Search Michigan Death Records
Michigan Newspapers, Full Search (1817-2018), 293 titles
Michigan Obituary Search, (1869-current)
Michigan Birth Records Database, (1817-1999)
Mount Avon Cemetery
Rochester, Oakland
County, Michigan
This is not a complete listing of burials! The records below were provided by contributors to Cemetery Records Online.
Kader, Bethel D., d. 31 Aug 1920, Age 1d, [JN]
Kader, Gertrude M., b. 2 Sep 1899, d. 10 Jul 1981, Mother, [JN]
Kader, Jesse A., b. 6 Jul 1899, d. 16 Oct 1927, Father, [JN]
Kage, Ann Craig, b. 15 Jan 1885, d. 7 Oct 1963, [JN]
Kage, Anna S., b. 1875, d. 1924, Mother, s/w Charles Kage, [JN]
Kage, Charles W., b. 1876, d. 1966, Father, s/w Anna S. Kage, [JN]
Kage, Joy, 12 Oct 1932, [JN]
Kage, Maynard F., b. 1902, d. 1944, [JN]
Kahn, Alvina B., b. 1864, d. 1902, [JN]
Kahn, Henry C., b. 1855, d. 1945, [JN]
Kahn, Jesse E., b. 1888, d. 1889, [JN]
Kahn, Wilhelmina D., b. 1861, d. 1924, [JN]
Kaichele, Travis M., b. 9 Feb 1973, d. 28 Jan 1989, Son and Brother, [JN]
Kalso, Frank H., b. 1900, d. 1933, [JN]
Kania, Nora, b. 1897, d. 192?, Daughter, [JN]
Keast, George H., b. 1877, d. 1966, s/w May Keast, [JN]
Keast, May, b. 1882, d. 1969, s/w George H. Keast, [JN]
Keeler, Charles, d. 15 Jul 1857, broken marker, [JN]
Keeler, Mary Catlin, d. 23 Mar 1875, aged 62yr, w/o C. Keeler, [JN]
Keen, Bessie A., b. 1882, d. 1985, s/w William J. Keen, [JN]
Keen, William J., b. 1887, d. 1958, s/w Bessie A. Keen, [JN]
Kelland, Christina, b. 1844, d. 1926, [JN]
Kelland, John, b. 1838, d. 1927, [JN]
Kelland, Roscoe, b. 6 Jul 1862, d. ? Sep 1885, [JN]
Kelley, Arlie E., b. 1905, d. 1923, [JN]
Kelley, Charlotte E., b. 20 Mar 1926, d. 3 Apr 1926, s/w Marvin R. Kelley, [JN]
Kelley, Grace O., b. 1887, d. 1960, Mother, s/w William H. Kelley, [JN]
Kelley, Marvin R., b. 2 Mar 1927, d. 25 Mar 1929, s/w Charlotte E. Kelley, [JN]
Kelley, Robert Elwood, b. 22 Nov 1929, d. 25 Apr 1949, Mich. PFC US Army, WWII, [JN]
Kelley, Sherry Ann, b. 8 Nov 1948, d. 14 Dec 1966, Beloved Daughter, [JN]
Kelley, William H., b. 1868, d. 1930, Father, s/w Grace O. Kelley, [JN]
Kellogg, Angeline Stedman, b. 26 Jul 1810, d. 18 Oct 1862, w/o R.A. Kellogg, [JN]
Kellogg, Russell A., b. 26 Jul 1806, d. 19 Jun 1861, [JN]
Kelly, Dorothy J., b. 8 Nov 1922, d. 27 Nov 1997, s/w John L. Kelly Sr., [JN]
Kelly, John L. Sr., b. 7 Jul 1923, d. 15 Jul 1965, s/w Dorothy J. Kelly, [JN]
Kemler, Betty R., b. 1921, d. 1922, Baby, [JN]
Kemler, Dorothy, b. 1919, d. 1949, [JN]
Kemler, John C., b. 1886, d. 1970, s/w Mary C. Kemler, [JN]
Kemler, Mary N., b. 1887, d. 1975, s/w John C. Kemler, [JN]
Kemler, Robert W., b. 3 Jun 1923, Son, [JN]
Kemp, James, d. 16 Feb 1904, [JN]
Kemp, Sarah E., d. 16 Feb 1904, [JN]
Kennedy, Eva K., b. 28 Oct 1927, d. 12 Feb 19??, Mother, [JN]
Kennedy, William H., b. 25 Feb 1927, d. 11 Apr 1997, [JN]
Kent, Alice, b. 1888, d. 1935, s/w John H. Kent, [JN]
Kent, John H., b. 1886, d. 1955, s/w Alice Kent, [JN]
Kent, Mary A., d. 4 Nov 1881, age: 76 yr 6 mo 20 d, [JN]
Kenzie, Ruth A., b. 24 Apr 19542, d. 24 Mar 2001, [JN]
Kepsel, William, b. 1863, d. 1936, [JN]
Kerr, Charles W., b. 1853, d. 1927, Father, [JN]
Kerr, Elizabeth A., b. 1859, d. 1944, Mother, [JN]
Kerr, Ella M., b. 1888, d. 1963, s/w William R. Kerr, [JN]
Kerr, Forest E., b. 10 Aug 1920, d. 27 Jun 1963, SGT AAF, WWII, [JN]
Kerr, William R., b. 1887, d. 1944, s/w Ella M. Kerr, [JN]
Ketcham, Catharine, b. 1816, d. 1889, Mother, [JN]
Ketcham, Edna, b. 1852, d. 19?, s/w Josiah and Sophia Ketcham, [JN]
Ketcham, John Q., b. 1 Jul 1852, d. 24 Aug 1880, age: 18 yr 1 mo ?, [JN]
Ketcham, Josiah, b. 1856, d. 19?, s/w Sophia and Edna Ketcham, [JN]
Ketcham, Sophia, b. 1866, d. 1922, s/w Josiah and Edna Ketcham, [JN]
Kimball, Susan, d. 3 Jun 1840, aged 58yr, [JN]
Kinch, Arlene Elizabeth, b. 20 Aug 1914, d. 26 Apr 2004, [JN]
Kinch, Sara Arlene, b. 23 Apr 1935, d. 6 Dec 1937, [JN]
Kinch, Walter Alfred, b. 23 Dec 1903, d. 20 Dec 1967, [JN]
King, Annie C., b. 7 Jan 1898, d. 26 Jan 1988, [JN]
King, Gilbert V., b. 1877, d. 1928, [JN]
King, Ivan V., b. 19 Jul 1902, d. 4 May 1949, Michigan PVT 32 Medical BN, WW II, [JN]
King, Jack D., b. 15 Oct 1931, d. 22 Oct 1999, s/w Marjorie K. King, US Army Korea, [JN]
King, John R., b. 1853, d. 1927, s/w Mildred C. King, [JN]
King, Margaret E., b. 7 Aug 1890, d. 4 Nov 1980, [JN]
King, Marjorie K., b. 1933, d. 1998, s/w Jack D. King, [JN]
King, May B., b. 1876, d. 19?, [JN]
King, Mildred C., b. 1859, d. 1942, s/w John R. King, [JN]
Kinney, John, d. 3 Jan 1877, aged 64 years, [JN]
Kinzie, John M., b. 1855, d. 1941, s/w Ruby A. Kinzie, [JN]
Kinzie, John M., b. 1917, d. 2000, s/w Mary Jane Kinzie, [JN]
Kinzie, Mary Jane, b. 1921, d. 1999, m. 24 Sep 1938, s/w John M. Kinzie, [JN]
Kinzie, Ruby A., b. 1895, d. 1990, s/w John M. Kinzie, [JN]
Kirchbalm, Hazel, b. 1891, d. 1943, [JN]
Kirchofer, Ernest, b. 1884, d. 1963, [JN]
Kirchofer, Lizzie J., b. 1891, d. 1974, [JN]
Kitchen, Abraham, d. 26 May 1896, aged ?, [JN]
Kitchen, Betty, 18 Jun 1934, [JN]
Kitchen, Billie E., b. 25 Mar 1968, d. 29 Jul 1977, [JN]
Kitchen, Billie E., b. 27 Oct 1946, d. 6 Jun 2002, US Army, Viet Nam, Loving Husband and Father, [JN]
Kitchen, Clarabell, b. 1910, d. 2002, m. 18 Nov 1933, s/w John I. Kitchen, [JN]
