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Bowerman Cemetery
Middleville, Barry County, Michigan

bowerman cemetery
Bowerman Cemetery

GPS: 42.653431, -85.478449

Bowens Mill Road
Middleville, MI 49333

Date published: October 10, 2003
Total records: 39

Bowerman Cemetery is owned and managed by the Township of Yankee Springs


From Middleville go south on M-37 to Yankee Springs Road, angle right, go to Bowens Mill Road, turn right or west, cemetery is located about one and half mile on Bowens Mill Road. It is on the right hand, or north side of the road.

This cemetery is owned by the Yankee Springs Twp, and is no longer used. The office is located at 284 N. Briggs Rd, Middleville.

It's also known as "Bowens Mill Cemetery".

Cemetery Records

Transcription by Sara Colburn

Contributed by Sara Colburn, Oct 31, 2003 [ecolburn@sbcglobal.net], based on tombstone inscriptions collected by Sara Colburn on August 15, 2003.

Baker, Cecial,
b. 1853, d. 1864
Baker, Florado, b. 1858, d. 1864
Baker, Florence, no data
Boardman, Sally, b. May 17 1810, d. Jul 12 1873
Boardman, Silas, b. Aug 13 1798, d. Aug 10 1872
Bowerman, Adelia V., b. Jun 7 1868, d. Jul 12 1887, dau of Jesse & Clarissa
Bowerman, Clarissa E., b. Nov 22 1832, d. Oct 23 1925
Bowerman, Jesse H., b. 1825, d. 1870
Bowerman, Joseph H., b. Feb 25 1855, d. Sep 18 1925
Bowerman, Rollo L. Jr., b. Nov 5 1930, d. Nov 7 1930
Bowerman, Ruth M., b. Nov 16 1858, d. Nov 6 1873
Goodell, T. J., d. Nov 11 1849
Hubbard, Lyman, b. Aug 25 1823, d. Oct 12 1861
Pryor, Josiah, b. Mar 30 1807, d. Oct 18 1864
Pryor, Louisa L., b. Jul 7 1806, d. Apr 6 1885
Pryor, Mary L., b. Sep 13 1841, d. Sep 9 1879, dau of Josiah & Louisa
Willson, Elizabeth, b. May 24 1827, d. Jun 8 1911
Willson, Ezra D., b. Feb 25 1830, d. Sep 11 1904
Willson, George N., b. Feb 12 1861, d. May 24 1872, son of E.D. & E.F.
Willson, Lotan T., b. May 17 1866, d. Oct 17 1883, son of Ezra & Anna

Transcription by Leah L. Dodd

Contributed by Leah L. Dodd, December 1999 [ldodd@umich.edu], based on tombstone inscriptions collected by Leah L. Dodd on November 27, 1999.

Baker, Cecial,
b. 1853, d. 1864
Baker, Florence William Willis, no data
Baker, Florado, b. 1858, d. 1864
Boardman, Silias, d. Aug 10, 1822, aged 74 years, footstone S.B.
Bowerman, Adelia V., b. 1867, d. 1885
Bowerman, Clarissa E., b. 1832, d. 1925
Bowerman, Jesse H., b. 1825, d. 1870
Bowerman, Joseph H., b. 1857, d. 1925
Bowerman, Rolly L., Jr., b. Nov. 5, 1930, d. Nov. 7, 1930
Bowerman, Ruth M., b. 1858, d. 1874
Goodell, T. J., d. Nov. 11, 1849
Hubbard, Lyman, no data
Pryor, Josiah, b. Mar 30, 1807, d. Oct. 18, 1864 [shares stone with Pryor, Louisa, and Pryor, Mary], footstone J.P.
Pryor, Louisa L., b. Jul 07, 1806, d. Apr. 6, 1885, wife of J. Pryo, footstone L.L.P.
Pryor, Mary L., b. Sep. 13, 1841, d. Sep. 9, 1879, dau of J. & L. Pryor, footstone M.L.P.
Wilson, Elizabeth A., b. 1822, d. 1911, shares stone with Ezra D.
Wilson, Ezra D., b. 1830, d. 1904, s/w Elizabeth A
Wilson, George W., stone is too worn to read
Wilson, Lot N., d. Oct. 17, 1883, aged 17 years 5 mos, son of Ezra and Anna Wilson

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