Search Michigan Death Records
Michigan Newspapers, Full Search (1817-2018), 293 titles
Michigan Obituary Search, (1869-current)
Michigan Birth Records Database, (1817-1999)
Royal Oak Cemetery
Royal Oak, Oakland County, Michigan
GPS: 42.503227, -83.144169
1600 Rochester Road
Royal Oak MI 48067
Published: October 12, 2016
Total records:
Surnames U-Z
Records published here were acquired from the Royal Oak Public Library. These records were transcribed from volunteers from handwritten books and cards, as well as information obtained from the local genealogical society. Note: these records include only Royal Oak Cemetery. For St. Mary's Cemetery, click here.
UBONE, BABY, d. 2/5/1930, Grave: 274, stillborn, LOT OR GRAVE 274
ULRICK, BABY, d. 1924, Grave: 35, stillborn, TOWNSHIP CEMETERY, LOT OR GRAVE 35
ULRICK, BABY, d. 7/10/1918, stillborn
UPTEGROVE, ELLEN, d. 3/19/1928, Age 77y, Section: H, Lot: 518, Senility
URTEL, AUGUST, d. 9/18/1931, Section: I, Lot: near 603, Grave: 401, pernicious anemia, father
VACHON, JOSEPH PATRICK, d. 2/15/1929, Grave: 160, stillborn, LOT OR GRAVE 160
VAIPON, ROBERT JEROME, d. 1/6/1933, Age 18d, premature birth
VALENCICH, HENRY, d. 5/18/1924, Age 7m, Section: A, Lot: 450, Grave: 5-16, Improper feeding
VAN DECAR, FLORENCE E., d. 10/13/1960, Age 87y, Section: H, Lot: 537, Grave: 1, Acute myocarditis, double stone w/Harry
VAN DECAR, HARRY, d. 4/27/1950, Age 60y, Section: H, Lot: 537, Grave: 2, Intracranial pressure, double stoine w/Elizabeth, Cremated at White Chapel 5/1/50-ashes interred 5/12/50
VAN DER MEER, THERESA, d. 1943, Age 57y, Section: D, Lot: 374, Grave: 1, Cerebral hemorrhage
VAN ETTER, EMILIE, d. 4/2/1911, Section: G, Lot: 466, Grave: 1
VAN FLEET, AMELIA, d. 5/25/1858, Age 14y, Section: K, Lot: 758, Grave: 2, d/o of F & SA, 14y
VAN FLEET, FREDRICK, Section: K, Lot: 758, Grave: 5
VAN FLEET, MARY Q., d. 9/30/1852, Age 2y2m16d, Section: K, Lot: 758, Grave: 3, d/o Frederick & SA, 2y 2m 16d
VAN FLEET, SARAH, d. 5/19/1852, Age 44y17d, Section: K, Lot: 758, Grave: 4, monument, w/o Frederick, 44y 17d
VAN FLEET, STEPHEN, d. 3/18/1860, Age 5y4m7d, Section: K, Lot: 758, Grave: 1, s/o F & SA, 5y 4m 7d
VAN VALKENBURG, CHARLES W., d. 1917, Age 74y, Section: C, Lot: 324, Grave: 3, Arteriosclerosis, monument
VAN VALKENBURG, FREDERICK, d. 8/23/1896, Section: C, Lot: 324, Grave: 1, monument
VAN VALKENBURG, IDA, d. 9/15/1891, Age 36y, Section: C, Lot: 324, Grave: 2, monument, his wife, 36y
VANARNAN, WILLIAM J., d. 10/24/1922, Age 74y, Chronic bronchitis
VANDERSTEEL, AMEAL, d. 10/26/1916, Age 4m, pneumonia
VANDERVOSCH, WILFRED, d. 4/25/1935, Age 34y9m21d, Lot: 124, Grave: 206, Intestinal obstruction
VANNETTER, EMILIE, d. 4/2/1911, Section: G, Lot: 466, Grave: 1
VASHAW, DOLPH, d. 11/11/1925, Age 2m, Grave: 72, Pneumonia - bronchial, LOT OR GRAVE 72
VASSALLO, BABY, d. 1/27/1932, Grave: 419, stillborn, LOT OR GRAVE 419
VELIER, LOUIS, d. 12/2/1926
VENDT, CHRISTOPHER, d. 1918, Age 76y, Section: D, Lot: 254, Grave: 4, Senility
VENDT, CLARA, d. 1907, Section: D, Lot: 254, Grave: 1, baby
VENDT, EDITH, Section: D, Lot: 254, Grave: 2
VENDT, EVELYN, Section: D, Lot: 254, Grave: 3
VINCENT, IDA ELIZABETH, d. 1927, Section: D, Lot: 371, Grave: 1, diabetic coma, mother
VINCENT, JACOB, d. 1919, Section: I, Lot: 625, Grave: 3
VINCENT, JAMES W., d. 1931, Age 55y, Section: D, Lot: 371, Grave: 2, following operation for perforated ulcer of stomach, father
VINCENT, JOSEPH, Section: I, Lot: 625
VINCENT, STELLA MAY, d. 1919, Section: I, Lot: 625, Grave: 4
VOLTZ, JAMES DEWEY, d. 7/9/1930, Age 3d, Grave: 304, Patent formamen ovale, LOT OR GRAVE 304
VUNDERINK, ANNA, d. 11/28/1964, Age 79y, Section: J, Lot: 736, Grave: 518, terminal bronchial pneumonia, double stone w/Fred