Kitchen, D. P., Co D., 8th Mich. Cav., [JN]
Kitchen, Helen O., b. 1917, d. 1999, s/w Wilfred G. Kitchen, [JN]
Kitchen, Henry G., b. 1870, d, 1940, s/w Martha A. Kitchen, [JN]
Kitchen, John I. "Jack", b. 1911, d. 1998, s/w Clarabell Kitchen, [JN]
Kitchen, Martha A., b. 1875, d. 1967, s/w Henry G. Kitchen, [JN]
Kitchen, Mary E., b. 1841, d. 1918, [JN]
Kitchen, Mary, no dates, w/o Nathaniel Kitchen, Our Mother, [JN]
Kitchen, Nathaniel, d. 6 Aug 1849, aged 16yr 1mo 13da, [JN]
Kitchen, Norma Jean, 9 Aug 1928, d/o C. Norman & Helen Kitchen, [JN]
Kitchen, Wilfred G., b. 1912, d. 1989, s/w Helen O. Kitchen, [JN]
Klann, Fred, b. 1892, d. 1953, [JN]
Klipfel, Harold A., b. 19?8, d. 1976, [JN]
Knapp, Ruth Hawken, b. 1908, d. 1999, Eastern Star Symbol, w/o Stewart Knapp, [JN]
Knapp, Stewart E., b. 1911, d. 1962, Masonic Symbol, [JN]
Knickerbocker, Francis C., b. 5 Nov 1905, d. 5 May 1928, Son, [JN]
Knickerbocker, George M., b. 14 Mar 1868, d. 3 May 1943, Father, s/w Isabell Knickerboker, [JN]
Knickerbocker, Grace, b. 1927, d. 1933, [JN]
Knickerbocker, Isabell, b. 5 Apr 1872, d. 22 Oct 1965, Mother, s/w George M. Knickerbocker, [JN]
Kniffen, Daniel, b. 1862, d. 1930, [JN]
Kniffen, Ella, b. 1860, d. 1913, [JN]
Knight, Ebenezer, b. 11 Feb 1791 in Sutton Mass, d. 12 Jul 1870, s/w Sally Barns Knight, [JN]
Knight, Mary ?, d. 17 Jun 1867, w/o Peter J. Knight, [JN]
Knight, Richard W., b. 1831, s/w Sara A. Knight, [JN]
Knight, Sabrina, d. ? Apr ?, age: 49 yr, w/o B.B. Knight, [JN]
Knight, Sally Barnes, b. 5 May 1793 in Maullerburgh Me, d. 11 Jul 1873, w/o Ebenezer Knight, s/w Ebenezer Knight, [JN]
Knight, Sara A., b. 1836, d. 1911, s/w and w/o Richard W. Knight, [JN]
Knoth, Carolyn J., b. 4 Feb 1945, s/w Michael H. Knoth, [JN]
Knoth, Michael H., b. 19 Jul 1941, d. 17 Mar 2000, s/w Carolyn J. Knoth, [JN]
Kochensparger, Harriet Belle, b. 1939, d. 2002, [JN]
Kock, Lulu Benson, b. 1890, d. 1945, Daughter, [JN]
Kohen, Edwin R., b. 1909, d. 1911, s/w Edwin W. Kohen, [JN]
Kohen, Edwin W., b. 1871, d. 1923, s/w Edwin R. Kohen, [JN]
Kohen, Lena R., b. 31 May 1879, d. 12 Oct 1955, [JN]
Kohl, Carol J., b. 1917, s/w Earl G. Kohl, [JN]
Kohl, Earl G., b. 1911, d. 1983, s/w Carol J. Kohl, [JN]
Komraus, Dorthea, b. 1893, d. 1958, Mother, s/w William Komraus, [JN]
Komraus, Roy G., b. 1921, d. 1937, [JN]
Komraus, William L., b. 1889, d. 1963, Father, Masonic Symbol, s/w Dorthea Komraus, [JN]
Koontz, John C., b. 1886, d. 1926, Father, [JN]
Koontz, Mattie M. (Boutwell), b. 1887, d. 1971, Mother, [JN]
Korff, Anna, b. 1868, d. 1912, s/w William F. and Norman Korff, [JN]
Korff, Hardy R., b. 1894, d. 1959, s/w Ruth M. Korff, [JN]
Korff, Hardy Russell, b. 7 Feb 1894, d. 24 Mar 1959, Michigan Pvt, Co G 34 Inf, WW I, [JN]
Korff, Norman, b. 1891, d. 1904, s/w William F. and Anna Korff, [JN]
Korff, Ruth M., b. 1894, d. 1988, s/w Hardy R. Korff, [JN]
Korff, William F., b. 1867, d. 1957, s/w Anna and Norman Korff, [JN]
Kostsuca, Elisabeth, b. 12 Jun 1926, s/w Konstantin Kostsuca, [JN]
Kostsuca, Konstantin, b. 31 Dec 1915, d. 30 Nov 1981, s/w Elisabeth Kostsuca, [JN]
Krantz, Alice June, b. 21 Jun 1918, d. 27 Jan 1957, [JN]
Krebiehl, Elonzo, b. 3 Feb 1880, d. ? Sep 1980, s/w Grace P. Krebiehl, [JN]
Krebiehl, Grace P., b. 20 Nov 1886, d. 10 Nov 1969, s/w Elonzo Krebiehl, [JN]
Krebiehl, James L., b. 9 Aug 1892, d. 28 Jan 197?, Michigan PVT CO A 309 Engineers, WW I, [JN]
Krebiehl, Newton W., b. 10 May 1924, d. 28 Jul 1965, Michigan CPL 1102 BASE UNIT AAF WW II, [JN]
Krebiehl, Sidney J., b. 1934, d. 1944, Beloved Son, [JN]
Kreger, James, b. 1926, d. 192?, s/w Robert Kreger, [JN]
Kreger, Robert, b. 1930, d. 19?, s/w James Kreger, [JN]
Krell, Anna, b. 1884, d. 1968, [JN]
Krell, Christine, b. 1864, d. 1939, [JN]
Krell, Helen E., b. 1910, d. 1939, [JN]
Krell, Henry, b. 1855, d. 1945, [JN]
Krell, Herman, b. ??, d. 199?, [JN]
Krell, Karl W., b. 1908, d. 1978, [JN]
Krell, William, b. 1886, d. 1968, [JN]
Kremer, Anna R., b. 1885, d. 1988, Their Daughter, [JN]
Kremer, Elizabeth, unreadable, s/w Francis and Frank Kremer, His Wife, [JN]
Kremer, Francis, unreadable, s/w Elizabeth and Frank Kremer, [JN]
Kremer, Frank, unreadable, s/w & s/o Francis and Elizabeth Kremer, [JN]
Kremer, Ludwig T., b. 1817, d. 1908, [JN]
Kressler, Daniel B., b. 1842, d. 1911, s/w Emma Ross Kressler, [JN]
Kressler, Emma Ross, b. 1852, d. 1942, s/w Daniel B. Kressler, [JN]
Kressler, George R., b. 1879, d. 1943, Masonic Symbol, [JN]
Kressler, Harry E., b. 1877, d. 1917, [JN]
Kuehn, Lydia, b. 1892, d. 1936, [JN]
Kuehn, Reinhold, b. 1891, d. 1963, Masonic Symbol, [JN]
Kunstmann, Charles W., b. 1881, d. 1921, [JN]
LaSovage, Gertrude M., b. 20 Dec 1946, d. 5 Nov 2003, Married Jun 1969, w/o & s/w James S. LaSovage, [JN]
LaSovage, James S., b. 20 Jan 1946, h/o & s/w Gertrude M. LaSovage, [JN]
Laatz, Frederick W., b. 1913, d. 1976, s/w Gladys M. Laatz, [JN]
Laatz, Gladys M., b. 1914, d. 1998, s/w Frederick W. Laatz, m. 24 Jun 1959, [JN]
Lacey, Celia A., b. 1859, d. 1938, s/w Thomas W. Lacey, [JN]
Lacey, Clarisa, d. 1859, w/o ?, very weathered, [JN]
Lacey, Edward, d. 6 Oct 1854, aged 26yr, [JN]
Lacey, Jeremiah, d. 15 Oct 1843, broken, [JN]
