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New York Veterans Burial Cards
New York State Military Museum
Published: February 13, 2020
Total records: 10,783
This listing contains names of U.S. veterans buried in cemeteries throughout New York State. Most of them were veterans of the U.S. Civil War, but there are some that were involved conflicts ranging from the Revolutionary War through WWI.
New York Veterans Burial Cards Records
Surnames U-Z
Cemetery: The name of the cemetery, followed by the city
Plot: The location within the cemetery
Headstone: The type of material used for the tombstone, however this field seems to have been used for many other purposes.
Regiment: The branch of military
Rank: Soldier's military position, office, or status
UEBELHOER, John, Cemetery: Mount Hope, Ebenezer, Headstone: Granite Monument
UESLER, John D., Cemetery: River Side, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 129, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co A, 1st NY Cav, Sept 1863 to July 1865
UHL, Jacob, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec C, Headstone: Granite Monument, Regiment: Co K, 6th US Cav, Rank: Private
ULRICH, John, Cemetery: Clarence Center, Clarence Center, Plot: W 3 Row, Headstone: Stone
ULYETTE, James H., Cemetery: Dansville, Greenmount, Plot: Sec C, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co B, 136th NYVI, Rank: Sergeant, 1862 - 1865
UNBEHAUN, Michael, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 386 Sec A
UNCKLES, John, Cemetery: Rural, Borodino, Plot: C, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 122nd NYVI, Rank: Private
UNDERHILL, Amos, Cemetery: East End, East Aurora
UNDERHILL, Delos, Cemetery: East End, East Aurora, Plot: SE 7 Lot 7
UNDERHILL, Fred, Cemetery: Ironville, Crown Point, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 5th NY Cav
UNDERHILL, Henry, Cemetery: West Avenue, Canadaigua, Plot: North Side, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co K, 126th NYVI
UNDERHILL, Hiram, Cemetery: Ironville, Crown Point, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 5th NY Cav
UNDERHILL, John P., Cemetery: Colden, Colden, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: 10th NY
UNDERHILL, Samuel, Cemetery: St. Luke, Beacon, Plot: E, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co H, 21st NYSM, Rank: Captain
UNDERHILL, William, Cemetery: West Avenue, Canadaigua, Plot: North Side, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: USN SSNC
UNDERWOOD, Charles, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: East, Headstone: Grey Granite
UNDERWOOD, Thomas, Cemetery: Smith, Chateaugay, Regiment: Frontier Cav, Canadian Line Co, Rank: Private
UNDERWOOD, William, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: South, Headstone: Grey Granite
UNSOLD, Jacob, Cemetery: Clarence Center, Clarence Center, Plot: C, Regiment: 160th NYVI
UPRIGHT, Norman, Cemetery: New Prospect, Pine Bush, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co L, 15th NY HA, Rank: Private
UPTON, Thomas J., Cemetery: Clymer, Clymer, Plot: D 33, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co H, 112th NYVI, Rank: Private
UTTER, George, Cemetery: Hope, Perry, Plot: Sec 1, Lot 238
UTTER, Gilbert, Cemetery: New Olive, Culeville, Plot: C, Regiment: Co H, 140th NYVI, Rank: Private
UTTER, Thomas D., Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Bolivar, Plot: Lot 4, Regiment: Co C, 9th NY HA, Rank: Private, Jan 4, 1864 to Aug 12, 1865
VADER, Bishop, Cemetery: River View, Baldwinsville, Plot: E, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co A, 81st NYVI, Rank: Private
VAIL, Daniel D., Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: E, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co L, 16th NYVI, Rank: Private
VAIL, George W., Cemetery: Duning Road, Ballston Spa, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co F, 13th NYVI, Rank: Private
VAIL, Stephen P., Cemetery: Aquebogne, Aquebogne, Plot: Lot 774, Headstone: Grey Granite
VAILE, Edmond C., Cemetery: Cairo, Cairo, Plot: Sec 2 Lot 54, Headstone: White Marble Slab, Regiment: Co F, 102nd NYVI
VAIS, Dennis, Cemetery: Berlin, Berlin, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Private
VALENTINE, George, Cemetery: Evergreen, Eden, Plot: N, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co M, 24th NY Cav, Rank: Private
VALMORE, George H., Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canadaigua, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co K, 11th NYVI
VAN, Clinton, Cemetery: Plainville, Plainville
VAN ALLEN, John, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: East, Headstone: Grey Marble
VAN ALLEN, John, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: North, Headstone: Grey Marble
VAN ALLEN, Myron, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: South, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co M, 20th NY Cav
VAN ALSTYNE, Henry, Cemetery: Chatham Center Rural, Chatam Center, Plot: Lot 23, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: NY HA, Rank: Private
VAN ALSTYNE, Isaac, Cemetery: Elmwood Rural, Bethlehem, Plot: Lot 229, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: 7th NY HA
VAN ALSTYNE, Lewis, Cemetery: Chatham Center Rural, Chatam Center, Plot: Lot 314, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co K, 30th NYVI, Rank: Private
VAN ALSTYNE, William K., Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 13 Sec G
VAN AMBER, Wallace W., Cemetery: Brookside, Plessis, Plot: West, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 10th Veteran Reserve Corps, Rank: Private
VAN ANKEN, Daniel, Cemetery: Hill Top, Breesport, Plot: Lot 30, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co A, 1st NY Cav
VAN ANTWERP, Minard, Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: NE, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 8th NY HA
VAN ATTEN, Frank, Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 129, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co K, 149th NYVI, Rank: Private, Sept 6, 1862 to June, 1865
VAN BEUBURGH, Robert, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 45 Sec 7, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co B, 43rd NYVI, Rank: Private, Aug 22, 1862 to June 15, 1865
VAN BRUEN, Bradley, Cemetery: Rural, Castleton On Hudson, Headstone: Grey Granite
VAN BRUNT, William, Cemetery: Green Wood, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 68, Regiment: Co C, 13th NYSM
VAN BUEN, Andrew, Cemetery: Rural, Castleton On Hudson, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co G, 125th NYVI
VAN BUREN, C. John, Cemetery: Eagle Hill, Albany, Plot: Center W. Single Graves, Headstone: Iron GAR
VAN BUREN, Daniel, Cemetery: Eagle Hill, Albany, Plot: 221 OP, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co G, 25th NYSM
VAN BURKIRK, Eugene, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 35 Sec 7, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co K, 47th NYVI, Rank: Private, Sept 3, 1861 to Aug 10, 1865
VAN CORT, Daniel P., Cemetery: Fly Creek, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co G, 34th NYVI
VAN COTT, Henry, Cemetery: Babylon, Babylon, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 127th NYVI
VAN DE WALKER, Geroge W., Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: West, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 10th NY HA
VAN DE WALKER, Martin A., Cemetery: Westernville, Westernville, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 13th NY HA, Rank: Private
VAN DEBURG, Isaac, Cemetery: Reformed Church, Claverack, Plot: NE, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co M, 9th NY HA, Rank: Private
VAN DEMARK, Martin, Cemetery: Cold Spring, Cold Spring, Plot: Sec P Plot 15, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co B, 156th NYVI, Rank: Private, Aug 1862 to July 1865
VAN DERRION, William, Cemetery: Coeymans Hollow, Coeymans Hollow
VAN DERZIE, John G., Cemetery: Elmwood Rural, Bethlehem, Plot: Lot 227, Headstone: Monument
VAN DEUBURGH, Warner, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 31 Sec 12, Headstone: Grey Granite Marker, Regiment: Co H, 44th NYVI, Rank: Corporal, July 1, 1861 to Oct 11, 1865
VAN DEUBURGH, William, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 65 Sec 7, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co I, 44th NYVI, Rank: Private, Sept 17, 1861 to Oct 11, 1864
VAN DEUSEN, Henry, Cemetery: Evergreen, Pine Plains, Plot: W, Headstone: White Marble, Rank: Private
VAN DOAN, Isaac, Cemetery: Rural, Athens, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 95th NYVI, Rank: Sergeant
VAN DRESAR, Francis, Cemetery: Westernville, Westernville, Plot: N, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co D, 117th NYVI, Rank: Private, Aug 18, 1862 tp 8 July 1865
VAN DRESAR, Francis, Cemetery: Westernville, Westernville, Plot: N, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co D, 117th NYVI, Rank: Private, July 18, 1862 to July 8, 1865
VAN DUSER, Gilbert, Cemetery: Woodbridge, Catatonk, Plot: NW, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co F, 45th PA NYVI, Rank: Private
VAN DUSER, James, Cemetery: Fostertown, Newburgh, Plot: North, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 1st NYVI, Rank: Private
VAN DYKE, James, Cemetery: Rural, Castleton On Hudson, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 30th NYVI
VAN EPP, James, Cemetery: Pleasant Lawn, Parish, Plot: West, Headstone: Granite
VAN ESS, Moses, Cemetery: Littleville, Aoon
VAN ETEN, Theodore, Cemetery: St. Lukes, Clermont, Headstone: Grey Marble
VAN GOLLER, F. B., Cemetery: Woodland, Delhi, Regiment: 3rd NY Cav, Rank: Private, Jan 25, 1962 to July 25, 1865
VAN GORDEN, W. P., Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: GAR, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 7th NY Ind Bat, Rank: Private
VAN GORDER, George, Cemetery: Evergreen, Berkshire, Plot: Lot 2 Sec F, Headstone: Blue Marble
VAN GORDER, Isaac, Cemetery: Elmlawn, Buffalo, Plot: 130 Grace
VAN HAVENBERG, James, Cemetery: Hillside, Georgetown, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co A, 1st NY SA, Rank: Private, Dec 23, 1863 to July 12, 1865
VAN HOESAN, Daniel, Cemetery: Riverside, Brewerton, Plot: Lot 118, Headstone: Gov Marker
VAN HOESAN, Peter, Cemetery: Coeymans Hollow, Coeymans Hollow, Plot: W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 7th Conn vol, Rank: Private
VAN HORAN, John, Cemetery: Pine Plains, Clay, Plot: Sec 4 E, Regiment: 185th NYVI, Rank: Private
VAN HORN, Lorenzo, Cemetery: Rural, De Ruyter, NY, Plot: Southwest, Headstone: White Slab, Regiment: Co A, 157th NYVI, Aug 4, 1862 to July 10, 1865
VAN HOUTEN, George W., Cemetery: Canarsie, Brooklyn, Plot: C, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 127th NYVI, Rank: Private, Two years 10 months
VAN HOUTEN, John, Cemetery: Canarsie, Brooklyn, Plot: C, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 54th NYVI, Rank: Private, Two years 3 months
VAN HOUTEN, Phillip, Cemetery: Canarsie, Brooklyn, Plot: C, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 127th NYVI, Rank: Private, One year
VAN HOUTEN, Ralph, Cemetery: Canarsie, Brooklyn, Plot: C, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 90th NYVI, Rank: Private, Four years two months
VAN HOUTEN, William B., Cemetery: Canarsie, Brooklyn, Plot: C, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 91st Penn NYVI
VAN LAEHUM, Gerrit, Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Grave 14, Regiment: Co I, 47th NYVI, Rank: Captain
VAN LOAN, William, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 5 Sec 5, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co M, 18th NY Cav, Rank: Private
VAN LOTT, George F., Cemetery: National, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 4771, Headstone: Gery Stone, Rank: Private
VAN NAME, Albert A., Cemetery: Forest Ave, Angola, Plot: E, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co ?, 44th Miss, Rank: Private, Six Months
VAN NAME, J. J., Cemetery: Forest Ave, Angola, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 44th Miss, Rank: Private
VAN NELLA, Gardner B., Cemetery: Friends, Cornwall, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co D, 59th NYVI
VAN NORMAN, Oliver, Cemetery: East Palmyra, East Palmyra, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 11th NYVI, Feb 1864 to Sept 1867
VAN NORT, Adam, Cemetery: Lakewood, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co E, 121st NYVI, Rank: Private
VAN NORT, Johnathan, Cemetery: Lakewood, Cooperstown, Rank: Private
VAN NUYS, Amos Benton, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec T, Headstone: Brown Monument, Regiment: Ill. NYVI Co
VAN OLINDA, Frank, Cemetery: Riverside, Brewerton, Plot: Lot 68
VAN PATTEN, William, Cemetery: Schenevus, Schenevus, Plot: 6 C 31, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 31st NYVI, Rank: Private
VAN RIPER, B. Jeremiah, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 380, Headstone: Grey Granite
VAN SCAACK, Derrick, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 22 Sec 7, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co D, 120th NYVI, Rank: Private, Aug 22, 1862 to June 20, 1865
VAN SCHAACK, Peter G., Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 14 Sec 9, Headstone: Metal, Regiment: Co D, 120th NYVI, Rank: Private, Aug 22, 1862 to Dec 9, 1863
VAN SCHAUK, Drunelle, Cemetery: Rural, Castleton On Hudson, Headstone: Granite
VAN SCOOTER, Chauncey, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec S, Headstone: Granite Marker, Regiment: Co F, 74th NYVI, Rank: Corporal
VAN SCOOTER, Emory A., Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec S, Headstone: Grey Marker, Regiment: Co H, 74th NYVI, Rank: Sergeant, 1861-1863
VAN SLYKE, Christopher, Cemetery: Clockville, Clockville, Plot: SE, Headstone: Family Stone, Regiment: Co B, 157th NYVI
VAN SLYKE, Samuel, Cemetery: Grove, Coeymans, Plot: E of Main Ave, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co G, 20th US CT
VAN SLYKE, Sylvarius, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 72 Sec 9, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co C, 20th USCT, Rank: Private
VAN STEENBURGH, Warner, Cemetery: Cresent Union, Cresent, Plot: Lot 83, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 120th NYVI, Rank: Surgeon
VAN TASSELL, John, Cemetery: Sleepy Hollow, Tarrytown, Plot: 45, Headstone: GAR, Regiment: Co I, 95th NYVI, Rank: Sergeant, Jan 25, 1962 to July 16, 1865
VAN TASSELL, John E., Cemetery: River View, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 129, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co A, 185th NYVI, Rank: Private
VAN TINE, Charles, Cemetery: St. Luke, Beacon, Plot: E, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 2nd Eng US Navy
VAN TISEN, Walter, Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: GAR, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 20th USCT, Rank: Private
VAN TUSSEL, Theodore, Cemetery: Mount Hope, Athens, Plot: SE, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 124th NYVI, Rank: Private
VAN TYLE, Samuel, Cemetery: Evergreen, Bethel, Plot: Lot 79, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co D, 66th NYVI, Rank: Private, three years
VAN VALKENBURG, William, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec A, Headstone: Granite Monument, Regiment: Co K, 130th NYVI, Rank: Private, 1862-1865
VAN VALKENBURGH, Charles E., Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 43 Sec 7, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co G, 159th NYVI, Rank: Private, Feb 1864 to Oct 12, 1865
VAN VALKENBURGH, Henry, Cemetery: Rural, Athens, Plot: W, Headstone: White Marble, Rank: Private
VAN VALKENBURGH, William, Cemetery: Unknown, Athens, Plot: W, Headstone: White Marble, Rank: Private
VAN VOAST, Henry, Cemetery: Cold Spring, Cold Spring, Plot: Sec C Plot 100, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co E, 42nd NYVI, Rank: 2nd Lt.
VAN VORT, Charles, Cemetery: St. Luke, Beacon, Plot: S, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 128th NYVI, Rank: Private
VAN VORT, James H., Cemetery: St. Luke, Beacon, Plot: E, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co K, 128th NYVI, Rank: 1st Lt.
VAN WAGONER, William, Cemetery: Elmlawn, Buffalo, Plot: 44 Catalpa, Regiment: Co F, 81st NYVI, Rank: Private, Sept 10, 1861 to Aug 31, 1865
VAN WICKLEN, Garrett, Cemetery: National, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 5125, Headstone: Grey Stone, Regiment: Co B, 42nd NYVI, Rank: Private, July 22, 1861 to Aug 12, 1862
VAN WIE, John, Cemetery: River View, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 406, Headstone: Soldiers Marker, Regiment: Co K, 149th NYVI, Rank: Lieutenant
VAN WIE, John Baxter, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 38 Sec 3, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co D, 120th NYVI, Rank: Corporal, July 30, 1862 to June 29, 1865
VAN WORMER, A. A., Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 79 OG, Headstone: Sand Stone, Regiment: 20th NY Cav
VAN ZANDT, Henry, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 22 Sec 7, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co B, 43rd NYVI, Rank: Private, Sept 3, 1862 to June 2, 1865
VAN ZANDT, Henry E., Cemetery: Avon Village, Avon, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 136th NYVI, Rank: 1st Lt.