VUNDERINK, R. FRED, d. 2/19/1977, Age 96y, Section: J, Lot: 736, Grave: 1, cardio pulmonary arrest, double stone w/Anna
WAATI, DANIEL ROY, d. 6/14/1946, Age 21y, Section: K, Lot: 675, Grave: 6, Fractured skull, Mich. Water Tender 2 Cl. USNR
WAATTI, BRUCE, d. 7/1/1944, Age 4y, Section: K, Lot: 679, Grave: 7, Diphtheria
WAATTI, JOYCE, d. 4/19/1934, Age 1y, Grave: 523, Dysentery, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 523
WAATTI, RAYMOND W., d. 11/19/1950, Age 21y, Section: I, Lot: 637, Grave: 1, Cerebral hemorrhage, husband
WAATTI, STELLA, d. 4/16/1934, Age 2y, Grave: 522, Bacillary Dysentery, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 522
WACHTER, DELLA M., d. 2/23/1997, Section: E, Lot: 136, Grave: 4, BURIED 2/28/97
WACHTER, RAYMOND, d. 11/9/1971, Age 66y, Section: E, Lot: 136, Grave: 5, Coronary thrombosis
WADE, LILLIE A., d. 6/22/1955, Age 89y, Section: C, Lot: 286, Grave: 7, Cerebral sclerosis
WADE, MOLLIE (MRS), d. 10/12/1938, Age 40y, Section: I, Lot: 606, Grave: 10-704, Heart failure, puerperol sepsis, POTTER'S FIELD
WADE, THOMAS C., d. 1940, Age 71y, Section: C, Lot: 286, Grave: 4
WAGGNER, BABY, d. 2/10/1917, Failure of closure
WAGGONER, ADA, d. 8/16/1994, Section: I, Lot: 608, Grave: 10
WAGGONER, CLEMENT S., d. 1/20/1961, Age 69y, Section: I, Lot: 608, Grave: 7, triple stone
WAGGONER, DAVID GEORGE, d. 2/15/1915, Section: I, Lot: 608, Grave: 7, triple stone
WAGGONER, MABEL R., d. 1985, Section: I, Lot: 608, triple stone
WAGNER, EVA M., d. 4/23/1969, Age 76y, Section: I, Lot: 638, Grave: 3, Pulmonary embolism, double stone, wife & mother
WAGNER, HARRY, d. 5/31/2004, Section: I, Lot: 638, Grave: 9, Natural Causes, buried June 3, 2004
WAGNER, JOHN J., d. 6/8/1950, Age 5y, Section: I, Lot: 638, Grave: 5, TB Meningitis, son
WAGNER, WILLIAM JACKSON, d. 8/7/1973, Age 81y, Section: I, Lot: 638, Grave: 6, Coronary occlusion, double stone, husband & father
WAGONER, MINNIE, d. 11/5/1925, Age 82y8m8d, Myocarditis
WAHL, BERTA A., d. 11/28/1969, Age 82y, Section: C, Lot: 156, Grave: S8, Cancer of bowel, mother
WALDEN, MARGARET P., d. 1936, Age 37y, Section: F, Lot: 110, Grave: 2, Cerebral hemorrhage
WALITALO, BABY, d. 3/29/1937, Grave: 648, stillborn, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 648
WALKER, DOROTHY C., d. 11/8/1985, Age 77y, Section: G, Lot: 491, Grave: 2, Natural Causes, wife & mother, BURIED NOVEMBER 10, 1985
WALKER, FRANK, d. 1946, Age 75y, Section: E, Lot: 85, Grave: 4, Diabetic ulcer and arteriosclerosis diabetes
WALKER, JAMES R., d. 1/22/1959, Age 61y, Section: G, Lot: 491, Grave: 3 OR 1, Coronary heart, Mich. Pvt. Co. K 67 Inf. WW I
WALKER, JOAN, d. 6/6/1935, Grave: 590, stillborn, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 590
WALKER, JOHN, Section: E, Lot: 85, Grave: 1
WALLACE, JENNIE, d. 6/13/1933, Age 58y, Grave: 474, Acute cardiac failure, LOT OR GRAVE 474
WALLBAUM, RICHARD, Section: B, Lot: 430, Grave: 1
WALLICK, ETHEL MAY, d. 12/25/1929, stillborn
WALPER, JOHN T., Age 3m, Grave: 498, lobar pneumonia, LOT OR GRAVE 498
WALSER, MARIE R., d. 1/20/1974, Age 78y, Section: H, Lot: 566, Grave: 6, Carcinoma of breast, mother
WALSH, BABY BOY, d. 11/30/1936, Grave: 440, premature birth, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 440
WALSH, ROBERT M., d. 12/24/1930, Age 4y4m21d, Grave: 336, 2nd degree burns, LOT OR GRAVE 336
WALTER, EVA N. STARR, d. 1887, Section: C, Lot: 236, Grave: 1, Starr monument, w/o George B and d/o A & NP Starr
WALTON, JANE A., d. 6/16/1850, Age 20y3m8d, Section: K, Lot: 804, Grave: 3, w/o Nathan, 20y 3m 8d
WALTON, JANE, d. 9/23/1830, Age 3m10d, Section: K, Lot: 804, Grave: 1, d/o Nathan & Jane A, 3m 10d
WALTON, NATHAN, d. 8/26/1858, Age 32y7m, Section: K, Lot: 804, Grave: 2, 32y 7m
WARD, JAMES, d. 1904, Section: G, Lot: 503, Grave: 2, father