Lacey, Mary, d. 2 Oct 1846, w/o John Lacy, [JN]
Lacey, Richard, d. 3 Sep 1861, aged 84yr, Masonic Symbol, [JN]
Lacey, Thomas W., b. 1863, d. 19?, s/w Celia A. Lacey, [JN]
Lafer, Bruce Romine, b. 1912, d. 1986, Son, [JN]
Lafer, Douglas Marshall, b. 1949, d. 1985, Grandson, [JN]
Lafer, Gertrude Downing, b. 1917, d. 1973, Wife, [JN]
Laird, Beatrice A.J., b. 1909, d. 1998, Mother, s/w Harold J. Laird, [JN]
Laird, Belle L., b. 1859, d. 1938, Mother, [JN]
Laird, George E., b. 1854, d. 1931, Father, [JN]
Laird, Harold J., b. 1895, d. 1969, Father, Mason Symbol, s/w Beatrice A.J. Laird, [JN]
Lamb, Elsie Stockwill, b. 1855, d. 1923, [JN]
Lambert, Albert D., b. 1834, d. 1908, s/w Permelia Lambert, [JN]
Lambert, Permelia, b. 1843, d. 1918, w/o Albert D. Lambert, s/w Albert D. Lambert, [JN]
Lambertson, ?, b. Mar ?, d. 24 May 1981, [JN]
Lambertson, Argus, d. 23 Jul 1857, aged 3yr 7 mo, s/w Georgia and Lewis Lambertson, [JN]
Lambertson, Blanche, b. 26 Aug 1883, d. 10 Mar 1946, [JN]
Lambertson, Damaris, b. 30 Apr 1900, d. 11 Jul 1900, d/o Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Lambertson, [JN]
Lambertson, Franklin J., b. 28 Nov 1905, d. 24 De 1997, s/w Merle F. Lambertson, [JN]
Lambertson, George, b. 1795, d. 1883, s/w Mary Lambertson, [JN]
Lambertson, Georgia, d. 30 Jul 1857, aged 6yr 11 mo, s/w Argus and Lewis Lambertson, [JN]
Lambertson, Hiram, b. 1828, d. 1894, [JN]
Lambertson, Jay, b. 31 Aug 1864, d. 9 Jan 1940, [JN]
Lambertson, John V., b. 1826, d. 1900, [JN]
Lambertson, Lewis G., d. 25 Jul 1857, ??, s/w Georgia and Argus Lambertson, Children of John and Mary Lambertson, [JN]
Lambertson, Mary, b. 1804, d. 1887, His Wife, s/w George Lambertson, [JN]
Lambertson, Mary, b. ? Oct 182?, d. ? Sep 1812, [JN]
Lambertson, Merle F., b. 23 Jul 1907, s/w Franklin J. Lambertson, m. 6 Aug 1928, [JN]
Lamphear, John, b. 1849, d. 1913, [JN]
Lane, Clara, b. 1872, d. 1936, w/o Levi Lane, [JN]
Largent, Carl H., b. 2 Nov 1916, d. 28 Jul 1936, [JN]
Largent, Jennie M., b. 17 Nov 1877, d. 28 Oct 1946, Mother, [JN]
Larkum, Jean Kemler, b. 6 Nov 1920, Daughter, [JN]
Lasko, William O., b. 14 May 1896, d. 5 May 1946, Illinois, PVT 149 Depot Brig., [JN]
Lassen, Fern M., Mother, [JN]
Lassen, Harold Vere, b. 1 Aug 1891, d. 4 May 1954, Michigan CPL 1 MECHANICS REGT AS, WW I, [JN]
Law, Byron G., b. 1884, d. 1945, [JN]
Law, Charlotte Ann, b. 1884, d. 1969, [JN]
Law, Helen Louise, b. 1920, d. 1930, [JN]
Lawlor, Sheila Mary, b. 1932, d. 2005, Mother and Grandmother, [JN]
Lawrence, E. Grace, b. 1880, d. 1955, s/w Malcolm Lawrence, [JN]
Lawrence, Grussell, d. 6 Oct 1846, s/o E.W. and Julia Lawrence, [JN]
Lawrence, Malcolm L., b. 1883, d. 19?, s/w E.Grace Lawrence, [JN]
Lawrence, Warren, b. 1899, d. 1920, [JN]
Le Roy, Alfred R., b. 1847, d. 1919, [JN]
Le Roy, Ann, b. 9 Mar 1817, d. 21 Jun 1838, s/w Peter F. and Laura C. Le Roy, [JN]
Le Roy, Anna I., b. 1860, d. 1949, [JN]
Le Roy, Ella, b. 1883, d. 1883, [JN]
Le Roy, Josie, b. 1896, d. 1897, [JN]
Le Roy, Kate E., b. 1855, d. 1930, Mother, [JN]
Le Roy, Katherine, b. 1891, d. 1937, [JN]
Le Roy, Laura C., b. 8 May 1808, d. 7 Mar 1895, s/w Peter F. and Ann Le Roy, [JN]
Le Roy, Laura, b. 1876, d. 1878, [JN]
Le Roy, Peter F., b. 11 Dec 1808, d. 9 Dec 1895, s/w Ann and Laura C. Le Roy, [JN]
Le Roy, William H., b. 1838, d. 1916, Co E 22nd Mich. Vol. Inf., [JN]
LeBlond, Alfred, b. 11 Sep 1906, d. 13 Nov 1936, Grandson, [JN]
LeBlond, Anna, b. 22 Jan 1877, d. 3 May 1960, [JN]
LeBlond, Elmer, b. 1930, d. 1958, [JN]
LeBlond, Father, b. 21 Jul 1856, d. 20 Jul 1915, [JN]
LeBlond, Floyd, b. 20 Mar 1910, d. 6 Mar 1931, [JN]
LeBlond, Helen, b. 14 Feb 1917, d. 18, May 1917, [JN]
LeBlond, Irvin H., b. 1 Jan 1909, d. 6 Apr 1918, [JN]
LeBlond, Mother, b. 25 May 1856, d.? ? Jul 1938, [JN]
LeBlond, Nina, b. 7 Sep 189?, d. ? Jul 1917, [JN]
LeQue, Maude M., b. 1890, d. 1970, [JN]
LeRoy, Daniel Fobes, b. 1811, d. 1896, [JN]
LeRoy, Edna M., b. 1851, d. 1921, [JN]
LeRoy, Levi P., b. 1853, d. 1927, [JN]
LeRoy, Mary Morrison, b. 1819, d. 1903, [JN]
LeRoy, Olive E., b. 1854, d. 1932, [JN]
LeRoy, Orville M., b. 1861, d. 1943, [JN]
LeRoy, Wilhelmina, b. 1857, d. 1947, [JN]
Leake, Mary, b. 1863, d. 1940, [JN]
Leake, Paul, b. 1858, d. 1919, [JN]
Lebherz, Henry, b. 15 Feb 1870, d. 29 Sep 1943, [JN]
Leddick, A. B., b. 1892, d. 1956, s/w Delia B. Leddick, [JN]
Leddick, Delia B., b. 1891, d. 1981, s/w A.B. Leddick, [JN]
Leddick, Flora Alice, b. 1913, d. 1914, [JN]
Leddick, Margaret, b. 1893, d. 1932, [JN]
Lehman, Harry, b. 1880, d. 195?, [JN]
Lehman, Mae, b. 1881, d. 1970, [JN]
Leitch, E. W., 13 Feb 1938, [JN]
Leitch, Nellie Lomason, 25 Sep 1924, [JN]
Leitch. Lavina Kerr, 8 Nov 1944, [JN]
Lemon, Frank W., b. 1875, d. 1928, Daddy, [JN]
Lemon, Homer J., b. 1897, d.1978, Father, [JN]
Lemon, Mary E., b. 1874, d. 1946, Mother, [JN]
Lemon, Mary E., b. 1928, d.1934, Daughter, [JN]
Lemon, Ora L., b. 1896, d. 1950, Mother, [JN]
Lemp, Elizabeth, b. 1866, d. 1955, [JN]
Lemp, Lee, b. 1888, d. 1979, s/w Mabel M. Lemp, [JN]
Lemp, Mabel M., b. 1896, d. 1995, s/w Lee Lemp, [JN]
Lemp, William, b. 1864, d. 1948, [JN]
Leonard, Major A., b. 1848, d. 1932, [JN]
Leonard, Mary J., b. 1850, d. 1933, [JN]
Lesage, Alfred L., b. 1859, d. 1934, Father, s/w Zenaide I. Lesage, [JN]
