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New York Veterans Burial Cards
New York State Military Museum
Published: February 13, 2020
Total records: 10,783
This listing contains names of U.S. veterans buried in cemeteries throughout New York State. Most of them were veterans of the U.S. Civil War, but there are some that were involved conflicts ranging from the Revolutionary War through WWI.
New York Veterans Burial Cards Records
Surnames K-L
Cemetery: The name of the cemetery, followed by the city
Plot: The location within the cemetery
Headstone: The type of material used for the tombstone, however this field seems to have been used for many other purposes.
Regiment: The branch of military
Rank: Soldier's military position, office, or status
KAHN, Aaron, Cemetery: Mt. Hope, Brooklyn, Plot: Row Isachor Lodge, Headstone: Granite
KAIN, Egbert, Cemetery: New Prospect, Pine Bush, Plot: W.W. 17, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 1st NY Eng
KAIN, Peter, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 15 L, St. Briget, Headstone: Army Stone
KAISER, H.D, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: M 3, Headstone: Mnt
KAISER, John G, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 208 Sec. A
KAMM, Adam, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 425 Sec. A
KAMMEYER, Carl C, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: M 14, Headstone: Gar Mkr
KAMPFER, Louis, Cemetery: Our Lady Of Angel'S, W. Albany, Plot: P 4 Lot 2 Sq 46, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 6th US Cav
KANE, A.W., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 19 C, St. Stephens, Headstone: Army Stone
KANE, Chas. A, Cemetery: Poplar Grove, Phillipsport, Plot: Tier 5 Plot 13, Headstone: Marble
KANE, Geo., Cemetery: Pine Plains, Clay, Plot: Sec 8 E, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Batt F 3rd NY HA
KANE, M, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 54 M, Olive, Headstone: Army Stone
KANE, Maurice, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 41 P, St. John, Headstone: Army Stone
KANE, R.F, Cemetery: Evergreen, Canton, Plot: 16 Sec. D, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 11th NY Cav
KANE, T, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 650 O. St. Peter, Headstone: Army Stone
KANE, Thomas, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 30 D, St. Peter, Headstone: Army Stone
KANYON, Ira B, Cemetery: Canarsie, Brooklyn, Plot: Lawrence L.I., Regiment: 7th NY Ind Batt, Rank: Pvt
KAPLE, Elijah, Cemetery: Alfred Rural, Alfred, Plot: Lot 241, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co C, 5th NY Cav, Rank: Pvt, 10 Mo.
KARCHER, Fred J, Cemetery: Cypress Hill, Brooklyn, 1895
KARCHER, Michael, Cemetery: Central, Orient, Plot: C, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Pvt
KARKER, Jacob H, Cemetery: Prospect Hill, Gloversville, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 124thOhio NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 10/62-6/65
KARLEN, Michael, Cemetery: Catholic, Constableville
KARN, Adam, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: D 26, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co F, 100 NYVI
KARNS, Aaron, Cemetery: Canaseraga, Canaseraga, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co A, 19th NYVI
KASSON, William, Cemetery: Pompey Hill, Pompey, Plot: Sec 7 Lot 20, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co E, 6th US Cav, Rank: Pvt, 9/18/61-9/18/64
KAUFMAN, Jacob, Cemetery: Maimonides, Brooklyn, Plot: Sec 19
KAUFMAN, Jacob, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 543 Sec. B
KAUFMAN, Louis, Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canandaigua, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 45th NYVI, Rank: Corp
KAVANAUGH, William J, Cemetery: Canarsie, Brooklyn, Plot: LuTheran, Regiment: 4th NY Cav, Rank: Pvt, 3 Yrs
KAYNOCK, John M, Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 114, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Ae 43
KEATING, James W, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 129-40, Headstone: Army Stone
KEATING, Mike, Cemetery: St. Joseph, Babylon
KECK, Peter J, Cemetery: Prospect Hill, Gloversville, Plot: Ferndale, Regiment: Co E, 115th NYVI, Rank: 1st Lt, 8/62-6/65
KEEBE, Andrwe, Cemetery: Mt. Hope, Ebenezer, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 49th NJ NYVI
KEEFER, James C, Cemetery: Evergreen, Pine Plains, Plot: C, Rank: Pvt
KEEGAN, Thomas, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 43 B. Vernon, Headstone: Army Stone
KEELEY, William G, Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 129, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co K, 5thOhio NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KEELY, Geo., Cemetery: Riverview, Baldwinsville, Plot: W.W. 17, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co I, 185th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 8/25/64-5/30/65
KEENAN, J.F., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 18-37 St. Agnes, Headstone: Army Stone
KEENAN, John D.P., Cemetery: Our Lady Of Angel'S, W. Albany, Plot: P2 East 1/2 Lot 3 Sq 27, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: USs Powhatan, Rank: Landsman, 1/20/62-1/27/65
KEENAN, John J, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 14B St. Edward, Headstone: Army Stone
KEENAN, M.B., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 33-36 Letter B, Headstone: Army Stone
KEENAN, Michael, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 58L St. John, Headstone: Army Stone
KEENAN, Michael, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: Sec. B, Regiment: US Navy, Rank: Fireman, 9/64-1/67
KEENEY, Ansel T, Cemetery: East Koy Rural, Portageville, Plot: 318, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 89th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KEIGG, Amasa, Cemetery: Unknown, Parishville, Plot: W.W. 17, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co M, 5th NY H A
KEIGH, Benj., Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. S, Rank: Pvt
KEIL, Geo., Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Elba, Plot: Ne, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 105th NY, Rank: Pvt
KEITH, Horace, Cemetery: Rural, Little Valley, Plot: Lot 120-115 Block C, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 64th NYVI
KELIHER, Patrick, Cemetery: St. Joseph, Auburn, Plot: Nw, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 2rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KELLER, Bernard, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 145, Headstone: Granite
KELLER, Frederick, Cemetery: National, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 7832, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Bugler, 9/3/61-12/26/63
KELLER, Giles, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 355, Headstone: Granite
KELLER, John, Cemetery: Union, Edmeston, Plot: Sec. B, No. 2, Headstone: Granite
KELLER, John P, Cemetery: Friends, Charlesto 4 Corner, Plot: E, Headstone: Stone, Rank: Pvt
KELLERMAN, Geo., Cemetery: Our Lady Of Angel'S, W. Albany, Plot: P3 West 1/2 Lot 4 Sec. B, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 192rd NYVI
KELLEY, Almond, Cemetery: Elk Creek, Elk Creek, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
KELLEY, Chas. S, Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: W.W. 17, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co L, 15th NY Eng
KELLEY, Daniel, Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
KELLEY, Geo., Cemetery: Byron, Byron, Headstone: Stone
KELLEY, Henry, Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
KELLEY, James, Cemetery: Hope, Campbell, Regiment: 107th NY, Rank: Pvt
KELLEY, John, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec. N, Lot 261, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co I, 123rd NYVI
KELLEY, John W, Cemetery: Liberty Park, Cattaraugus, Plot: Sec 6 Loy 10, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 15th NY Eng
KELLEY, Michael, Cemetery: Cleveland, Cleveland, Plot: Potters Field, Headstone: Marble
KELLEY, Michael, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 81 O.G., Headstone: Sandstone, Regiment: Co L, 10 NY H A, Rank: Pvt
KELLEY, S.B., Cemetery: Schenevus, Schenevus, Plot: Old Cem., Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co A, 121st NYVI, Rank: 2nd Lt
KELLEY, Thomas, Cemetery: St. Agnes, Avon
KELLEY, Willard, Cemetery: Riverside, Belfast, Plot: Sw, Rank: Pvt
KELLEY, William, Cemetery: Elmwood, Pike
KELLEY, William, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 79-10 St. Michael, Headstone: Army Stone
KELLING, Henry, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 209, Headstone: Granite
KELLOG, Tracy, Cemetery: Drake, Cooperstown
KELLOGG, Aaron, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec. K, Lot 151, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 11th Vt
KELLOGG, Alfred H, Cemetery: Riverside, Copenhagen, Plot: O, Headstone: Marble
KELLOGG, Daniel E, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec. B, Lot 128, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 9th Vt
KELLOGG, Geo. D, Cemetery: Old, Peru, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Col.
KELLOGG, John, Cemetery: Prentice Valley, Gilbertsville, Headstone: Family, Regiment: 51st NYVI, Rank: Band, 1 Yr.
KELLOGG, John B, Cemetery: Fairview, Brasher Falls, Plot: Sec. H, Lot 199, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 17th Vtv
KELLOGG, John S, Cemetery: Prentiss, Gilbertsville, Regiment: 51st NYVI Band, Rank: Musician
KELLOGG, John W, Cemetery: Elmwood, Pike
KELLOGG, Rowland C, Cemetery: Riverside, Elizabethtown, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 118th NYVI, Rank: Maj., 8/29/62-4/64
KELLS, Daniel S, Cemetery: Reformed Church, Claverack, Plot: E, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: US Navy
KELLS, William, Cemetery: Reformed Church, Claverack, Plot: C, Headstone: Marble
KELLUM, Tredwell B, Cemetery: Babylon, Babylon, Plot: Lot 36, Headstone: Granite
KELLY, A.L., Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 6 Lot 43, Regiment: 30 NYVI
KELLY, Edw. F, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. T, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 1st NY Dragoons, Rank: Pvt, 1862-66
KELLY, Edwin D, Cemetery: Valley Vireo, Ellington, Regiment: Co B, 112th NYVI, Rank: Corp
KELLY, Geo. W, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 121, Headstone: Granite
KELLY, Jno, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. L, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co K, 130 NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KELLY, John, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 12K St. Edwards, Headstone: Army Stone
KELLY, John, Cemetery: Sacred Heart, Barrytown, Plot: C, Headstone: Iron Mkr
KELLY, John, Cemetery: Shandaken Rural, Phoenicia, Plot: Plot 71, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co E, 100 NYVI
KELLY, John, Cemetery: Sheepfold, Le Raysville, Plot: Nw, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 94th NYVI| 16th NY H A
KELLY, John P, Cemetery: Calvary, Canandaigua, Plot: Parrish St., Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co J, 98th NYVI
KELLY, Milo, Cemetery: Schenevus, Schenevus, Plot: 2 C 25, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co E, 1st NY Eng, Rank: Pvt
KELLY, Patrick, Cemetery: St. Joseph, Auburn, Plot: Se, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 6th Reg. V.R.C., Rank: Pvt
KELLY, Thomas, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 134, Headstone: Granite
KELLY, Thomas, Cemetery: St. Agnes, Avon, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 65th NYVI
KELLY, William, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 6 Lot 43, Regiment: 30 NYVI
KELSEY, Alburtis, Cemetery: Alexander, Alexander, Headstone: Soldiers, Rank: Pvt, 1861-65
KELSEY, Elias, Cemetery: Lutheran, East Amherst, Plot: 36, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
KEMP, John, Cemetery: Canaseraga, Canaseraga, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 21st NYVI Cav
KEMPF, Peter, Cemetery: Eagle Hill, Albany, Plot: 177 O.P., Headstone: Gar Mkr
KEMPTER, Chas., Cemetery: Evergreen, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 3708
KENDALL, A.J., Cemetery: Centerville, Centerville, Plot: W, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Pvt
KENDALL, Dr. James V, Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 328, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: 149th NYVI, Rank: Surgeon, 8/20/62-6/16/65
KENDALL, F.E., Cemetery: Centerville, Centerville, Plot: W, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Pvt
KENDALL, W.B., Cemetery: Fly Creek, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co H, 152rd NYVI, Rank: Capt
KENNEDY, Andrew, Cemetery: St. Mary'S, Ogdensburg, Regiment: 16th NYVI
KENNEDY, Birdsall, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. T, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 32rd US Cav, Rank: Sgt
KENNEDY, Dr. L.W., Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec. G, Lot 52, Headstone: Marble
KENNEDY, James, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. H, Lot 199, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 104th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KENNEDY, John, Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 129, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co C, 50 NY Eng, Rank: Pvt, 1/63-65
KENNEDY, Lester, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 69, Headstone: Granite
KENNEDY, Michael, Cemetery: Evergreen, Chateaugay, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 16th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KENNEDY, Peter J, Cemetery: Calvary, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 12, Regiment: Co G, 62rd NYVI, Rank: Corp, 10/62-7/10/65
KENNELTY, James, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 30C Trinity, Headstone: Army Stone
KENNEY, Alvin, Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Bolivar, Plot: Lot 774, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: 9th Ohio, Rank: Pvt, 10/11/61-7/25/65
KENNEY, Henry, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 224 Letter I, Headstone: Army Stone
KENNIE, Alfred, Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co ?, 189th NYVI
KENNY, John, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 23-2 N. St. John, Headstone: Army Stone
KENT, Geo. A, Cemetery: Highland, Cherry Creek, Plot: Lot 3, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 100 NYVI, Rank: Corp
KENT, William, Cemetery: Ashville, Ashville, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Pvt
KENYON, David. L, Cemetery: Poolville, Poolville, Plot: C, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co A, 176th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KENYON, Elias W, Cemetery: Rural, Little Valley, Plot: Lot 35 Block D, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 154th NYVI
KENYON, H.L., Cemetery: Rural, Little Valley, Plot: Lot 44 Block D, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 10 NY Cav, Rank: Pvt, 9/7/61-1/63
KENYON, Jarvis S, Cemetery: Alfred Rural, Alfred, Plot: Lot 539, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 179th NYVI, Rank: Corp, 12 Mo.