VAN ZANDT, Joseph H., Cemetery: Schenevus, Schenevus, Plot: 1 C 75, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 1st NY Eng?, Rank: Private
VANARMAN, Horace, Cemetery: Unknown, Ellenburgh, Headstone: Headstone, Buried at Savannah, GA
VANARMAN, James, Cemetery: Prostestant, Ellenburgh, Headstone: Headstone, Buried at Savannah, GA
VANARNUM, Frank D., Cemetery: Liberty Park, Cattaraugus, Plot: Sec T 4 Lot 29, Headstone: Granite Marker, Regiment: Co H, 9th NY Cav
VANARNUM, J. E., Cemetery: Prospect Hill, Gloversville, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co B, 2nd NY Cav, Rank: Private
VANBROCKLIN, Dewitt C., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 264, Headstone: Grey Granite
VANCOMB, Charles, Cemetery: St. Patrick, Chateaugay, Headstone: Small Stone, Regiment: Co E, 60th NYVI, Rank: Private
VANDEMARK, John, Cemetery: Poplar Grove, Phillipsport, Plot: Tier 14 Plot 6 Old, Headstone: Marble Slab
VANDER, Frederick V., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 41, Headstone: Grey Granite
VANDERBURGH, Alonzo, Cemetery: Friends, Clifton Corners, Plot: Lot 18 Block E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 150th NYVI, Rank: Private
VANDERHOLF, James B., Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: SE, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 8th NY Cav, Rank: 1st Lt.
VANDERPOOL, John, Cemetery: Green Hills, Dryden, Plot: No 47, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 76th NYVI, Rank: Private
VANDERVOORT, Juson, Cemetery: Earlville, Chateaugay, Plot: NW, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Private
VANDEUBURGH, William I., Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 560 Sec 3, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co D, 120th NYVI, Rank: 2nd Sergeant, Aug 22, 1862 to July 1, 1865
VANDUSEM, Jacob, Cemetery: Mt. Rest, Bergen, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Private
VANDUSEN, W. T., Cemetery: Collierville, Cooperstown Junction, Plot: Lot 4, Headstone: Marble Marker
VANDUZER, John W., Cemetery: Evergreen, Brooklyn, 1896
VANDYKE, Sanford, Cemetery: Mount Pleasant, Elbridge, Plot: Center North, Rank: Private
VANGORDER, Harrison, Cemetery: Rural Home, Big Flato, Plot: Row C Lot 21, Headstone: Grey Sandstone, Regiment: Co G, 23rd NYVI, Rank: Private
VANHORN, William, Cemetery: Mt. Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: Sec A, Headstone: Marble or Granite, Regiment: Co F
VANLIEW (VANLIEU), Austin, Cemetery: Soldiers Onesquetlean, Clarksville, Plot: Sec 1 (L?), Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 1st NJ Vet NYVI
VANLIEW (VANLIEU), John, Cemetery: Fleming Rural, Auburn, Plot: W, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co E, 9th NY HA
VANLONE, Daniel, Cemetery: Prospect Hill, Gloversville, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co A, 153rd NYVI, Rank: Private, Sept 1862 to June 1865
VANNAME, R. D., Cemetery: Centerville, Centerville, Plot: N, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co C, 1st NY Dragoons, Rank: Private
VANNATTEN, William, Cemetery: Soldiers Onesquetlean, Clarksville, Plot: Sec 1, Lot 238, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 7th NY HA
VANNESS, John, Cemetery: St. Joseph, Auburn, Plot: NE, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Private
VANWIL, Isaac N., Cemetery: Soldiers Onesquetlean, Clarksville, Plot: Sec 1, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co I, 9th NYVI
VANWORMER, John, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 3 Sec 3, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Navy, Rank: 3rd A Eng, Nov 6, 1861 to Nov 17, 1862
VANZANDT, H. E., Cemetery: Aoon, Aoon, Rank: Lieutenant
VARLEY, Abrham, Cemetery: Union, Edmeston, Plot: Sec A No 33, Headstone: White Marble Monument, Regiment: Co H, 146th NYVI, Rank: Private
VARNEY, Edgar, Cemetery: Medina, Medina, Regiment: Co F, 92nd NYVI
VARY, John B., Cemetery: Greenwood, Harrisburg, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co M, 5th NY HA, Rank: Lieutenant
VAULT, Constant, Cemetery: Pleasant Lawn, Parish, Plot: NW, Headstone: Grantie, Regiment: Co H, 4th US
VAYE, Charles, Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: NE, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 13th NYVI
VEAZEY, Lewis C., Cemetery: Centerville, Centerville, Plot: C, Headstone: Grey Granite, Rank: Private
VEAZIE, Charles D., Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: NW, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 1st NY Vet Cav, Rank: Corporal
VEDDER, C. P., Cemetery: Sunset, Ellicotville, Plot: N, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 154th NYVI, Rank: Captain
VEDDER, Orlando, Cemetery: Christ Church, Manilius, Plot: Lot 179, Headstone: Family Marker
VEDDER, Sherman, Cemetery: Rural, De Ruyter, NY, Plot: South, Headstone: Grey Monument, Regiment: Co I, 185th NYVI, Sept 3, 1864 to May 30, 1865
VEEDER, Byron, Cemetery: River View, Baldwinsville, Plot: E, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co I, 26th NY Cav, Rank: Private
VELIE, Frank, Cemetery: Hope, Campbell, Headstone: Granite Marker, Regiment: 107th NYVI, Rank: Private
VERITY, William, Cemetery: Bayville, Bayville
VERKERKE, Henry C., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 287, Headstone: Grey Granite
VIBBERT, Epnian, Cemetery: Perryville, Perryville, Plot: South, Headstone: Granite Marker, Regiment: Co B, 157th NYVI
VICKERMAN, Cyrus M., Cemetery: Oakwood, Chittenango, Plot: Sec A No 115, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 2nd NY HA
VICKERY, E. R., Cemetery: Rural, Little Valley, Plot: Lot 11 Block A, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co I, 49th NYVI, Rank: Private, Sept 6, 1861 to Feb 19, 1863
VILAS, Charles A., Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 5 Lot 44
VINCENT, Hiram, Cemetery: Alcove, Alcove, Plot: West
VINCENT, Leon, Cemetery: Elmlawn, Buffalo, Plot: West Half 210 Grace, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co F, 10th NY Cav, Rank: Private, Feb 24, 1864 to Nov 26, 1865
VINCENT, Paulding (Spaulding?), Cemetery: Alfred Rural, Alfred, Plot: Lot 330, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 78th NYVI, Rank: Private
VINCENT, Robert J., Cemetery: River Side, Brewerton, Plot: Lot 73, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co H, 149th NYVI, Rank: Private
VINCENT, William, Cemetery: Evergreen, Brooklyn, 1901
VINEGAR, George, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: East, Headstone: Grey Marble, Regiment: Co I, 10th NY HA
VIRGINIA, Daniel, Cemetery: St. Marys, Baldwinsville, Headstone: Soldiers
VIRONIG, John A., Cemetery: Eagle Hill, Albany, Plot: Center W. Single Graves, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co H, 7th US NYVI
VISCHER, Isaac, Cemetery: Phoenix Rural, Phoenix, Plot: Lot 10 Sec 33, Headstone: Large Red Boulder, Regiment: Co H, 4th NY HA, Rank: Private
VIVELAMOUR, Frank, Cemetery: St. Augustine, Bangor
VOCKEFELLER, George W., Cemetery: Refomed Church, Germantown, Plot: SW, Headstone: Grantie Stone, Rank: Private
VOCKEFELLER, Horace, Cemetery: Refomed Church, Germantown, Plot: NW, Headstone: Granite Family, Rank: Private
VOELKE, Franz, Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 124, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 11th NYVI
VOELKER, C. P., Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Grave 29, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 20th NYVI, Rank: 1st Lt.
VOGEL, Henry, Cemetery: Eagle Hill, Albany, Plot: 72 OP, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co D, 25th NYVI
VOGEL, John, Cemetery: Eagle Hill, Albany, Plot: 72 OP, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co G, 17th NYVI, Killed in Battle of Bull Run
VOOHEES, Albert H., Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: East, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 146th NYVI, Killed in Battle of Wilderness
VOSBURG, Ira, Cemetery: East Clarkson, Clarkson, Plot: Lot 16, Sec 4, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co C, 4th NY HA
VREDENBURGH, Edward, Cemetery: Unknown, Brooklyn, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 120th NYSM, Rank: Private
VREDENBURGH, John H., Cemetery: Friends, Cornwall, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co K, 56th NYVI
VROMAN, Charles A., Cemetery: Catskill Rural, Catskill, Plot: Sec 7 Lot 83, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co K, 203rd NYVI | Co I, 30th NYVI, Rank: 1st Lt.
VROMAN, George L., Cemetery: Baptist, Afton, Regiment: Co D, 109th NYVI
VROMAN, Peter, Cemetery: Elmwood Rural, Bethlehem, Plot: Lot 358, Regiment: Co D, 230th NYVI?
VROOMAN, Jessie R., Cemetery: Prospect Hill, Gloversville, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co B, 2nd NY Cav?, Rank: Private, Uat 1863 to Nov 1865
VROOMAN, Richard, Cemetery: Clymer Center, Clymer, Plot: W, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co G, 15th NY Eng, Rank: Private
VUNALSTINE, Corneilius, Jr., Cemetery: Cicero, Cicero, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co H, 12th NYVI
WACKER, William R., Cemetery: Rural Home, Big Flato, Plot: Lot 30, Headstone: Grey Sandstone, Regiment: Co A, 50th NY Eng
WADE, James O., Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 2 Lot 94, Regiment: 20 NJ NYVI
WAGAI, Daniels G., Cemetery: Calvary Church, Burnt Hills, Plot: S, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co F, 115th NYVI
WAGER, Clinton H., Cemetery: Sheepfold, Leraysville, Plot: South E., Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: 1st Ind Bat
WAGER, John Olds, Cemetery: Alexander, Alexander, Plot: Range 2 Lot 13, Headstone: Marble Slab, Rank: Private, 1861 -1865
WAGMAN, Levi, Cemetery: Charlotteville, Charlotteville, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble
WAGNER, Avery, Cemetery: Highland, Cheny Creek, Plot: Lot 182, Headstone: Granite
WAGNER, John, Cemetery: Transit Rural, Bowmansville, Plot: Lot 79, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co C, 111th Ohio NYVI
WAGNER, John B., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 286, Headstone: Grey Granite
WAGONER, William, Cemetery: Peterboro, Peterboro, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 157th NYVI
WAGONER, William H., Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 4 Lot 42, Regiment: 142nd NYVI
WAIT, Albert, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec T, Lot 128, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 93rd NYVI
WAIT, Almon Z., Cemetery: Pleasant Mound, Colton, Plot: Sec A, Headstone: Marble Marker, Regiment: Co D, 14th NYVI
WAIT, Charles, Cemetery: Valley Vireo, Ellington, Regiment: 1st Bn 7th Co Sharpshooters, Rank: Private
WAIT, Forest H., Cemetery: Pleasant Mound, Colton, Headstone: Marble
WAIT, N. B., Cemetery: Pleasant Mound, Colton, Plot: Sec A, Headstone: Marble
WAIT, Thomas D., Cemetery: Elmwood, Pike
WAIT, William, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 10 Sec E
WAITE, Andrew, Cemetery: Willow Glen, Dryden, Plot: 12 Sec 12, Regiment: Co L, 143rd NYVI
WAITE, D. M., Cemetery: Clymer, Clymer, Plot: C 24, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co D, 112th NYVI
WAITE, George H., Cemetery: Rural, Little Valley, Plot: Lot 36 Block A, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co B, 64th NYVI, Rank: Private, Sept. 28, 1864 to Oct 14, 1864
WAITE, John, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: North, Headstone: Grey Marble, Regiment: Co K, 35th NYVI
WAITH, George, Cemetery: Valley Vireo, Ellington, Regiment: 1st Bn 7th Co Sharpshooters, Rank: Lieutenant
WAKEFIELD, Charles B., Cemetery: Valley Vireo, Ellington, Regiment: Co E, 2nd NY HA, Rank: Private
WAKEFIELD, James, Cemetery: Lennox Rural, Canastota, Plot: SW, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co C, 40tj NYVI, Rank: Private
WAKELY, Henry, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 427, Headstone: Grey Granite
WAKELY, W. H., Cemetery: Findley Lake, Findley Lake, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble
WAKEMAN, Joel, Cemetery: Hope, Campbell, Headstone: Marble Marker, Regiment: 150th NYVI, Rank: Chaplain
WAKES, George, Cemetery: Riverview, Clintonville, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 118th NYVI
WALDRADT, Abram, Cemetery: Brookside, Plessis, Headstone: East
WALDRON, B. T., Cemetery: Elmwood, Bethlehem, Plot: Lot 41, Headstone: Stone
WALDRON, Joseph, Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: West, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Bo B, 117th NYVI
WALDRON, Martin, Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: East, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co L, 15th NY Eng
WALDRUFF, Eber, Cemetery: Cedarville, Cedarville, Plot: Lot 123, Headstone: Family, Regiment: Co ?, 2nd NY HA, Rank: Captain
WALKER, Albert, Cemetery: Bayville, Bayville, Headstone: Granite
WALKER, Albert, Cemetery: River Side, Brewerton, Plot: Lot 71
WALKER, Amos, Cemetery: Clemons, Dresden, Plot: Center, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co D, 123rd NYVI, Rank: Private, 3 years
WALKER, Bruce V., Cemetery: River View, Baldwinsville, Plot: E, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co D, 24th NYVI, Rank: Sergeant, June 1861 to 1861
WALKER, Elias, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 48, Headstone: Grey Granite
WALKER, Frank, Cemetery: Chemung, Chemung, Plot: NE, Headstone: Marble
WALKER, George T., Cemetery: Highland, Cheny Creek, Plot: Lot 135, Headstone: Marble Marker, Regiment: Co C, 49th NYVI
WALKER, Henry W., Cemetery: Lakewood, Cooperstown, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co G, 121st NYVI, Rank: 2nd Lt.
