Search Iowa Death Records
Iowa Newspapers, Full Search (1836-2002), 464 titles
Iowa Obituary Search, (1870-current)
Iowa Birth Records Database, (1836-1999)
Farragut Cemetery
Farragut, Fremont County, Iowa
Submitted by Joyce Supernaw, Aug 17, 2011 [].
Radican, John W., d. 1930, Sec. 2, Lot #145
Radican, Mary E. Welchans, d. 1964, Sec. 2, Lot #145
Ramsey, Alva, d. 1957, Sec. 3, Lot #314
Ramsey, Inez, d. 1963, Sec. 3, Lot #314
Rank, Baby, d. 1920, c/o G. & F., Sec. 3, Lot #306
Raymond, Frank, d. 1953, Sec. 1, Lot #116
Raymond, Harriet G., d. 1968, Sec. 3, Lot #338
Raymond, Hattie, d. 1949, Sec. 1, Lot #116
Raymond, Myrtle L., d. 1972, Sec. 3, Lot #373
Raymond, Robert, d. 1947, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #371
Raymond, Ruey, d. 1979, Sec. 3, Lot #371
Raymond, Ruth, d. 1979, Sec. 3, Lot #371
Raymond, S. Ralph, d. 1968, Sec. 3, Lot #373
Raymond, Sumner, d. 1900, Sec. 1, Lot #116
Rea, Caleb, d. 1919, Civil, Sec. 4, Lot #503
Rea, Donald, d. 1988, WWII, Sec. 4, Lot #503
Rea, Gerald, d. 2003, Sec. 4, Lot #488
Rea, Gordon, d. 1971, Sec. 4, Lot #526
Rea, Harold, d. 1991, Sec. 3, Lot #410
Rea, Lena, d. 1967, Sec. 4, Lot #503
Rea, Mabel, d. 2006, Sec. 3, Lot #410
Rea, Malinda, d. 1914, Sec. 4, Lot #503
Rea, Maurice G., d. 1954, Sec. 4, Lot #503
Rea, Maxine, d. 1967, Sec. 4, Lot #488
Rea, Pauline, d. 1995, Sec. 4, Lot #488
Rea, Virginia, d. 2000, Sec. 4, Lot #526
Rea, Warren W., d. 1971, Sec. 4, Lot #526
Reed, Claude W., d. 1930, Sec. 3, Lot #289
Reed, Harold Owen, d. 1992, Sec. 3, Lot #289
Reed, James, d. 1925, Sec. 3, Lot #289
Reed, Martha E., d. 1980, Sec. 3, Lot #289
Reed, Walter J., d. 1948, Sec. 3, Lot #289
Reid, Chas. E., d. 1916, Sec. 4, Lot #507
Reid, Clara, d. 1972, Sec. 3, Lot #419
Reid, Eleanor, d. 1920, Sec. 3, Lot #419
Reid, Glen, d. 1930, Sec. 3, Lot #419
Reid, James H., d. 1957, Sec. 4, Lot #507
Reid, James, d. 1947, Sec. 3, Lot #419
Reid, Rilla, d. 1970, Sec. 4, Lot #507
Replogle, Abraham M., d. 1922, Sec. 1, Lot #19
Replogle, Catherine K., d. 1921, Sec. 1, Lot #19
Replogle, Chas. M., d. 1945, Sec. 1, Lot #96
Replogle, David E., d. 1909, Sec. 1, Lot #19
Replogle, Geo. M., d. 1932, Sec. 1, Lot #96
Replogle, Johnnie, d. 1876, Sec. 1, Lot #22
Replogle, Minnie F., d. 1878, Sec. 1, Lot #19
Replogle, Ursula, d. 1938, Sec. 1, Lot #96
Replogle, Vinson, d. 1883, Sec. 1, Lot #96
Replogle, W. H., Mrs, d. 1956, Sec. 1, Lot #19
Replogle, W., d. 1951, Sec. 1, Lot #19
Reynolds, James P., d. 1887, Civil, Sec. 1, Lot #73
Reynolds, Sulima, d. 1885, Sec. 1, Lot #73
Rhodes, Anthony, d. 1919, Sec. 1, Lot #16
Rhodes, Charles E., d. 1881, Sec. 1, Lot #16
Rhodes, Emma, d. 1957, Sec. 1, Lot #16
Rhodes, Fannie, d. 1891, Sec. 2, Lot #190
Rhodes, Jackie, d. 1892, Sec. 2, Lot #190
Rhodes, John R., d. 1874, Sec. 1, Lot #16
Rhodes, Lena, d. 1874, Sec. 2, Lot #190
Rhodes, Nancy C., d. 1934, Sec. 1, Lot #16
Rhodes, Wm. E., d. 1881, Sec. 1, Lot #16
Richards, Clifford, d. 1995, Sec. 4, Lot #493
Richards, Marie, d. 2005, Sec. 4, Lot #493
Richardson, ??, d. 1973, Sec. 1, Lot #10
Richardson, Bert, d. 1937, Sec. 3, Lot #229
Richardson, Dixie, d. 1977, Sec. 3, Lot #229
Richardson, Emma B., d. 1938, Sec. 3, Lot #229
Richardson, Eugene H., d. 1935, Sec. 3, Lot #229
Richardson, Isaac Eugene, d. 1995, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #239
Richardson, Lars, no dates, Civil, Sec. 2, Lot #210
Rickabaugh, Ruben Albert, d. 1935, Sec. 4, Lot #508
Rickenbaugh, Sarah, d. 1955, Sec. 4, Lot #508
Ripley, Eugene, d. 1921, Sec. 3, Lot #438
Ripley, Eva Bernice, d. 1986, Sec. 3, Lot #438
Ripley, Louis, d. 1943, Sec. 3, Lot #441
Ripley, Mabel, d. 1983, Sec. 3, Lot #441
Ripley, Viola, d. 1924, Sec. 3, Lot #441
