 12/19/1980, Age: 37, Section: LAUZER_421_43_1, Plot Owner: PARR, RUTH LOGANPARSONS, James, Buried: 06/17/1948, Age: 77, Section: ODONNE_146_3_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFPARTAIN, Emma Bertagnolli, Buried: 12-09-1994, Age: 80, Section: CROATIA_7_5_3, Plot Owner: BERTAGNOLLI, EDWARD RPARTANEN, Anna, Buried: 08/23/1967, Age: 78, Section: JAMES_304_3_3, Plot Owner: WESTI, CHARLESPARTANEN, Wm., Buried: 07-07-1960, Age: 71, Section: JAMES_304_3_4, Plot Owner: WESTI, CHARLESPARTINGTON, James N., Buried: 12-04-1959, Age: 54, Section: YOUNG_424_6_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERPARTINGTON, Jeanette M., Buried: 06/15/2006, Age: 95, Section: YOUNG_424_6_4, Plot Owner: PARTINGTON, MRS JAMESPARTINGTON, Margaret, Buried: 01/31/1949, Age: 66, Section: ROE_73_2_4, Plot Owner: PARTINGTON, OLAPARTINGTON, Paul, Buried: 05/24/1940, Age: 51, Section: EDGAR_82_13X_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANPARTINGTON, Paul Child Of, Buried: 03-12-1915, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_250_2_4, Plot Owner: PARTINGTON, PAUL CHILD OFPARTINGTON, Sadie, Buried: 09/19/1927, Age: 7, Section: JAMES_364_8_3, Plot Owner: PARTINGTON, PAULPARTON, A. E., Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 25, Section: BUNNING_128_8_4, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFPARTON, Doris J., Buried: 02-04-2011, Age: 75, Section: OBLOCK_8_630_1, Plot Owner: PARTON, ROBERT & DORISPARTON, Elmer F., Buried: 02/23/1965, Age: 68, Section: EDGAR_63_11_3, Plot Owner: PARTON, FRANKPARTON, Enoch C., Buried: 04-07-1954, Age: 60, Section: BUNNING_128_5_4, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFPARTON, Ethel, Buried: 03-02-1966, Age: 70, Section: EDGAR_63_11_4, Plot Owner: PARTON, FRANKPARTON, G. V., Buried: 01-01-1900, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_128_8_2, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFPARTON, H.E., Buried: 06-05-1915, Age: 57, Section: BUNNING_128_8_1, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFPARTON, Harry E., Buried: 06-03-1975, Age: 45, Section: EDGAR_63_11_1, Plot Owner: PARTON, FRANKPARTON, John Maynard, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_175_2_2, Plot Owner: BARRAS, HENRYPARTON, Lucy, Buried: 12/19/1970, Age: 73, Section: BUNNING_128_5_3, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFPARTON, Mary, Buried: 01-03-1911, Age: 48, Section: BUNNING_128_8_3, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFPARTON, Robert O., Buried: 04-07-2016, Age: 80, Section: OBLOCK_8_629_1, Plot Owner: PARTON, ROBERT & DORISPARTON, Rose, Buried: 02-06-1947, Age: 49, Section: EDGAR_63_11_2, Plot Owner: PARTON, FRANKPARTON, William H., Buried: 10/29/1930, Age: 46, Section: BUNNING_128_6_4, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFPARVIRO, Mark, Buried: 12/14/1910, Age: 37, Section: LUDVIGS_258_6_4, Plot Owner: PARVIRO, MARKPASAINI, Donato, Buried: 12/22/1900, Age: 36, Section: ODONNE_118_3_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFPASEY, Lena, Buried: 11/15/1919, Age: 35, Section: LUDVIGS_282_1_4, Plot Owner: PASEY, LENAPASIN, Anton, Buried: 02/24/1966, Age: 51, Section: KENDALL_24_1_4, Plot Owner: PASIN, ANTONPASIN, Basilio, Buried: 09-12-1951, Age: 64, Section: KENDALL_24_1_1, Plot Owner: PASIN, BASILIOPASIN, Mary, Buried: 01/27/1922, Age: 28, Section: KENDALL_24_1_2, Plot Owner: PASIN, MARYPASPARETI, Mike, Buried: 11/18/1918, Age: 26, Section: PARK_66_6_4, Plot Owner: PASPARETI, MIKEPASQUINI, Cisela, Buried: 08-11-1936, Age: 34, Section: NELSON_116_1_2, Plot Owner: PASQUINI, CISELAPASQUINI, Enrico, Buried: 03-12-1962, Age: 75, Section: ODONNE_190_6_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, ANDREAS HOFERPASQUINI, Franklin, Buried: 03-07-1931, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_116_1_4, Plot Owner: PASQUINI, FRANKLINPASQUINI, Guy G. Jr., , Buried: 09-07-1976, Age: 62, Section: NELSON_116_1_3, Plot Owner: PASQUINI JR., GUY G.PASQUINI, Guy Sr., Buried: 03-12-1968, Age: 77, Section: NELSON_116_1_1, Plot Owner: PASQUINI, GUY SR.PASTOR, Anne, Buried: 09/25/1992, Age: 75, Section: ODONNE_217_7_3, Plot Owner: OJALA, MRPASTOR, Bertha, Buried: 02-06-1993, Age: 99, Section: PARKER_240_3_3, Plot Owner: PASTOR, STEVEPASTOR, Elsie, Buried: 01-05-1935, Age: 28, Section: OSSELTO_360_8_1, Plot Owner: PASTOR, STEVEPASTOR, John Sr., , Buried: 09/20/1962, Age: 74, Section: MUIR_423_26_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERPASTOR, Julia, Buried: 09/14/1963, Age: 72, Section: MUIR_423_26_4, Plot Owner: PASTOR, MRS JOHNPASTOR, Louis, Buried: 11-09-1992, Age: 78, Section: PARKER_240_3_2, Plot Owner: PASTOR, STEVEPASTOR, Mary, Buried: 04/15/1985, Age: 0, Section: UNKNOWN_1_1_1, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNPASTOR, Steve, Buried: 07-10-1995, Section: MUIR_423_26_4, Plot Owner: PASTOR, MRS JOHNPASTOR, Steve, Buried: 01/23/1964, Age: 75, Section: PARKER_240_3_4, Plot Owner: PASTOR, STEVEPATAN, David G., Buried: 03-06-1967, Age: 76, Section: MUIR_422_7_2, Plot Owner: VASE, PETEPATCHEN, Margaret Beavers, Buried: 11-04-1972, Age: 19, Section: ROE_70_16_1, Plot Owner: THOMPSON, WILLIAM D.PATEE, Jeanette Luman, Buried: 07-12-1933, Age: 44, Section: BUNNING_87_6_1, Plot Owner: LUMAN, A.PATERAKIS, Staveros, Buried: 10/28/1967, Age: 1, Section: LAUZER_421_14_5, Plot Owner: PATERAKIS, MRS GEORGEPATERSON, Elizabeth Myra, Buried: 07/14/2001, Age: 81, Section: ODONNE_216_6_3, Plot Owner: HOLMAN, MRPATERSON, Mary V., Buried: 03/16/1993, Age: 87, Section: EDGAR_82_9_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANPATERSON, Ralph, Buried: 09-09-1975, Age: 65, Section: EDGAR_82_9_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANPATERSON, William Mathew, Buried: 12/14/1984, Age: 64, Section: ODONNE_216_6_4, Plot Owner: HOLMAN, MRPATKEY, Anthony, Buried: 01-06-1954, Age: 32, Section: OSSELTO_317_2_3, Plot Owner: SANDERS, UNKNOWNPATON, David, Buried: 03-06-1967, Age: 76, Section: MUIR_422_37_2, Plot Owner: PATON, DAVIDPATON, Janet, Buried: 05-05-1962, Age: 69, Section: MUIR_422_37_1, Plot Owner: PATON, DAVIDPATTERAKIS, Emmanuel Mike, Buried: 08-01-1959, Age: 37, Section: LAUZER_421_14_5, Plot Owner: PATERAKIS, MRS GEORGEPATTERAKIS, George, Buried: 09/25/1967, Age: 75, Section: LAUZER_421_14_4, Plot Owner: PATERAKIS, MRS GEORGEPATTERAKIS, Stella, Buried: 01-01-2001, Section: LAUZER_421_14_3, Plot Owner: PATERAKIS, MRS GEORGEPATTERSEN, Isaac, Buried: 11-05-1911, Age: 30, Section: ODONNE_221_7_2, Plot Owner: RANTA, ANTONPATTERSON, Adelia S., Buried: 08/23/1941, Age: 56, Section: BUNNING_112_4_4, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEPATTERSON, Agnes, Buried: 11-10-1911, Age: 29, Section: ODONNE_116_5_1, Plot Owner: MUIR, W APATTERSON, Anthony, Buried: 01/23/1912, Age: 77, Section: ODONNE_116_5_3, Plot Owner: MUIR, W. A.PATTERSON, Catherine, Buried: 01/20/1939, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_160_6_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERPATTERSON, Flora I., Buried: 09/30/1992, Age: 82, Section: OSSELTO_341_8_3, Plot Owner: MATTONEN, WILLIAMPATTERSON, Francis A., Buried: 08/14/1986, Age: 78, Section: OSSELTO_341_8_4, Plot Owner: MATTONEN, WILLIAMPATTERSON, Hazel, Buried: 09-12-1901, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_115_6_1, Plot Owner: PATTERSON, JONPATTERSON, John, Buried: 10/26/1951, Age: 66, Section: EDGAR_82_5_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANPATTERSON, John, Buried: 06/19/1944, Age: 66, Section: ODONNE_142_1_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFPATTERSON, John G., Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_164_2_2, Plot Owner: BERNECKER, ELIZABETHPATTERSON, John W., Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 52, Section: BUNNING_160_6_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERPATTERSON, Johnnie, Buried: 08/28/1908, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_115_4_4, Plot Owner: BARTRAM, WILLIAM S.PATTERSON, Joseph, Buried: 04/26/1950, Age: 70, Section: ODONNE_116_5_3, Plot Owner: MUIR, W. A.PATTERSON, Joseph A., Buried: 04-11-1916, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_164_2_1, Plot Owner: PATTERSON, JOSEPH A.PATTERSON, Mary A., Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 80, Section: BUNNING_160_6_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERPATTERSON, Mary A., Buried: 10/16/1912, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_116_5_4, Plot Owner: MUIR, W APATTERSON, Mary Mrs., Buried: 08-05-1926, Age: 65, Section: JAMES_327_3_3, Plot Owner: MORROW, WM & CRUISE CLARKPATTERSON, Peter F., Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 67, Section: BUNNING_112_4_3, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEPATTERSON, Roy, Buried: 05/29/1912, Age: 9, Section: ODONNE_116_5_2, Plot Owner: MUIR, W APATTERSON, William Willy, Buried: 08/18/1921, Age: 61, Section: BUNNING_160_6_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERPATVAROS, Balint, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 36, Section: PARK_87_8_1, Plot Owner: PATVAROS, BALINTPAUKOVICH, Albert, Buried: 02-09-1930, Age: 20, Section: PARK_90_4_2, Plot Owner: PAUKOVICH, ALBERTPAUKOVICH, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 5, Section: PARK_90_4_1, Plot Owner: PAUKOVICH, JULIAPAUKOVICH, Anton, Buried: 11/25/1953, Age: 83, Section: PARK_90_4_3, Plot Owner: PAUKOVICH, ANTONPAUKOVICH, Julia, Buried: 01-03-1955, Age: 70, Section: PARK_90_4_1, Plot Owner: PAUKOVICH, JULIAPAUL, Wanda K, Buried: 01/21/1949, Age: 0, Section: ROE_74_8_1, Plot Owner: PAUL, ROBERT LPAULA, Mathew, Buried: 11/13/1918, Age: 39, Section: LUDVIGS_255_6_2, Plot Owner: PAULA, MATHEWPAULENKO, Anna, Buried: 07/18/1960, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_38_8_2, Plot Owner: PAULENKO, ANNAPAULENKO, William, Buried: 08/31/1944, Age: 48, Section: KENDALL_38_8_1, Plot Owner: PAULENKO, WILLIAMPAULICH, Mike, Buried: 12-05-1968, Age: 80, Section: PARKER_259_1_3, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDPAULIK, Ann S., Buried: 03/19/1986, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_4_L_1, Plot Owner: DECORA, KATIEPAULIK, Joseph Jr., , Buried: 06/22/1974, Age: 59, Section: WATAHA_4_K_1, Plot Owner: PAULIK, ANNPAULINE, Einar Joseph, Buried: 12-06-1943, Age: 60, Section: OSSELTO_351_2_3, Plot Owner: STOKES, LOVELLEPAULSON, Richard Irwin, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 2, Section: LUDVIGS_295_5_4, Plot Owner: SIGEREST, FRANKPAUSTAIN, Thelma Ruth, Buried: 01/31/2001, Age: 86, Section: OBLOCK_8_431_1, Plot Owner: PAUSTAIN, THELMA RUTHPAVICH, Tony, Buried: 09-09-1942, Age: 59, Section: KENDALL_43_7_1, Plot Owner: PAVICH, TONYPAVLICA, Mike, Buried: 01-01-1935, Age: 51, Section: NELSON_69_1_1, Plot Owner: PAVLICA, MIKEPAVLICH, Antonia, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 48, Section: NELSON_93_1_2, Plot Owner: PAVLICH, ANTONIAPAVLICH, Jack, Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 57, Section: NELSON_93_1_3, Plot Owner: PAVLICH, JACKPAYCWHOBNH, Ahpjao, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 35, Section: PARK_65_1_3, Plot Owner: PAYCWHOBNH, AHPJAOPAYHOLA, Isaac, Buried: 04/19/1963, Age: 89, Section: ODONNE_170_4_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFPAYNE, Lena, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 36, Section: PARKER_283_1_1, Plot Owner: FUNK, C. A.PAYNE, Michael Joseph, Buried: 07/22/1996, Age: 27, Section: OBLOCK_8_281_1, Plot Owner: NAUMAN, DIANEPEACH, Grover C., Buried: 07-08-1980, Age: 94, Section: PARKER_264_5_3, Plot Owner: PEACH, UNKNOWNPEACH, Lura Jean, Buried: 04-09-1941, Age: 43, Section: PARKER_264_5_2, Plot Owner: PEACH, UNKNOWNPEACH, Mary, Age: 0, Section: PARK_64_2_2, Plot Owner: PEACH, MARYPEACH, Stephen, Buried: 12/13/1900, Age: 0, Section: PARK_64_2_3, Plot Owner: PEACH, STEPHENPEARSON, John, Buried: 11-09-1913, Age: 69, Section: BUNNING_207_5_2, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, GUSPEARSON, Mary, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_104_4_4, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEPEARSON, Melinda Jean, Buried: 02-12-1976, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_2_112_1, Plot Owner: PEARSON, ALFRED N.PEARSON, Nels Helge, Buried: 12/23/1961, Age: 63, Section: ROE_76_10_2, Plot Owner: CRAWFORD, MRS JAMESPEARSON, Norine Mary, Buried: 09-06-1996, Age: 79, Section: WATAHA_3_56_1, Plot Owner: PEARSON, NORINEPEARSON, Norma Young, Buried: 07/16/1969, Age: 60, Section: ROE_76_10_1, Plot Owner: CRAWFORD, MRS JAMESPEARSON, Thomas Francis "Franny", Buried: 03-04-1992, Age: 79, Section: OBLOCK_8_9_1, Plot Owner: PEARSON, FRANNIEPEARSON, William Sr., , Buried: 11-09-1977, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_3_55_1, Plot Owner: PEARSON, NORINEPEASLEY, Luca, Buried: 01/20/1922, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_13_4_4, Plot Owner: PEASLEY, LUCAPEASLLY, Paul, Buried: 04-11-1945, Age: 20, Section: KENDALL_13_3_3, Plot Owner: PEASLLY, PAULPEBBLES, Ann B., Buried: 05/23/1969, Age: 64, Section: BUNNING_225_1_2, Plot Owner: MARTIN, GEORGEPECHACEK, Clair B., Buried: 05/16/2005, Age: 67, Section: KENDALL_129_15_4, Plot Owner: PECHACEK, CLAIR B.PECHINO, August, Buried: 01-03-1942, Age: 47, Section: LUDVIGS_256_2_3, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFPECOLAR, Andy, Buried: 01/18/1947, Age: 45, Section: NELSON_68_2_4, Plot Owner: PECOLAR, ANDYPECOLAR, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_68_1_3, Plot Owner: PECOLAR, ANNAPECOLAR, Arlene Demas, Buried: 11-07-2016, Age: 96, Section: YOUNG_401_28_3, Plot Owner: DEMICH, ELMERPECOLAR, Gene Baby, Buried: 11/15/1926, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_364_5_3, Plot Owner: PECOLAR, GENEPECOLAR, John, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 63, Section: NELSON_68_1_4, Plot Owner: PECOLAR, JOHNPECOLAR, Mary E., Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 18, Section: NELSON_68_2_1, Plot Owner: PECOLAR, MARY E.PECOLAR, Mike, Buried: 03-10-1953, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_68_2_3, Plot Owner: PECOLAR, MIKEPECOLAR, Paul, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 30, Section: WATAHA_6A_1_1, Plot Owner: PECOLAR, PAULPECORARO, Mary R., Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 27, Section: BUNNING_227_5_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSPEDERSEN, Andrew, Buried: 06/17/1937, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_105_6_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFPEDERSON, A Mrs, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_105_3_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFPEDERSON, Baby, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_105_3_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFPEDERSON, Baby, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_105_3_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFPEDERSON, Hc, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_105_3_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFPEDRI, Albina, Buried: 01-01-1969, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_I_4_2, Plot Owner: PEDRI, ALBINAPEDRI, Attilio H., Buried: 07/24/1982, Age: 84, Section: PARK_126_28_2, Plot Owner: PEDRI, ATTILIO H.PEDRI, Candido Ben, Buried: 03/30/1964, Age: 64, Section: KENDALL_B1_1_3, Plot Owner: PEDRI, CANDIDO BENPEDRI, Carmela I., Buried: 02/14/1968, Age: 63, Section: PARK_126_28_3, Plot Owner: PEDRI, CARMELA I.PEDRI, Elizabeth, Buried: 08-04-2016, Age: 59, Section: KAUMO_10_122_1, Plot Owner: PEDRI, ELIZABETHPEDRI, Emanuel A. Monty, Buried: 09-05-1973, Age: 79, Section: PARK_126_28_1, Plot Owner: PEDRI, EMANUEL A. MONTYPEDRI, Ferdinando, Buried: 01-01-1951, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_I_4_1, Plot Owner: PEDRI, FERDINANDOPEDRI, Linda Louis, Buried: 07-09-1986, Age: 79, Section: KENDALL_B1_1_4, Plot Owner: PEDRI, LINDA LOUISPEDRI, Rena, Buried: 06/21/2001, Age: 80, Section: OBLOCK_8_445_1, Plot Owner: PEDRI, SILVIO & RENAPEDRI, Sylvio, Buried: 06-06-2009, Age: 87, Section: OBLOCK_8_444_1, Plot Owner: PEDRI, SILVIO & RENAPEDRI, Wayne, Buried: 07-02-2012, Age: 63, Section: PARK_126_28_1, Plot Owner: PEDRI, EMANUEL A. MONTYPEEBELS, Dante, Buried: 09-05-2002, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_9, Plot Owner: PEEBELS, DANTEPEITCHEFF, Baby, Buried: 01-01-1924, Section: PARK_14_5_1, Plot Owner: PEITCHEFF, BABYPEITCHEFF, Christina N., Buried: 11/21/1924, Age: 30, Section: PARK_14_5_2, Plot Owner: PEITCHEFF, CHRISTINA N.PEITIKAIM, P., Buried: 05-12-1906, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_212_4_3, Plot Owner: PEITIKAIM, PPELECRINI, Maria, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 47, Section: LUDVIGS_248_6_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONPELIA, John, Buried: 09-02-1999, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_202_6_2, Plot Owner: PELIA, PIOPELKONEN, Archie, Buried: 09/19/1937, Age: 20, Section: JAMES_319_1_2, Plot Owner: PELKONEN, EVERTPELKONEN, Bert, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 20, Section: JAMES_319_1_1, Plot Owner: PELKONEN, EVERTPELLEGRINI, Anna, Buried: 07-08-1963, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_30_1_4, Plot Owner: PELLEGRINI, ANNAPELLEGRINI, Joseph, Buried: 01-04-1944, Age: 63, Section: KENDALL_30_1_1, Plot Owner: PELLEGRINI, JOSEPHPELLEGRINI, Joseph Jr., , Buried: 07/21/1921, Age: 6, Section: KENDALL_30_1_2, Plot Owner: PELLEGRINI JR., JOSEPHPELLET, Bertha, Buried: 02/28/1927, Age: 49, Section: JAMES_345_7_3, Plot Owner: PELLET, HENRYPELLET, Henry, Buried: 12/23/1943, Age: 69, Section: JAMES_345_7_2, Plot Owner: PELLET, HENRYPELLET, Rene A. Sr., , Buried: 12/18/1952, Age: 46, Section: MUIR_402_11_4, Plot Owner: PELLET, ANNPELLETRE, Joseph, Buried: 12/20/1931, Age: 71, Section: LUDVIGS_249_2_1, Plot Owner: AERIE #151, FOEPELLISSIER, Louise, Buried: 08-03-1910, Age: 0, Section: PARK_82_3_1, Plot Owner: PELLISSIER, LOUISEPELONIS, Nick Jim, Buried: 08/22/1961, Age: 78, Section: MUIR_422_31_2, Plot Owner: VASE, PETEPELTO, Frank, Buried: 12/27/1942, Age: 57, Section: PARKER_268_8_2, Plot Owner: LOCAL UNION #2, 3831, 2309, 908 & 2282PELVER, Franklin K, Buried: 10/28/1949, Age: 42, Section: ROE_73_8_2, Plot Owner: PELVER, FRANKLIN KPEMBERTON, David C., Buried: 09-04-1953, Age: 73, Section: MUIR_402_43_5, Plot Owner: PEMBERTON, DAVID C.PEMBERTON, Herschel C., Buried: 06/25/1982, Age: 77, Section: MUIR_402_43_4, Plot Owner: PEMBERTON, ANNAPEMBERTON, Minnie E., Buried: 06-10-2002, Age: 94, Section: MUIR_402_43_3, Plot Owner: PEMBERTON, ANNAPENCHEAU, W. S. Child Of, Buried: 05-01-1918, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_255_6_4, Plot Owner: PENCHEAU, CHILD OF W. S.PENDERGRASS, Ruby, Buried: 07-09-2003, Age: 47, Section: YOUNG_400_46_3, Plot Owner: MACY, JIMPENDLEBURY, Elizabeth Alice Taylor, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 79, Section: BUNNING_131_5_1, Plot Owner: DAVIS, JOHNPENDLETON, Wiley Jr., Buried: 08/18/1994, Age: 66, Section: OBLOCK_8_116_1, Plot Owner: PENDLETON, WILEY E.PENOFF, Eli, Buried: 03/18/1969, Age: 74, Section: MUIR_422_20_2, Plot Owner: PENOFF, ELIPENOFF, Emma, Buried: 02/13/1980, Age: 67, Section: MUIR_422_20_1, Plot Owner: PENOFF, ELIPENOFF, Jack, Buried: 09/30/2010, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_B_7_2, Plot Owner: PENOFF, JACKPENOFF, Janice Ann, Buried: 05/13/1960, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_B_7_4, Plot Owner: PENOFF, JACKPENOFF, Leslie, Buried: 09/16/2013, Age: 44, Section: YOUNG_401_1X_3, Plot Owner: FOX, SPENCERPENOFF, Theresa Jean, Buried: 03-10-2008, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_B_7_3, Plot Owner: PENOFF, JACKPENROD, Earl Baby, Buried: 01/19/1919, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_260_7_2, Plot Owner: PENROD, BABY EARLPENROD, Margaret, Buried: 01/20/1919, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_260_7_1, Plot Owner: PENROD, MARGARETPENTILA, Anna