WALKER, Ira H., Cemetery: Valley Vireo, Ellington, Regiment: Co F, 8th NY HA, Rank: Private
WALKER, James, Cemetery: West Avenue, Canadaigua, Plot: North Side, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co F, 2nd
WALKER, John, Cemetery: Fleming Rural, Auburn, Plot: W, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co E, 9th NY HA
WALKER, John, Cemetery: Green Wood, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 83, Regiment: Co M, 1st US Cav
WALKER, John, Cemetery: Rural, Castleton On Hudson
WALKER, Manley T., Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec W, Headstone: Granite Monument, Regiment: Co E, 104th NYVI, Rank: Corporal, 1861-1862
WALKER, Peter, Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Elba, Plot: C, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 8th NY HA, Rank: Private
WALKER, Samuel G., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 364, Headstone: Grey Granite
WALKER, Thomas, Cemetery: Poplar Grove, Phillipsport, Plot: Tier 24 Plot 3, Headstone: Granite Monument, Regiment: Co M, 15th NY HA
WALKER, Willard, Cemetery: Riverside, Brewerton, Plot: Lot 25, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co G, 10th NY Cav, Rank: Corporal
WALL, Thomas, Cemetery: All Souls, Pleasantville, Plot: Sec C Div 17 Grave 9E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, NY HA
WALLACE, Daniel, Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 148, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 9th NY HA, Rank: Private
WALLACE, George, Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: 27, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 56th NYVI, Rank: Private
WALLACE, George E., Cemetery: Westernville, Westernville, Plot: SW, Headstone: None, Regiment: Co F, 24th NY Cav, Rank: Lieutenant
WALLACE, George E., Cemetery: Westernville, Westernville, Plot: SW, Headstone: None, Regiment: Co F, 24th NY Cav, Rank: Lieutenant
WALLACE, Hugh, Cemetery: St. Luke, Beacon, Plot: W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co E, 35th NYVI, Rank: Corporal
WALLACE, Joeph (Joseph?), Cemetery: Cazenovia, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec E, Lot 16, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co K, 114th NYVI, Rank: Private
WALLACE, N. B., Cemetery: Rural, Borodino, Plot: S, Headstone: Grey Granite, Rank: Private
WALLACE, Robert, Cemetery: De Kalb Union, De Kalb, Plot: Lot 72, Headstone: Grey, Regiment: Co I, 14th NY HA, Rank: Private
WALLACE, Santa A., Cemetery: Rural, Borodino, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 12th NYVI, Rank: Private
WALLACE, T. C. MD, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec N, Lot 22, Headstone: Granite
WALLACE, William, Cemetery: Campbell, Coopers Plains, Plot: Lot 54, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 141st NYVI, Rank: Private
WALLACE, William, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec T, Headstone: Granite Marker, Regiment: 26th NY Ind Bat
WALLER, Joseph, Cemetery: Mount Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: Sec 7, Headstone: Marble or Granite, Regiment: Co F, 157th NYVI, Rank: Private
WALLING, Eliphas J., Cemetery: Hope, Campbell, Headstone: Granite Marker, Regiment: 86th NYVI, Rank: Private
WALLING, Robert, Cemetery: St. Marys, Ogdensburg, Regiment: 50th NY Eng
WALLING, William, Cemetery: Schenevus, Schenevus, Plot: 2 D 14, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co D, 3rd NY Cav, Rank: Private
WALLING, Wilson, Cemetery: Schenevus, Schenevus, Plot: 2 D 14, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 3rd NY Cav, Rank: Private
WALLIS, W. D., Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
WALROD, Charles, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 339, Headstone: Grey Granite
WALSER, Eli, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 379 Sec A
WALSH, ?, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 36 E East, Headstone: Army
WALSH, James, Cemetery: Corbetsville, Corbetsville, Regiment: Co A, 64th NYVI
WALSH, John, Cemetery: River View, Baldwinsville, Plot: E
WALSH, Morris, Cemetery: Calvary, Long Island, Plot: 8-75-CC7
WALSWORTH, Frank, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 47 OG, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co L, 10th NY HA, Rank: Private, Sept 1, 1862 to Aug 24, 1865
WALTER, Henry, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: N 11, Headstone: GAR Marker, Regiment: Co I, 1st NY LA| 176th NYVI
WALTER, Henry R., Cemetery: Lakewood, Cooperstown, Rank: Private
WALTER, John, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: N 11, Regiment: Co B, 10th NY Cav
WALTER, Moses, Cemetery: Mt. Hope, Athens, Plot: W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co K, 120th NYVI, Rank: Private
WALTER, William W., Cemetery: Chapman, Clifton Springs, Plot: Lot 23, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: Co F, 1st NY Eng, Rank: Sergeant
WALTERS, Andrew C., Cemetery: Amityville, Amityville, Plot: SE, Headstone: Dark Granite
WALTERS, George, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: Center, Headstone: Grey Marble, Regiment: Co K, 94th NYVI
WALTERS, James, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 269, Headstone: Grey Granite
WALTERS, John, Cemetery: Ashville, Ashville, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co C, 4th Penn Cav, Rank: Private
WALTERS, John, Cemetery: Pine Plains, Clay, Plot: Sec 8 E, Headstone: Government, Regiment: Co H, 185th NYVI, Rank: Private
WALTERS, John C., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 57, Headstone: Grey Granite
WALTERS, John M., Cemetery: Oakwood, Chittenango, Plot: No 12 Sec B, Regiment: Co C, 3rd NY HA
WALTS, Zalmon, Cemetery: Brookside, Plessis, Plot: North, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 10th NY HA, Rank: Private
WANAMAKER, Elijah, Cemetery: Chester, Chester, Plot: N, Regiment: 124th NYVI
WANDER, Frederick V., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 41, Headstone: Grey Granite
WANDS, Thomas E., Cemetery: Chatham Center Rural, Chatham Center, Plot: Lot 29, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co A, 128th NYVI, Rank: Private
WANSOR, Charles, Cemetery: Bayville, Bayville, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Private
WANWRIGHT, John, Cemetery: Smith, Chateaugay, Headstone: Small Marble, Regiment: Co B, 120th NYVI, Rank: Private
WARD, Albert, Cemetery: Hope, Perryville, Plot: Sec 4 Lot 63
WARD, Amos, Cemetery: River View, Baldwinsville, Plot: E, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co C, 149th NYVI, Rank: Private
WARD, Benjamin, Cemetery: Methodist, Callicoon, Plot: NE, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co e, 56th NVVI, Rank: Private
WARD, Benjamin L., Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec P Lot 252, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 79th Indiana NYVI
WARD, Brower C., Cemetery: Greycourt, Craigville, Plot: S, Headstone: Grey Granite
WARD, George, Cemetery: Brookside, Plessis, Plot: SE, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co L, 2oth Cav
WARD, Harry, Cemetery: Greycourt, Craigville, Plot: E, Headstone: Grey Granite, Rank: Corporal
WARD, James, Cemetery: Berlin, Berlin, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 125th NYVI
WARD, Lewis, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 40 OG, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co M, 14th NY HA
WARD, Lorenzo, Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: West, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 146th NYVI
WARD, Patrick, Cemetery: St. Marys, Ogdensburg, Regiment: 175th NYVI
WARD, Phillip, Cemetery: Campbell, Coopers Plains, Plot: Lot 37, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 50th NY Eng, Rank: Private
WARD, Thomas, Cemetery: Cresent Union, Cresent, Plot: GAR Lot
WARD, William, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 29 Q. Olive, Headstone: Army Stone
WARD, William H., Cemetery: Fairview, Ausable Forks, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 1st NY Vet Cav, Rank: Private
WARDELL, Charles S., Cemetery: Woodlands, Delhi, Regiment: Co I, 72nd NYVI, Rank: Private, June 4, 1861 to June 30, 1864
WARES, Charles, Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 3
WARKE, Isaac, Cemetery: Cypress Hills, Brooklyn, Plot: Sec 14, G 849, Regiment: Co I, 12th NYVI, Rank: Private, May 1861 to Aug 1862
WARN, Chandler, Cemetery: Prostestant, Portageville, Plot: E, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co D, NY HA, Rank: Private
WARNER, Alfred, Cemetery: River View, Baldwinsville, Plot: E, Regiment: Co G, 149th NYVI, Rank: Private
WARNER, August J., Cemetery: Evergreen, Brooklyn, 1894
WARNER, Charles, Cemetery: Cicero, Cicero, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co H, 9th NY HA
WARNER, Darius, Cemetery: Cassadaga, Cassadaga, Plot: C, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co K, 112th NYVI, Rank: Private
WARNER, George R., Cemetery: Eaton Village, Eaton, Plot: Sec E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 149th NYVI
WARNER, H. G., Cemetery: Rural, De Ruyter, NY, Plot: North, Headstone: Grey Monument, Regiment: 114th NYVI
WARNER, Henry, Cemetery: Cicero, Cicero, Regiment: Co C, 9th NY HA
WARNER, Horace G., Cemetery: Valley View Rural, Dover Plains, Plot: North, Headstone: Slab Marble, Regiment: Co G, 13th Conn., Rank: Private
WARNER, James A., Cemetery: Brookside, Plessis, Plot: SE, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 1st NY LA, Rank: Private
WARNER, James D., Cemetery: Cazenovia, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec H Lot 327, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co F, 2nd NY Cav, Rank: Private
WARNER, Sylvester, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec F Lot 10, Headstone: Marble
WARNER, Thomas, Cemetery: Byron, Byron, Headstone: Marble or Granite
WARNER, W. W., Cemetery: Centerville, Centerville, Plot: SE, Headstone: Grey Granite, Rank: Private
WARNER, William, Cemetery: Cameron Mills, Cameron Mills, Plot: Plot A Lot 13, Headstone: Grey Granite, Rank: Private
WARREN, Daniel A., Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 108th NYVI
WARREN, George, Cemetery: Cleveland, Cleveland, Plot: Lot 65 Sec 7, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co K, 110th NYVI
WARREN, George, Cemetery: Colden, Colden, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: 10th NY
WARREN, Isaac C., Cemetery: Smith, Chateaugay, Regiment: Co I, 106th NYVI, Rank: Private
WARREN, James L., Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 53 Sec 3, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co A, 7th NYHA, Rank: Corporal
WARREN, Martin L., Cemetery: Mount Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: Sec 7, Headstone: Marble or Granite, Regiment: Co E, 81st NYVI
WARREN, Roy, Cemetery: Chemung, Chemung, Plot: NW, Headstone: Granite
WARREN, William, Cemetery: East End, East Aurora, Plot: Sec 6 Lot 90
WARTS, William H., Cemetery: Canarsie, Brooklyn, Plot: S, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 82nd NYVI, Rank: Lieutenant, three years six months
WARWICK, Robert B., Cemetery: Fleming Rural, Auburn, Plot: W, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co E, 138th NYVI
WASHBRUN, Israel, Cemetery: Cameron Mills, Cameron Mills, Plot: Plot C Lot 8, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co A, 86th NYVI, Rank: Private, Oct 1861 to June 1865
WASHBURN, Alonzo, Cemetery: Hope, Perry, Plot: Sec 1 Lot 371
WASHBURN, Daniel B., Cemetery: Christ Church, Manlius, Plot: 164, Headstone: Headstone, Rank: Private
WASHBURN, Deven, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 160 OG, Regiment: Co L, 10th NYHA, Rank: Corporal, Sept 3, 1862 to Aug 24, 1865
WASHBURN, Elias, Cemetery: Dunning St. Road, Ballston Spa, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 115th NYVI, Rank: Private
WASHBURN, George, Cemetery: Prostestant, Pawling, Rank: Private
WASHBURN, George E., Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: SE, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 20th NYVI
WASHBURN, J. M. W., Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 15 Sec C, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 10th NY HA, Rank: Private, Aug 20, 1862 to June 23, 1865
WASHBURN, M. V. V., Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 48 OG, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 1st NY Vet Cav
WASHBURN, Myles, Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: SE, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 96th NYVI
WASHBURN, Zebulon, Cemetery: Whaley Pond, Pawling, Rank: Private
WASHBURNE, Edward A., Cemetery: Forest Dale, Crown Point, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co I, 1st NY Vet Cav
WASHINGTON, George, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 59, Headstone: Grey Granite
WASSON, John B., Cemetery: Campbell, Coopers Plains, Plot: Lot 290, Headstone: Dark Granite
WATERBURY, Stephen, Cemetery: Methodist Banks Palmer, Pleasantville, Plot: Center, Headstone: Marble
WATERHOUSE, Edwin, Cemetery: Pine Plains, Clay, Plot: Sec 7C, Headstone: White Granite
WATERING, S., Cemetery: Riverside, Belfast, Plot: SE, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Private
WATERMAN, B. F., Cemetery: White Marble, Crown Point
WATERMAN, Charles, Cemetery: Petries Corners, Petries Corners, Plot: 6, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 192nd NYVI
WATERMAN, Erwin, Cemetery: Berlin, Berlin, Plot: S
WATERMAN, William, Cemetery: Brookside, Poestinkill, Plot: SE Side, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Scott 900, Rank: Private
WATERS, Charles, Cemetery: Grove, Coeymans, Plot: Lot 124
WATERS, Charles B., Cemetery: Ruggtown, West Perrysburg
WATERS, L. B., Cemetery: Forest Ave, Angola, Plot: SE, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 12th NYVI, Rank: Private
WATERS, Williams, Cemetery: Grove, Coeymans, Plot: Lot 124, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co F, 156th NYVI, Rank: Musician
WATKINS, C L., Cemetery: Dewey, Perrysburg
WATKINS, E. P., Cemetery: Rural, Little Valley, Plot: North Half Lot 9 Block A, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co F, 64th NYVI, Rank: 2nd Lt., Cot 9, 1861 to Jan 2, 1863
WATKINS, Josiah J., Cemetery: Valley Vireo, Ellington, Regiment: 4th PA Cav, Rank: Private
WATREN, David, Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Elba, Plot: C, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: NY Cav, Rank: Private, 3 years
WATSON, Albert P., Cemetery: Elmwood, Pike
WATSON, Almond, Cemetery: Phoenix Rural, Phoenix, Plot: Lot 9 Sec 45, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Private
WATSON, Dowd E., Cemetery: Gallup, Harrisburg, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co M, 5th NY HA, Rank: Private
WATSON, Frank, Cemetery: Oakwood, Chittenango, Plot: No 12 Sec B, Rank: Private
WATSON, James A., Cemetery: Cleveland, Cleveland, Plot: Lot 221, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co F, 189th NYVI, Rank: 5th Major?