Ripley, Wm. Louis, d. 1946, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #441
Robbins, C. D., d. 1894, Sec. 2, Lot #173
Robbins, C. W., d. 1914, Sec. 4, Lot #459
Robbins, Helen, d. 2008, Sec. 2, Lot #173
Robbins, Infant, d. 1911, dau. of Willard & Sybil, Sec. 2, Lot #173
Robbins, Mary D., d. 1919, Sec. 2, Lot #173
Robbins, Mary, d. 1912, Sec. 4, Lot #459
Robbins, Sybil J, d. 1970, Sec. 2, Lot #173
Robbins, Willard N., d. 1946, Sec. 2, Lot #173
Robbins, Willard, Dr, d. 1906, Sec. 2, Lot #173
Roberts, A. Charles, d. 1957, Sec. 2, Lot #184
Roberts, Amanda J., d. 1908, Sec. 2, Lot #177
Roberts, Barbara, d. 1976, Sec. 4, Lot #516
Roberts, Betty E., d. 2009, WWII, Sec. 2, Lot #157
Roberts, Carrie, d. 1915, Sec. 2, Lot #184
Roberts, CharLee, d. 1990, Sec. 3, Lot #374
Roberts, Clayton B., d. 1964, Sec. 3, Lot #374
Roberts, Clifford, no dates, Broken, Sec. 2, Lot #177
Roberts, Delbert, d. 1981, Sec. 4, Lot #516
Roberts, Duane, d. 1946, Sec. 4, Lot #516
Roberts, Edward, d. 1950, Sec. 4, Lot #466
Roberts, Emma, d. 1920, Sec. 4, Lot #466
Roberts, Fern, d. 1906, Sec. 2, Lot #146
Roberts, Floyd, d. 1981, WWI, Sec. 2, Lot #146
Roberts, Frank H., d. 1945, Sec. 4, Lot #516
Roberts, Franklin B., d. 1948, Sec. 2, Lot #146
Roberts, Harry, d. 1918, WWI, Sec. 4, Lot #466
Roberts, infant, d. 1896, dau. of W.S., Sec. 2, Lot #170
Roberts, John, d. 1900, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #182
Roberts, Josephine, d. 1956, Sec. 2, Lot #146
Roberts, Julia I., d. 1914, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #182
Roberts, Lillian, d. 1907, Sec. 2, Lot #184
Roberts, Minnie, d. 1940, Sec. 2, Lot #184
Roberts, Orpha, d. 1968, Sec. 4, Lot #516
Roberts, Orwin, d. 1974, WWII, Sec. 2, Lot #157
Roberts, Ruth E., d. 1900, Sec. 2, Lot #170
Roberts, Sam, d. 1973, Sec. 2, Lot #170
Roberts, Thomas B., d. 1916, Sec. 2, Lot #177
Roberts, Wm H., d. 1905, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #182
Roberts, Wm. S., d. 1909, Sec. 2, Lot #170
Roberts?, Gertie, d. 1936, No last name, Sec. 2, Lot #177
Rogers, Charlotte, d. 1952, Sec. 1, Lot #70
Rogers, Dorothy, d. 1921, Sec. 3, Lot #279
Rogers, Harrison, d. 1924, Sec. 1, Lot #70
Rogers, Harry, d. 1887, Sec. 1, Lot #70
Rogers, James, d. 1910, Sec. 1, Lot #70
Rogers, Louisa, d. 1918, Sec. 1, Lot #70
Rogers, William, d. 1942, Sec. 1, Lot #70
Ross, Anna B. Miller, d. 1945, Sec. 2, Lot #158
Ross, C. C., d. 1924, Sec. 4, Lot #479
Ross, Curtis James, d. 1976, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #158
Ross, Henry, d. 1952, Sec. 2, Lot #158
Ross, Howard, d. 1989, Sec. 3, Lot #279
Ross, Leslie, d. 1959, Sec. 2, Lot #157
Ross, Mary Jane, d. 1999, Sec. 3, Lot #279
Ross, Samuel, d. 1906, Sec. 2, Lot #157
Ross, Sarah, d. 1897, Sec. 2, Lot #158
Ross, Sarah, d. 1931, Sec. 4, Lot #479
Rounds, Chas. H., d. 1921, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #205
Rounds, Cyros, d. 1931, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #205
Rounds, Elton, d. 1936, Sec. 3, Lot #309
Rounds, Leona, d. 1915, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #205
Rounds, Lillie, no dates, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #309
Rounds, Lucille May, d. 1935, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #205
Rounds, Mary E., no dates, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #205
Rounds, Myrtle, d. 1920, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #205
Rounds, Roy, no dates, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #205
Rowe, Cecil E., d. 1970, Sec. 3, Lot #350
Rowe, Cecil, d. 1999, Sec. 3, Lot #413
Rowe, Dale, d. 1972, Sec. 3, Lot #413
