Search Michigan Death Records
Michigan Newspapers, Full Search (1817-2018), 293 titles
Michigan Obituary Search, (1869-current)
Michigan Birth Records Database, (1817-1999)
Royal Oak Cemetery
Royal Oak, Oakland County, Michigan
GPS: 42.503227, -83.144169
1600 Rochester Road
Royal Oak MI 48067
Published: October 12, 2016
Total records:
Surnames M-O
Records published here were acquired from the Royal Oak Public Library. These records were transcribed from volunteers from handwritten books and cards, as well as information obtained from the local genealogical society. Note: these records include only Royal Oak Cemetery. For St. Mary's Cemetery, click here.
MacDOWAL, EDWARD P., d. 11/21/1956, Age 79y, Section: E, Lot: 126, Grave: 8, Circulatory failure
MacDOWALL, ARTIMUS P., d. 4/28/1888, Age 26y6m4d, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 3, monument, 26y 6m 4d
MacDOWALL, CHARLES D., d. 5/5/1867, Age 9y27d, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 8, monument, 9y 27d
MacDOWALL, EDWARD P., d. 11/25/1956, Section: E, Lot: 126, Grave: 8, DOUBLE STONE W/MINNIE
MacDOWALL, LEWIS D., d. 3/18/1853, Age 8y26d, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 7, monument, 8y 26d
MacDOWALL, LIZZIE FRANKFURTH, d. 1945, Age 71y, Section: E, Lot: 70, Grave: 1
MacDOWALL, MARGARET E., d. 2/9/1857, Age 9y11d, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 6, monument, 9y 11d
MacDOWALL, MINNIE B., d. 1846, Section: E, Lot: 126, Grave: 4, DOUBLE STONE W/EDWARD
MacDOWALL, PETER, d. 1902, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 5, monument
MacDOWALL, SARAH SPOHN, d. 1937, Age 86y8m4d, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 2, Influenza - senility, McDowall monument
MacDOWALL, SARAH, d. 1900, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 2, monument, his wife
MacDOWALL, WILLIAM, d. 1926, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 1, monument
MACKEREL, ROBERT L., d. 2/16/1927, Age 6m9d, Section: I, Lot: 605, Grave: 13-138, Influenza
MacLAREN, JAMES BRUCE, d. 1/17/1934, Grave: 512, stillborn, LOT OR GRAVE 512
MacLENNAN, LAVENIA, d. 1928, Age 75y, Section: C, Lot: 332, Grave: 1, pernicious, w/o Rod "native of Brighton, Ontario"
MacLENNAN, ROBERT STUART, d. 7/16/1881, Section: C, Lot: 332, Grave: 2, s/o R & L
MacLENNAN, ROD, Section: C, Lot: 332, Grave: 3
MADGWICK, MARIAN S. PARKER, d. 1909, Section: F, Lot: 64, Grave: 1, w/o AE and d/o RA & SD Parker
MADISON, FREDERICK D., d. 9/23/1969, Age 81y, Section: F, Lot: 103, Grave: 6, Cerebral thrombosis, Madison/Hammond monument (1888-1969)(Eleanor Madison Sharpe cremains on top 5/2012)(information provided by Jim Heidt, 3/8/12, 248-376-0113)
MADISON, FREDERICK J., d. 1919, Section: F, Lot: 103, Grave: 4, MADISON/HAMMOND MONUMENT(1915-1919)(Information provided by Jim Heidt, 3/8/12, 248-376-0113)
MADISON, SADIE E (HAMMOND), d. 2/12/1981, Age 87y, Section: F, Lot: 103, Grave: 5, Cerebro vascular accident, Madison/Hammond monument (information provided by Jim Heidt, 3/8/12, 248-376-0113)
MAGEE, VERNON A., d. 8/11/1925, Age 1y, Cholera Infantum
MAGEEHAN, A. JANE, d. 1864, Section: H, Lot: 595, Grave: 1, double stone w/William
MAGEEHAN, ESTHER, d. 2/8/1925, Age 89y, Section: H, Lot: 595, Grave: 4, Aortic Insufficiency, mother
MAGEEHAN, ROBERT, JR (SR?), d. 1904, Age 75y, Section: H, Lot: 595, Grave: 3, father
MAGEEHAN, ROBERT, JR., d. 5/12/1943, Section: H, Lot: 595, Grave: 5
MAGEEHAN, WILLIAM, d. 1862, Section: H, Lot: 595, Grave: 2, double stone w/Jane
MAHER, PAULINE T., d. 6/4/1981, Age 59y, Section: E, Lot: 138, Grave: 4, Septic shock, "Mo-Mo", wife - mother - grandmother, obituary available on card
MAHER, WILLIAM DUNNE, d. 1/22/1982, Age 64y, Section: E, Lot: 138, Grave: 5, Cardiac arrest, "Ba-Bop", husband, father, grandfather, obituary available on card
MAHNKE, MARY, d. 3/10/1885, Age 83y, Section: C, Lot: 239, Grave: 1, Hartwick monument, 83y
MAITIZS, BABY (OR MAITIZZ), d. 9/2/1923, Age 13d, premature birth
MALLENDER, GEORGE, d. 11/6/1898, Section: D, Lot: 166, Grave: 6, Carter monument
MALLENDER, HERBERT, d. 1934, Age 64y, Section: D, Lot: 166, Grave: 2, Chronic myocarditis, father
MALLENDER, JENNIE, d. 12/3/1951, Age 77y, Section: D, Lot: 166, Grave: 4, pneumonia & heart disease, mother
MALLIE, d. 11/1/1924, Grave: 32, SINGLE GRAVE, LOT OR GRAVE 32
MALLORY, EDWARD J., d. 8/13/1935, Age 43y, Grave: 597, Acute Myocarditis-syphilitic heart disease, LOT OR GRAVE 597
MANGEL, JOHN EDWARD, d. 9/24/1928, general edema
MAPLES, LOWELL LEE, d. 5/25/1930, Age 1y, Broncho pneumonia
MAPLES, MAUNDRIS JACK, d. 10/18/1926, Section: D, Lot: 453, Grave: 17-120, premature birth, SINGLE GRAVES
MAPPLING, WILLIAM, d. 7/25/1938, Age 84y4m, Section: I, Lot: 606, Grave: 8-694, Hypertroplic myocarditis
MARIAS, STEVE, d. 12/29/1921, Age 14 y, burns on body
MARIAST, GEO, d. 7/31/1922, Age 7m, Cholera Infantum
MAROHN, HELEN, d. 1921, Section: B, Lot: 395, Grave: 2, mother
MAROHN, JOHN, d. 1919, Section: B, Lot: 395, Grave: 3, father
MAROTZ, AUGUST, SR., d. 4/15/1950, Age 82y, Section: D, Lot: 297, Grave: 4, Left ventricular failure, Disinterred-moved to Utica-Schwarzkoff Funeral Home
MARR, ELIZABETH H., d. 7/11/1933, Age 80y2m23d, Section: J, Lot: 669, Acute nephritis, double stone
MARR, JAMES CARL, d. 7/19/1951, Age 60y, Section: J, Lot: 669, Grave: 8, double stone
MARR, REBECCA A., d. 5/13/1992, Age 91y, Section: J, Lot: 669, Grave: 8, pneumonia, Body donated UofM-ashes on top of James C Mark vault
MARSH, BABY, d. 12/11/1931, Grave: 408, stillborn, LOT OR GRAVE 408
MARSH, BENNIE, d. 1/4/1941, Age 43y, Section: K, Lot: 678, Grave: 9
MARSH, MALISA, d. 12/25/1932, Age 68y, Grave: 450, Myocarditis, LOT OR GRAVE 450
MARSH, NANCY, d. 9/14/1935, Age 53y, Grave: 602, Recurrent Intestinal Obstruction - Diabetes Malites, LOT OR GRAVE 602
MARSHALL, BABY BOY, d. 6/16/1934, Grave: 533, stillborn, LOT OR GRAVE 533
MARSHALL, CARLOS NORTON, d. 11/29/1950, Age 63y, Section: H, Lot: 525, Grave: 9, Mesendris thrombosis
MARSHALL, EDNA, d. 3/4/1924, Age 65y, burns to body
MARSHALL, ETHEL, Age 1y25d, Section: H, Lot: 525, d/o MW & E, 1y 25d, Glazier monument
MARSHALL, HARRIETT, d. 1904, Section: C, Lot: bet 288-399, AUNT
MARTH, CHRISTIAN, d. 5/25/1894, Section: E, Lot: 134, monument
MARTH, ELIZABETH, d. 5/20/1893, Section: E, Lot: 134, monument
MARTH, MINNIE REIBEL, d. 3/18/1912, Section: E, Lot: 134, Grave: 4, Reibel monument, his wife