Lesage, Ernest L., b. 1893, d. 1962, Masonic Symbol, s/w Ethel M. Lesage, [JN]
Lesage, Ethel M., b. 1893, d. 1957, Eastern Star Symbol, s/w Ernest L. Lesage, [JN]
Lesage, Zenaide I., b. 1870, d. 1962, Mother, s/w Alfred L. Lesage, [JN]
Letts, Clara, b. 1860, d. 1908, [JN]
Letts, Emma Slaght, b. 1877, d. 1934, [JN]
Letts, Erastus S., b. 1858, d. 1945, [JN]
Letts, Molly V., b. 1884, d. 1969, [JN]
Lewis, Carrie A., b. 1866, d. 1938, Mother, [JN]
Lewis, Dorothy M., b. 1914, d. 1983, s/w James W. Lewis, [JN]
Lewis, James W., b. 1911, d. 1997, s/w Dorothy M. Lewis, [JN]
Lewis, Joseph H., b. 1860, d. 1934, Father, [JN]
Limber, Milla F., b. 1888, d. 1981, [JN]
Limber, Perry J., b. 1894, d. 1919, [JN]
Lindsay, Earlene Nelson, b. 18 Jul 1928, Married 6 Sep 1951, w/o & s/w Pastor Gordon C. Lindsay, [JN]
Lindsay, Pastor Gordon C., b. 28 Aug 1928, d. 20 Jun 1994, h/o & s/w Earlene Nelson Lindsay, Parents of Robin, Jim and Gordie, [JN]
Lindsey, George, b. 1889, d. 1966, [JN]
Lindsey, Sarah, b. 18?0, d. 1967, [JN]
Lintz, Gertie, b. 1888, d. 1888, [JN]
Lintz, Leora V., b. 1850, d. 1888, [JN]
Lippert, Hattie C., b. 1880, d. 1955, s/w Otto H. Lippert, [JN]
Lippert, Otto H., b. 1883, d. 195?, s/w Hattie C. Lippert, [JN]
Livermore, Bertha Ann, d. 20 Aug 1843, aged 7yr, Oldest d/o ? Livermore, [JN]
Livermore, Sarah, d. 10 Aug 1843, aged 18yr, [JN]
Livingston, Anna, b. 1843, d. 1924, [JN]
Livingston, Eliza, d. 11 Mar 1847, aged 39yr 1mo 11da, w/o Franklin Livingston, [JN]
Livingston, Eva M., b. 1861, d. 19, s/w John B. Livingston, [JN]
Livingston, Florence M., b. 1855, d. 1856, [JN]
Livingston, John B., b. 1853, d. 1922, s/w Eva M. Livingston, [JN]
Lockwood, Caroline Drake, b. 14 Apr 1888, d. 22 Jan 1970, [JN]
Lockwood, Earl C., d. 27 Jul 1939, Michigan Seaman 2 Cl. USNRF, [JN]
Lockwood, Harriett K., b. 1886, d. 1946, [JN]
Lockwood, Steve Clarence H., b. 1914, d. 1942, [JN]
Loeschke, Mary, b. 1860, d. 1880, [JN]
Logan, Charles F. Sr., b. 1897, d. 1964, Father, s/w Margaret A. Logan, [JN]
Logan, Frances V., d. 1942, [JN]
Logan, Margaret A., b. 1899, d. 1982, Mother, s/w Charles F. Logan Sr., [JN]
Lohff, Francis T., b. 1908, d. 1995, s/w Verda L. Lohff, [JN]
Lohff, Verda L., b. 1910, d. 1996, s/w Francis T. Lohff, [JN]
Lomason, ??, b. 30 Jun 1821, d. 16 Sep 1921, [JN]
Lomason, Charlotte, b. 30 Nov 1832, d. ??, w/o I.S. Lomason, [JN]
Lomason, Clare J., b. 12 Aug 1894, d. 24 Aug 18?l, [JN]
Lomason, Dorothy L., b. 29 Sep 1829, d. 2 Jul 1898, s/w George C. Lomason, [JN]
Lomason, Ella and Frank, no datess, [JN]
Lomason, Eveline, b. 2? Ma? 1860, d. ?7 Oct 1862, [JN]
Lomason, F. Thwood, b. 28 Jun 1856, d. 12 Apr 1859, [JN]
Lomason, George C., b. 8 Aug 1820, d. 5 Dec 1901, s/w Dorothy L. Lomason, [JN]
Lomason, Hattie I., b. 1866, d. 1933, [JN]
Lomason, Henrietta, b. 25 Dec 1862, d. 19 Jun 1915, w/o W.J. Lomaso, [JN]
Lomason, J. F., b. 21 Mar 1826, d. 1 May 1886, s/w Lydia Ransford Lomason, [JN]
Lomason, James K., b. 31 May ?, d. 29 May ?, [JN]
Lomason, Lydia Ransford, b. 4 Nov 1833, d. 26 Dec 1899, [JN]
Lomason, Nancy, b. 5 May 1856, d. 2 Mar 1902, s/w William S. Lomason, [JN]
Lomason, Peter, b. 1853, d. 1919, [JN]
Lomason, Peter, b. 23 Dec 1802, d. 26 Aug 1880, [JN]
Lomason, Philip, b. 1836, d. 1921, s/w Sarah Jane, Peter, Sarah Lomason and Lizzie Ross, [JN]
Lomason, Sarah Jane, b. 1841, d. 1917, His Wife, s/w Philip, Peter, Sarah Lomason and Lizzie Ross, [JN]
Lomason, Sophia E. Miller, b. 15 Feb ?, d. 21 Feb ?, w/o James K. Lomason Lomason, William J., b. 1856, d. 1936, s/o James K. Lomason, [JN]
Lomason, William S., b. 25 Sep 1824, d. 4 Mar 1883, s/w Nancy Lomason, [JN]
Lomeson, Sarah, b. 1802, d. 5 Sep 1868, aged 66yr 4mo 2da, w/o Peter Lomeson, [JN]
Long, Johnette, b. 1956, d. 1978, Daughter, s/w Mabel Long, [JN]
Long, Lester, b. 9 Jan 1901, d. 24 Jul 1978, Father, Masonic Symbol, [JN]
Long, Mabel, b. 1910, d. 1973, Mother, s/w Johnette Long, [JN]
Long, Marvin Richard, b. 1905, d. 1930, s/w Rachel Dykstra Long, [JN]
Long, Minnie J., b. 25 Oct 1883, d.24 Jul 1972, s/w Thomas R. Long, [JN]
Long, Rachel Dykstra, b. 1900, d. 1930, s/w Marvin Richard Long, [JN]
Long, Thomas R., b. 7 Apr 1880, d. 29 Nov 1978, s/w Minnie J. Long, [JN]
Look, Henry Marshal Sr., b. 27 Dec 1806, d. 1 Aug 1897, [JN]
Look, Jane Axwell, b. 12 Dec 1815, d. 27 Mar 1884, w/o K.H. Look, [JN]
Loomis, Benjamin C., b. 1765, d. 1885, s/w Asa, Sabrina, Sarah, and Maria Loomis, [JN]
Looney, Alice Trerice, b. 15 Feb 1900, d. 6 Sep 1985, Aunt, s/w William Bill Looney, [JN]
Looney, Dora M., b. 26 Nov 1890, d. 16 Jan 1981, [JN]
Looney, George W., b. 1859, d. 1924, [JN]
Looney, Mary A., b. 1869, d. 1945, [JN]
Looney, Milton B., b. 7 Sep 1912, d. Nov 12 1912, [JN]
Looney, Susannah, b. 8 Feb 1850, d. 26 Feb 1929, Mother, [JN]
Looney, Thomas, b. 13 May 1850, d. 3 May 1921, Father, [JN]
Looney, Walter, b. 29 Aug 1885, d. 4 Mar 4, 1989, [JN]
Looney, William Bill, b. 19 Mar 1897, d. 29 May 1987, Uncle, s/w Alice Trerice Looney, [JN]
Lorenzo, Elizabeth, b. 1900, d. 1930, [JN]
Lotimer, Margaret D., b. 29 Apr 1840, d. 17 Jan 1907, d/o Wm. & Bethea Lotimer, [JN]
Lotimer, Susannah, b.18 Feb 1821, d. 3 Jun 1903, His Wife, s/w William Lotimer, [JN]
