Search Iowa Death Records
Iowa Newspapers, Full Search (1836-2002), 464 titles
Iowa Obituary Search, (1870-current)
Iowa Birth Records Database, (1836-1999)
Farragut Cemetery
Farragut, Fremont County, Iowa
Submitted by Joyce Supernaw, Aug 17, 2011 [].
Hackett, Chad D., d. 1999, Sec. 4, Lot #528
Hackett, Dale, d. 1977, WWII, Sec. 4, Lot #528
Hackett, Iris, d. 2007, Sec. 4, Lot #528
Hall, Benjamin, d. 1972, Sec. 3, Lot #238
Hall, Beth, d. 1988, Sec. 3, Lot #237
Hall, Charles, d. 1878, Sec. 1, Lot #30
Hall, Clinton, d. 1949, Sec. 3, Lot #255
Hall, Emma J., d. 1904, Sec. 2, Lot #166
Hall, Geo., d. 1946, Sec. 2, Lot #121
Hall, George, d. 1946, Sec. 1, Lot #30
Hall, Harold Shane, d. 1963, Sec. 3, Lot #237
Hall, Harold, d. 1961, Sec. 3, Lot #237
Hall, J. S., d. 1908, Sec. 2, Lot #166
Hall, Joy, d. 1974, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #255
Hall, Katherine, d. 1970, Sec. 3, Lot #237
Hall, Laura, d. 1973, Sec. 3, Lot #238
Hall, Libbie, d. 1955, Sec. 3, Lot #255
Hall, Luke, d. 1896, Sec. 1, Lot #30
Hall, Luke, d. 1944, Sec. 2, Lot #121
Hall, Luther, d. 1963, Sec. 1, Lot #30
Hall, Monte Ray, d. 1935, Sec. 3, Lot #443
Hall, Robert, d. 1956, Sec. 1, Lot #30
Hall, Robert, d. 1957, Sec. 2, Lot #121
Hall, Theresa, d. 1915, Sec. 2, Lot #121
Hall, Wesley David, d. 2008, Sec. 3, Lot #237
Hall, William, no dates, Civil, Sec. 1, Lot #30
Hamann, Emilie, d. 1914, Sec. 4, Lot #498
Hamann, Henry J., d. 1933, Sec. 4, Lot #498
Hammers, Alfred E., d. 1987, WWI, Sec. 3, Lot #319
Hammers, Alfred, Jr, d. 1982, Korean, Sec. 3, Lot #281
Hammers, Eleanor J., d. 1981, Sec. 3, Lot #319
Hammers, Mildred L., d. 2009, Sec. 3, Lot #319
Hammers, Mona, d. 1999, Sec. 3, Lot #281
Hammill, Ida, d. 1903, Sec. 2, Lot #136
Hammill, Sara Elizabeth, d. 1904, Sec. 2, Lot #136
Hampton, Andrew, d. 1892, Sec. 1, Lot #66
Hampton, Leon, d. 1881, Sec. 1, Lot #66
Hampton, Naomi, d. 1904, Sec. 1, Lot #66
Hanon, Anna M., d. 1882, Sec. 1, Lot #17
Hanon, Elijah, d. 1880, Sec. 1, Lot #17
Harding, Infant, d. 1897, c/o Alice, Sec. 1, Lot #110
Harding, Mary, d. 1894, Sec. 1, Lot #110
Harley, Mary, d. 1891, Sec. 2, Lot #192
Harmon, Ethel, d. 1955, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #308
Harmon, Harvey F., d. 1955, Sec. 3, Lot #308
Harmon, Isabel, d. 1927, Sec. 3, Lot #308
Harris, Elizabeth, no dates, Sec. 1, Lot #75
Hartshorn, Chas. E., d. 1918, WWI, Sec. 2, Lot #154
Hastings, Eliza, no dates, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #224
Hastings, Louis Lavere, d. 1934, Sec. 3, Lot #367
Hastings, Phoebe J., d. 1882, Sec. 3, Lot #367
Hastings, Thomas, d. 1913, Sec. 2, Lot #224
Hathaway, Della, d. 1961, Sec. 4, Lot #500
Hathaway, John, d. 1913, Sec. 4, Lot #500
Hathaway, Scotty A., d. 1934, Sec. 4, Lot #500
Hatten, Forrest K., d. 1985, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #361
Hatten, Goldie J., d. 1990, Sec. 3, Lot #361
Hays, Deborah Marinda, d. 1935, Sec. 2, Lot #143
Hays, Robert, d. 1900, Civil, Sec. 2, Lot #143
Hays, Thos., d. 1923, Sec. 2, Lot #143
Headley, Abba, d. 1989, Sec. 3, Lot #433
Headley, Carl, d. 1979, Sec. 3, Lot #433
Helms, Sadie Marie, d. 1997, Sec. 3, Lot #455
Helms, William Doyle, d. 1987, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #455
Hemphill, Ella, d. 1939, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #159
Hemphill, Jas., d. 1894, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #159
Hemphill, Jessie, d. 1970, Sec. 4, Lot #483
Hemphill, John, d. 1948, Sec. 4, Lot #483
Hemphill, Lucy, d. 1891, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #159
Hensley, Mary, d. 1996, Sec. 3, Lot #256
Hensley, William, d. 1960, Sec. 3, Lot #256
Henson, Grace Clark, d. 1966, Sec. 3, Lot #373
Henson, Oscar, d. 1964, WWI, Sec. 3, Lot #373
Henstorf, Harold, d. 1986, WWII, Sec. 1, Lot #101
Henstorf, Mabel, d. 1976, Sec. 1, Lot #101
Henstorf, R. O., d. 1962, Sec. 1, Lot #101
Henstorf, Robert H., d. 1994, Sec. 1, Lot #101
Herriman, Benjamin, d. 1956, Sec. 4, Lot #481
Herriman, Bernice, d. 2007, Sec. 4, Lot #481
Herriman, Bertha, d. 1967, Sec. 2, Lot #165
Herriman, Caroline Adena, d. 1934, Sec. 4, Lot #481
Herriman, Charlie, d. 1983, Sec. 4, Lot #481
Herring, Cynthia, d. 1911, Sec. 4, Lot #465
Herring, James N., d. 1911, Sec. 4, Lot #465
Herron, James, d. 1971, Sec. 4, Lot #486
Herstine, Catherine, d. 1887, Sec. 1, Lot #102
Hicks, Ellen, d. 1979, Sec. 3, Lot #294
Hicks, James Blaine, d. 1959, WWI, Sec. 3, Lot #294
