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Scott / Doane Cemetery
St. Joseph County, Michigan
Contributed by Dawn Disbrow []. Recorded Feb. 2000 by Max and Dawn Disbrow. Total Records = 220.
Scott/Doane cemetery is located on Pinhook road in Mendon Township, St. Joseph County, Michigan, west of Silver street about � mile and North of M-60 approximately 1 mile. It is a well kept cemetery with a gated fence around it, surrounded by a field. It is laid out in neat north to south rows.
??, Alice, near Simpson stone, and Embley stone
??, Arthur, on same stone as Emeline and Ed? S.
??, Daniel, 1830-1907
??, Deborah, Facing large Reynolds stone looks like same person as listed there
??, Ed? S., on same stone as Emeline
??, Effie J.,
??, Eliza, Facing large Reynolds stone, looks like same person as listed there
??, Eliza J.W., 1832-1908 , in front of Big Bovee stone
??, Eliza, small stone, by Langdon stone
??, Emeline, his wife, 1853 on same stone as Ed? S.
??, Emily M., died Feb 21, 1870 aged ? years ? months, 8 days, with Bovee family marker
??, Estella, 1863-1927 By Bovee marker
??, Father, on stone with Thomas, Sarah, & Mother
??, Father, small stone in Langdon group
??, Geo. L, Facing West away from Reynolds stone
??, Hattie, died ? 24, 1882, With Bovee family marker
??, Hattie A.,
??, Hiram, Facing large Reynolds stone looks like same person as listed there
??, Infant, near Langdon stone
??, Infant, died Dec. 1838, in group with Reynolds marker
??, J.J., with Benfer stones
??, J.J., with Benfer stones
??, James, small white stone
??, Jennie, with Benfer stones
??, Jessie, with Benfer stones
??, Lizzie M., daughter of ?, died Mar. 25, 1871, infant
??, Maria, small white stone
??, Maria S., 1826- 1861, in front of Big Bovee stone
??, Mother, next to tall stone of Snow-Case
??, Mother, on same big stone as Father, Thomas, and Sarah
??, Mother, small stone in Langdon group
??, Mother, with Embley stone
??, Orrin P., 1814-1883 , in front of Big Bovee stone
??, William, died Aug 1840 aged 1 year same stone as Gabriel and Mortimer Langdon
??, Wm. L., Facing large Reynolds stone looks like same person as listed there
Anderson, Harvey S., died Oct. 13, 1886 Aged 83 years 2 months 13 days, on same stone as Hannah
Anderson, Hannah, wife of Harvey S. died june 27, 1886 aged 84 years 2 months 14 days other unreadable
W. H. B., by William Benfer stone
Barrett, Susan, died Oct 21, 1892, formerly wife of Joseph Embley, aged 74 years 6 months 16 days
Benfer, Alexander, 1816-1901
Benfer, David,
Benfer, Mary, his wife, 1824-1919, same stone as Alexander
Benfer, William H., son of A & M Benfer, died Sept. 22, 1882 aged 22 years 9 months 27 days
Benfer, Jennie, wife of Jesse Johnson, died Aug. 9, 1889 aged 26 years 7 months 23 days
Bentley, Green S., Co.A. 9 MICH Infantry, Veteran of Foreign Wars
Bovee, Elizabeth, wife of John, died Jan 11, 1854? Aged ?
Carey, Mary, wife of Sophrone, died Aug. 28, 1861 aged 50 years 2 months 5 days
Carey, Sophrone, died Jan 24, 1850 aged 41 years 4 months 15 days same stone with Mary
Copp, Edith, 1874-1911, Mother
Copp, Margaret,
Darrow, Dale, 1886-1949
Darrow, Toy Elizabeth, 1886-1944, same stone as Dale
Deeley, Lucinda A., his wife, died Dec. 1, 1849 aged 37 years some stone as Richard
Deeley, Richard, died Mar. 1, 1864 aged 56 years
Deeley, Sarah, wife of B.E. Deeley, died Nov. 14, 1857 aged 33 years
Deem, Anna M., his wife, 1858-1929, mother gone home
Deem, Jacob H., 1855-1935 ,same stone as Anna
Deem, William E., 1883-1889
Doane, Ada, daughter of E.& L. Doane, died Aug 20 ?
