Search Michigan Death Records
Michigan Newspapers, Full Search (1817-2018), 293 titles
Michigan Obituary Search, (1869-current)
Michigan Birth Records Database, (1817-1999)
Lickly's Corners Cemetery (Lickley's Corners Cemetery)
Hillsdale County, Michigan
Submitted by Jeff Grund [].
Laser, A. Vivian, b. 1915, d. 1997, s/w Harold V., row #23
Laser, Bessie R., b. 1886, d. 1956, s/w Elmer C., row #23
Laser, Elmer C., b. 1880, d. 1962, s/w Bessie R., row #23
Laser, Harold V., b. 1912, d. 1986, s/w A. Vivian, row #23
Laser, Ina M., b. 1879, d. 1923, row #10
Laser, James a., b. 1877, d. 1972, row #10
Laser, L. Clyde, b. 1878, d. 1977, s.w Leah E., row #18
Laser, Leah E., b. 1886, d. 1967, s/w L. Clyde, row #18
Laser, Lesley C., b. 1901, d. 1966, row #10
Laser, Richard, b. 1917, d., row #18
Laser, Victor K., d. 1916, age: 3d, row #18
Lauder, Adaline M., b. 1901, d. 1981, row #21
Lauder, Adelbert B., b. 1851, d. 1925, row #19
Lauder, Carl D., b. 1923, d. 1997, row #19
Lauder, Edna L., b. 1900, d. 1992, row #19
Lauder, Elizebeth, b. 1826, d. 1914, His wife, s/w James J. & Margaret, row #8
Lauder, Frank A., b. 1890, d. 1968, row #19
Lauder, James J., b. 1815, d. 1902, s/w Elizebeth & Margaret, row #8
Lauder, Margaret, b. 1787, d. 1871, Wife of John Lauder, s/w James J. & Elizebeth, row #8
Lauder, Minnie E., b. 1861, d. 1940, row #19
Libey, George, d. 10 Nov 1881, row #7
Libey, Mary M., b. 12 Sep 1875, d. 26 Dec 1899, row #16
Libey, Rachel, d. 20 Oct 1880, age: ??, ? of John F. Libey, row #2
Liby, Clarietta, b. 23 Feb 1861, d. 26 Feb 1861, Dau. Of B. & L. A. Liby, North side of column illegible, row #3
Liby, John, b. 22 Feb 1798, d. 12 Feb 1858, row #3
Liby, Polly, b. 26 Nov 1795, d. 1 Sep 1884, His wife, row #3
Lickley, Kate W., b. 1878, d. 1977, row #21
Lickley, Ralph M., b. 1876, d. 1958, row #21
Lickley, Sarah A., b. 1864, d. 1903, Wife of Alden H. Barber, row #10
Lickly, Arthur, b. 1831, d. 1896, row #10
Lickly, Charles, d. 9 Nov 1863, age: 24y 4m 9d, Son of J. M. & Lovina Lickly, row #5
Lickly, Dora Burd, b. 1865, d. 1953, Mother, row #15
Lickly, Frank A., b. 1858, d. 1915, row #15
Lickly, George W., d. 10 Mar 1923, age: 78y 13d, row #6
Lickly, Harriet G., b. 1835, d. 1899, His wife, s/w Morris J., row #5
Lickly, Henry H., b. 1856, d. 1927, row #15
Lickly, Infant, d. 12 Mar 1853, Another stone says 'Sister', row #6
Lickly, J. Barry, b. 1845, d. 1911, row #17
Lickly, Jacob D., b. 1/9/1826, d. 15 Jun 1891, row #4
Lickly, Jacob, d. 18 May 1862, age: 27y 1m 19d, Children of M. & L. Lickly, row #6
Lickly, James G., d. 9-??-1864,9-??-1864, age: ",2d, Children of J. D. & R. E. Lickly, row #4
Lickly, Jane A., b. 29 Nov 1827, d. 13 May 1893, His wife, s/w Jesse Raymond & children, row #5