S., Buried: 12/27/1950, Age: 68, Section: ODONNE_211_5_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALUPENTILA, Arthur A., Buried: 01/17/1981, Age: 61, Section: PARK_125_6_1, Plot Owner: PENTILA, ARTHUR A.PENTILA, Jacob J., Buried: 07-09-1936, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_211_6_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALUPENTILA, Josephine, Buried: 09/23/2000, Age: 82, Section: PARK_125_6_4, Plot Owner: PENTILA, JOSEPHINEPERAKIS, Alex G., Buried: 05/29/1973, Age: 87, Section: OSSELTO_336_1_2, Plot Owner: KALLAS, MRS MIKEPERCICH, John, Buried: 10/21/1945, Age: 63, Section: WATAHA_E_4_4, Plot Owner: PERCICH, JOHNPERCICH, Marko, Buried: 05-11-1944, Age: 46, Section: WATAHA_E_4_2, Plot Owner: PERCICH, YELAPERCICH, Phillip, Buried: 07/28/2003, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_E_4_3, Plot Owner: PERCICH, PHILLIPPERCICH, Spiro, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 2, Section: WATAHA_E_4_1, Plot Owner: PERCICH, SPIROPERCICH, Yela, Buried: 10/22/1983, Age: 84, Section: WATAHA_E_4_2, Plot Owner: PERCICH, YELAPEREECE, William Ephraim, Buried: 02-12-1908, Age: 38, Section: PARKER_235_3_2, Plot Owner: DELINON, JAMESPERETTI, Frank, Buried: 06/20/1984, Age: 67, Section: LUDVIGS_231_3_2, Plot Owner: MCCORMICK, JAMESPERETTI, Frank, Buried: 11/30/1930, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_233_7_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONPERETTI, Margaret, Buried: 02-02-1999, Age: 79, Section: LUDVIGS_231_3_1, Plot Owner: MCCORMICK, JAMESPERETTI, Robert Donald, Buried: 09/25/2009, Age: 80, Section: KENDALL_A_11_3, Plot Owner: MAZZOLINI, ERNESTINEPEREZ, John Daniel, Buried: 06-01-2009, Age: 41, Section: EDGAR_64_16_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANPEREZ, Josephine R., Buried: 11-07-2001, Age: 80, Section: KENDALL_21_1X_4, Plot Owner: PEREZ, JOSEPHINE R.PEREZ, Tony R., Buried: 03/21/1988, Age: 69, Section: KENDALL_21_1X_3, Plot Owner: PEREZ, TONY R.PERICH, Nick Koyo, Buried: 02-10-1954, Age: 75, Section: MUIR_403_28_5, Plot Owner: PERICH, NICK KOYOPERKIN, William, Buried: 02-09-1913, Age: 30, Section: LUDVIGS_271_1_3, Plot Owner: PERKIN, WILLIAMPERKINS, Bertha M., Buried: 11/13/1962, Age: 73, Section: ODONNE_172_2_3, Plot Owner: BPOE #624, ELKSPERKINS, Earl H., Buried: 07/14/1958, Age: 73, Section: ODONNE_172_2_4, Plot Owner: BPOE #624, ELKSPERKO, Luka, Buried: 10-09-1967, Age: 73, Section: NELSON_78_8_4, Plot Owner: PERKO, LUKAPERKO, Mike, Buried: 11/25/1962, Age: 68, Section: CROATIA_3_1_3, Plot Owner: PERKO, MikePERKO, Paul, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 34, Section: WATAHA_5A_3_3, Plot Owner: PERKO, PAULPERKOVICH, Anton, Buried: 09-10-1949, Age: 1, Section: PARK_89_4_2, Plot Owner: PERKOVICH, ANTONPERKOVICH, John, Buried: 06/23/1946, Age: 55, Section: PARK_80_5_2, Plot Owner: PERKOVICH, JOHNPERKOVICH, Matt, Buried: 09/29/1962, Age: 79, Section: PARK_89_4_4, Plot Owner: PERKOVICH, MATTPERKOVICH, Veronika, Buried: 09-10-1949, Age: 54, Section: PARK_89_4_3, Plot Owner: PERKOVICH, VERONIKAPERNICH, Francis K., Buried: 02/16/1998, Age: 97, Section: WATAHA_2_66_1, Plot Owner: PERNICH, FRANCIS K.PERNICH, John, Buried: 11/18/1992, Age: 79, Section: WATAHA_2_65_1, Plot Owner: PERNICH, FRANCIS K.PERNICH, John H., Buried: 04/26/1999, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_128_10_1, Plot Owner: PERNICH, JOHN & MARILYNPERNICH, Marilyn, Buried: 09/19/2008, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_128_10_2, Plot Owner: PERNICH, JOHN & MARILYNPERRIAMER, Victor, Buried: 04/15/1959, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_3_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANPERRY, Ruty, Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 43, Section: OSSELTO_338_5_3, Plot Owner: BAINS, JACKPERSELA, Sylvia A., Buried: 07-02-1933, Age: 31, Section: ODONNE_126_3_3, Plot Owner: HELQUIST, JOHNPERSHIN, Joseph, Buried: 12-03-1949, Age: 57, Section: WATAHA_3_20_1, Plot Owner: PERSHIN, JOSEPHPERSHIN, Mary Mivsek, Buried: 05/25/1988, Age: 90, Section: WATAHA_3_21_1, Plot Owner: PERSHIN, MARY MIVSEKPERSIC, Ivan, Buried: 07/17/1908, Age: 0, Section: PARK_103_5_1, Plot Owner: PERSIC, IVANPERSINGER, Barbara, Buried: 03-10-2015, Age: 71, Section: KENDALL_19_9_3, Plot Owner: TOMICH, EFFIE M.PERSINGER, Verna Jeanne, Buried: 05-03-1999, Age: 58, Section: OBLOCK_8_340_1, Plot Owner: PERSINGER, JAMES C.PETER, Elizabeth, Buried: 06/30/1994, Age: 89, Section: ROE_79_9_3, Plot Owner: MORTON, ELIZABETHPETER, Harold, Buried: 02-11-1952, Age: 50, Section: ROE_79_9_4, Plot Owner: PETER, ELIZABETHPETERNAL, Frank, Buried: 07/22/1978, Age: 96, Section: WEST_7_18_1, Plot Owner: PETERNEL, MARY A.PETERNAL, Mary, Buried: 08-01-1979, Age: 92, Section: WEST_7_17_1, Plot Owner: PETERNEL, MARY A.PETERNEL, Barbara Ann, Buried: 03-04-1958, Age: 2, Section: NELSON_120_14_4, Plot Owner: PETERNEL, FRANKPETERNEL, Frank, Buried: 08/14/2009, Age: 87, Section: NELSON_120_14_1, Plot Owner: PETERNEL, FRANKPETERNEL, Mary A., Buried: 11/25/2003, Age: 90, Section: WEST_7_16_1, Plot Owner: PETERNEL, MARY A.PETERNEL, Melva, Buried: 12-12-2014, Age: 94, Section: NELSON_120_14_2, Plot Owner: PETERNEL, FRANKPETERNELL, Andrew, Buried: 01-01-1941, Age: 72, Section: KENDALL_36_3_4, Plot Owner: PETERNELL, ANDREWPETERNELL, Anna, Buried: 01-05-1921, Age: 5, Section: PARK_66_7_2, Plot Owner: PETERNELL, ANNAPETERNELL, Anton, Buried: 02/26/1969, Age: 86, Section: PARKER_259_6_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDPETERNELL, Cecelia, Buried: 02-11-1922, Age: 3, Section: PARK_66_7_1, Plot Owner: PETERNELL, CECELIAPETERNELL, Johanna, Buried: 03-07-1967, Age: 88, Section: KENDALL_36_3_3, Plot Owner: PETERNELL, JOHANNAPETERNELL, John Kovac, Buried: 01/29/1949, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_48_1_3, Plot Owner: PETERNELL, JOHN KOVACPETERNELL, Josephine, Buried: 08-08-1980, Age: 71, Section: KENDALL_36_3_2, Plot Owner: PETERNELL, JOSEPHINEPETERNELL, Margaret M., Buried: 08/29/1985, Age: 72, Section: PARKER_294_3_1, Plot Owner: BEGG, UNKNOWNPETERNELL, Winsell, Buried: 07/29/1999, Age: 86, Section: PARKER_294_3_2, Plot Owner: BEGG, UNKNOWNPETERS, Alberta Alice, Buried: 12/24/1964, Age: 53, Section: YOUNG_400_2_1, Plot Owner: PETERS, WILLIAM F. "PETE"PETERS, Bertha Harper, Buried: 10-09-2006, Age: 84, Section: EDGAR_81_9X_3, Plot Owner: HARPER FAMILY, OM & JUDYPETERS, John Edward, Buried: 03/13/1939, Age: 71, Section: JAMES_366_6_3, Plot Owner: WILLIAMS, HARRYPETERS, John J., Buried: 08/27/1951, Age: 79, Section: PARKER_260_6_2, Plot Owner: PETERS, JOHN J.PETERS, Mary M., Buried: 01/19/1919, Age: 49, Section: PARKER_260_6_1, Plot Owner: PETERS, MARY M.PETERS, William F. "Pete", Buried: 01/26/1991, Age: 78, Section: YOUNG_400_2_2, Plot Owner: PETERS, WILLIAM F. "PETE"PETERSEN, Alfred "Pete", Buried: 02-09-2015, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_100_3_3, Plot Owner: PIVIC, FRANKPETERSON, Andrew, Buried: 05/31/1900, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_174_8_1, Plot Owner: PETERSON, ANDREWPETERSON, Auguste, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 68, Section: ODONNE_163_4_2, Plot Owner: HOWELL, J BPETERSON, Baby, Buried: 12-08-1940, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_355_5_1, Plot Owner: PETERSON, BERTPETERSON, David, Buried: 07/26/2001, Age: 70, Section: OBLOCK_8_361_1, Plot Owner: PETERSON FAMILY, DAVITAPETERSON, Davida Irene, Buried: 05-03-2000, Age: 41, Section: OBLOCK_8_360_1, Plot Owner: PETERSON FAMILY, DAVIDAPETERSON, Emma E., Buried: 01-01-1986, Age: 80, Section: WATAHA_5_20_1, Plot Owner: PETERSON, ETHELPETERSON, Frank A., Buried: 01-01-1905, Section: ODONNE_212_6_3, Plot Owner: RAILROAD CO, PACIFICPETERSON, G. A., Buried: 02/17/1922, Age: 4, Section: LUDVIGS_295_4_4, Plot Owner: PETERSON, G. A.PETERSON, Hans J, Buried: 12-03-1970, Age: 70, Section: WATAHA_5_19_1, Plot Owner: PETERSON, ETHELPETERSON, Herman, Buried: 09-08-1928, Age: 63, Section: OSSELTO_362_5_1, Plot Owner: PETERSON, HERMANPETERSON, John, Buried: 08/15/1951, Age: 87, Section: ODONNE_150_6_4, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, PETERPETERSON, Justin Alfred, Buried: 06-06-2009, Section: NELSON_100_6_4, Plot Owner: PETERSON, JUSTIN ALFREDPETERSON, Leah Mrs., Buried: 03/25/1951, Age: 45, Section: LUDVIGS_295_5_2, Plot Owner: HECKKELA, ALFREDPETERSON, Margaret A. Richards, Buried: 04/29/1909, Age: 27, Section: ODONNE_173_4_1, Plot Owner: PETERSON, GEORGE HPETERSON, Pete, Buried: 03/21/1912, Age: 50, Section: PARKER_270_5_4, Plot Owner: PETERSON, PETEPETERSON, Richard, Buried: 11-03-1992, Age: 7, Section: ODONNE_163_4_1, Plot Owner: HOWELL, J BPETKOVICH, Joe & Tony, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_B1_6_4, Plot Owner: PETKOVICH, JOE & TONYPETONEU, Ivan, Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 2, Section: BUNNING_210_3_3, Plot Owner: BELTORIEN, JUANPETRI, William, Buried: 02-11-1905, Age: 52, Section: BUNNING_151_1_4, Plot Owner: URWIN, JOHNPETRIE, Dyan Kelly, Buried: 03-02-2001, Age: 30, Section: YOUNG_424_1X1_3, Plot Owner: ACKER, ONNA G. OR LARRY F.PETRO, Child Of Reglia, Buried: 06-10-1920, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_230_3_3, Plot Owner: REGLIA, PETRO CHILDPETRO, Eleanor J., Buried: 07/24/1991, Age: 77, Section: PARK_125_1_4, Plot Owner: PETRO, ELEANOR J.PETRO, Jery, Buried: 12/18/1998, Age: 33, Section: ODONNE_174_7_2, Plot Owner: PETRO, GEORGEPETRO, Paul R., Buried: 03-10-1998, Age: 87, Section: PARK_125_1_3, Plot Owner: PETRO, PAUL R.PETROFF, George, Buried: 04/28/1932, Age: 39, Section: PARKER_287_6_2, Plot Owner: NICOLOUDES, E KPETROPOULAS, Thomas, Buried: 12-12-1930, Age: 48, Section: PARKER_265_5_4, Plot Owner: PETROPOULAS, THOMASPETROVICH, Rose Elia Pevic, Buried: 10-02-2009, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_3_24_1, Plot Owner: PEVIC, FRANKPETTALA, R., Buried: 07/27/1920, Age: 36, Section: ODONNE_211_3_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALUPETTY, Andrew, Buried: 05/30/1968, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_A_27_4, Plot Owner: PETTY, ANDREWPETTY, Keith F., Buried: 01/24/1972, Age: 55, Section: KENDALL_A_27_2, Plot Owner: PETTY, KEITH F.PETTY, Marie, Buried: 09/14/2012, Age: 90, Section: KENDALL_A_27_3, Plot Owner: PETTY, KEITH F.PEVEC, Frank, Buried: 04/18/1910, Age: 1, Section: PARK_90_8_1, Plot Owner: PEVEC, FRANKPEVEC, Joseph, Buried: 04/25/1910, Age: 1, Section: PARK_90_8_2, Plot Owner: PEVEC, JOSEPHPEVIC, Frank, Buried: 06-05-1976, Age: 58, Section: WATAHA_3_24_1, Plot Owner: PEVIC, FRANKPEVIC, Lawrence, Buried: 12-01-1948, Age: 63, Section: PARK_17_1_2, Plot Owner: PEVIC, LAWRENCEPEVIC, Mary, Buried: 03-01-1978, Age: 84, Section: PARK_17_1_3, Plot Owner: PEVIC, MARYPEZELY, Robert Sr., , Buried: 12/26/1959, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_13_4_1, Plot Owner: PEZELY SR., ROBERTPEZEY, Mary, Buried: 08/24/1976, Age: 80, Section: KENDALL_13_4_2, Plot Owner: PEZEY, MARYPFAJFAR, Andrew, Buried: 12/31/1943, Age: 63, Section: PARKER_261_1_4, Plot Owner: PFAJFAR, ANDREWPHELPS, Leah E., Buried: 03/24/1977, Age: 65, Section: WATAHA_1_68_1, Plot Owner: PHELPS, SAMUEL JPHELPS, Samuel J, Buried: 03-02-2002, Age: 94, Section: WATAHA_1_67_1, Plot Owner: PHELPS, SAMUEL JPHELPS, William, Buried: 06/30/1948, Age: 5, Section: ROE_70_7_4, Plot Owner: PHELPS, WILLIAMPHILBRICK, Elroy P., Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 65, Section: BUNNING_177_6_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERPHILBRICK, Emma Wilson., Buried: 10/21/1938, Age: 88, Section: BUNNING_177_6_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERPHILLIPS, Baby, Buried: 05-11-1944, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_110_7_1, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS, RAYMOND EPHILLIPS, Billy, Buried: 09-05-2007, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_B_18, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS FAMILY, BILLPHILLIPS, Bonnie M., Buried: 01-08-1986, Age: 82, Section: MUIR_422_11_3, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERPHILLIPS, Dorothy Anna, Buried: 06/16/2004, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_4_36_1, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS, JOY & DOROTHYPHILLIPS, Edith Likes, Buried: 09/20/2010, Age: 89, Section: ROE_70_12_1, Plot Owner: LIKES, MRS G SPHILLIPS, Edward, Buried: 03-08-1955, Age: 38, Section: YOUNG_401_24_4, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS, MRS EDWARDPHILLIPS, Florence Mcphie, Buried: 02/27/1940, Age: 27, Section: OSSELTO_310_3_1, Plot Owner: FORD, ORVILLEPHILLIPS, George D., Buried: 11/17/1976, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_6_41_1, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS, DELMARPHILLIPS, Helen Lucas, Buried: 02/27/1964, Age: 46, Section: WATAHA_9_3_4, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS SR, JAMES WILLIAMPHILLIPS, James William Sr., , Buried: 10/27/1993, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_9_3_3, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS SR, JAMES WILLIAMPHILLIPS, Jerry, Buried: 03-08-1949, Age: 76, Section: ODONNE_146_4_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFPHILLIPS, John R., Buried: 06-02-1962, Age: 58, Section: MUIR_422_11_4, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERPHILLIPS, Joseph W., Buried: 02-05-2014, Age: 26, Section: KAUMO_10_80_1, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS, JOSEPH W.PHILLIPS, Sam, Buried: 08-01-1908, Age: 32, Section: PARKER_236_5_3, Plot Owner: ACE, WMPHILLIPS, Sarah V, Buried: 03/27/1972, Age: 60, Section: WATAHA_6_42_1, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS, DELMARPHILLIPS, Thos, Age: 58, Section: BUNNING_159_4_4, Plot Owner: CLEGG, EDWARDPHILLIPS, Treavor Scott, Buried: 03-11-1970, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_310_2_4, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS, TREAVOR SCOTTPHILLPS, Joy Westo, Buried: 06/16/2004, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_4_35_1, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS, JOY & DORTHYPHILPOT, Minnie A., Buried: 04/14/1973, Age: 73, Section: ROE_77_12_2, Plot Owner: PHILPOT, MRS ROBERTPHILPOT, Robert, Buried: 11/29/1948, Age: 55, Section: ROE_77_12_3, Plot Owner: PHILPOT, MRS ROBERTPIAIA, Carlo, Buried: 10-05-1971, Age: 86, Section: KENDALL_44_3_1, Plot Owner: PIAIA, CARLOPIAIA, Clara T., Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 21, Section: KENDALL_44_3_4, Plot Owner: PIAIA, CLARA T.PIAIA, David, Buried: 09-03-1968, Age: 77, Section: PARK_122_8_2, Plot Owner: PIAIA, DAVIDPIAIA, Giustina, Buried: 01-11-1975, Age: 91, Section: KENDALL_44_3_2, Plot Owner: PIAIA, GIUSTINAPIAIA, Maryann, Buried: 06-11-2013, Age: 83, Section: PARK_122_8_2, Plot Owner: PIAIA, DAVIDPIAIA, Rowa, Buried: 07/21/1924, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_275_3_1, Plot Owner: PIAIA, ROWAPIAIA, Santa, Buried: 04/28/1956, Age: 51, Section: PARK_122_8_3, Plot Owner: PIAIA, SANTAPIAPON, Norma, Buried: 07/16/1969, Age: 60, Section: ROE_76_7_1, Plot Owner: ADAMS, ROBERTPIAZ, John Dal, Buried: 02/13/1928, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_28_3_1, Plot Owner: PIAZ, JOHN DALPICKELL, Elizabeth, Buried: 04/23/1927, Age: 55, Section: PARKER_289_6_1, Plot Owner: PICKELL, JOHNPICKENS, W. E., Buried: 12-04-1903, Age: 30, Section: BUNNING_110_2_1, Plot Owner: PICKENS, AGNES MRSPICKEREL, Donald E., Buried: 09/20/1982, Age: 56, Section: WEST_7_173_1, Plot Owner: PICKERAL, EARLENEPICKEREL, Earlene, Buried: 05/13/2017, Age: 82, Section: WEST_7_172_1, Plot Owner: PICKEREL, EARLENEPICKERING, George, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 59, Section: ODONNE_148_8_4, Plot Owner: PICKERING, MRS GEORGEPICKERING, Jane, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 64, Section: ODONNE_148_8_3, Plot Owner: PICKERING, MRS GEORGEPICKETT, Mark E., Buried: 10/26/1964, Age: 61, Section: YOUNG_400_30_4, Plot Owner: PICKETT, MARK E MRSPICKETT, Roberta F., Buried: 01/29/1990, Age: 82, Section: YOUNG_400_30_3, Plot Owner: PICKETT, MRS MARK EPICR, Charles Child Of, Buried: 07-11-1915, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_236_3_3, Plot Owner: PICR, CHILD OF CHARLESPIERANTONI, Angelo, Buried: 01/17/1945, Age: 58, Section: NELSON_52_2_3, Plot Owner: PIERANTONI, ANGELOPIERANTONI, Jerry, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 18, Section: NELSON_52_2_4, Plot Owner: PIERANTONI, JERRYPIERANTONI, Lucia, Buried: 08/19/1957, Age: 70, Section: NELSON_52_2_2, Plot Owner: PIERANTONI, LUCIAPIERCE, John Fanklin, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 56, Section: JAMES_301_5_4, Plot Owner: MORTON, ALFRED GPIERCE, Mary J, Buried: 02-07-1926, Age: 74, Section: JAMES_301_5_3, Plot Owner: MORTON, ALFRED GPIERCE, Paul Brendan, Buried: 09/15/1965, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_400_18_1, Plot Owner: PIERCE, PAUL CLINTONPIERCE, Paul Clinton, Buried: 10/26/1982, Age: 63, Section: YOUNG_400_18_5, Plot Owner: PIERCE, PAUL RPIERCE, Sarah Bernice, Buried: 11/25/1981, Age: 59, Section: YOUNG_400_18_4, Plot Owner: PIERCE, PAUL CLINTONPIEROTTO, Cadmo, Buried: 04-03-1954, Age: 74, Section: MUIR_402_19_4, Plot Owner: PIERTTO, TERESAPIEROTTO, Teresa, Buried: 04/26/1961, Age: 82, Section: MUIR_402_19_3, Plot Owner: PIERTTO, TERESAPIESTENJAK, Antonia, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 39, Section: NELSON_91_5_1, Plot Owner: PIESTENJAK, ANTONIAPIETHE, Kurtel, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 6, Section: ODONNE_125_2_1, Plot Owner: PIETHE, GUSTPIETHE, Margarete, Buried: 01-01-1909, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_125_2_2, Plot Owner: PIETHE, GUSTPIETHE, Marta, Buried: 01-01-1909, Age: 7, Section: ODONNE_125_2_3, Plot Owner: BURKS, EDDPIETROTEODERSKI, P. D., Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 33, Section: ODONNE_197_8_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANPIGLIA, Pietro, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 43, Section: LUDVIGS_230_3_3, Plot Owner: REGLIA, PETRO CHILDPIKE, Roy R., Buried: 08-12-1927, Age: 30, Section: JAMES_326_7_3, Plot Owner: PIKE, ROY RPILCH, Mary, Buried: 10-10-1937, Age: 28, Section: OSSELTO_318_8_4, Plot Owner: PILCH, MARYPILIPOVICI, John, Buried: 12/25/1938, Age: 62, Section: PARK_80_4_3, Plot Owner: PILIPOVICI, JOHNPIMENTAL, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 45, Section: PARK_13_3_2, Plot Owner: PIMENTAL, ANTONPIMENTEL, Mary, Buried: 03-03-1978, Age: 89, Section: PARK_13_3_1, Plot Owner: PIMENTEL, MARYPINEDA, Anolona, Buried: 06-09-1944, Age: 45, Section: ODONNE_215_5_2, Plot Owner: PINEDA, JPINEDA, Staff Sergeant Felix, Buried: 01/24/2001, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_1_21_1, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNPINER, Jean, Buried: 05/19/2016, Age: 77, Section: PARK_125_2_4, Plot Owner: BLASKO, CHARLESPINER, Norman, Buried: 11/30/2016, Age: 84, Section: PARK_125_2_4, Plot Owner: BLASKO, CHARLESPINTARELLI, Cecil, Buried: 01-01-1966, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_F_3_4, Plot Owner: PINTARELLI, CECILPINTARELLI, Lucia, Buried: 01-01-1964, Age: 86, Section: KENDALL_F_3_3, Plot Owner: PINTARELLI, LUCIAPINTER, Alma A, Buried: 07-01-1996, Age: 96, Section: WATAHA_1_3_1, Plot Owner: PINTER, ALMA APINTER, Lawrence, Buried: 06-11-1944, Age: 52, Section: NELSON_77_3_2, Plot Owner: PINTER, LAWRENCEPINTER, Lawrence Jr., Buried: 03/15/2007, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_77_3_1, Plot Owner: PINTER, LAWRENCE JR.PINTER, Mary, Buried: 08-07-1986, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_77_3_3, Plot Owner: PINTER, MARYPINTER, Simon J., Buried: 06-10-1978, Age: 85, Section: WATAHA_1_2_1, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWNPIPKIN, Sharon, Buried: 12/26/1946, Age: 0, Section: ROE_74_10_3, Plot Owner: PIPKIN, UNKNOWNPIPKIN, Susie, Buried: 08/23/1944, Age: 0, Section: ROE_74_10_4, Plot Owner: PIPKIN, UNKNOWNPIPPIN, Cecil E., Buried: 06-08-1976, Age: 61, Section: WATAHA_1_93_1, Plot Owner: PIPPIN, LORA B.PIPPIN, Lora B., Buried: 10/24/1996, Age: 79, Section: WATAHA_1_94_1, Plot Owner: PIPPIN, LORA B.PIQUET, August, Buried: 10/21/1928, Age: 49, Section: JAMES_363_6_3, Plot Owner: PIQUET, AUGUSTPIQUET, Leonie, Buried: 11/19/1939, Age: 53, Section: JAMES_363_6_4, Plot Owner: PIQUET, AUGUSTPIRAINEN, Archie, Buried: 01-01-2004, Age: 91, Section: LUDVIGS_256_6_4, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFPIRNAR, Ana, Buried: 05-10-1908, Age: 30, Section: PARK_87_3_1, Plot Owner: PIRNAR, ANAPIRNAR, Cheryl Ann, Buried: 06-06-1980, Age: 22, Section: WEST_7_91_1, Plot Owner: PIRNAR, JOSEPH & OPELPIRNAR, Joe, Buried: 09/22/1908, Age: 30, Section: PARK_87_3_2, Plot Owner: PIRNAR, JOEPIRNAR, Joseph, Buried: 02/23/1983, Age: 78, Section: WEST_7_92_1, Plot Owner: PIRNAR, JOSEPH & OPELPIRNAR, Opal, Buried: 12/30/2013, Age: 98, Section: WEST_7_90_1, Plot Owner: PIRNAR, JOSEPH & OPELPITCHFORD, Ralph, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 10, Section: ODONNE_172_6_4, Plot Owner: BPOE #624, ELKSPITCHFORD, Wells E., Buried: 11/16/1920, Age: 36, Section: ODONNE_172_5_3, Plot Owner: BPOE #624, ELKSPIUK, Frank, Age: 0, Section: PARK_90_3_3, Plot Owner: PIUK, FRANKPIUK, John, Buried: 02-12-1914, Age: 22, Section: PARK_90_3_2, Plot Owner: GOSAR, FRANK J.PIVAC, Anton, Buried: 03-06-1942, Age: 52, Section: PARK_80_4_2, Plot Owner: PIVAC, ANTONPIVAC, Frane, Buried: 02/24/1916, Age: 21, Section: PARK_64_1_1, Plot Owner: PIVAC, FRANEPIVAC, John, Buried: 11-04-1971, Age: 73, Section: CROATIA_3_3_1, Plot Owner: PIVAC, JOHNPIVAC, Mary, Buried: 04-11-1959, Age: 65, Section: CROATIA_3_1_1, Plot Owner: MATOZEVICH, Mike MPIVAC, Matt, Buried: 11/15/1931, Age: 36, Section: PARK_80_6_4, Plot Owner: PIVAC, MATTPIVAC, Milica, Buried: 06/17/1991, Age: 87, Section: CROATIA_3_3_2, Plot Owner: PIVAC, MilicaPIVIC, Anton E., Buried: 01/28/1987, Age: 72, Section: WEST_7_43_1, Plot Owner: PIVIK, ANTONE E.PIVIC, Joseph J., Buried: 01-07-1970, Age: 56, Section: PARK_17_1_4, Plot Owner: PIVIC, JOSEPH J.PIVIC, Judith A., Buried: 08/30/1941, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_28_5_1, Plot Owner: PIVIC, TONY "FATSO"PIVIC, Lempi M., Buried: 11/22/1978, Age: 58, Section: WEST_7_42_1, Plot Owner: PIVIK, ANTONE E.PIVIC, Madeline, Buried: 10/19/2012, Age: 90, Section: KENDALL_28_5_4, Plot Owner: PIVIC, TONY "FATSO"PIVIC, Mona L., Buried: 04/30/1983, Age: 28, Section: WEST_7_310_1, Plot Owner: PIVIC, JOHNPIVIC, Patricia, Buried: 09/16/2013, Age: 82, Section: OBLOCK_8_648_1, Plot Owner: PIVIC, LAWRENCE & PATRICIAPIVIC, Tony "Fatso", Buried: 04-12-2010, Age: 91, Section: KENDALL_28_5_3, Plot Owner: PIVIC, TONY "FATSO"PIVIK, Angela, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 38, Section: NELSON_76_4_4, Plot Owner: PIVIK, ANGELAPIVIK, Anton Sr., , Buried: 09/23/1953, Age: 60, Section: WATAHA_B_8_1, Plot Owner: PIVIK, UNKNOWNPIVIK, Arlene, Buried: 04/28/2008, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_13_1_2, Plot Owner: PIVIK, JOE H.PIVIK, Arthur P., Buried: 01/21/2017, Age: 79, Section: NELSON_77_1X_3, Plot Owner: PIVIK, ARTHUR & NANCYPIVIK, Carl, Buried: 08-01-1995, Age: 78, Section: OBLOCK_8_215_1, Plot Owner: PIVIK, WALTERPIVIK, Daryl F, Buried: 01-01-1985, Age: 39, Section: CROATIA_5_3_2, Plot Owner: PIVIK, RUDOLPHPIVIK, Dorothy F., Buried: 05-04-2004, Age: 96, Section: NELSON_76_4_2, Plot Owner: PIVIK, DOROTHY F.PIVIK, Emiline Marie, Buried: 05/19/2012, Age: 83, Section: OBLOCK_8_214_1, Plot Owner: PIVIK, WALTER J.PIVIK, Flossie M., Buried: 09/18/1948, Age: 24, Section: CROATIA_5_3_4, Plot Owner: PIVIK, FLOSSIE M.PIVIK, Frank, Buried: 01/23/1944, Age: 53, Section: NELSON_100_4_2, Plot Owner: PIVIK, FRANKPIVIK, Frank, Buried: 10/19/2005, Age: 92, Section: NELSON_100_3_1, Plot Owner: PIVIK, FRANKPIVIK, Helen, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 43, Section: NELSON_100_4_3, Plot Owner: PIVIK, HELENPIVIK, Joe, Buried: 08-01-1995, Age: 79, Section: OBLOCK_8_213_1, Plot Owner: PIVIK, WALTER J.PIVIK, Joe H., Buried: 07-12-1979, Age: 84, Section: KENDALL_13_1_2, Plot Owner: PIVIK, JOE H.PIVIK, Joseph, Buried: 06-06-1972, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_76_4_3, Plot Owner: PIVIK, JOSEPHPIVIK, Joseph Max, Buried: 04/29/1987, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_13_1_4, Plot Owner: PIVIK, JOSEPH MAXPIVIK, Julia M., Buried: 05/18/1989, Age: 73, Section: NELSON_100_3_2, Plot Owner: PIVIK, JULIA M.PIVIK, Lojziki, Buried: 05/23/1912, Age: 0, Section: PARK_90_3_1, Plot Owner: GOSAR, FRANK J.PIVIK, Louis, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 1, Section: WATAHA_B_8_3, Plot Owner: PIVIK, UNKNOWNPIVIK, Louise, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 3, Section: WATAHA_B_8_4, Plot Owner: PIVIK, UNKNOWNPIVIK, Mary, Buried: 11/16/1987, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_13_1_3, Plot Owner: PIVIK, MARYPIVIK, Mary, Buried: 09/17/1988, Age: 90, Section: WATAHA_B_8_2, Plot Owner: PIVIK, UNKNOWNPIVIK, Mary Ann, Buried: 02-06-1987, Age: 75, Section: CROATIA_5_3_1, Plot Owner: MILLIKEN, NANCYPIVIK, Mary D., Age: 87, Section: NELSON_117_7_1, Plot Owner: PIVIK, MARYPIVIK, Nancy, Buried: 12-05-2014, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_77_1X_4, Plot Owner: PIVIK, ARTHUR & NANCYPIVIK, Oliva, Buried: 03-03-1976, Age: 91, Section: CROATIA_5_3_4, Plot Owner: PIVIK, FLOSSIE M.PIVIK, Paul A., Buried: 03/26/2011, Age: 58, Section: OBLOCK_8_125_1, Plot Owner: PIVIK, ANTONE & AMYPIVIK, Pietro, Buried: 01-01-1948, Age: 66, Section: CROATIA_5_3_3, Plot Owner: PIVIK, PIETROPIVIK, Rudolph, Buried: 10/24/2008, Age: 87, Section: CROATIA_5_3_2, Plot Owner: PIVIK, RUDOLPHPKOMKOHTNH, Ma, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 3, Section: PARK_65_8_3, Plot Owner: PKOMKOHTNH, MAPLACHER HEADD, Anna, Buried: 06/23/1977, Age: 54, Section: CROATIA_8_3_1, Plot Owner: PALCHER HEADD, ANNAPLANCHER, Enrico, Buried: 05/29/1929, Age: 35, Section: ODONNE_171_5_1, Plot Owner: BERGAMO, MARYPLANCHER, Ida, Buried: 12/29/2006, Age: 94, Section: ODONNE_171_3_2, Plot Owner: PLANCHER, LOUISPLANCHER, Louis, Buried: 09-07-1978, Age: 81, Section: ODONNE_171_3_3, Plot Owner: PLANCHER, LOUISPLECHOT, Jean, Buried: 04-12-1951, Age: 64, Section: OSSELTO_313_7_1, Plot Owner: LAND, BLAIRPLEMEL, Catherine, Buried: 01-09-1962, Age: 74, Section: CROATIA_8_2_3, Plot Owner: PLEMEL, CATHERINEPLEMEL, Frank, Buried: 11/30/1968, Age: 83, Section: CROATIA_8_2_2, Plot Owner: PLEMEL, FRANKPLEMEL, Ludwig J., Buried: 09-11-1974, Age: 63, Section: WATAHA_4_76_1, Plot Owner: PLEMEL, OLGAPLEMEL, Olga, Buried: 02-04-2013, Age: 99, Section: WATAHA_4_77_1, Plot Owner: PLEMEL, OLGAPLUTE, John, Buried: 05/16/1964, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_35_2_4, Plot Owner: PLUTE, JOHNPO, Leo Wing, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 0, Section: ROE_72_9_1, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, CHINESEPOCAN, Clifford P., Buried: 12-08-1939, Age: 39, Section: ODONNE_142_3_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFPODBEVSEK, Frank, Buried: 04/19/1934, Age: 62, Section: LUDVIGS_273_4_4, Plot Owner: BARBARE, SOCIETYPODBEVSEK, Jack Jr., Buried: 06/19/2014, Age: 90, Section: NELSON_120_11_4, Plot Owner: PODBEVSEK, MARYPODBEVSEK, John, Buried: 03/15/1957, Age: 62, Section: NELSON_120_11_2, Plot Owner: PODBEVSEK, JOHNPODBEVSEK, Mary, Buried: 04/22/1972, Age: 73, Section: NELSON_120_11_3, Plot Owner: PODBEVSEK, MARYPOHTO, Leupi, Buried: 06-10-1904, Age: 20, Section: BUNNING_207_5_3, Plot Owner: POHTO, JOHNPOKETT, Melvin, Buried: 08-02-1950, Age: 0, Section: ROE_75_14_1, Plot Owner: POKETT, MELVINPOL, Felix, Buried: 01/21/1943, Age: 64, Section: KENDALL_35_4_4, Plot Owner: POL, FELIXPOLENEU, Isaac, Buried: 12/26/1911, Age: 26, Section: LUDVIGS_257_8_1, Plot Owner: POLENEU, ISAACPOLJANEC, Leo, Buried: 01-07-1946, Age: 64, Section: KENDALL_47_2_2, Plot Owner: POLJANEC, LEOPOLKING, Lorn William, Buried: 08/24/1927, Age: 53, Section: JAMES_345_8_3, Plot Owner: CAMERON, ERNEST W.POLKINGHORN, M. Mrs., Buried: 03-09-1928, Age: 65, Section: JAMES_345_5_2, Plot Owner: KRISCHBAUM, MRS MPOLKINGHORN, Mary, Buried: 03-09-1928, Age: 65, Section: JAMES_345_8_2, Plot Owner: CAMERON, ERNEST W.POLLARI, John, Buried: 09/28/1964, Age: 79, Section: YOUNG_400_27_2, Plot Owner: POLLARI, JOHNPOLLARI, Mary, Buried: 11-03-1956, Age: 59, Section: YOUNG_400_27_1, Plot Owner: POLLARI, JOHNPOLUTES, Charles "Chas", Buried: 08-02-1945, Age: 58, Section: KENDALL_30_5_2, Plot Owner: MINKA, VICTORPONDALFO, Egbert, Buried: 03/13/1959, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_142_2_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFPONDOS, Pete, Buried: 07/31/1942, Age: 60, Section: PARKER_266_4_1, Plot Owner: STATHAKIS, NICKPONIKVAR, Annie, Buried: 11/15/2007, Age: 82, Section: NELSON_92_1X_4, Plot Owner: PONIKVAR, ANNIEPONIKVAR, Frank, Buried: 03/13/1996, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_92_1X_3, Plot Owner: PONIKVAR, ANNIEPONTIUS, Donald E., Buried: 05/25/1933, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_351_5_3, Plot Owner: PONTIUS, HENRYPOOL, G. L. Baby Of, Buried: 05-12-1922, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_296_1_4, Plot Owner: POOL, G. L.POOL, George, Age: 4, Section: BUNNING_136_1_4, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFPOOL, Mark, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_136_1_4, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFPOPERNAK, Andrew, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 65, Section: WATAHA_3B_5_3, Plot Owner: WARREN, ANNAPOPERNAK, Helen, Age: 73, Section: PARK_111_4_3, Plot Owner: POPERNAK, HELENPOPERNAK, Ilona Hruska, Buried: 01/26/1944, Age: 73, Section: PARK_111_1_2, Plot Owner: POPERNAK, ILONA HRUSKAPOPOFF, Nick V., Buried: 12/20/1931, Age: 29, Section: OSSELTO_351_8_1, Plot Owner: POPOFF, NICK V.POPP, Father, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 72, Section: PARK_18_1_2, Plot Owner: POPP, FATHERPOPP, George, Buried: 12/15/1989, Age: 91, Section: PARK_125_18X_3, Plot Owner: POPP, GEORGEPOPP, Jennie K., Buried: 05-08-1979, Age: 69, Section: PARK_18_2_3, Plot Owner: POPP, JENNIE K.POPP, Julia, Buried: 12/30/1911, Age: 0, Section: PARK_39_8_4, Plot Owner: POPP, JULIAPOPP, Mark Mattew, Buried: 10/14/1970, Age: 0, Section: PARK_18_1_4, Plot Owner: POPP, MARK MATTEWPOPP, Michael J, Buried: 07-05-2007, Age: 74, Section: KENDALL_129_17_1, Plot Owner: POPP, FAMILY OF MIKEPOPP, Mike Sr., , Buried: 07/24/1987, Age: 81, Section: PARK_18_2_2, Plot Owner: POPP SR., MIKEPOPP, Mother, Buried: 01-01-1959, Age: 83, Section: PARK_18_1_3, Plot Owner: POPP, MOTHERPOPP, Nicolas, Buried: 07/28/1984, Age: 70, Section: KENDALL_D_6_2, Plot Owner: MOTT, STEPHEN & BENITAPOPP, Sister, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 22, Section: PARK_18_1_1, Plot Owner: POPP, SISTERPOPP, Steve, Buried: 04-01-1971, Age: 67, Section: NELSON_117_3_3, Plot Owner: POPP, STEVEPORENTA, Adolph J., Buried: 06-02-1967, Age: 51, Section: NELSON_116_6_1, Plot Owner: PORENTA, ADOLPH J.PORENTA, Anna, Buried: 07-07-2003, Age: 90, Section: NELSON_27_12_4, Plot Owner: PORENTA, ANNAPORENTA, Edyth Belle, Buried: 12/13/2007, Age: 98, Section: MUIR_423_7_2, Plot Owner: PORENTA, EDYTHE BPORENTA, Francisek, Buried: 01/20/1913, Age: 29, Section: PARK_103_1_3, Plot Owner: PORENTA, FRANCISEKPORENTA, Frank, Buried: 10/26/2009, Age: 87, Section: NELSON_70_2_2, Plot Owner: PORENTA, JOHNPORENTA, Jacob, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 52, Section: NELSON_27_12_1, Plot Owner: PORENTA, JACOBPORENTA, Jean, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 41, Section: NELSON_116_8_3, Plot Owner: PORENTA, JEANPORENTA, John, Buried: 04-10-1970, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_27_12_3, Plot Owner: PORENTA, JOHNPORENTA, John, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 65, Section: KENDALL_29_1_1, Plot Owner: PORENTA, JOHN ROBERTPORENTA, John Jr., , Buried: 04-04-1958, Age: 48, Section: MUIR_423_7_3, Plot Owner: PORENTA, EDYTHE BPORENTA, John Robert, Buried: 01-02-1996, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_29_1_1, Plot Owner: PORENTA, JOHN ROBERTPORENTA, John Sr., , Buried: 12/31/1948, Age: 69, Section: NELSON_70_2_1, Plot Owner: PORENTA, JOHNPORENTA, Joseph, Buried: 10-10-1967, Age: 76, Section: NELSON_116_8_4, Plot Owner: PORENTA, JOSEPHPORENTA, Martha, Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 19, Section: PARK_55_1_2, Plot Owner: PORENTA, MARTHAPORENTA, Mary, Buried: 08/27/1937, Age: 49, Section: NELSON_70_2_4, Plot Owner: PORENTA, JOHNPORENTA, Mary E., Buried: 12-01-1973, Age: 66, Section: NELSON_116_6_3, Plot Owner: PORENTA, ADOLPH J.PORENTA, Raymond, Buried: 11/19/1944, Age: 22, Section: NELSON_116_8_1, Plot Owner: PORENTA, RAYMONDPORENTA, Robert, Buried: 09/17/2008, Age: 44, Section: KENDALL_29_1_3, Plot Owner: PORENTA, JOHN ROBERTPORENTA, Theresa, Buried: 10/19/1974, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_4_H_1, Plot Owner: NELSON, VERDIE B.PORENTA, Yohana, Buried: 04-08-1950, Age: 67, Section: NELSON_27_12_2, Plot Owner: PORENTA, YOHANAPORI, George, Buried: 11-02-1950, Age: 75, Section: KENDALL_32_8_2, Plot Owner: PORI, GEORGEPORI, Lucia, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_32_8_3, Plot Owner: PORI, LUCIAPORT, Luca, Buried: 09/25/1968, Age: 79, Section: NELSON_127_1_2, Plot Owner: PORT, LUCAPORTER, Dennis A., Buried: 03/30/1949, Age: 0, Section: ROE_73_1_4, Plot Owner: PORTER, LENDSYPORTER, Marlon J., Buried: 11/21/1953, Age: 23, Section: KENDALL_23_2_1, Plot Owner: PORTER, MARLON J.PORTER, Mary, Buried: 06/17/2014, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_23_2_2, Plot Owner: BUTKOVICH, IVAN D.PORTER, Orville., Buried: 02-08-1974, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_17_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANPORTER, Sherrie Harper, Buried: 08/26/1995, Age: 27, Section: EDGAR_81_9X_4, Plot Owner: HARPER FAMILY, OM & JUDYPORTILLO, Angelina, Buried: 08/30/2002, Age: 77, Section: NELSON_128_4_1, Plot Owner: PORTILLO, RALPH & ANGIEPORTILLO, Eloisa, Buried: 12-09-2002, Age: 52, Section: NELSON_128_16_4, Plot Owner: PORTILLO, RALPH & ELOISAPORTILLO, Iysabel, Buried: 01-04-1979, Age: 98, Section: WEST_7_47_1, Plot Owner: PORTILLO, RALPHPORTILLO, Manuel J., Buried: 12/15/2003, Age: 80, Section: EDGAR_64_15_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANPORTILLO, Mary J., Buried: 08/14/1971, Age: 37, Section: WATAHA_5_12_1, Plot Owner: FUNERAL HOME, VASEPORTILLO, Ralph, Buried: 03/27/2013, Age: 91, Section: NELSON_128_4_1, Plot Owner: PORTILLO, RALPH & ANGIEPORTILLO, Teresa G., Buried: 02-03-1983, Age: 82, Section: WEST_7_46_1, Plot Owner: PORTILLO, RALPHPORTWOOD, Alvin E. "Port", Buried: 03/18/1981, Age: 72, Section: WEST_7_182_1, Plot Owner: PORTWOOD, BESSIEPOSTEN, H. Alonzo, Buried: 01-01-1909, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_175_2_3, Plot Owner: BARRAS, HENRYPOSTON, Frank J., Buried: 11/15/1925, Age: 53, Section: JAMES_324_3_1, Plot Owner: POSTON, FRANK J.POTISK, Joe, Buried: 04-11-1994, Age: 36, Section: BUNNING_104_7_4, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEPOTISK, Joe Mrs., Buried: 01/17/1995, Age: 33, Section: BUNNING_104_7_3, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGEPOTOCHNIK, Almarie, Buried: 10-09-2012, Age: 94, Section: KENDALL_31_4_4, Plot Owner: POTOCHNIK, MRS FRANKPOTOCHNIK, Cyril, Buried: 07/31/2000, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_31_4_2, Plot Owner: POTOCHNIK, CYRILPOTOCHNIK, Frank, Buried: 12-09-1944, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_31_4_1, Plot Owner: POTOCHNIK, FRANKPOTOCHNIK, Frank, Buried: 01/20/1961, Age: 72, Section: WATAHA_3B_2_3, Plot Owner: POTOCHNIK, FRANKPOTOCHNIK, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 50, Section: WATAHA_3B_2_4, Plot Owner: POTOCHNIK, JOSEPHPOTOCHNIK, Theresa, Buried: 07/29/1968, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_31_4_3, Plot Owner: POTOCHNIK, THERESAPOTOCHNIK, Valentine, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 20, Section: PARK_63_4_1, Plot Owner: POTOCHNIK, VALENTINEPOTOCNIK, John, Buried: 12-06-1971, Age: 68, Section: NELSON_78_3_2, Plot Owner: POTOCNIK, JOHNPOTOCNIK, Leonard, Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_78_3_4, Plot Owner: POTOCNIK, LEONARDPOTOCNIK, Leonard A., Buried: 06-05-1979, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_78_3_1, Plot Owner: POTOCNIK, LEONARD A.POTOCNIK, Teresa, Buried: 05/31/1963, Age: 90, Section: NELSON_78_3_3, Plot Owner: POTOCNIK, TERESAPOTTER, A. J., Buried: 01-04-1904, Age: 33, Section: BUNNING_161_6_3, Plot Owner: POTTER, GPOTTER, Albert H., Buried: 06/27/1964, Age: 89, Section: YOUNG_401_46_5, Plot Owner: POTTER, HENRYPOTTER, Anne, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 76, Section: ODONNE_116_8_3, Plot Owner: POTTER, HENRYPOTTER, Blaine G., Buried: 12-04-2003, Age: 71, Section: WEST_7_635_1, Plot Owner: POTTER, FLORENCEPOTTER, Daniel D., Buried: 12-05-1946, Age: 76, Section: LUDVIGS_231_5_3, Plot Owner: POTTER, DDPOTTER, Ellen W., Buried: 06-12-1956, Age: 79, Section: LUDVIGS_231_5_2, Plot Owner: POTTER, DDPOTTER, Elsie, Buried: 01/24/1966, Age: 58, Section: ODONNE_198_4_2, Plot Owner: THOMAS, HUGHPOTTER, Emma, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 21, Section: ODONNE_198_4_1, Plot Owner: POTTER, EMMAPOTTER, Emma M., Buried: 02/20/1998, Age: 94, Section: LUDVIGS_231_6_3, Plot Owner: POTTER, DDPOTTER, Harry E., Buried: 11-03-1952, Age: 50, Section: LUDVIGS_231_6_4, Plot Owner: POTTER, DDPOTTER, Henry, Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 60, Section: ODONNE_116_8_2, Plot Owner: POTTER, ANNEPOTTER, Henry "Pat", Buried: 08-10-1972, Age: 73, Section: YOUNG_401_46_2, Plot Owner: POTTER, HENRYPOTTER, Jane, Buried: 11-06-1958, Age: 78, Section: YOUNG_401_46_4, Plot Owner: POTTER, HENRYPOTTER, Lewis, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 37, Section: ODONNE_100_2_1, Plot Owner: POTTER, THOMASPOTTER, Lewis, Buried: 10-09-1909, Age: 37, Section: ODONNE_198_4_3, Plot Owner: THOMAS, HUGHPOTTER, Maria, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_161_6_4, Plot Owner: POTTER, MARIA & GPOTTER, Marjorie, Buried: 12-06-1957, Age: 56, Section: YOUNG_401_46_3, Plot Owner: POTTER, HENRYPOTTER, Pvt. Jack, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 30, Section: ODONNE_116_8_4, Plot Owner: POTTER, PVT. JACKPOTTER, Ralph, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 4, Section: LUDVIGS_231_5_1, Plot Owner: POTTER, DDPOTTER, Ronald "Ronnie" Glen, Buried: 12/17/1991, Age: 27, Section: WEST_7_636_1, Plot Owner: POTTER, FLORENCEPOTTS, Vera, Buried: 05-10-1974, Age: 65, Section: YOUNG_400_5_3, Plot Owner: POTTS, MRS WILLIAMPOTTS, William J., Buried: 02-11-1958, Age: 41, Section: YOUNG_400_5_5, Plot Owner: POTTS, MRS WILLIAMPOULOS, Shawn Howard, Buried: 04/17/1982, Age: 18, Section: WEST_7_243_1, Plot Owner: POULOS, MIKE & CAROLPOUMARIS, John, Buried: 11/19/1927, Age: 33, Section: PARKER_287_3_1, Plot Owner: POUMARIS, JOHNPOUPAKIS, Theros, Buried: 11/29/1925, Age: 45, Section: PARKER_289_4_1, Plot Owner: POUPAKIS, THEROSPOWELL, Ann, Buried: 09/24/2001, Age: 78, Section: OBLOCK_8_450_1, Plot Owner: POWELL, JEROMEPOWELL, Catherine R., Buried: 12-12-1918, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_188_6_2, Plot Owner: MCANTOSH, WMPOWELL, Demetrius, Buried: 11/29/1954, Age: 80, Section: ROE_68_2_3, Plot Owner: POWELL, DPOWELL, Edith Avon, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 3, Section: ROE_79_5_2, Plot Owner: POWELL, MORGANPOWELL, Elvira, Buried: 10/22/1949, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_221_3_2, Plot Owner: BECK, J.F.POWELL, George Jr., , Buried: 02-10-1928, Age: 3, Section: JAMES_363_5_3, Plot Owner: POWELL JR, GEORGEPOWELL, Griff, Buried: 12/14/1960, Age: 70, Section: OSSELTO_339_8_4, Plot Owner: POWELL, GRIFFPOWELL, Griff