MARTIN, ANNA, d. 9/27/1906, Age 86y, Section: H, Lot: 539, Grave: 1, monument, w/o Edward, 86y
MARTIN, BABY, d. 10/31/1934, Grave: 549, premature birth, LOT OR GRAVE 549
MARTIN, BABY, d. 2/2/1924, Lot: 549, Grave: 52, Hydrocephalus
MARTIN, BABY, d. 5/29/1935, Grave: 585, stillborn, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 585
MARTIN, CHARLES, d. 8/4/1938, Age 51y1m25d, Section: K, Lot: 677, Grave: 11, Coronary occlusion
MARTIN, CHRISTIAN, Section: E, Lot: 134, Grave: 1
MARTIN, CLIFTON, Section: B, Lot: 388, Grave: 4
MARTIN, EDWARD, Section: H, Lot: 539, Grave: 2
MARTIN, ELIZABETH, d. 1/17/1856, Age 60y, Section: G, Lot: 500, Grave: 1, w/o John, in her 60th y
MARTIN, ELIZABETH, Section: E, Lot: 134, Grave: 2
MARTIN, FLORINE, d. 5/20/1943, Age 46y, Lot: 357, Grave: ?, Congestive Heart failure
MARTIN, FRANK N., d. 1/11/1967, Age 74y, Section: I, Lot: 634, Grave: 521, Removal from Tucson, Arizona - Clyne Funeral Home
MARTIN, GENEVA MARTIN (infant 1), d. 10/18/1932, Grave: 441, stillborn, LOT OR GRAVE 441
MARTIN, GENEVA MARTIN (infant 2), d. 10/18/1932, Grave: 441, stillborn, LOT OR GRAVE 441
MARTIN, GENEVA MARTIN (MRS), d. 7/17/1935, Age 38y, Section: I, Lot: bet 600-784, Grave: 594, Uremia, Chronic nephritis
MARTIN, GEORGINA ODELIA, d. 4/16/1984, Age 88y, Section: I, Lot: 641, Grave: 3, Cardio pulmonary arrest, double stone w/Howard, S-580-Shows as 641 but actually in 642(CARDIO PULMONARY ARREST/AGE 88)
MARTIN, HARRIET, d. 1852, Section: K, Lot: 837, Grave: 1
MARTIN, HOWARD B., d. 1/1/1980, Section: I, Lot: 641, Grave: S-579, double stone w/Georgiana O, "Pepper", Shows as 641 but actually in 642
MARTIN, JAMES C., d. 6/22/1930, Age 30y, Section: K, Lot: 716, Grave: 300, Pulmonary Tuberculosis
MARTIN, JOHN, Section: G, Lot: 500, Grave: 2
MARTIN, MARGARET(TE) PALLISTER, d. 11/8/1924, Section: D, Lot: 188, Grave: 7, Cerebral hemorrhage
MARTIN, MARY, d. 12/16/1959, Section: D, Lot: 223, Grave: 3, Complete thrombosis of left femoral iliac veins
MARTIN, SAMUEL, d. 1855, Section: K, Lot: 837, Grave: 3
MARTIN, TWINS, d. 10/21/1932, Grave: 441, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 441
MARTINAC, THOMAS ANDREW, d. 8/19/1956, Age 51y, Section: I, Lot: 683, Grave: 6, Epidermoid carcinoma of lung, husband, WILLIAM SULLIVAN & SON
MARVIN, JAMES E., d. 3/5/1926, Age 57y, Cerebral embolism
MARZ, MARY, d. 1940, Age 57y11m4d, Section: A, Lot: 405, Grave: 4, mother
MARZ, PAUL, d. 1936, Age 59y, Section: A, Lot: 405, Grave: 1, Lobar pneumonia, father
MASON, ELIZABETH, d. 5/16/1912, Section: I, Lot: 615, Grave: 2, his wife, monument
MASON, J.C., d. 11/26/1919, Section: I, Lot: 615, Grave: 1, monument
MASON, MARION KATHLEEN, d. 11/2/1923, Age 3m, Grave: 6, Cholera Infantum, LOT OR GRAVE 6
MATESKY, BABY BOY, d. 3/22/1938, Grave: 676, Breech extraction, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 676
MATHEWS, ALBERT L., d. 5/1/1848, Section: C, Lot: 164, Grave: 6, s/o SS & LA
MATHEWS, DAUGHTER of S.S&L.A, d. 6/2/1852, Section: C, Lot: 164, Grave: 5, d/o SS & LA
MATHEWS, LAURA ANN CRESSY, d. 4/30/1855, Age 32y10m21d, Section: C, Lot: 164, Grave: 8, triple stone, his wife and d/o E & O Cressy, 32y 10m 21d
MATHEWS, RATTE, Section: C, Lot: 164, triple stone, infant s/o SS & LA
MATHEWS, S. S., d. 9/7/1855, Age 35y7m14d, Section: C, Lot: 164, Grave: 7, triple stone, 35y 7m 14d
MATHEWS, VERNA, d. 3/11/1934, Age 50y, Grave: 516, Intestinal Obstructions, Rt mid lobar pneumonia, LOT OR GRAVE 516
MATHIE, HELEN, d. 10/30/1924, Age 1y, Croupe
MATHY, FRANCIS, d. 3/2/1935, Age 1y, Bronchial Pneumonia
MATNEY, BEN HERMAN, d. 3/31/1935, Age 16d, Grave: 575, Congenital Heart disease, LOT OR GRAVE 575
MATTESON, S.B., Section: C, Lot: 162, Grave: 2
MATTHEWS, ALBERT L., d. 5/1/1848, Section: C, Lot: 164, Grave: 6, s/o SS & LA
MATTHEWS, LAURA, d. 4/30/1855, Age 32y10m21d, Section: C, Lot: 164, Grave: 5, triple stone, his wife and d/o E & O Cressy, 32y 10m 21d
MATTHEWS, S.S., d. 9/7/1855, Age 35y7m14d, Section: C, Lot: 164, Grave: 7, triple stone, 35y 7m 14d
MAU, JANIS LYNN, d. 9/26/2004, Section: F, Lot: 58, Grave: 3, Metastic Lung cancer, Buried October 1, 2004 - Kinsey-Garrett Funeral Home
MAWHINNIE, ROBERT JOHN, d. 4/2/1925, Age 45y, Section: H, Lot: 508, Grave: 1, Carcinoma of liver and gall bladder
MAXWELL, EARL L., d. 8/8/1887, Section: D, Lot: 232, Grave: 6, s/o H & Maggie
MAXWELL, JAMES L., d. 2/12/1961, Age 69y, Section: D, Lot: 232, Grave: 7, Arteriosclerosic heart disease, Mich. Sgt. Medical Dept. WW I, WILLIAM SULLIVAN & SON
MAXWELL, JOHN H., d. 7/3/1906, Section: D, Lot: 232, Grave: 4, Brown monument
MAXWELL, MARGARET J., d. 1935, Age 76y, Section: D, Lot: 232, Grave: 5, Chronic myocarditis
MAYNARD, BABY GIRL, d. 12/2/1937, Age 4hrs, Grave: 662, Fetal monster, anencephalus, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 662
MAYS, ROBERT, JR., d. 4/1/1929, Age 6y, Section: H, Lot: 522, Grave: 1-229, Pneumonia, SINGLE GRAVE
McALLISTER, BABY, d. 8/30/1929, Section: I, Lot: 604, Grave: 4-246, stillborn
McALPINE, ALPIN (FATHER), d. 3/4/1956, Age 79y, Section: E, Lot: 123, Grave: 2, Cerebral hemorrhage, double stone w/Mother
McALPINE, KENNETH L.. Jr., d. 1938, Age 12y, Section: E, Lot: 123, Grave: 1, Acute gangrenous appendicitis
McALPINE, MAUDE MAY (MOTHER), d. 12/15/1954, Age 76y, Section: E, Lot: 123, Grave: 3, Chronic Glomeralonephritis, double stone w/Father
McBRIDE, ANNA ELIZABETH, d. 8/1/1947, Age 75y, Section: K, Lot: 775, Grave: 1
McBRIDE, ANNA, d. 3/25/1965, Age 80y, Section: C, Lot: 252, Grave: 1, Arteriosclerotic heart disease, wife
McBRIDE, EDWARD, d. 4/15/1946, Age 69y, Section: C, Lot: 283, Grave: ?, Generalized arteriosclerosis
McBRIDE, ELIZABETH, d. 4/6/1876, Age 75y, Section: K, Lot: 771, Grave: 1, w/o John, 75y
McBRIDE, HUGH, d. 1926, Age 88y, Section: A, Lot: 403, Grave: 1, Cardiac dilitation, triple stone, 88y
McBRIDE, JAMES, d. 1907, Section: H, Lot: 589, Grave: 1, double stone
McBRIDE, JENNIE H., d. 5/18/1961, Age 84y, Section: C, Lot: 321, Grave: 7, Acute arterial obstruction
McBRIDE, JOHN, d. 11/12/1854, Age 22y, Section: K, Lot: 775, Grave: 2, s/o J & E, 22y
McBRIDE, JOSEPH, d. 2/1/1872, Age 24y, Section: H, Lot: 590, Grave: 3, 24y
McBRIDE, MARY ELIZABETH, d. 1945, Age 73y, Section: A, Lot: 403, Grave: 2, Myocardial failure0, d/o Hugh & Sarah
McBRIDE, MARY J., d. 1946, Age 93y, Section: H, Lot: 589, Myocardial degeneration, double stone
McBRIDE, MARY, d. 6/15/1899, Age 53y, Section: A, Lot: 403, Grave: 3, triple stone, his wife, 53y