WATSON, James H., Cemetery: Rural, Little Valley, Plot: Lot 11-16 Block C, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co K, Ret. NYVI, Rank: Private, April 18, 1861 to April 21, 1863
WATSON, John, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 135, Headstone: Grey Granite
WATSON, John L., Cemetery: Brentwood, Brentwood, Li, Plot: Lot 24, Regiment: Co B, 4th NYVI, Rank: Private, April 22, 1861 to May 25, 1863
WATSON, L. C., Dr., Cemetery: Alexandria Bay, Alexandria Bay, Plot: Range G No 7, Headstone: Grey Marble Cross, Regiment: 20th NY Cav, Rank: Lieutenant
WATSON, Thomas, Cemetery: Calvary, Long Island, Plot: 8-77-FF 1
WATSON, Thomas, Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 4, Regiment: Co B, 13th NYSM, Rank: Private, May 21, 1862 to Sept 12, 1862
WATT, George T., Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 17 Lot 8
WATTERSON, Andrew, Cemetery: Pleasant Lawn, Parish, Plot: NE, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 184th NYVI
WATTOON, Abe, Cemetery: Ruggtown, West Perrysburg
WATTS, Benjamin, Cemetery: Valley View Rural, Dover Plains, Plot: West Side, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co E, 150th NYVI, Rank: Private
WATTS, John R., Cemetery: Cazenovia, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec G, Lot 16, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co K, 114th NYVI, Rank: Private
WATTS, Thomas, Cemetery: Cameron Mills, Cameron Mills, Plot: Plot C Lot 14, Headstone: Marble Slab, Rank: Private
WAY, William M., Cemetery: Old, Georgetown, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Oneida Ind. Cav, Rank: Private, Sept 12, 1864 to May 18, 1865
WAYLOR, Horace, Cemetery: Mount Hope, Athens, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: US Navy
WAYMAN, Bennett, Cemetery: Maple View, East Worcester, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co B, 101st NYVI
WAYMAN, George, Cemetery: Maple View, East Worcester, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co H, 61st NYVI
WEARE, D. G., Cemetery: Greenvale, Fairport
WEAVER, Charles D., Cemetery: Cazenovia, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec I Lot 420, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co B, 8th NY Cav
WEAVER, Daniel, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 20 Sec AA
WEAVER, Dudley, Cemetery: Pitcher, Pitcher, Plot: NW, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co H, 89th NYVI
WEAVER, George M., Cemetery: Cazenovia, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec F, Lot 107, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co K, 185th NYVI, Rank: Private
WEAVER, Jacob, Cemetery: Rural Home, Big Flato, Plot: Row A, Lot 12, Headstone: Grey Sandstone, Regiment: Co D, 50th NY Eng, Rank: Private
WEAVER, Lewis F., Cemetery: River Side, Copenhagen, Plot: O, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 35th H. Art
WEAVER, Mathias, Cemetery: Our Lady Of Angel'S, W. Albany, Plot: P 2 West 1/2 Lot 3 Sq. 73, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co F, 7th NY HA
WEAVER, Peter W., Cemetery: Evergreen, Pine Plains, Plot: S., Headstone: Grey Marble, Regiment: Co D, 15th NYVI, Rank: Private
WEAVER, Ralph, Cemetery: Highland, Cheny Creek, Plot: Lot 249, Headstone: Granite Marker, Rank: Private
WEAVER, Stephen, Cemetery: Our Lady Of Angel'S, W. Albany, Plot: P 3 South 1/2 Lot 4 Sq 84, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co B, 146th NYVI
WEAVER, Sylvester A., Cemetery: Elmlawn, Buffalo, Plot: 407 Ridge, Headstone: Grey Granite
WEBB, Earl, Cemetery: Evergreen, Alden, Plot: C, Headstone: Grey Granite
WEBB, F. L., Cemetery: Panama Union, Panama, Plot: 4, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 9th NY Cav, Rank: Private
WEBB, Fletcher, Cemetery: Brookside, Gilbertsville, Plot: Soldier's Place, Headstone: GAR Marker, Regiment: Co I, 121st NYVI, Rank: Private
WEBB, Fletcher, Cemetery: Butternut Valley, Gilbertsville, Plot: Family Lot, Headstone: Family Monument, Regiment: Co K, 121st NYVI, Rank: Private
WEBB, James W., Cemetery: Reformed Church, Claverrack, Plot: C, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: 3rd NYVI, Rank: Adjutant
WEBB, John, Cemetery: Elmlawn, Buffalo, Plot: 130 Ridge, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co H, 2nd NY Mounted Rifles
WEBB, Stephen H., Cemetery: Reformed Church, Claverrack, Plot: NW, Headstone: Grey Granite, Rank: Major
WEBBER, Alphonso, Cemetery: Rural Home, Big Flato, Plot: Row D Lot 11, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 161st NYVI, Rank: Private, Sept 15, 1864 to Sept 20, 1865
WEBBER, Jacob, Cemetery: Unknown
WEBBER, James, Cemetery: Rural Home, Big Flato, Plot: Row D Lot 11, Regiment: Co G, 50th NY Eng, Rank: Private, Aug 16, 1864 to June 13, 1865
WEBBER, James H., Cemetery: Rural Home, Big Flato, Plot: Row D Lot 11, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 5th NY HA, Rank: Private
WEBBER, John, Cemetery: East Bethany, East Bethany, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co M, 2nd Mounted Rifles
WEBBER, John, Cemetery: Lenox Rural, Canastota, Plot: SW, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co I, 157th NYVI
WEBBER, John H., Cemetery: Rural Home, Big Flato, Plot: Row C Lot 17, Headstone: Grey Sandstone, Regiment: Co G, 50th NY Eng, Rank: Private
WEBBER, Louis, Cemetery: Hillside, East Pembroke, Plot: Sec A, Headstone: Headstone
WEBBER, N. B., Cemetery: Cazenovia, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec H Lot 248, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co K, 114th NYVI, Rank: Private
WEBBER, William E., Cemetery: Mount Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: Sec A, Headstone: Marble or Granite, Regiment: Co C, 3rd NY LA | 61st NYVI
WEBER, George, Cemetery: Dale, Dale, Plot: Sec 2 Lot 5 Lot 1, Headstone: D Gray
WEBER, Jacob, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 61, Headstone: Grey Granite
WEBER, Louis, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: C 28, Headstone: GAR Marker, Regiment: Co I, 1st NY LA
WEBER, Philip, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 35, Headstone: Grey Granite
WEBSTER, Bradley S., Cemetery: Constantia Rural, Constantia, Plot: #19, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co E, 8th NY Cav, Rank: Private
WEBSTER, D. M., Cemetery: Elk Creek, Elk Creek, Plot: 82, Headstone: Brown Granite, Rank: Private, 10 mos.
WEBSTER, Daniel, Cemetery: Evergreen, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 795 314, Regiment: Co B, 12th NYSM, Rank: Private, April 21, 1861 to Aug 5, 1861
WEBSTER, Daniel, Cemetery: Pleasant Lane, Brasie Cornus (Corners?), Headstone: Marker, Regiment: Ohio, Rank: Private
WEBSTER, Darbie, Cemetery: Colden, Colden, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: Co B, 10th NY, Rank: Private
WEBSTER, De Wite, Cemetery: Union, Edmeston, Plot: Sec C No 102, Headstone: Grey Granite
WEBSTER, Edwin, Cemetery: Brookside, Gilbertsville, Headstone: GAR Marker, Regiment: Co K, 121st NYVI, Rank: Private
WEBSTER, Edwin, Cemetery: Butternut Valley, Gilbertsville, Plot: Family Lot, Headstone: Family Monument, Regiment: 121st NYVI, Rank: Private, three years
WEBSTER, Eugene F., Cemetery: Glenwood, Perry, Plot: Sec B Lot 51
WEBSTER, Isaac, Cemetery: Hamden, Hamden, Plot: NE, Headstone: Marble Stone, Regiment: Co A, 6th PA Red, Rank: Private
WEBSTER, James, Cemetery: Apulia, Apulia, Plot: Sec k 5, Headstone: Marble
WEBSTER, Mathew, Cemetery: Constableville Union, Constableville
WEED, Hiram, Cemetery: Mount Rest, Bergen, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Private
WEED, Lewis J., Cemetery: Cazenovia, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec J Lot 50, Headstone: Granite, Rank: 1st Lt.
WEEKERLE, Gottleib, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: N7, Headstone: Private Stone, Regiment: Co B, 21st US NYVI
WEEKS, Andrew J., Cemetery: Babylon, Babylon, Plot: Lot 231, Headstone: Granite
WEEKS, George H., Cemetery: Glenridge, Saratoga Springs, Plot: 60 - 5, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: Co F, 115th NYVI, Rank: Sergeant, Aug 11, 1862 to June 17, 1865
WEEKS, Henry, Cemetery: Clarence Center, Clarence Center, Plot: N, Headstone: Small Stone, Regiment: Co B, 116th NYVI
WEEKS, Henry, Cemetery: Middlefield, Cooperstown
WEEKS, Henry C., Cemetery: Babylon, Babylon, Headstone: Marble
WEEKS, Jay M., Cemetery: Unknown, Paris, Plot: Center, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 2nd NYVI
WEEKS, John, Cemetery: Hartwick, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co H, 152nd NYVI
WEEKS, Joseph, Cemetery: River View, Baldwinsville, Plot: W, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co A, 185th NYVI, Rank: Private, Oct 1, 1861 to Aug 1865
WEEKS, Nelson, Cemetery: Shandaken, Phoenicia, Plot: Plot 40, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co E, 58th NYVI
WEEKS, Sanford F., Cemetery: St. Marys, Baldwinsville, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Batt B, 1st NY LA, Rank: Private, Aug 24, 1861 to June 22, 1865
WEETING, Benjamin S., Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec S, Headstone: Granite Marker, Regiment: Co E, 136th NYVI
WEGAN, Christian, Cemetery: Rural Home, Castleton On Hudson, Headstone: Gov. Marker, Regiment: Co A, 1st NY Cav
WEGELIN, John U., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 27, Headstone: Grey Granite
WEIAIRD, Jacob, Cemetery: Catholic, Perkinsville, Plot: 1 Lot 53, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 188th NYVI, Rank: Private
WEIDNER, John A., Cemetery: Woodland, Bellport, Plot: Lot 170, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 105th NYVI, Rank: Corporal
WEIL, Emil, Cemetery: Mount Hope, Brooklyn, Plot: Row Sebulon Lodge, Headstone: Dark Granite
WEIL, Jacob A., Cemetery: Maimonides, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 51, Headstone: Black Granite
WEILLER, Charles, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 429, Headstone: Grey Granite
WEIMER, Michael, Cemetery: Rural, Fairville, Regiment: Co H, 33rd NYVI
WEIR, Clark, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec T Lot 64, Regiment: Co G, 93rd NYVI
WEIS, Frank J., Cemetery: Our Lady Of Angel'S, W. Albany, Plot: P2 East 1/2 Lot 1 Sq. 199, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co G, 177th NYVI, Rank: 1st Lt.
WEISENHEIMER, William, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 353 Sec B
WEISER, John, Cemetery: East Concord, East Concord, Plot: Sec C Lot 130, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 116th NYVI, Rank: Private, Aug 13, 1862 to June 8, 1865
WEIVE, Andrew, Cemetery: Cedar Creek, Va, Clarence Center, Headstone: Slab
WELCH, Charles, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec A Lot 171, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 123rd NYVI
WELCH, Henry, Cemetery: Rural, Castleton On Hudson, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: 43rd NYVI, Rank: Drummer
WELCH, Maurice, Cemetery: Churchville, Churchville, Headstone: GAR Marker, Regiment: Co F, 108th NYVI, Rank: Private
WELCH, O. J., Cemetery: Zurich, Zurich, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 98th NYVI, Rank: Sergeant
WELCH, Patrick, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec C, Headstone: Granite Marker, Regiment: Co K, 1st NY Dragoons, Rank: Private
WELCH, Patrick, Cemetery: St. Agnes, Aoon
WELCH, Patrick, Cemetery: St. Agnes, Avon, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co M, 8th NY Cav
WELCH, William, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec N, Headstone: Granite Monument, Regiment: Co B, 136th NYVI
WELKER, Alvin E., Cemetery: Darien, Darien, Regiment: Co C, 1st NY Dragoons
WELLER, A., Cemetery: Alexandria Bay, Alexandria Bay, Plot: Range E Lot 11, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co A, 18th NY Cav, Rank: Private
WELLER, Alfred, Cemetery: Brellville, Brellville, Plot: SW, Headstone: Monument
WELLER, C.A., Cemetery: All Souls, Pleasantville, Plot: Sec C Div 21 Grave 19 E, Headstone: 3 Foot iron cross, Regiment: Co B, 19th Conn
WELLER, D. Wesley, Cemetery: Valley View Rural, Dover Plains, Plot: 2nd Section West, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co B, 126th NYVI, Rank: Private
WELLER, George W., Cemetery: Chemung, Chemung, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 23rd NYVI
WELLER, William, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 3 Lot 8, Regiment: 14th NY HA
WELLES, Leister, Cemetery: Elmwood, Pike
WELLIS, John, Cemetery: Cypress Hills, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 157 Sec 4, Regiment: Navy, April 1861 to June 1864
WELLS, Abner, Cemetery: Crary Mills, Crary Mills, Headstone: Marble Slab
WELLS, Albert H., Cemetery: Cleveland, Cleveland, Plot: Lot 111, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Oneida Ind. Cav, Rank: Private
WELLS, Calvin, Cemetery: Woodland, Delhi, Regiment: Co H, 127th NYVI, Rank: Private
WELLS, Chares (Charles?), Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 496, Headstone: Grey Granite
WELLS, Charles F., Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canadaigua, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co G, 27th NYVI
WELLS, Charles F., Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canadaigua, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 27th NYVI
WELLS, Curis D. (Curtis?), Cemetery: Crown Point Centre, Crown Point, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 2nd NY Cav
WELLS, E. Pason, Cemetery: Pitcher, Pitcher, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: PA Bucktails, Rank: Private, 1861-
WELLS, Edgar J., Cemetery: Crown Point Centre, Crown Point, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 34th NYVI, Rank: Musician
WELLS, George B., Cemetery: Cutchoque, Cutchoque, Plot: NW, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: 127th NYVI, Rank: Private
WELLS, George H., Cemetery: Cleveland, Cleveland, Plot: Lot 111, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Oneida Ind. Cav
WELLS, George H., Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec F, Lot 119, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 123rd NYVI, Rank: Corporal
WELLS, Hubert S., Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 111, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co A, 122nd NYVI, Rank: Captain
WELLS, John, Cemetery: Dewy, Perrysburg
WELLS, Miler, Cemetery: East Koy Royal, Portageville, Plot: 154, Headstone: Grey Granite, Rank: Private
WELLS, Nathaniel O., Cemetery: Crown Point Centre, Crown Point, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 5th NY Cav
WELLS, Samuel S., Cemetery: Chester, Chester, Plot: S, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: 124th NYVI
WELLS, Thomas, Cemetery: East Dekalb, East Dekalb, Plot: 12th Row, Headstone: Grey Marble, Regiment: 60th NYVI?, Rank: 2nd Lt., 1861 - 1865
WELLS, William, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 12 Lot 33, Regiment: 6th NY Cav
WELLS, Zachary F., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 248, Headstone: Grey Granite
WELSEY, Joseph, Cemetery: Constantia Rural, Constantia, Plot: #2, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 184th NYVI, Rank: Private
WELSH, William, Cemetery: Alexander, Alexander, Headstone: Soldiers, Rank: Private, 1861 - 1865
WENNER, Louis, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 289 Sec A
WENTWORTH, A. E., Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 446, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: 151st NYVI, Rank: Private
WENTWORTH, Jacob, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 32 Sec 12, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co B, 30th NYVI, Rank: Drum Major, May 7, 1861 to June 1, 1864
WENTWORTH, Wilbur, Cemetery: Canasaserga, Canasaserga, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 147th NYVI
WERDEIN, Adolph, Cemetery: Catholic, Perkinsville, Plot: Lot 63, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co F, 107th NYVI, Rank: Private
WERKERLE, Bottbieb, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: N7, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co B, 21st US NYVI
WERNER, Charles F. L., Cemetery: Eagle Hill, Albany, Plot: 192 O.P., Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 25th NYSM
WERNER, George, Cemetery: Green Wood, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 125, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 45th NYVI
WERNER, John, Cemetery: Eagle Hill, Albany, Plot: 192 O.P., Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co C, 7th NYVI
WERNER, Louis W., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 144, Headstone: Grey Granite
WERT, Albert W., Cemetery: Bluff Point, Bluff Point, Plot: E, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co E, 64th NYVI, Rank: Private
WERT, Benjamin, Cemetery: Riverside, Belfast, Plot: SE, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Private
WESLING, Albert, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 385, Headstone: Grey Granite
WEST, Charles, Cemetery: Burlington Plato, Burlington Plato, Headstone: Monument