KENYON, Varnum, Cemetery: East End, East Aurora
KENYON, William T, Cemetery: Mt. Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: E, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co E, 189th NYVI
KEOUGH, Mortimer, Cemetery: Catholic, Cooperstown, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co L, 2rd NY Cav, Rank: Pvt
KERNS, William, Cemetery: Protestant, Portageville, Plot: E, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Pvt
KERR, Newton, Cemetery: Elmwood, Pike
KERRIGAN, P, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: ?34, Headstone: Army Stone
KERSHAW, John, Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canandaigua, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co E, 160 NYVI
KERSHAW, Robt. E, Cemetery: Hope, Perry, Plot: Sec. 4 Lot 51
KERST, Ernest, Cemetery: Eagle Hill, Albany, Plot: 26 O.P., Headstone: Family, Regiment: Co D, 25th NYsm
KESSLER, John, Cemetery: National, Brooklyn, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co I, 75th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 9/5/61-12/8/63
KESTED, Joseph W, Cemetery: Union Mills, Broadalbin, Plot: No. 9, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 153rd NYVI
KETCHAM, C. Augustus, Cemetery: Babylon, Babylon, Plot: Lot 543 Sec. B, Headstone: Granite
KETCHAM, John H, Cemetery: Valley View Rural, Dover Plains, Plot: C, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 150 Col., Rank: Gen
KETERER, Chas., Cemetery: Evergreen, Pine Plains, Plot: Nw, Headstone: Quincey Granite, Rank: Pvt
KETTLE, Leonard, Cemetery: Broadalbin, Mayfiel, Plot: Ma, Headstone: Broadalbin Mayfield, Regiment: No. 54, Rank: 26 US Col. Reg.
KEYER, Patrick, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 34 Or 37 J, Headstone: Army Stone
KEYES, Geo. W, Cemetery: Riverside, Copenhagen, Plot: A, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 50 NYVI
KEYRS, F.J., Cemetery: St. Agnes, Avon
KEYS, F.J., Cemetery: St. Agnes, Avon, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co I, 108th NYVI, Rank: Sgt
KEYSER, John J, Cemetery: Fly Creek, Cooperstown, Regiment: 152rd NYVI
KIAH, Antione, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 7 Lot 49, Regiment: 193rd NYVI
KIBBEE, Cornelius, Cemetery: Curriers Rural, Curriers, Plot: C, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
KIBLER, Frederick, Cemetery: Elmlawn, Buffalo, Plot: 410 Grace, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co C, 2rd NY Mtd Rifles, Rank: Sgt, 12/23/63-8/10/65
KIBLER, William F, Cemetery: Elmlawn, Buffalo, Plot: 42 Grace, Headstone: Granite
KIDD, William, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. R, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co G, 58th NYVI, Rank: Sgt
KIEHL, Henry C, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. A, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co I, 136th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KIEHLE, Edw. W, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. R, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 13th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KIEPE, William, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: F 3, Headstone: Mnt
KIERMAN, James, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: Sec. A, Lot 153, Headstone: Army Stone, Regiment: Co B, NY, Rank: Pvt, 7/61-8/64
KIERMAN, Michael, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 33 Sec. C, Headstone: Army Stone
KIERNAN, T.H., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 32C St. Marks, Headstone: Army Stone
KIESEL, John, Cemetery: Evergreen, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 128, Regiment: Co A, 5th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 8/27/62-6/22/64
KIETH, Albert, Cemetery: Rural, Little Valley, Plot: Lot 115-120 Block B, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 64th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 11/27/61-11/27/64
KIFENBACK, Andrew, Cemetery: Charlotteville Ma, Charlotteville, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble
KILBORN, Henry, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 186th NYVI
KILBURN, Elisha E, Cemetery: Highland, Cherry Creek, Plot: Lot 16, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Corp
KILBURY, Edw. R, Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Bolivar, Plot: Lot 116, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co B, 189th NY, Rank: 1st Lt, 9/1/64-5/10/65
KILDEE, James, Cemetery: Schenevus, Schenevus, Plot: 1 C 53, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 3rd NY Cav, Rank: Pvt
KILDUF, P, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 26 H, St. Peter, Headstone: Army Stone
KILEY, John, Cemetery: Catholic, Cooperstown, Headstone: Granite
KILLEEN, Thomas, Cemetery: Rural, De Ruyter, Plot: S, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co K, 157th NY, 8/9/62-7/10/65
KIMBAL, Nelson, Cemetery: Lenox Rural, Canastota, Plot: Sw, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 157th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KIMBALL, Brant, Cemetery: Rural Home, Big Flats, Plot: Row F, Lot 8, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 50 NY Eng, Rank: Pvt
KIMBALL, Geo., Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: C, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: US Navy
KIMBALL, Harris, Cemetery: Rural Home, Big Flats, Plot: Row B, Lot 13, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 50 NY Eng, Rank: Pvt
KIMBALL, Ira B, Cemetery: Mt. Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: Sec. 7, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co E, 189th NYVI
KIMBALL, William H, Cemetery: Lenox Rural, Canastota, Plot: Ne, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 157th NYVI
KIMBEL, Gustavus, Cemetery: Pres. Church, Burdett, Headstone: Marble
KIMBER, William, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: C 38, Headstone: Gar Mkr
KINCAID, Henry, Cemetery: Colden, Colden, Headstone: Mkr, Rank: Pvt
KING, Alexander, Cemetery: Forest Dale, Crown Point, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 1st NY Lt Art/Co C, 16th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KING, B. Frank, Cemetery: Clymer, Clymer, Plot: C 35, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co G, 15thCav
KING, Edw. T, Cemetery: Cedar Lawn, East Hampton, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: US Navy Res.S.N.C.