Lickly, Jesse J., b. 17 Dec 1859, d. 15 Dec 1937, s/w P. Ella, row #22
Lickly, John ?, d. 6 Mar 1863,6 Mar 1863, age: ",12d, Children of J. D. & R. E. Lickly, row #4
Lickly, John M., d. 28 Aug 1884, age: 93y 1m ?d, row #5
Lickly, John W., b. 1827, d. 1912, s/w Ruth A., row #6
Lickly, Kittie May, d. 26 Oct 1884, age: 1y 23d, Infant. Children of G. W. & M. E. Lickly, row #6
Lickly, Lavern, b. 1912, d. 1931, row #20
Lickly, Lena T., b. 1876, d. 1957, row #20
Lickly, Lois V., b. 29 Jun 1808, d. 29 Apr 1888, row #6
Lickly, Lovina, d. 15 Dec 1848, age: 45y 10m 20d, Wife of J. M. Lickly, row #5
Lickly, Lucena, d. 19 Apr 1877, age: 76y 2m 14d, Wife of J. M. Lickly, row #5
Lickly, Malvina B., b. 1840, d. 1924, row #11
Lickly, Martha L., d. 11 Jun 1868, age: 27y ?m ?d, Wife of James Lickly, Part of James' stone leaning against Martha's, row #5
Lickly, Martha, d. 25 May 187?, age: 8y? ?m ?d, Dau (?) of James & M. L. Lickly, row #5
Lickly, Mary E., d. 23 Oct 1884, age: 35y 5m 9d, row #6
Lickly, Michael J., b. 1865, d. 1940, row #20
Lickly, Michael, b. 9 Apr 1800, d. 1 Sep 1891, row #6
Lickly, Michael, d. 13 Jan 1851, age: 2yrs, Son of M. & L. Lickly, row #6
Lickly, Mirtie, d. 24 Aug 1889, age: 1y 1m, Dau. Of J. ? & C. A. Lickly, row #7
Lickly, Morris J., b. 1829, d. 1891, s/w Harriet G., row #5
Lickly, Nellie M., b. 1882, d. 1903, Dau. Of James & Cora Lickly, row #7
Lickly, Oliva M., b. 1848, d. 1940, row #17
Lickly, P. Ella, b. 10 Jan 1871, d. 10 Dec 1959, GAR National Women's Relief Corps, s/w Jesse J., row #22
Lickly, Rex M., b. 13 Oct 1901, d. 25 Sep 1975, Maj US Army World War II Korea, s/w Wylanna, row #24
Lickly, Ruth A., b. 1829, d. 1904, His wife, s/w John W., row #6
Lickly, Sarah A., d. 22 Mar 1853, age: 17y 3d, Children of M. & L. Lickly, row #6
Lickly, Sarah C., b. 1905, d. 2001, row #20
Lickly, Theron D., b. 1856, d. 1914, row #19
Lickly, Tryphena, b. 1841, d. 1900, row #10
Lickly, William, b. 1831, d. 1907, row #11
Lickly, Wylanna, b. 1911, d. 1964, s/w Rex M., row #24
Likly, James, d. 11 Sep 1864, age: 41y 5m 16d, Stone broken. Note spelling diff. from Lickly, row #5
Lilly, Bertha, b. 1 May 1814, d. 17 Apr 1890, s/w John, row #6
Lilly, Eliza C., b. 1849, d. 1912, His wife, s/w Benjamin B. Jones, row #6
Lilly, John, b. 6 Sep 1815, d. 8 Jul 1893, s/w Bertha, row #6
Lockwood, Berniece, b. 1910, d. 1982, s/w Deane, row #21
Lockwood, Deane, b. 1912, d. 2002, s/w Berniece, row #21
Lockwood, Ethel Lucile, b. 1888, d. 1931, row #21
Lockwood, James A., b. 1886, d. 1963, row #21
Long, George A., b. 1873, d. 1951, s/w Minnie E., row #4
Long, Gerald C., d. 1904, Son of C. N. & L. M. Long, row #4
Long, Infant, b. 14 Jan 1897, d. 15 Apr 1897, Son of G. A. & M. E. Long, row #4
Long, Minnie E., b. 1869, d. 1948, s/w George A., row #4
