Search Wyoming Death Records
Wyoming Newspapers, Full Search (1867-1945), 47 titles
Wyoming Obituary Search - (1997-current)
Wyoming Birth Records Database, (1867-1945)
Rock Springs Municpal Cemetery
Rock Springs, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
GPS: 41.575726, -109.212512
800 Thompson St
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Date published: June 13, 2017
Total records: 14,545
Surnames S-T
Records published here were acquired from the City of Rock Springs on June 12, 2017. These records were last updated by the City on May 22, 2017. Dates of burial range from 1900 to 2017.
SAARI, Gus, Buried: 12/20/1957, Age: 76, Section: ODONNE_142_8_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFSAAVEDRA, Veronica, Buried: 05-07-1999, Age: 19, Section: OBLOCK_8_369_1, Plot Owner: SAAVERDRA, OSE & DELORESSABO, Albert, Buried: 08/24/1953, Age: 56, Section: WATAHA_3B_4_2, Plot Owner: SABO, ALBERTSABO, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 59, Section: WATAHA_3B_4_3, Plot Owner: SABO, ANNASABO, Frances, Buried: 01/26/1952, Age: 49, Section: WATAHA_3B_4_1, Plot Owner: SABO, FRANCESSACCO, Felice, Buried: 03/18/1988, Age: 87, Section: WEST_7_506_1, Plot Owner: SACCO, FELICESACHSE, Amalie, Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 69, Section: BUNNING_110_3_2, Plot Owner: SACHSE, CARLSACHSE, Carl, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 68, Section: BUNNING_110_3_3, Plot Owner: SACHSE, CARLSACKICH, Nick, Buried: 07-11-1946, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_34_8_1, Plot Owner: SACKICH, NICKSAFFELL, Melva, Buried: 04/29/2004, Age: 67, Section: EDGAR_64_9_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSAFFELL, Roger Duane, Buried: 03-12-2003, Age: 60, Section: EDGAR_64_10_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSAGER, Dorothy, Buried: 05-02-1927, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_364_6_3, Plot Owner: SAGER, CLARENCESAGER, Nora M., Buried: 01-01-1980, Age: 69, Section: JAMES_364_7_3, Plot Owner: SAGER, CLARENCESAINS, Ada Hilda, Buried: 11/15/1972, Age: 72, Section: MUIR_403_26_2, Plot Owner: SAINS, MRS OLIVERSAINS, Allison Ann, Buried: 05-11-2004, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_13, Plot Owner: SAINS, DAVID & JENNIFERSAINS, Oliver, Buried: 02-04-1976, Age: 77, Section: MUIR_403_26_1, Plot Owner: SAINS, MRS OLIVERSAINS, Robert O., Buried: 09/20/1989, Age: 54, Section: MUIR_403_26_3, Plot Owner: SAINS, MRS OLIVERSAKULICH, Ann, Buried: 03-11-1951, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_46_1_3, Plot Owner: SAKULICH, ANNSALAZAR, Bernadette, Buried: 12/16/2010, Age: 47, Section: OBLOCK_8_384_1, Plot Owner: SALAZAR, LEOPOLDOSALAZAR, Gilbert, Buried: 11/24/2010, Age: 50, Section: OBLOCK_8_670_1, Plot Owner: VASE, VASE FUNERAL HOMESALAZAR, Joseph, Buried: 08-01-1924, Age: 28, Section: LUDVIGS_271_1_4, Plot Owner: SALAZAR, JOSEPHSALAZAR, Leopoldo, Buried: 08/19/1999, Age: 69, Section: OBLOCK_8_384_1, Plot Owner: SALAZAR, LEOPOLDOSALAZAR, Teodoro A., Buried: 09/20/1972, Age: 19, Section: WATAHA_6_46_1, Plot Owner: FRIEL, MILTON B.SALICA, Roberto, Buried: 10-03-1945, Age: 73, Section: OSSELTO_356_8_3, Plot Owner: FERRERO, MORRISSALLA, Jean Pierre, Buried: 11/26/2013, Age: 76, Section: PARK_125_18X_2, Plot Owner: POPP, GEORGESALMEY, Leonard, Buried: 08/22/1953, Age: 60, Section: ODONNE_167_4_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFSALO, Will, Buried: 04/15/1945, Age: 69, Section: OSSELTO_F_4_1, Plot Owner: MAKI, ESTATESALOIS, Anne E., Buried: 07-10-1992, Age: 68, Section: ODONNE_218_3_2, Plot Owner: LIGHTNER, CHARLES C.SALUTEGUI, Pablo, Buried: 06-03-1965, Age: 80, Section: PARK_125_14_3, Plot Owner: SALUTEGUI, PABLOSALVATICO, Costanso, Buried: 10/14/1945, Age: 67, Section: NELSON_22_1_3, Plot Owner: SALVATICO, COSTANSOSALVATICO, Joseph, Buried: 08/23/1969, Age: 59, Section: PARK_17_2_2, Plot Owner: SALVATICO, JOSEPHSALVATICO, Mary, Buried: 02-02-1960, Age: 45, Section: PARK_17_2_3, Plot Owner: SALVATICO, MARYSALVATICO, Teresa, Buried: 11/19/1957, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_22_1_4, Plot Owner: SALVATICO, TERESASALVIRA, J. Child Of, Buried: 07-07-1901, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_198_7_2, Plot Owner: SALVIRA, JOHNSALYER, Roy Martin, Buried: 04/18/1918, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_250_4_2, Plot Owner: SALYER, ROY MARTINSAMEY, Leonard, Buried: 08/18/1953, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_215_8_2, Plot Owner: GUNYAN, BENSAMORA, Joseph D, Buried: 11/16/1966, Age: 82, Section: ODONNE_191_2_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFSAMORA, Regino, Buried: 02/14/1950, Age: 70, Section: KENDALL_48_8_2, Plot Owner: SAMORA, REGINOSAMPI, Edith, Buried: 08/25/1929, Age: 16, Section: OSSELTO_362_7_1, Plot Owner: SAMPI, EDITHSAMPI, Nestor Mattias, Buried: 10/20/1939, Age: 54, Section: OSSELTO_362_7_2, Plot Owner: SAMPI, EDITHSAMPSON, James M., Buried: 12/20/1951, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_66_7_3, Plot Owner: SAMPSON, MR JAMESSAMPSON, Mary Brim, Buried: 02-05-1944, Age: 55, Section: EDGAR_66_7_2, Plot Owner: SAMPSON, JAMES M.SAMUELS, Anna Lerine, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_3_95_1, Plot Owner: SAMUELS, EDWARDSAMUELS, Annie, Buried: 08-03-1988, Age: 92, Section: WATAHA_3_109_1, Plot Owner: SAMUELS, ANNIESAMUELS, Clarence, Buried: 04-12-1997, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_4_46_1, Plot Owner: SAMUELS, CLARENCE & MARYSAMUELS, Edna, Buried: 05-11-1934, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_235_4_2, Plot Owner: PREECE, ENDO ELIZABETHSAMUELS, Edward, Buried: 10-10-1947, Age: 55, Section: WATAHA_3_108_1, Plot Owner: SAMUELS, EDWARDSAMUELS, Edward 1/26/21, Buried: 01/26/1921, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_237_2_3, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, UNKNOWNSAMUELS, Edward Mrs, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_3_96_1, Plot Owner: SAMUELS, SAMUELSAMUELS, Elizabeth, Buried: 01-09-1934, Age: 30, Section: ODONNE_219_6_3, Plot Owner: SEPPIE, HARRYSAMUELS, Margaret, Buried: 06/19/1918, Age: 31, Section: ODONNE_213_1_3, Plot Owner: SAMUELS, MARGARETSAMUELS, Martha, Buried: 01-05-1971, Age: 62, Section: ODONNE_216_4_1, Plot Owner: SAMUELS, MRS WILLIAMSAMUELS, Mary E., Buried: 01-05-1952, Age: 70, Section: ODONNE_216_4_2, Plot Owner: SAMUELS, MRS WILLIAMSAMUELS, Mary Katana, Buried: 09/25/2009, Age: 87, Section: WATAHA_4_47_1, Plot Owner: SAMUELS, CLARENCE & MARYSAMUELS, Miriam, Buried: 01-01-1917, Age: 56, Section: ODONNE_213_1_1, Plot Owner: DEAN, ALFREDSAMUELS, Samuel, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 70, Section: ODONNE_213_1_2, Plot Owner: SAMUELS, SAMUELSAMUELS, William, Buried: 04/18/1946, Age: 65, Section: ODONNE_216_4_3, Plot Owner: SAMUELS, MRS WILLIAMSAMUELSON, Edna Elaine, Buried: 08/25/1929, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_362_6_1, Plot Owner: DRYSON, EDSAMUELSON, Edna Mae, Buried: 05-11-1934, Age: 33, Section: OSSELTO_362_5_2, Plot Owner: SAMUELSON, EDNA MAESANCHEZ, Baby, Buried: 10-01-1976, Age: 0, Section: PARK_33_1_2, Plot Owner: SANCHEZ, BABYSANCHEZ, Cinesio, Buried: 12/17/2013, Age: 87, Section: EDGAR_65_6_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSANCHEZ, Frank, Buried: 08/25/1973, Age: 83, Section: PARKER_285_3_3, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDSANCHEZ, Fred L. "Fritz", Buried: 11/15/1977, Age: 22, Section: WATAHA_1_72_1, Plot Owner: SANCHEZ, NASH.SANCHEZ, Joe, Buried: 06-06-1972, Age: 71, Section: WATAHA_6_14_1, Plot Owner: SANCHEZ, JOE (MABEL)SANCHEZ, Lila, Buried: 04/13/1988, Age: 65, Section: KENDALL_33_1_2, Plot Owner: SANCHEZ, LILASANCHEZ, Lucia, Buried: 10/13/1953, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_16_3_4, Plot Owner: SANCHEZ, LUCIASANCHEZ, Mable J., Buried: 08-10-2007, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_6_14_1, Plot Owner: SANCHEZ, JOE (MABEL)SANCHEZ, Max, Buried: 08/22/1969, Age: 59, Section: KENDALL_33_1_3, Plot Owner: SANCHEZ, MAXSANCHEZ, Pete, Buried: 10/26/1972, Age: 85, Section: PARKER_268_2_2, Plot Owner: LOCAL UNION #2, 3831, 2309, 908 & 2282SANCHEZ, Starla, Buried: 06-03-1977, Age: 3, Section: KENDALL_47_1_3, Plot Owner: SANCHEZ, STARLASANCHEZ, Stella L, Buried: 07/31/1974, Age: 19, Section: WATAHA_5_26_1, Plot Owner: SANCHEZ, LILASANCKEZ, Marcos, Section: PARK_59_8_2, Plot Owner: SANCKEZ, MARCOSSANDBERG, Al, Buried: 10/17/1926, Age: 45, Section: JAMES_348_5_4, Plot Owner: SANDBERG, ALSANDERS, Baby Boy, Buried: 12/19/1972, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_285_7_4, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDSANDERS, Floyd, Buried: 05/18/2013, Age: 86, Section: EDGAR_81_8X_5, Plot Owner: SANDERS, FLOYDSANDERS, Jewel Crafton, Buried: 06/19/1938, Age: 47, Section: ROE_68_6_4, Plot Owner: SANDERS, R H & MRSSANDERS, Joan Lee, Buried: 05/23/2002, Age: 77, Section: EDGAR_81_8X_5, Plot Owner: SANDERS, FLOYDSANDERS, Lonnie Linn, Buried: 05-04-1984, Age: 19, Section: EDGAR_64_12_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSANDERS, Peter, Buried: 02-07-1913, Age: 23, Section: LUDVIGS_272_8_4, Plot Owner: SANDERS, PETERSANDERS, Robert Child Of, Buried: 12/19/1905, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_210_6_2, Plot Owner: SANDERS, ROBERTSANDERS, Robert H., Buried: 04/27/1939, Age: 54, Section: ROE_68_6_5, Plot Owner: SANDERS, ROBERT H.SANDERS, Son, Buried: 04/21/1938, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_317_2_1, Plot Owner: SANDERS, UNKNOWNSANDERS, Viola, Buried: 08/14/1973, Age: 37, Section: PARKER_285_2_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDSANDERS, Wm. "Lee", Buried: 08-01-1952, Age: 66, Section: MUIR_403_42_1, Plot Owner: SANDERS, THEXONSANDIS, Henry D, Buried: 05/28/1946, Age: 54, Section: OSSELTO_K_6_1, Plot Owner: SANDIS, HENRY DSANDORNAK, Beregeszazi, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 38, Section: PARKER_294_4_2, Plot Owner: SANDORNAK, BEREGESZAZISANDSTROM, Carl B., Buried: 03/26/1993, Age: 85, Section: JAMES_303_4_2, Plot Owner: SANDSTROM, GUSTSANDSTROM, Gust, Buried: 05/31/1947, Age: 83, Section: JAMES_303_4_3, Plot Owner: SANDSTROM, GUSTSANDSTROM, Idona, Buried: 04/14/1965, Age: 61, Section: OSSELTO_314_2_2, Plot Owner: SANDSTROM, MRS. WILLIAMSANDSTROM, Jennie, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_200_3_1, Plot Owner: ETZE, WILHELMSANDSTROM, Lena, Buried: 06/23/1929, Age: 58, Section: JAMES_303_4_4, Plot Owner: SANDSTROM, GUSTSANDSTROM, Richard C., Buried: 01-01-1927, Section: BUNNING_200_3_2, Plot Owner: ETZE, WILHELMSANDSTROM, Walter W., Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_200_3_3, Plot Owner: SANDSTROM, GUSSANDSTROM, William E., Buried: 09/22/1971, Age: 74, Section: OSSELTO_314_2_1, Plot Owner: SANDSTROM, WILLIAM E.SANDSTRUM, Baby, Buried: 10-05-1934, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_306_6_3, Plot Owner: SANDSTRUM, HARRY W.SANFORD, Baby Boy, Buried: 04/16/1962, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_422_18_4, Plot Owner: SANFORD, CLARENCESANGER, Harry, Buried: 02/25/1938, Age: 60, Section: JAMES_350_5_4, Plot Owner: SANGER, HARRYSANGER, Hazel A., Buried: 04-07-1930, Age: 12, Section: JAMES_350_5_1, Plot Owner: SANGER, HARRYSANGER, Louisa, Buried: 03-04-1948, Age: 56, Section: JAMES_350_5_3, Plot Owner: SANGER, HARRYSANNA, Eleanor M., Buried: 05-05-1992, Age: 72, Section: WATAHA_3_64_1, Plot Owner: THORNE, JENS C & HILDA RSANNA, Joseph J. Jr., , Buried: 09-10-1993, Age: 78, Section: WATAHA_3_63_1, Plot Owner: SANNA JR, JOSEPH J.SANSON, Ojusta, Buried: 04-04-1953, Age: 67, Section: EDGAR_67_2_2, Plot Owner: FERRERO, JAMESSANTANGELO, Joseph, Buried: 07/24/1944, Age: 77, Section: NELSON_51_3_3, Plot Owner: SANTANGELO, JOSEPHSANTICH, Father Jan Joseph, Buried: 05/31/2013, Age: 71, Section: WATAHA_12_2_1, Plot Owner: ANSELMI, VALENTINESANTICH, John, Buried: 04-09-2011, Section: CROATIA_3_2_2, Plot Owner: SANTICH, RoseSANTICH, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1968, Age: 85, Section: CROATIA_3_2_1, Plot Owner: SANTICH, JOSEPHSANTICH, Rose, Buried: 01-01-1988, Age: 84, Section: CROATIA_3_2_2, Plot Owner: SANTICH, RoseSANTINI, Lena, Buried: 02-10-1973, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_5_89_1, Plot Owner: MCFADDEN, M/M PATSANTINI, Leno, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_5_89_1, Plot Owner: MCFADDEN, M/M PATSANTINI, Leo, Buried: 04-03-1965, Age: 71, Section: WATAHA_5_88_1, Plot Owner: MCFADDEN, M/M PATSANTISTEVAN, Rebecca, Buried: 01-01-1956, Age: 57, Section: KENDALL_17_7_4, Plot Owner: SANTISTEVAN, REBECCASANTO, Effie Mae, Buried: 06/16/1955, Age: 61, Section: YOUNG_401_47_1, Plot Owner: SANTO, FREDSANTO, Fred B, Buried: 01/22/1962, Age: 63, Section: YOUNG_401_47_3, Plot Owner: SANTO, FREDSANTO, Giulio, Buried: 03-04-1960, Age: 63, Section: KENDALL_A_22_1, Plot Owner: SANTO, GIULIOSANTO, Lena, Buried: 10-09-1975, Age: 80, Section: KENDALL_A_22_2, Plot Owner: SANTO, LENASANTUARI, Fritz, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 50, Section: LUDVIGS_247_7_4, Plot Owner: ZSIROS, FRANKSANTUARY, Emanuel, Buried: 03/14/1935, Age: 56, Section: ODONNE_190_6_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, ANDREAS HOFERSAPO, Mate, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 43, Section: PARK_80_6_3, Plot Owner: SAPO, MATESARCLETTI, August, Buried: 11/22/1947, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_20_9_3, Plot Owner: SARCLETTI, AUGUSTSARCLETTI, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 54, Section: KENDALL_20_10_4, Plot Owner: SARCLETTI, JOSEPHSARCLETTI, Lucille M., Buried: 09/16/1974, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_20_9_4, Plot Owner: SARCLETTI, LUCILLE M.SARCLETTI, Marilyn Jean, Buried: 09/21/1971, Age: 21, Section: WATAHA_6_58_1, Plot Owner: SARCLETTI, WALTER A.SARCLETTI, Walter A., Buried: 08-10-2005, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_6_59_1, Plot Owner: SARCLETTI, WALTER A.SARIO, Angelo, Buried: 03-09-1909, Age: 21, Section: LUDVIGS_231_2_2, Plot Owner: SARIO, ANGELOSARLES, Catherine D. "Katie", Buried: 05/21/1993, Age: 72, Section: WEST_7_422_1, Plot Owner: SARLES, IVAN RAY & CATHERINSARLES, Elmer Gene, Buried: 12/30/1991, Age: 61, Section: WEST_7_420_1, Plot Owner: SARLES, IVAN RAY & CATHERINSARLES, Ivan Ray, Buried: 11/30/1985, Age: 62, Section: WEST_7_423_1, Plot Owner: SARLES, IVAN RAY & CATHERINSARTORI, Louis, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 47, Section: JAMES_321_5_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #54, GOLDEN LINKSSARTORIS, Edith, Buried: 06-01-1973, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_D_1_1, Plot Owner: SARTORIS, EDITHSARTORIS, James, Buried: 01-01-1964, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_D_6_4, Plot Owner: MOTT, STEPHEN & BENITASARVALOS, Gust, Buried: 09/30/1957, Age: 87, Section: YOUNG_400_10_1, Plot Owner: SAREVALAS, GUSTSARVIA, Peter Child, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_177_3_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERSASSO, Edward, Buried: 04/24/1974, Age: 55, Section: EDGAR_63_2_2, Plot Owner: SASSO, HAZELSASSO, Hazel, Buried: 08-11-1972, Age: 72, Section: EDGAR_63_2_1, Plot Owner: SASSO, HAZELSASSO, John, Buried: 02/24/1946, Age: 54, Section: EDGAR_63_2_3, Plot Owner: SASSO, HAZELSATHER, Baby, Buried: 10-01-1937, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_219_3_4, Plot Owner: SATHER, VERN & RAYSATHER, Irene P., Buried: 03-05-1987, Age: 92, Section: YOUNG_401_18_2, Plot Owner: SATHER, ROY R & IRENESATHER, Lily, Buried: 04/16/1918, Age: 26, Section: ODONNE_220_2_4, Plot Owner: SATHER, RAYSATHER, Louis R., Buried: 01-06-1911, Age: 50, Section: ODONNE_220_2_1, Plot Owner: SATHER, ROYSATHER, Mary, Buried: 04/15/1916, Age: 51, Section: ODONNE_220_2_2, Plot Owner: SATHER, ROYSATHER, Mary "Metza", Buried: 11/28/2002, Age: 86, Section: ODONNE_219_3_1, Plot Owner: SATHER, VERN & RAYSATHER, Roy, Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_220_2_3, Plot Owner: SATHER, ROYSATHER, Roy O., Buried: 12/28/1965, Age: 77, Section: YOUNG_401_18_3, Plot Owner: SATHER, ROY R & IRENESATHER, Verne J., Buried: 05/27/2011, Age: 96, Section: ODONNE_219_3_2, Plot Owner: SATHER, VERN & RAYSATOS, Theo, Buried: 06/18/1968, Age: 90, Section: YOUNG_425_17_3, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERSATULA, Mike, Buried: 11-11-1909, Age: 55, Section: PARKER_236_8_1, Plot Owner: SUNDBERG, OTTOSAUKKO, Swante, Buried: 11/15/1934, Age: 40, Section: PARKER_246_7_4, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDSAUNDERS, Esther, Buried: 12/14/1960, Age: 70, Section: MUIR_422_18_1, Plot Owner: SAUNDERS, WALTERSAUNDERS, Rose C., Buried: 09/22/1946, Age: 78, Section: PARKER_266_5_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, MIDWESTSAUNDERS, Thomas, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 57, Section: PARKER_266_5_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, MIDWESTSAUNDERS, Walter, Buried: 06-10-1969, Age: 81, Section: MUIR_422_18_2, Plot Owner: SAUNDERS, WALTERSAVA, Anton, Buried: 05-06-1945, Age: 69, Section: JAMES_345_2_4, Plot Owner: HUSA, ESAVAGE, Bertha Etta, Buried: 01/20/1939, Age: 60, Section: LUDVIGS_251_6_4, Plot Owner: GREGORY, MARY E.SAVAGE, Carrie M., Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_251_6_1, Plot Owner: SAVAGE, CARRIE M.SAVALA, Colleen L, Buried: 01-01-2007, Age: 83, Section: CROATIA_2_4_3, Plot Owner: SAVALA, HENRYSAVALA, Henry, Buried: 10/15/1940, Age: 54, Section: KENDALL_37_5_2, Plot Owner: SAVALA, HENRYSAVALA, Henry J, Buried: 01-01-1974, Age: 54, Section: CROATIA_2_4_2, Plot Owner: SAVALA, Henry JSAVALA, Marianna, Buried: 09/26/1981, Age: 93, Section: KENDALL_37_5_3, Plot Owner: SAVALA, MARIANNASAVALA, Shannon, Buried: 09/30/1949, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_2_4_1, Plot Owner: SAVALA, ShannonSAVELA, A. Robert, Buried: 12-02-1968, Age: 69, Section: EDGAR_82_15_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSAVELA, A. William, Buried: 11/30/1929, Age: 16, Section: PARKER_260_2_3, Plot Owner: SAVELA, A. WILLIAMSAVELA, Abraham, Buried: 11/23/1941, Age: 75, Section: OSSELTO_355_8_4, Plot Owner: SAVELA, ABRAHAMSAVELA, F. Elmer, Buried: 06-02-1969, Age: 72, Section: OSSELTO_355_8_3, Plot Owner: SAVELA, F. ELMERSAVELA, Mary, Buried: 03-12-1929, Age: 58, Section: PARKER_260_2_4, Plot Owner: SAVELA, MARYSAVKA, George, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 51, Section: PARK_88_3_3, Plot Owner: CHOKIE, JOHNSAVOLA, Neil Mrs, Buried: 04/20/1947, Age: 60, Section: OSSELTO_M_6_1, Plot Owner: SAVOLA, NEILSAWICK, Harry P, Buried: 04/13/1985, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_5_27_1, Plot Owner: SAWICK, HARRYSAWICK, Stella M, Buried: 11-12-1973, Age: 67, Section: WATAHA_5_28_1, Plot Owner: SAWICK, HARRYSAWLEY, George H., Buried: 08-04-1956, Age: 70, Section: YOUNG_401_9_3, Plot Owner: DENELEY SR, AARON WSAWLEY, William, Buried: 03/19/1955, Age: 39, Section: YOUNG_401_6_4, Plot Owner: SAWLEY SR, WILLIAMSAWTELL, Alice, Buried: 07-07-1967, Age: 68, Section: ROE_78_19_3, Plot Owner: SAWTELL, JAMESSAWTELL, Alyss M., Buried: 10/15/1935, Age: 11, Section: ROE_78_19_1, Plot Owner: SAWTELL, JAMESSAWTELL, James F., Buried: 06-08-1968, Age: 77, Section: ROE_78_19_4, Plot Owner: SAWTELL, JAMESSAYLOR, Daniel W.A., Buried: 02/26/1974, Age: 22, Section: EDGAR_82_17_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSCALA, Henry, Buried: 07/29/1955, Age: 67, Section: KENDALL_17_10_3, Plot Owner: SCALA, HENRYSCALA, Leo Joseph, Buried: 11-07-1951, Age: 28, Section: KENDALL_17_10_2, Plot Owner: SCALA, LEO JOSEPHSCALA, Maddalena, Buried: 11-12-1983, Age: 91, Section: KENDALL_17_10_4, Plot Owner: SCALA, MADDALENASCALA, Martin, Buried: 04-01-2015, Age: 90, Section: KENDALL_17_10_1, Plot Owner: SCALA, HENRYSCHAIBLE, Janal C., Buried: 01-06-1967, Age: 0, Section: LAUZER_421_2_4, Plot Owner: SCHAIBLE, JANAL C.SCHANNO, Francis Elmo, Buried: 07/21/1972, Age: 64, Section: MUIR_423_25_2, Plot Owner: GORDON, MRS FLOYDSCHANNO, Harold E., Buried: 02/17/1971, Age: 30, Section: MUIR_423_25_1, Plot Owner: GORDON, MRS FLOYDSCHANNO, Randel E., Buried: 05-03-2002, Age: 38, Section: MUIR_423_25X_5, Plot Owner: SCHANNO, MARINASCHANNO, Robert W., Buried: 08/22/1992, Age: 49, Section: MUIR_423_25_5, Plot Owner: GORDON, MRS FLOYDSCHANNO, Thelma La Vern, Buried: 06-02-1986, Age: 70, Section: MUIR_423_25_3, Plot Owner: GORDON, MRS FLOYDSCHEISTLER, Felix, Buried: 01/20/1924, Age: 60, Section: PARKER_292_1_1, Plot Owner: SCHEISTLER, MRS FELIXSCHEPPEH, Rev. A.F., Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 52, Section: BUNNING_184_7_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #12, MASONICSCHICK, Andrew J., Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 54, Section: NELSON_101_2_4, Plot Owner: SCHICK, ANDREW J.SCHIESTLER, Elizabeth, Buried: 11-11-1941, Age: 72, Section: EDGAR_67_17_1, Plot Owner: SCHIESTLER, MRSSCHIESTLER, Felix, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 69, Section: EDGAR_67_17_4, Plot Owner: SCHIESTLER, MRSSCHILLUMEIT, Franz T, Buried: 01/20/2017, Age: 83, Section: EDGAR_64_12_5, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNSCHISEL, John Michael, Buried: 09/23/2013, Age: 54, Section: PARK_36_2X_3, Plot Owner: SCHISEL, AMBERSCHLACHTER, Elsie, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 27, Section: WATAHA_11_4_4, Plot Owner: SCHLACTER, VIOLASCHLACHTER, John Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 24, Section: WATAHA_11_4_3, Plot Owner: SCHLACTER, VIOLASCHLACHTER, John Sr., , Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_11_4_1, Plot Owner: SCHLACTER, VIOLASCHLACHTER, Oseph Baby Of, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_280_5_4, Plot Owner: SCHLACHTER, BABY OF JOSEPHSCHLACHTER, Viola, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 67, Section: WATAHA_11_4_2, Plot Owner: SCHLACTER, VIOLASCHLACTER, Olga, Buried: 02-12-1985, Age: 85, Section: WATAHA_11_3_1, Plot Owner: SCHLACTER, VIOLASCHLACTER, Viola, Buried: 03-05-1973, Age: 80, Section: WATAHA_11_3_2, Plot Owner: SCHLACTER, VIOLASCHLEVAR, Martin, Buried: 01-01-1952, Age: 77, Section: KENDALL_13_1_1, Plot Owner: SCHLEVAR, MARTINSCHMIDT, Grace Park, Buried: 09/26/2008, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_2_34_1, Plot Owner: SCHMIDT, GRACE PARKSCHMIDT, J. Richard "Dick", Buried: 10/15/1998, Age: 74, Section: WATAHA_2_33_1, Plot Owner: SCHMIDT, J. RICHARD "DICK"SCHMIDT, John Rick, Buried: 12-04-1975, Age: 23, Section: WATAHA_2_35_1, Plot Owner: SCHMIDT, JOHN RICKSCHNAPP, Joseph A., Buried: 03-10-1956, Age: 62, Section: NELSON_119_10_4, Plot Owner: SCHNAPP, MARYSCHNAPP, Mary, Buried: 06/29/2004, Age: 97, Section: NELSON_119_10_4, Plot Owner: SCHNAPP, MARYSCHNAUBER, Amy, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 21, Section: BUNNING_127_1_1, Plot Owner: SCHNAUBER, AMYSCHNAUBER, Anna, Buried: 03-04-1931, Age: 56, Section: BUNNING_127_1_2, Plot Owner: SCHNAUBER, ANNASCHNAUBER, Carlisle C. Smith, Buried: 12/23/1985, Age: 61, Section: LUDVIGS_274_7_3, Plot Owner: AULD, ARCHIESCHNAUBER, John, Buried: 06/28/2013, Age: 83, Section: OBLOCK_8_120_1, Plot Owner: SCHNAUBER, JOHN A.SCHNAUBER, John A., Buried: 05-01-1974, Age: 69, Section: LUDVIGS_274_7_4, Plot Owner: AULD, ARCHIESCHNAUBER, Kate Z., Buried: 08/31/1989, Age: 79, Section: LUDVIGS_274_6_1, Plot Owner: ZANETTI, PIETRO A.SCHNAUBER, Melida, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_127_1_4, Plot Owner: SCHNAUBER, OTTOSCHNAUBER, Otto, Buried: 04/24/1957, Age: 88, Section: BUNNING_127_1_3, Plot Owner: SCHNAUBER, OTTOSCHNAUBER, Otto J., Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 2, Section: BUNNING_127_1_4, Plot Owner: SCHNAUBER, OTTOSCHOENWETTER, Carl H., Buried: 03-08-1963, Age: 65, Section: ODONNE_191_3_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFSCHOFIELD, Margaret Jane, Buried: 12/28/1935, Age: 51, Section: OSSELTO_316_4_3, Plot Owner: SCHOFIELD, THOMAS EDWARDSCHOFIELD, Thomas Edward, Buried: 11/16/1968, Age: 93, Section: OSSELTO_316_4_2, Plot Owner: SCHOFIELD, THOMAS EDWARDSCHRAMM, Lou Ann, Buried: 09/15/2004, Age: 58, Section: OBLOCK_8_182_1, Plot Owner: GROSHEL, LEWISSCHRECK, Baby, Buried: 12/18/1940, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_355_5_3, Plot Owner: SCHRECK, PAULSCHROEDER, George Herman, Buried: 05/21/1918, Age: 40, Section: PARKER_245_8_3, Plot Owner: SCHROEDER, GEORGE HERMANSCHULER, W. C., Buried: 06/14/1923, Age: 69, Section: LUDVIGS_296_3_4, Plot Owner: SCHULER, W. C.SCHULTZ, Agnes, Buried: 05/27/1977, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_6_48_1, Plot Owner: SCHULTZ, AGNESSCHULTZ, Agnes Celia, Buried: 05/27/1977, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_6_47_1, Plot Owner: SALAZAR, ADONIS & UTILIASCHULTZ, Dr. Fred J., Buried: 04/19/1943, Age: 57, Section: EDGAR_66_8_2, Plot Owner: SCHULTZ, MRS F JSCHULTZ, Dr. Richard D., Buried: 03/24/2009, Age: 60, Section: EDGAR_66_8_3, Plot Owner: SCHULTZ, MRS F JSCHURMAN, Alfred H., Buried: 03/21/1961, Age: 42, Section: KENDALL_B_16_2, Plot Owner: SCHURMAN, ALFRED H.SCHURMAN, Donna Rose, Buried: 