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Michigan Newspapers, Full Search (1817-2018), 293 titles
Michigan Obituary Search, (1869-current)
Michigan Birth Records Database, (1817-1999)
Hillside Cemetery
Sanilac County, Michigan
Wheatland Rd (north end)Argyle Twp, MI 48410
This is not a complete listing of burials! The records below were provided by contributors to Cemetery Records Online. Total records = 5.
Contributor's Index:
Cole, Mary R., b. 1876, d. 1903, [CM]
- [CM] Carol Morrison []
Cole, Nelson J., b. 1866, d. 1943, [CM]
McKimball, Mamie Livina (Cole), b. 16 Aug 1895, d. 6 Aug 1987, age 91, m. 1) 7 Feb 1914 to Charles W. Kappen (div), 2) 1922 to Benjamin McKimball (div), d/o John M. and Minnie Cole (Stocks), [CM]
Erected by their children most of whom were born on this farm 40 rods south of this point. William J., Nelson J., John M., Jr., Melvin R., Mary E., Ella J., Jennie M., George A., Caroline E., James F., Harriet B., Myrtle M., Lucy A., Winfred J.
"Cole, John M. and his wife, Susan Seder Cole, pioneer settlers who homesteaded this farm in 1866 and started this cemetery by finding and burying victims of the forest fire Sept. 5, 1881. John was a Union soldier, serving in 61st NY Vol. Inf., Co. E, 8th Mich Cav, Co. G."
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