Doane, Amanda H, died June 23, 1854, wife of Orson Doane, aged 38 years 1 month 18 days
Doane, Betsey Ann, died Jan 25, 1811, wife of Orson Doane, aged 30 years 11 months 23 days
Doane, Earl, 1886-1935
Doane, Ebiel, died Jan. 25, 1850, wife of Elisha Doane, aged 29 years 1 month 15 days
Doane, Elisha, CO.A. 1st MICH Infantry
Doane, Jehial H, son of Elisha & Sabra W.
Doane, Lucy, 1844- 1916, Mother
Doane, Minnie B., 1891-197
Doane, Newton, died April 30, 1871 aged 11 years 6 months
Doane, Orson G., 1872-1895
Drewer, Arthur C., 1941-
Drewer, Carolyn A, 1933- 1993, Married Sept. 15, 1963, on same stone as Arthur
P.E., with Embley stone
R.E., with Embley stone
Eicket, Emily J., wife of A.M. died Aug. 6, 1852 aged 23 years?
Embley, David, 1771-1854
Embley, Joseph, died Mar 31, 1885 aged 42 years 23 days on same stone as Susan Barrett
Embley, Margaret, his wife, 1812-1856, same stone as William
Embley, Phebe, wife of Robert, ( same stone) died June 10, 1885 aged 63 years 2 months 11 days
Embley, Robert, died Nov 24, 1878 aged 56 years 8 months 20 days
Embley, William, 1810-1861
Gardner, Johial, died November 1851 aged 50 years
Goodacre, Ambrose T., 1855-1943
Goodacre, Ann, died Aug 16, 1855 aged 60 years, Mother, on same stone as Wm. & Kitty
Goodacre, Eliza A., daughter of Thomas R. & Sarah A., died Sept. 29, 1850 age,on stone with William
Goodacre, Georgia A., 1856-1936, wife of Ambrose T.
Goodacre, Kitty, died Oct 26, 1850 aged 16 years 7 months 10 days, daughter of Wm. & Ann Goodacre East, Saylor, J.B. Co.B.
Goodacre, Sarah, his wife, April 5, 1829 -April 30, 1898, on same stone as Thomas Goodacre
Goodacre, Thomas, In Memory of Thomas Goodacre, Aug. 28, 1823- May 1, 1906 on same stone with Sarah
Goodacre, William H., son of Thomas R. & Sarah A., died March 14,1853 aged 1 year 4 months 22 days
Goodacre, Wm., Died Sept 21, 1850 aged 50 years, Father, on same stone as Ann & Kitty
Gray, Daisy B, Mother 1873-1899 by Anderson stone
Green, Maria, 1836-1906
Green, Vintroy, Corp.Co.B 6th MICH Infantry
Grovenburg, Louisa A., 1852- 1915
T.H., by Thomas Holmes stone
Hampton, Catherine, died Dec. 6, 1868 wife of ??aiah B. aged 26 years ? months 28 days
Heckelman, Lois B., 1882-1961, south of Big family stone
Heckelman, Mabel A., 1883-1932 wife of Louis B., south of Big family stone
Holmes, Frances, wife of Thos. Holmes, born Jan. 3, 1820 died Mar. 8, 1889 on same stone as Thomas
Holmes, Infant, son of J.T. & M.A. Holmes, Mar. 11, 1872 aged 1 month 16 days
Holmes, James T., 1847-1926
Holmes. Margaret Ann, 1849 - 1918 on same stone with James T
Holmes, Thomas, born Nov. 30, 1817 died July 25, 1887
Johnson, Jessie, died Mar. 25, 1894 aged 34 years 9 months 9 days, same stone as Jennie
Klose, Peter S., son of R.C. & B. Klose, ?185? aged 5 years 5 months 21 days
Kromer, Emma S., 1865 - 1919
Kromer, Joseph, July 15, 1815 died Sept 6, 1894
Kromer, Rosanna, July 18, 1812 died Mar. 13, 1888 same stone as Joseph
E.L., by Cynthia Langdon
G.L., near Langdon stone
M.L,, near Langdon stone
W.L., near Langdon stone
Lang, Bernhard, born Jan. 24, 1818 died Dec. 23, 1891, same stone as Elizabeth
Lang, Elizabeth, born Dec. 18, 1820 died Mar. 3, 1891
Lang, Elizabeth M., 1860-1948
Lang, George J., 1856-1937
Lang, Sadie, born Nov. 13, 1861 died May 12, 1890, wife of George J. Lang
Langdon, Annie M., ? 1852-1925, same stone as M. Luther Langdon
Langdon, Cynthia, 1847-1901
Langdon, David, died Feb 1, 1850 aged 27 years 9 months
Langdon, David R., son of ?? Langdon, died Aug. 15, 1867
Langdon, Eliza, wife of M.L. Langoon died Sept. 20, 1886 aged 41 years 8 months 21 days
Langdon, Emily A, wife of Wm. Langdon born April 17, 1811 died June 18, 1895
Langdon, Francis E., daughter of Hiram and Emily, died May 3 18?? Aged ?