06-12-2004, Age: 58, Section: KENDALL_B_16_3, Plot Owner: SCHURMAN, DONNA ROSESCHURMAN, John L., Buried: 02/16/1982, Age: 34, Section: KENDALL_B_16_4, Plot Owner: SCHURMAN, JOHN L.SCHUTTI, William, Buried: 08-06-1939, Age: 55, Section: LUDVIGS_249_8_1, Plot Owner: #151 FOE, EAGLESSCHWEITZER, Lois Marie, Buried: 09/30/1997, Age: 56, Section: OBLOCK_8_294_1, Plot Owner: SCHWEITZER, LOIS (KLINE)SCHWENN, Kristen April, Buried: 04/28/1983, Age: 0, Section: WEST_7_309_1, Plot Owner: SCHWENN, MICHAEL & JEANNESCIAMANNA, Baby, Section: NELSON_45_7_3, Plot Owner: SCIAMANNA, BABYSCIAMANNA, Frank, Buried: 06-10-1967, Age: 81, Section: NELSON_75_6_3, Plot Owner: SCIAMANNA, FRANKSCIAMANNA, Maria, Section: NELSON_45_7_4, Plot Owner: SCIAMANNA, MARIASCIAMANNA, Marianna, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 40, Section: NELSON_75_6_4, Plot Owner: SCIAMANNA, MARIANNASCOFIELD, Donald B., Buried: 07/15/1928, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_288_8_4, Plot Owner: SCOFIELD, RBSCOGGIN, Melvin, Buried: 09/24/1919, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_271_1_1, Plot Owner: SCOGGIN, MELVINSCOTT, Aimee Lynn, Buried: 10/29/2013, Age: 39, Section: MUIR_422_41_2, Plot Owner: SCOTT, KEN D.SCOTT, Arleen, Buried: 09-01-1988, Age: 63, Section: MUIR_422_41_4, Plot Owner: SCOTT, KEN D.SCOTT, Arlene (Nuce), Buried: 09-01-1988, Age: 71, Section: MUIR_422_41_4, Plot Owner: SCOTT, KEN D.SCOTT, Asa Dale, Buried: 08/16/1947, Age: 48, Section: JAMES_347_4_4, Plot Owner: BALM, MRS. LEWISSCOTT, Brian, Buried: 10/26/1974, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_287_4_4, Plot Owner: LEMER, THOMASSCOTT, Christopher Allan, Buried: 08/29/1977, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_306_1_2, Plot Owner: LINDSAY, WM TSCOTT, Elizabeth, Buried: 01/27/1955, Age: 48, Section: YOUNG_401_43_1, Plot Owner: SCOTT, GUYSCOTT, Elizabeth, Buried: 09-08-1910, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_247_6_1, Plot Owner: SCOTT, WALTERSCOTT, Emma Frances, Buried: 10-02-1931, Age: 80, Section: OSSELTO_341_4_4, Plot Owner: STEVENS, GEORGESCOTT, Harold V. Sr., , Buried: 12/29/1997, Age: 71, Section: WEST_7_619_1, Plot Owner: SCOTT SR., HAROLD V.SCOTT, Hazel "Bee", Buried: 03/22/1991, Age: 55, Section: WEST_7_618_1, Plot Owner: SCOTT SR., HAROLD V.SCOTT, Helen, Buried: 10/16/1991, Age: 58, Section: WEST_7_630_1, Plot Owner: SCOTT, HELENSCOTT, Julia Ann, Buried: 06/29/1994, Age: 89, Section: JAMES_347_4_3, Plot Owner: BALM, MRS. LEWISSCOTT, Ken D., Buried: 03/27/1995, Age: 68, Section: MUIR_422_41_5, Plot Owner: SCOTT, KEN D.SCOTT, Marilyn D. Pivik, Buried: 08/17/1988, Age: 49, Section: NELSON_76_4_1, Plot Owner: SCOTT, MARILYN D. PIVIKSCOTT, Martin, Buried: 04-08-1949, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_143_6_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFSCOTT, Melburn Guy, Buried: 10-07-1976, Age: 74, Section: YOUNG_401_43_2, Plot Owner: SCOTT, GUYSCOTT, Neal, Buried: 08-09-1935, Age: 5, Section: JAMES_347_1_2, Plot Owner: SCOTT, RAYSCOTT, Ola Evans, Buried: 08-06-1984, Age: 91, Section: YOUNG_401_34_2, Plot Owner: SCOTT, RAYSCOTT, Ralph, Age: 0, Section: ROE_79_6_3, Plot Owner: BLAIR, JOHNSCOTT, Raymond E., Buried: 12/30/1968, Age: 77, Section: YOUNG_401_34_3, Plot Owner: SCOTT, RAYSCOTT, Rev. Virgil Fay Jr., , Buried: 04-05-1986, Age: 40, Section: YOUNG_401_34_5, Plot Owner: SCOTT, RAYSCOTT, Robert, Buried: 02-04-1936, Age: 56, Section: ROE_79_3_4, Plot Owner: FLETCHER, ROBERT S.SCOTT, Son, Buried: 09-10-1935, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_347_1_1, Plot Owner: SCOTT, RAYSCOTT, T. Son Of, Buried: 10-07-1959, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_2_4, Plot Owner: MARTELLI, JESS FSCOTT, Virgil F., Buried: 06/19/1956, Age: 34, Section: YOUNG_401_34_4, Plot Owner: SCOTT, RAYSCULLEY, John H, Buried: 09/13/1963, Age: 55, Section: YOUNG_424_20_4, Plot Owner: VASE, PETESEALE, Pearl, Buried: 10-07-1968, Age: 81, Section: MUIR_422_34_3, Plot Owner: SEALE, MRS WAFESEALE, Wafe, Buried: 10/15/1962, Age: 79, Section: MUIR_422_34_4, Plot Owner: SEALE, MRS WAFESEARLES, Alonzo M., Buried: 07/26/1961, Age: 71, Section: EDGAR_66_7_5, Plot Owner: SAMPSON, MR JAMESSEARLES, Elizabeth, Buried: 06/29/1994, Age: 99, Section: EDGAR_66_7_4, Plot Owner: SEARLES, ELIZABETHSEARLES, Lon Ervin, Buried: 11-06-2001, Age: 76, Section: EDGAR_66_7_1, Plot Owner: SAMPSON, JAMES M.SEARS, Linda Joan, Buried: 10-08-1944, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_217_4_3, Plot Owner: SEARS, LT GEORGESEBASTIAN, Guido, Buried: 06/22/1982, Age: 85, Section: EDGAR_64_6_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSEBASTIAN, Julia Ann, Buried: 01-01-1977, Age: 62, Section: PARK_121_29_2, Plot Owner: SEBASTIAN, JULIA ANNSEBASTIAN, Mary B., Buried: 04-03-1987, Age: 69, Section: WATAHA_5_83_1, Plot Owner: PEARSON, WILLIAMSEBASTIAN, Virgil, Buried: 01-08-1957, Age: 52, Section: PARK_121_29_1, Plot Owner: SEBASTIAN, JULIA ANNSEDEJ, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 44, Section: NELSON_102_5_3, Plot Owner: SEDEJ, ANTONSEDLACK, Martin, Section: NELSON_30_5_2, Plot Owner: SEDLACK, MARTINSEEBURG, Clarence H., Buried: 06/26/1971, Age: 74, Section: WATAHA_6_99_1, Plot Owner: SEEBURG, MRS. CLARENCESEEBURG, Mary E., Buried: 02-01-1978, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_6_100_1, Plot Owner: SEEBURG, MRS CLARENCESEEGAR, Arrain, Buried: 11/15/1941, Age: 55, Section: OSSELTO_338_2_1, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENSEEGAR, Augusta, Buried: 10/18/1908, Age: 27, Section: ODONNE_149_6_1, Plot Owner: SEEGAR, FRITZSEEGAR, Child Of Fritz, Buried: 11/19/1907, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_149_6_2, Plot Owner: SEEGAR, FRITZSEEVERS, Henry Child Of, Buried: 05/21/1996, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_207_8_4, Plot Owner: LIPPA, PAULSEGNA, Carmella Sulenta, Buried: 05-10-1978, Age: 79, Section: WATAHA_8_8_2, Plot Owner: SEGNA, CARMELLA SULENTASEGNA, Carmella Sulenta, Buried: 05-06-1978, Age: 79, Section: CROATIA_10_8_2, Plot Owner: SULENTA, MRS. CARMELLASEGNA, Ermete, Buried: 04/16/1971, Age: 69, Section: CROATIA_10_8_3, Plot Owner: SULENTA, MRS. CARMELLASEGURA, Juan, Buried: 05-09-1967, Age: 91, Section: ODONNE_191_1_2, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFSEILAFF, Herman R, Buried: 10/16/1979, Age: 72, Section: MUIR_422_26_3, Plot Owner: BLACKER, E GSEIVERT, Mary, Buried: 08/20/2016, Age: 101, Section: WATAHA_5_18_1, Plot Owner: SIEVERT, MRS. THOMASSEIVERT, Thomas J., Buried: 11-12-1970, Age: 65, Section: WATAHA_5_17_1, Plot Owner: SIEVERT, MRS. THOMASSEKERAK, Andro, Buried: 05-06-1902, Age: 88, Section: PARK_105_5_1, Plot Owner: SEKERAK, ANDROSEKERAK, Anna, Buried: 11-03-1982, Age: 84, Section: KENDALL_B_11_4, Plot Owner: SEKERAK, VICENTSEKERAK, Delores, Buried: 02/17/2012, Age: 77, Section: EDGAR_82_9X_4, Plot Owner: DEAN, VELIKANEYESEKERAK, Vicent, Buried: 10/13/1960, Age: 69, Section: KENDALL_B_11_3, Plot Owner: SEKERAK, VICENTSEKERAK, William A., Buried: 08-12-1991, Age: 71, Section: EDGAR_82_9X_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSEKERAS, Steve, Buried: 09/15/1954, Age: 63, Section: MUIR_402_29_4, Plot Owner: VASE, PETESELAK, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 50, Section: NELSON_78_4_2, Plot Owner: SELAK, FRANKSELAKOVICK, George, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 1, Section: WATAHA_4A_3_1, Plot Owner: SELAKOVICK, GEORGESELIAFF, Agnes, Buried: 05/31/1967, Age: 57, Section: MUIR_422_26_2, Plot Owner: BLACKER, E GSELIG, Andrew E., Buried: 09/26/1983, Age: 75, Section: MUIR_403_35_4, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFSELIG, Julia U., Buried: 01-01-2007, Age: 76, Section: MUIR_403_35_5, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFSELLERS, Ada Rosella, Buried: 10/26/1977, Age: 75, Section: OSSELTO_307_4_3, Plot Owner: SELLERS, EUGENESELLERS, Daisy L., Buried: 06/22/1918, Age: 36, Section: LUDVIGS_255_2_1, Plot Owner: SELLERS, JOESELLERS, Euphemia, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 66, Section: ODONNE_116_1_3, Plot Owner: DANIELS, DAVIDSELLERS, Helen M., Buried: 02-02-1996, Age: 78, Section: WEST_7_482_1, Plot Owner: SELLERS, RAYMOND R.SELLERS, Mary E, Buried: 06/30/1967, Age: 55, Section: LAUZER_421_8_1, Plot Owner: SELLERS, WILLIAMSELLERS, Raymond R., Buried: 03/31/2006, Age: 90, Section: WEST_7_483_1, Plot Owner: SELLERS, RAYMOND R.SELLERS, Richard Dale, Buried: 03/29/1934, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_307_4_2, Plot Owner: SELLERS, EUGENESELLERS, Richard Eugene, Buried: 10/22/1991, Age: 87, Section: OSSELTO_307_4_4, Plot Owner: SELLERS, EUGENESELLERS, William, Buried: 12-12-1972, Age: 68, Section: LAUZER_421_8_2, Plot Owner: SELLERS, WILLIAMSELVROND, Joe, Buried: 03/19/1915, Age: 33, Section: LUDVIGS_272_7_4, Plot Owner: SELVROND, JOESEMOS, Anna Berg, Buried: 08/14/1987, Age: 97, Section: OSSELTO_335_1_2, Plot Owner: SEMOS, MRS MIKESEMOS, Mike, Buried: 11/22/1942, Age: 50, Section: OSSELTO_335_1_1, Plot Owner: SEMOS, MRS MIKESENESHALE, August, Buried: 05-01-1948, Age: 45, Section: KENDALL_41_4_1, Plot Owner: SENESHALE, AUGUSTSENESHALE, August J., Buried: 09-09-1999, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_41_4_2, Plot Owner: SENESHALE, AUGUST J.SENESHALE, Blanche, Buried: 03-06-1921, Age: 15, Section: PARKER_236_1_4, Plot Owner: SENESHALE, BLANCHESENESHALE, Charles, Buried: 05/18/1918, Age: 1, Section: PARKER_236_1_2, Plot Owner: SENESHALE, CHARLESSENESHALE, Grandma And Grandpa, Section: LUDVIGS_250_1_2, Plot Owner: VINCINZI, ANGELASENESHALE, Jerry Allen, Buried: 10/26/1987, Age: 38, Section: MUIR_423_3_4, Plot Owner: SENESHALE, MORRISSENESHALE, Louis Jr., , Buried: 03-04-1921, Age: 8, Section: PARKER_236_1_3, Plot Owner: SENESHALE JR., LOUISSENESHALE, Louise, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 41, Section: LUDVIGS_250_1_3, Plot Owner: SENESHALE, LSENESHALE, Molly, Buried: 05/14/2005, Age: 94, Section: MUIR_423_3_3, Plot Owner: SENESHALE, MORRISSENESHALE, Morris, Buried: 12-01-1957, Age: 57, Section: MUIR_423_3_5, Plot Owner: SENESHALE, MORRISSENESHALE, Sadie, Buried: 09/22/1956, Age: 73, Section: LUDVIGS_250_1_4, Plot Owner: SENESHALE, LSENESHALE, Sadie, Buried: 02/15/1915, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_236_1_1, Plot Owner: SENESHALE, SADIESENESHALE, Sue Ann, Buried: 04-07-2016, Age: 73, Section: KENDALL_41_4_3, Plot Owner: SENESHALE, MRS MARYSENESHALE, William, Buried: 12/13/1991, Age: 81, Section: LUDVIGS_250_1_3, Plot Owner: SENESHALE, LSEPPIE, Harry J., Buried: 08/15/1987, Age: 67, Section: ODONNE_219_6_2, Plot Owner: SEPPIE, HAVRYSEPPIE, Joseph Layton, Buried: 06-10-1995, Age: 20, Section: PARKER_244_8X_4, Plot Owner: SEPPIE, JOHN H.SEPPIE, Miriam, Buried: 12-07-2007, Age: 94, Section: ODONNE_219_6_1, Plot Owner: SEPPIE, HAVRYSEROJA, John, Buried: 03-12-1914, Age: 53, Section: LUDVIGS_271_3_3, Plot Owner: SEROJA, JOHNSERRAS, James A., Buried: 10/24/1936, Age: 36, Section: PARKER_260_8_2, Plot Owner: ASIALA, UNKNOWNSETZLER, Arthur, Buried: 07/29/1960, Age: 45, Section: MUIR_422_17_4, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERSEVANOVICH, Daniel, Buried: 05-04-1982, Age: 64, Section: WEST_7_252_1, Plot Owner: SEVENOVICH, OLGASEVANOVICH, Olga E., Buried: 03-08-2001, Age: 85, Section: WEST_7_251_1, Plot Owner: SEVENOVICH, OLGASEVER, John, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 38, Section: NELSON_77_1_4, Plot Owner: SEVER, JOHNSFEKAS, Gus, Buried: 11-07-1934, Age: 47, Section: PARKER_286_1_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, KPSFINGAS, Christina, Buried: 01/30/1970, Age: 77, Section: LAUZER_421_3_1, Plot Owner: SFINGAS, CHRISTINASFINGAS, Steve, Buried: 02-04-1967, Age: 77, Section: LAUZER_421_3_2, Plot Owner: SFINGAS, MRS STEVESHAFER, Louis D., Buried: 10-04-1939, Age: 81, Section: BUNNING_184_5_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #12, MASONICSHAFFER, Alden, Buried: 12-04-2009, Age: 70, Section: KAUMO_10_45_1, Plot Owner: SHAFFER, CLARASHAHAN, Howard N., Buried: 11-08-1928, Age: 7, Section: PARKER_265_2_2, Plot Owner: SHAHAN, OTTOSHALATA, Albina L., Buried: 09-09-1978, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_3_31_1, Plot Owner: SHALATA SR, WILLIAMSHALATA, Anna. G., Buried: 11/28/1995, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_A_20X_2, Plot Owner: SHALATA, ANNASHALATA, George, Buried: 07-06-1974, Age: 68, Section: KENDALL_B1_6_1, Plot Owner: SHALATA, GEORGESHALATA, George Jr., Buried: 01-01-1941, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_B1_6_2, Plot Owner: SHALATA, GEORGE JR.SHALATA, Irene, Buried: 01-01-1950, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_B1_6_3, Plot Owner: SHALATA, IRENESHALATA, William Jr., , Buried: 09-10-1976, Age: 51, Section: WATAHA_3_32_1, Plot Owner: SHALATA JR, WILLIAMSHALATA, William Sr., , Buried: 12/31/1981, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_3_31_1, Plot Owner: SHALATA SR, WILLIAMSHALMAN, Lou, Buried: 08/21/1965, Age: 80, Section: YOUNG_400_31_1, Plot Owner: VASE, PETE & SHALMANSHANARIO, Catherine, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_203_4_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY OF RS, AUSTRIANSHANARIO, John, Age: 61, Section: BUNNING_203_4_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY OF RS, AUSTRIANSHANNON, James, Buried: 05-11-1927, Age: 44, Section: ODONNE_172_1_2, Plot Owner: BPOE #624, ELKSSHANON, W. M., Buried: 03/23/1918, Age: 45, Section: PARKER_270_2_4, Plot Owner: SHANON, W. M.SHAPIRO, Ira Jay, Buried: 10/28/2002, Age: 59, Section: YOUNG_400_41X_2, Plot Owner: SHAPIRO, IRA & JUDYSHARIKA, Charles, Buried: 03/26/1931, Age: 77, Section: OSSELTO_342_1_4, Plot Owner: SHARIKA, CHARLESSHARP, Arthur, Buried: 09-09-1948, Age: 69, Section: ODONNE_219_6_4, Plot Owner: SEPPIE, HAVRYSHARP, Diana L., Buried: 06/21/1966, Age: 5, Section: WATAHA_4_T_1, Plot Owner: GAMBLIN, MRS. ROBERTSHARP, Edna B., Age: 46, Section: BUNNING_175_4_1, Plot Owner: SHARP, JOHNSHARP, Herbert, Buried: 08-09-1969, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_113_4_2, Plot Owner: EXCELSIOR LODGE #9, IOOFSHARP, John, Buried: 01-01-1917, Age: 58, Section: LUDVIGS_272_2_4, Plot Owner: SHARP, JOHNSHARP, John, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 65, Section: BUNNING_175_4_3, Plot Owner: SHARP, JOHNSHARP, John Arthur, Buried: 03-07-1981, Age: 47, Section: WEST_7_190_1, Plot Owner: SHARP, JOHN & IRENESHARP, Margaret M., Buried: 11/18/1959, Age: 89, Section: BUNNING_175_4_4, Plot Owner: SHARP, JOHNSHARP, Martha Mary, Buried: 05/20/1961, Age: 79, Section: KENDALL_B_3_4, Plot Owner: SHARP, MARTHA MARYSHARP, Minnie, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_175_4_2, Plot Owner: SHARP, JOHNSHARP, Miriam Ann, Buried: 12/24/1942, Age: 3, Section: ODONNE_219_5_3, Plot Owner: LAWSON, JOHNSHARP, Robert Lee, Buried: 11/19/1944, Age: 3, Section: ODONNE_219_5_3, Plot Owner: LAWSON, JOHNSHARRER, Matilda, Buried: 06/20/1978, Age: 89, Section: PARKER_293_4_2, Plot Owner: JOHNSON, MARTINSHARRER, Matilda A., Buried: 12-01-1977, Age: 89, Section: ODONNE_193_4_3, Plot Owner: SHARRER, MRS.SHARRER, O. B., Buried: 10/21/1946, Age: 61, Section: ODONNE_193_4_2, Plot Owner: SHARRER, MRSSHASSETZ, Esther, Buried: 08/27/1956, Age: 37, Section: OSSELTO_A_6_1, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENSHASSETZ, John, Buried: 02-10-1938, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_257_5_3, Plot Owner: AUSELEUA, MRS HENRYSHASSETZ, Joseph, Buried: 07/16/1939, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_A_6_4, Plot Owner: BYMAN, JOHNSHASSETZ, Nina Z., Buried: 03/30/1977, Age: 64, Section: LUDVIGS_274_5_3, Plot Owner: ZANETTI, PIETRO A.SHAUERS, Sydney, Buried: 01/21/2013, Age: 60, Section: KAUMO_10_66_1, Plot Owner: SHAUERS, SYDNEYSHAUGHEFFY, Eliza, Buried: 01-06-1900, Age: 33, Section: BUNNING_137_3_2, Plot Owner: SHAUGHEFFY, JGSHAUL, William, Buried: 09/17/2012, Age: 60, Section: OBLOCK_8_714_1, Plot Owner: SHAUL, WILLIAMSHAW, Ada Jane, Buried: 02-08-1942, Age: 73, Section: OSSELTO_314_2_3, Plot Owner: SHAW, ADA JANESHAW, Anna, Buried: 03/20/1989, Age: 80, Section: WEST_7_433_1, Plot Owner: SHAW, ANNA & DONSHAW, Don C., Buried: 02-01-1986, Age: 84, Section: WEST_7_434_1, Plot Owner: SHAW, ANNA & DONSHAW, Harriett, Buried: 10/27/1916, Age: 58, Section: ODONNE_102_5_1, Plot Owner: #5 REDMAN, WASHAKI TRIBESHAW, Jack E., Buried: 10/22/1976, Age: 71, Section: WATAHA_1_91_1, Plot Owner: SHAW, LORRAINE A. C/O RALPH MOLSHAW, James R. Jr., , Buried: 08-06-2001, Age: 28, Section: YOUNG_401_10_1, Plot Owner: EDWARDS, JACK I.SHAW, Lorraine A., Buried: 05-12-1993, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_1_92_1, Plot Owner: SHAW, LORRAINE A. C/O RALPH MOLSHAW, Thomas, Buried: 11-09-1968, Age: 78, Section: OSSELTO_314_2_4, Plot Owner: SHAW, THOMASSHAW, William Lorenz, Buried: 05-02-2009, Age: 73, Section: EDGAR_64_16_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSHEDDEN, Charles A., Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 41, Section: BUNNING_86_3_1, Plot Owner: SHEDDEN, MRS CHARLESSHEDDEN, Charles L., Buried: 05/27/1993, Age: 89, Section: OSSELTO_309_3_4, Plot Owner: SHEDDON, CHARLESSHEDDEN, Donald W., Buried: 02/20/1980, Age: 78, Section: YOUNG_401_5_2, Plot Owner: AUGUST, MRS CHARLES ESHEDDEN, Larayne Rasmussen, Buried: 03-03-2006, Age: 61, Section: OBLOCK_8_289_1, Plot Owner: LEBOEUF, LGIN & CHARLOTTESHEDDEN, Laurene, Buried: 01/24/2003, Age: 95, Section: YOUNG_401_5_1, Plot Owner: AUGUST, CHARLES E.SHEDDEN, Lawrence L., Buried: 06-01-1999, Age: 60, Section: YOUNG_401_5_4, Plot Owner: AUGUST, MRS CHARLES ESHEDDEN, Margaret B., Buried: 07-03-2001, Age: 89, Section: OSSELTO_309_3_3, Plot Owner: SHEDDON, CHARLESSHEDDEN, Marjorie, Buried: 01-02-1985, Age: 84, Section: BUNNING_86_3_4, Plot Owner: SHEDDEN, MRS CHARLESSHEDDEN, Miriam W., Buried: 11-08-1967, Age: 92, Section: BUNNING_86_3_2, Plot Owner: SHEDDEN, MRS CHARLESSHEDDEN, Richard W., Buried: 03-02-1972, Age: 57, Section: BUNNING_86_3_4, Plot Owner: SHEDDEN, MRS CHARLESSHEDDEN, Sarah P., Buried: 12/23/1940, Age: 86, Section: BUNNING_107_2_2, Plot Owner: PRYDE, GEORGE BSHEDDEN, Sharyon K., Buried: 11/18/1987, Age: 41, Section: YOUNG_401_5_3, Plot Owner: AUGUST, MRS CHARLES ESHEDDEN, Unknown, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_107_7_2, Plot Owner: KIERLE, ALBERT MRSSHEDDEN, William B., Age: 36, Section: BUNNING_107_2_4, Plot Owner: SHEDDEN, WILLIAM B.SHEDDEN, William F., Age: 6, Section: BUNNING_107_2_3, Plot Owner: SHEDDEN, WILLIAM F.SHEFFIELD, Joseph Thomas, Buried: 09-04-1909, Age: 23, Section: PARKER_246_8_3, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDSHEFFIELD, Priscilla, Buried: 10-02-1963, Age: 84, Section: ODONNE_193_1_3, Plot Owner: WILDE, MRS MATTSHELDON, Charles Mrs., Buried: 06-11-1953, Age: 53, Section: JAMES_306_3_4, Plot Owner: MOELLER, RUDY C.SHELDON, Larry Jr., , Buried: 03/19/1999, Age: 57, Section: OBLOCK_8_365_1, Plot Owner: SHELDON, LARRY & JUDYSHELLEY, Mildred S., Buried: 06/18/1979, Age: 85, Section: YOUNG_424_13_1, Plot Owner: GREGORY, MRS EDWINSHELTON, Robert, Buried: 09/24/1944, Age: 0, Section: ROE_74_10_4, Plot Owner: PIPKIN, UNKNOWNSHEPARD, Margaret, Buried: 08-08-2014, Age: 53, Section: KENDALL_29_6_2, Plot Owner: BERNARD, MARY ROSESHEPPARD, John, Buried: 07-08-1936, Age: 73, Section: PARKER_267_4_4, Plot Owner: SHEPPARD, JOHNSHERIDAN, A. J., Buried: 02-08-1996, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_183_8_1, Plot Owner: SHERIDAN, AJSHERWOOD, William, Buried: 04/18/1964, Age: 78, Section: MUIR_422_32_2, Plot Owner: SHERWOOD, WILLIAMSHERWOOD, Willie Mae Fletcher, Buried: 01/21/1939, Age: 24, Section: ROE_78_3_5, Plot Owner: SHERWOOD, WILLIE MAE FLETCHERSHERWOOD, Zelpha, Buried: 04/24/1961, Age: 71, Section: MUIR_422_32_1, Plot Owner: SHERWOOD, WILLIAMSHETAKIS, Harry I., Buried: 09-09-1929, Age: 38, Section: PARKER_287_2_2, Plot Owner: SHATAKES, HARRYSHIELDS, Charles, Buried: 03/14/1953, Age: 87, Section: JAMES_301_4_2, Plot Owner: GOODMAN, CHARLES M.SHIELDS, Mary, Buried: 03/27/1937, Age: 64, Section: JAMES_301_4_1, Plot Owner: GOODMAN, CHARLES M.SHIFLAR, Anna, Buried: 01-02-1954, Age: 59, Section: KENDALL_34_3_4, Plot Owner: SHIFLAR, ANNASHIFLAR, Jennie Catherine, Buried: 12/17/1993, Age: 71, Section: OBLOCK_8_127_1, Plot Owner: SHIFLAR, RUDOLPHSHIFLAR, John, Buried: 04/17/1954, Age: 66, Section: KENDALL_34_3_3, Plot Owner: SHIFLAR, JOHNSHIFLAR, John C., Buried: 02/25/1946, Age: 31, Section: KENDALL_34_3_2, Plot Owner: SHIFLAR, JOHN C.SHIFLAR, Paul Dean, Buried: 10-10-1969, Age: 26, Section: WATAHA_7_2_1, Plot Owner: ANGELOVICH, JOHN S.SHIFLAR, Rudolph Thomas, Buried: 01-11-2010, Age: 96, Section: OBLOCK_8_126_1, Plot Owner: SHIFLAR, RUDOLPHSHIFRAR, Elda M., Buried: 03/28/2009, Age: 78, Section: NELSON_128_3_2, Plot Owner: SHIFRAR, LOUIE & ELDASHIFRAR, Lawrence, Buried: 03-05-1958, Age: 73, Section: LUDVIGS_273_1_2, Plot Owner: BARBARE, SOCIETYSHIFRAR, Mary R., Buried: 04-03-1975, Age: 82, Section: LUDVIGS_273_1_1, Plot Owner: BARBARE, SOCIETYSHIMATOCIVH, Marko, Buried: 10-02-1972, Age: 86, Section: PARK_121_22_1, Plot Owner: SHIMATOCIVH, MARKOSHINAZY, John A., Buried: 03-10-1940, Age: 51, Section: BUNNING_179_4_4, Plot Owner: CROFTS, THOMASSHINAZY, John Laverne, Buried: 05-10-1951, Age: 28, Section: ROE_77_15_1, Plot Owner: WALTERS, FREDSHINAZY, Pete J., Buried: 02/17/1964, Age: 84, Section: MUIR_402_4_5, Plot Owner: JAMEISON, MRS JOHNSHINAZY, Rachel A., Buried: 02-04-1972, Age: 91, Section: MUIR_402_4_4, Plot Owner: JAMEISON, MRS JOHNSHINEBERG, Jonathan C., Buried: 01/23/1991, Age: 37, Section: WEST_7_608_1, Plot Owner: SHINEBERG, JONATHAN C.SHIPP, Goldie L., Buried: 11-01-1922, Age: 7, Section: PARKER_262_2_3, Plot Owner: SHIPP, UNKNOWNSHIRAISHI, S., Section: LUDVIGS_300_2_3, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNSHIVELY, James L., Buried: 06/17/1992, Age: 72, Section: OBLOCK_8_35_1, Plot Owner: SHIVELY, JAMES & MARYSHIVELY, Mary Louise, Buried: 11-03-2010, Age: 88, Section: OBLOCK_8_36_1, Plot Owner: SHIVELY, JAMES & MARYSHOCKEY, Marvin, Buried: 06-10-2016, Age: 55, Section: EDGAR_65_14_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSHOLL, Grace B., Buried: 11-01-1960, Age: 57, Section: JAMES_301_3_1, Plot Owner: HOLLAND, BETTY GSHOLL, Russell, Buried: 10/30/1974, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_308_3_3, Plot Owner: BIDER, JOESHOLL, Russell J., Buried: 10/30/1974, Age: 75, Section: JAMES_301_3_2, Plot Owner: MCLENAN, JMSHOOP, Max M., Buried: 11/16/1964, Age: 68, Section: EDGAR_82_14_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSHOOPMAN, Agnes, Buried: 02-09-1978, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_2_46_1, Plot Owner: SHOOPMAN, AGNESSHOOPMAN, Hobert, Buried: 12/14/1979, Age: 82, Section: WATAHA_2_45_1, Plot Owner: SHOOPMAN, HOBERTSHOOPMAN, John, Buried: 06/27/1939, Age: 78, Section: OSSELTO_356_2_1, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDEMSHOOPMAN, Lt. Millard, Buried: 07/18/1973, Age: 53, Section: WATAHA_2_43_1, Plot Owner: SHOOPMAN, MARIESHOOPMAN, Marie, Buried: 07/29/1994, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_2_44_1, Plot Owner: SHOOPMAN, MARIESHOOPMAN, Tammy R., Buried: 02/15/1985, Age: 16, Section: WEST_7_380_1, Plot Owner: GUTIERREZ, RICHARDSHORT, Mary J., Buried: 09/27/1955, Age: 79, Section: OSSELTO_317_7_4, Plot Owner: MILONAS, MRS JOHNSHORT, Walter, Buried: 01-05-1983, Age: 68, Section: OSSELTO_317_7_2, Plot Owner: MILONAS, MRS JOHNSHORT, Walter Sr., , Buried: 09-11-1937, Age: 64, Section: OSSELTO_317_7_3, Plot Owner: MILONAS, MRS JOHNSHOTWELL, Charles M., Buried: 05/19/1950, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_146_5_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFSHRIVER, Harry Herbert, Buried: 08-04-1982, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_27_4_4, Plot Owner: SHRIVER, HARRY HERBERTSHRURN, V. G., Buried: 12-03-1912, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_221_2_3, Plot Owner: SHRUM, MRS GASHUBERT, Emma P., Buried: 06-09-1969, Age: 56, Section: NELSON_68_1_2, Plot Owner: SHUBERT, EMMA P.SHUBERT, Frank P., Buried: 12/14/1992, Age: 80, Section: WEST_7_223_1, Plot Owner: SHUBERT, FRANK P.SHUBERT, Joe, Buried: 10/17/1985, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_68_1_1, Plot Owner: SHUBERT, JOESHUBERT, Joe, Buried: 01-01-1985, Age: 74, Section: ROE_68_1_4, Plot Owner: TROVATTEN, LSHUBERT, Joseph, Buried: 08/19/2015, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_68_1_2, Plot Owner: SHUBERT, EMMA P.SHUBERT, Mary V., Buried: 01-05-1982, Age: 66, Section: WEST_7_222_1, Plot Owner: SHUBERT, FRANK P.SHUGART, George, Buried: 03/21/1935, Age: 69, Section: PARKER_246_7_3, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDSHULENTA, William, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 1, Section: PARK_81_2_3, Plot Owner: SHULENTA, WILLIAMSHUMATE, Stella Ann, Buried: 05-06-1933, Age: 36, Section: OSSELTO_341_3_1, Plot Owner: SHUMATE, FREDSHUPP, Waltly, Buried: 07/29/1944, Age: 52, Section: OSSELTO_313_7_2, Plot Owner: LAND, BLAIRSHUPP, Waltly R., Buried: 07/29/1944, Age: 51, Section: EDGAR_82_20X_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSHURM, W. O., Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 20, Section: ODONNE_221_2_1, Plot Owner: SHRUM, MRS GASHURTLEFF, Emerson V., Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 56, Section: ODONNE_189_1_4, Plot Owner: BPOE, ELKSSHURTLEFF, Jennie May, Buried: 04/13/1940, Age: 61, Section: ODONNE_189_1_3, Plot Owner: BPOE, ELKSSHURTLIFF, E. Infant Son Of, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_137_8_3, Plot Owner: SHURTLEFF, EMERSON V.SHURTLIFF, Nfant Dgh Of, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_137_8_4, Plot Owner: SHURTLEFF, EMERSON V.SHUSTER, Dorothy M., Buried: 09-10-2007, Age: 85, Section: WATAHA_8_5_1, Plot Owner: SHUSTER, JAMESSHUSTER, Frances, Buried: 01-01-1904, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_8_5_3, Plot Owner: SHUSTER, FRANKSHUSTER, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 17, Section: WATAHA_8_5_3, Plot Owner: SHUSTER, FRANKSHUSTER, James, Buried: 09-10-2007, Age: 93, Section: WATAHA_8_5_1, Plot Owner: SHUSTER, JAMESSHUSTER, Joe Sr., , Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 61, Section: WATAHA_8_6_3, Plot Owner: SHUSTER SR., JOESHUSTER, John Micheal, Buried: 08/16/1996, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_8_5_4, Plot Owner: SHUSTER, JOHN MICHEALSHUSTER, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 31, Section: WATAHA_8_5_2, Plot Owner: SHUSTER, JOSEPHSHUSTER, Julia, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 2, Section: WATAHA_8_5_3, Plot Owner: SHUSTER, FRANKSHUSTER, Mike, Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 56, Section: WATAHA_8_6_1, Plot Owner: SHUSTER, MIKESHUSTER, Odessa B., Buried: 07/26/2003, Age: 80, Section: WATAHA_8_5_4, Plot Owner: SHUSTER, JOHN MICHEALSHUSTER, Rozalia, Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 55, Section: WATAHA_8_6_4, Plot Owner: SHUSTER, ROZALIASHUSTER, William C., Buried: 05-01-2009, Age: 89, Section: PARK_125_15_3, Plot Owner: SHUSTER, WILLIAM & ELLENSIBBLA, Guss Child Of, Buried: 05-07-1903, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_198_1_4, Plot Owner: SIBBLA, GUSTSICHER, Augusto, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 37, Section: WATAHA_6A_8_2, Plot Owner: SICHER, AUGUSTOSICK, John, Buried: 09-03-1919, Age: 68, Section: BUNNING_134_6_4, Plot Owner: GRACE, GERALD JSIEGEL, Shad Allen, Buried: 02-03-1994, Age: 27, Section: OBLOCK_8_136_1, Plot Owner: SOULE, JEAN B.SIEVERS, Herman, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_126_2_4, Plot Owner: SEVERS, HENRYSIEVERS, Rosa, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_126_2_3, Plot Owner: SEVERS, HENRYSIEVERS, Willie A., Age: 2, Section: BUNNING_224_5_4, Plot Owner: SEEVERS, MARTINSIGEREST, Frank, Buried: 02/19/1922, Age: 65, Section: LUDVIGS_295_5_3, Plot Owner: SIGEREST, FRANKSIGNORELL, Lucille, Buried: 12/22/1966, Age: 64, Section: KENDALL_B_14_2, Plot Owner: SIGNORELL, LUCILLESIGNORELLI, Angelo, Buried: 11/21/1918, Age: 43, Section: KENDALL_B_14_3, Plot Owner: SIGNORELLI, ANGELOSIGNORELLI, Annie, Buried: 08-03-1917, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_B_14_3, Plot Owner: SIGNORELLI, ANGELOSIGNORELLI, Gina, Buried: 05/15/1963, Age: 86, Section: KENDALL_B_14_4, Plot Owner: SIGNORELLI, GINASIJAN, Milan, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 33, Section: NELSON_68_5_3, Plot Owner: SIJAN, MILANSIJNORELLI, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1917, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_248_4_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONSIJUORELLI, Anjilo, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 44, Section: LUDVIGS_248_3_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONSIKIC, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 2, Section: NELSON_44_3_2, Plot Owner: SIKIC, ANTONSIKIC, Jozef, Buried: 03-07-1927, Age: 19, Section: PARK_80_3_3, Plot Owner: SIKIC, JOZEFSIKICH, Bertha E., Buried: 01-01-1956, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_21_1_2, Plot Owner: SIKICH, BERTHA E.SIKICH, Helen C., Buried: 03/25/1989, Age: 80, Section: PARK_126_27_4, Plot Owner: SIKICH, HELEN C.SIKICH, Jerko, Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 63, Section: KENDALL_34_1_3, Plot Owner: SIKICH, JERKOSIKICH, John P., Buried: 01-01-1941, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_44_3_4, Plot Owner: SIKICH, JOHN P.SIKICH, John P., Buried: 01-01-1970, Age: 59, Section: KENDALL_21_1_4, Plot Owner: SIKICH, JOHN P.SIKICH, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1962, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_21_2_1, Plot Owner: SIKICH, JOSEPHSIKICH, Marion, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 5, Section: NELSON_44_3_3, Plot Owner: SIKICH, MARIONSIKICH, Marko, Buried: 05-05-1947, Age: 70, Section: KENDALL_21_2_4, Plot Owner: SIKICH, MARKOSIKICH, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1967, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_21_2_2, Plot Owner: SIKICH, MARYSIKICH, Matija, Buried: 07/23/1953, Age: 77, Section: KENDALL_34_1_4, Plot Owner: SIKICH, MATIJASIKICH, Michael G., Buried: 01-01-1974, Age: 58, Section: KENDALL_21_1_1, Plot Owner: SIKICH, MICHAEL G.SIKICH, Pete J., Buried: 05-11-1983, Age: 85, Section: PARK_126_27_3, Plot Owner: SIKICH, PETE J.SIKICH, Peter, Buried: 08/19/1950, Age: 42, Section: KENDALL_34_1_2, Plot Owner: SIKICH, PETERSIKICH, Peter Paul, Buried: 05/21/1971, Age: 54, Section: KENDALL_21_2_3, Plot Owner: SIKICH, PETER PAULSIKICH, Sandra J., Buried: 01-01-1956, Age: 14, Section: KENDALL_21_1_3, Plot Owner: SIKICH, SANDRA J.SIKICH, Steve, Buried: 12/22/1967, Age: 75, Section: PARK_126_27_2, Plot Owner: SIKICH, STEVESIKICH, Tom, Buried: 07-01-1996, Age: 45, Section: WATAHA_2_86_1, Plot Owner: KIRKWOOD, MARY JEANSIKICH, Unknown, Section: PARK_80_1_2, Plot Owner: SIKICH, UNKNOWNSIKORA, Elizabeth, Buried: 01-01-1953, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_16_3_2, Plot Owner: SIKORA, ELIZABETHSIKORA, Paul B., Buried: 01-01-1955, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_16_3_1, Plot Owner: SIKORA, PAUL B.SILBA, Cipriano, Buried: 12/29/1956, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_119_17_4, Plot Owner: SILBA, CIPRIANOSILOVICH, Anita H., Buried: 08/16/1943, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_43_3_4, Plot Owner: SILOVICH, ANITA H.SILOVICH, Annie B., Buried: 08-03-1988, Age: 72, Section: KENDALL_43_3_2, Plot Owner: SILOVICH, ANNIE B.SILOVICH, David, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 39, Section: PARK_60_4_1, Plot Owner: SILOVICH, DAVIDSILOVICH, Frank D., Buried: 10/29/1985, Age: 72, Section: KENDALL_43_3_3, Plot Owner: SILOVICH, FRANK D.SILOVICH, John, Buried: 09/30/1994, Age: 84, Section: EDGAR_82_1X_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSILVA, Celestina, Buried: 09-10-1964, Age: 77, Section: PARK_124_2_4, Plot Owner: SILVA, CELESTINASILVA, James T., Buried: 01-04-1973, Age: 96, Section: PARK_124_2_3, Plot Owner: SILVA, JAMES T.SILVA, Joe, Buried: 01-05-1967, Age: 87, Section: ODONNE_191_8_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFSILVA, Julian A., Buried: 10-02-1995, Age: 88, Section: EDGAR_81_3_3, Plot Owner: #9, IOOFSILVA, Julian A., Buried: 06/30/1995, Age: 88, Section: EDGAR_82_1X_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSILVASTRI, Victor, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_233_7_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, GEORGE WASHINGTONSILVESTRI, Leo, Age: 73, Section: NELSON_127_9_1, Plot Owner: SILVESTRI, ROSESILVESTRI, Rose, Buried: 08/24/1988, Age: 85, Section: NELSON_127_9_2, Plot Owner: SILVESTRI, ROSESIMAN, Baby, Buried: 09/30/1946, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_G_3_3, Plot Owner: ZELENKA, UNKNOWNSIMELKA, Louis C., Buried: 08-04-1973, Age: 84, Section: WATAHA_6_76_1, Plot Owner: SEMELKA C/O ANSELMI, JOHN, LOUISSIMKIN, Clyde W., Buried: 05/13/1928, Age: 16, Section: JAMES_348_8_4, Plot Owner: SIMKIN, EDWARD JSIMKIN, Edmund J., Buried: 06/28/1951, Age: 70, Section: JAMES_348_8_1, Plot Owner: SIMKIN, EDWARD JSIMKIN, Elizabeth W., Buried: 09/20/1943, Age: 60, Section: JAMES_348_8_2, Plot Owner: SIMKIN, EDWARD JSIMKIN, Harold, Buried: 01/13/2001, Age: 83, Section: ODONNE_150_7_2, Plot Owner: SIMPKINS, CSIMKIN, Icle L., Buried: 06/22/2002, Age: 87, Section: ODONNE_150_7_1, Plot Owner: SIMPKINS, CSIMKIN, Jeannette, Buried: 04/21/2003, Age: 92, Section: JAMES_343_2_1, Plot Owner: SIMKINS, WILLIAMSIMKIN, William C., Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_343_2_2, Plot Owner: SIMKIN, WILLIAMSIMKIN, William E., Buried: 12/24/1977, Age: 70, Section: JAMES_343_2_3, Plot Owner: SIMKIN, WILLIAMSIMKINS, Cornelius, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 67, Section: ODONNE_150_7_3, Plot Owner: SIMPKINS, CSIMKINS, Margaret, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 47, Section: ODONNE_150_7_4, Plot Owner: SIMPKINS, CSIMKO, Mary, Buried: 04/20/1947, Age: 83, Section: BUNNING_209_4_1, Plot Owner: SIMKO, JOHNSIMMONS, Marjene, Buried: 09/26/2013, Age: 78, Section: COLUMB_NORTH_1_3, Plot Owner: SIMMONS, GILBERT FRANKSIMMONS, Ruby, Buried: 07/15/1958, Age: 49, Section: YOUNG_400_36_1, Plot Owner: SIMMONS, RUBYSIMMONS, Ruth, Buried: 05-09-2014, Age: 77, Section: ANDERSO_9_B_10, Plot Owner: SIMMONS, RUTHSIMMONS, Walcy O., Buried: 05-01-1985, Age: 73, Section: WEST_7_389_1, Plot Owner: SOFFALL, MELVASIMON, Angela, Buried: 06/21/1971, Age: 86, Section: ODONNE_171_6_1, Plot Owner: SIMON, ANGELASIMON, Angelo, Section: ODONNE_171_6_2, Plot Owner: SIMON, ANGELOSIMON, Angelo Baby, Buried: 08/15/1926, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_303_2_4, Plot Owner: MOSS, R LSIMON, Dorothy R., Buried: 02/13/1958, Age: 54, Section: YOUNG_400_21_4, Plot Owner: SIMON, DOROTHY R.SIMON, Emma K., Buried: 07-12-1966, Age: 62, Section: PARK_121_1_3, Plot Owner: SIMON, EMMA K.SIMON, Felix Sr., Buried: 01/22/1954, Age: 67, Section: PARK_121_1_2, Plot Owner: SIMON, FELIX SR.SIMON, Felix V. Jr., Buried: 08/20/1969, Age: 38, Section: PARK_121_1_4, Plot Owner: SIMON, FELIX V. JR.SIMON, Jacob A., Buried: 07-02-1971, Age: 73, Section: YOUNG_400_21_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERSIMON, Nick, Buried: 06-01-1944, Age: 50, Section: BUNNING_112_3_3, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGESIMONCINI, Albino, Buried: 09-11-1997, Age: 89, Section: WATAHA_5_U_1, Plot Owner: SIMONCINI, ALBINOSIMONCINI, Eugenia, Buried: 02-08-1973, Age: 59, Section: WATAHA_5_85_1, Plot Owner: SIMONCINI, ALBINOSIMPKINS, Cornelis, Buried: 12-02-1937, Age: 68, Section: OSSELTO_A_5_1, Plot Owner: BARTLETT, RICHARDSIMPKINS, Emma J., Buried: 01/27/1912, Age: 75, Section: ODONNE_140_5_2, Plot Owner: SIMPKINS, EMMA J.SIMPKINS, Lula, Buried: 11-09-1905, Age: 34, Section: ODONNE_140_5_1, Plot Owner: SIMPKINS, LULASIMPKINS, Oliva M., Buried: 08/16/1918, Age: 32, Section: ODONNE_150_7_4, Plot Owner: SIMPKINS, CSIMPSON, Bryce, Buried: 12/31/2007, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_18, Plot Owner: SIMPSON, BRYCESIMPSON, John, Buried: 08/18/1943, Age: 66, Section: PARKER_269_7_2, Plot Owner: UNION 8078, LOCALSIMPSON, Melford John, Buried: 05-09-1951, Age: 36, Section: KENDALL_25_7_3, Plot Owner: SIMPSON, MELFORD JOHNSIMPSON, Shawn D., Buried: 11/28/1969, Age: 34, Section: WATAHA_6_8_1, Plot Owner: SIMPSON, M/MSIMS, Alfred John, Buried: 08/19/1982, Age: 60, Section: MUIR_402_17_4, Plot Owner: SIMS, ENOCHSIMS, Anita M., Buried: 04-11-1996, Age: 76, Section: MUIR_402_42X_1, Plot Owner: SIMS, JOSEPH & ANITASIMS, Carl W., Buried: 05/25/1955, Age: 32, Section: YOUNG_400_9_3, Plot Owner: ARBOGAST, MRS H JSIMS, Enoch Leroy, Buried: 12/26/1964, Age: 68, Section: MUIR_402_17_3, Plot Owner: SIMS, ENOCHSIMS, Joseph L., Buried: 05-02-2007, Age: 84, Section: MUIR_402_42X_2, Plot Owner: SIMS, JOSEPH & ANITASIMS, Margaret F., Buried: 03/23/1953, Age: 39, Section: MUIR_402_17_2, Plot Owner: SIMS, ENOCHSIMS, Susan Rose, Buried: 09-08-1970, Age: 83, Section: MUIR_402_17_1, Plot Owner: SIMS, ENOCHSIMVOULAKIS, Grigory G., Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 4, Section: PARK_35_2_1, Plot Owner: SIMVOULAKIS, GRIGORY G.SINGLETON, William, Buried: 01-01-1944, Age: 53, Section: OSSELTO_D_4_4, Plot Owner: SINGLETON, MRS WILLIAMSINGO, Mary, Buried: 04/20/1947, Age: 83, Section: BUNNING_209_4_4, Plot Owner: DUNBAR, JOHNSINKO, Elizabeth, Buried: 11-10-1906, Age: 36, Section: PARK_106_3_1, Plot Owner: SINKO, ELIZABETHSINKO, Ernest, Buried: 10/23/1986, Age: 82, Section: MUIR_402_38_2, Plot Owner: SINKO, ERNESTSINKO, Evelyn, Buried: 12/21/1953, Age: 44, Section: MUIR_402_38_1, Plot Owner: SINKO, EVELYNSINKO, William, Buried: 05/19/1948, Age: 70, Section: ODONNE_146_7_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFSISK, Archie, Buried: 01/17/1945, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_D_6_3, Plot Owner: SISK, ORA WSISK, Iva Belle, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 42, Section: OSSELTO_359_5_4, Plot Owner: SISK, WILLIAMSISK, Marjorie, Buried: 03-07-1956, Age: 28, Section: YOUNG_400_44_1, Plot Owner: MOORE, STELLASISSON, Mary Tarris, Buried: 08-06-1976, Age: 63, Section: PARK_39_7_4, Plot Owner: SISSON, MARY TARRISSISTALA, Jacob Child Of, Buried: 11/19/1996, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_226_8_2, Plot Owner: SISTALA, JACOBSKARK, Albissus, Buried: 04-11-1907, Age: 19, Section: PARKER_235_1_4, Plot Owner: RAGALA, CHARLESSKEDD, J. L. Child, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_177_5_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERSKELCHER, Nellie, Buried: 03-09-1932, Age: 39, Section: OSSELTO_352_2_1, Plot Owner: SKELCHER, FREDSKELETON, Unknown, Buried: 09-07-1962, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_191_5_4, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFSKERL, John, Buried: 09/20/1946, Age: 69, Section: JAMES_349_4_2, Plot Owner: ROGAN, FRANK PSKIEDS, O. H., Buried: 06/15/1911, Age: 42, Section: LUDVIGS_258_3_3, Plot Owner: SKIEDS, O. H.SKILES, Brandon, Buried: 08/15/2008, Age: 11, Section: ANDERSO_9_B_41, Plot Owner: WHITE FAMILY, DARUSSKINNER, Bill, Buried: 05/14/2005, Age: 62, Section: MUIR_423_3_2, Plot Owner: SENESHALE, MORRISSKINNER, Edna, Buried: 03/30/1995, Age: 89, Section: WATAHA_F_6_3, Plot Owner: SKINNER, EDNASKORDAS, Christ Xinos, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 26, Section: WATAHA_9_1_3, Plot Owner: SKORDAS, CHRIST XINOSSKORDAS, Daughter Of S And C, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_9_1_4, Plot Owner: SKORDAS, CHRIST XINOSSKORDAS, George W., Buried: 03-12-1939, Age: 44, Section: PARKER_265_7_1, Plot Owner: SKORDAS, STEVESKORUP, Ellen, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_43_8_2, Plot Owner: SKORUP, ELLENSKORUP, Helen, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 2, Section: NELSON_43_8_3, Plot Owner: SKORUP, HELENSKORUP, John, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_256_2_3, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFSKORUP, Matija, Buried: 03/24/1951, Age: 69, Section: PARK_42_6_2, Plot Owner: SKORUP, RADESKORUP, Mile, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 0, Section: PARK_42_6_3, Plot Owner: SKORUP, MILESKORUP, Peter, Buried: 02/20/1951, Age: 78, Section: PARK_60_4_2, Plot Owner: SKORUP, PETERSKORUP, Rade, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 59, Section: PARK_42_6_2, Plot Owner: SKORUP, RADESKRAJNAR, John, Buried: 11/19/1953, Age: 65, Section: LUDVIGS_273_8_4, Plot Owner: BARBARE, SOCIETYSKUBIC, Jennie D., Buried: 07/15/1966, Age: 61, Section: PARK_126_3_4, Plot Owner: SKUBIC, JENNIE D.SKUBIC, John, Buried: 07-02-1974, Age: 82, Section: PARK_126_3_2, Plot Owner: FENSKE, EUGENESLADE, Baby, Buried: 07-01-1954, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_402_34_4, Plot Owner: SLADE, JOESLADE, Claudia, Buried: 10-10-1953, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_402_34_3, Plot Owner: SLADE, JOESLAGOWSKI, Benjamin E., Buried: 03/24/1971, Age: 22, Section: EDGAR_82_7_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSLAUGH, Gary, Buried: 07-01-2005, Age: 60, Section: OBLOCK_8_554_1, Plot Owner: SLAUGH, GARY & ERLENESLAUGHTER, Fanny L., Buried: 10/28/1980, Age: 83, Section: JAMES_328_2_1, Plot Owner: SLAUGHTER, ROBERTSLAUGHTER, Rebecca Verle, Buried: 08/17/1932, Age: 8, Section: JAMES_328_2_3, Plot Owner: SLAUGHTER, ROBERTSLAUGHTER, Robert K, Buried: 03/19/1984, Age: 90, Section: JAMES_328_2_2, Plot Owner: SLAUGHTER, ROBERTSLAUNNIK, John, Buried: 01/17/1918, Age: 37, Section: LUDVIGS_273_4_2, Plot Owner: BARBARE, SOCIETYSLAVIRO, Catherine, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 76, Section: BUNNING_206_5_4, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSSLAVIRO, John, Age: 61, Section: BUNNING_206_5_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSSLAVIRO, John Jr., , Age: 35, Section: BUNNING_206_1_3, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSSLAVIRO, Luigi, Age: 33, Section: BUNNING_206_1_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSSLAVIRO, Vincent, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 42, Section: BUNNING_206_1_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, COLUMBUSSLIMMONS, Hugh, Buried: 03/15/1945, Age: 73, Section: LUDVIGS_297_1_2, Plot Owner: GORDON, IRENESLOAN, Annie, Age: 5, Section: PARK_33_8_4, Plot Owner: SLOAN, ANNIESLOAN, David, Buried: 11/15/2013, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_37_8X_2, Plot Owner: SLOAN JR. FAMILY, DAVIDSLOAN, David Ira Bryon, Buried: 08-02-2002, Age: 23, Section: KENDALL_37_8X_1, Plot Owner: SLOAN JR., DAVIDSLOAN, Elizabeth, Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 54, Section: NELSON_102_7_2, Plot Owner: SLOAN, ELIZABETHSLOAN, Ellen, Age: 43, Section: PARK_33_8_3, Plot Owner: SLOAN, ELLENSLOAN, Henry, Age: 13, Section: PARK_33_8_1, Plot Owner: SLOAN, HENRYSLOAN, John, Buried: 07/22/1948, Age: 66, Section: NELSON_102_7_3, Plot Owner: SLOAN, JOHNSLOAN, John P., Buried: 01-01-1935, Age: 18, Section: NELSON_102_7_1, Plot Owner: SLOAN, JOHN P.SLOAN, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 74, Section: PARK_38_6_4, Plot Owner: SLOAN, MARYSLOAN, Mary Ann, Buried: 09-08-1960, Age: 64, Section: KENDALL_B_9_2, Plot Owner: SLOAN, PETERSLOAN, Peter, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 64, Section: PARK_38_6_3, Plot Owner: SLOAN, PETERSLOAN, Richard, Buried: 01-01-1901, Age: 1, Section: PARK_38_6_1, Plot Owner: SLOAN, RICHARDSLOAT, Hubert V. "Cash", Buried: 07-07-1994, Age: 67, Section: OBLOCK_8_154_1, Plot Owner: SLOAT, HUBERTSLOAT, Joe E., Buried: 10-07-2005, Age: 41, Section: OBLOCK_8_520_1, Plot Owner: SLOAT, JOESLOAT, Robert Cash, Buried: 01-05-1995, Age: 35, Section: OBLOCK_8_173_1, Plot Owner: SLOAT, ROBERT CASHSLOAT, Roberta Jean, Buried: 08/25/2011, Age: 74, Section: OBLOCK_8_155_1, Plot Owner: SLOAT, HOBERTSLONG, Albert Leo, Buried: 10-09-1948, Age: 70, Section: OSSELTO_358_8_3, Plot Owner: MILLER, MRS FREDSLONG, Nellie, Buried: 02/26/1937, Age: 67, Section: OSSELTO_358_8_2, Plot Owner: SLONG, ALFREDSLOTT, August G., Buried: 07/15/1961, Age: 70, Section: PARK_89_3_3, Plot Owner: SLOTT, AUGUST G.SLOTT, Katherine M., Buried: 11-01-1990, Age: 95, Section: PARK_89_3_4, Plot Owner: SLOTT, KATHERINE M.SLOVERN, Scott, Buried: 03/13/1911, Age: 53, Section: LUDVIGS_258_4_4, Plot Owner: SLOVERN, SCOTTSLUNDER, Pearl R, , , Buried: 06/29/1951, Age: 69, Section: ROE_76_7_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERSLUTEN, Henry, Buried: 10-07-1911, Age: 40, Section: LUDVIGS_257_2_4, Plot Owner: SLUTEN, HENRYSMALSTIG, Russell L., Buried: 01/19/2008, Age: 67, Section: OBLOCK_8_642_1, Plot Owner: SMALSTIG, USS & MARY-LOUSMETHURST, Rose, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 28, Section: NELSON_68_2_2, Plot Owner: SMETHURST, ROSESMILO, Clarence, Buried: 11/16/1943, Age: 53, Section: OSSELTO_B_6_4, Plot Owner: SMILO, MRS CLARENCESMITH, Albert, Buried: 05-10-1908, Age: 38, Section: LUDVIGS_247_1_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, LEORASMITH, Alvrine B., Buried: 08/27/1949, Age: 82, Section: ODONNE_125_7_3, Plot Owner: BUFFINGTON, ECSMITH, Angus, Buried: 03/19/1905, Age: 4, Section: PARK_107_5_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, ANGUSSMITH, Annie M., Buried: 01/24/1981, Age: 85, Section: ODONNE_92_7_2, Plot Owner: OSB, LODGE 1SMITH, Basil Dean, Buried: 04/22/1967, Age: 29, Section: YOUNG_425_20_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, BASIL DEANSMITH, Belinda Lee, Buried: 12/29/1994, Age: 40, Section: OBLOCK_8_179_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, MR. LYNNSMITH, Ben X., Buried: 01-05-1920, Age: 31, Section: BUNNING_129_3_4, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFSMITH, Bill C., Buried: 05/19/1986, Age: 60, Section: WEST_7_439_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, BILL C.SMITH, Billy D., Buried: 11-08-1989, Age: 61, Section: WEST_7_564_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, EVELYN F.SMITH, Buehl B., Buried: 11-11-1941, Age: 29, Section: ODONNE_218_6_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, MRS BUEHLSMITH, Carr, Buried: 08/21/1948, Age: 60, Section: JAMES_329_4_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, CARRSMITH, Catherine, Buried: 01/22/1969, Age: 72, Section: NELSON_127_11_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, CATHERINESMITH, Catherine W., Buried: 10-07-1939, Age: 39, Section: OSSELTO_342_3_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, REYNOLD C.SMITH, Charles C, Buried: 07-06-1941, Age: 66, Section: JAMES_323_8_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, CHARLES CSMITH, Charles X., Buried: 01-01-1909, Age: 50, Section: BUNNING_129_3_3, Plot Owner: GOLDEN EAGLE, KNIGHTS OFSMITH, Christina, Buried: 10/26/1945, Age: 73, Section: PARKER_237_6_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, VICTORSMITH, Clarence F., Buried: 12/19/2003, Age: 71, Section: EDGAR_64_15_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSMITH, Clarence H., Buried: 01-01-1987, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_237_5_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, VICTORSMITH, Clifton, Buried: 06/30/1982, Age: 73, Section: YOUNG_425_20_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, MRS. CLIFFSMITH, Deweese S., Buried: 03/25/1975, Age: 60, Section: EDGAR_66_14_2, Plot Owner: SOHN, RALPH ESMITH, Diana P., Buried: 10-07-2011, Age: 57, Section: KENDALL_A_1X_2, Plot Owner: VASE, VASE FUNERAL HOMESMITH, Donna M., Buried: 12/24/1930, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_342_3_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, REYNOLD C.SMITH, Edelyn E., Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 2, Section: PARKER_237_5_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, VICTORSMITH, Edna C., Buried: 06/14/1928, Age: 21, Section: PARKER_237_6_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, VICTORSMITH, Eliza, Buried: 04-12-1932, Age: 71, Section: OSSELTO_308_6_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, JOHNSMITH, Eliza Yuthas, Buried: 09/29/1994, Age: 93, Section: LUDVIGS_254_7_2, Plot Owner: YUTHAS, ANNASMITH, Elizabeth E., Buried: 12/18/1967, Age: 81, Section: EDGAR_83_19_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, CANADIANSMITH, Elizabeth Sue Reed, Buried: 07/27/2006, Age: 51, Section: OBLOCK_8_595_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, ELIZABETH SUE REEDSMITH, Ella, Buried: 02/17/1931, Age: 39, Section: LUDVIGS_279_6_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, WILLIAM E.SMITH, Ellen, Buried: 05/29/1968, Age: 84, Section: JAMES_329_4_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, CARRSMITH, Ernest W., Age: 0, Section: PARKER_237_5_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, VICTORSMITH, Florence, Buried: 10/16/1968, Age: 92, Section: ROE_78_11_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, WMSMITH, Frances A., Buried: 06/29/2015, Age: 89, Section: NELSON_127_11_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, ROBERT L.SMITH, Frank, Buried: 02-05-1905, Age: 40, Section: PARK_111_3_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, FRANKSMITH, Frank, Buried: 09-05-1970, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_127_11_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, FRANKSMITH, Fred, Buried: 10-01-1960, Age: 61, Section: EDGAR_82_3_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSMITH, Garth Richard, Buried: 05-09-2006, Age: 68, Section: EDGAR_64_1_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSMITH, George, Buried: 07/20/1912, Age: 63, Section: ODONNE_149_3_1, Plot Owner: SAMUELS, JENNIESMITH, George, Buried: 12/29/1923, Age: 63, Section: LUDVIGS_296_6_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, GEORGESMITH, George K., Buried: 05/27/1978, Age: 56, Section: EDGAR_67_16_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, ROBERTSMITH, George K., Buried: 04-03-1940, Age: 71, Section: EDGAR_67_16_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, ROBERTSMITH, Gerald L., Buried: 12/31/1993, Age: 52, Section: WEST_7_402_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, GERALD & MARYSMITH, Gerald L., Buried: 12/31/1993, Age: 52, Section: WEST_7_402_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, GERALD & MARYSMITH, Gregory L., Buried: 03/29/2008, Age: 45, Section: OBLOCK_8_425_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, ROBERT OR DELORESSMITH, Helen Crosby, Buried: 12-12-1988, Age: 76, Section: LUDVIGS_249_4_4, Plot Owner: #151 FOE, EAGLESSMITH, Herbert Mckinley, Buried: 12/29/1923, Age: 63, Section: PARKER_293_6_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, GEORGESMITH, Hurbert Mckinley, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 24, Section: PARKER_293_3_4, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNSMITH, Imogene, Buried: 09-05-1986, Age: 68, Section: YOUNG_425_6X_5, Plot Owner: NOISEWATER, JSMITH, Ivan A., Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 1, Section: PARKER_237_5_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, VICTORSMITH, Jack, Buried: 08/25/1935, Age: 11, Section: JAMES_329_4_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, CARRSMITH, Jack Makean, Buried: 02-06-1999, Age: 80, Section: WEST_7_428_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, JACKSMITH, James H. Sr., , Buried: 10/25/1983, Age: 64, Section: EDGAR_66_14_1, Plot Owner: SOHN, RALPH ESMITH, James Harold, Buried: 12/31/1976, Age: 52, Section: WATAHA_3_28_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, JAMES HAROLDSMITH, James Michael, Buried: 11/21/1984, Age: 0, Section: WEST_7_374_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, JACK A & CINDYSMITH, James William, Buried: 12/18/1981, Age: 72, Section: JAMES_329_7_4, Plot Owner: HEALEY, DOROTHYSMITH, James X, Buried: 06-06-1967, Age: 71, Section: JAMES_305_3_4, Plot Owner: KARIGLARICHS, STEVESMITH, Jean Billie, Buried: 06/13/1972, Age: 75, Section: EDGAR_67_16_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, ROBERTSMITH, Jimmy Lee B., Buried: 08-04-2003, Age: 77, Section: WEST_7_438_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, JIMMY LEESMITH, John, Buried: 02/13/1960, Age: 58, Section: LUDVIGS_249_4_3, Plot Owner: #151 FOE, EAGLESSMITH, John, Buried: 06/26/1935, Age: 72, Section: OSSELTO_308_6_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, JOHNSMITH, John, Buried: 11-05-1991, Age: 17, Section: WEST_7_631_1, Plot Owner: TAYLOR, MARSHASMITH, John Alfred, Buried: 11/17/1976, Age: 59, Section: ODONNE_92_7_2, Plot Owner: OSB, LODGE 1SMITH, John Crosby, Buried: 09/25/2003, Age: 73, Section: LUDVIGS_250_1X_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, JOHN CROSBYSMITH, John G., Buried: 05-12-1932, Age: 34, Section: JAMES_323_8_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, CHARLES CSMITH, John Henry, Buried: 08-07-1985, Age: 16, Section: WEST_7_401_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, GERALD & MARYSMITH, John Kovach, Buried: 01-04-1950, Age: 80, Section: PARK_14_1_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, JOHN KOVACHSMITH, John T. "Jack", Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 38, Section: JAMES_323_8_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, CHARLES CSMITH, Joseph Paul, Buried: 01/14/1994, Age: 33, Section: YOUNG_424_33X_4, Plot Owner: MLINAR, VIOLASMITH, Kathryne, Buried: 06-02-2014, Age: 93, Section: WEST_7_427_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, JACKSMITH, Kenneth, Buried: 04/28/1941, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_318_1_1, Plot Owner: OLSEN, JOHN ASMITH, Lawrence E., Buried: 04/27/1910, Age: 2, Section: PARKER_237_5_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, VICTORSMITH, Lucille, Buried: 03/21/1997, Age: 87, Section: OBLOCK_8_296_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, WILLIAM & LUCILLESMITH, Lucy A., Buried: 08/27/1901, Age: 63, Section: BUNNING_159_8_3, Plot Owner: THAYER, DWIGHT MSMITH, Margaret, Buried: 05/24/1941, Age: 76, Section: EDGAR_67_16_5, Plot Owner: SMITH, MARGARETSMITH, Mary, Buried: 12/23/1936, Age: 16, Section: JAMES_329_4_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, CARRSMITH, Mary Decker, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 48, Section: LUDVIGS_247_6_1, Plot Owner: SCOTT, WALTERSMITH, Mary E., Buried: 10-06-1971, Age: 87, Section: LUDVIGS_232_5_1, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESSMITH, Michael, Buried: 10/29/2012, Age: 30, Section: YOUNG_424_48X_2, Plot Owner: MLINAR, VIOLASMITH, Michael J., Buried: 03-04-1999, Age: 98, Section: WEST_7_408_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, M. J.SMITH, Oliver C., Buried: 01/17/1904, Age: 79, Section: BUNNING_159_8_4, Plot Owner: THAYER, DWIGHT MSMITH, Oscar, Buried: 04/26/1907, Age: 46, Section: LUDVIGS_232_1_2, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESSMITH, Rachel, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 63, Section: JAMES_323_8_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, CHARLES CSMITH, Reynold C., Buried: 05-02-1959, Age: 59, Section: OSSELTO_342_3_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, REYNOLD C.SMITH, Robert, Age: 70, Section: OSSELTO_337_5_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, DAVESMITH, Robert, Buried: 01/16/1963, Age: 70, Section: EDGAR_67_16_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, ROBERTSMITH, Robert B., Buried: 06/23/1955, Age: 80, Section: BUNNING_160_1_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERSMITH, Robert E, Buried: 10-12-1900, Age: 76, Section: OBLOCK_8_425_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, ROBERT OR DELORESSMITH, Robert L., Buried: 06/29/2015, Age: 81, Section: NELSON_127_11_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, ROBERT L.SMITH, Rosalie, Buried: 12/29/1961, Age: 60, Section: MUIR_423_27_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, THOMAS P.SMITH, Ruth, Buried: 10-05-2001, Age: 67, Section: YOUNG_424_33X_3, Plot Owner: MLINAR, VIOLASMITH, Sadie, Buried: 05-06-1970, Age: 67, Section: JAMES_305_3_3, Plot Owner: KARIGLARICHS, STEVESMITH, Sarah, Buried: 04/23/1941, Age: 76, Section: BUNNING_133_7_3, Plot Owner: MACK, JABOCSMITH, Sarah M., Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 70, Section: PARKER_293_6_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, SARAH MSMITH, Sarah M., Buried: 01-06-1924, Age: 70, Section: LUDVIGS_296_6_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, SARAH M.SMITH, Shirley R., Buried: 03/31/1934, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_342_3_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, REYNOLD C.SMITH, Sophia, Buried: 01-01-1953, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_14_1_3, Plot Owner: SMITH, SOPHIASMITH, Sophia E. "Eva", Buried: 11/13/1998, Age: 99, Section: JAMES_323_8_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, CHARLES CSMITH, Steven, Buried: 01-06-1975, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_14_1_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, STEVENSMITH, Thomas C., Buried: 06/14/1969, Age: 77, Section: ODONNE_92_7_3, Plot Owner: OSB, LODGE 1SMITH, Thomas J., Buried: 07-09-2008, Age: 80, Section: MUIR_423_25X_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, MARGARETSMITH, Thomas P., Buried: 12-11-1965, Age: 63, Section: MUIR_423_27_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERSMITH, Thomas W, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_83_6_4, Plot Owner: WILSON, MRS WILLIAM CSMITH, Thomas W., Buried: 04-12-1965, Age: 84, Section: EDGAR_83_19_5, Plot Owner: SMITH, THOMAS W.SMITH, Tom Baby Of, Buried: 06/26/1932, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_308_6_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, JOHNSMITH, Victor, Buried: 12-09-1942, Age: 80, Section: PARKER_237_6_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, VICTORSMITH, Virgil Dale, Buried: 09-03-1976, Age: 29, Section: EDGAR_82_8_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSMITH, William, Buried: 07-07-1937, Age: 71, Section: ROE_78_11_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, WMSMITH, William "Chessey", Buried: 10/24/2003, Age: 79, Section: OBLOCK_8_295_1, Plot Owner: SMITH, WILLIAM & LUCILLESMITH, William E., Buried: 01/26/1966, Age: 80, Section: LUDVIGS_232_5_2, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESSMITH, William E., Buried: 06-08-1951, Section: ROE_76_6_4, Plot Owner: GRAHAM, JOSEPHSMITH, William M., Buried: 06-01-1953, Age: 75, Section: LUDVIGS_279_6_2, Plot Owner: SMITH, WILLIAM E.SNEDDEN, Hannah, Buried: 02-06-1973, Age: 85, Section: JAMES_322_8_3, Plot Owner: WALES, SAMSNEDDEN, John, Buried: 04/18/1966, Age: 81, Section: JAMES_322_8_4, Plot Owner: WALES, SAMSNEDDON, Catherine, Buried: 06-04-1929, Age: 7, Section: BUNNING_85_6_2, Plot Owner: SNEDDON, THOMASSNEDDON, David, Buried: 10/17/2007, Age: 74, Section: ROE_78_18_4, Plot Owner: SNEDDON, WMSNEDDON, Elizabeth, Buried: 10/19/1942, Age: 69, Section: OSSELTO_337_3_1, Plot Owner: SNEDDON, THOMASSNEDDON, Gomer J., Buried: 06/21/1997, Age: 78, Section: BUNNING_85_6_1, Plot Owner: SNEDDON, THOMASSNEDDON, Robert, Buried: 01/24/1975, Age: 57, Section: MUIR_403_33_1, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFSNEDDON, Thomas, Buried: 08/16/1923, Age: 36, Section: BUNNING_85_6_1, Plot Owner: SNEDDON, THOMASSNEDDON, Thomas, Buried: 05-10-1950, Age: 76, Section: OSSELTO_337_3_2, Plot Owner: SNEDDON, THOMASSNEDDON, Ydia, Age: 0, Section: ROE_78_18_2, Plot Owner: SNEDDON, YDIASNELL, George, Buried: 02/19/1920, Age: 37, Section: LUDVIGS_282_5_3, Plot Owner: SNELL, GEORGESNELLING, Charles C., Buried: 06/22/1956, Age: 57, Section: OSSELTO_340_5_3, Plot Owner: BENNETT, W FSNELLING, Marie D., Buried: 08/22/1962, Age: 61, Section: OSSELTO_340_6_3, Plot Owner: BENNETT, W FSNOWDEN, James Donald, Buried: 12/20/1937, Age: 54, Section: LUDVIGS_257_1_2, Plot Owner: SNOWDEN, JAMES DONALDSNOWDEN, Pauline, Buried: 11-08-1975, Age: 82, Section: LUDVIGS_251_1_1, Plot Owner: SNOWDEN, PAULINESNYDER, Calvin "Ted", Buried: 02-12-1993, Age: 76, Section: WEST_7_346_1, Plot Owner: CALVIN, TEDSNYDER, Charles A., Age: 35, Section: BUNNING_127_2_1, Plot Owner: SNYDER, CHRISSNYDER, Josephine, Buried: 05-04-1984, Age: 65, Section: WEST_7_345_1, Plot Owner: CALVIN, TEDSNYDER, Robena, Buried: 11/29/1978, Age: 93, Section: MUIR_423_14_3, Plot Owner: REUTER, JULIUS RSODERLUND, Cornelia (Connie), Buried: 07-07-2009, Age: 87, Section: CROATIA_7_7_1, Plot Owner: DUZIK, NICKSODERLUND, Tyyne Marie, Buried: 01-01-1979, Age: 90, Section: OSSELTO_353_8_1, Plot Owner: SODERLUND, TYYNE MARIESOFIA, Mary M., Buried: 12-01-1910, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_230_4_2, Plot Owner: MACHINO, MARIASOLDIER, Uknown, Buried: 05-03-2017, Section: EDGAR_64_7_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSOLHIEM, Harold, Buried: 05/16/1969, Age: 0, Section: LAUZER_421_27_2, Plot Owner: DANIELS, MARGARETSOLKEAN, Harold, Buried: 05/16/1969, Age: 0, Section: LAUZER_421_27_2, Plot Owner: DANIELS, MARGARETSOLTIS, Andrew, Buried: 12/19/1979, Age: 59, Section: NELSON_21_1_3, Plot Owner: SOLTIS, ANDREWSOLTIS, Charles, Buried: 09-10-1949, Age: 1, Section: NELSON_21_1_2, Plot Owner: SOLTIS, CHARLESSOLTIS, Eva, Buried: 07-12-1944, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_46_7_1, Plot Owner: SOLTIS, EVASOLTIS, George, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 54, Section: NELSON_21_2_3, Plot Owner: SOLTIS, GEORGESOLTIS, George, Buried: 05/14/1966, Age: 59, Section: NELSON_21_2_1, Plot Owner: SOLTIS, GEORGESOLTIS, Helen W., Buried: 03/16/1974, Age: 68, Section: ROE_71_12_3, Plot Owner: SOLTIS, MRS JOHNSOLTIS, Joani Lene Mehle, Buried: 10-08-2002, Age: 34, Section: KENDALL_25_3_1, Plot Owner: SOLTIS, JOANI LENE MEHLESOLTIS, John, Buried: 01-01-1941, Age: 67, Section: KENDALL_46_7_2, Plot Owner: SOLTIS, JOHNSOLTIS, John, Buried: 07-12-1950, Age: 48, Section: ROE_71_12_4, Plot Owner: SOLTIS, MRS JOHNSOLTIS, John P., Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 50, Section: NELSON_76_8_2, Plot Owner: SOLTIS, MRS JOHNSOLTIS, Joni I., Buried: 03/16/1996, Age: 34, Section: WATAHA_4_56_1, Plot Owner: MEHLE, FAMILYSOLTIS, Katharina, Buried: 04/22/1904, Age: 21, Section: PARK_87_1_1, Plot Owner: SOLTIS, KATHARINASOLTIS, Mary, Buried: 08-02-1921, Age: 13, Section: PARK_87_1_4, Plot Owner: SOLTIS, MARYSOLTIS, Mary, Buried: 12/21/1953, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_21_2_4, Plot Owner: SOLTIS, MARYSOLTIS, William "Butch" Sr., , Buried: 12/15/2015, Age: 85, Section: ROE_71_12_2, Plot Owner: SOLTIS, MRS JOHNSOLVSBERG, Gilbert, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 25, Section: JAMES_301_2_1, Plot Owner: HENNESKI, MARY GSON, Gene R., Buried: 09-06-1947, Age: 3, Section: OSSELTO_N_4_1, Plot Owner: SON, BUDSON, Mary E., Buried: 06-01-1965, Age: 76, Section: OSSELTO_N_4_2, Plot Owner: SON, BUDSONGSTER, James E., Buried: 10/15/1994, Age: 81, Section: YOUNG_425_7_3, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENSONGSTER, Rosalle M., Buried: 11-06-1964, Age: 50, Section: YOUNG_425_7_2, Plot Owner: OPIE, J WARDENSORBIE, Robert, Buried: 08/21/1944, Age: 48, Section: LUDVIGS_229_7_3, Plot Owner: RICHARDSON, JAMESSORENSEN, Charles P., Buried: 09/15/1929, Age: 65, Section: PARK_33_2_1, Plot Owner: SORENSEN, CHARLES P.SORENSEN, Clarence E. "Sorny", Buried: 06/21/1990, Age: 72, Section: PARK_34_1X_1, Plot Owner: SORENSEN, CLARENCE E. "SORNY"SORENSEN, Lavelle, Buried: 09/19/1920, Age: 22, Section: LUDVIGS_250_8_3, Plot Owner: SORENSEN, LAVELLESORENSEN, Ruth A., Buried: 05-06-1999, Age: 63, Section: PARK_34_1X_2, Plot Owner: SORENSEN, CLARENCE E. "SORNY"SORENSEN, Saren J., Buried: 11/28/1956, Age: 92, Section: ODONNE_195_7_2, Plot Owner: SORENSEN, S JSORENSON, Keith, Buried: 12/29/1953, Age: 18, Section: MUIR_403_43_2, Plot Owner: LACY, MRS IRENESORENSON, Lena Guam, Buried: 06/19/1939, Age: 66, Section: ODONNE_195_7_3, Plot Owner: SORENSEN, S JSOTELO, Baby, Buried: 05/13/1980, Age: 0, Section: PARK_124_3_4, Plot Owner: SOTELO, BABYSOULE, Jean B., Buried: 12-11-2010, Age: 72, Section: OBLOCK_8_671_1, Plot Owner: SOULE, ELIZABETHSOULSBY, Artie, Buried: 01-09-1927, Age: 4, Section: BUNNING_132_3_1, Plot Owner: SOULSBY, JOSEPHSOULSBY, Baby George, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_132_2_2, Plot Owner: SOULSBY, BABY GEORGESOULSBY, George Arthur, Buried: 02/16/1945, Age: 60, Section: BUNNING_132_3_2, Plot Owner: SOULSBY, JOSEPHSOULSBY, Jane Dorothy, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 69, Section: BUNNING_132_3_4, Plot Owner: SOULSBY, JOSEPHSOULSBY, John James, Buried: 01/28/1948, Age: 65, Section: BUNNING_132_2_3, Plot Owner: SOULSBY, JOE JRSOULSBY, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 66, Section: BUNNING_132_3_3, Plot Owner: SOULSBY, JOSEPHSOULSBY, Joseph W., Buried: 07/31/1938, Age: 69, Section: BUNNING_132_2_4, Plot Owner: SOULSBY, JOE JRSOULSBY, Josephine, Buried: 05/18/1989, Age: 98, Section: MUIR_402_9_3, Plot Owner: SOULSBY, JOSEPHINESOULSBY, Lizzie R., Buried: 08-09-1907, Age: 37, Section: BUNNING_132_2_4, Plot Owner: SOULSBY, JOE JRSOULSBY, Martha, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_132_2_1, Plot Owner: SOULSBY, JOE JRSOULSBY, Martha A., Buried: 07-11-1966, Age: 80, Section: PARKER_286_8_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, KPSOULSBY, Roy, Buried: 11/28/1952, Age: 63, Section: MUIR_402_9_4, Plot Owner: SOULSBY, JOSEPHINESOULSBY, Venice O., Buried: 03/29/2002, Age: 92, Section: MUIR_402_9_2, Plot Owner: SOULSBY, JOSEPHINESOUTHERLAND, David Grant Jr., , Buried: 12/19/2003, Age: 22, Section: OBLOCK_8_504_1, Plot Owner: SOUTHERLAND JR., DAVIDSOUTHERN, George, Buried: 01-03-1994, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_161_4_1, Plot Owner: MORRISON, JAMESSOUTHHARD, Dorothy, Buried: 02/19/1957, Age: 50, Section: EDGAR_83_3_5, Plot Owner: SOUTHHARD, DOROTHYSPANGER, Axel, Buried: 09-03-1954, Age: 73, Section: EDGAR_82_13_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSPANI, Clara H., Buried: 03/19/1959, Age: 79, Section: ROE_78_16_2, Plot Owner: SPANI, M/M D.D.SPANI, Daniel D., Buried: 08/20/1962, Age: 86, Section: ROE_78_16_3, Plot Owner: HATHAWAY, MRS FRANCISSPANN, Geanna, Buried: 06/23/1964, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_L_4_3, Plot Owner: SPANN, RUFUS HSPANN, Jeanna, Buried: 06/23/1964, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_L_3_3, Plot Owner: ERWIN, ROLLINSPANN, Nancy Lois, Buried: 02/13/1947, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_L_3_2, Plot Owner: HAY JR, JOHNSPANN, Rufus, Buried: 02/13/1947, Age: 1, Section: OSSELTO_L_4_4, Plot Owner: SPANN, RUFUS HSPANN, Warren Dale, Buried: 09/20/1979, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_L_3_1, Plot Owner: HAY JR, JOHNSPANOGLE, Earl "Joy", Buried: 05/28/1942, Age: 38, Section: OSSELTO_338_1_3, Plot Owner: SAVALA, ROBERTSPANOGLE, Mildred Morgando, Buried: 03/22/1996, Age: 83, Section: OSSELTO_338_1_1, Plot Owner: SPANOGLE, MRS EARLSPANOGLE, Robert 'Gary', Buried: 10-03-1989, Age: 50, Section: OSSELTO_338_1_2, Plot Owner: SPANOGLE, MRS EARLSPANOS, Mike, Buried: 08/28/1946, Age: 21, Section: ODONNE_216_2_3, Plot Owner: GREEK ORTH CHURCH, HOLY TRINITYSPANOS, Mike, Buried: 01/15/1948, Age: 58, Section: ODONNE_216_2_4, Plot Owner: SPANOS, MIKESPARKS, Alice P., Buried: 08-07-1924, Age: 45, Section: PARKER_262_5_1, Plot Owner: SPARKS, C RSPARKS, Alphonso, Buried: 05-02-1922, Age: 51, Section: PARKER_262_5_4, Plot Owner: SPARKS, C RSPARKS, Baby, Buried: 05/19/1912, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_164_5_2, Plot Owner: SPARKS, CHARLES LSPARKS, Charles Louis, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 63, Section: ODONNE_164_5_3, Plot Owner: SPARKS, CHARLES LSPARKS, Eva May, Buried: 10/21/1950, Age: 73, Section: ODONNE_164_5_2, Plot Owner: SPARKS, CHARLES LSPARKS, Florence M., Buried: 10-08-1992, Age: 88, Section: YOUNG_401_33_2, Plot Owner: FADDIS, MRS DAVID TSPARKS, Hardin Arther, Buried: 10/27/1954, Age: 72, Section: EDGAR_67_4_1, Plot Owner: SPARKS, HARDIN ARTHERSPARKS, John Washington, Buried: 12-03-1911, Age: 33, Section: ODONNE_164_5_1, Plot Owner: SPARKS, CHARLES LSPARKS, Rose, Buried: 01/21/1905, Age: 29, Section: ODONNE_164_5_4, Plot Owner: SPARKS, CHARLES LSPAULDING, Demos, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_136_4_4, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFSPAYNOLS, Antonio, Age: 24, Section: LUDVIGS_230_1_2, Plot Owner: SPAYNOLS, ANTONIOSPEARS, Anna Mrs., Buried: 05/17/1924, Age: 42, Section: LUDVIGS_253_5_1, Plot Owner: SPEARS, MRS. ANNASPENCE, Afton, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_127_6_3, Plot Owner: WILLIAMS, WMSPENCE, Andrew R. "Ding", Buried: 10-12-1970, Age: 67, Section: PARK_123_3_2, Plot Owner: SPENCE, UNKNOWNSPENCE, Carmen Ruth, Buried: 03/22/1966, Age: 27, Section: ODONNE_193_8_1, Plot Owner: SPENCE, CARMEN RUTHSPENCE, Carrie N., Buried: 11/24/1978, Age: 90, Section: LUDVIGS_280_7_1, Plot Owner: SPENCE, CARRIE N.SPENCE, Catherine, Buried: 03-03-1980, Age: 89, Section: LUDVIGS_280_8_3, Plot Owner: SPENCE, UNKNOWNSPENCE, Charles, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_127_6_2, Plot Owner: SPENCE, CHARLESSPENCE, Charles W., Buried: 01-12-1966, Age: 79, Section: LUDVIGS_280_7_2, Plot Owner: SPENCE, CHARLES W.SPENCE, Charles W., Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 67, Section: LUDVIGS_280_6_3, Plot Owner: SPENCE, CHRISTINA R.SPENCE, Christina R., Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 62, Section: LUDVIGS_280_6_4, Plot Owner: SPENCE, CHRISTINA R.SPENCE, Christine M., Buried: 09/29/1920, Age: 4, Section: LUDVIGS_280_7_3, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNSPENCE, Janet, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_127_6_4, Plot Owner: WILLIAMS, WMSPENCE, Peter, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_127_6_4, Plot Owner: WILLIAMS, WMSPENCE, Vendla S., Buried: 03/30/1994, Age: 87, Section: PARK_123_3_3, Plot Owner: SPENCE, UNKNOWNSPENCE, William, Buried: 05/24/1922, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_280_6_1, Plot Owner: SPENCE, WILLIAMSPENCE, William R., Buried: 07/17/1964, Age: 75, Section: LUDVIGS_280_8_4, Plot Owner: SPENCE, WILLIAM R.SPENCER, Francis Baby, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_337_2_1, Plot Owner: PHETT SR, WILLIAMSPENDLOW, Harry, Buried: 01-01-1911, Age: 29, Section: BUNNING_177_2_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERSPESS, Carolina, Buried: 05-03-1955, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_117_8_2, Plot Owner: SPESS, CAROLINASPESS, John, Buried: 03/23/1936, Age: 54, Section: NELSON_117_8_1, Plot Owner: SPESS, JOHNSPICER, David Vincent, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 5, Section: LUDVIGS_253_8_2, Plot Owner: SPICER, DAVID VINCENTSPICER, Ernest, Buried: 03/23/1961, Age: 72, Section: LUDVIGS_253_7_2, Plot Owner: RADAKOVICH, MANUEL M.SPICER, Hardin S., Buried: 09/28/1900, Age: 48, Section: BUNNING_131_8_4, Plot Owner: SPICER, S FSPICER, Nedra Marie, Buried: 06/21/1923, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_253_8_3, Plot Owner: SPICER, DAVID VINCENTSPICER, Ruth Stevens, Buried: 03/15/1988, Age: 91, Section: LUDVIGS_253_7_1, Plot Owner: SPICER, RUTH STEVENSSPICHER, Chamain Nichole, Buried: 12/18/2009, Age: 45, Section: KAUMO_10_48_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, ARNOLD & JERALDEANSPLINGER, Josephine, Buried: 01/14/1923, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_296_7_1, Plot Owner: SPLINGER, JOSEPHINESPROWELL, Carrie, Buried: 01-01-1979, Age: 89, Section: ROE_79_8_2, Plot Owner: SPROWELL, J FSPROWELL, Celia, Buried: 01-01-1900, Age: 39, Section: ROE_79_7_4, Plot Owner: SPROWELL, EARL HOWARDSPROWELL, Earl Howard, Buried: 03/16/1988, Age: 94, Section: LUDVIGS_295_3_3, Plot Owner: SPROWELL, EARL HOWARDSPROWELL, George A., Buried: 12/21/1959, Age: 76, Section: ROE_79_7_3, Plot Owner: SPROWELL, EARL HOWARDSPROWELL, Hazel, Buried: 05-11-1970, Age: 72, Section: ROE_79_7_2, Plot Owner: SPROWELL, EARL HOWARDSPROWELL, Helen M., Buried: 08-03-1996, Age: 75, Section: ROE_79_8_3, Plot Owner: SPROWELL, HELEN M.SPROWELL, James, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 46, Section: ROE_79_8_1, Plot Owner: SPROWELL, J FSPROWELL, John, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 47, Section: ROE_79_7_5, Plot Owner: SPROWELL, JOHNSPROWELL, Joseph M., Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 41, Section: ROE_79_1_4, Plot Owner: SPROWELL, J MSPROWELL, Mrytle, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 39, Section: ODONNE_221_6_2, Plot Owner: LOGAN, ALEXANDERSPROWELL, Myrtle E., Buried: 12/20/1958, Age: 63, Section: LUDVIGS_295_3_2, Plot Owner: SPROWELL, MYRTLE E.SPROWELL, Robert, Buried: 08-11-2016, Age: 89, Section: YOUNG_425_11_2, Plot Owner: CHARLES, MRS I MSPROWELL, Sena P., Buried: 12-07-1968, Age: 81, Section: ROE_79_1_3, Plot Owner: SPROWELL, J MSPURGEON, Jack M., Buried: 08/20/2012, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_26_5_1, Plot Owner: SPURGEON, JACK M.SPURGEON, Mary "Ceil", Buried: 08-10-2004, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_26_5_2, Plot Owner: SPURGEON, MARY "CEIL"SRYNBORN, Charles, Buried: 06/30/1956, Age: 86, Section: YOUNG_400_43_3, Plot Owner: GRAVES, FREDST. CROIX, Alfred, Buried: 01-05-1938, Age: 61, Section: OSSELTO_360_7_3, Plot Owner: ST CROIX, A.ST. CROIX, Katherine, Buried: 05-08-1935, Age: 43, Section: OSSELTO_360_7_4, Plot Owner: ST CROIX, A.STABIO, Dominick Steve, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 54, Section: LUDVIGS_249_2_2, Plot Owner: AERIE #151, FOESTACEY, Bruce E. Sr, Buried: 01/16/1999, Age: 64, Section: WATAHA_2_106_1, Plot Owner: STACEY, BRUCE E. SRSTACEY, Ruth Jolene, Buried: 01/25/1975, Age: 45, Section: WATAHA_2_107_1, Plot Owner: STACEY, BRUCE E. SRSTACY, Jane, Buried: 05-12-1922, Age: 28, Section: BUNNING_113_4_1, Plot Owner: EXCELSIOR LODGE #9, IOOFSTAFFA, Andrew, Buried: 09-07-1976, Age: 65, Section: CROATIA_9_2_2, Plot Owner: ADOVINIK, AGNESSTAFFORD, Barbara, Buried: 12/14/1977, Age: 52, Section: WATAHA_2_61_1, Plot Owner: STAFFORD, BARBARASTAFFORD, John A., Buried: 08/18/1975, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_2_62_1, Plot Owner: STAFFORD, JOHN A.STAFFORD, Mabel J., Buried: 10-01-1977, Age: 79, Section: WATAHA_2_63_1, Plot Owner: STAFFORD, MABEL J.STAFOEN, Rudolf Child Of, Buried: 01-09-1903, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_198_3_4, Plot Owner: STAFOEN, RUDOLPHSTAFSEN, Oscar, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 80, Section: ROE_79_13_1, Plot Owner: WINE, MRS NEILSTAGGES, Hazel, Buried: 07/26/1921, Age: 21, Section: LUDVIGS_253_2_2, Plot Owner: STAGGES, HAZELSTAINBROOK, John J., Buried: 06/29/1979, Age: 73, Section: WATAHA_1_97_1, Plot Owner: STAINBROOK, JOHNSTAINBROOK, Reva R., Buried: 10-07-2000, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_1_98_1, Plot Owner: STAINBROOK, JOHNSTAKICH, Albina, Buried: 06-02-1988, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_4_86_1, Plot Owner: STOKICH, M/M PETESTAKICH, Brodie, Buried: 01-01-1977, Age: 77, Section: OSSELTO_314_8_1, Plot