Higgins, Rachel, d. 1942, Sec. 1, Lot #92
Higgins, Rena, d. 1976, Sec. 1, Lot #92
Higgins, Roy M., d. 1939, Sec. 1, Lot #92
Higgins, Sarah E., d. 1909, Sec. 1, Lot #92
Higgins, Saul, d. 1918, Civil, Sec. 1, Lot #92
Higgins, Wm., d. 1888, Sec. 1, Lot #92
Higham, Charlotte, d. 1916, Sec. 2, Lot #203
Higham, Daniel H., d. 1912, Sec. 2, Lot #203
Hill, Edward, d. 1900, Sec. 2, Lot #225
Hill, Infant, no dates, no stone, c/o J.M., Sec. 2, Lot #225
Hilton, Infant, d. 1910, c/o Mr. and Mrs. Wm, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #61
Hilton, June, d. 1978, Sec. 4, Lot #470
Hilton, Mary, d. 1914, Sec. 4, Lot #470
Hilton, Robert, d. 1914, Sec. 4, Lot #470
Hilton, Wm., Jr, d. 1965, Sec. 4, Lot #470
Hines, Ezra, d. 1881, broken, Sec. 1, Lot #8
Hinkle, Albert L., d. 1939, Sec. 1, Lot #88
Hinkle, Margaret, d. 1916, Sec. 1, Lot #88
Hinkle, Ralph, no dates, Sec. 1, Lot #88
Hinkle, Ross, no dates, Sec. 1, Lot #88
Hinkle, Winifred, no dates, Sec. 1, Lot #88
Hogsett, Ames, d. 1939, Sec. 4, Lot #465
Hogsett, Anna B., d. 1963, Sec. 4, Lot #465
Hogsett, Donald, d. 1971, Sec. 4, Lot #473
Hogsett, Howard, d. 1887, Sec. 1, Lot #110
Hogsett, James, d. 1970, Sec. 1, Lot #17
Hogsett, John, d. 1933, Sec. 4, Lot #473
Hogsett, Lida, d. 1971, Sec. 3, Lot #473
Hogsett, Sylvia V., d. 1938, Sec. 1, Lot #17
Holman, Ruby M., d. 2000, Sec. 3, Lot #395
Holman, Ryan Allen, d. 1980, Sec. 3, Lot #415
Hopkins, Almeda, d. 1947, Sec. 4, Lot #467
Hopkins, George S., d. 1972, Sec. 4, Lot #511
Hopkins, Harley E., d. 1949, Sec. 3, Lot #332
Hopkins, Lavernon, d. 1938, Sec. 4, Lot #467
Hopkins, Louise F., d. 1952, Sec. 4, Lot #511
Hopkins, Mabel, d. 1918, Sec. 4, Lot #511
Hopkins, Maudie, d. 2003, Sec. 3, Lot #447
Hopkins, Ora, d. 1907, Sec. 4, Lot #467
Hopkins, Stanley, d. 1934, Sec. 4, Lot #467
Hoppock, Alvin, d. 1971, Sec. 3, Lot #248
Hoppock, Flora J. Allen, d. 1917, Sec. 3, Lot #248
Hoppock, Forrest, d. 1949, Sec. 3, Lot #248
Hoppock, Harvey, d. 1925, Sec. 3, Lot #422
Hoppock, Hiram, d. 1917, Sec. 1, Lot #51
Hoppock, Lucille, d. 1989, Sec. 3, Lot #248
Hoppock, Mattie, d. 1924, Sec. 1, Lot #51
Hoppock, Minnie, d. 1986, Sec. 3, Lot #422
Houtz, Clyde G., d. 1974, Sec. 3, Lot #355
Houtz, Edna E., d. 1967, Sec. 3, Lot #355
Howard, Child, d. 1936, Sec. 1, Lot #11
Howard, Jennie, d. 1925, Sec. 3, Lot #307
Howard, June, d. 1962, Sec. 3, Lot #391
Howard, Lloyd, d. 1983, Sec. 3, Lot #391
Howard, Maud, d. 1971, Sec. 3, Lot #391
Howard, Nellie, d. 1940, Sec. 3, Lot #307
Hudson, Ernest, d. 1984, WWI, Sec. 3, Lot #299
Hudson, Fannie, no dates, no stone, Sec. 4, Lot #519
Hudson, Mary L., no dates, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #430
Hudson, Russell, d. 1986, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #430
Hudson, Ruth, d. 1978, Sec. 3, Lot #299
Hudson, T. B., d. 1939, no stone, Sec. 4, Lot #519
Hummel, Henry E., d. 2004, Korean, Sec. 3, Lot #370
Ireland, Mary E., d. 1948, Sec. 3, Lot #353
Irvin, Francis Isabel, d. 1980, Sec. 3, Lot #356
Irvin, George Elton, d. 1979, Sec. 3, Lot #356
Irvin, Kenneth W., d. 1989, Sec. 3, Lot #358
Irvin, Olive M., d. 1986, Sec. 3, Lot #358
Irwin, Infant, d. 1930, no stone, d/o Frances, Sec. 2, Lot #184
Jacobs, Charles Robert, d. 1926, Sec. 2, Lot #197
Jacobs, Edith, d. 1973, Sec. 3, Lot #274
Jacobs, Peter, d. 1950, Sec. 3, Lot #274
Jaeckel, Paul E., d. 1975, Sec. 3, Lot #319
James, Bertha I., d. 1892, Sec. 1, Lot #112
James, Edith E., d. 1889, Sec. 1, Lot #112
James, Elizabeth, d. 1898, Sec. 1, Lot #112
James, Isaac B., d. 1893, Sec. 1, Lot #112
James, J. D., d. 1928, Sec. 2, Lot #214
James, Josephine, d. 1949, Sec. 2, Lot #214
James, Lucretia E., d. 1900, Sec. 2, Lot #214
James, Rosa, d. 1921, Sec. 1, Lot #112
James, Samuel P., d. 1953, Sec. 2, Lot #214
Jarman, George E., d. 1886, Sec. 1, Lot #72
Jarman, Silas, d. 1894, Sec. 1, Lot #72
Jarman, Willie, d. 1899, Sec. 1, Lot #72
Johnson, James A., d. 1963, Sec. 2, Lot #170
Johnson, Roberta Roberts, d. 1987, Sec. 2, Lot #170
Johnson, Susan R., d. 1965, Sec. 2, Lot #170
Johnston, Dale, d. 1995, Sec. 3, Lot #403
Johnston, Jane, d. 2007, Sec. 3, Lot #403
Johnston, Laura Kay, d. 1966, Sec. 4, Lot #486
Jones, A. E., d. 1893, Sec. 2, Lot #209
Jones, Allen, d. 1890, Sec. 1, Lot #33
Jones, Bernice, d. 1990, Sec. 4, Lot #464
Jones, Charles B., d. 1926, Sec. 1, Lot #33
Jones, Delia, d. 1930, Marker, Sec. 3, Lot #268
Jones, Dollie M., d. 1890, Sec. 1, Lot #33