Lutes, Dewitt C., b. 19 Mar 1839, d. 13 Feb 1909, s/w Victorine Lutes & Harriet S. Booth, row #5
Lutes, Henry, d. 6 Sep 1876, row #6
Lutes, Infant ?? Clinton, d. ??, row #6
Lutes, Matilda, d. 25 Sep 188?, row #6
Lutes, Victorine, b. 28 Mar 1852, d. 25 Mar 1929, His wife, s/w Dewitt C. Lutes & Harriet S. Booth, row #5
Mabbs, Avis L., b. 1891, d. 1943, row #20
Mabbs, Sarah E., b. 1858, d. 1937, row #20
Mabbs, William E., b. 1857, d. 1934, row #20
Mackey, Frances E., b. 1887, d. 1968, row #20
Mackey, Jane Morenus, b. 19 May 1832, d. 31 Jul 1916, s/w Montgomery, row #7
Mackey, John V., b. 1855, d. 1905, row #10
Mackey, Montgomery, b. 27 May 1826, d. 30 Aug 1901, s/w Jane Morenus, row #7
Mackey, Nancy J., d. 15 Mar 1889, age: 57y 1m, row #6
Mackey, Sarah, b. 1793, d. 12 Nov 1855, s/w Urion, row #7
Mackey, Urion, b. 15 Aug 1772, d. 8 Jun 1862, s/w Sarah, row #7
Mackey, Urion, d. 5 Mar 1893, age: 82yrs, row #6
Martin(?), Seth W., d. 16 Feb 1872(?), age: 61y 9m 16d, row #13
Martin, Carrie L., b. 1862, d. 1935, s/w George H., row #20
Martin, Clyde R., b. 1891, d. 1972, s/w Ina L., row #21
Martin, George H., b. 1865, d. 1928, s/w Carrie L., row #20
Martin, Ina L., b. 1891, d. 1969, s/w Clyde R., row #21
Martin, John H., b. 1885, d. 1968, row #20
Masters, Hattie B., b. 1871, d. 1960, s/w Welby L., row #20
Masters, Welby L., b. 1867, d. 1944, s/w Hattie B., row #20
Maxim, James H., b. 1925, d. 1925, Son of Niram & Sophia, row #11
May, Elmer A., b. 1903, d. 1980, row #18
May, Irene C., b. 1910, d. 2000, row #18
McCulley, Chad Allen, b. 20 Jan 1979, d. 22 Jul 1984, Son of Bob & Kathy, row #26
McCullough, Margaret Carncross Jerew, b. 1929, d. 1992, row #23
McDowell, Gwendolyn R., b. 1936, d. 1980, Mother, row #21
McKibbon, Florence V., b. 1865, d. 1899, Wife of W. W. McKibbon, row #11
McKibbon, Wright W., b. 1876, d. 1949, row #11
McNitt, Alfred, b. 1847, d. 1919, Father, row #1
McNitt, Clarissa, d., Mother, Most illegible, row #1
McNitt, Darwin, b. 1835, d. 1904, s/w Hannah, row #1
McNitt, Ellen, b. 1852, d. 1914, Mother, row #1
McNitt, George H., b. 1879, d. 1963, s/w Nellie M., row #23
McNitt, Hannah, b. 1835, d. 1896, Wife of D. McNitt, s/w Darwin, row #1
McNitt, Infant, d., row #1
McNitt, James, b. ??, d. ??, row #1
McNitt, James, d., Father, Most illegible, row #1
McNitt, Mary, d., Most illegible, row #1
McNitt, Nellie M., b. 1881, d. 1958, s/w George H., row #23
Michael, Helen L. Tuttle, b. 1920, d. 1969, row #17
Miller, Anna B., b. 2 Sep 1876, d. 14 Nov 1915, age: 39y 2m 12d, Wife of C. W. Miller, row #18
Minkler, Julia R., b. 1904, d. 1974, row #18
Mohr, Anna V., b. 1920, d. 2001, s/w Anna V., row #23
Mohr, Autha J., b. 1885, d. 1913, s/w Clyde E., row #17
Mohr, Chester B., b. 1886, d. 1982, s/w Maude A., row #20