Jr., , Buried: 02-02-1937, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_339_8_1, Plot Owner: POWELL JR., GRIFFPOWELL, Jerome, Buried: 12/23/2004, Age: 91, Section: OBLOCK_8_449_1, Plot Owner: POWELL, JEROMEPOWELL, Jessie, Buried: 06/16/1964, Age: 72, Section: OSSELTO_339_8_3, Plot Owner: POWELL, GRIFFPOWELL, Kenneth E., Buried: 08-01-1938, Age: 16, Section: PARKER_239_2_3, Plot Owner: POWELL, ALICPOWELL, Margaret Jane, Buried: 05-07-1943, Age: 67, Section: ROE_68_2_2, Plot Owner: POWELL, DPOWELL, Margaret Mrs., Buried: 11/18/1943, Age: 67, Section: ROE_68_2_5, Plot Owner: POWELL, DPOWELL, Marguerite, Buried: 12/19/1995, Age: 81, Section: YOUNG_401_33_1, Plot Owner: FADDIS, MRS DAVID TPOWELL, Obie, Buried: 03/27/1947, Age: 51, Section: PARKER_239_2_2, Plot Owner: POWELL, ALICPOWELL, Rachel, Buried: 05/20/1911, Age: 53, Section: ODONNE_188_5_3, Plot Owner: POWELL, WMPOWELL, Thomas, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 35, Section: ODONNE_188_5_4, Plot Owner: POWELL, WMPOWELL, Thomas William, Buried: 04/21/1994, Age: 47, Section: EDGAR_82_8X_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANPOWELL, William, Buried: 05-12-1919, Age: 74, Section: ODONNE_188_5_2, Plot Owner: POWELL, WMPOWELL, William H., Buried: 06/23/1939, Age: 57, Section: ODONNE_221_3_3, Plot Owner: BOWERS, MARKPOWELL, William R., Buried: 02-11-1937, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_339_8_2, Plot Owner: POWELL, GRIFFPOWERS, Scott, Buried: 08-09-2010, Age: 44, Section: OBLOCK_8_666_1, Plot Owner: POWERS, SCOTTPOZUN, Baby Son, Buried: 10-04-1948, Age: 0, Section: ROE_77_11_3, Plot Owner: POZUN, VINCENTPOZUN, Janet K., Buried: 06/27/1956, Age: 4, Section: ROE_77_11_4, Plot Owner: POZUN, VINCENTPRADO, Baby, Buried: 06/23/1924, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_253_3_4, Plot Owner: PRADO, BABY LOEPRATT, Mary, Buried: 03-02-1935, Age: 26, Section: JAMES_347_4_2, Plot Owner: BALM, MRS. LEWISPRAY, Jay E., Buried: 03/31/1947, Age: 54, Section: EDGAR_63_7_4, Plot Owner: PRAY, MRS JAYPRAY, Lottie B., Buried: 02-11-1981, Age: 81, Section: EDGAR_63_7_3, Plot Owner: PRAY, MRS JAYPREECE, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1955, Age: 56, Section: OSSELTO_309_2_4, Plot Owner: PREECE, MRS J SPREECE, Endo Elizabeth, Buried: 01/27/1920, Age: 45, Section: PARKER_235_3_1, Plot Owner: DELINON, JAMESPREECE, Stanley, Buried: 10-07-1935, Age: 41, Section: OSSELTO_309_2_3, Plot Owner: PREECE, MRS J SPRELIL, Barton, Buried: 11/18/1915, Age: 50, Section: LUDVIGS_258_3_1, Plot Owner: PRELIL, BARTONPRESENT, Joe Baby Of, Buried: 09/25/1924, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_250_5_4, Plot Owner: PRESENT, BABY OF JOEPRESHO, Antoinette, Buried: 07/21/2000, Age: 65, Section: KENDALL_29_1X_2, Plot Owner: PRESHO, WILLIAMPRESHO, Mark Robert, Buried: 05-03-1995, Age: 36, Section: KENDALL_29_1X_3, Plot Owner: PRESHO, WILLIAMPRESHO, William, Buried: 05-12-2000, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_29_1X_1, Plot Owner: PRESHO, WILLIAMPRESTON, Douglas A., Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 71, Section: ODONNE_172_3_1, Plot Owner: BPOE #624, ELKSPREVEDEL, Angelo, Buried: 05/31/1966, Age: 67, Section: KENDALL_33_4_2, Plot Owner: PREVEDEL, ANGELOPREVEDEL, Carolina, Buried: 11/18/1970, Age: 71, Section: WATAHA_7_8_1, Plot Owner: PREVEDEL, RUDOLPHPREVEDEL, Clara, Buried: 01-01-1917, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_7_8_2, Plot Owner: PREVEDEL, RUDOLPHPREVEDEL, Dan, Buried: 11/20/1947, Age: 55, Section: KENDALL_33_4_1, Plot Owner: PREVEDEL, DANPREVEDEL, Erma, Buried: 01-08-2010, Age: 96, Section: WATAHA_3A_3_1, Plot Owner: PREVEDEL, ERMAPREVEDEL, Fabio, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_6A_4_2, Plot Owner: PREVEDEL, FABIOPREVEDEL, Flavio F., Buried: 02-07-1991, Age: 64, Section: WATAHA_6A_4_4, Plot Owner: PREVEDEL, FLAVIO F.PREVEDEL, Frank, Buried: 04/14/1989, Age: 87, Section: WEST_7_532_1, Plot Owner: PREVEDEL, FRANKPREVEDEL, Giuseppe, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 35, Section: WATAHA_6A_4_1, Plot Owner: PREVEDEL, GIUSEPPEPREVEDEL, Herman, Buried: 06/26/1978, Age: 74, Section: WATAHA_3A_4_1, Plot Owner: PREVEDEL, ERMAPREVEDEL, Ines, Buried: 02/15/1997, Age: 84, Section: WEST_7_531_1, Plot Owner: PREVEDEL SR., FRANKPREVEDEL, John R. "Poofer", Buried: 11-07-2003, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_7_8_3, Plot Owner: PREVEDEL, RUDOLPHPREVEDEL, John R. "Poofer", Age: 76, Section: BUNNING_203_7_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY OF RS, AUSTRIANPREVEDEL, Leontina, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_234_6_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANPREVEDEL, Louis, Buried: 01-12-1945, Age: 65, Section: OSSELTO_356_8_2, Plot Owner: FERRERO, MORRISPREVEDEL, Mary C, Buried: 10/29/1956, Age: 65, Section: YOUNG_401_32_4, Plot Owner: CHIPP, MRS LENAPREVEDEL, Neomi, Buried: 06-02-1990, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_33_4_3, Plot Owner: PREVEDEL, NEOMIPREVEDEL, Rudolph, Buried: 02-10-1981, Age: 90, Section: WATAHA_7_8_4, Plot Owner: PREVEDEL, RUDOLPHPREVEDEL, Rudy Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 4, Section: WATAHA_7_8_2, Plot Owner: PREVEDEL, RUDOLPHPRICE, Bertha E., Buried: 09-06-1939, Age: 44, Section: OSSELTO_354_5_3, Plot Owner: BERHENDT, FRANKPRICE, Billy, Buried: 12/16/1920, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_272_4_2, Plot Owner: PRICE, BILLYPRICE, Dora, Buried: 10/24/1920, Age: 19, Section: LUDVIGS_272_4_1, Plot Owner: PRICE, JOHNPRICE, Harland H., Buried: 03/17/1973, Age: 52, Section: OSSELTO_354_5_4, Plot Owner: BERHENDT, FRANKPRICE, Johny, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 25, Section: LUDVIGS_272_4_3, Plot Owner: PRICE, JOHNYPRICE, Mary, Buried: 11/14/1938, Age: 70, Section: BUNNING_180_7_3, Plot Owner: PRICE, WILLIAMPRICE, Ruth, Buried: 04-07-1924, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_253_6_1, Plot Owner: PRICE, RUTHPRICE, William Child Of, Buried: 07/28/1904, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_180_8_1, Plot Owner: PRICE, WILLIAMPRICE, William R., Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 62, Section: BUNNING_180_7_4, Plot Owner: PRICE, WILLIAMPRIESHOFF, Wayne, Buried: 04/20/1934, Age: 0, Section: PARK_36_2_3, Plot Owner: PRIESHOFF, WAYNEPRITCHARD, John "Jack", Buried: 12-11-2001, Age: 78, Section: EDGAR_63_17X_2, Plot Owner: PRITCHARD, JOHN W.PRITCHARD, Laura M., Buried: 08/30/1993, Age: 68, Section: EDGAR_63_17X_1, Plot Owner: PRITCHARD, JOHN W.PRITCHARD, William John, Buried: 01-01-1953, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_63_17X_2, Plot Owner: PRITCHARD, JOHN W.PRITZA, Dan, Buried: 04/30/1956, Age: 63, Section: ROE_70_2_1, Plot Owner: PRITZA, PETEPRITZA, Joe, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 66, Section: ROE_70_2_3, Plot Owner: PRITZA, PETEPRITZA, Milena, Buried: 05/14/1984, Age: 79, Section: ROE_70_1_4, Plot Owner: PRITZA, PETEPRITZA, Nick, Buried: 10-05-2009, Age: 84, Section: ROE_70_1_2, Plot Owner: PRITZA, PETEPRITZA, Peter, Buried: 05/29/1970, Age: 74, Section: ROE_70_1_5, Plot Owner: PRITZA, PETEPRITZA, Sophia, Buried: 08/17/1957, Age: 83, Section: ROE_70_2_2, Plot Owner: PRITZA, PETEPROFAIZER, Charles, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 48, Section: WATAHA_F_7_2, Plot Owner: PROFAIZER, CHARLESPROFAIZER, Enrica M., Buried: 04/27/1993, Age: 81, Section: OBLOCK_8_88_1, Plot Owner: PROFAIZER, JOSEPHINEPROFAIZER, Joe, Buried: 01/30/1999, Age: 89, Section: OBLOCK_8_87_1, Plot Owner: PROFAIZER, JOSEPHINEPROFAIZER, Lucille, Buried: 01/25/1972, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_F_7_1, Plot Owner: PROFAIZER, LUCILLEPROFAIZER, Lucy, Buried: 01/25/1972, Age: 87, Section: CROATIA_7_7_4, Plot Owner: PROFAIZER, LUCYPROIC, Ante, Buried: 12/16/1961, Age: 65, Section: CROATIA_3_1_2, Plot Owner: PROIC, AntePROJ, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 41, Section: WATAHA_9_8_2, Plot Owner: PROJ, ANTONPROPS, Albert, Buried: 04-07-1941, Age: 78, Section: ODONNE_142_4_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFPROVIS, Morris, Buried: 10/30/1931, Age: 51, Section: PARKER_287_2_4, Plot Owner: PROVIS, MORRISPRYDE, Allison, Buried: 02-03-1911, Age: 3, Section: BUNNING_86_7_1, Plot Owner: PRYDE, WMPRYDE, Anne Shedden, Buried: 11/21/1964, Age: 88, Section: EDGAR_67_10_2, Plot Owner: PRYDE, LEOPRYDE, Eliza, Buried: 07-07-1914, Age: 39, Section: BUNNING_86_7_2, Plot Owner: PRYDE, WMPRYDE, George Brown, Buried: 08/28/1956, Age: 84, Section: EDGAR_67_10_3, Plot Owner: PRYDE, GEORGE BROWNPRYDE, Helen, Buried: 12/26/1945, Age: 39, Section: BUNNING_86_8_1, Plot Owner: PRYDE, WMPRYDE, James, Buried: 06/28/1961, Age: 65, Section: MUIR_423_16_5, Plot Owner: PRYDE, JAMES & EMIL BERQUISTPRYDE, Martha, Buried: 05/13/1934, Age: 54, Section: BUNNING_86_7_4, Plot Owner: PRYDE, WMPRYDE, Sarah Helen, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 2, Section: BUNNING_110_7_4, Plot Owner: MARSHALL, ROSA R MRSPRYDE, Wilda, Buried: 01/29/1982, Age: 86, Section: MUIR_423_16_4, Plot Owner: PRYDE, JAMES & EMIL BERQUISTPRYDE, William, Buried: 11-10-1956, Age: 76, Section: BUNNING_86_7_3, Plot Owner: PRYDE, WILLIAMPRYDE, William Shedden, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 3, Section: BUNNING_110_7_3, Plot Owner: MARSHALL, ROSA R MRSPRYICH, Alexander, Buried: 08/15/2012, Age: 88, Section: EDGAR_65_12_5, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNPRYICH, Bessie, Buried: 09/25/1939, Age: 44, Section: OSSELTO_310_1_3, Plot Owner: PRYICH, BESSIEPRYICH, Dr. William V., Buried: 06/28/2008, Age: 79, Section: YOUNG_425_8X2_2, Plot Owner: PRYICH, WILLIAM FAMILYPRYICH, Ilija, Buried: 01/22/1939, Age: 48, Section: OSSELTO_310_1_4, Plot Owner: PRYICH, BESSIEPRYICH, Katherine, Buried: 10-11-2012, Age: 87, Section: OSSELTO_313_8X_3, Plot Owner: PRYICH, KATHERINEPRYICH, Mary S., Buried: 05/14/1991, Age: 65, Section: EDGAR_64_6_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANPRYICH, Mike D., Buried: 01-09-1985, Age: 64, Section: EDGAR_64_6_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANPRYICH, Milan, Buried: 01/14/2015, Age: 89, Section: OSSELTO_313_8X_4, Plot Owner: PRYICH, KATHERINEPRYICH, Smilga, Buried: 02/25/1998, Age: 82, Section: OSSELTO_310_1_1, Plot Owner: PRYICH, BESSIEPUCH, Robert, Buried: 12/29/1952, Age: 65, Section: EDGAR_82_20_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANPUCHOWSKI, Louise J., Buried: 03/18/1995, Age: 89, Section: WEST_7_595_1, Plot Owner: PUCHOWSKI, THOMAS J.PUCHOWSKI, Thomas J., Buried: 09/27/1990, Age: 55, Section: WEST_7_596_1, Plot Owner: PUCHOWSKI, THOMAS J.PUCHOWSKI, Tom, Buried: 08/18/1949, Age: 60, Section: NELSON_70_6_4, Plot Owner: PUCHOWSKI, TOMPUERTO, Sofia, Buried: 04/26/1922, Age: 27, Section: LUDVIGS_295_5_2, Plot Owner: HECKKELA, ALFREDPUFFER, James Monroe, Buried: 01/31/1923, Age: 91, Section: LUDVIGS_297_8_3, Plot Owner: PUFFER, JAMES MONROEPUGHE, T. W.O., Age: 37, Section: BUNNING_176_4_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, MASONICPULCHNEY, Joe, Buried: 05/20/1918, Section: PARK_55_8_1, Plot Owner: PULCHNEY, JOEPULLEY, Clarence Robert, Buried: 11/27/1950, Age: 26, Section: ODONNE_117_6_3, Plot Owner: PULLEY, VELLAPULLEY, Earl, Buried: 06-05-1951, Age: 61, Section: LUDVIGS_253_1_2, Plot Owner: PULLEY, EARLPULLEY, Edward A., Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_253_1_4, Plot Owner: PULLEY, NANCY ANNPULLEY, Marjorie L., Buried: 12-05-1952, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_402_25_5, Plot Owner: PULLEY, ROGERPULLEY, Nancy Ann, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_253_1_3, Plot Owner: PULLEY, EDWARD A.PULLEY, Rex, Buried: 12-01-1922, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_253_1_3, Plot Owner: PULLEY, EDWARD A.PULLEY, Robert Dean, Buried: 07/28/2000, Age: 51, Section: ODONNE_117_6_3, Plot Owner: PULLEY, VELLAPULLEY, Rose Mary Eccker, Buried: 01/21/1978, Age: 19, Section: MUIR_402_25_1, Plot Owner: PULLEY, ROGERPULLIE, Don, Buried: 08/25/1951, Age: 63, Section: PARKER_263_7_4, Plot Owner: LANE, WM.PULOS, Mike, Buried: 11-03-1937, Age: 72, Section: PARKER_266_3_4, Plot Owner: FOTMOS, MIKEPULUELO, Urban, Buried: 06-08-1967, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_C_6_2, Plot Owner: PULUELO, URBANPURDOFF, D.P., Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 48, Section: PARK_58_5_3, Plot Owner: PURDOFF, D.P.PURJILLA, Ferman, Buried: 04/21/1923, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_296_2_2, Plot Owner: RAMOS, HARNILDONPUSHKIN, Peter, Buried: 06/22/1946, Age: 57, Section: OSSELTO_357_6_2, Plot Owner: ALEXANDER, ALEXPUSSILA, Albert, Buried: 07/15/1936, Age: 38, Section: ODONNE_126_3_4, Plot Owner: HELQUIST, JOHNPUSSILA, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 52, Section: BUNNING_223_3_2, Plot Owner: PUSSILA, MAGGIEPUSSILA, John Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 28, Section: BUNNING_223_3_3, Plot Owner: WHARTON, FRED VPUSSILA, John Sr., , Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 43, Section: BUNNING_223_3_1, Plot Owner: PUSSILA, MAGGIEPUSSILA, Maude, Buried: 02-06-1961, Age: 60, Section: EDGAR_66_12_4, Plot Owner: PUSSILA, MAUDEPUTZ, Emilia, Buried: 12/28/1915, Age: 2, Section: NELSON_78_5_1, Plot Owner: PUTZ, EMILIAPUTZ, Fannie, Buried: 12/30/1915, Age: 5, Section: NELSON_78_5_2, Plot Owner: PUTZ, FANNIEPUTZ, Johanna, Buried: 03/27/1974, Age: 85, Section: WATAHA_5_39_1, Plot Owner: CHADEY, HELENPUTZ, John, Buried: 11/23/1970, Age: 90, Section: WATAHA_5_38_1, Plot Owner: CHADEY, HELENPUTZ, John, Buried: 02-08-1926, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_78_5_4, Plot Owner: PUTZ, JOHNPUTZ, Johney E., Buried: 02/23/1920, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_78_5_3, Plot Owner: PUTZ, JOHNEY E.PUTZ, Lillian, Buried: 02/18/2012, Age: 87, Section: EDGAR_83_11_1, Plot Owner: MEMOVICH, MRS PAULPUTZ, Paul J., Buried: 10/21/2000, Age: 79, Section: EDGAR_83_11_1, Plot Owner: MEMOVICH, MRS PAULPUTZEL, Mary C., Buried: 03/21/1995, Age: 94, Section: OBLOCK_8_192_1, Plot Owner: PUTZEL, MARY C.PUVEY, Harry U., Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 62, Section: LUDVIGS_297_1_4, Plot Owner: BENSON, UNKNOWNPYETT, Joseph H, Buried: 02/15/1947, Age: 70, Section: OSSELTO_L_6_1, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENQUARRIE, Joseph, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_89_8_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFQUEGLEY, Lawrence, Buried: 04-06-1912, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_134_1_2, Plot Owner: BEVERAGE, ALEXANDERQUINN, Jack, Buried: 10/29/1925, Age: 53, Section: PARKER_293_2_1, Plot Owner: BANKS, J RQUINN, John, Section: JAMES_347_4_2, Plot Owner: BALM, MRS. LEWISQUINN, Oley, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 42, Section: JAMES_347_4_1, Plot Owner: BALM, MRS. LEWISQUINN, Robert J, Buried: 05/23/2017, Age: 80, Section: EDGAR_64_13_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANQUIRK, Irwin L., Buried: 10-08-1941, Age: 48, Section: ODONNE_172_1_4, Plot Owner: BPOE #624, ELKSRAAPAUTINI, D., Buried: 04/14/1910, Age: 26, Section: LUDVIGS_247_5_1, Plot Owner: RAAPAUTINI, D.RABERTSAS, Baby, Buried: 08-08-1946, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_147_4_1, Plot Owner: DAVIS, ELIZABETHRADAKOVICH, Amelia, Buried: 05/13/1964, Age: 52, Section: LUDVIGS_252_6_3, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, M.RADAKOVICH, Bessie, Buried: 05/19/1978, Age: 59, Section: LUDVIGS_252_7_3, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, UNKNOWNRADAKOVICH, Bobby, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 2, Section: NELSON_68_6_4, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, BOBBYRADAKOVICH, Duntar, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 38, Section: LUDVIGS_297_7_2, Plot Owner: RIDOVERA, MIKERADAKOVICH, Ethel, Buried: 03/24/1943, Age: 42, Section: OSSELTO_338_7_1, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, JOSEPHRADAKOVICH, George, Buried: 07-03-1970, Age: 51, Section: KENDALL_A_24_1, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, GEORGERADAKOVICH, Joseph, Buried: 10/26/1955, Age: 65, Section: OSSELTO_338_7_2, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, JOSEPHRADAKOVICH, Joseph A., Buried: 04/22/1957, Age: 69, Section: EDGAR_82_20_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANRADAKOVICH, M., Buried: 09/25/1917, Age: 31, Section: LUDVIGS_252_6_3, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, M.RADAKOVICH, Manda, Buried: 08/25/1959, Age: 37, Section: KENDALL_A_24_2, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, GEORGERADAKOVICH, Manuel, Buried: 04/25/1914, Age: 89, Section: LUDVIGS_252_6_4, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, MRADAKOVICH, Manuel, Buried: 05/15/1967, Age: 89, Section: LUDVIGS_252_7_2, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, UNKNOWNRADAKOVICH, Manuel M., Buried: 05/15/1967, Age: 89, Section: LUDVIGS_253_7_2, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, MANUEL M.RADAKOVICH, Mary, Buried: 07/28/1951, Age: 70, Section: LUDVIGS_252_6_2, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, M.RADAKOVICH, Nick, Buried: 01-07-1947, Age: 30, Section: NELSON_68_6_2, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, NICKRADAKOVICH, Rade, Buried: 01-01-1957, Age: 55, Section: LUDVIGS_252_6_1, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, M.RADAKOVICH, Thad Michael, Buried: 01/29/1965, Age: 1, Section: KENDALL_A_24_3, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, GEORGERADALJ, Anthony, Buried: 02/23/1944, Age: 60, Section: WATAHA_5A_3_4, Plot Owner: RADALJ, ANTHONYRADALJ, Anton, Buried: 05/23/1952, Age: 82, Section: PARK_80_5_3, Plot Owner: RADALJ, ANTONRADALJ, Linda, Buried: 11-04-1944, Age: 53, Section: WATAHA_5A_4_1, Plot Owner: RADALJ, LINDARADALJ, Luke, Buried: 08-09-1945, Age: 57, Section: WATAHA_5A_3_1, Plot Owner: RADALJ, LUKERADALJ, Matt, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 28, Section: PARK_80_2_2, Plot Owner: RADALJ, MATTRADALJ, Matt, Buried: 11/23/1954, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_119_6_2, Plot Owner: RADALJ, MATTRADCLIFF, Jackie, Buried: 02-07-1923, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_297_8_2, Plot Owner: REDCLIFF, JACKRADFORD, Ada, Buried: 06-05-1943, Age: 61, Section: ODONNE_215_4_2, Plot Owner: RADFORD, ARTHURRADFORD, Arthur, Buried: 01-10-1972, Age: 89, Section: ODONNE_215_4_1, Plot Owner: RADFORD, ARTHURRADISH, Steve Jr., , Buried: 11/19/1939, Age: 6, Section: EDGAR_84_3_4, Plot Owner: RADISH JR., STEVERADMAN, Joe, Buried: 06/19/2006, Age: 50, Section: OBLOCK_8_590_1, Plot Owner: RADMAN, JOERADMAN, Pasko, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 44, Section: NELSON_27_8_2, Plot Owner: RADMAN, PASKORADMAN, Pete, Buried: 05-10-2017, Age: 90, Section: WEST_7_35_1, Plot Owner: RADMAN, PETERADONIC, John, Buried: 02/17/1960, Age: 72, Section: JAMES_347_2_4, Plot Owner: MILTNOVICH, EMILRADOR, Charles, Buried: 01-06-1918, Age: 61, Section: NELSON_43_4_1, Plot Owner: RADOR, CHARLESRADOR, Clarence T., Buried: 12/19/1963, Age: 70, Section: NELSON_43_3_2, Plot Owner: RADOR, CLARENCE T.RADOR, Harriet L., Buried: 01/25/1957, Age: 66, Section: NELSON_43_3_3, Plot Owner: RADOR, HARRIET L.RADOR, Joseph L., Buried: 08-02-1952, Age: 53, Section: NELSON_43_4_4, Plot Owner: RADOR, JOSEPH L.RADOR, Mary A., Buried: 01-03-1953, Age: 81, Section: NELSON_43_4_2, Plot Owner: RADOR, MARY A.RADOSEVIC, Francika, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 5, Section: PARK_81_6_2, Plot Owner: RADOSEVIC, FRANCIKARADOSEVIC, Marica, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 1, Section: PARK_81_6_4, Plot Owner: RADOSEVIC, MARICARADOSEVIC, Martia, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 2, Section: PARK_81_6_3, Plot Owner: RADOSEVIC, MARTIARADOSEVICH, Amelia, Buried: 02/14/2013, Age: 97, Section: KENDALL_28_4_2, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, GEORGERADOSEVICH, Anna Marie, Buried: 07/23/1962, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_9_1_4, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, ANNA MARIERADOSEVICH, Arlie, Buried: 12/27/2002, Age: 97, Section: KENDALL_28_4_4, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, ARLIERADOSEVICH, Danica, Buried: 03/27/1915, Age: 1, Section: KENDALL_28_3_1, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, EMILIJARADOSEVICH, Edward J, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 2, Section: WATAHA_3_81_1, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, EDWARD JRADOSEVICH, Emilija, Buried: 06-12-1910, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_28_3_1, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, EMILIJARADOSEVICH, Fanny, Buried: 03/23/1915, Age: 6, Section: KENDALL_28_3_1, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, EMILIJARADOSEVICH, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1943, Age: 58, Section: KENDALL_43_1_1, Plot Owner: BARTOLIC, RICHARD F.RADOSEVICH, Frank, Buried: 04/27/1982, Age: 79, Section: KENDALL_22_1_1, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, FRANKRADOSEVICH, Fred, Buried: 05/19/2017, Age: 83, Section: CROATIA_9_1_2, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, FREDRADOSEVICH, George, Buried: 03/29/1977, Age: 59, Section: KENDALL_28_4_1, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, GEORGERADOSEVICH, George, Buried: 07/14/1956, Age: 80, Section: KENDALL_28_3_4, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, GEORGERADOSEVICH, Jacob, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 56, Section: NELSON_92_1_3, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, JACOBRADOSEVICH, John, Buried: 01-01-1967, Age: 65, Section: CROATIA_3_6_2, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, JohnRADOSEVICH, John T., Buried: 09/18/1986, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_22_6_2, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, JOHN T.RADOSEVICH, Joseph T., Buried: 05/24/1983, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_3_80_1, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, JOE & MARYRADOSEVICH, Katherine, Buried: 02-11-1945, Age: 70, Section: KENDALL_22_1_3, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, KATHERINERADOSEVICH, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1954, Age: 38, Section: KENDALL_22_1_2, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, MARYRADOSEVICH, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1944, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_22_6_4, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, MARYRADOSEVICH, Mary, Buried: 09/15/1941, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_28_3_2, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, MaryRADOSEVICH, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 62, Section: NELSON_92_1_2, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, MARYRADOSEVICH, Mary A., Buried: 07/25/2007, Age: 99, Section: WATAHA_3_82_1, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, MARY A.RADOSEVICH, Mary B., Buried: 04/17/2001, Age: 90, Section: KENDALL_22_6_3, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, MARY B.RADOSEVICH, Matilda, Buried: 01/29/1988, Age: 84, Section: CROATIA_4_8X_2, Plot Owner: PARTON, BOB & JANELLERADOSEVICH, Mollie, Buried: 10-09-2003, Age: 96, Section: CROATIA_3_6_3, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, MOLLIERADOSEVICH, Olga, Buried: 03/24/1915, Age: 3, Section: KENDALL_28_3_1, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, EMILIJARADOSEVICH, Shirley, Buried: 05/15/2001, Age: 67, Section: CROATIA_9_1_3, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, SHIRLEYRADOSEVICH, Steve, Buried: 03/14/2007, Age: 100, Section: KENDALL_28_4_3, Plot Owner: RADOSEVICH, STEVERADOSEVICH, Walter, Buried: 04-08-1988, Age: 86, Section: CROATIA_4_8X_1, Plot Owner: PARTON, BOB & JANELLERADOVICH, Louise, Buried: 04/26/1971, Age: 81, Section: YOUNG_424_7_2, Plot Owner: RADOVICH, LOUISERADOVICH, Simon, Buried: 04-08-1958, Age: 73, Section: YOUNG_424_7_3, Plot Owner: RADOVICH, LOUISERAE, Andrew, Buried: 02-02-1933, Age: 52, Section: BUNNING_178_3_4, Plot Owner: RAY, ALLENRAE, Howard, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 10, Section: PARKER_244_8_4, Plot Owner: ADRIEANCE, C JRAFERTY, Catherine, Buried: 09/13/1923, Age: 72, Section: LUDVIGS_275_8_1, Plot Owner: RAFERTY, CATHERINERAFFERTY, James E., Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 58, Section: LUDVIGS_275_8_2, Plot Owner: RAFFERTY, JAMES E.RAFFERTY, Margaret Ross, Buried: 06/13/1959, Age: 78, Section: LUDVIGS_275_8_3, Plot Owner: RAFFERTY, MARGARET ROSSRAFFERTY, Terri & Teresa, Buried: 01-01-1960, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_275_8_4, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERRAHANC, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 53, Section: NELSON_69_8_4, Plot Owner: RAHANC, FRANKRAHONCE, Angela, Buried: 11/24/1984, Age: 70, Section: KENDALL_26_1_1, Plot Owner: RAHONCE, ANGELARAHONCE, Cyril, Buried: 07/22/2003, Age: 91, Section: KENDALL_26_1_2, Plot Owner: RAHONCE, CYRILRAHONCE, Ronald, Buried: 01-01-1947, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_26_1_3, Plot Owner: RAHONCE, RONALDRAINES, John, Buried: 05-11-1953, Age: 77, Section: PARKER_259_8_2, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDRAINES, Michael Radakovich, Buried: 05-11-1993, Age: 76, Section: LUDVIGS_252_7_1, Plot Owner: RAINES, MICHAEL RADAKOVICHRAINVILLE, Al, Buried: 10/26/1993, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_A_1X_3, Plot Owner: RAINVILLE JR, ALERIC D. "AL"RAINVILLE, Aleric D. "Al" Jr., , Buried: 05/19/2011, Age: 70, Section: KENDALL_A_1X_3, Plot Owner: RAINVILLE JR, ALERIC D. "AL"RAINVILLE, Ann, Buried: 12/24/1986, Age: 69, Section: KENDALL_A_1X_4, Plot Owner: RAINVILLE JR, ALERIC D. "AL"RAMISH, Frank E., Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_218_5_3, Plot Owner: ROMISH, F MRAMISH, Frank M., Buried: 06/29/1970, Age: 64, Section: ODONNE_218_5_2, Plot Owner: ROMISH, F MRAMISH, Mabel E., Buried: 08-08-1939, Age: 41, Section: ODONNE_218_5_4, Plot Owner: ROMISH, F MRAMOS, Harildon, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_296_2_1, Plot Owner: RAMOS, HARILDONRAMOUSN, Anton, Buried: 01-04-1966, Age: 87, Section: PARK_108_4_2, Plot Owner: RAMOUSN, ANTONRAMOUSN, Marija, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 35, Section: PARK_108_4_3, Plot Owner: RAMOUSN, MARIJARAMSAY, Ada Parker, Buried: 11-04-1928, Age: 49, Section: PARKER_244_2_2, Plot Owner: PARKER, HARRY G.RAMSAY, Alonzo I., Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_202_1_1, Plot Owner: RAMSAY, ROBERTRAMSAY, Annie, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 37, Section: BUNNING_202_2_3, Plot Owner: RAMSAY, ROBERTRAMSAY, Arnie, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 19, Section: BUNNING_202_2_4, Plot Owner: RAMSAY, ROBERTRAMSAY, Bessie A Mrs., Buried: 12/31/1929, Age: 80, Section: JAMES_302_2_3, Plot Owner: MCGEE, H JRAMSAY, Dada, Buried: 11/30/1920, Age: 46, Section: BUNNING_202_2_2, Plot Owner: RAMSAY, ROBERTRAMSAY, Francis V., Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 5, Section: BUNNING_202_1_1, Plot Owner: RAMSAY, ROBERTRAMSAY, Granny, Age: 80, Section: BUNNING_202_2_1, Plot Owner: RAMSAY, ROBERTRAMSAY, Helen Jenkins, Buried: 07/24/1952, Age: 22, Section: OSSELTO_312_8_2, Plot Owner: JENKINS, FRANK E.RAMSAY, Jack Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1900, Age: 3, Section: BUNNING_202_2_4, Plot Owner: RAMSAY, ROBERTRAMSAY, John, Buried: 09/17/1997, Age: 77, Section: PARKER_262_4_4, Plot Owner: RAMSAY, TONYRAMSAY, Mother, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 80, Section: BUNNING_202_2_2, Plot Owner: RAMSAY, ROBERTRAMSAY, S. F. Mrs., Buried: 11-04-1928, Age: 49, Section: PARKER_244_2_1, Plot Owner: PARKER, HARRY G.RAND, Wesley Orum Baby, Buried: 05/25/1946, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_K_3_1, Plot Owner: MALO, KARLRANDALL, Bonnie M., Buried: 04/22/1994, Age: 63, Section: OBLOCK_8_148_1, Plot Owner: RANDALL, FELIXRANDALL, Buel John, Buried: 09/17/1935, Age: 43, Section: EDGAR_82_5X_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANRANDALL, Felix, Buried: 04/24/2009, Age: 77, Section: OBLOCK_8_147_1, Plot Owner: RANDALL, FELIXRANDLESSI, V, Buried: 02/16/1948, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_N_5_4, Plot Owner: OWENS, UNKNOWNRANDOLPH, Irene, Buried: 06-07-1912, Age: 17, Section: LUDVIGS_257_3_4, Plot Owner: RANDOLPH, IRENERANDOLPH, John W., Buried: 11-10-1943, Age: 80, Section: LUDVIGS_257_3_3, Plot Owner: RANDOLPH, JOHN W.RANDOLPH, Mark, Buried: 12-05-1963, Age: 61, Section: LUDVIGS_257_3_2, Plot Owner: RANDOLPH, MARY CASSELLSRANDOLPH, Mary Cassells, Buried: 05/18/1924, Age: 52, Section: LUDVIGS_257_3_1, Plot Owner: RANDOLPH, UNKNOWNRANGAS, Jack, Buried: 01/29/1910, Age: 28, Section: LUDVIGS_247_4_1, Plot Owner: NOBLE, MURRAY C.RANK, Henry C., Buried: 01-01-1901, Age: 53, Section: BUNNING_181_2_3, Plot Owner: LARSEN, SAMRANSOM, Carrie L., Buried: 07/18/1977, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_2_49_1, Plot Owner: RANSOM, CARRIE L.RANSOM, Doris C., Buried: 05/17/2001, Age: 77, Section: OBLOCK_8_443_1, Plot Owner: RANSOM, JOE & DORISRANSOM, Jonathan D., Buried: 08/16/1976, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_2_49_1, Plot Owner: RANSOM, CARRIE L.RANSOM, Joseph, Buried: 08-05-2004, Age: 85, Section: OBLOCK_8_442_1, Plot Owner: RANSOM, JOE & DORISRANTA, Duane W., Buried: 02/28/1990, Age: 45, Section: MUIR_402_20_5, Plot Owner: RANTA, WILLIAM FRANTA, Edna, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 6, Section: ODONNE_211_2_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALURANTA, Isaac, Buried: 04/16/1944, Age: 66, Section: ODONNE_222_6_2, Plot Owner: LINDROOS, ISAACRANTA, Julia M., Buried: 09/23/1958, Age: 84, Section: MUIR_402_20_4, Plot Owner: RANTA, WILLIAM FRANTA, Lyle E, Buried: 08-02-2013, Age: 71, Section: MUIR_402_20_4, Plot Owner: RANTA, WILLIAM FRANTA, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 25, Section: ODONNE_211_2_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALURANTA, Signe W., Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 2, Section: ODONNE_222_1_2, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALARANTA, Vera, Buried: 07-01-1954, Age: 44, Section: MUIR_402_20_1, Plot Owner: RANTA, WILLIAM FRAOS, Mike, Buried: 10/15/1960, Age: 89, Section: ODONNE_191_4_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFRAPTIS, William N., Buried: 09-06-1967, Age: 71, Section: YOUNG_425_1_5, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENRASMUSSEN, Alma, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 46, Section: ODONNE_172_8_1, Plot Owner: BPOE #624, ELKSRASMUSSEN, David, Buried: 02/23/1955, Age: 78, Section: ROE_69_4_2, Plot Owner: COLLETT, GLADYSRASMUSSEN, David Mrs, Buried: 05-01-1953, Age: 78, Section: PARKER_286_1_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, KPRASMUSSEN, Ella, Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 55, Section: BUNNING_87_3_3, Plot Owner: RASMUSSEN, ODRASMUSSEN, Florence, Age: 5, Section: BUNNING_87_4_2, Plot Owner: RASMUSSEN, ODRASMUSSEN, Karen, Buried: 05/28/1942, Age: 60, Section: OSSELTO_335_4_3, Plot Owner: HURST, HARVEYRASMUSSEN, Margaret, Section: ROE_69_4_1, Plot Owner: COLLETT, GLADYSRASMUSSEN, R. P., Buried: 04/22/1957, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_335_4_3, Plot Owner: HURST, HARVEYRASMUSSEN, Stacy L. Hunt, Buried: 12-08-1990, Age: 22, Section: WEST_7_605_1, Plot Owner: RASMUSSEN, BRENT & STACYRASTEU, Dominic, Buried: 03/23/1911, Age: 24, Section: LUDVIGS_258_2_3, Plot Owner: RASTEU, DOMINICRATTI, Hilja, Buried: 11/27/1962, Age: 73, Section: ODONNE_217_1_3, Plot Owner: HIIBACKA, MRS IVERRATTI, Melvin U., Buried: 08/24/1974, Age: 55, Section: EDGAR_82_16_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANRAUSHER, Baby, Buried: 04/30/1923, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_296_4_2, Plot Owner: RAUSHER, UNKNOWNRAUTIAINEN, Fannie L., Buried: 06-01-1950, Age: 67, Section: ROE_75_15_4, Plot Owner: RAUTINANEN, ISAACRAUTIAINEN, Isaac, Buried: 06/14/1967, Age: 86, Section: ROE_75_15_5, Plot Owner: RAUTIAINEN, ISAACRAUTIO, Matt, Buried: 02/23/1998, Age: 40, Section: ODONNE_163_2_1, Plot Owner: RANTIO, MATTRAUTO, Marie Elizabeth, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_210_5_2, Plot Owner: BERTI, JACOBRAUZI, Concetta, Buried: 08-10-1987, Age: 89, Section: WATAHA_4_112_1, Plot Owner: RAUZI, MRS. CONCETTARAUZI, Coralina, Buried: 01-01-1956, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_F_6_4, Plot Owner: RAUZI, CORALINARAUZI, David, Buried: 01/13/1971, Age: 78, Section: WATAHA_4_111_1, Plot Owner: RAUZI, MRS. CONCETTARAUZI, Elizabeth, Buried: 08-04-1977, Age: 81, Section: EDGAR_67_3_3, Plot Owner: RAUZI, MRS JOHNRAUZI, Giovaini, Buried: 01-01-1996, Age: 40, Section: BUNNING_129_8_3, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFRAUZI, Irma, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_F_5_3, Plot Owner: RAUZI, RINARAUZI, John, Buried: 02-06-1940, Age: 56, Section: EDGAR_67_3_4, Plot Owner: RAUZI, MRS JOHNRAUZI, John Albert, Buried: 01-01-1945, Age: 23, Section: EDGAR_67_3_5, Plot Owner: RAUZI, JOHN ALBERTRAUZI, Max, Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 70, Section: WATAHA_F_5_4, Plot Owner: RAUZI, MAXRAUZI, Rina, Buried: 01-01-1909, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_F_5_3, Plot Owner: RAUZI, RINARAUZI, Rudolph, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 27, Section: WATAHA_F_5_2, Plot Owner: RAUZI, RUDOLPHRAUZI, Serifino "Sarf", Buried: 06/18/2003, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_4_95_1, Plot Owner: RAUZI, SERAFINORAVANELLI, August, Buried: 10-07-1959, Age: 68, Section: PARK_122_7_3, Plot Owner: RAVANELLI, AUGUSTRAVANELLI, Luigi, Buried: 09/26/1907, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_197_8_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANRAVANELLI, Paulin, Buried: 05-10-1957, Age: 63, Section: PARK_122_7_4, Plot Owner: RAVANELLI, PAULINRAVENHOLT, Halvor B., Buried: 04/14/2003, Age: 82, Section: PARK_13_5_1, Plot Owner: RAVENHOLT, HALVOR B.RAVENHOLT, Rosemary E., Buried: 07-08-1999, Age: 74, Section: PARK_13_5_2, Plot Owner: RAVENHOLT, ROSEMARY E.RAVLICH, John, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 32, Section: PARK_80_7_3, Plot Owner: RAVLICH, JOHNRAVNIKAR, Frank, Buried: 05-12-1958, Age: 79, Section: PARK_66_2_4, Plot Owner: RAVNIKAR, FRANKRAVNIKAR, Mary, Buried: 07/20/1976, Age: 87, Section: PARK_66_2_4, Plot Owner: RAVNIKAR, FRANKRAWELY, Sarah, Buried: 05/22/1912, Age: 42, Section: LUDVIGS_229_6_4, Plot Owner: YOUNG, A.E.RAY, Allan, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 59, Section: BUNNING_178_4_3, Plot Owner: RAY, ALLENRAY, Arthur D., Age: 50, Section: ROE_78_15_4, Plot Owner: RAY, MRS ARTHURRAY, James, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_178_4_1, Plot Owner: RAY, ALLENRAY, Lillas, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 73, Section: BUNNING_178_4_2, Plot Owner: RAY, ALLENRAY, Mary Lou, Buried: 01-01-2010, Age: 59, Section: EDGAR_64_17_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANRAYMOND, Charles, Buried: 01/17/1989, Age: 95, Section: WEST_7_474_1, Plot Owner: RAYMOND, ADELIARAYMOND, Emma, Buried: 07-07-1988, Age: 92, Section: WEST_7_473_1, Plot Owner: RAYMOND, ADELIARAYMOND, Helen, Buried: 11/16/1990, Age: 43, Section: WATAHA_4_71_1, Plot Owner: VALCO, DOROTHY R.REALEY, Myrtle, Buried: 03/20/1911, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_183_1_1, Plot Owner: REYNOLDS, MATTHEWREARDEN, William, Buried: 10-06-1919, Age: 64, Section: PARKER_283_3_4, Plot Owner: REARDEN, WILLIAMREAVELEY, Alice, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_165_2_1, Plot Owner: REAVLEY, R WREAVELEY, Clyde W., Buried: 03-06-1917, Age: 24, Section: ODONNE_165_1_1, Plot Owner: REAVLEY, MRS EDRIAREAVELEY, Ralph, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 64, Section: ODONNE_165_2_2, Plot Owner: REAVLEY, R WREAY, Agnes, Buried: 11-03-1953, Age: 57, Section: EDGAR_83_16_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, CANADIANREAY, John T., Buried: 10-09-1996, Age: 78, Section: OSSELTO_314_3_3, Plot Owner: OSSELTON, MRS GEORGEREAY, Mary B., Buried: 09/26/1961, Age: 79, Section: MUIR_403_31_4, Plot Owner: REAY SR, MRS THOMASREAY, Mary T. Bergamo, Buried: 10/23/1951, Age: 39, Section: PARK_126_24_1, Plot Owner: REAY, MARY T. BERGAMOREAY, Septimus, Buried: 01-12-1966, Age: 73, Section: EDGAR_83_16_5, Plot Owner: REAY, SEPTIMUSREAY, Thomas T., Buried: 03-01-1955, Age: 80, Section: MUIR_403_31_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERREAY-STOWE, Rena J., Buried: 03/27/2006, Age: 26, Section: OBLOCK_8_589_1, Plot Owner: REAY- STOWE, RENA J.REBOL, Ethel, Buried: 01-10-1997, Age: 78, Section: NELSON_68_1X_2, Plot Owner: REBOL, JOHN L.REBOL, Frances, Buried: 12-07-1979, Age: 87, Section: NELSON_68_8_3, Plot Owner: REBOL, FRANCESREBOL, Harry, Buried: 12/28/1929, Age: 7, Section: NELSON_68_8_4, Plot Owner: REBOL, HARRYREBOL, John, Buried: 06-03-1968, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_68_8_2, Plot Owner: REBOL, JOHNREBOL, John L., Buried: 03/27/2001, Age: 84, Section: NELSON_68_1X_1, Plot Owner: REBOL, JOHN L.REBOL, Robert H., Buried: 09-06-1946, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_68_8_1, Plot Owner: REBOL, ROBERT H.RECH, Ruth Ellen, Buried: 12/29/1994, Age: 43, Section: YOUNG_400_8X_1, Plot Owner: RECH, LLOYD & RUTHREDDON, Richard Alvin, Buried: 01-01-1946, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_L_4_4, Plot Owner: SPANN, RUFUS HREDFERN, H. E., Buried: 05/19/1923, Age: 70, Section: PARKER_283_2_4, Plot Owner: CONKLIN, ROBERTREDFERN, H. E., Buried: 05/19/1923, Age: 70, Section: PARKER_283_7_1, Plot Owner: REDFERN, H. E.REDJAK, Peter, Buried: 03-10-1940, Age: 66, Section: KENDALL_45_6_1, Plot Owner: REDJAK, PETERREDLAM, Gus, Buried: 02/15/1957, Age: 79, Section: ROE_74_10_5, Plot Owner: PIPKIN, UNKNOWNREDMAN, Pauline, Buried: 10-07-2008, Age: 80, Section: KENDALL_22_2_2, Plot Owner: REDMAN, PAULINEREECE, John T., Buried: 07/18/1937, Age: 36, Section: JAMES_302_7_1, Plot Owner: REECE, JOHN T.REED, Baby, Buried: 10-03-1945, Section: ODONNE_100_2_3, Plot Owner: POTTER, THOMASREED, Baby, Buried: 12-02-1947, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_N_4_4, Plot Owner: REED, MARIONREED, Baby, Buried: 06-03-1949, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_N_4_4, Plot Owner: REED, MARIONREED, Helen J., Buried: 12/20/1965, Age: 60, Section: YOUNG_400_32_2, Plot Owner: URUTIA, HELENREED, Jesse, Buried: 01/29/1972, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_6_98_1, Plot Owner: REED, PEARL M.REED, Lois J., Buried: 11/16/2002, Age: 80, Section: KENDALL_129_28_2, Plot Owner: REED, ROYREED, Pearl, Buried: 02/22/1992, Age: 92, Section: OBLOCK_8_8_1, Plot Owner: REED, PEARLREEDER, Edward, Buried: 07/17/2015, Age: 88, Section: EDGAR_65_11_3, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNREEH, Adolph, Buried: 09-12-1951, Age: 73, Section: PARKER_246_1_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDREELAND, Ludwig J., Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_221_2_2, Plot Owner: SHRUM, MRS GAREELAND, Ludwig J., Buried: 09/24/1930, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_221_2_4, Plot Owner: SHRUM, MRS GAREES, Albert Reesie", Buried: 08/25/1943, Age: 65, Section: ODONNE_218_8_2, Plot Owner: REESE, MRS ALBERTREES, Elizabeth Anderson, Buried: 01-01-1953, Age: 69, Section: ODONNE_218_8_3, Plot Owner: REESE, MRS ALBERTREES, G., Buried: 06-01-1951, Age: 69, Section: ODONNE_218_7_2, Plot Owner: RUNE, MOLLIEREES, Hannah B., Buried: 05/14/1915, Age: 36, Section: BUNNING_135_8_4, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNREES, J.W. "Bill", Buried: 11/28/1942, Age: 41, Section: BUNNING_85_2_3, Plot Owner: WEBSTER, MRS M LREESE, Bertine Lacroix, Buried: 10-02-1998, Age: 98, Section: ROE_71_5_1, Plot Owner: LACROIX, MRS CATHERINEREESE, Evan Hubert, Buried: 10/19/1982, Age: 56, Section: ROE_71_6_2, Plot Owner: REESE, EVAN HUBERTREESE, Evan J., Buried: 06-07-1963, Age: 62, Section: ROE_71_5_2, Plot Owner: LACROIX, MRS CATHERINEREESE, J.W. Jr., , Buried: 03-02-1924, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_85_2_4, Plot Owner: WEBSTER, MRS M LREESE, John B, Buried: 07/14/2015, Section: KAUMO_10_90_1, Plot Owner: RESSE, JOHN B.REESE, John J., Buried: 05-06-1928, Age: 66, Section: JAMES_345_1_2, Plot Owner: REESE, JOHN JREESE, Rose Ann, Buried: 02-01-1909, Age: 30, Section: BUNNING_132_6_1, Plot Owner: REESE, FEREESE, Ruth A. Kiby, Buried: 06-09-2007, Age: 80, Section: ROE_71_6_1, Plot Owner: LACROIX, MRS CATHERINEREESE, Viola M, Buried: 10/27/1982, Age: 87, Section: JAMES_302_7_2, Plot Owner: COFFMAN, KEVINREESE, William J., Buried: 01/23/1991, Age: 2, Section: BUNNING_106_1_2, Plot Owner: REESE, JOHN JREEVES, Dollie, Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 0, Section: ROE_76_19_2, Plot Owner: REEVES, HARRYREEVES, Ginger, Buried: 01/13/1949, Age: 5, Section: ROE_76_19_1, Plot Owner: REEVES, HARRYREEVES, Ione Krasovec, Buried: 09/17/1973, Age: 57, Section: EDGAR_66_1_2, Plot Owner: ZOLLER, WILLIAMREEVES, Karen, Buried: 05/19/1949, Age: 5, Section: ROE_76_19_2, Plot Owner: REEVES, HARRYREICHENBERG, Joseph Dale, Buried: 08-03-2007, Age: 44, Section: EDGAR_65_9X_4, Plot Owner: REICHENBERG, THE FAMILYREICHENBERG, Lawrence Carl, Buried: 03/28/2006, Age: 79, Section: EDGAR_64_1_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANREID, Carrie, Buried: 10-02-1958, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_182_4_4, Plot Owner: BURNS, RALPHREID, Evelyn, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 8, Section: BUNNING_182_3_4, Plot Owner: MUIR, MATHEWREINHART, Charles Clark, Buried: 06/23/1984, Age: 68, Section: WEST_7_352_1, Plot Owner: REINHART, JESSEREINHART, Dr. Lindsey Lee, Buried: 02-04-2003, Age: 25, Section: OBLOCK_8_482_1, Plot Owner: REINHART, DR. LINDSEY LEEREINHART, Frances T., Buried: 09/13/1983, Age: 39, Section: WEST_7_324_1, Plot Owner: REINHART, CHARLES B.REINHART, Jessie, Buried: 04/19/2007, Age: 89, Section: WEST_7_351_1, Plot Owner: REINHART, JESSEREIS, Andrew, Buried: 03/24/1956, Age: 60, Section: PARKER_287_8_2, Plot Owner: REIS, HARRYREIS, Nick Rev., Buried: 03-04-1935, Age: 36, Section: PARKER_287_8_4, Plot Owner: REIS, HARRYREITER, Mary M., Buried: 01-03-1995, Age: 77, Section: OBLOCK_8_181_1, Plot Owner: REITER, RUSSEL L.REITER, Russel L., Buried: 07-01-2002, Age: 82, Section: OBLOCK_8_180_1, Plot Owner: REITER, RUSSEL L.REMC, Felix, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 20, Section: WATAHA_D_5_4, Plot Owner: REMC, MRS. JOHNREMC, Frank, Buried: 10/14/2009, Age: 90, Section: WEST_7_158_1, Plot Owner: REMC, FRANKREMC, John, Buried: 12/22/1983, Age: 68, Section: WEST_7_202_1, Plot Owner: REMC, JOHNREMC, John, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 41, Section: WATAHA_D_5_3, Plot Owner: REMC, MRS. JOHNREMC, Laura, Buried: 06/18/1981, Age: 67, Section: WEST_7_157_1, Plot Owner: REMC, FRANKREMITZ, Ann, Buried: 02/17/2006, Age: 90, Section: WEST_7_191_1, Plot Owner: REMITZ, FRANK & ANNREMITZ, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1968, Age: 81, Section: OSSELTO_308_3_2, Plot Owner: BIDER, JOEREMITZ, Frank, Buried: 12/18/1985, Age: 72, Section: WEST_7_192_1, Plot Owner: REMITZ, FRANK & ANNREMITZ, Gertrude, Buried: 01-01-1968, Age: 74, Section: OSSELTO_308_3_1, Plot Owner: BIDER, JOERENFIELD, Near, Buried: 04-12-1917, Age: 15, Section: LUDVIGS_271_8_3, Plot Owner: RENFIELD, NEARRENIE, Joseph A., Buried: 06/17/1945, Age: 61, Section: BUNNING_113_5_1, Plot Owner: EXCELSIOR LODGE #9, IOOFRENNIE, Catherine, Buried: 01-01-1935, Age: 62, Section: PARK_34_2_1, Plot Owner: RENNIE, CATHERINERENNIE, Michael, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 59, Section: PARK_34_2_2, Plot Owner: RENNIE, MICHAELRENTERELLI, George, Buried: 08/30/1939, Age: 52, Section: ODONNE_171_6_4, Plot Owner: RENTERELLI, GEORGEREPASKY, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1961, Age: 73, Section: KENDALL_B_17_4, Plot Owner: REPASKY, MICHAELREPASKY, Michael, Buried: 11-02-1983, Age: 96, Section: KENDALL_B_17_3, Plot Owner: REPASKY, MICHAELRERRERO, Pievro, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_230_5_4, Plot Owner: OLIVERO, BATTISTARESHET, Mike, Buried: 04/28/1954, Age: 77, Section: PARKER_269_2_2, Plot Owner: UNION 8078, LOCALRETEL, Angela, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 13, Section: NELSON_19_4_3, Plot Owner: RETEL, ANGELARETEL, Joseph, Buried: 02-02-1960, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_19_4_1, Plot Owner: RETEL, JOSEPHRETEL, Rose, Buried: 09/30/1963, Age: 69, Section: NELSON_19_4_2, Plot Owner: RETEL, ROSERETFORD, Edith W, Buried: 12/29/1964, Age: 73, Section: JAMES_327_7_2, Plot Owner: TRAHER, FREDRETFORD, Jane, Buried: 05-04-1940, Age: 52, Section: LUDVIGS_250_5_2, Plot Owner: DARBYSHIRE, NELLIERETFORD, John H., Buried: 02-06-1968, Age: 80, Section: EDGAR_83_19_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, CANADIANRETRININOS, Guss, Buried: 03/30/1937, Age: 53, Section: PARKER_266_4_2, Plot Owner: STATHAKIS, NICKREUKO, Herman, Buried: 10-08-1900, Age: 49, Section: LUDVIGS_258_6_1, Plot Owner: REUKO, HERMANREUTALA, Jack, Buried: 01-07-1910, Age: 46, Section: LUDVIGS_247_7_1, Plot Owner: REUTALA, JACOBREUTER, Dutch J., Buried: 10/27/1958, Age: 57, Section: MUIR_423_14_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERREUTER, Frances, Buried: 03/15/2006, Age: 82, Section: PARK_121_11_2, Plot Owner: REUTER, PAUL & FRANCESREUTER, Louise P., Buried: 04-10-1982, Age: 78, Section: MUIR_423_14_4, Plot Owner: REUTER, JULIUS RREUTER, Paul R., Buried: 03/28/1995, Age: 73, Section: PARK_121_11_1, Plot Owner: REUTER, PAUL & FRANCESREVEL, Walker Child Of, Buried: 05-02-1998, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_182_7_2, Plot Owner: REVELL, WALTER H.REVELL, Walter H., Buried: 01-01-1901, Age: 33, Section: BUNNING_184_5_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #12, MASONICREYNOLDS, Abigail J., Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 40, Section: LUDVIGS_280_4_1, Plot Owner: REYNOLDS, ABIGAIL J.REYNOLDS, Hannah, Age: 35, Section: BUNNING_183_1_4, Plot Owner: REYNOLDS, MATTHEWREYNOLDS, Helen, Buried: 01/26/1925, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_291_3_1, Plot Owner: REYNOLDS, ADRIANREYNOLDS, John M, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 60, Section: WATAHA_9_4_2, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS SR, JAMES WILLIAMREYNOLDS, Latler Louis, Buried: 02/29/1932, Age: 47, Section: OSSELTO_352_6_4, Plot Owner: REYNOLDS, ORVILLAREYNOLDS, Lloyd Baby, Buried: 04-04-1924, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_275_6_1, Plot Owner: REYNOLDS, LLOYD BABYREYNOLDS, Lloyd Baby Of, Buried: 04-04-1924, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_276_1_1, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESEREYNOLDS, Mary Lucas, Buried: 02/21/1985, Age: 88, Section: WATAHA_9_4_3, Plot Owner: PHILLIPS SR, JAMES WILLIAMREYNOLDS, Matthew, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 66, Section: BUNNING_183_1_3, Plot Owner: REYNOLDS, MATTHEWREYNOLDS, William, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 31, Section: BUNNING_183_1_2, Plot Owner: REYNOLDS, MATTHEWRHOADES, David, Buried: 10/28/1941, Age: 73, Section: ODONNE_187_3_3, Plot Owner: FITTBETT, GEORGE MRSRHODES, George, Buried: 01-01-1900, Age: 28, Section: ODONNE_187_3_2, Plot Owner: RHODES, GEORGERHODES, George R., Buried: 04/21/1901, Age: 49, Section: ODONNE_187_3_1, Plot Owner: FITTBETT, GEORGE MRSRHODES, Harvin, Buried: 03/27/1911, Age: 75, Section: BUNNING_131_7_3, Plot Owner: FLETCHER, ROBERT S.RIBOVICH, Aileen, Buried: 04-04-2001, Age: 85, Section: OBLOCK_8_264_1, Plot Owner: RIBOVICH, AILEENRIBOVICH, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 51, Section: PARK_64_4_2, Plot Owner: RIBOVICH, ANNARIBOVICH, Brian, Buried: 04/16/1998, Age: 25, Section: OBLOCK_8_319_1, Plot Owner: RIBOVICH, JOHN & LINDARIBOVICH, Catherine, Buried: 10-11-2002, Age: 80, Section: OBLOCK_8_323_1, Plot Owner: RIBOVICH, CATHERINERIBOVICH, John, Buried: 11-07-1957, Age: 74, Section: PARK_64_4_1, Plot Owner: RIBOVICH, JOHNRIBOVICH, John Aaron, Buried: 03/26/2010, Age: 65, Section: OBLOCK_8_320_1, Plot Owner: RIBOVICH, JOHN & LINDARIBOVICH, John J., Buried: 04/24/1998, Age: 90, Section: OBLOCK_8_322_1, Plot Owner: RIBOVICH, CATHERINERIBOVICH, Joseph, Buried: 12/19/1911, Age: 0, Section: PARK_64_4_4, Plot Owner: RIBOVICH, JOHNRIBOVICH, Mary, Buried: 02/15/1913, Age: 0, Section: PARK_64_4_3, Plot Owner: RIBOVICH, JOHNRIBOVICH, Steve, Buried: 03/28/1996, Age: 80, Section: OBLOCK_8_263_1, Plot Owner: RIBOVICH, AILEENRICCARDO, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 49, Section: WATAHA_I_1_4, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIARICCI, Mike, Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_230_2_1, Plot Owner: RICCI, MIKERICE, Kennady, Buried: 01-03-1951, Age: 28, Section: PARKER_268_7_4, Plot Owner: LOCAL UNION #2, 3831, 2309, 908 & 2282RICHARDS, Elizabeth, Buried: 02/24/1951, Age: 77, Section: ROE_77_18_1, Plot Owner: MAXWELL, ROBERT R.RICHARDS, Hannah, Age: 68, Section: BUNNING_159_5_2, Plot Owner: RICHARDS, JOHNRICHARDS, John, Buried: 07-02-1921, Age: 75, Section: BUNNING_159_5_1, Plot Owner: RICHARDS, JOHNRICHARDS, Lieut. G. N., Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_136_1_2, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFRICHARDS, Mary J., Buried: 02/18/1982, Age: 75, Section: MUIR_423_12_1, Plot Owner: RICHARDS, MARY J.RICHARDS, Robert F., Buried: 11/17/1958, Age: 53, Section: MUIR_423_12_2, Plot Owner: RICHARDS, MARY J.RICHARDS, William H., Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 33, Section: BUNNING_177_6_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERRICHARDSON, Donald J., Buried: 05-06-2009, Age: 80, Section: OSSELTO_314_1_1, Plot Owner: RICHARDSON, LOIS A.RICHARDSON, Jesse Ernest, Buried: 09/23/1953, Age: 63, Section: MUIR_403_12_4, Plot Owner: RICHARDSON, EMMARICHARDSON, Lois A., Buried: 05-06-2009, Age: 84, Section: OSSELTO_314_1_1, Plot Owner: RICHARDSON, LOIS A.RICHARDSON, Rose, Buried: 05-09-1947, Age: 1, Section: OSSELTO_M_6_4, Plot Owner: RICHARDSON, EVERETTRICHARDSON, Stanley, Buried: 09-04-1945, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_E_5_2, Plot Owner: BRISTOL, HARRY JRICHARZ, John Gustav, Buried: 05-04-1954, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_119_3_2, Plot Owner: RICHARZ, JOHN GUSTAVRICHMOND, Alfred M., Buried: 03/14/2001, Age: 87, Section: OSSELTO_I_5_2, Plot Owner: RICHMOND, A MRICHMOND, Ann Yakse, Buried: 01-12-1998, Age: 85, Section: OSSELTO_I_5_3, Plot Owner: RICHMOND, A MRICHMOND, Margaret, Buried: 08/23/1958, Age: 46, Section: YOUNG_401_38_4, Plot Owner: MURINKO, MIKERICHMOND, Valerie Ann, Buried: 01/27/1946, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_I_5_4, Plot Owner: RICHMOND, A MRICHMOND, Veleen Black, Buried: 08/31/1933, Age: 24, Section: BUNNING_137_2_3, Plot Owner: REESE, MARTINRICHMOND, William M., Buried: 07/31/1958, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_401_39_2, Plot Owner: MITCHELSON, JAMES T.RICKMAN, Mildred, Buried: 04/23/1975, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_285_5_2, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDRIDDLE, A.D., Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 38, Section: ODONNE_173_2_2, Plot Owner: UCHIKOSKI, SHIZUORIDDLE, Alexander, Age: 21, Section: BUNNING_105_4_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFRIDDLE, Alexander, Buried: 01-01-1904, Age: 64, Section: BUNNING_105_4_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFRIDDLE, Alexander, Buried: 04/18/1911, Age: 21, Section: ODONNE_173_2_4, Plot Owner: UCHIKOSKI, SHIZUORIDDLE, Catherine, Buried: 05-06-1900, Age: 55, Section: BUNNING_105_4_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFRIDDLE, Cummings N., Buried: 09/21/1941, Age: 63, Section: LUDVIGS_232_6_3, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESRIDDLE, George, Buried: 01-01-1904, Age: 62, Section: BUNNING_106_3_4, Plot Owner: IREDALE, WILLIAMRIDDLE, Jackie, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 4, Section: BUNNING_180_7_1, Plot Owner: PRICE, WILLIAMRIDDLE, Janet, Buried: 10-01-1964, Age: 77, Section: LUDVIGS_232_6_4, Plot Owner: RIDDLE, JANETRIDDLE, Jennie, Buried: 04/15/1960, Age: 82, Section: ODONNE_173_2_1, Plot Owner: UCHIKOSKI, SHIZUORIDDLE, John Child, Buried: 05-09-1907, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_180_7_1, Plot Owner: PRICE, WILLIAMRIDDLE, Marie, Buried: 03/26/1903, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_173_2_3, Plot Owner: UCHIKOSKI, SHIZUORIDDLE, Mary A., Buried: 03/26/1903, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_138_6_2, Plot Owner: RIDDLE, A.D.RIDDLE, Ronald R., Buried: 09-04-2010, Age: 63, Section: WEST_7_150_1, Plot Owner: WELSH, JACK & MADELINERIFE, Ed H., Buried: 04-01-1916, Age: 68, Section: ODONNE_141_4_4, Plot Owner: RIFE, EDRIFE, Guy T., Buried: 12/21/1953, Age: 73, Section: ODONNE_141_3_1, Plot Owner: RIFE, EDRIFE, Isabella P., Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 61, Section: BUNNING_136_3_2, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFRIFE, Jennie Elizabeth, Buried: 10-01-1911, Age: 60, Section: ODONNE_141_4_2, Plot Owner: RIFE, EDRIFE, Jennie May, Buried: 10/25/1958, Age: 76, Section: MUIR_423_14_1, Plot Owner: JONES, VELMARIFE, John F., Buried: 08/20/1927, Age: 70, Section: JAMES_348_2_4, Plot Owner: RIFE, JOHN F.RIFE, Leora C., Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 23, Section: BUNNING_136_3_3, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFRIFE, Sophia Mccourt, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 20, Section: ODONNE_125_3_4, Plot Owner: RIFE, ORENRIFE, Tennie May, Buried: 10/25/1958, Age: 76, Section: MUIR_423_14_2, Plot Owner: JONES, VELMARIFE, William A., Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_136_3_2, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFRIGGS, B A, Buried: 02/24/1951, Age: 50, Section: ROE_71_19_2, Plot Owner: RIGGS, JACKRIGONI, Henry, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 52, Section: LUDVIGS_234_3_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANRIGONI, Matt, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 26, Section: LUDVIGS_234_7_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANRIGSBY, Elmer Baby, Buried: 01-05-1914, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_260_4_3, Plot Owner: RIGSBY, BABY ELMERRILEY, Anna, Buried: 07-09-1971, Age: 80, Section: WATAHA_5_C_1, Plot Owner: MONTOYA, VIVIAN MAERILEY, Anona, Buried: 10/31/2002, Age: 81, Section: OBLOCK_8_32_1, Plot Owner: RILEY, EARL "BEN"RILEY, Earl "Ben", Buried: 06-12-1992, Age: 74, Section: OBLOCK_8_31_1, Plot Owner: RILEY, EARL "BEN"RILEY, Gordon C., Buried: 11/21/2000, Age: 90, Section: OBLOCK_8_79_1, Plot Owner: RILEY, GORDON C.RILEY, Gus, Buried: 11/22/1904, Age: 2, Section: BUNNING_207_4_2, Plot Owner: RILEY, JOHNRILEY, Harry, Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 63, Section: PARK_88_5_1, Plot Owner: RILEY, HARRYRILEY, John Child Of, Buried: 10/15/1904, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_207_4_1, Plot Owner: RILEY, JOHNRILEY, Mary R., Buried: 04/24/1993, Age: 77, Section: OBLOCK_8_80_1, Plot Owner: RILEY, GORDON C.RILEY, Michael Lynn, Buried: 12/20/2001, Age: 53, Section: EDGAR_64_7_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANRILEY, William, Buried: 05/14/1960, Age: 58, Section: KENDALL_B_8_3, Plot Owner: RILEY, WILLIAMRILEY, William, Buried: 10-12-2015, Age: 78, Section: COLUMB_WEST_1_7, Plot Owner: RILEY, WILLIAMRING, Elmer Walter, Buried: 04-05-1983, Age: 62, Section: WEST_7_306_1, Plot Owner: COVEY, MRS. KARENRING, Elsie Louise, Buried: 04-05-1983, Age: 58, Section: WEST_7_305_1, Plot Owner: COVEY, MRS. KARENRING, Lusa, Buried: 02/14/1905, Age: 34, Section: BUNNING_207_5_4, Plot Owner: POHTO, JOHNRINK, Annie, Buried: 10/20/1962, Age: 84, Section: ODONNE_194_8_3, Plot Owner: RINK, JOHN ERICRINK, John Eric, Buried: 11/24/1959, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_194_8_4, Plot Owner: RINK, UNKNOWNRIO, John A., Buried: 02/21/1951, Age: 66, Section: WATAHA_3_5_1, Plot Owner: RIO, JOHN A.RIO, Mary M., Buried: 03-10-1959, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_3_6_1, Plot Owner: RIO, MARY M.RIOS, Abllrus, Buried: 01/19/1914, Age: 27, Section: LUDVIGS_271_6_1, Plot Owner: RIOS, ABLLRUSRISKUS, Pete, Buried: 07/20/1992, Age: 78, Section: OBLOCK_8_43_1, Plot Owner: RISKUS, SYLVIA F.RISKUS, Sylvia F., Buried: 05/29/1998, Age: 80, Section: OBLOCK_8_44_1, Plot Owner: RISKUS, SYLVIA F.RITSON, Anthony, Buried: 10-01-1932, Age: 49, Section: LUDVIGS_249_8_3, Plot Owner: #151 FOE, EAGLESRIVA, George, Buried: 03/23/1936, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_359_7_4, Plot Owner: RIVA, BESSIERIZZI, Adolph, Buried: 01-01-1964, Age: 81, Section: KENDALL_20_6_3, Plot Owner: RIZZI, ADOLPHRIZZI, Alfred, Buried: 05/14/2012, Age: 66, Section: OBLOCK_8_255_1, Plot Owner: RIZZI, ALRIZZI, Ben, Buried: 01-01-1952, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_25_1_1, Plot Owner: RIZZI, BENRIZZI, Child, Buried: 10-12-1989, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_199_3_4, Plot Owner: RIZZI, UNKNOWNRIZZI, Chris, Buried: 02/19/1996, Age: 28, Section: OBLOCK_8_254_1, Plot Owner: RIZZI, ALRIZZI, Edward, Buried: 01-01-2001, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_20_6_2, Plot Owner: RIZZI, EDWARDRIZZI, Ernestine, Buried: 01-01-1951, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_25_1_2, Plot Owner: RIZZI, BENRIZZI, Fausto, Buried: 06/24/1963, Age: 71, Section: WATAHA_H_8_3, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIARIZZI, Guerino, Buried: 05/22/1975, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_2_95_1, Plot Owner: RIZZI, GUERINORIZZI, Guido, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 44, Section: WATAHA_3B_2_1, Plot Owner: RIZZI, GUIDORIZZI, Jennie, Buried: 12/19/1932, Age: 55, Section: NELSON_28_9_3, Plot Owner: RIZZI, JENNIERIZZI, Joe, Buried: 09/22/1965, Age: 72, Section: PARK_125_8_2, Plot Owner: RIZZI, JOERIZZI, Jon, Buried: 03-03-1996, Age: 34, Section: BUNNING_199_4_1, Plot Owner: RIZZI, UNKNOWNRIZZI, Lilly, Buried: 02/18/1988, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_2_96_1, Plot Owner: RIZZI, LILLYRIZZI, Lt. Dario L., Buried: 07-10-1944, Age: 21, Section: KENDALL_20_6_1, Plot Owner: RIZZI, LT. DARIO L.RIZZI, Mario, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_36_4_3, Plot Owner: RIZZI, MARIORIZZI, Nellie, Buried: 10-07-1967, Age: 74, Section: PARK_125_8_1, Plot Owner: RIZZI, NELLIERIZZI, Nick, Buried: 02-02-1966, Age: 82, Section: NELSON_28_9_2, Plot Owner: RIZZI, NICKRIZZI, Nicolo, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 20, Section: LUDVIGS_233_1_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONRIZZI, Pietro, Buried: 10-07-1948, Age: 66, Section: CROATIA_5_2_3, Plot Owner: RIZZI, PIETRORIZZI, Sisinio, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 46, Section: NELSON_28_3_2, Plot Owner: RIZZI, SISINIORIZZI, Thelma Gloria, Buried: 04/19/2017, Age: 92, Section: CROATIA_5_2_1, Plot Owner: RIZZI, OLIVIARIZZONELLI, Egidia, Buried: 11/25/1930, Age: 0, Section: PARK_32_2_4, Plot Owner: RIZZONELLI, EGIDIAROADWAY, Albert L, Buried: 04/29/1989, Age: 5, Section: BUNNING_186_6_4, Plot Owner: ROADWAY, ALBERT LROBBINS, John Willaim, Buried: 01/24/2002, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_6, Plot Owner: ROBBINS, JOHN