Jones, Donald, d. 1909, Sec. 4, Lot #464
Jones, E. L, d. 1944, Sec. 3, Lot #268
Jones, Emilie, d. 1893, Sec. 1, Lot #57
Jones, Flora, no dates, Sec. 1, Lot #33
Jones, Fred W., no dates, Sec. 1, Lot #33
Jones, Ida M., d. 1924, Sec. 4, Lot #464
Jones, Infant, d. 1873, dau of A.E., Sec. 2, Lot #209
Jones, J. S., d. 1936, Sec. 1, Lot #33
Jones, John, d. 1925, Sec. 4, Lot #464
Jones, Mabel E., d. 1990, Sec. 3, Lot #332
Jones, Mabel, d. 1983, Sec. 4, Lot #464
Jones, Mary A., d. 1916, Sec. 1, Lot #33
Jones, Mary, d. 1878, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #57
Jones, Mildred Cox, no dates, Sec. 3, Lot #351
Jones, Nelson, d. 1889, Sec. 1, Lot #57
Jones, Paul K, d. 1984, Sec. 4, Lot #464
Jones, Pearl, d. 1968, Sec. 3, Lot #235
Jones, Rolo Thane, d. 1975, Sec. 3, Lot #351
Jones, Sarah C., d. 1930, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #268
Jones, Virginia, d. 1909, Sec. 2, Lot #209
Kame, Obed M., d. 1929, Sec. 2, Lot #145
Keep, George, d. 2003, Sec. 3, Lot #455
Kell, William L., d. 1984, Sec. 3, Lot #335
Kelley, Edward R., d. 1941, Sec. 2, Lot #210
Kelley, Emma J., d. 1913, Sec. 2, Lot #210
Kemp, Kennth Lee, d. 2002, Sec. 3, Lot #354
Kendall, Don, d. 1972, Sec. 3, Lot #236
Kendall, Frieda, d. 1980, Sec. 3, Lot #239
Kendall, Raymond, d. 1983, Sec. 3, Lot #239
Kendall, Rowena Fern, d. 1991, Sec. 3, Lot #236
Kerschner, Cyrena, d. 1883, Sec. 1, Lot #84
Kerschner, Dan, d. 1953, Sec. 1, Lot #84
Kerschner, Geo. W., d. 1914, Sec. 1, Lot #84
Kerschner, Noah, d. 1881, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #2
Kerschner, Rebecca, d. 1896, Sec. 1, Lot #84
Kimberlin, Cecil, d. 1949, WWI, Sec. 3, Lot #249
Kimberlin, Mrs. C. B., no dates, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #249
Kimberlin, Sherman B., d. 1920, Civil, Sec. 3, Lot #249
Kimerling, Edith, d. 1931, Sec. 4, Lot #480
Kimerling, W. H., d. 1944, Sec. 4, Lot #480
Kimsey, Barbara, d. 1924, Sec. 3, Lot #362
Kimsey, Bert O., d. 1963, Sec. 3, Lot #362
Kimsey, Catherine, d. 1915, Sec. 3, Lot #362
Kimsey, Catherine, d. 1993, Sec. 3, Lot #362
King, F. M., d. 1903, Civil, Sec. 2, Lot #201
King, John A., d. 1933, Sec. 2, Lot #201
King, Laura A., d. 1953, Sec. 2, Lot #201
King, Margaret A., d. 1908, Sec. 2, Lot #201
King, R. Will, d. 1935, Sec. 2, Lot #201
Kingsolver, Emma, d. 1963, Sec. 3, Lot #345
Kingsolver, Everett, d. 1990, Sec. 3, Lot #280
Kingsolver, John M., d. 1931, Civil, Sec. 2, Lot #192
Kingsolver, John N., d. 1991, Sec. 3, Lot #357
Kingsolver, Kenneth R., d. 1984, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #357
Kingsolver, L. Howard, d. 1954, Sec. 3, Lot #345
Kingsolver, Leona G., d. 1970, Sec. 3, Lot #357
Kingsolver, Leslie H., d. 1958, Sec. 3, Lot #345
Kingsolver, Mildred, d. 1993, Sec. 3, Lot #280
Kingsolver, Nellie M., d. 1945, Sec. 2, Lot #192
Kingsolver, Sarah A., d. 1905, Sec. 2, Lot #192
Kingsolver, Willard F., d. 1922, WWI, Sec. 3, Lot #345
Kinman, Dendale, d. 1948, Sec. 3, Lot #312
Kinman, Dollie Martinsen, d. 1948, Sec. 3, Lot #312
Kirby, Bonnie Foster, d. 1933, Sec. 3, Lot #229
Kites, Thelma, d. 1928, Sec. 3, Lot #365
Kleckner, Carolyn, d. 1943, Sec. 4, Lot #517
Kleckner, Earl L., d. 1933, Sec. 2, Lot #217
Kleckner, Eleanor, d. 1985, Sec. 4, Lot #517
Kleckner, Grace E., d. 1936, Sec. 2, Lot #204
Kleckner, Lora C., d. 1946, Sec. 2, Lot #204
Kleckner, Rhoda G., d. 1916, Sec. 2, Lot #217
Kleckner, Sarah B., d. 1902, Sec. 2, Lot #204
Kleckner, William H., d. 1984, Sec. 4, Lot #517
Kleckner, William S., d. 1908, Civil, Sec. 2, Lot #217
Knackstedt, Lillie Mae, d. 1987, Sec. 3, Lot #359
Knapp, Alice, d. 1948, Sec. 4, Lot #505
Knapp, Charles, d. 1913, Sec. 4, Lot #505
Knapp, Lida, d. 1871, Sec. 4, Lot #505
Knapp, Martha, d. 1928, Sec. 4, Lot #505
Knapp, Raymond, d. 1919, Sec. 4, Lot #505
Knapp, Roland, d. 1913, Sec. 4, Lot #505
Knight, Mrs. S.G., no dates, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #166
Knight, Samuel G., d. 1904, Civil, Sec. 2, Lot #166
Kraschel, Howard, d. 1963, Sec. 3, Lot #425
Kraschel, Jessie, d. 1942, Sec. 3, Lot #425
Kraschel, Melvin, d. 1957, Sec. 3, Lot #425
Krise, Helen K., d. 1971, Sec. 4, Lot #524
Kuhn, Frederick, d. 1908, Sec. 2, Lot #186
Kuhn, Mary, d. 1899, Sec. 2, Lot #186
Kuhn, Mrs. Nathaniel, no dates, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #2
Kuntzelman, Charles, d. 2004, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #447
Kuntzelman, Debbie Sue, d. 2006, Sec. 3, Lot #447