WARD, SUSAN H., d. 6/13/1946, Age 81y, Section: K, Lot: 675, Grave: 7, Cerebral hemorrhage, senility, arterioslcerosis, mother
WARD, WILLIAM, d. 11/21/1935, Age 74y, Section: H, Lot: 514, Grave: 1, father
WARNER, C.M., d. 8/17/1864, Section: C, Lot: 316, Grave: 5, monument
WARNER, ELIZA ZUNER, d. 1911, Section: C, Lot: 316, Grave: 3, monument, w/o Levi B
WARNER, LEVI B., d. 5/15/1888, Section: C, Lot: 316, Grave: 4, monument
WARNER, MARY A. BECK, d. 1921, Section: C, Lot: 316, Grave: 2, monument
WARREN, FRANK, d. 1/28/1935, Age 66y, Grave: 559, Chronic myocarditis, LOT OR GRAVE 559
WARREN, RAMONS (RAMONA), d. 11/1/1928, Age 3m, Section: D, Lot: 453, Grave: 4-213, Acute indigestion
WARRENER, JOHN, d. 1/7/1839, Age 48y9m, Section: K, Lot: 884, Grave: 3, 48y 9m
WARRENER, MARY, d. 2/14/1856, Section: K, Lot: 884, Grave: 2
WARRENER, SIMMONS, d. 8/2/1836, Age 5d, Section: K, Lot: 884, Grave: 1, 5d
WARRENER, WILLIAM, d. 2/14/1853, Age 24y3m14d, Section: K, Lot: 884, Grave: 4, 24y 3m 14d
WARRICK, ETHEL, d. 12/27/1929, Grave: 266, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 266
WARRINER, JOHN, d. 1/7/1839, Age 48y9m, Section: K, Lot: 884, 48y 9m
WARRINER, MARY, d. 2/14/1856, Section: K, Lot: 884
WARRINER, SIMMONS, d. 8/2/1836, Age 5d, Section: K, Lot: 884, 5d
WARRINER, WILLIAM, d. 2/14/1853, Age 24y3m14d, Section: K, Lot: 884, 24y 3m 14d
WARRINGTON, ELMER, d. 1936, Age 37y10m16d, Section: C, Lot: 192, Grave: 2, Status Epilepticus
WARRINGTON, HARRY, d. 1915, Age 6y9m3d, Section: C, Lot: 192, Grave: 1, lobar pneumonia
WARRINGTON, HENRY, d. 1936, Age 74y, Section: C, Lot: 192, Grave: 3, Arterioslcerosis
WASHINGTON, HENRY, d. 8/20/1901, Section: I, Lot: bet 616-633, monument
WASHINGTON, JOHN H., d. 11/20/1938, Age 50y, Section: I, Lot: 607, Grave: 8-709, Mitral stenosis & Cardiac decompensation
WASHINGTON, MINERVA E., d. 1935, Age 63y, Section: A, Lot: 433, Grave: 1, Carcinoma, mother
WASHINGTON, SUSAN T., d. 6/15/1874, Age 78y, Section: K, Lot: 745, Grave: 1, in her 78th y
WASHINGTON, WHEELER L., d. 1944, Age 80y, Section: A, Lot: 433, Grave: 2, Hypertension, father
WASSEL, BABY, d. 6/23/1917, Age 11d, Internal hemorrhage
WATCH, ALBERT W., d. 10/10/1974, Age 90y, Section: D, Lot: 374, Grave: 4, Generalized arteriosclerosis, double stone w/Margaret, (IOOF)
WATCH, ALBERT, d. 1940, Age 79y, Section: D, Lot: 222, Grave: 1, double stone w/Mary A., father
WATCH, DOROTHY FULTON, Section: D, Lot: 256, Grave: 4, double stone
WATCH, JOHN, d. 4/16/1899, Section: E, Lot: 116, Grave: 5, tree shaped monument
WATCH, JULIA, d. 1935, Age 73y, Section: D, Lot: 256, Grave: 2, Pulmonary tuberculosis-arteriosclerosis, mother
WATCH, LESLIE V., d. 10/19/1993, Age 78y, Section: D, Lot: 374, Grave: 3, Obituary on back of card
WATCH, MARGARET, d. 2/18/1975, Age 85y, Section: D, Lot: 374, Grave: 5, cerebral hemorrhage, double stone w/Albert W., (Rebekas)
WATCH, MARIE A., d. 9/20/1982, Age 67y, Section: D, Lot: 374, Grave: 3, Respiratory Arrest, BURIED SEPTEMBER 23, 1982, obituary on back of card
WATCH, MARTHA ANN, d. 11/14/1990, Section: D, Lot: 256, Grave: 5
WATCH, MARY ANN, d. 9/21/1949, Age 84y, Section: D, Lot: 222, Grave: 6, Arteriosclerotic heart disease, double stone w/Albert, mother
WATCH, OLIVER, d. 7/13/1888, Section: E, Lot: 116, Grave: 7, monument
WATCH, REBECCA JANE, d. 2/25/1903, Section: E, Lot: 116, Grave: 4, tree shaped monument, w/o J
WATCH, SARAH, d. 10/5/1870, Section: E, Lot: 116, Grave: 6, monument, w/o Oliver
WATCH, SPENCE J., d. 11/30/1975, Age 85y, Section: D, Lot: 256, Grave: 2, Cardiac arrhythmia, double stone
WATCH, WILLIAM, d. 1918, Age 56y, Section: D, Lot: 256, Grave: 1, cancer of liver, father
WATERBURY, DELORE, Section: K, Lot: 815, Grave: 1
WATKINS, ADDIE, d. 3/10/1931, Age 32y, Grave: 361, lobar pneumonia, LOT OR GRAVE 361