Rowe, Lydia E., d. 1990, Sec. 3, Lot #350
Rowe, Lydia J., d. 1947, Sec. 3, Lot #350
Rush, Emma E., d. 1932, Sec. 1, Lot #110
Rush, Frank, d. 1926, Sec. 4, Lot #473
Rush, John, d. 1888, Sec. 1, Lot #110
Rush, John, d. 1953, Sec. 1, Lot #110
Rush, Roxanna, d. 1912, Sec. 4, Lot #473
Rush, Susan, d. 1894, Sec. 1, Lot #110
Ryan, Bessie I., d. 1977, Sec. 1, Lot #2
Ryan, Clarence W., d. 1991, WWII, Sec. 1, Lot #1
Ryan, Dorothy C., d. 1985, Sec. 1, Lot #1
Ryan, Herbert B., d. 1966, Sec. 1, Lot #2
Ryan, Jas., d. 1918, Sec. 4, Lot #509
Ryan, Nellie F., d. 1936, Sec. 1, Lot #2
Sanderson, A. E. "Sandy", d. 1988, Sec. 3, Lot #330
Sanderson, Anna, d. 1916, Sec. 1, Lot #21
Sanderson, Arch, d. 1911, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #61
Sanderson, Baby of Arch, no dates, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #21
Sanderson, Elizabeth, d. 1905, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #21
Sanderson, James A., d. 1943, Sec. 3, Lot #330
Sanderson, Willie A., d. 1884, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #21
Sanderson, Wm. N., d. 1929, Civil, Sec. 1, Lot #21
Sanford, Hannah S., d. 1880, Sec. 1, Lot #60
Sanford, Sarah E., d. 1879, Sec. 1, Lot #60
Sayre, Geo. A., d. 1928, Sec. 2, Lot #194
Scanlin, Baby, no dates, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #9
Scanlon, John, d. 1873, Civil, Sec. 1, Lot #20
Schaeffer, Phebe, d. 1916, Sec. 2, Lot #174
Schafer, Ada, d. 1968, Sec. 3, Lot #272
Schafer, Clyde, d. 1952, Sec. 3, Lot #272
Schafer, Ethel L., d. 1907, Sec. 2, Lot #222
Schafer, Infant, d. 1908, son of C.A.& E.L., Sec. 2, Lot #222
Schafer, James, d. 2003, Sec. 3, Lot #272
Schafer, Verne, d. 1906, Sec. 2, Lot #222
Schiebe, Aleene E., d. 2010, Sec. 2, Lot #204
Schnoor, Edith, d. 1977, Sec. 3, Lot #428
Schnoor, Jacob, d. 1953, Sec. 3, Lot #428
Schnoor, Marjorie, d. 2004, Sec. 3, Lot #428
Schnoor, Martin, d. 1998, Sec. 3, Lot #428
Schoonover, Carrie E., d. 1946, Sec. 2, Lot #219
Schoonover, Harry H., d. 1964, Sec. 2, Lot #219
Schoonover, Joeseph L., d. 1953, Sec. 2, Lot #219
Schoonover, Marion Glen, d. 1910, Sec. 2, Lot #219
Scott, Albert L., d. 1950, Sec. 3, Lot #439
Scott, Almonia, d. 1901, Sec. 2, Lot #199
Scott, Annie, d. 1926, Sec. 3, Lot #439
Scott, Arnold E., d. 1971, WWI, Sec. 3, Lot #315
Scott, Carl Richard, d. 1959, Sec. 3, Lot #315
Scott, Cora, d. 1964, Sec. 3, Lot #420
Scott, Dale, d. 1986, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #420
Scott, Erastus, d. 1914, Civil, Sec. 2, Lot #199
Scott, Ida M., d. 1886, Sec. 1, Lot #117
Scott, Isaac, d. 1921, Sec. 3, Lot #439
Scott, J. Harvey, d. 1947, Sec. 3, Lot #420
Scott, Mabel, d. 1958, Sec. 3, Lot #439
Scott, Margaret Ann, no dates, Sec. 3, Lot #420
Scott, Nelva, d. 2006, Sec. 3, Lot #420
Scott, Ruth E., d. 1993, Sec. 3, Lot #315
Scott, Ward, d. 1994, Sec. 3, Lot #420
Sederstram, Gus., d. 1926, Sec. 3, Lot #270
Selby, Infant, d. 1894, son of I &E, Sec. 2, Lot #180
Settell, Dale, d. 2008, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #262
Settelll, Wilma, d. 2004, Sec. 3, Lot #262
Sharp, Charles W., d. 1938, Sec. 4, Lot #499
Sharp, Lovina, d. 1914, Sec. 4, Lot #499
Shaver, Truman H., d. 1946, Sec. 3, Lot #421
Shaw, Geo. T., d. 1941, Sec. 2, Lot #127
Shaw, Maggie, Mrs, d. 1932, Sec. 2, Lot #127
Shaw, Verna, d. 1990, Sec. 2, Lot #127
Shaw, Zelma, d. 1977, Sec. 2, Lot #127
Shearer, Laura Mary Ellen, d. 1984, Sec. 3, Lot #395
Shearer, Mary, d. 2002, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #395
Shearer, Tom, d. 1971, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #395
Shepherd, J. Frank, d. 1943, Sec. 3, Lot #444
Shepherd, Leota, d. 1978, Sec. 3, Lot #444