WEST, Charles, Cemetery: Burlington Plato, Burlington Plato, Headstone: Monument
WEST, Erastus, Cemetery: Maple Grove, Clifton, Plot: Lot 1, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co H, 108th NYVI
WEST, George A., Cemetery: Soldiers Onesquetlean, Clarksville, Plot: Sec 1, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 7th NY HA
WEST, James W., Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec B, Lot 281, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 22nd NYVI
WEST, Julius C., Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec K Lot 65, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 93rd NYVI
WEST, O. W., Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec N, Headstone: Granite Marker, Regiment: Co K, 1st NY Dragoons, Rank: Lieutenant
WEST, Seymour, Cemetery: Deming, Edmeston, Plot: South, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Private
WEST, Wilbur, Cemetery: Cassadaga, Cassadaga, Plot: W
WEST, William, Cemetery: Unknown, Clay
WEST, William G., Cemetery: West Galway, Broadalbin, Plot: #5, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 96th NYVI
WESTBROOK, George, Cemetery: Hope, Perry, Plot: Sec 1 Lot 418, Regiment: 104th NYVI
WESTERFIELD, Cornelius L., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 50, Headstone: Grey Granite
WESTERMAN, John F., Cemetery: Elmlawn, Buffalo, Plot: 624 Grace, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co G, 49th Ohio, Rank: Private
WESTFALL, John, Cemetery: Rural, Castleton On Hudson
WESTFALL, Stanley, Cemetery: Eaton Village, Eaton, Plot: Sec E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 189th NYVI
WESTFALL, Wesley, Cemetery: Hillside, Burnt Hills, Plot: Lot 135, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 44th NYSM
WESTFALL, William Smith, Cemetery: Pleasant Lawn, Port Gibson, Plot: 240, Regiment: Co H, 126th NYVI, Rank: Sergeant, July 29, 1862 to Dec 25, 1864
WESTLAKE, Charles G., Cemetery: Hope, Perry, Plot: Sec 5 Lot 468, Regiment: 1st NY Dragoons
WETKINS, James, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 67 Sec 7, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co D, 120th NYVI, Rank: Private
WETZEL, Louis F., Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Grave 44, Rank: Ordnance Sergeant
WETZLER, John, Cemetery: East Bethany, East Bethany
WEYMER, Joel, Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: 20, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Private
WHALEG, Charlie, Cemetery: Dale, Dale, Plot: Sec 2 Lot 8 Row 1, Headstone: Light Gray, Regiment: Co C, 1st NY Dragoons, 2 years
WHALEN, Daniel J., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 240 Myrtle Row, Headstone: Army Stone
WHALEN, John, Cemetery: Calvary, Canandaigua, Plot: Parrish Street, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co C, 194th NYVI
WHALEN, Larry, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 216, Headstone: Grey Granite
WHALEN, Matthew, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 9 K St. Stephen, Headstone: Army Stone
WHALEN, P., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn
WHALEN, P., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 45 K St. John, Headstone: Army Stone
WHALEN, Patrick, Cemetery: Pleasant Lane, Brasie Cornus (Corners?), Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co D, 186th NYVI, Rank: Private
WHALEY, D., Cemetery: Quaker Hill, Pawling, Rank: Private
WHALEY, Francis, Cemetery: Highland, Cheny Creek, Plot: Lot 166, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 46th NYVI
WHALEY, Frank, Cemetery: Amber Rural, Amber, Plot: Lot 52, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 122nd NYVI
WHEAT, Jonathan, Cemetery: Rural, Little Valley, Plot: Lot 86 Block D, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co G, 64th NYVI, Rank: Private, Feb 27, 1864 to July 19, 1865
WHEAT, Mark, Cemetery: Hill Top, Breesport, Plot: Lot 180, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 177th Penn NYVI
WHEATON, Jno. C., Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec N, Regiment: Co B, 136th NYVI, 1862 - 1862
WHEATON, Victory B., Cemetery: Maple Wood, Camillus, Plot: Lot 7 Sec 2, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 122nd NYVI, Rank: Corporal
WHEELBRIGHT, Samuel T., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 18, Headstone: Grey Granite
WHEELER, A. B., Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: 213, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co C, 56th NYVI, Rank: Private
WHEELER, Albert N., Cemetery: Fairview, Brasher Falls, Plot: Sec A Lot 10, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 50th NY Eng
WHEELER, Charles M., Cemetery: Italy & Naples, Naples, Plot: 12, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co M, 22nd NY Cav, Rank: Private, Jan 22, 1864 to Aug 1, 1865
WHEELER, Charles M., Cemetery: West Avenue, Canandaigua, Plot: North Side, Headstone: Marble Shaft, Regiment: Co K, 126th NYVI, Rank: Captain
WHEELER, David B., Cemetery: Evergreen, Pine Plains, Plot: NW, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 150th NYVI, Rank: Private
WHEELER, Erastus, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: GAR, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, NYVI
WHEELER, George S., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 38, Headstone: Grey Granite
WHEELER, George W., Cemetery: River View, Baldwinsville, Plot: E, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co C, 75th NYVI, Rank: Sergeant, Nov 21, 1861 to July 25, 1865
WHEELER, Harrison, Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: 213, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co E, US Engineers, Rank: Private
WHEELER, Hendrix, Cemetery: Barton, Barton, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 1st NY LA, Rank: Private
WHEELER, Jacob, Cemetery: Onesquetlean, Clarksville, Plot: Sec 1, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co K, 7th NY HA
WHEELER, Jarner Y., Cemetery: Mount Pleasant, Elbridge, Plot: NE, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 101st NYVI, Rank: Private
WHEELER, Jerome, Cemetery: Eaton Village, Eaton, Plot: Sec W, Headstone: Grey Granite
WHEELER, John, Cemetery: Ancram, Ancram, Plot: Tier 8 Lot 9, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co C, 159th NYVI
WHEELER, Martin H., Cemetery: Riverside, Bloomville, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Private
WHEELER, Russell, Cemetery: St. Patrick, Chateaugay, Regiment: 192nd NYVI, Rank: Private
WHEELER, Smith R., Cemetery: Brisben, Brisben, Plot: C, Headstone: White Marble
WHEELER, William T., Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 4 Lot 13, Regiment: 142nd NYVI
WHEELOCK, James L., Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 8 Lot 52, Regiment: 113th Ohio
WHELAN, William, Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Grave 28, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Mounted Rifles, Rank: Lieutenant
WHELPLEY, Augustus, Cemetery: Constantia Rural, Constantia, Plot: #5, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co I, 2nd Ind Bat, Rank: Private
WHIFORD, Sylvanus C., Cemetery: Alfred Rural, Alfred, Plot: Lot 183, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 5th NY HA, Rank: Private, 18 months
WHILBECK, Henry, Cemetery: East Clarkson, Clarkson, Plot: Lot 15 Sec 3, Headstone: Grey Sandstone
WHIPPLE, Alison, Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 36, Headstone: Marble Marker
WHIPPLE, Daniel, Cemetery: Constantia Rural, Constantia, Plot: #9, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 110th NYVI
WHIPPLE, John, Cemetery: Eagle Hill, Albany, Plot: 241 O. P., Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co K, 7th NY HA
WHIPPLE, John E., Cemetery: De Kalb, De Kalb, Plot: North Side, Headstone: Gray Stone, Regiment: Co I, 92nd NYVI, Rank: Private
WHIPPLE, L. H., Cemetery: Elba, Elba, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 8th NY HA, Rank: Private, 1 year
WHIPPLE, Oscar, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 10 Sec E
WHIPPLE, Sam P., Cemetery: Mount Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble or Granite, Regiment: Co I, 21st Mass NYVI | Co K, 81st Mass NYVI, Rank: Private
WHIPPLE, Theodore, Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 140th NYVI
WHITAKER, Britton, Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: 137th NYVI, Rank: Private
WHITBECK, John, Cemetery: Coeymans Hollow, Coeymans Hollow, Plot: E, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Private
WHITBECK, Richard H., Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 19 Sec 6, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co D, 120th NYVI, Rank: Private, Aug 22, 1862 to June 3, 1865
WHITCOMB, William H., Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 43 Sec 5, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co E, 5th NY Cav, Rank: Captain
WHITE, Amasa B., Cemetery: Hope, Campbell, Headstone: Granite Marker, Regiment: 48th NYVI, Rank: Bugle
WHITE, Angus, Cemetery: Bangor, Bangor, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 92nd NYVI
WHITE, Chancey, Cemetery: Evergreen, Canton, Plot: 4 Sec F, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co I, NY Cav
WHITE, Charles, Cemetery: Plainville, Plainville, Regiment: Co A, 176th NYVI, Rank: Private
WHITE, Charles H., Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: GAR, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 5th NYVI, Rank: Sergeant, Duration of war
WHITE, Chauncey, Cemetery: Valley View Rural, Dover Plains, Plot: Center, Headstone: Slab Marble, Regiment: 150th NYVI, Rank: Private
WHITE, Daniel, Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Bolivar, Plot: Lot 87, Regiment: 85th NYVI, Rank: Private
WHITE, Daniel, Cemetery: Pleasant Lawn, Parish, Plot: East, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co M, 2nd NY HA
WHITE, Erastus, Cemetery: De Grasse, De Grasse, Plot: East and West
WHITE, Ezekiel, Cemetery: Smith, Chateaugay, Headstone: No stone, Regiment: 92nd NYVI, Rank: Private
WHITE, F., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 19 C 6 St. John, Headstone: Army Stone
WHITE, Franics A., Cemetery: Amityville, Amityville, Plot: SE, Headstone: Dark Granite, Regiment: Co D, 43rd NYVI
WHITE, Franklin, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 107, Headstone: Grey Granite
WHITE, Fred, Cemetery: Prostestant, Pawling, Rank: Private
WHITE, Fred, Cemetery: River Side, Copenhagen, Plot: O, Headstone: Gov. Stone, Regiment: Co M, 5th NY HA
WHITE, Fred, Cemetery: Rural, De Ruyter, NY, Plot: Southwest, Headstone: White Monument
WHITE, George, Cemetery: River Side, Copenhagen, Plot: O, Headstone: Gov. Stone, Regiment: Co M, 5th NY HA, Rank: Private
WHITE, George F., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 53q, Headstone: Grey Granite
WHITE, George F., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 54, Headstone: Grey Granite
WHITE, Gilbert, Cemetery: Chester, Chester, Plot: C, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co B, 56th Reg 10th Legion
WHITE, Horace C., Cemetery: Christ Church, Manlius, Plot: Lot 177, Headstone: Gov. Marker, Regiment: 90 C 40 Reg Cav?, Rank: Private
WHITE, Isaac, Cemetery: Cincinatus, Cincinatus, Plot: S, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 76th NYVI
WHITE, James, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec A Lot 123, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 5th Vermont
WHITE, John, Cemetery: Grove, Coeymans, Plot: Lot 27, Headstone: Headstone
WHITE, Joseph E., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 366, Headstone: Grey Granite
WHITE, Louis, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 142, Headstone: Grey Granite
WHITE, Nicholas, Cemetery: River Side, Baldwinsville, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co B, 14th US, Rank: Private
WHITE, Orlando, Cemetery: Liberty Park, Cattavaugus, Plot: Sec 5 Lot 21, Headstone: Dark Granite, Regiment: Co K, 154th NYVI
WHITE, Richard, Cemetery: Calvary, Canandaigua, Plot: Parrish Street, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co D, 14th US
WHITE, Seth M., Cemetery: Lakewood, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co I, 12th Mass NYVI
WHITE, Sylvester J., Cemetery: Cazenovia, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec F Lot 25, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 75th NYVI, Rank: Private
WHITE, Thomas, Cemetery: Riverside, Elizabethtown, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co F, 118th NYVI, Rank: Private, Aug 1862 to Apr 1864
WHITE, Thomas, Cemetery: Riverside, Elizabethtown, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co F, 118th NYVI, Rank: Private, Aug 1862 to Apr 1864
WHITE, W. M., Cemetery: Greenvale, Fairport
WHITE, Wesley, Cemetery: Christ Church, Manlius, Plot: 216, Headstone: Family Monument
WHITE, William, Cemetery: Christ Church, Manlius, Plot: 236, Headstone: None, Rank: Private
WHITE, William, Cemetery: Fairview, Beacon, Plot: Sec A, Headstone: Dark Granite, Regiment: Co C, 18th NYVI, Rank: Private, May 17, 1861 to May 27, 1863
WHITE, William H., Cemetery: Valley View Rural, Dover Plains, Plot: South, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co E, 150th NYVI, Rank: Private
WHITE, William Waith, Cemetery: Valley Vireo, Ellington, Regiment: Co B, 11th NVYI, Rank: Private
WHITEING, Haile J., Cemetery: Elmwood, Pike
WHITESIDE, Robert, Cemetery: Alexander, Alexander, Rank: Private, 1861 - 1865
WHITFORD, Horation, Cemetery: Butternut Valley, Burlingtown, Plot: NE, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 121st NYVI
WHITFORD, Samuel, Cemetery: Alfred Rural, Alfred, Plot: Lot 174 1/4, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co K, 147th NYVI, Rank: Private, 22 months
WHITFORD, Sidney, Cemetery: Alexandria Bay, Alexandria Bay, Plot: South R Lot 16, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co D, 16th NYVI | 20th NVYI, Rank: Private
WHITFORD, William, Cemetery: Savory, Chambers, Regiment: Co D, 23rd NYVI
WHITFORD, William, Cemetery: Savory, Chambers, Plot: No 3, Headstone: Marble Marker, Regiment: Co D, 28th NYVI, Rank: Private
WHITING, Benjamin F., Cemetery: Lenox Rural, Canastota, Plot: SW, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co B, 57th NYVI
WHITING, John C., Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 23 Frasier, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co B, 94th NYVI, Rank: Sergeant, Nov 6, 1861 to July 18, 1865
WHITING, Riley, Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
WHITMAN, Harrison, Cemetery: Peterboro, Peterboro, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 157th NYVI
WHITMAN, Martin, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: South, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co H, 10th NY HA
WHITMARCEL, Harvey, Cemetery: Woodbridge, Catatonk, Plot: NE, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co H, 3rd NYVI, Rank: Private
WHITMIRE, George, Cemetery: Mount Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble or Granite, Regiment: Co E, 189th NYVI
WHITMORE, William, Cemetery: Chester, Chester, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co B, 27th NYVI
WHITNEY, Bradley, Cemetery: East Aoon, Aoon
WHITNEY, Charles, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 285, Headstone: Grey Granite
WHITNEY, Francis R., Cemetery: Broadalbin Mayfield, Mayfield Broadalbin, Plot: #39, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 10th NY Cav
WHITNEY, Frank, Cemetery: Broadalbin Mayfield, Mayfield Broadalbin, Plot: #31, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 17th NYVI
WHITNEY, Henry, Cemetery: Lisle, Lisle, Plot: Lot 85 Gr 2?, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Captain
WHITNEY, Henry, Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
WHITNEY, J. H., Cemetery: Poplar Grove, Phillipsport, Plot: Tier 29 Old, Headstone: Marble Slab
WHITNEY, L. A., Cemetery: Unknown, Oakwood
WHITNEY, Nelson, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 205, Headstone: Grey Granite
WHITNEY, S. W., Cemetery: Valley Vireo, Ellington, Regiment: Co C, 83rd Penn., Rank: Private
WHITNEY, Washington, Cemetery: Eagle Village, Eagle, Headstone: Slab Stone, Regiment: Co B, 2nd NY Mounted Rifles, Rank: Private, Jan 4, 1864 to June 1865 | Wounded
WHITNEY, William A., Cemetery: Woodland, Delhi, Regiment: Co A, 28th Conn, Rank: Corporal, Aug 12, 1862 August 28th 1863
WHITNEY, William A., Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canandaigua, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 1st CA Cav
WHITSON, John B., Cemetery: Fairview, Beacon, Plot: Sec A, Headstone: Dark Granite, Regiment: Co E, 144th USCT, Rank: Private, Aug 29, 1864 to June 25, 1865
WHITTEKER, Charles E., Cemetery: Evergreen, Berkshire, Plot: Lot 48 Sec A, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 144th NYVI
WHITWELL, Stephen, Cemetery: West Avenue, Canandaigua, Plot: North Side, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 4th NYVI, Rank: Lieutenant
WICKER, John, Cemetery: Darien, Darien, Regiment: Co I, 98th NJ