Kuntzelman, Navadene, d. 2000, Sec. 3, Lot #447
Land, Mary. G., d. 1909, Child, Sec. 1, Lot #11
Larson, Luther, d. 1966, Sec. 3, Lot #406
Larson, Sena, d. 1949, Sec. 3, Lot #406
Latimer, Bertha, d. 1879, Sec. 1, Lot #45
Latimer, Bessie Campbell, d. 1968, Sec. 3, Lot #363
Latimer, Eugene, d. 2009, WWII, Sec. 1, Lot #45
Latimer, George, d. 1876, Sec. 1, Lot #45
Latimer, Hugh, d. 1978, Sec. 1, Lot #45
Latimer, Irene, d. 1972, Sec. 1, Lot #45
Latimer, John Liberty, d. 1943, Sec. 3, Lot #363
Latimer, Lemuel, d. 1911, Sec. 1, Lot #45
Latimer, Sarah E., d. 1919, Sec. 1, Lot #45
Latimer, Vinnie, d. 1872, Sec. 1, Lot #45
Lavely, Gladys, d. 1955, Sec. 1, Lot #111
Lavely, Lester, d. 1958, Sec. 1, Lot #111
Lester, J. B. Barbary, Mrs, d. 1878, Sec. 1, Lot #32
Lewis, Cora, d. 1954, Sec. 3, Lot #334
Lewis, Eligha, d. 1961, Sec. 3, Lot #335
Lewis, George W., d. 1983, Sec. 3, Lot #334
Lewis, Minnie L., d. 1977, Sec. 3, Lot #335
Lida, ??, d. 1920, Sec. 3, Lot #383
Lida, Baby, d. 1871, c/o T.J. Morgan's Hired Man, Sec. 1, Lot #6
Lightfoot, Alpha, d. 1997, Sec. 3, Lot #416
Lightfoot, Ausco, d. 1878, Sec. 1, Lot #47
Lightfoot, Byron, d. 1983, Sec. 3, Lot #392
Lightfoot, Darlene, d. 2006, Sec. 3, Lot #296
Lightfoot, DeEtta, d. 1974, Sec. 3, Lot #296
Lightfoot, Effie, d. 1973, Sec. 3, Lot #392
Lightfoot, Elizabeth, d. 1919, Sec. 1, Lot #47
Lightfoot, Elmer, d. 2001, Sec. 3, Lot #416
Lightfoot, Emma, d. 1927, Sec. 1, Lot #79
Lightfoot, Ernest, d. 1932, Sec. 1, Lot #79
Lightfoot, Frank, d. 1951, Sec. 1, Lot #79
Lightfoot, Geneva, d. 2003, Sec. 3, Lot #409
Lightfoot, Larry Dean, d. 1951, Sec. 3, Lot #409
Lightfoot, Marion, d. 1900, Sec. 1, Lot #47
Lightfoot, Millie, d. 1884, Sec. 1, Lot #79
Lightfoot, Milo, d. 1981, Sec. 3, Lot #296
Lightfoot, Mrs. W.L., no dates, Sec. 1, Lot #28
Lightfoot, Samuel, d. 1923, Sec. 1, Lot #79
Lightfoot, Sherman, d. 1994, Sec. 3, Lot #409
Lightfoot, William L., d. 1903, Civil, Sec. 1, Lot #28
Likes, George, d. 1883, Sec. 1, Lot #63
Likes, Purah, d. 1892, Sec. 1, Lot #63
Likes, Sadie, d. 1885, Sec. 1, Lot #63
Likes, Samuel, d. 1892, Sec. 1, Lot #63
Linn, Clarence Walter, d. 1978, Sec. 3, Lot #431
Linn, Margaret, d. 1969, Sec. 3, Lot #431
Lisk, Cora, d. 1927, Sec. 3, Lot #271
Livingston, A.F., d. 1884, Sec. 1, Lot #104
Livingston, Abbie Mae, d. 1920, Sec. 2, Lot #215
Livingston, Anna, d. 1896, Sec. 1, Lot #85
Livingston, Chas., d. 1882, Sec. 1, Lot #85
Livingston, Dora, d. 1961, Sec. 3, Lot #276
Livingston, Ed, d. 1884, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #104
Livingston, Frank, d. 1900, Sec. 2, Lot #215
Livingston, Geneva, d. 1983, Sec. 3, Lot #276
Livingston, Grace, d. 1934, Sec. 2, Lot #215
Livingston, Henry, no dates, Sec. 1, Lot #85
Livingston, John, d. 1961, Sec. 3, Lot #276
Livingston, Loren, d. 1964, Sec. 3, Lot #276
Livingston, Max, d. 1995, Korean, Sec. 3, Lot #240
Livingston, Rubye, d. 2005, Sec. 3, Lot #240
Lomax, Commordore P., d. 1935, Civil, Sec. 1, Lot #46
Lomax, Orin L., d. 1878, Sec. 1, Lot #46
Lomax, Sarah E., d. 1923, Sec. 1, Lot #46
Long, Ethel, d. 1986, Sec. 3, Lot #347
Long, Frank, d. 1928, Sec. 3, Lot #346
Long, Fred, d. 1970, Sec. 3, Lot #347
Long, Jennie, d. 1947, Sec. 3, Lot #346
Long, Martha C., d. 1934, Sec. 3, Lot #346
Long, Rebecca, d. 1952, Sec. 3, Lot #332
Long, William H., d. 1930, Sec. 3, Lot #346
Lorimor, Bert, d. 1999, Sec. 3, Lot #435
Lorimor, Dawn Carroll Michele, d. 1975, Sec. 4, Lot #477
Lorimor, Elizabeth, d. 2007, Sec. 4, Lot #492
Lorimor, Elpha, d. 1974, Sec. 3, Lot #292
Lorimor, Fred, d. 1944, WWII, Sec. 4, Lot #477
Lorimor, Geo.L., d. 1934, Sec. 3, Lot #292
Lorimor, Grace, d. 1983, Sec. 4, Lot #477
Lorimor, Jim A., d. 1960, Sec. 3, Lot #292
Lorimor, John, d. 1968, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #292
Lorimor, Katie, d. 1956, Sec. 3, Lot #292
Lorimor, Katie, d. 1993, Sec. 3, Lot #454
Lorimor, Scott, d. 2003, Sec. 4, Lot #492
Lorimor, W. T., Jr, no date, Sec. 4, Lot #492
Lorimor, W. T., d. 1963, Sec. 4, Lot #477
Lyle, Fannie Malcomb, d. 1986, Sec. 4, Lot #513
Lyle, Mary, d. 1950, Sec. 4, Lot #513
Lyle, Wm. LeRoy, d. 1942, Sec. 4, Lot #513
Lyle, Wm. S., d. 1921, Sec. 4, Lot #513
Lyons, Marley, d. 1934, Sec. 3, Lot #442
Lyons, Neva, d. 1985, Sec. 3, Lot #442
M Intyre, Doris M., d. 2008, Sec. 3, Lot #331
MacDonald, Barnes E., d. 1968, Sec. 3, Lot #374
MacDonald, Bernice, d. 1986, Sec. 3, Lot #374
Mackoy, John J, d. 1896, Sec. 1, Lot #118