Mohr, Clyde E., b. 1879, d. 1916, s/w Autha J., row #17
Mohr, Frank E., b. 1859, d. 1925, row #17
Mohr, Harriet A., b. 1860, d. 1932, row #17
Mohr, Maude A., b. 1889, d. 1979, s/w Chester B., row #20
Mohr, Renee Jean, b. Jun-1966, d. Nov-1966, row #24
Mohr, Vincent C., b. 1911, d. 1929, row #20
Mohr, Wayne E., b. 1916, d. 1999, s/w Wayne E., row #23
Monroe, Geo. S., d. 19 Nov 1869, age: 73y 1m 22d, row #11
Moore, Zada M., b. 13 Jan 1910, d. 12 Dec 1937, Same style as Ivan Beagle, row #18
Mosher, Louisa, b. 1830, d. 1912, Mother, row #3
Myer, Phyllis 'Pud', b. 1930, d. 1996, married Aug. 27, 1949, s/w Robert G., row #3
Myers, John A., b. 1890, d. 1942, row #3
Myers, John W., b. 1862, d. 1911, s/w Keziah, row #3
Myers, Keziah, b. 1868, d. 1948, s/w John W., row #3
Myers, Rexford D., b. 1924, d. 1940, row #3
Myers, Robert G., b. 1927, d., married Aug. 27, 1949, s/w Phyllis, row #3
Nichols, Aaron W., d. 18 May 1861, age: 17y 11m 9d, row #8
Nichols, Dean W., b. 1914, d. 1995, Husband, row #21
Nichols, Hattie A., b. 1883, d. 1910, s/w J. C., row #12
Nichols, J. C., b. 1874, d. 1934, s/w Hattie A., row #12
Nichols, Ovanda V., b. 1919, d. 1975, Wife, row #21
Northrup, Robah E., b. 9/10/1830, d. 26 Jan 1904, Wife of Jacob D. Lickly, row #4
Ogden, Adelia, d. 14 Oct 1873, age: 32y 10m 29d, row #14
Osborn, George C., b. 1916, d. 1939, row #18
Parmalee, Matilda, b. 1840, d. 1892, s/w Charlotte Rifenbark, row #4
Pettit, Herman N., b. 15 Feb 1928, d. 20 Jul 2001, married Jul 31, 1945, s/w June A., row #26
Pettit, June A., b. 29 Nov 1927, d. 12 Apr 2000, married Jul 31, 1945, s/w Herman N., row #26
Pettit, Mable J., b. 1905, d. 2001, s/w Mack H., row #26
Pettit, Mack H., b. 1905, d. 1990, s/w Mable J., row #26
Porter, Effie M., b. 1886, d. 1905, row #15
Porter, Eva M., d. 1884, age: 6m, row #15
Porter, Lena M., b. 1888, d. 1986, Joined in holy matrimony Apr 30, 1921, s/w Leonard E., row #19
Porter, Lena M., b. 1893, d. 1919, row #19
Porter, Leonard E., b. 1885, d. 1990, Joined in holy matrimony Apr 30, 1921, s/w Lena M., row #19
Porter, Orlando, b. 1846, d. 1926, row #15
Porter, Rodilla, b. 1850, d. 1929, row #15
Price, Sanford St., d. 3 Oct 1874, age: 16y 5m, Son of Derias & Nancy, row #15
Radala, Donna M., b. 8 Apr 1918, d. 3 Aug 1984, Daughter, row #15
Radala, Herbert R., b. 1938, d. 1993, row #20
Radala, Merle N., b. 1906, d. 1971, row #20
Raymond, Alta B., b. 1883, d. 1917, row #18
Raymond, Cecil D., b. 1894, d. 1973, s/w Eber O., row #23
Raymond, Eber O., b. 1896, d. 1971, s/w Cecil D., row #23
Raymond, Harry W., d., Stone partially buried, row #16
Raymond, Ida A., b. 1859, d. 1935, Mother, row #18
Raymond, Jesse, b. 21 Aug 1821, d. 25 Aug 1858, s/w Jane A. Lickly & children, row #5
Raymond, Leo Glenn, b. 30 Sep 1919, d. 6 Feb 1961, Michigan T Sgt US Air Force World War II Korea, row #23