Owner: WILLISON, MATTHEWSTAKICH, Louise, Buried: 11/22/1944, Age: 38, Section: OSSELTO_314_7_4, Plot Owner: SANDSTROM, MRS WMSTAKICH, Manda L., Buried: 02-03-1941, Age: 71, Section: OSSELTO_314_7_3, Plot Owner: SANDSTROM, MRS WMSTAKICH, Peter, Buried: 09-09-1978, Age: 80, Section: WATAHA_4_85_1, Plot Owner: STOKICH, M/M PETESTAKICH, Simo, Buried: 10/18/1952, Age: 89, Section: OSSELTO_314_7_2, Plot Owner: SANDSTROM, MRS WMSTALEY, Tracye Sue, Buried: 08-08-1974, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_88_8_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFSTALICK, Christine Chenchar, Buried: 10/17/2005, Age: 83, Section: PARK_121_6_3, Plot Owner: CHENCHAR, PAULSTALICK, Frances, Buried: 03/19/1976, Age: 87, Section: NELSON_77_6_3, Plot Owner: STALICK, FRANCESSTALICK, Jerne J., Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 54, Section: PARK_79_6_2, Plot Owner: MARCINA, JOSEPHSTALICK, John L., Buried: 02-06-1997, Age: 75, Section: PARK_121_6_2, Plot Owner: STALICK, JOHN L.STALICK, Martin, Buried: 04/15/1967, Age: 89, Section: NELSON_77_7_1, Plot Owner: STALICK, MARTINSTALICK, Valentine, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 0, Section: PARK_79_6_1, Plot Owner: MARCINA, JOSEPHSTALLINGS, R., Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 60, Section: PARKER_288_5_4, Plot Owner: OLEFFE, JOSEPHSTANDLEY, Mary J., Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_251_4_3, Plot Owner: STANDLEY, MARY J.STANKO, Ben, Buried: 10/17/1990, Age: 92, Section: PARK_65_4_3, Plot Owner: STANKO, BENSTANKO, Justine Toth, Buried: 11/20/2001, Age: 91, Section: CROATIA_6_1_1, Plot Owner: STANKO, JUSTINE TOTHSTANTON, A. B., Buried: 06/18/1998, Age: 30, Section: ODONNE_174_8_4, Plot Owner: STANTON, OBSTANTON, Andrew, Buried: 09/16/1959, Age: 62, Section: OSSELTO_333_1_1, Plot Owner: FOREIGN WARS, VETERANS OFSTANTON, Beverly Mae, Buried: 07-10-2013, Age: 83, Section: NELSON_19_5_2, Plot Owner: STANTON, NAN W.STANTON, Glen G., Buried: 08/26/1968, Age: 63, Section: NELSON_19_5_1, Plot Owner: STANTON, GLEN G.STANTON, Glenn J., Buried: 07-10-2013, Age: 72, Section: NELSON_19_5_2, Plot Owner: STANTON, NAN W.STANTON, Jeanne M., Buried: 07/23/1982, Age: 54, Section: WEST_7_264_1, Plot Owner: STANTON, RICHARD H.STANTON, John, Buried: 07-10-2013, Section: NELSON_19_5_1, Plot Owner: STANTON, GLEN G.STANTON, Katherine Jean, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_219_1_2, Plot Owner: STAUTON, R OSTANTON, Margaret, Buried: 03/14/1977, Age: 71, Section: ODONNE_219_1_3, Plot Owner: STANTON, R OSTANTON, Mike, Buried: 07-06-2015, Age: 82, Section: NELSON_19_5_1, Plot Owner: STANTON, GLEN G.STANTON, Nan W., Buried: 09/14/2001, Age: 98, Section: NELSON_19_5_2, Plot Owner: STANTON, NAN W.STANTON, Richard H., Buried: 05/30/2008, Age: 82, Section: WEST_7_265_1, Plot Owner: STANTON, RICHARD H.STANTON, Ritchey Orvel, Buried: 11/17/1975, Age: 75, Section: ODONNE_219_1_4, Plot Owner: STANTON, R OSTARK, Annabelle, Buried: 05/21/2014, Age: 88, Section: YOUNG_401_42_1, Plot Owner: STARK, MRS WILLIAM HSTARK, Frances, Buried: 01/21/1957, Age: 69, Section: YOUNG_401_42_3, Plot Owner: STARK, MRS WILLIAM HSTARK, James, Buried: 11-01-2000, Age: 83, Section: YOUNG_401_42_2, Plot Owner: STARK, MRS WILLIAM HSTARK, John, Buried: 12-09-1935, Age: 70, Section: LUDVIGS_256_1_4, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFSTARK, Murry, Buried: 01/27/1920, Age: 6, Section: LUDVIGS_281_5_4, Plot Owner: STARK, MURRAYSTARK, Sidney, Buried: 01/29/1920, Age: 7, Section: LUDVIGS_281_5_4, Plot Owner: STARK, MURRAYSTARK, Stephen W., Buried: 02/14/1968, Age: 22, Section: YOUNG_401_42_5, Plot Owner: STARK, MRS WILLIAM HSTARK, William, Buried: 11-01-1954, Age: 70, Section: YOUNG_401_42_4, Plot Owner: STARK, MRS WILLIAM HSTARKAY, Baby, Buried: 04-06-1953, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_27_1, Plot Owner: STARKAY, ROYSTARKEY, Ellen Marie, Buried: 09/29/2000, Age: 43, Section: OBLOCK_8_424_1, Plot Owner: STARKEY, GLENN & ELLENSTARKOVICH, Eva, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_93_4_4, Plot Owner: STARKOVICH, EVASTARKOVICH, John I., Buried: 02/14/1981, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_93_4_2, Plot Owner: STARKOVICH, JOHN I.STARKOVICH, Mary, Buried: 11/27/1971, Age: 55, Section: NELSON_93_4_3, Plot Owner: STARKOVICH, MARYSTARKOVICH, Mary, Buried: 02/22/2005, Age: 91, Section: KENDALL_129_8_4, Plot Owner: STARKOVICH, MARYSTARKOVICH, Mike, Buried: 06/23/1931, Age: 50, Section: OSSELTO_352_3_3, Plot Owner: STARKOVICH, MIKESTARKOVICH, Victor, Buried: 04-12-1997, Age: 88, Section: KENDALL_129_8_3, Plot Owner: STARKOVICH, MARYSTARKS, Daniel Joseph, Buried: 05-01-2013, Age: 21, Section: PARK_36_1X_3, Plot Owner: STARKS, DANIEL JOSEPHSTARMAN, Ada, Buried: 02/20/2004, Age: 88, Section: WATAHA_5_4_1, Plot Owner: STARMAN, MRS. ANTONESTARMAN, Anton, Buried: 06-10-1966, Age: 76, Section: LUDVIGS_273_4_4, Plot Owner: BARBARE, SOCIETYSTARMAN, Anton, Buried: 10-10-1969, Age: 76, Section: NELSON_127_14_2, Plot Owner: STARMAN, ANTONSTARMAN, Anton L. Jr., , Buried: 01/13/1969, Age: 54, Section: WATAHA_5_3_1, Plot Owner: STARMAN, MRS. ANTONESTARMAN, Antone Sr., , Buried: 10-10-1969, Age: 83, Section: WATAHA_5_5_1, Plot Owner: STARMAN, MRS. ANTONESTARMAN, Antonia P., Buried: 02/28/2019, Age: 91, Section: WATAHA_9_8_3, Plot Owner: PROJ, ANTONSTARMAN, Frances, Buried: 03/28/1963, Age: 86, Section: KENDALL_19_11_2, Plot Owner: KALISTER, JOHNSTARMAN, Jakobu, Buried: 08/18/1909, Age: 18, Section: PARK_114_4_3, Plot Owner: STARMAN, JAKOBUSTARMAN, Pauline, Buried: 07-01-1975, Age: 79, Section: WATAHA_5_6_1, Plot Owner: STARMAN, MRS. ANTONESTARMAN, Peter, Buried: 05-11-1948, Age: 64, Section: KENDALL_19_11_1, Plot Owner: CHADEZ, THOMASSTASHAK, Francisek, Buried: 08/30/1916, Age: 0, Section: PARK_83_1_1, Plot Owner: STASHAK, FRANCISEKSTASHAK, George, Buried: 12-01-1962, Age: 80, Section: PARK_83_1_3, Plot Owner: STASHAK, GEORGESTASHAK, Jurraj, Buried: 10-01-1913, Age: 0, Section: PARK_83_1_2, Plot Owner: STASHAK, JURRAJSTASHAK, Katherine, Buried: 02-08-1967, Age: 76, Section: PARK_83_1_4, Plot Owner: STASHAK, KATHERINESTASSINOS, Angelika, Buried: 03-05-1944, Age: 48, Section: MUIR_422_9_2, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERSTASSINOS, Evelyn, Buried: 10/18/1995, Age: 62, Section: MUIR_422_10_2, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERSTASSINOS, Harry, Buried: 05-08-1996, Age: 66, Section: MUIR_422_10_3, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERSTASSINOS, Helen, Buried: 01-01-1962, Age: 35, Section: MUIR_422_9_1, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERSTASSINOS, James, Buried: 01-01-1963, Age: 76, Section: MUIR_422_9_3, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERSTASSINOS, James M, Buried: 07/18/2016, Age: 57, Section: MUIR_422_10_5, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERSTATEN, Eddie Mae, Buried: 09/30/2004, Age: 0, Section: WEST_7_366_1, Plot Owner: GIBSON, ANGELOSTATHAKIS, Nick, Buried: 10-03-1937, Age: 42, Section: PARKER_266_2_4, Plot Owner: HAROKOPIS, CHRISSTAVRAN, Aage, Buried: 03-02-1927, Age: 67, Section: JAMES_325_7_3, Plot Owner: STAVRAW, ARILSTAVRAN, Randi, Buried: 08-09-1949, Age: 86, Section: JAMES_325_7_2, Plot Owner: STAVRAW, ARILSTEBNER, M.C., Buried: 05/26/1955, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_193_4_1, Plot Owner: STEBNER, M.C.STEELE, Ralph Fearn, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_148_7_3, Plot Owner: QUINN, JOHNSTEFANIK, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 42, Section: PARK_88_2_3, Plot Owner: STEFANIK, ANNASTEFANIK, Geo, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 39, Section: PARK_88_2_4, Plot Owner: STEFANIK, GEOSTEFENON, John, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 62, Section: WATAHA_I_8_1, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIASTEFENON, Mary E., Buried: 01-01-1955, Age: 81, Section: WATAHA_I_8_2, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIASTEFFAN, Alesvinak, Buried: 12/22/1943, Age: 96, Section: BUNNING_161_6_4, Plot Owner: POTTER, MARIA & GSTEFFAN, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 52, Section: PARK_88_3_1, Plot Owner: STEFFAN, MARYSTEFFAN, Mike, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 62, Section: PARK_88_3_2, Plot Owner: STEFFAN, MIKESTEFFENSEN, Matt, Buried: 09/20/1962, Age: 93, Section: BUNNING_103_3_1, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHSTEFFENSEN, Matt A. Jr., , Buried: 03-06-1951, Age: 35, Section: BUNNING_103_7_2, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD #48, DANISHSTEFFENSON, Eleanor May, Buried: 08/29/1935, Age: 50, Section: BUNNING_103_7_1, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD #48, DANISHSTEFIC, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 59, Section: PARK_66_3_3, Plot Owner: STEFIC, FRANKSTEFIC, Jennie, Buried: 09-08-1964, Age: 84, Section: PARK_66_3_4, Plot Owner: STEFIC, JENNIESTEFIC, John, Buried: 03-11-1976, Age: 57, Section: EDGAR_82_9_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSTEFOIN, Helen R., Buried: 02/28/2002, Age: 92, Section: NELSON_92_5_2, Plot Owner: STEFOIN, HELEN R.STEFOIN, Jennie, Buried: 01-01-1937, Age: 58, Section: NELSON_92_6_2, Plot Owner: STEFOIN, JENNIESTEFOIN, Matt, Buried: 02/20/1945, Age: 64, Section: NELSON_92_6_1, Plot Owner: STEFOIN, MATTSTEFOIN, Rudy, Buried: 11/22/1988, Age: 85, Section: NELSON_92_5_1, Plot Owner: STEFOIN, RUDYSTEFOIN, Vicent W., Buried: 05/31/1944, Age: 30, Section: NELSON_92_6_3, Plot Owner: STEFOIN, VICENT W.STEFUS, Elizabeth R., Buried: 01-01-1939, Age: 71, Section: PARK_35_8_3, Plot Owner: STEFUS, ELIZABETH R.STEFUS, John, Buried: 05/29/1946, Age: 88, Section: PARK_35_8_4, Plot Owner: STEFUS, JOHNSTEINBECK, Douglas G., Buried: 11-09-1987, Age: 40, Section: EDGAR_82_17X_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSTEINBRECH, Jack, Buried: 10-08-2002, Age: 62, Section: NELSON_128_16_1, Plot Owner: STEINBRECH, JACK & RITASTEINBRECH, Jack & Rita, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_128_16_2, Plot Owner: STEINBRECH, JACK & RITASTEINMETZ, Darl D., Buried: 10-02-1972, Age: 26, Section: WATAHA_5_21_1, Plot Owner: STEINMETZ, MRS. PENNIE (GAMBLIN)STENAL, Martin Mrs., Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_249_5_4, Plot Owner: #151 FOE, EAGLESSTENCIL, Elenanor, Buried: 08-10-1953, Age: 41, Section: LUDVIGS_232_4_1, Plot Owner: STENCIL, ELENANORSTENCIL, Martin, Age: 72, Section: LUDVIGS_249_5_3, Plot Owner: #151 FOE, EAGLESSTENCIL, Martin, Buried: 05/15/1957, Age: 72, Section: BUNNING_201_1_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, ROCKY MOUNTAINSTENCOLA, Carrie M., Buried: 01-02-1997, Age: 85, Section: NELSON_22_3_3, Plot Owner: STENCOLA, CARRIE M.STENCOLA, John S., Buried: 11/25/1995, Age: 85, Section: NELSON_22_3_2, Plot Owner: STENCOLA, JOHN S.STENCOLA, Joseph, Buried: 10/20/1950, Age: 64, Section: KENDALL_33_8_4, Plot Owner: STENCOLA, JOSEPHSTENECK, Fannie F., Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 19, Section: PARK_18_8_2, Plot Owner: STENECK, FANNIE F.STENECK, Saro, Buried: 10-01-1960, Age: 82, Section: LUDVIGS_232_4_4, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESSTENHOUSE, Andrew, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 42, Section: JAMES_323_1_2, Plot Owner: STENHOUSE, MRS. ANDREWSTENHOUSE, Margaret L., Buried: 05/23/1958, Age: 70, Section: JAMES_323_1_1, Plot Owner: STENHOUSE, MRS. ANDREWSTENSAAS, Charlotte, Buried: 12/20/1986, Age: 74, Section: YOUNG_401_7_1, Plot Owner: MONUMENT CO, ROCK SPRINGSSTENSAAS, Leonard E., Buried: 02/17/1961, Age: 55, Section: YOUNG_401_7_2, Plot Owner: STENSAAS, CHARLOTTESTENSWICK, Baby, Buried: 08-11-1908, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_125_6_1, Plot Owner: STENSWICH, THOMASSTEPHENS, Anna S., Buried: 06/29/1998, Age: 84, Section: NELSON_99_4_2, Plot Owner: STEPHENS, ANNA S.STEPHENS, John D, Buried: 03/19/2012, Age: 31, Section: OBLOCK_8_676_1, Plot Owner: STEPHENS, JOHN DSTEPHENS, Kenneth W., Buried: 10/18/1991, Age: 78, Section: NELSON_99_4_1, Plot Owner: STEPHENS, KENNETH W.STEPHENS, Seth Warren, Buried: 10/14/1987, Age: 0, Section: WEST_7_499_1, Plot Owner: STEPHENS, WILLIESTEPHENS, William Steve, Buried: 09-08-2000, Age: 19, Section: OBLOCK_8_414_1, Plot Owner: STEPHENS, WILLIAM STEVESTEPHENSON, John, Buried: 02-01-1951, Age: 67, Section: ROE_70_20_4, Plot Owner: STEPHENSON, MRS ROSESTEPHENSON, Minnie, Buried: 02-07-2001, Age: 92, Section: WATAHA_3_86_1, Plot Owner: STEPHENSON, MINNIESTEPHENSON, Thomas, Buried: 09/14/1992, Age: 87, Section: WATAHA_3_85_1, Plot Owner: STEPHENSON, THOMASSTERLING, James, Buried: 07/17/1934, Age: 33, Section: ROE_78_6_5, Plot Owner: STERLING, JAMESSTETECH, George, Section: OBLOCK_8_478_1, Plot Owner: STETICH, GEORGESTETICH, Edith, Buried: 05/29/1967, Age: 44, Section: PARK_126_5_4, Plot Owner: STETICH, GEORGE SR.STETICH, Emma, Buried: 02-03-2003, Age: 88, Section: PARK_126_12_2, Plot Owner: STETICH, EMMASTETICH, George, Age: 0, Section: OBLOCK_8_481_1, Plot Owner: STETICH, GEORGESTETICH, George Sr., Buried: 09-11-1970, Age: 55, Section: PARK_126_5_3, Plot Owner: STETICH, GEORGE SR.STETICH, Joe, Buried: 08/23/1994, Age: 80, Section: PARK_126_12_1, Plot Owner: STETICH, JOESTETICH, Steven G., Buried: 12/31/2002, Age: 25, Section: OBLOCK_8_480_1, Plot Owner: STETICH, GEORGESTETZ, Mrs. Anna, Section: PARK_14_7_1, Plot Owner: STETZ, MRS. ANNASTETZ, Steffie, Buried: 11/29/1995, Age: 93, Section: OBLOCK_8_234_1, Plot Owner: STETZ, STEFFIESTEVENS, Esther Lee, Buried: 06/29/1946, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_216_1_1, Plot Owner: FIRMAGE JR, MR.STEVENS, Father, Buried: 09/20/1952, Age: 88, Section: NELSON_52_7_2, Plot Owner: STEVENS, FATHERSTEVENS, George, Buried: 01-09-1922, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_295_6_4, Plot Owner: STEVENS, GEORGESTEVENS, George, Buried: 09/23/1941, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_341_4_3, Plot Owner: STEVENS, GEORGESTEVENS, Janice Leigh, Buried: 03/13/1940, Age: 1, Section: NELSON_116_5_4, Plot Owner: STEVENS, JANICE LEIGHSTEVENS, John, Buried: 08/29/1984, Age: 76, Section: NELSON_116_5_1, Plot Owner: STEVENS, JOHNSTEVENS, Joseph Doyle, Buried: 01/24/1980, Age: 42, Section: WEST_7_113_1, Plot Owner: STEVENS, JOSEPH & DORISSTEVENS, Juanita R., Buried: 07-01-1936, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_116_5_3, Plot Owner: STEVENS, JUANITA R.STEVENS, Mary, Buried: 10/19/1919, Age: 20, Section: PARK_56_4_4, Plot Owner: STEVENS, MARYSTEVENS, Mary Bucher, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 34, Section: NELSON_52_7_4, Plot Owner: STEVENS, MARY BUCHERSTEVENS, Mike, Buried: 01-01-1935, Age: 75, Section: PARK_56_4_3, Plot Owner: STEVENS, MIKESTEVENS, Mother, Buried: 08/30/1947, Age: 73, Section: NELSON_52_7_3, Plot Owner: STEVENS, MOTHERSTEVENS, Rose T., Buried: 09/29/1963, Age: 51, Section: NELSON_116_5_2, Plot Owner: STEVENS, ROSE T.STEVENS, Son Of P., Buried: 07/15/1901, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_115_2_1, Plot Owner: STEVENS, JTSTEVENSON, Guy F., Buried: 07/30/1954, Age: 49, Section: EDGAR_66_20_4, Plot Owner: BOHN, UNKNOWNSTEVENSON, Guy L., Buried: 04/15/1948, Age: 66, Section: EDGAR_66_20_3, Plot Owner: BOHN, UNKNOWNSTEVENSON, Hannah W., Buried: 06/21/1963, Age: 83, Section: EDGAR_66_20_2, Plot Owner: BOHN, UNKNOWNSTEWARD, Jessie, Buried: 01-01-1952, Age: 77, Section: OSSELTO_E_5_3, Plot Owner: STEWART, MRS JOSEPHSTEWARD, Joseph, Buried: 05/30/1925, Age: 41, Section: PARKER_290_7_2, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS #2328, UNITEDSTEWARD, Joseph A., Buried: 02-04-1945, Age: 68, Section: OSSELTO_E_5_4, Plot Owner: STEWART, MRS JOSEPHSTEWARD, Roscoe, Buried: 11/28/1953, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_38_1, Plot Owner: STEWARD, WILLIAMSTEWART, Christine R., Buried: 11/16/1964, Age: 76, Section: PARKER_263_3_3, Plot Owner: STEWART, UNKNOWNSTEWART, Ducan, Buried: 08/25/1935, Age: 23, Section: PARKER_263_3_4, Plot Owner: STEWART, UNKNOWNSTEWART, Duncan, Buried: 10/25/1966, Age: 21, Section: PARKER_263_3_2, Plot Owner: STEWART, UNKNOWNSTEWART, Harry, Buried: 08-03-1950, Age: 48, Section: ROE_75_9_3, Plot Owner: STEWART, MAMIESTEWART, Harry F. "Buzz", Buried: 05-04-2009, Age: 80, Section: ROE_75_9X_1, Plot Owner: STEWART, HARRY F. "BUZZ"STEWART, James M., Age: 84, Section: PARKER_263_3_1, Plot Owner: STEWART, JAMES M.STEWART, Joseph Mrs., Buried: 07/14/1945, Age: 82, Section: OSSELTO_E_5_4, Plot Owner: STEWART, MRS JOSEPHSTEWART, Leo M., Buried: 04-03-2006, Age: 72, Section: ROE_75_9_2, Plot Owner: STEWART, MAMIESTEWART, Lyndia, Buried: 07/20/2010, Age: 60, Section: OBLOCK_8_499_1, Plot Owner: STEWART, DEAN & LYNDIASTEWART, Mable, Buried: 09/29/1981, Age: 70, Section: WATAHA_4_42_1, Plot Owner: FUNERAL HOME, VASESTEWART, Mamie, Buried: 04-03-1971, Age: 79, Section: ROE_75_9_1, Plot Owner: STEWART, MAMIESTEWART, Mamie Rose, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 3, Section: WATAHA_4A_6_1, Plot Owner: STEWART, MAMIE ROSESTEWART, Ralph N., Buried: 05/27/1998, Age: 46, Section: OBLOCK_8_278_1, Plot Owner: STEWART, RALPH N.STEWART, Sharon, Buried: 05-06-1970, Age: 30, Section: ROE_75_9_4, Plot Owner: STEWART, MAMIESTEWART, Vickie L., Buried: 05-10-1996, Age: 38, Section: OBLOCK_8_279_1, Plot Owner: STEWART, RALPH N.STIERS, Enoch R., Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 66, Section: BUNNING_136_2_2, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFSTIERS, Isabella, Age: 47, Section: BUNNING_136_2_1, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFSTIFANOUNIE, Cyril, Buried: 09-05-1953, Age: 86, Section: ODONNE_147_8_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFSTIGERS, W.C., Buried: 01-01-1905, Section: ODONNE_212_6_1, Plot Owner: RAILROAD CO, PACIFICSTILL, Emma C., Buried: 08-08-1933, Age: 63, Section: LUDVIGS_249_7_3, Plot Owner: #151 FOE, EAGLESSTILL, Frank T., Buried: 06-08-1908, Age: 40, Section: BUNNING_105_6_4, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFSTILL, Harry H., Buried: 12/30/1932, Age: 69, Section: LUDVIGS_249_7_4, Plot Owner: #151 FOE, EAGLESSTILLSON, Louis, Buried: 06/28/1972, Age: 48, Section: PARKER_285_2_2, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDSTIMAC, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1933, Section: WATAHA_5A_8_3, Plot Owner: STIMAC, JOSEPHSTINTON, Albert, Buried: 01/13/1959, Age: 66, Section: ODONNE_142_1_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFSTITELER, Frances J., Buried: 09/26/1962, Age: 80, Section: PARKER_237_4_3, Plot Owner: STITLER, W RSTITELER, George Harry, Buried: 02-07-1920, Age: 1, Section: PARKER_237_4_2, Plot Owner: STITLER, W RSTITELER, William R., Buried: 07/20/1950, Age: 75, Section: PARKER_237_4_4, Plot Owner: STITLER, W RSTOCCO, John, Buried: 08-06-1990, Age: 68, Section: LUDVIGS_274_5_4, Plot Owner: STOCCO, JOHNSTOCCO, Lilly Z., Buried: 12-12-2009, Age: 93, Section: LUDVIGS_274_6_4, Plot Owner: ZANETTI, PIETRO A.STOCKHOLM, Mary, Buried: 12-03-2008, Age: 83, Section: OBLOCK_8_465_1, Plot Owner: STOCKHOLM, WAYNE & MARGIESTOCKHOLM, Wayne, Buried: 09-09-2002, Age: 82, Section: OBLOCK_8_465_1, Plot Owner: STOCKHOLM, WAYNE & MARGIESTOCKICH, Mary Roich, Buried: 08/25/1993, Age: 92, Section: KENDALL_26_3_2, Plot Owner: STOCKICH, MARY ROICHSTOCKICH, Pearl, Buried: 02/16/1985, Age: 73, Section: OSSELTO_314_8_2, Plot Owner: DANIELS, MRS WILLIAMSTOCKSTILL, Lon, Buried: 06/26/1936, Age: 49, Section: OSSELTO_359_8_1, Plot Owner: DAVIDSON, IRENESTODDARD, Baby, Buried: 12-12-1930, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_342_3_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, REYNOLD C.STODDARD, G. A., Buried: 10-01-1993, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_153_1_1, Plot Owner: STODDARD, ROBERTSTODDARD, R.J, Buried: 09/18/1902, Age: 8, Section: BUNNING_153_1_2, Plot Owner: STODDARD, ROBERTSTODDART, Janet, Buried: 09-05-1917, Age: 49, Section: ODONNE_188_7_3, Plot Owner: STODDART, JANETSTODDART, John A., Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 34, Section: ODONNE_188_7_1, Plot Owner: STODDERT, HATTIE V.STODDART, Robert, Buried: 12/25/1918, Age: 56, Section: ODONNE_188_7_4, Plot Owner: STODDART, ROBERTSTODDERT, Hattie V., Buried: 07/14/1938, Age: 47, Section: ODONNE_188_7_2, Plot Owner: STODDART, JOHN A.STODGEL, Baby, Buried: 12-08-1948, Age: 0, Section: ROE_74_9_1, Plot Owner: STODGEL, WILLIAMSTODICK, Harry W., Buried: 03-01-1989, Age: 88, Section: YOUNG_424_4_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERSTODICK, Louise, Buried: 04-10-1982, Age: 78, Section: MUIR_423_14_1, Plot Owner: JONES, VELMASTODICK, Nellie, Buried: 03/29/1960, Age: 64, Section: YOUNG_424_4_4, Plot Owner: STODICK, HARRY W.STOFFA, Andrew, Buried: 09-07-1976, Age: 65, Section: WATAHA_9_2_3, Plot Owner: ROPICKI, ANDREWSTOFFA, Helen, Buried: 09/21/1981, Age: 60, Section: WEST_7_203_1, Plot Owner: STOFFA, JOHNSTOFFA, John, Buried: 05-05-1993, Age: 88, Section: WEST_7_204_1, Plot Owner: STOFFA, JOHNSTOFFA, Mary E., Buried: 12/31/1961, Age: 39, Section: WATAHA_9_2_4, Plot Owner: ROPICKI, ANDREWSTOFFELLA, Eugenio, Buried: 07/15/1958, Age: 67, Section: KENDALL_41_1_3, Plot Owner: STOFFELLA, EUGENIOSTOKES, Baby, Buried: 09-02-1930, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_351_2_3, Plot Owner: STOKES, LOVELLESTOKICH, Ilene J., Buried: 12-12-1926, Age: 3, Section: PARK_65_7_4, Plot Owner: STOKICH, ILENE J.STONE, Albert Lee, Buried: 07/14/1950, Age: 27, Section: ROE_75_11_4, Plot Owner: STONE, MARYSTOPSEN, Rikhard Arvid, Buried: 02/26/1949, Age: 72, Section: ODONNE_211_4_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALUSTORY, George, Buried: 01-01-1901, Age: 1, Section: NELSON_30_1_4, Plot Owner: STORY, SUZANNASTORY, Michael, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 8, Section: NELSON_30_1_3, Plot Owner: STORY, MICHAELSTORY, Michael, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 55, Section: NELSON_30_1_2, Plot Owner: STORY, MICHAELSTORY, Suzanna, Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 2, Section: NELSON_30_1_4, Plot Owner: STORY, SUZANNASTORY, Suzanna, Buried: 01-01-1961, Age: 84, Section: NELSON_30_1_1, Plot Owner: STORY, SUZANNASTOTT, Baby, Buried: 06/15/1956, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_21_3, Plot Owner: STOTT, UNKNOWNSTOTT, Baby, Buried: 03/25/1954, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_21_4, Plot Owner: STOTT, UNKNOWNSTOUT, Estes E., Buried: 10/30/2003, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_422_5_5, Plot Owner: MCQUILLAN, JACKSTOUTENGER, Arleatha, Buried: 06-01-2001, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_5, Plot Owner: STOUTENTGER, ARLEATHASTOUTENTGER, Arleatha, Buried: 06-01-2001, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_5, Plot Owner: STOUTENTGER, ARLEATHASTOVRAILAKIS, George, Buried: 07-04-1932, Age: 51, Section: PARKER_287_7_3, Plot Owner: STOVRAILAKIS, GEORGESTRAIN, Hannah Cross, Buried: 04/24/1970, Age: 68, Section: PARKER_240_1_1, Plot Owner: CROSS, MRS FRANKSTRAKA, Anton, Buried: 06/27/1935, Age: 77, Section: OSSELTO_359_5_1, Plot Owner: STRAKA, ANTONSTRALY, Child Of Henry F., Buried: 11/19/1902, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_138_7_2, Plot Owner: STRALEY, HARRYSTRANNIGAN, Matthew, Buried: 02/15/1939, Age: 42, Section: EDGAR_67_8_4, Plot Owner: STRANNIGAN, MRS MATTHEWSTRANNIGAN, William Matthew, Buried: 09-05-1997, Age: 78, Section: EDGAR_67_8_2, Plot Owner: STRANNIGAN, MRS MATTHEWSTRAUSS, Mary, Buried: 06/13/1986, Age: 89, Section: KENDALL_45_4_4, Plot Owner: STRAUSS, MARYSTRAUSS, Rudolph, Buried: 02-01-1940, Age: 49, Section: KENDALL_45_4_3, Plot Owner: STRAUSS, RUDOLPHSTREBENDT, Hazel T., Buried: 02-04-1980, Age: 58, Section: EDGAR_64_3_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSTRETTON, Ann Pellet, Buried: 03/28/2003, Age: 95, Section: MUIR_402_11_3, Plot Owner: PELLET, ANNSTRICKER, Harry, Buried: 11-01-1945, Age: 59, Section: OSSELTO_H_5_1, Plot Owner: STRICKER, WILLIAMSTRICKER, William, Buried: 11/30/1949, Age: 69, Section: OSSELTO_H_5_2, Plot Owner: STRICKER, WILLIAMSTROCK, John, Buried: 10-05-1948, Age: 70, Section: PARKER_292_4_2, Plot Owner: STROCK, MR. & MRS. JOHNSTROCK, Ruby, Buried: 05/14/1949, Age: 55, Section: PARKER_292_4_1, Plot Owner: STROCK, MR. & MRS.STROCK, Stanley, Buried: 04/16/1949, Age: 25, Section: PARKER_292_4_3, Plot Owner: STROCK, MR. & MRS. JOHNSTROUD, Doris, Buried: 04-10-2000, Age: 73, Section: OBLOCK_8_385_1, Plot Owner: STROUD, DORISSTROUD, Edith V., Buried: 04/13/1956, Age: 67, Section: BUNNING_112_7_3, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGESTROUD, James, Buried: 10/21/1938, Age: 68, Section: BUNNING_112_7_2, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGESTROUD, Mildred V., Buried: 11/17/2009, Age: 81, Section: BUNNING_112_7_1, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGESTROUD, William, Buried: 10-03-1946, Age: 92, Section: OSSELTO_L_4_1, Plot Owner: STROUD, ESTATE OF JC NEARERSTROUS, George, Buried: 07/19/1976, Age: 87, Section: EDGAR_82_17_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSTRUCK, David D., Buried: 01-08-2007, Age: 36, Section: KENDALL_129_2_2, Plot Owner: STRUCK, FAMILYSTRUCK, Freda T., Buried: 01/16/1991, Age: 81, Section: KENDALL_39_2_2, Plot Owner: STRUCK, FREDA T.STRUCK, George, Buried: 10/27/2015, Age: 83, Section: KENDALL_129_2_2, Plot Owner: STRUCK, FAMILYSTRUCK, William Ismal, Buried: 05/13/1946, Age: 42, Section: KENDALL_39_2_3, Plot Owner: STRUCK, WILLIAM ISMALSTRUM, William, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 5, Section: ODONNE_174_7_4, Plot Owner: STURM, HENRYSTUART, Archie, Buried: 01/31/1941, Age: 50, Section: JAMES_320_8_1, Plot Owner: STUART, MRS ARCHIESTUART, Edith, Buried: 12/31/1917, Age: 8, Section: LUDVIGS_252_8_4, Plot Owner: STUART, EDITHSTUART, Gretchen, Buried: 05/13/1989, Age: 85, Section: JAMES_330_3_3, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, WM BSTUART, Harry, Buried: 03-07-1931, Age: 33, Section: JAMES_343_1_4, Plot Owner: STEWART, JENNIESTUART, Jennie, Buried: 02/13/1933, Age: 63, Section: JAMES_343_1_2, Plot Owner: STEWART, JENNIESTUART, John, Buried: 07-09-1920, Age: 27, Section: PARKER_237_3_3, Plot Owner: STEWART, JANICESTUART, Mary, Buried: 01/17/1978, Age: 84, Section: JAMES_320_8_3, Plot Owner: STUART, MRS ARCHIESTUART, Peggy Lou, Buried: 04-03-1951, Age: 1, Section: JAMES_320_8_2, Plot Owner: STUART, MRS ARCHIESTUART, Robert M., Buried: 06-01-1974, Age: 72, Section: JAMES_330_3_4, Plot Owner: ANDERSON, WM BSTUBBLEEFIELD, Lee Vern, Buried: 04/25/1997, Age: 80, Section: EDGAR_65_5_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSTUBER, Verda E. Malo, Buried: 10-05-1991, Age: 72, Section: ROE_77_8_5, Plot Owner: STUBER, VERDA E. MALOSTUCKER, Frances R., Buried: 03/17/1972, Age: 71, Section: MUIR_403_34_3, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFSTUCKER, Glen W. (Red), Buried: 05/14/1992, Age: 62, Section: MUIR_403_33X_1, Plot Owner: STUCKER, GLEN W. (RED)STUCKER, Marguerite, Buried: 04/21/1992, Age: 89, Section: MUIR_403_34_2, Plot Owner: EAGLES, FRATERNAL ORDER OFSTUFF, Earl J, Buried: 09/19/1975, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_285_5_1, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS, UNITEDSTULL, Starla Jean, Buried: 05-05-1982, Age: 20, Section: WEST_7_249_1, Plot Owner: STULL, RAYFORD & JACKIESTULTZ, John D., Buried: 04-06-1954, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_217_2_2, Plot Owner: HIIBACKA, MRS IVERSTUPNIKAR, Anton, Buried: 07-08-1950, Age: 56, Section: KENDALL_40_1_2, Plot Owner: STUPNIKAR, ANTONSTURGEON, Dollie, Buried: 05/17/1956, Age: 50, Section: YOUNG_400_39_2, Plot Owner: DUBOIS, MRS JOHN HSTURGEON, Robert E, Buried: 04-02-1975, Age: 71, Section: YOUNG_400_39_1, Plot Owner: STURGEON, DOLLIESTURHOLM, George, Buried: 04-06-1981, Age: 69, Section: WEST_7_171_1, Plot Owner: STURHOLM, JOSEPHINESTURHOLM, Gustave, Buried: 09/28/1970, Age: 89, Section: ODONNE_222_4_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALASTURHOLM, Ingred, Buried: 09-07-1984, Age: 80, Section: ODONNE_222_4_2, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALASTURHOLM, Jennie, Buried: 04/27/1965, Age: 84, Section: ODONNE_222_4_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALASTURHOLM, Josephine, Buried: 03-07-2011, Age: 95, Section: WEST_7_170_1, Plot Owner: STURHOLM, JOSEPHINESTURHOLM, Laura M., Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 6, Section: ODONNE_222_7_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALASTURHOLM, Maria, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 59, Section: ODONNE_222_1_4, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALASTURHOLM, Martin G., Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_222_8_2, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALASTURHOLM, Sue Anne, Buried: 06/23/2003, Age: 54, Section: WEST_7_171_1, Plot Owner: STURHOLM, JOSEPHINESTURM, Christina, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 43, Section: LUDVIGS_229_4_2, Plot Owner: STURM, HENRYSTURM, Gus, Buried: 08/15/1937, Age: 58, Section: BUNNING_199_5_1, Plot Owner: LEWIS, JACKSONSTURM, Henry, Buried: 09/19/1943, Age: 79, Section: LUDVIGS_229_4_1, Plot Owner: STURM, HENRYSTURM, Margaret, Buried: 08/21/1913, Age: 35, Section: BUNNING_199_5_4, Plot Owner: LEWIS, JACKSONSTURM, Otto, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_174_7_3, Plot Owner: STURM, HENRYSTURM, Willie, Buried: 12-06-1904, Age: 9, Section: ODONNE_174_7_3, Plot Owner: STURM, HENRYSTURMAN, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_160_8_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERSTURMAN, Joe, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 14, Section: BUNNING_160_8_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERSTURMAN, John, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_160_8_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERSTURMAN, Martin J., Buried: 05/19/1956, Age: 78, Section: BUNNING_160_8_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERSTURMAN, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 41, Section: BUNNING_160_8_2, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERSUARZ, Odelon, Buried: 10-10-1933, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_269_4_4, Plot Owner: UNION 8078, LOCALSUBIC, August, Buried: 07/25/1968, Age: 61, Section: PARK_40_8_1, Plot Owner: SUBIC, AUGUSTSUBIC, August J., Buried: 03/23/1964, Age: 64, Section: WATAHA_9_6_1, Plot Owner: SUBIC, MRS. FRANKSUBIC, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1922, Age: 58, Section: WATAHA_9_5_1, Plot Owner: SUBIC, MRS. FRANKSUBIC, Jennie F., Buried: 10/26/1972, Age: 63, Section: WATAHA_5_54_1, Plot Owner: SUBIC, PAUL M.SUBIC, John Jr., Buried: 02/19/1955, Age: 49, Section: PARK_40_8_3, Plot Owner: SUBIC, JOHN JR.SUBIC, John Sr., Buried: 05/18/1959, Age: 77, Section: PARK_40_8_2, Plot Owner: SUBIC, JOHN SR.SUBIC, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1985, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_208_8_1, Plot Owner: CHEIVIK, JOSEPHINESUBIC, Katherine, Buried: 06/19/1962, Age: 95, Section: WATAHA_9_5_4, Plot Owner: SUBIC, MRS. FRANKSUBIC, Lilian, Buried: 04/28/1917, Age: 2, Section: PARK_40_8_4, Plot Owner: SUBIC, LILIANSUBIC, Mary R., Buried: 02-02-1971, Age: 74, Section: CROATIA_9_7_1, Plot Owner: JACKSON, JAMES RUSSELLSUBIC, Mary R., Buried: 02/22/1971, Age: 74, Section: WATAHA_9_6_4, Plot Owner: SUBIC, MRS. FRANKSUBIC, Paul M., Buried: 05-04-1981, Age: 77, Section: WATAHA_5_53_1, Plot Owner: SUBIC, PAUL M.SUBIC, Valentine, Buried: 12-07-1941, Age: 47, Section: KENDALL_28_7_3, Plot Owner: SUBIC, VALENTINESUBILLAGO, Johnie, Buried: 06/17/1923, Age: 0, Section: PARK_83_2_1, Plot Owner: SUBILLAGO, JOHNIESUBLETT, Mike S., Buried: 10-10-1941, Age: 53, Section: OSSELTO_338_4_4, Plot Owner: DALY, JOHN WILLIAMSUBLETT, Violet H., Buried: 04/17/1951, Age: 60, Section: OSSELTO_338_4_3, Plot Owner: DALY, JOHN WILLIAMSUCCO, Teresa Silva, Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 52, Section: NELSON_27_3_1, Plot Owner: SUCCO, TERESA SILVASUFTCO, William Carson, Buried: 09-10-2008, Age: 74, Section: EDGAR_64_9_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSUFTKO, Kathleen, Buried: 11-09-2015, Age: 44, Section: EDGAR_64_9_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSUGANO, Fusa, Buried: 05/25/2010, Age: 92, Section: LUDVIGS_299_8_3, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESESUGANO, William A., Buried: 01-11-1985, Age: 67, Section: LUDVIGS_299_8_4, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESESUKONEN, R. J., Buried: 01-11-1937, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_297_5_1, Plot Owner: KARVONEN, AUGUSTSULENTA, Andrew K., Buried: 02-01-1950, Age: 57, Section: CROATIA_10_8_1, Plot Owner: SULENTA, MRS. CARMELLASULENTA, Caroline N., Buried: 05-03-2012, Age: 81, Section: CROATIA_10_7_2, Plot Owner: SULENTA, MRS. CARMELLASULENTA, Joseph, Buried: 10/21/1966, Age: 83, Section: YOUNG_401_2_2, Plot Owner: MONUMENT CO, ROCK SPRINGSSULENTA, Marion, Buried: 07/28/1958, Age: 66, Section: YOUNG_401_2_4, Plot Owner: MONUMENT CO, ROCK SPRINGSSULENTA, Sima, Buried: 06/22/1968, Age: 82, Section: YOUNG_401_2_1, Plot Owner: MONUMENT CO, ROCK SPRINGSSULENTICH, Anna, Buried: 07-03-1989, Age: 89, Section: PARK_62_7_1, Plot Owner: SULENTICH, ANNASULENTICH, George T., Buried: 04/20/1956, Age: 20, Section: PARK_62_8_1, Plot Owner: SULENTICH, GEORGE T.SULENTICH, Ivan, Buried: 11-12-1918, Age: 40, Section: PARK_62_8_4, Plot Owner: SULENTICH, IVANSULENTICH, Joe, Buried: 04/17/1959, Age: 67, Section: PARK_62_7_3, Plot Owner: SULENTICH, JOESULENTICH, John, Buried: 11-03-1944, Age: 16, Section: PARK_62_8_2, Plot Owner: SULENTICH, JOHNSULENTICH, Nick, Buried: 06/28/1974, Age: 87, Section: PARK_62_7_2, Plot Owner: SULENTICH, NICKSULKKO, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 52, Section: ODONNE_115_8_2, Plot Owner: SULKKO, GUSSULLIVAN, Edmund F., Buried: 06/15/1977, Age: 72, Section: WATAHA_1_69_1, Plot Owner: SULLIVAN, EDMUND F.SULLIVAN, Mary L., Buried: 05/14/1988, Age: 79, Section: WATAHA_1_70_1, Plot Owner: SULLIVAN, EDMUND F.SUMBERG, Herald, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_114_8_4, Plot Owner: AMERICA, MODERN WOODMANSUMMERSCALES, Allen, Buried: 04/13/1953, Age: 62, Section: LUDVIGS_232_7_4, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESSUMNER, Betty, Buried: 08/25/2016, Age: 85, Section: EDGAR_65_6_3, Plot Owner: SUMNER, MRS. LEOSUMNER, Leo, Age: 87, Section: EDGAR_65_6_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSUNGREEN, Emma W., Buried: 12/17/1995, Age: 4, Section: BUNNING_155_5_3, Plot Owner: SUNDGREN, A CSUNGREEN, Oscar H., Buried: 05/17/1990, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_155_5_4, Plot Owner: SUNDGREN, A CSUO, Matti, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 42, Section: JAMES_365_6_4, Plot Owner: SOU, SAMSUREA, Lucy, Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 37, Section: BUNNING_161_6_4, Plot Owner: POTTER, MARIA & GSURIANO, Margaret, Buried: 10/21/1978, Age: 60, Section: WATAHA_1_A_1, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWNSURR, Joe, Buried: 06/15/1911, Age: 38, Section: LUDVIGS_257_8_2, Plot Owner: SURR, JOESURVIS, Jessie Belle, Buried: 07-12-1986, Age: 96, Section: WATAHA_6_52_1, Plot Owner: SURVIS, JOE & JESSIESURVIS, Joseph Wesley, Buried: 09-10-1972, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_6_51_1, Plot Owner: SURVIS, JOE & JESSIESUSICH, Anna B., Buried: 01-01-1986, Age: 71, Section: KENDALL_16_4_1, Plot Owner: SUSICH, ANNA B.SUSICH, Antonia, Buried: 01/19/1982, Age: 85, Section: WATAHA_5_78_1, Plot Owner: SUSICH, GEORGESUSICH, Dan, Buried: 01-01-1953, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_16_4_2, Plot Owner: SUSICH, DANSUSICH, Dominik, Buried: 05/15/1996, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_101_6_3, Plot Owner: SUSICH, DOMINIKSUSICH, George, Buried: 10-03-1972, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_5_77_1, Plot Owner: SUSICH, GEORGESUTTER, Nettie P., Buried: 03/17/1935, Age: 46, Section: OSSELTO_353_2_4, Plot Owner: SUTTER, WMSUTTON, Charles, Buried: 03/17/1985, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_158_7_1, Plot Owner: SUTTON, THOMASSUTTON, Flosie A., Buried: 02-07-1923, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_296_6_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, GEORGESUTTON, G., Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_158_7_4, Plot Owner: SUTTON, THOMASSUTTON, Robert Eugene, Buried: 07-09-1992, Age: 73, Section: EDGAR_82_8X_3, Plot Owner: MCINTOSH, MORGAN D.SUTTON, Stillborn, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_296_6_4, Plot Owner: SMITH, GEORGESUTTON, Tobitha, Age: 18, Section: BUNNING_158_8_2, Plot Owner: SUTTON, THOMASSWAN, A.W., Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 35, Section: ODONNE_198_8_1, Plot Owner: SWAN, P SSWANDER, Louise, Buried: 09-05-1917, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_182_7_2, Plot Owner: REVELL, WALTER H.SWANN, Judy Marie, Buried: 10/25/2005, Age: 56, Section: OBLOCK_8_631_1, Plot Owner: SWANN, DAVE & JUDYSWANSON, Algot, Buried: 08/18/1961, Age: 68, Section: YOUNG_424_20_5, Plot Owner: VASE, PETESWANSON, Anna L., Buried: 12/18/1958, Age: 68, Section: JAMES_348_1_4, Plot Owner: KNUDSEN, RASMUS ROBERTSWANSON, Baby, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_104_3_3, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGESWANSON, Charles, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 52, Section: ODONNE_189_5_2, Plot Owner: BPOE, ELKSSWANSON, Eric, Buried: 01-01-1901, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_366_7_3, Plot Owner: SWANSON, MRS MINNIESWANSON, Frank C., Buried: 05/23/1958, Age: 44, Section: YOUNG_401_17_2, Plot Owner: SWANSON, FRANK CSWANSON, Jennie, Buried: 11/30/1955, Age: 38, Section: YOUNG_401_17_1, Plot Owner: SWANSON, FRANK CSWANSON, Lawrence, Buried: 08-08-1911, Age: 21, Section: LUDVIGS_257_1_4, Plot Owner: SWANSON, LAWRENCESWANSON, Olga M., Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 2, Section: BUNNING_210_7_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, EAGLESWANSON, Peter, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 54, Section: JAMES_366_7_4, Plot Owner: SWANSON, MRS MINNIESWANSON, Swen, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_16X_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANSWANSTROM, Baby Of, Buried: 12/20/1932, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_306_6_2, Plot Owner: SWANSTROM, HARRY WSWEENEY, Agrene, Buried: 02-01-1975, Age: 85, Section: KENDALL_42_7_4, Plot Owner: SWEENEY, AGRENESWEENEY, Anna, Buried: 02/17/1975, Age: 84, Section: PARK_42_7_1, Plot Owner: SWEENEY, ANNASWEENEY, Barney, Buried: 11-09-2000, Age: 87, Section: PARK_42_7_3, Plot Owner: SWEENEY, BARNEYSWEENEY, Bernard, Buried: 01-01-1917, Age: 67, Section: PARK_42_8_4, Plot Owner: SWEENEY, BERNARDSWEENEY, Hugh, Buried: 11/29/1979, Age: 90, Section: PARK_42_7_2, Plot Owner: SWEENEY, HUGHSWEENEY, James, Buried: 07/20/1902, Age: 3, Section: PARK_89_1_3, Plot Owner: SWEENEY, JAMESSWEENEY, Margaret, Buried: 11/17/1970, Age: 75, Section: PARK_42_8_2, Plot Owner: SWEENEY, MARGARETSWEENEY, Mary, Buried: 03/30/1960, Age: 95, Section: PARK_42_8_3, Plot Owner: SWEENEY, MARYSWEENEY, Morgan J., Buried: 05/24/1946, Age: 46, Section: PARK_42_8_1, Plot Owner: SWEENEY, MORGAN J.SWEETS, Barbra Ann, Buried: 01-01-1964, Age: 30, Section: CROATIA_5_1_4, Plot Owner: SWEETS, BARBRA ANNSWEETS, Jacklyn C., Buried: 07-11-1959, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_400_29_1, Plot Owner: SWEETS, JACKLYN C.SWEETS, Robert Lee, Buried: 04/25/1970, Age: 17, Section: CROATIA_5_1_1, Plot Owner: SWEETS, BARBARA A.SWEITZER, Donna, Buried: 10/16/1934, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_236_2_4, Plot Owner: HARVEY, MRS JENNIESWENDLER, Ermma, Buried: 06/28/1929, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_265_6_2, Plot Owner: LUISELLEE, E FSWICK, Debra Ann, Buried: 10/13/2004, Age: 51, Section: OBLOCK_8_552_1, Plot Owner: SWICK, TOM & DEBRASWIM, Lt. Erma Packard Menghini, Buried: 08-07-1992, Age: 73, Section: KENDALL_45_7_2, Plot Owner: SWIM, LT. ERMA PACKARD MENGHINISWIRMEHON, George, Buried: 09/20/1920, Age: 1, Section: LUDVIGS_281_2_4, Plot Owner: SWIRMEHON, GEORGESYLVER, Marie, Buried: 01-01-1906, Age: 2, Section: BUNNING_210_3_4, Plot Owner: BELTORIEN, JUANSYME, Elmer G., Age: 4, Section: BUNNING_155_7_4, Plot Owner: SYMES, JAMESSYME, James B., Buried: 10/13/1910, Age: 79, Section: BUNNING_155_8_2, Plot Owner: SYMES, JAMESSYME, Janet L., Buried: 01-08-1979, Age: 95, Section: YOUNG_424_16_1, Plot Owner: SYME, MRS ROBERTSYME, Margaret, Age: 57, Section: BUNNING_155_8_3, Plot Owner: SYMES, JAMESSYME, Robert H., Buried: 11-10-1960, Age: 82, Section: YOUNG_424_16_2, Plot Owner: SYME, MRS ROBERTSYME, Wm., Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 12, Section: ODONNE_100_7_3, Plot Owner: FIRMAGE, JACKSYNDERGAARD, Harold B., Buried: 08/20/1985, Age: 61, Section: WEST_7_405_1, Plot Owner: SYNDERGAARD, HAROLDSYNDERGAARD, Helen, Buried: 11/18/2016, Age: 89, Section: WEST_7_404_1, Plot Owner: SYNDERGAARD, HAROLDSYNDERGAARD, John L., Buried: 09/26/2006, Age: 58, Section: WEST_7_407_1, Plot Owner: SYNDERGAARD, HELENSYNDERGAARD, John L., Buried: 09/26/2006, Age: 58, Section: WEST_7_407_1, Plot Owner: SYNDERGAARD, HELENSYNDERGAARD, Peggy R., Buried: 08/20/2002, Age: 56, Section: WEST_7_406_1, Plot Owner: SYNDERGAARD, HAROLD BERTSYNDERGAARD, Peggy R., Buried: 08/30/2002, Age: 56, Section: WEST_7_406_1, Plot Owner: SYNDERGAARD, HAROLD BERTSYNTYI, Inka M., Buried: 01-01-1901, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_225_3_2, Plot Owner: HAVALA, AUDRASYNTYI, Wil Jam R., Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_225_3_1, Plot Owner: HAVALA, AUDRATABONI, Adeline, Buried: 04/27/1933, Age: 52, Section: OSSELTO_340_4_3, Plot Owner: TABONI, TOMTABONI, Tom, Buried: 09/29/1948, Age: 71, Section: OSSELTO_340_4_1, Plot Owner: TABONI, TOMTABUCHI, Agnes Sunada, Buried: 01/27/2007, Age: 83, Section: LUDVIGS_299_1_2, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESETABUCHI, Alanna Rae, Buried: 01/23/1951, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_299_1_1, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESETABUCHI, Yoshio, Buried: 02-11-1988, Age: 70, Section: LUDVIGS_299_1_3, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESETADEVIC, Sophia, Buried: 01-01-1949, Age: 54, Section: NELSON_101_6_1, Plot Owner: TADEVIC, SOPHIATADEVIC, Victor, Buried: 01-01-1935, Age: 40, Section: NELSON_101_6_4, Plot Owner: TADEVIC, VICTORTAGART, John, Buried: 01-12-1990, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_157_8_3, Plot Owner: TAGART, JOHNTAGGART, Barney, Buried: 12/14/1952, Age: 88, Section: PARK_33_1_1, Plot Owner: TAGGART, BARNEYTAGUIRSE, Fred, Buried: 01/28/1926, Age: 40, Section: JAMES_347_8_1, Plot Owner: CHILDERS, FREDTAHARA, Tom, Buried: 08/18/1938, Age: 53, Section: LUDVIGS_278_5_1, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESETAKATA, K., Buried: 01-01-1906, Section: LUDVIGS_276_8_3, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESETALIAFERRO, Anne Ramsay, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 0, Section: ROE_69_12_5, Plot Owner: TALIAFERRO, ANNE RAMSAYTALIAFERRO, Arthur Lee, Buried: 07-03-1947, Age: 45, Section: ROE_69_11_4, Plot Owner: TALIAFERRO, MRS T STALIAFERRO, Eugenia, Buried: 07/25/1989, Age: 82, Section: ROE_69_12_1, Plot Owner: TALIAFERRO, MRS T STALIAFERRO, Harriotte Lee "Hallie", Buried: 01/28/1976, Age: 65, Section: ROE_69_12_1, Plot Owner: TALIAFERRO, MRS T STALIAFERRO, Lucy Ramsay, Buried: 10/16/1953, Age: 81, Section: ROE_69_12_2, Plot Owner: TALIAFERRO, LUCY RAMSAYTALIAFERRO, Thomas Seddon Jr., , Buried: 08/20/1940, Age: 76, Section: ROE_69_12_3, Plot Owner: TALIAFERRO, MRS T STALIAFERRO, Virginia Lee, Buried: 08-03-1910, Age: 1, Section: ROE_69_12_4, Plot Owner: TALIAFERRO, VIRGINIA LEETAMKES, Leo, Buried: 02/13/1905, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_108_3_1, Plot Owner: TAMKES, LEOTANAKA, Kerry, Buried: 04-08-1991, Age: 37, Section: LUDVIGS_278_2_3, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESETANAKA, Shigeichi, Buried: 01-01-1923, Section: LUDVIGS_278_4_3, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESETANAKA, Shigeyuki, Buried: 03-10-1966, Age: 85, Section: LUDVIGS_278_3_4, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESETANAKA, Takayuki, Buried: 06/22/2013, Age: 89, Section: LUDVIGS_278_2_4, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESETANAKA, Takeyo, Buried: 05/23/1993, Age: 94, Section: LUDVIGS_278_3_3, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESETANNER, Keith Owen, Age: 62, Section: EDGAR_65_12_1, Plot Owner: GURAK, EDMUNDTANNER, Leslie G., Buried: 11-11-2002, Age: 75, Section: LAUZER_421_34_2, Plot Owner: TANNER, LULA MTANNER, Lula M., Buried: 02-11-2015, Age: 90, Section: LAUZER_421_34_1, Plot Owner: TANNER, LULA MTAPIA, Rosa Gonzales, Buried: 08/16/2012, Age: 36, Section: ANDERSO_9_B_34, Plot Owner: TAPIA, ROSA GONZALESTARDONI, Frank, Buried: 01/22/1955, Age: 71, Section: PARK_121_4_2, Plot Owner: TARDONI, FRANKTARDONI, Joe, Buried: 12-09-2002, Age: 82, Section: PARK_121_4_3, Plot Owner: TARDONI, JOETARDONI, Josephine, Buried: 11/17/1979, Age: 96, Section: PARK_121_4_1, Plot Owner: TARDONI, JOSEPHINETARDONI, Mary Jane, Buried: 12/18/1974, Age: 49, Section: PARK_121_4_4, Plot Owner: TARDONI, MARY JANETARKINGTON, Chester Lee Sr., , Buried: 10/22/1964, Age: 53, Section: YOUNG_400_30_2, Plot Owner: TARKINGTON, MRS CHESTER LTARKINGTON, Gertrude Ruthie, Buried: 06/23/1982, Age: 67, Section: YOUNG_400_30_1, Plot Owner: TARKINGTON, MRS CHESTER LTARNO, Ida, Buried: 01/28/1995, Age: 70, Section: WEST_7_201_1, Plot Owner: TARNO, IDATARRIS, Andrew Jr., Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 53, Section: PARK_39_7_2, Plot Owner: TARRIS, ANDREW JR.TARRIS, Andrew Sr., , Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 81, Section: NELSON_102_1_1, Plot Owner: TARRIS SR., ANDREWTARRIS, Ann M., Buried: 09/25/1990, Age: 79, Section: NELSON_102_2_2, Plot Owner: TARRIS, ANN M.TARRIS, Anna, Buried: 09/27/1969, Age: 80, Section: PARK_39_7_3, Plot Owner: TARRIS, ANNATARRIS, George M., Buried: 11/18/1982, Age: 65, Section: EDGAR_64_6_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANTARRIS, John, Buried: 12/17/1945, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_64_6_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANTARRIS, John J., Buried: 01-03-1979, Age: 56, Section: EDGAR_64_4_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANTARRIS, John M., Buried: 11-09-1948, Age: 42, Section: NELSON_102_2_1, Plot Owner: TARRIS, JOHN M.TARRIS, Josephine, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 1, Section: PARK_39_7_1, Plot Owner: JACKSON, HELEN TARRISTARRIS, Katherine Marie, Buried: 01-01-1938, Age: 2, Section: NELSON_102_1_3, Plot Owner: TARRIS, KATHERINE MARIETARRIS, Louise A., Buried: 03/28/2006, Age: 95, Section: WATAHA_4_88_1, Plot Owner: TARRIS, STEPHEN & LOUISETARRIS, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 73, Section: NELSON_102_1_4, Plot Owner: TARRIS, MARYTARRIS, Michael J., Buried: 01-01-1965, Age: 65, Section: NELSON_102_2_4, Plot Owner: TARRIS, MICHAEL J.TARRIS, Stephen, Buried: 11/19/1987, Age: 73, Section: WATAHA_4_87_1, Plot Owner: TARRIS, STEPHEN & LOUISETARTER, Donato, Buried: 04/18/1969, Age: 81, Section: NELSON_53_1_3, Plot Owner: TARTER, UNKNOWNTARTER, George, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 7, Section: NELSON_53_1_1, Plot Owner: TARTER, UNKNOWNTARTER, Maria, Buried: 08/24/1962, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_53_1_4, Plot Owner: TARTER, UNKNOWNTARTER, Raymond "Remo", Buried: 09/20/1989, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_53_1X_1, Plot Owner: TARTER, RAYMOND "REMO"TARTER, Rena L., Buried: 06/13/2001, Age: 83, Section: NELSON_53_1X_2, Plot Owner: TARTER, RAYMOND "REMO"TARUFELLI, Carlo J., Buried: 12-11-2000, Age: 68, Section: OBLOCK_8_92_1, Plot Owner: TARUFELLI, CARLO & LOUISETARUFELLI, Catherine L., Buried: 08-02-1993, Age: 59, Section: OBLOCK_8_91_1, Plot Owner: TARUFELLI, CARLO & LOUISETARUFELLI, Geno, Buried: 09/14/2001, Age: 88, Section: OBLOCK_8_521_1, Plot Owner: TARUFELLI, ENO & MARTHATARUFELLI, Josephine, Buried: 01/18/2013, Age: 77, Section: KENDALL_46_4_1, Plot Owner: BERTAGNOLLI, CORRADO F.TARUFELLI, Mario Lee, Buried: 07-10-1993, Age: 0, Section: OBLOCK_8_90_1, Plot Owner: TARUFELLI, RON & LISATARUFELLI, Martha, Buried: 07/19/2004, Age: 84, Section: OBLOCK_8_522_1, Plot Owner: TARUFELLI, ENO & MARTHATASSART, Hipolyte, Buried: 09/29/1964, Age: 79, Section: JAMES_366_5_2, Plot Owner: LASSART, H PTASSART, Jeannie, Buried: 03/14/1939, Age: 59, Section: JAMES_366_5_3, Plot Owner: BEKAKIN, PETETASSART, Marcel, Buried: 11/20/1932, Age: 12, Section: JAMES_366_5_1, Plot Owner: LASSART, H PTATE, Charolette, Age: 89, Section: PARK_31_3_2, Plot Owner: TATE, CHARLES "CHUCK"TATE, Elizabeth "Betty", Buried: 10/14/1986, Age: 68, Section: WEST_7_457_1, Plot Owner: TATE, FLOYD W.TATE, Floyd "Tim", Buried: 04-05-1989, Age: 73, Section: WEST_7_458_1, Plot Owner: TATE, FLOYD W.TATE, Joann, Buried: 01/22/2016, Age: 74, Section: PARK_31_3_3, Plot Owner: TATE, CHARLES "CHUCK"TATE, Paul M, Buried: 05/19/2016, Age: 0, Section: PARK_31_3_2, Plot Owner: TATE, CHARLES "CHUCK"TATEYAMA, Yeikuma, Buried: 01/23/1951, Age: 71, Section: LUDVIGS_278_5_3, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, JAPANESETATMAN, Frank W., Buried: 02/14/1956, Age: 83, Section: YOUNG_400_40_4, Plot Owner: TATMAN, MRS FRANK WMTATMAN, Frank W., Buried: 01/26/2000, Age: 70, Section: YOUNG_400_40X_4, Plot Owner: TATMAN, ROBERTTATMAN, Mary E., Buried: 10/30/1985, Age: 92, Section: YOUNG_400_40_3, Plot Owner: TATMAN, MRS FRANK WMTATMAN, Robert, Buried: 06/25/2016, Age: 85, Section: YOUNG_400_40X_3, Plot Owner: TATMAN, ROBERTTATRO, Darell D., Buried: 10/27/1961, Age: 32, Section: ODONNE_189_3_1, Plot Owner: TATRO, DARELL D.TAUCAR, Jakob, Buried: 07-03-1910, Age: 31, Section: PARK_103_1_1, Plot Owner: TAUCAR, JAKOBTAUCHER, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1962, Age: 45, Section: CROATIA_8_7_1, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, ANTONTAUCHER, Anton Sr., Buried: 01-01-1952, Age: 60, Section: KENDALL_44_4_4, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, ANTON SR.TAUCHER, Arthur V., Buried: 01/24/2009, Age: 92, Section: KENDALL_45_8X_1, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, ART & ELSIETAUCHER, Ben Bosco, Buried: 12-11-1991, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_34_6_2, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, BEN BOSCOTAUCHER, Blas, Buried: 10/15/1952, Age: 71, Section: NELSON_100_5_3, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, BLASTAUCHER, C.M. "Katie", Buried: 06-05-1983, Age: 73, Section: NELSON_100_5_1, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, C.M. "KATIE"TAUCHER, Catherine, Age: 72, Section: ODONNE_100_5_4, Plot Owner: LEWIS, BENTAUCHER, Child, Buried: 07/14/1996, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_151_8_3, Plot Owner: LANDER, WILLIAMTAUCHER, Christine Tina, Buried: 02-11-2002, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_34_6_3, Plot Owner: ABEYTA, JOSEPH E.TAUCHER, David A., Buried: 02-09-2011, Age: 55, Section: CROATIA_12_1X_1, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, DAVID A.TAUCHER, Edward T., Buried: 06/30/1951, Age: 31, Section: PARK_106_7_2, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, EDWARD T.TAUCHER, Elsie, Buried: 09/16/1941, Age: 27, Section: KENDALL_44_4_3, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, ELSIETAUCHER, Felix, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 36, Section: NELSON_67_1_2, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, FELIXTAUCHER, Frances Jean, Buried: 01/25/1946, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_34_6_1, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, FRANCES JEANTAUCHER, Frank, Buried: 11/17/1955, Age: 67, Section: PARK_110_2_3, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, JOSEPHINETAUCHER, Frank J., Buried: 05/19/1977, Age: 66, Section: NELSON_100_5_2, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, FRANK J.TAUCHER, George, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 67, Section: PARK_87_6_3, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, GEORGETAUCHER, Gladys V. Shriver, Buried: 11/15/2001, Age: 93, Section: KENDALL_27_4_3, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, GLADYS V. SHRIVERTAUCHER, Jacob, Buried: 04/27/1968, Age: 81, Section: PARK_79_1_1, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, JACOBTAUCHER, John, Buried: 05-06-2013, Age: 97, Section: KENDALL_44_6_1, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, MRS JOSEPHINETAUCHER, John G. "Johnnie", Buried: 01-01-1943, Age: 34, Section: KENDALL_27_4_2, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, JOHN G. "JOHNNIE"TAUCHER, John L., Buried: 02/17/1989, Age: 81, Section: KENDALL_B_15_2, Plot Owner: KOZOLA, MARTHATAUCHER, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 0, Section: CROATIA_8_7_2, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, JOSEPHTAUCHER, Josephine, Buried: 10/18/1973, Age: 103, Section: KENDALL_44_6_2, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, JOSEPHINETAUCHER, Katherina, Buried: 09/22/1959, Age: 90, Section: PARK_87_6_4, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, KATHERINATAUCHER, Katherine, Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 48, Section: NELSON_100_5_4, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, KATHERINETAUCHER, Leonard, Buried: 09/30/2009, Section: OBLOCK_8_77_1, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, LEONARD & MILDREDTAUCHER, Louis, Buried: 12/27/1944, Age: 65, Section: PARK_106_8_1, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, LOUISTAUCHER, Marlene, Buried: 01-10-2014, Age: 76, Section: COLUMB_EAST_1_10, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, GLENNTAUCHER, Mary, Buried: 06/17/1987, Section: UNKNOWN_1_1_1, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNTAUCHER, Mary, Buried: 05/29/1947, Age: 48, Section: PARK_79_1_2, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, MARYTAUCHER, Mary, Buried: 01/31/1946, Age: 66, Section: PARK_106_8_2, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, MARYTAUCHER, Mary, Buried: 03-07-1961, Age: 87, Section: PARK_113_6_3, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, MARYTAUCHER, Mary, Buried: 09-03-1996, Age: 102, Section: KENDALL_44_4_2, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, MARYTAUCHER, Mary K., Buried: 06/17/1987, Age: 82, Section: PARK_126_30_2, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, URBAN F.TAUCHER, Maxine F., Buried: 03/17/2006, Age: 84, Section: KENDALL_B_15_3, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, MAXINE F.TAUCHER, Michael, Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 68, Section: NELSON_100_6_3, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, MICHAELTAUCHER, Michael Raymond, Buried: 08-10-2005, Age: 52, Section: KENDALL_34_6_4, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, MICHAEL RAYMONDTAUCHER, Mildred Lynn, Buried: 07-07-2005, Age: 75, Section: OBLOCK_8_78_1, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, LEONARD & MILDREDTAUCHER, Nelson, Buried: 02/24/2007, Age: 51, Section: KENDALL_B_15_2, Plot Owner: KOZOLA, MARTHATAUCHER, Uraban, Buried: 08-02-1956, Age: 82, Section: PARK_113_6_2, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, URABANTAUCHER, Urban F., Buried: 08/29/1968, Age: 64, Section: PARK_126_30_1, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, URBAN F.TAUCHER, Wallace George, Buried: 07/19/2007, Age: 80, Section: KENDALL_27_4_1, Plot Owner: TAUCHER, WALLACE GEORGETAUCHER LINDSEY, Elizabeth, Buried: 01-01-1998, Age: 76, Section: CROATIA_8_7_3, Plot Owner: LINDSEY, ELIZABETHTAYLOR, Baby, Buried: 03-08-1951, Age: 0, Section: ROE_70_18_3, Plot Owner: 2328, LOCALTAYLOR, Bernard A., Buried: 05/26/1982, Age: 47, Section: WEST_7_259_1, Plot Owner: TAYLOR, MELVATAYLOR, Charles, Buried: 01-08-1946, Age: 69, Section: OSSELTO_308_2_1, Plot Owner: TAYLOR, CHARLES MTAYLOR, F. O., Buried: 02/19/1906, Age: 23, Section: ODONNE_212_7_4, Plot Owner: HOWELL, CCTAYLOR, Frank, Buried: 08/19/1920, Age: 70, Section: PARKER_237_3_1, Plot Owner: TAYLOR, FRANKTAYLOR, Frank Child, Buried: 11/21/1905, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_126_4_3, Plot Owner: DUNSMORE, JOHNTAYLOR, Jesse G., Buried: 10/23/1982, Age: 81, Section: YOUNG_400_20_5, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERTAYLOR, Jessie White, Buried: 08/14/1982, Age: 90, Section: ROE_69_5_4, Plot Owner: TALIAFERRO, MRS T STAYLOR, John, Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 61, Section: BUNNING_111_5_3, Plot Owner: TAYLOR, MRS JOHNTAYLOR, John W. Jr., , Buried: 06-02-1944, Age: 67, Section: ROE_69_5_3, Plot Owner: TALIAFERRO, MRS T STAYLOR, John Walker, Buried: 10/19/1965, Age: 74, Section: ROE_69_5_5, Plot Owner: TAYLOR JR., JOHN W.TAYLOR, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 4, Section: OSSELTO_308_2_2, Plot Owner: TAYLOR, CHARLES MTAYLOR, Mary, Buried: 06-03-1971, Age: 86, Section: BUNNING_111_5_2, Plot Owner: TAYLOR, MRS JOHNTAYLOR, Mary Walk Tait, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 65, Section: BUNNING_111_5_4, Plot Owner: TAYLOR, MRS JOHNTAYLOR, Nina, Buried: 01/13/1965, Age: 82, Section: YOUNG_400_20_4, Plot Owner: VASE, PETERTAYLOR, Robert, Buried: 09/25/1938, Age: 30, Section: LUDVIGS_255_3_1, Plot Owner: MULLEN, ESTHER T.TAYLOR, Robert, Buried: 05/25/1938, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_354_2_1, Plot Owner: TAYLOR, V JTAYLOR, Steve, Buried: 06/18/2014, Age: 54, Section: OBLOCK_8_581_1, Plot Owner: TAYLOR FAMILY, NORMATEBEDO, Oliver "Bud", Buried: 02/27/2015, Age: 84, Section: EDGAR_65_14_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANTEDROW, Margaret E., Buried: 01/24/1953, Age: 59, Section: PARK_109_3_3, Plot Owner: TEDROW, MARGARET E.TEDROW, Steve, Buried: 04-05-1958, Age: 72, Section: YOUNG_400_36_5, Plot Owner: TEDROW, STEVETEIG, Bernice, Buried: 06/30/1993, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_1_1_1, Plot Owner: TEIG, BERNICETEKERA, T. E. Child Of, Buried: 11/13/1918, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_245_8_1, Plot Owner: TEKERA, CHILD OF T. E.TELCK, Barbara J., Buried: 06-03-2009, Age: 72, Section: WEST_7_558_1, Plot Owner: TELCK, BARBARA J.TELCK, Henry J., Buried: 05-06-1997, Age: 66, Section: OBLOCK_8_299_1, Plot Owner: TELCK, NORMA H.TELCK, Henry W., Buried: 08/25/1976, Age: 64, Section: YOUNG_401_14_2, Plot Owner: TELCK, MRS WILLIAM VTELCK, Lola Vaun, Buried: 05-11-2012, Age: 97, Section: YOUNG_401_14_1, Plot Owner: TELCK, MRS WILLIAM VTELCK, Mary, Buried: 01/26/1959, Age: 66, Section: YOUNG_401_14_3, Plot Owner: TELCK, MRS WILLIAM VTELCK, Norma H., Buried: 08-11-1999, Age: 85, Section: OBLOCK_8_300_1, Plot Owner: TELCK, NORMA H.TELCK, Richard W., Buried: 10/21/1989, Age: 58, Section: WEST_7_559_1, Plot Owner: TELCK, BARBARA J.TELCK, William V., Buried: 04/16/1955, Age: 68, Section: YOUNG_401_14_4, Plot Owner: TELCK, MRS WILLIAM VTELFORD, Robert Richard, Buried: 02/13/1945, Age: 8, Section: NELSON_92_3_1, Plot Owner: TELFORD, ROBERT RICHARDTEMPERINI, Elisa, Buried: 06-12-1993, Age: 91, Section: PARK_123_2_3, Plot Owner: TEMPERINI, GOETANOTEMPERINI, Frances, Buried: 12/29/2004, Age: 84, Section: PARK_123_5_3, Plot Owner: TEMPERINI, FRANCESTEMPERINI, Goetano, Buried: 01-04-1955, Age: 62, Section: PARK_123_2_2, Plot Owner: TEMPERINI, GOETANOTEMPERINI, Mario, Buried: 09-10-2011, Age: 86, Section: PARK_123_5_2, Plot Owner: TEMPERINI, FRANCESTENNANT, Johanna, Buried: 11/13/1962, Age: 69, Section: BUNNING_177_7_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERTENNANT, John, Buried: 10/24/1943, Age: 53, Section: BUNNING_177_7_4, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERTENNAR, Della Mrs, Buried: 03-01-1945, Age: 56, Section: OSSELTO_E_3_1, Plot Owner: TENNAR, OMARTERRY, Emanuel A., Buried: 10/18/1924, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_291_7_3, Plot Owner: TERRY, EMANUELTERRY, Lillie, Buried: 10/13/1924, Age: 36, Section: PARKER_291_7_4, Plot Owner: TERRY, EMANUELTESEN, Steve, Buried: 02/16/1941, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_B1_5_3, Plot Owner: TESEN, STEVETESLICH, Daniel, Buried: 01-01-1978, Age: 86, Section: LUDVIGS_232_5_4, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESTESLICH, Julia, Buried: 04-06-1936, Age: 34, Section: LUDVIGS_232_5_3, Plot Owner: FOE, EAGLESTETERS, Amelia, Buried: 06/18/1977, Age: 97, Section: OSSELTO_E_5_1, Plot Owner: BRISTOL, HARRY JTETERS, Charles, Buried: 01/13/1945, Age: 70, Section: OSSELTO_E_5_2, Plot Owner: BRISTOL, HARRY JTEVINI, Guido, Buried: 01-01-1935, Age: 60, Section: WATAHA_H_5_3, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIATEVRUS, Alex Christee, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_177_1_3, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERTHARPS, Lethey, Buried: 05-04-1901, Age: 15, Section: BUNNING_210_8_4, Plot Owner: THARPS, LETHEYTHAYER, Dwight M., Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 81, Section: BUNNING_159_8_1, Plot Owner: THAYER, DWIGHT MTHAYER, Hazel Alice, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_159_1_1, Plot Owner: THAYER, DWIGHT MTHAYER, Henrietta E., Buried: 01-01-1923, Age: 74, Section: BUNNING_159_8_2, Plot Owner: THAYER, DWIGHT MTHELEN, John P., Buried: 10/22/2004, Age: 79, Section: WEST_7_288_1, Plot Owner: THELEN, JOHN P.THELEN, John P., Buried: 10/22/2004, Age: 79, Section: WEST_7_288_1, Plot Owner: THELEN, JOHN P.THELEN, Viola A., Buried: 11-01-1982, Age: 49, Section: WEST_7_287_1, Plot Owner: THELEN, JOHN P.THEROS, John, Buried: 10-08-1949, Age: 60, Section: ROE_77_2_5, Plot Owner: THEROS, MRS J NTHEVIL, Arthur, Buried: 06/30/1939, Age: 52, Section: ODONNE_219_4_3, Plot Owner: SATHER, ROYTHEVIL, Irene, Buried: 07-09-1991, Age: 95, Section: ODONNE_219_4_2, Plot Owner: SATHER, ROYTHIENPON, Elizabeth A., Buried: 11/21/1943, Age: 55, Section: OSSELTO_C_3_1, Plot Owner: THIENPON, ELIZABETH A.THIENPON, Raymond V., Buried: 03/31/1975, Age: 58, Section: OSSELTO_C_3_2, Plot Owner: THIENPON, ELIZABETH A.THOMAS, Anna, Buried: 07-11-1996, Age: 86, Section: NELSON_20_2_4, Plot Owner: THOMAS, ANNATHOMAS, Anna J., Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 60, Section: ODONNE_220_7_2, Plot Owner: THOMAS, THOMAS HTHOMAS, Anna Marie, Buried: 08/29/1934, Age: 70, Section: PARKER_245_1_2, Plot Owner: THOMAS JR., HUGHTHOMAS, Catherine, Buried: 03/13/1905, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_198_4_4, Plot Owner: THOMAS, HUGHTHOMAS, Child Of Thomas, Buried: 04/19/1911, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_220_7_2, Plot Owner: THOMAS, THOMAS HTHOMAS, Connie, Age: 0, Section: OBLOCK_8_303_1, Plot Owner: THOMAS, CONNIETHOMAS, Corp'l F. A., Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_136_8_4, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFTHOMAS, David, Buried: 08/31/2006, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_29_8X_3, Plot Owner: THOMAS, AVID & PATRICIATHOMAS, David G., Buried: 02-10-1935, Age: 78, Section: PARKER_244_5_3, Plot Owner: THOMAS, D GTHOMAS, David John, Buried: 04-10-1939, Age: 72, Section: JAMES_350_1_3, Plot Owner: THOMAS, D JTHOMAS, Elizabeth E., Buried: 05/28/1920, Age: 50, Section: PARKER_244_5_2, Plot Owner: THOMAS, D GTHOMAS, Ellsworth, Buried: 10-02-1956, Age: 62, Section: JAMES_350_2_1, Plot Owner: THOMAS, D JTHOMAS, Ellsworth, Buried: 10-05-1956, Age: 66, Section: PARK_126_17_1, Plot Owner: WRIGHT, MILDREDTHOMAS, Elmerta, Buried: 05-11-1956, Age: 53, Section: OSSELTO_355_6_3, Plot Owner: CAREY, FREDTHOMAS, Ervin, Buried: 05-05-1921, Age: 10, Section: LUDVIGS_280_1_4, Plot Owner: THOMAS, ERVINTHOMAS, Evan, Buried: 02/19/1946, Age: 46, Section: KENDALL_22_8_1, Plot Owner: THOMAS, EVANTHOMAS, Evanthia E., Buried: 08/26/1974, Age: 78, Section: ROE_77_14_3, Plot Owner: THOMAS, MRS NICKTHOMAS, Frances "Tanny", Buried: 10-12-1994, Age: 83, Section: MUIR_402_46_3, Plot Owner: THOMAS, FRANCES "TANNY"THOMAS, Harry, Buried: 08-10-2011, Age: 82, Section: ROE_77_14_2, Plot Owner: THOMAS, MRS NICKTHOMAS, Hope, Buried: 11/17/2014, Age: 86, Section: ROE_77_14_1, Plot Owner: THOMAS, MRS NICKTHOMAS, Hugh, Buried: 01-02-1919, Age: 55, Section: PARKER_245_1_1, Plot Owner: THOMAS, HUGHTHOMAS, James, Buried: 06/17/1969, Age: 88, Section: PARKER_259_2_3, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITEDTHOMAS, James D., Buried: 09-12-1953, Age: 50, Section: MUIR_402_46_4, Plot Owner: THOMAS, FRANCES "TANNY"THOMAS, John Wesley, Buried: 01/26/1907, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_101_8_1, Plot Owner: ARMSTRONG, MAY M.THOMAS, Kathyrn H., Buried: 06/18/1986, Age: 68, Section: WEST_7_440_1, Plot Owner: THOMAS, W.D. & MRS. W DTHOMAS, Kay Irene, Buried: 04-05-1980, Age: 60, Section: ROE_77_14_5, Plot Owner: THOMAS, MRS NICKTHOMAS, Maria, Buried: 09/28/1932, Age: 77, Section: OSSELTO_361_5_2, Plot Owner: THOMAS, WILFREDTHOMAS, Mary, Buried: 05/22/1993, Age: 91, Section: KENDALL_22_8_2, Plot Owner: THOMAS, MARYTHOMAS, Mary A., Buried: 01-01-1932, Age: 78, Section: PARK_35_2_4, Plot Owner: THOMAS, MARY A.THOMAS, Mary Ann, Buried: 11/14/1929, Age: 60, Section: JAMES_350_1_2, Plot Owner: THOMAS, D JTHOMAS, Mary M., Buried: 04/27/1967, Age: 62, Section: PARK_126_17_2, Plot Owner: WRIGHT, MILDREDTHOMAS, Matthew, Buried: 10-04-1993, Age: 85, Section: NELSON_20_2_3, Plot Owner: THOMAS, MATTHEWTHOMAS, Nick G., Buried: 08-02-1948, Age: 64, Section: ROE_77_14_4, Plot Owner: THOMAS, MRS NICKTHOMAS, Rosanna Starr, Buried: 05/28/1997, Age: 14, Section: OBLOCK_8_301_1, Plot Owner: THOMAS, MRS. CONNIETHOMAS, Thomas, Buried: 01/15/1941, Age: 53, Section: OSSELTO_355_6_4, Plot Owner: CAREY, FREDTHOMAS, Thomas, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 53, Section: JAMES_323_5_1, Plot Owner: THOMAS, THOMASTHOMAS, Thomas Baby Of, Buried: 06/19/1915, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_220_7_1, Plot Owner: THOMAS, THOMAS HTHOMAS, Thomas H., Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 60, Section: ODONNE_220_7_3, Plot Owner: THOMAS, THOMAS HTHOMAS, Timothy, Buried: 08/13/1933, Age: 31, Section: JAMES_350_1_1, Plot Owner: THOMAS, D JTHOMAS, Verna, Buried: 10/14/1928, Age: 15, Section: OSSELTO_362_5_4, Plot Owner: THOMAS, VERNATHOMAS, Wm. Donald, Buried: 09-12-2002, Age: 76, Section: WEST_7_441_1, Plot Owner: MANNING, WM. B.THOMAS, Wm. Donald, Buried: 01-10-1930, Age: 76, Section: OSSELTO_361_5_1, Plot Owner: THOMAS, WILFREDTHOMASON, Albert Jr., , Buried: 07/21/2007, Age: 45, Section: CROATIA_L_1X_4, Plot Owner: THOMASON, ROBERTTHOMASON, James W., Buried: 02/25/1953, Age: 34, Section: MUIR_402_12_4, Plot Owner: THOMASON, MRS JAMESTHOMPSEN, Elizabeth, Buried: 06/24/1964, Age: 89, Section: BUNNING_103_8_1, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD #48, DANISHTHOMPSON, Amber Joy, Buried: 06/29/1989, Age: 12, Section: YOUNG_400_9X_4, Plot Owner: THOMPSON, DALE & BARBARATHOMPSON, Baby, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_112_8_3, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGETHOMPSON, Caroline M., Buried: 02-12-1975, Age: 86, Section: ROE_70_15_2, Plot Owner: THOMPSON, WILLIAM D.THOMPSON, Earl, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_140_6_2, Plot Owner: THOMPSON, EARLTHOMPSON, Ellsworth, Buried: 10/27/1935, Age: 23, Section: PARKER_268_1_4, Plot Owner: LOCAL UNION #2, 3831, 2309, 908 & 2282THOMPSON, George, Buried: 01-01-1902, Age: 34, Section: ODONNE_91_4_4, Plot Owner: REDRIDERS, LODGE #5IOTHOMPSON, George Jr., , Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 4, Section: ODONNE_91_4_3, Plot Owner: REDRIDERS, LODGE #5IOTHOMPSON, Isabelle, Buried: 01-01-1919, Age: 29, Section: BUNNING_112_8_2, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGETHOMPSON, Isabelle, Buried: 01-01-1920, Age: 73, Section: BUNNING_112_1_4, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGETHOMPSON, J. E. Mrs., Buried: 12-11-1994, Age: 52, Section: BUNNING_199_6_4, Plot Owner: LEWIS, JACKSONTHOMPSON, Joseph, Buried: 01-01-1924, Age: 78, Section: BUNNING_112_1_3, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGETHOMPSON, Joseph Jr., , Buried: 05/23/1930, Age: 58, Section: JAMES_301_2_3, Plot Owner: HENNESKI, MARY GTHOMPSON, Joshia, Buried: 12/31/1920, Age: 72, Section: BUNNING_134_6_3, Plot Owner: GRACE, GERALD JTHOMPSON, Joshua, Buried: 08/20/2013, Age: 23, Section: EDGAR_65_20_3, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANTHOMPSON, Nan Leslie, Buried: 11-09-1975, Age: 76, Section: JAMES_323_1_3, Plot Owner: STENHOUSE, MRS. ANDREWTHOMPSON, Nathan, Buried: 07/18/1907, Age: 25, Section: ODONNE_140_6_1, Plot Owner: THOMPSON, EARLTHOMPSON, Nathan, Buried: 07/18/2007, Age: 25, Section: ODONNE_140_6_1, Plot Owner: THOMPSON, EARLTHOMPSON, Paul H., Buried: 05/21/1997, Age: 74, Section: YOUNG_400_9X_3, Plot Owner: THOMPSON, DALETHOMPSON, Rachel, Buried: 12/22/1952, Age: 79, Section: ODONNE_91_4_2, Plot Owner: REDRIDERS, LODGE #5IOTHOMPSON, Robert E., Buried: 01-01-1907, Age: 19, Section: BUNNING_112_8_4, Plot Owner: #9 IOOF, EXCELSIOR LODGETHOMPSON, Sally, Buried: 06-07-2013, Age: 76, Section: EDGAR_65_20_1, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNTHOMPSON, Thomas, Buried: 11-07-1949, Age: 82, Section: ROE_70_15_4, Plot Owner: THOMPSON, WILLIAM D.THOMPSON, Thomas, Buried: 08/16/1984, Age: 86, Section: ROE_76_11_1, Plot Owner: WEBSTER, RICHARD ASHLOCKTHOMPSON, William A, Buried: 05-07-2016, Age: 85, Section: EDGAR_65_20_2, Plot Owner: THOMPSON, WILLIAM ATHOMPSON, William Charles, Buried: 12/14/1964, Age: 52, Section: ROE_70_15_3, Plot Owner: THOMPSON, WILLIAM D.THOMPSON, William D., Buried: 04-09-1979, Age: 92, Section: ROE_70_15_1, Plot Owner: THOMPSON, WILLIAM D.THOMSEN, James, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_103_8_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD #48, DANISHTHOMSEN, James, Buried: 05-11-1957, Age: 88, Section: BUNNING_103_8_2, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD #48, DANISHTHORNELSON, Frank, Buried: 09/19/1990, Age: 59, Section: BUNNING_157_4_1, Plot Owner: THORNELSON, FRANKTHORNTON, Carrie Sue, Buried: 10/27/1973, Age: 4, Section: WATAHA_4_V_1, Plot Owner: THORNTON, ROBERTTHORPE, Charles H., Buried: 12-03-1900, Age: 40, Section: BUNNING_111_8_2, Plot Owner: THORP, CHARLESTHORPE, Edward, Buried: 01-01-1904, Age: 49, Section: BUNNING_105_8_2, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFTHORPE, Johney, Age: 3, Section: BUNNING_105_8_3, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFTHORPE, Joseph, Age: 26, Section: BUNNING_110_1_4, Plot Owner: GRAS, MRSTHOW, Marie Dykes, Buried: 05/23/1987, Age: 80, Section: MUIR_403_40_5, Plot Owner: DYKES, JOHNTHRIFT, John, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 61, Section: ODONNE_189_5_3, Plot Owner: BPOE, ELKSTHRIFT, Mary, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 69, Section: ODONNE_189_5_3, Plot Owner: BPOE, ELKSTHUESEN, Hans C., Buried: 11-06-1961, Age: 90, Section: BUNNING_90_6_2, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHTHUESEN, Harry O, Buried: 05-05-1995, Age: 91, Section: WATAHA_1_23_1, Plot Owner: THUESEN, HARRY OTHUESEN, Marion, Buried: 03-02-1978, Age: 72, Section: WATAHA_1_24_1, Plot Owner: THUESEN, MARIONTHUESEN, Mary, Buried: 09-04-1965, Age: 82, Section: BUNNING_90_6_1, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, DANISHTHUM, Acatha, Buried: 01-01-1903, Age: 65, Section: ODONNE_150_1_1, Plot Owner: WORLEY, PETETHUM, Emma L., Buried: 01/15/1980, Age: 82, Section: PARKER_242_3_3, Plot Owner: THUM, GTHUM, Gottlieb, Buried: 11/22/1955, Age: 78, Section: PARKER_242_3_4, Plot Owner: THUM, GTHUM, Robert E., Buried: 04/23/1999, Age: 79, Section: PARKER_242_3_1, Plot Owner: THUM, GTHURMAN, William, Buried: 02/23/1920, Age: 40, Section: ODONNE_172_4_4, Plot Owner: BPOE #624, ELKSTHYBERG, Alfred, Buried: 01-03-1939, Age: 64, Section: BUNNING_85_6_4, Plot Owner: SNEDDON, THOMASTHYBERG, Margaret Sneddon, Buried: 07-10-1969, Age: 76, Section: BUNNING_85_6_3, Plot Owner: SNEDDON, THOMASTICKNER, Mary, Buried: 04/20/1949, Age: 55, Section: ROE_73_3_3, Plot Owner: TICKNER, SIDNEY JTICKNER, Sid, Buried: 03-12-1952, Age: 0, Section: ROE_73_3_4, Plot Owner: TICKNER, SIDNEY JTIEDE, Robert, Buried: 06/19/2007, Age: 90, Section: ANDERSO_9_B_16, Plot Owner: TIEDE, ROBERTTIEDE, Saima, Buried: 05/14/2007, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_B_15, Plot Owner: TIEDE, ROBERTTILLER, Clarence Sr., , Buried: 05/15/1969, Age: 57, Section: MUIR_403_4_5, Plot Owner: TILLER, CLARENCETILLER, Emma, Buried: 10-10-1964, Age: 83, Section: MUIR_403_4_1, Plot Owner: TILLER, CLARENCETILLER, Grace Ann, Buried: 07/31/1998, Age: 82, Section: MUIR_403_4_3, Plot Owner: TILLER, CLARENCETILLER, James, Buried: 12/31/1956, Age: 76, Section: MUIR_403_4_2, Plot Owner: TILLER, CLARENCETILLER, William, Buried: 05/29/1952, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_403_4_4, Plot Owner: TILLER, CLARENCETIMBERLAKE, Susie, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 32, Section: BUNNING_114_5_4, Plot Owner: AMERICA, MODERN WOODMANTIMKO, Anna Marie, Buried: 03/24/1965, Age: 71, Section: WATAHA_D_8_2, Plot Owner: TIMKO, MICHAEL FRANCESTIMKO, Frances, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_D_8_4, Plot Owner: TIMKO, MICHAEL FRANCESTIMKO, Margaret, Buried: 01-01-1936, Age: 23, Section: WATAHA_D_8_3, Plot Owner: TIMKO, MICHAEL FRANCESTIMKO, Michael Frances, Buried: 09/19/1960, Age: 74, Section: WATAHA_D_8_1, Plot Owner: TIMKO, MICHAEL FRANCESTIMLIN, David M., Buried: 10/28/1998, Age: 33, Section: KENDALL_19_7_1, Plot Owner: TIMLIN, DAVID M.TIMLIN, Rebecca, Buried: 01/26/1952, Age: 59, Section: EDGAR_83_16_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, CANADIANTIPP, George E., Buried: 04/24/2002, Age: 82, Section: OBLOCK_8_396_1, Plot Owner: TIPP, GEORGE & CLARATIPPETTS, Julia, Buried: 06/29/2012, Section: ANDERSO_9_L_32, Plot Owner: TIPPETTS, JULIATIRRE, Arthur Jay, Buried: 10/21/2005, Age: 66, Section: YOUNG_401_22_2, Plot Owner: TIRRE, ARTHUR JAYTIRRE, Darl Edward, Buried: 08/25/1977, Age: 12, Section: WATAHA_1_33_1, Plot Owner: TIRRE, DARL EDWARDTIRRE, Evelyn R., Buried: 09/17/1955, Age: 40, Section: YOUNG_401_22_1, Plot Owner: TIRRE, ARTHUR JAYTITCOMB, Sid, Buried: 09-01-1939, Age: 51, Section: OSSELTO_362_6_4, Plot Owner: TITCOMB, SIDTITMUS, Helen K., Buried: 01-12-1966, Age: 74, Section: ROE_76_13_2, Plot Owner: TITMUS, NELLIETITMUS, John, Buried: 11/16/1948, Age: 69, Section: ROE_76_13_3, Plot Owner: TITMUS, NELLIETO, Kitty Joan, Buried: 02/21/2011, Age: 72, Section: ROE_72_14_4, Plot Owner: ASSOCIATION, CHINESETO, Wing Keung, Buried: 06/24/1995, Age: 63, Section: ROE_72_14_5, Plot Owner: TO, WING KEUNGTODD, Bernard, Buried: 09-01-1949, Age: 60, Section: CROATIA_2_6_1, Plot Owner: TODD, BERNARDTODD, Edna M, Buried: 02/20/1944, Age: 200, Section: OSSELTO_C_6_1, Plot Owner: TODD, GEORGE FTODD, Irma F., Buried: 01-10-1983, Age: 79, Section: CROATIA_2_5_2, Plot Owner: TODD, MRS ERMATODD, John Lee, Buried: 11/29/1952, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_402_24_5, Plot