WATKINS, COLUMBUS, d. 3/9/1936, Age 19y, Section: I, Lot: 620, Grave: 4-621, tuberculosis, pertonitis, POTTER'S FIELD
WATTS, AGNES, d. 1955, Section: F, Lot: 152, mother
WATTS, CATHERINE, d. 1902, Section: G, Lot: 469, Grave: 2, monument
WATTS, CHARLES A., d. 3/24/1964, Section: G, Lot: 469, Grave: 7 OR 6, Mich. Pfc. Ordnance Dept WWI
WATTS, CHARLES, d. 11/18/1906, Age 75y, Section: F, Lot: 152, Grave: 2, Cerebral thrombosis, monument
WATTS, CLIFFORD D., d. 7/14/1962, Age 61y, Section: E/F, Lot: 54, Grave: 507 or 4, Esophogeal hemorrhage, father
WATTS, EDITH MARVIS, d. 1891, Section: G, Lot: 469, Grave: 3, monument
WATTS, GEORGE, d. 1891, Section: G, Lot: 469, Grave: 1, monument
WATTS, JOHN, d. 1/4/1917, Age 76y, Section: G, Lot: 477, Grave: 1, cerebral apoplexy
WATTS, MARY ANN, d. 1/9/1892, Section: F, Lot: 152, Grave: 3, monument, his wife
WATTS, PEARL, Section: E, Lot: 24, Grave: 5
WATTS, PHEBE, d. 2/5/1916, Section: E, Lot: 24, Grave: 4, monument, w/o Samuel
WATTS, ROBERT D., d. 1932, Age 59y, Section: F, Lot: 152, Grave: 1, cerebral hemorrhage, father
WATTS, RUBY, d. 1/7/1994, Section: F, Lot: 54, Grave: 6, mother
WATTS, SAMUEL, d. 2/31886, Section: E, Lot: 24, Grave: 6, monument
WATTS, SAMUEL, d. 9/27/1927, Age 71y, Section: E, Lot: 24, Grave: 2, Myocarditis, monument
WEADBROCK, FRED, d. 10/17/1931, Age 29y7m20d, syphilitic meningitis
WEADBROCK, VIOLA ERNESTINE, d. 11/4/1928, Age 6m, Broncho pneumonia
WEBSTER, VIRGINIA ALLISON, d. 8/5/1961, Age 62y, Section: I, Lot: 635, Grave: 5, Terminal septicemia; pancytopenia, mom, SINGLE GRAVE
WEEVER, MARGARET J., d. 12/25/1935, Age 66y6m15d, Section: G, Lot: 470, Grave: 7, Chronic myocarditis, McKinney monument
WEGMET, MARIE ANNA, d. 10/20/2015, Age 91y11m, Section: C, Lot: 323, Grave: 3, Lung cancer, double stone, BURIED OCTOBER 23, 2015
WEGMET, WALTER, d. 1/16/1989, Age 74y, Section: C, Lot: 323, Grave: 2, Cardiac Arrest, double stone, BURIED JANUARY 19, 1989
WELCH, CHARLES, d. 6/5/1935, Age 72y, Grave: 588, Cerebral hemorrhage, LOT OR GRAVE 588
WELCOME, CHARLES, d. 5/30/1925, Age 62y, Cerebral hemorrhage
WELLS, ALBERT CHARLES, d. 7/23/1935, Age 21y, Grave: 595, Subacute bacterial endocarditis, LOT OR GRAVE 595
WELLS, ALICE, d. 1865, Age 2y11d, Section: H, Lot: 509, Grave: 3, double stone, 2y 11d, children of JR & SA)
WELLS, ERASTUS, d. 10/24/1935, Age 83y, Section: I, Lot: 600, Grave: 1, Myocarditis - old age, POTTER'S FIELD
WELLS, FLORENCE S., d. 1/13/1959, Age 60y, Section: I, Lot: 600, Grave: 5, Acute myocardial infarction, double stone w/Willar, mother
WELLS, GERTRUDE MAY, d. 10/21/1953, Age 65y, Section: I, Lot: 609, Grave: 6, Mingringial hemmorhage
WELLS, HARRIET A., d. 2/9/1928, Age 75y, cerebral apoplexy
WELLS, J.R., d. 1899, Section: H, Lot: 509, Grave: 1
WELLS, JAY B., d. 9/2/1969, Age 87y, Section: I, Lot: 609, Grave: 4, dehydration inanition, Per Pam Potter incorrectly typed as May. Changed 12/03
WELLS, LUCINDA, d. 8/9/1844, Age 2y11d, Section: H, Lot: 509, Grave: 4, double stone, 2y 11d, children of JR & SA)
WELLS, MAMMIE LOCKMAN, d. 1933, Age 76y, Section: E, Lot: 45, Grave: 2, Chronic myocarditis-Arterial hypertensive, monument
WELLS, SIPHRONA A., d. 11/5/1863, Age 42y7m, Section: H, Lot: 509, Grave: 2, w/o JR, 42y 7m
WELLS, WILLARD H., d. 2/21/1976, Age 81y, Section: I, Lot: 600, Grave: 4, recurrent cerebrovascular accidents, double stone w/Florence, father
WELSH, STILLBORN, d. 8/13/1924, Grave: 24, stillborn, LOT OR GRAVE 24
WENDT, BABY, d. 4/30/1925, Age 5hrs, toxemia of mother
WENTLAND, CHARLES, d. 1943, Age 74y, Section: D, Lot: 223, Grave: 5, Coronary thrombosis, father
WENTLAND, YETTA, d. 1922, Age 60y, Section: D, Lot: 223, Grave: 4, Apoplexy, mother