Mackoy, Mary E., d. 1933, Sec. 1, Lot #118
Mackoy, Ola, d. 1921, Sec. 1, Lot #118
Mackoy, Paul M., d. 1905, Sec. 1, Lot #118
Mackoy, Thomas L., d. 1933, Sec. 1, Lot #118
Mackoy, Wm. T., d. 1965, Sec. 1, Lot #118
Macomber, James A, d. 1955, Sec. 3, Lot #255
Macomber, Olga, d. 1988, Sec. 3, Lot #255
Maffitt, Barbara, d. 1939, Sec. 2, Lot #147
Maffitt, Floyd, d. 1981, Sec. 2, Lot #147
Maffitt, Helen, d. 1989, Sec. 2, Lot #147
Magee, George W., d. 1968, Sec. 3, Lot #370
Magee, Verba E., d. 1977, Sec. 3, Lot #370
Magel, George W., d. 1959, Sec. 3, Lot #364
Magel, Maude, d. 1920, Sec. 3, Lot #364
Magel, Mrs., d. 1975, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #370
Magel, Robert, d. 1949, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #370
Magnusson, Judy Rea, d. 1965, Sec. 3, Lot #410
Mahon, Harriet, d. 1899, Sec. 2, Lot #142
Mahon, Wash, d. 1919, Sec. 2, Lot #142
Mair, Ed, d. 1874, Sec. 1, Lot #83
Malcom, Carrol D., d. 1940, Sec. 3, Lot #253
Malcom, Cora, Mrs, d. 1964, Sec. 3, Lot #253
Malcom, Isaac.W., d. 1926, Sec. 2, Lot #220
Malcom, Lowell O., d. 1940, Sec. 3, Lot #253
Malcom, Mary E., d. 1945, Sec. 2, Lot #220
Malcom, Orville, d. 1971, Sec. 3, Lot #253
Mann, LaVerne, d. 1952, Sec. 3, Lot #391
Mann, Orin, d. 1984, Sec. 3, Lot #391
Manrose, Birdie L., d. 1978, Sec. 3, Lot #325
Manrose, Charles R., d. 1963, Sec. 3, Lot #325
Manrose, Jimmie, d. 1920, Sec. 3, Lot #325
Manrose, W. Ross, d. 1978, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #306
Mart, Clint, d. 1970, Sec. 3, Lot #392
Mart, Josephine, d. 1970, Sec. 3, Lot #392
Martin, Addie, d. 1959, Sec. 3, Lot #267
Martin, Barbara, d. 1924, Sec. 3, Lot #267
Martin, Clara, d. 1955, Sec. 3, Lot #267
Martin, Guy, d. 1902, Sec. 2, Lot #216
Martin, Richard, d. 1924, Civil, Sec. 3, Lot #267
Martin, Sarah, d. 1947, Sec. 3, Lot #267
Martinsen, Albert M., d. 1947, Sec. 3, Lot #330
Martinsen, Annie, d. 1975, Sec. 1, Lot #120
Martinsen, Martin, d. 1940, Sec. 1, Lot #120
Martinsen, Maynon E., d. 1990, Sec. 3, Lot #330
Martinsen, Mercedese E., d. 1935, Sec. 3, Lot #366
Mascher, Ellen, d. 1966, Sec. 3, Lot #430
Mascher, John, d. 1989, Sec. 3, Lot #430
Mascher, Richard, d. 1997, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #298
Masterson, Daniel A., d. 1923, Sec. 2, Lot #123
Masterson, Gertrude, d. 1976, Sec. 2, Lot #123
Matthews, Alice, d. 1967, Sec. 3, Lot #365
Matthews, Elmer, d. 1989, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #233
Matthews, Florence, d. 1942, Sec. 3, Lot #252
Matthews, Frank, d. 1930, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #181
Matthews, Harve, d. 1973, Sec. 3, Lot #365
Matthews, Infant, d. 1894, c/o W.H. Jr, Sec. 2, Lot #181
Matthews, Infant, d. 1896, s/o W.H. Jr, Sec. 2, Lot #181
Matthews, Louisa, d. 1905, Sec. 2, Lot #181
Matthews, Mary E., d. 1934, Sec. 3, Lot #233
Matthews, Patsy Baker, d. 2005, Sec. 3, Lot #233
Matthews, Sarah Elizabeth, d. 1976, Sec. 3, Lot #233
Matthews, W. H., d. 1910, Sec. 2, Lot #181
Matthews, Walter, d. 1972, Sec. 3, Lot #233
Matthews, William H., d. 1842, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #365
Matthews, Wm., d. 1928, Sec. 3, Lot #252
Maxted, Tom, d. 1935, Sec. 3, Lot #422
Maxwell, Hannah W., d. 1901, Sec. 1, Lot #56
Maxwell, Jennie K, d. 1926, Sec. 1, Lot #56
Maxwell, Jennie, d. 1960, Sec. 1, Lot #56
Maxwell, Matthew, d. 1927, Sec. 1, Lot #56
McAllister, Ada, d. 1955, Sec. 1, Lot #53
McAllister, Mary E., no date, Sec. 1, Lot #53
McAllister, Rosa B., d. 1879, Sec. 1, Lot #53
McAllister, Samuel, d. 1901, Sec. 1, Lot #53
McAllister, Samuel, d. 1973, Sec. 4, Lot #490
McAllister, Viola, d. 1979, Sec. 4, Lot #490
McCaffree, Nora, d. 1878, broken, Sec. 1, Lot #31
McElroy, Lois L., d. 1997, Sec. 3, Lot #446
McGinnis, Amy M., d. 1907, Sec. 2, Lot #211
McGinnis, Arlien, d. 1995, Sec. 3, Lot #235
McGinnis, Arthur W., d. 1925, Sec. 1, Lot #42
McGinnis, Earl, d. 1993, Sec. 3, Lot #235
McGinnis, Edna, d. 1953, Sec. 1, Lot #42
McGinnis, Infant, no dates, no stone, c/o H., Sec. 2, Lot #211
McGinnis, Maggie A., d. 1895, Sec. 2, Lot #211
McGinnis, Myrtle, d. 1981, Sec. 1, Lot #42
McIntyre, A. J., d. 1930, Sec. 1, Lot #119
McIntyre, Bertha, d. 1883, Sec. 1, Lot #67
McIntyre, Bertha, d. 1883, Sec. 2, Lot #228
McIntyre, Carl, d. 1923, Sec. 3, Lot #421
McIntyre, Carolyn M., d. 1915, Baby, Sec. 4, Lot #506
McIntyre, Chas., d. 1900, Sec. 2, Lot #228
McIntyre, Clarence A., d. 1913, Sec. 1, Lot #119