Lotimer, William, b. 3 Jun 1807, d. 23 Jul 1892, s/w Susannah Lotimer, [JN]
Loveland, Mary Ann, d/o Adam & ? Loveland, mostly unreadable, [JN]
Lovell, Anna, b. 1878, d. 1918, s/w Frank H. Lovell, [JN]
Lovell, Carrie, b. 1871, d. 1950, s/w William Lovell, [JN]
Lovell, Elmer J., b. 1887, d. 1968, Father, s/w Mame L. Lovell, [JN]
Lovell, Frank H., b. 1876, d. 1943, s/w Anna Lovell, [JN]
Lovell, Mame L., b. 1889, d. 1982, Mother, s/w Elmer J. Lovell, [JN]
Lovell, Marvin R., b. 1920, d. 1988, [JN]
Lovell, Wayne L., b. 9 Apr 1918, d. 26 Sep 1980, Capt US Army WWII, [JN]
Lovell, William, b. 1867, d. 1929, s/w Carrie Lovell, [JN]
Low, Annie I., b. 1910, d. 1999, w/o and s/w James Low, [JN]
Low, James, b. 1908, d. 1999, h/o and s/w Annie I. Low, [JN]
Lusk, Irmina, b. 1872, d. 1943, s/w Walter B. Lusk, [JN]
Lusk, Walter B., b. 1873, d. 1952, s/w Irmina Lusk, [JN]
Mac Leod, Alexander P., b. 27 Jan 1884, d. 1 Feb 1959, Father, [JN]
Mach, Anna C., b. 22 Nov 1893, d. 12 Dec 1985, [JN]
Mack, ??, b. 1873, d. 1940, [JN]
Mack, Almon, d. 20 Jan 1885, age 79yr, 8 m, 23 days, s/o Col. Stephen Mack, the founder of Pontiac, Michigan, [RH]
Mack, Almon, d. 20 Jan 1885, age: 79 yr, 8 mo, 23 d, s/w Elvira Mack, [JN]
Mack, Elvira, d. 21 Jan 1876, age 69yr, 8 m, 20 days, w/o Almon Mack, [RH]
Mack, Elvira, d. 21 Jan 1876, age: 69 yr, 8 mo 28 d, w/o Almon Mack, s/w Almon Mack, [JN]
Mack, Herman H., b. 1859, d. 1961, [JN]
Mack, Lida, b. 1871, d. 1968, [JN]
Mackin, Edith Mack, b. 1876, d. 1941, [JN]
Mackin, James N., b. 1867, d. 1949, [JN]
Magahay, Lillian Robertson Smith, b. 1904, d. 1998, s/w Hamel Joseph Smith, [JN]
Magor, Mable Ennis, b. 1897, d. 1933, s/w Robert Magor, Edward and Lyle Ennis, [JN]
Magor, Robert, b. 1925, d. 1931, s/o Mable Ennis Magor, Edward and Lyle Ennis, [JN]
Maguire, Bert, b. 10 May 1869, d. 26 Dec 1940, [JN]
Maguire, George, b. 1867, d. 1928, [JN]
Maguire, Maggie, b. 31 May 1875, d. 22 Nov 1917, [JN]
Main, Alice M., b. 1906, d. 1984, s/w Vinton E. Main, [JN]
Main, Fred H., b. 1880, d. 1964, Masonic Symbol, s/w Olive G. Main, [JN]
Main, Olive G., b. 1883, d. 1976, s/w Fred H. Main, [JN]
Main, Vinton E., b. 1903, d. 1986, s/w Alice M. Main, [JN]
Mair, Viola D., b. 1905, d. 1964, [JN]
Maitrott, Adelbert, b. 5 Aug 1917, d. 23 Sep 1974, s/w Cecelia Maitrott, [JN]
Maitrott, Bertha M. Aspinwall, b. 1887, d. 1941, s/w George Henry Maitrott, [JN]
Maitrott, Cecelia, b. 19 May 1919, s/w Adelbert Maitrott, [JN]
Maitrott, Charles E., b. 1895, d. 1963, Father, [JN]
Maitrott, Emery E., b. 1870, d. 1953, Son, [JN]
Maitrott, Fannie, b. 1843, d. 1928, His Wife, s/w John Maitrott, [JN]
Maitrott, George Henry, b. 1882, d. 1940, s/w Bertha M. Aspinwall Maitrott, [JN]
Maitrott, Harriett C., b. 21 Sep 1878, d. 24 Feb 1946, s/w Jesse J. Maitrott, [JN]
Maitrott, Jesse J., b. 12 Sep 1874, d. 25 Apr 1948, s/w Harriett C. Maitrott, [JN]
Maitrott, John, b. 1835, d. 1910, s/w Fannie Maitrott, [JN]
Maitrott, Mildred Jean, b. 4 Nov 1923, d. 25 Sep 1924, [JN]
Malcolm, Amanda, b. 4 Jul 1833, d. 3 Nov 1866, w/o James A. Malcolm, [JN]
Mandell, Freddie, d. 2 May 1850, s/o Rev. J.S. and ? Mandell, [JN]
Mann, Alfred L., 31 Mar 1944, [JN]
Mann, Celestia H., b. 17 Sep 1846, d. ?, [JN]
Mann, Melvin E., b. 24 Apr 1837, d. 6 Jul 1908, [JN]
Manning, Frank H. Jr., b. 1919, d. 1944, [JN]
Manning, Frank H. Sr., b. 21 Oct 1881, d. 22 Jul 1964, [JN]
Manning, V. Louise, b. 29 Jan 1892, d. 25 Jun 1965, [JN]
Manwaring, Adam, b. 8 Jan 1782, d. 17 Apr 1871, aged 91 years, [JN]
Manwaring, Susan, b. 29 Mar 1791, d. 29 Apr 1865, aged 71 years, w/o Adam Manwaring, [JN]
Manwarring, Adelbert, b. 1875, d. 1942, [JN]
Manwarring, Joseph, b. 1889, d. 1931, [JN]
Marcy, Lillian H., b. 1878, d. 1962, [JN]
Marean, Arthur M., b. 1856, d. 1936, [JN]
Marean, Margaret B., b. 1859, d. 1930, [JN]
Mariartey, Douglas W., b. 1908, d. 1939, Husband, [JN]
Marsh, b. F., b. 1877, d. 1906, [JN]
Marshall, Harriet, d. 9 Nov 187?, w/o James Marshall, Badly broken and repaired stone, [JN]
Marshall, Ida M., b. 1863, d. 1943, His Wife, [JN]
Marshall, James, d. 26 Feb 1865, aged 50yr, [JN]
Marshall, Josee, b. 185?, d. 1886, [JN]
Marshall, William H., b. 1859, d. 1919, [JN]
Marten, Mary, b. 17 Oct 1885, d. 17 Jan 1968, [JN]
Martin, Carrey M., b. 17 May 1826, d. ? Aug 1959, Michigan, PVT Co H, ?, Spanish American War, [JN]
Martin, Grandma, b. 1851, d. 1935, [JN]
Martin, J.W., no dates, [JN]
Martin, Joseph, b. 1859, d. 1947, [JN]
Martin, Mary Kathleen, b. 1903, d. 1954, [JN]
Martin, Ruth C., b. 1904, d. 1921, [JN]
Martz, Frances M., b. 1847, d. 1927, [JN]
Martz, John B., b. 8 Sep 1809, d. 9 Feb 1832, s/w Mary Ann Martz, [JN]
Martz, Mary Ann Cook, b. 25 Feb 1807, d. 29 Mar 1866, w/o John B. Martz, s/w John B. Martz, [JN]
Martz, Mary E., b. 1844, d. 1927, [JN]
Mason, Albina E., b. 29 Mar 1844, d. 14 May 1909, s/w John M. Mason, [JN]
Mason, Fred, b. 1863, d. 1920, [JN]
Mason, John M., b. 26 Jan 1834, d. 17 Aug 1888, s/w Albina E. Mason, [JN]
Mason, Lucy A., b. 1866, d. 1958, [JN]
Mason, Nellie M., b. 1872, d. 1957, s/w William P. Mason, [JN]
Mason, Richard, b. 1843, d. 1919, s/w Savilla G. Potter Mason, [JN]
Mason, Savilla G. Potter, b. 1850, d. 1920, His Wife, s/w Richard Mason, [JN]