Raymond, Lottie A., b. 31 Jul 1858, d. 8 Jan 1888, Children of J. & J. A. Raymond, s/w parents & siblings, row #5
Raymond, Lovina J., b. 14 Feb 1851, d. 16 Apr 1853, Children of J. & J. A. Raymond, s/w parents & siblings, row #5
Raymond, Maria, d. 3 Oct 1865, age: 63y 8m 17d, Wife of N. E. Raymond, row #5
Raymond, Marie N.(?), d. 12 Jul 1864, age: 29yrs, Wife of A. Raymond, row #5
Raymond, Melvin J., b. 1 Mar 1849, d. 10 Dec 1852, Children of J. & J. A. Raymond, s/w parents & siblings, row #5
Raymond, Orietta M., d. 8 Apr 1872, age: 15y(?) 6m, Dau. Of ?? & ?? Raymond, row #5
Raymond, Polly, d. 25 Jun 1818, row #7
Raymond, Royal J., b. 1856, d. 1920, Father, row #18
Raymond, Royal(?), d. 1851, age: ??, ?? of ?? & H. Raymond, row #5
Raymond, Sarah C., b. 23 Jul 1849, d. 30 May 1902, s/w Willard, row #16
Raymond, Willard, b. 14 Aug 1841, d., No death date. s/w Sarah C., row #16
Rifenbark, Charlotte, b. 1808, d. 1892, s/w Matilda Parmalee, row #4
Rininger, Infant, d. 17 Oct 1888, row #13
Rininger, Maggie, b. 1867, d. 1945, s/w Shannon, row #13
Rininger, Shannon, b. 1860, d. 1928, s/w Maggie, row #13
Rinninger, Clifford I., b. 1908, d. 1980, s/w Angeline M., row #24
Rinninger, George E., b. 1893, d. 1969, row #24
Rinninger, Rex J., b. 1911, d. 1982, s/w Grace M., row #24
Roberts, Julia J., b. 1870, d. 1948, row #16
Robison, Flossie, b. 1893, d. 1958, s/w Vern C., row #22
Robison, Helen A., b. 1917, d. 1996, married Dec. 28, 1936, s/w Lewis C., row #22
Robison, John B., b. 1916, d. 1995, row #22
Robison, Lewis C., b. 1914, d. 2000, married Dec. 28, 1936, s/w Helen A., row #22
Robison, Ronald, b. 1946, d. 1962, Our Son, row #22
Robison, Vern C., b. 1884, d. 1953, s/w Flossie, row #22
Ross, Kenneth K., b. 1951, d. 1994, married Dec. 1982, s/w Sharon J., row #24
Salmon, Lucy J., b. ??-??-1869, d. ??, Children of ?? & Geraldine Salmon, One more on stone that's illegible, row #11
Salmon, Mary H., b. ??, d. ??, Children of ?? & Geraldine Salmon, One more on stone that's illegible, row #11
Saltzgiber, Jonathan, b. 1828, d. 1919, s/w Esther Kearney, row #8
Saner, C. D., b. 1862, d. 1930, row #16
Saner, K. D., b. 1888, d. 1910, row #16
Saurbeck, Clara(?) A., b. 1866, d. 1904, age: 37y 8m 19d, His wife, s/w J. S., row #13
Saurbeck, J. S., b. 1864, d. 1908, age: 33y 7m 8d, s/w Clara A., row #13
Saurbeck?, Charlie M., b. 1887, d. 1904, age: 16y 8m 17d, Next to J. S. & Clara A. Saurbeck, row #13
Sebring, Mildred L. (Fox), b. 1924, d. 1987, s/w Robert L., row #25
Sebring, Robert L., b. 1923, d. 1989, s/w Mildred L., row #25
Shamplo, Annie M., d. 12 Mar 1871, age: 11m, row #8
Shamplo, Annie, d. 6 Dec 1876, age: 66 yrs, row #8
Shamplo, Burton, b. 1862, d. 1944, s/w Emma J., row #22