WICKS, Jabey R., Cemetery: Fly Creek, Cooperstown, Rank: Private
WICKS, John B., Rev., Cemetery: St. Paul'S Church, Paris, Plot: South End, Headstone: Granite
WICKS, Peter, Cemetery: Canasaserga, Canasaserga
WICKS, Thomas, Cemetery: Evergreen, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 7464, Regiment: Co F, 16th NY Cav, Rank: Sergeant, May 9, 1863 to Aug 17, 1865
WICKWIRE, Zoroster B., Cemetery: Forest Dale, Crown Point, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 1st NY LA |7th Ver NYVI, Rank: Sergeant
WIDEKIND, George, Cemetery: Eastport, Eastport, Li, Plot: NW Side, Headstone: Gov't Iron, Regiment: 158th NYVI, Rank: Private
WIDER, John S., Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec A, Lot 110, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 123rd NYVI
WIDEY, William, Cemetery: Highland, Cheny Creek, Plot: Lot 201, Headstone: Granite Marker, Regiment: Co B, 112th NYVI
WIDRIG, Jackson D, Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 156, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co A, 185th NYVI, Rank: Corporal, Aug 29, 1864 to May 22, 1865
WIGGIN, George, Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 376, Headstone: Monument
WIGGINS, William T., Cemetery: St. Luke, Beacon, Plot: E, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co C, 49th NYVIU, Rank: Captain
WIGHTMAN, Charles, Cemetery: Pleasant Lawn, Parish, Plot: NE, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 24th NYVI
WIGHTMAN, William, Cemetery: Alfred Rural, Alfred, Plot: Lot 567, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 85th NYVI, Rank: Corporal
WILBER, George L., Cemetery: Schenevus, Schenevus
WILBER, H. P., Cemetery: Rural, Little Valley, Plot: Lot 28 Block B, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co E, 7th Minn vol, Rank: Private, Feb 19, 1864 to May 19, 1865
WILBER, Oscar, Cemetery: Five Mile, Allegany, Plot: Lot 48 Sec A, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co G, 154th NYVI, Rank: Private, three years
WILBUR, Aaron G., Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 12, Lot 39, Regiment: 60th NYVI
WILBUR, George, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec N, Headstone: Granite Marker, Regiment: Co B, 13th NYVI
WILBUR, James, Cemetery: Rural, Borodino, Plot: N, Headstone: Grey Granite, Rank: Private
WILBUR, Milo, Cemetery: Five Mile, Allegany, Plot: Lot 10, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co C, 154th NYVI, Rank: Private
WILBUR, Philo, Cemetery: Five Mile, Allegany, Plot: Lot 54, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co I, 185th NYVI, Rank: Private
WILBUR, Smith, Cemetery: Sheepfold, Leraysville, Plot: SE, Headstone: Marble
WILBUR, Stephen J., Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Bolivar, Plot: Lot 127, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: Co A, 85th NYVI, Rank: Private, March 7, 1864 to June 27, 1865
WILCOX, ?, Cemetery: Allen, Pawling, Rank: Private
WILCOX, ?, Cemetery: Panama Union, Panama, Headstone: None, PA man That lived here a short time Then died
WILCOX, A. K., Cemetery: St. John'S Wilderness, Brighton, Plot: NE Corner, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co C, 118th NYVI, Rank: Private, June 1862 tp July 1865
WILCOX, Albert, Cemetery: Riverside, Brewerton, Headstone: Gov Marker, Regiment: Co I, 149th NYVI, Rank: Private
WILCOX, Albert F., Cemetery: Westernville, Westernville, Plot: N, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co D, 8th NY Cav, Rank: Private, Sept 1, 1862 to June 1865
WILCOX, Albert F., Cemetery: Westernville, Westernville, Plot: N, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co D, 8th NY Cav, Rank: Private, Sept 1, 1862 to June 1865
WILCOX, Carey, Cemetery: Valley Rural View, Dover Plains, Plot: Center, Headstone: Slab Marble, Regiment: Co B, 126th NYVI, Rank: Private
WILCOX, E. M., Cemetery: Mt. Rest, Bergen, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Private
WILCOX, Elisha, Cemetery: Clockville, Clockville, Plot: E, Headstone: Family, Regiment: Co G, 27th Mich NYVI
WILCOX, Enoch, Cemetery: Cassadaga, Cassadaga, Plot: E. C., Headstone: Grey Sandstone, Regiment: Co E, 72nd NYVI, Rank: Private
WILCOX, George, Cemetery: Valley View Rural, Dover Plains, Plot: Center, Headstone: Slab Marble, Regiment: Co C, 150th NYVI, Rank: Private
WILCOX, Henry, Cemetery: Forest Ave, Angola, Plot: N, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co C, 142nd Ill. NYVI., Rank: Private, 100 Days
WILCOX, Ithiel, Cemetery: Hillcrest, Parishville, Plot: East, Headstone: Monument
WILCOX, Jackson A., Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 87 O. G., Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 10th NY HA
WILCOX, John, Cemetery: Findley Lake, Findley Lake, Plot: C, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 9th NY Cav
WILCOX, John F., Cemetery: Forest Ave, Angola, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 116th NYVI, Rank: Private, Two years
WILCOX, Jonathan, Cemetery: Eaton Village, Eaton, Plot: Sec E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 176th NYVI
WILCOX, Josiah, Cemetery: Peasleville, Peasleville, Rank: Private
WILCOX, Oliver, Cemetery: Oswego Bitter, Camillus, Plot: E, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co I, 101st NYVI, Rank: Private
WILCOX, Thomas, Cemetery: Mt. Rest, Bergen, Rank: Private
WILCOX, Wesley, Cemetery: Prostestant, Pawling, Rank: Private
WILCOX, William, Cemetery: Peasleville, Peasleville, Rank: Private
WILCOX, William B., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 130, Headstone: Grey Granite
WILD, M. P., Cemetery: Poolville, Poolville, Plot: E, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: 50th NY Eng, Rank: Private
WILD, William D., Cemetery: River View, Baldwinsville, Plot: W, Headstone: Monument
WILDAY, Albert, Cemetery: Bramanville Prospect, Bramanville, Plot: NE, Headstone: Marker
WILDE, Andrew, Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 455, Headstone: Marble Marker, Regiment: Co F, 1st NY LA, Rank: Private
WILDER, Augustus T., Cemetery: West Avenue, Canandaigua, Plot: North Side, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co M, 4th NY HA, Rank: 1st Sergeant
WILDER, Corwin, Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Elba, Plot: SE, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 1st DC Cav., Rank: Private, 2 years
WILDER, Horace, Cemetery: Petries Corners, Petries Corners, Plot: 8, Headstone: Marble
WILDER, William H., Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: 109th NYVI, Rank: Private
WILEY, Harvey A., Cemetery: Friends, Cornwall, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co C, 2nd NY Cav
WILEY, Oscar, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: GAR Lot, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 9th NY HA
WILEY, William, Cemetery: Evergreen, Brooklyn, Regiment: Co H, 20th NYSM, Rank: Musician, Sept 19, 1864 to June 17, 1865
WILGUS, Afred W., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 3, Headstone: Grey Granite
WILKENS, Daniel, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec C, Headstone: Granite Marker, Regiment: Co D, 21st NY Cav, Rank: Private
WILKENSON, Alvin H., Cemetery: Fairview, Brasser Falls, Plot: Sec G Lot 158, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 6th NY HA
WILKENSON, Charles, Cemetery: North Afton Rural, Afton, Headstone: Marble Slab, Rank: Private
WILKENSON, Charles G., Cemetery: Fleming Rural, Auburn, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble
WILKENSON, Lewis L., Cemetery: Fairview, Brasher Falls, Plot: Sec D Lot 158, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 92nd US NYVI
WILKENSON, Parker, Cemetery: Peterboro, Peterboro, Plot: NW Side, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 78th NYVI
WILKENSON, Sidney, Cemetery: Evergreen, Pine Plains, Plot: N, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co D, 150th NYVI, Rank: Private
WILKENSON, William, Cemetery: Bayside, Bayside, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 71st NYVI, Rank: Sergeant
WILKENSON, William, Cemetery: Evergreen, Berkshire, Plot: Lot 47 Sec F, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co I, 50th NY Eng
WILKENSON, William A., Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 90, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 14th NYVI
WILKINS, Darius, Cemetery: Medina, Medina, Plot: West, Regiment: Co E, 92nd NY
WILKINS, Morris L., Cemetery: Woodland, Delhi, Regiment: Co D, 14th NY HA, Rank: Private, Aug 13, 1864 to June 3, 1865
WILKINS, Wallace, Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: 5th NY HA, Rank: Private
WILL, Reinold, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 246, Headstone: Grey Granite
WILLARD, A. L., Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
WILLARD, Horace, Cemetery: Evergreen, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 693, Regiment: Co D, 97th NYVI, Rank: Private, Aug 5, 1863 to Sept 13, 1865
WILLARD, Jacob, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 13, Headstone: Grey Granite
WILLAX, George, Cemetery: Alexandria Bay, Alexandria Bay, Plot: Range D Lot 10, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co F, 10th NY HA, Rank: Private
WILLETT, Joseph, Cemetery: Hillside, East Pembroke, Plot: Sec C, Headstone: Headstone
WILLEY, Theodore L., Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Regiment: Co G, 50th NY Eng, Rank: Corporal
WILLIAM, Fred H., Cemetery: Dunning Road, Ballston Spa, Plot: SW, Headstone: Granite
WILLIAMS, Abram, Cemetery: River View, Baldwinsville, Plot: E, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co I, 12th NY Cav, Rank: Private, Sept 1, 1862 to Nov 29, 1865
WILLIAMS, Charles H., Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
WILLIAMS, Charles W., Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Bolivar, Plot: Lot 772, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: Co B, 139th NYVI, Rank: Private, Sept 25, 1864 to June 10, 1865
WILLIAMS, Daniel E., Cemetery: Black Creek, Black Creek, Plot: Center, Headstone: Marble Slab
WILLIAMS, Edward C., Cemetery: Baptist, Afton, Regiment: Co D, 3rd NY Cav, Rank: Private
WILLIAMS, Ervin, Cemetery: Aoon, Aoon
WILLIAMS, Erza, Cemetery: Hope, Campbell, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co E, 88th US NYVI, Rank: Captain
WILLIAMS, Fletcher F., Cemetery: Chatam Center Rural, Chatam Center, Plot: Lot 4, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Private
WILLIAMS, George H., Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 9th NYVI
WILLIAMS, George N., Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canandaigua, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 98th NYVI, Rank: Captain
WILLIAMS, George W., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 288, Headstone: Grey Granite
WILLIAMS, H. P., Cemetery: Berlin, Berlin, Plot: S, Regiment: 7th NY HA
WILLIAMS, H. S., Cemetery: Unknown
WILLIAMS, Hanson, Cemetery: Peterboro, Peterboro, Plot: SW, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: NYVI Cav
WILLIAMS, Harley, Cemetery: Fly Creek, Cooperstown
WILLIAMS, Harry H., Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Headstone: Marker
WILLIAMS, Hosea, Cemetery: Fly Creek, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co F, 44th NYVI
WILLIAMS, J. W., Cemetery: Mt. Rest, Bergen, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Private
WILLIAMS, J. Warren, Cemetery: Pine Plains, Clay, Plot: Sec 4E, Headstone: Dark Granite, Regiment: Co D, 110th NYVI, Rank: Private
WILLIAMS, John, Cemetery: Cold Spring, Cold Spring, Plot: Sec B Plot ?, Headstone: Grey Granite
WILLIAMS, John, Cemetery: Evergreen, Bethel, Plot: Lot 42, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co H, 28th NY, Rank: Private, Two years
WILLIAMS, John, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 106 Letter Q, Headstone: Army Stone
WILLIAMS, John, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 2, Lot 42, Regiment: 29th Mass NYVI
WILLIAMS, John V., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 45 Trinity Ter, Headstone: Army Stone
WILLIAMS, Levi, Cemetery: Panama Union, Panama, Plot: 14, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 49th NYVI, Rank: Private
WILLIAMS, Loren C., Cemetery: River View, Baldwinsville, Plot: W, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co A, 185th NYVI, Rank: Mechanic, Aug 31, 1864 to June 2, 1865
WILLIAMS, Lyman, Cemetery: Lakewood, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co F, 121st NYVI
WILLIAMS, Merrick E., Cemetery: Darien, Darien, Regiment: Co G, Rank: Sergeant
WILLIAMS, N. Rotter, Cemetery: Amityville, Amityville, Plot: SE, Headstone: Family Stone
WILLIAMS, Oliver P., Cemetery: Hope, Perry, Plot: Sec 1, Lot 125, Regiment: 24th NY Ind Bat
WILLIAMS, Robert, Cemetery: Eaton Village, Eaton, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Oneida Ind. Cav
WILLIAMS, Samuel, Cemetery: Amber Rural, Amber, Plot: Lot 76, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Private
WILLIAMS, W. H., Cemetery: Mt. Rest, Bergen, Headstone: Marble, Rank: Private
WILLIAMS, W. H., Cemetery: St. Luke, Beacon, Plot: S, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 18th NYVI, Rank: Private
WILLIAMS, William, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 223, Headstone: Grey Granite
WILLIS, Charles E., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 350, Headstone: Grey Granite
WILLIS, William Bradford, Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: East, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 117th NYVI, Died in Salisbury Prison
WILLMANN, William, Cemetery: Canarsie, Brooklyn, Plot: LuTheren L.I., Regiment: 4th NY HA, Rank: Private, 9 months
WILLY, Enoch, Cemetery: Pleasant Mound, Colton, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co H, 92nd NYVI
WILLYS, David S., Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canandaigua, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 27th NYVI
WILMOT, Chester, Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: West, Headstone: No Marker, Regiment: Co A, 10th NY HA
WILSEY, A. John, Cemetery: Lakewood, Cooperstown, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 24th NY Cav, Rank: Private
WILSEY, James L., Cemetery: Calvary, Brooklyn, 1902
WILSON, Corwin V., Cemetery: Elmlawn, Buffalo, Plot: 177 Evergreen
WILSON, David, Cemetery: Pleasant Lawn, Parish, Plot: Center, Headstone: Granite
WILSON, Elias, Cemetery: Cleveland, Cleveland, Plot: Lot 69, Headstone: Grey Marble, Regiment: Co K, 110th NYVI
WILSON, Eugene, Cemetery: Hope, Perry, Plot: Sec 4 Lot 90
WILSON, George, Cemetery: Pleasant Mound, Colton, Plot: Sec C, Headstone: Granite
WILSON, George B., Cemetery: Pleasant View, Port Gibson, Plot: 10, Headstone: Grey Marble, Regiment: Co H, 126th NYVI, Rank: Private
WILSON, George W., Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 118, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: Co A, 185th NYVI, Rank: Private, Feb 1, 1864 to 1865
WILSON, Henry, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: South, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co G, 20th NY Cav
WILSON, Henry H., Cemetery: Unknown, Depeyster, Plot: Center, Headstone: Good Marble Stone, Regiment: Co C, 106th NYVI, Rank: Private
WILSON, J. S., Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 148, Headstone: Marble Union Marker
WILSON, James, Cemetery: Riverside, Brewerton, Plot: Lot 7, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: Co B, 122nd NYVI, Rank: Private
WILSON, James E., Cemetery: Sheepfold, Le Reysville, Plot: South E., Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 35th NYVI
WILSON, James H., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 139, Headstone: Grey Granite
WILSON, James M., Cemetery: Pleasant Lawn, Port Gibson, Plot: 11, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co B, 14th NY HA, Rank: Private
WILSON, John, Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: East, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co E, 92nd NYVI
WILSON, John, Cemetery: Glen Aubrey, Glen Aubrey, Plot: SW, Headstone: GAR Marker, Regiment: Co G, 4th NYVI, Rank: Private
WILSON, John, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 68 Sec 7, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co F, 18th NY Cav, Rank: Private
WILSON, John, Cemetery: Zurich, Zurich, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co F, 98th NYVI
WILSON, John M., Cemetery: Canarsie, Brooklyn, Plot: C, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 17th NYVI, Rank: Private, Two years one month
WILSON, John W., Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: West, Headstone: Marble
WILSON, Kip, Cemetery: Clemons, Dresden, Plot: Southwest, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co D, 123rd NYVI, Rank: Sergeant, About 18 months
WILSON, Lewis W., Cemetery: De Kalb, De Kalb, Plot: Central, Headstone: Gray Stone, Rank: Lieutenant
WILSON, Martin L., Cemetery: Oswego Bitter, Camillus, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: 122nd NYVI, Rank: 1st Lt.