Mason, William P., b. 1872, d. 1938, s/w Nellie M. Mason, [JN]
Mastin, Charles, b. 1870, d. 19??, s/w Fannie Mastin, [JN]
Mastin, Fannie, b. 1878, d. 1941, s/w Charles Mastin, [JN]
Mathews, Eliza, b. 1857, s/w and w/o Melvin Mathews, [JN]
Mathews, Melvin, b. 1852, s/w Eliza Mathews, [JN]
Matteson, Carrie N., b. Sep 1832, d. Jul 1899, [JN]
Matteson, Emma May, b. 1878, d. 1905, [JN]
Matteson, Josephine E., b. 1844, d. 1899, His Wife, s/w Leland Matteson, [JN]
Matteson, Leland, b. 1812, d. 1901, s/w Josephine E. Matteson, [JN]
Matteson, Maude E., b. 1878, d. 1963, Mother, [JN]
Matteson, Nellie M., b. 1879, d. 1972, Mother Grandmother, [JN]
Matteson, William,, [JN]
Matthews, Enos R., b. Dec 1834, d. Mar 1905, [JN]
Matthews, Mary Fogo, no dates, w/o Enos R. Matthews, [JN]
Matthews, William Fogo, b. Apr 1877, d. Sep 1877, [JN]
Maxwell, Donald E., b. 24 Oct 1936, h/o & s/w June E. Maxwell, [JN]
Maxwell, June E., b. 3 Jun 1938, Married 28 Jun 1958, w/o & s/w Donald E. Maxwell, [JN]
May, Florence Cady, b. 1902, d. 1923, [JN]
Maybee, Sarah, b. 1839, d. 1909, [JN]
Mc Cormick, Arthur H., b. 9 Mar 1875, d. 18 Dec 1948, Michigan Pvt 3 INF, [JN]
Mc Cormick, Frank A., b. 1866, d. 1943, [JN]
McBrayne, Samuel, b. 1884, d. 1917, [JN]
McBride, Minnie M., b. 1866, d. 1943, [JN]
McBride, William J., b. 1862, d. 1934, [JN]
McBurney, Alice M., b. 1908, Mother, s/w Morton E. McBurney, [JN]
McBurney, Morton E., b. 1901, d. 1968, Father, s/w Alice M. McBurney, [JN]
McCormick, Agnes A., b. 14 Apr 1922, d. 20 Jun 2000, w/o & s/w Norman E. McCormick, [JN]
McCormick, Martha Spencer, b. 1844, d. 1916, [JN]
McCormick, Norman E., b. 22 Sep 1919, d. 4 Jan 1988, Married 6 Feb 1942, h/o & s/w Agnes A. McCormick, [JN]
McCormick, Patricia Anne, b. 4 Mar 1944, d. 30 Nov 1948, "Patsy", [JN]
McCornac, James, d. 24 May 1894, age: 80 yr, [JN]
McCornac, Joseph W., b. 1858, d. 1932, [JN]
McCornac, Maria, b. 1858, d. 1920, [JN]
McCornac, Milne, b. 1878, d. 1950, [JN]
McCornac, Minnie L., b. 2 Mar 1876, d. 24 Oct 1918, [JN]
McCornac, Rachel, d. 6 Jan 1873, age: 58 yr, [JN]
McCornac, Samuel, b. 1856, d. 1918, [JN]
McCotter, Eleanor I., b. 24 Nov 1925, s/w Lee N. McCotter, m. 24 Jul 1943, [JN]
McCotter, Lee N., b. 16 Mar 1925, d. 3 Nov 1990, Sgt. US Army Air Corps, WWII, [JN]
McCotter, Lee N., b. 16 Mar 1925, d. 3 Nov 1990, s/w Eleanor McCotter, [JN]
McCracken, Hannah H., d. 2 Oct 1869, w/o John McCracken, [JN]
McCracken, John, d. 2 Mar 1871, aged 87 years, [JN]
McCray, John A., b. 1884, d. 1954, [JN]
McDonald, Benjamin F., b. 25 Sep 1825, d. ? Mar ?, [JN]
McDonald, Charles Sheldon, b. 1853, d. 1936, s/w Linda Harris McDonald, [JN]
McDonald, Linda Harris, b. 1859, d. 1949, s/w Charles Sheldon McDonald, [JN]
McEntire, John W., b. 1857, d. 1935, Papa, [JN]
McGee, Clinton R. Jr., b. 25 Jan 1927, d. 17 Feb 1928, Our Little Son, [JN]
McGran, John, b. 1868, d. ?, s/w Margaret McGran, [JN]
McGran, Margaret, b. 1877, d. 1923, s/w John McGran, [JN]
McGreevy, Bess E., b. 1890, d. 1967, [JN]
McGreevy, Frank L., b. 1882, d. 1940, [JN]
McHugh, Ernest Nelson, b. 15 Feb 1919, d. 18 Jun 1992, US Army, WWII, [JN]
McHugh, Joseph D., b. ?, d. 1923, [JN]
McIntosh, Candace, b. 1907, d. 1992, [JN]
McIntosh, Deanna, b. 23 May 1820, d. ?, [JN]
McIntosh, Hilton C., b. 1900, d. 1976, [JN]
McIntosh, John, b. 30 Dec 1853, d. 17 Feb 1926, [JN]
McIntosh, William, b. ? 1914. d. ?, [JN]
McIntyre, Katherine M., b. 1860, d. 1940, Mother, [JN]
McKenzie, Josephine L., b. 1922, d. 2004, Married 20 Jun 1945, s/w & w/o Norman B. McKenzie, [JN]
McKenzie, Norman B., b. 1918, d. 1986, s/w & h/o Josephine L. McKenzie, [JN]
McKinstrey, Albert L., b. 1860, d. 1946, s/w Mary E. McKinstrey, [JN]
McKinstrey, Mary E., b. 1866, d. 1945, s/w Albert L. McKinstrey, [JN]
McKinstrey, Raymond A., b. 11 Nov 1931, d. 4 Sep 1960, Korea, [JN]
McKinstrey, Raymond A., b. 1905, d. 1967, Our Dad, [JN]
McKinstrey, William, b. 1866, d. 1943, Father, [JN]
McKown, Dain, b. 1905, d. 1983, s/w Helen McKown, [JN]
McKown, Helen, b. 1907, d. 1989, s/w Dain McKown, [JN]
McLellan, Lottie, b. 1888, d. 1994, [JN]
McNally, James W., b. 31 Oct 1940, d. 30 Apr 1967, Brother of Cheryl and Ted, [JN]
Mead, Baby, d. 1916, [JN]
Mead, Charles H., b. 1884, d. 1942, [JN]
Mead, Edward L., b. 1864, d. 1936, [JN]
Mead, Estella L., b. 1882, d. 1935, [JN]
Mead, Flora, b. 1873, d. 1903, [JN]
Mead, Flora, b. 1873, d. 1903, w/o and s/w Lafayette Mead, [JN]
Mead, Frank W., Nov 1946, s/w George H. Mead, [JN]
Mead, George H., Nov 1946. s/w Frank W. Mead, [JN]
Mead, Lafayette, b. 1869, d. 1984, [JN]
Mead, Lafayette, b. 1869, h/o and s/w Flora Mead, [JN]
Mead, Lora Ann, b. 187?, d. 1903, [JN]
Medaugh, Eleanor J., b. 1846, d. 1924, [JN]
Meier, Albert F., 1886, [JN]
Meier, Allie M., b. 1885, d. 1956, s/w Fred Meier, [JN]
Meier, Barbara, 25 Feb 1930, s/w Freida Meier, [JN]
Meier, Carrie M., 1878, [JN]
Meier, Christian, b. 1853, d. 1922, s/w Dora Meier, [JN]
Meier, Dora, b. 1858, d. 1933, s/w Christian Meier, [JN]
Meier, Fred J., b. 1880, d. 1967, s/w Allie M. Meier, [JN]
Meier, Freida, 15 Sep 1931, s/w Barbara Meier, [JN]
Meier, Glenford J., b. 1910, d. 1969, [JN]
Meier, Jacqueline Phyllis, b. 23 Apr 1921, d. 1 May 1921, [JN]