KING, Francis D, Cemetery: Catholic, Cooperstown, Headstone: Granite
KING, Ira, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec. F, Lot 36, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 123rd NYVI, Rank: Corp
KING, James L, Cemetery: Calvary, Brooklyn, 1902
KING, John, Cemetery: Cassadaga, Cassadaga
KING, John, Cemetery: White Church, Crown Point, Headstone: Marble
KING, John H, Cemetery: Bramanville Prospect, Bramanville, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: 134th NY, Rank: Pvt
KING, Lawrence, Cemetery: Bramanville Prospect, Bramanville, Plot: N, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: 134th NY, Rank: Pvt
KING, Oliver G, Cemetery: Cedar Lawn, East Hampton, Plot: L 28 S.A., Headstone: Granite, Regiment: US Navy
KING, Omera, Cemetery: Union Of Hector, Burdett, Plot: Lot 270, Headstone: Family
KING, Phillip, Cemetery: Notre Dame, Ogdensburg, Regiment: 97th NYVI
KING, Robt., Cemetery: Byron, Byron, Headstone: Stone
KING, Sidney B, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 110, Headstone: Granite
KING, Thomas, Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: Ne, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co M, 3rd NY Cav
KING, Thomas, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 299, Headstone: Granite
KING, Thomas, Cemetery: National, Brooklyn, 1901
KING, W.C., Cemetery: Canaseraga, Canaseraga, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 207th Pa. V
KING, Willard, Cemetery: Highland, Cherry Creek, Plot: Lot 66, Headstone: Sandstone, Regiment: Co C, 112th NYVI, Rank: Corp
KING, William E, Cemetery: Hope, Perry, Plot: Sec 4 Lot 105
KINGSLAND, Chas., Cemetery: Sleepy Hollow, Tarrytown, Plot: 2
KINGSTON, John, Cemetery: Fairview, Brasher Falls, Plot: Sec. I, Lot 207, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 106th NYVI, Rank: Lt
KINNE, Graves, Cemetery: Canaseraga, Canaseraga, Regiment: Co E, 104th NYVI
KINNEY, A.N., Cemetery: Prospect Hill, Gloversville, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 13th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 4/61-4/63
KINNEY, Ira, Cemetery: Rural, De Ruyter, Plot: N, Headstone: Mnt, 8/13/62-5/31/65
KINNEY, Jiven, Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
KINNEY, Jno. B, Cemetery: Broadalbin Mayfield, Mayfield Broadalbin, Plot: No. 94, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, NY HA
KINNEY, John A, Cemetery: Barton, Barton, Plot: Sw, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 64th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KINNEY, Seymon B, Cemetery: Hillside, Georgetown, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co B, 184th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 8/18/64-6/29/65
KINNEY, Thomas, Cemetery: Calvary, Canandaigua, Plot: Parrish St., Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co H, 4th NY H A
KINNEY, William H, Cemetery: Corbettsville, Corbettsville, Regiment: Co H, 157th NYVI
KINNIE, Lewis, Cemetery: Riverside, Brewerton, Plot: Lot 3, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: Co H, 182rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KINSLEY, William, Cemetery: St. Joseph, Auburn, Plot: Se, Rank: Pvt
KINSTEL, Alexander, Cemetery: Our Lady Of Angel'S, W. Albany, Plot: P4 Lot 2 Sq 37, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 10 NYVI
KINSTEL, Joseph, Cemetery: Our Lady Of Angel'S, W. Albany, Plot: P4 Lot 4 Sq 62, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 43rd NYVI
KINSTEL, Val, Cemetery: Our Lady Of Angel'S, W. Albany, Plot: West Line Adult Row, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 7th NYVI Art
KIPP, James H, Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: Gar, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 55th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KIPP, Joseph, Cemetery: Benson Mines, Benson Mines, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
KIRBY, Geo., Cemetery: Protestant, Pawling, Rank: Capt
KIRCHMEYER, Frank H, Cemetery: United German/French, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 3 Sec. 1, Headstone: Mkr
KIRCHNER, Fred, Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn
KIRCHNER, Fred, Cemetery: Lutheran, Brooklyn, Regiment: Co H, 29th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 5/17/61-6/20/63
KIRCHNER, Henry, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 331, Headstone: Granite
KIRCHNER, Jacob, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: C 19, Headstone: Gar Mkr, Regiment: Co H, 12th NY Cav
KIRCHNER, Valentine, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 393, Headstone: Granite
KIRK, Peter, Cemetery: St. Mary'S, Ogdensburg, Regiment: 142rd NYVI
KIRKENDALL, Joseph, Cemetery: Campbell, Coopers Plains, Plot: Lot 61, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 86th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KIRKENDALL, Myron J, Cemetery: Campbell, Coopers Plains, Plot: Lot 61, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 86th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KIRKENDALL, Thompson J, Cemetery: Campbell, Coopers Plains, Plot: Lot 354, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 86th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KIRSCH, Jacob, Cemetery: St. Francis Xavier, Buffalo, Rank: Corp
KIRSCH, Joseph, Cemetery: St. Francis Xavier, Bu, Rank: Pvt
KISKER, John A, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 449, Headstone: Granite
KISSEN, Geo., Cemetery: Riverside, Copenhagen, Plot: O, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: 4th NYVI
KISTNER, Herm, Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: Gar, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 132rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KLAUCK, Emil C, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. C, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Troop L, US Cav, Rank: Sgt
KLAUS, Henry, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 352 Sec. B
KLEE, Henry, Cemetery: St. Francis Xavier, Buffalo, Rank: Pvt
KLEIN, Chas., Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: H 30, Headstone: Gar Mkr
KLEIN, Ferdinand, Cemetery: Eagle Hill, Albany, Plot: 35 B, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 68th NY Vet
KLEIN, Frederick C, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 257, Headstone: Granite
KLEIN, John, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: E 8, Headstone: Gar Mkr, Regiment: 187th NYVI
KLEIN, John, Cemetery: Our Lady Of Angel'S, W. Albany, Plot: P5 Lot 2 Sq 31, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 91st NYVI
KLINE, Pleasant, Cemetery: Ancram Union, Ancram, Plot: Tier 6 Lot 6, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 159th NYVI
KLINK, Mathias, Cemetery: Mt. Hope, Ebenezer, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 151st NYVI
KLOCK, P., Cemetery: Phoenix Rural, Phoenix, Plot: Lot 10 Sec. 55, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Pvt
KLOSS, Mathias, Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co A, 185th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 9/5/64-65
KLOTZBACH, John, Cemetery: Our Lady Of Angel'S, W. Albany, Plot: P2 Lot 1 Sq 26, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 25th NYVI
KNAP, E.W., Cemetery: Poolville, Poolville, Plot: W, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co F, 157th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KNAPP, Adam, Cemetery: Fairview, Brasher Falls, Plot: Sec. C, Lot 54, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 6th NY H A
KNAPP, Albert, Cemetery: Mt. Rest, Bergen, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
KNAPP, David, Cemetery: Constantia Rural, Constantia, Plot: No. 3, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co C, 122rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KNAPP, Edw., Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 206, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 57th Ill V, Rank: Capt
KNAPP, Geo., Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 207, Headstone: Granite
KNAPP, James, Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 351, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 9th NYVI, Rank: 1st Lt
KNAPP, James, Cemetery: Panama Union, Panama, Plot: 9, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 112th NYVI
KNAPP, John A, Cemetery: Clinton, Clintonville, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 192rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KNAPP, John L, Cemetery: Poplar Grove, Phillipsport, Plot: Tier 4 Plot 8 New
KNAPP, Lewis, Cemetery: Sanford, Dunraven, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 144th NY, Rank: Pvt
KNAPP, Lorenzo L, Cemetery: Maples, East Chatham, Plot: 90, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 30 Mass NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KNAPP, Melvin J, Cemetery: Maple Wood, Camillus, Plot: Lot 20 Sec 2, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 122rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 1862-65
KNAPP, Rensselaer, Cemetery: Rural, Castleton On Hudson, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 125th NY, Rank: Sgt
KNAPP, William H, Cemetery: Dix, Dix, Plot: Lot 459, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 76thColored Reg, Rank: Capt, 2/10/63-12/31/65
KNECHT, Geo., Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: I, Headstone: Gar Mkr, Regiment: Co H, 116th NYVI
KNIFFEN, David, Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: 423.5, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, NYmr, Rank: Pvt
KNIFFEN, Edw. C, Cemetery: M.E. Church, Burlingham, Plot: Ne, Headstone: Marble
KNIGHT, Daniel, Cemetery: Pleasant View, Port Gibson, Plot: 12, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 4th NY H A, Rank: Pvt
KNIGHT, Frederick, Cemetery: St. Agnes, Avon, Regiment: Co G, 6th NY Cav, Rank: Bugler
KNIGHT, Henry, Cemetery: Eaton Village, Eaton, Plot: Sec. E, Headstone: Granite
KNIGHT, Noble, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: C27, Headstone: Gar Mkr
KNIGHT, Silas, Cemetery: Springvale, East Elba, Plot: C, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: NY Battery, Rank: Sgt, 3 Yrs
KNIGHTS, Sydney, Cemetery: White Church, Crown Point, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 9th Vt NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KNISKERN, James, Cemetery: Schenevus, Schenevus, Plot: 1A 69, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 44th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KNISKERN, James K, Cemetery: Breakabeen, Breakabeen, Plot: Lot 31, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co H, 18th Cav, Rank: Pvt
KNISKERN, Mathew L, Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Headstone: Mnt
KNOBLOCH, Geo., Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 540 Sec. B
KNOFF, Isaac, Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: Gar, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 124th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KNOWLES, Calvin, Cemetery: Littleville, Avon, Headstone: Sandstone, Regiment: Co A, 13th NYVI, Rank: Sgt
KNOWLES, Delos, Cemetery: Hope, Campbell, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 17th NY, Rank: Pvt
KNOWLES, Harlan O, Cemetery: Findley Lake, Findley Lake, Plot: C, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 26thIowa Vi, Rank: Capt, 10/8/62-6/15/65
KNOWLTEN, Daniel C, Cemetery: Cazenovia, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec. J, Lot 75, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 114th NYVI, Rank: Capt
KNOWLTEN, Theodore, Cemetery: South, Cazenovia, Headstone: Marble
KNOX, John F, Cemetery: Hope, Campbell, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 107th NY, Rank: Capt
KNOX, John F, Cemetery: Hope, Campbell, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 107th NY, Rank: Pvt
KOBER, Joseph, Cemetery: St. Joseph, Auburn, Plot: Sw, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Pvt
KOERNER, Victor, Cemetery: Evergreen, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 178, Regiment: 28th NYsm, Rank: Sgt, 5/61-7/64
KOLKORT, William, Cemetery: Evergreen, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot9175, Regiment: Co A, 5th NYVI, Rank: Sgt
KOOM, James, Cemetery: Bloomingburg, Bloomingburg, Plot: S, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co C, 5th NYVI
KORTRIGHT, Nicholas, Cemetery: Amityville, Amityville, Plot: Sw
KORTRIGHT, Robt., Cemetery: Amityville, Amityville, Plot: Sw, Headstone: Granite
KORTWRIGHT, Robt., Cemetery: Canarsie, Brooklyn, Plot: Amityville, Regiment: 15th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
KRAEMER, Louis, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 23 Sec. A
KRAFT, Rev. Fredk., Cemetery: Methodist Banks Palmer, Pleasantville, Plot: Se, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Chaplain
KRAMER, Conrad, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co I, 136th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 1864-65
KRESS, Carl, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Regiment: 3rd Mass., Rank: Pvt
KRESS, John, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 111, Headstone: Granite
KRIELE, William, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 201, Headstone: Granite