McIntyre, Dorothy, no date, Sec. 3, Lot #429
McIntyre, Edith, d. 1955, Sec. 4, Lot #465
McIntyre, Edwin J., d. 1924, Sec. 2, Lot #228
McIntyre, Edwin, d. 1897, Sec. 2, Lot #228
McIntyre, Flora, d. 1971, Sec. 3, Lot #426
McIntyre, Frank R., d. 1958, Sec. 4, Lot #506
McIntyre, Fred, d. 1943, Sec. 4, Lot #465
McIntyre, Geo. F., d. 1896, Sec. 1, Lot #67
McIntyre, Harry L., d. 1945, Sec. 3, Lot #445
McIntyre, Hattie, d. 1999, Sec. 4, Lot #506
McIntyre, Henry W., d. 1900, Sec. 1, Lot #119
McIntyre, Irene, d. 2004, Sec. 3, Lot #263
McIntyre, Isaac W., d. 1937, Sec. 3, Lot #421
McIntyre, Jesse, d. 1959, Sec. 3, Lot #426
McIntyre, Lois J., d. 1980, Sec. 4, Lot #506
McIntyre, Mary A., d. 1926, Sec. 1, Lot #67
McIntyre, Mary, d. 1945, Sec. 1, Lot #119
McIntyre, Nellie, d. 1973, Sec. 3, Lot #445
McIntyre, Paul, d. 1895, Sec. 2, Lot #228
McIntyre, Ralph H., d. 1991, Sec. 3, Lot #331
McIntyre, Richard, d. 2005, Sec. 3, Lot #429
McIntyre, Sarah, d. 1937, Sec. 3, Lot #421
McIntyre, Trevor Weldon, d. 1978, Sec. 3, Lot #331
McKean, James, d. 1953, Sec. 3, Lot #275
McKean, Nora, d. 1968, Sec. 3, Lot #275
McLaughlin, Infant, d. 1927, no stone, c/o H., Sec. 1, Lot #61
McLaughlin, Walter, d. 1890, Span-Am., Sec. 1, Lot #20
McMahan, Derrell, no dates, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #316
McMahan, Esther F., d. 1993, Sec. 3, Lot #316
McMahan, Jane, no dates, Sec. 1, Lot #78
McMahan, Thomas V., d. 1977, WWI, Sec. 3, Lot #316
McMahon, Dwight D., d. 1951, Korean, Sec. 2, Lot #124
McMahon, Essie, d. 1976, Sec. 3, Lot #427
McMahon, Fannie, d. 1915, Sec. 2, Lot #135
McMahon, Forrest, d. 1970, Sec. 2, Lot #124
McMahon, George W., d. 1944, Sec. 4, Lot #509
McMahon, Hal, d. 1971, Sec. 2, Lot #124
McMahon, Infant, d. 1916, c/o George, Sec. 4, Lot #509
McMahon, James, d. 1949, Sec. 3, Lot #427
McMahon, Janice, d. 1921, Sec. 2, Lot #124
McMahon, Katrina, d. 1944, Sec. 2, Lot #135
McMahon, Lowell, d. 1928, Sec. 4, Lot #509
McMahon, Max, d. 1983, WWII, Sec. 2, Lot #124
McMahon, Otsa, d. 1973, Sec. 4, Lot #509
McMahon, Susan, d. 1903, Sec. 2, Lot #135
McMahon, Thomas, Sr, d. 1935, Sec. 2, Lot #135
McMahon, Thomas, d. 1903, Sec. 2, Lot #135
McMahon, Willis, d. 1945, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #427
McMullen, Amos, d. 1967, Sec. 2, Lot #226
McMullen, Chas., d. 1891, Sec. 2, Lot #156
McMullen, Chas., d. 1959, Sec. 1, Lot #105
McMullen, Clarence, d. 1982, Sec. 2, Lot #226
McMullen, Earl, d. 1939, Sec. 3, Lot #387
McMullen, Elizabeth, d. 1906, Sec. 2, Lot #167
McMullen, Ernest Claude, d. 1984, Sec. 3, Lot #308
McMullen, Estella Ruby, d. 1984, Sec. 3, Lot #308
McMullen, Frank, d. 1951, Sec. 1, Lot #105
McMullen, George F., d. 1893, Sec. 2, Lot #156
McMullen, Harold, d. 1976, Sec. 2, Lot #226
McMullen, Infant, d. 1895, c/o J & H, Sec. 2, Lot #156
McMullen, Infant, d. 1899, c/o Amos Everett, Sec. 2, Lot #226
McMullen, Infant, d. 1915, c/o Amos Nyle, Sec. 2, Lot #226
McMullen, Josiah, d. 1911, Sec. 2, Lot #156
McMullen, Marguerite, d. 1986, Sec. 3, Lot #387
McMullen, Mary A., d. 1979, Sec. 3, Lot #317
McMullen, Mary, d. 1908, Sec. 1, Lot #105
McMullen, Nora, d. 1913, Sec. 2, Lot #226
McMullen, Ray G., d. 1972, Sec. 3, Lot #317
McMullen, Rex L., d. 1926, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #308
McMullen, Ruth, d. 2001, Sec. 3, Lot #434
McMullen, Samuel, d. 1951, Sec. 3, Lot #387
McMullen, Sarah, d. 1946, Sec. 3, Lot #387
McMullen, Wm., d. 1884, Sec. 1, Lot #105
McQueen, Wayland, d. 1979, Sec. 3, Lot #436
Menard, Geraldine, d. 1989, Sec. 3, Lot #421
Menard, Lemuel, d. 1978, Sec. 3, Lot #421
Meneely, Wilma M., d. 1989, Sec. 3, Lot #350
Mertes, Donna Jean, d. 1971, Sec. 4, Lot #488
Mier, Marisha, d. 1997, Sec. 1, Lot #69
Miller, Alberta, d. 1982, Sec. 1, Lot #81
Miller, Aletha, no dates, Sec. 1, Lot #81
Miller, Baby, no dates, no stone, c/o Ruey, Sec. 2, Lot #215
Miller, Bertie, d. 1982, Sec. 1, Lot #81
Miller, Clara, d. 1871, Sec. 1, Lot #36
Miller, Clarence, d. 1969, Sec. 1, Lot #81
Miller, Clint, d. 2008, Sec. 3, Lot #418
Miller, D.D., Dr, d. 1916, Civil, Sec. 1, Lot #36
Miller, Edith, d. 1881, Sec. 1, Lot #49
Miller, Edwin, d. 1934, Sec. 4, Lot #502
Miller, Eliza, d. 1915, Sec. 1, Lot #36
Miller, Elizabeth, d. 1890, Sec. 2, Lot #193
Miller, Elva, d. 1974, Sec. 4, Lot #520
Miller, Gertrude, d. 1973, Sec. 4, Lot #502
Miller, Harry Eugene, d. 2001, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #372