Meier, Mary F., b. 2? Sep 1895, d. 15 Dec 1967, Wife and Mother, [JN]
Meier, Maynard, b. 1909, d. 1909, [JN]
Meier, Minnie, b. 1852, d. 1924, [JN]
Meier, Moritz, b. 1875, d. 1947, [JN]
Meier, William H., b. 29 ? 1882, d. 6 Apr 1944, Husband and Father, [JN]
Melick, Charles W., b. 1877, d. 1960, [JN]
Melick, Gertrude A., b. 1877, d. 1962, [JN]
Melick, Helen I., b. 1906, d. 1922, [JN]
Melville, William M., b. 22 Jan 1932, d. 30 Mar 1992, [JN]
Mendenhall, Inez W., b. 1909, d. 1989, [JN]
Merrill, Eva R., b. 1889, d. 1956, [JN]
Merrill, Merrick R., b. 1908, d. 1965, [JN]
Merrill, Owen C., b. 1880, d. 1925, [JN]
Messmore, Florence, b. 1856, d. 1937, [JN]
Metro, Joseph T., b. 1894, d. 1975, s/w Mae M. Metro, [JN]
Metro, Mae M., b. 1894, d. 1967, s/w Joseph T. Metro, [JN]
Metro, Russell M., b. 1918, d. 1936, [JN]
Metz, Ansel S., b. 1867, d. 1949, [JN]
Metz, Eva L., b. 1868, d. 1941, [JN]
Metz, Herman W., b. 1885, d. 1941, s/w Mamie E. Metz, [JN]
Metz, Mamie E., b. 1890, d. 1983, s/w Herman W Metz, [JN]
Metzger, Elizabeth, b. 10 Aug 1894, d. 1 Jan 1930, [JN]
Metzger, Raymond, b. 2 Mar 1890, d. 23 Nov 1960, [JN]
Milazzo, Dale L., 1936, s/w Harold C. Milazzo, [JN]
Milazzo, Harold C., 1931, s/w Dale L. Milazzo, [JN]
Miles, A. Ernestine, b. 24 Jul 1922, s/w Charles G. Miles, Parents of David, Steven, Donald, Martha, [JN]
Miles, Charles G., b. 21 May 1926, d. 18 Jun 1996, s/w A. Ernestine Miles, [JN]
Millard, Alfred, d. 26 May 1864, age: 33 yr 9 mo 19 d, [JN]
Millard, Anna, b. 9 Apr 1880, d. 19??, s/w Fred Millard, [JN]
Millard, Fred, b. 10 Jan 1877, d. 8 Mar 1953, s/w Anna, [JN]
Millard, Henry E., d. 16 May 1862, age: 30 yr 1 mo 18 d, s/o Eleazer and Almira Millard, [JN]
Milldebrandt, Nina, b.1903, d. 1939 Mother, [JN]
Milldebrandt, Wilhelmine, b. 30 Nov 1862, d. 16 Oct 1922, Mother, [JN]
Milldebrandt, William, b. 17 Sep 1857, d. 7 Apr 1936, Father, [JN]
Millen, Mary E. Tibbals, b. 11, Jan 1844, d. 11 Apr 1919, His Wife, s/w S. Hemingway Millen and Julia Babcock Tibbals., [JN]
Millen, S. Hemingway, b. 1 Dec 1843, d. 4 Jul 1911, s/w Mary Tibbals Millen and Julia Tibbals, [JN]
Miller, Aarron, b. 1863, d. 1910, [JN]
Miller, Alfred, b. 4 Jul 1821, d. 7 Jun 1889, [JN]
Miller, Alice, b. 20 Sep 1873, d. 5 May 1877, s/w Josephine, Emma, and Clauda Miller, [JN]
Miller, Amelia Axford, b. 28 Apr 1840, d. 7 Feb 1911, w/o William H. Miller, s/w William H. Miller, [JN]
Miller, Barbara Ann, b. 30 Sep 1913, d. 27 Feb 1933, [JN]
Miller, Barnett, d. 7 Feb 1887, age: 79 yr, s/w Clarise Miller, [JN]
Miller, Berthamae, b. 20 May 1907, d. 18 Jun 1999, [JN]
Miller, Bessie, b. 1866, d. 1952, w/o & s/w Robert E. Miller, [JN]
Miller, Charlotte, b. 23 Aug 1829, d. 19 Mar 1916, [JN]
Miller, Clara E., b. 1883, d. 1967, Aunt, [JN]
Miller, Clara Palmer, b. 1884, d. 1949, Daughter, [JN]
Miller, Clara, b. 1884, d. 1949, [RH]
Miller, Clarise, d. 31 May 1895, age: 70 yr, s/w Barnett Miller, [JN]
Miller, Clauda, b. 15 Jul 1866, d. 24 May 1877, s/w Josephine, Emma and Alice Miller, [JN]
Miller, Cyril E., b. 13 Dec 1906, d. 16 May 1992, [JN]
Miller, Elizabeth, b. 1796, d. 1888, w/o Jacob Miller, [JN]
Miller, Ella, b. 1869, His Wife, s/w Oscar and Emma Shoemaker Miller, [JN]
Miller, Ellen, d. 13 Nov 1860, aged 6mo 11da, d/o J. and F. Miller, [JN]
Miller, Emma Shoemaker, b. 1857, d. 1907, His Wife, s/w Oscar and Ella Miller, [JN]
Miller, Emma, b. 22 Oct 1876, d. 9 May 1877, s/w Josephine, Alice and Clauda Miller, [JN]
Miller, Enos, b. 1846, d. 1926, [JN]
Miller, Eunice A., b. 20 Aug 1803, d. 6 Feb 1875, w/o John Miller, d/o L. and S. Taylor, [JN]
Miller, Euphemia, d. 25 Aug 1878, age: 21 yr 6 mo 10 d, w/o John J. Miller, [JN]
Miller, Frances, d. 31 Oct 1861, aged ?mo 21da, d/o J. and F. Miller, [JN]
Miller, Fred, b. 1877, d. 1960, s/w Dollie B. Miller, [JN]
Miller, Freddie, d. 14 Sep 1880, age: ?, Son of L.B. & M.J. Miller, [JN]
Miller, Gail Marie, b. 1941, d. 1944, Our Baby, [JN]
Miller, George B., b. 1866, d. 1932, [JN]
Miller, George, b. ?, d. 1954, [JN]
Miller, Hannah, b. 7 Jan 1833, d. 15 Jun 1900, s/w Peter F. Miller, [JN]
Miller, Harry M., b. 25 Oct 1888, d. 9 Dec 1945, [JN]
Miller, Hazel M., b. 1918, s/w Robert G. Miller, [JN]
Miller, Henry Cook, b. 10 Jun 1842, d. 3 Apr 1842, s/o Henry and Margaret Miller, [JN]
Miller, Henry, b. 15 Jan 1816, d. 22 Apr 1879, s/w Margaret Cook, [JN]
Miller, Jacob Sen., d. 9 Apr 1872, aged 77yr 8mo 8da, [JN]
Miller, James B., b. 1869, d. 1930, [JN]
Miller, Jennie L., b. 1878, d. 1930, [JN]
Miller, Jerre, d. 28 Jan 1862, aged 31yr 9mo 3da, [JN]
Miller, John, d. 2 Feb 1849, aged 55 years, [JN]
Miller, Johnnie, d. ? 1882, age: ?, [JN]
Miller, Johnnie, d.?? 1882, age: unreadable, [JN]
Miller, Jonas P., b. 20 May 1829, d. 17 Dec 1861, [JN]
Miller, Joseph E., b.1875, d. 1930, [JN]
Miller, Joseph, d. 21 Mar 1851, aged 33yr 20da, [JN]
Miller, Josephine, b. 22 Feb 1866, d. ? May 1877, s/w Emma, Alice and Clauda Miller, [JN]
Miller, Josiah, b. 1837, d. 1912, [JN]
Miller, Josiah, b. 1837, d. 1912, h/o and s/w Susan Miller, [JN]
Miller, Julia A., b. 1882, d. 1963, [JN]
Miller, Louisa, d. 11 Jun 1856, aged 20yr 1mo 24da, w/o J. Miller, [JN]
Miller, Lucius B., b. 1856, d. 1927, Father, [JN]
Miller, Lula M., b. 1896, d. 1960, s/w William G. Miller, [JN]
