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Stoney Point (Warner) Cemetery
Barry County, Michigan

Total records = 164. Records contributed by:

Stoney Point Cemetery
aka Warner Cemetery
State Road, Castleton Twp
Barry County Michigan

These are records that were at the Hastings Public Library. They are a combination of Gladys Moore Reeve's records, recorded in 1979 and Joan BeBeau & Marilyn Sheck's recorded in 1991 in combination with updates by Paula Walters in 1995., [PW]

Allen, Oliver, d. 1868, Lot 40-1, [PW]
Allen, William, d. 1868, Lot 40-2, [PW]
Barnhart, Jesse, b. 1901, d. 1931, Lot 5-2, [PW]
Barnhart, Minie, b. 1878, d. 1940, Lot 5-3, [PW]
Barnhart, William, b. 1865, d. 1927, Lot 5-1, [PW]
Barnum, Clarabelle, b. 1919, d. ?, Lot S 1/2 13-2, Res; Wellman Rd, [PW]
Barnum, Diane V, b. 1867, d. 1949, Lot 22-3, Vault, [PW]
Barnum, Floyd E, b. 05-29-1907, d. 01-11-1995, Lot S 1/2 13-1, Res; Wellman Rd, [PW]
Barnum, Gertrude, b. 1904, d. 1905, Lot 22-5, Box, [PW]
Barnum, Royal E, b. 1869, d. 1952, Lot 22-4, Vault, [PW]
Bennett, Constance H, b. 1913, d. ?, [PW]
Bennett,Wesley E, b. 1911, d. 1970, War, [PW]
Blain, Julia D, b. 1916, d. ?, [PW]
Blain, Nilo E, b. 1906, d. 1967, [PW]
Blocker, Avis, b. 1892, d. 1892, Lot 15-2, [PW]
Blocker, Samuel, b. 1865, d. 1950, Lot 15-1, [PW]
Bolton, Hannah, d. 1913, Lot 9, [PW]
Bolton, Lewis, d. 1893, Lot 9, [PW]
Bolton, Lyman, d. 1856, Lot 9, [PW]
Bolton, Samuel, d. 1866, Lot 9, [PW]
Brooks, ------,Lot 31-4, Father, [PW]
Brooks, Betsy Elizabeth, b. 1832, d. 1905, Lot 31-1, [PW]
Brooks, Whaley Alexander,B.1805, d. 1887, Lot 31-2, [PW]
Brooks,-------,Lot 31-3, Mother, [PW]
Cappon, Betty, b. 1922, d. ?, Lot N 1/2 37-2, [PW]
Cappon, Carla, b. 1946, d. ?, Lot S 1/2 37-2, [PW]
Cappon, Dorothy, b. 1929, d. ?, Lot N 1/2 38-2, [PW]
Cappon, Larry, b. 1943, d. ?, Lot S 1/2 37-1, [PW]
Cappon, Robert, b. 1928, d. ?, Lot N 1/2 38-1, [PW]
Cappon, William, b. 1924, d. ?, Lot N 1/2 37-1, [PW]
Cheeseman, Susan, b. 1948, d. ?, Lot S 1/2 38-2, [PW]
Cheeseman, Terry, b. 1944, d. ?, Lot S 1/2 38-1, [PW]
Collins, Ruth L, b. 1917, d. 1919, Lot 3-1, Box, [PW]
Coville, Clyde W, b. 1870, d. 1957, Lot 32-2, [PW]
Coville, Jeesse, b. 1880, d. 1969, Lot 32-1, [PW]
Coville, Verdan V, b. 9-23-1907, d. 1-27-1985, [PW]
Darling, Agnes, b. 1870, d. 1897, [PW]
Darling, Agnes, b. 1900, d. ?, Lot N 1/2 46-1, [PW]
Darling, Mable, b. 1896, d. 1897, [PW]
Darling, Mable,Lot N 1/2 46-2, B.1900, d. ?, [PW]
Demond, Celia,Lot N 1/2 25-1, [PW]
Demond, David,Lot N 1/2 25-2, [PW]
Demond, Howard J, b. 1907, d. 1976, Lot S 1/2 25-1, [PW]
Demond, Margaret Jean, b. 08-31-1921, d. 04-18-1995, Lot S 1/2 25-2, [PW]
Divine, Clyde, [PW]
Divine, G. W., [PW]
Divine, Rose, b. 1849, d. 1910, [PW]
Divine, Rose, b. 1850, d. 1912, [PW]
Downs, Julie, b. 1916, Lot 27-4, [PW]
Downs, Mary L, d. 09-19-1879, 20Y 28D, G. D., [PW]
Downs, Mary, b. 1879, d. 1916, Lot 27-1, [PW]