Shuman, Exie Cox, d. 1990, Sec. 3, Lot #369
Shunnick, Baby, no dates, Hired Man's child, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #4
Sidwell, Harry, d. 1883, Sec. 1, Lot #97
Simmerman, Arthur, d. 1918, WWI, Sec. 2, Lot #149
Simmerman, Charles F., d. 1926, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #149
Simmerman, Charles, d. 1932, Sec. 1, Lot #97
Simmerman, Donald, d. 1934, Sec. 3, Lot #251
Simmerman, Flossie, Mrs, d. 1937, Sec. 2, Lot #149
Simmerman, James F., d. 1942, Sec. 2, Lot #149
Simmerman, Lloyd, d. 1925, Sec. 2, Lot #149
Simmerman, Lucetta, d. 1921, Sec. 2, Lot #149
Simmerman, Margaret, d. 1904, Sec. 2, Lot #149
Simmerman, Newton, d. 1930, Sec. 1, Lot #97
Simmerman, Sarah, d. 1928, Sec. 1, Lot #97
Simmerman, Wellington, d. 1937, Sec. 2, Lot #149
Simmerman, Wife of Willard, no dates, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #149
Simmerman, Wilma, d. 1928, Sec. 3, Lot #251
Simmons, Gretchen, d. 1988, Sec. 4, Lot #524
Simpson, Don, d. 1992, Sec. 3, Lot #431
Simpson, George Riley, d. 1948, Sec. 3, Lot #329
Simpson, Gilead, d. 1902, Civil, Sec. 1, Lot #20
Simpson, Hattie E., d. 1967, Sec. 3, Lot #329
Simpson, Hazel L., d. 1998, Sec. 3, Lot #329
Simpson, J. Sherman, d. 1975, Sec. 3, Lot #329
Simpson, James M., d. 1934, Sec. 3, Lot #329
Simpson, Laurine, d. 2010, Sec. 3, Lot #431
Simpson, Marcia Elaine, d. 1936, Sec. 3, Lot #329
Simpson, Max Duane, d. 1936, Sec. 3, Lot #329
Singleton, Mrs. N., d. 1955, Sec. 2, Lot #157
Smalley, Cora, d. 1937, Sec. 2, Lot #128
Smalley, Geo., d. 1952, Sec. 3, Lot #287
Smalley, Harold, d. 1970, Sec. 3, Lot #287
Smalley, Mrs. Florence, d. 1958, Sec. 3, Lot #287
Smalley, Robert, d. 1943, Sec. 2, Lot #128
Smalley, Robert, no date, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #287
Smalley, Virgil, d. 1919, Sec. 3, Lot #287
Smith, B. E., d. 1906, Sec. 1, Lot #89
Smith, Bertha, d. 1908, Sec. 4, Lot #462
Smith, Coleman, no dates, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #198
Smith, Dallas Wayne, d. 1943, Sec. 3, Lot #368
Smith, Elmer, d. 1961, Sec. 4, Lot #462
Smith, Ethel, d. 1987, Sec. 4, Lot #462
Smith, F. Wendell, d. 1972, Sec. 4, Lot #462
Smith, Floyel L, d. 1992, Sec. 3, Lot #368
Smith, Geo. A., d. 1887, Civil, Sec. 1, Lot #89
Smith, Glen A., d. 1918, WWI, Sec. 2, Lot #198
Smith, Infant, d. 1953, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #368
Smith, Judith Kay, d. 1952, Sec. 3, Lot #353
Smith, Kenneth E., d. 1987, Sec. 3, Lot #353
Smith, Marion, d. 1995, Sec. 3, Lot #368
Smith, Nellie, d. 2008, Sec. 3, Lot #270
Smith, Ruby, d. 2009, Sec. 3, Lot #256
Smith, Stephen, d. 1878, Sec. 1, Lot #16
Smith, Wilbur, d. 1963, Sec. 3, Lot #365
Smith, William R., d. 1886, Sec. 1, Lot #16
Smith, Wm., d. 1871, Sec. 2, Lot #198
Snapp, Samuel M., d. 1891, Sec. 2, Lot #138
Snapp, Sophronia, d. 1919, Sec. 2, Lot #138
Snodgrass, Marguerite, d. 1996, Sec. 3, Lot #270
Snodgrass, Wynn, d. 2000, Sec. 3, Lot #270
Snook, Fred, d. 1949, Sec. 3, Lot #446
Snook, Lena, d. 1982, Sec. 3, Lot #446
Snyder, Lila Mae, d. 1935, Sec. 3, Lot #231
Snyder, Marrel, d. 1977, Sec. 3, Lot #231
Snyder, Pearl, d. 1970, Sec. 3, Lot #231
Snyder, Wm, d. 1923, Sec. 1, Lot #99
Spangler, Molly, d. 1927, Sec. 4, Lot #504
Spangler, Rueben, d. 1914, Sec. 4, Lot #504
Spangler, Wm., d. 1926, Sec. 4, Lot #504
Spear, E. E., d. 1959, Sec. 4, Lot #475
Spear, Jennie, d. 1931, Sec. 4, Lot #475
Spear, Lillian Mae, d. 2000, Sec. 4, Lot #475
Spear, Lydia M., d. 1935, Sec. 4, Lot #475
Spear, Ruth M., d. 1933, Sec. 2, Lot #153
Spear, Thompson, d. 1939, Sec. 4, Lot #475
Spencer, Doug Allen, d. 1977, Sec. 3, Lot #388
Spencer, Mildred, d. 1947, Sec. 3, Lot #388