McBRIDE, MARY, d. 9/27/1946, Section: H, Lot: 589, Grave: 2
McBRIDE, Mr., Section: G, Lot: 474, Grave: 2
McBRIDE, Mrs., Section: G, Lot: 474, Grave: 2
McBRIDE, RICHARD D., d. 12/18/1962, Age 80y, Section: C, Lot: 252, Grave: 2, Carcinoma of liver, cardiovascular disease, husband
McBRIDE, ROBERT, d. 2/27/1858, Age 8y11m, Section: H, Lot: 590, Grave: 1, double stone w/ Susan, 8y 11m, children of R & S
McBRIDE, ROBERT, d. 8/4/1883, Age 80y, Section: H, Lot: 590, Grave: 6, monument w/Sarah, 80y
McBRIDE, SAM, d. 10/25/1854, Age 20y, Section: K, Lot: 775, Grave: 3, s/o J & E, 20y
McBRIDE, SAMUEL, d. 2/24/1879, Age 1y3m, Section: H, Lot: 590, Grave: 4, s/o Hugh & Sarah, 1y 3m
McBRIDE, SARAH (E), d. 4/25/1898, Section: G, Lot: 474, Grave: 1
McBRIDE, SARAH, d. 11/16/1882, Age 79y, Section: H, Lot: 590, Grave: 2, w/o Robert, 79y
McBRIDE, SARAH, d. 8/14/1883, Age 38y, Section: A, Lot: 403, Grave: 4, triple stone, his wife, 38y
McBRIDE, SUSAN, d. 7/3/1854, Age 17y, Section: H, Lot: 590, Grave: 5, double stone w/Robert, 17y, children of R & S
McCALLUM, MELVIN R., d. 10/31/1970, Age 47y, Section: I, Lot: 642, Grave: S-545, Arteriosclerotic heart disease
McCALLUM, PETER, d. 11/7/1939, Age 47y, Crushed skull- auto accident
McCAVEY, CLARA BRACE, d. 10/31/1951, Age 73y, Section: D, Lot: 344, 73y
McCAVEY, J (MRS), d. 3/22/1929
McCAVEY, J. Wm., d. 1939, Section: D, Lot: 344, father
McCAVEY, JAMES EDMOND, d. 2/27/1923, Section: D, Lot: 344, Grave: 1
McCAVEY, JAMES, d. 1923, Age 80y, Section: A, Lot: 440, Grave: 1, Myocarditis
McCAVEY, LOUISE (SCHANHITE), d. 3/19/1929, Age 82y, Section: D, Lot: 344, Grave: 2, High blood pressure
McCAVEY, WILLIAM, d. 1939, Age 66y, Section: D, Lot: 344, Grave: 6, Coronary thrombosis
McCLAIN, BETTY, d. 6/19/1923, Age 1d, Grave: 3, Failure of closure of foramen ovale, LOT OR GRAVE 3
McCLELLAND, ARTHUR, d. 1932, Age 54y, Section: C, Lot: 238, Grave: 1, Myocarditis
McCLELLAND, ELVIN LYSLE, d. 5/30/1978, Age 70y, Section: C, Lot: 238, Grave: 3, husband & father, CREMATION
McCLELLAND, ETTA GERALDINE, d. 1940, Age 61y, Section: C, Lot: 238, Grave: 2, mother
McCLELLAND, MARGARET QUIN, d. 10/1/1999, Section: C, Lot: 238, Grave: 3, Buried October 7, 1999
McCLELLAND, MATTIE BLACKMON, d. 4/16/1899, Age 39y10m11d, Section: C, Lot: 238, Grave:, w/o Will, 39y 10m 11d, Blackmon monument
McCLURE, CHARLES, d. 1882, Section: B, Lot: 388, Grave: 1, s/o John & Eliza
McCLURE, ELIZA LIVINGSTONE, d. 1902, Section: B, Lot: 388, Grave: 3, mother
McCLURE, JOHN, d. 1902, Section: B, Lot: 388, Grave: 2, father
McCOLLOUGH, JANE, d. 4/10/1880, Age 92y, Section: J, Lot: 730, double stone, w/o John, 92y
McCOLLOUGH, JOHN, d. 11/10/1869, Age 75y, Section: J, Lot: 730, Grave: 1, double stone, 75y
McCOLLOUGH, MARY, Section: J, Lot: 730, Grave: 2
McCOMAS, ORPHA, d. 5/1/1944, Age 43y, Lot: 683
McCUE, JOHN, d. 9/19/1931, Age 70y, Myocarditis, REMOVAL
McDENNEY, SUSAN ELLEN, d. 1935, Age 83y, Section: E, Lot: 143, Apoplexy
McDONALD, BABY BOY, d. 10/1/1927, Age 12hrs, Grave: 161, premature birth, LOT OR GRAVE 161
McDONALD, Lot: 171
McDOWALL, ARTIMUS P., d. 4/28/1888, Age 26y6m4d, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 3, monument, 26y 6m 4d
McDOWALL, CHARLES D., d. 5/5/1867, Age 9y27d, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 8, monument, 9y 27d
McDOWALL, CLARISTINE, d. 1903, Section: G, Lot: 478, Grave: 3, triple stone, his wife
McDOWALL, EDWARD P., d. 11/25/1956, Section: E, Lot: 126, Grave: 8
McDOWALL, EDWARD R, d. 3/21/1929, Age 92y, Section: G, Lot: 478, Grave: 4, Arteriosclerosis, triple stone
McDOWALL, LEWIS D. (LOUIS), d. 3/18/1853, Age 8y26d, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 7, monument, 8y 26d
McDOWALL, LOUIS, d. 3/18/1853, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 7
McDOWALL, MARGARET E., d. 2/9/1857, Age 9y11d, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 6, monument, 9y 11d
McDOWALL, MARY, d. 1903, Section: G, Lot: 478, Grave: 2, triple stone, his wife
McDOWALL, PETER, d. 1902, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 5, monument
McDOWALL, SARAH, d. 1900, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 4, monument, his wife
McDOWALL, WILLIAM, d. 1926, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 1, monument
McDOWELL, ANNA M., d. 2/16/1944, Age 78y, Lot: 710, Grave: ?
McDOWELL, EDWARD P., d. 11/25/1956, Age 79y, Section: E, Lot: 126, Grave: 8, Circulatory failure
McDOWELL, EDWARD RICHARD, d. 1929, Section: E, Lot: 126, Grave: 5
McDOWELL, EDWARD, d. 3/21/1929, Section: G, Lot: 478
McDOWELL, FRANK L., d. 3/22/1900, Section: F, Lot: 109, Grave: 2, monument
McDOWELL, GRANDMA, Section: F, Lot: 109, Grave: 5
McDOWELL, GRANDPA, Section: F, Lot: 109, Grave: 6
McDOWELL, HARRIETT, d. 8/6/1918, Age 59y5m10d, Chronic intestinal nephritis
McDOWELL, HULDA, Section: F, Lot: 109, Grave: 4
McDOWELL, JAMES, d. 5/31/1938, Age 68y6m1d, Section: I, Lot: 606, Grave: 6-688, Cerebral hemorrhage
McDOWELL, LIBBY, Section: G, Lot: 478, Grave: 1
McDOWELL, LIZZIE, d. 1/16/1887, Section: F, Lot: 109, Grave: 1
McDOWELL, MAGGIE, d. 1911, Section: F, Lot: 109
McDOWELL, MINNIE B., d. 1946, Age 69y, Section: E, Lot: 126, Grave: 4, Coronary occlusion
McDOWELL, RICHARD, d. 3/22/1939, Age 78y6m22d, Section: J, Lot: 709, Grave: 7, Cerebral hemorrhage
McDOWELL, THEODORE, Section: F, Lot: 109, Grave: 3
McDOWELL, WILLIAM J., d. 1935, Age 80y, Section: D, Lot: 255, Uremia Myocarditis
McDOWELL, WILLIAM PRESTON, d. 10/25/1934, Age 79y, Grave: 547, Cerebral hemorrhage, LOT OR GRAVE 547
McDOWELL, WILLIAM RICHARD, d. 1945, Age 55y, Section: F, Lot: 62, Grave: 1, Coronary thrombosis
McELYEA, JOYCE MARIE, d. 10/11/1933, Grave: 494, Congenital Atelectasis of lungs, LOT OR GRAVE 494
McFARLAND, MARIE, d. 3/2/1924, Rheumatism, Arthritis, chronic
McFARLAND, MAXINE, d. 10/31/1928, stillborn
McFARLAND, RUBY, d. 8/7/1930, Age 27y, Section: G, Lot: 495, Grave: 4-308, Pulmonary embolism, SINGLE GRAVE
McGAW, JOSEPH ANDREW, d. 10/21/1979, Section: E, Lot: 41
McGAW, MABEL CROMIE, d. 1935, Age 49y1m2d, Section: E, Lot: 41, Grave: 2, Cardiac failure
McGEE, d. 8/13/1925
McGOVERN, ANNA, d. 12/22/1931, Age 64y, Section: K, Lot: 716, Grave: 411, Apoplexy
McGOVERN, THOMAS JOSEPH, d. 5/8/1945, Age 64y, Grave: 793, hemorrhage from gastric ulcer, SINGLE GRAVE, LOT OR GRAVE 793
McGRAW, BABY, d. 12/20/1935, Grave: 611, stillborn, LOT OR GRAVE 611
McHENRY, Lot: 104, Grave: ?