Langdon, Gabriel, died Feb. 7, 1875, aged 65 years, 10 months, 3 days. Same stone with Elizabeth Rood
Langdon, John B., Father, Jan. 10 1829 - April 19, 1899
Langdon, Lois, daughter of D & H.N. ??
Langdon, Lucinda, wife of William, died 5th of 4th month 1865 aged 69 years 7 months
Langdon, Lydia, 1860-1881
Langdon, M. Luther, 1840-1923, on same stone as Annie M. Langdon
Langdon, Maryette, Mother, May 2, 1842 - April 19, 1913
Langdon, Mortimer, died Sept. 1844 aged 6 months, children of Gabriel and Eliza Langdon, same stone as Mortimer, and Gabriel Langdon
Langdon, William, born Sept. 16, 1803 died Oct 11, 1888 , on same stone as Emily A. Langdon
Langdon, Wm A., died Dec 4, 18?? Aged 27 years 2 Months 6 days
Miller, Delbert J., 1886-1935
Miller, Frank, 1852-1892, Father
Miller, Grace, 1886-1901
Miller, Nora, 1866-1895, Mother
Patterson, W.,
Peterman, Anna, born Aug 17, 1856 died Nov. 25, 1935
Peterman, John, born April 17, 1824 died Dec. 5, 1908
Peterman, John S., born July 18, 1853 son of ? & Elizabeth
Peterman, Samuel N., died May 20, 1851 aged 10 months 12 days
Peterman, Sarah A., died Sept. 5, 1851, on same stone as Samuel N. Peterman
Philo, Betsey E., wife of Lewis L. M., died Jan. ???.
Potter, Morton, 1838-1907, in group with Rawson's next to Emily A. Rawson
E.F.R., small stone in group with Reynolds marker.
Rawson, Delora, 1864-1866
Rawson, Emily A, his wife, 1838-1909
Rawson, Infant son, 1866
Rawson, Luther, 1785-1881
Rawson, Susan, his wife, 1806-1843
Reynolds, Aurelia, his wife died Aug. 21, 1854 aged 46 years 7 months 20, same stone with Nathaniel
Reynolds, Deborah A., died Aug. 18, 1841 aged 5 years 7 months 11 days daughter of N.& A. Reynolds
Reynolds, Eliza, died Aug. 17, 1841 aged 5 years 7months 20 days
Reynolds, Geo W., died Nov. 22, 1885 aged 53 years 23 days
Reynolds, Hiram, died Mar 18, 1848 aged 20 years 6 months 1 day
Reynolds, Nathaniel, died Feb. 25, 1851
Reynolds, William L., died May 14, 1876 aged 28 years 1 month 19 days
Richards, Emerett E., died April 13, 1902 aged 64 years 7 months 8 days
Ricket, Adolphus, died ? 28, 1863 ?years ? months, 8 days
Rood, Elizabeth F., wife of Boliver A. Rood and daughter of Gabriel & Eliza Langdon died Sept. 27, 1886 aged 52 years 8 months 16 days. On same stone as Mortimer Langdon and William Langdon
C.S., by Calvin Snow stone
Saylor, Jason B., June 26, 1832 died Mar. 4, 1901
Schneider, Catherine, born Oct 17, 1820 died Oct 19, 1890
Scott, Alice ? ?, daughter of T & L Scott
Scott, Charles, 1842 - 1920
Scott, Elizabeth, 1861 - 1927
Scott, Joseph, 1847 - 1920
Scott, Lano, 1816 - 1909 Mother
Scott, Lavinia, died Sept. 19, 1879, wife of Chas. Scott, aged 31 years 11 months 27 days on stone with Maggie and Mary A,
Scott, Maggie,
Scott, Maggie Bell, died Aug. 29, 1879 aged 1 year 11 months 5 days, children of C & L Scott on stone with Mary A. and Lavinia
Scott, Mary A.,
Scott, Mary A., born Sept 22, 1867 aged 3 months 3 days on stone with Maggie, & Lavinia
Scott, Milton, 1875 - 1891
Scott, Sadie, 1870 - 1889
Scott, Thomas, 1813 - 1886, Father
Simpson, William, died Aug. 16, 1815 12 years
Slack, Clara, wife of J.U. Slack, Dec. 25, 1853 died Sept. 8, 1890
Snow, Berthshebe, wife of Calvin, died Sept. 9, 1868 aged 72 years 1 month 13 days
Snow, Calvin, died Oct. 18, 1853 aged 53 years 3 months
Snow, Calvin, died Oct 2, 1853 aged ?