Spencer, Norvin, d. 1992, Sec. 3, Lot #388
Spooner, Ada Mary, d. 1943, Sec. 2, Lot #223
Spooner, Benjamin F., d. 1906, Sec. 2, Lot #223
Springer, Winnie Mount, d. 1998, Sec. 3, Lot #335
Springsted, Frank, d. 1919, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #305
Spurgeon, Freeland, d. 2004, Sec. 3, Lot #361
Spurgeon, Wayne, d. 1991, Sec. 3, Lot #361
Stafford, Hazel, d. 1995, Sec. 3, Lot #242
Stafford, Marcella, d. 2006, Sec. 3, Lot #242
Stafford, Ortel "Jack", d. 1981, Sec. 3, Lot #242
Stanbaugh, Chas., d. 1880, Sec. 1, Lot #52
Stark, Edwin T., d. 1909, Sec. 4, Lot #461
Stark, Gus C., d. 1912, Sec. 4, Lot #461
Stark, Maria M., d. 1923, Sec. 4, Lot #461
Starnes, Jennie, d. 1991, Sec. 3, Lot #259
Starnes, John, Sr, d. 1982, Sec. 3, Lot #259
Stephens, Anna G., d. 1923, Sec. 2, Lot #130
Stephens, Fern L., d. 1914, Sec. 2, Lot #130
Stephens, Frances, d. 1955, Sec. 2, Lot #130
Stephens, Martin L., d. 1945, Sec. 2, Lot #130
Stewart, C. Herman, d. 1958, Sec. 3, Lot #314
Stewart, Charles, d. 1918, Sec. 2, Lot #199
Stewart, Ethel M., d. 1974, Sec. 3, Lot #314
Stewart, Florence, d. 1994, Sec. 1, Lot #98
Stewart, Lizzie Scott, d. 1940, Sec. 2, Lot #199
Stickler, A. R., d. 1892, Sec. 2, Lot #155
Stickler, Carrie Crosser, d. 1952, Sec. 2, Lot #193
Stickler, Esther, d. 1917, Sec. 2, Lot #155
Stickler, Grant, d. 1899, Sec. 2, Lot #155
Stickler, John, d. 1943, Sec. 2, Lot #155
Stickler, Mildred, d. 1950, Sec. 2, Lot #155
Stickler, Minnie, d. 1953, Sec. 2, Lot #155
Stoneburner, Leona, d. 1990, Sec. 3, Lot #306
Stoneburner, Robert, d. 2004, Sec. 3, Lot #306
Stowell, Delores Linn, d. 1970, Sec. 3, Lot #432
Stowell, Ethel, d. 1888, Sec. 1, Lot #77
Stowell, Infant, d. 1883, d/o H.D., no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #77
Stowell, Infant, d. 1885, s/o H.D., no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #77
Stubbs, Beulah, d. 2004, Sec. 3, Lot #278
Stubbs, Gertrude, d. 1919, Sec. 3, Lot #306
Stubbs, Russell David, d. 1971, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #278
Stubbs, Russell E., d. 1994, Sec. 3, Lot #278
Supernaw, Claude A., d. 1993, Sec. 3, Lot #322
Supernaw, Claudine M., d. 1991, Sec. 3, Lot #323
Supernaw, Evelyn B., d. 1983, Sec. 3, Lot #322
Swatman, Edna, d. 1944, Sec. 3, Lot #273
Swisher, Gladys, d. 1977, Sec. 3, Lot #449
Swisher, John, d. 1993, Sec. 3, Lot #449
Tackett, Louis H., d. 1994, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #354
Tavora, Margaret A., d. 1989, Sec. 4, Lot #524
Teague, Esther, d. 1972, Sec. 3, Lot #411
Teague, Evan, d. 1967, WWI, Sec. 3, Lot #411
Thatcher, Catherine L., d. 1925, Sec. 2, Lot #208
Thatcher, Jonas C., d. 1895, Sec. 2, Lot #208
Thatcher, Louis A., d. 1882, Sec. 2, Lot #208
Thomas, Andrew, d. 1923, Sec. 3, Lot #249
Thomas, Bessie F., d. 1980, Sec. 3, Lot #355
Thomas, Betty Reed, d. 1999, Sec. 3, Lot #261
Thomas, Elbert C., d. 1974, Sec. 3, Lot #355
Thomas, infant, d. 1931, s/o Albert, Sec. 4, Lot #467
Thomas, James, d. 1953, Sec. 3, Lot #249
Thomas, John, d. 2009, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #414
Thomas, Joy, d. 1982, Sec. 3, Lot #414
Thomas, Margaret, d. 2006, Sec. 3, Lot #414
Thomas, Ruth, d. 1987, Sec. 3, Lot #414
Thompson, Edna M., d. 1970, Sec. 3, Lot #333
Thompson, Kenneth S., d. 1971, Sec. 3, Lot #333
Thompson, Mary E., d. 1998, Sec. 3, Lot #333
Thompson, Samuel A., d. 1954, Sec. 3, Lot #333
Thorn, Baby, d. 1924, no stone, c/o R., Sec. 3, Lot #307
Thornton, Arthur, d. 1926, Sec. 1, Lot #94
Thornton, Harry, d. 1899, Sec. 1, Lot #94
Thornton, Helen, d. 1920, Sec. 1, Lot #94
Thornton, J. T., d. 1906, Civil, Sec. 1, Lot #94
Tillman, Rodney, d. 2010, Sec. 5, Lot #685