Miller, Margaret Cook, b. 9 Jul 1820, d. 3 Apr 1900, w/o Henry Miller, s/w Henry Miller, [JN]
Miller, Mary A., b. 1873, d. 1945, [JN]
Miller, Mary Jane, b. 1855, d. 1929, Mother, [JN]
Miller, Oscar E., b. 1857, d. 1920, s/w Emma Shoemaker Miller and Ella Miller, [JN]
Miller, Peter F., b. 15 Jul 1824, d. 6 Jun 1901, s/w Hannah Miller, [JN]
Miller, Ralph P., b. 1900, d. 1958, Father, [JN]
Miller, Rev. Robert E., b. 1873, d. 1926, h/o & s/w Bessie Miller, [JN]
Miller, Robert E., b. 1871, d. 1921, h/o Edith E. Miller, [JN]
Miller, Robert G., b. 1917, d. 1998, s/w Hazel M. Miller, [JN]
Miller, Sabina, b. 1830, d. 1942, [JN]
Miller, Steven Ross, b. 5 Aug 1969, d. 7 Jun 1992, US Air Force, [JN]
Miller, Susan, b. 1838, d. 1928, [JN]
Miller, Susan, b. 1838, w/o and s/w Josiah Miller, [JN]
Miller, Valintine, s/o J. and E. Miller, Broken stone, [JN]
Miller, W.J. Bryan Jr., b. 1923, d. 1945, Burial Margrahn National Cemetery Holland, [JN]
Miller, W.J. Bryan, b. 1897, d. 1923, [JN]
Miller, Warren B., b. 1832, d. 1930, [JN]
Miller, Wesley W., b. 12 Jun 1913, d. 2 Dec 197?, [JN]
Miller, William G., b. 1891, d. 1948, s/w Lula M. Miller, [JN]
Miller, William H., d. 20 Aug 1884, age: 35 yr, s/w Amelia Axford Miller, [JN]
Miller, William, b. ?, d. 195?, [JN]
Millerd, Frank, s/o Alfred and Hannah Millerd, broken marker, [JN]
Millier, Dollie B., b. 1876, d. 1964, s/w Fred Miller, [JN]
Milligan, H. Robert, b. 11 Oct 1915, d. 7 Jan 1988, s/w Thelma E. Milligan, [JN]
Milligan, Nannie A., b. 1882, d. 1964, s/w William Milligan, [JN]
Milligan, Thelma E., b. 18 May 1915, d. 27 Feb 1999, s/w H. Robert Milligan, [JN]
Milligan, William J., b. 1877, d. 1952, s/w Nannie A. Milligan, [JN]
Milton, Barbara Ann Robertson, b. 1936, d. 2004, Beloved Mother and Grandmother, [JN]
Miotke, John J., b. ?, d. 1930, [JN]
Miotke, Matilda, b. 1909, d. 1922, [JN]
Miotke, Matilda, d. 20 Nov 1925, s/w William Miotke, Children of Merle and Louis, [JN]
Miotke, Merle, b. 1903, d. 1995, s/w Valentine J. Miotke, [JN]
Miotke, Valentine J., b. 1904, d. 2003, s/w Merle Miotke, [JN]
Miotke, William, b. 6 Nov 1924, d. 14 Nov 1924, s/w Matilda Miotke, Children of Merle and Louis, [JN]
Miskee, Donna, b. 1935, s/w Robert J. Miskee, [JN]
Miskee, Robert J., b. 1932, d. 1997, s/w Donna Miskee, [JN]
Mitchell, Charles, b. ?, d. 1950, [JN]
Monk, Gertrude, b. 1865, d. 1954, [JN]
Monroe, Alexandrea, b. 1838, d. 1900, [JN]
Monroe, Ross C.., b. 1851, d. 1900, [JN]
Monser, Clara E., b. 1896, d. 1989, Mother, s/w Joseph G. Monser, [JN]
Monser, Frederick H., b. 1916, d. 1934, [JN]
Monser, Joseph G., b. 1892, d. 1971, Father, s/w Clara E. Monser, [JN]
Monser, Junior G., b. 1920, d. 1926, [JN]
Monser, Marianna, b. 17 Aug 1917, d. 19 Aug 1917, [JN]
Moody, Bertha F., b. 1900, d. 1941, [JN]
Moore, Agnes, b. 1900, d. 1922, [JN]
Moore, Alice Switzer, b. 15 May 1896, d. 30 May 1932, [JN]
Moore, Bessie, b. 1885, d. 1925, [JN]
Moore, Charles, b. 1 Nov 1879, d. 6 Mar 1940, [JN]
Moore, Ellen, b. 1850, d. 1924, [JN]
Moore, Francis B., b. 1869, d. 1952, Father, [JN]
Moore, Harriett F., b. 1910, d. 1923, Daughter, [JN]
Moore, Hattie M., b. 13 Sep 1881, d. 28 Nov 195?, [JN]
Moore, Ida May, b. 1860, d. 1943, [JN]
Moore, John M., b. 1874, d. 1952, Father, [JN]
Moore, Joseph I., b. 1887, d. 1950, s/w Margaret L. Moore, [JN]
Moore, Margaret L., b. 1887, d. 1973, s/w Joseph Moore, [JN]
Moore, Patrick I., b. 12 Jul 1888, d. 22 May 1954, [JN]
Moore, Rev. B.C., b. 1837, d. 1918, s/w & h/o Sarah Ann Moore, [JN]
Moore, Robert J., b. 1846, d. 1924, [JN]
Moore, Rosettie, b. 1869, d. 1957, Mother, [JN]
Moore, Sarah Ann, b. 1848, d. 1912, s/w & w/o Rev. B.C. Moore, [JN]
Morehouse, J. Burton, b. 23 Sep 1869, d. 12 Mar 1933, [JN]
Morehouse, Wallace M., b. 1876, d. 1908, [JN]
Morgan, Dalia, d. 28 Jul 1815, w/o M. and M.R. Morgan, [JN]
Morgan, Hesteran, d. 30 Dec ??, w/o Hiram Morgan, [JN]
Morgan, James, d. 21 ? 1818, s/o H. and H.R. Morgan, [JN]
Morrison, Devere G., b. 7 Oct 1911, d. 7 May 1995, s/w Julia M. Morrison, [JN]
Morrison, John M., b. 1889, d. 1980, [JN]
Morrison, Joseph A., b. 1899, d. 1972, [JN]
Morrison, Judith Ann, 1942, [JN]
Morrison, Julia M., b. 15, Jul 1918, Married 28 Sep 1940, s/w Devere G. Morrison, [JN]
Morrison, Sarah, b. 1862, d. 1949, [JN]
Mow, William A., b. 1882, d. 1966, Masonic Symbol, [JN]
Mulheron, A.H., d. 20 Jun 1925, [JN]
Mulheron, Phrone, d. 13 Jun 1918, [JN]
Mulheron, Rachel J., d. 14 Mar 1929, [JN]
Mundt, Emma Ryan, b. 187?, d. 1937, Mother, [JN]
Murdoch, Clyde G., b. 18 Jul 1893, d. 27 Oct 1978, US Navy, WW I, [JN]
Murdoch, Rose Edna, b. 7 Jul 1905, d. 21 Sep 1995, w/o Clyde G. Murdoch, [JN]
Murdock, Ethel M., b. 1896, d. 1946, Wife and Mother, [JN]
Murphy, Mary E., b. 2 Nov 1856, d. 28 Jan 1949, s/w Owen Murphy, [JN]
Murphy, Owen, b. 25 Feb 1850, d. 19 Jun 1900, s/w Mary E. Murphy, [JN]
Murray, Barbara Dear, b. 2 Jun 1926, d. 17 Nov 1999, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, [JN]
Myers, Lawrence R., b. 1923, d. 1973, Masonic Symbol, [JN]
Mykityszyn, Emma, b. 25 Mar 1915, s/w Paul Mykityszyn, [JN]
Mykityszyn, Paul, b. 16 Aug 1914, d. 27 Oct 1998, s/w Emma Mykityszyn, [JN]
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