WENTLANDT, FRANK, d. *, Section: J, Large boulder w/plaques "In memory of our soldiers, by RO Memorial Society"
WETHERBEE, BABY BOY, d. 11/2/1938, Section: K, Lot: 716, Grave: 708, stillborn
WHEELER, BABY, d. 8/28/1930, Section: K, Lot: 694 1/2, Grave: 312, stillborn
WHEELER, BETTY L., d. 4/1/1939, Age 7y, Section: K, Lot: 716, Grave: 726, Broncho pneumonia
WHEELER, EDWARD G., d. 4/8/1845, Age 11y4m26d, Section: K, Lot: 943, Grave: 1, s/o Oliver & Harriet, 11y 4m 26d
WHEELER, ELIZABETH, d. 12/22/1927, Age 60y, Section: B, Lot: 449, Grave: 1-168, chronic nephritis
WHEELER, EMMA, d. 1931, Age 77y, Section: C, Lot: 245, Grave: 7, fractured hip, pneumonia, decompensated heart, mother
WHEELER, HARIETT, Section: C, Lot: 245, Grave: 4
WHEELER, HARRIS, d. 2/29/1846, Section: K, Lot: 822, Grave: 1, s/o Harvey G & Margaret B
WHEELER, HENRY, d. 1921, Age 76y, Section: C, Lot: 245, Grave: 6, apoplexy, father
WHEELER, JAMES, d. 10/20/1938, Age 51y, Section: I, Lot: 607, Grave: 10-705, Pulmonary TB
WHEELER, MABEL KATHLEEN, d. 4/10/1961, Age 67y, Section: I, Lot: 623, Grave: 7, Fibilation and cerebral embolism, mother
WHEELER, MARIE BAKER, d. 2/6/1904, Age 27y, Section: C, Lot: 283, Grave: 2, w/o Charles, 27y
WHEELER, MINNIE E., d. 10/17/1906, Section: B, Lot: 413, Grave: 1?, sister, 'Info given by Pontiac from County records 6/9/54
WHEELER, MIRA M., d. 3/27/1848, Section: K, Lot: 921, Grave: 1, d/o Harvey G & Margaret R
WHEELER, OLIVER, d. 2/8/1883, Section: C, Lot: 245, Grave: 5
WHITE, ALVIN, d. 1911, Section: C, Lot: 160, Grave: 4, double stone
WHITE, ARTHUR (FID.), d. 2/28/1946, Age 88y, Section: C, Lot: 263, Hypertension
WHITE, CAROLINE E., d. 7/24/1969, Age 81y, Section: C, Lot: 363, Grave: 5, Acute myocardial infarction
WHITE, CATHERINE, d. 5/5/1943, Age 68y, Section: I, Lot: 639, Grave: 8-772
WHITE, CHARLES, d. 7/12/1929, Grave: 243, stillborn, LOT OR GRAVE 243
WHITE, EDWARD, d. 11/26/1937, Age 65y10m10d, Section: C, Lot: 205, Grave: 4, Valvular organic heart disease
WHITE, ELLA, d. 2/14/1933, Age 65y7m, Grave: 457, Carcinoma of pelvis, LOT OR GRAVE 457
WHITE, ESTHER ANNE, d. 11/26/1931, Age 65y, Toxic Thyroid
WHITE, GEORGE, d. 1912, Section: C, Lot: 363, Grave: 1, husband
WHITE, GRACE B., d. 1944, Age 69y, Section: C, Lot: 363, Grave: 1, Myocarditis
WHITE, HENRY, Section: C, Lot: 205, tree stump marker, no dates
WHITE, JOHN, d. 3/19/1881, Age 28y6m, Section: C, Lot: 364, Grave: 4, monument, s/o W & Mary, 28y 6m
WHITE, LETTIE, d. 9/22/1943, Section: C, Lot: 205
WHITE, LOTTIE, d. 1911, Section: C, Lot: 263, w/o Arthur
WHITE, MARY D., d. 10/29/1912, Section: C, Lot: 364, Grave: 3, monument
WHITE, MARY, d. 1900, Section: C, Lot: 364
WHITE, MARY, d. 9/16/1933, Age 61y4m10d, Grave: 492, Myocarditis, LOT OR GRAVE 492
WHITE, SARAH (MRS), d. 1/13/1917, Age 74y, Section: K, Lot: 895, Grave: 3, Bronchial pneumonia
WHITE, SARAH A, d. 1917, Section: C, Lot: 160, Grave: 6, Double stone, wife
WHITE, WILLIAM J., d. 8/30/1931, Age 85y2m24d, Section: C, Lot: 364(363), Grave: 1, Hemplegia
WHITE, WM., d. 6/24/1890, Age 67y9m17d, Section: C, Lot: 364, Grave: 1, monument, 67y 9m 17d
WHITFIELD, JOHN, d. 12/6/1930, Age 56y10m16d, Section: I, Lot: 603, Grave: 8-335, Luetic Heart disease
WHITNEY, ADINA K., d. 9/23/1983, Section: F, Lot: 5, mother - grandmother
WHITNEY, MARLIN E., d. 1859, Section: K, Lot: 857, Grave: 3
WICKLUND, WERNER, d. 6/3/1961, Age 44y, Section: I, Lot: 635, Grave: 3, Hepatic coma, SINGLE GRAVE
WILBER, CALEB A., d. 1/25/1839, Age 32y, Section: K, Lot: 864, Grave: 2, in his 32nd y
WILBUR, SANFORM, Section: J, Lot: 770, Grave: 1
WILCOX, CHESTER, d. 3/5/1938, Age 75y, Grave: 674, Apoplexy, cardiac failure, LOT OR GRAVE 674
WILCOX, EDMUND LEE, d. 5/7/1931, Age 2y, Section: C, Lot: 291, Grave: 3, Brain tumor