Tompkins, Kennard, d. 2007, Sec. 4, Lot #485
Troxel, Eliza, d. 1945, Sec. 3, Lot #443
Troxel, Jasper, d. 1935, Sec. 3, Lot #443
TRUE, Carolyn, d. 1965, no stone, Sec. 4, Lot #464
Trullinger, Anna, d. 1970, Sec. 4, Lot #474
Trullinger, Barton, d. 1919, Sec. 1, Lot #65
Trullinger, Carl, d. 1942, Sec. 4, Lot #474
Trullinger, Clara C., d. 1945, Sec. 2, Lot #179
Trullinger, Dau, d. 1944, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #179
Trullinger, Dolliver, d. 1971, Sec. 1, Lot #65
Trullinger, Donald, d. 1954, Sec. 4, Lot #474
Trullinger, Dorris, d. 2007, Sec. 2, Lot #127
Trullinger, Flora M., d. 1876, Sec. 1, Lot #65
Trullinger, Frank, d. 1940, Sec. 4, Lot #474
Trullinger, Hillery Barton H.B., d. 1935, Sec. 2, Lot #179
Trullinger, Isaac, d. 1956, Sec. 2, Lot #127
Trullinger, Isaack, d. 1929, Sec. 2, Lot #179
Trullinger, Lucy M., d. 1919, Sec. 2, Lot #140
Trullinger, Mabel Maude, d. 1918, Sec. 4, Lot #474
Trullinger, Martha, d. 1910, Sec. 2, Lot #179
Trullinger, Mary A., d. 1872, Sec. 1, Lot #65
Trullinger, Mary, no dates, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #179
Trullinger, Milton, d. 1891, Sec. 2, Lot #179
Trullinger, Neva, d. 2000, Sec. 1, Lot #65
Trullinger, Samuel, d. 1918, Sec. 2, Lot #140
Trullinger, Sarah, d. 1894, Sec. 2, Lot #179
Trullinger, Violet, d. 1940, Sec. 2, Lot #184
Trullinger, William B., d. 1938, Sec. 2, Lot #140
Turnbull, Adam O., d. 1913, Sec. 4, Lot #501
Turnbull, Adam, d. 1948, Sec. 4, Lot #521
Turnbull, Albert, d. 1951, Sec. 3, Lot #440
Turnbull, Elma, d. 1933, Sec. 2, Lot #163
Turnbull, Elva, d. 1973, Sec. 1, Lot #120
Turnbull, Jessie Comstock, d. 1989, Sec. 3, Lot #440
Turnbull, Jim, d. 1971, Sec. 4, Lot #501
Turnbull, Katherine, d. 1969, Sec. 4, Lot #521
Turnbull, Lola, d. 1913, Sec. 4, Lot #501
Turnbull, Margaret, d. 1872, Sec. 2, Lot #163
Turnbull, Martha, d. 1914, Sec. 4, Lot #501
Turnbull, Marvin, d. 1919, Sec. 1, Lot #120
Turnbull, Mary H., d. 1898, Sec. 2, Lot #163
Turnbull, Rose, d. 1915, Sec. 4, Lot #501
Turnbull, Uva, d. 1970, Sec. 4, Lot #501
Turnbull, Wm. B, d. 1901, Sec. 2, Lot #163
Turner, Freda M., d. 1982, Sec. 3, Lot #322
Turner, Orville E., d. 1987, Sec. 3, Lot #322
Vandervoort, Lynn, d. 1952, Sec. 3, Lot #367
Vandvoort, Geneveria, d. 1934, Sec. 3, Lot #367
VanGilder, Agnes J., d. 1907, Sec. 2, Lot #195
VanGilder, Guy W., d. 1892, Sec. 2, Lot #195
VanGilder, Ona, d. 1894, Sec. 2, Lot #195
Vansant, Aletha, d. 1894, Sec. 2, Lot #169
Vansant, Arthur, d. 1949, Civil, Sec. 4, Lot #463
Vansant, Baby of H.W., no dates, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #172
Vansant, Bert A., d. 1924, Sec. 3, Lot #325
Vansant, Bessie, d. 1908, Sec. 4, Lot #463
Vansant, Beth, d. 1912, Sec. 2, Lot #168
Vansant, Dale L., d. 1985, Sec. 3, Lot #326
Vansant, Elgin, d. 1900, Sec. 2, Lot #168
Vansant, Eliza A., d. 1938, Sec. 2, Lot #167
Vansant, Emma E., d. 1872, Sec. 2, Lot #168
Vansant, Ethel, d. 1906, Sec. 2, Lot #169
Vansant, Eula L., d. 1983, Sec. 3, Lot #325
Vansant, Freida M., d. 1934, Sec. 3, Lot #348
Vansant, G. Claude, d. 1973, Sec. 3, Lot #348
Vansant, Garrett, d. 1942, Sec. 2, Lot #169
Vansant, Harry, d. 1912, Sec. 2, Lot #167
Vansant, Helen J., d. 2000, Sec. 3, Lot #326
Vansant, Henry T., d. 1933, Sec. 2, Lot #168
Vansant, Horace W., d. 1911, Sec. 2, Lot #172
Vansant, Jessie, d. 1906, Sec. 1, Lot #47
Vansant, John B., d. 1946, Sec. 3, Lot #326
Vansant, Keith R., d. 1929, Sec. 2, Lot #169
Vansant, Lena B., d. 1968, Sec. 3, Lot #326
Vansant, LeRoy, d. 1900, Sec. 2, Lot #167
Vansant, Mary, d. 1954, Sec. 2, Lot #169
Vansant, Myrtle, d. 1919, Sec. 2, Lot #167
Vansant, Rodney, d. 1923, Sec. 4, Lot #478
Vansant, Sydney, d. 1911, Sec. 2, Lot #172
