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Iowa Newspapers, Full Search (1836-2002), 464 titles
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Iowa Birth Records Database, (1836-1999)
Farragut Cemetery
Farragut, Fremont County, Iowa
Lat: 40° 44' 07"N, Lon: 95° 28' 41"W
Fisher Twp, T68/69N R40W Sec 32
Submitted by Joyce Supernaw, Aug 17, 2011, last edited Oct 20, 2011 []. Total records = 2,033.
This cemetery is located one mile north of the town of Farragut, on the east side of M16.
Farragut Cemetery is owned and maintained by the town of Farragut, Iowa.
These records were compiled from Sexton records, then a group of citizens walked the cemetery making corrections or additions to data. This was gathered for a new Plot Register Center erected in the cemetery. We used data necessary to identify location in the cemetery, but not necessary data for geneaolgy.
This transcription is complete as of Aug 15, 2011.
- Joyce Supernaw
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