Downs, Milo Blain, b. 1906, d. 1967, Lot 27-3, [PW]
Downs, Willis C \ Willie, b. 1879, d. 10-14-1879, Lot 27-2, 1M 14D, [PW]
Erickson, Kenneth D, d. 04-05-1988, [PW]
Gallop, Floyd, b. 1906, d. 1975, Lot 40-3, [PW]
Gallop, Frank, b. 1863, d. 1927, [PW]
Gallop, Frank, d. 1975, Lot 40-5, Burial 04-04-1975, [PW]
Gallop, Henry, b. 1958, d. 1959, Lot 40-4, [PW]
Gallop, Margaret, d. 1889, Lot 50-2, [PW]
Gallop, Truman Lot, d. 1889, Lot 50-1,, [PW]
Gordon, Henry Newton, b. 1878, d. 1937, Lot 45-1, [PW]
Gordon, Jenny, b. 1887, d. 1976, Lot N 1/2 39-2, [PW]
Gwd, Bobby, b. 1881, d. 188, 1 Lot 23-1, [PW]
Gwd, Harriet, Lot 23-2, [PW]
Heater, Betty Ann, b. 1840, d. 1913, Lot 52-2, [PW]
Heater, Jacob, b. 1840, d. 1892, Lot 52-1, Civil War, [PW]
Hilton, Constance, b. 1913, d. ?, Lot 14-3, [PW]
Hilton, Daniel, b. 1819, d. 1896, Lot 14-1, [PW]
Hilton, Wesley Bennett, b. 1911, d. 1976, d. ?, Lot 14-2, [PW]
Hobart, Buelah, b. 1927, d. ?, Lot N 1/2 13-2, Res; State Road, [PW]
Hobart, Howard [Bud], b. 1927, d. ?, Lot N 1/2 13-1, Res; State Road, [PW]
Jeffery, Belle, b. 1867, d. 1889, Lot N 1/2 17-2, [PW]
Jeffery, Riley, b. 1872, d. 1876, Lot N 1/2 17-1, [PW]
Johnson, Amanda Jeffrey, b. 1848, d. 1914, Lot 29-, [PW]
Johnson, Ann, b. 1810, d. 12-09-1888, Lot 29-2, 78Y, [PW]
Johnson, Daniel, Lot 29-3, [PW]
Johnson, Eugene W, b. 1805, d. 07-13-1887, Lot 29-1, 36Y, [PW]
Kipp, Bernice, b. 1895, d. 1976, Lot 3-3, Buried In Vault, [PW]
Kipp, Frank, b. 1890, d. 1970, Lot 3-2, Buried In Vault, [PW]
Leonard, Aaron, b. 1822, d. 01-13-1912, Lot 7-2, Buried In Vault Gar, [PW]
Leonard, Aaron, b. 1904, d. 1976, Lot 7-3, Buried In Box Soldier, [PW]
Leonard, Charlie,Lot 7-1, [PW]
Mcgown, Agnes, Lot 47-6, [PW]
Mcgown, Levi, b. 1832, Lot 47-4, [PW]
Mcgown, Louis, d. 1908, Lot 47-3, [PW]
Mcgown, Mable, Lot 47-?, [PW]
Mcgown, May, Lot 47-2, [PW]
Mcgown, William, b. 1819, d. 1905, Lot 47-1, [PW]
Mcgown, William, d. 05-07-1891, 66Y 8M 14D, [PW]
Mcgown, William, d. 1932, Lot 47-5, No Marker, [PW]
Mead, Charlie D, b. 1869, d. 1957, Lot 33-1, [PW]
Mead, Cora E, b. 1871, d. 1950, Lot 33-2, [PW]
Mead, Fern, b. 1915, d. ?, Lot 33-4, [PW]
Mead, Hattie, b. 1872, d. 1933, Lot 34-1, [PW]
Mead, Jess E, b. 1880, d. 1886, Lot 4-3, [PW]
Mead, Keith, b. 1919, d. no date, Lot 33-3, [PW]
Mead, Mary E, b. 1838, d. 1927, Lot 34-3, [PW]
Mead, Neoma, b. 1855, d. 1906, Lot 4-1, Mother, [PW]
Mead, Thomas H, b. 1851, d. 1907, Lot 4-2, Father, [PW]
Mead, William, b. 1822, d. 1890, Lot 34-4, Grandfather, [PW]
Mead, William, b. 1872, d. 1933, Lot 34-3, [PW]
Messenger, Joseph, b. 1844, d. 1922, Lot 16-2, Gar, [PW]
Messenger, Josephine, b. 1844, d. 1929, Lot 16-1, [PW]
Messenger, M, b. 1842, d. 1876, Lot 16-3, [PW]
Messenger, William, b. 1843, d. 1875, Lot 16-4, [PW]
Miller, ------, Lot 43-1, [PW]
Miller, ------, Lot 43-2, [PW]
Miller, Dora, b. 1917, d. 1922, Lot 44-3, [PW]
Miller, Elizabeth, b. 1850, d. 02-08-1911, Lot 41-2, 61Y, [PW]