WILCOX, ELLEN, d. 1914, Section: C, Lot: 291, Grave: 2, monument, his wife
WILCOX, ELVA M., d. 9/25/1963, Age 70y, Section: C, Lot: 291, Grave: 8, Arterioslcerotic heart disease, double stone w/Jasper, mother, CREMATION
WILCOX, JASPER G., d. 8/3/1962, Age 72y, Section: C, Lot: 291, Grave: 8, Acute myocardial infarction, double stone w/Elva, father, CREMATION
WILCOX, RHODA (MRS), d. 2/9/1935, Age 68y, Grave: 560, Adenocarcinoma, LOT OR GRAVE 560
WILCOX, ROBERT RANDAL, d. 8/30/1933, Grave: 487, stillborn, LOT OR GRAVE 487
WILCOX, WILLIAM J., d. 3/30/1924, Age 74y, Section: C, Lot: 291, Grave: 1, Chronic nephritis, monument
WILDA, HUGO, JR., d. 11/26/1932, Age 4d, Valvular Insufficiency
WILDE, ELNORA L., d. 9/9/1924, Age 2d, Heart trouble
WILHELMN, KATHERYN, d. 6/21/1926
WILHELMN, MARY, d. 6/21/1926
WILKEL, BABY, d. 12/21/1936, stillborn, mutilated fetus, POTTER'S FIELD
WILKENS, STANLEY, d. 5/19/1990, Section: K, Lot: 674, Grave: 8
WILKINS, BESSIE, d. 9/14/1967, Age 74y, Section: K, Lot: 674, Grave: 2, Cerebrovascular accident, mother
WILKINS, HAROLD A., d. 2/16/1977, Age 80y, Section: K, Lot: 674, Grave: 3, Respirtatory arrest
WILKINS, HAROLD, JR., d. 10/13/1947, Age 21y, Section: K, Lot: 674, Grave: 1, tuberculosis
WILKINS, LAURA, d. 4/24/1930, Age 2y11m29d, Diphtheria
WILKINS, MELVIN, d. 2/13/1981, Age 59y, Section: K, Lot: 674, Grave: 4 or 6, Hepatorenal syndrome
WILLEY, GRANT KEMP, d. 3/19/1926, Age 5m19d, Grave: 94, Broncho pneumonia, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 94
WILLEY, HOWARD, d. 3/27/1926, Age 2y, Grave: 96, Broncho pneumonia, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 96
WILLIAMS, ADDIE (MRS)(Adeline), d. 1924, Age 57y, Section: D, Lot: 228, Grave: 1, cancer of throat, monument w/Jay S, his wife
WILLIAMS, ADDISON, d. 9/11/1863, Section: I/H, Lot: 597, Grave: 2, monument
WILLIAMS, AGNES E., d. 1928, Age 71y, Section: B, Lot: 391, Grave: 1, Chronic endocarditis
WILLIAMS, BABY, d. 5/26/1935, Grave: 627, stillborn, LOT OR GRAVE 627
WILLIAMS, BETSEY, d. 5/3/1883, Section: I/H, Lot: 597, Grave: 4, monument, his wife
WILLIAMS, BIRDIE, d. 8/1/1973, Age 79y, Section: D, Lot: 229, Grave: 1, Septicemia
WILLIAMS, CAROLINE, d. 9/20/1925, Age 92y, Grave: 64, Organic heart disease, LOT OR GRAVE 64
WILLIAMS, DAVID, d. 9/8/1870, Section: I/H, Lot: 597, Grave: 1, monument
WILLIAMS, DAVID, Section: H, Lot: 597, Grave: 5
WILLIAMS, ELIZABETH M., d. 3/8/1923, Age 69y, pneumonia
WILLIAMS, ELSIE (MISS), d. 11/25/1971, Age 73y, Section: D, Lot: 228, Grave: 3, Respiratory failure
WILLIAMS, ESTHER PARSHALL, d. 10/26/1856, Section: I/H, Lot: 597, Grave: 3, monument
WILLIAMS, GRACE A., d. 1/9/1879, Age 5y2m29d, Section: E, Lot: 142, monument, 5y 2m 29d, (children of Sherman & Mary)
WILLIAMS, IDA, d. 12/26/1930, Age 50y, Grave: 338, Traumatic cerebral hemorrhage, LOT OR GRAVE 338
WILLIAMS, JAMES, d. 1/7/1933, Age 43y7m9d, Pulmonary tuberculosis
WILLIAMS, JAY S., d. 1933, Age 68y, Section: D, Lot: 228, Grave: 2, Gastric carcinoma, monument w/Adeline
WILLIAMS, JOHN H., d. 7/28/1879, Age 7m14d, Section: E, Lot: 142, Grave: 2, monument, 7m 14d, (children of Sherman & Mary)
WILLIAMS, MARY, d. 1909, Section: E, Lot: 142, Grave: 4, w/o Sherman
WILLIAMS, NELLIE, d. 1/13/1879, Age 15y5m3d, Section: E, Lot: 142, Grave: 1, monument, 15y 5m 3d, (children of Sherman & Mary)
WILLIAMS, RHODA, d. 6/20/1933, Age 50y, Grave: 475, Myocarditis, LOT OR GRAVE 475
WILLIAMS, SHERMAN, Section: E, Lot: 142, Grave: 3
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, d. 6/30/1928, Age 52y, Section: H, Lot: 522, Grave: 5-191, Pulmonary Tuberculsosis, SINGLE GRAVE
WILLIS, ANNIE L., d. 5/7/1942, Age 81y, Section: I, Lot: 639, Grave: 5-760
WILLMARTH, MARGARET J., d. 3/30/1931, Age 87y1m23d, Senile, dementia, NAME MAYBE--WILLMONTH, WILLMOUTH??