WILSON, Martin L., Cemetery: Oswego Bitter, Camillus, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: 122nd NYVI, Rank: Private
WILSON, Richard, Cemetery: Sleepy Hollow, Tarrytown, Plot: 10, Headstone: Gov't, Regiment: USS Shokokon, Rank: Steward
WILSON, Silas W., Cemetery: Fairview, Brasher Falls, Plot: Sec B Lot 46, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co M, 16th NY Cav
WILSON, William, Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canandaigua, Plot: Soldier's Lot, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co I, 31st USCT
WILTSIE, Peter, Cemetery: Evergreen, Pine Plains, Plot: S, Headstone: Brown Granite, Regiment: 47th NYVI, Rank: Private
WINANS, Lyman E., Cemetery: Evergreen, Pine Plains, Plot: SE, Headstone: None
WINCHELL, John J., Cemetery: Willow Glen, Dryden, Plot: 15 Sec 7, Headstone: Barre Granite, Regiment: Co L, 1st NY Vet Cav
WINCHESTER, A. H., Cemetery: Bemus Point, Bemus Point, Plot: C, Headstone: Red Granite, Regiment: 9th NY Cav
WINCHESTER, Addison, Cemetery: Bemus Point, Bemus Point, Plot: C, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 9th NY Cav
WINCHESTER, Edward, Cemetery: Chatam Center Rural, Chatam Center, Plot: Lot 29, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Navy
WINDEL, George W., Cemetery: National, Arlington, Va, Regiment: US NYVIs, Rank: Major-General, July 15, 1861 to July 17, 1865
WINES, David, Cemetery: Constantia Rural, Constantia, Plot: #15, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co H, 147th NYVI, Rank: Private
WINFIELD, Henry, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 435, Headstone: Grey Granite
WINFIELD, Levi, Cemetery: Rural, De Ruyter, NY, Plot: South West, Headstone: None
WINFIELD, William H., Cemetery: Circleville, Circleville, Plot: Lot 127, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co A, 168th NYVI|Co H, 56th NYVI, Rank: Private, Oct 31, 1862 to July 18, 1865
WING, Delos, Cemetery: Burlington, Burlington Plato, Headstone: Monument
WING, Elbert H., Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec I Lot 106, Headstone: Granite
WING, Hiram W., Cemetery: Darien, Darien, Regiment: Co E, 102nd NYVI
WING, Rector, Cemetery: Sandy Knoll, Chateaugay, Regiment: Frontier NY Cav Co, Rank: Private
WING, William, Cemetery: Panama Union, Panama, Plot: 6, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 9th NY Cav
WINMARTH, Daniel S., Cemetery: Amityville, Amityville, Plot: S, Headstone: Dark Granite
WINN, John J., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, 1894
WINN, William E., Cemetery: Riverside, Bloomville, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 144th NYVI, Rank: Sergeant
WINN, William H., Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: Center, Headstone: Grey Marble, Regiment: Co I, 10th NY HA
WINNEY, Smith, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec A, Lot 309, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 20th USCT
WINSHIP, Edgar, Cemetery: Evergreen, Berkshire, Plot: Lot 21 Sec F, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 137th NYVI, Rank: Corporal, Sept 25, 1862 to June 1865
WINSLOW, Edward, Cemetery: Sandford Corner, Calcium, Plot: C, Headstone: Monument
WINSLOW, Edward F., Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canandaigua, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: US NYVI, Rank: Brigadier General
WINSLOW, George, Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 96, Regiment: Co C, 139th NYVI, Rank: Sergeant
WINSLOW, Joseph, Cemetery: Methodist, Callicoon, Plot: C, Headstone: Blue Marble, Regiment: Co F, 143rd NYVI, Rank: Private
WINSTON, John, Cemetery: Soldiers Onesquetlean, Clarksville
WINTERS, James, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 2 Lot 40, Regiment: 106th NYVI
WINTON, James K., Cemetery: Lenox Rural, Canastota, Plot: S, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Oneida Ind. Cav
WISE, Albert, Cemetery: Fairview, Beacon, Plot: Sec A, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co C, 124th NYVI, Rank: Private, Aug 1862 to June 2, 1865
WISE, Christopher J., Cemetery: Mount Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble or Granite, Regiment: Co B, 157th NYVI, Rank: Private
WISER, Joseph, Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
WISNEWSKI, John F., Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 291 Sec B
WISPEAR, George, Cemetery: Transit Rural, Bowmanswille, Plot: Lot 94, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 3rd NYVI, Rank: Private
WITBECK, Sylvester, Cemetery: Elmwood, Bethlehem, Plot: Lot 279, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co L, 20th NYVI
WITHERELL, Isaac, Cemetery: Canasaserga, Canasaserga, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 136th NYVI
WITHERELL, Seymour, Cemetery: Canasaserga, Canasaserga, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 17th NYVI
WITHERSPOON, Alphens, Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Bolivar, Plot: Lot 603, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: Co I, 19th Maine NYVIs, Rank: Private, July 25, 1862 to May 30, 1865
WITHEY, Bradley, Cemetery: East Avon, East Avon, Headstone: Brown Sandstone, Regiment: Co C, 136th NYVI, Rank: Private
WITT, Edward, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 500 Sec B
WITT, Riley, Cemetery: Brookside, Plessis, Plot: NE, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: Co B, 94th NYVI, Rank: Private
WITTER, George B., Cemetery: Evergreen, Berkshire, Plot: Lot 36 Sec B, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 1st Ohio Batt.
WITTER, Leroy, Cemetery: Prostestant, Portageville, Plot: C, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 1st NY Dragoons, Rank: Private
WITTLESDORF, Jacob, Cemetery: Evergreen, Brooklyn, Regiment: Co A, 40th NYVI, Rank: Musician, Dec 25, 1863 to June 17, 1865
WIXSON, William J., Cemetery: Campbell, Coopers Plains, Plot: Lot 350, Headstone: Grey Granite, Rank: Private
WOHNLICH, Christian, Cemetery: Duanseburg, Duanseburg, Plot: South Center, Headstone: Small Headstone, Regiment: Co A, 134th NYVI
WOLCOTT, Ariel, Cemetery: Crown Point Centre, Crown Point, Headstone: Marble
WOLCOTT, J. M., Cemetery: Hillside, Georgetown, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co I, 114th NYVI, Rank: Private, Aug 13, 1862 to June 16, 1865
WOLCOTT, John, Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: West, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 50th NY Eng
WOLCOTT, Larence, Cemetery: Cameron Mills, Cameron Mills, Plot: Plot B, Lot 62, Headstone: White Marble, Rank: Private
WOLEY, W., Cemetery: Black River, Black River, Headstone: Marble
WOLF, Bernhard, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 207, Headstone: Grey Granite
WOLF, Henry, Cemetery: Alcove, Alcove, Plot: Center
WOLFARTH, Andrew, Cemetery: Our Lady Of Angel'S, West Albany, Plot: P 2 West 1/2 Lot 3 Sq. 8, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co G, 169th NYVI
WOLFE, Frank, Cemetery: Grove, Coeymans, Plot: Lot 264, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Navy
WOLFF, Joseph C., Cemetery: Aliwath Chesed, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 450, Headstone: Dark Granite
WOLTE, Henry, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: F 12, Headstone: GAR Marker, Regiment: Co B, 49th NYVI
WOLTER, Gottlieb, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Headstone: GAR Marker, Regiment: Co I, 1st NY LA
WOLVERTON, Dyias, Cemetery: Canasaserga, Canasaserga
WOLVERTON, Job, Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canandaigua, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co L, 5th NY HA
WOOD, Adelbert, Cemetery: River Side, Brewerton, Plot: Lot 195, Headstone: Gov. Marker, Regiment: Co I, 3rd NY Cav, Rank: Private
WOOD, Adin, Cemetery: Cincinatus, Cincinatus, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co C, 13th Ohio NYVI.
WOOD, Ashley, Cemetery: White Church, Crown Point, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 118th NYVI
WOOD, Benjamin, Cemetery: Old, Chase Mills, Plot: W, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co K, 92nd NYVI, Rank: Corporal, Oct 22, 1861 to April 1865
WOOD, Burnette, Cemetery: Riverside, Brewerton, Plot: Lot 101, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co I, 3rd NY Cav, Rank: Private
WOOD, Charles A., Cemetery: Pine Valley, Pine Valley, Plot: 63, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Navy
WOOD, Charles B., Cemetery: Chester, Chester, Plot: C, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: 124th NYVI, Rank: Captain
WOOD, Cornelius, Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: GAR, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 163rd NYVI, Rank: Private
WOOD, Cornell, Cemetery: Riverside, Brewerton, Plot: Lot 96, Headstone: Gov. Marker, Regiment: Co H, 149th NYVI, Rank: Private
WOOD, Dewitt, Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: West, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co B, 117th NYVI, Rank: Sergeant
WOOD, Eri (Eli?), Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 88, Headstone: Marble Marker
WOOD, Frederick H., Cemetery: Maples, East Chatham, Plot: 59, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 20 NYVI. Batt. NYVI.
WOOD, George C., Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 129, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co I, 10th NY Cav, Rank: Bugler
WOOD, George W., Cemetery: Forest Dale, Crown Point, Headstone: Marble
WOOD, Henry, Cemetery: Bryon, Byron, Headstone: Marble or Granite
WOOD, Henry, Cemetery: East Bethany, East Bethany, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: 22nd NY Ind. Bat., Rank: Sergeant
WOOD, Henry C., Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec A Lot 146, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co G, 123rd NYVI
WOOD, Henry H., Cemetery: Cutchoque, Cutchoque, Plot: E C, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 127th NYVI, Rank: Private
WOOD, Henry K., Cemetery: Cutchoque, Cutchoque, Plot: SE, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 127th NYVI, Rank: Private
WOOD, Hiram C., Cemetery: Fairview, Auable Forks, Plot: W, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 9th NH NYVI, Rank: Private
WOOD, Ira, Cemetery: Rural, Little Valley, Plot: Lot 140 Block B, Headstone: Grey Marble, Regiment: Co A, 154th NYVI, Rank: Private, July 25, 1862 to Feb 20, 1863
WOOD, Isaac, Cemetery: National, Brooklyn, Headstone: Grey Stone, Regiment: Co A, 6th NY Cav, Rank: Private, Aug 2, 1862 to May 16, 1865
WOOD, J. D., Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: 198, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Colonel
WOOD, James S., Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec O, Headstone: Stone Marker
WOOD, Jesse P., Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec F Lot 17, Headstone: Marble
WOOD, John, Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 15 Lot 19, Regiment: 14th NY HA
WOOD, John, Cemetery: Riverside, Brewerton, Plot: Lot 69
WOOD, John, Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: 141 1/2, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 56th NYVI, Rank: Private
WOOD, John E., Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: South, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co I, 10th NY HA
WOOD, John G., Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: Center, Headstone: Grey Marble
WOOD, John J., Cemetery: Hillside, Burnt Hill, Plot: Lot 9, Headstone: White Marble
WOOD, John T., Cemetery: Lakewood, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co E, 120th NYVI, Rank: Private
WOOD, Joseph, Cemetery: Fairview, Auable Forks, Plot: N, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 2nd NYVI, Rank: Private
WOOD, Joseph, Cemetery: Ruggtown, West Perrysburg
WOOD, Linus, Cemetery: Transit Rural, Bowmanswille, Plot: Lot 9, Headstone: Sandstone, Regiment: 10th US NYVI
WOOD, Lorenzo D., Cemetery: West Avenue, Canandaigua, Plot: North Side, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 3rd Brigade 2nd Division Band
WOOD, Lucian, Cemetery: Crary Mills, Crary Mills, Headstone: Marble Slab
WOOD, Michael, Cemetery: Breakabeen, Breadabeen, Plot: Lot 144, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co F, 115th NYVI, Rank: Private
WOOD, N. L., Cemetery: Mount Rest, Bergen, Headstone: Marble
WOOD, Nathaniel R., Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canandaigua, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 1st NY Dragoons, Rank: 1st Lt.
WOOD, Nathaniel W., Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 32 Sec 7, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co E, 91st NYVI, Rank: Private, Aug 3, 1864 to June 19, 1865
WOOD, Peter L., Cemetery: Chester, Chester, Plot: C, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co B, 24th NYVI, Rank: Sergeant
WOOD, Philip, Cemetery: St. Agnes, Aoon
WOOD, Philip, Cemetery: St. Agnes, Avon, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co K, 8th NY Cav
WOOD, Ralph T., Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec F., Headstone: Granite Marker, Regiment: Co B, 13th NYVI, Rank: Captain
WOOD, S., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 46 L Olive, Headstone: Army Stone
WOOD, Silas, Cemetery: Pleasant Mound, Colton, Headstone: Granite
WOOD, W. A., Rev., Cemetery: Mount Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble or Granite, Regiment: Co C, 81st NYVI, Rank: Private
WOOD, Webster C., Cemetery: Aquebogne, Aquebogne, Plot: Lot 273, Headstone: White Marble
WOOD, William, Cemetery: Middlefield, Cooperstown
WOOD, William, Cemetery: River Side, Copenhagen, Plot: O, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: Co H, 1st NY LA, Rank: Private
WOOD, William B., Cemetery: Chester, Chester, Plot: C, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co B, 24th NYVI
WOOD, William H., Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: GAR, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co I, 1st NY Eng
WOOD, William P., Cemetery: Evergreen, Piine Plains, Plot: W, Headstone: Grey Marble, Regiment: Co B, 128th NYVI, Rank: Private
WOODALL, John, Cemetery: St. Joseph, Auburn, Plot: SW, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Private
WOODARD, Alonzo B., Cemetery: Alfred Rural, Alfred, Plot: Lot 474, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 130th NYVI, Rank: Corporal
WOODARD (WOODWARD?), Jackson, Cemetery: Hillside, Denmark, Plot: Lot 9, Headstone: Gery Marble, Regiment: Co A, 20th NYVI
WOODCOCK, Aaron, Cemetery: Phoenix Rural, Phoenix, Plot: Lot B, Sec 3, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 1st NY LA, Rank: Private
WOODCOCK, Georg H., Cemetery: Phoenix Rural, Phoenix, Plot: South, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 21st Ind Bat, Rank: Private
WOODEN, Amos, Cemetery: Prostestant, Pawling, Rank: Private
WOODERT, T., Cemetery: Chemung, Chemung, Plot: E, Headstone: Marble
WOODFORD, Erskine, Cemetery: Pompey Hill, Pompey, Plot: Sec 4 Lot 28, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co I, 12th NYVI, Rank: 2nd Lt.