McKECHNIE, THOMAS ELIOTT, d. 6/1/1926, Age 1m23d, Grave: 103, enlarged thymus, premature birth, LOT OR GRAVE 103
McKERSON, MORRIS WALKER, d. 12/28/1915, Age 3d, Hemorrhagic disease of newborn
McKIBBEN, JAMES, d. 4/30/1902, Section: F/E, Lot: 47, Grave: 1, father
McKIBBIN, CORNELLIA, d. 3/29/1923, Age 79y, Section: K, Lot: 805, Grave: 1, Acute dilitation of heart
McKIBBIN, MARGARET, d. 9/16/1850, Age 26y, Section: K, Lot: 805, Grave: 2, w/o James, 26y
McKINNEY, ANN MARIA STARR, d. 1/26/1871, Age 2m21d, Section: G, Lot: 470, d/o Wm. & EJ, 2m 21d
McKINNEY, BABY, d. 1/26/1871, Section: G, Lot: 470, Ann Maria
McKINNEY, BELLE, d. 5/1/1930, Section: G, Lot: 470, Grave: 5, monument w/Margaret
McKINNEY, BERTHA, Section: F, Lot: 117, Grave: 2
McKINNEY, ELIZA, d. 1/1/1898, Age 70y, Section: G, Lot: 470, Grave: 2, monument, w/o Wm., 70y
McKINNEY, MARGARET WEAVER, d. 12/25/1935, Section: G, Lot: 470, Grave: 7, monument
McKINNEY, MARY A. (MARIA A.), d. 6/28/1915, Section: G, Lot: 470, Grave: 6, d/o Wm & Eliza, monument
McKINNEY, ROBERT J., d. 2/15/1901, Age 38y, Section: G, Lot: 470, Grave: 4, s/o Wm & Eliza, monument, 38y
McKINNEY, SAMUEL N., d. 3/5/1933, Age 49y7m7d, Section: E, Lot: 143, Grave:, Asphyxiation by drowning, Noyes monument
McKINNEY, SAMUEL W., d. 4/8/1873, Age 17y7m7d, Section: G, Lot: 470, Grave: 3, monument, 17y 7m 7d
McKINNEY, SUSAN ELLEN, d. 4/22/1935, Section: E, Lot: 143, Noyes monument
McKINNEY, WILLIAM, d. 2/19/1887, Age 59y8m23d, Section: G, Lot: 470, Grave: 1, monument, 59y 8m 23d
McKINNEY, WILLIAM, d. 6/5/1931, Age 68y11m21d, Section: K, Lot: 716, Grave: 380, Pericarditis
McLACHLAN, HUGHIE, d. 1906, Section: F, Lot: 50, Grave: 1, monument
McLACHLAN, JANE HOPE, d. 4/10/1946, Age 93y, Section: F, Lot: 30, Grave: ?, Arteriosclerosis
McLANE, ALEXANDER, d. 3/6/1858, Age 57y, Section: K, Lot: 749, Grave: 2, 57y
McLAUGHLIN, MARIE, Age 22y8m9d, Grave: 56, Pulmonary TB, LOT OR GRAVE 56
McLOAD, GAEL ANGUS, d. 4/11/1927, Age 12y5m15d, Grave: 150, Pylone obstruction, LOT OR GRAVE 150
McMAHON, WILLIAM, d. 1927, Age 47y7m21d, Section: F, Lot: 116, Grave: 3, Auerxysm (Aneurysm?), husband
McMILLEN, JAMES, d. 10/4/1917, Age 35y, burned to death
McMORRIS, WILLIAM JAMES, d. 4/24/1944, Age 53y, Section: I, Lot: 638, Grave: 1-785
McNAULTY, BABY, d. 7/1/1930, Grave: 302, premature birth, LOT OR GRAVE 302
McNEIL, CHARLES, d. 7/7/1954, Section: I, Lot: 637, Grave: 7, Arteriosclerotic heart disease
McNUTT (MCNITT), DAVID, d. 7/3/1851, Age 84y, Section: K, Lot: 957, Grave: 1, 84y
McQUARTER, BABY, d. 6/4/1942, Section: I, Lot: 621, Grave: 10-761, stillborn
McQUARTER, EDWARD, d. 1947, Age 74y, Section: E, Lot: 13, Grave: 8, Cardia Dilitation, double stone, BURIAL PERMIT SHOWS L0T 517/FILED WITH LOT 13
McQUARTER, JAMES R., d. 12/4/1929, Age 58y, Section: G, Lot: 483, Grave: 1, Myocarditis, father
McQUARTER, LAURA B, d. 1958, Section: G, Lot: 483, mother
McQUARTER, LILLIAN, d. 1944, Age 75y, Section: E, Lot: 13, Grave: 7, Apoplexy, double stone
McRIPLEY, MARY, Lot: 620
McROBERTS, MARY ANN, d. 4/29/1888, Age 71y, Section: K, Lot: 826, Grave: 1, w/o William, 71y
McROBERTS, SAMUEL, d. 10/24/1851, Age 5y, Section: K, Lot: 826, Grave: 3, 5y
McROBERTS, WILLIAM, d. 8/10/1855, Age 42y, Section: K, Lot: 826, Grave: 2, 42y
McWILLIAMS, MRS., d. 3/10/1923
MEAD, DAVID BURTON, SR., d. 1943, Age 56y, Section: A, Lot: 412, Grave: 2
MEAD, DELBERT H., d. 10/22/1955, Age 53y, Section: A, Lot: 412, Grave: 8, Uremic poisoning
MEAD, EMMA, d. 3/10/1927, Age 72y1m, Organic heart disease
MEAD, GEORGE W., d. 6/22/1942, Age 65y, Lot: 112, Grave: ?