Miller, Hattie, d. 1881, Sec. 1, Lot #49
Miller, Hattie, d. 1888, Sec. 1, Lot #81
Miller, James, d. 1921, Sec. 4, Lot #476
Miller, Johnny, d. 1869, Sec. 1, Lot #36
Miller, Larkin, d. 1953, Sec. 1, Lot #49
Miller, Laura, d. 1947, Sec. 1, Lot #49
Miller, Lulua, d. 1880, Sec. 1, Lot #81
Miller, Mollie M., d. 2001, Sec. 3, Lot #372
Miller, Morela, no dates, Sec. 1, Lot #81
Miller, Norma, d. 2003, Sec. 3, Lot #417
Miller, Ruey A., d. 1963, Sec. 2, Lot #215
Miller, Ruth M., d. 1913, Sec. 4, Lot #502
Miller, Sarah, d. 1896, Sec. 1, Lot #78
Miller, Sarah, d. 1922, Sec. 4, Lot #476
Miller, T. J., d. 1892, Civil, Sec. 1, Lot #81
Miller, Teresa J., d. 1954, Sec. 3, Lot #372
Miller, Thomas, d. 1983, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #417
Miller, Virginia J., d. 1944, Sec. 4, Lot #520
Miller, W.J., d. 1961, Sec. 4, Lot #520
Mills, Ester, no dates, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #9
Mills, Inf. dau. of W.H., d. 1902, Sec. 2, Lot #200
Mills, Sophronia, d. 1903, Sec. 2, Lot #200
Mills, W. H., d. 1951, Sec. 2, Lot #200
Mills, W. R., no dates, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #9
Mitchell, Carrie, d. 1988, Sec. 2, Lot #220
Mitchell, Charles M., d. 1918, Sec. 2, Lot #220
Mitchell, J. Ben, d. 1980, Sec. 2, Lot #220
Mitchell, Jeffery L., d. 1999, Sec. 2, Lot #220
Monroe, William V., d. 1968, Sec. 3, Lot #318
Monson, Harry, d. 1961, Sec. 3, Lot #401
Monson, Mary L., d. 1919, Sec. 3, Lot #401
Monson, Mary, d. 1981, Sec. 3, Lot #401
Montfils, Lois Turnbell, d. 1988, Sec. 3, Lot #440
Moody, Carl, d. 1897, Sec. 1, Lot #32
Moody, Christina, d. 1950, Sec. 1, Lot #32
Moody, Dorcas, d. 1965, Sec. 3, Lot #408
Moody, Larry, d. 2009, Sec. 3, Lot #391
Moody, Pearl, d. 1977, Sec. 3, Lot #408
Moody, Ralph, d. 1978, Sec. 3, Lot #408
Moody, Sven August, d. 1953, Sec. 1, Lot #32
Moody, W.B., d. 1953, Sec. 3, Lot #408
Moore, Ethel, d. 1972, Sec. 3, Lot #433
Moore, Frank, d. 1962, Sec. 3, Lot #297
Moore, Hazel, d. 2004, Sec. 3, Lot #297
Moore, James, d. 1986, Sec. 3, Lot #433
Moore, John, d. 1933, Sec. 3, Lot #442
Moore, Minnie, d. 1956, Sec. 3, Lot #442
Morehead, Henry, d. 1927, Sec. 1, Lot #80
Morehead, Jestinia, d. 1880, Sec. 1, Lot #80
Morehead, Mary Louise, d. 1923, Sec. 1, Lot #80
Morgan, Infant, d. 1878, s/o T.J., Sec. 1, Lot #55
Morgan, Infant, d. 1905, no stone, d/o George, Sec. 1, Lot #46
Morgan, Mable, d. 1980, Sec. 1, Lot #55
Morgan, Sarah Elizabeth, d. 1991, Sec. 1, Lot #55
Morgan, Savannia, d. 1907, Sec. 1, Lot #55
Morgan, T. J., d. 1920, Sec. 1, Lot #55
Morgan, T.J. Jr, d. 1890, Sec. 1, Lot #55
Morgan, Wallace, d. 1958, Sec. 1, Lot #55
Morrow, Ralph, d. 1995, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #394
Mount, Gerald Francis, d. 1962, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #335
Munson, George, d. 1875, Sec. 1, Lot #37
Munson, Laura L., d. 1876, Sec. 1, Lot #37
Muthers, Otto W., d. 1987, Sec. 1, Lot #3
Muthers, Thelma J., d. 1996, Sec. 1, Lot #3
Myers, Chas., d. 1968, Sec. 4, Lot #510
Myers, Mary, d. 1990, Sec. 4, Lot #510
Neilson, Warren, d. 2007, Sec. 3, Lot #283
Nelson, August, d. 1901, Sec. 1, Lot #83
Nelson, Stanley, d. 2005, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #259
Newhall, Anna C., d. 1908, Sec. 1, Lot #102
Newhall, Bennetta, d. 1894, Sec. 1, Lot #102
Newhall, Willard, d. 1894, Sec. 1, Lot #102
Newton, C. F., d. 1920, Sec. 2, Lot #147
Newton, Ernest M., d. 1971, Sec. 2, Lot #131
Newton, Harriet, d. 1906, Sec. 2, Lot #147
Newton, Jane, d. 1889, Sec. 1, Lot #78
Newton, John Luelen, d. 1935, Sec. 1, Lot #47
Newton, M., d. 1920, Sec. 2, Lot #131
Newton, May, d. 1914, Sec. 2, Lot #147
Newton, Ora, d. 1958, Sec. 1, Lot #47
Newton, Sarah, d. 1906, Sec. 2, Lot #131
Niday, Willard, d. 1885, Sec. 1, Lot #82
Nieswinter, Mabel, d. 2000, Sec. 1, Lot #42
Nocton, Dorothy, d. 2003, Sec. 1, Lot #11
Norton, Baby of Virgil, d. 1941, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #104
Norton, Bernice, d. 2011, Sec. 3, Lot #436
Norton, Virgil, d. 2000, Sec. 3, Lot #436
ODell, Earl, d. 1892, Sec. 1, Lot #93
ODell, Infant, d. 1885, s/o James, Sec. 1, Lot #93
ODell, Jas., d. 1923, Sec. 1, Lot #93
Opfel, Robert, d. 1994, Sec. 1, Lot #100
Opfield, Infant, d. 1951, c/o Peter Camp, no stone, Sec. 4, Lot #512
Oppenheimer, Daisy, d. 1944, Sec. 3, Lot #406
Oppenheimer, Earl, d. 1983, Sec. 3, Lot #389
Oppenheimer, Hallie, d. 1967, Sec. 3, Lot #406
