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Riverside Cemetery
Vassar, Tuscola County, Michigan
5855 Frankenmuth Rd, Vassar, Michigan 48768
Lat: 43° 21' 39"N, Lon: 83° 35' 56"W
Tuscola Township, Sec 13
Contributed by Gloria Hall, Feb 25, 2004, last edited Jul 05, 2004 [].
Total records = 4,346.
Riverside cemetery is located on Frankenmuth Road, South of the light at 'the hill' in Vassar, in section 13 of Tuscola Township.
The "old" cemetery was located in Vassar Village and was moved in the 1880's to this site which includes the Woodcock farm cemetery. This list is just the cemetery markers, with some data from the records. This full original reading was done in the 1990's.
Riverside cemetery lies on the Cass River and is divided into several irregular blocks or sections designated by letters. Some of these have what are called "ornamental" lots formed where the rectangular layout of lots left 'extra' burial size places. Because they do not all follow the numerical sequence, some are given here with the number of the rectangular lot next to them for your convenience in locating them.
I have completed this transcription with records up to 2002, comparing with the previously mentioned records.
- Gloria Hall
Standard genealogical abbreviations:
w/o = wife of, c/o = child of, gc/o = grandchild of, etc
Be aware that some markers are eroded so that dates and letters may be difficult, such as 8 or 3, G or C. Please verify by other sources.
fs = footstone
ss = same stone
no data = no other information
Some markers have only first name, so is listed here under other names on lot. family marker may be listed if it is unclear which name applies to individual
broken = grave marker is broken
buried = imbedded in soil or cement (attempted repair)
Many comments self explanatory
flowers noted indicates unmarked burial cared for
'military' or flag indicates military service but unit not listed here. Current military markers name the war period whether or not the person served there, as in Vietnam
GAR = Civil War
some organizations noted, eg, Mason, Eastern Star
Some lots difficult to tell where one ends. Listing here where it seemed located during walking of cemetery.
# = lot number unknown, listed with next lot
( ) numbers or letters in parentheses is from record but next lot given for ease of location
Some sections have "ornamental" lots. For ease in location they are given here with the number of the adjoining lot if lot number could not be determined, it is listed here with adjoining lot for ease of location some sections have many single burials which are listed here next to numbered lot for ease of location
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