MEAD, LILLY, d. 12/2/1925, Age 36y, Grave: 76, General carcinomatosis, LOT OR GRAVE 76
MEAD, MAY, d. 1938, Age 53y, Section: A, Lot: 412, Grave: 1, Cerebral hemorrhage
MEAD, RUSSELL, d. 2/12/1933, Age 24y, Strep Septicemia - tooth extraction
MEAD, SARAH E., d. 2/27/1959, Age 79y, Section: A, Lot: 412, Grave: 7, Coronary thrombosis
MEADOWS, NANCY MC CRAY, d. 8/29/1934, Age 50y, Grave: 540, LOT OR GRAVE 540
MEDDOWS, BRYANT (MEADOWS), d. 1/8/1937, Age 41y, Section: I, Lot: 619, Grave: 6-645, Rheumatic heart disease, POTTER'S FIELD
MEEK, JOSEPH, d. 3/9/1943, Age 49y, Section: I, Lot: 622, Grave: 5-769, Coronary occlusion
MEGRAN, CLARA MARGARET, d. 1909, Section: H, Lot: 539, sister
MEIGS, MILDRED E., d. 5/20/1967, Age 56y, Section: J, Lot: 763, Grave: 528, Strangulaton, SINGLE GRAVE
MELLO, FRED ARTHUR, d. 4/4/1924, Age 4y, Section: A, Lot: 450, Grave: 4, Diphtheria, SINGLE GRAVE
MELLO, FRED, d. 1924, Section: A, Lot: 557, son
MELLO, HILDA COLEBROOK, d. 7/4/1942, Age 55y, Section: H, Lot: 557, Grave: 1, monument, wife
MELLO, MANUEL P., JR., d. 5/1/1947, Age 57y, Section: H, Lot: 557, Grave: 2, Coronary thrombosis, monument
MEMMER, ELOISE L., d. 7/22/1968, Age 64y, Section: J, Lot: 763, Grave: S-533, Myocardial Infarction
MEMMER, HERMAN BERNARD, d. 8/16/1980, Age 76y, Section: J, Lot: 763, Grave: S-534, Cardiac arrest
MEMMER, WILLIAM, d. 8/6/1956, Age 87y, Section: F, Lot: 60, Grave: 1, Bronchial Pneumonia
MERCER, GEORGE, d. 5/25/1943, Age 81y, Section: K, Lot: 679, Grave: 5, Cardia failure
MERRILL, ALONZO S., d. 1920, Section: C, Lot: 315, Grave: 2
MERRILL, CHRISTIA A., d. 3/21/1879, Age 19y6m, Section: J, Lot: 799, Grave: 3, d/o GC & E, 19y 6m
MERRILL, CORA M., d. 6/22/1976, Age 93y, Section: C, Lot: 329, Grave: 6, Arteriosclerotic heart disease
MERRILL, ELIZABETH, d. 9/4/1887, Section: C, Lot: 329, Grave: 2, monument, w/o Jay G
MERRILL, EUNICE, d. 7/3/1856, Age 53y4m, Section: J, Lot: 799, Grave: 2, w/o Guy C, 53y 4m
MERRILL, GUY C., d. 6/6/1872, Section: J, Lot: 799, Grave: 1
MERRILL, HENRY J., d. 8/18/1924, Age 79y, Mitral Insufficiency
MERRILL, JAY C.(G), d. 6/19/1897, Section: C, Lot: 329, Grave: 3, monument
MERRILL, JAY, JR., d. 8/14/1882, Section: C, Lot: 329, Grave: 1, monument, s/o HJ
MERRILL, JENNIE M., d. 1938, Age 79y4m23d, Section: C, Lot: 315, Grave: 1, Chronic Myocarditis
MERRITT, CHARLES, Section: F, Lot: 57, Grave: 2
MERRITT, MARY, Section: F, Lot: 57, Grave: 3
MERRITT, RUTH, d. 5/2/1844, Age 64y16d, Section: K, Lot: 861, Grave: 1, w/o Peter, 64y 16d
MERRIWETHERS, DONALD, d. 12/30/1932, Age 1y7m19d, Grave: 451, Bronchial Pneumonia, LOT OR GRAVE 451
MERTEN, LAVERNE, d. 1/23/1984, Age 76y, Section: J, Lot: 714, Grave: S-577
MERTEN, MAURICE R., d. 12/13/1978, Section: J, Lot: 714, Grave: S-578
MESLIN, JOYCE (MRS), d. 9/2/1930, Section: K, Lot: 716, Grave: 313, Pulmonary Tuberculosis
METESKA, ROBERT, d. 1/10/1924, Age 2y10m19d, Membranous Croup, REMOVAL
MEVILLE, GERALDINE, d. 9/1/1932, Section: H, Lot: 518, Grave: 178, SINGLE GRAVE
MILLARD, SIBYL ANN, d. 7/2/1868, Age 32y7m7d, Section: K, Lot: 819, Grave: 1, 32y 7m 7d
MILLBACK, PAUL, d. 8/11/1943, Age 70y, Section: E, Lot: 48, Grave: 1, father
MILLBECK, RICHARD L., d. 10/21/1944, Age 19y6m, Section: F, Lot: 48, Grave: 4, WW II Repratation
MILLER, ALICE (SEE NOTE), d. 5/26/1928, Section: H, Lot: 518, Grave: 5-188, SINGLE GRAVE
MILLER, ANDREW, d. 1/27/1938, Age 57y6m26d, Section: K, Lot: 677, Grave: 6, Tubercular pericarditis
MILLER, ARTHUR (ART), d. 1936, Age 71y, Section: B, Lot: 413, Grave: 1, Acute dilitation of heart, father
MILLER, BABY, Lot: 287, stillborn
MILLER, BELLE E., d. 7/15/1928, Age 48y, Chronic Myocarditis
MILLER, DAISY, d. 5/7/1958, Age 74y, Section: C, Lot: 291, Grave: 4, Pulmonary embolism, mother
MILLER, EARL T., d. 8/21/1977, Age 92y, Section: E/F, Lot: 66, Grave: 2, Old age, husband
MILLER, ELIZABETH, d. 3/10/1905, Section: F, Lot: 103, Grave: 1, Information provided by Jim Heidt, 3/8/12, 248-376-0113
MILLER, ELSIE, d. 9/3/1942, Section: I, Lot: 622, Grave: 4-768, aunt & mother
MILLER, GEORGE P., d. 1/23/1847, Age 5y3m, Section: K, Lot: 872, double stone, their son, 5y 3m
MILLER, HARRIET, d. 6/6/1847, Age 33y11m6d, Section: K, Lot: 872, Grave: 3, double stone, w/o Peter G, 33y 11m 6d
MILLER, HENRY, d. 6/11/1931, Grave: 382, LOT OR GRAVE 382
MILLER, HOWARD, d. 6/1/1940, Lot: 194, Grave: ?
MILLER, IRENE G., d. 11/3/1978, Section: B, Lot: 413, daughter
MILLER, ISABEL, d. 1927?, Section: F, Lot: 103, Grave: 2
MILLER, JANE HAMMOND, d. 1896, Section: F, Lot: 103, Grave: 7, Madison/Hammond monument (Information provided by Jim Heidt, 3/8/12, 248-376-0113)
MILLER, JOHN WILLIAM, d. 11/23/1964, Age 57y, Section: J, Lot: 687, Grave: 2, Myocardial Infarction
MILLER, LAWRENCE R., d. 1938, Age 4y, Section: B, Lot: 413, Lobar pneumonia
MILLER, LILLIAN (LILLIE), d. 2/14/1957, Age 66y, Section: E/F, Lot: 66, Grave: 8, Cardio vascular renal disease, wife
MILLER, LILLIAN E., d. 3/21/1957, Section: B, Lot: 413, Grave: 3, mother
MILLER, MABEL R., d. 9/14/1985, Age 96y, Section: I, Lot: 608, Grave: 8, Cardiac arrest
MILLER, MARJORIE, d. 3/3/1989, Section: J, Lot: 687, Grave: 1
MILLS, BERNITA (MRS), d. 2/15/1936, Age 18y, Section: I, Lot: 620, Grave: 2-619, Puerperal septicemia, POTTER'S FIELD
MINER, GERALDINE ANN, d. 2/20/1940, Age 2m, Section: K, Lot: 697, Grave: 736, lobar pneumonia
MINOR, ELLA SUE, d. 12/8/1942, Age 2m, Section: I, Lot: 607, Grave: 11-704, pertussis
MINOR, FREDERICK ALLEN, d. 8/11/1944, Age 2m, Lot: 788, infectious diarrhea, SINGLE GRAVE
MINOR, RICHARD CALVIN, d. 1/15/1932, Age 1m, Grave: 418, Bronchial Pneumonia, LOT OR GRAVE 418
MITCHELL, CAROLINE, d. 9/8/1917, Age 2m, Cholera Infantum
MITCHELL, CHARLES A., d. 1916, Age 59y3m14d, Section: D, Lot: 271, Grave: 1, Metrol insufficiency, in his 59th y, father
MITCHELL, DALLAS, d. 1/7/1940, Age 17y, Section: K, Lot: 678 or 679, Grave: 731, diabetes melitus, Son, LOT OR GRAVE 731
MITCHELL, DOLLIE MAE, d. 3/28/1933, Age 7y2m3d, Grave: 462, Miliary TB, LOT OR GRAVE 462
MITCHELL, ELSIE, d. 2/17/1931, Age 79y, Chronic Pevicarditis (Nephritis)
MITCHELL, FANNIE CONNOR, d. 1908, Section: D, Lot: 271
MITCHELL, GERALD D., d. 9/24/1917, Age 3d, Section: J, Lot: 686, Grave: 4, premature birth, Baby Gerald, s/o Mr. & Mrs. H. L.