Oppenheimer, James Leslie, d. 2005, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #398
Oppenheimer, Marion, d. 1947, Sec. 3, Lot #389
Oppenheimer, Mildred, d. 1994, Sec. 3, Lot #398
Oppenheimer, Rosa, d. 1990, Sec. 3, Lot #406
Page, Raymond, no dates, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #309
Palm, Frank C., d. 1967, Sec. 3, Lot #375
Palm, Franklin S., d. 2009, Sec. 3, Lot #375
Palm, Marguerite F., d. 1967, Sec. 3, Lot #375
Palmquist, Kathy, d. 1990, Sec. 3, Lot #234
Parker, Olive, d. 1935, Sec. 2, Lot #179
Patterson, Dovie, d. 1940, Sec. 4, Lot #482
Pease, Dustin, d. 1889, Sec. 2, Lot #175
Pease, Ella, d. 1980, Sec. 3, Lot #293
Pease, Frances, d. 2004, Sec. 3, Lot #293
Pease, Jean, d. 1923, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #175
Pease, John E., d. 1925, Sec. 2, Lot #175
Pease, Kittie, d. 1872, Sec. 1, Lot #39
Pease, Liberty, d. 1873, Sec. 1, Lot #39
Pease, Martha, d. 1890, Sec. 1, Lot #39
Pease, Philena, d. 1914, Sec. 1, Lot #39
Pease, Ralph, d. 1971, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #293
Pease, Sarah J., d. 1920, Sec. 2, Lot #175
Pease, Seth, d. 1958, Sec. 3, Lot #293
Pease, Warren (rests in England), d. 1944, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #293
Pena, Sheryl, d. 2009, Sec. 3, Lot #433
Perkins, A. R., d. 1978, Sec. 1, Lot #38
Perkins, Charliss, d. 1884, Sec. 1, Lot #62
Perkins, Ethel Kleckner, d. 1975, Sec. 2, Lot #217
Perkins, Eva, d. 1938, Sec. 1, Lot #38
Perkins, George, d. 1950, Sec. 1, Lot #38
Perkins, Hattie, d. 1884, Sec. 1, Lot #62
Perkins, Mary, d. 1998, Sec. 1, Lot #38
Peterkin, James, d. 1906, Civil, Sec. 1, Lot #71
Peterkin, Margaret, d. 1887, Sec. 1, Lot #71
Peterson, Cheryl Lynn, d. 2007, Sec. 3, Lot #338
Peterson, Elizabeth, d. 1961, Sec. 2, Lot #167
Philips, ??, d. 1918, Sec. 3, Lot #305
Philips, Lafayette, d. 1951, Sec. 3, Lot #305
Phillips, Alan King, d. 1964, Sec. 3, Lot #317
Phillips, Ben G., d. 1964, Sec. 2, Lot #200
Phillips, Claude K., d. 1966, Sec. 3, Lot #318
Phillips, Janice, d. 2008, Sec. 3, Lot #234
Phillips, Mattie B., d. 1937, Sec. 2, Lot #200
Phillips, Max D., d. 2006, Korean, Sec. 3, Lot #317
Phillips, Myrna J., d. 2005, Sec. 3, Lot #317
Phillips, Rebecca, d. 1903, Sec. 2, Lot #143
Phillips, Ruth M., d. 1981, Sec. 3, Lot #318
Philo, Samuel, d. 1878, Sec. 1, Lot #27
Phipps, Albert S., d. 1956, Sec. 2, Lot #211
Phipps, Albert, d. 1973, Sec. 2, Lot #211
Phipps, Alta E., d. 1969, Sec. 2, Lot #211
Phipps, H. J., d. 1906, Sec. 2, Lot #211
Phipps, H. Ortel, d. 1968, Sec. 2, Lot #211
Phipps, Hazel, d. 1972, Sec. 2, Lot #125
Phipps, Howard O., d. 1987, WWII, Sec. 2, Lot #211
Phipps, Infant, d. 1923, c/o O.A., Sec. 2, Lot #211
Phipps, Lillian B., d. 1976, Sec. 2, Lot #211
Phipps, Salina J., d. 1943, Sec. 2, Lot #211
Phipps, Wayne, d. 1983, Sec. 2, Lot #125
Pierce, Bob, d. 1993, Korean, Sec. 1, Lot #11
Pierce, Charles Donald, d. 1974, Sec. 4, Lot #489
Pierce, Frances, d. 1992, Sec. 3, Lot #453
Pierce, Grace, d. 1960, Sec. 1, Lot #11
Pierce, Helen, d. 1994, Sec. 4, Lot #489
Pierce, Mrs. Samuel, d. 1906, Sec. 1, Lot #11
Pierce, Orval, d. 1953, Sec. 1, Lot #11
Pierce, Ruth Ann, d. 1961, Sec. 1, Lot #11
Pierce, Samuel, d. 1945, Sec. 1, Lot #11
Pierce, Willard, d. 1993, Sec. 3, Lot #453
Pifferini, Donna, d. 2006, Sec. 3, Lot #443
Pinckley, Alvina, d. 1937, Sec. 2, Lot #189
Pinckley, Frances, d. 1908, Sec. 2, Lot #189
Piper, C. A., no dates, Sec. 2, Lot #144
Piper, Ethel Catheryn, d. 1992, Sec. 2, Lot #144
Piper, Father of C.A., no dates, Sec. 2, Lot #144
Piper, Henry, d. 1941, Sec. 2, Lot #144
Piper, Lillie, d. 1903, Sec. 2, Lot #144
Piper, Mother of C.A., no dates, Sec. 2, Lot #144
Piper, Walter C., d. 1903, Sec. 2, Lot #144
Plummer, Leon, d. 1976, Sec. 4, Lot #527
Plummer, Sally M., d. 2001, Sec. 4, Lot #527
Potter, A. H., d. 1884, Sec. 1, Lot #58
Potter, Infant, d. 1878, d/o A.H., Sec. 1, Lot #58
Potter, Infant, d. 1886, d/o G.S., Sec. 1, Lot #76
Potter, Mary A., d. 1884, Sec. 1, Lot #76
Poulsom, James, d. 1933, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #423
Poulsom, Jane, d. 1933, Sec. 3, Lot #423
Poulsom, Thomas, d. 1936, Sec. 3, Lot #423
Powers, Eugene William, d. 1987, Sec. 3, Lot #326
Powers, Irma Vansant, d. 1973, Sec. 3, Lot #326
Priest, Frank, d. 1956, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #366
Priest, Mamie Mae, d. 1952, Sec. 3, Lot #366
Puccinelli, Karen, d. 2005, Sec. 4, Lot #522
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