Owner: TODD, TWIN BABIESTODD, John Michael, Buried: 11/29/1952, Age: 0, Section: MUIR_402_24_5, Plot Owner: TODD, TWIN BABIESTODD, John R. "Bob", Buried: 07-12-1991, Age: 60, Section: MUIR_422_2X_4, Plot Owner: TODD, BETTY & JOHNTODESCHI, Antonio, Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_51_6_1, Plot Owner: TODESCHI, ANTONIOTODESECHI, Maria, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 63, Section: NELSON_51_6_2, Plot Owner: TODESECHI, MARIATOGNOLLI, Ernesta, Buried: 06/14/1960, Age: 76, Section: WATAHA_H_7_2, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIATOGNOLLI, Leone G., Buried: 11/14/1942, Age: 63, Section: WATAHA_H_7_3, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIATOGNOLLI, Raymond O., Buried: 04/30/1968, Age: 51, Section: WATAHA_H_7_4, Plot Owner: DI MUTUO SOCCORSO DI SUPE, FRATELLANA OPERAIATOLAND, Howard N., Buried: 09-01-1988, Age: 71, Section: EDGAR_82_17X_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANTOLAR, Albin, Buried: 08-03-1911, Age: 0, Section: PARK_103_4_2, Plot Owner: TOLAR, ALBINTOLAR, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 43, Section: PARK_103_4_3, Plot Owner: TOLAR, ANNATOLAR, Franciska, Buried: 09/19/1908, Age: 0, Section: PARK_113_1_2, Plot Owner: TOLAR, MATTTOLAR, Frank, Buried: 09-03-1911, Age: 1, Section: PARK_103_4_1, Plot Owner: TOLAR, FRANKTOLAR, Frank, Buried: 01/26/1963, Age: 74, Section: NELSON_78_2_3, Plot Owner: TOLAR, FRANKTOLAR, Frank, Buried: 01-01-1914, Age: 1, Section: PARK_113_1_3, Plot Owner: TOLAR, MATTTOLAR, Gust John T., Buried: 01-01-1958, Age: 43, Section: PARKER_268_1_1, Plot Owner: LOCAL UNION #2, 3831, 2309, 908 & 2282TOLAR, John, Buried: 05/18/1978, Age: 78, Section: YOUNG_424_11_4, Plot Owner: TOLAR, JOHNTOLAR, John, Buried: 08/17/1974, Age: 85, Section: NELSON_120_10_2, Plot Owner: TOLAR, JOHNTOLAR, John C., Buried: 03-06-2002, Age: 78, Section: PARK_35_2X_2, Plot Owner: TOLAR, JOHN C.TOLAR, John David, Buried: 12/13/1996, Age: 51, Section: YOUNG_424_11_5, Plot Owner: UNKNOWN, OWNERTOLAR, Mary, Buried: 07/18/1957, Age: 68, Section: NELSON_120_10_3, Plot Owner: BARELA, RICARDO RICHARDTOLAR, Mary, Buried: 11/27/1918, Age: 0, Section: PARK_113_1_1, Plot Owner: TOLAR, MATTTOLAR, Matt, Buried: 01-01-1927, Age: 53, Section: PARK_113_1_4, Plot Owner: TOLAR, MATTTOLAR, Matt Sr., , Buried: 11/23/1948, Age: 78, Section: PARK_103_4_4, Plot Owner: TOLAR SR., MATTTOLAR, Norma, Buried: 06/21/2013, Age: 82, Section: PARK_35_2X_1, Plot Owner: TOLAR, JOHN C.TOLAR, Phyllis, Buried: 12-12-1960, Age: 51, Section: YOUNG_424_11_3, Plot Owner: TOLAR, JOHNTOLAR, Viola, Buried: 03/26/1987, Age: 65, Section: WEST_7_478_1, Plot Owner: CORDOVA, PEGGY MRS.TOLLER, Maria, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 71, Section: PARK_32_4_4, Plot Owner: TOLLER, MARIATOLSON, Tom, Buried: 12-10-1904, Age: 53, Section: BUNNING_223_1_4, Plot Owner: LUSKIE, MIKETOLTON, John Edward, Buried: 12-10-1926, Age: 46, Section: JAMES_326_5_1, Plot Owner: TOLTON, JOHN ETOLTON, Reta Sarah, Buried: 08-06-1928, Age: 10, Section: JAMES_326_5_2, Plot Owner: TOLTON, JOHN ETOLY, George, Buried: 08/23/2014, Age: 65, Section: PARK_121_13_1, Plot Owner: TOLY, SAMUELTOLY, Mary C., Buried: 09/15/1967, Age: 66, Section: PARK_121_13_3, Plot Owner: TOLY, SAMUELTOLY, Samuel, Buried: 03/18/1966, Age: 75, Section: PARK_121_13_2, Plot Owner: TOLY, SAMUELTOLY, William S., Buried: 04-09-1956, Age: 36, Section: PARK_121_13_1, Plot Owner: TOLY, SAMUELTOMASI, Ben, Buried: 01-01-1943, Age: 62, Section: KENDALL_22_3_1, Plot Owner: TOMASI, BENTOMASI, Oliva, Buried: 01-01-1960, Age: 76, Section: KENDALL_22_3_2, Plot Owner: TOMASI, OLIVATOMASINI, Filomena, Buried: 03-11-1964, Age: 81, Section: KENDALL_A_13_4, Plot Owner: TOMASINI, LOUISTOMASINI, Louis, Buried: 03/19/1960, Age: 78, Section: KENDALL_A_13_3, Plot Owner: TOMASINI, LOUISTOMIC, Franciska, Age: 0, Section: PARK_79_2_1, Plot Owner: TOMINC, FRANKTOMIC, Franciska, Buried: 01-01-1915, Age: 2, Section: PARK_79_2_2, Plot Owner: TOMINC, FRANKTOMIC, Marija, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 16, Section: PARK_79_2_3, Plot Owner: TOMINC, FRANKTOMICH, Andrew M., Buried: 01-03-1964, Age: 47, Section: KENDALL_19_9_1, Plot Owner: TOMICH, ANDREW M.TOMICH, Effie M., Buried: 09/16/1972, Age: 45, Section: KENDALL_19_9_3, Plot Owner: TOMICH, EFFIE M.TOMICH, Emil, Buried: 04/29/1998, Age: 73, Section: KENDALL_A_16_4, Plot Owner: TOMICH, GEORGETOMICH, George, Buried: 05/23/1970, Age: 89, Section: KENDALL_A_16_2, Plot Owner: TOMICH, GEORGETOMICH, James C., Buried: 02-04-1964, Age: 18, Section: KENDALL_19_9_2, Plot Owner: TOMICH, JAMES C.TOMICH, James G., Buried: 05/18/1971, Age: 51, Section: WATAHA_6_N_1, Plot Owner: TOMICH, JAMES L.TOMICH, Joe, Buried: 12-02-1944, Age: 58, Section: KENDALL_19_10_1, Plot Owner: TOMICH, JOETOMICH, John Sr., Buried: 07-01-1961, Age: 84, Section: KENDALL_A_16_1, Plot Owner: TOMICH, GEORGETOMICH, John William, Buried: 11/30/1995, Age: 70, Section: NELSON_91_8_3, Plot Owner: TOMICH, JOHN WILLIAMTOMICH, Joseph, Buried: 11/20/2012, Age: 97, Section: KENDALL_19_9_4, Plot Owner: TOMICH, JOETOMICH, Kata, Buried: 10/28/1965, Age: 79, Section: KENDALL_A_16_3, Plot Owner: TOMICH, GEORGETOMICH, Laura Bellu, Buried: 06/23/1992, Age: 73, Section: PARK_125_16_4, Plot Owner: BELLU, GIULIOTOMICH, Linda, Buried: 08/25/2008, Age: 84, Section: YOUNG_401_1_2, Plot Owner: MONUMENT CO, ROCK SPRINGSTOMICH, Mary, Buried: 12-10-1987, Age: 92, Section: KENDALL_19_10_2, Plot Owner: TOMICH, MARYTOMICH, Michael, Buried: 06-02-1961, Age: 42, Section: NELSON_91_8_4, Plot Owner: TOMICH, MICHAELTOMICH, Mike "Speggs", Buried: 02/25/2005, Age: 87, Section: YOUNG_401_1_3, Plot Owner: MONUMENT CO, ROCK SPRINGSTOMICH, Steve, Buried: 09/13/1965, Age: 72, Section: KENDALL_19_10_4, Plot Owner: TOMICH, STEVETOMICH, Ursula, Buried: 06-06-1973, Age: 84, Section: WATAHA_E_7_1, Plot Owner: TOMICH, URSULATOMICIC, Marija, Buried: 01-01-1913, Age: 3, Section: PARK_81_7_1, Plot Owner: TOMICIC, TONYTOMICIC, Mile, Buried: 01-01-1926, Age: 42, Section: PARK_81_7_2, Plot Owner: TOMICIC, MILETOMICIC, Tony, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 1, Section: PARK_81_7_1, Plot Owner: TOMICIC, TONYTOMICICH, Anna, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 39, Section: NELSON_91_8_2, Plot Owner: TOMICICH, ANNATOMICICH, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1931, Age: 47, Section: NELSON_91_8_1, Plot Owner: TOMICICH, ANTONTOMICICH, Emil, Buried: 01-01-1999, Age: 68, Section: EDGAR_64_1_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANTOMICICH, John, Buried: 04/26/1947, Age: 59, Section: NELSON_91_8_4, Plot Owner: TOMICH, MICHAELTOMICICH, Joseph F., Buried: 12/24/1972, Age: 62, Section: CROATIA_7_1_1, Plot Owner: TOMICICH, MARYTOMICICH, Katherine, Buried: 11/18/1962, Age: 74, Section: CROATIA_7_1_3, Plot Owner: TOMICICH, KATHERINETOMICICH, Manda, Buried: 09/23/2003, Age: 91, Section: PARK_81_7_4, Plot Owner: TOMICICH, MANDATOMICICH, Mark Mike, Buried: 09-12-1974, Age: 37, Section: CROATIA_7_1_4, Plot Owner: TOMICICH, MARK MIKETOMICICH, Nicholas, Buried: 11-12-1988, Age: 80, Section: CROATIA_2_8_2, Plot Owner: TOMICICH, NicholasTOMICICH, Peter F., Buried: 01/28/1950, Age: 41, Section: PARK_81_7_3, Plot Owner: TOMICICH, PETER F.TOMINC, Frank, Buried: 08/18/1942, Age: 62, Section: PARK_79_2_4, Plot Owner: TOMINC, FRANKTOMINC, Frank Anton, Buried: 05-09-2006, Age: 82, Section: OBLOCK_8_634_1, Plot Owner: TOMINC, FAMILY OF VIRGINIATOMINC, Frank Arthur, Buried: 02/25/2011, Age: 57, Section: OBLOCK_8_633_1, Plot Owner: TOMINC, FAMILY OF VIRGINIATOMINC, Jeanne, Buried: 04-05-2014, Age: 92, Section: OBLOCK_8_728_1, Plot Owner: TOMINC, STANLEY & JEANNETOMIS, Lo Chow, Buried: 01-01-1945, Age: 0, Section: ROE_72_9_4, Plot Owner: TOMIS, LO CHOWTOMISICH, Jacob, Buried: 07/13/1956, Age: 81, Section: CROATIA_7_1_2, Plot Owner: TOMISICH, JACOBTOMISICH, Mike, Buried: 09/18/1974, Age: 61, Section: PARK_17_1_1, Plot Owner: TOMISICH, MIKETOMISICH, Peter, Buried: 05-01-1992, Age: 81, Section: CROATIA_2_8_3, Plot Owner: TOMISICH, PETERTOMJACK, Jennie Kotar, Buried: 09-12-1974, Age: 73, Section: OSSELTO_334_7_1, Plot Owner: KOTAR, MIKETOMLISON, Herbert Bernard, Buried: 08-11-1911, Age: 11, Section: BUNNING_228_8_1, Plot Owner: TOMLINSON, HERBERTTOMLJANOVIC, Tom, Buried: 12/17/1944, Age: 61, Section: KENDALL_47_4_2, Plot Owner: TOMLJANOVIC, TOMTOMPA, George, Buried: 06/19/1941, Age: 58, Section: JAMES_302_5_1, Plot Owner: TOMPA, GEORGETOMPA, George, Buried: 04/24/1928, Age: 58, Section: JAMES_302_5_4, Plot Owner: TOMPA, GEORGETOMPA, John, Buried: 02/13/1905, Age: 0, Section: JAMES_302_5_2, Plot Owner: TOMPA, GEORGETOMPA, Mary, Buried: 01/18/1969, Age: 97, Section: JAMES_302_5_3, Plot Owner: TOMPA, GEORGETOMPKINS, Charles, Buried: 08/24/1984, Age: 61, Section: EDGAR_66_13_3, Plot Owner: TOMPKINS, CLYDETOMPKINS, Clyde M., Buried: 06/28/1986, Age: 84, Section: EDGAR_66_13_5, Plot Owner: TOMPKINS, CLYDE & JULIATOMPKINS, Julia K., Buried: 10/13/1983, Age: 82, Section: EDGAR_66_13_5, Plot Owner: TOMPKINS, CLYDE & JULIATOMPKINS, Tommy, Buried: 07-12-1946, Age: 4, Section: EDGAR_66_13_4, Plot Owner: TOMPKINS, CLYDE & JULIATOMSICH, Ann, Buried: 10-08-1947, Age: 35, Section: PARK_17_3_4, Plot Owner: TOMSICH, ANNTOMSICH, Frank Edward, Buried: 08-11-1995, Age: 76, Section: EDGAR_82_1X_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANTOMSICH, Joe J., Buried: 09/18/1973, Age: 58, Section: EDGAR_82_17_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANTOMSICH, Joseph, Buried: 11-02-1972, Age: 92, Section: PARK_17_3_2, Plot Owner: TOMSICH, JOSEPHTOMSICH, Mary, Buried: 03/23/1946, Age: 46, Section: PARK_17_3_3, Plot Owner: TOMSICH, MARYTOMSICH, Tony R., Buried: 05/18/1974, Age: 57, Section: EDGAR_82_17_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANTOMSYCK, Louise H., Buried: 03/19/1979, Age: 54, Section: EDGAR_66_13_1, Plot Owner: TOMPKINS, CLYDETONGEA, S., Buried: 05/30/1936, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_180_6_3, Plot Owner: TONGEA, S.TONKO, George, Buried: 07/30/1945, Age: 18, Section: WATAHA_4_32_1, Plot Owner: TONKO, THERESATONKO, Mike, Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 40, Section: WATAHA_4_33_1, Plot Owner: TONKO, THERESATONKO, Theresa, Buried: 01-10-1976, Age: 75, Section: WATAHA_4_34_1, Plot Owner: TONKO, THERESATOOMBS, Beverly Davis, Age: 79, Section: PARKER_239_5_2, Plot Owner: DAVIS, JAMES L.TOPALOFF, Steve, Buried: 05/27/1945, Age: 50, Section: OSSELTO_F_5_1, Plot Owner: TOPALOFF, STEVETORBOLI, Alfred, Buried: 01/17/1950, Age: 55, Section: KENDALL_40_2_2, Plot Owner: TORBOLI, ALFREDTORBOLI, Carmela, Buried: 01-07-1950, Age: 56, Section: KENDALL_40_2_3, Plot Owner: TORBOLI, CARMELATORESAM, Carlo, Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 46, Section: KENDALL_41_1_4, Plot Owner: TORESAM, CARLOTORESANI, Celestina, Buried: 08-02-1955, Age: 82, Section: WATAHA_C_7_4, Plot Owner: LEONARDI-LORESAM, MRS. MIKETORESANI, Fred J., Buried: 09-03-1975, Age: 64, Section: WATAHA_C_7_3, Plot Owner: LEONARDI-LORESAM, MRS. MIKETORESANI, Mike, Buried: 10/17/1951, Age: 82, Section: WATAHA_C_8_4, Plot Owner: LEONARDI-LORESAM, MRS. MIKETORNAZZOLLI, Clementine, Buried: 01-01-1909, Age: 24, Section: ODONNE_197_8_2, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANTORRES, Baby, Buried: 11-04-1971, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_192_5_1, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFTORVONEN, Mary Ann, Buried: 06/18/1937, Age: 0, Section: LUDVIGS_297_4_2, Plot Owner: JONES, THOMASTOSLIN, Gina Zambai, Buried: 11-12-2004, Age: 92, Section: KENDALL_41_3_4, Plot Owner: TOSLIN, GINA ZAMBAITOSOLIN, Henry, Buried: 11/17/1966, Age: 70, Section: PARK_126_18_1, Plot Owner: TOSOLIN, HENRYTOSOLIN, Violet, Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 1, Section: NELSON_19_10_1, Plot Owner: TOSOLIN, VIOLETTOTH, Albert, Buried: 01-01-1916, Age: 1, Section: PARK_57_2_4, Plot Owner: TOTH, ALBERTTOTH, Albert, Buried: 09-02-1971, Age: 82, Section: CROATIA_6_1_2, Plot Owner: TOTH, JUSTINETOTH, Alex, Buried: 01/18/1960, Age: 67, Section: NELSON_51_5_1, Plot Owner: ZORKO, MRS. RUDOLPHTOTH, Andrew, Buried: 01-01-1930, Age: 7, Section: PARK_57_2_3, Plot Owner: TOTH, ALBERTTOTH, Frank R., Buried: 06/16/1971, Age: 46, Section: NELSON_51_1_1, Plot Owner: ANSELMI, DONALD R.TOTH, John, Buried: 01-01-1942, Age: 48, Section: OSSELTO_334_5_1, Plot Owner: TOTH, JOHNTOTH, Julia, Buried: 10-07-1941, Age: 58, Section: OSSELTO_334_5_2, Plot Owner: TOTH, JOHNTOTH, Justine, Buried: 01-01-1960, Age: 82, Section: CROATIA_6_1_3, Plot Owner: TOTH, ALBERTTOTH, Mari, Buried: 01-01-1910, Age: 39, Section: PARK_111_8_2, Plot Owner: OBLAK, ANTONTOTH, Rose, Buried: 11/21/1953, Age: 51, Section: NELSON_51_5_2, Plot Owner: ZORKO, MRS. RUDOLPHTOTH, Victor Stephen, Buried: 07/23/1973, Age: 61, Section: CROATIA_6_1_4, Plot Owner: STANKO, JUSTINE TOTHTOTTEN, Kim M., Buried: 03/19/2003, Age: 44, Section: CROATIA_6_6_4, Plot Owner: TOTTEN, KIM M.TOWERS, Erruauo, Buried: 01-01-1912, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_197_2_1, Plot Owner: SOCIETY, AUSTRIANTOYOTA, Shinzo, Buried: 01-01-1933, Age: 0, Section: ROE_75_10_5, Plot Owner: TOYOTA, SHINZOTRACY, Gloria, Buried: 05/24/2013, Age: 87, Section: ODONNE_194_6_4, Plot Owner: KRICHBAUM, MRS NELLIETRACY, Robert Clavin, Buried: 11/29/1989, Age: 67, Section: ODONNE_194_6_4, Plot Owner: KRICHBAUM, MRS NELLIETRAEGER, Anna E., Buried: 04/13/1953, Age: 63, Section: ODONNE_193_3_2, Plot Owner: FRAYER, JOHNTRAEGER, John, Buried: 04-12-1982, Age: 97, Section: ODONNE_193_3_3, Plot Owner: TRAGER, JOHNTRAEGER, William G., Buried: 02-01-1971, Age: 84, Section: ODONNE_193_3_1, Plot Owner: TRAGER, JOHNTRAHALIS, Penalope, Section: MUIR_403_30_5, Plot Owner: TRAHALIS, PENELAPOETRAHALIS, Pete, Buried: 01/26/1959, Age: 69, Section: MUIR_403_30_4, Plot Owner: GALANIS, TONYTRAHER, Daivd W., Buried: 03/27/1947, Age: 31, Section: JAMES_327_7_3, Plot Owner: TRAHER, FREDTRAHER, David, Buried: 03/27/1948, Age: 30, Section: JAMES_328_7_3, Plot Owner: TRAHER, DAVIDTRAHER, Fred, Section: JAMES_327_7_1, Plot Owner: TRAHER, FREDTRAINER, Bee, Buried: 07/20/1964, Age: 69, Section: KENDALL_E_1_4, Plot Owner: TRAINER, BEETRAMMELL, Robert D., Buried: 02/22/1931, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_4X_4, Plot Owner: TRAMMELL, ROBERT D.TRATNICK, Frances, Buried: 04-07-1915, Age: 17, Section: NELSON_91_4_1, Plot Owner: ZAVERSNIK, JOSEPH C.TRATNICK, George, Buried: 05-09-1919, Age: 64, Section: NELSON_91_4_2, Plot Owner: ZAVERSNIK, JOSEPH C.TRAUTMAN, Kelley, Buried: 08-04-2006, Age: 39, Section: ANDERSO_9_L_4, Plot Owner: TRAUTMAN, KELLEYTRAUTMAN, Sharon, Buried: 07-01-2013, Age: 69, Section: ANDERSO_9_L_5, Plot Owner: TRAUTMAN, KELLEYTRAVELUTE, Robert J., Buried: 12/20/1954, Age: 0, Section: PARK_122_1_1, Plot Owner: TRAVELUTE, ROBERT J.TRAVIS, Beth, Buried: 07/23/2013, Age: 68, Section: WATAHA_2_14_1, Plot Owner: TRAVIS, JACK L. & BETHTRAVIS, Bridget, Buried: 12/23/1940, Age: 79, Section: KENDALL_37_6_2, Plot Owner: TRAVIS, BRIDGETTRAVIS, Gladys, Buried: 10/24/1966, Age: 67, Section: EDGAR_83_8_2, Plot Owner: WILDE, ERAMATRAVIS, Jack L., Buried: 01/30/1978, Age: 67, Section: WATAHA_2_13_1, Plot Owner: WILLIAMS, EARL W. & MARIETRAVIS, James Franklin, Buried: 02/18/1978, Age: 85, Section: JAMES_320_4_4, Plot Owner: TRAVIS, JACK L.TRAVIS, John J., Buried: 05/20/1943, Age: 55, Section: ODONNE_219_4_1, Plot Owner: SATHER, ROYTRAVIS, Margaret G., Buried: 01-02-1941, Age: 47, Section: JAMES_320_4_2, Plot Owner: TRAVIS, JACK L.TRAVIS, Peter James, Buried: 03/28/1908, Age: 46, Section: KENDALL_37_6_3, Plot Owner: TRAVIS, PETER JAMESTRAVIS, Roy Peters, Age: 1, Section: ODONNE_220_2_3, Plot Owner: SATHER, ROYTREDALE, Agnes P., Buried: 06/16/1933, Age: 64, Section: BUNNING_89_5_1, Plot Owner: LODGE, IOOFTREDALE, Martha Sophronia, Buried: 01/15/1957, Age: 60, Section: PARKER_244_6_3, Plot Owner: THOMAS, D GTREMELLING, Mary Mcwilliams, Buried: 01/22/1983, Age: 89, Section: EDGAR_63_4_3, Plot Owner: TREMELLING, THOMAS HTREMELLING, Thomas H., Buried: 05/27/1943, Age: 62, Section: EDGAR_63_4_4, Plot Owner: TREMELLING, THOMAS HTREMPE, Infant, Buried: 03/20/1901, Age: 0, Section: PARK_111_7_1, Plot Owner: TREMPE, INFANTTRENT, Walker, Buried: 09/15/1947, Age: 72, Section: PARKER_267_7_4, Plot Owner: TRENT, WALKERTRENTIN, Brothers, Age: 0, Section: PARKER_294_1_4, Plot Owner: TRENTIN, BROTHERSTRIPLETT, Susan, Buried: 09/28/2014, Age: 4 MNTHS, Section: ANDERSO_9_A_28, Plot Owner: TRIPLETT, SUSANTROJAN, John "Jeweler", Buried: 08/21/1930, Age: 37, Section: OSSELTO_351_1_3, Plot Owner: TROUR, JACK CTRONQUET, Agnes, Buried: 07/24/1970, Age: 72, Section: WATAHA_6_13_1, Plot Owner: TRONQUET, AGNESTRONQUET, Anton, Buried: 01-01-1921, Age: 36, Section: PARK_109_5_1, Plot Owner: TRONQUET, ANTONTRONQUET, Gordon, Buried: 08-07-1992, Age: 72, Section: OBLOCK_8_47_1, Plot Owner: TRONQUET, GORDON & HELENTRONQUET, Gustave, Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 53, Section: PARK_105_1_4, Plot Owner: TRONQUET, GUSTAVETRONQUET, Helen, Buried: 07/20/1996, Age: 74, Section: OBLOCK_8_48_1, Plot Owner: TRONQUET, GORDON & HELENTRONQUET, Leonie, Buried: 01-01-1925, Age: 61, Section: PARK_105_1_3, Plot Owner: TRONQUET, LEONIETRONQUET, Pete J., Buried: 04/22/1966, Age: 72, Section: EDGAR_82_14_5, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANTRONQUET, T.A., Buried: 03-10-1948, Age: 47, Section: EDGAR_82_4_4, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANTRONTI, Maria, Buried: 05-11-1900, Age: 45, Section: BUNNING_179_6_4, Plot Owner: HEDIN, ANDREWTROSELJ, Mico, Buried: 01-01-1918, Age: 54, Section: PARK_66_6_2, Plot Owner: TROSELJ, MICOTROUR, Baby, Buried: 09-01-1930, Age: 0, Section: OSSELTO_351_1_3, Plot Owner: TROUR, JACK CTROVATTEN, Louis H., Buried: 09/22/1944, Age: 61, Section: ROE_68_1_1, Plot Owner: SENESHALE, AUGUSTTROVATTEN, Unknown, Age: 0, Section: ROE_68_1_1, Plot Owner: SENESHALE, AUGUSTTRUJILLO, Adella, Buried: 10/20/1969, Age: 57, Section: NELSON_119_9_4, Plot Owner: TRUJILLO, ADELLATRUJILLO, Benny, Buried: 08/21/1946, Age: 22, Section: KENDALL_47_1_1, Plot Owner: TRUJILLO, BENNYTRUJILLO, Elisa, Buried: 01-01-1967, Age: 5, Section: KENDALL_47_1_2, Plot Owner: TRUJILLO, ROSEMARYTRUJILLO, Frank, Buried: 12/23/1981, Age: 75, Section: NELSON_119_9_1, Plot Owner: TRUJILLO, FRANK & ADELLATRUJILLO, Fred, Buried: 03/24/1948, Age: 45, Section: KENDALL_41_5_1, Plot Owner: TRUJILLO, FREDTRUJILLO, Lucy, Buried: 03/13/2014, Age: 95, Section: WEST_7_555_1, Plot Owner: TRUJILLO, TONY & LUCILLETRUJILLO, Lupe M., Buried: 02-12-2004, Age: 77, Section: OBLOCK_8_532_1, Plot Owner: TRUJILLO, LUPE M.TRUJILLO, Nester, Buried: 05/19/2012, Age: 79, Section: KENDALL_A_15_1, Plot Owner: TRUJILLO, NESTOR AND CARMENTRUJILLO, Orlando Joseph, Buried: 09/28/1970, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_35_7_1, Plot Owner: MENGHINI, VICTORTRUJILLO, Patricio, Buried: 10/31/1974, Age: 75, Section: KENDALL_47_1_4, Plot Owner: TRUJILLO, PATRICIOTRUJILLO, Rosemary, Buried: 12/31/1949, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_47_1_2, Plot Owner: TRUJILLO, ROSEMARYTRUJILLO, Stella, Buried: 06-07-1978, Age: 67, Section: WATAHA_4_4_1, Plot Owner: FORNENGO, JOHN & ELIZABETHTRUJILLO, Thomas Eric, Buried: 04-07-2016, Age: 41, Section: COLUMB_NORTH_1_20, Plot Owner: COOK, ERMATRUJILLO, Tony M., Buried: 10/19/1989, Age: 74, Section: WEST_7_556_1, Plot Owner: TRUJILLO, TONY & LUCILLETRULANO, J. G., Age: 57, Section: BUNNING_177_4_1, Plot Owner: LODGE #6, SWEETWATERTRUNKNILL, Louise, Age: 16, Section: BUNNING_136_1_3, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFTRUNKNILL, Mable, Age: 0, Section: BUNNING_136_1_3, Plot Owner: REPUBLIC, GRAND ARMY OFTRYAN, Dela, Buried: 04-02-1946, Age: 69, Section: OSSELTO_J_5_1, Plot Owner: TRYAN, UNKNOWNTSIATSAS, Georgia Milonas, Buried: 07-01-1988, Age: 66, Section: OSSELTO_311_3_3, Plot Owner: TSIATSAS, GEORGIA MILONASTUCKER, Baby, Buried: 10-10-1963, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_425_22_2, Plot Owner: TUCKER, KENNETHTUCKER, Daut Kenneth, Buried: 10-10-1963, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_425_22_2, Plot Owner: TUCKER, KENNETHTUCKER, Jennie J., Buried: 12/17/2014, Age: 91, Section: LUDVIGS_255_8X_4, Plot Owner: TUCKER, JENNIE J.TUCKER, Ramona L, Buried: 12-06-1967, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_425_22_1, Plot Owner: TUCKER, KENNETHTUFLE, Iver T., Buried: 01-01-1929, Age: 34, Section: ODONNE_188_3_4, Plot Owner: LINDEN, GUSTTUFTE, Iver, Buried: 01-01-1928, Age: 81, Section: ODONNE_188_2_1, Plot Owner: LINDEN, GUSTTUFTE, Susan, Buried: 04/15/1932, Age: 71, Section: ODONNE_188_3_3, Plot Owner: LINDEN, GUSTTULLOCK, William Clay, Buried: 12/23/1954, Age: 16, Section: YOUNG_400_48_1, Plot Owner: TULLOCK, WILLIAM CLAYTURANO, James, Buried: 06-07-2014, Age: 77, Section: EDGAR_65_11_1, Plot Owner: OWNER, UNKNOWNTURCATO, Becky Lynn, Buried: 11-10-1953, Age: 0, Section: KENDALL_16_1_2, Plot Owner: TURCATO, BECKY LYNNTURCATO, John Bob, Buried: 12-10-2009, Age: 87, Section: KENDALL_16_1_3, Plot Owner: TURCATO, JOHN BOBTURCATO, Peter A, Buried: 12/29/2016, Age: 87, Section: COLUMB_SOUTH_1_20, Plot Owner: TURCATO, PETER A.TURCHAN, Katharine, Buried: 03/14/1966, Age: 86, Section: WATAHA_A_5_2, Plot Owner: TURCHAN, MRS. MIKETURCHAN, Margaret, Buried: 01-01-1925, Section: WATAHA_A_5_3, Plot Owner: TURCHAN, MRS. MIKETURCHAN, Micheal, Buried: 01-01-1934, Age: 56, Section: WATAHA_A_5_1, Plot Owner: TURCHAN, MRS. MIKETURNER, Estella, Buried: 01-01-1940, Age: 54, Section: OSSELTO_358_7_4, Plot Owner: BRIDGES, PINKNEY C.TURNER, Frances H., Buried: 08-06-1946, Age: 46, Section: EDGAR_82_4_1, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANTURNER, Robert E, Buried: 02-08-1968, Age: 64, Section: LAUZER_421_4_5, Plot Owner: TURNER, ROBERT MRSTURNER, Roberta, Buried: 04-12-1988, Age: 73, Section: LAUZER_421_4_4, Plot Owner: TURNER, ROBERT MRSTURNER, William H., Buried: 03/13/1939, Age: 45, Section: OSSELTO_331_5_2, Plot Owner: FOREIGN WARS, VETERANS OFTURNER, Wm. Robt. John, Buried: 01-01-1905, Age: 1, Section: BUNNING_223_4_1, Plot Owner: TURNER, ROBERTTURULOR, John, Age: 40, Section: BUNNING_208_2_1, Plot Owner: NORPAKKA, MARYTUTOR, Samual & Mary K., Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_4_P_1, Plot Owner: TUTOR C/O VASE FUNERAL, SAMUELTUTTLE, Cleo, Buried: 08-05-1972, Age: 0, Section: YOUNG_400_25_3, Plot Owner: DIEHL, MRS AMOSTVARDOSKI, Thomas, Buried: 01-07-1953, Age: 74, Section: PARK_14_4_4, Plot Owner: TVARDOSKI, THOMASTWARDOWSKI, John, Buried: 01-01-1968, Age: 84, Section: KENDALL_14_4_1, Plot Owner: TWARDOWSKI, THOMASTWARDOWSKI, Mary, Buried: 04/14/1970, Age: 82, Section: KENDALL_14_4_3, Plot Owner: TWARDOWSKI, MARYTWARDOWSKI, Thomas, Buried: 01-01-1953, Age: 85, Section: KENDALL_14_4_2, Plot Owner: TWARDOWSKI, THOMASTYAN, Joseph J., Buried: 10-08-1946, Age: 48, Section: KENDALL_23_4_2, Plot Owner: TYAN, JOSEPH J.TYAN, Mildred, Buried: 01-01-1963, Age: 59, Section: KENDALL_23_4_3, Plot Owner: TYAN, MILDREDTYLER, Billy, Age: 0, Section: EDGAR_82_8_2, Plot Owner: LEGION, AMERICANTYLER, Elizabeth E., Buried: 09-09-1936, Age: 62, Section: PARKER_236_8_4, Plot Owner: TYLER, WM FTYLER, Ellen Marie, Buried: 11/21/1998, Age: 0, Section: WEST_7_609_1, Plot Owner: JULIUS, DAN M.TYLER, Ida E., Buried: 01-01-1908, Age: 6, Section: ODONNE_211_1_3, Plot Owner: BROTHERHOOD, KALEVALUTYLER, Kenneth C., Buried: 05/14/1956, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_219_1_1, Plot Owner: STAUTON, R OTYLER, Mary E., Buried: 05/23/1973, Age: 0, Section: WATAHA_6_44_1, Plot Owner: TYLER, JAMESTYLER, Patricia, Buried: 03/24/1987, Age: 45, Section: WEST_7_477_1, Plot Owner: TYLER, LEETYLKA, Jarret, Buried: 02-03-2014, Age: 0, Section: ANDERSO_9_B_56, Plot Owner: TYLKA, JARRETTYNSKY, Bob, Buried: 12/24/1975, Age: 49, Section: KENDALL_43_2_1, Plot Owner: TYNSKY, BOBTYNSKY, Carolyn, Buried: 01-06-2000, Age: 70, Section: NELSON_127_4_2, Plot Owner: TYNSKY, CAROLYNTYNSKY, Chester, Buried: 06/29/1924, Age: 16, Section: LUDVIGS_275_3_3, Plot Owner: TYNSKY, CHESTERTYNSKY, Enoch, Buried: 05/29/1957, Age: 46, Section: MUIR_402_33_2, Plot Owner: TYNSKY, ENOCHTYNSKY, Karla Jo, Buried: 05/15/1955, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_119_5_1, Plot Owner: TYNSKY, KARLA JOTYNSKY, Mary A., Buried: 05/27/1969, Age: 0, Section: NELSON_127_4_3, Plot Owner: TYNSKY, MARY A.TYNSKY, Pearl, Buried: 10-12-1953, Age: 42, Section: MUIR_402_33_3, Plot Owner: TYNSKY, ENOCHTYNSKY, Robert D., Buried: 12/24/1975, Age: 46, Section: NELSON_127_4_1, Plot Owner: TYNSKY, BOBTYNSKY, Sylvester W., Buried: 08/17/1973, Age: 72, Section: NELSON_127_4_4, Plot Owner: TYNSKY, SYLVESTER W.TYNSKY, Travis, Buried: 06/22/1988, Age: 17, Section: KENDALL_45_1X_3, Plot Owner: TYNSKY, LINDATYPPO, Fred, Buried: 04-07-1940, Age: 70, Section: ODONNE_142_6_3, Plot Owner: SWEETWATER, COUNTY OFTYREE, J. V. Child Of, Buried: 06/24/1903, Age: 0, Section: ODONNE_198_2_2, Plot Owner: TYRIE, J VTZANEFF, Tador, Buried: 06/28/1969, Age: 74, Section: PARKER_259_2_4, Plot Owner: MINE WORKERS 2174, UNITED
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