WILLIAMROBBRIS, David, Buried: 05-04-1946, Age: 40, Section: ODONNE_146_5_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFROBERTS, Aili K., Buried: 08-05-1992, Age: 77, Section: WEST_7_524_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, GILBERT & AILAROBERTS, Ann Fulton, Buried: 03/17/1938, Age: 64, Section: LUDVIGS_274_1_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, BENJAMINROBERTS, Arthur, Buried: 01-10-1974, Age: 63, Section: LAUZER_421_20_2, Plot Owner: BUXTON, JACQUELINEROBERTS, Arthur T., Buried: 01/31/1953, Age: 59, Section: OSSELTO_333_8_1, Plot Owner: FOREIGN WARS, VETERANS OFROBERTS, Barry H., Buried: 02/16/1921, Age: 12, Section: LUDVIGS_274_1_3, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, BENJAMINROBERTS, Basil Hubert, Buried: 09/25/1921, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_274_2_2, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, BENJAMINROBERTS, Benj Howell, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 54, Section: LUDVIGS_274_1_2, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, BENJAMINROBERTS, Benjamin H., Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 19, Section: LUDVIGS_274_1_3, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, BENJAMINROBERTS, Bennie Hugh, Buried: 12/13/1942, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_66_15_5, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, BENNIE HUGHROBERTS, Buena Vista, Buried: 05/16/1956, Age: 46, Section: JAMES_302_2_2, Plot Owner: MCGEE, H JROBERTS, Charles Baby Of, Buried: 04-05-1912, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_149_7_1, Plot Owner: HARRIS, JOHNROBERTS, Chester M., Buried: 09-01-1979, Age: 73, Section: EDGAR_66_15_3, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, CHESTER M.ROBERTS, Darrel Dean, Buried: 12-05-1991, Age: 42, Section: PARKER_237_8X_4, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, THOMAS L.ROBERTS, Dorothy, Buried: 04/28/2006, Age: 59, Section: YOUNG_400_24X_2, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, LEO D.ROBERTS, Dorothy Jane, Buried: 02/22/1973, Age: 59, Section: EDGAR_66_15_4, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, BENNIE HUGHROBERTS, E. Dykes, Buried: 12-07-1966, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_33_3, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFROBERTS, Elizabeth, Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 3, Section: ODONNE_220_1_4, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, ISAACROBERTS, Elizabeth J. Dykes, Buried: 12-07-1966, Age: 73, Section: MUIR_403_40_3, Plot Owner: DYKES, JOHNROBERTS, Evelyn L., Buried: 07/15/1946, Age: 22, Section: KENDALL_35_1_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, EVELYN L.ROBERTS, Faye J., Buried: 03-01-1974, Age: 75, Section: ODONNE_174_5_3, Plot Owner: JACOBSON, MATTROBERTS, G. Lucille, Buried: 04/19/1988, Age: 72, Section: PARKER_237_8X_2, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, THOMAS L.ROBERTS, Gerald Hugh, Buried: 03/21/1941, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_54_1_3, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, GERALD HUGHROBERTS, Gilbert, Buried: 11/27/1989, Age: 77, Section: WEST_7_525_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, GILBERT & AILAROBERTS, Hugh, Buried: 12-04-1963, Age: 67, Section: ODONNE_174_5_4, Plot Owner: JACOBSON, MATTROBERTS, Isaac, Buried: 07-09-1940, Age: 77, Section: ODONNE_220_1_2, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, ISAACROBERTS, Isaac Jr., , Buried: 09/15/1962, Age: 59, Section: ROE_71_2_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, DORCASROBERTS, James H., Buried: 12-09-1950, Age: 53, Section: ROE_71_2_5, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, DORCASROBERTS, Jane, Age: 58, Section: BUNNING_153_2_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, R JROBERTS, Janet H., Buried: 02-10-1944, Age: 72, Section: ODONNE_220_1_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, ISAACROBERTS, John, Buried: 08/22/1937, Age: 59, Section: OSSELTO_339_3_4, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, MRS JOHNROBERTS, Katie, Buried: 10/27/1940, Age: 76, Section: ROE_78_19_2, Plot Owner: SAWTELL, JAMESROBERTS, Larry Wyane, Buried: 01-01-1975, Age: 27, Section: WATAHA_9_7_1, Plot Owner: BERNARD, UNKNOWNROBERTS, Leo D., Buried: 05/22/1993, Age: 71, Section: YOUNG_400_24X_2, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, LEO D.ROBERTS, Manual, Buried: 02/20/1976, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_119_10_2, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, MANUALROBERTS, Mary L., Buried: 01/23/1941, Age: 71, Section: LUDVIGS_254_1_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, MARY L.ROBERTS, Morgan Fulton, Buried: 08/21/1966, Age: 73, Section: LUDVIGS_274_2_3, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, BENJAMINROBERTS, Percy, Buried: 05-06-1965, Age: 66, Section: JAMES_302_2_1, Plot Owner: MCGEE, H JROBERTS, Peter, Buried: 01-01-1935, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_5X_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANROBERTS, Sara, Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_220_1_4, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, ISAACROBERTS, Tho Rob, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_153_2_4, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, R JROBERTS, Thomas L., Buried: 10-10-1995, Age: 81, Section: PARKER_237_8X_3, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, THOMAS L.ROBERTS, Trilla, Buried: 01/14/2008, Age: 48, Section: ANDERSO_9_B_9, Plot Owner: SIMMONS, RUTHROBERTS, William, Age: 2, Section: BUNNING_129_1_1, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFROBERTS, William, Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 2, Section: ODONNE_220_1_3, Plot Owner: ROBERTS, ISAACROBERTSON, Albena Orean, Buried: 04/25/1940, Age: 51, Section: JAMES_349_6_3, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, ALFREDROBERTSON, Alfred, Buried: 09/22/1910, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_136_5_3, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFROBERTSON, Alfred, Buried: 03/25/1965, Age: 82, Section: JAMES_349_6_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, LFREDROBERTSON, Alfred Burden Jr., , Buried: 01-05-1947, Section: JAMES_349_6_2, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, ALFREDROBERTSON, Alice A., Buried: 06-09-1997, Age: 76, Section: JAMES_349_7_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, ALFREDROBERTSON, Baby, Buried: 10/18/1934, Age: 0, Section: ROE_79_1_1, Plot Owner: SPROWELL, J MROBERTSON, Bertha Ora, Buried: 04-12-1974, Age: 67, Section: WATAHA_5_55_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, THOMAS CROBERTSON, Chris, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 63, Section: LUDVIGS_251_1_4, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, CHRISROBERTSON, Delbert W., Buried: 04/23/1992, Age: 60, Section: EDGAR_67_6_2, Plot Owner: ARMSTRONG, IRENE H.ROBERTSON, Donald Ray, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_213_4_2, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, DONALD RAYROBERTSON, Dorothy Mae, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_213_4_3, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, FRED A.ROBERTSON, Ed, Buried: 11/25/1941, Age: 43, Section: OSSELTO_338_2_2, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENROBERTSON, Eli, Buried: 09/15/1977, Age: 54, Section: EDGAR_82_1_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANROBERTSON, Elizabeth Ann, Buried: 01-06-1930, Age: 16, Section: JAMES_349_6_4, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, ALFREDROBERTSON, Fred A., Buried: 11/18/1958, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_90_7_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHROBERTSON, Gregory E. "Port", Buried: 03-10-1981, Age: 29, Section: WEST_7_183_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, LEVOYD & BETTEROBERTSON, Joseph H., Buried: 04-06-1970, Age: 52, Section: JAMES_349_7_2, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, ALFREDROBERTSON, Levoyd, Buried: 11-07-1991, Age: 62, Section: WEST_7_185_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, LEVOYD & BETTEROBERTSON, Levoyd, Buried: 11-07-1991, Age: 62, Section: WEST_7_185_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, LEVOYD & BETTEROBERTSON, Margaret Elizabeth, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 63, Section: LUDVIGS_251_1_3, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, MARGARET ELIZABETHROBERTSON, Martin, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 13, Section: BUNNING_90_7_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHROBERTSON, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 49, Section: BUNNING_90_7_2, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHROBERTSON, Mary, Buried: 05-06-1911, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_213_4_4, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, FRED A.ROBERTSON, Mary Jane, Buried: 11/15/1930, Age: 77, Section: JAMES_349_7_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, ALFREDROBERTSON, Minnie, Buried: 03-11-1966, Age: 74, Section: ODONNE_220_8_2, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, WALTERROBERTSON, Robert J., Buried: 08-11-1914, Age: 2, Section: ODONNE_220_8_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, WALTERROBERTSON, Rodney, Buried: 05-12-2009, Age: 51, Section: WEST_7_184_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, LEVOYD & BETTEROBERTSON, Sandra Ruth, Buried: 12/21/1976, Age: 26, Section: WATAHA_3_25_1, Plot Owner: ROBINSON, DAVIDROBERTSON, Shirley J, Buried: 01-08-2015, Age: 79, Section: EDGAR_67_6_1, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNROBERTSON, Thomas C, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_5_57_1, Plot Owner: LESKOVEC, LOUISEROBERTSON, Thomas C, Buried: 05-07-1988, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_5_56_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, THOMAS CROBERTSON, Thomas George, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_213_4_4, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, FRED A.ROBERTSON, Walter J., Buried: 11/28/1958, Age: 78, Section: ODONNE_220_8_3, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, WALTERROBERTSON, William Syme, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 48, Section: EDGAR_84_12_5, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, WILLIAM SYMEROBERTSON, William Tom, Buried: 04-08-1999, Age: 60, Section: OBLOCK_8_353_1, Plot Owner: ROBERTSON, TOM & ANNROBERTSON, William W., Buried: 08/26/1943, Age: 76, Section: JAMES_306_7_2, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, ALFREDROBERTSON, William W., Buried: 01-06-1994, Age: 76, Section: OSSELTO_G_3_1, Plot Owner: ZELENKA, UNKNOWNROBINSON, Anna Mrs., Buried: 11/21/1931, Age: 22, Section: LUDVIGS_275_4_1, Plot Owner: HURBER, S. J.ROBINSON, Arthur, Buried: 03/27/1956, Age: 71, Section: YOUNG_400_42_2, Plot Owner: ROBINSON, LYDIAROBINSON, Arvia Herd, Buried: 11/21/1931, Age: 22, Section: LUDVIGS_275_4_3, Plot Owner: CROWLEY, MRS EMMETT JROBINSON, Baby Of, Buried: 01/17/1909, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_231_7_3, Plot Owner: BRUNDAGE, A HROBINSON, Christine Lynnette, Buried: 08-03-1954, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_11_1, Plot Owner: PAGE, AMOSROBINSON, Clarence, Buried: 06-01-1930, Age: 38, Section: PARKER_265_2_3, Plot Owner: WILLIS, MRS CROBINSON, Eleanor B., Buried: 11-09-1984, Age: 78, Section: YOUNG_401_37_3, Plot Owner: ROBINSON, MRS GEORGEROBINSON, Euphemie, Buried: 02/26/1937, Age: 21, Section: OSSELTO_357_5_1, Plot Owner: BAILEY, LEONARDROBINSON, George E., Buried: 11/17/1955, Age: 48, Section: YOUNG_401_37_4, Plot Owner: ROBINSON, MRS GEORGEROBINSON, Infant, Buried: 10/18/1934, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_166_8_3, Plot Owner: HARVEY, MOSES & SARAHROBINSON, Joline, Buried: 04/30/1954, Age: 30, Section: PARKER_266_5_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, MIDWESTROBINSON, Joseph S., Buried: 03-06-1932, Age: 81, Section: OSSELTO_308_8_4, Plot Owner: ROBINSON, T EROBINSON, Kathleen L., Buried: 12-03-2016, Age: 60, Section: MUIR_403_33X_4, Plot Owner: ROBINSON, MILFRED & LORAINROBINSON, Lena Leola, Buried: 03-04-1982, Age: 72, Section: MUIR_403_11_2, Plot Owner: PAGE, AMOSROBINSON, Lydia, Buried: 02/15/1984, Age: 97, Section: YOUNG_400_42_1, Plot Owner: ROBINSON, ARTHURROBINSON, Marus, Buried: 02/25/1934, Age: 25, Section: LUDVIGS_247_1_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, LEORAROBINSON, Milford O., Buried: 07-05-2006, Age: 76, Section: MUIR_403_33X_5, Plot Owner: ROBINSON, MILFRED & LORAINROBINSON, Stephanie, Buried: 01/19/2011, Age: 32, Section: NELSON_70_2_2, Plot Owner: PORENTA, JOHNROBINSON, Thomas E., Buried: 11/13/1954, Age: 62, Section: OSSELTO_308_8_3, Plot Owner: ROBINSON, THOMAS E.ROBINSON, William C., Buried: 02/26/1992, Age: 66, Section: YOUNG_401_37_2, Plot Owner: ROBINSON, MRS GEORGEROBINSON, Willie, Buried: 08/30/1992, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_158_5_4, Plot Owner: DAVIS, WILLIAM RROBISON, Dawson, Buried: 06-03-2015, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_29, Plot Owner: ROBISON, DAWSONROBITAILLE, Morina Edwin, Buried: 06/22/1924, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_253_6_4, Plot Owner: ARBITAILLI, ELVISU MARINAROCCABRUNA, Henery, Buried: 08/29/1953, Age: 52, Section: NELSON_101_2_2, Plot Owner: ROCCABRUNA, HENERYROCCABRUNA, Jino, Buried: 06/28/2007, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_1_87_1, Plot Owner: ROCCABRUNA, JINOROCCABRUNA, Linda M., Buried: 03/28/2007, Age: 94, Section: NELSON_120_13X_2, Plot Owner: ROCCABRUNA, OLINDO A.ROCCABRUNA, Mary, Buried: 08/22/1940, Age: 50, Section: UNKNOWN_1_1_1, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNROCCABRUNA, Mary, Buried: 08/16/1940, Age: 35, Section: NELSON_101_2_1, Plot Owner: ROCCABRUNA, MARYROCCABRUNA, Norma, Buried: 08/21/2015, Age: 92, Section: WATAHA_1_88_1, Plot Owner: ROCCABRUNA, JINOROCCABRUNA, Olindo A., Buried: 02-01-1988, Age: 78, Section: NELSON_120_13X_1, Plot Owner: ROCCABRUNA, OLINDO A.ROCHE, John, Buried: 01-01-1901, Age: 11, Section: PARK_16_7_2, Plot Owner: ROCHE, JOHNROCHE, Patrick, Section: PARK_16_7_1, Plot Owner: ROCHE, PATRICKRODDA, Alberta Louise, Buried: 11-02-2001, Age: 84, Section: YOUNG_401_23_4, Plot Owner: RODDA, MRS HOWARDRODDA, Douglas Wayne Jr., , Buried: 05-06-2011, Age: 31, Section: YOUNG_401_23_3, Plot Owner: RODDA, MRS HOWARDRODDA, Howard B., Buried: 03/25/1955, Age: 43, Section: YOUNG_401_23_5, Plot Owner: RODDA, MRS HOWARDRODDA, Howard Butler Jr., , Buried: 05-02-1992, Age: 51, Section: OBLOCK_8_17_1, Plot Owner: RODDA, JANETRODDA, Jennie, Buried: 01-11-1934, Age: 54, Section: BUNNING_177_7_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERRODDA, Jennifer Lynn, Buried: 11/27/1973, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_401_23_1, Plot Owner: RODDA, MRS HOWARDRODDA, Kelsey Taylor, Buried: 06-06-2002, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_401_23_2, Plot Owner: RODDA, MRS HOWARDRODDA, Mrs. A. E., Buried: 01-01-1900, Age: 41, Section: BUNNING_177_5_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERRODDA, Toinih, Buried: 12/26/1946, Age: 30, Section: OSSELTO_I_4_1, Plot Owner: RODDA, IRVINRODDA, William J., Buried: 03-03-1951, Age: 73, Section: BUNNING_177_7_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERRODGERS, Mary Jane, Buried: 03/22/1960, Age: 68, Section: ROE_79_16_1, Plot Owner: KENT, HARRYRODLY, Anna C., Buried: 10/18/1985, Age: 87, Section: WATAHA_1_90_1, Plot Owner: RODLY, TONY TUSHRODLY, John, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_1_90_1, Plot Owner: RODLY, TONY TUSHRODLY, Tony Tush, Buried: 10-05-1979, Age: 88, Section: WATAHA_1_89_1, Plot Owner: RODLY, TONY TUSHRODRIGUEZ, Alfonzo, Buried: 03/15/1965, Age: 77, Section: ODONNE_191_6_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFRODRIGUEZ, Pablo, Section: PARK_59_8_3, Plot Owner: RODRIGUEZ, PABLORODRIGUEZ, Rosalind, Buried: 04/18/1953, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_167_2_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFRODRIQUEZ, Carmen, Buried: 07-08-1928, Age: 23, Section: PARKER_288_6_1, Plot Owner: RODRIQUEZ, CARMENRODZENA, Maria Hiblar, Buried: 01/30/1925, Age: 45, Section: PARK_40_6_4, Plot Owner: RODZENA, MARIA HIBLARRODZINAK, Adam, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 0, Section: PARK_42_4_4, Plot Owner: RODZINAK, STEVERODZINAK, Anna M., Buried: 08-10-1992, Age: 78, Section: WEST_7_76_1, Plot Owner: RODZINAK, ANNRODZINAK, Catherine, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 6, Section: PARK_42_4_4, Plot Owner: RODZINAK, STEVERODZINAK, George J., Buried: 06-10-1982, Age: 66, Section: WATAHA_5_94_1, Plot Owner: RODZINAK, GEORGERODZINAK, Helen, Buried: 05/29/1997, Age: 93, Section: WATAHA_5_94_1, Plot Owner: RODZINAK, GEORGERODZINAK, John, Buried: 05-02-2002, Age: 0, Section: WEST_7_75_1, Plot Owner: RODZINAK, JOHNRODZINAK, Mary, Buried: 02/25/1978, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_5_95_1, Plot Owner: RODZINAK, MARYRODZINAK, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 48, Section: PARK_42_4_3, Plot Owner: RODZINAK, STEVERODZINAK, Michael P., Buried: 07-07-1948, Age: 30, Section: PARK_42_4_1, Plot Owner: RODZINAK, STEVERODZINAK, Steve, Buried: 12-10-1952, Age: 76, Section: PARK_42_4_2, Plot Owner: RODZINAK, STEVEROE, Margaret Jane, Buried: 01/29/1988, Age: 96, Section: ROE_77_19_3, Plot Owner: ROE, THOMAS HAMILTONROE, T. H., Buried: 05/16/1947, Age: 68, Section: ROE_77_9_3, Plot Owner: KUITUNEN, ERIKROE, Thomas Hamilton, Buried: 05/16/1947, Age: 66, Section: ROE_77_19_2, Plot Owner: ROE, THOMAS HAMILTONROGAN, Catherine, Age: 13, Section: PARK_59_3_1, Plot Owner: ROGAN, PATRICKROGAN, Charles, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 30, Section: PARK_59_4_1, Plot Owner: ROGAN, CHARLESROGAN, Hughie, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 27, Section: PARK_59_3_2, Plot Owner: ROGAN, RICHARDROGAN, Joe, Buried: 02/26/1910, Age: 9, Section: PARK_60_4_3, Plot Owner: ROGAN, JOEROGAN, John E., Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 62, Section: PARK_59_4_4, Plot Owner: ROGAN, JOHN E.ROGAN, Margaret, Buried: 01-01-1904, Age: 50, Section: PARK_59_3_1, Plot Owner: ROGAN, PATRICKROGAN, Patrick, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 64, Section: PARK_59_3_3, Plot Owner: ROGAN, PATRICKROGAN, Patrick, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 70, Section: PARK_59_3_1, Plot Owner: ROGAN, PATRICKROGAN, Richard, Age: 2, Section: PARK_59_3_2, Plot Owner: ROGAN, RICHARDROGERS, Baby, Buried: 02/14/1941, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_356_5_1, Plot Owner: ROGERS, BERTROGERS, Baby, Buried: 08-07-1946, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_K_4_4, Plot Owner: ROGERS, MRSROGERS, Baby Carole, Buried: 06/22/1940, Age: 3, Section: PARKER_245_3_2, Plot Owner: PARR, GEORGE LROGERS, Bess, Buried: 02/27/1990, Age: 84, Section: BUNNING_228_3_2, Plot Owner: LEE, THOMASROGERS, Bill, Buried: 01-02-1973, Age: 69, Section: BUNNING_228_3_3, Plot Owner: ROGERS, BESSROGERS, Christine, Buried: 07-06-1973, Age: 53, Section: NELSON_68_7_3, Plot Owner: ROGERS, CHRISTINEROGERS, Fred, Buried: 07-10-1987, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_68_7_2, Plot Owner: ROGERS, FREDROGERS, Fredrick R., Buried: 05-12-1959, Age: 11, Section: NELSON_68_7_1, Plot Owner: ROGERS, FREDRICK R.ROGERS, Joseph J, Buried: 03/18/2015, Age: 87, Section: NELSON_120_6_2, Plot Owner: LOWE, MRS GLADYSROGERS, Joseph P. "Joey", Buried: 04/20/1996, Age: 42, Section: OBLOCK_8_273_1, Plot Owner: ZAVERSNIK, JOANROGERS, Mary E., Buried: 12/18/1941, Age: 65, Section: BUNNING_228_6_2, Plot Owner: ROGERS, MARY E.ROGERS, Peter D., Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 1, Section: PARK_31_1_3, Plot Owner: ROGERS, PETER D.ROGERS, Samuel, Buried: 10-02-1941, Age: 65, Section: BUNNING_228_6_1, Plot Owner: ROGERS, SAMUELROICH, Nick, Buried: 10-06-1946, Age: 23, Section: KENDALL_26_3_1, Plot Owner: ROICH, NICKROICH, Nick, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 50, Section: WATAHA_5A_2_3, Plot Owner: ROICH, NICKROICH, Pete, Buried: 06/25/1954, Age: 34, Section: KENDALL_26_3_3, Plot Owner: ROICH, PETEROL, Richard G, Buried: 12/29/1962, Age: 62, Section: MUIR_423_39_2, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERROLANDO, Domenica, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 46, Section: LUDVIGS_230_6_1, Plot Owner: ROLANDO, DOMENICAROLICH, Frank A., Buried: 03-07-2008, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_129_13_2, Plot Owner: ROLICH FAMILY, FRANKLINROLICH, Margaret Evans, Buried: 02-07-2009, Age: 74, Section: KENDALL_129_13_3, Plot Owner: ROLICH FAMILY, FRANKLINROMANO, Emil, Buried: 01-11-1937, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_245_5_4, Plot Owner: ROMANO, EMILROMANS, Evelyn, Buried: 09-08-2005, Age: 86, Section: JAMES_320_3_2, Plot Owner: ROMANS, EVELYNROMANS, Sam, Buried: 05/22/1980, Age: 54, Section: JAMES_320_3_3, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNROMERO, Abelardo M., Buried: 10-06-1962, Age: 64, Section: CROATIA_5_6_4, Plot Owner: ROMERO, ABELARDO M.ROMERO, Adonis, Buried: 10-12-1964, Age: 74, Section: MUIR_423_28_2, Plot Owner: ROMERO, MRS DEANEROMERO, Carmen G., Buried: 08/19/1955, Age: 4, Section: NELSON_119_4_2, Plot Owner: ROMERO, CARMEN G.ROMERO, Elizabeth, Buried: 06-09-1988, Age: 70, Section: WEST_7_88_1, Plot Owner: ROMERO, LEEROMERO, F. V., Buried: 06/24/1936, Age: 50, Section: BUNNING_128_2_1, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFROMERO, Jose Lee, Buried: 06-07-1980, Age: 65, Section: WEST_7_89_1, Plot Owner: ROMERO, LEEROMERO, Jose Tim, Buried: 08/17/1994, Age: 76, Section: NELSON_119_4_1, Plot Owner: ROMERO, JOSE TIMROMERO, Louis, Buried: 02-04-1975, Age: 69, Section: PARKER_285_4_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDROMERO, Lucy M., Buried: 08/17/1948, Age: 8, Section: CROATIA_5_6_1, Plot Owner: ROMERO, ABELARDO M.ROMERO, Phillip "Hob", Buried: 10/20/1998, Age: 58, Section: NELSON_128_6_4, Plot Owner: ROMERO, PHILLIP "HOB"ROMERO, Robert E., Buried: 12-11-1969, Age: 21, Section: MUIR_423_28_1, Plot Owner: ROMERO, DEANE & MRS DEANEROMERO, Rosana, Buried: 11/18/2015, Age: 96, Section: NELSON_128_7_4, Plot Owner: ROMERO, ROSEANNAROMERO, Roy, Buried: 10-01-2011, Age: 70, Section: MUIR_423_28_1, Plot Owner: ROMERO, DEANE & MRS DEANEROMERO, Timothy, Buried: 08/30/2006, Age: 50, Section: NELSON_128_6_4, Plot Owner: ROMERO, PHILLIP "HOB"RONAN, Vincent P., Buried: 01-01-1952, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_6_2_4, Plot Owner: RONAN, VINCENT P.RONCAGLIO, Camillie, Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 1, Section: WATAHA_3_66_1, Plot Owner: RONCALIO, FRANKRONCALIO, Domenic, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 4, Section: WATAHA_3_67_1, Plot Owner: RONCAGLIO, TENORONCALIO, Elvira, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 9, Section: WATAHA_3_67_1, Plot Owner: RONCAGLIO, TENORONCALIO, Ernesta, Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 61, Section: WATAHA_3_65_1, Plot Owner: THORNE, JENS C & HILDA RRONCALIO, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 65, Section: WATAHA_3_65_1, Plot Owner: THORNE, JENS C & HILDA RRONCALIO, Julio, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 1, Section: WATAHA_3_66_1, Plot Owner: RONCALIO, FRANKRONCHETTI, Julio, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 26, Section: NELSON_29_8_2, Plot Owner: RONCHETTI, JULIORONICK, Michael E, Buried: 08/15/2013, Age: 30, Section: KAUMO_10_78_1, Plot Owner: RONICK, RONRONNICK, John, Buried: 02-03-1938, Age: 62, Section: JAMES_304_5_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #56, SSPZROOTH, Laura M., Buried: 01/15/1947, Age: 74, Section: EDGAR_63_6_4, Plot Owner: LEWIS, MRS WILLIAMROSA, Elmer, Buried: 09/15/1920, Age: 24, Section: PARKER_246_6_4, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDROSA, John M., Buried: 08-10-1956, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_205_7_4, Plot Owner: HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIV MASON OFROSATTI, Arthur A., Buried: 10/27/1999, Age: 88, Section: NELSON_128_10_4, Plot Owner: ROSATTI, ART & EDITHROSATTI, Edith, Buried: 06/21/1997, Age: 84, Section: NELSON_128_10_4, Plot Owner: ROSATTI, ART & EDITHROSE, Alberta Frances, Buried: 09-12-1954, Age: 60, Section: MUIR_403_31_1, Plot Owner: ROSE, JAMES JROSE, Beverly, Buried: 05/23/2008, Age: 74, Section: WEST_7_502_1, Plot Owner: ROSE JR, ELBERT GROSE, Emma, Buried: 10-01-1949, Age: 59, Section: ROE_76_16_3, Plot Owner: ROSE, FRANKROSE, Franklin T., Buried: 05-02-1958, Age: 42, Section: ROE_76_16_4, Plot Owner: ROSE, FRANKROSE, June Hope, Buried: 09/30/2009, Age: 36, Section: MUIR_423_25X_2, Plot Owner: ROSE, JEFFROSE, Kenneth, Buried: 01-10-2015, Age: 73, Section: MUIR_423_24X_5, Plot Owner: ROSE, KENNETH & CAROLROSE, William J., Buried: 10/19/1922, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_152_5_2, Plot Owner: MORELSON, JROSEN, Jordon, Buried: 09-04-1990, Age: 56, Section: KENDALL_20_8X_1, Plot Owner: ROSEN, JORDONROSENE, Auther E., Buried: 10/25/1967, Age: 82, Section: PARKER_286_1_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, KPROSENE, Mary C., Buried: 03/16/1981, Age: 91, Section: PARKER_286_1_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, KPROSETTE, George, Buried: 06/26/2012, Age: 80, Section: EDGAR_65_12_3, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNROSETTI, James F., Buried: 11/24/1940, Age: 37, Section: JAMES_322_6_3, Plot Owner: ROSETTI, ANDREWROSETTI, John W., Buried: 11/28/1964, Age: 63, Section: JAMES_322_6_2, Plot Owner: ROSETTI, ANDREWROSS, Bessie, Buried: 01-04-1942, Age: 71, Section: OSSELTO_355_7_2, Plot Owner: CLAUDIA, UNKNOWNROSS, John P., Buried: 06-11-1922, Age: 66, Section: ODONNE_101_6_2, Plot Owner: ROSS, ROSA A.ROSS, Marsden, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 9, Section: BUNNING_151_6_1, Plot Owner: ROSS, MARSDENROSS, Rosa A., Buried: 04-10-1942, Age: 78, Section: ODONNE_101_6_3, Plot Owner: ROSS, ROSA A.ROSSETTI, Andrea, Buried: 10/15/1931, Age: 53, Section: JAMES_322_5_3, Plot Owner: ROSSETTI, ANDREWROSSETTI, Andy, Buried: 04/20/1981, Age: 49, Section: LUDVIGS_274_5_1, Plot Owner: ZANETTI, PIETRO A.ROSSETTI, Ernesto, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 13, Section: JAMES_322_5_4, Plot Owner: ROSETTE, ANDREWROSSETTI, Helen, Buried: 12/17/1993, Age: 76, Section: OBLOCK_8_98_1, Plot Owner: ROSSETTI, WILLIAM A.ROSSETTI, Katie, Buried: 03-05-1969, Age: 86, Section: JAMES_322_5_2, Plot Owner: ROSSETTI, ANDREWROSSETTI, William, Buried: 11/17/1993, Age: 76, Section: OBLOCK_8_97_1, Plot Owner: ROSSETTI, WILLIAM A.ROSSY, Emilliano, Buried: 09/22/2003, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_11, Plot Owner: ROSSY, EMILLIANO PASQUALROSTELL, Richard, Buried: 03/13/1923, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_296_7_4, Plot Owner: ROSTELL, RICHARDROSVOLD, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1904, Age: 40, Section: ODONNE_187_4_2, Plot Owner: ROSWALD, ANDREWROSVOLD, Father, Buried: 01-01-1944, Age: 77, Section: ODONNE_187_4_3, Plot Owner: ROSWALD, ANDREWROSWALD, Baby, Buried: 11-12-1904, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_187_4_2, Plot Owner: ROSWALD, ANDREWROUDER, Myrtle, Buried: 03-01-1904, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_207_2_1, Plot Owner: PANDEN, ROBERTROUGHLEY, Eunice E., Buried: 05-04-1938, Age: 6, Section: OSSELTO_354_4_1, Plot Owner: DOUGATTI, MRS JOHNROUGHLEY, Ruth Joyce, Buried: 12/17/1944, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_354_1_2, Plot Owner: MURPHY, U JROUKIE, A R, Buried: 12/14/1920, Age: 55, Section: PARKER_246_6_3, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDROUNIKAR, Mary, Buried: 07/20/1976, Age: 87, Section: PARK_56_3_2, Plot Owner: ROUNIKAR, MARYROUNTREE, Anna, Buried: 12-03-2002, Age: 77, Section: OBLOCK_8_574_1, Plot Owner: ROUNTREE, ELMER & ANNAROUNTREE, Elmer, Buried: 09/15/2016, Age: 94, Section: OBLOCK_8_573_1, Plot Owner: ROUNTREE, ELMER & ANNAROUSE, Ethel Fay, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_281_4_2, Plot Owner: JOLLY, ROBERT & BABY ROBERTROUSE, James Claude, Buried: 10/24/2006, Age: 60, Section: YOUNG_401_16X_3, Plot Owner: ROUSE, JAMES CLAUDEROUSE, James Claude, Buried: 10/24/2006, Age: 60, Section: YOUNG_401_16X_3, Plot Owner: ROUSE, JAMES CLAUDEROUTH, Anton Child, Buried: 09-12-1905, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_210_5_4, Plot Owner: BERTI, JACOBROUTH, Billie Marie, Buried: 10-09-1961, Age: 1, Section: YOUNG_400_14_1, Plot Owner: ROUTH, M/M WILLIAMROUTH, Billy Lee, Buried: 09/19/2009, Age: 77, Section: YOUNG_400_14_3, Plot Owner: ROUTH, M/M WILLIAMROUTH, Donald Wayne, Buried: 08-04-1982, Age: 52, Section: YOUNG_400_14_5, Plot Owner: ROUTH, M/M WILLIAMROUTH, Jacob R., Buried: 12-02-1957, Age: 80, Section: YOUNG_400_12_2, Plot Owner: ROUTH, SUSIEROUTH, James, Age: 0, Section: ROE_78_14_2, Plot Owner: CORHN, MRS RANDOLPHROUTH, Pearl E., Buried: 12/23/1977, Age: 64, Section: WATAHA_3_58_1, Plot Owner: ROUTH, PEARL E.ROUTH, Robert Wayne, Buried: 01-01-2009, Age: 24, Section: YOUNG_400_14_5, Plot Owner: ROUTH, M/M WILLIAMROUTH, Susan M., Buried: 05-10-1958, Age: 80, Section: YOUNG_400_12_1, Plot Owner: ROUTH, SUSIEROUTH, William H., Buried: 06-06-1998, Age: 90, Section: WATAHA_3_57_1, Plot Owner: ROUTH, WILLIAM H.ROUZZI, Joe, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 79, Section: BUNNING_129_7_1, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFROWE, A. E. Baby Of, Buried: 10/24/1927, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_288_5_1, Plot Owner: ROWE, STANLEY EROWLAND, Brian E, Buried: 06/27/1964, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_422_38_3, Plot Owner: KERBACK, HANS CARLROWLAND, Christina, Buried: 08-08-1991, Age: 77, Section: MUIR_403_43_4, Plot Owner: ROWLAND, CHRISTINEROWLAND, John, Buried: 05/29/1939, Age: 68, Section: JAMES_347_6_4, Plot Owner: HALE, W MROWLAND, John H., Buried: 01-12-1996, Age: 35, Section: OBLOCK_8_243_1, Plot Owner: ROWLAND, KRISTYROWLAND, Leroy, Buried: 01-09-1954, Age: 43, Section: MUIR_403_43_5, Plot Owner: ROWLAND, CHRISTINEROWLEY, Sarah, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 43, Section: ODONNE_148_5_4, Plot Owner: ROWLEY, SARAHROY, Baby Girl, Buried: 10-06-1967, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_316_6_1, Plot Owner: OVERY, FRANKROY, Charles S., Buried: 08-06-1968, Age: 24, Section: EDGAR_82_15_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANROY, Elmain "Bug" Jr., , Buried: 01-05-1951, Age: 21, Section: ROE_71_15_5, Plot Owner: ROY JR., ELMAIN "BUG"ROYCH, Harold E., Buried: 10/18/1922, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_279_7_4, Plot Owner: ROYCH, HAROLD FROYHERSEN, Lucia, Buried: 09/23/1909, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_221_1_1, Plot Owner: MAGNITTIS, ANDREWRUANE, Anthony J., Buried: 01/15/1943, Age: 49, Section: ODONNE_218_7_1, Plot Owner: RUNE, MOLLIERUBARTOR, Unknown, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_230_7_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, ALPHONSO LAWARMONARUBIC, Marija, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 25, Section: PARK_81_8_2, Plot Owner: RUBIC, MARIJARUBY, Guss Adalph, Buried: 03/23/1910, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_202_5_2, Plot Owner: RUBY, GUSS ADALPHRUBY, Guss Felix, Buried: 07/25/1910, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_202_5_1, Plot Owner: RUBY, GUSS FELIXRUDELICH, Alice, Buried: 11/15/2014, Section: OBLOCK_8_694_1, Plot Owner: RUDELICH, CHARLES C.RUDELICH, Charles C., Buried: 04-12-2011, Age: 88, Section: OBLOCK_8_693_1, Plot Owner: RUDELICH, CHARLES C.RUDELICH, Joseph B., Buried: 01/21/1999, Age: 80, Section: WEST_7_340_1, Plot Owner: RUDELICH, JOERUDELICH, Vernice L., Buried: 01/30/1984, Age: 61, Section: WEST_7_339_1, Plot Owner: RUDELICH, JOERUDOLI, William, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_225_3_3, Plot Owner: RUDOLI, WILLIAMRUDOLPH, Albina, Buried: 12-02-2015, Age: 102, Section: NELSON_92_7_3, Plot Owner: RUDOLPH, ALBINARUDOLPH, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 45, Section: NELSON_69_1_4, Plot Owner: RUDOLPH, ANTONRUDOLPH, Anton P., Buried: 02-05-2009, Age: 98, Section: NELSON_92_7_4, Plot Owner: RUDOLPH, ANTON P.RUDOLPH, John, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 25, Section: NELSON_92_8_3, Plot Owner: RUDOLPH, JOHNRUDOLPH, Katherine, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 45, Section: NELSON_92_8_2, Plot Owner: RUDOLPH, KATHERINERUDOLPH, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 1, Section: PARK_79_7_2, Plot Owner: RUDOLPH, MARYRUDOLPH, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 44, Section: NELSON_69_1_3, Plot Owner: RUDOLPH, MARYRUDOLPH, Paul A., Buried: 01/27/2005, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_92_7_2, Plot Owner: RUDOLPH, PAUL A.RUDOLPH, Valentina, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 53, Section: NELSON_92_8_1, Plot Owner: RUDOLPH, VALENTINARUFF, Arlen D., Buried: 09/26/1992, Age: 53, Section: OBLOCK_8_55_1, Plot Owner: RUFF, ARLEN d.RUFFINI, Attilio, Buried: 02-05-1977, Age: 88, Section: WATAHA_3_33_1, Plot Owner: RUFFINI, ATTILIORUFFINI, Emma L., Buried: 06/28/1985, Age: 88, Section: WATAHA_3_34_1, Plot Owner: RUFFINI, EMMA L.RUFFINI, Leno, Buried: 10/19/2013, Age: 89, Section: NELSON_128_6_1, Plot Owner: RUFFINI, LENORUFFINI, Louis, Buried: 11/19/2010, Age: 85, Section: ODONNE_195_1_4, Plot Owner: MORGON, JOHNRUFFINI, Norma Jean, Buried: 01/22/2000, Age: 72, Section: NELSON_128_6_2, Plot Owner: RUFFINI, LENORUFFINI, Onorio, Buried: 09/16/1922, Age: 33, Section: ODONNE_102_8_2, Plot Owner: #5 REDMAN, WASHAKI TRIBERUGGERA, Anna E., Buried: 04/25/2001, Age: 91, Section: NELSON_45_8_2, Plot Owner: RUGGERA, ANNA E.RUGGERA, Clemantina, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 38, Section: NELSON_45_8_4, Plot Owner: JULIUS, BENJAMINRUGGERA, David J., Buried: 01/25/1977, Age: 70, Section: NELSON_45_8_1, Plot Owner: JULIUS, ROBERTRUGGERA, John, Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 58, Section: NELSON_45_8_3, Plot Owner: RUGGERA, JOHNRUIZ, Adele, Buried: 10-05-2010, Age: 82, Section: WEST_7_412_1, Plot Owner: RAYMOND, ADELARUIZ, Gumersindo, Buried: 11/15/1963, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_C_6_4, Plot Owner: RUIZ, GUMERSINDORUIZ, Jose, Buried: 03-03-1989, Age: 73, Section: WEST_7_528_1, Plot Owner: RUIZ, JOSERUIZ, Louis, Buried: 09-09-1942, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_38_5_1, Plot Owner: RUIZ, LOUISRUIZ, Louis Jr., Buried: 09/30/1957, Age: 34, Section: KENDALL_38_5_2, Plot Owner: RUIZ JR., LOUISRUIZ, Marg, Buried: 11/26/1926, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_364_6_1, Plot Owner: RUIZ, BOYDRUIZ, Mary, Buried: 12/21/1971, Age: 67, Section: KENDALL_38_5_2, Plot Owner: RUIZ JR., LOUISRUIZ, Mary, Buried: 12/15/1953, Age: 19, Section: KENDALL_38_5_3, Plot Owner: RUIZ, MARYRUKAVINA, Mike, Buried: 01/22/1973, Age: 81, Section: MUIR_403_34_1, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFRUKERT, F.A., Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 62, Section: PARK_34_5_4, Plot Owner: RUKERT, F.A.RUMENOVICH, Joe, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 38, Section: WATAHA_5A_7_1, Plot Owner: RUMENOVICH, JOERUNYAN, Ira F., Buried: 05/20/1957, Age: 69, Section: YOUNG_400_7_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERRUNYAN, Pearl R., Buried: 02/14/1974, Age: 82, Section: YOUNG_400_7_4, Plot Owner: RUNYAN, IRA F.RUOTSALA, Ade, Buried: 06/16/1975, Age: 87, Section: OSSELTO_340_2_3, Plot Owner: RUOTSALA, ADERUOTSALA, Edellyn, Buried: 02-12-1941, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_340_2_1, Plot Owner: RUOTSALA, ADERUOTSALA, Edward A., Buried: 06/21/1955, Age: 43, Section: OSSELTO_340_2_4, Plot Owner: RUOTSALA, ADERUOTSALA, Ernest, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_340_2_1, Plot Owner: RUOTSALA, ADERUOTSALA, Florence, Buried: 05/17/1972, Age: 56, Section: OSSELTO_340_1_3, Plot Owner: STEWART, JENNIERUOTSALA, Senja, Buried: 01/31/1934, Age: 47, Section: OSSELTO_340_2_2, Plot Owner: RUOTSALA, ADERUOTSALA, Tauno M., Buried: 02/19/1980, Age: 67, Section: OSSELTO_340_1_4, Plot Owner: STEWART, JENNIERUSCIGNO, Elizabeth, Buried: 05-10-1999, Age: 82, Section: NELSON_92_2_3, Plot Owner: RUSCIGNO, ELIZABETHRUSHMORE, Lawrence M, Buried: 10/23/1968, Age: 53, Section: LAUZER_421_32_4, Plot Owner: RUSHMORE, MRS LAWRENCERUSHMORE, Louise, Buried: 07/29/2013, Age: 91, Section: LAUZER_421_32_3, Plot Owner: RUSHMORE, MRS LAWRENCERUSIN, John I., Buried: 08/23/1948, Age: 67, Section: ODONNE_146_1_1, Plot Owner: DAVIS, THOMAS WRUSS, Joseph, Buried: 07/16/1960, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_B_9_3, Plot Owner: RUSS, JOSEPHRUSSEL, Elizabeth, Buried: 10/13/1909, Age: 38, Section: ODONNE_220_4_1, Plot Owner: WILDE, MRS THOMASRUSSELL, Alfred, Buried: 10/27/1977, Age: 85, Section: EDGAR_82_1_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANRUSSELL, Frank Lee, Buried: 04/17/1974, Age: 67, Section: PARK_42_2_1, Plot Owner: MENKINEY, HERMANRUSSELL, Rose Mary Menkiney, Buried: 12/27/1973, Age: 65, Section: PARK_42_2_2, Plot Owner: MENKINEY, HERMANRUSSOLD, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 21, Section: PARK_32_6_1, Plot Owner: RUSSOLD, ANNARUSSOLD, Fred, Buried: 08/14/1942, Age: 55, Section: NELSON_77_1_2, Plot Owner: RUSSOLD, FREDRUSSOLD, Fred J., Buried: 09-09-1999, Age: 84, Section: NELSON_128_17_2, Plot Owner: RUSSOLD, FRED & NORMARUSSOLD, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 66, Section: PARK_32_6_3, Plot Owner: RUSSOLD, JOSEPHRUSSOLD, Julia, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 75, Section: PARK_32_6_2, Plot Owner: RUSSOLD, JULIARUSSOLD, Leah Fay, Buried: 01-01-1941, Age: 41, Section: PARK_32_6_4, Plot Owner: RUSSOLD, LEAH FAYRUSSOLD, Mary, Buried: 07/22/1966, Age: 80, Section: NELSON_77_1_3, Plot Owner: RUSSOLD, MARYRUSSOLD, Norma I., Buried: 06-02-1998, Age: 73, Section: NELSON_128_17_1, Plot Owner: RUSSOLD, FRED & NORMARUSSOLD, Viola M., Age: 53, Section: NELSON_128_17_3, Plot Owner: RUSSOLD, FRED & NORMARUST, Stanley Cushman, Buried: 09/13/1969, Age: 15, Section: LAUZER_421_27_4, Plot Owner: RUST, DAVIDRUTH, Valentine, Buried: 03/27/1911, Age: 26, Section: LUDVIGS_258_1_4, Plot Owner: RUTH, VALENTINERUTSTEIN, Valerie, Buried: 05/24/2011, Section: ANDERSO_9_L_15, Plot Owner: RUTSTEIN, KENNETH AND/OR ELIZABETHRYAN, J. F., Buried: 02/16/1923, Age: 67, Section: LUDVIGS_296_4_1, Plot Owner: RAUSHER, UNKNOWNRYAN, John F., Buried: 02/16/1923, Age: 67, Section: LUDVIGS_296_6_1, Plot Owner: RYAN, JOHN F.RYAN, Ray W.S., Buried: 11/18/1906, Age: 0, Section: PARK_104_5_3, Plot Owner: RYAN, RAY W.S.RYAN, Timothy L. Sr., , Buried: 05/15/1973, Age: 64, Section: WATAHA_5_84_1, Plot Owner: PEARSON, WILLIAMRYAN, Willis L. Baby Of, Buried: 12/31/1919, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_251_2_1, Plot Owner: RYAN, BABY OF WILLIS L.RYBERG, Henry A., Buried: 08/13/1993, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_104_8_4, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGERYDER, Jennie, Buried: 03-02-1971, Age: 82, Section: MUIR_423_21_1, Plot Owner: RYDER, MRS SAMRYDER, Samuel M., Buried: 02-11-1961, Age: 78, Section: MUIR_423_21_2, Plot Owner: RYDER, MRS SAMRYNIO, Mary, Buried: 04/24/2013, Age: 90, Section: NELSON_27_5_4, Plot Owner: CRISRELLI, DOMINICHRYNIO, Ray Roy, Buried: 07-09-1986, Age: 59, Section: NELSON_27_5_1, Plot Owner: RYNIO, RAY ROY
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