Shamplo, Emma J., b. 1866, d. 1940, s/w Burton, row #22
Shamplo, Peter, d. 16 Jan 1861, age: 18 yrs, row #8
Shepardson, Elvira, d. 14 Jun ????, row #6
Shepardson, Perrin, d. 30 Jul 189?, row #6
Sherwood, ?? Milton, d. 16 Aug 188?, row #5
Siegel, Jackson J., b. 1917, d. 1990, s/w Genevieve, row #19
Siegel, Joseph D., b. 1891, d. 1973, s/w Mae M., row #19
Siegel, Joy June, b. 1923, d. 1925, row #19
Siegel, Mae M., b. 1892, d. 1973, s/w Joseph D., row #19
Skuse, Albert W., b. 1861, d. 1921, row #18
Skuse, Hellen, b. 1898, d. 1915, row #18
Skuse, Ida May, b. 1861, d. 1933, row #18
Smith, Charles W., d. 15 Feb 1861, age: 16y ??m 11d, Stone broken, leaning against tree, row #4
Smith, Charlotte, d., Wife (?) of David Smith, Next stone illegible, could be husband, row #4
Smith, Emma, b. 1850, d. 1907, row #14
Smith, Harriet A., d. ?? Mar 1860, age: 42y 8m 6d, Wife of Stephen Smith, row #1
Smith, Margaret T. (?), d. 11 Sep 1891, age: ??, Wife of Richard S. Smith, row #4
Smith, Mary L., d. 1 Sep 1853, age: 34y 4m 7d, Wife of A. R. Smith, row #4
Smith, Richard S., d. 28 Sep 1897, age: 78y 8m 1d, row #4
Smith, Samuel S., b. 1844, d. 1920, row #14
Snider, Daniel M., d. 23 Mar 1860, age: 11y 5m 2d, Stone fallen and partially buried, row #14
Snider, Samuel A., d. 27 Sep 1861, age: 1y 11m 23d, Stone fallen and partially buried, row #14
Snow, Ann, d., row #5
Southern, George B., b. 25 Aug 1856, d. 20 Sep 1940, row #15
Sprague(?), Phebe, d. 19 Mar 1876(?), age: ?y 7m 29d, Wife of Saml Sprague(?), row #12
Sprague, Eli, b. 12 Jun 1823, d. ?? Sep 1898, s/w Mary Ann, row #12
Sprague, Guy, b. 1855, d. 1928, row #9
Sprague, Mary Ann, b. 28 Sep 1822, d. 15 Aug 1896(?), His wife, s/w Eli, row #12
Starin, Alpheus, d. 28 Nov 1925, age: 78 yrs, Co. H Ohio L.A., row #18
Starin, Mandilla, d. 7 Apr 1824, age: 76 yrs, row #18
Stemen, Marlene R., b. 10 Aug 1936, d. 27 Jan 2000, married Jun 29, 1957, s/w John A., row #26
Stocker, Abram, d., Co. K 2 Mich. Cav., row #1
Stockwell, Almena, b. 8 May 1805, d. 3 Jul 1895, Wife of Eliatha Stockwell, row #7
Stoltz, Mae Ida, b. 1882, d. 1944, s/w William E., row #17
Stoltz, William E., b. 1879, d. 1959, s/w Mae Ida, row #17
Stou?, ??, d. 27 Jul 1880, age: ??, Wife of Wm. D. Stou_, Stone fallen and partially buried, row #5
Stover, Robert G., b. 1920, d. 2002, row #24
Stratton, Eunice, d. 24 Apr 1861, age: 81y ??m ??d, Wife of D. Stratton, row #4
Stratton, Jas. H., d. 1 Aug 1878, age: 71y 11m 15d, row #4
Stuch, Eliza, d. 17 Mar 1889, age: 66 yrs, Wife of S. S. Stuch, s/w Samuel Stuck (note diff. spelling), row #13
Stuck, Alvin C., b. 1882, d. 1961, row #19
Stuck, Bertha E., b. 1907, d. 1923, row #19
Stuck, Jane, b. 1846, d. 1910, Mother, s/w Martin, row #16
Stuck, Jane, b. 1859, d. 1941, Mother, row #18