Vansant, Virgil, d. 1898, Sec. 2, Lot #168
Vansant, William W., d. 1921, Sec. 2, Lot #167
VanSickle, Margaret, d. 1940, Sec. 3, Lot #424
VanSickle, N. Eugene, d. 1937, Sec. 3, Lot #424
VanWinkle, Bessie, d. 1924, Sec. 2, Lot #210
VanWinkle, William, d. 1925, Sec. 2, Lot #210
Vaughn, Arthur, d. 1912, Civil, Sec. 1, Lot #68
Vaughn, Bartlett, d. 1908, Sec. 1, Lot #82
Vaughn, Bernice, d. 1884, Sec. 1, Lot #82
Vaughn, Cecil, d. 1952, Sec. 1, Lot #82
Vaughn, Charles, d. 1959, Sec. 1, Lot #53
Vaughn, Clayton, d. 1883, Sec. 1, Lot #68
Vaughn, Emeline, d. 1913, Sec. 1, Lot #68
Vaughn, Fannie, d. 1930, Sec. 1, Lot #82
Vaughn, Homer W., d. 1915, Sec. 2, Lot #194
Vaughn, Isaac, d. 1890, Sec. 2, Lot #194
Vaughn, Mary, d. 1913, Sec. 2, Lot #194
Vaughn, Mary, d. 1928, Sec. 1, Lot #82
Vaughn, Nellie, d. 1975, Sec. 1, Lot #53
Vaughn, Orville, d. 1957, Sec. 1, Lot #68
Vaughn, Perry G., d. 1832, Sec. 2, Lot #194
Vaughn, Zettie, d. 1965, Sec. 1, Lot #82
Vest, Bob, d. 1999, Sec. 3, Lot #418
Wagner, Prudence, d. 1919, Sec. 4, Lot #475
Walden, Child, d. 1878, s/o Nathanial & Amelia, Sec. 1, Lot #15
Walden, Johnny D., d. 1871, Sec. 1, Lot #15
Walden, Richard E., d. 1885, Sec. 1, Lot #15
Walden, William S., d. 1874, Sec. 1, Lot #15
Walford, Robert E., d. 1982, Sec. 1, Lot #3
Walker, Child, no dates, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #2
Walker, Louis Russell, d. 1932, Sec. 2, Lot #129
Walker, Mary Ann, d. 1947, Sec. 3, Lot #232
Walker, Pearl, d. 1962, Sec. 2, Lot #129
Walkey, Son of J., d. 1891, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #157
Ward, Ellen, d. 1913, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #156
Ward, J. E., d. 1951, Sec. 2, Lot #156
Ward, Jas. E., d. 1908, Civil, Sec. 2, Lot #156
Warner, Charlotte, d. 1948, Sec. 1, Lot #114
Warner, Elmer, d. 1976, Sec. 3, Lot #450
Warner, Elsie, d. 1999, Sec. 3, Lot #449
Warner, Enos, d. 1989, Sec. 3, Lot #450
Warner, George W., d. 1939, Sec. 1, Lot #114
Warner, Isaac, d. 1888, Sec. 1, Lot #114
Warner, Mildred J., d. 2002, Sec. 3, Lot #450
Warner, Mrs. Geo, d. 1967, Sec. 1, Lot #114
Warner, Rita, d. 2002, Sec. 3, Lot #449
Warner, William Dale, d. 1980, Sec. 3, Lot #449
Warner, Wm. Walker, d. 1935, Sec. 1, Lot #114
Warriner, Bessie I., d. 1930, Sec. 3, Lot #269
Watson, Frances E., d. 1970, Sec. 2, Lot #207
Watson, Robert, d. 2007, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #350
Watson, W. Gene, d. 1970, Sec. 2, Lot #207
Welchans, D. L., d. 1903, Sec. 2, Lot #145
Welchans, Dale, d. 1983, Sec. 4, Lot #529
Welchans, David, d. 1988, Sec. 3, Lot #451
Welchans, Elizabeth F., d. 1924, Sec. 2, Lot #132
Welchans, Mae, d. 1990, Sec. 3, Lot #451
Welchans, Martin, d. 1975, Sec. 3, Lot #451
Welchans, Mary Ann, d. 2000, Sec. 3, Lot #451
Welchans, Opal, d. 1983, Sec. 2, Lot #145
Welchans, Sylvester, d. 1988, Sec. 2, Lot #145
Welles, Edward W., d. 1884, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #15
Welles, Florence B., d. 1882, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #15
Wells, A. B., d. 1919, Sec. 2, Lot #218
Wells, Margaret, d. 1924, Sec. 2, Lot #218
Wells, Mrs. Frank, d. 1939, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #230
Wells, Sarah, d. 1925, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #218
Weston, Dave, d. 1998, Sec. 3, Lot #241
Whisler, Addie, d. 1956, Sec. 2, Lot #152
Whisler, Baby of m&m Chas, d. 1900, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #159
Whisler, Belle, d. 1905, Sec. 2, Lot #165
Whisler, Billy, d. 1996, Korean, Sec. 4, Lot #523
Whisler, Charles Elmer, d. 1935, Sec. 2, Lot #159
Whisler, Clara, d. 1970, Sec. 3, Lot #272
Whisler, Edna, d. 1925, Sec. 2, Lot #184