MITCHELL, ROBERT, d. 4/20/1934, Age 40y, Grave: 526, Uremia, LOT OR GRAVE 526
MITCHELL, WILLIE, d. 12/21/1929, Age 2y7m26d, Grave: 264, Meningococcic meningitis, LOT OR GRAVE 264
MITCHNER, ANNA J., d. 1/24/1939, Age 2m3d, Section: K, Lot: 716, Grave: 713, Congestive heart disease
MIXON, MAY, d. 7/9/1929, Age 44y, Carcinoma of cervix
MOBLEY, CATHERINE, d. 4/14/1895, Section: C, Lot: 157, Grave: 3
MOBLEY, GEORGE, d. 12/30/1891, Section: C, Lot: 157, Grave: 5
MOBLEY, OLIVE M., d. 3/14/1927, Age 62y9d, Cerebral hemorrhage
MOBLEY, WILLIAM, d. 10/4/1933, Age 63y, Cerebral hemorrhage
MOLITOR, DOROTHY MAY, d. 2/9/1933, Age 4y11m10d, Section: K, Lot: 696, Grave: 456, Osteogenic cycoma of right pelvis
MOLNAR, EDWARD, d. 11/6/1928, Age 7m, Grave: 215, Cholera Infantum, LOT OR GRAVE 215
MONFORT, MARIA, d. 1/11/1929, Age 96y, Lobar pneumonia
MOODY, EMMA, d. 7/2/1933, Age 42y8m23d, Grave: 477, Intestinal Ileus, LOT OR GRAVE 477
MOONEY, NICHOLAS, d. 1947, Section: F, Lot: 57, Grave: 1, Bronchial Pneumonia
MOORE, BABY, d. 3/6/1926, Section: D, Lot: 453, Grave: 14-87, premature birth
MOORE, BELLE S., d. 5/2/1966, Age 74y, Section: D, Lot: 289, Grave: 4, Coronary thrombosis, double stone w/Herbert, mother
MOORE, CHARLES C., Section: E, Lot: 37, Grave: 2, double stone,
MOORE, HERBERT J., d. 1988, Section: D, Lot: 289, double stone w/Belle, father
MOORE, JANE ELIZA, d. 10/4/1874, Section: I, Lot: 650, Grave: 2, monument, his wife
MOORE, JOHN J., d. 5/14/1915, Section: I, Lot: 650, Grave: 1, monument
MOORE, JOLLY, d. 4/13/1934, Age 40y4m9d, Grave: 525, Lobar pneumonia, LOT OR GRAVE 525
MOORE, MARTHA, d. 2/13/1896, Age 25y9m11d, Section: E, Lot: 37, Grave: 1, double stone, his wife, 25y 9m 11d
MOORE, PRESTON, d. 2/21/1936, Age 12y3m27d, Section: I, Lot: 620, Grave: 3-620, Pulmonary TB
MOORE, WARD ROBERTS, d. 11/19/1932, Age 10m, Grave: 444, bronchial cold, LOT OR GRAVE 444
MOOSEIAM, OLLIE, d. 2/19/1938, Age 36y11m4d, Section: I, Lot: 605, Grave: 8-673, pulmonary tuberculosis
MOREL, BARBARA, d. 1938, Age 77y, Section: F, Lot: 8, Grave: 2, Apoplexy & Arterial sclerosis, mother
MOREL, CATHERINE, d. 1907, Section: F, Lot: 8, MONUMENT
MOREL, FRED G., d. 1935, Age 83y, Section: F, Lot: 8, Grave: 1, bronchial asthma & hypostatic pneumonia, father
MOREL, FREDERICK, d. 1883, Section: F, Lot: 8, MONUMENT
MOREL, GEORGE T., d. 1947, Age 47y, Section: F, Lot: 8, Grave: 3
MORELL, HELEN CAUFIELD, d. 12/2/1927, Age 11y, Section: H, Lot: 549, Grave: 5, Dropsy, double stone w/John Jr.
MORGAN, A, Section: K, Lot: 905, my father, SE Betts
MORGAN, B, Section: K, Lot: 905, my mother, SE Betts
MORGAN, CHARLES, d. 8/29/1862, Age 23y2m11d, Section: K, Lot: 905, Grave: 4, 23y 2m 11d, (Co. I 3 Mich Inf)
MORGAN, CHESTER, d. 11/4/1842, Age 35y4m12d, Section: K, Lot: 905, Grave: 2, monument, 35y 4m 12d
MORGAN, EVANS WILLIAM SR (REV.), d. 12/22/1997, Section: B, Lot: 420, Grave: 2, Malignant Ventricular Arrhythmia, double stone w Rev. Gladys E Morgan, BURIED DECEMBER 22, 1997
MORGAN, FRANK (FRANCIS G.), d. 12/ 2/1864, Age 27y8m5d, Section: K, Lot: 905, Grave: 3, 27y 8m 5d, (6 Mich Cav)
MORGAN, GLADYS (REV.), d. 1/4/1985, Age 64y, Section: B, Lot: 420, Grave: 1, Cardiopulmonary Arrest, double stone w/Rev. Evans W., BURIED JANUARY 4, 1985
MORGAN, SARAH, d. 1/22/1849, Age 33y7d, Section: K, Lot: 905, Grave: 1, w/o Chester, 33y 7d
MORGAN, WILLIAM HAROLD JR, d. 3/28/2002, Section: J, Lot: 762, Grave: 541, SINGLE GRAVE - buried April 2, 2002
MORGAN, WILLIAM HARRISON, d. 1/7/1916, Age 1m17d, Coma following convulsion of gastric intestinal origin
MORITZ, BABY, d. 9/6/1923
MORITZ, BABY, d. 9/8/1917, Toxemia at birth
MORITZ, CAROLINE, d. 1928, Age 67y, Section: A, Lot: 406, Grave: 1, Apoplexy
MORITZ, FREDERICK, d. 1/20/1912, Section: A, Lot: 406, Grave: 2, monument, father
MORITZ, LENA C., d. 1/13/1928, Section: A, Lot: 406, Grave: 3, monument, his wife
MORITZ, LOUISA (LOUISE), d. 11/21/1948, Age 65y, Section: A, Lot: 406, Grave: 5, Acute congestive cardiac failure
MORITZ, MINNIE, d. 4/18/1970, Age 85y, Section: A, Lot: 406, Grave: 8, Acute intestinal obstruction
MORITZ, MOTHER, Section: A, Lot: 406, questionable
MOROSE, ANN(A) MARY, d. 1939, Age 60y, Section: F, Lot: 65, Grave: 1, diabetes, mother
MOROSKI, FLORENCE, d. 11/29/1916, Age 2y, pneumonia
MOROSS, ANN(A) MARY, d. 1939, Age 60y, Section: F, Lot: 65, Grave: 1, diabetes, mother
MORRIS, FRANCES LOUISE, d. 3/23/2004, Section: D, Lot: 307, Grave: 2, Gliblastoma Multiforme, Buried March 24, 2004
MORRIS, FRANKLIN L, d. 12/26/2005, Section: D, Lot: 307, Grave: 1, natural causes, Buried January 4, 2006
MORRIS, JOSEPH, d. 1/3/1956, Age 73y, Section: I, Lot: 636, Grave: 5, pulmonary tuberculosis, SINGLE GRAVE
MORRISON, LOIS I., d. 1931, Section: H, Lot: 538, Grave: 1
MORRISON, MAGGIE, d. 8/22/1937, Grave: 655, stillborn, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 655
MORRISON, MAYME I., d. 6/28/1990, Age 97y, Section: F, Lot: 97, Alzheimer Disease
MORRISON, MAYME I., Section: H, Lot: 538, double stone
MORRISON, PETER J., d. 3/23/1973, Age 73y, Section: H, Lot: 538, Grave: 2, transitional cell carcinoma of bladder (urinary), double stone.
