Home > United States > Michigan > Osceola > Hersey Village Cemetery

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Hersey Village Cemetery
Osceola County, Michigan

Located on 3 mile approx 1/8th mi.
west of 180th (Main Street)
Hersey, MI 49639

Lat: 43° 51' 33"N, Lon: 085° 26' 56"W

Contributed by Jeanine Jeffrey, Mar 24, 2001 [jeaninej at iwon.com](replace the "at" with a "@"). Total records = 1,063.

Survey Date: Jun-Jul 2000 Actual Tombstone Transcriptions, Visible Burials Only
Surveyors: Jeanine Jeffrey & Bill Jeffrey
Verification: Jeanine Jeffrey, Bill Jeffrey & Marilyn Jeffrey.

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