KRIELEY, Jno. S, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. C, Headstone: Sandstone, Regiment: Co I, 12th NY Cav, Rank: Pvt
KRING, John, Cemetery: Brookside, Plessis, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 10 NY H A, Rank: Pvt
KROLL, J., Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: O 13, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co H, 65th NYsng
KROMER, Chas. F, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 3589, Headstone: Granite
KROMER, Chas. F, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 359, Headstone: Granite
KROST, Louis, Cemetery: United German/French, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 19 Sec. H, Headstone: Mkr
KRUMM, Casper, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 378 Sec. A
KUNES, Adam, Cemetery: Italy/Naples, Naples, Plot: 11, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co L, 16thH A, Rank: Pvt, 12/29/63-8/21/65
KYLE, Samuel P, Cemetery: Riverview, Baldwinsville, Plot: E. Lot 439, Headstone: Mnt
LA FLAIR, Andrew, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 2 Lot 94, Regiment: 6th NY H A
LA FORCE, Jacob, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. C, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 136th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 1864
LA FOUNTAIN, John, Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: Gar, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
LA MONT, Thomas, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 2 Lot 96
LA PLANT, Claude, Cemetery: Avon Village, Avon, Headstone: Sandstone, Regiment: Co K, 8th NY Cav
LA POINT, Lickerman, Cemetery: Phoenix Rural, Phoenix, Plot: Lot 16 Sec. 1, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 21st Ind Batt
LA POINT, Peter, Cemetery: Phoenix Rural, Phoenix, Plot: Lot 16 Sec. 1, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 149th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LACEY, Albert O., Cemetery: Forestlawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 344, Headstone: Granite
LACEY, Alfred D, Cemetery: Evergreen, Berkshire, Plot: Lot 28 Sec. A, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 50 NY Eng
LACEY, James N, Cemetery: Hope, Perry, Plot: Sec. 1 Lot 276, Regiment: 1st NY Mtd Rif
LACEY, Phillip, Cemetery: Evergreen, Berkshire, Plot: Lot 28 Sec. A, Headstone: Granite
LACKEY, Moses, Cemetery: Alexandria Bay, Alexandria Bay, Plot: Range G, Lot 22, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, Ohio Lt Art, Rank: Pvt
LACLAIR, Alex, Cemetery: Fairview, Brasher Falls, Plot: Sec. F, Lot 143, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: Co M, 6th NY HA
LACLAR, Alvah, Cemetery: Greenvale, Fairport
LACY, Thomas, Cemetery: Evergreen, Berkshire, Plot: Lot 57 Sec. A, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 15th NY Eng
LACY, William J, Cemetery: Evergreen, Berkshire, Plot: Lot 28 Sec. A, Headstone: Granite
LADD, Aaron B, Cemetery: Pleasant Mound, Colton, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 3rd Vt NYVI
LADD, C., Cemetery: Riverside, Brewerton, Plot: Lot 76, Headstone: Mnt, Rank: Pvt
LADOO, Alexander, Cemetery: Broadalbin Mayfield, Mayfield Broadalbin, Plot: No. 2, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 93rd NYVI
LADUE, James H, Cemetery: St. Luke, Beacon, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 1st NY Eng, Rank: Pvt
LADUE, Lewis, Cemetery: Berlin, Berlin, Plot: No. 2, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co I, 169th NYVI
LAFFERTY, John, Cemetery: Forestlawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 103, Headstone: Granite
LAGENBACH, John, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: L 14, Headstone: Gar Mkr
LAGOY, Joseph, Cemetery: Holy Angels, Alteria, Headstone: Stone, Rank: Pvt, 1861-65
LAGROSS, Geo., Cemetery: Forestlawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 454, Headstone: G
LAHAH, Frank, Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: E, Headstone: G, Regiment: Co C, 93rd NYVI
LAIDLOW, William G, Cemetery: Sunset, Ellicottville, Plot: C, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: US Navy
LAING, David, Cemetery: Evergreen, Eden, Plot: S E, Headstone: Granite
LAING, William, Cemetery: Evergreen, Eden, Plot: S, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 154th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LAIRD, Alvah, Cemetery: Eagle Village, Eagle, Headstone: Family Mnt, Regiment: 104th NYVI, Rank: Lt
LAKE, Geo. H, Cemetery: Riverview, Baldwinsville, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: US Marine Corps
LAKE, William, Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Elba, Plot: No. 2, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: NY Cav, Rank: Pvt
LAKIN, John A, Cemetery: Lakewood, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co A, 91st NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LAMAY, Geo., Cemetery: Peasleville, Peasleville, Rank: Pvt
LAMAY, William, Cemetery: Peasleville, Peasleville, Rank: Pvt
LAMB, Cyrus A, Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: Co F, 70 NYVI
LAMB, E.W., Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
LAMB, Parde, Cemetery: Union Mills, Broadalbin, Plot: No. 22, Headstone: Marble
LAMBERT, Edw., Cemetery: Meth. Banks Palmer, Pleasantville, Plot: S W, Headstone: Marble
LAMBERT, Frank, Cemetery: Maplewood, Patchin-Boston, Regiment: Co E, 6th Wis NYVI
LAMBERT, Geo. N, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec. A, Lot 161, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 123rd NYVI
LAMBERT, Wesley M, Cemetery: Old Baptist, Burdett
LAMBIER, John L, Cemetery: Forestlawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 146, Headstone: Granite
LAMING, David, Cemetery: Hillside, East Pembroke, Plot: Sec. D, Headstone: Headstone
LAMMERS, Elias, Cemetery: Panama Union, Panama, Plot: 14, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 112th NYVI
LAMON, John, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: S, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 186th NYVI
LAMONT, William J, Cemetery: St. Luke, Beacon, Plot: E, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 10 NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LAMOS, Geo. S, Cemetery: Crown Point Center, Crown Point, Headstone: Marble
LAMOY, Henry, Cemetery: Clinton, Clointonville, Plot: S, Regiment: Co C, 96th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LAMPHERE, Arnold, Cemetery: Schenevus, Schenevus, Plot: 6 D 22, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co E, 1st NY Eng, Rank: Pvt
LAMPHERE, Chas., Cemetery: Butternut Valley, Gilbertsville, Headstone: Family Mnt, Regiment: 121st NY H A, Rank: Pvt, 3 Yrs.
LAMPHERE, Orin, Cemetery: Elk Creek, Elk Creek, Plot: 62, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
LAMPHIN, David S, Cemetery: Berlin, Berlin, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
LAMPKIN, Gordon G, Cemetery: Forestlawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 298, Headstone: Granite
LAMPLINS, Franklin D, Cemetery: Berlin, Berlin, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble
LAMPMAN, A.D., Cemetery: Chatham Center Rural, Chatham Center, Plot: Lot 57 Sec. A
LAMPORT, William, Cemetery: West Ave., Canandaigua, Plot: N, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co D, 126th NYVI
LAND, Joseph F, Cemetery: Riverside, Larmouth Miami, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: Co G, 20 Miami NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 8/29/62-6/4/65
LANDERS, Aaron, Cemetery: Riverside, Brewerton, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co C, 149th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LANDERS, Henry, Cemetery: Riverside, Brewerton, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: Co C, 3rd Lt Art, Rank: Pvt
LANDESS, Oscar, Cemetery: Maple Shade, Center Lisle, Regiment: 27th Reg., Rank: Pvt
LANDON, Suman, Cemetery: Riverside, Copenhagen, Plot: N, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: NY H A, Rank: Pvt
LANDPHIER, Chas. R, Cemetery: Mount Pleasant, Elbridge, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 122rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LANE, James R, Cemetery: Gallup, Harrisburg, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: NY Cav
LANE, John, Cemetery: Colden, Colden, Headstone: Mkr, Rank: Pvt
LANE, John, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 3 Sec. B
LANE, John A, Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 110 NYVI
LANG, John G, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: I, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: 50 NY Eng, Rank: Major
LANGER, Harry, Cemetery: Forestlawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 327, Headstone: Granite
LANGREBE, Henry, Cemetery: Forestlawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 95, Headstone: Granite
LANGWORTHY, Goe. L, Cemetery: Alfred Rural, Alfred, Plot: Lot 84, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 179th NYVI, Rank: Corp., 12 Mths
LANGWORTHY, John F, Cemetery: Alfred Rural, Alfred, Plot: Lot 108 1/2, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: US Navy, Rank: Coaler, 12 Mths
LANKHORST, Christopher, Cemetery: Madison Conn, Brooklyn, Regiment: Co K, 2rd US Cav, Rank: Pvt, 12/27 59-12/27 63
LANLANDRON, Melville D, Cemetery: Eaton Village, Eaton, Plot: S W
LANSING, Austin, Cemetery: Perryville, Perryville, Plot: S, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 45thIll. NYVI
LANSING, Francis A, Cemetery: Crescent Union, Crescent, Plot: Lot 15, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 177th NYVI
LANTRY, Francis, Cemetery: Christ Church, Manlius, Plot: 103, Headstone: Family Mnt, Rank: Pvt
LAPE, Smith, Cemetery: Reformed Church, Claverack, Plot: N E, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Pvt
LAPHAM, Geo., Cemetery: Mount Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: Sec 9, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co D, 12th NYVI
LAPHAM, S.P., Cemetery: Elmwood, Pike
LAPOLT, John, Cemetery: Evergreen, Bethel, Plot: Lot 18, Regiment: Co H, 28th NY, Rank: Pvt, 2 Trs
LAPPIN, James, Cemetery: Mount Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: S E, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co D, 97th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LARABEE, Cyrus R, Cemetery: East Otto, East Otto, Plot: Old, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co A, 49th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 9/61-7/62 Died
LARABEE, Harlan C, Cemetery: Valley Vireo, Ellington, Regiment: Co G, 9th Cav, Rank: Pvt
LARABY, William H, Cemetery: Petries Corners, Petries Corners, Plot: 1, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co L, 5th NY H A
LARAWAY, Abe, Cemetery: Beaverkill, Beaverkill, Plot: C, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
LARCUM, Oliver O, Cemetery: Penevalley, Pine Valley, Plot: 43, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 50 NY Eng, Rank: Pvt
LARKIN, Edw., Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 16 Sec. I
LARKIN, Orvil F, Cemetery: East Otto, East Otto, Plot: Sec. 2, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co G, 154th NYVI, Rank: Corp., 9/64-6/65
LARKIN, Peter, Cemetery: Forestlawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 187, Headstone: Granite
LARNED, Benj. P, Cemetery: Pierrepont Manor, Pierrepont Manor, Plot: Sec 3 Plot 3, Headstone: Gar Mkr, Regiment: Co K, 6thVet. Res. Corps, Rank: Sgt, 7/31/61-8/9/64
LARNEY, Patrick, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 36 Plot 18, Headstone: Army Stone
LARUE, John, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Regiment: 6th NY H A
LARWOOD, Samuel, Cemetery: Greenvale, Fairport
LASHEN, Geo., Cemetery: Reformed Church, Germantown, Plot: N W, Headstone: Family Mnt, Regiment: Co K, 128th NY, Rank: Pvt, 3 Yrs.
LASHER, Eugene F, Cemetery: Lenox Rural, Canastota, Plot: N E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 1st NY Lt A
LASHER, Garrit, Cemetery: Forestlawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 453, Headstone: Granite
LASHER, Harmon, Cemetery: Lutheran, Viewmont, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 14th NY, 4/27/61-1863
LASHER, John, Cemetery: Lakewood, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co I, 152rd NYVI
LASHER, Joseph, Cemetery: Elmwood Rural, Bethlehem, Plot: Lot 128, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co I, 8th NY H A
LASHER, Leonard, Cemetery: Elmwood Rural, Bethlehem, Plot: Lot 128, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co H, NYVI
LASHER, Phillip, Cemetery: Elmwood Rural, Bethlehem, Plot: Lot 151, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co I, 13th NY H A
LASHER, William A, Cemetery: Riverside, Copenhagen, Plot: Old, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co M, 5thH A
LASSELLE, John, Cemetery: Prospect Hill, Gloversville, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 153rd NYVI, Rank: Capt., 10/62-1/65
LASSO, William, Cemetery: Forestlawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot123, Headstone: Granite
LATHAM, Geo., Cemetery: Orient Pt., Orient, Plot: Fam Plot, Regiment: Co H, 127th Reg., Rank: Corp.