Stuck, Martin, b. 1843, d. 1921, Father, s/w Jane, row #16
Stuck, Mary J., b. 1889, d. 1980, row #19
Stuck, Mary M., b. 1849, d. 1932, His wife, s/w William H. Belcher, row #13
Stuck, Milton, b. 1861, d. 1918, row #18
Stuck, Samuel, d. 20 Feb 1888, age: 72y 1m 20d, s/w Eliza Stuch, row #13
Stump, John, d. 28 Sep 1889, age: 83 yrs, s/w Margaret, row #16
Stump, Margaret, d. 1 Jun 1892, age: 81 yrs, s/w John, row #16
Stump, Mary C., b. 1858, d. 1918, Mother, row #17
Stump, Roy A., b. 1896, d. 1915, row #17
Stump, Willie J., d. 11 May 1880, age: 2y 0m 11d, Son of W. & M(?) Stump, betw. Wm. & John Stump, row #16
Stump, Wm., b. 1855, d. 1909, row #16
Taylor, Frank L., b. 1907, d. 1977, Father, s/w Jennie A., row #20
Taylor, Jennie, b. 1911, d. 1993, Mother, s/w Frank L., row #20
Tew, Almer J., b. 1850, d. 1932, row #17
Tew, Angeline M., b. 1853, d. 1928, row #17
Thomas, Henry, b. 1 Apr 1822, d. 31 Jul 1903, s/w Minervia R., row #7
Thomas, Minervia R., b. 14 Sep 1825, d. 23 Jan 1899, His wife, s/w Henry, row #7
Thorn, ??, d. 5-??-1882, age: ??, Son of W. S. & Jennie Thorn, row #9
Thorn, Albert S., d., row #3
Tinsley, Grant, d. 17 Aug 1876, age: 11y 9m 26d, Two others illeg. on column, probably parents, row #14
Towne, Denver, b. 1891, d. 1956, row #19
Towne, Doris A., d. 1924, age: 6m, row #19
Towne, Eunice, b. 1935, d. 1978, s/w Marion, row #25
Towne, Grace, b. 1895, d. 1981, row #19
Towne, Lizzie, b. 14 Apr 1863, d. 17 Dec 1913, row #17
Towne, Marion, b. 1919, d. 1999, s/w Eunice, row #25
Travis, Ann E., d. 6 Aug 1894, age: 56y ?m ?d, Wife of J. Travis, s/w Jeramiah, row #1
Travis, Jeramiah, b. 15 Jun 1834, d. 9 May 1895, s/w Ann E., row #1
Treat, H. T., b. 1844, d. 1930, s/w Sarah C., row #9
Treat, Sarah C., b. 1855, d. 1900, s/w H. T., row #9
Trubridge, Nancy A., b. 13 May 1825, d. 25 Oct 1893, His wife, s/w Ward, row #10
Trubridge, Ward, b. 18 Jun 1816, d. 25 Jan 1891, s/w Nancy A., row #10
Trudgill, Adaline M., d. 1 May 1925, age: 90yrs, His wife, s/w John, row #15
Trudgill, John, d. 16 Oct 1889, age: 71yrs, s/w Adaline, row #15
Tuttle, Andrew J., b. 1833, d. 1911, Father, row #17
Tuttle, Arminda, d. 20 Oct 1876, age: 67y 3m 27d, Wife of Benj. Tuttle, row #9
Tuttle, Belle, b. 1875, d. 1928, Funeral home marker, row #20
Tuttle, Benj., d. 9 Apr 1871, age: 71y 2m 17d, row #9
Tuttle, Byron B., b. 1860, d. 1932, row #17
Tuttle, Effie B., b. 9 Apr 1872, d. 26 Apr 1941, row #16
Tuttle, Emma J., b. 1862, d. 1947, row #17
Tuttle, Frank C., b. 1874, d. 1938, row #20
Tuttle, H. Ervin, b. 8 Jan 1869, d. 14 May 1939, row #16
Tuttle, Henry S., b. 4 Jul 1843, d. 2 Sep 1914, row #16
Tuttle, Herma A., b. 1883, d. 1961, s/w Nellie B., row #17
Tuttle, Lolon M., b. 11 Feb 1879, d. 23 Oct 1905, row #16