WOODIN, Solomon, Cemetery: Prostestant, Pawling, Rank: Private
WOODROUTH, A. Damon, Cemetery: Cazenovia, Cazenovia, Plot: Sec H, Lot 273, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co H, 35th NYVI, Rank: Private
WOODRUFF, Albert, Cemetery: East Otto, East Otto, Plot: Sec 1, Headstone: Marble or Granite, Regiment: Co G, 9th NY Cav, Rank: Bugler, Sept 1861
WOODRUFF, Amos, Cemetery: East End, East Aurora, Plot: Sec 6 Lot 48
WOODRUFF, Eli, Cemetery: East End, East Aurora, Plot: Sec 6 Lot 48
WOODRUFF, Elias, Cemetery: Glenwood, Glenwood, Plot: SW, Headstone: Marble
WOODRUFF, Ephraim, Cemetery: East End, East Aurora, Plot: Sec 6 Lot 6
WOODRUFF, James, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec L, Headstone: Sandstone Slab, Regiment: 130th NYVI, 1863
WOODRUFF, Joel, Cemetery: East Otto, East Otto, Plot: Sec 3, Headstone: Marble or Granite, Regiment: Co B, 64th NYVI, Rank: Private, Sept 1861 -
WOODRUFF, Lawrence, Cemetery: East End, East Aurora, Plot: Sec 6 Lot 37
WOODRUFF, Louis M., Cemetery: Woodland, Delhi, Regiment: 8th NY Ind Bat, Rank: Private, Aug 26 1864 to June 30th 1865
WOODRUFF, Marshall, Cemetery: Colden, Colden, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: 10th NYVI
WOODRUFF, Marvin, Cemetery: East Otto, East Otto, Plot: Not marked, Headstone: Old Cemetery, Rank: Private
WOODRUFF, Nelson, Cemetery: Circleville, Circleville, Plot: Lot 65, Headstone: Dark Granite
WOODRUFF, Taylor, Cemetery: East End, East Aurora, Plot: Sec 6 Lot 37
WOODRUFF, Theodore M., Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: East, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co L, 15th NY Eng
WOODS, Arson E., Cemetery: Camden, Camden, Plot: West, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co E, 146th NYVI
WOODS, George W., Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co G, 50th NY Eng, Rank: Private
WOODS, William, Cemetery: North Afton Rural, Afton, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co K, 10th NY Cav?, Rank: Private
WOODWARD, Franklin, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec P Lot 264, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 123rd NYVI
WOODWARD, Henry, Cemetery: Pierrepont Manor, Pierrepont Manor, Plot: Sec 3 Plot 40, Headstone: Marble Shaft
WOODWARD, Richard, Cemetery: Pleasant Lane, Brasie Cornus, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co D, 186th NYVI, Rank: Private
WOODWORTH, Charles, Cemetery: Woodlands, Cambridge, Plot: Sec A Lot 311, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 21st NY Cav
WOODWORTH, Charles F. A., Cemetery: Alfred Rural, Alfred, Plot: Lot 318
WOODWORTH, Daniel, Cemetery: Christ Church, Manilus, Plot: Lot 174, Headstone: Family Monument
WOODWORTH, Linas Marcus, Cemetery: Hillcrest, Parishville, Plot: South, Headstone: Monument
WOODWORTH, William, Cemetery: Winston, East Durhan, Plot: 8 AE, Headstone: White Marble
WOOL, Joel, Cemetery: Constableville Union, Constableville
WOOLEVER, Hiram, Cemetery: Sheepfold, Le Raysville, Plot: NE, Headstone: Grey Granite
WOOLEY, Henry C., Cemetery: Greenwood, Brooklyn, Plot: Grave 63, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 42nd NYVI, Rank: Color Corporal, Tamany Regiment
WOOLEY, Peter, Cemetery: Rural, Fairville, Regiment: Co K, 98th NYVI, Rank: Private, Dec 13, 1861 to Dec 31, 1864
WOOLRICH, Almond, Cemetery: Constantia Rural, Constantia, Plot: #17, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: NY HA, Rank: Private
WOOLSEY, E. H., Dr., Cemetery: South Perinton, South Perinton
WOOPS, Elum, Cemetery: Alexander, Alexander, Headstone: Soldiers, Rank: Private, 1861 to 1865
WOOSTER, George, Cemetery: Prostestant, Pawling, Rank: Private
WOOTTIM, Harry, Cemetery: Eaton Village, Eaton, Plot: Sec W, Headstone: Grey Granite
WOOTTIM, William, Cemetery: Eaton Village, Eaton, Plot: Sec E, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co A, 157th NYVI
WORDEN, Andrew G., Cemetery: Alfred Rural, Alfred, Plot: Lot 327, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 64th NYVI, Rank: Corporal
WORDEN, Henry, Cemetery: Maple Avenue, Patterson, Plot: West, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 6th NY HA, Rank: Private
WORDEN, Isaac, Cemetery: Christ Church, Manilus, Plot: 301, Headstone: Gov. Monument, Regiment: Co C, 122nd NYVI, Rank: Private
WORDEN, James, Cemetery: Southside, Plymouth, Plot: 20, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: US Navy|US NYVI, Rank: Private, About 20 years
WORDEN, John, Cemetery: Prostestant, Pawling, Rank: Admiral
WORDEN, John, Cemetery: Prostestant, Pawling, Rank: Lieutenant
WORDEN, William, Cemetery: Mount Pleasant, Elbridge, Plot: Center W., Headstone: None, Rank: Private
WORMONTH, John, Cemetery: Mount Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: Sec 9, Headstone: Marble or Granite, Regiment: Co A, 131st NYVI
WORMOUTH, E. R., Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 108, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co F, 3rd NY LA
WORMUTH, Alfred, Cemetery: Cooks Falls, Cooks Falls, Plot: E, Headstone: Granite
WORTHINGTON, Harry, Cemetery: East Hampton, East Hampton, Plot: North End C, Regiment: 127th NYVI, Rank: Private
WORTHINGTON, Robert, Cemetery: East Bethany, East Bethany, Headstone: Dark Granite, Regiment: 22nd NY Ind. Bat., Rank: Lieutenant
WORTHY, Marion P., Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canandaigua, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co C, 4th NY HA, Rank: Sergeant
WRENCH, John W., Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: 114th NYVI, Rank: Private
WRIGHT, Alonzo M., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 286, Headstone: Grey Granite
WRIGHT, Armstrong, Cemetery: Schenevus, Schenevus, Plot: I c 29, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 1st NY Cav, Rank: Private
WRIGHT, Charles, Cemetery: Peasleville, Peasleville, Rank: Private
WRIGHT, Chester, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: North, Headstone: Grey Marble, Regiment: Co K, 35th NYVI
WRIGHT, Edgar W., Cemetery: East Clarkson, Clarkson, Plot: Lot 29 Sec 6, Headstone: Granite, Rank: Private
WRIGHT, Elias M., Cemetery: Hope, Perry, Plot: Sec 1 Lot 188
WRIGHT, Francis, Cemetery: Wallkill, Goshen, Plot: GAR, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co G, 56th NYVI, Rank: Private
WRIGHT, George A., Cemetery: Brockport, Brockport, Plot: C, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co A, 140th NYVI
WRIGHT, Henry, Cemetery: Prostestant, Portageville, Plot: SW, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co G, 18th NYVI, Rank: Private
WRIGHT, Hiram, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: Lockwood, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co L, 10th NY HA, Rank: Corporal, Sep 6, 1862 to Aug 24, 1865
WRIGHT, Ira W., Cemetery: Hartwick, Cooperstown, Regiment: Co F, 121st NYVI
WRIGHT, James H., Cemetery: Woodland, Delhi, Regiment: 144th NYVI, Rank: Quartemaster Sergeant, Sept 1862 to June(?) 1863
WRIGHT, James R., Cemetery: Hope, Perry, Plot: Sec 4 Lot 84
WRIGHT, John, Cemetery: Elmwood Rural, Bethlehem, Plot: Lot 195, Headstone: Stone, Regiment: Co G, 26th USCT
WRIGHT, Joseph N., Cemetery: Forest Hill, Blodgett Mills, Plot: E, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: Co K, 157th NYVI, Rank: Private
WRIGHT, Nathan, Cemetery: Canasaserga, Canasaserga, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, NYVI
WRIGHT, Nathan, Cemetery: Rural, De Ruyter, NY, Plot: North, Headstone: White Monument
WRIGHT, Ora, Cemetery: Rural, Little Valley, Headstone: Grey Marble, Regiment: Co B, 154th NYVI
WRIGHT, Orlands, Cemetery: Rural, Adams, Plot: 1 plot 2 Lockwood, Headstone: Grey Granite, Regiment: 1st NYVI Cav, Rank: Corporal, Sept 19, 1863 to July 20, 1865
WRIGHT, Ransom N., Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 164, Headstone: Grey Granite
WRIGHT, Sylvester, Cemetery: Duanseburg, Duanseburg, Plot: SE, Headstone: Granite Shaft
WRIGHT, T. A., Cemetery: Union Of Hector, Burdett, Plot: Lot 388, Headstone: Family, Regiment: Co A, 50th NY Eng
WRIGHT, Theodore, Cemetery: Cato Union Hill, Cato, Plot: Lot 151, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co A, 39th Miss NYVI., Rank: Private
WRIGHT, Walker, Cemetery: Oakwood, East Aurora
WRIGHT, Walter, Cemetery: Hillside, East Pembroke, Plot: Sec C, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co G, 8th NY HA, Rank: Lieutenant
WRIGHT, Wells, Cemetery: Rural, De Ruyter, NY, Plot: South, Headstone: Grey Monument, Regiment: Co H, 114th NYVI, Aug 9, 1862 to March 17, 1863
WRIGHT, Wesley, Cemetery: Pompey Hill, Pompey, Plot: Sec 6 Lot 26, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 149th NYVI
WRIGHT, Wilbur, Cemetery: Old, Chase Mills, Plot: N, Regiment: Co F, 116th NYVI, Rank: Private, Aug 11, 1862 to June 1865
WRIGHT, William, Cemetery: Canasaserga, Canasaserga, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 28th NY Ind Bat
WRIGHT, William, Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 145 6 St Cecilia, Headstone: Army Stone
WRIGHT, William E., Cemetery: Riverside, Baldwinsville, Plot: Lot 129, Headstone: Soldiers, Regiment: Co D, 186th NYVI, Rank: Private, Aug 17, 1864 to June 2, 1865
WRIGHTMAN, Dexter, Cemetery: Burlington, Burlington Plato, Headstone: Good Stone
WRIGHTMAN, Truman, Cemetery: Hill Top, Breesport, Plot: Lot 181, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co E, 179th NYVI
WRILEY, James, Cemetery: St. Joseph, Auburn, Plot: SE, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co F, 114th NYVI, Rank: Private
WUNDY, Nichols, Cemetery: Canasaserga, Canasaserga, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 136th NYVI
WURTZ, Peter, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 22 Sec AA
WYCKOFF, Calvin, Cemetery: Darine, Darien, Regiment: 33rd NY Ind Bat
WYMAN, Henry E., Cemetery: Forest Dale, Crown Point, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 5th NY Cav
WYMAN, Jacob, Cemetery: Poplar Grove, Phillipsport, Plot: Tier 11 Plot 5 Old, Headstone: Granite Monument, Regiment: Co E, 20th NYVI
WYNNE, John J., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 27 C Olive, Headstone: Army Stone
WYVALL, Thomas, Cemetery: West Avenue, Canandaigua, Plot: North Side, Headstone: Headstone, Regiment: Co G, 148th NYVI
YAPLES, Cornelius B, Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: 1st NY Eng, Rank: Private
YAPLES, Reed, Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Regiment: Co E, 114th NYVI, Rank: Private
YAPLES, Samuel J., Cemetery: Glenwood, Afton, Headstone: Mark
YARNS, Charles A., Cemetery: Day Center, Day, Plot: So West, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co C, 115th US NYVI
YATES, Charles F., Cemetery: Cleveland, Cleveland, Plot: Lot 16, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co F, 189th NYVI
YATES, James V., Cemetery: Dunning Street Road, Ballston Spa, Headstone: Marble Slab, Rank: Musician
YATES, John V., Cemetery: Poland, Poland, Plot: NW Corner, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 78th NYVI
YAX, Adam, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 24 Sec AA
YERDEN, Joseph, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: North, Headstone: Grey Marble, Regiment: Co I, 10th NY HA
YOCHEM, Nicholas, Cemetery: Catholic, Perkinsville, Plot: Lot 89, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co D, 188th NYVI, Rank: Private
YOCHEM, Peter, Cemetery: Catholic, Perkinsville, Plot: Lot 89, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: 28th NY Ind Bat, Rank: Private
YOCHUM, John, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec C, Headstone: Granite Marker, Regiment: 28th NY Ind Bat, 1864-1865
YOCHUM, Peter, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Regiment: 28th NY Ind Bat, 1862-1865
YOMANS, Egbert, Cemetery: Acra, Acra, Plot: Near Center, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co G, 5th NY HA, Rank: Private
YORK, C. J., Cemetery: Rural, De Ruyter, NY, Plot: Center, Headstone: Brown Monument, Regiment: Co H, 114th NYVI
YORK, J. S., Cemetery: Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, Plot: Range 6 Lot 32, Regiment: 11h US NYVI
YORK, John S., Cemetery: Breakabeen, Breakabeen, Plot: W, Headstone: Monument, Regiment: Co K, 80th NYVI, Rank: Private
YORK, Robert, Cemetery: Rural, De Ruyter, NY, Plot: Center, Headstone: White Monument, Regiment: 114th NYVI, Rank: Colonel
YOST, Frank, Cemetery: Greenmount, Dansville, Plot: Sec C, Headstone: Grey Granite Marker, Regiment: 3rd NY Ind Bat
YOUNG, Benjamin F., Cemetery: Lenox Rural, Canastota, Plot: NE, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: 152nd NYVI
YOUNG, Charles E., Cemetery: Dewitteville, Dewittville, Plot: Lot 50, Headstone: Gray
YOUNG, Cornelius, Cemetery: Riverside, Coxsackie, Plot: Lot 53 Sec 7, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co A, 7t NY HA, Rank: Private, July 18, 1862 to Mar 18, 1865
YOUNG, Curtis, Cemetery: Cameron Mills, Cameron Mills, Plot: Plot C ot 5, Headstone: Grey Granite, Rank: Private
YOUNG, Francis J., Cemetery: Mount Pleasant, Canastota, Plot: Sec 2, Headstone: Marble or Granite, Regiment: Co G, 184th NYVI
YOUNG, George W., Cemetery: Central, Orient, Li, Plot: S, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: 6th NY Cav, Rank: Private
YOUNG, James, Cemetery: Chapman, Clifton Springs, Plot: Lot 4, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: Co F, PA Cav, Rank: Bugler
YOUNG, James H., Cemetery: Central, Orient, Li, Plot: S, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co H, 127th NYVI, Rank: 1st Lt.
YOUNG, Joel, Cemetery: Breakabeen, Breakabeen, Plot: Lot 70, Headstone: Monument, Rank: Private
YOUNG, John, Cemetery: Our Lady Of Angel'S, West Albany, Plot: P 2 Lot 4 Sq. 27, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co A, 7th NY HA
YOUNG, John A., Cemetery: Maple Lawn, Bolivar, Plot: Lot 64, Headstone: Marker, Regiment: Co I, 1st NY Dragoons, Rank: Private, April 2, 1865 to July 1865
YOUNG, John S., Cemetery: Central, Orient, Li, Plot: Center, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co H, 127th NYVI, Rank: Private
YOUNG, Lucins, Cemetery: Evergreen, Alden, Plot: E, Headstone: Grey Granite
YOUNG, Peter, Cemetery: Pine Hill, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 181 Sec A
YOUNG, Peter, Cemetery: St. Joseph, Auburn, Plot: SE, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co K, 23rd Ohio, Rank: Private
YOUNG, Philip, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: A 38, Headstone: GAR Marker, Regiment: 21st NYVI, Rank: Musician
YOUNG, Stephen, Cemetery: Phoenix Rural, Phoenix, Plot: Lot 9 Sec #33, Headstone: Marble, Regiment: Co B, 10th NYVI, Rank: Private
YOUNG, William, Cemetery: Woodlawn, Canandaigua, Plot: Soldiers Lot, Headstone: Granite, Regiment: Co A, 146th NYVI
YOUNG, William H., Cemetery: Canarsie, Brooklyn, Plot: Lawrence, Regiment: 127th NYVI, Rank: Private, Two years 11 months
YOUNG, William N., Cemetery: Elmwood, Pike
YOUNGS, Jay, Cemetery: Canasaserga, Canasaserga
YOUNGS, Valentine, Cemetery: Reformed Church, Claverack, Plot: SW, Headstone: White Marble
YOUSE, John, Cemetery: Chatam Center Rural, Chatam Center, Plot: Lot 9, Headstone: White Marble, Regiment: Co a, 21st NY Cav, Rank: Private
ZARLIN, William N., Cemetery: Chemung, Chemung, Plot: NW, Headstone: Marble
ZEH, Jerry R., Cemetery: Breakabeen, Breakabeen, Plot: Lot 144, Rank: Private
ZEN, Samuel H., Cemetery: Savory, Chambers, Plot: No 4, Headstone: Marble Marker, Regiment: Private
ZIEHM, Christian, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 416?, Headstone: Grey Granite
ZIMERMAN, David, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: Center, Headstone: Grey Marble, Regiment: Co I, 10th NY HA
ZIMERMAN, Nicholas, Cemetery: Dexter, Dexter, Plot: Center, Headstone: Grey Marble
ZIMMERMAN, Chris, Cemetery: Concordia, Buffalo, Plot: F 37, Headstone: GAR Marker
ZIMMERMAN, Michael, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 188, Headstone: Grey Granite
ZIMMERMAN, Peter, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 338, Headstone: Grey Granite
ZIMMERMAN, William, Cemetery: Evergreen, Brooklyn, Plot: Lot 409, Regiment: Co I, 7th NYSM, Rank: Musician, Sept 15, 1864 to June 19, 1865
ZINWER, George P., Cemetery: Calvary, Brooklyn, 1902
ZIPP, Peter, Cemetery: Pine Plains, Clay, Plot: Sec 8 E, Headstone: Grey Marble, Regiment: Co ?, 185th NYVI
ZITTRELL, Lorenzo, Cemetery: Forest Lawn, Buffalo, Plot: Lot 317, Headstone: Grey Granite
ZOLLER, Frank, Cemetery: Our Lady Of Angel'S, West Albany, Plot: P 8 Lot 1 Sq. 20, Headstone: Marble Slab, Regiment: Co G, 3rd NYVI
ZUNDT, George W., Cemetery: Holy Cross, Brooklyn, Plot: 1 2 Q St. Stephen, Headstone: Army Stone
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