LATHROP, Chas., Cemetery: Plainville, Plainville, Regiment: 122rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LATHROP, Henry H, Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: N E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co ?, 8th NY Cav
LATHROP, Simon, Cemetery: Chemung, Chemung, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble
LATHROP, Sivilian, Cemetery: Brookside, Plessis, Plot: S, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 10 NY H A, Rank: Pvt
LATHROP, William, Cemetery: Evergreen, Eden, Plot: S W, Headstone: Granite
LATIMER, Oliver C, Cemetery: East Side, Afton, Regiment: 5th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LATRACE, Isaac, Cemetery: Fairview, Brasher Falls, Plot: Sec. H, Lot 183, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co M, 6th NYVI H A
LATROP, Albert E, Cemetery: Forestlawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 73, Headstone: Granite
LATTA, Geo. W, Cemetery: Soldiers Onesquetlean, Clarksville, Plot: Sec. 1, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 77th NY, Rank: Pvt
LATTA, Phillip, Cemetery: Soldiers Onesquetlean, Clarksville, Plot: Sec. 1, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co E, NY H A
LATTERLY, Chas. L, Cemetery: Chester, Chester, Plot: C, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 124th Reg
LATTIN, Wm, Cemetery: Hartwick, Cooperstown
LAUFFER, Jacob, Cemetery: Ghent Union, Ghent, Plot: Lot 248, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Sec 3, Rank: Co C, 6 Conn. NYVI
LAUGHLIN, James H, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 8 Lot 64, Surgeon'S Clerk
LAUR, Ruben B., Cemetery: Elmwood, Pike
LAURIER, Theodore, Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Grave 11, Rank: Lt
LAUTERBORN, Michael, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 13th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LAUVRECK, Eugene, Cemetery: Unknown, Cypress Hills, Plot: Plot 3770, Regiment: 150 NY, Rank: Pvt, 8/62-6/65
LAVOICE, Chas., Cemetery: Dewittville, Dewittville, Plot: Lot 19, Headstone: Granite
LAW, Chas., Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canandaigua, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co F, 51st Pa NYVI
LAW, Melvin, Cemetery: Sunshine Hill, Chichester, Plot: S W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 20 NYsm, Rank: Pvt
LAW, William, Cemetery: Hamden, Hamden, Plot: S W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co C, 144th NY, Rank: Capt.
LAWLESS, Thomas, Cemetery: Forestlawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 217, Headstone: Granite
LAWRENCE, Oren J, Cemetery: Bangor, Bangor, Plot: S W, Headstone: Marble
LAWRENCE, Oscar, Cemetery: Phoenix Rural, Phoenix, Plot: Lot 123 Sec 13, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 184th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LAWSON, Conrad J, Cemetery: Forestlawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 410, Headstone: Granite
LAWSON, Daniel, Cemetery: Green Hills, Dryden, Plot: No. 44, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co M, 21st NY Cav, Rank: Pvt
LAWSON, Jerome, Cemetery: Cazenovia, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec. K, Lot 19, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 2rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LAWTON, Albert M, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec. A, Lot 136, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 93rd NYVI
LAWTON, Chas., Cemetery: Rural, Castleton On Hudson, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: US Navy
LAWTON, Eldridge, Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 171, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: US Navy, Rank: Chief Engr.
LAWTON, Geo. W, Cemetery: Brookside, Plessis, Plot: S W, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: Co B, 140 Reg, Rank: Corp., 3 Yrs.
LAWTON, Henry C, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec. A, Lot 14, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 123rd NYVI
LAWYER, David, Cemetery: Broadalbin Mayfield, Mayfield Broadalbin, Plot: No. 56, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 153rd NYVI
LAYTON, Chas. B, Cemetery: Methodist, Callicoon, Plot: N W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 56th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LAYTON, Chas. E, Cemetery: Riverview, Baldwinsville, Plot: W, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co G, 81st NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 11/1/61-8/31/65
LAYTON, Edmond A, Cemetery: Cypress Hills, Brooklyn, Plot: Sec. 18 Lot 59 G. 3, Regiment: Co C, 3rd NY Cav, Rank: Pvt, 2/64-9/65
LAZIER, Joseph, Cemetery: Poplar Grove New, Phillipsport, Plot: Tier 2 Plot 5, Headstone: Granite
LE BARNS, Roderick, Cemetery: Maples, East Chatham, Plot: 38, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Pvt
LE BARREN, Lorenzo, Cemetery: Baptist, Afton, Regiment: 5th NY H A
LE BOEF, Joseph, Cemetery: Clarksville, Clarksville, Plot: Sec. 1, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co A, 12th NYVI
LE BONE, Alexander, Cemetery: Mt. Hope, Ebenezer, Headstone: Granite
LE FAIVRE, Edwin, Cemetery: Forestlawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 198, Headstone: Granite
LEACH, Andrew J, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. T, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co K, 1st NY Dragoons, Rank: Capt.
LEACH, Horatio E, Cemetery: Hillside, Georgetown, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co E, 157th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 8/12/62-7/10/64
LEAHY, Patrick, Cemetery: Calvary, Canandaigua, Plot: Parrish St., Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co G, 1st N.M. Cav.
LEANORD, Henry S, Cemetery: St. Luke, Beacon, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: US Navy
LEARNED, John I., Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 13th NYVI
LEARY, John, Cemetery: St. Marys, Ogdensburg, Regiment: 106th NYVI
LEASKE, John, Cemetery: Cypress Hills, Brooklyn, 1898
LEATE, Norris, Cemetery: Chester, Chester, Plot: S W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 11th R.I. H A
LEATOR, John, Cemetery: Reformed Church, Claverack, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 91st NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEATOR, Martin, Cemetery: Reformed Church, Claverack, Plot: N E, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
LEAVITT, Chas. E, Cemetery: St. Luke, Beacon, Plot: E, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co E, 19NY, Rank: Pvt
LECK, Elias A, Cemetery: Fairview, Beacon, Plot: Sec. A, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 6th NY Cav, Rank: Sgt, 11/17/61-4/18/66
LEE, Clarence, Cemetery: Bovina Center, Bovina Center, Plot: R 11 Lot 24, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Pvt
LEE, Daniel B, Cemetery: Alfred Rural, Alfred, Plot: Lot 96, Headstone: Marble
LEE, Edw. M, Cemetery: Pompey Hill, Pompey, Plot: Sec 8 Lot 10, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co D, 122rd NYVI, 30 Mths
LEE, Gabriel, Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: 152.5, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
LEE, Geo. S, Cemetery: Phoenix Old, Phoenix, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 185th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEE, Henry M, Cemetery: West Ave., Canandaigua, Plot: N, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co D, 126th NYVI, Rank: 1st Lt
LEE, Ira B, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 278 O.G., Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 18th NY Cav
LEE, John, Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: 242.5, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 62rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEE, Lafayette, Cemetery: West Ave., Canandaigua, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 28th NYVI
LEE, M., Cemetery: Pleasant Lane, Brasie Cornus, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co B, 142rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEE, Stephrn B, Cemetery: Kattellville, Binghamton, Plot: C. S., Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co M, 1st NY Cav, Rank: Pvt
LEE, Sylvester, Cemetery: New Prospect, Pine Bush, Plot: W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co D, 80 NYVI
LEE, Thomas, Cemetery: Broadalbin Mayfield, Mayfield Broadalbin, Plot: No. 43, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co I, 10 NY Cav
LEE, Truman, Cemetery: Plainville, Plainville
LEE, William H, Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 31, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co D, 100 Ill. NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 10/64-6/65
LEE, William R, Cemetery: Protestant, Pawling, Rank: Pvt
LEEBY, Chas. G, Cemetery: Chester, Chester, Plot: C, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: 20 Colored Reg.
LEEHEN, Dennis, Cemetery: Riverside, Belfast, Plot: S W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 160 NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEEK, Geo., Cemetery: Babylon, Babylon
LEEK, James H, Cemetery: Babylon, Babylon, Headstone: Marble
LEET, Timothy, Cemetery: Dewittville, Dewittville, Plot: Lot 171, Headstone: Marble
LEFLER, Geo. W, Cemetery: Forestlawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 238, Headstone: Granite
LEGGETT, Alex. B, Cemetery: Babylon, Babylon, Plot: Lot 188, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Surgeon
LEHMANN, Arthur, Cemetery: Mt. Hope, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 11, Headstone: Granite
LEIGHTON, Andrew, Cemetery: Zurich, Zurich, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 111th NYVI
LEINHARDT, August, Cemetery: Eagle Hill, Albany, Plot: 142 O.P., Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 76th NYVI
LEIWIG, Morris, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 6 Lot 5, Regiment: 125 NYi
LELAND, Lafayette, Cemetery: Hope, Perry, Plot: Sec. 4 Lot 103
LELLAR, Andrew J, Cemetery: Riverview, Baldwinsville, Plot: W, Regiment: Batt. B, 1st NY HA, Rank: Pvt, 2/15/64-6/18/65
LEMARY, Sylvester, Cemetery: Alexander, Alexander, Headstone: Soldiers, Rank: Pvt, 1861-65
LEMEREE, Andrew, Cemetery: Forest Hill, Blodgett Mills, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 76th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEMON, Chas. P, Cemetery: Acra, Acra, Plot: N W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 4th NY H A, Rank: Pvt
LEMS, James H, Cemetery: Alexander, Alexander, Headstone: Soldiers, Rank: Pvt, 1861-65
LEMUNYON, William F, Cemetery: Pleasant View, Port Gibson, Plot: 173, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 126th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 8/7/62-8/17/64
LENAHAN, James, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 30 I, St. Peter, Headstone: Army Stone
LENNEBACKER, Geo. P, Cemetery: Fly Creek, Cooperstown
LENNON, Edmund A, Cemetery: Chichester, Chichester, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 102rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LENT, Peter, Cemetery: Eaton Village, Eaton, Plot: Sec. E, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co E, 14th NYVI
LENTZ, Theodore, Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 73, Regiment: Co C, 15th NY HA
LENVIRLY, Geo., Cemetery: Rural, Gilboa, Plot: C
LEONARD, Daniel, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec. F, Lot 143, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 2rd Mass. NYVI
LEONARD, F.M., Cemetery: Riverside, Copenhagen, Plot: Old, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 20 Cav, Rank: Capt.
LEONARD, J., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 118 Letter C, Headstone: Army Stone
LEONARD, John, Cemetery: Catholic, Cooperstown, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co M, 1st NY H A, Rank: Pvt
LEONARD, John H, Cemetery: Pompey Hill, Pompey, Plot: Sec. I, Lot 57, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 12th NYVI, Rank: Corp.
LEONARD, Louis, Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Grave 39, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 28th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEONARD, Thomas, Cemetery: Evergreen, Eden, Plot: C
LEONARD, William, Cemetery: Riverside, Copenhagen, Headstone: Concrete, Regiment: Co F, 186th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEONARD, William, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec. F, Lot 143, Headstone: Granite
LEPPER, Thomas, Cemetery: Prospect Hill, Gloversville, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 1st NY HA, Rank: Pvt
LERBUSH, Abrom, Cemetery: Canaseraga, Canaseraga, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 188th Reg.
LERKS, J.O., Cemetery: Meth. Banks Palmer, Pleasantville, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 6th NYVI
LEROY, John, Cemetery: Chester, Chester, Plot: O, Headstone: Marble
LEROY, Sylvester, Cemetery: Phoenix Rural, Phoenix, Plot: Lot 86 Sec. 11, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 149th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEROY, William, Cemetery: Eagle Hill, Albany, Plot: 48 O.P., Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 7th NY H A
LESCOMB, Lewis W, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 2 Lot 94, Regiment: 15th Md. NYVI
LESLIE, Robt., Cemetery: Cutchogue, Cutchogue, Plot: S W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 6th NYVI Cav
LESTER, Geo., Cemetery: Clemons, Dryden, Plot: N E, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: NJ Regt, Rank: Pvt, 3 Yrs.