WILLSON, Captain S. B., d. 10/16/1897, Section: C, Lot: 331, Grave: 2, monument
WILLSON, CHARLES G., d. 1921, Section: D, Lot: 342, Grave: 2
WILLSON, CHARLES K., d. 1910, Section: D, Lot: 342, Grave: 1
WILLSON, JOHN D. III (Jr.), d. 3/16/1949, Age 21y, Section: D, Lot: 342, Grave: 7, Epilepsy-congenital syphillis
WILLSON, JOHN D., d. 1931, Age 33y, Section: D, Lot: 342, Grave: 5, pneumonia, (IOOF)
WILLSON, JOHN J., Section: C, Lot: 331, Grave: 1
WILLSON, MARGARET ANN, d. 1922, Section: D, Lot: 342, Grave: 3
WILLSON, MARTHA J., d. 1946, Age 68y, Section: D, Lot: 342, Grave: 4, Coronary occlusion
WILLSON, MOTHER, Section: C, Lot: 331, Grave: 3
WILLSON, MRS., d. 11/21/1930, Section: G, Lot: 497, Grave: 329, single grave
WILSON, BABY GIRL, d. 10/14/1931, Age 7hrs, Grave: 406, premature birth, LOT OR GRAVE 406
WILSON, CHILD of ELLA & JOHN, d. 11/14/1918, Age 13hrs, Atelectasis
WILSON, ELIZABETH AUGUSTA, d. 3/4/1934, Age 95y, Grave: 513, Acute cardiac decomposition, LOT OR GRAVE 513
WILSON, EMILY, d. 9/24/1930, Age 66y6m5d, Apoplexy
WILSON, JAMES ALBERT, d. 6/28/1925, Age 68y, Grave: 54, Carcinoma of stomach, LOT OR GRAVE 54
WILSON, JAMES HENRY, d. 1/24/1931, Age 47y7m17d, Section: K, Lot: 716, Grave: 348, Chronic nephritis
WILSON, JEAN, d. 3/15/1929, Section: I, Lot: 604, Grave: 3-225, premature birth
WILSON, JENNIE BERTHA (MRS), d. 6/2/1931, Age 67y, Section: G, Lot: 495, Grave: 1-378, Erysipelas
WILSON, LEVI, d. 8/15/1916, Age 74y, Suicide from drowning
WILSON, MABEL RUTH, d. 12/7/1948, Age 63y, Section: K, Lot: 776, Grave: 2, cerebral hemorrhage, double stone w/Wesley
WILSON, WESLEY C., d. 10/27/1960, Age 22y, Section: K, Lot: 776, Grave: 5, Neurogenic & Hemorrhagic shock, double stone w/Mabel R.
WING, HELEN, d. 1916, Section: E, Lot: 140
WING, MARY ELIZABETH, d. 8/18/1958, Age 73y, Section: E, Lot: 140, Grave: 5, brain hemorrhage
WING, PARR R., d. 12/13/1935, Age 40y, Section: E, Lot: 140, gangenous appendicitis & peritonitis
WING, RUTH, d. 1919, Section: E, Lot: 140
WINKLER, JOHN, d. 3/26/1926, Age 34y, Section: A, Lot: 409, Grave: 8, Pulmonary tuberculosis
WINTERS, LEROY, d. 3/26/1928, Age 35y, Section: C, Lot: 287, Grave: 180, Pulmonary Tuberculosis
WISE, OZZIE W., d. 12/9/1935, Age 42y1m13d, Grave: 610, Chronic myocarditis, LOT OR GRAVE 610
WOEHL, CLARA GROW, d. 6/23/1909, Section: C, Lot: 368, Grave: 5
WOEHL, LOUIS, SR., d. 1938, Age 76y, Section: D, Lot: 267, Grave: 1, cerebral hemorrhage
WOEHL, LOUIS, d. 1939, Age 53y, Section: D, Lot: 267, Grave: 3, Acute cardiac dilatation
WOEHL, MARY RILEY, d. 1942, Age 77y, Section: D, Lot: 267, Grave: 2
WOLF, ANDREW, d. 4/21/1875, Age 2m7d, Section: H, Lot: 576, Grave: 2, double stone, 2m 7d, children of D & M
WOLF, CHAMBERS A., d. 3/29/1925, Age 42y1m13d, Aneurysm of aortic arch
WOLF, DAVID, Section: H, Lot: 576, Grave: 1
WOLF, EMMA A., d. 6/29/884, Age 14y2m15d, Section: H, Lot: 576, Grave: 3, double stone, 14y 2m 15d, children of D & M
WOLF, MARGARET J., d. 5/20/1893, Age 47y2m12d, Section: H, Lot: 576, Grave: 4, monument, w/o David, 47y 2m 12d
WOLFOLK, CORINNE, d. 9/29/1938, Age 41y4m7d, Grave: 701, Carcinoma of lungs, LOT OR GRAVE 701
WOOD, ELIZABETH, d. 12/7/1837, Age 63y, Section: K, Lot: 883, Grave: 1, double stone, relict of Wm., 63y
WOOD, ELLEN, Section: C, Lot: 327, Grave: 2, Smith/Wood monument, his wife
WOOD, JACOB, d. 1905, Section: C, Lot: 327, Grave: 1, Smith/Wood monument
WOOD, JOHN, d. 8/3/1860, Age 63y10m22d, Section: K, Lot: 883, Grave: 2, 63y 10m 22d
WOOD, MARY B., d. 1/19/1842, Age 39y, Section: K, Lot: 885, Grave: 1, w/o James, 39y
WOOD, MARY, d. 4/23/1845, Age 1y9m28d, Section: K, Lot: 883, double stone, d/o John & Hannah, 1y 9m 28d
WOODWARD, INFANT, d. 7/28/1931, Age 14hrs, Grave: 390, premature birth, LOT OR GRAVE 390
WOOLNER, HARLEY ROBERT, d. 7/26/1939, Age 1d, Grave: 762, Fibre pulmonary atelectasis, LOT OR GRAVE 762
WRIGHT, ANNA, d. 5/10/1925, Age 2m, Grave: 47, Cholemia & peritonitis, LOT OR GRAVE 47
WRIGHT, ARTHUR, d. 1926, Age 63y, Section: E, Lot: 27, Carcinoma fo gall bladder
WRIGHT, BABY (VIRGINIA VENUS), d. 8/19/1915, Section: E, Lot: 27, Grave: 2, stillborn, B & d same day
WRIGHT, CATHERINE, d. 1934, Age 65y3m7d, Section: E, Lot: 27, Cerebral hemorrhage
WRIGHT, CHARLES, d. 11/30/1929, Age 19y, Section: K, Lot: 716, Grave: 258, Trauma resulting in intra-abdominal hemorrhage, son, 125 Inf. 32 Div.