MORRISON, THOMAS, d. 6/23/1927, Age 4hrs, Grave: 141, Hydro-cephalus, LOT OR GRAVE 141
MORSE, EUNICE, d. 12/13/1873, Age 64y23d, Section: K, Lot: 971, Grave: 1, w/o George P, 64y 23d
MORSE, GEORGE, d. 3/19/1836, Age 37y10m, Section: K, Lot: 971, Grave: 2, 37y 10m
MORSE, LEWIS, d. 4/9/1897, Section: K, Lot: 971, Grave: 3
MORSE, LUCY, d. 2/20/1930, Age 78y, Gastric Carcinoma, BURIAL AT TRENTON MICHIGAN
MOSS, INFANT, d. 7/8/1926, Grave: 109, stillborn, LOT OR GRAVE 109
MOST, CHARLES, d. 2/2/1951, Section: D, Lot: 299, Grave: 1, Cerebral hemorrhage
MOST, CORA, d. 4/1/1970, Age 79y, Section: K, Lot: 873, Grave: 4, Acute myocardial infarction
MOST, EDWARD, d. 6/16/1953, Age 65y, Section: D, Lot: 299, Grave: 2, Coronary occlusion
MOST, JOHN C., d. 11/28/1965, Age 87y, Section: K, Lot: 874, Grave: 3, Fracture - left femure
MOST, JOHN, d. 1953, Section: D, Lot: 299, Grave: 2
MOST, LOUISE, d. 8/28/1931, Age 79y, Section: D, Lot: 299, Grave: 1, Chronic valvular heart disease
MOST, NELSON, d. 6/7/1962, Age 73y, Section: K, Lot: 874, Grave: 2, Renal insufficiency-uremia
MOTT, EMILY A., d. 5/2/1916, Age 74y3m18d, Dilatation of heart
MOW, ANNA, d. 10/9/1954, Age 82y, Section: B, Lot: 431, Grave: 3, Coronary embolism
MOW, CAROLINE, d. 1930, Age 78y, Section: D, Lot: 274, Grave: 5, Acute open corditis-arterialsclerosis, monument
MOW, EMMA, d. 5/14/1874, Section: D, Lot: 274, Grave: 2, monument, children of Joseph & Caroline
MOW, FRED, d. 2/12/1952, Age 72y, Section: B, Lot: 431, Grave: 2, Mitral stenosis
MOW, HENRY, d. 3/11/1903, Section: D, Lot: 274, Grave: 4, monument, children of Joseph & Caroline
MOW, IDA, d. 10/25/1901, Section: D, Lot: 274, Grave: 1, Ida Mow Haack, w/o Fred
MOW, IRENE F. HANES, d. 3/28/2000, Section: B, Lot: 431, Grave: 5, double stone w/William Hanes, Buried April 10, 2000
MOW, JOSEPH, d. 8/12/1923, Age 78y, Section: D, Lot: 274, Grave: 7, Gastric Carcinoma, monument
MOW, MARTHA, d. 10/16/1891, Section: D, Lot: 274, Grave: 3, monument, children of Joseph & Caroline
MOW, SOPHIA, d. 1935, Age 55y, Section: D, Lot: 227, Grave: 4, Acute cardiac decompensation
MOWITT, INFANT, d. 1/14/1929, stillborn
MOYER, ALICE LILA MAY, d. 3/25/1924, Age 11m, Broncho pneumonia
MUHME, AUGUST, d. 1916, Section: B, Lot: 432, Grave: 1
MUHME, MARY, d. 1931, Age 85y, Section: B, Lot: 432, Grave: 2, Chronic Myocarditis, monument
MULLER, ADOLPH, d. 1936, Section: C, Lot: 158, Grave: 6, father
MULLER, AGNES, d. 1938, Age 75y, Section: C, Lot: 158, Grave: 2, Apoplexy
MULLER, FREDERICK A., d. 1936, Age 32y, Section: C, Lot: 158, Grave: 1, Alcoholic Cirrhosis of liver
MUNSEY, ANN (HALL), d. 3/4/1971, Age 86y, Section: H, Lot: 570, Grave: 3, Arteriosclerosis heart disease, DOUBLE STONE
MUNSEY, GEORGE, d. 9/10/1952, Age 78y, Section: H, Lot: 570, Grave: 2, Chronic Subdural Hematoma, monument
MURPHY, FRANK, d. 11/23/1943, Age 64y, Grave: 983, fractured skull, SINGLE GRAVE, LOT OR GRAVE 983
MURRAY, ADA, d. 12/17/1939, Age 63y, Grave: 163, Carcinoma of cervix, LOT OR GRAVE 163----REMOVAL
MURRAY, JAMES, Section: J, Large boulder w/plaques "In memory of our soldiers, by RO Memorial Society"
MURRY, OBEDIAH, d. 5/24/1860, Age 76y1m24d, Section: F, Lot: 102, Grave: 1, 76y 1m 24d
MURTOVARN, OLIVE MARY LOUISE, d. 6/21/1926, Age 4y, Grave: 107, Tubercular meningitis, LOT OR GRAVE 107
MUSSEN, INFANT, d. 12/23/1933, stillborn
MUXON, MARY, d. 7/11/1929, Section: K, Lot: 716, Grave: 242
MYERS, BERTHA, d. 8/20/1900, Section: E, Lot: 79, Grave: 2, w/o William
MYERS, EARL W., d. 1/31/1969, Age 62y, Section: J, Lot: 762, Grave: S-538, Acute myocarditis infarction, father
MYERS, GRACE R., d. 11/10/1965, Age 79y, Section: J, Lot: 763, Grave: 523, Coronary occlusion, wife
MYERS, HERMAN, d. 8/19/1966, Section: J, Lot: 763, Grave: 524, Arteriosclerotic heart disease
MYERS, NORA, d. 4/18/2005, Age 95y, Section: J, Lot: 762, Grave: S-537, mother, CARD SAY NORMA 1909 - ?
MYERS, RONALD, d. 1937 (?), Age 1y6m19d, Section: E, Lot: 79, Grave: 1, Bronchio pneumonia, baby
MYERS, VERNON E., d. 1928-, Section: J, Lot: 762, SON
NALE, EVA ARVILLA, d. 1/22/1923, Age 79y, uremia
NALE, Mrs. D.C., d. 1923, Section: E, Lot: 122, d/o Rev. S. Finn
NANCEKIVELL, GORDON MORRIS, d. 2/7/1985, Age 84y, Section: I, Lot: 640, Grave: 4, Carcinoma of abdomen, double stone, BURIED FEBRUARY 11, 1985
NANCEKIVELL, JENNIE EVALYN, d. 1/30/1986, Age 85y, Section: I, Lot: 640, Grave: 5, double stone, obituary available on card
NEAL, JOHN, d. 7/1/1935, Grave: 591, TB, LOT OR GRAVE 591
NEFF, BABY of WILLIAM & KATE, Section: E, Lot: 21, Grave: 4
NEFF, BABY of WILLIAM & KATE, Section: E, Lot: 21, Grave: 5
NEFF, CHRISTOPHER G., d. 7/12/1930, Age 74y8m25d, Chronic myocarditis
NEFF, EARL C., d. 8/22/1970, Age 74y, Section: E, Lot: 21, Grave: 1, Cardiac Arest, s/o Wm & Kate
NEFF, ELMER, d. 2/22/1899, Section: E, Lot: 21, s/o Wm & Kate
NEFF, GEORGE FREDERICK, d. 2/20/1929, Age 30y2m11d, Section: E, Lot: 21, Grave: 2, Spinal cord lumer, s/o Wm & Kate
NEFF, GILBERT, d. 7/12/1930, Section: E, Lot: 22, h/o Orinda
NEFF, HENRY ALEXANDER, d. 1/12/1927, Age 60y, Grave: 135, Organic heart disease, LOT OR GRAVE 135
NEFF, KATHERINE, d. 12/30/1955, Age 88y, Section: E, Lot: 21, Grave: 3, Cerebral vascular disease, w/o William
NEFF, MARY, d. 7/28/1908, Section: E, Lot: 22, Grave: 5, monument
NEFF, NELLIE, d. 11/14/1882, Section: E, Lot: 22, Grave: 2, monument
NEFF, NORMAN WILLIAM, d. 7/2/1924, Age 35y, Section: E, Lot: 21, Grave: 6, general tranition, s/o Wm & Kate
NEFF, ORINDA, d. 8/25/1908, Section: E, Lot: 22, Grave: 1, w/o Gilbert
NEFF, RALPH, d. 1/26/1904, Section: E, Lot: 21, baby of Wm. & Kate
NEFF, ROSA, d. 8/19/1899, Section: E, Lot: 22, monument
NEFF, SYLVESTER, d. 11/20/1948, Age 88y, Section: E, Lot: 22, Grave: 4, heart disease, s/o Mary
NEFF, WILLLIAM, d. 1923, Age 61y, Section: E, Lot: 21, Grave: 2, pulmnary edema, h/o Kate
NEGUS, ELIZABETH, d. 1/23/1895, Section: C, Lot: 275, Grave: 1, monument, w/o Joel
NEGUS, JOEL, d. 7/8/1893, Section: C, Lot: 275, Grave: 2, monument
NEITZEL, PAUL, d. 1927, Age 5d, Section: B, Lot: 423, Grave: 2-139, Patent foramen ovale
NEUGEBAUER, JULIUS, d. 9/18/1920, Section: A, Lot: 404, Grave: 1, monument
NEUGEBAUER, MARIA, d. 7/20/1931, Age 83y, Section: A, Lot: 404, Grave: 2, Cerebral hemorrhage, monument
NEUMANN, DOUGLAS B., d. 11/25/1987, Section: B, Lot: 429, Grave: 8
NEUMANN, GLORIA, d. 10/31/1988, Section: B, Lot: 429, Grave: 7
NEUSHALL, EDITH, d. 8/4/1917
NEUSIUS, CHARLOTTE FELKER, d. 4/30/1949, Age 85y, Section: E, Lot: 9, Grave: 3, Bronchio pneumonia
NEWALL, WILLIAM D., d. 11/15/1945, Age 77y, Lot: 606, Grave: ?, accident - fire