LESTER, Thomas, Cemetery: Sanfords Corners, Calcium, Plot: W, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co D, 94th NYVI
LETHEN, Peter, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 181, Headstone: Granite
LETSON, August, Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
LETSON, John, Cemetery: Phoenix Rural, Phoenix, Plot: Lot 18 Sec. 60, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 21st Ind. Batt., Rank: Pvt
LETSON, Mark, Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
LETSON, William, Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
LETTER, Thomas H, Cemetery: Cypress Hills, Brooklyn, Plot: Sec. 6 Grave 353, Regiment: Co G, 176th NY, Rank: Pvt, 9/62-9/63
LETTS, Chas. M, Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co K, 189th NYVI
LETTS, David, Cemetery: Pleasant Lawn, Parish, Plot: N W, Headstone: Marble
LEVAN, Louis, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 414, Headstone: Granite
LEVINE, Peter, Cemetery: St. Marys, Ogdensburg, Regiment: 17th US NYVI
LEVINESS, A., Cemetery: Greenville, Greenburg, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 27th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 2 Yrs
LEVINESS, Geo., Cemetery: Hartsdale, Greenburg, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 127th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEVY, Bryant, Cemetery: Sunset, Ellicottville, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 145th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEWIS, Alfred O, Cemetery: Evergreen, Pine Plains, Plot: S, Headstone: Granite
LEWIS, Alfred S, Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: N W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 140 NYVI
LEWIS, Alonzo, Cemetery: Byron, Byron, Headstone: Stone
LEWIS, Alonzo D, Cemetery: Lisle, Lisle, Plot: Lot 17 Sec 6, Headstone: Marble
LEWIS, Alonzo E, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 51 Sec 3, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co K, 47th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 3/1/65-8/13/65
LEWIS, Amos C, Cemetery: Alfred Rural, Alfred, Plot: Lot 485, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co I, 27th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 15 Mths
LEWIS, Byron F, Cemetery: Panama Union, Panama, Plot: 15, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 112th NYVI
LEWIS, Chas., Cemetery: Kattellville, Binghamton, Plot: N, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co E, 137th NYVI
LEWIS, Chas., Cemetery: Riverside, Belfast, Plot: N W, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Pvt
LEWIS, Daniel, Cemetery: Alfred Rural, Alfred, Plot: Lot 485, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: US Navy Gulf, Rank: Landsman
LEWIS, Davd E, Cemetery: Schenevus, Schenevus, Plot: 7 W 47, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 3rd NY Cav, Rank: Pvt
LEWIS, Donald C, Cemetery: Fly Creek, Cooperstown, Regiment: 121st NYVI
LEWIS, Edw. R, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 37, Headstone: Granite
LEWIS, Ezra S, Cemetery: Old, Elizabethtown, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 77th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEWIS, Geo., Cemetery: Meth. Banks Palmer, Pleasantville, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 1st NY M R
LEWIS, Geo., Cemetery: Panama Union, Panama, Plot: 21, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 15th NY Eng, Rank: Sgt
LEWIS, Geo. R, Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canandaigua, Plot: Soldiers Lot, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co J, 4th NY H A
LEWIS, Henry, Cemetery: Campbell, Coopers Plains, Plot: Lot 277, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 41st NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEWIS, Henry B, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: 51 Sec 3, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 5th NY H A, Rank: Pvt
LEWIS, Henry D, Cemetery: Riverview, Baldwinsville, Plot: W, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co C, 101st NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 9/15/61-5/29/62
LEWIS, J.H., Cemetery: St. Johns, Brooklyn, Plot: Jamaica L.I., Regiment: Co C, 16th NY Eng, Rank: Pvt, 12/18/64-6/13/65
LEWIS, Jacob B, Cemetery: Rural, Castleton On Hudson, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: Co D, 10 NY, Rank: Pvt
LEWIS, James, Cemetery: Cherry Creek, Cherry Creek, Plot: Lot 135
LEWIS, James R, Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
LEWIS, Jno., Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. E, Regiment: Co B, 136th NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 1864
LEWIS, John B, Cemetery: Bangor, Bangor, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble
LEWIS, John F, Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 70, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 20 NY, Rank: Sgt
LEWIS, Joseph, Cemetery: Schenevus, Schenevus, Plot: 7 W 47, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 1st NY Eng, Rank: Pvt
LEWIS, Jubez, Cemetery: Maple Grove, Castle Creek, Plot: Row 11, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 16thBatt., Rank: Capt.
LEWIS, Justice, Cemetery: Maple Shade, Center Lisle, Rank: Pvt
LEWIS, Leonard, Cemetery: Kattellville, Binghamton, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 89th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEWIS, Leonard L, Cemetery: Berlin, Berlin, Plot: N W, Rank: Pvt
LEWIS, Lloyd, Cemetery: Brookside, Plessis, Plot: N W, Regiment: Co E, 186NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 14 Mths
LEWIS, Lyndale T, Cemetery: Pine Valley, Pine Valley, Plot: 14, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co C, 50 NY Eng, Rank: Pvt
LEWIS, M.C., Cemetery: Hamden, Hamden, Plot: S W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co C, 144th NY, Rank: Capt.
LEWIS, Mertille, Cemetery: St. Joseph, Auburn, Plot: S E, Regiment: Co K, 11th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEWIS, Peter J, Cemetery: Phoenix Rural, Phoenix, Plot: Lot 1 Sec 1, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 177th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEWIS, Porter A, Cemetery: Highland, Cherry Creek, Plot: Lot 220, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Corp.
LEWIS, William, Cemetery: Cooks Falls, Cooks Falls, Plot: C, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 71st NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LEWIS, William, Cemetery: Evergreen, Bethel, Plot: Lot 102, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 143rd NY, Rank: Pvt, 3 Yrs.
LIEBERTRUT, Christopher, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 389, Headstone: Granite
LIEBETRAUT, Fred A, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 6 Sec. H
LIGHTFOOT, Geo., Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 97, Regiment: Co B, 79th NY S M
LIGHTFOOT, James, Cemetery: St. Marys, Ogdensburg, Regiment: 26th NY Cav
LIGHTHART, Zifa, Cemetery: Mt. Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: E, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co B, 50 NY Eng
LILLEY, Chas., Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Elba, Plot: N, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 8th NY H A, Rank: Corp., 2Yrs
LILLIBRIDGE, Frank, Cemetery: East Koy Rural, Portageville, Plot: 100, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 2rd Mtd Rif, Rank: Pvt
LILLOTSEN, Guy M, Cemetery: Cazenovia, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec. H, Lot 240, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co I, 81st NYVI, Rank: Capt.
LIMBECK, Henry, Cemetery: Phoenix Rural, Phoenix, Plot: Lot 16 Sec 60, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
LINCOLN, David, Cemetery: Charlotteville, Charlotteville, Plot: N E, Headstone: Marble
LINCOLN, William H, Cemetery: East Otto, East Otto, Plot: Sec 2, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co B, 154th NYVI, Rank: Lt
LINDERMAN, Alonzo, Cemetery: Five Mile, Allegany, Rank: Pvt
LINDERMANN, Thomas, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 1 Sec. E
LINDSAY, James M, Cemetery: Fly Creek, Cooperstown, Regiment: 121st NYVI
LINDSAY, W.P., Cemetery: Pleasant Mound, Colton, Plot: Sec. A, Headstone: Granite
LINDSAY, William F, Cemetery: Fly Creek, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co A, 43rd NYVI
LINDSEY, Abiel, Cemetery: Green Hills, Dryden, Plot: No. 45, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 15th Regt, Rank: Pvt
LINK, Phillip, Cemetery: Crescent Union, Crescent, Plot: Gar Lot, Regiment: Co H, 115th NYVI
LINSBURY, Marcus, Cemetery: St. Luke, Beacon, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 56th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LINSLEY, Joel B, Cemetery: Eagle Hill, Albany, Plot: 236 O.P., Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 11th NY Ind Batt.
LINTON, James H, Cemetery: Old, Elizabethtown, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 95th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LIPPE, Martin, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 480 Sec. A
LISCUM, Joseph, Cemetery: Eastport, Eastport, Plot: N E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 1st NYVI Mtd Rif, Rank: Pvt
LISK, Thomas, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 238O.G., Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 35th NYVI
LISLE, Henry M, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, 1898
LITTLE, Amos C, Cemetery: Glen Aubrey, Glen Aubrey, Plot: W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co C, 189th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LITTLE, Michael, Cemetery: Lakewood, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co H, 20 NY Cav, Rank: Pvt
LITTLEJOHN, F. Dewitt, Cemetery: Broadalbin Mayfield, Mayfield Broadalbin, Plot: No. 74, Headstone: Marble
LITTLER, Henry, Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 93rd NYVI
LITTLES, James F, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. H, Headstone: Sandstone, Regiment: 136th NYVI, Rank: Lt
LIVERMARE, W.B., Cemetery: Lisle, Lisle, Plot: Arenex
LIVERMORE, Ed., Cemetery: Maple Shade, Center Lisle, Regiment: Co E, 137th Regt, Rank: Pvt
LIVINGSTON, A.C., Cemetery: Riverside, Elizabethtown, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co K, 38th NYVI, Rank: Lt, 6/3/61-8/61
LIVINGSTON, Chas., Cemetery: Alexandria Bay, Alexandria Bay, Plot: Lot 15, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LIVINGSTON, Frank, Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 110
LIVINGSTON, Harry, Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Headstone: Mnt
LIVINGSTON, Jas, H, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec. K, Lot 69, Headstone: Marble
LIVINGSTON, Marcus, Cemetery: Cincinnatus, Cincinnatus, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 157th NYVI
LIVINGSTON, Peates, Cemetery: Collierville, Cooperstown Jct, Plot: Lot 135, Headstone: Marble
LIVINGSTON, Robt. W, Cemetery: Riverside, Elizabethtown, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 118th NYVI, Rank: Major, Wia 8/29/62 Drury'S Bluff
LLAWILLIN, De Witt, Cemetery: Amber Rural, Amber, Plot: Lot 47, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 14th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LLOYD, Geo. W, Cemetery: Hilltop, Breesport, Plot: Lot 62, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 84th Penn NYVI
LLOYD, James, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 96 Lockwood, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co M, 14th NY H A, Rank: Musician, 1/4/64-1/2/65
LLYER, Aaron, Cemetery: Fairview, Beacon, Plot: Sec. A, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co A, 38th NJ NYVI
LOBDELL, Britton, Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: 1st NY Eng, Rank: Pvt
LOBDELL, James, Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co L, 117NYVI
LOBDELL, John A, Cemetery: De Kalb Union, De Kalb, Plot: Lot 49, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Pvt
LOBDELL, Josiah, Cemetery: Mt. Pleasant, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec. A, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co F, 2rd NY H A
LOBDELL, Seymour, Cemetery: De Kalb Union, De Kalb, Plot: Lot 44, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Pvt
LOCHREN, James, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 156, Headstone: Granite
LOCHREN, William, Cemetery: St. Marys, Ogdensburg, Regiment: 142rd NYVI
LOCK, Alanson, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 20 NY Cav
LOCKE, Andrew J, Cemetery: Fairview, Brasher Falls, Plot: Sec. C, Lot 56, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 6th NY H A
LOCKE, Ethan, Cemetery: Cincinnatus, Cincinnatus, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 179th NYVI, Rank: Capt.