WRIGHT, CHARLES, d. 6/4/1950, Age 79y, Section: H, Lot: 511, Grave: 1, Cerebral embolism
WRIGHT, EMILY E., d. 8/5/1944, Age 72y, Section: K, Lot: 679, Grave: 8, mother, (hand cut stone difficult to read
WRIGHT, JENNIE LENTZ, d. 4/9/1971, Age 63y, Section: I, Lot: 642, Grave: S-550, Cerebrovascular occlusion
WRIGHT, JOHN, d. 1918, Section: E, Lot: 27, Pvt Co E 4 Regt USA
WRIGHT, VIRGINIA VENUS, d. 8/19/1915, Section: E, Lot: 27, Grave: 2, B & d same day
WRIGHT, WILLIAM E., d. 2/20/1974, Age 60y, Section: I, Lot: 641, Grave: S-566, Metastic squamous cell carcinoma to the neck, husband & father, Shows 641 actually is in 642
WURTS, CLIFFORD E., d. 12/29/1928, Age 49y6m24d, Grave: 217, Uremic coma, LOT OR GRAVE 217
YANCY, BABY BOY, d. 7/30/1941, Section: K, Lot: 693, Grave: 751
YEOMANS, JAMES, d. 6/20/1929, Age 4m, Section: K, Lot: 694 1/2, Grave: 239, premature birth, bronchitis
YORKE, GEORGE, Section: J, Large boulder w/plaques "In memory of our soldiers, by RO Memorial Society"
YOUNG, BENJAMIN, Section: J, Large boulder w/plaques "In memory of our soldiers, by RO Memorial Society"
YOUNG, CHARLES, Section: J, Large boulder w/plaques "In memory of our soldiers, by RO Memorial Society"
YOUNG, HATTIE WARE, d. 3/30/1938, Age 42y, Section: I, Lot: 606, Grave: 3-680, Myocarditis, POTTER'S FIELD
YOUNG, MARY, d. 6/29/1933, Age 33y, General Paresis
YOUNG, MINNIE, d. 10/9/1936, Age 34y7m4d, Section: I, Lot: 619, Grave: 2-637, perforated ulcer
YOUNG, RICHARD, d. 2/17/1930, Age 75y, Accidental absorption of illuminating gas-jet on stove turned on while falling in epileptic fit
YOUNG, SAMUEL, Section: J, Large boulder w/plaques "In memory of our soldiers, by RO Memorial Society"
YOUNGS, JOAN, d. 5/13/1851, Age 74y, Section: K, Lot: 948, 74y
ZAGER, OLIVE, d. 9/3/1931, Age 36y, Grave: 396, General peritonitis following pneumonia, LOT OR GRAVE 396
ZANG, FOSTER R., d. 12/20/1942, Age 56y, Grave: 704, SINGLE GRAVE, LOT OR GRAVE 704
ZARESKY, JOHN, d. 5/7/1967, Age 72y, Section: I, Lot: 634, Grave: 522, Cerebral thrombosis, dad, SINGLE GRAVE
ZEISSE, CLARA A., d. 10/1/1967, Age 71y, Section: A, Lot: 435, Grave: 2, Inter cerebral hemorrhage
ZEISSE, EMIL HARRY, d. 11/20/1952, Age 62y, Section: A, Lot: 435, Grave: 3, Cardio vascular disease
ZEISSE, GUSTAV, d. 7/14/1929, Age 13y2m8d, Diabetes mellitus
ZERVORES, MARY, d. 3/31/1934, Age 4d, Grave: 518, Hemorrhalgic disease of the newborn, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 518
ZIMMERMAN, CATHERINE, d. 3/14/1881, Section: K, Lot: 721, Grave: 1, w/o Frederick J.
ZIMMERMAN, FREDERICK J., d. 6/22/1871, Section: K, Lot: 721, Grave: 2
ZINK, AUGUST, d. 1916, Section: F, Lot: 5, Grave: 1
ZINK, FATHER, d. 1908, Section: F, Lot: 5, Grave: 2
ZINK, HOWARD, d. 8/3/1999, Section: F, Lot: 5 or 52, Grave: 2 or 8, EXTRA SPACE IN THIS AREA
ZINK, MOTHER, d. 1908, Section: F, Lot: 5, Grave: 3
ZISLER, ANNA, d. 8/7/1963, Age 80y, Section: F, Lot: 8, Grave: 2, Coronary occlusion
ZISLER, LEWIS JOHN, d. 12/28/1950, Age 72y, Section: F, Lot: 8, Grave: 1, Cerebral apoplexy
ZOURUG, MARY, d. 6/5/1933, Grave: 478, POTTER'S FIELD, LOT OR GRAVE 478
ZUCKSKI, KATH, d. 5/13/1926, Age 72y, Senility
ZUNER, ELIZA WARNER, d. 1911, Section: C, Lot: 316, Grave: 3, W/O Levi B., Warner monument
ZURBECK, GERALD, d. 12/6/1930, Age 4d, Patent formamen ovale
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