NEWELL, GEORGE, d. 7/11/1928, Age 61y, Grave: 193, fracture of skull - auto accident, LOT OR GRAVE 193
NEWELL, LYDIA W., d. 3/7/1936, Age 89y11m22d, Section: H, Lot: 506, Grave: 2, Arteriosclerosis
NEWELL, WILLIAM C., d. 1910, Section: H, Lot: 506, Grave: 1
NEWMAN, ALAN JAY, d. 7/16/1971, Age 75y, Section: B, Lot: 401, Grave: 6, Cerebral hemorrhage
NEWMAN, DOUGLAS B., d. 11/25/1987, Section: B, Lot: 429, Grave: 8
NEWMAN, GLORIA, d. 10/23/1988, Section: B, Lot: 429, Grave: 7
NEWMAN, J.A. (JAY A.), d. 1908, Section: B, Lot: 401, Grave: 1
NEWMAN, LOUISE LILLIAN, d. 11/22/1951, Age 76y, Section: B, Lot: 401, Grave: 7, Bronchio pneumonia
NEWMAN, ROBERT, d. 11/20/1973, Age 76y, Section: B, Lot: 401, Grave: 4
NEWSON, CARRIE, d. 9/16/1942, Lot: 701, Grave: 702, Cerebral hemorrhage, SINGLE GRAVE
NEWSON, VIRGIL, d. 5/28/1936, Age 60y, Section: I, Lot: 620, Grave: 7-628, pulmonary tuberculosis, POTTER'S FIELD
NEWTON, ANNIE S., d. 9/29/1863, Age 4y18d, Section: I, Lot: 628, Grave: 1, d/o W & E, 4y 18d
NEWTON, ANNIE, d. 6/5/1864, Age 66y5m28d, Section: I, Lot: 628, Grave: 3, w/o Isaac, 66y 5m 28d
NEWTON, GILBERT, d. 1908, Section: C, Lot: 241, Grave: 2, GAR
NEWTON, ISAAC, d. 11/5/1862, Age 68y2m28d, Section: I, Lot: 628, Grave: 2, 68y 2m 28d
NEWTON, MARY E., d. 4/ 6/1888, Age 72y4m10d, Section: C, Lot: 241, Grave: 3, 72Y 4M 10D
NEWTON, MILDRED, d. 1908, Section: C, Lot: 241, Grave: 1
NICHOLAS, ETHEL M., d. 5/24/1969, Age 78y, Section: K, Lot: 694, Grave: 2, Coronary occlusion
NICHOLAS, FRANCES (MRS JESSE), d. 12/17/1966, Age 78y, Section: K, Lot: 693, Grave: 7, Pulmonary embolism, double stone w/Jesse, mother
NICHOLAS, FRANK H., d. 12/10/1923, Age 7y, fractured skull, REMOVAL
NICHOLAS, HARRY C., d. 7/13/1965, Age 76y, Section: K, Lot: 694, Grave: 3, Coronary thrombosis
NICHOLAS, HAZEL L., d. 5/31/1919, Section: K, Lot: 693, Grave: 1, baby
NICHOLAS, JESSE J., d. 11/8/1969, Age 77y, Section: K, Lot: 693, Grave: 6, Pulmonary embolism, double stone w/Frances, father
NICHOLS, ANNA, d. 8/5/1930, Age 57y, gastric carcinoma
NICHOLSON, ANN, d. 1890, Section: E, Lot: 144, GOODWIN MONUMENT
NICKELL, BABY, d. 1/25/1926, Grave: 78, Congenital heart disease, LOT OR GRAVE 78
NICKELL, WINIFRED EDNA, d. 8/19/1926, Age 3y, Grave: 112, Pericarditic stroke, LOT OR GRAVE 112
NIELSON, ANTHONY, d. 7/23/1928, Age 37y, Grave: 196, Suicide - knocking head against wall, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 196
NIEMAN, FREDERICK, d. 8/31/1949, Age 86y, Section: B, Lot: 430, Grave: 8, Cerebral hemorrhage, triple stone, father
NIEMANN, BABY (HELLEN), d. 1908, Section: B, Lot: 430, Grave: 1, triple stone, daughter
NIEMANN, CATHERINE, d. 6/28/1924, Section: B, Lot: 430, triple stone, mother
NIEMANN, CHRISTENIA, d. 1924, Age 54y, Section: B, Lot: 430, Grave: 2
NIEMANN, FRIEDRICH, d. 8/31/1949, Age 86y, Section: B, Lot: 430, Grave: 8, Cerebral hemorrhage, triple stone, father
NIEMANN, HELLEN, d. 7/31/1908, Section: B, Lot: 430, Grave: 1, triple stone, daughter
NIES, HARRY J., d. 10/16/1927, Age 39y, Apoplexy
NIXON, DAISY EDITH, d. 1984, Section: G, Lot: 503, Grave: 4
NIXON, FRED, d. 5/25/1950, Age 72y, Section: C, Lot: 353, Grave: 2, Lympho-sarcoma generalized
NIXON, GEORGE, d. 1905, Section: G, Lot: 503, Grave: 1
NIXON, JAMES S., d. 10/9/1858, Age 1y2m17d, Section: G, Lot: 503, Grave: 2, s/o E & MA, 1y 2m 17d
NIXON, JESSIE MAY, d. 7/13/1961, Age 81y, Section: C, Lot: 353, Grave: 1, Basilar Artery Thrombosis
NORMAN, ANNA CAROLINE, d. 11/4/1957, Age 64y, Section: A, Lot: 409, Grave: 4, coronary thrombosis & myocardial infarction, Gebhardt monument
NORMAN, LOUIS, d. 6/29/1985, Section: A, Lot: 409, Grave: 5, Gebhardt monument
NORRIS, CARRIE M., d. 10/8/1859, Age 26y10m1d, Section: J, Lot: 771, double stone, his wife, 26y 10m 1d
NORRIS, CORA M., d. 12/23/1879, Age 4m7d, Section: J, Lot: 771, d/o LH & Carrie M, 4m 7d
NORRIS, EVY J., d. 4/19/1868, Age 11y11m, Section: H, Lot: 547, Grave: 1, d/o J & SL, 11y 11m
NORRIS, JOHN, Section: H, Lot: 547, Grave: 3
NORRIS, L.H., d. 4/1/1859, Age 39y9m22d, Section: J, Lot: 771, Grave: 1, double stone, 39y 9m 22d
NORRIS, ROSWELL, d. 3/4/1942, Age 83y, Section: H, Lot: 547, Grave: 4
NORRIS, SUSAN L., d. 3/26/1900, Section: H, Lot: 547, Grave: 2, monument, mother
NORTON, CHARLES, d. 11/28/1868, Age 26y10d, Section: H, Lot: 540, Grave: 1, 26y 10d
NORTON, FLORENCE E., d. 9/22/1975, Age 96y, Section: G, Lot: 491, Grave: 4, Cardiac arrest, wife & mother
NORTON, JOHN L., d. 8/17/1928, Age 52y, Section: G, Lot: 491, Grave: 1 OR 3, carcinoma of lung, Co. L. 1 VT Inf. Sp. Am. War
NOWLAND, GLORIA, d. 5/9/1937, Age 23y, Grave: ?, Miliary Tuberculosis, POTTER'S FIELD
NOYES, LUCIA, d. 12/18/1893, Section: E/F, Lot: 117, Grave: 3, monument, his wife
NOYES, OSCAR, d. 1878, Section: E, Lot: 117(143)(43), Grave: 1
NOYES, SAMUEL, d. 1/18/1890, Section: E/F, Lot: 117, Grave: 4, monument
O'CONNOR, ADA, d. 1/13/1930, Age 69y, Section: K, Lot: 716, Grave: 268, Apoplexy
O'CONNOR, BABY, d. 7/17/1931, Grave: 388, premature birth, LOT OR GRAVE 388
O'DELL, CHARLES, d. 8/25/1930, Age 8m10d, Grave: 310, malnutrition, LOT OR GRAVE 310
O'DELL, INFANT, d. 1928, Section: C, Lot: 287, Grave: 181, premature birth
O'DELL, MARY, Section: J, Lot: 710, Grave: 1, double stone
O'DELL, WILLIAM, d. 11/21/1889, Section: J, Lot: 710, Grave: 2, double stone
O'KEEFE, THOMAS P., d. 5/23/1959, Age 80y, Section: I, Lot: 635, Grave: Aisleway, peritonitis
OGILIVE, JEAN ELIZABETH, d. 2/14/1924, Age 2y, Grave: 39, Bronchio pneumonia, LOT OR GRAVE 39
OHEREM, BORIS, d. 12/28/1931, Age 1d, Grave: 413, Bronchio pneumonia, LOT OR GRAVE 413
OJA, OTTO, d. 5/26/1958, Age 48y, Grave: 189, Suicide by gas, Lot or grave 189
OLDHAM, HAROLD BENJAMIN III, d. 4/1/1998, Section: E, Lot: 26, Grave: 4, BURIED APRIL 15, 1998
OLDHAM, LORNA, d. 10/29/2007, Age 82y, Section: E, Lot: 26, Grave: 1, Parkinson's disease, BURIED NOVEMBER 2, 2007
ORELL, AUGUST, d. 1/7/1925, Age 50y6m22d, Duodenal Ulcer, REMOVAL
OSANDOWSKI, RICHARD, d. 12/6/1932, Age 10m, Grave: 445, malnutrition, LOT OR GRAVE 445
OSTERHOUT, FRANK, d. 5/6/1865, Age 5y2m1d, Section: K, Lot: 924, Grave: 1, s/o Horace & Exah, 5y 2m 1d
OTTO, OJA, d. 5/26/1928, Grave: 189, LOT OR GRAVE 189
OVAITT, BETSEY, d. 10/7/1848, Age 20y1m11d, Section: K, Lot: 825, Grave: 1, w/o Alex, 20y 1m 11d
OVERCASHIER, JOAN, d. 7/13/1933, Age 11d, Grave: 470, premature birth, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 470
OWEN, OLIVE, d. 4/5/1928, Age 24y, Grave: 185, Meningitis, LOT OR GRAVE 185
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