Snow, Edward, died Sept. 9, 1865 aged 35 years 11 months 23 days
Snow-Case, Emaline A., 1837 - 1921
Sowers, Clifford Henry, As US Navy WW1, Veteran of Foreign Wars, Sept. 21 1900 died Feb. 18, 1975
Spence, Imogene A., 1917 - 1996, on same stone as Olin
Spence, Olin R., 1914 - 1996
Spence, Sandra Lee, Our Darling, July 28 - Nov. 12, 1951
Sprague, Wash, Co.E. 19th MICH Infantry
Stahl, Ammon, 1857 - 1926, on stone with Eliza, Samuel, George, & Elizabeth
Stahl, Ammon, 1857 - 1926, smaller stone
Stahl, Eliza, 1834 - 1917 on stone with Samuel, Ammon, George, & Elizabeth
Stahl, Elizabeth, his wife, 1834 - 1917, on stone with Eliza, Samuel, Ammon, & George
Stahl, George, 1833 - 1913, on stone with Eliza, Samuel, Ammon, & Elizabeth
Stahl, George, 1833 - 1913, smaller stone
Stahl, Samuel, ?? small gray stone
Stahl, Samuel, Sept. 25, 1825 - Sept. 28, 1890 on stone with Eliza, Ammon, George, & Elizabeth
Tefft, Clarrissa, wife of Stanton, died June 11, 1852 aged 55 years
Tefft, Harriet N., daughter of R,?, died June 5, 1811 aged 5 months
Tefft, Oliver, ?
Tefft, Stanton, died April 2, 1852? Aged 66 years?, ? months, ? Days
Tefft, Sydney H., died Oct.? 11, 1837 aged 29 years, ? months, ? days
Utley, Edwin, 1853-1947
Utley, Emily, 1858-1932, on same stone as Edwin
White, Harvey, ???aged???
White, Henry, son of Harvey and Persis, died May 18, 1818 aged 1 year
White, Mary H., daughter of H & P White, died May 21, 185? Aged 1 year 9 months
White, Persis, ???
Whitehorn, Elizabeth, died Feb 27, 18??
Whitehorn, William, 1836-1950
Wilson, Edson P., died July 23, 1881, aged 57 years 3 months 22 days
Woodward, Catherine, wife of Joseph, (same stone), died Oct. 24, 1842, aged 34 years 2 months 21 days
Woodward, J.M., died Jan. 11, 1867 aged 36 years 6 months 28 days
Woodward, Joseph, died April 5, 1874 aged 68 years 8 months 22 days
Woodward, Ju??, Babe,
Woodward, Maria, wife of Joseph ,(same stone) died Feb 4, 1890 aged 64 years 10 months 14 days
Woodward, Oliver, died April 15, 1860 aged 12 years 4 months 21 days
Big Stone with "Heckelman" on south side and "Goodacre" on northside. Large "Scott" stone with Lavina, Maggie, and Maggie Bell names on two sides. Several unreadable and broken stone, several with Mother or Father left unlisted.
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