LOCKLIN, Geo. W, Cemetery: De Kalb Union, De Kalb, Plot: Lot 50, Regiment: Co I, 2rd Conn. H A, Rank: Pvt
LOCKLIN, Isaac W, Cemetery: De Kalb Union, De Kalb, Plot: Lot 55, Headstone: Granite
LOCKMAN, William S, Cemetery: Cazenovia, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec. H, Lot 343, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 10 NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LOCKWOOD, Edw. P, Cemetery: Riverview, Baldwinsville, Plot: S, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Batt. B, 1st NY Lt Art, Rank: Pvt
LOCKWOOD, William H, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: Plot 14, Headstone: Army Stone
LODER, Hiram, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 288 O.G., Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 186th NYVI
LOEB, Abraham, Cemetery: Mt. Hope, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 34, Headstone: Granite
LOEPERE, Hugo, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: S 7, Headstone: Gar Mkr, Regiment: Co H, 116th NYVI
LOFTIS, John, Cemetery: Catholic, Constableville
LOFTIS, Martin, Cemetery: Catholic, Constableville
LOFTIS, Peter, Cemetery: Catholic, Constableville
LOFTUS, John, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Regiment: US Navy, Rank: Coaler, 12/63-12/64
LOFTUS, John, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 45 D, Olive, Headstone: Army Stone
LOGEL, Joseph, Cemetery: Byron, Byron, Headstone: Stone
LOGES, Bernard, Cemetery: Cypress Hills, Brooklyn, 1903
LOLL, David, Cemetery: East Bethany, East Bethany, Headstone: Marble
LONDON, John, Cemetery: Hartwick, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co G, 152rd NYVI
LONE, Chauncy, Cemetery: Tonawanda Reservation, Akron, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: Co D, 23rd US Colored Troops, Rank: Pvt, 5/13/64-10/9/65
LONG, Anson, Cemetery: Pleasant Mound, Colton, Plot: Sec. A, Headstone: Marble
LONG, Conrad J, Cemetery: Our Lady Of Angels, W. Albany, Plot: P2, East 1/2 Lot 3, Sq 48, Headstone: Granite
LONG, William, Cemetery: Clymer, Clymer, Plot: D 46, Headstone: Mnt
LONGLEY, Richard H, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 2 Lot 42, Regiment: 1st Conn Cav
LONGLEY, Richard H, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 2 Lot 42, Regiment: 1st Conn. Cav
LONGTIN, Louis, Cemetery: Fernwood, Benson Mines, Rank: Pvt
LONGTIN, Louis, Cemetery: Fernwood, Benson Mines, Rank: Pvt
LONT, Tracy, Cemetery: Union, Edmeston, Plot: Sec. A, No. 5, Headstone: Granite
LONT, Tracy, Cemetery: Union Mills, Edmeston, Plot: Sec. A, No. 5, Headstone: Granite
LOOGOOD, Henry G, Cemetery: Cazenovia, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec. H, Lot 320, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 35th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LOOGOOD, Henry G, Cemetery: Cazenovia, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec. H, Lot320, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 35th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LOOJINS, William H, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. T, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 136th NYVI, Rank: Sgt
LOOKER, John, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 47 O.G., Headstone: Sandstone, Regiment: Co G, 35th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LOOKER, John, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 47 O.G., Headstone: Sandstone, Regiment: Co G, 35th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LOOKINS, William H, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. T, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 136th NYVI, Rank: Sgt
LOOLESS, Silas, Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 558
LOOLESS, Silas, Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 558
LOOMAN, Garrett, Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora, Regiment: 100 NYVI
LOOMAN, Garrett, Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora, Regiment: 100 NYVI
LOOMER, James F, Cemetery: South, Cazenovia, Headstone: Marble
LOOMER, James F, Cemetery: South, Cazenovia, Headstone: Marble
LOOMIS, Ellis, Cemetery: Cowlesville, Cowlesville, Plot: S, Headstone: Stone
LOOMIS, Ellis, Cemetery: Cowlesville, Cowlesville, Plot: S, Headstone: Stone
LOOMIS, Lyman, Cemetery: Crary Mills, Crary Mills, Headstone: Marble
LOOMIS, Lyman, Cemetery: Crary Mills, Crary Mills, Headstone: Marble
LOONEY, Thomas, Cemetery: Avon Village, Avon, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 136th NYVI
LOONEY, Thomas, Cemetery: Avon Village, Avon, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 136th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LOOP, Geo. D, Cemetery: Rural, Little Valley, Plot: Lot 4-23 Block D, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 9th NY Cav
LOOP, Geo. D, Cemetery: Rural, Little Valley, Plot: Lot 4-23 Block D, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 9th NY Cav
LOOP, Henry A, Cemetery: Riverview, Baldwinsville, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 122rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 8/62-6/65
LOOP, Henry A, Cemetery: Riverview, Baldwinsville, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 122rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 8/62-6/65
LOPER, Geo. S, Cemetery: Cedar Lawn, East Hampton, Plot: L 1 S.F., Headstone: Marble, Regiment: US Navy
LOPER, Geo. S, Cemetery: Cedar Lawn, East Hampton, Plot: L 1 S.F., Headstone: Marble, Regiment: US Navy
LORCH, Phillip, Cemetery: Riverside, Bloomville, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 144th NY, Rank: Pvt
LORCH, Phillip, Cemetery: Riverside, Bloomville, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 144th Reg, Rank: Pvt
LORD, Albert, Cemetery: Mt. Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: Sec. A, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co A, 26th Reg. Gold Troop
LORD, Albert, Cemetery: Mt. Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: Sec. A, No. 5, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co A, 26th Reg Gold Troop
LORD, Daniel S, Cemetery: Broadalbin Mayfield, Mayfield Broadalbin, Plot: No. 88, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 6th NY H A
LORD, Daniel S, Cemetery: Broadalbin Mayfield, Mayfield Broadalbin, Plot: No. 88, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 6th NY H.A.
LORD, James A, Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Regiment: 146th NY, Rank: Pvt
LORD, James A, Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Regiment: 146th NY, Rank: Pvt
LORD, Rufus R, Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co A, 25th NY Cav, Rank: Pvt
LORD, Rufus R, Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co A, 25th NY Cav, Rank: Pvt
LORD, William D, Cemetery: Lisle, Lisle, Plot: Lot 22 Gr. 2, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
LORD, William D, Cemetery: Lisle, Lisle, Plot: Lot 22 Gr. 2, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
LORDEN, Thomas P, Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Bolivar, Plot: Lot 496, Regiment: Co C, 11th Penn. Res, Rank: Pvt, 1861-65
LORDEN, Thos. P, Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Bolivar, Plot: Lot 496, Regiment: Co C, 11th Pa Res., Rank: Pvt, 1861-65
LORREY, E.G., Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
LORREY, E.G., Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
LORREY, Urial, Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
LORREY, Urial, Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
LORSOMER, Stephen, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 2 Lot 40, Regiment: 7th NY H A
LORSOMER, Stephen, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 2 Lot 40, Regiment: 7th NY H.A.
LORTON, John, Cemetery: East Bethany, East Bethany, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 95th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LORTON, John, Cemetery: East Bethany, East Bethany, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 95th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LOSEE, W. Edw., Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: S W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co M, 1st NY Lt Art
LOSEE, W. Edw., Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: Sw, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co M, 1st NY H.A.
LOT, Herbert L, Cemetery: Berlin, Berlin, Plot: S, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co E, 169th NYVI
LOT, Herbert L, Cemetery: Berlin, Berlin, Plot: S, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 169th NYVI
LOTT, John, Cemetery: Grove, Coeymans, Plot: Lot 126, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co I, 177th NYVI
LOTT, John, Cemetery: Grove, Coeymans, Plot: Lot 126, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co I, 177th NYVI
LOUICK, Phillip, Cemetery: Forest Ave, Angola, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 153rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LOUICK, Phillip, Cemetery: Forest Ave., Angola, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 153rd NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LOVEJOY, Theron, Cemetery: Ashville, Ashville, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co D, 112th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LOVEJOY, Theron, Cemetery: Ashville, Ashville, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co D, 112th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LOVELETT, Geo. H, Cemetery: St. Stephens, Armonk, Regiment: Co C, 49th NYVI
LOVELETT, Geo. H, Cemetery: St. Stephens, Armonk, Regiment: Co C, 49th NYVI
LOVELETT, Henry, Cemetery: St. Stephens, Armonk, Regiment: Co C, 49th NYVI
LOVELETT, Henry, Cemetery: St. Stephens, Armonk, Regiment: Co C, 49th NYVI
LOVELY, Samuel, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 7 Lot 87, Regiment: 14th NY H A
LOVELY, Samuel, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 7 Lot 87, Regiment: 14th NY H.A.
LOVERIDGE, Smith J, Cemetery: Riverview, Baldwinsville, Plot: S, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co K, 149th NYVI, Rank: Corp
LOVERIDGE, Smith J, Cemetery: Riverview, Baldwinsville, Plot: S, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co K, 149th NYVI, Rank: Corp.
