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Marengo County, AL Cemetery Records

marengo county alabama cemetery records

Marengo County, located in the southwestern part of Alabama, is a historic county with a rich cultural heritage. It is home to several notable cemeteries that hold valuable records documenting the area's past. These cemetery records provide a fascinating glimpse into the lives and histories of the people who settled in this region.

Marengo County cemetery records are collected by dozens of small family graveyards, church cemeteries, city-owned burial lots, and newer private cemeteries. These records often reflect the unique stories and experiences of the families they represent.

Thanks to the efforts of local historical societies, genealogical researchers, and preservation organizations, many of these cemetery records have been meticulously transcribed and archived. They are now accessible to the public, either through physical repositories like local libraries and historical societies or through online platforms.

Cemetery records published here were acquired from Marengo County, AL cemeteries, churches, municipalities, associations and genealogists specifically for family history and local history research.

If you would like to contribute your Marengo County, AL cemetery records to this archive, please visit our Publishing Guidelines.

Marengo County Cemeteries

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What makes us Different?

Single-sourced, not crowd-sourced

Each transcription we publish comes from a single-source, be it the cemetery office, government office, church office, archived document, a tombstone transcriber. Other websites already do an excellent job of crowd-sourcing a single cemetery together. But genealogists also need to see the original records from a single source. That's what we offer.