Miller, Emma, b. 1848, d. 1883, Lot 21-2, [PW]
Miller, Eva, b. 1893, 1894, Lot 44-1, [PW]
Miller, Fred, b. 1868, d. 1937, Lot 44-2, [PW]
Miller, James, b. 1849, d. 1934, Lot 8, Gar, [PW]
Miller, Jane, d. 07-00-1905, Lot 8, 51Y 10M, [PW]
Miller, Johnson, Lot 41-3, [PW]
Miller, W H, no date, [PW]
Miller, W M, b. 1850, d. 01-27-1890, Lot 21-1, 52Y, [PW]
Miller, William,Lot 41-1, [PW]
Morgan, Florence, Lot S 1/2 39-2, [PW]
Morgan, J, Lot S 1/2 39-1, [PW]
Nelson, Ida May, b. 03-19-1918, d. 11-29-1995, [PW]
Orsborn, Harriet, b. 1834, d. 1916, [PW]
Orsborn, Sylvester, b. 1826, d. 1899, [PW]
Osborn, Charles M, b. 1861, d. 1947, Lot 11-1, [PW]
Osborn, Elaine, b. 1959, d. 1984, Lot 11-3, [PW]
Osborn, May A, b. 1866, d. 1941, Lot 11-2, [PW]
Payne, Albert H, b. 1836, d. 1891, Lot 22-1, Wood Box; 55Y 8M 19D, [PW]
Payne, Hortense H, b. 1843, d. 1920, Lot 22-2, Box, [PW]
Perkins, Lyda, b. 1816, d. 09-01-1905, Lot 28-2, 83Y, [PW]
Perkins, Neil D, b. 1805, d. 12-11-1897, Lot 28-1, 62Y, [PW]
Quillian, Rachel, Lot 32-3, No Marker, [PW]
Rodebauch, Eliza, [PW]
Rodebauch, T H, b. 1869, d. 1919, Lot 11-4, [PW]
Rodenbauch, Frankie, b. 1869, d. 1919, Lot 12-1, Wife, [PW]
Rodenbauch, Harriet, b. 1834, d. 1916, Lot 11-6, [PW]
Rodenbauch, Salvester, b. 1826, d. 1899, Lot 11-5, [PW]
Rose, -----, b. 1849, d. 1947, Lot 18-2, [PW]
Rose, -----, b. 1850, d. 1912, Lot 18-1, [PW]
Ryan, Anthony, d. 08-28-1965, Lot N 1/2 39-1, Infant, [PW]
Smith, Alice W, b. 1867, d. 1902, [PW]
Smith, Alice W, b. 1887, d. 1911, Lot 10, [PW]
Smith, George E, b. 1887, d. 1911, Lot 10, [PW]
Smith, Grace Madden, b. 1887, d. 1911, [PW]
Varney, Amy Ann, b. 1843, d. 1932, Lot 19-2, [PW]
Varney, Hazel,, [PW]
Varney, James, b. 1878, d. 1941, Lot 19-1, [PW]
Varney, Louisa, b. 1879, d. 1970, Lot 19-3, [PW]
Varney, Merl, Lot 20-1, [PW]
Varney, Merle W, b. 03-29-1912, d. 09-11-1989, [PW]
Varney, Merle W, b. 03-29-1912, d. 09-11-1989, [PW]
Varney, William, b. 1841, d. 1913, Lot 19-4, [PW]
Walden, Elpha, b. 1890, d. 1894, Lot S 1/2 46-2, [PW]
Walden, Emma, b. 1883, d. 1897, Lot S 1/2 46-1, [PW]
Wallace, -------,Lot 52-?, Stone In Drive By Lot 52, [PW]
Warner, Catherine T, b. 1842, d. 1870, Lot 1-3, Box; Mother, [PW]
Warner, Catherine Theresa (Turner), b. 19 Nov 1842, d. 25 Jan 1890, 2nd w/o Daniel, [SC]
Warner, Daniel C, b. 1827, d. 1909, Lot 1-4, Buried In Box; Father, [PW]
Warner, Daniel Curtice, b. 7 Oct 1825, d. 2 Mar 1909, s/o Junia & Lucinda, [SC]
Warner, Kate T, b. 1871, d. 1887, Lot 1-2, Buried In Box, [PW]
Warner, Kate Theresa, b. 6 Aug 1870, d. 3 Feb 1887, d/o Daniel & Catherine, [SC]
Warner, Mary C, b. 1868, d. 1874, Lot 1-1, Buried In Box, [PW]
Warner, Mary Cordelia, b. 5 Oct 1868, d. 6 Nov 1874, d/o Daniel & Catherine, [SC]
Wilder, Chester, b. 1912, d. ?, Lot 35-1, Res; Nashville, [PW]
Wilder, Gila, b. 1917, d. ?, Lot 35-2, Res; Nashville, [PW]

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