LOW, William, Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Grave 59, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 4th US NYVI
LOW, Wm, Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Grave 59, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 4th US NYVI
LOWAN, Andrew J, Cemetery: Butternut Valley, Gilbertsville, Plot: Fam Plot, Headstone: Family Mnt, Regiment: Co K, 121st NYVI, Rank: Sgt, 2 Yrs, 10 Mths
LOWAN, Andrew J, Cemetery: Butternut Valley, Gilbertsville, Plot: Fam. Lot, Headstone: Fam. Mnt, Regiment: Co K, 121st NYVI, Rank: Sgt, 34 Mths
LOWDEN, James W, Cemetery: Fly Creek, Cooperstown, Regiment: 152rd NYVI
LOWDEN, James W, Cemetery: Fly Creek, Cooperstown, Regiment: 158th NYVI
LOWDON, John, Cemetery: Todd Hill, Cooperstown, Regiment: 152rd NYVI
LOWDON, John, Cemetery: Todds Hill, Cooperstown, Regiment: 152rd NYVI
LOWE, Geo., Cemetery: Meth. Banks Palmer, Pleasantville, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 9th NYVI
LOWE, Geo., Cemetery: Methodist Banks Palmer, Pleasantville, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 9th NYVI
LOWE, Henry, Cemetery: Sunset, Ellicottville, Plot: C, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 37th Cav, Rank: Pvt
LOWE, Henry, Cemetery: Sunset, Ellicottville, Plot: Ctr, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 37th Cav, Rank: Pvt
LOWER, Geo. W, Cemetery: Byron, Byron, Headstone: Stone
LOWER, Geo. W, Cemetery: Byron, Byron, Headstone: Stone
LOWERY, Edw., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, 1894
LOWERY, Edw., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, 1894
LOWEY, Thomas H, Cemetery: Glenwood, Glenwood, Plot: S E, Headstone: Marble
LOWEY, Thos. H, Cemetery: Glenwood, Glenwood, Plot: Se, Headstone: Marble
LOWICKS, Rensselaer, Cemetery: Ref. Church, Claverack, Plot: Ctr, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co A, 159th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LOWICKS, Rensselaer, Cemetery: Reformed Church, Claverack, Plot: C, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co A, 159th NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LOWRIE, Daniel, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 41 H, St. James, Headstone: Stone
LOWRIE, Daniel, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 41H, St. James, Headstone: Army Stone
LOWRY, Edw., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 169 Letter K, Headstone: Army Stone
LOWRY, Edw., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 169 Letter K, Headstone: Stone
LOWRY, John, Cemetery: All Souls, Pleasantville, Plot: Sec. A, Div. 8 Grave 17 W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 3rd NY P.C., Rank: Pvt
LOWRY, John, Cemetery: All Souls, Pleasantville, Plot: Sec. A, Div. 8, Grave 17 W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 3rd NY P.C., Rank: Pvt
LOWRY, Thomas, Cemetery: All Souls, Pleasantville, Plot: Sec. C, Div. 17 Grave 2E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 3rd NYg
LOWRY, Thos., Cemetery: All Souls, Pleasantville, Plot: Sec. C, Div. 17, Grave 2 E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, NYg
LU, Mr, Cemetery: Glen Aubrey, Glen Aubrey, Rank: Pvt
LU, Mr., Cemetery: Glen Aubrey, Glen Aubrey, Rank: Pvt
LUCAS, Geo. W, Cemetery: Constantia Rural, Constantia, Plot: No. 14, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, NY H.A., Rank: Sgt
LUCAS, Geo. W, Cemetery: Constantia Rural, Constantia, Plot: No. 14, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: Co C, NY H A, Rank: Sgt
LUCE, Augustus, Cemetery: Liberty Park, Cattaraugus, Plot: Maple Sec. Lot 12, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: Co C, 13th NY H A, Rank: Pvt
LUCE, Augustus, Cemetery: Liberty Park, Cattaraugus, Plot: Maple Sec. Lot 12, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: Co C, 13th NY H.A., Rank: Pvt
LUCKENBACH, Adam, Cemetery: Hope, Perry, Plot: Sec 2 Lot 3
LUCKENBACH, Adam, Cemetery: Hope, Perry, Plot: Sec. 2 Lot 3
LUCUS, Chas., Cemetery: Mt. Hope, Athens, Plot: S E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co M, 5th NY Cav, Rank: Pvt
LUCUS, Chas., Cemetery: Mt. Hope, Athens, Plot: Se, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co M, 5th NY Cav, Rank: Pvt
LUDDINGTON, Geo., Cemetery: Poplar Grove, Phillipsport, Plot: Tier 4 Plot 3 Old, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 7th Pa NYVI
LUDDINGTON, Geo., Cemetery: Poplar Grove, Phillipsport, Plot: Tier 4 Plot 3 Old, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 7th Pa. NYVI
LUDINGTON, Albert, Cemetery: Protestant, Pawling, Rank: Pvt
LUDINGTON, Albert, Cemetery: Protestant, Pawling, Rank: Pvt
LUDINGTON, Murray, Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 133, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co H, 12th NYVI
LUDINGTON, Murray, Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 133, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co H, 12th NYVI
LUDINGTON, William T, Cemetery: Woodland, Delhi, Regiment: Batt. 8, 12/18/62-2/65
LUDINGTON, William T, Cemetery: Woodlands, Delhi, Regiment: 8th Batt., Rank: Pvt, 12/18/62-2/65
LUKE, Walter, Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 32, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co H, 15th NY Cav, Rank: Pvt, 1/15/64-5/65
LUKE, Walter, Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 327, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co H, 15th NY Cav, Rank: Pvt, 1/15/64-5/65
LUKENTERY, Christopher, Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: E, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co D, 100 Ill. NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 1/15/62-4/65
LUKENTERY, Christopher, Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: E, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co D, 100 Ill. NYVI, Rank: Pvt, 7/15/62-4/65
LUNG, Rev. A.H., Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canandaigua, Plot: Soldiers Lot, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 33rd NYVI, Rank: Chaplain
LUNG, Rev. A.H., Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canandaigua, Plot: Soldiers Lot, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 33rd NYVI, Rank: Chaplain
LUSAW, Daniel, Cemetery: Rural Home, Big Flats, Plot: Row F, Lot 24, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 60 NYVI, Rank: Pvt
LUSAW, Daniel, Cemetery: Rural Home, Big Flats, Plot: Row F, Lot 24, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 60 Nuv, Rank: Pvt
LUSK, Geo. F, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 8 Sec. F
LUSK, Geo. F, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 8 Sec. F
LUSK, H.N., Cemetery: Highland, Cherry Creek, Plot: Soldiers Lot, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co G, 49th NYVI, Rank: Corp
LUSK, H.N., Cemetery: Highland, Cherry Creek, Plot: Soldiers Lot, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co G, 49th NYVI, Rank: Corp.
LUSK, Samuel, Cemetery: Maple Shade, Center Lisle, Regiment: Co E, 137th NYVI, Rank: Sgt
LUSK, Samuel, Cemetery: Maple Shade, Center Lisle, Regiment: Co E, 137th Reg, Rank: Sgt
LUTES, Robt., Cemetery: Lakewood, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co B, 162rd NYVI
LUTES, Robt., Cemetery: Lakewood, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co B, 162rd NYVI
LUTHER, Bruce, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. T, Headstone: Sandstone, Regiment: Co E, 136th NYVI, Rank: Lt, 1864
LUTHER, Bruce, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec. T, Headstone: Sandstone, Regiment: Co E, 136th NYVI, Rank: Lt, 1864
LUTHER, Frank, Cemetery: Fairview, Beacon, Plot: Sec. A, Regiment: Co G, 2rd NY Cav
LUTHER, Frank, Cemetery: Fairview, Beacon, Plot: Sec. A, Regiment: Co G, 2rd NY Cav
LUTHER, Frank, Cemetery: Kattellville, Binghamton, Plot: S E, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 137th NYVI
LUTHER, Frank, Cemetery: Kattellville, Binghamton, Plot: Se, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 137th NYVI
LUTHER, Frank, Cemetery: Riverside, Belfast, Plot: S W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 1st NY H A, Rank: Pvt
LUTHER, Frank, Cemetery: Riverside, Belfast, Plot: Sw, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 1st NY H.A., Rank: Pvt
LUTHER, Isaac, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: S E, Headstone: Granite
LUTHER, Isaac, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: Se, Headstone: Granite
LUTHER, Rank, Cemetery: St. Luke, Beacon, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
LUTHER, Rank, Cemetery: St. Luke, Beacon, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
LUTT, Chas. L, Cemetery: West Ave., Canandaigua, Plot: N, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: US Scout
LUTT, Chas. L, Cemetery: West Ave., Canandaigua, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: US Scout
LUX, Casper, Cemetery: Babylon, Babylon, Plot: Lot 183, Headstone: Marble
LUX, Casper, Cemetery: Babylon, Babylon, Plot: Lot 183, Headstone: Marble
LYE, Geo., Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co I, 86th NYVI
LYE, Geo., Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co I, 86th NYVI
LYMAN, A.D., Cemetery: Byron, Byron, Headstone: Stone
LYMAN, A.D., Cemetery: Byron, Byron, Headstone: Stone
LYMAN, C.N., Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 12 Sec. K, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 10 NY H A, Rank: Pvt, 8/18/62-6/23/65
LYMAN, C.N., Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 12 Sec. K, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 10 NY H.A., Rank: Pvt, 8/18/62-6/23/65
LYMAN, Elam S, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 27 Frasier, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co M, 14thH A, Rank: Pvt, 1/4/64-1/12/65
LYMAN, Elam S, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 27 Frasier, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co M, 14thH.A., Rank: Pvt, 1/4/64-1/12/65
LYMAN, Harvey, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: Plot 1 Gar Lockwood, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co L, 10 NY H A, Rank: Pvt
LYMAN, Harvey, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: Plot 1, Gar Lockwood, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co L, 10 NY H.A., Rank: Pvt
LYMAN, M.W., Cemetery: Mt. Rest, Bergen, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
LYMAN, M.W., Cemetery: Mt. Rest, Bergen, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Pvt
LYMAN, Stanton, Cemetery: River Side, Belfast, Headstone: Sw, Rank: Pvt
LYNCH, Albert, Cemetery: Crescent Union, Crescent, Plot: Gar Lot
LYNCH, Albert, Cemetery: Crescent Union, Crescent, Plot: Gar Lot
LYNCH, John, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 676 Old Gr, Headstone: Army Stone
LYNCH, John, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 676 Old Gr., Headstone: Stone
LYNCH, Michael, Cemetery: Churchville, Churchville, Headstone: Gar Mkr, Regiment: Co D, 18th NY, Rank: Pvt
LYNCH, Michael, Cemetery: Churchville, Churchville, Headstone: Mkr, Regiment: Co D, 18th NY, Rank: Pvt
LYNCH, Michael, Cemetery: St. Joseph, Auburn, Plot: S W, Rank: Pvt
LYNCH, Michael, Cemetery: St. Joseph, Auburn, Plot: Sw, Rank: Pvt
LYNCH, N.J., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 57 A, Olive, Headstone: Stone
LYNCH, N.J., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 57A, Olive, Headstone: Army Stone
LYND, John A, Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: W C, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 140 Ntv
LYND, John A., Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: W. Ctr., Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 140 NYVI
LYON, David, Cemetery: Panama Union, Panama, Plot: 21, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 112th NYVI
LYON, David, Cemetery: Panama Union, Panama, Plot: 21, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 112th NYVI
LYON, Geo. W., Cemetery: Amityville, Amityville, Plot: E, Headstone: Granite
LYON, Geo. W., Cemetery: Amityville, Amityville, Plot: E, Headstone: Granite
LYON, Joseph, Cemetery: Rural, De Ruyter, Plot: W, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: 157th Co, 8/11/62-5/10/65
LYON, Joseph, Cemetery: Rural, De Ruyter, Plot: W, Headstone: Mnt, Regiment: 157th NY, 8/11/62-5/10/65
LYONS, ?, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 19 20 U, St. Peter, Headstone: Army Stone
LYONS, ?, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 19-20 U, St. Peter, Headstone: Stone
LYONS, Geo., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 116 Sec 2, Headstone: Army Stone
LYONS, Geo., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: Gr. 116, Regiment: US Marine Corps, Rank: Pvt, 10/59-2/64
LYONS, Geo., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: Gr. 116, Regiment: US Marine Corps, Rank: Pvt, 10/59-2/64
LYONS, Geo. W, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 87, Headstone: Granite
LYONS, Geo. W., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 87, Headstone: Granite
LYONS, Monroe, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 125 O.G., Headstone: Granite
LYONS, Monroe, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 125 O.G., Headstone: Granite
LYTH, Alfred, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 30 Sec 7
LYTH, Alfred, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 30, Sec. 7
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