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Essex County, NJ Cemetery Records

essex county new jersey cemetery records

Essex County, located in the northeastern part of the state of New Jersey, is home to a rich history and a diverse population. One aspect of its historical heritage can be found in its cemetery records, which provide a window into the lives and stories of those who have lived in the area throughout the years.

The cemetery records of Essex County are a treasure trove of information for genealogists, historians, and researchers alike. They provide valuable insights into the lives and deaths of individuals, including birth and death dates, burial locations, and sometimes even cause of death. Furthermore, Essex County's cemetery records serve as a reminder of the diverse communities that have called the area home. The county has been a melting pot of cultures, with various ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds represented in its cemetery records.

Cemetery records published here were acquired from Essex County, NJ cemeteries, churches, municipalities, associations and genealogists specifically for family history and local history research.

Cemetery transcriptions linked below remain free of charge, no subscriptions required.

If you would like to contribute your Essex County, NJ cemetery records to this archive, please visit our Publishing Guidelines.

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What makes us Different?

Single-sourced, not crowd-sourced

Each transcription we publish comes from a single-source, be it the cemetery office, government office, church office, archived document, a tombstone transcriber. Other websites already do an excellent job of crowd-sourcing a single cemetery together. But genealogists also need to see the original records from a single source. That's what we offer.