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Riverside Cemetery
Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan
![]() |
Riverside Cemetery |
GPS: 42.304888, -85.565128
1015 Gull Road
Kalamazoo, MI 49048
Published: January 8, 2017
Total records: 51,297
Riverside Cemetery is owned and maintained by the City of Kalamazoo.
Riverside Cemetery was established in 1862 as a city owned cemetery. At the time, 26 acres of land was purchased from Jeremiah P. Woodbury. Riverside Cemetery was primarily used by the city's common folk, whereas wealthy families tended to use the city's other municipally owned cemetery, Mountain Home.
Expansions and land acquisitions took place in 1882, 1934, 1939, 1950, 1953, 1960, 1962, and 1984. Today the cemetery sits on 90 acres. As of 2014, it's estimated some 84,000 burials have taken place here.
Cemetery Records
Records published here acquired from the City of Kalamazoo on January 7, 2017. Dates of death range from 1838 to 2016.
Surname Index:
- Surnames Aal-Ams
- Surnames Ana-Azl
- Surnames Baa-Baz
- Surnames Bea-Bix
- Surnames Bjo-Bor
- Surnames Bos-Bri
- Surnames Bro-Buo
- Surnames Bur-Byr
- Surnames Caa-Cho
- Surnames Chr-Con
- Surnames Coo-Czy
- Surnames Daa-Del
- Surnames Dem-Dom
- Surnames Don-Dzi
- Surnames E
- Surnames Fab-Fly
- Surnames Foa-Fye
- Surnames Gab-Gly
- Surnames Goa-Guy
- Surnames Haa-Har
- Surnames Has-Hez
- Surnames Hib-Hoo
- Surnames Hop-Hym
- Surnames I
- Surnames J
- Surnames Kaa-Kiz
- Surnames Kla-Kys
- Surnames Laa-Ley
- Surnames Lib-Lys
- Surnames Maa-Maz
- Surnames McA-Mem
- Surnames Men-Mit
- Surnames Moa-Myr
- Surnames N
- Surnames O
- Surnames Paa-Pey
- Surnames Pfa-Pow
- Surnames Pra-Pyl
- Surnames Q
- Surnames Rab-Rho
- Surnames Ria-Roh
- Surnames Rol-Rze
- Surnames Sab-Sch
- Surnames Sco-Sie
- Surnames Sig-Sly
- Surnames Sma-Sny
- Surnames Sod-Ste
- Surnames Sti-Szi
- Surnames Taa-Tit
- Surnames Toa-Tyr
- Surnames U
- Surnames Vaa-Van
- Surnames Var-Vui
- Surnames Waa-Wed
- Surnames Wee-Why
- Surnames Wib-Wit
- Surnames Wol-Wys
- Surnames Y
- Surnames Z
- Visitor Submitted Records
- Riverside Cemetery Map
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