Whisler, Frank, d. 1941, Sec. 1, Lot #87
Whisler, Henry A., d. 1947, Sec. 3, Lot #272
Whisler, J. M., d. 1916, Sec. 1, Lot #87
Whisler, Jeannette, d. 2007, Sec. 4, Lot #523
Whisler, Jessie J., d. 1946, Sec. 2, Lot #165
Whisler, Lauretta Lynne, d. 1961, Sec. 4, Lot #523
Whisler, Linda E., d. 1933, Sec. 2, Lot #159
Whisler, M. C., Mrs, d. 1931, Sec. 1, Lot #87
Whisler, Mildred F., d. 1900, Sec. 1, Lot #87
Whisler, Norman, d. 1965, Sec. 4, Lot #523
Whisler, Riley, d. 1929, Sec. 2, Lot #165
Whisler, Sarah, d. 1936, Sec. 1, Lot #87
Whisler, Stella, d. 2001, Sec. 4, Lot #523
Whisler, Thelma G., d. 1929, Sec. 3, Lot #272
White, Arthur, d. 1875, Sec. 1, Lot #25
White, Egbert, d. 1901, Civil, Sec. 1, Lot #86
White, Eleanor, d. 1898, Sec. 1, Lot #86
White, Emma, d. 1929, Sec. 1, Lot #86
White, Franklin, d. 1909, Sec. 1, Lot #86
White, Harley F., d. 1961, no stone, Sec. 3, Lot #232
White, Infant, d. 1877, Son of Wm. & Fannie, Sec. 1, Lot #25
White, Mable, d. 1880, Sec. 1, Lot #25
White, Mary E., d. 1883, Sec. 1, Lot #86
White, Mary, d. 1916, Sec. 1, Lot #86
White, W. A., no dates, no stone, Sec. 1, Lot #25
Whitehill, Hershel, d. 1994, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #296
Whitehill, Irene, d. 1997, Sec. 3, Lot #296
Wilcoxson, Abbie, d. 1949, Sec. 3, Lot #385
Wilcoxson, Guy, d. 1949, Sec. 3, Lot #385
Wilcoxson, Harry, d. 1951, Sec. 3, Lot #386
Wilcoxson, Joanne, d. 1939, Sec. 3, Lot #386
Wilcoxson, Mrytle, d. 1985, Sec. 3, Lot #386
Willey, Gertrud, d. 1932, Sec. 1, Lot #104
Williams, E. H. "Jack", d. 1993, Sec. 3, Lot #282
Williams, Mary, d. 1997, Sec. 3, Lot #282
Williamson, Crystal, d. 1991, Sec. 3, Lot #404
Williamson, Floyd, d. 1892, Sec. 1, Lot #2
Williamson, Henry, d. 1972, Sec. 3, Lot #404
Williamson, James, d. 1929, Sec. 3, Lot #404
Williamson, John E., d. 1912, Sec. 3, Lot #400
Williamson, John F., d. 1928, Sec. 3, Lot #400
Williamson, Kathryn, d. 1928, Sec. 3, Lot #400
Williamson, Mabel, d. 1918, Sec. 3, Lot #400
Williamson, Mary E., d. 1936, Sec. 3, Lot #309
Williamson, Maurice, d. 1925, Sec. 3, Lot #400
Williamson, R. Theodore, d. 1928, Sec. 3, Lot #309
Wilson, Alice, no date, no stone, Sec. 2, Lot #152
Wilson, Chris, d. 1982, Sec. 3, Lot #403
Wilson, Hattie, d. 1970, Sec. 3, Lot #403
Wilson, J. D., d. 1906, Civil, Sec. 2, Lot #154
Wilson, Louise, d. 1927, Sec. 3, Lot #403
Wilson, Milton L., d. 1966, Sec. 3, Lot #336
Wilson, Rachel J., d. 1910, Sec. 2, Lot #154
Windle, Mary L. Rea, d. 2001, Sec. 4, Lot #526
Wing, Dean E., d. 1998, WWII, Sec. 3, Lot #377
Wing, Kathryn E., d. 1999, Sec. 3, Lot #377
Wise, Frank G., d. 1883, Sec. 1, Lot #117
Wise, Geo. W., d. 1888, Sec. 1, Lot #117
Wise, John F., d. 1880, Sec. 1, Lot #117
Wise, Winnie B., d. 1888, Sec. 1, Lot #117
Withrow, Kenneth, d. 1991, Sec. 3, Lot #394
Withrow, Violet, d. 1993, Sec. 3, Lot #394
Woodruff, Helen M., d. 1977, Sec. 3, Lot #376
Woodruff, Pearl B., d. 1971, Sec. 3, Lot #376
Woods, Eva, d. 1894, Sec. 1, Lot #64
Workman, Naomi, d. 1928, Sec. 3, Lot #310
Workman, O. A., d. 1946, Sec. 3, Lot #310
Yance, Lula Cutts, d. 1973, Sec. 3, Lot #328
Yoder, Hiram, d. 1878, Sec. 1, Lot #2
York, Blanche, d. 1981, Sec. 1, Lot #10
York, Blanche, d. 1999, Sec. 4, Lot #480
York, Perry, d. 1970, WWI, Sec. 1, Lot #10
York, Wallace, d. 1970, Sec. 4, Lot #480
Young, George L., d. 1886, Sec. 1, Lot #23
Young, Howard, d. 2009, Sec. 3, Lot #296
Young, Jane, d. 1931, Sec. 3, Lot #253
Young, Rueben W., d. 1903, Civil, Sec. 2, Lot #224
Young, Sarah A., d. 1931, Sec. 2, Lot #224
Zimmerman, Larry, d. 1993, Sec. 3, Lot #304
Zook, Margaret, d. 1893, Sec. 2, Lot #139
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