Home > United States > Michigan > Tuscola > Denmark Township Cemetery

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Denmark Township Cemetery
Reese, Tuscola County, Michigan

Lat: 43° 27' 23"N, Lon: 83° 41' 36"W
Denmark Twp, Sec 7

Contributed by Gloria Hall, Dec 14, 2005 [trublehall@centurytel.net]. Total records = 885.

Entering Reese on State Hwy 81, turn north onto Meridian Street for less than a mile and turn left/west onto Hill Street. The cemetery will be on your right.

Denmark Cemetery is now maintained by the township, and is in good condition and very well taken care of. No early records exist for this cemetery. The earliest marker I found is Olive Nickerson in 1852.

This cemetery was walked by rows North and South starting on the East corner at the street. Numbers at the end of each entry indicate number of row and order of lots in the row. Lots on the street end will be either the first or last number in the row. To locate grave, follow the row to number of lot. For instance, 1, 6 is first row and sixth lot in row.

This is a reading of the cemetery completed in 2000. Standard genealogical abbreviations used. Military given. CW is Civil War. Many unmarked graves.

- Gloria Hall

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