Tuttle, Lucy A., b. 19 Jul 1847, d. 17 Apr 1932, row #16
Tuttle, Mary E., b. 1839, d. 1927, Mother, row #17
Tuttle, Myrtie B., b. 1877, d. 1905, s/w Eli N. Hills, row #9
Tuttle, Nellie B., b. 1883, d. 1966, s/w Herma A., row #17
Tuttle, Ruth Emma, b. 1916, d. 1916, row #17
Vanwie, Blanche L., b. 1895, d. 1983, row #18
Verrick, Mary F., b. 6 Mar 1905, d. 5 Jan 2001, row #18
Wade, Charley J., b. 1935, d. 1935, row #23
Wade, Helen Mae, b. 1936, d. 1936, row #23
Waldt, Elvira S., d. 8 Jan 1867, age: 44y 11m 5d, Wife of Rev. D. D. Waldt(?), row #8
Weaver, Benjamin O., d. 1 Aug 1854, age: 22y 3m 18d, row #6
Weaver, June M., b. 1916, d. 2000, s/w Lawrence L., row #23
Wheeler, Betsey E., b. 1818, d. 1904, row #9
Wheeler, Charlie M., b. 10 Dec 1867, d. 10 Apr 1887, Children of L. W. & E. M. Wheeler, Also a 'Mother' stone, but no name on column, row #13
Wheeler, Dirvie(?) W., d. ??-??-1882, age: 9y(?) 8d, row #13
Wheeler, Irena M., b. 28 Oct 1872, d. 20 Apr 1887, Children of L. W. & E. M. Wheeler, Also a 'Mother' stone, but no name on column, row #13
Wheeler, John B., Jr.", b. 8 Jan 1870, d. 26 Apr 1896, s/w Lillie G. Wheeler & J. W. & Sarah Brooks, row #13
Wheeler, Lillie G., d. 22 Jul 1871, s/w John B. Wheeler, Jr. & J. W. & Sarah Brooks, row #13
Whipple, Flora, b. 1844, d. 1914, row #4
White, Fannie M., b. 1823, d. 1886, His wife, s/w John Brooks, row #12
Williams, Elba Tew, b. 1887, d. 1915, row #17
Williams, Willard T., b. 1911, d. 1977, row #17
Wilson, Clair H., b. 1892, d. 1944, s/w Ethel E., row #21
Wilson, Earl G., d. 13 May 1899, age: 15y 11m 14d, Son of H. & S. L. Wilson, row #14
Wilson, Edgar H., b. 1858, d. 1941, s/w Sarah E., row #14
Wilson, Ethel E., b. 1892, d. 1973, s/w Clair H., row #21
Wilson, George, b. 1823, d. 1913, s/w Sarah, row #14
Wilson, Sarah E., b. 1859, d. 1933, s/w Edgar H., row #14
Wilson, Sarah, b. 1834, d. 1926, s/w George, row #14
Wilson?, Emma C., b. 1881, d. 1905, betw. Sarah/George & Earl, row #14
Wirick, Doris C., b. 1899, d. 28 May 1905, row #15
Wirick, Lowell L., b. 1897, d. 12 May 1905, row #15
Wirick, Mary Alice, b. 1946, d. 1948, row #20
Wirick, Stanley S., b. 1901, d. 15 Mar 1905, row #15
Wise, Ralph G., b. 1911, d. 1996, s/w Annetta S., row #26
Wood, Clair G., d. 1943, age: 6d, row #14
Woods, Abbie O., b. 1853, d. 1878, Wife of T. W. Preston, row #6
Woods, Charlot T., d. 22 Mar 1852, row #5
Woods, Charlotte L., b. 29 Dec 1830, d. 27 Mar 1852, Wife of L. D. Woods, row #12
Woods, David, b. 1800, d. 1896, s/w Lucetta S., row #8
Woods, Leroy D., b. 1827, d. 1907, row #12
Woods, Lucetta S., b. 1808, d. 1895, His wife, s/w David, row #8
Woods, Luther W., d. 25 Dec 1869, row #8
Woods, Rachel L., b. 9 Jan 1825, d. 14 Feb 1897, Wife of L. D. Woods, row #12
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