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Paulus Family Cemetery
Leland, Leelanau County, Michigan
Lat: 45° 01' 35"N, Lon: 85° 45' 11"W
T30N R12W Section 9
Contributed by Julie Witkowski, Jul 17, 2012, last edited Sep 13, 2012 []. Total records = 8.
To reach this cemetery take N. Main Street (M-22) north from Leland. Go approx. 5 blocks from the bridge and turn right (East) onto Cherry Street. The cemetery is set back from the road on the NE corner of Cherry Street and First Street.
This is a small family cemetery which dates back to the mid 1800s. It is also know as the Manseau Family Cemetery. The first listed burial is Antoine Manseau.
I have transcribed from all existing and legible headstones up to Jul 01, 2012, when I visited and walked this cemetery.- Julie Witkowski
Manseau, Antoine David, b. 1810, d. 1857, Pioneer First White Settler
Manseau, Edward Demas, b. Jun 7, 1906, d. Sep 22, 1981
Manseau, Frances Laura, b. Mar 11, 1912, d. Aug 5, 1999
Manseau, Joseph Edward, b. Oct 12, 1942, d. Mar 29, 1990
Manseau, Julie Dechenet Decrevier, b. 1811, d. 1858, wife of Antoine
Paulus, Napoleon, no dates, no tombstone (Information for a previous reading), MI Pvt 15th MI Inf Co. B Civil War
Paulus, Philomena Constance Manseau, b. 1844, d. 1914, no tombstone (Information for a previous reading.), wife of Napoleon, daughter of Antoine and Julie
Stander, Coral Anna Paulus, b. 1876, d. 1925, daughter of Napoleon and Philomena
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